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1. Circle the correct word for the sentence. What does the other word

He is not allowed / aloud to borrow books from this library.

Is this meet / meat ready to eat?
Would you like s a piece / peace of cake?
She through / threw the ball to the dog.
It’s so / sow sunny that I can now sew / sow some tomatoes.
Danny doesn’t know the weigh / way to the cinema.
Can you lend me a pair / pear of scissors, please?
The landlord is coming to see me next weak / week.
The plumber had sum / some spare screwdrivers.
My son’s dog has such a long tail / tale!
There’s a whole / hole in my tights.
Last week I parked in the wrong space and was fined / find £80.
You make bread with white or brown flower / flour.
There’s so much waist / waste left out on the street.
I would / wood like a table made from would / wood.
A bear / bare can swim but he can’t bare / bear to walk on sand
in bare / bear feet.
1. cakes, oranges, onions
12. cocoa, hamburger, lollies

2. carrots, sweets, spinach

13. chocolate,
3 cheese, apples, meat bread, lollies

14. milk, tea, juice

4. fish, cake, onions

15. soup, coke, onions

5 tomatoes, potatoes, carrots

16. juice, tea, cocoa

6. bananas, apples, oranges

7. lettuce, spinach, grass 17. cocoa, carrots, milk

8. ham, meat, pizza 18. sweets, cakes, jelly

19. ham, meat, hamburger

9. fish, cheese, eggs

10. sweets, chocolate, milk 20. potatoes, tomatoes, soup

21. spinach, grass, lettuce

11. juice, chips, tea
22. fish, bread, pizza
24. tomatoes, potatoes, onions

23. tea, milk, juice

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