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Kelompok 1

Alkadri (Moderator)

Adi Saputra (Translator)

M Syukron Mahendra (Menjawab pertanyaan)

Moh Mu'jizat (Membaca Materi)

Nurhalima (Menambahkan jawaban)

Zulfa (Menambahkan jawaban)


Of the results of the answers we found, we concluded that our group material discussed about "war and
human rights in Islam". Islam permits fighting in self defence of religion, or on the part of those who
have been expelled forcibly from their homes, by not exceeding the limit in war.

The Qur'an says :

"Fight in the cause of God againts those who fight you, but do not transgreess limit. God does not love
transgressors (2:90)". And freedom in religion in the (Q.S. Al-Baqarah : 256).

Question of Farhan A. Bidullah

In the Q.S. Al-Baqarah:190, mentioned that " fight in the cause of God againts those who fight you, but
do not transgress limited. The meaning of "transgress imits is?

Question of Lukman Al-Paris

Mentioned that combat was "Pertempuran" not war. So the answer to question number one should be
part a. Human right, not d. Combat and Human right in Islam. And the answer is group one with various

Addeed Ardiansyah

Combat is in the short term where as war in the long term.

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