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Placement 2022-23
Interview Questions on Java (Part I)

Object Oriented Concept

1. Explain generalization and specialization with suitable example.

2. Differentiate between composition and aggregation with suitable example.

3. What do you mean by link and association?

4. Explain Data Abstraction with example.

5. What is the difference between java and C++?

6. What are the basic properties of an OOP Language?

7. What is the difference between procedural and object-oriented programs?

Java Basics
1. Why Java is called an OOP language?

2. Why Java is platform independent but C++ not?

3. Why Java is not fully platform independent?

4. What do you mean by platform?

5. Why Java is not 100% pure OOP language?

6. Differentiate among JDK, JVM and JRE.

7. What is Byte code?

8. Why Java is called a compiler-interpreter language?

9. Difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation in Java.

10. Why Java does not support pointers?

11. How Java achieves platform independence?

12. Difference between path and classpath in Java?

13. How many types of memory areas are allocated by JVM?

14. What is UNICODE? Differentiate it with ASCII code.

15. Explain the purposes of different modules of JVM.

16. What is JAR file? How to create and execute JAR file in Java?

Java Programming basics

1. What is the difference between Integer and int?

2. Are there any global variables in Java, which can be accessed by other part of your program?

3. What is Java Annotations?

4. Can we use String with switch case?

5. What is Autoboxing in Java?

6. What is Unboxing in Java?

7. What is Generics in Java?

8. What is Enum in Java?

9. What is the difference between Array, ArrayList and vector?

10. Explain up casting and down casting with example (Both class level and primitive level)

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