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I ~. ~ 2.~' I---------i

Natal Chart of Robert Hand

Birthdate: December 5,1942

Plainfield, New Jersey
Longitude 74° W 25'
Latitude 400 N 37

Birthtime: 7:30:11 pm Eastern War Time

23:30:11 Universal Time
23: 29: 01 Sidereal Time

Ascendant calculated for geographic latitude

Birthplace houses
The int.erpretation of a natal horoscope is an art that requires considerable sir..!:!. To
interpret that horoscope as it moves and unfolds through time calls for even more
skill. This is why a good book that takes up the subject of astrological timing is so
valuable to us all.

Broadly speaking, there are four methods of astrological timing: progressions and
directions, postnatal epochs, solar and lunar returns, and transits. Progressions and
directions are sporadic but discontinuous. They do not occur at regular intervals, and
there are times when the bodies are not in orb of aspect. The postnatal epochs that
Eleanor Hesseltine and I have discovered are also sporadic because they are timed by
progressions or directions, but their effects continue until death. Continuity of effect
is also apparent in solar and lunar returns, whether in the tropical or sidereal zodiac.
They occur periodically, however, not sporadically as postnatal epochs do. Each
solar return is effective for a year. The fourth and most basic form of timing is
transits, which are periodic and discontinuous in nature.

It is really surprising that there have been so few good books on the subject of
transits. Grant Lewi' s Astrology for the Millions has been the qest book until now ,
but it is written at a very elementary level. Thus Robert Hand's Planets in T ransi t:
Life Cycles for Living HIls a really enormous hole in the literature of astrology and
does it very well indeed. Quantitatively, it is a large and very complete book, but
certainly not larger than necessary for the enlightenment it provides on a complex
subject. In this book everyone from the novice to the seasoned professional will find
complete coverage of all phases of timing by transit, Its organization and
arrangement make it very easy to find what you need.

The main problem in modern astrology, however, is not quantitative but qualitative.
Astrology is highly popular, and an enormous amount of material is surfacing in
books, magazines, classes and lectures. Unfortunately, much of this material is
inferior, for there is still only a small number of experienced , top-flight astrologers .
Many ?f us value Charles Carter's book on aspects, but it is not a very large book,
What, 15 re~arkable abo.ut Planets in Transit is its sustained high quality, Robert
Hand s clanty of expressIOn contrasts sharply with the work of some of our leading
contemporary astrologers, who are very hard to read,

The abili~ to interpret a planetary combination, whether statically in a radical chart

or dynamically by transit. .or progression, depends
. on two thl'ngs , It d epen d 5 f'trst on
J d ge a f the contnbutlOns made by the best of one's pred~-<'
k nowe
," .. ,-~ors an d co11 eagues
and <, nd on extensive per onal empiri ca l o bservat ion f the many combin ations. If
dn auth r r li es soll y on ther peopl 's ex perience, his book will be deriva ti ve, as are
the ma j rity f books now being published . Th e ex perien ced astrologer will recognize
tha t th is book is based on perso nal observa ti on and tha t it is a lso co nso na n t with the
main findings of the majority of as trologers concerning transits . O ne very good
reason f r thi is tha t Rober t Ha nd has been doing as trology sin ce he was very
y ung.

Per hap th main challenge in the art of interpretati on is integrating a number of

facto rs. O veremph asis on any one factor gives a lopsided picture, as is the case with
simu lta neous or nea rly simulta neous tra nsits. It is noteworthy tha t this book deals
wit h thi s pr blem very thoro ughly and clearly. Indeed , I would suggest th at the
reader hould study the first pa rt of the b ok very ca refully , for it dea ls with many
essenti al m a tters tha t are skipped in' most books on tran sits. Advocates of a sidereal
z dia w ill be delighted to find tha t a correction for the precess ion is recog ni zed as
giving more precise timing than can be found with conventional tropical zodi ac
positi ns.

T he foll owing example shows a basic phase of transits that is seldom covered . Let us
sa y that you were born with Saturn square your Sun and that transiting Saturn com es
to the trine of tha t Sun . How do we interpret this? Does that natal square affect the
meaning of the transit? It does, of course, although too many astrologers seem not to
reali ze this The a uthor of thi s book notes that a natal or radical aspect is of primary
import a nce and can seriously modify any aspect by transit or progression. Robert
Ha nd has covered all the bases in this, the first book on transits that really does so.
T he series o f books published by Para Research, commencing with Robert Pelletier's
Planets in A spect, bids fair to become a major addition to the literature of astrology.

Finally something should be said about the underlying philosophy that permeates the
book. T here is a definite emphasis on a psychological approach. Among their other
no table contributions to astrology, Dane Rudhyar and Dr. Zipporah Dobyns have
made an impo rtant adv ance by removing astrology from the fear-ridden fortune-
tell ing tradition . (However, I feel that Dane Rudhyar has gone too far in the other
direction, almost co mpletely eschewing the importance of events. ) Yet certainly their
approach and that of Robert Hand has had a salutary corrective influence . Planets in
Transit teaches you not to fear some oncoming tran sit, but rather to think of it as an
oppor tunity for more growth and seasoning . It is not too much to say that in the
an nals of astrology the name of Robert Hand wiJI be writ large, not only for this
b ook and his authoritative Planets in Compo site, but also for those yet to come . His
is a rising sta r!

Charles A. layne
A transit occurs whenever a planet, moving in its orbit during your lifetime, forms an
aspect to a planet, the Sun, Moon or any of the house cusps in your natal horoscop~.
Also, whenever a planet passes through the part of the zodiac occupied by a house In
your natal chart, we say that the planet is transiting the house.

The study of transits is one of the most fundamen tal techniques in astrology. That
transits indicate important trends and issues in your life is one of the few points upon
which all astrologers agree. Along with directions and progressions, they are basic to
the astrologer's predictive methodology . Yet there is not a single, detailed one-volume
text that gives you an idea of what to expect from each transit. Nor is there much
literature on how to integrate transits into a larger view of the development of your
life as a whole. This text is designed to fill that gap.

Here you will find extensive delineations of the transits of the Sun, Moon and planets
to all of the major factors in the horoscope by conjunction, sextile, square, trine and
opposition, with some introductory notes on the minor aspects. Some readers will
note that the transiting node of the Moon is not included. Although I believe that the
Moon's node has an effect, at this point I am not sure enough of its meaning to speak
about it with confidence.

While these descriptions are not totally complete - that would be an impossible goal
to realize - they do provide an in-depth account of the significance of each transit.
You will learn what you are most likely to experience, emotionally, psychologically
and circumstantially, under each transit. The delineations differ from those in earlier
texts because they are written primarily in psychological terms rather than in terms
of events. In the past, most texts have been oriented primarily to predicting the events
that will happen to you. This tends to support the older view of astrology as a
fortune-telling system, which almost everyone now agrees is at best a debased form of
the art.

!he purp?se of astrology really should be to give you an understanding of your place
In the universe and the kinds of energies that are flowing through you and through
the physical universe. Astrology should not try to make up your mind but instead upon which you can make an intelligent decision. Obviously
transits indicate times that are appropriate for certain kinds of actions and
inappropriate for others, and certain kinds of events often do occur with particular
transits. But transits should never be viewed as signifying events that will inevitably
come to pass, with you as a helpless observer.
t the different roles of transits, directions and
A very common t heory a b ou f . h
't . d'cate
is t hat transl s In I circumstances that you must I ace. In
I t e outer who perceives that event will have a somewhat different experience of it. If we get
Pr ogressions
..' d ressions indicate your inner psycho oglCa evolution.
world while directIOns an prog .' d . together to discuss our experiences, we may try to eliminate those elements that not
, . II h t you must face and directIOns an progresslOns tell everyone experienced, jn order to arrive at a compromise that we can all agree up?n
In this theory transits te w a , h' 'd
what Inner '
resources you have t 0 face it with. However, I do not support t IS I ea for without violating our integrity . Usually after going through this process , we qUite
several reasons. effectively censor our memory to eliminate the purely personal elemen ts of ou.r
experience, or we relegate them to the status of subjective or imaginary . Now If
First of aIL this system does not accord with my experiences as an astro~oger. I have another observer of the event comes along, and his experience isn't too different fr om
found both transits and directions indicating both events and psychological changes, ours, we accept his experience, again subject to certain compromises, and modify our
and I cannot find any clear set of criteria to distinguish ~etween the rol~ of these two view slightly . If his experience is too different, we reject it entirely, classifying it as
major predictive systems. The only real distinction IS that by theu very nature totally subjective or imaginary . In extreme cases we declare him mad .
progressions indicate longer-term effects than transits. In fact one astrologer of my
. The point is that what we call an objective description is nothing more than a
acquaintance, w h 0 IS
' unusua lIy competent and experienced . .in,these matters,
hi 'hasI collective subjective experience . There may be an absolute reality outside of anyone's
reversed the traditional roles and has declared that transits indicate psyc ooglca
experience, but it is quite irrelevant to our daily life . We act upon our universe , and
growth, while progressions and directions indicate ~ve~ts ..The fact ~hat astrologers
we receive reactions from it in a continuous field of consciousness . There is no clear
can disagree so widely indicates how unclear the distinctIOn IS. In partlcula~, .solar arc
boundary line between ourselves and the world , and the observer always plays a
directions, which are derived from progressions, are used by most practitioners to
creative role in the observation. We do not live in the physical universe so much as
forecast events.
in a universe of agreements, conventions and concepts that we create with others .
And because of the limitations of language, each of us lives in a much mo re private
It has been my experience that there are two distinct types of people. One ~pe
universe than we realize. Most events have no significance beyond what we have
experiences transits and directions primarily as major emotional and psychologICal
agreed on or been trained to give to them . Very little really happens to you , with
changes, which mayor may not be accompanied by a clear patter~ of events. At best,
yourself as only a passive observer .
it is very unclear whether events cause psychological change, or vice versa. The other
type of person experiences both transits and progressions as events that seem t.o
It is my belief, which I cannot "prove" here , that within each of us is a creative core
come out of the blue and happen to him . It is my opinion that this type of person IS
that actively creates the universe, either by making up each part out of nothing o r by
simply less aware of the dynamics of his life than the first type. agreeing in advance, prior to our physical incarnation, to playa certain game wi th
certain rules. In this scheme your horoscope becomes a symbol of your intentions,
The astrologer R. C. Davison of Great Britain has arrived at a view that I consider not a record of what is going to happen to you. As astrologer Zipporah Doby ns likes
the correct one. In his book The Technique of Prediction (L. N. Fowler and Co. Ltd ., to say, character is destiny.
London, 1955), Davison suggests that in the same way that progressions are derived
by substituting one day for each year of a person'~ life, a. can be re.garded as a Both transits and progressions indicate the working out of various phases of this
progression based upon one day for each day of lIfe. Thls notion makes It clear that original intention . Although I frequently lapse into causal vocabulary in this book, I
there is no real distinction between the two techniques; rather, they are two forms of do not believe that the planets "cause" anything. They are merely signs of the
the same idea. Even astrologers who adhere to the conventional distinction in manifestation of the original intention, part of which is experienced as flowing
meaning between transits and progressions will not hesitate to use progressions to through you as will. This is the intention that you are aware of. Part of the intention
rectify a chart based on events. is experienced as coming from without ; you may call it fate , destiny or circumstances
beyond your control. But this, too , comes from within you, and you need only rai se
Transits as Symbols of Intentions your consciousness to know it. Part of the function of astrology is to raise the
individual's consciousness in just this way.
I believe that the conventional view is based upon a false distinction shared by many
astrologers as well as many scientists. In their view the universe consists of individual One factor that may cause trouble for you is the inner turbulence that arises
subjects, who are clearly distinct and separate from the outer, physical universe . The whenever an intention of yours comes into conflict with your conscious belief abo u t
individual ends at the skin, and the physical universe begins there. This view also what is right, moral or correct. In order to work out your particular intentions (or if
holds that events in the physical universe are absolutely real and independent of any you prefer, karma), you must have a certain kind of experience , but you cannot
observer, whereas events or changes that take place within oneself exist on a lesser simply go O:lt and have that experience because your belief system or ethica l system
order of reality, because only the individual can experience them.
forbids it. In that case you experience the event as something that happens to you .
rather than as something that you bring about. Thus you succeed in hav ing the
But what really happens? Let us suppose that an event occurs in the physical universe
experience without having the responsibility, by which we usually really mean guilt.
that many people can perceive or experience. We know very well that each person
Astrology helps to disclose your real intentions and thus forces you to take

· ., . y will notice that this position is quite different from that of
esponslbdltyagaln. ou 'b'I' Wh d
r h strology takes away responsl I Ity. en we 0 not take
PIe who say tat a b" f' the same symbolism as the energy involved. In astrology all illnesses are ultimately
peo .' . 'ect the energy outward and ecome victims 0 CirCUmstance
responsrbllJty, we pro) . l' I' . psychosomatic, although nonetheless real.
When we ta ke respo nsibility ' we are conscIOUS y 10 contro agam.
. h we should use transits. Your natal horoscope makes a statement about Thus in this text I have stressed the psychological significance of transits, because you
Here IS ow . . have to know what a transit signifies about your inner being and how that may l~ad
the kinds of intentions with which yo~ come. mto your life. But because the
to an external event. A transit always signifies at least a psychological event, which
"language" of astrology contains the f1a~ mherent 10 alllangua.ges, wh~ther ~f words
mayor may not surface in the physical world. Where appropriate, I have indicat~
or symbols, we cannot specifically deslgnat~ the level at whICh ~he mtentlons will
the kinds of external events that a given set of energies is likely to produce If
work themselves out. A given set of astrological symbols can mamfest themselves in
manifested that way. Please note that the events are caused by the psycholog~cal
many ways. Transits indicate how the symbolism of your life unfolds in time, exactly
energies signified by the planets, not by the planets themselves. Psychological
as do progressions, although transits give greater detail over the short range. The
energies are your real intentions, the actual effects of your true will operating. These
progressions indicate a more general structure over a longer time. determine your world . Or, more correctly, you determine your world.
Transits do signify events, but only if we expand the conventional notion of an event. Astrology has too often dealt only with the superficial and external significance of
An event can occur totally within yourself as a psychological change, or as an astrological indications. I have attempted to give you an understanding of each
interchange between yourself and another, or as a change totally outside yourself in transit's inner significance . Do not expect this book to uncover every possible event in
the material and social universe. It is my contention that ultimately transits signify the outer world that can be associated with a transit. I do not even claim to have
changes totally within the self - psychological changes, to be sure, but only if you begun to exhaust the psychological significance of transits. But no matter how
expand what is normally meant by psychological. However, you may experience thorough or spotty the interpretations in this book are, ultimately you must base
these inward changes either as psychological changes in the convention~1 sense, as your knowledge of transits on your own experience. Intellectual knowledge alone is
social interactions, or as events totally outside of yourself. An "event" may also be insufficient. You don't really know astrology until you know it in your gut.
felt as an illness. These are projections through which your inner energies are
experienced at various different levels of life. This is an important idea to understand,
because if you do not understand how you are involved in causing a particular event, Text and Calculations by Computer
it means that you are operating unconsciously and are therefore not in control of the There are two ways to find out what your transits are at any given time. One is to
circumstances. cast your natal horoscope, or have someone cast it for you, and then, using an
ephemeris, compare the positions of the planets on the day in question with their
Here is a typical example. Uranus in the seventh house of your natal chart is an positions at the time of your birth. This is a fairly simple procedure once you have
indicatIOn that you seek freedom in the context of relationships. Often this is your correct natal chart, especiaIly if you do it regularly and get to know roughly
manifested as a desire for nonmarital affairs or for a very open marriage in which where the planets are all the time . Calculating when a given transit is going to occur
love is permitted with other people besides your partner. But if you are brought up to is mathematicaIly more difficult but it can be done.
believe that such affairs are wrong, there will be a conflict between the energy of the
se:e~th-house Uranus and'your belief system. You will refuse to recognize this energy The other way is to have all your transits calculated for you by computer. The Astral
WIthIn yourself but will attract a partner of the opposite sex who demands that same Guide, a computerized transit calendar based on your exact time and place of birth . is
kind of freedom. Meanwhile you continue to play the game of wanting a "normal" available from Para Research. Your Astral Guide gives every transit to the planets in
res~ectable relationship in which the two of you love only each other. Your partner, your natal chart that will occur in the next twelve months, with the date it enters one
~eehng trapped, then leaves you in order to seek freedom elsewhere. The tragedy here degree of orb, the date it becomes exact, and text delineating the meaning of the
IS t~at both of you want the same thing, but one of you cannot admit it. Thus you transit for your life. The text is based on the text in this book but is necessarily more
proJect ~our need for freedom onto someone else and become the "victim" of a series condensed. The Astral Guide consists of one 19 by 22-inch page for each month,
~f u~re~labl~.lovers. But i~ you are exposed to the idea that you really need freedom suitable for wall hanging, with the outer-planet transits and delineations printed at
Ihn re ah~nfs IpS andI that It is all right to seek it, then it becomes possible for you to the top and the inner-planet transits plus key-word interpretations given on the dates
ave sahs actory re ationships that embod y youri readnee s. they become exact.

Similarly with transits, "bad" event For information on how to order your Astral Guide see page 530.
to deal wI'th a ' d'l s often happen to you because you are unwilling
n Inner I emma Or th
you have taken really t ' h' ey may happen because a course of action that
ge s In t e way of I ., '.
also are usually th I f your ong-range IntentIOns. PhYSical ailments
e resu t 0 energy th t h d
adapted to The r d a you ave represse rather than successfully
, epresse energy su f ' .
r aces In your phYSical body as an illness that has
Chapter One

Interpreting Transits
Traditionally there were only two kinds of transits , good ones and bad ones . The bad
ones made everything go wrong, as if you were a helpless tool of malevolent fate. The
good ones made everything go smoothly and ensured the success of any enterprise
begun under their influence. The bad transits were the oppositions, squares and about
half of the conjunctions, while the good ones were the trines, sex tiles and the o ther
conjunctions. But in modern astrology this notion has largely been abandoned. In
theory at least, all transits are strictly neutral and merely represent qualita tively
different combinations of the planetary influences of the natal and transiting planets.

I say "in theory" because it is still true that certain combinations of pla nets are
usually experienced as difficult while others are usually easy . And it is also true th at if
you are going to exhibit the negative characteristics of a transit, it will usually be on
the old "bad" aspects, the oppositions, squares and difficult conjunctions . Bu t some
squares and oppositions are usually easy and quite pleasant, and it is quite p ossible to
have negative results with trines and sextiles . Thus there was some truth in the
traditional view, although the modern view is closer to reality . The so-called b ad
transits bring difficulties because the particular planets do not combine readily; either
they are contradictory in nature or they are totally unrelated to each o ther . T he only
reason that the trines and sextiles of these planets are less difficult is that these aspects
are inherently less dynamic than the conjunctions, oppositions and squares.

Remembering that none of these are irrevocably bad, the following combina tions are
usually the most difficult, particularly in the square and opposition aspects . The trine
and sextile as well as some of the conjunctions may be handled more easily or may
have two decidedly different outcomes. See the individual entries fo r mo re complete

Difficult Transits
Sun-Saturn, Sun-Uranus (square and opposi tion). Sun-Neptune,
Moon-Mars, Moon-Saturn, Moon-Uranus, Moon-Nep tune, M oon-
Pluto, Mercury-Neptune, Venus-Neptune (square and opposition),
Mars-Saturn, Mars-Uranus, Mars-Neptune, Mars-Pl uto, Jupiter-
Saturn (square and opposition), Saturn-Uranus , Sa turn-N eptune,
Saturn-Pluto, Uranus-Neptune (square and opposition).

It must be said, however, that these are not usually destructive transits . They do not

Planets in Transit
Interpreting Transits

indicate sudden spurts of bad luck that will afflict you from heaven high in Wa s
totally beyond your control, as the older astrologers actually suggested. Most Y
. . th . hI people Easy Transits
g o through most of these transits WI out any appreCia e trouble. The
" fy an Issue
destructive to you only if they slgm . . I'f h
In your let at you cannot handl . .
Yare Sun-Moon, Sun-Mercury, Sun-Venus (all transits) , Sun-Jupiter (all
. h . d
is not the planetary transit t at IS es ruc Ive, ut your own wea ess. The t e, 11.
t t' b kn transits), Moon-Venus (all transits), Moon-Jupiter (all transits),
only signifies the mo~ent w hen ~o~ WI'11' raise t he 'Issues t hat you cannot handle.
In Venus-Mars, Venus-Jupiter (all transits)' Mars-Jupiter. The trine and
the largest sense, transits do not Signify what happens to you, they signify either h sextile combinations not listed here are considered neutral . They are
. I W at usually quite easy but not as universally as the ones listed above .
you do directIy or w hat you unconsCIous y program your environment to do to
From the standpoint of higher consciousness, this includes sickness and acciden;so~~
well as the actions of other people. I repeat this point because it cannot be stressed enough: the transits in themselves do
not cause either good or bad happenings. In fact they do not cause anything ; they are
just signs that you will have to confront certain issues in your life at a particular time.
The so-called difficult transits are those that test the way you have put 'y I'f The ease or difficulty of a particular transit comes from your inner makeup. General
. . ' . Our Ie
together. .
And thiS IS ,not a wholly negative process; It does not mean that if y ou have indications about various activities being favored or inhibited under a particular
put your .lIfe together
. badly In some respect the transit will cause destruction . In fact transit are based on the average person. Various personal strengths may enable you
the transit Will probably change the weak area of your life, often throu h to overcome any negative indication . Similarly, your weaknesses may make a mess
significant purifying process that leaves you revitalized and renewed, althou hgth a out of the most favorable transit. Watch your reaction to the transits as a sign of
ma~ n~t be immediately obvious. The "difficult" transits clear away the refu! fro: what you need in order to grow as an individual. Also it must be pointed out that
one s lIfe. The only persons who experience continuous, severe problems f you need to have a thorough understanding of the natal chart in order to get a clear
di~ficult transits are those who resolutely continue on the wrong course despite alIr~~ idea of how someone will react to a given transit. For example, a person whose natal
eVidence that they should change direction. These transits are difficult mainly in that chart is filled with trines and has no squares or oppositions may vegetate through
they are .frequently unpleasant because they disrupt our cherished ways of living. We transiting trines and sextiles, getting nothing out of them at all.
try to clmg doggedly to our negative traits. These transits are difficult also in that
they usually signify the expenditure of a great deal of energy. Models for Transit Interpretation
In the interpretations of transits, the planets have pretty much the same meaning that
On the other hand, if the part of your life signified by the transit is not in bad shape they have in the natal chart. This is true of the aspects also , but transiting aspects
the "difficult" t~ansit ~ay catapult you to new levels of success and fortune. This rna; have certain characteristics that make it necessary to discuss them at greater length .
seem to be a disruption at first, but you will quickly realize that it has opened the Because they are moving aspects and in a constant state of change , their character is
way for new opportunities. dynamic or cyclical. This is true in the natal chart, but it is harder to distinguish .
Also, most existing textbooks give no detailed descriptions of the bases of aspect
delineation except for the division into good and bad. The exceptions to this
. easy transits - the tn'n es, sex ti'l es an d severa Iconjunctions
" . .
- are easy pnmanly statement are in the works of Dane Rudhyar and the other Humanistic astrologers.
In that they are not unple t d d . . .
asan an 0 not reqUIre any special outpourIng of energy .
. Itheybe do not test y our wea k '
pomts. But they may reinforce
. your weak points, For this reason I believe that students will be helped by a detailed explanation of the
slm~ y .cause they denote periods of equilibrium and ease in which you tend to bases, philosophical and otherwise, of the aspect interpretations . These bases fall into
continue In w hatever d'ri ecrIon you h ave been takmg. . To react this way is a waste, three categories, three different ways of looking at the aspects , each of which
h owever. AI though these . fl contributes something to our whole understanding of them. These three ways of
easily with them bec In uences. do not impel you to action, you can act more
significant chall ate the energies of the universe seem to flow with you. The looking at transits are the theory of harmonics, the dynamic cycle approach and the
them voluntaril ent 0 ~hese transits is to find your own weak spots and then change
e house relationship approach. No one of these approaches is correct to the exclusion of
be done Some y. ult t e usual reaction is to do nothing, because nothing cries out to the others, although the harmonics theory is perhaps the most fundamental and the
. dampeop eheven hecom e t ota II y Iet h ' As a resu It, these transits
. can do basis for the others. We will discuss each theory in detail and then give a synthesis of
even more arglc.
age t an the so lied d' . . the three approaches for each aspect.
apparent until the next diffi -ca . Ifflcult ones, although that IS not usually
cult transit of those two planets.
The follOwing is a list of th
"difficult" list should b e ~enerally easy transits. Those not listed in this list or the This relative~y .new way of looking at aspects stems largely from the work of John
refers to sextiles and t ~ considered neutral, that is, likely to go either way. This list Addey of Bntam and his a~sociates , although the roots of his approach go back to
easy. nnes, except where it is noted that the other aspects are also Pythagoras of Samos and can also be found more recently in the w n' t'mgs 0 f J0 h annes
Kep Ier.
Planets in T ransi t

------~---------~ In terpreting Transi ts

f the aspects themselves, and the signs and the

This theory is based on the nature 0 h bids fair to become the basis of all oth . no poIanzatJOn
· of approac lId ' h er It is the number of beginnings. There IS an d therefore no conflict
houses. In fact th IS type . es and aspects are a roote In armonics .
systems, for it appears that signs, hous between the prinCIples. However, I a conjunctIon occurs between two planets t at
" 'f "
are not basically easy to combine, the result will not be easy The difficult.y does not
he division of the circle of 360' by small . because of a conflict . between the pnnclp . Ies, b ut b ecause the union IS.
fh 'cs comes from t . h arise ' ,
Briefly. the theory 0 arm on!. hat is called a harmonic senes, t us: As all things in metaphysics proceed from the ONE, so the conjunction carnes ~Ithm
whole numbers, which gives nse to w • 360'

' 360'
360' ,
6 7
-, it the seeds of all other aspects, and therefore one can expect a considerable van~tlOn
in the effects of conjunctions. Remember that a conjunction IS 2 x 180', 3 x :20 and
so forth. Thus it is that some conjunction transits are more like trines or sextlles , and
others are more like squares or oppositions.
and so forth.
. .. ed we get the values 360'. 180', 120', 90' ,
f Two : the opposition. This is the number of polarity , of confrontation between two
~en t~ese :ndi~at;? :~~IS~~~S ~~~~r f~:":he' next to last figure, which comes from principles, and it is inherently connected with conflict But it IS also the symbol of I
72 , 60 • 51 25 4 . h mbers should look familiar, for they are the and Thou, of the interaction between Self and Other, without which there can be no
dividing the circle by seven, t ese nu .' "1 '1 consciousness at all. There can be no awareness prior to the operation of the number
. t' oppositIOn trine, square, qumtl e, sextl e and
angles of the aspects - conJunc IOn, ' .. I two. It is not more objective than one, it is the actual issue of the subjective versus
. The division bv seven is often called the septile. It IS not common y used,
semlsquare , . . if" t The signs and houses are based on the division by
but may b e quite sign Ican .
twelve. Three: the trine . This number symbolizes the resolution of polarity and conflict
through an intermediary. It is also a state of equilibrium and balance . There may be a
None of this appears very earth-shaking until one discovers from Addey's work tha.t great deal of activity associated with the number three, but It always consists of a
there is hard, empirical evidence based on massive statistical samples that the series of complementary processes that balance out so that there is no net change,
meaning of each aspect is clearly related to the symbolism of the number by which This is a symbol of creative, unresisting flow with the universal energies.
the circle is divided to produce the aspect. The conjunction is related to the meaning
of unity, the opposition to two, the trine to three and so forth. It is becoming clear Four; the square. Four is the first composite number of the series, the first number
that astrology is nothing more than a complex manifestation of the principles of that is a multiple of a number other than one; that is, 2 = 2 x!. 3 = 3 x 1. but 4 = 2 x 2 ,
number, that it is really a very elaborate form of numerology. This also enables us to Because it is the product of two times two, it shares much of the nature of the
predict the meanings of aspects based on the division of the zodiac by numbers that opposition. It is a number of dynamic change and instability. But on its own it is
have hitherto not been used, such as eleven and thirteen.
associated with ego-consciousness and the notion of material reality. It is related to
Saturn somewhat in this regard. Four symbolizes situations in which there is
~~tual\y this whol~ approach has been used implicitly !n Hindu astrology, which uses resistance to some force , and the force is challenged to prove itself against the
peets ~ased on nme, seven and other divisions that are unusual to us. Their method demands of the material universe.
of handling aspects is different f b h
used . rom ours, ut t e more unusual harmonics are being
Five: the quintile. This number is not important in basic transit study, but does
The reader who is interested in thO become very important in certain situations that will be discussed later on.
works for a more tho h I IS ~pproach to astrology should see John Addey's
roug exp anahon th
book, HArmonics in Astrolo b' h
i . an can e given ere, particularly a new Six; the sextile. Like four, this is a composite number, the product of two times three .
AstrologicAl JournAl, publish~' bntroduclng the. whole subject. Back issues of the It can be re~arded as the ~pposition of the trine series. It connotes a state of balance
many articles on the subject. y the,Astrologlcal Association of Britain, contain so~ewhat I,.ke three, but It serves to sharpen consciousness and heighten' _
which requ Ires a certain . d egree 0 f'Imhatlve,
'" I t is not possible to ' a .... arenes
, •
Most of the smaller '1 h " . remam passive to a
basics f ' aspects generated b ha . sexli e t e way you often can With a tnne. SIX is a number of a t' 't . h'
b a Iance, so structures can be built relatively easily From thO C IVI Y Wit In a tate
o transit study, except d y rmomc theory are not relevant to the - I.
2 btgi . un fr cond'ti h II b d I aSSOCiation
. '
h ~nlng on page27. For OUr Ions t at wi e iscussed later in Chapter ··
tra d ItlOna with opportunity. IS comes - the - e: t'l Ie ' s
t hie,~alo~ aspects only _ the c:~rp~ at this point it will be sufficient to discuss
W \on anse from the d nJunelion 0 . , .
rtspfCtiv I ivision of the .' PpOSltlon, tnne, square and sextile, As mentioned earlier, the higher harmonics are sign'£, b
f y, CIrcle by one two thr- f d' operate except in association with other more I lcan:, ut they do not Us all
, , ""', Our an SIX, .h h ' potent tran Its \V
on Iy wit t ose harmonics whose aspects w k ' e are concerned here
One: the conjunction. The f' h . I Or at least to
Irst iI'lnoni . transits, t must be said, however, that a sin I . orne e tent in ~in Ie
c symbohzes union and perfect togetherness, without much notice. g e transit by se tile will ~ft n g b)

Interpreting Transits

Dynamic Cycle Approach

. d f' d t ' f the course of events
. L is clearly related to the harmonics, but the cycle as a wh I period of testmg to determine its weak pomts an to In ou 1 n
thiS approacl l "h ' 0 e is t k should be continued , If you learn that the process is improper for you and your 1 e,
. 'd ration with each transit In t e senes treated as part of th h a en . . h k ' t ' pOSSible for you to
Into COnsl e ' e w 01 F
a~son although the cyclical approach must work with all transit I e, Or events will occur or changes Will take place t at ma e I 1m ,
some r~ , ' 'I I eyc es . . continue along this path , Remember that a psychological change within you IS an
vious In some than in others. It IS parl1cu ar y worthwhile for th " It IS
more o b . I d h . e transits even!. Unfortunately you will not always realize that a failure has occur,red . You rna:
Satum by the variOUS aspects to the p anets an ouses, It IS also quite evident i of be able to piece together a structure that is basically not viable in your hfe.a.nd keep ~t
cles of the Sun, The advantage of this approach is that it enables the chart n the working for a time . In such a case the denouement will come at the oppOSitIOn, But If
cy . , I'f I d' I 'f' h reader to
get an overview 0 f t h e native s I e cyc es, an It can les t e meaning of a 10 . you can, it is better to be as realistic as possible now, write off any effort that has
of years of the native's life taken as a whole. ng penod failed and begin looking about for a new course to follow . If you do , the next
opposition will be a time of new beginning, just as if it were a conjunction,
Below is a description of the archetypal cycle. Credit should be given t 0
Rudhyar, who first pointed ane Of course, if you succeed in overcoming the challenges signified by the square, the
. . out
. the nature of the general cycle and the meanmgs
the Individual aspects wlthm It. this will be a time of great forward motion leadmg to the culmination of your efforts,
which will come at the next opposition ,
Stage One: the conjunction. With the transit by conjunction of one planet over
another planet or over a house cusp, there is an event either within yourself or Stage Four: the separating trine. This trine is like the sextile in that It IS a time of
between you and the ,:",o~ld that begins a process or a series of developments . The relative ease when you should scan the whole series of events in this cycle, If you
have overcome the crisis of the square, you should get everything into shape for the
nature of thiS process IS In accordance with the nature of the planets involved ' th
culmination of the cycle at the opposition. On the other hand, if the square showed
transiting planet imposes its energy expression upon that of the transited planet. Thu:
that your efforts have been pointless or harmful, you should take this time to thmk
Satum on Venus, for example, would signify that the reaching out for love or
about what has happened and learn as much as you can from it, so that when the
affection proceeds in a saturnian manner, There is considerable evidence that if one opposition comes you will be able to make a new start. The danger of this trine is t at
casts a chart for the exact moment of the conjunction transit tha t the chart will if you have managed to keep going at something that is basically not a good idea .
descnbe the whole cycle in a general way, Unfortunately, to do this for the outer you will persist in it now, convinced that you have managed to save yourself or what
planets would require ephemerides that are considerably more accurate than those we you are doing. But the opposition will show you that you have not won by bringing
currently possess. But this is the rationale for the already highly developed techniques about a more complete downfall.
of solar and lunar returns, The conjunction transit is often unconscious in its effects.
You know that something is happening, but you often have to wait until later to know St~ge Five: the opposition. As has been made clear from the foregoing, a number of
exactly what. things ca~ occur during th~s tr.ansi!. If the process has gone well, this is the time when
your affairs reach a culmmatlOn, and you begin to reap the reward f 'f
Al h Id b . .. 0 your et orts
Stage Two·. the separ a t'109 sexll'I e, The process that began with the conjunctIOn
. IS
. h so you s
h ou hegm a transition phase in which you graduall b ' d
Y egm to a apt and
tL - on "a ltable path and f unctlOnmg
now " pretty well. Now you can see what happened at c ange w at you ave done so that you can move onto a new I I Y h
nc conJunction, and be content with staying at this level. even though success makes ~~e, o~ s ould not
workino II h' . you 5 OU d examine it and i
h "
see how well it works, If It IS not Also be happy to accept the rewards for what y ou h ave d one, IThe temptlOg to do so.
"0 we , t 15 II the f .
undone w'I h Ime to make adJustments, Necessary changes that are Ieft f t L. __
an d a new stage of development is about to begin. u ure ~ ons,
SuCCtll at Ithe time of tunf or t ~ate effect at the next stage, the transit
ave an . by square.
ICrUtlny he textile does not guarantee anything without this process of
But if you managed to patch together a basically unf
square and convinced yourself at the last tr' h avorable situation at tela t
.. me t at everyth'
__ a dittincu:ar~in&
StG", the
Iquare, It should be noted that this approach to tra~~lts
. OPPOSItIon will probably prove you wrong Ch 11 109 was all right . the

,... II mOVln, a ;:n a separating aspect by transit, in which the transIting

Ippr~ IIpect ~ay om the last conjunction toward the opposition, and the
successfully withstood at the last square ' '11 \ enges that were not really
c~nsequ~nces at this time, especially in a Sa::n ave their most cleva_tatin
diffICulties honestly at the last square, changed cycle. Only if you faced y r
the ftIIU coajuaction tra_it, in which the transiting planet is moving back towar,d on Ithe last t nne,
. WI'II you be able to make thecourse
bes and prepared a new dlrecti n
. . .-L..
-7 we. I from t&.o
the away .. last opposition, In t h'IS text. t h e d'Istlnc
. tion IS
o cfyc e, If the square defeated the Course of actio t use of this stage t Ir n it
. . oI...!_ .L.&-_,. eye leal nah.-
-~ of the transit is very clear, as Wit . h Saturn. T or a new beg' . n you Wer t k' -
., mnmg, and from here on the eycl '11 e a Ing then, this I the II e
tently Would make an already lengthy text too long. oppOSitIOn
. rathe th h '
r an t e conJunction and th e WI co t'
n tnue a if it tart-.J t th
At uy ra,., the ........t . ear Iler stages in t h ' ' e aspect h t.'U e
natal Sun e transit cycle. In fact, the Sa stat follow will be Ii e the
thi old boob, But ailil-:"lCIUAr, it "'me of crisil, hence its unsavory reputation ;n , usualJy seems to follow this backwar~rn-Sun cycle, with Saturn tra ttl
prodaafv~ time, Tht pr not ""'" di...t~r and this can actually be an extreme y COurse, starting with the pp 1t1 n
0CeN t L _ ......._ _ ' " d rgoes a
.......... at the last conJunctIOn now un e

Interpreting Transits

ther tha n the conjunction. although it sometimes goes the other way
ra b . as well
ably depends on the period of your life when the Saturn-Sun Con ' " It . used in lndia.
pro JUllctto f ' t ana IYSIS gl
' , oecu rs .
oppoSition n Or , - and is the main form 0 a!)pec to which its an e
a very traditional tnterpreta,tlO; ssed in relation to the houses peet. the sex tile . a
In this scheme the a~,pect .. s ~scu nsidered to be a first · house as th:house aspect.
Stage Six: the approaching trine. We are now in the second Ralf of the cy I
corresponds , The conJ~nctlo:s;:t~ the square. a fourth-hous~;. t~n a seventh-house
usually this is the secon d reapmg
- an d transf ormlng
- stage 0 f t he cycle , This trc e. "and
third-house . eleventh- ouse, h.ho~se aspect. and the O~p~l . IO ' ed too far . Not
. 'I h h h '
analogous to the separating sextl e rat er t an t e separatmg trine, because itanslt
' IS the trine. a fifth -house. ~I~~on has considerable merit if It Isn t car:l nor does
f h" 'I - ,
first easy state 0 equl I num a ter t e mltia CflSIS sym 0 ized by the 0PP '. the
-I-b ' f b I IS aspect. This mode of descnp I f ' -1 _ and communications. for .e~ mple • the other
. ff 'ghbors . nen= Th position. on
Now you should look abou~ and see how you can adapt to ,~eet the needsOSlhon of th; every sexttle a ects nel 'bTty of a long journey . e op h h se This is
eve trine portend the pOSSI I I mboltsm of the sevent ou.
h th~:l~sm
chancring future. If everythmg went we)) at the last OPPOSition there is a
~ , . gr~t hanJ, corresponds quite consi!>t,entl to of the number two very thoroughly .
temptation to Sit on your laurels now, because everythmg seems to be running very h seventh house containS t esym ,
smoothly and nothing needs to be done. That is true, but it does not mean tha t you because t I' , ' h' h ' the second harmOnic.
as does the OPPOSition. w IC IS
should not provide for the time when something does need to be done _ See wha t kinds
of changing roles you can play in the time to come, and do not be sa tisHed to go on as
you have_ If you began a new phase of activity at the opposition. this st age is
The relationship of the houses /0
realizes that the houses themse ves are
ts is completely valid as long as one
the a~:~eIY superficial meanings derived ~ro:;
' ments between the houses an t e
equivalent in every way to the separating sextile at stage two . ' much more basic principles, The usua l asslgn I' because both are based on
fund level of sym b 0 Ism . b
aspects is at the most pro 0 , I'd " hts 'I nto the meaning of the aspects y
Stage Seven: the approaching square, 'fhe challenge now is quite different from that h f an derive va I Inslg . f
harmonics T ere ore you c _ ond Also. in most cases a tnne. or
of the separating square. You may suddenly be forced to adapt to a new situation . for looking at the houses to which the: chohrres f . the house occupied by the natal
- h ffth the mnt ouse rom
nothing is ever so good that it can go on forever, although most people try to do just example. ~ilhl be IOh t ~ I theo~fth-house, ninth-house flavor of the trine .
planet. whlC emp aSlzes
that. Even the most successful creation reaches a peak merely to give rise to ano ther
phase of activity. That is what is happening now. If you adapt and change to allow . h h' thod unless the house symbolism of
the birth of the next phase in the final stages of this cycle. events will proceed ~:et ~~ i:!:~~r::i~~;~~~o:yO t~Oeo ~~:n:~t intv~~v:. For example, a trine by transiting
smoothly. Otherwise you will bring about a crisis that will lead to total collapse at u lte; may indicate traveling. not only because the trine is a ninth-house aspect .but
the next conjunction_ Then you will truly have to start over again. with nothing , The ~I~o because Jupiter has an inherent connection with travel. Below are the me~ntngs
first square was a crisis in building up some structure, while this one is a crisis , in f the aspects in terms of the houses to which they are related Readers o . are
~amiliar with the traditional meanings of the houses will notice that these delmeahons

letting go of it. If you cannot detach yourself from it or assist creatively in changing
n, you wi)) destroy it. For those who began a new cycle at the last oPPosItion.,- the are not precisely the same as those of the houses but are derived from the abstract
function of this square is identical to that of the separating square. principles upon which the houses are based .

St. Eight. the approaching sextile_ Its function is related to the separating trine in Conjunction' the first-house aspect . Beginnings, the way one expresses oneself to
that it.eeenta a period of equilibrium just after a square, If everything has go~e
well at the wt square, this sextile is a time for making final preparations f~r ta~
others. oneself taken by oneself in one'!. own terms. Often rather unconscious in Its

cha... that will come at the beginning of the next cycle. You should be ma~lng II
tftort to fit yourself Into the new order that is taking shape now. If you do thIS we ; Suti/e.' the third·house. eleventh-house aspect, Relationships with group,
flU will be able to take advantage of the burst of creative energy that will occur a integration of the self with immediate surroundings. contacts with those

. . PtIIiblt _ even ....
1.1 ......,
uy advisable
.' h'
to diVide t IS cy
cle into more parts. but
k' gat
Square- the fourth-house. tenth-house aspect. The expression of the e . h Id
" one .s personal sphere. cha II enges and confrontations - th go In t e wor
h"-t place to Itart from. It is a relatively simplehwa y
. . . ..... mort I ded as some aut ors o.
;f I~~e I~asic
and wlthm 1
m ose two wor d .
parts are inc u , h misextile or '
. . . . ~ ... traatt that are usually added are ~ e se
........... "ft.._ Trine: the fifth-house. ninth·house aspect. Creative flow of t h ' .
AI.... 150' These allow for easy self-expression. the ability to expand one's . e life energies that
... «II, the......... . nd the qutncunx or . ts
t ................_'*ttL-s.... ..........~te or 135 a arly evident as the major par to grow in knowledge_ expenence of the world and
of theqc»tlw ...... ~~ are not as c e l
-~""e. Opposition: the seventh-house aspect. Confront .
' ed t h rough others. the conflict betw ahon and
expenenc . p artn"'I~lllp,
_,-. the self it
JIIII~IIiIl,- Appro'" II wers of external world. een one s pe.rso~l world and the
Thi. method of ana'yzf... ~ .". &. ~.pecla1ly popular among fo 0

If you try to expand these definitions to include all of the affairs . '.
particular house, you will . create two pro b l First,
ems. ' your predictions~~~b'11
be inaccurate except in rare cases. And second, a given transit will sig~~ probably
possibilities that it will become completely unintelligible to the person ~ so Illany
YOU are reading. Readings in which every transit has a million POSSib'l~t' ose chart
I I 1e5 are
worth much. not

Summary Chapter Two

At this point it will be helpful to synthesize everything that has been discussed b
each aspect so that you can easily find the general signification of each asp:ctO~
transits. Timing Transits
Beginning of a new cycle; matters involving the self alone or in conjunction with its
most intimate surroundings; the birth of a new phase of life; the culmination of the
process that began at the last opposition transit involving the same two planets.

Matters involving your relationship to groups; interaction with your immediate
surroundings; a time of balance, when you can and should take the initiative; a time
for reviewing recent events and seeing what needs to be changed; changes involving
relatively little effort; a time when you can act wi th little resistance from outside
circumstances .

Challenges from circumstances or others that force you to prove yourself or to make
necessary changes; a time when a course of action proves incorrect or, if the
challenge is withstood, a time of new initiative and active forward moti~n ; a
challenge to your self-expression, which may force changes in your way of relatIng to
others or may inaugurate a period of new effectiveness.

Trine: .
A 'od of h ou can make creatiVe
pen easy energy flow and relative lack of stress, w en Y . and self-
changes but are tempted to just flow along; a time when your expene~ce h ge,
. expand to make you wiser and more e fectlve;
exprelSlOl\ f' a period of ltttle
. h c antters
ev L __ h ' . . t your efforts Wit rna
en Wnal t ere IS conSiderable activity; little resistance 0 '
often working out with little effort on your part.
Oppo.uion: or
A dIN of - - I . • • f
r affairs in some way
~rOfttatlon With others· the culmination yOU
0 f II . events
tM to&al c:oIap. of some area of y~ur life that has not worked ~uccess.u Ybetween
that iftCI'aIe MIf<On8douln- thr......" . with others; mteractlOn
-- -'"6" meetmgs
yoW' Inner and outer worlds; a time of dynamiC changes.
Timing Transits

One of the most difficult problems in applying the theory of transits is timi~g, that is,
finding when the influences associated with the transit ~each a, pea.k. PreCisely when
will an event concerning the outside world happen? At first, thiS might not appear to
be a problem, because you would expect the influence to peak and th~ e:-ent to occur
at the precise moment when the transit becomes most exact. But thiS IS seldom the
case, because each event in your life, whether it involves purely internal,
psychological changes or external events, is usually related to several factors
operating simultaneously. We will discuss those factors in this section.

Let us begin by taking the simplest case, in which only one transit is operative at the
time. In such a case, you would rightly expect the occurrence to coincide with the
exact time of the transit, but even here you cannot count on it completely, First of alL
if there really is only one operative transit at a given time, there probably will not be
a noticeable event; whatever happens will be too subtle to notice. Very few
important change.s in life are ever marked by a single transit. If you pay attention
only to the ~ranslts of planets, it may seem that they indicate important
events, but In. fact you will hnd that there are simultaneous transits by the inner
planets that reinforce the outer-planet transits Or there are ve . T
to midpoints, which reinforce the outer-plan;t transits M'd T"'.( slgm l~ant transits
, d '1\ ' I pomt transits are very
Important an WI be discussed in detail further on in this section,

You will often find that the arc of an inner-planet tran 't '
outer-planet transit that it accompanies But th SI IS closer than that of the
reference to the outer-planet transit 'Th'ls ' e ev~nt cannot be described without
I'd' , I S quite a
e UCI ates the hrst principle of transit analysis, common Occurrence and

~ule 1. An outer-planet transit is usuall a '

Inner-planet transit that approximately co' y 'd Ccurately timed by an
the nature of the outer-planet transit. InCI es with it and reinforces

Often , more than one 'Inner-planet transl't' d

co mpI Icates the r " IS h'
di~ussed o~:ntt~:~:~t~;s~other ha~~~o ~I~, which conSiderably
later methods
~~~~cur;n the space of time be~w;;:~e:~or the present w:n~:;;orated, as will ~
I,S, he Sun and Mars most ofte ong the times of th ~y that the event
sometimes Mercury ' I I ' n perform h' , e Vartous inn 1
you consciousl WI be I.m~ortant in indica' t IS tnning fun' chon er-p anet
somewhat difE!' Now we Will Introduce a seco~ng ~hen an eVent bee , although
ent from what they have be Prtnciple that omes known to
en taught. many people will find

Planets in Transit
Timing Transits

S r ctly ,pea g, there is ~ 0 'i;ud t g a s ar: "orb" of d the pot-t of

h transiting P1anets a~
tog :-e~
c:a Gt:f mg a r ansit. After calculating all of the angles be h
tween tdeadd ' . t"e pv,,)
"", ' tt've jr:"ibe:s

transit add them algebraically. 10 ot e1' wor s , If . ' of t~ e r<P<7atlve va ·es is
Uy ~eans an area m . w.<lL
eve ts co. cermng a ra~i 0<.
. ' , h' f om the sum
and then subtract t e negative ones r ..
toe sum
·tive sur:"i fro"":" tre
CUr . It
and ,o~~ldf!1ed to bt s.o mar: y t-grees a or g ~ e .-cliptic 5
11; rm 0 rb 's a • d 1 greater than the sum of the positive values, subtract • .e pOSI •
_.l 1$
r spar' .. I .' . pact: t.l
• • _. .l 10 time, bt:cause the rar~ltmg P a e IS movmg , so a orb of, negative sum and call the result negati·Je.
be ,on encu of ' . t.., • . >0 l':any
..l mIn t~ mdica ~ the engt tIme In Wl,K[; a tra SIt IS Iihly to I' d' 1S t 12':" 00' Uranus , COr:"iing to
egr ar..!' Kate For ey,ample, let us suppose that we have a nata ~n a
d -...
a square from Taurus. has the longitude 11' '-;, 15. The transltmg J~plter at~~6 ~
.' '
a" event
The prob em Ii hat o. e ca no spea~ tt: ler gtn. ~ irne that a si. gle tra nsit "Hill Ot:
(X)" and the transittng Mars is at 11' f1 25'. We see that each translt as a. gle of
separation between it and exactitude Uranus square natal Sun = -45 . Jupiter scuare
efftL wi referring to he tran~lt5, bot or I r;er ar d ou ff plane s, trat are natal Sun = +4'00'. Mars conjunct natal Sun = -35 ', We change the 4'00' figure to t .e
occumr.g ar nd It or without refe1'nrg to t e J<ature of t .. e e/el't~ ar.d processes eqUivalent figure of 240'. then add the positive ftgures to each otner and tne negatives
symbolized by the (ansit Some Interr: al events or psyc, cr anges take a great to each other. The positives add up to 240', slOce there is only the one pos tive
deal of time to bul d up 0 a dirra:t and t. en more tirre to de'/elop their angle, while the negatives add up to -SO' .
,o~e-nces. The lengt. of ime ir volve-d is a funLtion of the even ~, not of the
240' + (-SO') = 240' -SO' = 160'
trans t5.
The best tha we car: hope to do locae the c.en'er pomt of the entire process,
IS That sum represents the total angle of separation. We divide that sum by the number
w Will O«.\.Ir dosest to the transits t at Signify it, although olr,ff factors desuiOOl. of transitmg planets. which in thiS case is three. 160'/3 = 53_33333', WhICh IS t e
t IS chapter may deflec' the event from the apparent time of the c1~t transit. But average, or mean. angle of the transit at this time. Since the mean is positive we ca
ag,aui 1 emp aSll.E: tha thts is not beLau~ of a~ orb eHee , but because tne event IS see that the combined strength of the three transits is beyond its peak. '
aSWQa ed WIth a mber of different transiting factors , In my eypenence, if you tare
no '-On' deration all of the various transits that may affect the timing of the process, This. computati_on can be done in another way if all of the transitin I
gang es are
and combine tOOr effects c.orrec.tly, you will get very d~ to t e exact time of the
mulhPJes of thirty degrees or if they have the sam' .,
except if there are a number of sem- ~ sign. ThiS IS usually the case
event It. auld be potnted out that the methods described In this chapter may result of eac.h transiting planet for the par:~qular~ or sesqulquadrates. Just add the pasitio
n more tha one p~ible time for a given event during a larger span of time, but ICU ar time In terms of its S·
notation. Here is the calculation fo r our examp Ie.
h h
Ign, rat er t an in 360
each of the poKlble times wJ!l be very precisely defined. It is not that an event will
take p au somt-tlme over the course of several days or even mont~, but that there
11· 15' + 16' 00' + 11· 25' = 3S' 40'
are wtain dearly dtflned times when the event may occur.
We then divide this value b h
Adnuttedly, thll proc.eH 15 much easier to carry out after al . event than before, but 53.33333'. Thi~ m h . y tree. the number of transitin
. . et od. usmg the average pos't' f g planets, to oet 12.'
tw pnnople are It111 theoretically correct. Whenever an event has apparently not th elr own bsigns 'd a.Iso SOWS
h I Ion 0
that the combined infl
the t . . eo
ransltmg planet Wit m
corretpOnded with the times of maximum planetary influence. I have always foUnd eyon Its peak Th . d uence of the th
diViding into a n b h' e major efect with this h ' ree plane
that 1 have overlooked lOme factor. The indeterminaq in the timing of a transit urn er t at IS made up of de met od IS the d'ff ul
grees and minut . 1 Ie y
resul limply from the difficulty of taking into account all of the factors, not from ar.
1. To divide 38' 40' b . .. es. Here I the me
actual orb or zone of equal probability in the tr ansi t. y 3, first diVide 3 into 38"

Rule 3. When a number of transits describe an event. the time of the 38' -:- 3 = 12' rem . .L
alnuc:r· 2'
event ~ill be dOleit to the tune when the average orb of all the 2. Convert the d .
tr_tlna planetl approachet zero. egree remainder into minut b
• es Y multiplYing it by 60.
ThiI nc:ipie
isappli«d with reaard to ixon'& resignation in the case study 0 . t 10
f I'IiXo .
2 )( 60 -120'

dw m::
ataplir It as mOlt applicable whtn several planets are transiting one

euct tranelt Until the .... reaches the point of transit. the a \ is
nw t«hNque il to find the 6tance between the transiting planet allll Ie IS
3. Combine tho
38' 40'. IS converted degree remainder .
With th
~ 40' of tht'
cons/dn-td ncaatIV'. After the planet .... heel h . t of transit the ang ~e re
po ItlVt. Of COUll', the Mint of
' d
t cbPotn ersed as' 10MI can e r e v , . s
t a~ 120' + 40' -160'
approac h 1ft,
an Mparllin. . . . . to t are liven opp osite algebraic Sign .

•. e look up Scorpio in the table and

To ca1cul<tte the vellue for the s~c()nd P~ltl~~;.. ~9" and then add the tWO values.
sum by 3.
160' +.3 .., 53,33333' ftnd 210', We add 210' 10 17' 19, obtalntng
227' 19' + 53' 36' ... 280' 55'
Tn we gtt the flnaJ answer of 12' 53.33333'.
. b 2' hence the term halfsum.
Rule 4 If twO planets that are in aspel"t in a natal chart are bf'ing To get the midpoint we divide thiS sum y ,
• .-1 the Influence leading up to an ev~nt will pf-ak ilMd 280' 55' +2- 140' 275' or 140' 28', rounded
tran5ltrU, <:
t me the event when the transIting planet contacts each of tnf' tw off to tht' nf·arest minute. plane s ex.lctly and abo when it js exactly hdlfway b~twe(:n th:
twO transits In arc. This is equal to 20' 11 28' ,
b tly 180' degrees off. It
T is another situation In whkh the mean orb of the transits approachf:<) £(:ro b Sometimes this t(~(hnique gives an answer that ~ems to e exac een
is not actually off. it is the midpOint taken along the longer ~f the two. arcs betw
., f A ' ut
heft there are two natal facwrs an d ()O{: transiting actor. !) an txamplf:, let us

that we have a trin" from 1 '(

, OS' trJ
4'" . d
,. 56 an a transitin~ plan(~t in earl
say the two planets In this (ase, simply substitute the sign opposite the POSition that you
Genunl There will bt three peab of Influence, The fimt (Jccurs at thfo ('yact transit ~ have obtained. The midpoint of the shorter arc is usually preferred, although for the
leX I e from 1 X 05', and the third is at 4 )( 56', but ther ' is al~o a pea\.- at 3 }( 01' purpoS6 of timing it make!> no difference.
becau~ the anglt\ bttweef1 the transiting fa(tor dnd the earlier natal factor are equal
but O~lte in ~ign, Thi~ peak is often the Ir(mgest of the thrt'e! Ar,lo note that thi$ Sometimes an tvent seem~ to appear out of thin air with no significant corresponding
transits. This is almost dlway,> a mistake resulting from c.hecking the transits
po'n repr~t~ the exac.t transit t(J the point halfwdY bf:tween the two natal fa(tor~,
carelessly. A<; 1 hdve stdted, events are usually limed broadly by long-teon outer-
u.wlly called the midpoint or halfsum. In t~lI<; C(lSf the reader (dn rtadily S('E: that thf
planet transits and more preci-.ely by inner.planet transit. Usually an inner-planet
lran.lltng fa'tor IHonJunct the mldpoJnt of Ih tW() n.tal fclclors.
transit by Itself is not suffici(·nt to signify an important event, except in the following
In tru, ,onnection, II i~ important I() nole that the tran~its b,.twe,.n thf~ transiting
fKtor and the fir~t and ie,ond natal farlM/; were M!ztil~, but the Irclnsit to the ~<ulc 5. On a (('rtdin date a group of transiting planets, perhaps all
midpoint Ii a ,onjunctlon, and il aos Iik.e a (onjlJn( lion relther than a $(»ftile. mner planets, ma~ form a complex of aspects among themselves, U
SimIlarly, If a tran,iting faclor f()fm~ ~imultane()u., trin('s If) pldn/:IS in a natal trine. it t~at complex trClnSlls a n~tal planet, an event will occur In the native'
,ompiem a grand trine for the duralion of the Iran!'>i!. In this (as~ Ih,. trines do not Itfe that ~~ars the ymbohsm of the natal planet combined with th t f
act lJu Innes; in'tead, Ihe inflUfl\ce is like thai of (In OPP(J,>ilil>n. the transltmg planets. a 0

AI this polnt I would like 10 di'WH the method for (aJculatinlo; midpOint'>, which IS Even ,the, tran~iting Melon, whose effe<:t5 are so f1eetin
com~lnatJ(m .. fhe Important point to note here i th g, can enter into uch a
qwte i.mpk firit of all, (onvtrt Ihe longitudl:1! (If the two o(lldl pl(lO(d'> in question ,to
rt'qu'~t'd to bring about the eHell. dnd the event can be at. no. outer-planet tran it i
~_noutJon, that ii, mta.urt lheir anguJ(lr po!>iti()n in the zodiilc fr(Jm O· Anes
opriatht ~h:;~S' principle, which all astrologers are familiar :.uJte ~Ignificant. One examp)
.1_' "nnlng 0 f tnc
ratlllR' than from lhe bt . L_ • ., . h·
&Ign. ThiS 1<; dCJne by clddln~ I .': dPpr ls generally considered quite significant wh . Ith, IS the transi ting ed ipse
va uti UIlTIVed from the fo11 OWing
. tablt 10 the lon1o;itudes cxpres,> ,d 'IT! !l·rms of 1 ,e na taI f actor even h h en It OCCUrs . ,
II.", To convtrt the value 23' "7 36' to 360' notation, we add 30' to 23' 36, con&idered c~itical. t oug olar and lunar transits by them c~nJunct or opp He a
ainins 53' 36' . Ie ves are not u ually

Another related . .
it ~l1d
when th- pnnclple can also <.ause event. t h
ow .. til tab an ther f ~. e are no ap
the fKtor at 13' "flO , actor at 17' 'I. 19' and c:akuldte the midpoint bctw(:('n parent corresponding tran ' 0 apn.
... ~n Sft'mingly
Iltl. out of thin air
36 , W, already have the value for the first position. Rule 6 If
nmt' ~eral planets simultaneousl
~ natu mInor aspect. an event WIll 0 Y transit the n.tal
re of that a.pect and to the plan- ~r that i appr c~rt by the
180' Libra
'MY Scorpio
W 210' I tL' .... InVolved opnate to th
240' Sagittarius n nlS ttxt I hav .
210' Capricorn a'peetl include t~not ~el,ineate? the meanin"
120' Itmiaextile. 30'. qUln~lle, 12 ; the semi

... 300' Aquarius of the transh, by

330" PiKe. , the qUincunx, 150'; the ~:-. 45· i the :Inor a

, , •1

rhm ets Transit

. d consciousness. The
. .. f the circle. Several of these are quite sign'f' . erceptlO n an
radical changes 10 p b t this is not a very
~ Jlhrf mln(lr U l
h !tvl'loM 0 . 'f' . . I ICant .
to have much SlgOl Icance In tranSits. A singl it also signifies events that ca~se 1 ted to "occult" phenomena, u . lanets that
septile is often described as bem~ re a t'S most significant in a transit to P
n. l L I ""I appt'.H . e Iran .
nal hart , "ut Ul h ... isquare, even by a slow-moving outer planet to Sit
al h s 1 e $t '" II d " a na tal meaningful characterization. aspec I
h ' an .. pt'et lit ' lh n or Ascendant, usua y oes not slgmfy much a d
t thl' MI( t'JVt' h' h' n will are related to e;...:h other by septile. h
plant! llr II . notict' However, I e exceptIOn to t IS principle .' • e may not be minor so muc as
I b)' wIthout Olny h ' E' occurs
I It n ' f h t' Iransit$ happen at t e same hme. ven If the tra ' . Quirttile (72') and biqumtde (144). Thes b' to bring about metamorphoses or
., _everill 0 t t'S h I h' nSlhng
W hrnfHr .
t J,I n"t I"rm a
ny aspecb among t emse ves, t ere will be sig 'f' misunderstood. They relate ~o ~orces c~:es~n:re
that very creative energies, but they
f h' . I nl leant
p In I d t Iht' symbolism of t e transIting p anets combined w' th h funJamental changes in ones life. b l' has qualities of both Venus and
." urrence ft' ate (I I t e
:ymb(Jh m l,f thl' natal planets . may be destructive if blocked. TheIr sym 0 Ism Id ones
Pluto, in that they can create new structures and destroy 0 .
Th ("<Imp und tran~it~ can be a source of some .difficulty to the practicing . l ' n the quincunx among the
L~~U r they ace sO easily overlooked, espeClally if the planets transit b . x (150') Many astrologers might object to P aCI g
Ulncurt· I I "f
t than the aspects escn
'bed t
a tn I, er "".. . y Q
ont' r the minor aspt"Cts that are not easily recognized, such as the quintile or septile. minor aspects, but by transit it is usual y ess slgnl Ican. . to arise
length in this book. Transits by quincunx relate to SituatIOnS that seem h
Wh n looking over an event after the fact, the astrologer can very often find patterns
I Ih'~ t .pt that had been overlooked before the event. However, there is a device
spontaneously in the environment and that force one to make a f~tef.ul ch~nge t at
affects one's later life. Many investigators have noticed that they COinCide With health
that an ., ist in finding these transits in advance. Most astrologers know il as a
mt'Chani al aspectarian, or simply as a 300' dial. which is a wheel marked with the crises as well as accidents.
lmplt'tt' 361)' of the zodiac, and the aspects, both major and minor, indicated at the There are other minor aspects, but they are completely beyond the scope of this
appr priatt' pot. In order to use the wheel for our purpose, it is necessary to use it book. As we come to understand them better, 1 hope that they will become the
II when dr wing the chart, so that the planets and house cusps are shown in their
subjects of specialized works.
re I angular relationship along the ecliptic. This is different from the common English
and Amtfican practice (If simply writing the positions into a schematic chart in which
Precession Correction
t twelve hues are repres~nted as equal 30' divisions of the circle.
Another issue that should be considered in trying to predict when transit patterns will
Having erecttd a chart with the aspectarian, you then place the pointer of the dial on reach their maximum influence is the matter of precession. Most astrologers are
th~ d~ 01 each transiting planet and note all the transiting aspects. If the minor . hequinox, otherwise known as the first point of Ar'les, d oes not
aware. that .the vernal
peets are not indicated on the diaL it is easy enough to put them in. With the remam
th stationary
f Wit
. respect to the fixed stars but moves backward th roug h th em at
tandard chart blank used by most astrologers in this country, it is hopeless to keep e r~te.o approXimately 50.25 seconds per year. This is because of the eff f h
Ira 0 tllest minor transits unless you do a great deal of calculating. The beginning ~raV1t.atlOn~1 pull of the Moon and planets upon the rotational de f h ects 0 t e
Its aXIs. ThiS movement has caused the signs of th e zo d'lac and cy the 0 t eI Earth on
tucient can ign re these transits for the present but eventually you will encounter an I'
• conste ~tlons of
e nt that i Slgmfitd ~ntimy by a complex muitiple transit by minor aspects . To help
th e same name to slip out of alignment with each other b ab
how one measures the constellations. Because of t~
~<iN1 with these, I giv~ h~re a list of the meanings that are commonly assigned to out 25 , dependIng upon
astrologers has abandoned the signs based on the vernal s .problem, one group of
~o.dlac, and adopted a zodiac that is fixed w'th equinox, called the "tropical"
Sidereal zodiac." I respect to the stars, ca lIed the
_bUtUt (30') Th' . 'dg the tWO
. IS lSpect seems to create some tension because It bn es cen t
adj aetnl
.' which ha ve no connection with each other symbolicalI y. Adja
' .
The problem fo r .
are of difftrent tlem Is . '1 nerate5 a the two zodiacs us ~s not which zodiac to use, but that t '.
01 ditcomf en ,quadruplicity and polarity. The semlsextl e ge . the
art about the issues signified by the planets or houses involved In
to be noticeable ~ms to differ significantly as a person he hmlng of transits taken in
will be a diff y your late twenties, and when y gets older. This eff..... t h.......
erence of de be ou are se ~'" ~ln
affects the timin one gree tween the tw venty-two years old
..... (~) Ind . . ed together immediately beg~ of outer-planet transits. Even rno o. POSitions, which si . .' t ere
bec:a thIy aft .~4""". (135'). These aspects are dlSCUSS strO~ Sun's or M . lOs to affect return charts th t' re Important thl' b gmficant y
Th ~t:W: in natwt, being much like the square but .1~·keIY to oon s r e t u .
tropical solar
' a IS h , s pro Ie
rn to Its exact natal Pos' . ' c arts cast for th
m a most
pr man.
ud tenaion liNe. between the planetary energies that IS i~vol\·ed completelYa1 return differs from one's side al
. By the a f e ~oment 0 t
ten the positions of the planet r~ solar return b ge 0 thirt - •• one's
&...-le;na "- sh
Y"'. own
.L._. if - .. unable to go along with
.... ~ .
the changes I- whe!l
't but on) S In the ho y tWelve ho .
.J ur .t Onat or lli*tsare quite sigJ\iHcant In tranSl. . I pe~ona1ly feel tha . USes. urs, ·hlch
when ontOCtQn in connection with a major transIt. more useful than ~e signs of the trOpical .
of the sidereal, but I zodi~c give int.- .
'Phl 51" 15' tl go) AIIo
'ous multiples of thIS angle.
fhiS 8Sr~.
~lI\ize tha "'· ..~tive ~ that ~~
t It as J)OSsibl~ t
t innfr oM'. paychological state. Sam ~t the
Timing Transits
Planets itt Trr~a~n~s~'~__- - - - - - - - -

Age Age Age Age

. should trea t the na tal in in
hl.'r words, C)flf • in in
mewing . In ot S· .• the vernal equIn ox mo ve:, Years Value Years Value Years Value Years Value
f II were f' d star . Incl' . I od'
cal zodiac a I 'f they were Ixe .f rd in tht' tropica z lac.
IrOpl h lanelS as I move orwa I
511100 S of I e P .' f Ihe fixed stars ree that a t the very east , 1 0' 50.2" 21 17' 35 .6" 41 34' 20 .9" 61 51' 6.3"
po h pOSllt ons 0 astrologE'rs ag . h I l' 40 .5" 22
backward . I e h's point but many . reeted for precessIon e ps 2 18' 25.8" 42 35' 11 .2" 62 51' 56 .5"
Opinion dI rr
'ff on I I '
' 1' ns of the nata
I chart cor
" n the case c;tudy 0
f N' Ixon 3 2' 30 .8" 23 19' 16.1" 43 36' IS 63 52' 46 ,8"
determining the ~o I I~ent . Examples of this are given I 4 3' 21.0" 24 20' 6.4" 44 36' 51 7" 64 53' 37.1"
. I fI canlly In liming e
Sign 5 4' 11.3" 25 20' 56.6" 45 3142<J 65 54' 27.3"
d Watergate. . 6 5' 1.6" 26 21' 46 .9' 46 38' 32.3" 66 55' 17.6'
an ' . ' n o an even
t the corrected posIti o ns are Im ore . 7 5' 51.8" 27 22' 37.2" 47 39' 22.5" 67 56' 7.9"
. nee has been t hat 10 tlml n f lIow the rules given ear ler 10
My own tx pe ne
. 8 6' 42 .1" 28 23' 27.4" 48 40' 12.8" 56' 58.1"
pt'C1ally If you 0 . . 68
the uncorrectt'd ones, es . that uncorrected transits give 9 1 32.4" 29 24' 17.7" 49 41' 3.1" 5148.4"
ac urate Ihan .' S times It may appear .' I ' d ' 69
hapte r for transit liming . omt' t applying the pnnclpll'S exp alOe 10 10 8' 22.6" 30 25' 8 .0" 50 41' 53.3" 70 58' 38.7"
thISC . I b se you art' no . I' k I
close result , but that IS on y. e.c~u vt'ral transits, one of them IS very ley to 11 9' 12.9" 31 25' 58 .2" 51 42' 43 .6" 71 59' 28.9"
chapter . If an event is SlgntfJe.d. by se th average orb is usualIy greater . 12 10' 3.2' 32 26' 48 .5" 52 43' 339" 72 r 0' 19 .2"
thi S d pOSItIOns b ut e d 't 13 10' 53 .4' 33 27' 38 .8" 53 44' 24.1" 73 1" l ' 9.:)'
be Close using uncorrecte f . ' '11 k the precession-correcte transl s
lanatlon WI ma e
Occasionally , no amount 0 ht'xp the uncorrec ted positions ' but this is not usua
II h
y t e
14 11' 43 .7" 34 28' 29 .0" 54 45' 14.4" 74 r l ' 59.7"
time an event more cIoseIY t an . r can make the uncorrected POSItIons . . .
15 12' 34.0- 35 29' 19.3- 55 46' 4.7" 75 r 2' 50.<J
cate. And frequently no amount of Jugg 109
16 13' 24 .2" 36 30' 9.6" 56 46' 54.9" 76 r 3' 40 .3'
17 14' 14 .5- 37 30' 59 .8" 57 4145 .2" 77 r 4' 30.s"
an event closely . 18 IS' 4.8" 38 31' 50.1- 58 48' 35.s" r 5' 20.8"
. h both ositions are valid but for different 19 IS' 55 .0" 39 32' 40.4- 59 49' 25 .7" 79 r 6' ILl"
AI~nder Marr of Ger~any. beheves.~. ttt For ~he present I would suggest keeping 20 16' 45 .3" 40 33' 30.6" 60 50' 16.0" 80 1"7 1.3"
Purposes , and that. certatnly IS a POSSI I I y. I' f hat works best for you. In
• '1 have a fee tng or w Table 2
track of both pOSItiOns, untl . you h matters different astrologers Precession Correction Values
astrology there is the perenntal proble~ t at. o~ m~~y t more elaborate tests will
have dillereTIt experiences . To settle thIS part~cu ar I I~puh e, t make the precession
is referred to the writings of the siderealists, especiall y Donald Bradley , Solar and
have to be devised. But for the present I WIll exp aln ow 0
Lunar Returns (Llewellyn, 1948) for the precise method of casting these charts . The
corrtction $0 that you can judge for yourself .
general procedure is to follow the rull'S for casting a siderea l sola r return and then
. d Itiply by five, then convert back to the tropical zodiac . The problem is that p recession dol'S not move at
Take the -non', age in years at the time of the transIt an mu tl' on should
r- . Th \ting correc a constant rate, but wobbles slightly . The tables given b y the siderealists enable one
divide by six and round off to the nearest minute . e resu ., s' tions these to correct for this wobble, known as nutation .
then be added to all natal pOIitions or subtracted from all transltmg po \ . n~ both
btl", equivalent. What this dotl in effect is to convert all plan.e tar y ~~~el~ra~siting
natal and traNitl",. from the equinox of one's birth to the equInox ,0 is twenty - The Problem of Triple Transits
date, or vice versa. Here i. an example. Let us say t~at the pers~:: f:;i~ows:
,"en year. and lix months. or 27.5 years. The calculations procee ?nd~Icated
complication that often makes it difficult to identify the time of maximum stress
by . . .
th . a transIt IS that very often an outer planet WIll cross the same degree
ree times - f . f h
27.5 x 5 -137.5 137.5 + 6 - 22.9 thr.....
~'" th . " then retrograde and once more fo rward . At which 0 I e
t'lines Will orward,
e slgmhcant event occur?
D _._~ off d d to a1l
, Th's value is then a d e
to 1M ManIt min... the answer is 23 . I .. positionS , This is not an
,-,.... for the time of the trusit or subtracted from the .t~ansltm~ btra d il occur at an easy qUestion to answer , for it sometimes appea rs that the event can
II alent lull ...·t -
• ..1...1 .....- i t the natal posItions an su . To schemes for~:ne of the three times . Many astrologers have claimed 10 have e\<ilct
,.. correct on 0 . rectlO n .
....- , ....... for that would double the precessl~~ cor btraCI for practice. HoWew to analyze such situations, but most of these schemes r-rea down in
... ... T a the appropriate values to a or su "tr, two basic patterns do seem to apply most of the time .
The first pattern a .
' t can pro~ rather tha!Phes w~enever the triple transit seems to relate to. a ~ong-tenn
• 2615 MCOnds per year a
s of 1950, but I
. oul d not be ~e8,lnrung of the to a smgle e"ent. In this case the first contact tndi tt'S ~he
MOdern hitlory. However, It w ates thai mdlCates the COftdPr~s, the second is a culmination or a crisis, and the third
......"',. ,• •Malre f ession between twO d 51 for You look carefuJty '-dina ~vents in the process. Often this effect is qui~ subtle. but If
~.!';;ould be a. lolard.l_..I
retuThrn c~eader You Will usWllly see events that ~I.te to the fi rs t and I. t cont.1CIS
precessIon a QCU.
Planets in Transit

.. I net It is usually harder to understand the connection of the

of the tranSIting P a .
middle or retrograde transit.
In the second pattern, one of the three. transits will signify an issue for you to handle,
often arising from a single event that IS not repeated at the other two transi ts . If you
handle that issue properly, the other transits may go by without any notice . If you do
not , another issue will arise that attacks the same problem from a different angle , and
this will continue to happen until the problem is taken care of. Favorable or "benefic"
transits, to use the older term, usually seem to conform to the first pattern . But a
difficult transit that comes three times may present one major event or three , Chapter Three
depending upon how you handle the first transit. Needless to say, if you do not
handle the issue during the first transit, by the third time you will probably be so
tired of the problem that you will do whatever is necessary to take care of it.
Case Study:
When a transiting planet goes stationary on a natal planet, it is possible to have a
double transit. Under this condition, a Mars transit will last an entire month and
thereby become a major transit. A planet that makes a station, direct or retrograde ,
Nixon and Watergate
while transiting a natal planet is very significant, and whatever event is signified by
the transit will usually happen at that time rather than during the swifter direct transit
that takes place either before or after the stationary transit.

Since whole books have been written about eclipses, I will not go into great detail
about them here, but I would like to mention some of the basic principles of eclipses
as they affect a natal chart.

An edtpse is a special kind of trllnsit, because as the Sun and Moon are conjoined
tM, both transit a natal planet. An eclipse seems to be most effective when it either
cOl'ljoiftl at' opposes a natal planet, but other aspects may have a weaker effect .
Autharities differ on this point. But if an eclipse transits a planet or an angle by
~doa or COl\lUftCtion, it puts that planet or angle into a high-energy state In
'- capadty to pnerate action is increased, either for both goo.d .or ba~f
f.ditMt_~-*lidtobe4Wi(Ult, but that is not necessarily so. The dlfftculty
-~ . . . . . . . . ~thecondition of the natal planet as indicated by house
.. Ifftoal other natal planets.
. titer when
.. tnore likely to signify a maJor even a . er
!I.l~~l:.,~~~. ~r.lUt:ntIIY Mars or the Sun) that acts as a tn~he
. .".d-uIP energy. Thus the events I related to
n ths later.
may occur up to severa mo Heet
that an ecliPse may have a g:eat. e roY
.. ents, which. In 'nS
recen t transIting e v h h tnggen
the event. But oddly enoug , t e eculiar
couple of months. This n:'ay seem ~tween
1lli1ic,ltIS the close of a malor cycl~ when
"'.II,tes all the time, not lust
Nixon and Watergate

this chapter is to demonstrate the techniqu~ described in the last

The purpose 0 f " h h
chapter. For O case study we will use the chart of .Richard
S M. Nixon , w 0 at t e
time of the Watergate scandals was president of the Umted tates .

First we will examine Nixon's natal chart (shown o~ next page) to see what as~ects
and other indications there are for some ~ccurr~nce like th~ Watergate scandal. Nixon
was born in Yorba Linda, California, 33 N 53, 117"W 49, on January 9, 1913 . The
birth time recorded by the attending nurse was 9:35 pm P .S.T . The chart shows that
Nixon has a Sun-Neptune opposition from the fifth house to the eleventh house , an
indication of a poorly developed reality standard; that is. he is capable of deluding
either himself or others. Note that Neptune is in the eleventh house of friends ,
indicating that he might be likely to attract deceptive friends or be deceived by hi:.

Remember, however, that this opposition is equally likely to manifest itself a a

highly spiritual personality capable of extremely altruistic acts. Nixon got caught in a
web of intrigue because he worked out the opposition between Neptune and the Sun
in the worst possible way. Neptune as a planetary symbol denies the normal demands
of the ego. If a person with this aspect tries to get ahead in the usual manner,
follOWing relatively normal ego drives, he will run into obstacles in his way . Usually
this aspect denotes a severe lack of confidence at some level and the belief that direct
confrontation tactics will not work. Consequently such natives often resort to
d' . '
evlOUS tactles or try to throw dust in other people's eyes.

By itself, this as....,.t

does no t expI'am how N'Ixon got tnto
. t he W atergate sltuatton.
Most perllOns with thO Id .
confr t . IS aspect wou simply be very unassl'rtive and avoid
on allons How N' 1 h
indicated b h ever, Ixon a so as the signs of a very strong ego drive, a
a triple co ~ t e complex of planets consisting of Pluto in the tenth hou l' opp ed oy
nJunction of M M d J . .
Pluto combin t' ars, ercury an uplter 10 the fourth house. Any I 1af'"
. a Ion indicates t d . . ..
Juplter it shoWs tna as rong ego nve, and With the addition of Mer ur nd
Combine this dri t ~ would bend every bit of mental eHort to getting ahead.
Neptune 0PPoaiti ve with the fear of direct confrontation indicated by tn Sun.
Watergate. on, and you have an explanation for tne tactics that led t
Again I l'eptet tbi
They m.J..
er...,. ~
t these planeta_ b' .
-, com mahons did not make Watergate inevitable
pushed to the • type of person who would employ thfle tacti jf he were
IIhew -... .
__ rating at a relatively low l~vel f seJf-awa~MS5.
. &'-"n In the fir t fiOt:se, bet for most of 1M time it was transibr.g the SKO -
(Jr<lfUS fJ<'1JI" d ' . ,
h(J tof:, Td, us in e M:cond oft~n e oles uncertainty In Income. a CI ••a: ze. 1:-. trco~
IJ -ll
\OUT't) (T md £ltvt .LatIOns In income. ixon has experie. ced al of t ~ o::uec
1 r ""Y'
W.. ter~afp, .. I h')..:~h It took a couple of years for them to appear. 'ore
m ()Ttant th .. n hiS transit is tn~ L_ ' o f transits
senes . t h at U ranus ma de to ,.Ixon.s S un-
~ ~tu" .. ()pp()s.llOn during this time, a senes that ultimately timed his fall from
rx iWer with remarkable precision. We will look more closely at that situatio shortly ,
Neptunt Wd~ transiting hi!. third house and made no important planetary transits
t')'(Cpt it quare to Vpnus, which I suspect is not relevant to Watergate.

.. , .. fu t(1 At thi. tIme Pluto was tfdnsiting Nixon's first house, as it had since the hme when e
dId had «Ime ba(~ from defeat in the ]962 gubernatorial race in California. This transit,
whi~h ulntinuro right through his first tE'rm in office and the Watergate scandal of his
(lind term, denotes his strong push for power Dunng the actual 'v\'atergate crisis.
traMiting Pluto qUdtf.'d his ndtal Pluto, which qUite accurately timed an important
event, th .. Watergate break-i n itself ,

Now let u I'xamin(' thc (harts and transits of the more important events In the
Watergate cri~i~ and ec how thcir timing is affected by various factors.

Hr t I thf! break· ·t If Th I
I:: [) T J . · m I Sf', e p anetary positions here are given for 2:00 am
.. " une 17, 1972 Sun 26' " 08'· M 10' "" 02' M ••
26')( 45'f{ . M ; ,".' oon '~ ; ercury 10 ~ 21 ; Venus
12', N I ,ars 22 ~ 45 ; Jupiter 4''0 25'R; Saturn 12' )( 09 . Uranus 14' :::.
, eptunf!3 ..I17"I'luto29 TV 20' d •
lor the Vlflous ab '. ; m('an no e 27 b 43'; tru(' node corrected
!'nough h, jUltify aerralt("nhS In tht' Moon's orbit, 26', b 25'. The time i not accurate
set n oust' cuc;P!t.
As exa .
I mine the transits . h M '.
nata Neptun and " we see I at ars IS In a wide-orbed conjunction wit ,
ppropriate pair of Ir: ~Ide-orbed opposition 10 the natal Sun Thi is :uch .m
the orb. ir 0 wide L;t~ll. fo~ a secret action like tht' brea\...·in that it -eem , l,dd that
' s e 1£ they rt'cllly are that great.
Remember that i
cu p) t f a tr n iling pi ff
v r Ie or~l:e. the venl ignif~~e~ a I~i t mor~ th~n l)ne fact 'r (plan t {r h
am II trr r d f tr n it t all of Ih tYI I tran It will 0 ur at thE' timt' "h n th
of Uro v Ut t circum Ian th a P an ts is 10. (OSt t Zerl, Ii
'wing f _
r orb at we d on't th hi
rl Inl.. I mor n ide I than r I' lfOug Y under'tand ThL pnn Ip e-
" I'tdu Ih rb f h' Il.abl fad but b. u ing thi pnnople-
rom w I It appe rs t be,
Planets in Transit
Nixon and Watergate
.. f the natal Sun and Neptune is 22' "'= 06', which is al
e posItion 0 . b h so the ' . NI'xon's chart should indicate thIS period of favorable luck or
The avera g I nets The only dIfference etween t e midpoint a d ' Iy somet hJOg In
d oint of the twO P a . .. f n the Qb VIOUS , 't ble depending on how you look at It And there is such an
ml p .' h Ithough you can have an average posItion or more th I of the lOeVI a , . . ,
rage pomt IS t at a .' . I h an two de ay, Th hout the period preceding the Watergate break-tn, transItIng
ave . ' dOff' It to apply the midpomt pnnclp e to more t an two , Consid ' d'catlOn roug
lanets , It 1< I ' lCU b ~ In ~ 'oing retrograde back to late SagIttarius. In the months after Watergate,
P t f the Sun and Neptune to e 22' - 06' re uces the orb enng
d f h
the average pom JUpIter
, was tg tationary directly opposltton ., PI uto an d conjunct
' N'Ixon 'sf ourt h -h ouse
. M to 39' This isn't bad, but It can e re uce Stl'I further
0 , b d d lO by ap I 't e JupIter
transItIng l a r s · , Ch h' , P Ylng , I wen s
' nction It moved very slowly forward through.September and only really
" 'pIe that was referred to m apter 2, t e pnnClple of prece ' tnp e conJU ' . . ,
anol her pnna d ' SSlon d off the conjunction at the end of October , 1972. ThIS eastng off of pressure IS a
. The natal positions are moved forwar 5 for every six years of I'f e
correct JOn, . ' . Ie, mo: I effect of Jupiter transits, Jupiter opposition Pluto represented the height of
Referring to the table of precessIon, correctIOn m Cha~~er 2, we find that the typJCa . " '
Nixon's personal Jupiter-Pluto cycle, whIch among other thtngs IS the dnve for
tion is 50' of arc. If we add 50 to the average posltton of the natal Sun d
corree k h "M I' an personal success and. power , Under any ot~er circumstances this w.ould have been the
Neptune, we get 22" "'" 56' . This ma e~ t e transltmg ars on y 10 short of being an
supreme peak in hIS hfe, and actually It was, except th~t , Ix~n dId not take
exact transit at the time of the break-m and represents the few hours that it would advantage of it as he should have, With such powerful energIes tn hiS favor, he could
have taken for Nixon to learn that som~thing ,had gone wrong, ~ars transiting Sun have been much more open about Watergate , and he would have been able to totally
and Neptune is a sign of vigorous, secrettve actIOn that may resul t In defeat. defuse the whole issue. He couldn't have been totally open about it, because he was
guilty of participating in the cover up conspiracy , as later events revealed . But Nixon
When we look at the transiting Pluto, we see that it is approaching the natal Pluto-
chose to act in a way that is appropriate to an unconsCIous Sun-Neptune opposition
Mercury-Juplter-Mars complex and squaring that axis. But the orbs are rather large,
and none of the transits seems very precise. Pluto had been in this position for some type, for he was afraid of direct confrontation .
lime, and here we have the problem of triple transits - that is, we could not tell
The pressure began to build again in earnest in early 1973 . In January the Watergate
which one of the three transits of Pluto would trigger the event. This problem was
trial began, but it involved only the burglars, McCord and Liddy who refused to
discussed in Chapter 2. In looking over the charts, there is also some possible
implicate anyone higher up, However, suddenly on March 23 , 1973, Judge John Silica
confusion as to which of the natal factors - Mercury, Mars, Pluto or
announced that he had received a letter from McCord clearly indicating that persons
Jupiter - squared by transiting Pluto would time the event. One would be justified
higher in the administration were responsible for Watergate and that they were tryin
in thinking that Pluto could be squaring Mars, squaring Pluto or squaring the average
pOSItion of Mars and PI\lto, The average position of Mars and Pluto is 29' 01
to cover up the ,sca~dal. During this same period, the Senate created the specia~
Watergate JOveshgatmg committee headed by Sam Ervin. The first of these two
mutables, which is the closest position to the transiting Pluto without precession developments: the letter from McCord, extended the life of the Watergate grand jury
correction The orb is 13' of arc. However, if we apply the precession correction of whlc~ otherwIse would probably have folded up its operations and gone home The
SO', we find that the corrected Pluto is 29' )( 19', an orb of one minute of arc from an
creatton of the Senate committee, on the other hand, led to the single most imp~rtant
exact square with transiting Pluto. Like all squares, that of transi ting Pluto to natal
:::~ttl tnt th.e whllole Watergate investigation, the revelation of Nixon s system of
Pluto denotes a crisis in which the person is tested in some way. With Pluto, the test y aptng a conversations in his office.
is about power. It should be said that this event could have occurred on any of the
contacts between Pluto and the natal Mars or Pluto or their average position, Mars As a result of these activities pressure b b 'ld .
aspecting his natal Sun and Neptune served to time the event more precisely, which is Prior to that time m t A ' , egan to UI against the admimstration
W os mencans had agreed with N' , h
typical. In most cases either the Sun or Mars plays this role. atergate as a second t b I Ixon s c aracterization of the
that something more s;;.a e urg hary , B~t at this point many people began to realize
Transiting Neptune is square Nixon's natal Venus, but it is difficult to determine 10US was appemng.
exactly, wh~t t~is means in relation to Watergate. It is more likely to indicate In the administratio J h
wmet~ng In ,hiS personal life that we know nothing about. Neptune does square continuing h'IS role inn, th 0 n Dean began to hav e d ou b ts about the wisdom (\
matter and' f e coverup, He warned N' b
clemency. ~~ ormed him of the burglars' dem ~xo~ a out the seriousness of the
VenUiln the 51.xth, 50 thil transit could indicate a disa'ppointment in the area of work,
althouah this II not appropriate to the symbolism of the transit. A health problem Haldeman' ese eVents in turn led t th
~n s .or hush money and executive
would be more hkely, and it is probable that his phlebitiS problem first flared up at transit wer;n April. Clearly, the benev I e reslgnation~ of Dean, Ehrlichman and
tNt IUM, Iince Venus has to do with t lit:
L - bl
00 d system, gone, What Was ha ,~ ent. and prot~cttve effects of l'i on's Jupit r
F' PpenlOg 10 hiS chart?
Ont 01 1M mOlt remarkable aspects of the h I Watergate scandal was that in th~ Irst of a1l t
,ranslli S
months a/lff the break-in and durina the woe, N' on did such a good job 0 mnth
. house , Was c ng . aturn, which h a d retrograd d b k
huthing up Watft'pte and convindna the campalg~hat ~~ was nothing more than "~ mto Nixon's te hOmang back again for th h' e ac across hi!' • 1 C Into the
burglary attempt" that It i I,~~untryh'
M '
' I 'ficant about his conduct 0
mp l~ not 109 SlgOi . ' ply as
harvest of Con nt house. Thus w Ide t lTd pass. This was S.itum's final entrv
point in life R,5eQuences, both nega:' cou d reasonably expect the beginntng th"
prHlucncy" OIt people cOntidtred the Democrats' allusions to It Slm , entembe h Ive an positiv f N'
r t at this transit doe e, 0 Ixon's preparation h r thh
rhftOrK and rffuetd to tab the matter seriously, s not havt' tl' be all that diffi ult it the
Nixon and Watergate
Planets hI Transit -----------------------
------------------- " ' preparation apparently had too many weak 5,T" t hen
look up the same value for the new place of residence. If the longitude is
btract the figure from the prevIous
' resuI t. If t h i ' d e IS
e ongltu ' east, a
ddt e
d But Np(ons d h" d
rson is well prepare .
'Ihstand the pressure
pOints to I'll
that this transit place 1m un er .

the return of transiting Uranus for a retrograde pa

~est, s~hiS new value is the resulting S.T, for the locality chart at the new residence .
fIgure. locality chart for Was h IOgton
Nixon's ' DC ' ' Sh own b e1ow.
The ~econ d Impor tant event wassition This had happene d the f'Irst time during h'ss
. .s Sun.Neptune
to Nixon . I gely offset by the benevoI
oppo· ' 0 f Jupiter alreadIS
ent transit
. b
reelection, u . 't then It wash wever there was no protectIOn. A Iso there was y
ar .
_, d
rl:lerre" to ThiS time, 0'
t nsiting .'
Uranus and transltmg Neptune , so that every time onea
semiSquare between 'tra d Nixon's chart , the other d'd I a Iso. Wh et h er or not you appl
of these planets transl tion e to Nixon's natal pOSitIOns,
.. th ' encompass thY
ese transits
the precessIOn corree . e
hottest period (or him in the spnng of 1973.
Of major importance during this period were the resig~ations of Dean, Ehrlichman
and Haldeman, which were announced on the evenmg of April 30, 1973 . The
ositions for midnight G.M.T. of May 1 were as fol~ows: Sun 10' <,y 29'; Moon
f4' "( 48'; Mercury 20' 'Y' 54'; Venus 16' <,y 00; Mars 24' = 56'; Jupiter
10' -= 45' ; Saturn 18' ){ 29'; Uranus 20' ""'" 12'; Neptune 6' ./ 45'; Pluto 2' ""'" 07'.

We can see immediately that Uranus at this time was closely square the Sun in
Nixon's chart. In fact, if we add 50', the correction for precession to Nixon 's Sun, we
get the position 20' 1> 14', only two minutes of arc off the exact transit as of midnight
on May 1, 1973. The transit had been exact within the last twenty-four hours . Also
we can see that transiting Saturn was very closely exact square Nixon's Ascendant. 2'1 'Y(: 0'
Nixon's precession-corrected Ascendant is 18' 111, 15', only fourteen minutes from the
transiting Saturn square. Remember that even with the most accurately recorded Locality Chart of Richard M. Nixon for Washington , D.C
birth date, it is common to find an error this large in the M.e. and Ascendant. In Houses: Koch (Birthplace)
fact, this is a good argument for the accuracy of Nixon's recorded birth time.
In the locality chart, Neptune is recisel h
Let us digress a moment to ask a question. Granted that Nixon's Sun-Neptune close to the I.e. in the thl'rd h p M ~ on t e M.e. by longitude. and the Sun is
ouse, OVtng to Wa h ' h'
opposition is a significant aspect, why was it so especially critical for him? Many natal chart right on the most f I I s tngton put t IS aspect in Nixon s
people go through life without anywhere near the problems that Nixon had to advocates of equal house d' " powh~r ,u p ace in the horoscope . And even lor
IVISlon, t IS IS a strong f i
contend with. Granted also that his problems were largely self-created, or at least square the Ascendant Th ' Igure, rOr the opposition is also
Washington DC d' h' e meantng of this change is that Nixon s
self-exacerbated, we still have to account for the peculiar power of this aspect. One , , ma e IS Sun N t ' move to
would expect the transits to Nixon's Mercury-Pluto-Mars-Jupiter complex to be the transiting Uranus ' - ep une attnbutes most powerful N t h
, , was go 109 back d f rt h ' 0 e t at t e
more important influence in timing the major events of this period. At the time, I ~~slnJonbthat
the natal M,e. and Aans °d ovler the locality Ascendan t. It is~\'
cen ant a ways t k
explain events th IS case the locality cusps give addif a e l ~refceden~ over locality
thought so too, and predicted that Nixon's fall from power would come in June, 1974, ps, ut In th'
in5tead of August, as actually happened. at are otherwise difficult t d 10na 10 ormatIOn, helpin to
0 un erstand
I n the mo th '
Thr. aNwer lies at least partly in the locality chart, a technique to which I was not N' n s after h'
Ixon. Astrol'
IS aides resigned th
pay"" enough attention at the time, The locality chart is the native's birthchart Neptune axis ~~lca.lIy, We find that no; on~ pr~ssure continued to build up a 3lnSt
erected as if he ~ere born at a place of residence other than the actual birth place , The Saturn came in f h~s chart and the 10 I' Y Mdld Uranus continue to afflict t e - un-
~TG.M.T. II UHd in erecting this chart, but a correction is made f~r the neW Or Its f'Irst pass over thecaPIItyt M.C and A scen dant . but In additl n
. . ,Therefore the plantts art the ume but the houses are different. SInce NIxon On JUly 16. 1973 u 0- ercury-Jupiter-.1ar c mple ,
'::erbom In ~bfomia, the locality cha~t for Washington D,e. would be qUIt,: affair when Ii ,the largest s· gl
Lon ;:,from hll n,atal ~re is the method in brief. Take a copy of Der~~YiS c' erbert 8 In e bomb w d
N~mmlttee that a Wh utterfield stated in t a~ ropped concerning the Watergate
L-_t~ '7' aob"d ~trhuh. m th, Umttd States and look at the last column, ~hlc to ot~:~'::~ice. Prior syste:h;;:~n~ecb~:~:
rJUWU, 0 t~lIn C M T dd f b' h Add thIS ftgure taping the Senate Watergate
thl 5 T . ' .. , a to l.M,T." for the place 0 Irt. , iding

hi I' '. of the bmhchart. If the pJac. ian't in Dernay, this figure is gotten by dlv a tal
onBltuck In arc by 15. If the lo"litucie is east, subtract the figure from the n
Inst the Word f nne. the issue was De ,\.
o the president and his a; . every C O\'ersati n in
s teshmon • and that ... a e\\
ot er aIdes. It wa the tapes that

Planets in Transit
Nixon and Watergate

event.ually .brought Nixon's career down. Although the tape system had been
mentIOned In closed session a couple of days before. the public announcement was AI Mars and Jupiter were simultaneously affecting Nixon's natal Uranus and his
made on July 16. shortly after 2:00 pm E.D.T Here are the positions at that time . so. dant . an example of a minor aspect . by transit producing a significant result .
A scen .
Sun 24' ~ 02; Moon 'T .. 51 · Mercury 29' ® 44' R ; Venus 19' 1> 54'; Mar~ The reason is that both Mars and Jupiter th~ As~endant b~ sesquiqua~r~te (135'>'
It) 'Y' 08' : Jupiter 8' =- 51 ; Saturn 28')( 07' · Uranus 19' "'" 07'; Neptune but on opposite sides . Thus the Ascendan.t .10 Nixon s chart sphts the transltmg square
4' ~. 55: Pluto 2' "'" 00' · nodes (true) 'T IIJ. 39 . of Mars and Jupiter . Squares and opposItions to Mars and Jupiter are characterized
by impulsive actions. Transiting t:A ars was at 2' t,; 58'. and Jupiter was at 3' - 06'.
The most outstanding transits are the simultaneous assault upon Nixon 's Sun- Their average position is 3' 02 of the fixed signs . Nixon's natal Ascendant is
Neptune opposition by transiting Mars. Sun. Uranus and Mercury . Some of these 11 I1P 25' , with precession correction 18' IV 15', which is very close to the exact
orbs may seem rather large. but if you calculate the average position of these four sesquiquadrate to the average Mars and Jupiter, especially since the actual firings
planets in the cardinal signs, simply by adding up the positions and dividing by four , took place before 0 :00 hours C.M.T ., the time for which these positions are given .
you will find that the average of these four positions is 22" cardinals 15'. Nixon's Sun-
Neptune average position is 22' "'" OS! This array of simultaneous transits is an There were several other significant events during that period. but let us tum now to
example of the principle that an event of great significance will not be triggered by Nixon 's resignation speech. It can be used to demonstrate particularly well the
just one transit. In this case the positions that are not precession-corrected give the principles of transit timing that have been described in this book because it can be
more accurate time. Work at this time seems to indicate that both the precession- timed precisely. The speech was given on Au~ust 8 , 1974 at the While Ho
corrected and the noncorrected positions have to be taken into consideration in such Washington. O ..,C 38 • N 54 ' . 7 'T W 02 • . Watching on live televiSion, I timed use
cases. although the precession-corrected ones seem to have a higher success average . beginning of the speech at 9:05 E.D.S.T. The chart of that moment is shown b e Iow.

Two other powerful transits at this time. transiting Saturn and Pluto. are hitting Here .again. the .natal Sun-Neptune opposition is the point that is under attack by the
Nixon's Mercury-Mars-Jupiter-Pluto axis. The average position of this axis in Nixon's transits.
. s natal Sun-Neptune . midpoint is 22' -""- OS' . When we exam me . th e
natal chart is 29' 59' of the mutable signs. The average point of the transiting Saturn- transits to hiS natal chart, we find the following transits to th S N
Pluto is O' 04' of the cardinals. Here again, the uncorrected orb is smaller. If you 'd . .. , e un- eptune
ml pOInt: Moon br OppOSItion, orb -34 ; Neptune by semisquare, orb -13'; Venus
check the delineations for all of these transits, namely Saturn transiting conjunct by square, orb +41 ; Mars by semisquare orb +45' · and Uranus b . . b
• , . " y conJunction . o r
natal Pluto and opposition natal Mercury. Mars and Jupiter, you will have a good +2 12 . The two semlsquares are very important because they are on opposite sides of
description of the crisis. The other transit complex, consisting of transiting Mercury.
Mars. Sun and Uranus to Nixon's natal Sun and Neptune, is most dearly relevant
when it is viewed as a whole. Mercury rules communications and announcements ;
Uranus. suddenness; Neptune concerns deceptions. Mars serves simply to reinforce
17·.... Z7
the disruptive nature of the transit. The transiting and natal Suns demonstrate the
importance of this transit, and the transiting Sun also acts as a timing factor. The
reader will also note that the locality M.e. and Ascendant are powerfully involved in
this collection of transits.

After early August. the Senate committee recessed until September, which quieted
things down for awhile and took the heat off Nixon. The committee continued to be a
powerful force in the investigation, but not to the extent that it had been.

During the fall, several other matters took the heat off Nixon. the first being the
7· ... 32·
Mideast crises and the resulting oil embargo. Second, there was the Agnew affair.
which culminated in Agnew's resignation from the position of vice-president. But on
October 20, the heaviest storm thus far broke when Nixon fired Archibald Cox and
William Rudelshaus, while Elliot Richardson resigned in protest. the famouS
"Saturday Night Massacre." This was the action that led to the beginning of
impeachment proceedings. The main transits in effect on that day were the Sun and
Uranus hitting Nixon's Neptune. The average position of the transiting Sun and
Ur~nus is 25' cardinal5 34'. The precession-corrected natal Neptune is 2S"® 36' . Of
COUIW, these are not the positions for the exact moment of firing, since that time is
unbown. The important fact is that when Uranus again hit the Sun-Neptune axis
tM heat began to build again for Nixon. CIltrt Of the Da..
-winning of Nixon' . .
H~s: KOCh (81 S ReSignation Speech
Planets in Transit
the natal Sun-Neptune midpoint such that their midpoint is conjunct natal Sun-
... , t This is similar to the situation at the time of the Saturday Night Massacre
."ep une . '
with the transiting Mars-Jupiter square.

In this case we shall calculate the. average transiting or~s instead of the average
ositions, because the semisquares are not multlples of 30 . (See Chapter 2 on transit
~ming, page 21. ) We add together all of the orbs, getting a total of 171'. This is
divided by the number of transiting planets, which is five , to get an average orb of Chapter Four
+33', ThiS is quite close, considering that the transiting Moon is part of this pattern
and if we add SO', the precession correction to the natal Sun-Neptune midpoint, thi~
orb is converted from +33 to -18. During the course of the speech , the transiting
Moon would move enough to reduce that figure to 0' , Thus the resignation actually
did occur at the peak of combined energy of all the transits, as described in Chapter 2.
The most curious factor in this event is the role of Venus. Obviously, if you take the
Venus transit out of context of the other transits, the results would not make much
sense , But with the other transits, it simply indicates an event that affected Nixon's
overall happiness and his relationships in general, not necessarily just sexual

Admittedly it is difficult to use the techniques for transit timing in advance of an

event. However. with the dawn of the computer age, it is possible that we will be able
to work out precise techniques for transit timing, based on the principles described in
this text.

Significance of Transiting Sun

" S ' 'te important in predictive astrology because the energy source
Th e translttng un IS, qUiI the energy source of the horoscope Th' f d
e Sign 0 an aspec
f h olar system IS a so L_
o t e sIS h more influence over the general condition of the horoscope hldn
t the nata un ave , S ' h .
o I t except possibly the Moon, And the transitmg un s c angmg
any other pane, I I h h
, h' th natal Sun determines how you react to the annua so ar r yt m , a
relatiOns Ip to e h h h' h d d
eyc Ie t hat IS ex ceeded in importance only by the diurnal r yt m , w IC epen s upon
the apparent revolution of the Sun around the Earth every twenty-four hours .

Physically, the Sun rules the basic energy of the body and the body .as an energy
system, Consequently the transiting Sun can have a great effect on feelings of health
and vigor.

Psychologically, the Sun rules the energy of the psyche, what Jung called the " lIbido"
or the basic drive to be, When the transiting Sun afflicts the natal chart. you can expect
crises in which your will comes into conflict with someone elses. You may be
challenged to assert yourself and stand up for your rights, The area of your natal chart
affected by the transiting Sun points out the area of your life in which you must e. press
yourself at the time. If you allow yourself to be unnecessarily defeated during a solar
transit. the effects may be psychologically quite negative. In extreme cases, affliction
from the transiting Sun can indicate health problems,

The transiting Sun I h d ' h' I h

' a so as to 0 Wit men In genera w om you may encounter and
persons In autho 't f' h Affl"
hI ' n y 0 elt er sex, !Chons from the transiting Sun often indicate
pro ems wllh authorities or men.

However, the t r i ' ,

works as foll ggenng function of the transiting Sun is even more important , an i it
ows. long-te t 'b h
natal planets f rm ranSlts y t e outer planets are often in effecth't' ran e
. or weeks " f "
will Occur Ho . so It IS 0 ten difficult to tell when an event related to the tra , it
. wever'f h .
outer planet and ~ I t e Sun transits the natal planet that is being tran ited b ' t
event to OCCur at tht r~by aspects the transiting plant't, you can e peet th d !>I'Ii
planet 't at time The S b' ,
I transits A. d" un nngs Into focus the issue related to the h u r
same tim L_' n If the natal I . b' ,
. e, tue Sun b . h P anet IS elng transited by another planet t the
aIso mvol &oJ rangs t e oth I .
a transit ofVq.a with.L
.,,_ ,,~ transIting . . S er p anetary transit . into focu 'A tran
. it ttut
. i mt
' I
Sun IS ... Sun to un may not register at all. Theref\. re when 'l'U h 't
a So t your na~l h
rallli~ by another I oros~o~. See whether the planet transited b, th
p anet. If It IS. that should be a ignitl ant da)', Transl
Planets in Transit Sun
o have greater control of your life through
h . e you now wa n t t ' II '
of the Sun alone without another simultaneous transit signify events of lesser an any ot er tim . . I level this may mean that you WI acqUIre
More th I On the matena I
importance . things that you va ue. . control over your own life or over other peop e.
the d to gain more B t
possessions in or ~r level it indicates a need to assert your value system. u
On the psychologICal . ht to their own values. You should stand up for your
Sun in the First House ber that others have a ng ,
remem b obliterating someone else s .
At this time of year. for approximately one month. you will be able to recha rge own. but not y
yourself. so to speak. for the year to come. You will become more concerned With
Sun in the Third House
personal matters and less with the world at large. This period is self-centered in a
positive sense in that it is born not of selfishness. but of a real need to look at YOurself r attention toward you r immedIate surroundings and
. this house turns you . '
and fi nd out what you need for further progress. The Sun In . ' th frl'ends neighbors relatives and buslOess assocIates -
r interactIOn WI . ' h
increases you I ' h ery day It is a good time to look at how you handle t ese
I ou dea WIt ev . f
Because the Sun is the source of all energy in the horoscope and because the first house the peop e y h' h t are so important for y our life. O fte n we develop un ortunate
is the projection of your personality. this transit indicates a time when you can project casual relations IpS t a . t'ng wI' th these people w hich undermine our effectiveness
. I h b't in commUnica I .
yourself with more forcefulness than usual. It is an excellent time for making an htt e a Ib~\'t to communicate with them . In fac t. clear communication should be one
impression on others. but you must be careful because you will not be especially and our a I I Yf h' 'od With the Sun in this house there is a temptation to pour out
f the goals 0 t IS pen . . '
sensitive to their needs. This is because of the self-centeredness mentioned above . You o d k n in But try to avoid this. Instead of always b elOg the active agent
energy an ta e no e . . .
are wrapped up primarily in your own concerns and are likely to have a very subjective . . t'on be the passive one, too - 10 other words, hsten!
'" commUnica I .
viewpoint on most matters . For this reason. you may find it difficult to work wi th
others during this transit. If your efforts to work on projects with others don't seem to . . 1 tl' me of year when the tempo of y our life accelerates. There is more
T hIS IS a so a
get anywhere now, perhaps you should defer them until later. First you should take activity. more moving around and even a sense of restlessness that ~an be assuaged
care of the proper business of this transit. which is to experience yourself in a subjective I by getting out and doing something new and differen t. You mIght take up the
on y h k .
frame of reference . study of a subject that you have never encountered b efore. or you mIg t ta e a , en~
of short trips. Taking a vacation at this time will work out. bu t you might find It
Under certain conditions this transit may also result in marital problems, but only if difficult to break away from the patterns of your everyday life w h ile on vacation . You
there are other. more serious transits. Nevertheless. this is not one of the best times for should integrate traveling into your routine at this time. instead of using it to get away
resolving marital conflicts. from your everyday life .

You have a great need to express yourself now, and it is a valid need. No purpose will This is an especially good time to tell someone clearly how y ou feel ab out some subject.
be served by denying all your own needs in favor of a misguided concept of duty . If others have been confused as to what you are doing or thinking in some area . you
There are times. and this is one of them. when your first duty is to yourself. and if you should be able now to communicate your real thoughts and in ten tions. Don t leave
don't fulfill that duty, you will be of little use to anyone else. people in the dark about yourself. Your mental processes should b e relatively clear
now. and you can use this ability to get through to others , If you don't feel clear
. . h' this is a g 00 d t"Ime to consl d er your own posItion
' . a nd make it clear For you
Sun in the Second House t h IS IS t I . . .
e natura hme of year to do this .
At this time you should reflect upon your values and the things that you value .
Traditionally the second house is the house of money and of moveable property. as
oppoted to real estate. In modern times we refer to it as the house of resources in Sun in the Fourth House
senecal and of what we value, both abstract values and material objects. During this At this time of ye ar
and the peopl h you focus your concerns upon your most intimate per nal Ii e
month-Ions transit you should examine your relationship to the resources of your life. famI'1 laT
' SUrToueW
Do they Hl'Ve your needs, or do you serve theirs? Many people, out of a misguided d' 0 affect it mos t . your fami'l y an d paren ts 'x ou Will
' want to b in
you can build a s I'Ings now and f ee I th h
at you ave some k in d of center l'r pla.:-e where
need for II«Urity. ~ecom~ so inv~lved with their possessions that they cannot act freely
for far of damaging their own an teres ts. that is, property interests. At this time yOU Although You sho:l~ bas~ for your activities . For m os t people thiS mean, lm .
need to express yourself through your material and nonmaterial resources using them ~our personal life is . contmue to live up to the demands of the outer \, l,r1d bee u.
Inward . Not only inInterdependent' Wit h It.
. you should focus mo. t I.'t 'our att nti n
to deflM you to yourself and others, For example. you may feel like havi~g a party or
sense . Even Ward to your I I'
other celebration 10 that your material resources can give pleasure and amusement to subject' l1\o~ than th S • pers~na lfe. but a lso inward in a p ,-h I( i
yo ur friendl. You may want to show off something you own to others. because yoU getting 7:I cO
I\lc:iOUlness o;fee~~ s transIt through the first hu e, thi~ 1- tim
tue.o much pleasure in it yourself. ObViously this can be carried too far so that your spend til1\et~eh With y~ur ow~n~actIY wh~re you are w ith respect t th \\' rid and
bth, v!or is obnoxious to others. but it can also be a source of good tim~ for yoU and ncolltttnplar pest levels. If necessar • go ff b 'ur It an
your friends, Ion or meditation ,

----- ------------------------------

Events that occurred in the past may come back to you now through memories d
through consequences of those events that continue to affect you now. It is often :~ d effectiveness. Strive to make every action as much to the point as
efficiency an d d f
to find out what effects your past, your upbringi~g and the experience of Your fami~; . I lour work this is a goo time to examine an re ine your techniques and
have had upon you. You may want to call m another person, perhaps even posslbde.
proce uresn, ror your mind can work clearly and sharply to discover th(' best way of
professional counselor, to help you examine the role of the past in your present lifea doing things.
You may find that the past has generated behavior patterns that are completel;
inappropriate for your life now and that such patterns are a major SOurce of T heon Iy P roblem you may have to' contend
. with at this time is that you will pr.obably
tension for you . At this time of year, psychological self-evaluation can be of enormous nol be on top of the heap . That IS , you wlfH p.robably hav.e to work accordtng to
b ecause 0 thiS, you can ftnd out whether you can
help in your personal growth. someo ne else's wishes or needs . But
" .
lower your ego drives whe~ the situation reqUl~eS It. If ~o~ cannot: y~u are likely to
encounter quite a bit of discomfort and confhct at thiS time. ThiS IS the house of
Sun in the Fifth House service, and you cannot spend all your efforts getting your own way now . Even if you
According to tradition, the Sun is happiest in the fifth house . With the Sun here, you are your own boss, your actions will be dictated by someone else's needs, such as a
feel most free to express yourself and to be yourself. Your primary drive is to do What client's or a customer's . Or your sense of obligation may be internal. You may have to
live up to your own high standards of self-control.
you want and as much as possible to set your own priorities. You are not especially
interested in dominating others, although you may be capable of it at this time, but you
will vigorously oppose anyone who tries to prevent you from doing what you want Nevertheless, this doesn't have to be a time of repression and self-denial. without
todo. satisfaction. You can derive quite a bit of satisfaction from dOIng things well, and that
will mean more to you now than any other kind of satisfaction .
The fifth house is often described as the house of amusement and recreation. Therefore
you have a strong drive to get out and have a good time, and there is no reason why This transit also concerns physical efficiency. This is a house of health , but that does
you shouldn't, as long as you make some effort to meet your daily obligations a~d not mean that your physical health will necessanl y be worse than usual. However, you
restrictions. But the free-spirited drive of the fifth-house Sun may not want to do thiS, will be more inclined to look at your body and to see how its functioning can be
which can be a problem. At any rate you will feel lighter than usual throughout this improved. You may be unusually concerned with health and hygiene, which can be
period. quite beneficial, as long as you don' t get wrapped up in it to the point of obsession.

You may have great concern with children flow, although this does not mean t.hat you Sun in the Seventh House
will have problems with them. It only means that your emotional involvement IS great.
If you have children, this is a good time to examine your relationship with them . Also At this time o~ year you should learn more about yourself through intimate on('-Io-one
you could combine two of the activities associated with this house and take your encounters With others. You will form working units With other people for variou
children out to have fun with them. ~urposes, and through these units you will understand more about the effects that you
Pave Upon others. Already existing relationships of this sort will serve the arne
urpOse, as you becom . fh .
Your attitude toward your relationships is much lighter al this time, almost as if you e more conscIOUS 0 ow you operate within them.
saw your relationships as a stage upon which you can perform. At any rate , you favor One of the most im ort hI ' '.
more than usual the relationships that are fun. This same drive may lead you to a arrangement If Pant suc re atlOnshlp IS marriage, whether or not It IS a legalized
new love relationship with the opposite sex, although that is more likely if this trend . you are marr'ed th" .
spouse and to d' I ,use IS time to examine your relationship with your
is confirmed by other transits. Try to disCove/~over what nee~s this relationship does and does not fill in vour lite.
relationship WL._tOh ~e!1 you fill your spouse's needs as well. In any seve~th-h u e
h' ' l i e er It IS . b ' .
But don't get so wrapped up in yourself and your enjoyments that you forgel to sb I~, you and Your a marn~ge, UStness partnership or other kind of partner-
examine yourself. This is the time to be yourself, but it also is the time to beco r 7 USlness n" partner functIOn as an' t . h
,...rtner, or in a II areas, as With
. a
' ..
u I , Fel t er tn a speclf IC
_ area. a, \\,th a
conscious of who you are. It is one thing to be yourself; it is another to know you rsel . good fory
You can use this time for both. OUfPartner h . spouse. or your Own benetit, you must be a
. as e Or she IS for you .
ThiS is nOt a r
You shOuld Ime of the year when .
Sun in the Sixth House person i try to Work w'th you should try to go It alone in an\' type f acth'itv
nu. tra is quite different from the immediately preceding one. Now is the .time t~ whalev;
f~ldad"isory cap~cit
." Y
syorn)eobne u~lnlOn
or at Ie. ast seek out the
. n UStness th O . .
)f anoth' r
.xamjrw the problem of how you should manage your II'fe an d w h at dutiesdone, an t e requi~ 0\1 are involVed' I IS a good time to ~'n,ult expert' In
rflpoNibi'ities that mtails, This is a house of work, of tasks that need to ~~ be on Some type of Ia.lhe same app!' In . A consultant, lawyer or other speciali t Ola ' fit
which may necessitate postponing immediate gratification. Your focus shou rnisht cOI\suIt 'd ~Iing
___ ' if YoU I~have to your
not bpersonalbl life. where }'OU rna • b nefll En m
~ovr, lawyer h . een a t' h) solve ('ertain probl m•. ) 'U
'P5yc 0108 1st, psychiatrist or eV('n an a Ir I er. u-h
Planets tn
------.------------------------------- ------

. an independent perspective against which to measure You

people can give you r OWn possible - through study , new and unfamili.u expl'rl('ncc , trovel or by m 110
views of the situation. people from tOlally different b~ckground'" who can r(·veal dnother it pt'ct of ttl/' w(lrld
Strive to make even the most triVial encounter a positive learnin ,.,u exper'en
I , (e. .
Sometimes the one-to-one encounter may take the for~ .of a conflict. Conflict can be
. b cause it forces you to examine your own posItion more thoroughly and th
creative, e ,us This is an extremel~ f~vorable tlm~ to undertake a new courr.e of study, a n w hobby
become more aware of yourself, You and your ~pponent form ~ pair, j~st as you and a or intellectual diSCipline, It doesn t ' matter . I
whelht>r you art: study'lng f or G pr,t tlea
, ,
partner do. For this reason, the seventh house IS connected With confhcts at law , and purpose ,or for enJoy~ent as long as It stimulates your Intellect and giv you a br( d r
this could be a time when you have legal dealings of this sort, although this would have perspective on the universe ,
to be confirmed by other indications in your chart.
The same function can be served by doing thmg5 that are differt>nt from your normal
routine, This is not the time to retreat to your home. except for reading or tud
Sun in the Eighth House , ed If you cannot get ' d' y, 5
mentl~n ' mter~ste m a new mental activity, recognize that you
You may feel the influence of this transit on a number of different levels, But in general are stili eager for new ~nderst~ndmg and satisfy this need by breaking out of your
you will consciously direct your attention to the subtler aspects of your psyche, your every,da~ mold and gettmg out, mto t~e ~roader world Travel would be it good w Y 10
feelings and emotions and your general psychological health, Often this transit is an do thiS, If you can arrange for It at thiS lime of year But a trip should not be for purely
indication that you are much more in touch with this part of your being than usual , recreational purposes , You should go somewhere where you can learn something
and it would be very good to take a look at your inner self, The activities of the
On another level, this tr~nsit can indicate involvement or concern With the law,
everyday world do not always permit this, and you can become quite miserable by
~Ithough probably you Will not be directly involved in a legal case your If. More
getting totally out of touch with your inner self, hkely you would have to investigate a principle of law in connKtion with 0 r
' ,, b' Y u
every day activIties or usmess ,
One sign of this need that you may notice now is a sense of strong psychological com-
pulsions surfacing and perhaps leading to behavior that you do not un~erstand , ,At This t~ansit may also indicate metaphysical. religIOUS and spiritual concern in gen ral.
their most powerful, these compulsions can force considerable changes In your !lfe, Certamly you are more than usually receptive to these aspects of hfe.
which are most disturbing if you do not try to get in touch with them,

Fortunately, with this transit you will have a strong desire to experience life on a Sun in the Tenth House
feeling level. and this is lust what you need, Intellectual understanding is not hkely to This is a time
' of ye ar w h en you s h ou Id turn your attention. to th~ most outward asp t
be enough. Each time this transit occurs (it lasts for about one month ever~ year), o f your, life - yo ur career. your ro Ie 10 ' t h e larger SOCIety
' and your standmg and
you will undergo a significant psychological transformation. Traditionally thiS IS the areputahon
h I within the commumty 'y , ou s h ou Id a Iso take this time to examine your life
house of death, usually meaning the death of some aspect of yourself or your life rath~r saw
r' 0 e and see if y 0 u are go 109 ' .10 t h e d Irection
' you want and making ad quat
than the death of a person. Under rare conditions, with many other indications, thiS P ogress 10 your life Th t h h I h
with' . . e ent ouse re ates to t e manifestation of your ego doves
transit can mean an actual death, but that is not a prospect to worry about in most
I context ,N
mostInexta SOCIal t I h
0 as persona as ot er houses. It affccts mo t trongly the
cases. erna areas of your J'f I e, w h IC
' h are neverthe Iess extremely important.

One very real possibility at this time is that an encounter with someone wiJl produf~ One possible effect f ,. ,
small or a I 0 the Sun 10 thiS house IS to put you in the limelight eith r on a
the need for very searching psychological self-inquiry or will force very power
caIIed upon arge
to t scale
k ' d epen d'mg upon t h e normal course of your life. You
' may be
c:haftps in your life. This person may challenge your value structure, or there maY be a
considerable a e OVer the direction of a task or project in which you would h ve
powerful intermeshing of your perkmalities. extremely im:,o;:er, but take note that the responsibility will be equally reat It
es or stren gthsand w ant Itoto approac h suc h an opportunity with proper knowled 0 ) our
OIl the material ~IW, ~his transit can be a time of great concern about financr By compete ea eases • At th 'IS time.
e k nt to SUCCeed you do not have to be uper tro or
CD held JOU\t1y With another -'-son , such as a spouse or business partn tan,, t
:ow as much ... ~~use the natural flow of energies is with you. But you hould
• neither a good nor a bact indication; it simply makes the issue irn,porfrorn not, ~ .:: about your real capabilities. Do not pret nd to be meth
aIIo be worried about tryiDc to borrow money or get financial backing
YO\U'teIf,Jou-!II ~ruth will eventually come out, and .f you have m repr
. tenth " - -
Interac:tiaa - - ..relates .to one'Ii parent , so thiS Ira II could JOdi t t~1 )'our
S. Ninth House way very ImPGi'tant.
Durtaa this time 01 ,., you IhGuId ItIImpt to broaden your horizons in everY
Planets in Transit Sun
. . f t re oriente d ra ther than past oriented.
. Youh may have to deal ....
<vlt h d at the time. Now that you are older and presumably more understanding,
This trinslt IS u u b Iy to make correctIOns so t at you can plan '" understan are quite inappropriate. The only way to handle them is to recognize
r past ut on . , . h 'f '"ore patterns ' .
elements 0 f you 'Th only real danger of this transit IS t at I you have d these
d expenenc them with full and
. e . detached conSCIOusness.
. That IS, you must allow
. tl f the future. e d ' one
. y orng or mas
. I'IpS hod fashion it may be expose now .and trip you up In . an 'ons and feelings to eXist, but recogOlze that they are not relevant to your
somethmg wro Id be a very good idea to look over your bfe and correct a these ~mf °Ttlh' 's a task that you can perform effectively at this time .
nt ways. It wou . Y f' ny adult h e. IS I
. .h
that mig ' You problems in thiS way. ou can con
t gtve . Ine.
your concer n
situations I' t' ns although family problems may sometimes create difficulty r year is ending, the year established by the transit of the Sun through
npersona situa 10 , . . db' I I a way, you . I kb k h
n ur nata ou ses . This is a good time to 00 ac over t e year and see how well you
i h
in pubhc at t IS hme. This difficulty is usually indicate y a slmu taneous transit by
to no. h"
another planet that affects the tenth house. have managed the art of living. It may . be necessary to be alone now so that you can
. ace and quiet. But there IS one danger. You must be prepared to evaluate
reflect 10 pe . d f d I' . .
. I te honesty all your behaVIOr an ways 0 ea 109 With the world. Anythmg
Sun in the Eleventh House With comp e . b f '. .
to face will continue to e a part 0 your unconscIOUS mind and Will work
YOU refuse . Th' . . b d'
At this time of year your attention is turned toward the group.s yo~ belong to, both agalOst you when you least expect It.
. IS IS not a time to e WTappe up In your ego.

forma11 y and otherwise, to their values and ideals and your relatIOnship to those values You mus t be P repared to acknowledge your faults . . and your virtues without fear or self-
d hI' h' . recnmlOa I . And you must be able to do thiS With regard to others as well.
. . t'on
and ideals as well as your own. Friendships an ot er re atlons IpS are Important to
you now, and you are examining the role they play in you~ life. What ,kinds of
UnintentionaIly, your actions may have caused others to work against you. Sometimes
interaction do you have with others and how well do you fulfill each other s needs?
e are not even aware that they are working against you . If you can honestly
No one can live in a vacuum, and the function of this transit is to find out what that these peopl ' .
acknowledge the less effective aspects of your personality, however, you Will also
means for you as an individual.
lessen the effects these aspects have on others.
At this time it is usually best to work and cooperate with other people. At other times
you have found it necessary to be alone in order to find out who you are and the chief Sun Conjunct Sun
purposes of your life. Now you must ask these same questions in conjunction with
Today is your real birthday, even though it may be a day or two different from your
others. Engaging in group efforts and projects in your personal and professional life calendar birthday. However, this is the date when the Sun returns to the position it was
will be the most effective way to accomplish this aim. Socialize extensively and study
in when you were born, completing a full circuit around the ecliptic . Of course it is
the people you associate with, for they are a reflection of yourself. Wha t is true of your
realIy the Earth that has moved, but we see our own motion as the apparent motion
frimds is also true of you, for the most part.
of the Sun.
Among your friends, strive to establish who you are. Without becoming domineering,
As would seem appropriate with this transit, today is a day of new beginnings A new
you should let them know what kind of person you are, so that you can fit into the
year in your own personal calendar has begun, and the influences you feel today will
FouP dynamic without violating your integrity. This is a time for team efforts, which
affect the entire year to come. This does not mean that the whole year will be dis-
can be effective only if everyone on the team is a fully realized individual.
appointing if today doesn't work out exactly as planned, but the planetary influence in
Your effect today will have great meaning for the year as a whole. Many astrologers find
It it idealiam is.arOl1led at this time, but it is personal rather than abstract idealism.
YOUl recopitionof what you want your life to be, so follow that ideal. that the chart cast for the exact minute and second that the Sun returns to its birth
Position prOvides a significant forecast for the year ahead.

Sua In the Twelfth House The energies f I

ought to b you ee today may not be very dynamic, but you do feel as though Y_'u
At tw. time you . . .to . . In teach With your own subconscious mind, to find out Sun tr . e the center of attention in some way. This is a natural effect of a powertul
.., ,eur ia -IIJI that You aren't aware of. Try to see how your actions anslt and is t . b . , hel
despite the b no Just ecause thIS occurs on or near your birthday. l evert :.
~~""uons. We all broadcast two kinds of signals. to
Chink we are trying to do. The other kind, whlc~
beginnings. s; tlety of th.e energy, this is a day when you should in fact ma e ne\
symbolized b o~re recelving a new impulse from the energy center within y as
........ 40 BOt , . . . . - We are really trying to do. If these two sets 0 the crest of tt~ Sun. Therefore any new venture that you start at thi~ tin e WIll n
to do.
you are intentlona II Y trying
. to d ' V e • but
cause them to lose faith in what you are trying
What~ver ycna.
anythll\8 else.
en~rgy and will very likely come to an acceptable l nelu. h'n
Or begln today will bear the stamp of your individualit} m 're t n

Particularly deadly .rt ChI.....

are, ft~ II the day to assert yourself anew. Plan to let the \ 'l rid kn \. ·h
patttms that hav. long outlived their ave n..... tty or smuaJy. but so that even'lme knows 'l'U He here.
u.fulneu. They orllin.ted U • World. la like everyone else. as well as' sl,mething tl' l ntribut t th
~'."mI' to pressures that you could not
P anetlS en Trans.
--..--.--- - --- --_.- - ------

Sun • 0 the light but the world IS dt'mdndmg that this aspect prove itse f oeOft'
to gd~tm'\I.ed to en er Both your 5ucce-;<;eS ;, n d your fall re-; at his time will bear
being a bO'lN t three months, w hen the Sen tr;;nsits opposition your 11a al S n
fruIt In a ou
are thee months befo re your bi rthda y, yo will be challenged 10 ym:r
At t he 6qu mplete v<I(ious proJec ts an d to reap t h ('I. r rewdrds or other COr\5ec;ue. ces .
efforts to co . your a t entlOn
Ireddy beglOn ing to turn ' to th e next pha~ of development,
You ahre a h circums tClnces are fo rcefully rt'minding you that this pha~ is not over yet.
even t aug es a t this ttme are often re I a te d to events that occurred th:ee mont.• sago
The caeh II ng . IS '
' opposition tran sIt to t he nata un .
o Mn You will enj Y people', r omp;, n, and at t he Sun s
I f rOfJl b ng w
........ Even e comp4 fj of peo ple I{hom IOU
... Sun Trine Sun
) ~ iibove 'IOU will be e.a~y and plea ant a~ well as benefJ(16 I to , our f)Vf:ralJ
dwdoplMn Th' transIt occurs twice a year , about fou r m onths b efore a nd four months after your
blr~~day . It represents a tIme of balance and eq uilibrium in your life, when you can be
hi aftu 'lour bit tuby, '100 should examine how f"r 'IE) J have yourself with the fewest obs tacles from people o r ci rcumst ances. Your energy level will
,~,..two moo D ' L . h' L.
reallzang M goals lhat you hAve M:t for this year on t Of' c a u ~ t In hll! b hI her than usual. and you will be able to do wha tever yo u w ant. either at work or
hat you un be uncon6ClOU6 of wha you are dOIng thl year . If y(, rh aOSl' to a: pl!y. with great zest ~d e~ergy . In fact this is a perfectly good time to take a
~war4/. about thirty days from now you Will be challenged In 'II 'IS t ~ dt you vacation, If it is an approprtate tIme of year for you .
w und.nttllld In.exphcable confhctli WIth (,then may erupt, forE ng I OU to
ptw Ie lW)iuUOf16 ID problems lhal you luive not thought about In ddvanc..e. 0 '11 I'> Vanous affairs," your life will hum al o ng very nicely now, a nd you m ay be tempted
me ..urtain what hat to be done. allea,t for the time being. and to p 1t "II you r to think that they will always go thi s well. But in fact th is is the time to firm up your
yon nto ,eMONb~ ordft- affairs and make sure that they are strong enough to withstand tr oubles that may come
later on. Because the stress level in your life is low now . you can accomplish this Wlth a
0.. die ,.",it two mont'" prior to your birthday. check to lee how well thi s run"nt minimum of difficul ty.
COl of he Sun hM Mtyed you Find out whal you have suc..c..eeded in dOIng dod what
f.... and prepar. for your birthday, when the next cyde will begin
On tM trine fOllr months after your birthday . you should examine the pr ojects that
Y w J not be forad by any kind of C:OimlC energy to do these thln~s. but thIS have worked out well in the last few months and prepare them for a time in the near
future when they will reach a critical culmination. Success In these matters is almost at
.".,. tv II !DO Foci to W at...
hand. and you should use this time to prepare for it. If you are not read y, whatever
succe.. you gain will be wasted .
Sun Squa, Sun
month. aftfr.nd thr. month. before your bHlhdilY · Also examine any matters that have not worked out so well to see whether you should
it If t of al.... and eriail. The Hl'iouln... of the erisl'> vatll'~ ~ut your IGiRI and prepare for a new start . You may have ,>ome diff icult" in determin-
............, tr.. ,.,-.on to ,.101\, but in .ny eaN you needn't fear this tr.!O sit ~n& which projectl are worth aving and which are not, but it you work"at it y u "ill
W 'er rCUlNtancn that WIll test you .nd the validity uf ethable to tell. Those that are worth saving will feel better subject ivel y than the
o Ifl.

On the trin fo
r cent Ich' ur months before your birthday, you should stop and .,urve· •
out what ~lIfttnta. Decide how you can use them to prepare for the future and
mlltlkeoft: 1'1.
t out of them that will have lasting value . But d n't m k
that your striving is over. becau e you till h v hallen t

On 'M HI"'" thr. monl'" at,., your btrthMy, the chall."....., By n

t clearly have not worked uul.
lion wUh your I/ort. to build .om thin, up, to I I mlttrllJ e r , 0 you an tell how lur new ta k 1 W
I" I '/I'( 'MOIn, Or th~ may oc ur • t t ItIW IIpeel of k. don't w 5t time with fesr t but put all •
" , ftn/ly {(1m Into b Ins It I. , IIptct younelf or nd Iv gina what y u .an . Th quiet p

/'/ '"" 1/1 1"1/1 ,, - - - - - - - -

On. /I,'iI' 1',. I ti'dl Ic vt!l.

thi ', is <I ~"I>d da y to (onsid r your pt!r$0041 life, dcn:if!!j,W:
~llu.ltll'" dlld Iii.,., family 1.·1. t1 'JrI <; h l p~. C'If'nts today NIH bri 10> t t:m i 0 fo

/llight W.lllt '" rn,lk. I> 'JTn'~ I h"n~f:lj. fe<Jm ornt .Icg as ,"impl g your
furnilure III It,lving .1 IOfly, 1.11y. with a J',vf; d 'm <lblJUt md ing chan in your
rf,I.,tl'J/lship ',hi" j ,J tlllle 'Jf rww b(~y,innjn~ In your inn"! liE • a sort of per c a
"rww M.,orl ," All t}lf':W -HI'a I,f y,)Ur l if(~ are in a tate of flu..:. ~o It IS "asiet to rna
• ha/lK"~ nllW thall .It any (1Ih .. r lim of Ih·, year . (1 his t e,m it always occurr. at t e sam
lirrlf' 'If y~.H ,)

J)on't pay 1>0 rtluth allent ion tl, Y,t<ltlnY, ah('dd in lif just now. The ar as of your h e
that art' ful<·J by th.· MOI)n Cdn actually m a h o r b reay. all your other efforts, because
t1I1'Y 3n' ((·Ial/·J tl) till' JI ('p' t clnd mo<; t (undam f'nl al roots of your existerce. If t re is
W"dlrnl!!>S hl'r!', th"H' will h.· WI' , klll~S (:vcrywhere. however muc you try to ignore
thl: la( t. But if thfO innt~rmo<;t parts of your p<;y chologica l being a nd your personal r e
are IOj.\l'th(·r nJ well ()rdfOrt~d. not vefY much can r~a lly J isurb you

Sun S~xtil{> Moon

This is a time of p~y( hological and emotional cqutl ibriu m , when the different aspects
01 your per onalily dre in lunt- wilh I'ach other . You can face y ou r dally lif With less
effort than u ual, whic h I~ bound to have some (ons quences in your mat rial universe
a well.

' J !i an d c I use nelg

Rl'lalions with Iflen ' hb ors will
. be very harmo n ious. and you may
ma, khe~()menewlfi'" f>
cnus cop C WII 'lib 'h you today b eca u you are at ea e
e at ease Wit
wit youn,elf Th . ,
exist , e routlO(' dISCUSSIons. negotIatIOns and h ansactaons of veryda'
ence will offer no obstacles. '

Obviously th' ,
to your hou~s IS a good time to be With otht'rs. It at all po ibl . H a fri n come
may want to h Your home life will be more p aceful and s ren th n u ual and u
s are thi mood.

Relations With h
th I t e opp ,
emie Ves an ideal' 0 Ite sex are also smootht'r than u
aspects of the S Image ot th oppo 11 se . whi h i
nging out It' ~harts, The .e)(~i~~ ~ women' chart • and the ign nd
armony between tween the Sun and Ml)l!O. bin'
tnen and women a well s wlthlll Y('lI If

--------------------------~~~~~~~~----------------------------,-------------------------------------~TUH ------~~~~~~~

. I ffair would require additional impetus fr . . not necessarily so difficult . depending on how well you have be n
h a major ove a olll h' transit IS ' h "
affairs can result, althoug But t ,IS our emotions , If you are In good s ape emotionally. thiS can be an
another transit, handl~~g y nsit that gives you both the emot ional drive and the physical energy to
energlzln~ tra Whatever you do under this influence will be do ne with complete
' k bout your personal and emotional life , Strains
• 11 ad time to t h In a , ' get moving.
, nal conVI
'ctl'on as well as strong intentions. Remember, the source of most
This is an especla y go d because you are relatively at peace with yourself emotl~ roblems With thiS tranSit is keepmg the balance between you r Will and your
be correcte noW, h Id b
in that area c a n ' t ' s about personal matters s ou e easy , If you people S p h t you can operate conSCIOusly and also be involved in what you do.
d commumca IOn " l' I
and with ot hers. an , h roblems now, when It IS re atlve y easy. you will em
ollons so t a
, h . .
this balance, you will act Wit great convICtion .
choose to avoid confronting t, ese PI ter that will be more difficult, This is especially If you can eep
, confrontatIOns a '1 '
have more senous 5' at'lng from the natal Moon In ongltude, If the
'h 'fng un IS separ Sun Trine Moon
true If t e tran~1 I h' th natal Moon. confrontations are not quite so
" 5 n IS approac 109 e , h
transltmg u b ' II taking a rest now. reapmg t e consequences of 'I the trine transit of the Sun to the Moo n is a time of lOner pace nd
important. because you ,are aSdlca eYparing for a new cycle of activity in your personal L'k the sextl e,
, ed' te past actIOns an pr , ley have the serenity to look into yourself and come to a deeper understand-
your Imm ,la, 't Id still be a good idea to exam me yourself. balance'h ou want what you need and how you should go ab ou t getting it. Under
and domestIC life, However, I wou . g of w at y o u . . . .
In, ' f1 'our approach to life is balanced . You try to hve through your feelings
thiS In uence}r intellect and you commumcate . . h b h 1 I S'
With ot ers at o t eve s. mce you
Sun Square Moon as wei I as you . . d
d YO ur own moods and feelings so wel1 today . you are also In a goo posllion
' but it also has the potential for much stimulation , If understan
, th rs in understanding themselves , Th h I ' h '
roug your re allOns \~. partlcu ' Iar Iy
This can be a rat her tense t Ime. 'I to assist 0 e , '
au have been bottling up pressures from your job. your home" you: faml y or any those with the opposite sex, you Will come to know yourselt better than a t mo t other
y h 'M b come very difficult to bear now. espeCIally If you have not times,
other source. t ey WI e . ' b' I'
been willing to face them in the recent past. Your consCIous afl~hon~ m ay e Impu ~Ive
and iII-thought-out today. as your emotions come into con ICt WIt h your consCIous 5' this is a time of balance and equilibrium, you should study your r ersona llife and
fj~~eout what you need to do to correct any misunderstandings and d ifficulties with
other people that have created tensions between you , Today you are able to make the
compromises necessary to getting along With others
In facing your problems. you may feel that you are split into two personalities who ~re
working at cross-purposes to each other, One of these "persons" ,you ~~n rea~~I~ A trine formed by the transiting Sun separating from the natal Moon ind ica tes tha t you
understand. It is your conscious personality. the one that you recogmze as yourse ' should prepare any areas of your life that are approaching a climax . Soo n you will be
If you were to describe yourself to someone else, this is the personality you w~uld in a period of creative tension when the pressures will be so great tha t it will be
describe, But you have another personality. which appears in your unconSCIOUS difficult to evaluate the situation and make changes that will help every thing work
compulsions, unbidden emotions and habits. Other people can see this side of ~ou more smoothly, So make these changes now, when you' re feeling calm .
without difficulty, but you are usually unaware of it. This personality is not neg~tlv~,
it is only different from the more conscious part of you. The first personality IS 1£ the transiting Sun is approaching the natal Moon , you have just passed a period of
repretenttd by the Sun, either natal or transiting. while the second is represented by climax and tension, and you are in a good position to evaluate what has happened. it
the Moon. The square between the transiting Sun and natal Moon is expressed as ~eaningand consequences for you. Use thiS time to take inventory and begm prepara-
imtability, prONRestI to upset or excessive emotionalism. hons for the future, when you will have to incorporate what you have learned into
your innermost life. If the last few months have been a period of breakdo wn rather
Unfortunately, this inward turmoil can also affect your outer world adversely, Aside than, creative climax, learn how to pick up the pieces and make a new ~tart,
particularly w ' t h ' ,
from the obvious problems that can arise if you are too touchy with everyone, there 1 events In your personal I1fe,
are allO problems arising from the more external aspects of this symbolism, For
example, the Sun rules authority figures. You may react against bosses and other Friendships and 1 .
con- ove relationships that start under this transit will hav(' Imp rtant
authonty figures in a completely emotional way and have great difficulty dealing -quenc:es fo d
toward 1:'-' r Your future life and may have a strong effect on you r a ttltu .
with thftn, Or your home life may be unusually upsetting today, with members of ~'naentral.
your famiJy quarreling with each other or with you,

When this happens, you should try to find out whether you have been avoiding a This may be a Sun Opposition Moon
problem that has brought about this situation. Day. like this rnay be annoying. but day• but I't IS
they do bring hidden tensions out into the open so that you can do lomething about
them, hopefuJly. However, it might not be a bad idea to let til. dUlt settle first.

inner en....
c0PtWith . an Important
, one. Event~ to d ay may hl'\ ' h w well
Uy and routine aspects of your life and how well ' l u an u )' ur
. 1....L... your life work as you want it to.
------------------~~~~~~------------------~----------------------~ Sun

, d between your personal needs and YOUr
You will probabl~ encoun~er tension tofe:r that you are being pulled in two different ursel f an d your own ideas will weaken h theh effectiveness
' , of what you do toda y . If
public and profesSIOnal dutJ~, YO\7 rsue simultaneously , Events that happen yo . d 's filled with only your own t oug ts, mtentlons and what you plan to sa
ur mIn .I important cues f rom ot hers concernmg ' your own plans. y,
yOU wII. I miSS
directions that are almost,lm~ossl \t(o pu that you have to distinguish continually
today emphasize the polanty In youbr, I ~,so d obJ'ective conscious intention and
" If" nd "them" su JectJve an ' " ood time to make plans for the fu ture. You have a good understanding of
between myse a " d ' t At its worst, this transit can be quite ThiS IS a g I ' II ' I h' h
unconscious impulst's, public an ~nva e'thing were breaking down, The degree of our need s now , and you can pan mte Igen t y to ac leve w at you want , as long as
yyou aren 't too preoccupied with yourself.
difficult, and you may feel as thou~ eve~ ve deemphasized emotion and feeling in
difficulty depends upon how muc you ; touch with your inner self, this day will
favor of rational intellect. If you are ou t 0 You may a lso travel today, for an activated d Mercury creates a restless tension within
become very tense. h t makes you want to move aroun . Try to go out and experience as much of
thewtoraId as possible '' you will be able to take in quite a bit.
, I b d of high energy and achievement. If you have
On the other hand, thiS ca~ a s,o ~ a ay feelings and your conscious intentions have
been unified in purpose, t at IS, I your I d Sun Sextile Mercury
taken the same direction, this will be a day of successfu en eavor,
This will be a very favorable day, for all kin,ds of ~om~unications a~d personal
Il'f es edall relationships with your spouse and family" are the areas interchange with others. Even routme connections With fflends and neIghbors will
Your persona Ie, bP y t' I Iy heavy You may act under emotional compul- be very fruitful, for you will be able to get through to each other with greater clarity .
where tensions may ecome par ICU a r , d d If h
sions that cause you to reac t t 00 thers in a way that you do not un erstan
h h, hyou aved
t h'IS pro blem, I't may be quite difficult explaining to yourself and ot ers w at appene This is an excellent day for communicating something important to another person,
today, in which it is necessary to be precisely clear . If you have to present the views of a group
and your ideas must be in tune with theirs. this will be a favorable time,
Your emotional nature will come out in one way or another. If you have been in tou~h
' th our feelings and made them part of your normal dealing with the world, you Will But this is also a good day to examine your own goals a nd expectations. How well are
;~ t.!ough the day with a feeling of complete unity, You will live in your guts and you working to attain them? Can you change your tactics if necessa ry? What kind of
emotions as well as in your conscious mind. aid can you enlist from others? People may give y ou oppor tunities and assistance
without your requesting it, but you will have to recognize the value of these Oppor-
Sun Conjunct Mercury tunities and be quick enough to take them up , Th is transit favors all types of
commercial transactions, buying and selling or negotiating deals favorably .
This transit emphasizes the areas of your life ruled by Mercury, There are several, of
these areas, and which you emphasize most depends upon your personal nature . First
Today is fine for traveling for any purpose, although you will be best served if it
of all, you are likely to have many more conversations with people. Certainly this i,s an
stimulates your mind or has an educational purpose. For example. it is good for going
opportunity to get your point of view across to others, and you may be more inclined
to talk than to listen, because like all conjunctions, this one makes you take the to a museum or for attending a concert or lecture. This is an excellent transit for all
initiative and start things. You may be much more involved in sending or receiving kinds of study, because you are alert and ready to receive all types of input.
Ietten. This il also a good time to take care of routine paperwork, because your mind
will be clearer than usual and you should have little difficulty concentrating,
Sun Square Mercury
This will be a t II .
This is an excellent day for starting a new business venture. Mercury rules commerce co me at you Vet men a .y k1active day for you, because ideas and communications will
and favors the rapid interchange of ideas and plans that is necessary in business COntm ' . y qUlc y. and you will have to understand not only the surface
activity. Here again you will be helped by the sharpness of mind conferred by this un1cahon b t l h '
particularl u a so t e underlymg meaning . In talking with others, be
tends to p~:tar~ of any hints they may drop about their motivations. Thi tran "it

force you' to uce lIlteractions with others that test the clarity of your thinking and
The nature of this transit makes you most concerned with matters that apply directly prove the validity of what you say .
to yourself or that speak to you through your personal experience. You are more As with mOlt
involved in ~amining yourself, stating your position with respect to others and
actUally o~u.res, there is the potential here for conflict w ith people wh are n t
anoundng your intentions than in examining the world. You are the active agent with cOnfl' r.--.:q to YOur' t . L._
lCll With y 10 entlons, but who unknOWingly have taken a p -itl hut!
Itc:oncile ~.... Now is a good time to listen to o thers and find ut he \ . to
respect to the world at large. You initiate communication, you talk to others and yoU
express your point of view, Nevertheless, it is important to have a thorough under-
tanding of the people and conditions you live With. Being excesSively involVed. in IhIkek wha...
You ~ COnflicts. Also find the weak points in you r :w.-n thinkin an
now"" Ions are necessary. This is not the time to '"ume bllndl • that
all truth lies. Try not to be overwhelmed by the p
'd t be self-critical now, before others gel the chan . B t if you are receptive, you will be able to learn much, At the same time you
Id be a go ad I ea 0
o gh , 1t wou d becoming totally wrapp ed up .10 your own concernsce dIspute. u
mo t
our own ideas by making it clear to others that your ideas are no a
to tear your ideas apart. AVOl . can pro ~ Yand that you are willing to work with them as a team
threat to t helrs
le aware of your ideas and opinions If
od '11 serve to ma ke peop .. ' . 't 's not possible to be compromising, however, and only an out-and-out
v..'hat you do t ay WI tl ou will be able to handle the situatIOn I'a ter when SometImes I I . ha . kn ' ,
yo present them competen y no~, ~ Like all squares, this one is a time of testing ' on will suffice. The tnck t t you must master IS to ow when thIS IS really
others really challenge your pOSI 10 , .
confronta tl ay want to thin k t h at . , ' f nf
It IS time or a co ron Ion w en It IS not . A b ove
tat ' h "
true. You m . .'
nergy today and you will be able to presen t yourself all else, objectiVity IS Important now.
B '1\ have a Iot 0 f men laI e ' b . d
u you WI h Y ertainly will not consider this a onng ay, Unless your all this is not a time to go off in a new direction , What is happening is that you
forcefully If you ave t~, ~u c re very poorly thought out. you .should be able to Norlm nYI'ng the results of the directions you have taken previously. If it becomes clear
th nking and commumcatlOns a h Id are eM . , ,
I h t t to The only problem that s ou concern you is the that they have not worked out, pla~ new strategIes, but don t put them mto practice
a((omphsh w atever you se ou . 'd h ld b
. 'fon to your purposes and leas t at cou ecome very just yet. Wait until all the results are m .
P.ossibility of arousing OppOSI I . II f
Intense ater on,
Th t'
a IS w
hy it is so important to listen as we as to put orth your
Sometimes under this transit you may have to consul t another person to get a clear
picture of what is happening in your life. Needless to say, this will be useful only if you
are completely willing to listen to what he or she has to say and can disregard your
Sun Trine Mercury
own point of view for a while. Look at your life as it is, not as you would like it to be,
Under this traffiit you can increase your understanding of yourself an~ your goals, You should be able to obtain valuable information in this regard today.
as well as of others and their goals. Certainly this is the time to communicate to others
anything that is important to you. Your mind is functioning clearly .no~, and y.ou You may have to travel about quite a bit under this transit, probably for busmess
should be able to get your point across , But you .are not concerned WIth Just makmg rather than for pleasure.
your own point, you are also genuinely interested in the other person's point of view.
You are aware that your thinking and ideas have made an impact on others, and you On the physical level, try to avoid situations that make excessive demands on your
want to lind out how you have aHected them. nervous energies. You will exhaust yourself quite easily and get keyed up and over-
wrought about nothing,
This is a good time lor all kinds of studying and learning. Your mind is quick and
receptive, and you are eager to expand your knowledge in any area you encounte.r.
You can put this curiosity and eagerness to know to your advantage, and you WIll Sun Conjunct Venus
quickly discover that the more you understand about a situation, the better able you
will be to handle any problems that arise. The cent~al issue today is self-expression through creativity and relationships , You will
'k assertive,but
o nI y 'm ord er to gam
. t h e attentIOn
. of those whom you love or would
II e to love You t I .
Your mind is relatively tranquil now, which makes this a good time to look over your .. wan peop e to pay attention to you, and you are willing to give love
gmeral. ~ituation and make any. necessary adjustments. Your present clarity of thinking an d
).£Ie. attention in ret urn. S omehmes
. t h'IS transIt
. can b nng
. a new love interest into your
and ablhty to see the overall pICture makes it easy to understand eve thing you need
to know about yourself. ry
This is a good f
You will Irne to get out and socialize, to make new contac ts and friendshi ,
Thil ~Ilaln ~_cellImt transit for beginning a trip for recreational or business purposes, attract peo 1 d b r
etpeCla y tnc atter. Warm and friendl p e to ay, ecause you put so much personal energy into bei
party, this i y, and others are bound to respond to you. If you feel like ha\ing a
s a good tra 't f . Th .
an d material . nSI or It . e attractlve power of Venus may bring VOl. m ne'
kind f'
. s 0 hnanc' I Possessions '. as well as nen s. Th'IS IS
f' d . usually a favorable tran- .It l r a II
Sun OPPOlition Mercury
Indulgent. You la aChvlties
c ld b t
, u you s ou h ld b e careful not to be e. travagant or seI't-
This traNit il a powerfulltimulus to the m' d d II k' d . nd reaUy m Ou easily f . tt
interchange with otherl, You will be til In ~n to a In s of communicatiOn a' th ean that tr\ h n er your money away on impulse purcha es ti at d t
wh;"'h hould t II &aged In an almost continuous dialogue WI UC to you
o th ers today, - s e yoU "'actl h d . nd This brings ,
how they are reacting to you, Thil it n Y o~ you stan With respect to them a r pleasant a Us to the onl y ne .
your views unle" you allO listen car';l the hme to tell everyone about yourself 0 indulgent nd 8raUfYin B gahve effect of this transit, which is f ')r the m :t part \ ery
~ recepti;e to anythina that II P.....~ to them, It is extremely important that y~1.I .
lnterestin no..>Y,· 'lou g. utfl ther' e IS a ten d ency to luxuriate and to be t' - ."JVt'1•
concern WI
'th yourself and your ___ to you, If your thinking is dominated Y
- .... "tlon to the . ha what f,oot. ThisaatPerIon in the may alter
~our~e that you are the ml:t fa~ClrutJ
' .
anyone else is saying, thit i. libl, to '- ~ d of
pOint t t YOU cannot hear I've In mOnth. totltudt is not I'k I • which Will only make others think that '('U are .. \ aJn
ay argument IIftd unconstrUC I
tolllt, ley to have any unpleasant ('onsequt'nl : n( \\ but it 'uld
Planets in Transit
-- ----- . d trains within your relationships and show you where you need t k
hid en 5 The probI em'IS t h at you pro b a bl y won ' t feeIl I'k e doing anyth' 0tha
rna e some.
rself wi h as mud beau Y and art as possible today changes. h h uld . . 109 t requires
nd y ou ort today, so per aps you s 0 walt until you are in a mor t'
Y au d ry o surrou I ppreetallon for beauttfu I a b'lecls, an d you WI'II get real' mu Ch eff 'f f I' h h' e ac Ive mood
Yo a a gtt a er han l ou u
uadao n ! ov rdo on buYing , thIngs. y our PhYSlcal ' health Avol'd sp ending money to gratl y 00 IS W Ims or momentary desires . Y ou may have.
benefit fro t m as ong a y 'n more sober moments ,
regrets I
and vIla Ity should be above average today
Be care fu l also of a tendency toward passivity , sitting around and waiting ' . for
somet hI ng to happen or for someone
h else
. , to take the first step , With th .
e attracltve
Sun Sextile Venu~ power of Venus stimulated , by t e transIting Sun, you hope that thing ' 11
s W1 come to
u without any effort. ThiS may happen , but what comes may not be worth ch
nd affectionate toward just about everyone around you You yo 'bl d cis are b emg
· d mu .
You f I go od od ay ah friends and even try to make new ones, I'f t he opportUntty However, unless tern y severe eman rna e on you, today will be very
,hou Id 5pen d t Ime wIt relationshinc and apprectate. exactly how muc h love you gIve ' enjoyable, easy, relaxed and pleasant. This is a good day for enjoying yourself.
an~, Th an a b ou t your
are tensions in any 0 f your reIallons
here. If there Y- ' h'IpS, t h'IS is a
to a nd rectJve from ot ...
good Ime 0 work at smoothing them over.
Sun Trine Venus
Probably you Will be quite popular today, and you should use the positive ener,gies you
are putting out to make a good impression on .the people you want t?
Impress . This is a very positive t,ransit, which makes you feel good physically and emotionally.
Howf'Ver, don't be phony about it. becaul>e you Will not be very effective 10 the long It symboliz~s your de~lre for comple,te self~x~ression through creative achvity, love
Jun, The pomt is that the good impression you mak.e will be because of the person you and, good times,' The tnfluence of ' thiS transIt IS so light-hearted that yo U WI' II fi n d It
' ,
a ually are, not the per~n you think others want you to be. difficult to get IOvolved tn any serious proJects, If you don't have to work t d .
, If Th' , ' I ' 0 ay, Just
enJoy yourse, IS IS a recreatlOna transIt.
Fnend~hl~ will be qUIte important to you, and opportunities of some sort may arise
from a fnend hIp today. But even more important, you need the love a~d retnforce·
You will ,have gre~t,sensitivity to beauty today and an appreciation of lovely and well-
men! hat only a fnend can give, and you will be able to return these feehngs to your
made obJects, ThIS IS a good transit for buying clothing and art objects or for planning
f"end You will fit in well with a group and feel that their interests are yours, for you
to ~edecora~e your home, You have a strong desire to gratify your senses, but not to the
are not InclIned to be especially individualistic now. pomt o~ bemg compulsive or foolish about spending , If you spend a lot of money on
som~hmg that you want, the chances are it will be a good investment. In fact the best
Work to remove unpleasantnns in your immediate surroundings today by beautifying
~urhc as~ tO make to~ay would be objects that will increase in value as they get older
your home, your nelghborhood or some other part of your environment. uc as Jewelry or antiques, '

nu. it a 100d transit for most financial matters, especially for negotiating neW
Your relationships should be v ' ,
hnancial arransm'entl for a proiect that has already been begun. Firm up any loose even start a n " ery pOSItIvely affected by this transit, and you might
ew romantic
a good time with som mterest
. H
. owever, It" IS muc h more likely that you will have
flnaneal"tuationaln your life.
eOlle With no long-range consequences,

Sun Square Venus You will be very aff f

life, even if YOur reI :.clo~~te, possibly even romantic, with the loved ones in your
Thlt i. not a typical .quare traNit in that it is usually quite pleasant and easy to handle , a marriage, This' a Ions IP.has gone beyond the romantic stage , as often happe~ in
The dyn.mlc Influence of the square makes you actively seek out pleasure, beauty, another
h perSOn beeIS a good
h time to smooth ou t any d'ff'
I lCU Ihes
' you are havtng
. ,
low and harmony. But you will probably not feel especially aggressive, because under t at You only ~ant :.,use be or she will see that you have no interest in scoring roints,
the lnfluen of Vmu. you may prefer to take it easy. Certainly you will avoid conflict ...... ace etween you .
.. much .. poIIlble This i, a gOOd
alone . day to go . h '
,you Will feel Ver lout Wit friends and have a good time. If you cho Sf t be
The potidv .ide of tm. tranait II that you will feel quite lovina and affectionate to y onely. •
.Jmott everyon, .round you Th.... may even be a new love relationship. Or yoU may
1.1 lib do An, (futtv, work, perhaps arts or craftl,
7h n~pllv Id, of thl. traNIt II that you may be Inclined to _ MIf_gratificati
l~ ~
in)( " th., I" In • total undllCipllllld 1ftIJ\MI', or you may Iftk It at the e)(pen~ h'tI\ait brt.te.1I1 n Opposition Venus
( I v d ont, Thi,l, nol ont of the IftON • or cltfflcult tr.NllI, but it can re relationshi .
Plmto focus. Usually it i a rather e.l 'and plt'.ls.lnt
Planets in Transit Sun

"dd ' ... ~ In your relationsh ips and fo rce thetn h.'t ' th the tendency toward arguing, you Should be careful of all fon:: 0{
c.a release e h I en ensIO.... ~ ..
Along WI gy This energy can be expressed p y.ically r.rougr accide ts o· ill
e you Wil ave to deal with them , cess ener . . . .
eJC t ... " tnfections and fevers a re chara cteTlst1c of the p ysical actio of ~_
I flamrna IO. ~ , . ~,. .
n -d occur if you act o n redoess Im p ulses to re1e<Uoe energy o.a is . oei:-?
h ha '11 en(;Ounter yourself through your different Acel ents__ oJ d.Mluately through W Hat.. _ d ' D.,
t you are omg. ~ car
efu1 of snarp metal . <>
tra It gru es 1 t you WI . od but the bad ones- w ill become unstable expres~ a .....
retatl ip . n e good ones WIll remam gond 'your handling of these r.itua tions. You and machinery .
and d ifflal l . If you study your reactIOns a
auld lear a great deal about yours.elf . Sun Sextile Mars
t.._ don't want to be alone and tha t you cannot . . an excellent time for accomplishing a ll kinds of work. Y OI.:.I e ergy is g:- ,
In r yo may notlce trJ4t you
par c a " h' ' th a lover a friend or even someone whom YOU ~ :u have faith in your ability to achieve . Usually your hea~t' IS cuile gooe. . ow,
nnoI'1'ate without a dose re allOns Ip W I ' h h
"r-' bl T d . a good day to talk to anot er perso n , per aps a and ;his influence is extremely fav orable for all kinds of physica. a ctivity. In Eac it
con.~ It about a pro em . 0 ay IS Id t ' I
. th t ' on your mind. You shou not try 0 go It a one an uld be very bad not to be ph ysically a ctive , because the&e energies ~us have an
c.ounselor abou anyt h mg a IS I b h
. ' d h ld through everyone you meet, to earn more a out ow ::t1et. If they do not, they can cause problems ev en when they are basically positive,
oday ' mstea yous OU try. . h
' .h I This transit tS about conSClousness, t e awareness of as with this transit.
you operate Wit pwp e.
rela lOnship .
You are able to work well with others now too, because your ego e.r.ergies are well
Its eHeds can range from relatively tnsignlficant to hIghly significant. ~epending on a balan~d, so you can derive personal satisfac tion a nd gr a tifica tion through group
10 0{ background conditionr. that cannot be taken into consIderation here. such activity . At other times, others may be a threa t to your security and sense of we1-
condi ions u are symbolized by outer-planet transIts. being, but that is not the case now. In fac t y o u may h av e to work in a group in order
to be most effective,
In your per.onal relationships, this transit should make you very aware of h ow much
you need your loved ones. Usually this is a good transit in that you feel much love and Nevertheless you are in a self-assertive mood toda y. If you have to fight wi h someone
tenderneM toward th~ dose to you. It is difficult only if there are problems that you to maintain your position in any matter, you Will be able to do it effectively. You are
haven't handled very well. not inclined to back down, although you will seek out a common g round where ti e
two of you can agree. if there is any.
Sun Conjunct Mars
This is an excellent day for starting a new project, particularly one that you can work You may unknowingly create for yourself an opportunity to take c ontrol or at.:tl ority
on by yourwlf, without having to take orders or coordinate other people's actions . You ove: others, to be a leader or director. Keep in mind that under this transit you will
feel very vigorous and have a high level of physical energy, 50 you really need to be denve the most satisfaction through expressing the needs and desires of the people y ou
phytlCally active today. One of the worst ways to handle this transit is to work quietly wo~k with. This is not the time to go off on a purely personal tangent. at oppor-
at a dell. You would quickly become itchy and irritable as your repressed energies tunity will come shortly, as the Sun moves toward opposi tion w ith your natal . 1ars.
try to find an outlet. Mental work will not be satisfactory unless it involves a great deal
of actiVity as well.
Sun Square Mars
It .. important that you can identify with whatever you do today. Your ego energies This is a da h .
motivat' y w en you Will have to be very conscious of yourself and ) ur
are hish, and you demand to be recognized as an individual. If you are not given thts . IOns. You are I'k I
If you allow h' " - .
. ley to ave senous ego conflicts With o thers today, espeaally
recopit~, you are likely to become angry and easily involved in disputes- There is
all squares t~ur actt.ons to be dictated by subconsciously motivated energies . As \ rit:
no quotion that unleu you are totally occupied, you will be much more irritable than
YOU made 'ei~r~nslt tests the validity of a position that you too' or a atemen' t. a t
u.&W today. Other people may find you quite disruptive, which could get yOU intO
troul* with your employer or other ptrlonl in authority. as other ~ople l~terally or figuratively, about six months ago . Circ umsta c . i_ 1
errors to challtnWill be looking for chinks in your armor , flaw _ in v ur preparati n

But th~ bUrit of tnerlY within you today il useful and can be used for creative
better Pi'epal'td Ie you with. If you consciously know what 'ou are in d
. 'U ill be
xpresslon .11 well .11 for las COflltructive purPOHS. This transit ca h I find out ftlerliea. to handle that challenge as well as your e perience 0 n
.whetht'f you are satisfied with your hie lituation and how you f~1 ea~:~uyourself-
The more m cure you are, the more likely you are to express this transit in a negative Your~
way . ofirritabJe "1¥i1l be •h'18h ,perhaps too high if you are not caretu l \ 'a t f r :tgn.
with others whenever thing dl n t 8 e tl. as y, u p lanned.
. tion calls for it, not whenever you feel like it AI
Be assertive only when the ~Itua. others which you may not necessarily i~t' So Sun Opposition Mars
watch out for baseless confbcts Wlt~ y b' e proJ'ected that is, they may se Igate
f transl t m a ' ern t . . e of critical culminations. when many activities and projects Will co
yourself. The eff ects 0 any I thO case you may not feel at all belligerent b 0 This IS a. tim . WI'II beco me cIear w h et hf!r you have conduct-..Jme hto a
originate with someone else. n IS h ' ut r life . Now It
. b II" erence from ot ers. )'max In you
CI .
. I I ' . I I .
k'JlfuIly and intelligent y , ti S partlcu ar y Important that yO\; tt· ve
= t ~ _..J
nevertheless you are attracting e Ig tivitl es s i d d' f I <0 wor o:u
aC I te knowledge and un erst an 109 0 W lat you were trying to aecom \' h
structures that are centers of energy, power a d ith comp e .' h h ' P u•.
W Mars-Sun transit is m~t disruptive w en t . e ego energle~ aroused by It arp allOWed
Because the Sun indicates per~onls °lr careful of conflicts with authorities. Voice YOn A t an unconscIOUS level. When they do, your achons are characterized b
h .t ou should be partlCu ar Y f h Ur to operate a h nl ' ya
aut on y, y 1 ., t b t expect a certain amount 0 ostile reaction to . dl If-assertive energy t at 0 y arou ses oppOSition from others. Sometim(S
complaints if theYfarleheglthlmta ~'e o~your complaint does not aggravate this hostility bhn Y se e takes the form 0 f Irnta ' . b 1l'Ity an d sma II aggresSive
' actions against otL!
them Also be care u t at teo . our respon S h II": S,
Wha~ you get is usually a function of the energies that you put out. Y . h
whiC wea
ken your relations with t em.

. I I t f d an outlet for your vigorous energies . Do something the best of circumstances, yo u w ill confr ont others at this time T ey may
On the physICal eve, try 0 In . 'f Even un d e r '
. I f h d k and gives your aggressIOns a satis actory outlet. be teammates. people whom you have won ove~ to you r wel~-thought-out and pI.. eel
that reqUires a ot 0 ar wor 'f h .
_ I ' an lead to illness or accidents I t e energy turns Inward . .. or they may be opponents who are flghtmg you In order to mamtain their
rrustrated persona energies c . ' h pOSitIOn, h ak "
'f f I ggressive energies at all under this transit, you oug t to be position. Any position that you .a ve ~ en. or ego-sta tement" you have made wiU
In f act I you ee no a d '
robably sublimated the energy an may experience it be sharpened and refined. or pOSSibly Invalidated , by a confrontation with others at
concern ed , b ecause you have P . h
'11 'd t Or you may have projected It. so t at you attract angry
throug h I ness or acCl en . . . . . .. this time.
and difficult people. If used consciously and IntentlOnall~, this ener g y. IS posItive. ~nd
lf This transit may also increase your self-awareness. b eca use whatever makes you angry
can h eI p you acco mpll'sh considerable work and establish yourse m any position
today is something that you have identified your ego with, That is, on a very real a d
you want.
practical level you are unconsciously regarding it a s par t of you rself, and yo defend it
as you would defend your physical body , Thus y our beh avior is determ' ed oy
Sun Trine Mars unconscious identifications that you may not even be a w a r e tha t you have mel e.
Today you will find it easy to be yourself. However. you should work alone and ~or This transit can be this way, if you choose. but it need not be . Notice your anger a. d
your own benefit. It is not that you are feel ins. hostile or resentful of others becommg irritation and ask yourself what these emotions tell ab out your a ttitudes You may
involved in your work, but that you do not want to be dependent upon others for find that what makes you mad is quite unimportant to you. once you recognize it.
support or encouragement.
For most people the area of greatest unconsciousness in this regard is that of close
Since you feel physically vigorous under this influence, physical activity is recom- personal relationships, as with family and spouse . In t hese r ela tionships yo are most
mended, not only because it is good for your body, but because it also reinforces your hkel~ to experience the negative effects of this transit in the form of arguments a. d
mind and spirit at this time. confh~t. If you are in such a conflict. look carefully to see wh a t is really at 5 a e if
an Yth 109, an d try to arnve
. at a workable compromise . •
Your life is no doubt filled with projects that you have begun at various times . You
may not always be aware of their significance, and you may be acting quite Yet
. you h must deal WI'th t h e h osh'I'Ity an d aggressIOn
. that m ay come with tm tra It
In suc a way th f' .
unconsciously in some ways, but these projects are important nevertheless. Now is a thO at your eehngs are truly relieved . Do no t m erely .uppre t em f r
lood time to take stock of them and to examine what state they are in. Or if yOU are IS can cause the ' .
that can lead t e~ergy to turn Inward . either in the form of self-destructive De
not cl~r about what ~ou are doing, try to find out. What motivates you? What are o aCCidents or, even more subtly, to illness.
you trying to accomphshl1n the near future you will have confrontations, so the more
you. undrrstand
. about
, what you are doing, . Decide wh a t proJec
the better . ts yOU are
trying to bnng to a chmax soon, or what you have accomplished I h n there On the Sun Conjunct Jupiter
. out. recent y w e
was a dlma,,- You sh d stnve not only to be yourself b t l kn whO t Purely mundan I .
"yourse If" .
. u a so to oW ~ay. JUPiter C b' e evel. you will feel very good, phYSical! an
. Ont
hfe. Even at Its I Ined with th e S un provi'd es ophml " m an a p
use this east Constru f h'
If you must make new beginnings in your life to ad,'ust i b I have I eneray in C Ive, t IS tranSit will give you a
' . L_' d' 0 h .
developed , t hIS IS t~ tame to 0 It, t erwlSe put mOlt of your e
m a ances that
. . ' g up on&run. w~s that will make it work mo t p b
. I' led' ntray anto £arrmn
tM activitIes you are present y !nvo v tn. Look to YOUr own cr'.-·
· d 1.- h
I ....d. and nee s ra
than to other peopIe s an try to maN: t em work ml!.afti...."'·11 'n l'
ther !he sYmboli...
---'el" Y I Your de. Include II fit ......tI tbia transit su
...... .. your l'f 88ests that, con ciou I)'
I e as POssible today. You
f our life together into a comple te pictu re, so ha t yot: can
' parate parts 0 Y
It will nc) t be enough to s tay In exact 1y t he same PIa ce you have been , But
f ins tead 0 f a
II the d IS I
d the who e .
. , d h
making you dl'> ati!>fied, as mIght be expecte , t, IS desire makes you go a ter wha t y Ou nderstan
want, with complete optimism that you will get It. u . ' h ersons in authority is usuall y g o od unde r this transit. An
Yo ur relatIonshIP
. t be atWitone Pa nd in tune with the sources of _energy in_ the universe. can be
. can sign!
On thl' JOt III'ctual ] 'vel, this tran!.11 " fY study or other b mind
·d -expand
h '
Ing r
nne deSire 0 d e level as a desire to get along WIth th ose m p ower. ThiS is not
, to un derst an d ,a nd know , even a out leas t a t y o u I d n the mun an , I ' '1] b I ' .
inqUIry , You hav a !>trong dC!>lre expresse 0 k' desire , although WIth some peo p e It WI e . t IS a recognition
normally consid 'r to be beyond your understandmg, usua 11 y a self-see mg " d '
methmg from them, gam more expeTience an Improve t e ot of h I
u can learn so
that yo d u as well as your own ,
On thl' phy ical level, you want to have all kinds of ne,:" expe~il:n~es , The thrust of thoS(' aroun yo
th energies is to broaden your life and enlarge the expenence 0 IVlng ,
Sun Square Jupiter
But Just ciS t here arc two 51·'d es to the Jupiter energy, this transit also b has ' a potential
I , ' tremely useful square, because It gi ves you energy to get a h ea d in almost
ThIS IS an ~Xt you desire, provided that you are disciplined and avoid o b vious excess .
'd I b I
negative 51 e. t can e arge- ea h rted , magnanimous and g.enerous,"h ut It can a so be
arrogant an d dommeenng. , dependino I'>
on your subconscIOus orientation k I to ot ers, any way t a
]' b '
If you be Icve su conscIous y I that your own personal, growth ta es p
b I .ace at others'
expenl>e, th en you WI ex I I h'b' t the neoative
side of,
thiS energy , If
you e leve
I'f that your' The dI'ff'ICU Ity with this transit
" is that it spurs you on to do more than you can handle •
bou t through the inclUSIOn of others Into your I e, you Will ,
to IOVO Ive yourself in projects that reqUlre more energy than you have o r to extend
per ona I growt h comes a
exhibit the positive side. yourself beyond your resources , But this same tendency can lift you to a ttemp t a nd
succeed at tasks you would not usually consider possible , especially if y o u ha ve been
The drive to include and incorporate, which is inherent in Jupiter, may ,I:ad you to act acting rather conservatively, It all depends upon whether you are naturally cau tious
.JO exces. Th a t'I , y U u may take on proJ'ects that are beyond. your
, ,
ability to handle
, or naturally overoptimistic and exuberant ,
It IS very important today that you act with a firm sense of dlsCJph~e and not Simply
indulge every compulsive whim that comes alon~)' Take on the projects t~at y?U can Similarly this transit can make you generous or extravagant, depending up o n your
handle plus a little extra, but not very much extra, Handle your resources mtelhgently previous attitudes, Any tendency that is positive when exercised with restrain t will
and be careful not to invest unwisely because of foolish optimism.
work positively under this influence, and any tha t is negative when done to excess will
be negative,
Nevertheless, despite the above warnings, today is likely to be an extremely positive
experience with potential for future growth.
You can expect some difficulties with other people under this influence, but y o u s hould
Sun Sex tile Jupiter b: a~leto handle them and even win them over to your side, unless you proceed from a

This is an extremely positive transit that will be a useful aid in almost any kind of
:o~~tIO~f o~,arrogandt self-righ~eousness.
Be very careful to examine the other person 's
lew an try to ftnd a comm d f
activity. Traditionally it is one of the transits regarded as "lucky," but actually it gives Unfortunately one of t h ' on groun or cooperation between you.
you the positive frame of mind that is at the root of most success. Almost anything you and unwillingness t Ie nkegahvehaspects of the Jupiter symbolism is self-righte ousness
' 0 00 at t e other's p ' t f ' B
want to do today should work out as planned, unless there is some overwhelming paSSIOnate, and that' th ' 010 0 view. ut Jupiter is also com-
influence to the contrary from other planets. IS e athtude you should work for today ,

This is an excellent day to be with friends. You have a strong desire to be included in
something larger than yourself, to participate in group consciousness and activities . ACcord' Sun Trine Jupiter
109 to both ..
Today you are able to work harmoniously with others, because you see that your transits U tradlhon and modern '
this tra~' nless there is some Powe f I expenence, this is one of the mo t po Hive
own benefit is derived from that of the group, This orientation also extends to pro-
fessional activities; this is an excellent transit for holding group conferences because shOuld tr~t assures a day of good t ~, negative influence operating at the a m e time,
of your ability to make them run smoothly, The tell'\Ptat~ Use its energy to ee lOl~s, peace and harmony with other . But 'ou
hon . accomp Ish so th'
~ny SPecial att IS to enjoy the good f l' me 109 good and u ' eful f r your - If.
Thi i also a good time to reflect on your life and to examine Your goals and ideals. ' IgUrativel entio n. T'
11 f'
hiS trans't "ee lOgs and Ie t th e d ay SIp
I' by wlth~. ut pa\'l
Your id"ali m wiII probably be strong with this transit, but instead of blindly assuming YSPe k' 1 can lOdlcat . I •
a lng, Would b e qUI te azy feelingc:; , but to .. Ieep thr "ugh
fh. , "vrryfhing will work out ideally, you should make a general review of your plans Th e a Waste.
t enthusia
or fh{· futurt~, working very carefully toward attaining your ideals. Also you can put to pro' sm (1ft •
leet "hrnism and b
lies i Uoyancy· .
Ilto the enviro assoClatt'd With thl tran_it will enablt v u
nment that '11 hi '
WI e p 'Our affair \\ rk ut _ ' 'u
. but it is not rea lly , Co or ur:COfls<'
wi th 6J at under. an d109 of the overall pat
--- Sun Conjunct Satur_

and ,-onsidertJ jon thar u ua l If y ou do ~n~jt ~nJ, o• . d yoU will turn yo r a"e:, tio to you r duties a
thIS ay d ' ,
:espO" 11
1 es. 0
of &Om hing y')U have done in the recent lort. . t you may not wan to 0 ou t. at yot:: must ir o pder If II
Past, tasks If.a d .
. ns to others. These utles ma y De more Imagi. ed 'na- real ou 0 Y
obligatIO I f 'h - " . . . .- OP
ften real. One e ement 0 e mastery o t \tfe IS to De aole to ell _.
,hey are 0 I h W 1 a "e ea
• d ·hlch are not. 1any peop e assume t at ~ he demands 0- Sa tum Will .
an ' fv. t'on and gratl'f /CatIOn
" to d ay . b ut h' "
t IS Isn t necessarr ly 50 I t e y 00
sal15 aC I I . ,. . . ac
lish today may have more ashng slgmflcance tha, could be a tta ' " ....J ..l
accomp ' I d •, 1. n: :'(.;e; a:,}
energy Professlona a vancement may come under . s transi . a t 1
ot her ' d . h h' d ' , • every ea
yOU will be most concerne , WIt t IS Im~~s lo n of your life. T :-i5 tra . sit 0 te .
neW responsibilities or remmds you of unfimshed matters from t:-e past t' a :-a ve to
r mind a r for new t')fperien r under this influenc.e, Try out new a ctivities ·
finished now,
xp n your mmd; take a tTlP , Or u this energy to study philo$ophy or some oth~
d totn that int r t you , You will b very at racted to any subJect that helps
y u un T nd the workJngs of the world a a whole , And ince you are cognizant of This transit . is excellent for all kinds of organlZlng and p lanning ' Y0 a:e ery
concerned With form and order and want to Incorporate I t into v ou- I'f
th unlv r al order at orne level. thi day hould go quite well. . d ~ , I e as ;nuc as
possible. ThiS ten ency may extend to organIzing the people around 1
,I f ' you as we 1 as
ordering the materia aspects 0 your hfe. You should be carefu l not t . . p
Sun Opposition Jupiter '1 0 restnc ot"e
people unnecessarl y. .
A with all transit by opposition, tt" one has a double potential. But In this case the
po lIiv Id I more ea ilyactivat d than with some other oppositions. Probably you Physically this transit can signify a time of low energy h' h means you s o.ld
, W IC
Will r act to It by fe ling quite good, Your mood is cheerful and optimIstic, and you concentrate your energies on the tasks that really must b d Y .
m y f I a. though nothing can go wrong with your world today. ObViously this can energy for those tasks, and if you leave them undon e one. ou Wi ll, ha\'e amF e
· .. e you are qUlte It ely' t eel
h v both K ad and bad points. depressed an d d Ispmted. Even worse, the sense of t ks If ' 0
upon you. as e t undone ",·., ll pres dow.

All that II nee sary for thi transit to work well is to avoid going overboard on any
matttr, but that is precisely what can happen at this time. You may spend too much Emotionally. you may find it hard to relate to
mon~. ov nndulge in luxuries or be wasteful. On the other hand. you may feel isolated and alone Saturn'
. .
IS concerne wi th b"
people under this influence Yo ; ....1
I' . .....
oUla eou. nough to do something you have never done before. This transit can objects Ihat can be manipulated' . I 0 Jectlve rea Ity with real and ta ible
. 10 practJca ways E h' "
r lIy build up your self-confidence. but be .ure to stop short of arrogance . Any 10 contrast to the affective fun f h . veryt 109 IS distinct and i ola ted
nqltlv ntrgJ that you put out will become the source of conflicts with others. If harmon~ with them, as symboli~;~nb t ,J0ugh which you relate to others and feel i;
you OVft'.t~p your bounds. you will step on other people. and they will tell you so. ~~onehness or depression. Instead ~o :nus a~d the Moon. Do not dwell on feeli
Lav them alone. and reai.t th~ urge to instruct and edify people beyond what they are ay. ' 0 Wor , for that is where your concer. I'e
r ady to h~ar Even If what you have to lay is worthwhile. your manner of presenting
It today. unl you ar~ very careful. will detract from its virtue. Your superiors might
particularly r nt b~havior that seems out of place or above your position. You may
f I tMt your action. are justified. and they may be. but do not expect to avoid the This is an II Sun Sextile Saturn
a dh txce ent tra . f
con quen II they react to you, n. aVe a stron nsIt or getting things done .
acting Yo g sense of self d' . I' . You are 10 an orderlv state t- .... ;
h . u mak I - ISCIP me Yo f J u"
t em in the e pans at a very co . u care ully consider ever' m \"{' re
But If you conlrol th t ndency to be overweening or self-righteous. you wiIl be able abstract con/dractical universe Y ncrete level and insist that it be possible t
to proJect po Itlve entrgl ,which can help you considerably. Especially if yoU are I eratio h . OU are not int d"
u ua/ly rathtr retiring. other. will ~ you now as a person worthy of respect.
ns t at cannot be a }. d . ereste 10 Idealistic specu)ati
All matt pp Ie 10 daily life.
beeaUse era
~'6 to Wo k
A WIth th~r opp Ilion. Ihi tran il. ignifies energies coming to a head . reachingdera cardull Y01D' Grefe r or Your prof .
ulmm /Ion In tV r.lI redS of your Itfe, Your task now is to keep these energies un Or It~tidone "'tit n rly mental state A~slOn are favored by thi' tr n-it, p
mtr( 1 n n( I /I w them III run away with you. Do not overextend yourself ur mak~ Itltntl", ~o loose ends. If ~ h y tasks that you do t dol • will
nl ,hitl you (annut ke p. f( you can do this. you will be able to succeed I Persona' ltli__ to ' today is the d Y u ave work that requires 'r t
I YO(Jr 1,£ .
Inillthoatt; Your work \Viii ay to do it. It is po ible that . ur
\\thorn You encou:!~~ct the attention f our mpl
J HUlttl:' III J I l " ' .:>" - - - - - - - -

Sun Trine Saturn
This . is also an e cellent time to see\... advice from an older person or some one wh
w isdom and e perience you respect. The combmation of the Sun and Saturn I Ose . . ifies a great oppor tunity to kn ow yourself through your relationship
· h ' . ' . re a tes t This transltf sIgn on your envIronment. Yo u are hI ghly disci p lined and able to channel
f'-'at h er f Igures , t at IS, people who can give
. you gUidance concermng the larg er world0 . a cI ose relationship
IO U want to understand as much as possIble about what the world e pects of you and. WIt. hand ef ect. uptoward any 0 b jec tlve
' you WIS
. h to a t talO
. T h e re IS
aII Your energIes
h ou are and what you d o . S 0 ta k e t h IS
' o ppor tunity . to examine your bfe
h ow you can do your duty . tween VI 0 tYres you have b UI'1t 1Oto
' . L0 0 k at your ha b Its,
be It. your h ome situation
an d the struore anything
work u . Important
else that IS . to yo u a n d f In
' d out how they work on a'
Obviously thIs is not the day to relax and have a good time , because you are no .
the proper frame of mind . It you dont wor\... you will spend your time reflecting tin your . I level. Do not try to be abstract or lOtellec tu al.
serious matters upon very praetlea

ore mundane level, this is a good day fo r work t ha t req ui res discipline and
In all ot your actions vou
. are willing to defer present gratificatIOn an d wal' t ~h'1
another day for your reward if any ) ou are not interested in indulgi ng yourself or ?e~_:o~troL You will derive great satisfact~on and .fulf~llmen t fro m d oi ng such work .
wasting time in frivolity. Take advantage of this energy while it lasts , for yo u will not Others may be impressed by your self-demal but It will seem completely reasonable
always feel this disciplined . to you and will meet your needs .

Sun Square Saturn Today you can organize and make an overall plan for the wa y you would like to order
your affairs and then arrange them accordingly . Because y o u wo r k ver th hI
This can be quite a difficult transit, even though it is a short-term one . The problem is . I I d h" f1 f ' y oroug y
and metlcu ous. Y un er t
d' IS In uence , your e forts will achieve lasti n g re It
su S . Th IS .IS
not that it is i~rently difficult or unluc\...y , " as many people feel , but tha t it raises also a good. time to un . ertake any' mtellectual discipline o r techn· h
Ique t at requires
issues that most people find hard to handle . But these are issues that must be handled. concentratIOn and attentIOn to detaJ! .
The two questions you must resolve are : how much self-gratification do yo u owe
yourself, and what duties and responsibilities do you owe to others? Today will be
characterized by conflict between these two poles , duty and self-gratification. Study your surroundings
. to see wha t you can conserve . You are b o t h ered by w t d
want to rna ke the maximum use of every resource a val'1 a bl e to y o u . as e an
On one hand, today may seem depressing and restrictive. You may want to break out
of your rut but find that you cannot , because some barrier is holding you back from
going out and being yourself . You may wish that you didn' t have to go to work or Sun Opposition Saturn
school or be with people you would prefer not to be with. You feel that circumstances Under this influence you will beco .
require you to be something other than what you really are , and you resent it. Other by circumstances and other peop~~ ~e~~rCons~lOus of ~he limitations imposed on you
people seem to get in your way and interfere with what you are doing . But has it whelmed by them. One effect of thi t~s . today IS to no t let yourself be over-
occurred to you to talk to somebody about this, orto ask if you are really required to ~:~;n:;~~i~t with others. You feel th:t ttr:e~:I~sl: :u~;~s~
o f l oneliness or inability to
do what you don't want? Often under this influence we make assumptions without between pe/I cross. What you are experiencin is t~ ween you an d others that you
checking whether they are true. careful y Pl'. The problem is that in yo g e real gulf th at alwavs exists
Relations with authority figures are not good under this transit, unless you can convert each o;he~:~:~ let .it overwhelm you. There~: :r~i:nt frame of m in d , if you aren't
your impatience with restriction into self-discipline. Usually others are not holding drag you down penence each other's feelings sP t ~ bey.ond wh ich we cannot know
. . u t ere IS no need to let that tru th
you back; you are holding yourself back, But you may be projecting negative energies
onto the people who have power over you, thereby creating difficult times with them . You ....
... ay not feel .
hnd that You thiS effect psycholo .
Physically and psychologically, your energies are low at this time. You may feel that
~~nstantly get .are actually unable t~lcally, as ~escribed above . Instead . ,
the weight of the world is too heavy, but you don't expect help because you have not ~tween In Your Wa communicate . h ou ma)
asked for it. But remember, you have made that choice yourself. Your experience of a strongY~~need for self y and hold you back Th Wit people, or that 0ther
He has not forced you to it. You reinforce the very circumstances that make yOU feel between ye t on Your ~expression and Your n~d f ere see~s to be a real coro flict
I~nely and isolated. What you must do is break out of this vicious circle and take a exPense ofOUr I\eeds and C ose personal relation . or relationship . T hi. ma • have'
ood look at the world and the people around you. Even though you are having some ~o thatY~~ lu~r
olher. If obligations, for nei:~IPs today . Try to ti n i a valJnct'
~roblems with them today, the situation will improve rapidly. ut if YOu i_~ OI\)y what' Wins out to the POI'nt efr ca~ he allowed to w in ut at t e
gre.t ."'I't
frOIrl Cottflltt ~thYour obligatioected, you will feel restl
IS exp
UJ.s l~~ a ll 'elf- pr :i 'n,
0 e tmg . h'

e even tsf the
day will show up the chinks in your ego structure. The purpose of
o '
dlscouragemen J ork to gain greater confidence
where you mus t w
. . yourself.
. .
t 's to reveal the weaknesses In your conception of yourself and to s
your~iCtI,Others. Whichns ~nd do only whateve~s, mhlblted a nd unttiHII .
'You have to Will prevent you from d y.o~ ch{ $(' , y ~u will b 10
and ask th make comprom'
It th~y do the sam:
If eflvlOg any re I sati- a il n
. ~ou are h nE'St in e pr . ing
, you S ould ~ able t w rk i t
76 _ . . ....:.....-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ut.
Planets in Transit

---- --------------------------
of your normal routine. T hrough activities with friends d .
. the course ounte new expenences
. t h a t WI'II glVe
' you greater insight an
' t neIghbors
h '
Psychologically, the feeling of isolation and loneliness may be the most difficult yOll may enC r 10 0 t e world
handle. Your energies are rather low, and you'd may
hi not 'even make the effort t0 come to
out of yourself and communicate . But avO! t s passIve response . Find som h' around you.
. F h . , h et lng
rewarding to do that requires concentratIOn. · or tf eI'present, It mIg t be best not to tal level this transit serves to sti mul ate you r curiosity and' . .
. 011 the men . d I' I Imagmation
work closely with others, because your feeI mg 0 a lenatlOn may interfere with th rt quick-WI tted an very Ive y. You catch o n to ideas more q . kl h'
you ee ale ' I I UIC Y t an
I d having caught on at one eve you want to proceed to the next Th' .
work. e usu f, an . ' . . II . IS IS an
aI day to partiCipate In any creative 10te ectual activity.
e)(ceIIen t
Sun Conjunct Uranus
011 a n er o
level' you will find it. relatively
. easy to a ct freely today . Yo u are not very
Today may be surprising to you, or your ~ctions m.a y others . The second to era thof restrictions under thiS Influence, and you Will look fo r wa ys t 0 get away
manifestation indicates that you are more m tune wIth your mner self, because th rOI nt hem ' As a result , you are not. very self-disciplined
. ' bu t this is not a senous . Ioss

tl~ ~he
fundamental meaning of this transit is that you have a strong drive to seek release fro; rn t whatever you do now. IS more .Importan t than keeping your "nose
fbecause '
your usual routine of activity and consciousness. The everyday patterns of your life rindstone ." You feel' that keepmg
. your
d mdividuality
I is m ore important than IVlng
will not adequately satisfy your needs today, and you will act in ways that are g to othet peop e. s expectatIOns, an you . et others kn ow this . Th'IS IS . u1'hmatel y to
completely out of accord with your habits. The function of this transit is to introduce up
your advantage, Since you must be yourself In whatever you do.
the element of liveliness on the everyday level in order to keep your life from settling
down into a dreary, lifeless routine. Use this influence to make changes in your immediate surroundings . Chances are your
situation has become too or d. ered
. and static anyway . Refo rm the el ements . ' 1'£
10 your
However, you may n' : react positively to this transit. Unfortunately, most of us are that need to be reformed. ThIS IS an aspect of creative change. Ie
wedded to our usual routines and normal conditions, and we resent and fear any
departure from them, no matter how badly we need it. Consequently you may
experience this transit, not as an exciting inner drive to be different but as a time when Sun Square Uranus
nothing goes as planned, with many annoying little upsets . Truly a Uranus-Sun This can be a somewhat disruptive transit , during which ou .
combination requires flexibility, but it is a flexibility that you should cultivate. upsets
h or to behavior that is upsetting to others . U n d er t h IS
' y.mflue
a rencsu bJect
't' to. sudden
t at you will not follow your normal routine as on oth d . . e I IS. qUite I ely
At its best, this transit can signify a day when every event is electric, exciting and an automobile breaking down unexpectedl d;r ays. ThIS d isruption could be
different. In fact you should plan to do something different, rather than waiting for it separation from someone. The m' . . yi, a su en a rg ument or an unexpected
am pomt IS t at you can expec t the unexpected today.
to come along. But even if you don't plan for it, surprises may crop up .
Relationships with others may be difficult
contend~ng with the restrictions others l~oday , eIther beca use you have difficulty in
Uranus is also a planet of rebellion, and if you feel its energies, you may strike out .
against restrictions that you can no longer bear. This may lead to disputes with others,
especially authority figures. Actions directed at breaking free are not a bad thing, as
contendmg with the restrictions y
conflicts and disagreements .
ce on you , or because they have difficulty
ou p ace upon them . T h is transit can indicate ego
long as you are really trying to liberate yourself, but if this tendency is carried to
excess you may be simply headstrong, impulsive and rash. You will find it very
difficult to determine whether you are working to give yourself needed freedom or As with
. other Uran us-Sun e .
whether you are being unreasonably rash and impulsive. Only you can decide , and
routine, and it w I nergles , you are strivin t b
waiting for it to ou d be best to find ways of doi go . r~ak down your everyday
you must take the responsibility for your decision . Other people will certainly believe air! You rna happen, Let the restless s irit . h ' ng thI S mtentionally rather than
that you are acting rashly. existed becaY very well discover a valu:bl Wit m you express itself, You need nev'
, USe you were afraid to let I't c e aspect of yourself that you neve" k"e '
If you are afraid to express this energy overtly, it can take the sublimated form of Uf orne out
impulsive behavior that makes you accident prone. To avoid this, try to be alwaYS "n ortunately th . .
11 You d ere IS so me d anger that ou '11
0 not ex r
h._ ~_ ess its energy con
conscious of your real moods, If you feel jittery, nervous or excited, avoid dangeroUS wi thin. you . y 1 WI be accident prone with thi - tr n \'t
You. ent. In this case ~nt~ you and set you ' f It out. an o u tlet, the radical energie$
situations or activities in which there is heavy potential for accidents. iccid •... 11 UOICIt selOus y W' h . .
ft'ee' "ra~her. You It IS important to Ut or the kmd of beha vior that lead t an
life 'DWild" iI\d~rt creating the a 'd
Sun Sextile Uranus rea
Ize that the a cciden t IS n l t happ ning t
patient 11\ ~ to bn as much as possibl' .p~es-
, 0 not -'rtfe t eel ent Ex ' •
This transit can make your life today much more interesting, but not in a frightening or you r Impul- - t) ' l methill8

terribly disruptive way. In fact this transit will make your everyday encounters mllch _ _ ~ ~ able to Contend . e Wit out mak ing a t talhambl t· ur
more interesting and allow you to have very illuminating and enlightening experiences'
r Will you be abl with the everyday g ri nd in d l- iplin nd
e to put up Wit ' h l' t h er p e pI p tientl " In t a
. . '
l " larlI:!T:' ITI 1 / ".,,,,,

that will elimlOate these tactors .

1- - - - - - -

find out what is really bothering you and whether you can make changes in Your l'f
--- .
d nOw IS to
determ ine what yo u w a .

need to .0 , ttalnable .
wh~t hefit IS a
nt Later you can deal with the question of

' f the e nergies in volve d a re not a II ow eel consClOUS

Sun contacts, I b h '
, the Uranus- hough a cciden t- pro n e e aVlor .
. With 0 r ay come out t r
Sun Trine Uranus A) they m
expression .
This is an excellent transit for engagmg in new activities and for making d isco venes
. Sun Conjunct Neptune
. .
about yourselt and the world around you . Your life now has an exciting quality th at IS
. .' 'd and it is very d iffi c ult to kn ow in advance which will
not always present. Take advantage of this excitement to learn about y ourself in wa o dIstinct Sl es, 'b'l' . d h
that are not usually possible. Your heightened perception of your world will help ~s
h transit has tw Th f e you should examine bo t h POSSI I Itles an w a tc for
T IS prominent. ere or
make changes with a complete understanding of how the various parts of y our lif/ar~ be more
he other or e
ven both to surface ,
In terrelated . one, t
. ' t greatly stimulates your awareness, often in ways that are
f II thIS trans l . .
First 0 a . d t nd rationally , You are more senSi t ive to ot her peo p le, and you
No aspect of yourself is hidden today . for you are quite frank about who you are. The 'ff It to un ers a .
people around you will see that you are much more interested in being yourself, and dl ICU how they feel intuitively, At the same time, yo u are m ore concer ned with
your liveliness will attract others ,
see~ to knf~tWand less with your own . Somethmg about th is tran sit enables you to
their 'fbene'th I
other people so much that you are more concerne d f o r t hem than you are
identl Y WI ' , .
This is a good transit for studying any discipline that can reveal new and stimulating . rself It is as if you became them somehow . Theref ore t h iS tra nsit IS good for
lor yOU . . "
aspects of the universe . It favors the study of science , technical disciplines , astrology any activity in which you help people , whether as an indi Vidual o r through an
or other branches of the occult. You want to broaden your understanding . and the institution or chari ty .
more exciting your study, the more actively you will pursue it. Therefore this influence
IS not so good for any routine drill that requires great discipline , It would be better to A related effect of this transit is tha tit may arouse your in teres t in o ccult and spi ri tual
take up a new field altogether. Days when Uranus is less prominent in your life will activities. You are more concerned now about the deeper truths h id d e n behind t e
be better for the more disciplined, intensive kinds of study, appearances of the everyday world .

ThiS is not a good time to sit around and relax for you wiII be too energetic and But unfortunately this transit also has a difficul t s' d Th d ' .
restless , Use that energy as it is intended. to expand your life and experience through enables you to identify with and help othe I Ie , e ego- enylng quaI! ty that
hi' rs maya so manifest i tse lf f) ' •
new encounters, psyc 0 oglcal weariness and inability to co e with th a s a ee mg at
the everyday universe and go off ' t p . e world, Y o u ma y want to flee
harmless manifestation of this is ~:y~ som~ pnvbate world o f y o ur Own. A relatively
Sun Opposition Uranus
~ffort to ~vade reality. Avoid taking dreaming , ) ut it can als o surfa ce as a full- cale
All one-to-one encounters and close intimate relationships will be occasions for t~:~ 11 dilflicult to control your use o/t~~~orAalcohol
under this transit for yo mav
surprising events today . Exactly what will happen is hard to say. except that it will be Usua . and yo . so your body ' h .
quite different from the norm. whatever your norm may be. klCkupWithth' u ~ay react badly to drug , IS muc more sensitive
IS transIt. s , even prescnbed d rugs. Aller
IE'S can

For example. in a close relationship as with your spouse. one or the other partner may If you feel the need to '
be extremely restless . In this case, there is something in the relationship that one of yOU Would get th Withdraw from ro f
e most benefit from going ~f~n~ confrontation with the real w
is impatient with and unwilling tg put up with, This feeling may lead to an argument. rid. )'1.. U
Or perhaps one of you will do something radically different and startling that will Y Yourself to medita te
or contemplate.
disrupt the relationship or force you to encounter a new aspect of it. In a businesS or
professional partnership , you may have to make a radical revision because of some Th'
m IS tranSit enabJ Sun Sextile Neptun
unexpected factor. ore keen) es YOu to e
them OUt Y t.ha n USual y sense energies in the
The Uranian influence can also enter your life through persons you do not knoW who ~wn ego ~~;IS is becau'se ~~
are more aware of ~;~ple, and c i rcumsta
present y o u with a surprise or upset. The general function of this transit is to shoW yOU no~~urrectp~~kes it easier e Neptune-Sun combi er~ need . and mt' r w dlin p
f flndthisirL~ty·andfri d receive input f
tha t y o u have not fuJly considered certain elements of your interaction with the world , natIon lower!' th d e m r
Or You I\5()rn en sand ' rorn other I .a
These elements are related to parts of yourself that you have not adequately expressed in'IJol'IJedn~'oy. '(Oil e, because servo neighbors may ask pe p (> . thE'r ~ ill
before, Take heed of the restJess feelings within yourself. and try to find Oul what It ild\tlnti&= tllirita~ant to do it ~~~ to others is ~ sati~ ~/or s i- ta n . u t \'
is that you want. It doesn't matter whether or not it is practical to go after it. All yOU Persall$, e actiVities Or In
,you will d . . t: \ ry t rm
0 It. l'nst'q
l' 't'lf.
Working for th uentl~ Y u mcl \ n
lind rprh lI t> ed r th r dl _
Planets in Transit ------r-----------------------------------:sun~------------------------------------
______----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ n

Spm a a, d ., ystICa co. arr aTe likely to claim yo~r a~tention much more th
etit to, you except for the. satisfaction
' of doing g 0 od wor " A ' ,
.. _oda v
, It is r.o erouS!~ _ to understand what somethmg IS . you also have t kn an
rornantiOsm may be a fa.ctor m your relationships today • W h'IC h IS.....
' nd I0 Ideah tic
. But do not let your I'd ealtsm r~r eet' y all nght 'f
1N a it rr eans, ThIS is ar e)Callen t day 0 WIt
. heir f 0
aw rom your, normal routine an~
0 .... 't
I enables you to expertena b eauty h
vo loved ones are any more t an ordmary humans Y
. ur d d
' - conVInce yo . tha t
' ou are mclmed '
medltate pon he CO;Kems that are Important to you,Your physical energy level rna
be so-t'W Ul lowe -
:'0 it is not the best day to begins~me colossal new effort. O~ others' deman s an to put' your own needs in second P I ace , Make to gIVe waj' to
rsons or w h om you d 0 t h IS are worthy of your self-sacn'f'Ice , certam that th e
o her days you \'1.'111 feel rr:ore energetic Use this day to gam greater understanding and pe f

to lmpro e your spiritual well-bemg. On another level entirely, this transit can increa se your sensJti\· ·t
aspects of the wor Id aroun
, d you, Under certain co n d 1' t'IOns It ca bI 'Y to tne subtle r
Sun Square 'eptune ESP or some other mystIcal experience , Certainly an t ,n , nng on a flash 0
be heightened by this transit , y ype of reltglOus e perience will
Your e ergy level may be decIdedly lower than usual today. even to the pOint that you
fee ured and unable to hardle the normal demands of your everyday life , If this
happe~, do not be concerned It is simply a sign that your body needs the day off
Sun Opposition Neptune
Take i easy If you can, and certainly , If you know of this transit in advance ,
pu off unul today any task that you can do some other time.
This may be, a day of considerable confusi on an d uncerta' t 0
n the other ha n d
you may gaIn new awareness of and sensitivity t h i n Y
relate to your own, But be on the lookout..f or several and their needs and h ow t hey•
0 ot pItfalls,
The eifec can also be psychological ; that is, you will tend to feel discouraged and
beate down by circumstances , Again do not take this mood seriously , for it is just a
passing phase , However. these feelings should make Jt clear that this is not a good day Your .encounters with others today may b e d emoral '
for worle. tha requlfe5 great self-confidence and courage , You just won't have it. And energIes, ,are not very high, and
u yo are not in a IfIzmg or confUSing ' Your ego
~ohu a~ressively,
if you do take on an amblt10us project, you may later discover that your objectives competition, If someone comes at se -assertive mood f '
, avoid the confrontation ' Yo u mIg t wlthdr your natura l incl 'lTlatlon
or Vigorous
toda '
were totally unrealistic and impossible to attain, Just to avoid a contest You f' aw , or pretend to agree ' Y IS
nothing, and this fear ma'y tem :re a raId that asserting yourself WIth the person
Sometimes your feelings of inadequacy or futility may tempt you to avoid direct Avoid doing that, however b P yo~ ~ct
to surreptitiously rather th might ,accomplish
• ecause It WIll demoralize yo u f urt her. an out In the open '
confrontatlons with people and even to take more devious courses of action than usual.
The responsibility for such tactics lies directly on your head, so don't be surprised if
they worle. against your best interests, You are probably not clear-headed enough to This same energy pattern ma lead
pull off a convincing deception , Also it is important to be careful about exactly what you have a perfectly good rea:on you to surrender to another
or martyr role under th' 'fl for standing up to him 0 h person , even though
others tell you, for they might try to deceive you as well, confrontatio~s Int'~ence,
put o,ff the If you feel that you rca er , Avoid playing a victim
transIt will have passed, U:\~, y~u have had time to reflect nnot a,ssert yourself now.
It is possible that this transit will stimulate your innate idealism. which is by no means IS tIme to reflect on your lif upon It. By that time thi
bad and could produce a beautiful moment in your life today, But it could also make R e,
you want to reach for unrealizable goals, which is particularly discouraging in view of
elations with h
the low energies you probably feel. Use your common sense even about ideals, and C ' thi ' ot ers m ay b e confus '
above all. deal with the real world as it is, not as you would like it to be, You can work sim I S IS a pOor tim lng, and there m
p y not clear enough b e to negotiate or make ay even be outright decept'
to make it what you want, but don't assume that it already is, Don't be discouraged by a out your own n a contractual arran Ion
the gap between your ideals and reality, YOur relat' , eeds to proceed intelligentl" gement. You are
d'ff lonshl 1 '
Iicult to und Ps may show yOu '
Sun Trine Neptune what you hay erstand at this' a Side of yourself 0
e learned. and e lime, Instead of tryin r of your partner that i vel'\'
This transit arouses your inner idealism and gives you a strong d ' to understand
a ~, more SPlfltua eve 0 rea Ity, both emotionally and intellectually, It IS 3
" I I I f I' eslre , ~tits high ventually it will begin t~;:uknderstand it now ref1~t ~
d In relat' est, this t a e sense,
i~a of. where you'are
good time to go off by yourself to thinle. or meditate. Try to use tod t get a dearer
lonsh' ran 't
great IpS th . Sl allows
~ your spiritual,and
in your life and how well you have fulfill-..1 ay 0 a
matt~nal needs, It IS a go sYrtlPath at IS quit you to exper'
od d ' I "
soul .. ~
t....l- -"'.ion." J.f~n- und
ay for qUIet study, especially of metaphysical or spifltU Ya d e magn'£' Jence asp" 1
V\ItIY be _..,""'" J Icent. Yo
erstandi u an d your ITItua ity and d ept h t •et'h, "
has p~a_yOUsh~' it Would b \ for each other p~r~ner may find that \ u, a\'e
In varioUS ways your ideals will be appealed to today, Someone may request I3 YO~: ofdiscrirn,.1t Itt,y b auld have th e hest not to the p tential f:r r .11

twip, or you may be called upon to worle. for others, with no direct or iJ'l'lJ11eC
III,UOll e as go d e c ance t
In such o . s it see ~ )0 ourself to U h
see it in a different I' h I
J re atil. n. Ip
matters is not m~ nght now but it Ig t after thi.
at ItS high est today,
• may n )t bt> ' ' ur pH r
----------- - --
Sun Conjunct Pluto
--- , tra nsit
' also signifies a concern
Y with deep thi nking,
a feeling
of life are not adequate , ou wan t to get to the bottom f h
th t t he su f"
per ICta\
0 W atever pr bl
Thi tra nsi t ca n have a vanety of effects, but in general it indica tes intense ex peri yOU are working on, You WI war d carefully
' and investigate WI' th t h oroughn 0 em
I f leaving no stone unturne ' Subjects s uch as psychology th ess and
that do not allow d Ieve
, you to stay at the d 0 surface
d h manifestations , You w I' ll reallyences
h ep th , If " ' e occult yo
toget involved In whatever you 0 to ay . an t e results may be quite pow f aVe dot er techniqueS
" of persona trans ormatIOn Will a ttract you And th
' ey would be ga or
, d
relate:. to the for<.es underlying all experience and leading to fundam ent al er lul : Pluto h
, ' Th ' ' bl f h evo uhona for yoU at thIS tIme . goo
changes from wlthm , e Inevlta e power , 0 t ese cha nges produces t he ma' ry
occurrences in the world -, growt
" h , evo Iutlon , decay and death ,asa
wells reb'Irth aJord Sun Square Pluto
regeneration , Because thIs IS not a major long- term transit , you are not I'k I n
encounter any , of these effects on a terribly profound level but rather as th ey OCCUr l ey toIn This is a day when you may have to encounter and even 0 pp ose powerful
and forces exerted upon hf
day-to-day lIfe, , you,'II bb at rom
d without and f ro m WI'th'ln, The waypressures I'
and exert your energIes WI 'f e teste today ' perhaps fo rcmg . you to m k youd Ive
At the practical level , you may be 'concerned today with changes in the areas 0 f your II e that you find are not worki ng a e ra leal
l I' 0 repairing something th at has to use this influence is to let go of old patterns of b h :,ery well. The best way
broken down . sue h as an automo b I e or a~ app la~ce, r you may have to deal with a ' I'd HId' e a VlOr that tod '
demonstrate to be mva I , 0 109 on to them will onl k ' ay s events
y ,~a ecrea
situatIOn that has broken down to the, pOInt that It mus t change radi cally in 0 rH~
and if yOU give them up, you will have room for the posItive your Itfe
tiv h more difficult '
contInue, even along completely new lInes ,
take place now, In fact one manifestation of this t ' e c anges that can
, d h' f ranslt can be a f
You may have to contend with a person who is trying to exert unreasonable power havtng purge somet 109 rom your life , power ul sense of
over you today. forcing you to defend your right to do things your way , The person
may feel that he or she is doing this for your own good , but that is not usually the It may be difficult to contend with persons ' h '
case , True Plutonia n energy does not manifest itself through someone's ego drives, It
you, be able to account for yourself and your ~nty today
m autacllons If , They may dem an d t ha t
senous problems with these people B t th , you can , you will h
is a transpersonal flow of creative or destructive energy , have left undone or done poorly . Th'en uagam,eysuch
mayp call you to accoun t fo r Worakveyou

Under rare circumstances you may come into contact with someone who embodies the because they are wielding, and there b ya b usmg,
' ' nakedersons
power,may give you pro bl ems Just

Pluton ian energies within society , such as a person in power or someone who
represents hidden elements of change and / or decay, such as a person living in poverty, As with other Sun-Pluto combina ' ,
the breakdown of mach' lions, With this one you m y
a tramp , a criminal. or someone who is associated with a radical movement for social smoothly will work ve mes °lr situations, Anything that t ad hav e to contend with
change, Avoid contact with criminals and do not go into areas where you are likely to th ry poor y today It' , en s n o t to f .
up emechanical probl em. ' IS time to straig ht en o u t the situnction very
encounter street crime, Under this transit it is just possible that you might have an ua t'Ion or fix

unfortunate encounter.
y ~u will derive satisfaction
bemg challenged tod from those aspects of
Sun Sextile Pluto :rst;~~;h
they will be a SOurce ~he
a,re parts of
m t e future,
YO~o~;;e:~ at;ayou
t p r ove them elves by
a re handling well;
Under this transit you will be able to make changes in your immediate environment
and to rdonn circumstances that you have been unhappily contending with for some
time , You should seize any opportunities that come today to wield creative power for This tr ' Sun T '
that ansll signifies th nne Pluto
the good , However, it is very important to realize that these energies must be used for
the improvement of all and the general good, Only incidentally should this power
you can I at you need
general a d earn ever th'
very lOtense a d
~~n"'t~~:::' HI. in o':.":~I:,o~:I•. about th.
nin~:;::u~."" toda ' 0
bendlt your purely personal ends,
, ' that has .et~~ st~dy,
run t You are ~ithils
lOok IS an excellent transit rf lOgs~f th world in
On a very mundane level. this is a good influence for cleaning up a SItuatIon difficult refo:ore srnOothl ng In liEe and wh t~ourself to deterrn' or taking up any i
become disordered and confused. such as cleaning house or even c1ean g up a chan them. Tht Decide what a c nges you should me w hat rnotivat y
personal situation, tlsil~ransformative
gts rather ~f
parts Your life ho ~dakbe so that your lif will
In I and to d ' ener81t'S in u e ref nn
'II b bl h II ctive that yOU ,YOUr eOnta eflve great . yOur life n o w II . I and t
T ay you WI pro a Y ave to confront the power of a grOUP or co e u wiJl have With conatdtr eta "ith satisfaction from ki a w u t m
deal with every day , ~ut
the results are not likely to be disadvantageous, Yo _ friends You ftetd t ablt llIl others Y o u , rna . ng them .
to realign your own Intentions with the collective intentions of the grouP nt age , 0, but cia Pact. This i. COIn, If you choose
n~ghb()r5 or business associates - but this will probably work tel your adva en:ray
!lOt use this good time to mak expr . Y u r If
Ear ruthl e n Irnpr i
ess or seW h purp

d hard- o-r IS fo r' tha will ry t ) d r ii '
WI 1 In 0 " on powerr I an
to maJI.C
y o ur Ilf
v o lv an g ro w upward ,
;: You do.,.'l
h s t1\~gy hould Pur u your own ob; liv , but d 'I so WIll ul tlla y ou all na
I ad, Ie h' d . cl unn anly
d wa nl to g
t In&! (. r 0 ay, so ' () 4 ~ ad 1 .
1 u
Itt forcd ), an y~urself
throu h work Ihil t mu hI' ... And hl'i, d~m i
You f~ J!
a C')((t wIll gatn m
1m for
~ lng Y and knowledg' of y ou r If, whkh y ou ( n dC)1
ore f')(pen nc <In PUI to
In you r d a-hn wllh superior, Ihi
aIlen a! <Jour
h Ir n It ha a double-sided Igmf,cance You
r b ause t ~ yourII dactiond a a Ihr at to them Iv
' or
I, Y - Y wIn Ih ir rega rd and support It pen upon your rela IOnstup wi h
good ute la er on. you ma d y' ur a tllWd towa rd authority f1gur in g nera!. Thi tranSit lOwe t only
Iht'fTl an J ' hi '
Sun Opposition Pluto Ihat you W ill h VI! exl n Ive dea Ings WIt P op In power

e ncounter w ith (Itn"r per on!> and drrulTISI.lli E I loday may furt h your reputation . d pendln upon what you are tryin 0
ve~ertainlY if you have b n Iryin to get public Itenlion, this tran it will help ou

I Ind,catet 13 ~n~f ur life that you md Y fHlt h av· underSloodor",~ d

Tht ra"
··..1 11 reveal many 3
.peetJ 0 yo , "
1 r this tran 1t Igmh
-I I you may ha ve POlIter
'or., N~ilher malefiC no r benefic. this traMiI rv t~ In g r IS u in your hf and bnng
whiCh ..,1 In parllCU a , . L ' h '11 b
have ( ..-" 10 1I"0re .
fVclally per 0 n in aut~onty. ITI Wille:. you WI
'cl b . ~ forUd!1I Ihem 10 the fo r . For thl rea on. It could also Signify damage 10 your reputation, If
, _ ..I
"'Uh otMU. fir · h ther hand, y ()u m u t d VOI I'Jng oV'rwttflln~ you hav ' been layi ng a fra m ework Ihat could hay that r ull .
n nteo . •
.ta nd up for your patltlobec:aUte ,sue°h an a ttitude will only <.reale cl)nfltct s thai you will
_.J domlne6 ln g.
Put as much po it ive e nergy int o your wo rk a possible loday , for your work is " Iy
probably 10M. ont
way or anot er . 10 be nOliced . Your home life m a y la k a weak ond p itlon 10 your public life, 0
d'IO't plan 10 s lay at horne a nd r la . Ci rcum tane will probahly prevenl your
doing o .
I·d ns In your re Ia lions hip but h Iha t y ou have
. tohfa ce lilt
brea~ (]W
t1\Countef d r to gel tn diff ic:.ulty out mto t e optn.
You may ton directly and forthrightly In ornJ mald~g .Vf.ryth ing very clear wll.1 it bt
Sun ~ )( tile Midh eav n
other per h OUSh1y airing all grievances a . . (. and e labl ish a new begmmng
Only by t orL._ of you to get past your go van
poIIibW for t.. two Today you will focu y our atten tion on getting a h ad In om way . You feel Iro n ,
to your r.tionship. vigorous and confident. Your relation hi p wi lh your sup nors I good. and th y may
grant you some favor Ihat will as i t you in you r effort .
• d a<.:hlTl . Ib
. ·ry may brea\-: down undff h
Su~Pluto contacts, obJects an . m Mdny a sp Ie; of your hfe t II
At with ~':'
tnntAt, ..... y
au wtll han to stop and repaIr
t ill now have to be fix
~he: . om lelely . Patching up will nol
c P
Neverlheless you do nol fe I dependent upon anyone n ow. n o r d o you f I that you
need recognition from others. In lead you draw ilti facti o n f rom knowmg inside
MIl Umplna • onl W yourself whal you can do . Yo u go abo ut y o ur wor k qu ielly and th o r ou hly and feel
tuftkI no desire 10 demon trale your a bililies to a nyo n Th IroniC res ult of Ihi , howev r .
b d It can be a tune IS thaI il may bring you rf'to~nili"n from (11h r . nyw y. If o. you can b c rtam tha I
You really des~rve iI, becau II is bas d on yo ur
diffic.ult or a . life rea(h I
ocher hand, this tra.,.it is by no mea liv change in your hang I~' li o n I n e. Even if you have be n
am'" OM and the forcfI for rea . and fundamental ( esoulrt Itymg to gel r~cognilion, il I lill yo ur c tlo n Ihat hay broug h t it about _ r I
cW....JOUI'iUalI\. You wt11 be.bIt to make many w pin: ure that Ihe ch,mge5 lit :tt~ d~dJ. not ones done for how .
4Mt not haY the power to before . Ju,t mdrown dnd thai yOIl be<,iJII
~ to brtna .out .... tor the tarpl' IOod beyon y~~
time to go it dI one, This i a good time 10 plan Y OUT future COur
und~rstandmg of If ·1 h . I h
of action . Yo u have a good
aMI of lft b(I1M , _ about. This is .~ot a Kl~ o\J can handle
b your e , anu I e eil mn I al u ual y goes along with thl tran it
ena I" you plan with a cool h ad . If you have already decided where you want 10
OU would likely to mor OPPoSItIon tha Y fore,d go, thiS transit will ani I you In gelting there.
Y b' ted 10 .lfll"

~;ur ~~onaJ and family life are al

be su ,ec t aO
U to U Id mils n h
yOWlllf in .haltiON wh re yo r ( ulions if your life wil 0 benefited by thl transit, beea u e your personal
I0Il_ _ you
mt rat . or lak p. 1 n(' inlO yoU
Vlrt ntly draw vlO
~:~~~ tl:k:oupledy With a en e of re ponsibiJity and th~
knowledge that you don't
th.", '-'eryth;wa anything Irom your loved ones in order to get ahead You give
order nl you have. which furth~r Your OWn ends. because your life IS in

QIIII.t Mld h .v
od eoe

~ W.n J 1)1
rgy into gf Ih tS •
Sun Square Mldheaven
Your attention a it. Ihi nO .\\,ill t I
ny 0 th r Iranbe (Tl(lre slrOnSn .yo.Jht~ Ijanifies a day of great activity in severaJ arN 01 your lIIe. You
r lnclin d to prll(Tlise eve
not m k co(Tl
f eI a great need to exercise your will and to determine wher
u are doing . O tten t h'IS IS a d ay 0 f har d work in your e YOuf are . and
. gOing . to make a great surge out into the world . Professional
Y · h B '11
achieve great accomp IIS ments . ut you WI be motivated b
pro eSSIO
n, and Yo at
wh This is not the best . time .
t ou as much as personal affairs, and you may not have the
· ' T Y tasks th U can '11 not IOteres Y . h' h
them off well. Of course, if there IS somet JOg t at must ~ done In
L_ •
our own persona I 0 b JectJves. 0 a great. extent you are w rapped· at relat e to matters WI
Y energy to ca~ry h ad and do it. But don't get involved any more than necessary
purposes, and you may not b e very considerate of others. Th f up In YOUr
. .h h . . f
also signify conflICt Wit ot ers, arising rom what they consid
ere ore th'
IS transit
own your pro fesSlO11 ' go a also
e have troublesome prob Iems wit h persons w h 0 are opposed
er Your self h can . that area. You may
excessive self-involvement. O r as you pursue · your own goal s you ma IS ness and III ff ts in professional matters.
to your e or
conflict with another w h ose goaIs are not In harmony with you rs. Y cOrne int 0
. . 0 defeats are quite likely with this transit, if you concern yourself
DemoraliZing thelt eg are not related to your rea,I Inner
. nee d s an d concerns . Th at IS
. why
No matter which of these alternatives
. you encounter, this is a t'Ime f or enl' h with matters
self-interest. But you must continually remember the people around Ig tened . . ortant for you to be alone or with your closest loved ones in your perso nal
. h h you and b it IS so Imp
careful not to alienate t em any more t an necessary. Although yo b every world. This is the only way to determine what your real needs are and how you
· · fI u pro ably d
feel like being a team player un der .t h IS In uence, you cannot be" an t'I-team" .0 hnot should satisfy them.
Even if you don't want to work With others, don't act in ways that elt er.
'f d . d" cause them t On the other hand, within your personal sphere you can have very satisfYing
work against you. An d I you 0 get Into a Ispute With someone mak f 0
. f' d I k . ' e an e fort t experiences that will prepare you for the time when you should make a new thrus t
rise above your own pOint 0 vIew an 00 at the situation from d 0
. f' a etached out into the external world of your profession and the general public.
perspective. From that pomt 0 VIew, you may see whether you are right or Wr
and you can modI'f y your posItion
. . accor d'IngI y. Y ou can d0 a lot under this influen ong,
so do not let your desire to achieve get in your way. ce, Sun Conjunct Ascendant
This transit is often felt as your second birthday, because the Ascendant is as vita l as
Sun Trine Midheaven the Sun m your horoscope. When the Sun conjoins the Ascendant you f ] 'f
. d dd b ' ee as I y ou
have receive
fd a su en
. f . urst of energy and enthusiasm . This w'lI b t . II
I su s antJa y renew
With this transit you again have a clear idea of what you are doing and where you your can I ence In acmg the world, and you will look forward to the . •
are headed. You feel that you know who you are and are therefore confident that you year when this transit occurs. season ot t. e
can achieve your objectives. But with this transit also comes a knowledge of and
mastery over the necessary material resources and techniques for achieving your Today you will be able to project yourself w'th .
ends. You need more than mere self-confidence to achieve anything, as you are well others with the force of your personal't Y I vIgor and energy and to impress
you to get a lot of work done if yo IhY. our genera] feeling of well-being enables
aware. So you will work diligently at whatever task you set yours~Jf today, .~~~~g 'f' , u c oose, or to ha ve d .
great attention to detail and making thorough use of all the matenal that WI P yourseIf ,I that IS what you want. a very goo time just being
'd . k . h t have done good work
you accomplish your task. You feel Prl e In nowlng t a you Your approa ch to your environment is' "
as well as in knowing that you have moved one step closer to your goals.
d t pon anyone else, and
:~:e~:~ ::~ to i~itialte action, you do ~~s~~~;S:I~d ;~~v:'klnstead of wai ti ng f r
As with the sextile, you do not feel the need to b e d epen en u ed with a you may are IOVO ved in and make it work th . a e control of whatever
able to Wi~~::u~ter OPposition, but if you handle eitw;t I ,:,ant it to . 0 c ur~ e
. h Thus you proce YOU
you don't feel that anyone else is a threat to you, elt er. h' fdenceand
. . ha . f I Others sense t IS con I . p e over to your side. p omatlcally, you _hould t-e
sense of equammlty t t you may not otherwIse ee. f r leadershiP
know that they can rely upon you. As a result they may look to you ~ow it would Above all With thO .
today, but you may be reluctant to take it, especially if yo.u cannot see re concerned don't Want to I IS tranSit, you will want to b
. oal but yOU a
serve your purposes. You are not irresponsible or antlS O , . h m to coJlectlV
.e ;ith you as w~t~~~mes w~th people, and you ;e~nc~mprOmising]y y ur_e!: u
primarily with your own ends. You are not willing to subordinate t e the connection Irthday does . IS tranSit represents a new t an that other people L - ~
, so mak 5 art fo th ve d . ' :t
L_ I ' d ' f yOU can see h role e as good a start as Possible. r e year. iust d_ your a t .11
end s or to otna peop e s purposes. On the other han , I '\1 accept t e
between your own purposes and what others are trying to do, yOU WI
of leackr. Either way you will gain the respect of others today. DUring thi Sun Sextile Ascend
asso . s transit. ant
Clate With You WIll seek recognitl' f
World k e"ery d on ro
Sun Opposition Midhea ven '1 matters. w now that ay. In little or big W rn Your friends
I life and faml Y ti(!1e5 le:~: r~ognition. ~?U are a person With in:r:: You will try to ~;td ,th~ pI •
Today you should attend to domestic affairs your persona. s ' ver There are our
, . k hlng o · dY . . rshl p role You are working . h Idual d ) ur Imn
It IS Or 1 Wit a ~ an w
All<> it is a ~oo~ day to ~ithdraw into yourself an~ thin t with yourself all USually bet at east a role of ind group toda ant. an th
when nothing IS more Important than getting In touch ler to work with otherepe~dent authOrity. YW~hu ~ay a ti . I
~rsonal work. Now is the time to do this. s, ~cause You It thiS tranSJt h
r 0\\7\ driVes III ~

, T da y you won' t be
d ur dail y r o u tme , 0
." : ' ", in ~ ' ''''I' f1 '"d .. , I'Vl ' n Ih o ug h th ol t ou alsO seek to expan ylod I'ke to learn m o re about yourself, the
mdy b , difficult , ' f1uenee y II d you wou I " a lly a
to Wit/'l 1/'115 I~ what yOU usua y, 0 , od transit for beginning a tnp " espeCl If
satisfied I~ ~her people , This IS a ~~e rigors of everyday life and en Jo y yourse '
II H' " tl1 .lk l'~ \ (\11 I " I vr,r y !i ll l , tI Yo u cnJoy helno w th world an 0 , time to relax from
.., I YOur f '
,1 1..,11 IlId,. ( h .111f 1l1 X m' w w,th them Yo u m dy r I I' I fiends a ~d vacalion , It IS a l'f 'n your encounters w ith ot hers you are
a Itt lik h .. oach to , I e, I strong and even wit h out trying '
1111'" .(. \ .111 • 1t.1I m 111 mnd'r.llton But whol t(·v 'f you t e S Owing ent easua I appr you
ry to sho , your Pres Y energies are ' bi
I, ' n ,II 111.11 r1'lId"!1U .t nt t ,)h. tIly I le.ld • It b d l."r
.. th
at toda w Others DeSPite k an impression, our H this is not likely to cause pro ems
'11 'f h
, 1til t

11.1 ,,'1l If' qu.l (' .nv.ltl nl II , 1 (1 n I try to d 'Iude o lh y YO u do
er peopl b abl e
10 rna e
b showing 0 ff to y nPople
h ' h most people enjoy , especla y I t e
• ,t ill I' I '''11'1'' \'I',nx hIm I .md of {lur!, p I.' pie I'k f e a Out appear to e 'off is a performance, w IC
• ' , I e to eel e our showmg
Id li n ,II , " Np man' a n. Ilfld h ,IS r ".1 Tn ','mng for yo u tod If needed, becaus y 'h 'ng a good time ,
.. I fIlf" In ,tnt I yo u n e'd n ' t f ar th ai sh ay ,' noth'Ing rmer IS aVI
." h" " In ",W per f0 , d d
. Owmg off 'I , h ld be good today , unless your attttu e t owar
It na t I '1'\1' Unl\' r "U a ll a n In .. u!f(,f" bl · hra g'.trl to begin With , it will nOI WI I , rs
'th supeno s ou 'II 1
Your relations WI d ' od job, But if you enjoy your work, y ou WI a so
Ih I If I ' !J II . have revents you from OIng a go
work p " f 't from those above you,
gel recognl tlOn or I
un Square A (!
Sun Opposition Ascendant
will be chiefly concerned with all kinds of encounters with o thers
Today y ou ,
Psychologically, you will learn about yourself throug~ the way you expen,ence a nd
affect other people, Therefore you must be very conscIous of all your deali ngs with
others today, There is no danger in not being conscious, but you would m iss a great
opportunity to learn more about yourself. Also some events that may occur with this
transit are much more unpleasant if you don' t understand them ,

There is great likelihood of ego conflicts with others today , because the pressu re of
' h will drawk you closer to others now than at almost any other t'Ime , T h at
IS , you ave to wor with them! You have little or n h' , h
Ob ' I 0 c olce In t e m a tter
VIOUS y, anyone whom you tend to have difficulty with will b f'
today. because you cannot escape the confrontation ' , e a source 0 tr ouble
it out and get your problems into th h' In fact It IS a good idea to have
, , e open so t at perhaps you can clea r it up .
'OU Will be involv d '
ad n " I.' tn partnership situations with I
th thIS Will work out very well. Today yo 'II peop ,e you are compa tib le wi h ,
em. u WI work either with I .
peop e or agal t
This is a good f me
other professionall to consult a lawyer . psychol o ist .
' ~ and why personality, not w~~ert or ~onsultant. The basic th!m: , PSYChl~trist , d o c t o r or a y
a~ n t 8\ ,lre, t \
'h t vou are d 1118
t be bad t da ', The may:'t you as a
threat (lrJ t
in '(lur
whom you bring m! a tarltJc~lar type of consultant It IS workIng With a c on-ul ant
re c ose y Into your intimate . may even be a cio"" f .
thl ' m3 ' happen Th . space for "'" ne
I u a r : ,'ung, e POUlt is tha t ' Some reason
Even if Your onl you Will not derive much be .
You In t~ I Y encounter with anoth nefJt from keep '
iIlds ong flln If . er person ' tng to a u
, and p1iCed " you Withdraw , the ' " IS unpleasant · .
SunTrirw endoant WiU still hay "'-_ IJl the environment h Initiative w ill b ' It Will bt>
t ,,~ , Were e ta e
cOnfrontation, you have little n Ou t 0 y
Control ov r It.
Chapter Five

Significance of Transiting Moon
't' Moon is very transient. because the Moon moves so
'f' e of the transl Ing fl' .
The sigm leanc h the nata1 M oon 'IS one of the most power . u . P01fltS 1. your
fast. Even t oug . b 'thout too much notice . When It IS transitIng nata
't transits may go Y WI f th M
horoscope, I s f I f couple of hours at the most. Transits o · e 00
't Hects are e t or a h h
planets I s e l f days Exceptions to this rule occur w enever t ere
through the houses lafst ahcou~e
'or change 0 p a s e ,
:ew M~on full Moon, etc. - upon a natal planet .
f ks T
is a mal . may feel the influence for one to our wee. e
U d these CIrcumstances, you h F th
n er I' tal planet may be felt up to several mont s. or e most
Heet of an ec Ipse on a na h . b' . ed
part these tranSl't s em phasize the nature of the natal planet t at ISI I
e elOg'transit at .
the ;ime of the lunation, eclipse, full Moon, or whatever. The nata p anet s energy 10
your life is "set off," so to speak.

But by itself the transiting Moon is felt mostly as changes of mood, tr~nsient
encounters with others, and passing feelings. Often you may not even be consCIous of
its effects, because they may occur unconsciously. But even though these effects are
not visible to you, others can see them. Or you may see the results in unconsciou y
motivated actions on your part.

In tradi~ional astrology, the Moon signifies women, and even in this day of blurn
sexual identity, this is still largely true. Transits of the Moon may indicate van u_
kinds of encounters with women, but the real purpose of these encounters , especialJy
if you are male, is to make you experience your own unconscious attitude. t ward
Y~rself and toward aspects of your personality that, rightly or wrongly, y u u aU'

d lona Ifemale attribute of b eing very c ha ngeable and unpredictable _
the° not agr~ with totally - exists because the Moon rules femininit . In b t
SO unchonsclous mind has a certain feminine cast, while the con ci u
m~ at more mascuI'me. E'd
inati· f thO . h
IUtions beha' . IVI enee 0 h IS IS t at patients of both se .
The nl ve m cycltca patterns t at are related to the positi n
for .:~r.~ who don't under~tand thiS. a~e the scientists who ne er
.... oac.
Your 11ft to
they have decIded that It 15 imPOssible.

Moon through the houses of OUr birth hart i ni

be.""" ef~ghft\1I should turn your grea ttention. But y u mi t n I I ..
the Moon usually expres i If thr uah habi tu I be \ r nd
PI nets in Tra sit

espeaal y co cer - l g eve- ls f -

o. yo y
a p.1Ipticuf.a: day, 100 0 he • Pas _ \'
ere yo .ar e •• os erno lonally . _ a.~ B' YOUr life". --..~e
• -- e. -t -f q : vy
:.a a ea of y : I.. e, y _" ;eslS a:- ee ill 1 yo ... .."oa" .. I
0 ' I
ar.:d as;· er d.I .ac 0 eo:- s.cio~ cortIoL
err-erge ." 0:
OU " J~.c():.sQ
. the Third House
100n Ul
,. - a. y -;d 0 socia l OCC4 SJO:- fro Y01. : m-,'
poi 0= •
00- se- ously a 'Riels cer am pI a. els, as • _ • VIew, air -
o eo I t:e rollO\o.Ji._

Moon in the First House

s a o-aay period W • .er. pers<>. at and s·.;bJ'ec .'ve cons'ldera IOns
. oJ)
e11er ef.s.e bt: it need I'o be difficul t. Firs' o f all yo feel a • WI O\ier·de
o re a to your fflends or loved ones , T is eed ~ rns on v,.;~ea t n~d to Delc. &
'0 ° • r " " r eP.lot!ona) sense.
a akes you very sensl' ve 0 e f~! mgs ard m oods of -: e n<>n J • ,; s.
. . • • r ~~p e around yo<:'
beause y wa to f aJI I WIt elr rroy t IrS and beco me sym pa t eti ', . ~. L"
. . fl ' C WI. urn
consoo s Sign 0 re atmg to a group Tnus you are emot'Ionall y ng: . .. k ,ner . 04 .l'nger of this•
transit is that your :hinkl g may be
enever someone ~ds your sympa y . warm a. d understanding ~
ex,."€n er. ces" ' ~ a Jt· and reac IOns to subtle s~ir.1ur put ut by
' tJ
,,6of our evervdav
. .. world , which we generaiJy ta ' e
r gra
Obviously there are two Sides to h is . On the o ne ' and you can be very emotionally l~efore sub,ect to automatic be avior, UsuaJl: .'ou can ge awa
gJ g 0 hose aro nd you . but on the 0 er hand you can be very emotio. a!]y tnere IS a danger now that ).'OU \0\;11 ma e a bad impression up n some
demanding espeoany If you f~1 inadequate in some wa y, Be careful tha i you do ot a.' atICaIly Instead of thl. king about t e demands a the marne
demand more nurturing and support than you can gi ve, o r a t least be ready 0 ~ake pro ern espeaallr with casual acquaintances and relati 'es.
p a a other Ime for what you take now .
femalereatlvbes mbeaYbPllayan important role in your life at this time . a d
You are very conttr ed about yourself, which is fine. but d on't dis to rt this mto a sta:e ay concl'Iva lII a e to teach you something about yourself.
of m nd i w ich you cannot see anybody else's point of vie.,.; . Ob jecll vity, especially
dull", WI 0 hers, may be difficult to come by now .
Moon in the Fourth House
Tills is a good t' ,
Ime to retire bv . If
Moon in the Second House :~~fort ~rom the demands of t~;:;Sidto ~our own private place. ou see a
Orne IS probably the best way to acco:n;~;~d;h~nd haVing a pJeasan rei
'TI...;_ ' h ' ons or whatever yOll
..... a t me when you emotionally identify WIt your possessl , d nera!
. I objects an age. e
y " Th. can lead to a very strong attachment to materia eds to Also thiS IS a good t' .
_..:........L.. b oblem if someone ne em . Ime to go' 'd
- - of poIIeIIIVtneM about them. which can e a pr 'II' h sua I to part oliona! onentat' 1051 e yourself and) It
borrow IOIINthina of yours, for instance. You may be Jess WI In~ t a1n ~dentifY WItt. bnng OUt into the Ion toward the world around 00 at YOUr attitudes
ay unconscIoUS y
now. Or , on a mor~ peychological leve l, you m h II to it as a dire<!
,... own yalue syttem to tuch an extent that you feel every c a engeh yOU really ~~}ut y.ou cOUI;~~i~c:se~ements of yourseir~~;ou Could do thi;
. . . . to y""....f You may have to defend yourself in areas were lhe \If Win be aCCo I' y
come 50 OVerwhel usually re~in h'
...... atllaU unhl~fo" to lOOk :~i~5hed. This is not so lik~ med by these e)~n
"'" ultimate! . e yourself consci0usi Y to happen h
b' ts that o Y gams Control. y. That h' . er
d d by famdiar 0 Jec h
Durine thit .... you probably wiD fftl best when surroun e . . more than t .f lie thine .L. JCh Wl
It for ossesslons IS . It IS concltio..o..~t !hay bee
ave man.,. you from your past. Each of your P emotion or Idea is (~rn..~01 orne really obv'
object ,tNff, .t fa alto tht IV.... of an important experience,. t the object that -..... s ). 10US to
L. d h t It IS no even ~ "iIh Your Ife now TL!. YOU at this '
Vf'1'Y ,mpotUnl t.... you reco.... this and understan t a ou can never lose. but il'tother in which ..... '. h
really ,mporUint to you bul •• tIIIotional content. That Y ll'tappropriite to t You iZah n
thoush m.,erul objecW may be dMro,ed or lost. '.'":'JIII.'--=" it can ~ f he sa u~
o real,,~
Planets in Transit Moon

, " f an illness, it can signify

You will probably feel emotionally more possessive, both of th ' h thiS transit by itself is usuaJly too fleeting to slgnJ Y . This is fine as long
relation hip, Under this influence there, is a strong fear of b elng ' mgsalo and in int'IInat Althoug h' e of personal health occupies your attention.
which makes you hold on even more tightly, However thl's I , e when t e ISSU '
" ' can eadne orI alienat ede a 11m d 't alloW it to become hypochondna,
th very thmg you. are holdmg
. ' onto, If you adopt a freer att'Itu d e to on dy to 10Sing
' ' as yOU on
ar afraid of losmg, you will be less likely to lose it. war What YOu
Moon in the Seventh House
While the Moon is in this house you turn your attention to y~ur most. personal
Moon in the Fifth House
relationships, in ~ourself
you express m~ch ~ore
in, a emotional manner than
At this time it is very difficult to conceal your feelings from others, and Y his transit Will affect a marnage, relatIOnships With opponents, or any other
h T
try. You nee d to be yourse If now and to feel what you reall OU S ouldn't , herently emotional confrontation, Loved ones and partners are muc h more
uw al '
.h h '11' h
Wit ot ers, you WI project muc more emotionally than usual
yare , In your 1
d' re ations important to you than usual, f or they provide you with a feeling of seeunty
In '
an d
do not like this side of you it may be necessary to reconside r your I~ Some ' people
,an fnendsh support. And to be fair, you have the same interest in providing these elements for
t em. Ip With your loved ones, But if you are in a negative emotional state now, this transit will
tend to make you excessively jealous and possessive, or you may act unconsciously
In love relationships, you will experience greater emotional depth th or automatically with your loved ones,
consequently your experience with a lover will be much more inte;~ usual. ana
danger to watch out for here is that
, you may be too possessive of th e ot h'erThe
pe only , ' with others will be much more emotional ' and you WI'II f'10 d 1't d'ff'
Conflicts 1 leu ] t to
Also you may be so wrapped up In your own feelings that you are unaware ofrson, th maJntaJn any degree of detachment and obJ'ectiv'ty I , Th'IS rna kes 'It easy f or an

e~ lOgS. ,Be caref u,I that you don ' t

opponent to contro I you by manipulating your f I'
other's feelings, e
react in an automatic, "knee-jerk" fashion t
thought. 0 a given stimulus Without conscious
Relations with women in general are improved by this transit. Regardless of
own sex, your experiences 'h t h em WI'II very I'k
Wit leyI show you a great deal about

yourself in a positive way, Confrontations' with women ,posItive

both ' , and neg t' I'k
th~n thos~ With men, But no matter whom a Ive, are I ely to be more intense
Sometimes this transit can arouse your protective and nurturing instincts, so that you thiS transit as an opportunity to see you confront now, you should look u
have a strong desire to take care of someone, You may be involved with children consCious of, These will be b parts of yourself that you are t pan
more than usually, or this effect may be expressed in your relationship with a loved your responsibility to remainc~OUg~t out in the confrontations you en no usually
nsclOUS enough to see th em, counter, It is
one. Just be sure that your desire to protect does not deprive someone of his or her
individual responsibility. The Moon can be overprotective,
Moon in the E' h h
During this t ' Ig t House
Moon in the Sixtli House h' ranslt your em t' I
W Ich is reflected in the k' ~ IOna experiences are much
This is a time when you are inclined to put emotional considerations second to the
immediate necessities, as you see them, in your life, There is a contradictor~ energ~
:~:~P~~:no~ may draw i~:~u~~Jle;~~~e~nd orsituations th;~:ui:::n~ than usual.
in this transit, because the Moon's need for personal and emotional contact IS l1ona°1 o~t You experienc~~ Very often through your s:m ~owerful people who h awn to. F r
h 'th house Emo You may ask if o~d~ and feelings that are ?ho~al enCOunters w' ave a tr ng
accord with the self-denying and abstemious nature 0 f t e SIX, ' ' observable d ' thiS IS really you it quite different fro Ith these pe pIe
repression of one kind or another is a probable consequence of thiS tranSit, unng a I ' seems so d'ff m you .. •
, h me crafts, months, this t ' onger transit that I I erent. Th' f r normal" self
, r attentIOn to 0 ranSIl rna , a so affect IS e fect ' .
y go by With little fanf S you psychol ' IS most readil
On the other .hand,h this transit can also signify turning are, oglcally . I n rdmary
' Za t' you
n of persona I asp ects of your
personal hygiene, ome care or a general reorgaOl 10 'b d bove, You may I
lif . Thi is a healthier expression of this energy than that descn e a becofl'le
seCond h a so experience som
surro oUse, Such e of the effects
• .. , I epression , yoU may 11 of ther ~nded by old as feeling overly aSSOCiated w'
If y u do react to thiS transIt WIth emo tJOna r
' f a repres se
d feeling u5ua Y I the~IS the added d and familiar things t~~S~essive about Ith the tran it thr

::~~";;::0/ :~~:: -;:'~~~!t;cih:~au.. ~~ =~~ories~::::;y Ur r

· h' II h "nslt is lie
hyp r ritlca, I w h IC IS rta y t t expressIon 0
'pression ' o f this tra u wh'le I
r olm ot toward somtone. Another negative ex. ' 11 right with yo he lf iiI;; I
" 'f t d' h methmg IS a '\ty for I f Pur nother's. J Y,ou may deSire g You may d ~ hOUse of j ' P t. But
pose and tha~ .elther case you m reater Control eslre sOrneth' tnt ~
"martyr gamt, a tactic , 0 predtn tng t at SO ' to rna k e 0 thers feel gUI put Y' ,u
ubtJy Ignallng that It IS not an pOSSibly trying 'rnLich better to It is a potential ust recognile hover s0ll\eth' Ing that
behaVIor Oft n this i. done quite unconsciously, ,It ISt'on Source of t t ilt Y Ing th t '.
. 'f h d ' rt the sltua I ' roubL ur tlil h I
~. C rnent
f Itng on th /tne, ven I t ey on t seem to I rv
Plauets j 1 T rmlslt- - - - -

Moon in the . 'inth House

------- emollonal level d
. . C ct between yourself and
than usual. this is a good tlme to say It . onta .
( than usual now . A related effect of thiS tra
nsit is to bring a
h uId find it
' much eepe . l'f d ' eneral you s 0
ime yu ma . feel a strong urge frien d5 15 f ' ds into prominence In your I e , an In g
t . I to get away
. from
. h the da ily roU t'Ine and I friend or Tlen
A mM"here and 'Ou ma)' not be enllre y conscIOUS ot t e reason behind thO go off lema e long with them now ,
a mood a rest les. ness that i~ hard to pin dov.:n . But there is more than IS drive It e35 1er to get a
a"''''''' for e ample it ca.n be done in the mind as well as in the h ~ne Way to . dshi s yOU will probably feel more protective and supportive than , or
on • h " t' h " P YSI(:a' /n ttP ct someone who gives you needed emotional support , However , 1f1 yOU
ere i. < me contradictIOn In t e energies 0 t IS transit , because the 1 World.
T . bl h OI h ' oon n tu WI 3 ra b ' vely
ch 10 the familiar and the comtorta e, v.: let e mnth house S ' b ' esa rally yoU t constantly conscious of your attitudes , you may ecome excess
al'ay fr m all that . Therefore this transit although not a ve~m ohz
ere taking are nO' of a friend and try to restrict his or her freedom in some way because of
d' cult to smooth OU!. Travel may be beneficial as long as the b sekv one, is po~seSSI
. . fity ve Childish as it may seem , you may become ;ealous when a f nen · d pays
.' II . " rea from .
Ins ecuattention ' . un h appy ,
(oun ISll t toO radical. ) ou are not rea
d 1f y mterested m getting totall
y away f your' more to someone else , If you are feelmg depressed or otherWIse
ne . ,
all yo are just bored WIth your every ay I e , rom It negative emotional patterns left over from childhood may adversely affect your
relationship with a friend,
5 ....A.-,, or mental Journeys may be more
. useful.
f because y ou can rem am
' ,In fam'\'
surroundings supported by the, comlorts d 0 your nonnal world , Yet at th e same t'liar Examine your overall goals in life at this time . It is important that they be a real
you can expose yourself to Ideas an concepts that are both rev olu tiona Ime
li~(atJng. Thus you can have some of the excitement that you crave . ry and
expression of yourself and not simply the product of emotional attitudes and
unconscious drives from an earlier time that no longer apply to your present
This is also a time, when you situation.
' . may meet new friends from a, foreign country or from a
"6' that IS very difterent from yours , However, smce this transit occurs once
each month, you obviously should not expect this to happen every time . Moon in the Twelfth House
At this time you may be tempted to 'hd
Moon in the Tenth House especially if you are at all insec b WIt ra~ and keep your feelings secret,
ure a out your mn If P h
people, have always felt that if othe II k er se. er aps you , like many
This transit brings professional and business concerns into focus , but in a way that k rs rea y new you th Id ' 1
you eep your entire emotional life secret' , ey wou n t ike you , So
will test you. The symbolism of this transit is such that your most intimate and 1s
hfe, however, because whatever yo h'd Tt can cause serious problems in your
~nallife is on public display more than usual now , and you may find it difficult yourself. And whatever you hide f U I e rom others, you will also hide f
aware of it This i '
Y~u :0 whe~
to hide certain facts about yourself. Obviously you are best off if you have nothing to rom yourself can c o n t r ou l' rom
hide, Even if you usually have reservations about emotional display in public, you difficult, nee; tIme your unconscious attitude:: dw;thout your being
preferably someon commumcate your deep inner f . n ears can be very
ot~lmgs perso~,
an likely to indulge in such displays now . For example, you might have a public
arptnrnt with a loved one or spouse, or you might have a public outburst of good problem, however, e you can trust. Inability to trust to another
ers may be part of your
During thOIS lime
, relation '
This t2ndency can stand you in good stead in your career, for you display more understand h S WIth women can b d'
eac other very well H , e 1fficult. usuall b
ftI'IOtiorW sensitivity and empathy toward the people you work with, and thus you , ere again com '. Y ecause d
can win them OVef'. Perhaps you will want to help someone whom you know t~I~ugh Probabl mUnJcatlOn is the you n'
your Job and mab the relationship something more than professional. But if It IS t~
be a10 Yyou will not feel much I'k ' only answer"

your disadvantage to blur the distinction between professional and persona

ne and face an
ot really all that b
a .
I e SOCIaliZing no
aspect of yourself that y w. And in fact it i
Ou are reluctant t f s a good e t
re1atioMhips, be careful, because you will tend to do this , ThiS is an 0 ace , It i pr b b l
· .h ' t the general mood undtr excellent r a ,
stand th Ime for any kind f
In workIns WIt a group you are more sensitive and responSIve 0 , . good
.-L b- h
an d t het'nore a Ie' to control your relationship with t e group,
This transit IS
that is, at the:: :it:~:~al ~r
not only spiritual disc. I'
. rtHnd but al Ip Ine , f r _ ( U c"'n
lor any kind of public relations work or sales, so With y - co
ur m ti

Moon in the Eleventh HoUse t'll'f This t.........

ftth ·-..It is like
oon Conjunct
it can indicate a .'fn d
ThIS transit can signify any OM of ltVeral different ef f ects, If
illS Iratd for th Your personal ne Sua
~ by e rtlonth ahead W MoOl\," a .
or your fn
when nnotionaJ
conUd with frienda i. very important to YOu,), yofuyou at a deeper
), eit er 0 thel_ger emotion~ Your feel" tune when You "
.... something vttry J'ft'fonaJ to NY, lOmething that touC es I patterns th.t t this ti r mmd an
"nate ~;.
Planets in Transit


Usudlly this transit is felt as a burst of energy in which will h .

emotions all work together harmoniously . The split between ' ~ YSlcal vitalih. . also indicate that several small areas 0 y
f our life simultaneously
more attention to
. . bl mind and f 'Y and
his transIt ean lly serious but one that forces you to pay ns tha t
often plagues us all IS not notlcea e now, and your relations 'th eelino h T . 's not usua ' h a ' h ' t ations or perso
. '11 b bl k WI other oS t at reach a errsl '. This is especially likely to ppen WIt Sl u r) blems
wIth the opposIte sex, WI pro a y wor more smoothly th s, parti cul
outward reflection of your inner harmony . an usual . This .ISarly what is happenln/dg: for granted. You should take the time to correct Itt e pro
an been ta ng . .
yoU have. d 've them the attentIOn that they reqUIre.
Group efforts are very favorably affected by this transit beca . as they arrse an gl
.. . . f I ' use It giv
sensitivity to the feelIngs 0 peop e around you. This is a good ti f es you great . . running smoothly in your life, you may feel this transit simply as a
any other situation in which you and others have to come to me Or conferences er If eV
erythlOg (onal
and physical energy that you can use creatIve. Iy 'tn any way you
some conclusion. Or burst of emO I
However, if you are not feeling very good emotionally because 0 f a 1 want.
transit, you may have very little energy right now. If this is th e case t k Onger-ranooe
off to allow your energy to build up slowly. Otherwise the whol ' a e Some time Moon Trine Sun
defiCIent in this regard. In general this is probably
. not a good t'Ime e month
to h may be Others things being equal, this is usually a very pleasant transit. Psychologically you
surgery. At the very least, take extra precautions and especially avol'd surgeaVe major feel very much in harmony with yourself and able to do whatever you have to do
part of the body ruled by your Sun sign. ry on that single-mindedly. Your energies flow with less resistance, and life seems to be easier
now. As a consequence, you can relate to people more easily, for others perceive
Moon Sextife Sun your inward h~rmony and are .d~awn to you because of it. Obviously this is a good
time for any kind of group activity. You are able to relate your own interests to the
This is a time of inner and outer equanimity
. . You can stop and take st ock Oy~
f U interdests of any group you are working with, so that everyone will gain from what
without feeling completely caught up m the usual turmoil and rush of rse you o.
. . hI h' . . events. Even if
your affairs are not. gOing too
. smoot y, t IS transit wtll provide a breath'tng space If
you have been feehng harned, you. now have at least a brief opportunity to tak~ it Relations with the opposite sex are also improved for the -
easy. And if you are relaxed, you will feel even better now. will be especially harmonious now for this' . f same reasons. A marnage
, IS a time 0 real understanding.

Your relationships with groups and friends are quite good under this transit. You are On the physical level this harmony is expresse d as a feel'n
· f . \. Y
able to understand other people's needs without losing sight of your own desires for feeI drIven to accomplish a great d I f I g 0 VI ta Ity. ou may not
your innate character than by thO eat 0 ,:"ork, however. That is determined more by
fulfillment. Whether you are a leader or a follower, being with others will benefit you IS ranslt but h h
burst of energy, you will feel very good.' w et er or not you respond with a
at this time.

As with the other easy Sun-Moon contacts, your relations with the opposite sex are
Moon Op "
good. You are able to make friends and establish a real emotional communion with At thO . POSItIon Sun
. IS lime of the month certain .
others. qUite phYSically ener eti' energies are at a high level
energies may not be g ~. and want to accomplish a . Probably you rill feel
Opportunities may arise from unexpected corners that will improve your life in small ~~rking against eachW:;h~~~ very ~moothlY, because dif~:;:~t deaL However , yo r
ways at least. These may very well come about through friends. In general you will ween Your ho ow. ou will have to areas of your lif ~
personality, and me ~nd professional life
. h tact with others as
benefit from being out in the world today and h avmg as muc con work hard to develop h e a. e
you don't get ~our mmd and feelings Y ,YOur consdous d arm n·
possible. SOlo h carned aWa b . ' Ou can acco I' an une i
ot Iy now b th' Y y conflIcts in the mp Ish a great d I s
, 0 SIdes of the areas m . se areas. In truth f ea as I
Moon Square Sun '1 Discordant entIoned abOve must b ' or your life t
are haVing :o~~ can create difficulties i n .
Ur dal Y
the structure 0 f yo e working t ge
This transit usually represents some sort of challenge to .
·£·· I t'ne daIly contacts
life, that is, your h orne 1I e, intimate re ations, rou 1
and sO forth .
that we do no
t Personsofthe~ m~ of internal emotio ~elahonships at tho _
. PPOsIte sex. na struggle. y IS hme. esped 11
All of us have hidden tensions that cause us to operate .10 waY~he surface. ThuS But on . au may h
understand. The effect of this transit is to bring these tensl;.~;' tolty in getting along
th qUite a diff aVe pc ble
you may feel ill at ease within yourself and have a bit more I ~~tU more irritable than
so~roPPosite sex w~ent level, this transit ca
C! of th 0 Seems qUit d n cause
wjth others, particularly with the opposite sex. You may be a tinte. bec~ua: attraction. But b e ifEerent frOIl"l \I a paSSing attract'
u ual and find other people's eccentricities harder to take. altholJoh . e careful b "ou. And t L - 1 n t
-0 mteresting't . a Out ~n .... t dif ere
• I might not ~ Y relati nshi n
~ry stabl. P t t
Moo n

. . I I h
Moon Conjunct Moon
It i hdrd to genera li ze about the effects of this tra n 't
a malar em otlOna eye e . A e art cast for the l'xaet
SI . which . .
slgnlfil's th
-------- , 'th loved ones , If there are rea
1 tension~ between .

nflecessaTY c ~fhC~i1~~urface at this lime. hut proba~Jy I ~y a B~t this IS not the right
you and
f em that requJres you

very common pred ictive too l in astrology beca use thmoment of the con 'l' bt&!1l1\i uom('One el e. t e~;cial appearances and a~alyze m ore et>pedP 'in the issues that your
. e preVa!/ ' JuneI' 11& bf'low u~r h because yo u WIll be so wrap
ch art seem to a ff ecl t h e entire month , So it is possi bl t Ing influ n 10111\ to go !() do I al .
L_ h d ' h e av th ~ne~ ,
are likely to De t e ommant t eme of the m o nt h. 0
, a t your I ,Ill tllaa III try d
l'l'lll1gS t time ,
nH:tlVe ""I,' " be warpt' , •
IlQIy perst'-- , rd with the others
Certa inly . emotiona l att itudes figure more prominent lv th 'II not feel that your interests are In acco ki d of public
should be careful not to lose your ob ject ivity in a dl' a,n usual at this t' In a groUP" you Wlgood time to work with people or to make any n .08 to stir
, ,I ' scusslon 0 I
perspective . But you wJi not feel parhcularl y good or b d ' r OS!! You
Ime ~,
" au \nlerests , It I~, nO::e and harmony is your goal. However. if you are tryl t be dealt
you wi II f ee I any emotion more strongly , a with th'IS tranSit sellse 0/
r ap t""arance, pt' 'ssUD or call their attention to circumstances that mus
·- b ut some I ~ 'ate your
rather. people u.p a o . n be quite helpful , although the others ma y not apprea
WIt .h Ihls transit ca
Sometimes there is a tendency to attract things to y ou a t th' . role in this ,
JS ' f unchon
. a I unar or yin ' , an d t h IS
' tranSit
. IS
. a very I(in t' IS lime
. ' Au ractino th
" Ime 10 the 0 In , 'th women may not be very smooth at this time, but you willleam a
may also b~ more important to you than usual. month , \\'oll1 en v r relatIons WI , . . h th
IOU d I bout your own inner emotIOnal workings through encounters Wit ern .
great ea a
Objects . persons and places that are familiar to y ou are very ,
because you nee d emotlOna I reassurance f rom your surround'Important
y at thIS till1e
lOgs ou Moon Trine Moon
withdraw from others or from confrontations with unfam iliar or st may try to
. d' , " f
This is not a negative con ItlOn; It aflses out a a need to be by yo rangl'Sltuat
If f IOns During this period you should have a very strong sense of well-being . Your inner self
urSl' or aWhile is functioning harmoniously . and you do nol feel emotional turmoil or strife . Your
relationships with others also function smoothly . reflecting this feeling .
Moon $extile Moon
At tM same time you are most contented with the familiar elements of your Iife _ You
This is a time of deep feelings . You want to be surrounded by familiar people and enjoy being at home with relatives and friends . and you like being surrounded by the
objects that remind you of pleasant past experiences. It is a good time to be with objects you are used to, You are not in the mood for adventures. challenges and
relatives and family and to go over old times with them, Or you may feellikedomg major changes. nor is it necessary to bt? so . There will be other times for adventure .
nothing more adventurous than staying home and curling up with a good book. ~ow y~ sh~ld restore and rejuvenate yourself in peace and quiet. Physical comfort
~sespeoally Important to you at this time. but it doesn't have to be lavish_ Your need
With this transit there is a great need for intimacy. which you wish to sha re with th IS for a comfortable environment that seems supportive, You want to be nded
by whatever you feel protects you, surrou
people you are in contact with today, Superficial meetings and ac~uain t ances will not
~ -otional needs. R....
N - 7 your ..... -0-
2rdless of your own sex, you W i ll probably
, I find.
' th
company of women more satisfactory, although men with great emotlOna sensltmt)' ~ the other hand, assuming that these needs are .
and understanding wiD fulfill the same function. aid and emotional support to others You wl'll f IIm,ket. Yko.u will also be able to offer
and cfoj.... 'II' ' ee leta 109 care of h
.... 'I..L __·'e so WI remforce your sense of em t' I' anot er pers n
h' ' f1 e you are able t~ "'wwen will be ' 0 lona secun ty If •
When you are with a group or before the public under t IS In uen~d have responded
atabliQ, a good rapport. and others will respond to you because y .
f blic presentatIOn .
With a
this Ii: ,
very Important to you at this time Oth
group that you belong to. Relations witl~
you are a parent. your
will be concerned
erWlse you
women are usually very good at
CO them. This is a good.transit for making any n ° pu
ki d

h' t'me You have tilt

Friends especially female friends. are important to y ou at t ISathetic

ear. as we as At this tj
ability sit with them, listen to their troubles and offer a symp
a'Valt. all-
Moon OPPOSition MOOn
YOUr moods are quite deep and
sood advice. other ~~~ntacts at this time will sit yOUr emotions powerful If
....... • &111$ can be 'the ow you how . ou are
'7 very benefici I el r 800d or bad, but L._)"Our ftl\otional state af ts
1 a. tn~ DP........ th .
MOOD Square Moon f difficulty ar- 0..
ct" - - 11\ cOl\sciou
orne moments ~
._-_:t althOUJh not long
. to get Ir.!t'
can prOVide S be more inclined uf ttl, I ~"'ththis transit, however .
..- Your
, d·_....- d ou may ff ct in VO .r
h out r, ~._. So if difficulties ~ •
emotion. are JIC~t, an Y h greatest e e
. . . . . . . ._ with otJwn. This wdf probably have e yOU should wale
I .,.d domestic situatJon. Consequent y
t _I. .....
he inclined to pl~c:e all of·
- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.!.Planets in Transit V100n

dd alingb
If J aT
with i! group there is a d
oPPChed to th;lrs th anger th~t you will feel that
om ~.earn 0 detacnL yourself ,SOu s erealtO?
h 0 more potenhal f
YOur ow .
. n Interest
rWlse you wilJ not be able af~ew at In order to Ob~Tve or dIsagreement S ;nd
,om people ~n
. . a goov time
life ThIS IS

het r ten e

ney is
wri e letters

to allow o thers

tte peop_e

ta ke the

der this transit become so pass,'.£: tr a: . t :5

'ee st-o.g)y a::; - ' Bu
; :'Tta -;"e ,
K- 0
I 'a
e •• - a-

yOur feelin~ . . Ou inItiatiVe T

erward to evaluat h
ff you are a e w at you saw. In action. to ople at this time w ill be cr.aracterized OJ seT. a:-C
.Pf:r~on who has d'W l ' V\1hatever yofu ::Yother~erson s feelings , which wil! be rr:uch app:-eciateG oy ~ose
thiS j likely to be an uncomfo;t~CU expressing or Telatin to
are negative, but that th ble time. It is not that the f 81, Your OWn etnoti awareness 0 t
ey are 100 t ee lOgs y Ons
~u are exposed t~ around you .
onto He women in their life s rong for you. Men often
~omen may also pToject, b:~d t~perience thIS transit as diit~~~~~t this. problem Moon Square Mercury

co,:,muni~t1ons ~e ~~?le_ a,~ou:~d

erose/vel>. ey are more likely t f J .1e5 wllh them
o ee dlssatisf'Ied With.
This transit can signify a critical time in your wi r:
ticularly those with whom you are mhmately IIwolved 1.,e <la ge. IS L .. t
you, par . I ' lJ _t .: .~
our feelings and emotions will overwhelm your rallona mte, ect. m.u...;r<g yct!.
for a f Moon Conjunct Mercury ~hinkJng so subjective that no one else will be able to relate to wh~t yOt!, say
ew hours your rational and I '
ynur moods, which could b '
ogJcal mmd is going to be stron] . Nevertheless you have a strong need to communicate about your er.1otlOns , I: yc~
For thi~reason it is not thee ~~~~
positive or negative, depending go~ ~~ue~ced
by have a problem with someone, do not hold it back. for that ·.~ill onl:' !Take ~:--.e
gather mformation th t . Ime to make a decision But ' t ' er actors. problem worse. Then you will behave toward that person m subtle but imta::;.-g
h a you can Jat b . I IS a good r e
ow you really fef'1 about some matt:;. ase a decision on, especially infonnat:: ~~ ways that you may not even be aware of but that can produce ever. more negative
feelings between you. And on top of that. communication becomes even worse .
Tllis is a good time to talk b
diffICult to expres~ your emo;jo~~t ~~~ru~~elings: ~t other times you may find it Others may also feel compelled to express the problems they are having with yoc . so
ea!.y Communication~ with wome~ are u lelr thIS mfluence it should be relatively don't expect to enjoy everything you hear today . But keep in mind that this is a time
sua y very good now. when tensions can and should be released. It is a time of psychological and emoticraJ
Some~imes your thinking may be overwhelme . readjustment, and the best way to handJe it is to just allow it to happen ,
very lmportant to you at the moment b u t d by.small ISSUes, matters that seem
small" can be a real problem. Trivial talk adre of httle .real significance. "Thinking You should avoid dealing with controversy by changing your own views even.' tIme
' an conversatIOn k
away f rom Important matters. may ta e your attention someone disagrees with them. You will tend now to change your views accordin~ '0
the prevailing wind, but this may result in compromising yourself if the people ~ot..:.
~oods in general change very rapidly at this time, but it i . have "agreed" with compare viewpoints . However, it is natural for your opinions to
kinds of changes, This transit has no p t' I " "s not pOSSible to specify the be m a state of flux at this time. Just be honest about admitting it.
. aT ICU aT good or "b d" f
emotions. a e fect upon the
Moon Trine Mercury
Moon SextHe Mercury At
abl this
t time you are in touch with your feelings
b bl to an unusual e x.t ent an d are m\.Te
e 0 express them to others. You pro a y lack the psych 1 . I .
0 oglCa t~nslOn tnat
• transit is likely to increase the tempo 0 f your socIa
. I mtercour
. f
WIIJ spend a great deal of time talkl'ng w'th f . nd . se or dawhile. You usually drives people to talk about their feelings but
I fie s, acqualntan
about matters that affect you all. The conversation 's n t J'k I ces an neighbors sympathetically to other people's problems now. The i'nsight .you can listen m -t
"f' d . I 0 ley to be ve f d
ry pro o~n
and the psychological equilibrium that you have now mto your own feelinf
or Ignl Jeant an It may. even be gossip. But it will bind you all t effective help to others. may enable you to fer
everyone the sense of havmg something in common. ogether and gIve

This transit also signifies a state of balance between .

At another level this Moon-Mercury
· f I combination ' like most of th e others makes It. mtell~ct. That is, you are able to think with your feelmgs and. our rati na l
relativeI y easy to "vet b a IIze your
d . ee ings. If you have a problem or' . ' that you
Situation remam logical in your thought processes. great emotIOnal sensitivity u: sull
cannot han dl. e, hthIIS IS a goo
A d tIme
f to take it to a sympathetic friend . Gettlng
. another
viewpoint w'" e p you. n, 0 course, you may do the same for someone else.
YOhU may receive information about your past .
ot e.r matters Concerning them will be imnft or your tamily under thb tran~lt If"
tt thi. time is filled . with news from friends or with letters and pone
h ca II s. sentimental d unng
. r~rtant
pen od . but you will not to •y OU, y ou may feel rat her
Of n
Actually you are attractmg communication from every conceivable corner of your
~ maudhn.
Pla'lcr. m Tratl it Moon

a, \ d time to tell 'Our 10 ed on how yOU feel about them b
"111 ea II , convey the depth ot your feelings , Likewise it i a ood ~cause Your
nend!' , g time to Write
------- Moon Sextile VenuS
want to be With your

leasant time With th

ou love. It also
friends and the peo~ e y ern Feelings ~f
1 that life 15
is transit yoU .)\ have a reasonably p )' fe noW and yOU fee
U der th h t yOU WI f your I '
n nsure t h' a b UI'Id in all areas 0
mmunication with w men wiII be ea y and quite favorable at thi t' helps to e may
. w men may be quite informative'
' ur wn ae . And encounters with Ime, regardl. ~s d friends Ip rding .
'a) , In a POsItive
love an d a little more rewa ad t'me to go out
' her an d ' ' a go I .
riC ' d d by this transit. an It IS If another tranSIt
. usuaIly al e t between you - ' h two
Moon Opposition Mercury L~vthe :;~~~~:~::c:::e
wl,~I~ ~:v: ~~~~:::~;rnowl' thmismt:~~~t~;~ ~nvde ~e;haps
thble rm
, d 0 f pro . e h 'ch to restore emo tiona co
Thi transit has two potentials . On the one hand , you may experience a real Conflict . d' ates any kIn
m IC b thing space In w I
between feeling and reason. But on the other, you may have a very fruitful dialogue f you a rea
about the state t your 5 ul , either internally or with another person .
o h' s out, I
straighten t 109 . t You are ab e
for entertalO men .
friends come to your ho~e ou make it dear that you
In the first instance, the effect of the transiting Moon is to erase all the fine logical It is a good time \0 hav; and they will appreciate I~ ~or Yediate environment will be
distinctions that you make in your everyday thinking. You are likely to lump people to make them fee goo , \ our home situation an Im~ d Y r light and cheerful
into categories. usually categories that you don't like very much. rather than care about them . In genera, Y t'sfaction during this peno _ ou
f greatest sa I
regardmg them as individuals, You might take a dislike to someone just because of his the sources 0 '!°kurd by everyone around you, too
or her looks or clothes, Old habits. prejudices and childhood patterns of thought are mood will be pIC e up
very likt'ly to take precedence over what you usually consider reasonable, f h Moon-Venus combination, you
However, because of the doubly pass,ive n;:~::l~ ;h:re is a tendency to expect others
Obviously this is not a good time to enter into delicate negotiations with someone or h uld be careful not to become passIve y r to expect circumstances to take care of
to engage in an important discussion that requires clarity and logic. It might not be
:oobring you things or do er,r ands !~~ ~~~' t~at
could conceivably undo all its usuall)-
you, T his transit has a self-lOdulg
positive effects,
If rl-ence the second potential of this transit, this is a good time to withdraw
you expe h 'h f I' A)
by yourself or with another person and get in t~uc With youhr own , ee Iln~sd' 5 on g Moon Square Venus
as you recognize , that your emotions are emotions f rat er t I an ratlona JU
d gmen
I b ts,t
you WI'11 not h ave trouble with this transit, In act, you can earn a great ea a ou l' ht-feeling transit . You enjoy being with others and
This is usually a very ~Ieasant: Ig specially purely social ones whose only purp se I
yourseIf , because your feelings are very clear, f' d II 'I tacts mterestmg, e h '
In . a socIa con Ie The M oon a nd Venus
, even in square , are very sympat etlC
getting know peop th" IS com bination does not create problems as other quares d .
Moon Conjunct Venus
. t go out and socialize, because you feel quite cheerful and
This is. a good Most peopI e feeI very a ffectionate toward loved ones I h B ~ a
under'this transit, and there
You tlmde.
ra late 0
wa rmth and emotion toward other f people,
I so they enjoy . to suppo rt and protect those peop
strong d eSlre I' . e w 0 are
. Important to ou ut
greganous. . . y good time to go to a party, or examp e.
being WI'th you . ThIS IS aver Imlt anyone s freedom. If y u beha e In
carefu I not t 0 ac t t 0 0 possessive or to try to, d'
th 'IS manner, you WI'II experience this transit Iscordantly and will ha 'e tre ublt' It
. ] ed nes are usually good under th~s i~fluence, and you may
Your relations with °:all °thiS influence is too fleeting to m~lcate the beginning of .a
your loved ones.
feeI q W' te amorous,
, Us . Yd oes h
b t It ' b'ng ones. If there
e pIeXls h ISh a longer-range transit
ma)O' r relationshiP, u .
new relations h Ip.
' this transit may indicate t e our when it begins. You may feel very sentimental with this transit, for it tends to reawaken mem
that suggests a . for undertaking any activity ~onnected with beautifying
the past and causes you to i~1 very attached to them. You enj y being urr<. un
persons and things that remind you of the past. The only problem i that It
ThiS IS a favorable tra~lt I
d making It more P eas , ant It is also a good time to entertain at home. too far in this direction, you may not pay ftlOQgh at~ntion to the deman
h me an . 'R_II
your 0 d ney than yOU ongt._ Y intended, and if
, now, you may spenoum:~~~ well advised to p~stponeshopping until As with other COh\binations of these two pl
In hOPPing
\lit stay
within a budget. Y I
ion of the pllera ten
dency toward ovenndulaenc:e under this to overindulae in food or drink. Discipline u sh ulcl be
yOU m . a reflect 'king and eatinl as well, transit. on the
l.teI" wtuch apP I
Uat' t.Thl I' l:es~t:o~dr~ln~________ ~~ ____________ ~~ ________________ ~~____________~II~________________________________________________________
Planets in Transit Moon

O ne challenges
Moon Trine Venus the other han d , 1'f some main pro bl em
!his transi.t brings about pleasant feelings between You a d , m and not fly off the ~a~~~k ~~wn without a fight.o~h:annot tell the
IS a good time for being with friends or out having a gOO~ ti:e~one around You. It equilibnu certainly won t
your nJ'ustifiably, eyouf perspective may
yoU u enS 0
nd WI
distorted that y
f nd both with equal VIg .
. or
around you and they enjoy you. e. Ou enjoy everYone
's that nyour s from the trivial ones a j' mpulsively an
Si~ilarl~ you will enjoy good food and drink now, but be careful I t issues matters , 11 d
ill'1porta will act hastily on many . xercising your WI an
thiS transit you will tend to take things into Yourself s:ot, to oVerdo it. I th e risk that you eem to care about IS e 1m down and be
ovennd~lge. There IS . a so . ht or plannIng.
. All you
. s ' transit , you mus t try to ca Also aVOI'd
This is not a good time for getting very much wo;k d It IS easy to
wa~'e ~ea
'thout foreslg Obviously With thIs . lly central to you ' . f the
often brmgs out a lazy streak. one, because it
w:tting your own on any issue that IS not gh you are not consaous 0
to compromls hom you may attract even t ou
people, w
One exception to this is that you may feel like working to beautify h'
ImprOve y h Y d b or ot erwlse quarredant
r energies within you. If you will be able
our ome. ou nee eautiful surroundings, and you will w k
them. Or to get dlsco t 01 yourse , I'k
b sed for goo d . If you can conh r , t mes Wh a t seems I de
These same effects canh e uwould be difficult at ot er I I y 'ou have the will an
ObVi.ously: Wit~ these two planets this is a good time for love relationships, This
take initiatives t at
:~olhardiness can also
. it is all a matter of contro .
bekbdraven~~herwise formidable barriers,
tranSIt by Itself IS too fleetmg to start a major relationship, but it certainly is a help. the strengt h now to brea ow
Between and your loved one there will be an easy flow of feelings . You will feel
very ~rot.ectJveof your loved one but not excessively possessive or smothering. The
combm.atlO .of Moo.n a~d.Venus is related to motherhood, and the positive aspects of
mothenng wll1 be eVident m your feelings for others.
Moon Sextile Mars
' th others or a one , If vou wor

city to work eit h er WI


At this time you h;~~:v: ~:P~ave

h k' d of leadership
a lot of independence orhsome plr:bably you will
with others you WI b gl'ven an adequate c ance. .. d
Moon Opposition Venus role in order to feel that you have een t desire than usual to take the initiative an
Y have a muc grea er
get that chance. ou f and self-reliance.
This is usuaI/y quite a pleasant time, but you should be careful not to overindulge in much stronger feelings 0 courage ,
rich foods or drink. Also you may believe that you will get everything you want from
others Without making any effort yourself. . be able to give them the feeling that your alms are
In working with others, you Will. willingly. If you have to defend your
'II k With you more . h
theirs ' so that they WI
h II wor 'II
d you WI no t back down but will argue your case Wit
Aside from that, the principal effect of this transit is a desire for strong emotional
point of view when c a enge , for this even when they do not agree.
contact with others. You want to be involved in relationships at this time, and you vigor and passion. Others Will respect you
don't care whether or not they are perfectly smooth. What is important to you now is
the intensity of feeling and the interchange with another person. For this reason, , express your feelings openly and sincerely. You
In communicating With others, you d but you do not offend others needlessly . Yo\.:.
relations with loved ones can be either smooth or rough with this transit. In fact, they d b t b ut where you stan , If
are usually good, but if you are feeling negativ.e for some other reason, this transit leave
do notnofeelou a 0 to ma k e unw arran ted attacks in order to maintain yoursI' ,
any need
will not improve matters. On the other hand, even discordant contact with a loved
one is likely to do more good than harm now, because it releases hidden tensions so In emotional relahons
. h 'IpS, y ou attract persons who are strong and have the courage ,
that afterward you can feel better about each other. . conVIctIOns.
of thelf .. You attract what you respect,
b h If you
h are a 'man , may see
. ., you L
the company 0 f a sr t O ng-minded womart, ut t at c aractenstlc IS it!...el",. te L'e
attractive to you.
Be careful of a tendency toward extravagance, which. is closely linked wit~ the self-
indulgence mentioned above. You might buy somethIng because of a passIng fancy
and question your own taste later. Moon Square Mars

Under this transit there is a ~eal dan~er of needless disputes irritablhty

P t for these possible ne.gativ~ effects, you should enjoy this transit. Use it to learn emotionalism, rash action and hastmess, which may result in harm (\r inc\: n 'em I' ce
Exce h JOg
· a bout your relationships and your attitudes toward them.
later. You will find it difficult to handle other ~ple for awhile. Fortunat I ' thi: b a
rather brief transit. One of its challenges is to Successfully let off steam wit ,ut
Moon Conjunct Mars making an unnecessary shambles. Also you have real tensions and grievancl'S which
you should express, as well a~ little annoyances that are n t Worth gt'ttin upset l'ver,
h ' tranSI't you may feel briefly irritable. Therefore itd'is d'ff'
not a good time to But you may get involved with the annoyance in order to aVoid tht' l't'al grievances
Under ta ny
IS Issues
, t ha t are critical to you, because you will fin It I Icult to maintain that you do not Wish to face.
Planets in Transit

k any sudden
. 1. Try to c:he<:
If you frequently feel somewhat diScouraged ab t 'f yOU are no
careful with this transit. You may see everyth.n oU yourself, You should be "" accident, 1 rise . .
. ing about an other people by surp to remain
h ~·Ped a11 y
bn~~at b~Jty
th at comes yo
react muc too defenSively. Or you may drawi gin peo Ie w ur Way as a threat
Ir aw inents might catch fInder this transit, difficult.
no reason. Are they really attacking you 0 p . ho seem to attack and
insecure7 , r are you Just being oversen ..YOu for
s(!love rn not be very peace u u
. th women ma y be f probIem hat

Slhve and dornestiC schen: difficult it i~. ,e a I it is probably a re e: I

may R I t' ons WI n t on 0 a
the time to try
If you have a bolder and more self-confident tempe your
I no matter 0 h me at thiS time, , Right now IS not
Ubl at 0 f ome time , d
ca rn. ave trO e he surface or s ossible afterwar .
ac t too qUlc. k1 y, to be hasty and overcritical of others rament,
0 you mayb be tndined
. to If yOU h boiling under th Id do so as soon as p
W· h h' , r you may e a .d has bee~ t but yOU s ou
It t IS transit, you are not as careful as you should b d CCI ent prone.
YOurself, Be especially careful of sharp metal obJ'e t De, an . you ~ight hurt srnoo th It ou ,
especla. II y I'k
leyI unless you take pains to act calmly andc ds, I'b omestJc
I accldents are
Moon Conjunct Jupiter d enerosity toward
you express any hidden aggressions against their proper Object e I erate y, Make
d SUre that , d of good feelings an g, g to fear. You
yourself. s an not against brief peno have not h In ed U

. usually denotes a. . II right. and you easily anger ,yo,
This feel that everythmg .IS :bove petty irritations. Not ou probably won t
others. Y~ur self-confidence by b~mv~or from other people, Bu; ;hiS transit dOe5 n t
Moon Trine Mars
express y
tolerate even
the most harsh be a. "because the energy
. h "harsh behaVIOr,
give _ km ness,
friendship and
Und., 'hi< "an<it you can a"." you""lf in a po<itiv, mann., and "and You, "o"nd have to contend Wit d ou You will get what you
If necessary. You feel more Courage and confidence than usual which you e b ·t in those aroun y .
tak'ng th . 't" . k 'xpress Y ~~I h
. I e 101 latlve 10 rna .ing emo.tional contacts with others. You speak very . support.
directly and forcefully, but Without bemg offensive, which others will respect you for. nurtunng " You are a ble to help t e
. h f males are very g ood at thIS time,
Your relations Wit e .11 do the same for you,
!his is a good time to work as a leader with groups of people. You understand what k nd they WI
IS needed, and you can unify your objectives and theirs, usually by talking them women you now. a d aspects of life. ou may
f the eeper . d
around to your point of view. Whenever you talk with others, you radiate an inner This transit can also awa.k~n Yl~uSrigc~~ce~:t :th your heart rather than your mm .
eXcitement, as if you were ready for immediate action. . a I a.nd SplT1tua h' t' e
seek metaphysIc 'I 1 0,
0 satisfy you at t IS 1m ,
Rational knowledge IS not like y t .
Under this transit you have the capacity to start projects, although you should keep
in mind that this is a short transit and its effects will not last long. If you want to start lic or with large groups of people du~mg theseuh ~;~
If you have to deal with the pub b ild such a strong rapport WIth a gro p
a project that will continue for some time, there should be another influence backing you should do very well. You ~:~h ~ther on a deep intuitive level.
up this one. In fact there is a real danger at this time that you will start projects and everyone knows you understan d
never finish them,

Moon Sextile Jupiter

Physically, your energy level is high, and you will want to do something that
involves physical labor or exercise, Fortunately. with this Moon-Mars combination .. II feel quite good, and you enjoy being with c n emal
there is not the same tendency to rash action that characterizes several of the others.
Under thiS transit ·you usua
I ld bey best to be with old friends whom you kn w ell nd
. h hProbab yhIt woue alrea d y es tablished strong emotional ties. But y u will n t
Wit w
I d t om youacquaintances. Yomake
av u, it clear to those around
. y u that . u re
Moon Opposition Mars c ose 0 new . If d that you Will help them out If they ever need It
concerned for thehlr weh aref; the same way about you. This tran it den tes a time
This transit is brief in its effects, but you should be careful because its energies are the chances are t at t ey h df 1 h
quite discordant and could cre~te trouble in your personal life. The problem is that when you an d your fnen · d s support each ot er an ee that you belong t et r.
you are rather emotional1y excitable and easily irritated or angered now. With other
people you are far less toleran~ of individual quirks, a~d little thin~s ir:r you. You This is a good time for any sort of group ~ctivity, because by w rkin t th r
m~y allo be in such a co.nte~tJous mood that no outside aggravatJon IS needed .to set all will feel that it is a group effort from which eVeryone will benefit equ 11 ••
is true.
off. Be wary of argumg Just for the sake of arguing. But on the other hand, If you
real anger, you should release the energy; don't hold it in.
If you have to persuade others, as in sales or public ~141ti 05, thi
useful. It enables you to project t.o the group the feeling th t u un
A! housh accidents are not usually triggered by such a fast-moving transit, your
p~nt tenMncy toward hasty actions and impulsive movements may be the last
needs. Fortunately, with this transit you are con~rn~ nou h 4lb ut othe
do understand their needs. u
·" 111111 "

( . " I "'<lfI' Wllh ., n JUI)i' r

W'II", II II" II ",PII 1'111
, .. "., .. ,,, W),,,, .11. ~ l ... w ' I" '1.1 Y ~" ")01 Will I Muon nl
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Yo""fl'".1 'J1.I~f· ,III' ,j'IIIU
'0 I Inti '0 1!I'Il' W \ II 1'1 It1 r try'
Muul! S'I"."t· '''1'11,., rou .1 III' V" Y Y,' 11 • , (
IIUI own tllI'I.} I V "
, tl
o( 01) t y. y
I''''I'IY, ""' " ,.,,,hlll'; tn I. "1I1f' Ir l l '" y , I f' III If pOfl'lIhilllY
Y yoll'
, y" Y I lj ' II, 'Y I
• • YIlII ". , Y' .H)( f I
y . 11/1I,·lr hy .ll'pf,'Ilill"0 In
11111 1'1111 J'. 1111 I""·,, '''W 1/ I ""'1/ ,It,t! ~"'It,>
'r I" II"" I I.,
I " "II

"" .I,
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" " ' , , "II "1I1t d""I"
II • I
Iy '1111" I I
"/ 11 II'" I11/,">
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y,c'rlf'I "II
, '",lid f If" dlllll .
1 I '''II'J, YIIII )If
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''''III . 11,,/
" •., IIll~
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> 'I " ylllll til IV"
, I
loly \I
I rWI ,•.,11 1I
III 11111111 III 11,,>111 .
<I y"I,
IIIII/lfllI'llly YI'" I •• , I I Y ( ,tr 1l1 0 1 " 1'" .lIl y " IlfIl lllal " II \,..h .• Vf' qllllt rt , ~
I hi 'rMI I Will "IIIh. I ' Y I )\1 you ".It ur fll
IIld I'" I,iy, Ilti,,~ jlt~: "11l1I" ~·'H"' . I,,, 1/11
I,llj'Il' 1111
'\lI'rf,d. yllll
'1I'f' III"U' yll
\I I "I I -\
111"01' I' I ' "YltlK lit "
,. "

' )I ,f' I' •

I . ","p' yo" WI
I II r",..1 111 I lov
, I
II Yllur 1"
'rl II' ~.IIT1f' 1·,- ,,,
.11'1' I
,,'1.11,"11" "l'
I yo" WI
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I 01 I I f'f·"om •
•1 M'r'I'"
i, , III
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III.fI11 I f ,
(In • Vf'IY jllllf'lf lit /c·vf·l , till',
1 'r.11l • \I I,,"d mf'nl.1 gil I
WitH h yOIl qllf'''' 11111 yo, W Wh
til qUII'I •• 1 nll'O" III 1I0d IlItlf' '0 • I YOIII I<lo~ Ittl III ,III Y
And. Indf"'" 1111'> I>;. Y-
hf' Vl'.ry Impllll, II' 'II yOII
.HI • yllll ·,hllilld It. V,, V"I Y ".fI II, I ",,'/"1".. ' I I'
r. r. o' W,I I I II~ II.I"~'" ""hidl
I vl'ry 1'"!iiIIV li"lt 1'1/ Y"" , Mo"n ( unjull(' S Iurn

'. \jn('cl '" ~('f'l' Yl/;II 1t'I,lillv,

MUoll , rI.1I' IUl'ltu AI 'hi IllIlf' YIlU .11' \. ,,1,'10" I ""t"f 1I,Iy
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yuur","1f A f'n ,. 0 " (. I ttl I' JlI lll1wf v, '. YOII
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11.111,11 i "bdt·l. 111'1.111 f' j, ~'ivr' yllll ~'I('I.I ""'.' '.1(1' ',lfl., ' dl'I'II'",,1I1O .1111 I .1 K"l1f \., ,
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but of
y uf

It I/. You fI' .. ,,'

II/ Ih body nel f


U Moo n JextiJe
c_ ' influ I nee
nder this infl
uence Yo
n . und r t h I
rsl' ty and straJO tand a on
OUT mood ' u may feel like b ' ble adve h t you can
IS not usual! b elng alone ' h
ut up Wit
. h considera
d reserve streng.
th You feel t a
do, yoU WI
'II f el an inner
reflective, But you
~ompany of serious
Important topics U d
::0 prOb~bly
y ad or depressed
not in the'
P e, If any, and You t..
WIt Your though
X:~~ S~mply,
desire t~S
b:nd feelings
Or fnvolity Yo cairn and
re .lbl to P u patience an me, and even If none
you a it giveS yo 'fficulties may co, If will not make any
because hat ever dl This transit by Itse
difficulty occur

ne you d not
' n er this t ,
person, someone whos h' h ransa You may feel the
·.ant th
~ 'u P f
converSation to ~e
er the againsth~nd
t security,
, d to talk about Y
our feelings to just any~iS ~ime
ff by yourself at t
to think
e Ig er vantage point You nee to consult an Id e aboUt e not incltne ay very well go 0
Under this transit you are able to b respect ' 0 er , w'ISer 'I yOU ar If you m
Whl e . yourse ' ent n
duty and obligation Wh,'1 alance Your emotional ne d ' ",de them ,nluate you, developm . . dom you , .. pecL who cad
o hI'
verw e m You In all
e you are
procee Ings y
aware of Your feeling
h '
e s wIth
s, You do
YOUr sense of about and eva n older person whos~ WIS diate answers , You nee
a roblem, seek out a est practical and Imme
If yOU hav~ PI support and sugg b applied directly .
care of someone else at th' t' Ou are t nfty and careful y not let them
IS nne, , Ou may have to take ottOna h t can e d
You are Very careful and tho h ' offerm:.sense answers now t a feel rather conservative an
not likely that you will have to Jm Your approach to any kind of work no ' com
t has a strong attrac 1
fon for you . You
Id answers that have a
Iways worked
'f ou are
up after you, 0 any task over, nor will anyone else hav w'llt IS At this time the pas I . lined to follow the 0 '11 feel more secure I Y
e to c ean not very experimenta
in the past. They pro
ba~~ will work now to\ ~o:e;~as
are used to and w a e
supported you in the past.
surroun de d by whatever you .
Moon Square Saturn
This transit can indicate a period of fleet' d . o osition Saturn
and out of touch with others S t' mg ePhresslOn. You are inclined to feel lonely Moon PP . effect on you r relationships. The
I h . ome Imes you ave a pronounced sense that no one
alt~oug~ b:~e~ake a~f~f:lfilling'
. f can have a disruptive . olated as if there is no one
Oves you,. wether or n.ot it is .true. It is very important to realize that your moods This tran.sit, you feel very lonely prophecy . Perhaps
andLIfe usually looks
to. und., worse
'h" ,,.n,,,
than itof'en
do no' «flee' «,Hty, even though they "em problem IS that It ten s ith And this can be a s~ hat ou do not want to be
you can commUnicate w '. I to others declanng t y d ood that
Iy d out signa s t into a depresse m
unconscioush you sen Id like to be alone. You may ge for the time being and stop
One area where you can have real trouble is in relationships, You wilJ find it bothered, t at you wou they give up on you 'd f l'f nd to
unusually difficult to relate emotionally to another person during this transit. Either baffles the people around you, so dency to look on the dark 51 e 0 I e a
you are caught up in internal negativism, or you feel so cold and insensitive that you trying to help you. There is a strong,ten ts and failures than to reinforcement from
react much more strongly to Isa
d' ppomtmen
d wn into depression for no reason at a .
do not register signals from other people very well. This is turn leads to failures of others and success. Thus you p lummet 0
communication and genuine misunderstandings, Obviously this is not a good time to
become involved in an emotionally delicate situation, Separations may occur now, , . to do nothing. Don't take them seriously and
although this transit is too fleeting by itself to indicate a very significant separation in The best way to handle such feelings I~ way you feel now. Your perspective is not
don't make any decisions based
' e youon WI
t'lel feel much better and be able to make much
your life. Such an event would be accompanied by a longer-range transit of similar very good, but in a sort
h tim
more intelligent observations.

For persons of both sexes this transit can signify separations from women or , nd unfeeling with this transit, but this too shall pass. It may
difficulties with women, You
b mayi feelt
qUite cold a , to People that you were just in a bad mood, but
to explain
e necessary
everyone a er such moo ds from time to time, and most people understand that.
gets into
hould be very careful about falling into negative t~inki~g ab~~t yourself, You
Moon Conjunct Uranus
You S . 'ned to downgrade yourself under this transIt an to t 10k that you are
are very lOch ou may start to dwell endlessly on negative from your
Under this transit you often feel impulsive and Willing to act rashly . Your m ds
"nadequate. Or y
The important t h'mg t 0 rea I"Ize IS th at you r perspectIve IS dIstorted now, and ch ange so qUlc
. kl y th at yo u surprise yourself as well as others . You may be WIth h
past. , wilIlook better shortly.
everyt t1/ng someone else who is like this, usually a wom~n. Probably you will be impatient Wit
your normal routine and want t~ do some~h~ng completely different. Assuming that
the "something different" is withl.n reason, 1.1 I~ probably al\ righl to go ahead . In tact
Moon Trine Saturn
you might as we\) not bother trymg 10 be dlsctplir\ed and responsible for the n('xt few
I not in a repressive, negative hours. If you have Work to do that requires greet Concentration you won't be able to
u will keep your emotions under contro , brand realistic view of life,
A t this tirne ~o ay that enables you to take a
more so e keep y"ur mind on it, or you will do a sloppy job. .
m,anne ,r but JO a w
- -_ _ _ _ _ .. ~15 In
'- Transit

V'U,liy th' , ~
, IS IS nOt a ign of Conflict but 'f , to disturb
pr 109 , I someone is t ' hat is likely who
edally th~se
thi h yOur Impulses. you may get angry at hi l')Ilng to hold Yo t within yOU t
emotional unr~
t~e~e ~: y~ur r;:~o;:nt
do' me OU are not Very patient with people wh m 0lf her and 8et int U fro with others esp hang In your
est level :':11 as to make many c es
In . 0 Ie l You wh 0 q fl8h Il)
Ite deep ee of min on yOU, ou , transit,
The danger her h at You oUoh t, At At t 0"'"
.. '"ouo
pea I d mands upthis 'ISa very f1eettng
n ,e it d'Irectiy but
otto be
R e I . t at you may do something th
"'be, that thi, t"n,it i, only a f.w ho u" long :ou "'ill "'g,ot , "of m ", bor that f thi' "an, may
.",.: but """.. • ,yehologie.1 .ffoc" 0 . . .n", Th'" yOU esons
o t. Thus You COuld easily be stuck with the c an t at its effects Will ery soon,
w!Jl n~mbolism
life 0 • t experience th others or through, nd upsetti ng pe
Would h onsequences f soon Iy
O~t ~
, not aVe taken in a more sober frame of mind B h 0 an action th ear ersons throug or the arrival of erratic a
Some p ou nter Its s tiona I upsets
n alivE'. SOmetimes they can clear the air and bring t ut ese acts are nOt :,t
You WI
'II ene e unex pee ted emo
enslons that shoul Iyays e)(pe life,
10 your
d Surface,
Moon Sextile Uranus
Thi, t"n,it giv,", ,'ou a pl..,ant f..l;ng of '''tl'',n", • d";,, f ' Moon Trine Uranus rung that departs
tn the P' f d' . ' o r eXCIteme t b ,
otional eXCItemen , t somet 'N
who are dlnere nt
are likely to crave em likely to seek out peo~le 'n very different
' ('lOt 0 IHUpt1on, You may feel like shaking up th
lolting th.", out of th.;, "'m;ng IOIha,gy, 0, If you ". no~ I
~ n Ut nOt
P.op "o,nd Yo, '" At,hi' rout~u~:uof
t;'" your datly lil., You :;:"..nd tho d.y or .~.ntnf' make you f",1
In yo ur e It', you may attract someone who shakes you up Und
Y consCIOUs ,of th'IS desire from the usually meet, You fmlgl bit impulsive, these Impu ses
Ou W an t t0 b e Wit' h exciting and stimulating companions, , er any clrctun stances those y 'I may ee a 'd1
from d' sAnd whl e you hly or StUpl y,
I~ 'o~, hom. and Ofh" do" ,""ound;n., you", not Willing 10 ""Pt th...", more a
than inclined to act ras

ou may use this energ~ 0

t rna e nee
ded changes in your

"tua"on, You may I,y to find way, to chang. You, cI"um"an", 0, .. I.."
Some temporary e citement,
• old
provide On a more qUiet
immediate personal I e
While others may seem
Yor your domestic envlronment.hould be constructive, and
sudden moves, these changes s
d b our apparen tl Y
,t"tl. YY iii. will amptth"", ,
It i P<' ,ibl. th.t you wtll m..t a now and 'XcI"ng hi.nd today, 0, an old f,i.nd wtll
the people m your 1 public you Wlll
com. back mto you, hf. un"p'<tMly, h'.nd, may O'o,;d. 0pPO""";",, I"
I r with the genera "
dve n«",.nt
re 0' 10'tog""ng
pe ially likely away
play this role,f"m you, u'ual '''no fo, a",hil., F.m.l. I,;,""
If you a~ange
h e to deal with groups of peop e 0 to assume a leadership role In order
advocate e
and new policies, You may have
have the energy a
nd inclination to follow through
h. for a
to bring this about, so be sure, you 't by itself does not supply enoug stamma
' I haul ThIS transl
Your desi,.. 10' no", """"'ne., ""nd, to id." a, ",oJl. You want to .neount.,..ow with thiS on the ong " ff cts are short-lived,
continuing effort, because ItS e e
W y of thinking th" a,ou" yOur f.ncy, You may b. "t"<lM to t'<hni"l "bj"t,
that ""luir. a d..1 "I t",hnie.1 und",t.nd;ng but 'nl", 'noth... t"",it
ignifi • thi, interE'st also, you may lack the discipline to follow through, , " with an unexpected surprise, usually not ~leasant .
Sometimes this tranSit comCldes 'od of time Don't count on havmg your
I f the next p e n , h
that will change
expectations your today,
fulfilled althoug h y ou will have the chance to make w a ever
pans or
Moon Square Uranus happens work out favorably for you,

vVJth thi transit you should be very careful not to be hasty, jump to conclusions or
ct n 8tive/y to anything that is said to you, This transit arouses an independent Moon Opposition Uranus

"'t";n~ bec,"~
r d r belliou, ,pirit in ju" .bout e"ryon., You", ;nd;n.d to do ""<lly tho
Youd wlI, I h ave to b e qUI't e careful for a while, bE'cause you are emotionally
, . II ,
e 'citable
n ' I 0 what <om",no '088"t, and to "j"'t wh.t.." oth." "y ';mply ' ul'
anb Imp SlVe a t th'IS t'me
I . You may '\leap' to unwarranted conclUSIOns,
" espec a .
J~t: n~d fr~
ppO_t 'd 't For tho >am. "",on, you .re impati.nt with duH" and a out mat ters mvo VI
rth p ' I 'ng your emotional Ife, so you should av ,d makmg an
y n.Ib lill
There IS a great to be and to do something v:ry different. decisive moves at this time,
v n a little bit wild.

In your contacts with others you will seek excitement and stimulatkn , and thu:
craving ~or e:'Ccitement with this trdnsit" and You may act in ways

Iton may attract people who are quite different from Your Usual crowd. u rna' \'en

U would,; .00"'8 on how eon,erv~h" u,uall,.~"

t'\' r con Ider In a more so.ber mood. ThIS could be either good or quite upset by these new people, but you should realize that they are filh cl real
you 'nd how unu,ual 0' need in Your life now, Or you may act disruptively in your current relati lp. It i
cu th . ctl n. For some people thiS can be a very IJberating influence . For not exactly that You are trying to start a fight, but in talking with me ne u ma
bit too much. stir up feelings .that cause a fight to begin unintentionally. C n equ nt) thl_ n a
stormy penod In relationships.

- - -----------------
--------------------------------------------~~-~ n---------------------


It I also po Ible that you will have some sort of emotio I .

h na SUrprls F , You may wish to be by
Y OU may r ('Ive n('w t at up cts you, or you may J'ust feel e. Or ex
verYed gy and upampl e. I arouse your daydreaming tendenCies. may wish to talk about
no particular reason tor several hours .
set fOr This transit ma~ a .so our own private inner world, o.r you r fantasies . because
yourself and rel1r:;~t~rrends. Sometimes it is good to dlscu:s!e°~eaning. which you
If any ne tTles to restrict you, your reaction will be very . your daydreams t be taken at face value. they do a
. your b n though they canno
r tTlctlon are 10 est 'Interests. Your Immediate
" response tnegative ' even if th eve f' d out about now.
break away and rebe I. If someone asserts a pomt . of view strongl0 any restr"lelio is toe h Id try to 10
n s AU . . . r m stical matters . your
oul ot pure conlrartness. Ob' VIOUS y some caution is necessar y, byou rnay d'ISagree
II interested in the occult or In spmtual 0 Y ind in such a
:~t~~e~t a~~lIa~eaespeCially ti:er'e:;i~y~r~ ;~I~~o/~i:::y~~r t~at
r acl imply for the sa k eo f reacting y, ecause
. an d t h ereby do yourself a dl'ss ' yau may
erVlce. grheat at thiqS you know
way that insights and trut s come u.
things that you weren't aware of knowing.
Moon Conjunct Neptune

The IOfluen(e of this transit is subtle but not weak . Your sensitivity Moon Square Neptune
urroundings is greatly increased, as is your empathy with those around toA Your
D 'ng this transit you are likely to fall into a dreamy state of mind in w~ich kfancihes
. ., you . t thiS
time you may listen to a fnend s problems, or you may discuss your Own problems un illusions become more important th an rea I'Ity. W'It h some people thiS ta e5 t e
WIth a friend. and
form of simple daydreams, which are not likely to be a problem, After all.
daydreaming is quite harmless. Or you may appear to be in touch ~ith reality and
You will be likely to pick up the mood of the people around you . as if you were an
think that you are, although you are operating under a serious delUSIOn about som~
motional "sponge." Therefore you should be careful about being with negative
matter. This is not a good time to make decisions or to em bark upon a course ot
~ople who are not willing to discuss their emotional problems in a rational manner.
action that requires clear thinking.

n another level. thi transit can stimulate your fanta ies amazingly . You may feel Subconscious influences are often very strong with this transit, and they can distort
like just sitting down and drifting off into your own private world. On the negative your views in just about any area, Old points of view, habits picked up in childhood,
Sl~. this influence makes drinking or drug taking dangerous. because you may have prejudices - all can mislead you under this influence.
dIfficulty controlling the amount you take. Sometimes with this transit you just feel
I py.
This transit also increases your sensitivity to environmental influences, but it is not
always easy to understand the meaning of what you see. With some people thi is a
UnfortuNtely. communications with others may be difficult now . Your thoughts are
very psychic .influence, but remember that you cannot take what you see at face
n t v ry cle r and your experiences are difticult to reduce to words. Poetry and art, value. You WIll probably have to spend much time reinterpreting it later h
peoally escapist art or literature. appeal to you greatly at this time. ration I f l ' I • w en Vour
a acu lies are c earer. Often there is an indination to 5t d . -\
supernatural phenomena. u Y mystlca or
likely to
Your ~Iationships under this influence are dubious. You are. v~ry b t the
maunterpret someone or be misinterpreted, which may Iea d t0 thInking a au People with an alcohol or drug problem may have difficult w ' ,
sitUltaon very un~alistically, Beware of self-delusion. everyone a strong desire to leave the real world h' h Y Ith thiS tran it. It give
dependence on drinking or drug taking. ' w IC strengthens some pe ple_

Moon Sextile Neptune re at

Tha tr it d 'f yOU a , Moon Trine Neptune
you tremely sensitive to other peop Ie's moods.' han h' lsensillVI
. ThIS transit '11 b .
II p Ie Y u will be more lel\lltive in this regard as well. But Wit / IS those Whl) consid bl WI flng forth your innermost subcon .
you MW t be careful about the people you are with. Negative peop eO
r feel th er~ he time daydreaming and not accomp" h SCIOUS Fanta ies . Y u ma\' nP
at It as bee h D IS Very mu h b t"
hav~ ructive will hauat you and make yOU teel bad. all need t ' n Wort it. reams can be very r ef ' c, ut you will pr I
• Thl~ o Withdraw a bit from the real World a d reshtng t the pint. At t" -
are devoted to ,Jrd
VOl! n encOunt, 1m e
On tM her ncI Actually th,' er our lOner elve
to be with friends whom -t others wilhl,u t re~reJI stirnulatin s trans't I can
be qUite
' useful even' -
mbln taon an ~ 111111___ 'ng M I f. Just make s an a III un da ne sense b
and genuinely can • d spirit. You fet' , help f rom realitg to8 the ImagmatlOn,
' , .

-7 '
for your own And thit d on in a mart~ rei you are \,1,Iling tl y, ut f " d f u~ that , d U e It I 'en
ympathy and com Very Useful. Or any ... 1n 0 artistic Work you can separat f .
who are in need, anl Or creat' elf e ur .mta I
ther nally or th a charitable gr()UP' ave OFt, thi influ n
Planets in Transit


a y have eat $ympathy for 0 • ers ' You ar e a bl e to If ' value I is h ey 0 S} ..... -
a d ' exac Iy how you would feel in s ch a s't . PUt yoUr~ f . 'ake the mood itse a t race 'If a t:- s
I Ii tie t ou
I uaho Y
of a y bereflt to yourself ' ad tIUs
· .' ou Want
I run, but yo~ cann;t r~allv is significar. t. A c!os.ely rela ea e ec 0 _ Co - tha
makes you trul y selfless, not merely i. appearan y
IS 0 to
ne of t n.A deeper emotion th b~':"sior. • an idea you can:'ot , ge o ...- tSI',o~1-Y0 -t of ·0"-
oduce an 0 "'""~ .,
'd f
om you C:O~ISI er ess ortuna ethan yours.elf.
ceo ou III -..,
ay work to power to ~r I.j}) probably pass as soon as t. e ~a.> .:>
• b runnmg you. t vo; ,
,0 e f rtable for the time bemg,
be uncom 0 . '_
On leve, yo~ are very sensitive to other people's m _ L d j - a love -e,atIO 15 Ir
'f Ovu:>. You
o re ad I Iy, an d I you are not careful you could get into the Ptc. Up
. v,'ill be unusually intense now, a • Be
Relati.ons With women t' nal experiences that can be eitrer positIve or .ega 1 re
people around you, whet. ~r good or bad. So it is important 0 avOl:;:::ood ~ 'gnifles deep emo 10
transIt Sl .
h' ch you and your part:aer :;'Ia. pI.! ate e.
0 5at:'

a a ega J e mood w. 0 WI]) not be elped by your posinve input. ns who careful about gam~ an ;; I be careful about feehngs of possessiveress arC ea
power over each ot ~r ., so
Th e s of en a slro g in eres! In psyc 1C or spiritual subjects under this transit. which are likely at thIS tIme.

~oon Sextile Pluto

Moon Opposition 'eprune
· d t" ns You desire ex;>erierce a aery
This transit arouses d eep fee IlOgs an emo 1 0 , .. , ' _
ca be a time of very oS range moods . You are very sensitive emotionally, but the vel and do not like superficial encounters . \-\Itn fnends and )0 ec es
pro f0 und le • .' h d
ess you re!:eive through your s.ensi ivity may not be very accurate, You have ou seek the true meaning of your feelings for each other. Under t IS trans, eep-
VOl fee:mgs abou t e circumstances and people around you, and you may feel ;ooted feelings in a relationship are often brought to the surface so trat yo • ca ,-<eal
y coru sed, because you aren't sure whether you are being realistic or unduly with them . ThiS has a therapeutic effect on most relatlOnsnips. or it re eases:" e:r.
p100us and fearful. Under this transit misunderstandings with others are very energies that may be weakening the ties between you,
y because you teo d to feel that others have unfairly criticized or hurt YOU.
hey have done not ing of the sort. Or you may feel that someone dislikes On another level this transit awakens a love of the mysterious . T' scan ra ge
or Olmsies reasons. The source of the problem is that this transit activates simply reading a good mystery novel to delving into the mysterio_s occ
r subconscious complexes, which take over your moods and perceptions. Instead hidden. The study of psychology astrology, magic or other supernatural p e.
rue ng 0 the reality of what you see, you react automaticaJly to the subconscious may satisfy such a desire.

process ~ off by what you see, Often this transit signifies a desire to make changes in your personal ar-d c
sphere .. These. are usually short-term changes. such as c1ea ing repain.
Anotlwr posSible problem with thiS transit is that you may have feeli.ngs of inferiori~ reorganlzmg thmgs in your home
or g , U ua1 y Ear no reason, Thus you are easily discouraged by ClfCUIOstances ~
' ou to mifos an opporturuty
Withdraw 10 0 your own private war!, d Th IS may cause Y ~nder this transit you should be careful not to set an objective for I d
o Mtert yourself when you should, eeo~e so obsessed by it that you lose track of everything else tc yo ~ a
, peets of tranSit can I' ,[;;ve t 15 ra er
'11 . f ce the negative as . .resu t m a one-track mind and compulsive behavior If h"- .
A otd the '*
of drop or alcohol. because they WI rem or ' II f th cloud the real slgnde that hidden in this compulsion is a psychological energ 'th t b :-ap
thU tranSIt and hasten your withdrawal from reality, which WI ur
I ft of your hEe, Allergic reactions to foods and beverages are a so
likely at this un rstand , bee ause It . co uld control foome part of your life. v. at y s

Jme, which It another reason to be careful about what you consume.

Moon Square Pluto
This transit ca h .
careful of T n . ave. many dIfferent effects, some of .
Moon Conjunct Pluto . ods to so m . ° began wIth, it encourages compulsl v which y u
riences, because It te of e
that much momentum that it is difficult not to gl'v behaVIor. y r m
T raNlt can bn"l about very Intense emotional expe yche It is the sort ay not be d f ' e
L_ f L- .L_ ..t--. art of your ps ' 'f yOU art suppres goo or you 10 the long run p ' 10 t u dd e ur -
bran e1'ef'~ to tnc lUI' ace lTom me ~t'est P , ' analyst. Even I I tic s YOur fe I'
honestly and
T . .. ,artIcular! f
e lOgs, hIS transit IS least diff . y 1 Y u have
ran I that could make for a very fruitful 5eSsion With one :om e kind of self-ao~ ~rIl do not try to hide them from yourse;C;Ult If y u deal 'I
In any kind of therapy, howf'Vef', you are likely to ha may alloW yOU to e
w On the plus s i d e . .
nncn.aCtJon with anodwr ~ Evefttl that take place no what You r 1\ ,however, thIS transit alJow
u your r~aJ f~hn.. , for a ti(!1e as long as ;a Y Want in any situation. Emot~ You to g in i~
overwhelm yOU . ate the emotional 10fu ;are willing to be honest E lon.1 self-anal '
t can indicate ,tronl feel. that compJetel~ I not to over~tJrTlhe long
se -c0nEr. ' ncO\ln I
ontatlon which is usef 1 ~rs ith t~
Th cran away your MnH of penpectiv~, Be very car U be significant In t u.eVenth
nd t.a flol7nlhcance of your praent feelings; they may
t rante ...
it Moon

11 r
Ir Y I k till mort' III uativ(' ( r
Y u m, y pIa ' the role IIf 'ither p('rpl'trat '
~I m 0 t'mollonal
III or Victim Wh
n., cr p r nn II t or m.lnipul.HI·<; fl'('lino~ lnd
Power struggl
at happens(OSis lVith
------- , ' often hard to see you
, thiS transit It IS
r life c Iear
ly at t he t
, n so much t at y
influence your perceptl~,
ime. It stirs up

sits, this is not a g

, ~_
ou can t ~~
I ther Moon oppOSItIOn tra~
' th
I WIth nscl'ouS forces that may feeling that IS so
1 '
(11m tnlO thell h .H ht· Ju !t nol wIsh t d
.... •
. nOr der to fore hat
motions i
subco . II is , Like severa 0 'f expenence a . b
0 , GUilt )n J e t e
u IV I l. h Ol<jlll!
. • r( ..:h.lra t('ri'ltlc o( th ' 0
, ,3 ousy and h o
y hing as It reel y ' O n the other hand, I you 'Jl gain nothing Y
' 1<; pro ess and Ot Cr d,n ! or reaching a conclUSIon, 0 ahead and express it, You WI

~:::rful e~~:~~s~~r:
m. nlpul lIe (1m, 01'" h( h.lviur. But Ih, .. in turn may be used
I . moly provoke a r~ II
rom I I \lldITTl, wONh r II bt· you or the (lth"r pe a Y nasty respo to it must be unconscious power over you,
... rson nSe holding it in except to 8 1

Moon Trint' Pluto

Iran it m kes your feeling and emotions much m . Moon Conjunct Midheaven 0

• I
llOW. It
·· n ilivily. You ft'e! f'vt>rythin<> ort'
your h 'ns~ ' but at th e same
m Int )' 'n front of or when dealmg
I' 1 J uc moreI powerfull y than dis lay great sensitivity and fee 109 I b ersonal
nt)'1 U • re nnt Il\ely to tak(' your feeJings or an
At this time you may P h' k' g to be entirely overcome y P
allow your t 10 10 , h or
Y lU m • St>rtou!'. mood and m. kes you se k the ese's lightly ' Th'IS
. . yone with others, Or you ,may, that no one can communicate Wit you
I . most Powerful b'ective conSIderatIOns so
n( un It rs WIt• L
r1 .tnnl It'r , Sexual relationships may be Con 'd bl ' and an
su I d you, This transit can go either way,
' Sl era y enrtched understan
tr n It ('n.lblt>s you to gN p.l I lite superficial levels of co " '
V Iw n J nvm~ you dnd your loved one apart In Ihis way yo
' 'I' side it enables you to feel out the moo d 0 f a grou p of people
. so tha t
u can again On the pOSI 1;:1 to ~heir deepest emotional concerns, This is very goo~ If y~u are
m aaPnPy kind of leadership role or if you have to make a presentation b ore a
you ca,n
I:: n with thi r I tivt·ly mild Moun . Pluto combination, th('re is a danger of obsessive group,
thlnkln, f all wing ont' ide , llbjt.'CIiv(' or mood to dominate your mind , Don't let
y motion run your life. t thi tim(', but don't repress them and keep them from But on the negative side, this transit may make you shy away from groups or from
pr d eit her. people in general. The same energy that enables you to feel o~t moods also makes
you feel vulnerable and exposed with others, If you feel thIS way, you should
whom you encounter t this time may exhibit a similar intensity , When you withdraw from public view and stay in your own personal worldo Thinking and
m. there will he gr at u('al of [et'ling and soul evident, but you may find such decision-making are not favored by this transit, because your mind is dominated by
personal fears, habits, the desire to protect yourself and petty personal motives that
h usting. Moon-Pluto combinations r('lea~e energIes that demand much of
cannot go beyond your immediate psychological necessities, Obviously your own
sense of inner security will determine which of these two paths you will follow.
h' h me passion and feeling , And if you
ner I, life will all you to pprodc It wdl~ so

In , . ce in which you learn much

." r p nd, It an b a very ri h nd rewar 109 expenen
ul your flings. Moon Sextile Midheaven

This transit normally indicates a period of unusually intense feelings Y OIl ha

Moon Opposition Pluto strong desire t kn If d ou WI
0 'e a
, , 0 ow yourse an to experience life largely thro h h .
, Ofllund and not always h~rmo~iou:s ThIS IS probably not the best time for work that 0 ug t e emoh
At thl t m your emotions ar likely to be very ~r . that may occur in relatIonshIPs, dispass'lona te state of consciousness, but you w'll requires f 'a completely c ] ear
I a whol eries of typical emotional confltlts work a y I not eel like d O h .
'II nyway, ou will want to engage your emotio ' omg t at md
c nfliet WIthin yourself. ' h hom WI experience a richness of feeling and inner life th t~S In ~ha.tever Y u do , and • u
h WIt w a IS sahsfymg in itself.
, h others, chiefIy t ose , 'n our But on ~nother I I
f II you can f?CpKt intense encounters WIt I st powerful forces wlthl ~Oid during thO eve, you may tend to react 3utom r
':'y ~otionally Involved. The deept'st an' m,ond often il is difficult to 3ntrol situ~tions ~~transit. You will be attracted to fa a'l~cany and ace rding t
v",. ,
mind are influenclns your actIon
now, a h d °rf' to CO
)r simply t e eSI t' 'elings it too far Yo~ You are not used to, This is not n~l. lar surr undin nd
n i U , ene$S' , t h e..e (
U ) Iv Iy Guilt. I alou y, Overpo esslV mayexpertence 'd another you had' . may react to others unconscious) rdy a problem un)
tin Impu ti n' ..... n take pot ion of you, or you , t between y"u an .. n VieW difficulty n:.;~tention of projecting, This is ~~. and project aspects
n t r
h 'm
You n be lure that any (
'on fl I
f yOU bot h . It yOU ,c.... some feelin_ y I your emotions in general If lCUlarly likel t Of
h m n 000". Ou Will 'h . You r I
thr II
. k'ngs 0 len'"
J JI' t d I bout the inner w~rhi I~tt.( "n, yoU m:; truitless Jill
I people Will VI ex~nence t e more positi~ oare ~erall at e
n WI r "d I n t Iy nd In calmer IIg 1 rt' Jiktly 10 surroundings COun~r these, along with "'-nifestah ns "bed
nf'll t i P 0 h rwl th encounters a . t iftdintlti n
thl tr ",it t ,
Planets in Transit

ThIS tran!.it is good for any business matters concerntng
' the Opposition Mldheaven . n laUch with
, Moon ctting rno re I . cl
situatIon In which you have to appear befo th bl ' general public 0 f . inside yourself and g efer to b Wlth
' . re e pu IC or a I r or an
IS not a tranSIt that stimulates drive and amb't ' arge group . Oth . y u will fet'l like gOing " be with people, yOU pr au need not put
1 Ion . erwlse it
At thiS yo d moods. If you have tO I at ease and for whorn Y
feehng~ an ' th whom you f ee
Moon Square Midheaven your r someone WI
I vcd ones 0 • I '
o . social front . .m ..... edlate famIly . t 1
This transit is likely to signify rapidly chang' d on a • ' th your I ... k a
I . f 109 moo s, which m . would like to be at horne WI ff a talent or ma
c ear perceptIOn 0 your goals , especially if your goals have b ay I~terfere With
regard for your personal needs. If your goals I een set without much This is a time when ~~~e to put yourself on display: shO: ; immediate circle , t~a t
excessive demands on your personal and dome t' al~fe pUh~e y professional or mak not a go?d ttl:;t~~rs . But if you can bring sO~~~::II~~:t ~t is easier to deal with him
, . s IC I e, t IS tran 't ' \1 b e presentatiOn t intimate environment , you WI ..
disruptive . You may feel dissatisfied with your prog Sl WI e somewhat
ress, or you may f I h is into your mos d to be on "your own turf .
matter h ow muc h you accomplish , there is always so thO I . ee t at no , feel a strong nee
sometimes . 'f'les tensions in your domestic life.
slgnl me tng acklng . Th'IS transit or her. You b alone and to decide
t ' ty for you to e d
v er this transit does present an opporyuOl feelings will be so strong an
All of these feelings signify that you need to readjust or t I .
Howe , I b t various matters . our own them
. . , ,h d a east reexamine hoW yOU really fee a ou . much that it will be hard for you to escape .
pnon tIes WI t regar to career and family. Which is more '
Important to you i h
your will influence your perc~pt1on so 'II take precedence over the demands of the
long run, and which should be? There are no standard answers to th , nt e bjectlve concerns W1 d b 'ld up
' d your personal answers, ese questions ' but Obviously your su b h" "t should be. This is a. time to recharge an Ul
you S h ou Id try to f In 'd
outSI e world now ' ut t IS IS as I
energy for times to come.
If you have handled this matter well, you should encounter the more positive side of
this transit and be able to go about your business with a remarkable sense of
Moon Conjunct Ascendant
wholeness. You will feel that your activities are satisfying, both professionally and
personally, and that your inner and outer needs are being met. Thus you will have a For a few hours you will feel much more emotional than usual. This, of co~rse, can be
great deal more emotional sensitivity in your business and personal life and will be either good or bad, depending upon how you normally relate to your emotIons. If you
able to relate to a situation emotionally as well as intellectually, Under any are ill at ease with your feelings, you will not consciously be aware of them, But you
Circumstances your emotions are unusually strong with this transit, and you will will relate to people in automatic ways, conditioned by habit. You will respond
react to any situation much more emotionally than usual. unconsciously to small cues put out by other persons that neither you nor they are
aware of. The problem here is that you are unable to see each new moment and person
afresh. You become nothing more than the product of your past, and your behavior
Moon Trine Midheavell can be quite inappropriate to the needs of the moment.
At this time your personal needs and career needs are balanced, ~nd ther~ will not ,bthe
h' AI your emotIOns are 10 tune WI On the other hand, if you can handle the emotions that are aroused, you will be able to
as much tension between them as at ot er tlmes , ,so with complete oneness, There relate to others with great feeling and empathy. This transit is excellent for occasion
. . th t ou can go about your b USlOess I
your intentions so a y l' f r mastery over the who e, when yo~ and another ~rson must relate at a very deep, intense level, when v U
;s less of the feeling that two sides of you are strugg 109 0
~e~munlcate not only With your rational mind but with your subliminal sen~ as
.. relate to others on an emotional level. . Even a casual encounter may have this quality of emotional depth.
Under this transit you have a great ability to If yare sensitive to others' needs,
Women may b .
because you feel your emotions so richly ~ourse ~ a~~ sensitivities for positive ends. every Important to you today and h
and you understand how you can use their m~o,d f I'ngs in negative ways, but yoU to them. Do not alIow your unconscious mind't you s oU.ld observe y ur reaction
o run away wlth you .
. t likely that you will manipulate peop e s ee I
I t IS no f . matter
others to your point 0 view on any .
can sway 1 world either Th'. Moon Sextile Ascendant
. . t your 0 Wn persona f l'' an d IS transit in
L h hand you may choose to rellre In 0 h The richness of ee 109 Friends es ~reases your desire to be with ....opl h
On hie ot e r , h d family sp ere. 'th only your . Ptclally f If ' .... e W om
Within your own mind or in your ome an feel like being alone or WI the highest experiences ema e nends, and relatives ..... h you are emoti nall cl
. are very' ..,It Who h .
otion that this transit brings maYlm~e y.ou when quiet seems to be nfrontalion times or eng i . Importan t to you now. You m yOu ave shared m
em d ones. It is a contemp atlve time,. retreat from a co ties of as ng In a sentimental reverie. may spend this time tal 1
closest Jove h ' feeling doesn't come from a deslr~ to rec iate the higher bea~rne. If But you are ala
Virtue, But \~S It is a positive desire to be quiet an a~~o take from time to I You lend a s~ Very sensitive to other peo leo
with the wor. . .... e of recharging, which we al~ nfeet'on of this need. Pathetic and friendly ea p a "'OOds and _ .
r to PeoJlie' _n Judge them UI
ex'. tence. It IS a tI .. • don't deny yourseIf t h e satlS aC I problem f
, r U have a
( J this way now,
Planets in Transit

Moor l

desire to protect and support your friends emotionally p

personal world are very .mportant . eace and harlll "" .
to you at this time and h m lIe friend
I o J '" " own !lex . F.v n wit .
5 ars h feeI'JOgs, except to try to smooth
with someone I.' se 'h , You are" at Willi"
th JOUt ardl es~ of your
l' nta , reg 1 h you
em oVer. 8 to deaJ 3Cqua 'onal leve . group t at h
Your ~nsitjvity to other people also enables you to deal '1 iI verY emoll feel tha t you belong t any ke other f .1 t It
respond to the group 's changes of mood and are able to ft eas. y w'.th group a great need t will ab o be • bit· to ma d t,lno th mo .
that mood. Thus this is a good time for any sort of publi • your COllllllUllica:: You You will h.av~rne. Fortunatel: .you others endbl es you to un er ny .nd of puhllc
wh,c. h you have to 51.'II somet h'JOg to a group or persuade c appearanc
th . 'On .to
I.' Or Sltuati
'th at thIS II Your sensitiVIty to h ' a good ti m e for a
WI 'th you . I blic so t IS l!l
You are able to make others feeJ that you are one of them em of a Point of v~n In belong w~d of the genera pu ,
. ~~
groUPS a d mor about Y ur
Your emotions are strong at this time, and you are prima 'J
J . JI y. Your contacts with others may notnaly concerned
cncOUl'ter. . is that it can enabl y ou to und~r tah~
and it do
to peop I.' emot/ona b Wit. h relatin One facet of this tradns,tthe nature of y ur per o nal relatto ns Ip , f c of your
strictly rational thinking or behavior at this time but they ~llabYs I.' characterized b~ motional nature a n .ng Your emotions are s much clo. er to t he ur
, WI I.' Warm . J
e b . upsettl .
without emg n see them clearly .
being that you ca
Moon Square Ascendant
Under this transit your emotions are strong when dealing w 'th h Moon Opposition Ascendant .
elt. her good or ba d , d epen d'JOg on how you handle it. On the I I ot 'd
ers '.which. can be
d I . it our closest contacts will take n a more em o tion a l ton~
do You WIll
W rkin
great ea 0 f senSItivity
'" toward others. You can feeJ their mp usd Sl ' e, It giVes
. you a During thIS trans y. r feelings more easily to yo ur sp o u e, a . I
d h b ble to commumcate you
respon to t em so th at you are able to fit into any group you 00a s Immediately
.h Y an d ea I h m you encounter on an In I
. t ma te level. QUi te fr quent y
I h ugh
emotJOna. I contacts at th IS
' time,
. and you project feeling warmth re witd . au value partner or anyone e s~ w ~ t will be closely invo lved with a wo m an , a t 0
others. , an concern to this transit is also a Sign t a you ..
the nature of the involvement is not specIfied .

But on the negative side, ,this transit can also signify that you are so wrapped up in d'ff It t deal w ith y ou hould be
your moods that you can t get out of yourself and relate to anyone else. This transit 1~~e~hyiSt~r~:s~~a:::~i~~:?an~ ~~bjec~ive
Althoughh the effec:s in yoU~
rel a tion with
aware t at you ar I ' . f ' Thi i not an
can be a sign of destructive subjectivity in which you see only what you want to see. h that you may have difficulty seeing someone e se s pomt 0 ~lew . _ .
ot er:- Ily good time for delicate negotiations or discussions in whIch you m ust thmk
In either case your moods are likely to fluctuate rather rapidly, so do not take your espeCia . .
clearly and objectively , However, this transit favors SItuations . W h'Ie h y o u h, ~ v e to
emotions too seriously at this time. You should make an effort to be with others, be sensitive to another's feelings or in which someone else has to be sen Ittve to
because forcing yourself to relate will bring out the better side of this transit. yours.

Any task that requires much reason and clear thinking is not likely to work out very In your contacts with others you will seek warmth, Support and nurture , and you will
well under this transit, even at best. You are oriented to feeling rather than to logical be equally capable of giving these to others when necessary . You are very sensitive t
thinking . Your judgments are likely to be impressionistic, based on the mood of the this need in yourself and others, and if you do not receive it , you feel q uit b adl .
moment rather than on reason. Later, when that mood has passed, you may not be You may be somewhat less self-reliant than usual now, for thi is one o f th se times
able to understand Why you made a certain decision, when interaction and needing others is more important.

Moon Trine Ascendant

This transit 15 good for all kinds of relationships in that all your contacts with others
are warm and emotional. You do not choose superficial or formal contacts but
Ins tead d.-ire to make a Pft'Ional connection with everyone you meet. At the same
tJnW you feel a .trons need to prottet and nurture those whom you are close to.
There IS OfMthing of tlw maternal illitinct in the way you care for others. You are
a'lO VB)' Iftt"tive to people'. flnotJonai needs and wants, which enables you to
II pond to tlwm at a very deep 'ntel 01 understanding.

th.. ,raNit "",'Ife ftjng wi", Women and certainly you wiJ/ be ablefto g~;
with women vIf}' we . You Iltey wen' receive some beneftI fro m a erna
Chapter Six

Significance of Transiting Mercury
The transiting Mercury is not one of the most powerful indicators in the horoscope.
but it does indicate shifts of mental focus and attention as it transits the houses and
planets. Also it indicates the kinds of communications you have with other people
throughout the year. Sometimes it is an indicator of travel , usually short trips that do
not seriously alter your everyday routine.

On another level, Mercury is the everyday routine, in that it signifies the nature of
your casual interchange with the world around you . But casual does not mean
unimportant; it means simply something we are so used to that we do no t see its
effects. Nevertheless, being conscious of the "Mercury function" in your life can be
enormously valuable. Most of us go through our lives without ever really being
conscious of how our words affect other people ; instead we are too caught up in
reacting to their words. We are reacting to them reacting to us reacting to them . and
so on. Obviously if you can become conscious of this process. you can learn to
control it and thereby control many situations as well. Thus it is extremely important
to study your Mercury transits and see how they operate for you . Even though their
effects are subtle. the knowledge that you gain from them can be extremely useful.

On another leveL Mercury relates to communications received as well as gi en.

During a busy Mercury period you may receive a lot of mail or many teleph ne calh:
as well as unexpected visits. The pace of your interchange with others increases when
Mercury is active in your horoscope, and it can sometimes be a very busy and
exciting time. You can usually count on not being bored by Mercury. but again It i
important to note that Mercury usually intensifies the daily routine rather t an
disrupts it.

Sometimes a Mercury transit represents a time when you should ju t it n thin

Mercury rules the rational mind, and in many of its transits. your mind i: un u 11 '
dear. So it may be a good idea to get away from it all and be al ' ne with • r
thouahta. even though Mercury usually likes to be around others.

Mercury in the First House

1t~-.lIIq..e for expressing your point of view to ~ple . u art Ie t put a
into whatever you say. it is omeh w m rt ulh nti II
Planets in Transit

yourself speaking. At the same t'
h Ime, you have th
somew at greater objectivity and det h e capacity to exam '
4Ictive, and it is important to kee 't ac ment than usual, YOur ,lne Yourself '
,. p I occupied w'th mind 'I] . ~I!h Mercury in the Third House
accomp Ish a great deal with your 'd " I useful project b Wi be III
mIn at thiS tIme, s, ecause Ore , house here, This means that its action is intensified, and you
, ~~ , ' Its own h p
One effect at Mercury is that your mind ' Mercury IS In , much more strongly than usual. You will ave many grou
very rapidly, which may confuse the and consaousness jumps from ' ~1l f~l itSa~~~~~~ersations with others ; you will ~eet new. peopl~, poss~bly travel
deceptive, but your mind is likely to people ar;und you a bit. You aren,:ssu e to iSSue diSCUSSions d t 'nly have more contact with relatives and Immediate neighbors. It
. a b' t an cer al f I h t
to be constantly changing, Again it is~~~~ so ast under this influence th:~ng to be qUlte . hi I tricity were suddenly turned on in your mind, and you ee t a you
Mercury does not settle on anyone iss
deficiencies of this energy bee
the focus of your attention thatY~U seern
,ue or very long, which is one f h anges.
. as If tee ec
have to com
municate with as many people as POSSI e.

' ause It never really t' 0 t e gre t

contraJ th is tendency, for it ca b ge s mto an issue dee 1 a er This is a very good time for all kinds of intellectual. activities, ~ssuming that ~ your
n e a waste of energy, p Y, Try to
natal horoscope there are no serious afflictions to thiS house. It ]S also a good time to
H Mercury transits planets that are afflicted ' speak to others and listen to them.
afflicted by another transiting planet while iltni:~ur n~~al first house. or if Mercury is
may react with nervousness or anxiety Th' r~sItmg a planet in this house. you It is not a good time to try to settle down and relax. The tempo of events in your
too involved in some mental problem 'T 1S usuela y means that you are becomino environment is likely to be too fast, and it will be difficult to avoid getting caught up
. b' ' ry t a r ax and get y , d ''0
senous su Jects to something light and entertaining. our mm away frorn in it, Nevertheless you should try sometimes to disconnect yourself from this frantic
pace, because it may get to the point that you are continually distracted and unable to
Often with this transit you will have a strong ur e think properly. For this reason it is not the best time to try to reach a conclusion on
usually for long distances, This is fl'ne 'f 't. g to. get out and travel, although not some matter, Wait until the tempo slows down so you can look over what you have
y I I IS convenient and you f I l'k d' h'
U~~al~OU!~' e~counter a .rather profitable and interesting experienc~ in yeOU~I~~~e::'
learned with some perspective about the whole process. Use this time to gather
information rather than to reach conclusions. In dealings with others, contract
an ki~ ~ IS a ~ood t,lme to be involved in negotiations or contract discussions of
negotiations or business deals, it is wise to use this period to make everyone's position
'f y 1._' our mmd WIll be quite dear. if you keep it from running too quickly and
1 you JUlOW what you want. clear and to discuss possibilities rather than to reach final conclusions. Keep your
mind flexible now and be ready for any new experiences that may come along, Do
not allow your point of view or your opinions to harden.
Mercury in the Second House
At this time your attention naturally turns to whatever you value in life, whether it Mercury in the Fowth House
be material. intellectual or spiritual. You will think about and plan for these elements This is a time of intellectual withdrawal. but not in a negative way. You aren' t
much more than usual now, and you may enter into negotiations with others withdrawing to avoid a confrontation with reality but to reflect and think about all
concerning property or money, Or you may have to define your sense of values to the ideas you have encountered recently, It is a good time to examine your personal
.nother person so that he or she knows where you stand on an issue, and domestic life and to make plans or evaluate whether it is meeting your need
This is a.n excellent transit for discussions with your immediate family ab'out matte~
On the mundane level, this transit often signifies that you are much more concerned t~at are Important to all of you. You are able to voice your innermost thoughts at this
with busines. and commercial affairs than usual. This can cover a broad range of time. and you should if you feel that something must be said Do n tall
b 'I " ' a ow pressures
actiVity, from shopping much more than usual to entering into a,n im~ortant business to w d up Withm you that you do not express toward the people d Th '
negotYtion, The important point here is that whatever you do In t~IS area. you will wilt only lead to disturbances in your thinking later on Besid aroun ylofU ' ~
put a pat deal of planning and consideration into it, and transactions will be more on this part of your life now. an d · 'than
It IS easIer · usual
' to es,
ex vour
. menta, ocus IS
feelings and emotions. press your mnerrnost
amportant and elaborate than usual. As a result yOU should be able to make the
tuation work out the way you want.
Your thoughts may drift continually back to eVents that '
. to this, however. if you have serious. ~f1ictions to planets in the may wonder Why you cannot focus on the OCcurred m the past, and 'ou
"J"heq is an except~onMercury is afflicted while it is translt]ng a ~atal planet in this . di ' concerns of the
In catiO~ that some aspect of those past events is a f ' present,
This '
IS an
he.. ~Iy or if . . jficant financial or property ~ra,nsachons on such days,
It II bet to aVOid Sign
tnasi.. of MercurY to r:,.ur
al I ets for thIS Information Your mind
nat p ~I not see all the issues i~volved and
subconsaous mind is drawing attention to it s h fectmg the present and that your
In other words, look for a link between the ev:,~ t you can handle it in s~~me ",·ay.
and the matters that concern you today. Findifta of ~he past that are on y ur mind
. ,___ . . doudy or unclear t • 10 you WI erso n ,
ea;identally or intentionally by another P current problt!ll\. that lank could enable you to lve a
You may have to COrnmu .
ut t e past event that is
nlcate w'th

rs may
one of Your
them or communicating via feOtttehenng you. And in ~:yrents in order to f'
case h '
prove extrem I h ' aVlng a d'
e y elpful to
,lscUssion ~re
~~ bl

em to be careful about is criticizing others. This transit may sharpen your

You In So \vlth " I ability and while you are less concerned with your own ego nee ds, you may
me \va y, c nbe t lrather
c a ' careless of other people,s ego needs. Even . ' f h
lo the Interests 0 W at you
Mercury in the F' f ISO
This IS a good time f . I th HOuse aconsider ." h I h ' f I'
to be "objective trut ,try not to tramp eon ot ers ee lOgS.
th or expresSIng
em to others. In this re ' . YOur thoughts to
house Yo spect It IS rather l"k h Yourself and f If ou experience the health aspect of this transit, it is most likely to be negati~e. If
. u can make dear t I e t e transit f M or COllllllu '
ef ectiveIy anv issue th t . 0 people your stand 0 erCury through nhlcating th:re are afflictions to this house in your natal horoscope or if Mercury is affhcted
. a IS on on any t ef while transiting a planet in this house, you may feel nervous or anxious about some
f or amusement, that' f y~ur mind. You will al b .matter and expl' Irst
T IS, or readln . . so e mcli d am Ve matter. The cause of your anxiety is most likely not a rational fear, and you should
agl Ity. These actiVities will b g, wntmg and playing ne to Use Your m' ryd
not take it seriously except that it is an unnecessary strain upon the body.
e more attractive than I games that require In
. Usua during this f mental
Oft en t he Ideas that . Illle. You may also become more concerned with your health and interested in improving
come lIlto h
t h at they are fun to I . your ead now will h your hygiene. It is not that this concern is especially necessary now, but that your
p av WIth Ju t b ave no speci I f '
communications with ~thers 'to sh e careful not to transfer this laa fulunctlOn except attention is being drawn to this aspect of your life, If you do start to improve your
amusement. Astrolo ers 0 ~ e extent that you play with p y Spmt to your diet now, be sure that you continue this program consistently as Mercury transits the
and in this house I't .g ftl:n fall to recognize that Mercur . Pheople for your OWn other houses.
L, IS very Ikely t k y IS t e planet f
hus house you are more' I' ed 0 ma e you feel prankish. The d .0 pranks,
, mc In to release' anger IS that with
~nergy Input to come from others Thu your lOner energy outward than to all Mercury in the Seventh House
I y~u are. not careful. This is ~artic~I:~lu~::; rather insensitive to people's n:~ This is a good time to clarify and explain an Issue to someone with whom you are
playmg a Joke on someone. Also' y ~ tant to remember if you feel like intimately associated in daily life, such as your spouse or business partner. It is also
poor listener at this time. ' lo conversatIOns with others you may be a very good for consulting a specialist on any matter that concerns you. You should not
think and plan alone or unassisted today. You need another person's consciousness
and response to your ideas and statements in order to get a clear perspective on your
On the other hand, pursuing mental activO f h'
thoughts. Also, finding out your partner's thoughts will help him or her to clanfv
reading as mentioned b ItJes or t elr own sake, such as games or
You may very 11'a ove, can enlarge yo ur mm . d even I'f th at IS
' not your intention them, Together you will be able to accomplish much more than either of you could
useful. Do t we Ihnadvertentl y educate yourself in ways that will later prov~ separately,
no feel t at you ha t "f h'
practical motive. Lat . ve, 0 Just! y everyt tng you do now with some
achv't b d ' er experIence WIll no doubt show you the usefulness of these It is also a good time to discuss any rufficulties that have come up in yocr inh;:".ate
J le5, ut on t worry about that now. relationships, You are capable of takmg a much more detached view than usual. and
you can reach conclusions objectively which might be difficult at other tl es. Yoer
communication concerning such matters is also unusually clear.
Mercury in the Sixth House
Two different areas of manifestation _ health and work - may be connected I-'vith In all your encounters today you will seek intellectual stimclation and conversatto
thiS transit let us look at the work d'ImenSlon
. t
t" Irs. ranging from cheerfu1 banter to spirited debate. You are looking for me tal
encounters today, and e\'en argument and controversy are interestl ". certal! y
preferable to no stimulatIOn at all.
Thi is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work. You are much more attentive to
dftaal thMt usual and esP«ially concerned about using the best techniques available ,
This is a. good transit for making
, contracts or entering to nego t latiOns awo a. y

You want everything you do to be as perfect as possible, so you plan carefully and matter, If Mercury is not transltmg a planet that IS affhcted I 1-
wor out every detail In advance. In that way you will not be caught by surprise. ~t ' "
If Mercurv IS not afflicted durmg
Its tramlt by another t r
n your sevent"
' t I t_
oUSt' or
the s.111W time your plannif\8 has a great ~nse of purpose. You f~el that th~re ~s .' . '
case It would be Wlse to a\'Old all types of nego lations.
a 51 Ir. P a e U' W • a
practic..J wor to be done, and you are willing to devote your attentron to gettrng It
dorw properly.
, 1ercury in the Eighth House
t get along well \\'1tn
This attitude towa rd doms _I
a Job well will enable yoU 0
J .
. ,
down With either 0 r
f I'e&e At this time it is good to 100 Inward and refl
. h' e-ct upon deep ""ve
-Ioyer an d With em,...oyees t IS a good time to Sit . 1 WIt In yourself. In many ways your rational' II ..'~
... __ I _LI__ . f less ego !nvo veme nt th;Hl b . ha Inte ect 1 d ser no to
your elng t t are usually hidden even trom "..... 1t"Y
_'lII.&o& ..nd ~ over any pr~aa that exist. There IS ar ,'thour }'~,ur ' h ' ,,,,,rse ou can u e t
..I!__ • re necessary. WI more In toue Wlth these hidden aspects,
an your _UNIon 10 you can tab whatever steps a
~j_ _IYI a/f.nSdhn,1ft tJw way
tions and intellectual encoun ters th
' can versa
fles d ' h' at ha
nsl" oflen
sigN ind cau sing you to go eep Wit In Yourself and "e a
Tbis tra feet upon your, m,0; ways of thinking, Or you may have this eff llIake doing along these lines and whether ' ,
ProfoundnefyOU r point of View yOU an
d another person may be amazed that y
ff Ou ha
eet On necessary , p Ian to make changes that or'll not
' It IS working
, 0 t
u as you want 'It to, If
changes I I In some cases h 's mind and can a ect each other greatl "e a WI Improve It for you ,
neese, ach at er h k' d f y, Ev
someQ U5 hold over e , ' 's verbal, anot er m 0 energy see- en fhis is a good time to undertake new :>1 d' h '
endo unlcatJOn I h d ".5 to b
/fem II YOUf com m h that goes down to t e eepest roots of yo b' e new techniques for exam pi
d U les t at mIght help your career - learning
e, or stu ymg you ' b ' d '
though. a ' haI der to fat am, ur elng over it. r JO In or er to gam greater mastery
thar IS '
opera ling , ' I d'
deep thinking, sometimes mc u Ing thought
dive to very 'h s about This is also a favorable time to talk t '
Thi s ,ransil is con uc ed ' mortality, Reflectmg upon t ese matters fro rn t'
lov ones , 'b d' IllIe to work and how you may advance in 0 s~penors: bosses or employers about your
, or own and your I t keep your life In perspective, ut on t get too ' ' yOur Job , ThIS mayor may not be a good time
}O , can he p a f earned for actua II y trying to get a promotion depend' h f
(me in moderatiOn h because this can draw you away rom the here and n " f' d h b , mg on ot er actors , But you can use
I b thoughts of deat , ow, thiS hme to In t e est way to go about get"ung a promotion, ,
away Y
' t ansit can coincide with discussions and negOtiat' Communications on the job maya ,
dane level thIS r I h h h IOns , ssume greater Importance than usual under this
On a mun ' p e r t y particular Y t ose t at you old jOintly ,h
' finances or p r o , , , I " Wit Influence, but be careful not to get al\ tangled up I'n d t
' re ape,
Th ' ,
15 transit can ma e
concerning have serious afflIctIOns to p anets In thiS house or th you so concerned With petty procedural aspects of th e)o ' b - paper wor k , f'll '
I e Unless you e I mg out
someone e s ' "ts If afflicted, this should be a very favorable time for s h forms and so forth - that you don't have tl' me fo r th e 'Impor t an t an d rewar d Ing
transiting Mercury IS I e uc
aspects 0 f your wor k ,
On the other hand, you may become involved with the part of your business tha t
Mercury in the Ninth House
involves communicating with the outside world, either through advertising o r
education, because you ar~
This IS' a go od tl'me for any kind of study and
through contract negotiations, This should work out quite favorably , assuming that
intellectually eager for knowledge and new expen~nces, You want to take a larger an afflicted planet in the tenth house of your chart is not being transited by another
planet at the same time,
Vlew of life in order to see how the various parts fIt together to make up the whole,
Any new and interesting phenomenon from a world outside your own is likely to
attract your attention at this time, Subjects relating to foreign places, the law, Mercury in the Eleventh House
philosophy or higher knowledge of any kind will engage your attention, It is possible
Mercury in this transit inclines you to think about your goals and exp«tations in life ,
that you may have some dealings with officials connected with the law, although you
You will examine your ideals to find out exactly how well they have served you and
should not fear this possibility particularly, to what extent you have attained them , You should also think about whether y our
goals are really your own or whether they are in part other people's goals that you
Although this 'ransit is not very long, it is a good time to travel. Your curiosity have adopted for yourself, In the latter case, decide whether these goals are
makes travel very interesting to you, But to get the most from the experience, you appropriate for you,
should expose yourself to a life as different from your own as possible, You are quite
open to alternative lifestyles at this time, so try to encounter as many different ways This is the house of group ideals and standards and also the house of your position in
of living as you can, groups generally, You should examine your attitudes toward these groups , At this
time you need and will have more verbal and intellectual exchanges with friends and
This ,transit is good for all kinds of conversation and communication with others, with other groups that you are associated with, Talking over your problems \\;t'
espeCially about rather b t 'd I'f It is friends will be especially helpful in reaching an objective viewpoint. But keep In mind
, a s ract I eas, general philosophy and approaches to I e,
easier now to make your ', , 'II be that talking things over with friends cannot free you from prejudices and
, d' ed J' POSition In these areas clear to others, Also you WI
preconceptions that are held by the entire group,
In In to Isten more carefull ' d ou
will be especiall ' y to what others have to say about these Ideas; an y
y mterested if th' L_I' tl yOU
are much more tole t h fir lie leES differ from your own, Consequen Y Another characteristic of this transit is that you may encounter younger ~ople in
ran t an usual f d'ff
o I erent opinions. your immediate circle of friends, which can give you a new and freer point of view
about yourself and about life in general. This is a time of increased communication
Mercury' h and social intercourse,
Ud h" In t e Tenth House
n er t IS mfluence you sh Id he
equIvalent area of YOur J'f oU make plans concerning your professional life or
ha ve some actlYity I f!, EYen 'f ' d btless Mercury in the Twelfth House
that y I you do not have a profesSion, you OU r
' ou pursu~ large There are two sides of this transit. On the one hand, you may be inclined tl keep
SOCIety, such as working in a club as a form of ego expression within your bee"
Or organization. Think about what you have
Planets in 1 rami L

ommunicate them to others, even h
nd not c h . h h W en
t yourse If a be more in touC Wit t e hidden sid You
your op
ittions 0 .
he same time.
yoU may I . h
d 'ves and compu SlOns t an at most oth
es of.y OUr Your eager. mind may also attract the attention of someone above you, who will get
ld But at t onsClOUS n . . er tim in touch With you ~bout some matter that is important to you. In general this transit
shou . lit)' your unc be undesirable or mappropnate, but the b'I ' es.
rsona' effects may ful a I Ity favors commUnication with men rather than with women, but all communication is
own pe. f these tWO t r can be quite use . to improved.
The first 0 f your charae e
t hidden areas 0
get a feel that others will hold anything you sa
. that yOU may d Y agains
h problem here IS ecially if your wor s are motivated by p tt t Mercury Sextile Sun
Te . y be true, esp d' '11 b e y ego
roU. And thiS ma l"kely that what you on t say WI e held against
) B't is even more I h' h h b' You Under this transit you will have a rather busy but mentally stimulating day . You
concerns. ut I h' time to say everyt 109 t at as to e said. Elimin ' should have no difficulty keeping amused, because your mind is sharp , alive and
. ortant at t IS , . d d f ate all
so it is very Imp. b h f om other people s mm s an rom your own K . ready for all kinds of experiences. Even in the ordinary, everyday aspects of your
d ncertalnty ot r . eepJng
doubt an u dermine others' confidence in you. world you see the possibilities for new knowledge and understanding , You have great
secrets Will only un curiosity.
'k . g off by yourself to think or study at this time, and that shOuld
yaumayfee II.I eg omII You may also fee I I'k . hdraWing
I e Wit . .
mto yourself d Quite frequently this transit indicates one of those days when the telephone never
work out qUite we . . ' . " an seems to stop ringing. It seems as if everyone wants to get in touch with you , and you
. . M ry in this house IS often a sign of greater concern With sPIrItual and
medltatmg. ercu . ' al have to contact many people too. Important communications from others may very
religious matters and increased ability to deal With nomatlOn aspects of reality. well come by mail, telephone or personal conversation. And you Will speak your
mind with everyone. It is very important with this transit to let people know exactly
On another leveL this is a good time for doing research by yourself. You work and where you stand on every issue. Your honesty and forthrightness in what you say
think best alone at this time, and you should not be afraid to do so. It is not will command the respect of others.
inappropriate to go off to think or to be by yourself, but it is a poor thing to retreat
from fear of confrontation. If necessary, confront someone and don't be afraid of This is an excellent time for any kind of group discussion in which you have to work
that. If you keep the situation out in the open, it is less likely to work against you . together to arrive at a common decision. It is also good if you have to report to a
But if you feel that quiet and peace would be beneficial, by all means seek them out. group about some activity that you have been involved in. Probably you will
function as the head of such a group in some way.

Mercury Conjunct Sun Very often this transit is associated with travel. You may not have to go very far but
A~ thi~ time you must express yourself and your thinking in every possible way. Your you will probably get around a lot more than usual today , most likely in the course
of normal business. But as with other aspects of your life today , the tempo of your
mmd IS clearer than usual, and you feel more alert and mentally sharp. At the same
lime you are very conscious 0f ' In any project you are engage d 10,
your purpose . w h'Ie h business traveling will be accelerated.
ena bl es you to express th at purpose cIearly to others. Just be careful that you aren ' t

pu th ng so much energy int " . h .

com . . 0 communIcating with others that you aren't allowmg t elr Mercury Square Sun
mUl1Jcahon to come ba k . . f
view blind you t h ' ~ In to you. Also don't let your own subjective pOint 0
o ot ers pomts of view. This is not an especially difficult square. It indicates a day of busy mental activity
and many communications with others. You will be busier than usual with letter
You are able to express y . . writing, paper work and group conferences, which should run smoothly , although
upon others if you need o~self With considerable vigor and make an impreSSion
under certain circumstances there could be problems. Be especially careful not to
for your point of view toh" hve~ when the opposition gets heavy, you will stand up speak or otherwise communicate from purely egotistic motives. Make your point and
you d Isagree with. ' W IC wllI un d oubtedly win the respect of even those w h 0 m
let it go at that, because chances are your statement will have enough energy to be
effective without making a controversy of it. If you do turn it into a controversy. you
On a more trivial level thO d will encounter opposition from people who are similarly inclined , and
letters, telephone calIs ~r p~~so~~will be crowded with communications, whether by communication will grind to a halt.
S . conversation. And you will initiate most of these.
ometJmes this transit . Of course, others may try to stir up controversy with you. In particular you may
out and travel Y giVes the day et
wants t . ou may feel restl an electric quality that makes you eager to ~ d have problems with persons in authority today. The best way to get around this is to
o capture as f!,S and '11' . Y rrll wait until a day when your communications can be more tranquil.
learn mo . k1 rnuch new rn t. unwi 109 to stay 10 one place. our '11
re qUlc yd' a erl I . . Y WI
UT/ng this tran' a as pOSSIble, so travel If you can. ou
Sit th
an at almost any other time.

- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -____________________________________~__________________________________________~~ 1 _________

as indeed it might under this influe

rn es tOO f as t, nce ,
'.1 £fairs beco "very important not to get too agitat d
f da l Y a But It IS k I ' , e , that ,the third party is really neutral and that both you and your opponent dre
If the tempo a very nervous , d careless in your wor ' t Isn t that you don't convJnced of that.
ou could bec~llm e ake yOU slopPY an re "vibrating" so that it is difficult to ke
Y h t 1"1 m ' but yOU a , f ep
because t a h t yOUare dOlOg, " elatively beneficial transi t or people who
tW a , I this IS a r h h Se You ~an coun t on one result of this transit. Whatever your reaction to others or their
care abau 'ght. ObvIOuS y I d not so good for t ose w 0 are inherentl
everything st,ral h r slow and stab e, an y reac tIOn to you, each side will get through to the other , Communications are
I ace IS rat e reasonably clear under this influence, though not necessarily harmo nious ,
menta P
,hat nervous,
some" ' f rom t hat point of
vera) leve Is , Consl'der It
ted to day on se Nego tia ti ons a nd contract discussions or other bUSInf'>s dealings conducted now may
thinking will be tes 'stakes , Do not try to defend any ideas that are no t reach a successful conclusion immedIately Use this time to get a clear
Your I frorn your rnl
d try to earn understandi ng of each other's pOSition. Instead of reacting emotionally to what others
view an I'd
clearIy Sh0 wn to be inva I ' say, simply let them say It, When the mood becomes more peacetul , yo u will be able
to come to an agreemen t.
Mercury Trine Sun
't frail kinds of mental work and communication with Sometimes this transit signifies communications between yourself and persons whom
ThJS" favorab Ie transl 0 ld h you usually have diffic ul ty communicating With , This tranSit seems to give both sides
IS a , d h u1d be unusually clear, and you shou ave a very good idea
th s Your mtn s 0 an extra charge tha t gets you talking .
o er , ' ny instance. Also you are able to state your case forcefully
of what you want tn a . , b d .
'f have to Any mental work requlflng a roa overview of the
befo re 0 th ers I you ' Don't hesitate to discuss impor tant issues with others now but be prepared for
situation is favpred , energies running high in the discussion, What you brii'\g into the open at this time
could really help you in the future .
5 nd the day getting rid of any backlog of paperwork, writing letters or making
n:essary phone calls , Even if you don't make many calls, you will probably receive
quite a few, This is also a favorable time for all kinds of group discussions and Mercury Conjunct Moon
negotiations: at least from your point of view. Any kind of business negotiation will This is the best possible time to express your feelings and emotions , but it is no t so
work out well because you can spell out all the requirements in detail. No one should favorable for reasoned logical communication . You may be quite capable of
be able to claim that they were not clearly informed, reasoning well under this infl uence, but pure reason and logic alone cannot
communicate all that you wan t to express, With thiS transit you have to communicate
This is a good day for organizing yourself, another person or a group, again because on all levels, not just with your mind .
of the clear-headedness indicated by this transit. The easy relationship between your
natal Sun and transiting Mercury will help yoy balance your own individual ego At times , your thinking may be so infl,uenced by your feelings that it will be difficult
needs with those of others, They will feel that you are giving them a fair shake. to think through a situation from an objective position , Th iS is not usually a great
problem, but it will make it difficul t to share your state of mind WIth anyone who
ff 'great
I curiOSity ' tod ay 5hou Id ena bl e you to pursue any klOd . of study very doesn't happen to be in the same mood, If you are also upset , which is not indicated
e ectatJ~e y, kesp:ahal1~ if it is new and interesting to you . You can also do routine by this transit alone, others will find you very d ifficult to deal with , because you will
men wor Wit thiStransit b t h ' be unable to see any position except your own .
subject. ' u t at IS not favored as strongly as the study of a new

On the other hand, if you are in a reasonably tra nquil state of mind now , you will be
a much better listener than usual. Yo ur mind is receptive to the point that you receive
, Mercury Opposition Sun not only words but also another person's moods and feelings, You can listen very
Usually thiS transit increases th
and other people , Howe , e flow of communication and ideas between yourself sympathetically, because you can literally feel with the other person. Traditionally
WI'II expressed verballyver, It can
hr als0 In' d"Icate senous ego con fl'IctS and con fl'lets 0 f this kind of sensitivity is though t to favor commu nication w ith women , but actually
this transit favors discussion with an yone who comm unicates with feelings as well as
opposi tions, this is a high or tough other means of communication . Like all
. '11 -energy tran ' words .
It, you WI encounter turb I Sit; that is, if you are not careful how you use
u ence and d'ff'
message to deliver today, and I Iculty. You may feel tha t you have an urgent
express yourself. When yo h you may find it difficult to wait for the chance to It is quite likely that you will wa nt to ta lk abou t mat ters that are personally
stro ngl y oppose d to it A cou aVe sa'd I what you wanted to say others may be
important to you that have affected y our life a t the most personal level _ your own
bring abou t e b " mpromise m b b . .' to history, your family, your home , You will fa vor th ose who have shared similar
xcept Ymtrodu . ay e necessary, ut It wIll not be easy
ClOg a th' d
If party into the discussion. Just be care U
f I

Planets in Transit

. And I'f you have t 0 counsel someone ' you will seek
believe h It is impossible to root ou t every bel'Ie f t hat makes up one' s
. . in childhood?"
experiences. . I the familiar
PreJudices, but you s ould make a start ' and thl's IS
. a goo d time
. to d 0 so.
elements in that person's history in order to show that he or she IS not a one.
Because women are so often the targets of ' s unconsCIous
one . projections (no matter
. I d'IS t'InC t'IOns d 0 no t I'nterest you very much at this time. You are more
Loglca whether you are male or female), this transit is often associate
. d Wit . h arguments WIt
concerned with the elements that bind categories together rath~r than those that women. H owever, anyone w h0 activat ' .
. I h
ISO ate t em.
For examp Ie, you want to know what people have In. common rather '11 b f d'ff' I f es an unconscIOUS behef or thought pattern
WI e a source 0 I ICU ty or you at this time.
than what makes them different, and you will seek an understandIng that you can
share with everyone. On the oth~r hand, you can use this time to express your feelings to someone, as long
as ~ou don t .pretend t~a.t you ~re expressing your rational side. Your feelings have
Mercury Sextile Moon their own logiC and vahdIty, which is not helped by rationalization . Learn about your
This transit puts you much more in touch with your own feelings and with the unconscious mind and emotions, so that you no longer hold others responsible for the
feelings of the people you encounter. You are able to sense others' moods and to problems you have ~ad in life. This transit gives you the opportunity to understand
shape your communications so that what you say fits in with their feelings. And you how you have contributed to your difficulties and to do something about them .
can do this without being dishonest or unfaithful to what you have to say. This is
because you are more aware of the feeling side of communication than usual. and you Mercury Trine Moon
understand its relationship to the rational.
The effect of this transit is to enliven your routine everyday world, which you usually
This ability is particularly useful when dealing with groups of people. This is an don't think much about. It will be more interesting than usual and the scene of
excellent transit for talking to groups and trying to persuade them of your point of fascinating exchanges between you and others. The tempo of your everyday existence
view. But it is important to be honest in what you are saying, because people will will speed up some, but not to the point that you feel that your energies are being
pick up the real meaning behind what you seem to be saying if there is a discrepancy. scattered.
Sometimes this transit can give you the ability to charm groups of people.
At the same time you are more in touch with your feelings than usual , and you show
Like other Mercury-Moon contacts, this transit is a good time to look into yourself greater emotional sensitivity in your interactions with others . It may be good to talk
and examine your psychological state. You are able to communicate your emotions to about your feelings with someone today. In fact the richness of everyday experience ,
yourself as well as to others, which is important because we often lose track of our real as referred to above, results from the fact that you feel more and put more of yourself
feelings in the course of the day. If you have a problem that you cannot solve within into your experience.
yourself, this is a good time to talk it over with someone else.
This feeling quality makes you a good listener today . You are eager for input , and
By the same token, you will listen unusually well to other people's problems. Others you would much rather listen to others than have to take the initiative yourself to
will sense your interest and may call on you to help them with their problems. But start a conversation or make the connection that brings you together. When others
that .will n~t bother you, because you are very concerned with experiencing talk to you, they will perceive your interest, sympathy and concern. They will realize
emotlOn~ nc~ness in your communications with others, especially by helping that you aren't playing ego games with them .
someone In thiS way.
The Moon signifies relations with women, and this transit helps to improve
communications with them, especially if you are a man who usually has trouble with
Mercury Square Moon women. However, this effect also applies to women, since communication between
At the very least you will b . t h . . two women (or between two men) often needs help.
. d f' d em ouc With your feelings today. In fact you should use
t h IS ay to In out exactly h f
· ow you eel about every matter that comes up. It will
not a II be peasant,
I but It should be .
. fl .J b
b e unusua II y In uenceu y yo f l'
not totally unpleasant either. Your thinking will Mercury Opposition Moon
be so color d b .ur ee mgs, and your communication with others may
e y unconsCIOUS I . h '1 The difficulty with this transit is that you will find it hard to keep emotional issues
Psychological patterns fr compu slOns t at you WI I have difficulties.
om your past will b . d d b from clouding your communication with others. You may be expressing your
inappropriate habits of h e reactivate to ay, so e on the watch for
speec and p t f" unconscious drives and impulses more than communicating a logical mes..c;age , but
behavior that might ru a terns 0 thinkIng as well as other forms of
n counter to Your d .' . . that is not all bad. If you are subject to such compulsions, it is good to express the
you have inherited from nee s and IntentIOns. Examme the attitudes
. your parents and . 11 k 1 "Have I energy that lies behind them and bring it out into the open. However. you may say
expenenced the truth of thl" contInua y as yourse f
s POInt of' d' ' something that you didn't want to say.
View Irectly, or is it a dogma I was taught to
Planets in Transit

bl m in communication . Although Mercury Sextile Mercury
may encounter another pro e . conditioned by the habits This transit favors all forms of ment a I wor k and I
Under this transit yosu/ y aware of it, everythingf you shaYJdlhsood While this is always . Y . d . . I
t conselO lI . ' ed rom c I . now, and you are able to handl . ~ a~nIng . our mIn IS qUIte c ~ar
you are no of s eeeh and thought IngraIn t as an inappropriate mess,!ge or one figures and tasks that re uire cia e the d~talls of m.tncate mental work, Work WIth
and pa~t::; degr~e, now it is likely to com;rOUto be conscious of exactly what ~ou only thing to watch out 1or, how attentIon to detaIl should work out very well. The
true to . I to the present moment. Y f these patterns in your mInd h to want t d 't Th' . ever, IS that you may not find such work interesting
h t doesn t app >' . . nd be aware 0 en au g a a flI. IS IS a matte r 0 f'In d"d
IVI ua I temperament. Some people get
t a , d why you are sayIng It, a I as may very well be the case
res tl ess un d er th IS In uence when
O •

re sayIng an d otiona stress, f '

:efore you speak, If you ,are un efr ~~f you allow your feelings to take over , what ' t' h
han dl e th elr rou me muc more eff r I C
con ranted WIth any routine work, but others
. .
, b especIally care u . . k . h h k d ec Ive y. ertamly If you have the discipline to
with this transIt, e h t to a psychologist, stlC WIt suc war to ay, you will be able to do it well .
you say wo n 't be worth muC excep
nd unconsciousness about your This is also a ' for all types 0 f communIcatIons
'. 'I Iy If
' you have to
, d from the past , a b , espeCla
Old thought patterns, attItu es I ff t' eness today, It would be est not to present a detaIled and Intricate argument or dl'sc usslon
. t 0 someone . Th e cIan. ty 0 f
, aII en danger,
your menta e ecIfIV ou do, you WIll 'b pro a bl Y h ave to
present situatIon mind conferre.d by this tra~sit is a great help in such cases. Also your ability to keep
try to reach any important conclusIOns n,o':"'fJ e~ce usually doesn 't last very long, track of detaIls makes thIS a good transit for any business negotIations or other
change them tomorrow, Luckily, Mercury SIn U
similarly complicated discussions. A contract or deal that you agree upon today will
undoubtedly work out quite well, and you will be quite sure that you included
Mercury Conjunct Mercury everything important in the agreement ,
f t I activity and communication with
This transit is favor~ble for alldtypeds 0 men :Iearly formulate and articulate ideas Your intellectual curiosity is strong, so this is a good time to begin the study of a new
th Your intellect IS sharpene , an you can '1 d d
o ers, , h 'h d'ff' Ity with so that others can easl y un erstan subject. Amost any subject will be fine as long as it is entertaining and challenging.
that you mIght ot erwlse ave I ICU , ' f II
your meaning, Your power of reasoning is also improved, enablIng you to a ow any Reading purely for fun is also a good way to spend a day like this.
complex argument that someone else presents, Beca,use you a:e able to see the flaws
in people's reasoning, you are not likely to be taken In by speCIous arguments, Like many other Mercury transits, this one may signify traveling over short distances
much more than usual in the course of the day. For example, you might hurry around
At the same time your curiosity is aroused , You are interested in finding out about from one appointment to another or do something else that makes you feel you have
unfamiliar facts and new ideas, Puzzles fascinate you as a mental exercise that you covered a lot of ground.
will make every effort to solve, Obviously this is a favorable influence for beginning
the study of any new subject or discipline. If you are in school or taking some other
Mercury Square Mercury
type of course, this should be a very successful day.
This is not a difficult square, but it does indicate a challenge to some of your basic
Try to take advantage of the energy that Mercury provides for communicating with beliefs. This should not be regarded as a threat, however, because the adjustments you
others. Today you have an opportunity to talk to people about matters that are really must make in your thinking now could prove quite valuable later on. You will have
important to you, even matters that are usually too emotionally charged to discuss quite a lot of communication with others today through conversations , letters , phone
easily. Mercury on Mercury provides a greater sense of detachment and objectivity, calls and so forth. Use this interchange to test out your ideas and see how people react
so you can keep your emotional involvement in an issue down to a reasonable level to them. If you have made such a strong commitment to a particular position that you
for discussion. However, under this transit's influence you could simply fritter your are unwilling to see it challenged, you may be quite upset by some of the reactions . But
time away in idle chatter. That is why you should make a conscious effort to that would be a poor attitude to take. You can correct your thinking on a number of
communicate about matters that'are important to you. Unless you make the effort, issues without too much difficulty now, while later you may be so committed that
Mercury's communication is not necessarily about anything significant. you cannot change. Be flexible.

Your inte:~ction with others will be much more lively today, and you will have many Even with the best intentions, however, you may run into quite a bit of disagreement
opp.ortunltles to get through to other people. After this transit has assed will today. This does not necessarily mean that you are wrong but that you should
reahze that you have had man p , you
reexamine your position. If you find that it is difficult to reach compromises delay
'd M k h ' . y more contacts than usual and that much has been
sal . a e t at communicatIOn useful. any negotiations or discussions until another day. These matters may go quite well
however, if you have prepared well for today. Then this transit should assist you. ThIS
This transit sometimes indica tes travel ' is a critical day when you must handle your affairs very carefully With
' usually In the course of your everyday routine
a th er th an t 0 s trange an d faraWa I .
perceptiveness and, insight. A n d I'f you can remam ' fl eXI'bl e , you WI"II have little
outinely travel long dj~tances Y p aces. These wdJ be short trips unless you
, as some bUSinessmen do. difficul ty .

14 147
Planets in Tran~tt __- - - - - - - - - -

~----- . ' d could cause you to feel On the more negative side, watch 0 t f .
f actIvIty to ay '11 b h' h Sometimes this transit indicates u or signs that your mind is racing too fast.
f I the brisk tempo 0 Y r mental tempo WI e Ig nervous stra' d . .
ff you are not care u . into a nervous fren z. . ~u nvironments. As much as tendency to sloppy thinking and h In an tenSion, which can create a
d throw you 'd ' dIsruptIve e I ras statements h Ik"
scauered an h Id try to aVOI nOISy. mind can work peacefu Iy can also lead to impulsive decision d .w en you are ta 109 WIth others. It
enough that yo~ s ou rmonious surroundings where your transit is considered dangerous f s an rash
l actIOns
' In some 0 f teo h Id er b 00 k 5 , th'IS
possible. try to find ha. . um of outside disruptIOn. or trave because of th I h "
sometimes signifies. Pay ve I . e soppy, ras energies It
and efficiently with a mInIm ry C ose attentIOn to wh d . d
and don't let your subconscio . d atever you are omg to ay ,
Mercury Trine Mercury and thoroughly and if yo h us mm run the show. Consider everything careful1y
. u ave to make any deci i d I I
· k' things over or communicating room to maneuver later. You ma hav . sons to ay , eave yourse f lots of
. f k'ng plans. t hIn 109 . . d' sses Above all do n t I y h e to make Important changes after this transit
' . an excellent transIt or ma I I 'I'b 'um this transit assists your mlO 10 pa . b ' I.' d 0 eave o.t ers out of your thinking processes, even though
Th 15 IS A' of menta eqUl I fl ,
'th others sign . you may
in any way WI . h' k' g is clear and preCIse. . . e tnC tne to . argue With th em. Everyt h'109 you do will be much more
everything it has to do. Your t 10 '" effective If you work With others rather than alone.
.' b t the world around you and make
e your cunoslty a ou
This transit should a Iso arouS . . h h gil study or direct encounter. You
w subject elt er t rou h' Mercury Conjunct Venus
you want to learn a bout a ne ' 'ght go out to a museum, art ex Ibit
might want to spend the day reading, or.y~u
other event that will stimulate your mm. ve
;11 n a conversation with friends could This t~a~sit can have a v~riety of effects. First of all , it can stimulate your
or h of a new idea that your mind can latch onto. appreCl.atlOn of beauty, your Interest in art, music or poetry. It may also indicate that
be t e source you .wIll .tell .someone that you love him or her or that you will discuss your
. h" a good time to get a point across to others, relatIOnship With someone. On a very abstract level, this transit can enable you to see
A 'th other Mercury tnnes, t IS IS h
S WI . t " l / probably be to communicate rather t an to score the patterns running through your perception and experience that help tie everything
although your primary mo Ive WI . d I
. y tt't d 's much more objective than at other tImes, an you on y together so that you can understand your life as a whole .
debate pomts. our a I u e I h' .
want to get at th ef a cts. If you have something important to say to someone, t IS IS a
This is a mental transit; that is, it works primarily upon the mind rather than the
good time to say it.
feelings and is often expressed as an intellectual appreciation of beauty . However , to
This transit favors traveling, especially to see something new, as described above . a considerable extent this transit also removes the distinctions between mental and
Mercury usually indicates traveling in your immediate area and getting in touch wi th emotional. You may experience concepts with great emotional feeling or express
local surroundings, rather than long trips. If you are planning to travel any distance, emotions in an intellectual manner. The area in which feeling and intellect can best be
however, this is an excellent time to start. synthesized is in the arts. Thus you are much more receptive than usual to
experiences through art.
As with other Mercury transits, this one favors all business and commercial
transactions. especially where clear communication is vital to the success of the On the personal leveL this combination of feeling dominated by intellect enables you
enterprise. to communicate your feelings of love and affection for someone . If you usually have
trouble talking about your feelings for another person, this transit will pave the way
and even make you quite articulate. In an existing relationship the two of you will be
Mercury Opposition Mercury able to discuss various aspects of your relationship and improve it by Iraking certain
Like most Mercury transits, this one will stimulate the flow of ideas and that you really understand each other.
communication in your life. If you are out in the world today, you will meet many
p~ople and have many important conversations. Even if you are alone, your mind On the most abstract leveL Venus relates to elements that unify. Consequently this
will be very actIve . This trans't' transit gives you a greater ability to understand the qualities shared by seemingly
I IS favora bl e f or t h'10 k'Ing about and reviewing the past
a~ ~eJJ as ~or pl~nning and looking toward the future. But it would be better to be out unrelated aspects of reality. You can see the patterns inherent in the universe and
appreciate them aesthetically. This is an excellent quality for doing any ind of
Wll~t peop ~ t~ ay, because this transit favors interaction with others more than
so I ary cogItatIOn. sci en tific research.

Try ou t your ideas on others toda t0 f Traditionally this transit is supposed to be favorable for all financial and bUSiness
be extremely valuable t . Yd' .Ind out what they think. Their feedback could
o you In a lustIng h' k' D' . dealings.
our own ideas that f I your t In Ing. on t get so wrapped up In
Y you ee you must d f d II . . . .
will take aWay the flexibilit e en a your opinIons With your bfe. That
in a verbal ar"ument w,'th
y yOu need so badl h" E 'f
y at t IS time. ven I you get involve
d Mercury Sextile Venus
" someone toda I k .
be afraId to change your think'Ing. y, 00 at It as a test of your ideas and do not This is not a very intense transit. It will have a lighthearted influence \.~n the day .

______________________ ~ ______________________________ ~ _____________________________ 14 ~ _______

I t overwh ems I the effect. It inclines you
" ee from another pane , for amusement, going to an art Mercury Trine Venus
unless a heavIer Infflule~ ure pursuits, such as reaEdJng though these activities seem This is a very agreeable transit th k
ind or els 'h f 'ends ven , e veryone you meet Y
to use your m hatting WIt n , J'f because they gIve you a at ma es you feel quite positive and friendly toward
neert or c rt of your I e, ff 'f ' ou are so anx' t h '
exhibit or ~o, I they are an important pa hesitate to take the day 0 I you avoid saying anything I 10US 0 ave good feel lOgs all around that you
somewhat triVIa ,
est between
heavier concerns, Do not ruffled feelings that m u~ easant. Theref~re this is a good day to smooth over any
chance to ,r I relax and enjoy it, 'th your feell'ng day ave cropped up 10 your relationships, Also you are in tune
WI s, an you speak With 'd bl " , " ,
can, and sImp y 'n touch with your feelings, I
meet new peop e, because yo Consl ' era e sensItivIty, ThIS IS a good time to
for it puts you I I , to make sweet
u cantalkprOJect the most' f agreeable side of your
" ortant in another way, t to know that these fee ings are personaI'Ity, If you bke thO ' h '
This trans~~:~m~ love and friendship, It is impo~t~:yS like today do not seem ve~y , IS IS t e tranSIt or It,
espeClal~y rEe In other words, even thou~
present In your I , h ' s that justify all t e ot e
h r more difficult ones , That IS Get together with friends and have a good tl'm t d f 'II b .
significant, these are t e tIme ' goo d feeI'lOgs as t hey are to y
th elr Th" e 0 ay, or you WI e as receptive to
why they are important. , movie . or some other amusement. ours, IS IS a good day to go out to a show, a

II omeone that you ov I e him or her. As

h wIth
' other
Under this transit you may te s b I' feelings that at ot er hmes you
ou are able to ver a Ize f On a,n other leve~, you ~ave a very strong aesthetic appreciation of beauty with this
Mercury-Venus cont~cts, y Idn't find the right words or, transIt. You ,enJoy seeing beautiful objects and being surrounded with artistic
might be too shy to dISCUSS or that you cou
creations, You will want to avoid noisy and unpleasant environments, so a drive into
" f b t is grea t today so surrou nd yourself with as much beauty
, , the country would accord well with your mood ,
Your appreCIatIOn 0 eau y , '" Th's is a day for appreClatmg
as possible, This will greatly Improve your :PITI~S ' t th~y are, This is what art is all
lovely objects that have no purpose except to e w a Of course this is an excellent time to talk with someone about your feelings of love
about. and friendship, for it will be easier than usual to talk about these feelings , Often
embarrassment or shyness prevents you from doing this, but that should not be a
Another appropriate activity today would be taking a short drive in the country or problem now.
somewhere that is particularly lovely ,
In generaL your approach to life today will be lighthearted, and you should enjoy the
day very much, You may find it difficult to adopt a serious attitude about anything,
Mercury Square Venus however,
This transit does not make you mentally aggressive, but you will probably feel quite
good, The only area of tension will be your personal relationships, yse t,his energy to
Mercury Opposition Venus
have a discussion with a loved one about the state of your relatIOnship, You may
discover that the two of you do not agree in as many ways as you thought, But if This transit can go by without very much effect unless you are watching for it, You
you speak in a spirit of compromise, you should have little difficulty in reaching a might notice that you feel a bit better than usual, and your mind will naturally turn
working agreement. If you proceed from a position of inflexible righteousness, there to light subjects, The people you meet will seem more pleasant than usual and you will
will be disagreement and discord in your relationship that could sever have many pleasant conversations , You are likely to be involved in a social event that
communications for some time, Your attitude is very important. will turn out qui te pleasantly,

Elsewhere in your life this transit will signify a time of good feelings and perhaps In your personal relationships you will be inclined to compromise and to meet the other
some self-indulgence, This is not likely to do much harm, but stay away from stores person halfway, especially if you are having a disagreement. You are not feeling very
selling expensive goodies that you would like to have but don't really need and combative 'or argumentative, and you may even give groun~ on is~ues tha~ y~u
cannot afford, You would be inclined to buy, and you might regret these transactions would otherwise stand up and fight for, But you may regret It later If you give 10
later, when you feel more disciplined, about something important,

If you attend a social gathering, have a good time, but exercise restraint. Take note of This is not a very favorable transit for any difficult mental work that requires ~reat
how much you have indulged yourself and call a halt at a reasonable t' discipline. You feel like enjoying yourself and having a good time instead of making a
Ime. significant effort. For the same reason, you will avoid talking about difficult or
In other encounters, be careful that yo d 't ' d 'I serious subjects, You will quickly change the subject to something lighter.
compromise ' yourseJf Just' to avoid I u on give groun too easl y and thereby
to your beJI'efs, s tan dard s an d'Ideals
unpbeasantd controversy.
' You "really must hold on Be careful of being too concerned with yourself or self-indulgent at this time. You a:e
bef ore ano th er person, ' ut to ay you might be Inclmed to give way not likely to do anything dreadful that would be difficult to fix up later, but certain
tendencies could be a bit of a problem. You might be inclined to buy lu\urious

150 151
Planets in Transit M ercury

------ -
d r valua bl e a nd limitf'd
d or otherwise squan er yo u Very likely yo u will ha ve to .
don't really nee Probably not be an a rgum ent but convince someone of something today . This Wlll
trinkets that you ra th . . . h'
Your case with vigor ad '
n energy But if so
er a SIt ua tIOn In w Ich you have to present
. Ik
resources. tha t yo u love him o r her. will defend your 0 ..' meone tTl es to ta you into something , you
. . to tell someone . h' wn POSItion vehementl y d f II T h' . .
.. . au can use thIS /Jme matic, heavy rel a tIons IP , you argumenta tive as it so d P l ' an success u y . IS transIt IS not as
On the posIt Ive SIde, ~t feel like going into a melodhra wO of you , and you ma y have they be particularly li~e~ 5;0 e~: e w~lI not see you as spOiling for a fight, nor will
Although you ma y n feel happy about t e t
. ther person stand for your own bel ' f y y p k a fI ght. In stead they will respect you for taking a
do enjoy makIng ano
very amorous thoughts. in the spirit of competi;~ s. thOU ~ay find yourself enj oy ing a good argument , but more
Ion an ecause of negatI ve energies wit hin yo u .
Mercury Conjunct Mars Your inner confidence in your 'd db '
.h b t it can prove quite useful if d f h I eas a n elIefs will help you initiate and take
. fl ence of th is
transIt must
b handled WIt care, u
e . ' f s
. II I
a trem endous Inte ectua and a vantage.o t e opport~nities that come yo ur way . Do not be reluctant to use them.
Th e In u 0 the plus SIde It can er I d h b Under the Influence of thIS transit you should be successf ul .
ercise some restraint. n . d h longer than usua an t ere y
you ex k with your mIn muc . . d
mental energy. You can war . '11 feel intellectually competItIve an
. b' At the same tIme you WI I d k'llf II
accomplish qUIte a It. '11 t our position clear Y an s I u y, Mercury Square Mars
f d f debating with others. You WI pre~en . y .
d~;en:jt ably and find quite a bit of satisfactIon In dOIng so . This transit can be quite difficult. You are inclined to fee l touchy a nd irritable and to
regard almost any communication from another person as a challenge. And you wi ll
., b ' f m what has been said about the positive
. 'de of this transIt IS 0 VJOus ro d make this attitude so clear to people that they may even trea d lightly a round you for
The negatIve Sl If d t 0 seriously you may speak and act uring
'd If ou take yourse an your ego 0 , I d fear of setting you off . Anyone who crosses you will be told off in no uncertain
51 e. Y . '1' f a fight You may feel quite irritab e an even be
this transIt as Jf you were SpOl Ing o r . . ' h terms.
. . I' 'dents Often you will act defenSIvely on Issues t at you
t off by rat her trIVIa InCI . b h '11 f' d
se no rea I sta ke In
have ' a t a 11 . One problem with this transit may e. .t at you WI In
Of course this transit has a milder side . It ma y mea n that you will have to defend
difficult to determine when it is necessary to defend your pOSItIOn . You tend to your ideas or beliefs against someone else . This could be an ything from a simple
identify your ego with everything you think, say and belIeve. Needless to say, this debate to an out-and-out fight. The worst way to handle th is , but what you are most
creates conflicts all over the place, most of which are entirely needless . likely to do, is to identify your own ego with wha t yo u believe or think . This wm
make you act as if your very life were threatened, w hich of cou rse it is not. 1£ you
You may possibly encounter this problem in projected form; that is , someone else have to fight for your beliefs, this transit can be a help , but d o n' t look for a battle or
will act defensively toward you . When this happens, think about whether you have create an issue where none exists .
something real to defend before you decide to fight. Certainly you should not run
away from defending a valid position. As with most transits , you may experience this o ne in pr ojected form ; that is , you
may have to contend with another person who is acting to uchy or defensive . Be
The important point is to determine where your real concerns are, intellectually careful that you have not been unconsciously sending ou t sub tle signal that draw
speaking . What ideas do you really have to defend in order to maintain your such persons to you .
integrity? When you have worked out the answers to this question , you should have
no trouble curbing the negative manifestations of this transit as they arise within YOll. This transit can indicate accident-prone behavi o r. If yo u a re not careful. there i a
Then this can be an extremely useful transit indeed. real danger of accidents through burns, especi ally to th e arms and leg '. or while
walking or driving. But these will probably n o t oc~u r Without warning ..:-'lost
frequently, you will have a feeling of repressed rage , as If some kmd of energy inSide
Mercury Sextile Mars
you is struggling to break free. If you find tha t y o u a re ac tin~ im p~lsively for ~Q
r;da you are likely to be extremely busy . You will work very hard mentally to reason at aIL try to avoid driving and other form s of travel In which you are In

da'l~ance bany proJek~t that you are personally interested in . But you will not be so
I Igenl a o ut wor wg purely for I ' .
someone e se s benefIt. In fact. you may even resent
control. Also be very careful with hot objects o r a ny thing sharp . Accidents under thl,
transit are not caused by "bad luck" but b y repressed hostility and aggres, \veness .
s ue h wor k . Yo u 5h ou ld ta ke any a .. .
. '1' t ' , Y h pportunltles that anse today to display individual Lacking an external expression, they turn inward a g a in st yo u .
1m la IVf. a u may get t e chance t k . .
people a r o und yo u will not b 0 ta e over and direct a prOJect. However, the
better off in a work situati on in e up to Your level f h d kt d
h' h o a r war a ay , so you wou
Id b
e Mercury Trine Mars
that other people aren't dependa~ I~ you ha ve to depend only upon yourself. It isn't
e ut tha t you are more energetic than usual. This is a good time for all kinds of hard m ental w orl-.. You haw more eneJ1:\' than

1C~ ____________________________________ ~ ______________________________________ ~~~ ____________________- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Planets in Transit

------------------- are WI
'II '
'ff' It prob Iems,
to tackle dl ICU
d even reg ar
You will not be easily
d them as a challenge, spurnng
dangerous, Watch out for si f '
usual, an d you t ob~tacles an may us ually a warning of an accI'd ent
gns 0 rash and Impulsive behavior. because this is
w'th' I k' ,
discourage d bya pp bl s yOU are faCIng,
, that you tend toward sudden im I, In yo~ 00 Ing for a place to happen. If you find
you on to so Ive
the pro em ,
f' ht but to get your vIews out and look within yourself or ou~ulslve actIOns today, s~op doing anything dangerous
'd t to start a Ig I ' ' b e h aVlOr,
' y relationshIps for the hIdden anger that is at the root
' ak your mm , no ,f d not fearful 0 ettmg ot h ers
f otiS
f h
'1/ want to spe f behe s an
Also you WI f I uite confident 0 your f k'ng some action that depends
, h en You ee q II t time or ta I , ,
Into t e op, d This is an exce en f'd ce For example, It IS a good
h re you stan ' 'I' d con I en ' Mercury Conjunct Jupiter
know we, one with your abl Ity an , 'tively and with confidence,
on impresstng some communicate POSI 'Il d f
time to as 0
k f r a raise, because you
don t c oose
to assert yourself, you WI
e end This is an extremely
, useful
, I th a t can b e 0 f
trans't great '
assIstance to you ,In many
ways, PsychologICally It broadens y h' ,
which others wi1/ respect. Even I yo~ criticizes you or tries to tear you own. , ' ' our COmpre enslOn of any Issue that you are
yourself and your views to anyone w 0 mterested In and, your understanding of life in general as you encounter It today, You
'b stage fright is less of a problem are concerned With the largest, most comprehensive possible view, and you are eager
This is a good transit for pu IC s
l that you have somet
bI' peakmg ecause
to say and nothing to hi e, w IC are
h' h to incorporate new information into your way of looking at the world,
than usua,I You fee
prerequisites for any kind of public appearance, At the same time you are intellectually more tolerant of other viewpoints, seeing
nd more innovative than usual. You them not as a threat to your views , but as a way of enlarging them, Even beliefs that
k t d y will be much b 0 lder a
The plans you ma e 0 da k ter chances not only with your words but also are qui te different from your own, which you might usually react to with hostility ,
d e a n to ta e grea ' seem interesting,
are able to are mor h' 't t dvance a notion that you have previously
, h hts Use t IS transl 0 a
wlfh your t oug, k' d f egotiations you will get right to the heart of the
been shy about. In any m 0 n , h I b Your ability to see the larger view today enables you to plan with foresight. Where
, 'kl Your perceptiveness IS no greater t an usua, ut
matter and settle It very qUlC y, others see only confusion, you can see a pattern and come up with insights that will
you are more willing to believe in what you see, amaze others. In business or social activities you are able to organize very effectively,
grouping people together so they can work most efficiently,
Mercury Opposition Mars
For these reasons this transit favors all forms of business and commercial activity,
Under this influence a certain amount of caution is advisable, precisely because it is Often you will perceive the most advantageous course of action without even
likely to be missing in your speech and behavior. You feel like telling everyone you understanding its logical basis immediately. This is a result of the speeding-up of
encounter exactly what you think of them, whether or not it is flattering. You are mental processes conferred by the combination of Mercury and Jupiter,
likely to be in a combative mood, which may cause other people to start a fight.
Quite often this combativeness is well buried in your subconscious mind, and the One problem you should watch out for, however, is that the broadness of Jupiter's
only way you know it is there is because people seem to come out of the woodwork vision can make you overlook details. Be careful not to get so carried away by
to start an argument. You may feel like the totally innocent victim of someone else's enthusiasm that your thinking becomes sloppy . Use your ability to see the over~ll
aggressiveness, and it may appear that way to a neutral observer, but nevertheless pattern, but do not overlook the individual exceptions, to the pattern that could tnp
you have been sending out hostile signals at a very subtle level. At this time it is up your planning. Also do not fall victim to the d~luslOn that, you can~ot be wrong
better to be conscious of your feelings of aggression, hostility and resentment toward about anything. Being overconfident about your Ideas now IS as foolIsh as at any
others than to try to ignore them. At least you will have some control over them. other time. Also avoid being self-righteous, because your moral viewpoints are
Even at its worst, this tr~n~it signifies that you are able to release buried ego energies.
~~t a!so you .can use thIS lime constructively to get feedback from others about your However, in general this is an excellent transit, and with the enthusiasm and
e ectlveness In alln y activity that you are engaged in. Just don't kid yourself! Make optimism it confers, you should be able to accomplish much more than usual,
sure you are rea y prepared to h . . ..
Jearn a bou t yourseIf In ways that
ear some constructIve cntIClsm. If you are you will
I '
to make statements to othe b can rea Iy help you grow. You can also use this time Mercury Sextile Jupiter
rs a out yo ..
want a fight, however don't h't ur posItion on any matter. Unless you really . , I'f d v">u will
Under this transit your attention turns to t h e I arger Issues \0 your I e, an , t .
, I people over the head with your opinions.
spend some time considering your overall pl~ns for the future. You~ ,hop~ and wIsh~
Under some conditions, which are h d h mor' tant today, for the dally concerns of your hte do nC't seem to
an accident, especiaJJy burns' a,f. to analyze in advance, this transit can signify are muc e Impor h d de; 'f the
IOVO Vmg I satisfy your desire for significance, Today it is not enough to m€'t't t e em an . ~
traveling. Be very careful today p ' your arms or egs or an accident while day; you want to understand how they fit into an overall pattern,
, afhcularly when handling anything that could be
Planets in Transit
· of the overall patterns of your life.
d JOg
. yOU have a go ad understan 'bTties today, an d your op t'Imls
. t'IC an d Mercury Trine Jupiter
At the same time d alert to all POSSI I I
This is an excellent transit for m k'
Your mind is clear:llshha,rppya;u attain your objectives. systems, as well as for all a In~ plans for th(' future and creating organll.atlonal
. . ttitude WI e . d I' h
posItive a f I'f
ant out 0 I e WI
'jl help you greatly 10 your ea lOgs
. ' . Mercury-Jupiter combinatl'o oth er IOtellectua 1 an d menta1et· forts. As WIt . h other
ns, owever the' d
B' g clear about what you 1'1 f ble transit for all busmess negotiations, mental or intellectual proble k' ' re IS a ten ency to aVOId really difficult
elflh ther people. This is a very aVd~ra ssions It is also favorable for dealings create the proper sense of d'ms,. tal' 109 the easy wa you t mstea.
. d H owever , 'f
I you can
Wit 0 nd contract ISCU . h I
effects and make this a da I~CIP me, yo~ should be able to overcome these negative
commercial transactIOnS a. . b f your self-understanding today, e ped by a
11 of thiS IS ecause 0 t h y 0 very creatIVe mental activIty .
with the law. And a d th rs You recognize that you can ge w at you
certain generosity of feeling tko~ar .oh eth~rs and helping them get what they need as
t" ely by wor JOg WI t 0 On a more mundane plane this tran ' t f 11
want most eff ee IV . f values and needs at this time. ., Th" ' 51 avors a forms of business and commercial
well. You are very consCIOUS 0 group actIvIty. IS IS an excellent transit under which t .
· d II' 0 !.Ign a contract or conclude a deal
. 'nteIlectual curiosity, so it is a good time to study any Also b uymg an se mg should work out very well un der t h"IS 10 fl uence. .
This transIt arouses your I h ' n of the world as a whole. Philosophical
'ves you a greater compre enslO
su bjeet1"th.a t gl b'ects WI'11 attract you par tl'cularly , as weIl as information abou t But you should be aware that .
these favorable effects d 0 no t happen th raug h Iuc k In
and re IgIOUS su J I Y gnize that your immediate world is not the only the usual
. sense.
.. Rather, thiS transit opens up and sha . d h
rpens your mm so t at you see ,
strange and faraway paces. ou reco f hId
even .If sublImmally, all the possibilities inherent in a situation. This enables you to
one. Antis · I' t'on makes you more than usuaIly tolerant 0 ot er peop e an
d h rea lza I turn It to your best advantage. Also this transit gives you a well-founded feeling of
their differences.
optimism, which in turn creates the well-known "power of positive thinking ." In fact
Travel is sometimes indicated by this transit, and it is certainly a good time to start a that is probably the most important reason for the favorableness of this transit.
trip, unless there are strong negative indications.
This transit also enlarges your mental scope. You are eager to be exposed to much
more new information than usual, and new ideas don't bother you . In fact you are
Mercury Square Jupiter fascinated by them because they broaden your understanding of the world around
This is usually a fortunate transit, in that it makes you feel optimistic and positive you.
about life. You are inclined to make big plans and set long-range goals under this
influence as well as to examine the goals you already have. The advantage you have This transit is good for studying law, philosophy , religion and other subjects that
now is your ability to see the whole picture and to think in terms of large structures. deal with high-level thought. If you have to have dealings with the law today , this
You are more inclined to think in ideal, abstract terms. But also your foresight and transit, or rather your own positive mind-set, will help make them work out
planning ability make this a favorable time for most commercial transactions and favorably.
business deals.

There is a negative side to this transit that is easily seen, but it can be destructive if Mercury Opposition Jupiter
you are not awar~ o~ it. You .are sloppy about details and inclined to overlook any This transit frequently coincides with a period of good feeling and an optimistic
elements that don t fit neatly mto your grand vision. Also there is a d th t . outlook on life. It is definitely one of the more pleasant oppositions. And if you
" .h h anger a 10
c~;~~llIcatm; Wit ot ers you may adopt an arrogant or self-righteous tone that exercise some care, it will be very helpful for all kinds of contractual negotiations,
t a I.ena~e t em and set them working against you. Your ability to think in large conferences, planning sessions and discussions. However , it is important to be
erms IS t e strength of this transit but the tenden t k careful. Like all combinations of Mercury and Jupiter, this one gives a tendency to
overlook or despise the small is its wea'kness, cy 0 spea arrogantly and
grand thinking, to seeing the whole more clearly than the parts. With this transit you
often lose precision and clarity about details, so be very careful about fine points, and
Try very hard to plan everything careful! and
every structure consists of parts int l' '
not overlook detaIls. Recognize that
read every word of the small print in all your dealings. Make sure that you have
an out-of-place part. Remain flexib~r~e olOto t~e whol~, which can be disrupted by
covered all the various angles. You can be careful and very successful if you are
thorough at the same time. Avoid the temptation of thinking that the small detail~ are
you have all the answers. In busl'n y ur pomt of vIew and do not assume that
ess transa t' . b . beneath the lofty concerns of the day. The whole may. be more than the parts, but the
have all the facts straight and avoid lu . c IOns or 1o. .uymg, be careful that you
optimism. P ngIng ahead precIpItously. Don't overdo your parts still determine the effectiveness of the whole.

The nature of this transit makes it q . In communications with others, try not to give an impression of cocksurentsS or
of them, In fact, making the effort to UHe easy to correct these faults if you are aware arrogance. Remain open to others' point ?f view and .flex~ble e~ough that ~ou can
~ Correct them k h'
powerf u J f orce rOr good in your day. can ma e t IS transit an even more adjust your own. You may enjoy the feehng of engaging 10 an Intellectual Joust or
Planets in TransIt ercury

bate too seriously. Avoid being

't take the de . ht feel depressed or to have other negative
. feel'
this time, but don ou are that yOU are ng . lightheartedness either. lOgS, you are not attracted to frivol ity or
f fI'endly debate at tter how sure y
. h
ug and self-fig teO us , no ma ke accurate an d perceptive
sm . able to ma d In this mood you can be either a t h
count on being de previously an executed classroom situation or J'ust 'In er or one who is taught, perhaps in a formal
e yOU can II plans ma an lO formal d' .
With reasona bl e car , k noW as we as people who have more experience than ISCUSSlon among friends . You respect
Th plans yOU ma e
judgments. e d by this influence. . advice. Or someone else m y.ou d~, and you are likely to turn to them for
now will be furt here ay cast you lo thIS role and f h I Old
people, especially, are likely t b f ' " come to you or e p . er
o e 0 serVIce lo thIS way .
Mercury Conjunct Saturn . h'
.h siderable cautIOn, w Ich has
. I proceed Wit con I f h Today you will work very carefulI on
. . d you are !Ike y to h conscious than usua 0 t e thinking and concent t' B Y ' any necessary mental task that requires precise
During this peno yare muc more h " Th' ra IOn . ut It IS best t o ' d k h
' d difficult effects. ou the "forest for t e trees. IS breadth and sco e of vision. avol any wor . t at requires great
both goo d an k'ng it hard to see d p You are much more concerned WIth details than wi th
. ' . nS between things, ma I h may be incline to concentrate overall
to your attitudes towar
d others so t at you
. U d
I k their positive traits. n er t IS
h' · patterns,
. and in dealing with larger st ruc t ures you may b e overw h elmed by
exten ds . t' and to over 00 . t h e f me POInts. In other words ' you may not be abl e t0 see t he forest f or t h e trees .
people's negative charactens ICS ho is leaving your life now, and
on. may have to say farewell to someone w
:~:;~~;~:ave a mark on you for some time to come. While your . serious
. I e .IS I au d a bl e, d on ' t carry It.
concern for the practical aspects of l'f
too far. ThiS IS ~ot usuall.y a depression transit, but you can make it one by working
. . reat intellectual precision. If you have t?O ha.rd and bemg too little concerned with the light side of life. This is especialIy
On the positive side, this ~ranslt can gIve y?~ ~ of thought and planning, now is the
d work that reqUires extreme preClslO . I I d likely If you have a tendency toward depression in the first place. Loneliness , whether
to 0 any . II II 'f h ve previously outlined the genera p an an justified or not, is a danger of this transit, because you may mentally isolate yourself
time. It will work esp~cla y.wI e I ~~ th: other hand this is not a good time to make from other people.
I ft the detailed planning untl now. '. . . .
e . b d II view Your viewpoInt IS likely to be too cautious
plans that reqUire a roa overa .
and narrow at this time. Mercury Square Saturn

Your critical faculty is extremely sharp, and you can immediately see the. fl~w~ in This is a good transit for heavy mental work and for tasks that require disciplined
other people's arguments as well as your own. But be sure you use this mSlght thinking. Your critical faculties are sharp and your standards are high . However , you
constructively to correct these flaws rather than to undermine your own or another won't find it easy to communicate with others; either you will have difficulty being
person's confidence in the ideas put forth. understood, or you will give a more negative impression than you intended. This is
{lot a good time for important negotiations or business transactions because
At its worst, this transit can make communication with others quite difficult. Certain communications between you and the other parties will probably be delayed or
elements of your personality that you are afraid to expose seem so close to the surface misinterpreted so as to cause a delay. Also it will be difficult to make the right kind of
now that everything you say is affected by them. You are afraid that you might give positive impression in such a situation, so delay personal contact until another day .
something away by speaking, so you say nothing. But because of the negative
thinking that often accompanies this transit, this is precisely the time when you must Similarly, your present concern with criticism may make you dwell upon heavy or
speak. What you don't say now can certainly hurt someone. difficult thoughts, which can lead to depression or pessimism. It is often difficult to
think positively witl1 this transit. There is a strong tendency to feel lonely or even to
withdraw into yourself rather than cO,nfront someone with whom you need to
And of course you should deal with the problem of negative thinking at this time.
communicate. Instead of patching up your difficulties, you may say goodbye or at
You are so conscious of the flaws, the bad and difficult aspects of life, that you may
n~t be ~ble to se~ the underlying unity in any structure. Do not take your gloomy least think about doing so.
vJewp~Int too serIously today except as a check to any overly optimistic thinking at
other times. In order to lessen the negative side of this transit, you have to recognize that it is
making you see the dark side of life, the i~perfections and flaws , rather than the
positive side. Saturn has the effect of making you think you are seeing the whole
Mercury Sextile Saturn truth and that it is gloomy. But once you realize that you are seeing only part of the
This is a good time to look around . truth, you can make corrections for that.
changed or corrected' . With a critical eye and see what needs to be
In your envlronm t Y . .
everything you look at b t en. ou are very conscIOUS of the flaws m Your ability to think practically is a positive effect of this transit, but it could be
, u you are not so hid h h d perverted to a negative result. No matter what kind of plan anyone proposes. you
as well. You are concerned with . overw e me t at you cannot see t e goo
carping critic. Your mind is on s:~:lng the situation better, not simply with being a always want to know precisely how they are going to implement it. And you make
us concerns, and although you are not likely to
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -_________________________________________________________________________ l~Q
d out in detail. Do not let Under this transit you may d
. must be spe II e C· I . from a relationship But't ' say goo bye to a loved one or think about separating
elf - even/t htng t I lack of vision. ertatn y It . I IS not a good idea t II d
rs distorted perspective conferred b h' . 0 actua y 0 so now because of the
this same dema
nd 0 f yOU ··d d s or af to a 'ect today than to I ay down
. to narrow-min e nes y t IS tranSIt.
this practicality turn tnk out the practical details a a proJ
r Assuming
advantage that
of ayou can control
sharp ' t' IYour negative
. thinking,
.. this transit does give you the
uld be better to wo
wo I f newone. immediately and make th, cn Ica eye . You can see w hat 'IS wrong with a situation
the general p an 0 a
dwell on the flaws ' t e necedssary changes to correct it then and there. But don't
Mercury Trine Saturn ,Jus note an correct them .
. t ncerns. You feel you must deal
'nk' and Importan co I' d I
. ' d y for seriouS thI 108 . d k You are not inc tne to p ay at This I'
. . transitBis t a good htimehto do a ny heavy mental work that requires a great deal of
. h IS actical
a matters and keep yoUr mtn at wardepressed . only serious. Y our mmd'
d ISCIP tne. u even t oug . you can wor k very hard , be sure to take frequent breaks
Wit pra t because yOU are ' k'l
r trivial amusements, no d '\1 be able to keep at a tas unt! you and really relax. OtherWise the work will begl'n to d rag your moo d d own.
games 0 h' . fluence an you WI I k h
works quite well under t IS In ;e also able to concentrate on menta wor t at
have solved all its problems. Y.ou a . harp for the little pieces that make up If you feel the need to talk with someone , seek out an authority you respect , not
. to detail Your eye IS s b h h I merely ~omeone whom others consider an authority figure , unless you happen to
requires great attentiOn . d b t them as yOU are a out t e woe
s concerne a ou f II agree With them. You need someone, usually but not necessarily an older person who
the whole, an d yOU are a d t day will be done very care u y and
structure. As a resuIt , the work yOU . 0 '0 and check for mistakes , b ecause your
can talk to you like a father. '
thoroughly. You won't have to go It a~atn
initial approach is methodical and patnstaklng.
Mercury Conjunct Uranus
. . rself and your environment, especially if the
This is. a . good This can be a very exciting transit , for it creates a fast tempo in your thinking and
h t be detailed and involved. Your critical faculty .IS sharp, an d you
time to organize you
organization as'ckl0 .' k 0 n t h e ot h er communicating with others that makes every encounter interesting and stimulating.
h t st be done to make an organizatIOn wor.
can see very qUi Y w a mu I . However, if you are not careful or if your mind is sensitive in this way , it can also
hand, although you are very good at details, you may not have the overa I vl.ew and
scope that some situations require. Also, your approach is. rather ~onser:at!ve and
signify scattered and hasty thinking. Much depends upon your nonnal mental speed,
which is not the same as intelligence.
cautious today. Mercury-Jupiter transits are better for worktng out hne potnts.

You will not be very interested in abstract ideas today. You will want to know what On the positive side, this transit indicates that your thinking will be greatly speeded
practical purpose everything serves, and if it isn't usefuL you will turn your attention up today. Your intuition is so active that you seem to be getting insights out of the
air. This is extremely good for any mental work that requires originality and
to something else. Just be careful that you don't miss an important idea as a resul t.
cleverness. Your inventive faculty is very much stimulated by this influence , which
especially favors mathematicaL technical and scientific work, as well as astrology and
You may be rather reserved with people, not because you are afraid or unwilling to
communicate, but because you don't feel like saying very much unless it is important. other branches of the occult. puzzles and mysteries fascinate you, and you have the
You may prefer to be alone with your thoughts. However, this is a very good time to quickness of wit to solve them.

seek counsel from an older person who might have more experience than you in some
area. This is the kind of discussion you will feel comfortable in today. On the other hand, try to avoid jumping to conclusions. your i.nsights to .make
sure that they can stand up to more rigorous analysIs. Don t be afraid to exper.lment
with new ideas, but don't accept them uncritically either. You may be 0 fascinated
Mercury Opposition Saturn by newness that you accept it automatically, especially since you are rather tired of
This. tran:it inclines you to very serious thinking. You are concerned with your
the old routine.
rel~ttOnsh~p to the :,orld and your place in it rather than with meaningless . th f thl'nking may become so fast that you really cannot handle it.
philosophical abstractIOns. You want to know how to meet y our practlca
. I nee d s. Yome tImes
S f 0 'dea to idea so fast that it can't settle down and al 1oW yOU t0
. d I e pace
our m tndl eaps rO~dla Thus even though you may expend a lot of intellectual
However, .you are . '
concerned with one area th a t 0 th ers mig
. ht consl'der rather abstract, get a h an e on one Ie ·ish nothing
' "f
of value. This is especially likely I )'Qur no rmal
and that IS. Iyour I I' Under this tran Sl't you ten d t 0 d weII on your sense 0 f
' Identity. energy, you may acco m pl
persona I ISO attOn, one mess, difficult'les'm reIatlOns ' h'IpS an d oth d essing mental speed is quite fast.
thoughts . Clearly you need a osed , .
of posItive .'
thmkmg and c h er ' epr It is . If .f . S)·~tem IS
' 't I manifest Itse as nervousness I your n('rV0U~ . I
important to remember that your troubles are pro b a bl y more appar eenng t h up. I no IS transl can a so . d ' , to re a ....
matter how real or significant th ey seem . They may be J'ust en Th . d b h h' h speed input. if thiS happens , all you can 0 IS tf)
d t an f rea, .V e overstratne y t e Ig-
thinking and looking at the gloomy sid a pro uct 0 negatl
dwelling on them wiJl be of little hel e. Of course, they may be real difficulties, but
p. 161

Either way , the

. day's tempo WI'lIb e bnsk
' Th
, Iish much if yOU continued to such an amazmg speed that I't w'll Ie b diffi ' oughts
I will flash through your hea d at
Probably yOU wouldn t accomp shoul
. keepS a tape recorder han d y ' cu
ord t to keep track of them . Per haps you
d In
and let the time pass, disappear. ometimes under thi 'fl er to record your ideas befo th
, . d If s In uence re ey
try to work, " or otherwise in control. be very Inspire . you can . , keep up with th e pace, yoyou h' may , think that you are POSI't'IveI y
'II 'f ou are d riving
When yOU travel, espeCla y, I Y f d ace of thinking may lead to an error in fast. H~wever, It IS also inclined to be slo ur t inking seems sharp , clear and very
careful. Your rapid and possIbly cO~dus~ ~e cautioUS, and if you find that you are everythmg you have done today D ' d' ppy , so tomorrow be sure to check out
. on t Iscard ' til '
CI o w at you observe and think toda '1\ b I a as Impulsive rubbish , for some
'udgme nt that could result In an aC en ' f h
being creative, and tomorow will be~o~1 e ~er~ valuable . It is just that today is for
~cting impulsively, stop altogether, working It out critically and in detail.

Mercury Sextile UranuS If you have difficulty keeping up w'Ith th e pace of 'd h
'II make neW discoveries, encounter new the world today, your thinking may b your min or t e pace of events in
" ecome very ner d
This transIt, slgm
' 'rles a day when yOU WI aVOId any kmd of work that requI'r vous an scattered. In that case
f 'tement and interest. And you won't have to es concentration b
have to go over it all tomorrow Als b ' ecause you would probably
peopIe an d generally have a .sense th
0 exC!effects for your immediate environment will . . 0 e very careful not t k h ' .
o out of your way
, to expenence ese worry
d Don't ' about being unpleasantI ' d,
Y surpnse Judgments or hasty statements to others that you mIght , 0 ma eras , ImpulSIve
t I Y
g inclined to base your views on half-th oug h t-out'Ideas regre
' lI ater
'f on . ou
f are
present all the Interest you nee .
because the influence of this transit is mild and not usual y Isr~PtJve.
I d' . If d f d
you. 0 In
rather nervous under this transit When d " g b ' espeCla y I you are eeling
this day disruptive, examine your attitudes and ask yourself If you are too impulsive moves that could lead to' an accid r1 Vln , e careful not to make sudden
en t .
rigid. Rigidity and unwillingness to allow anything to deviate from a prescnbed plan
will make this transit more difficult to handle ,
Mercury Trine Uranus
This is a good day to tackle old problems that you have not been able to resolve in This is a very stimulating transit that will make you feel more alive and awake
the past. Perhaps you were trying the same solutions over and over again, even men~ally than at any other time. Everything you encounter now has an exciting
though they didn't fit the situation. This transit will help you see fresh solutions, and quality, and you can stay active enough to avoid boredom. Although your thinking
you may be able to work these problems through at last. You have a great interest in may be somewhat lacking in care and discipline, you will make up for this in the
new problems now, seeing them a!. a challenge rather than a threat. And this gives the scope of your intuition. This is an excellent day to tackle some problem that you have
day some of its exciting quali ty, been unable to solve with tried and true solutions, New ideas will come more rapidly
than usual. Solutions that have eluded you will be obvious, and your vision wi\! have
You will not want to spend the day in your usual routine, and you shouldn't. Do
considerable breadth and scope.
something different and leave room for total spontaneity. Very often with this transit
you will start out in one direction but wind up somewhere completely different.
Any new phenomenon will interest you, and the idea of traveling to foreign places
will be especially appealing. If at all possible, break with your usual routine and go
In your communications with others, even with old friends whom you think you
off somewhere, at least for the day. If you do, you will be glad for the freshness that
~now. completely, startling new ideas will come up. All around you, new aspects of
life wtll be opened up for you to experience. such a break introduces into your life.

!his is also a good da~ for the study of certain subjects that can give you new insights For the same reasons it will be profitable to take up the study of a new subject today .
Inl0ulthe wohrld. LearnIng aboul math, science, technology and certain branches of the Fields that are particularly appropriate to the symbolism of this transit are astrology ,
occ t, suc as astrology, would be very profitable today. the occult, science, math and technology . In fact any subject will interest you that
reveals some entirely new aspect of the universe.
Mercury Square Uranus
Conversations and other communications with people will have the same electriC
Your mind will be very stimulated t 0 d ay. You are f '
ascmated b quality that your mind has today. You will quickly become bored with tanyone ~r
p ' enomenon th at you encounter and eager f or more If you are r I y. every
h I fl 'bInew anything that reflects the daily routine. See~ n
out stimulating people and lis : to thelr
I IS need for excitement means that . e atlve y eXI e,
are not flexible, this could be a ver~ou may get b?red more easily than usual. If you
h insights, for you are open to opinions an~
ideas that would normally surpnse or even

upsets that overtax your nerves. The p~erve-wracklng

day, full of little surprises and
shock you. You may not accept such ideas, but at least you will be much more

out at all, and the more you are coun~~s

you have. made for the day may not work tolerant of deviant views. you may even hold them yourself.
fulfilled, the more upsetting this transit ~~f b~~ preCISely one set of conditions to be

Planets in Transit

tion. You wiJI gain the This tra nsit also inclines you to stud
.' n and percep
. ltiO philosophy . It arouses your imag' Yt' my~tenous subjects . the occult and spiritual
ives yoU fi ne Intu . h t comes your way , The more . ma Ion In a\l d
phenomenon IS, the more it will f ' areas, an the more mysterious a
eneral this influence g . 0 en to everything t a . ascmate you And thO . f
In g h' transit by being p h b tter the day will be. grea t power 0 f your imagination' ll . IS IS ortunate, because the
most from t IS II w yourself to have, tee otherwise beyond y ou . WI enable you to understand Ideas that are
experiences yOU a 0
Mercury Opposition Uranus . On the
. d t da y for yoU tend to think and . other
. hand,
. this
' "imagina tive" power can get so 0 t f h d h . h
n in your min 0 '
from Imagtnatton to Illusion . Be Sure t0 su b'Ject 11 h .d u h0 an t at It c anges
need to put the bra kes 0 f today and in your haste you may the test of time to find out whethe r th a t e leas t at come to you now to
You rna, toO slow or yOU ' f I d moment. This transit can indicate elY are of lasting value or just a fantasy of a
k hastily. Others may seem . t this transit will make you ee scattere •
spea k something significant. At Its wor~ .
unc ear and confused thO k' B . I I
'd it acts like a stimulant upon the areful in your personal com mumcatt. . ons bec m mg.. e partlcu ar y
overl00 B the posItive Sl e, . C Ok h , ause ot hers may misunderstand you
undiSCiplined and nervous . udt .C;; f ter perceive what is happening very qUickly even th oug h you th tn you ave been completely clear.
brain You seern to understan I eas as ' II nattainable. However , you should
and have . . '1I1slg
intUItive . hts that are f ' usuaI Ymost
u cases they wIIl . be qUite
' accurate,
Another difficulty with this. transit is tha t I'n a d'Irect ver ba Icon
f rontatlOn
' With
subject all these results to ~he .test 0 tI:; 'c;recting of the errors that always occur someone
. . .you
' may lack confidence and be tempted to ta ke a d'IS h onest way out. If you
but they will need sorne ftrrn1l1g up a find It difficult to be honest with people a t this time, you would be better off
when your rnind works too fast. saying nothing. At least that cannot be thrown back at you la ter. With the projected
. ces and very impatient with the usual
form of this transi.t, you may encounter sorneone who tries to mislead you , so this is
You are mtereste I~ ne .
. d . w kinds 0 f expenen
or meet new people who wiIl challenge your not a very good time to enter into legal negotiati ons, contracts or sales agreements .
routine . Do someth1l1g ~Ifferent . t n shoW you aspects of themselves that you Avoid any situation that depends for success on the complete honesty and clarity of
thinking . Even your long-time ass.ocla es ca b tting but don't take it too
never knew existed. Sorne of thiS newness may e upse . ' ' .' each participant.
seriously. It is a sign that you need to develop greater flexibility of thmk1l1g .
Mercury Sextile Neptune
Do not atternpt tasks that require great discipline or c~re
today, . beca~se
probably won't be able to maintain the discipline. You Will become Impatient and This transit stimulates the imagination in a very positive way. Your sensitivity to and
restless and start rnaking mistakes . In the work you must do today, develop a awareness of the subtler aspects of the world around you is greatly increased . and
systematic approach and keep strictly to your system in order to minimize errors. your intuition is much stronger than usual. Sometimes this tra nsit accompanies a
Even so, some errors will probably creep in, so do your work in such a way that you period of dreaminess, in which you spend much time fa ntasizing. Because you would
like the world to be a more beautiful place than it is , you will probably be attracted
can check it over tornorrow. to fantasy novels, extremely romantic stories or any distraction that helps you escape
from your daily concerns. But this withdrawal from reality is not all that bad . For we
In conversation with others, you are inclined to be blunt. Just be careful not to
each have a world within us that provides the inspira tion that makes life worth
overdo it, and avoid saying things simply to shock people. Be prepared to back up
living. And we can get to that world only at times like this. This intangible reality is
yo ur words later. as important as the solid material reality of our daily w orld .

Assuming that you can control your tendency toward sloppiness, this is a good aspect
for studying mathematics, astrology or technical and scientific disciplines . Although In your contacts with people, you have a much clearer sense of what is going in
y ou will not ~ave the dis~pline to do the necessary drill work to master these subjects others' minds . If you can keep your perceptions straight in y our head. you will be
. h d b th . sl'ghts about people that this tra nsit can b ri ng . However. even
dIH~cu\t yo~
today , you Will be so faSCinated that you will really be able to get into them. as t oms e y e In . . . . . k
with this relatively mild Mercury-Neptune tranSit , It IS often to eep
. ., t d t Clear thinking is not one of your str ong pOInts today, and m
Mercury Conjunct Neptune intUItIOns sor e OU. to use your rattOnal
. mmd
' v ery much . Rely more on )our
act you s h ouId try no t
Like ma ny o ther. tr.ansits involvi~~ Neptune, this one has two distinct potentials, one f
inner senses and feelings.
usefu l and one diffIcult: The posItive side of this transit is that it enables you to think
. . d da for performing any task tha t requires great clarity and
h express yourself WIth great subtlety ' allow'mg you t 0 express I'deas and feeI'lngs
ThiS IS. not a very. gOO
d t 1'1 yYou WI'11 not feeI I'k d' . an d I'f you do • it will not
t ~t ~ou usua!ly canno t. Therefore this transit is very favorable for all forms of 1 e omg It,
attention to precise ea ·
artistIc expressIOn .
. Even at best, e x pee t everyone t0 comprehend wh a t
however ,don't
turn out very well.
you are trYJOg
understand . to commumcate, because it WI'11 be very d'ff
I ICU It f or most peop1e tt.'


ttentio n to spiritual or
Conversations with others today will
't can signl'fY turning your a occult. mystICism
d the ' ' or help it, You will want to talk about f not revclve around practical matters, if you can
anaes dream 'd I
'h level. this trans l
' hIe time to stu Y all, You might as well, because under th" , s, I ea s or just getting away from it
On a hlg er This is a very sUita with hard, cold, practical reality, Prob ~~ transit you are more than unwilling to deal
I' 'ouS matters, a y you lack the necessary discipline today ,
re Igl h sics
spiritual metap Y ,
Mercury Square Neptune , ' On the other hand, you are much mor ',
, h your commumcatlOns are eople's moods effortlessly, Your att't edsensltlve to subtleties and can catch other
fUSion w en I I u e IS very s h ' d
of considerab Ie con : d Be careful to formu ate very P
want to aid anyone who needs your h I d ympat ellc, an you genuinely
e p to ay The advice' h
This, CoUId be,
ad drsto
ay or perhaps no t e ven,dehvere ossibility
' of misunderstan d 109,
' flawed, is motivated by a sincere desire to hI' 'h no 'mterest
e p, Wit youingtve,
hopelessly mls un e thers If there IS any p
precisely everything yOU say to 0 '
it will probably happen, , L 'ng for "pie in the sky, " you may Mystical and. fl spiritual
f subjects
' will fascinate you un der th'IS tranSit, ' ThiS , .IS a very
' tuatl ons , ongl ' . favora
. bl eY10 uencebl or studymg art " religion poe try , musIC ' an d spmtual
' , and occult
Be wary of idealizing persons or s l i d s it really is today. Daydreammg IS one su b lects. ou. are a 'e to transcend the limits of yo ur ra t'lona I 'mte
I I ect at th"IS tIme and
have great diffi ..:ulty relatin,g to the wO,r I a mild one, of course - but make some understan d directly . by mtuition ideas that would usu aII y seem senseIess or be b eyon d
, ' f this transit - a relative Y your comprehenSIOn, Nevertheless , your think'ing la ckS d'ISCIP , I'me to some extent.
mamfestatlOn 0 d
effort to keep track of the world aroun you. Tomorrow you should study very carefully any ideas that you come up with today ,
b k information in order to avoid a
OU may feel tnC, I'Ine d t0 keep a secret or dh0 Idd acth' because " I I on IY con t n'b ute
Y I' ot goo to 0 IS, Mercury Opposition Neptune
confrontation with someone. t IS n d you today For the same reasons,
, d I rity that surroun s '
to the fog of confUSIOn an unc a d' t' of the truth even if you think it This transit can indicate a day of mental confusion and unclearness . It may seem tha t
' tation or Istor IOn '
avoid any form 0 f mlsrepresen I y you should strive to keep all your so much material is coming into your mind at once that you can't possibly make any
might be politic to mis~ea~ som eone · ~dev:~ w~ and rooted in the real world today. sense out of it. Your confusion results from the heightened sensitivity conferred by
unication and thtnktng clear, lUCI , ac ua
to the opposite could get you into unpleasant situatl?ns. you
tr~ to this transit, and there is the challenge of it. You are able to perceive things , mostly
av~d confrontations by acting evasively under this transit, you will run up agamst subconsciously, that you usually would filter out. However, to some people on certain
occasions this transit gives a great spiritual awareness and concern with the true
even more demoralizing confrontations later. nature of the world that lies beneath our usual level of perception . The tricky part is
to tell when you are perceiving deep truths and when you are simply being confused
Also be careful in any kind of negotiations or business dealings today, because you
by so much coming at you. The best practical solution to this problem is to avoid
could be the victim of misrepresentation, even if you are not the perpetrator. Or
making permanent commitments or decisions on the basis of what you learn today .
because of a misunderstanding you might become involved in a situation that you
Wait a couple of days for this transit to pass and allow your mind to sort out what
would rather not have anything to do with,
has happened.
If you are studying any kind of religious, spiritual or mystical subjects now, this
transit can further your efforts. But even in this case you must remain in touch with This is a very poor day for doing any work that requires discipl~ned
thinking and
the real world; if you don't, you may become very confused. This is a very deluding precision. The world looks like an impressionist painting today, shghtly out of foc~s
transit. You are quite likely to get caught up in truly wild ideas today, especially if and emphasizing large patterns of color and shadow. Work with number~ or stnct
they appeal to the idealistic side of your personality, But if you can maintain control logic will be especially affected, If you do this kind of work today , check It over for
over your fantasies, you will experience a greater sensitivity and awareness of the . 1 f days Almost certainly there will be some mistakes.
errors 10 a coup e o '
subtler aspects of the world than is usually possible.
. t' t day wI'11 be especially difficult. Even when you and another
C ommumca Ions . t0 be very clear you may have misunderstandIngs. ' ThiS . IS
. a poor

Mercury Trine Neptune person are

't f t rymg. 0 t nt dl'scussions about bus mess or personal matters. ven if you
' . ·E
t ransl or any Impor a ng dearly and honestly, make sure that others are trea ting
This transit stimulates your creative imagination and makes you much more sensitive ki
are sure t h at you are spea " for bemg taken, swmdle
. d or l'ed
I t0,
than usual to aspe~ts of the w~rld around you. While you may be tempted to spend
' I'S a classiC transit
you t h e same way, Th IS
t,he day daydreammg, ~ou Will probably be more satisfied if you read romantiC
. of ed d ble to stand
, to
lIterature and poetry or listen . ' This is agoo
music d d ay f or leavmg
' th e h urn d rum, ' 11 1 oU may feel somewhat aru(10US, co us an una ,
n t e p YSlca eve y ervous weakness IS . a common symptom 0 f th'IS tranSIt.
every ' d ay world and traveling
' . m your mind to a fanci'f u I an d peasant
I 1y unrea1 world . O h h
D'ond t worry about wastmg
I' I time.
S Everyone
O need t f antastze . I'k
let h'IS from time' to very much s t ress to d ay· N
time, an you are not Ike y to get so caught u p 10 I t h at you cannot return to real'tty,
. 't

searching questions until you kno
transit it would be very difficult for:o exactly what the proposal entails . Under this
Conjunct Pluto meone to swindle or mislead you.
Mercury " 1 Your thinking and your
ntal actlVI y.
. f very intense me . uali ty. You have a strong When you find the answer to a quest"lon, you work h d I
. 'res a time
' transit slgn l I
h have an Intense,
. penetrating q
. f' d .
will not be satls Ie with too. If you are sure you are right it I'S ' II very ar to et other know it.
I . jth ot ers t" n an yoU . . , vlrtua y 1m 'bl f
your mind. In fact you wil l try to mak h pOSSI e or someone else to change
communicatiOns w b ttom of every qu es 10 , k' d of research, investigative work e
urge to persuade , propagandiz.e and ch ot ers change their views . You have a strong
desire to ge t to the rh's0
is a good time. for any In or answering a question . . ange people' Ih' k' b
superficial answers: . I that involves solving a mystery are interested in . At its best , this transit enables S In mg a out any matters you
you have learned , but at its worst it k you to teach other valuable truths
or other men tal actiVity 'f .
need to. Any combmatlon . of being correct. rna es you stubborn and concerned only wlth
'nf1 nce others, I yOU d' Y
h the capacity to I ue k ' th persuasive force an vigor. ou
You also advepl to confers the ability to spea WI t merely your opinion. The only
Mercury. anI u what yOU say IS
that . the answer, no . ht even when you d 0 not k now Usually this transit works out favorably hi e '
more than an intellectual abstraction What Plnglto ensudre that what you learn is
make It hc ear. that others wi II b eI'lev e that. 'yOU . are f ngt misusing this energy an d not . you earn to ay Will affect you deeply
danger ere IS t ke the responSibility 0 no and become a part 0 f you, changing your life for the better .
the answer. You must a
misrepresenting yourself. .' f others especially if you phrase Mercury Square Pluto
ome oppOSItiOn rom ' I ' f I' d
ver you may encounter s d for other peop e s ee mgs an
H owe , th t indicates no regar . h . Under this transit it is very important to keep an open mm . d on a\1 .ISSUes an d not
your statements in a way a ds they wiJl resist you Wit Just as
become obsessed with one idea or thought All day you m ay b e preoccuple
. . d . even
sensitivities. If people feel threatened by yourw Borp a:ticularly careful in talking about
t' to your statement. e l f h with a t~ought t~at you don't especially care about or that is unimportant to you . in
much energy as you pu In h bTt to make penetrating ana yses 0 uman
people. Under this transit you ha ve .t e a I ~ y
itself. thIS effect IS harmless, but if you do consider the idea important, It may crowd
'th and what you say. These talents
out your other thoughts to the point that nothing else can make any impreSSion ,
nature but be careful whom you diSCUSS t ese WI .
are us:ful. but you do have to be extra careful in handling them.
In discussions and conversations, do not try to force your point of view upon other
I ' . ted form' that is , you may have to
people, as you may be inclined to do , It may seem to be the most important thing In
You may also encounter this prob em III a proJec ' d 'b d b Th'
contend with someone who acts toward you in any of the ways e a o:,e.. IS the world to make everyone come around to your views, and your efforts may
transit can indicate a mental power struggle in which you may be either the victIm or provoke arguments over matters that you have no real stake in. It is also quite
possible that you will encounter someone else who acts this way to you .
the perpetrator.
One side of this transit is not so useful. Sometimes it indicates a day when you tend The main problems with this transit are compulsive thinking and trying to coerce
to become totally preoccupied with an idea or a point of view. It is as if the idea, others by your statements. These characteristics can produce great unpleasantness and
instead of you, were running your life for the moment. This transit is usually too even give you a profound feeling of frustration, because you will probably not get
short and light for this to be a serious problem, but it can mean a wasted day. For your way with others,
example, if you have lost something, you might spend the whole day looking for it ,
On the other hand, if you turn this energy inward into yourseH, you may achieve
whether or not it is important to find it. And you won't hear of letting the matter go
something of real value. This transit can bring to lighfhidden forces , psychologICal
until another day. Or an idea may run through your head all day , leaving no room . 'th' that could change your life . If you use this introspection
for other thoughts.
energIes WI In you
positively , you can get in touch with the inner dimensions of your
~mg .
and gain
greater awareness of and control over them.
Mercury Sextile Pluto ' ' I d t' to begin or continue studying subjects that dea.1 with the
This transit arouses your love of mystery and gives you a desire to solve difficult Th IS IS a so a goo
'dd t t of people or the world , such as psychoI ogy, magic or 0 ther
h I en or cover. aspec II s human potential studIes. and menta I d eveI opmen t stu&es.
puzzles. This is a reflection of the deeper purpose of this transit , which is to penetrate
below the surface la:~r of realit~ to the core of truth where all real knowledge is to be
occu I t stu d Ies, as we as . .
'11' to accept events at face value at thiS time you wan (' t t know

found. Therefore thiS IS a good time to study subjects pertaining to deeper knowledge, suc h as yoga. UnWI lng II
what goes on under the surface as we .
such as psychology, astrology. the occult in general or even healin aimed at
regeneration of the self. g Mercury Trine Pluto
. h th ery dee issues in life. T \ da. yN are
In your. everyday world you will use this energy to examine, scrutinize and probe This transit signifies a concern WIt e v . p
everythIng that comes your way. It is not that you are SUSpICIOUS
., but t h at you wan t
to gel at the total truth. If someone makes a p r 0 posa J, you WI'11 Investigate
. . an d as k
f ents and phenomena, and you
mind.. Th
£ is is also a good translt for d .
eath the surface 0 eV attracted to mysteries of all sOI vm g rame of mind . omg research ' because y<'u are in a puule-
n un dern e yOU are 0
cd ' what goes 0 f d out. Becaus horror story· r you m ight
interest In d' until yOU l!l d' a mystery or
are willing to dJ8 end the day rea 1rJ8 ething yOU have lost.
You. ' also be careful if you feel comp I
t hIS tranSIt
. I your mind can b e totally taken . b y an 'd
u sive or' ob essed I ea todilY· Under
sortsh yOU ul sp blem or look for som
out acodeeP pro . f very profitable. P luto helps to anyt
. h109 e se from b entering your mmd Obup ' WIth I a smgle th ough t that prevents
sea rc lurn inward, w hich IS h0 ' ten k of yourself sole1y 10 . lOtellectual
. CIrcumsta nces. ut most of th e lime . . 'is VIOUS y' this can be usefl·
It u In certain

fini~h t~~Ut ec~m,e

comp ete Iy wrapped up in a diff I not particularly helpful If b
This energY can aI'SOtendenCY to ma ke yOU . t .ttl on inside you rse If a t a very deep I
helpful. But. you may be posselcud
t task
MercurY s f I hat IS gOing h sse b y anthat youtharehtrying to
idea . I ranslt IS
overcome u want to ee w I ok at your inner seIf and try to except th at It as great subconscious at as no relevance to anything
W'th Pluto yo I fm e to 0 power Over your mind . .
terms. I f this is an excel ent I I b alone SO that others ca nnot distract
level . Ther
d~tobr:tter. It may be benefjChi~ to s:n yoU are likely to b e attracted to
un ders tan I ur inward search . For t .IS rea f the psyche, suc h as psyc h ology or
yOU. frornthyot reveal the Inne
. r dimenSIOns Mercur y Conjunct Midheaven
ul . 0therapist , a sesSiOn
. to d ay wouId b every
subjects If a by chance yOU are cons ttog rnf a table with all of the materIa . I t h at comes Today your a ttention will be focused n
social duty tha t you must exercise Y °h your work . profession or an important
as tro1ogY. . ht not be co or . ou ave an oppo t ' I f
these areas of y our life a nd you '11 d' . r unity to p an or the future in
fruitful. although yOU mIg • WI ISCUSS W th th
action . You are likely to a nnounce yo ur I I h 0 er your proper course of
up . hose ideas have a great effect upon your mind. exactly where you stand on some issue . yPou ansmay
to °d 0 eThs. t~day
and let people knowf
t IS It\ person 0 b
You may encounter s ome one. to d ay wth'ng new because yOU can a 11 ow your b ehefs . to letters,
. telephone
h calls or some other form 0 f commuOlcatlon
, . r mean'; this
Occasionally 0
This is a gOO time or f learning
I some I '
Also yoU will tend to have a strong effect on other . . a newspaper or on teleVISion
means t at you are discussed publ'ICIY It\ or
be transformed by what yo~ earn . nicatio ns with others, therefore, will be rather
d transIt .,
ra d 10 .
people's thinking today. ommu
seriouS and profound. .
You may also receive an importa nt commun'lcat'lon abo u t your pro fesslona
' \ or pu b\ Ie
have an obsessive quality, meaning that you tend to be hf~ today . ~ecause the Midheaven does not relate so much to personal life. your
taC tscrowds every other thought out of your mm
All Mercury-Pluto'd conthat . d ' However, pnvate affairs are less likely to be affected.
possessed by an. I Ieamild influence of the trine, thiS
. becomes more 0 f an a b'l'
I Ity to
under the re1atlve Y irrelevant thoughts out of your mind. . You Will
' not feel the On the psychological level. this IS a good time for being alone to reflect upon your
concentra te an d force long-range plans and how well you are fulfilling them . The Mldheaven is strongly
negative, obsessive side of the combination so strongly. connected with the ego structure, and Mercury transiting it may tndicate that you are
dwelling upon your basic ego needs. This is especially Important If by nature you are
Mercury Opposition Pluto a meditative person. who wants to plan everything out before acting. A more
extroverted person will go right out and talk to the world. even though that may
This is a good transit for getting to the bottom of any problem, either in a
relationship or in some other encounter between you and another person, Or you mean going off half-cocked.
may become involved in an intellectual conflict of wills with another person. Your work and mental processes a re definitely emphasized today. Use this time to
Someone may try very hard today to convince you of some truth that you would clarify your thought and actions to yourself and others
rather not accept, or you may do this to someone else. It can go either way. Be very
careful about these attempts to persuade, because they can become the basis of a very
subversive, smoldering conflict between you and another person. It may be hard to Mercury Sextile M idhea ven
bring such a confrontation out into the open where the two of you can air your This is a good time for communicating wi th people, writing letters or a ~Ian.ning
grievances . And it may be that there aren't any real grievances at all but that one of course of action in your career or your home and personal life. You are IOchned to
you is trying to pull off a naked power play. ' 'pend a lot of time thinking und" Ihi' " an,it. and othe" may "e you" bei",,:11
thought and no action. How"'" thi' i, the time fo' plan,. nol fo, action. You, ""nJ

k'Inds 0f .IndoctnnatlOn,
, ' ,hould be very c1w lod,Y. and you ,hould be in tou,h with your f"I0"'" ,nd
~ommd .moeatJOn that" desIgned to change your thinking. Be careful not to get talked
This combination
.' rules
. ' all propaganda and a ny
emotion, to an unu,ual ""nl. even , boul ..peet, of you,,,U Ihat yOU nO"",\Iy
mto OIng something you don't really bel'leve In.
. hidden beeau" you "nnol exP'''' Ihem clearly. Th"efo . the plan' yO' ro. e
today are more in keeping with your real lOn er desHes than usual.
However, fthis transit
element f good for getting at hidden and secret things, espe . Uyfl
If 0is also
s 0 yourse. ne orm of . ' ult tio
with a co I hI' encounter that you might have IS a consonsCl a
unse or or psyc 0 oglst wh o helps you get in touch with your unc .oUS 171
.' It may not be the best til:m~e~to=-------------------------------------------------------------~-------=====~----------

d At least yOU WI'11 kn ow exactIy what

king deals an d negotiating. This is a good time. to make pI ans conc '
execute t h ern fight away . y Our clar'tyerrung your career, even if y
This is a gOOd (meJ fornsaction,
but It..IS not bah .t the other persons k now w h at they ,
situation clearly and put everyth' ~ of thinking enabl
ou aren t gOIng to
actually Co~dll:~t~;~~h yOU cannot be sure t a
detailed course of action now an dtnf olio Into the prO""r no> es :ou to 5E'e theIe. whole
1:. ' r' y,rspeehve If yo
yOU are dOlns, Figure out exactly what you '11 w tnlS plan it will al most ' certainly
, u ma
w eIe.up a
are doins. erWork and h~ndle the more trivial " WI need d '
overlooktng a single detail a1th h' an how to go ab t h o r out,
oug It is unlikely that you 0~11
. t clear away pap . d h
. b this is a good time 0 d ttentio n to details, an any suc work you with this transit. ' WI eac overIook
step anything
In your JO rk You can pay ose a
aspects of your wo ona · bly well done.
do today will be reas . You enjoy mental games and putting YOur This is a good time for talking with h
'ff' ul d' I I ot WI
'11' imevenr ab out matters that you usua II y f'tnd
r d I lC t to lSCUSS. Your obJ'ect'v'ty
.r tally yOU are a Ive
and very I 'ng crossword puzzIes. But you a 1so enjoy
worry that' 1you
1 'might try to force th em IOtO. a p ess. . other people ' and theY WI'11 not
'nd to varioUS tas, ks such as
h so VI
d yoU may even be JO .
a mo od f or playing You WI estabhsh an environment ' h' POSItion that they do not want to t Ie.
intellectual cha eng es . from ot ers,k ep your mind busy, and 1 you d 0 not you will
an 'f . d Th f In w Ich any b' a e.
d lSCusse, ere ore this is also a god
o time ' for bsu . Jeet can be brought up an d
ertainly yOU Will want to e what you want, and you wil11isten t h USlOesS negotiations , You know
prall ks . C compromise. . 0 w at others
want an d arnve
' at a satisfactory
feel quite bored.
Mercury Square Midheaven
On a more external level this is also a d
. . d d f carrying out plans that you have been making, for making household and family or 'the physical d gOII~ tim e to make plans concerning your
we mg that yo \' . l '
ThiS. .IS a goOd f ay mmunicating
or with others a b out Important
. matters. I t IS
' a day organize your personal affairs, pay bills , sc hedol e the commg
u .Ive week 1S asuch
m. tand good. day to
deCISions an . dor co 'II be busy with job and career concerns, You are very dear about
when your WI you are willing to let others know exact1y what you are doing
. t'mm and You " may find
D thatI there is a danger in letting your th'Ink'109 become too subjective at
your 0 b,ee IVes, . , ' , '
But you are willing to hear other points of View, Just to give your mmd something to t h IS hme. ' 0 not
. . personal perspective comp1eteIy canceI out your ab1hty
et your ' . to
see anot h er' s pOint of. view.
. Because of this tendency t h"IS IS not an espeCla\\y.
chew over, if for no other reason.
f avorable .tIme to
. get .Involved In heavy negotiationS WI'th someone , elt. h er In
. your
However, there is one danger with this transit. Although you will hear other people's personal hf~ or 10 bUSiness. A notable exception to this is that buying or looking tor
ideas, you may not heed them adequately. It is not enough to play around in your real estate 1~ favored. The lower meridian and the fourth house are traditionally
mind with new ideas; you must also allow them to affect your own thinking. Do not connected With real estate, and this seems to bear up in practice.
be so caught up in your own cleverness that you cannot see it in others, While you
can very effectively communicate your position to others at this time, let them
Mercury Opposition Midheaven
communicate to you as well, and really listen to what they say, Otherwise this transit
will be characterized by verbal disagreements and disputes. This is a time for making plans about your personal life and for thinkin1. about your
goals and objectives, not in terms of your career but in terms of your inner feelings
This is one time when you really do have to keep your mind occupied with ideas that and personal desires. Often the demands of the outSIde world become so great that we
are to you, H you don't, you will fasten your attention lose track of what we really want in life and spend our hme trying to live up to
upon some InSIgnificant matter until you have analyzed it to death and blown it up someone else's expectations. Even worse, we internalize those expectations and
convince ourselves that they are our own. Now is a good time to cut through all of
out of a.I1 proportion. And this can also lead to problems with others, because they do
those ideas within yourself and to think about what you want and about yourself as
not attnbute as much importance to the matter that you are focusing on,
you really are.
But if't you
d keep
k'the dangers'n
I mm, 'd you can do extremely good work under this
On a more external level, this is also a good time to make plans concerning your
tran SI an ma e It come out well ' As Iong as your frame of reference is objective and
household and family or the physical dwelling that you live in. It is a good day to
you see th e nee dsoot
effective, f hers as cl earIy as your own, your thinking will be very
organize your personal affairs, pay bills, schedule the coming week and so on,

You may find that there is a danger in letting your thinking become too Y :; subj~th'e
Mercury Trine Midheaven this tim D tIt your personal perspective completely cancel out your ablht
e, 0' no . e f view Because 0 f th'IS tendenc\' th"IS IS no t an es t-- y
This is a good time for mental work Y , see ano th er' s pomt 0 ' .', . h r In your
. volved in heavy negohations WIth someone, elt e .
perception of the fact a d h" ou plan very effectively, with a dear objective
Your mind easily resol
s, n you t mk f I d 'I
d'ff' I very care uIly, paying c ose attention to etal, f avorabl e 'ftime to get In . '
. b 'ness A notable exception to this IS that bUyJl1g or
looking tor
yes a 1 ICU t d ,.' per son al l 1 e or In USI '
that you can handle each t an complex Issue mto its component parts sO
par separatel yan d come to a vahd
' conclUSIOn,
YlanetS In 1 ru,,"'u
--------------~~~-------------------- Mercury

real estate is favored, The lower meridian and the fourth house are traditionally
connected with real estate, and this seems to bear up in practice, This is a good day for any type f
buying and selling, either for p 0 commercial transactl'o
ersonal n, contract n "
flowing so smoothly now that reasons or for b ' egotlation or
Mercury Conjunct Ascendant you can 'I USlness Comm ' , .
order to make the best deal. easl y get all th ' f ' , Ufllcahon IS
e In ormation you need in
Under this influence you are likely to have a rather busy day communicating and
engaging in exchanges with others, It is a favorable time for all negotiations and
Mercury S
business dealings, because your communica tion is likely to be clear and concise, YOur '. qUare Ascendant
mind is sharper than usual today, and you are receptive to what others have to say, Normally thIS transIt is quite fav bl
ora e for II f
You express your thoughts in a way that is easily understood, around and getting in touch with p I a orms of communicati f '
· 'dl Th' eop e, YOur m' d on, or gettIng
stand b emg I e, IS transit makes m moves quite quickl d
'k " you eager to h y an cannot
It is not an especially good day to relax, however, because the tempo of your life is may f eeI I I e slttmg and chatting 'h exc ange ideas with oth d
· wit someone all d ers, an you
likely to be rather brisk, You may use the telephone quite a lot, both calling others enoug,h But the d five of this energy' h ay, if he or she IS . t .
. IS suc that m erestmg
and being called. Or you will be busy writing letters or engaging in some other type chattenng to yourself and not really I" you may Waste a good deal of t '
accomp Ishmg muc h 0 f anythmg ' , Ime
of communication,
While it is quite easy to express you If d .
,h rse un er thIS tr . d
You may travel more than usual today, but it is likely to be in the world that i agree WIt you necessarily especial I 'f ans1l, 0 not expect everyone to
, y I you talk s h h
famili~r to you rather thanin a new and different environment. Under this influenc: never get a chance to say anything Th ' 0 muc t at others feel they wlll
you mIght have to run around town doing errands or taking care of routine business. pause and listen to them. Or there ~a ~ may 1ls~gree with you just to make you
The trick is to slow your mind down sy e ahrea dIfference of opinion between you,
omew at so that th '
This is not likely to .be an ~traor~inary day: so you might not notice this influence emerge and so you can be detached en
rom your
ese negative energies don't
unless you are looking for It. It IS a good Idea to use a day like this for r ' others, own pomtf' '
0 vIew to hear
bUSIness h ' 1 . d outme
t at requITes a c ear mm and considerable attention. Such matters will 0
much more smoothly than usual. g Sometimes with this transit there is a tend cy I
them apart intellectually If yo d h' en to ana yze people endlessly and tear
, u 0 t IS open ly, you obViously won't endear yourself
Sometimes this transit can signify a day of activity with younger peo I f M to anyone.
d You
h can use ' mak'mg your own plans With
' ,this ability to great eff ec t In ,
, I ' di P e, or ercury
InI genera In cates
. " youth. Whatever you do will engage your mind . A n d I'f not h'mg regar ~o ot e~s, but I~ IS, ~ften best to keep this process to yourself, unless asked .
e se comes up, It IS an appropnate day for working on puzzles or other mental games. Also thIS transIt
. often
. . slgmfies a desire to J' oust verb alyIan
dm' teII ectua II y rat her than
to commUnicate legitImately.

Mercury SextiJe Ascendant

Mercury Trine Ascendant
T~s transit has the effect of quickening your mind and increasing y h
With other peo Ie _ m II bal our exc anges This transit is generally good for the flow of ideas and cemmunication between you
Yo f I talPI enta y, ver Iy, through traveling and even commercially and others. You are intellectually alive, curious and willing to learn. This is a good
u ee men y more alert than usual and d .
is just small talk. But it would b . I eager to s~e an talk to people, even if it day to attend a lecture or a class in some subject. You are willing to have people
it favors more serious kind elomt ess t? w~ste thIS transit on small talk, because challenge your ideas and thereby broaden your thinking, At the same time you are
neighbors. In anyone's life th:r~ isc~:~unJcatlOn between yo~, your friends and happy to share your insights on any subject. Thus all interchange with others today
This transit assists you and oth . ys a need for some senous communication. should be fruitful and expansive, both for yourself and for the people you meet.
have been points of dispute. ers In reaching agreements, even about matters that
Travel is sometimes indicated by this transit, although usually not over long
This is a good day to get rid of distances. In the course of daily business you may cover a lot more ground than
. ' .m touch with paperwork and to wn'te Ie t ters. Th e more energy you
put Into staymg
feel that the initiative is all YOu~ r
, the b~tter you will feel. However, you needn't
well. Sometimes the phone neve,'st Y~u ~I11 receive communications from others as

This is a good day for conferences and negotiations in which it is important to .make
ops nngmg on a day like this. yourself clear to others. You are willing to communicate your thoughts \\1thout
reserve, and you should not have much difficulty in getting agreement from others,
In the course of your routine b .
because this transit gives you a clear, detached and objective viewpoint that ot~ers
COnsl'dera bI y more than usual tak' USlness today , you WI'11 pro bably move about
. ' Ing many h . will appreciate. Also you make it clear that you will make intelligent compromiSes.
d five to another community. Altho h . sort tnps around town or even a longer
than day trips, it is a good time to sta ~g I thIS transit seldom indicates anything more
You are tolerant of opinions other than your own, and you may even welcome them
r a onger trip. because they expand your perspective.

174 175
,, telephone calls and all other forms of routine Co'" Ulli '
d b th 's transit You should be a bl e to get a I ot of paperwork "'
Letter wTltmg,
ll1 catIon ate
favore y I ,

Mercury Opposition Ascendant

At thi' Hme you wH/ ...k incre.,ed ~ental ,HmulaHon through c~ntaC!, "'hh Ot~
b b
l through either conversatIOn or debate. As long as It doesn't ers,
pro a y AI k get to
'monious you will enjoy repartee. so you may see out other people t I 0
aCTI, . . . f l ' 0 ear
' views on some matter. ThIs IS a good transIt or consu hng any kind of n
forelradvice, such as a lawyer, doctor, psych I
ooglst or an ' .In SOll1e bra eXPert
expert h
bu,ines,. It i, al,o a good "me
. to nego"ate
'. ot hen; f or Contract ""lemen,
Ilc of
bu,in", deal.. Your mind i, re.,onably dear, and you are attracted '0 people ~;. Chapter Seven

are ,im;}arly incHned. Thi, makes ;, po"ible lor you and another pe"on '0 mako
,Mng' very dear between you without leaving a lot 01 matter, un""led an:

CommunkaHons are good between you and your 'pou" or any other do" partn"
It i, a good time to get ,0metMng 011 your ch"t that you have had trouble "'pre"ing
recen~y. And other, may do the "'me with you, '0 you may be on either the giving
or the receiving end of important communications at this time.

OCC.,ionally, il other trans;', concur in the ,ymboH'm, tM, tran,H can denote 'ome
or Conte"
failure or legal
in such negotiaHon. BY;'5ell, thi' tran,;, do" not 'ignily eHher 'Ucce"

Tit;, tran,H can al,o mean that a younger pe"on will play 'ome kind 01 prominent
role in your Hie today. A Mercury tran,H ,uch ., thi, one olten indicat" that the
person is playing a role that you would not normally eXpect of a younger
your life.
Significance of Transiting Venus
The transits of Venus are Usually rather brief in their eff t b V . f
Al h
moving planet. t augh Its
. effects may be felt for no m th d h .
ec s, ecause en us IS a ast-
leasant and easy to deal WIth.
. There are Some things th t h Jd d
ore an a ay, t ey are quited
however, to get maxImum
. benefit from the transits of Venus .
a you s au un erstan ,

Venus ;s a Y;~ planet, that ;s, a planet of negat;ve polar;ty, as opposed to Yang, or
posH;ve polanty; the wocd negah". does not ;mply Mfkulty or evil. The ;nfluence
of Venus seldom results ;n PosH;ve a";on. Usually, ;t draws things to you, a pmcess
;n whkh you play rath ... a pass;ve part. Venus nues the spontaneous pOWee of
a"rachon between two enht;es that d;ffer ;n such a way that togeth", they fo,," a
higher and more complex Whole than would otherwise be Possible.

In ;ts h;ghest man;festahon Venus ;s love, the emohon that bdngs people togethee
wHhout force or compuls;on. Venus is also the POWer behind creahvity , whkh stems
from the recognHion that components in the Outer world may be combined to create a
beauhful whole. When working pmpedy, Venus always creates someth;ng spirHually
higher than the orig;nal enhty. But it always has to work with the POWer of Mars. the
ego drive, the drive of an enhty to be itself. Only a fully realized entity can
experience the power of Venus. Only a human being who has become as perfect a
manUestahon as poss;ble of what he or she is can exper;ence love. The balance
between Mars and Venus;s rather delicate and easily upset. Egohsm and the desire to
Control may become confused with love, and love may be used to manipulate.

At hmes Venus causes entihes to be brought together in a paSSive manner, resulting in

the creation not of a higher entity, but of a useless conglomeration, a pointless
accretion. In human terms this is manifested in the tendency of Venus to produce a
mOod of self-indulgent slothfulness in which one simply sits and waits for nice thing.
to roll in without contributing any effort. This side is also Seen in Venus indulg..",
of softness and luxury, which can ·result in the inability to maintain oneself in time. I

Venus is a Social planet, and one of its most pleasant effects is to bring about h.1ppy
social occasions. Parties and entertaining are best done with Venus transits. At lea:t
You will have fun!

. h love affair Although Venus tra .

The classic manifestation of Venus IS t e l . ' h'p by them I nSlts are
' b . bout a major love re atlOnS I se Ves, the always grants the ability to handle I
usually too sort to nng.a . . h' and can indicate an evening's d II ' Y do
signify good times within eXIsting relatIons I P S ' t a lance. difficult. peop c. BorrOWing money should not be very
. bl by Venus transl s.
Friendships are also made more enJoya e
Investments made under this infJue
. f V except to Saturn, which of all the pi . nce are usuall .
investments In art or objects of beaut A ' Y quite advantageouS, especially
There are. f~w .diflficulvt tra~~~t:n~rgi:~.u~ransits to Neptune, although pleasan:n~~st is you need for everyday liVing. y. galO, be careful not to invest money that
the most InlmlCa to enu .' ' en
produce dangerous delusions in love relationshIPs.

Venus transits are often considered to be good for financial matters, because of Venus in the Third House
V s's tendency to attract material things. ThIS author, however, does not agree This transit has the effect of making yo d
ur every ay su d'
enuthe prevalent opinion th at Venus "I leasant and agreeable. Your socialll'fe ft . k rroun lOgS and activities more
with ru es" money . P o en pIC s up t thO .
with friends and neighbors to have fun . I . a IS time as you get together
with people in the everyday world Wil~rbslmlP y SOCIalize and talk. All your dealings
Venus in the First House . '
dISCUSS serIOUS matters, because Venus mak e peasant. and light . You WI'11 not want to
life. es one IOterested only in the pleasures of
This transit marks a period of several days in which Venus i,nfluences your Whole
manner of expressing yourself to others. You have a grea,t desIre to relate to others,
On a somewhat deeper level this transit can 'd
and you are willing to make whatever personal compromIses are necessary. Venus in there is a considerable amount ' of I . provI e an opportun't I Y t0 d'Iscover that
the First makes you feel rather unaggressive. In fact, you may not ~ven defend YOur ' ove In your everyday life . You do not have to
searc h for true a ff ectlOn. Many of us go thro h l'f ' h
own personal rights. Instead you .m~y try ~o work out a comp.romlse o~ evade any ug I e WIt out ever acknowledg' th
love that we encounter every day. This is a go d t' 1 1 Ing e
Because your personality IS fIIIed WIth warmth, you project a feelmg of SOcial . 0 Ime to et peop e know how much
con tes t . d 'd' h
you Iove.tern.
D 0 not leave It to the imaginat'
. . Ion. Th h'
e t Ir d h .
ouse IS a house of
agreeableness, making a favorable impression an avOl mg controversy.
commUnIcatIon, eIther dIrectly through speech 0 r th roug h an exc h ange 0 f Ietters.
During this transit you may be able to make peace among others. Since you do not You will also.want to encounter beauty in your every day surround'lOgs . You may
feel like fighting, you are willing to act as a go-between to help others smooth Over beautIfy your neIghborhood or introduce art and ar t'IS t'1C ac,lvl
." t'les .mto your
. ,
their differences. envIronment. Ev~~ If you only go for a short drive to enjoy the scenery , you are
much more sensItIve than usual to the beauty around you and can appreciate it
This is a good time to have a good time with friends, take a vacation or do whatever tremendously.
you enjoy. Venus ranks pleasure above work. If you can get away to have fun at this
time, you ought to do so, Venus in the Fourth House
During this period you may attract other people, not necessarily potential lovers, This is usually a peaceful time, when you will enjoy quiet hours at home , either alone
because the Yin action of Venus makes people come to you. If you are clever, this can or entertaining guests and feeling at ease. Barring a contrary indication hom another
be to your advantage. Do not attempt to use this energy to manipulate people, transit, this is usually a time when you feel neither self-assertive and outgoing, nor
shy and withdrawn. You feel amiable in a quiet way and are fond of having congenial
because this is not a long-term influence.
people around you.

Venus in the Second House Relations with your parents, if they are near you, are good under this transit. In
general, this is a good time to experience the closeness and warmth of family living.
This transit can be financially either good or difficult, depending upon how you
handle it. The good side of this transit stems from the power of Venus to attract Redecorating is often undertaken under this influence . You want your home to be
material possessions and money, as well as people. Financial opportunities may come elegant or gay and light while Venus is transiting the fourth house. Fortunately , you
up, but difficulties may arise from your tendency to be extravagant. Not that are usually quite sensitive and in tune with your inner feelings, so that your home
spending is wrong, but be careful, for Venus's influence is not practical. Often y~~r decorating efforts should be satisfactory. Try to avoid the usual Venusian tendency to
tastes will be more lavish than your budget can afford. You are especially susceptlb e do things lavishly or expensively, and keep practical considerations in mind.
to beautiful clothes, jewelry and art objects to beautify your home or entertainment
to make your life more pleasant and enjoyable. Care in spending is advisable. About the only real problem that you might encounter with this transit is that the
fourth house influences your digestive tract. Unless you are careful you may
This transit can be quite favorable to financial negotiations. You will be a~e t~
overindulge in food and drink with no regard for your digestion or your weight.
handle the relationships involved in any transactions, to your benefit, ~or eO

n til Hflh HOlt ... '"

I ' \,lIh'n ,
\ .1111-
,nu thi-. tr.ln .. it signIfies an approp
, h h ' t he hOUse ofnate t'
More Ih n any ,II 'I r I '
I' ,t lin , Thl' fltt ou~e IS alll 100e f
partners with eoworkt'r<., ('ven with enern E .
tun . nl ~tainm nl . h \ III ,'\ (.1/ .1, Ill\c' a(of.lirs chddren ACIiVities pe~se~ent
,mu that you can creat a prop r bdlance b twet'I , 0 IfIr are 0 In tun I th I tIrne
nd CI II\" If pr\ Ir' ,I Junn' thiS tr.lnslt. lOur self. dIscipline III lal n makes all your enc unter with other work n ytour hInd ev ry n you m t, hI h
. ti t'ul t n ryont' nc d~ a break from tim
1,1 an II th.. r la ay be at OU moot y,
I urJl\ thl I n, ' .
an 1I·I\01t I II , t ma • ,tlr nIl h ,,,,ado II .
e to tim
e, So
tnl • ','ur It. Ju" \ In your marriage or oth r love relatjon~hjp y ·11 b bl
. , paaut WI If hCl e to.
easlly and make your f('('lings clt-ar to Your
wholly new Iove may enter your life undt'r thj~ tran
r n itr., Of r mdl tion concur, a
II . h hll ir 11 n,l\\', ,)nd thl is a good time for games and f
) u can rtia! l\t' \\It \' r~ r dr. u~slOn with them , however, because un It IS
nM )nd 1(1\ c' I ,t'n'll, \, You may In other partnerships. mcluding profe~ ional on bl d
n, I \lant tl ~ n\'u~ y,'ur It, ' you 4Ire) II' un rsl n th
needs of your partner so that you can ilrriv(' at m.l imum und r landln nd work
together harmonIOusly , Be careful not to let your am 'ab I t
I I I Y prevent y u r m
reallY ('ti'\"II . tr' ,1'1 In't'rl-a; in fact,
. you need to express
. YOurself th rou h standing up for. your own rights, You n('ed not WQrry .. bout alienalln y,lur p rtn r
cr at II 1 til it,' Tr t(l lind the medium most appropnate for you If
• ,I
You are because you will be able to make it clear th t you are ~', rkln tor your mutu I
• ' . • benefit .
Mt e,pecjJII~ ,rt'JII\t , enll1Y th creative works of others at concerts, museums Or
\\'h (tl (~\" d Jrt i< to b I 'und
If you are in conflict with someone in your lif and wlIuld like to m,lk pace, thl \
lll\ relati('ln~hlp' in gtnera! re favored dUring this transit. You will get along the best of all transits for domg so Even p r on who .Ire or nly hoslIl t you "II
be receptive to your overtures Thl e tends ('ven to Ie oil controntal1on whl~
~mo0lhJy \\'lIn lored on ' wIthout feel 109 that you are sur~endering your identity, strong potential exists for settling law~uits out "f (Iurl.
\'enu~ In the Iltih hou)e hdS the happy faculty of makIng It Possible for others to
en}o . v. b 109 e actly your.ell There is no need to pretend to be what you are nOI
Venu in the Eighth Hou~

Venus in the Sixth House Venus in thi hou e an have several eEteet', ,lien quite ubtl , It n . limul Ie the
se ual side of existlOg relationship and gil.( low r lallon<,h lp a greater int
Th ); th house I inlrinsically incompatible with the nature of Venus. You will find it This is because ex goe beyond the phY~lcal act .lnU b Iln1t: a vehi 1 f r
nl'{'e ~ary ~o su~(\r~inate your desire for amusement to the needs of the present. In transformation and inward change, A love rel ... t ion~llIp that b inS with
y ur relation hips It may be f
handled r s . necessary to con ront difficulties tha t you have nol transiting this house 10 your horoscope will be mten~e thr u h,'ut it dur Ii n
tar ler. omehmes problems ' I t' h' will have a greater impact . for better or wor,e, on your Iif than l,th r relalton
not dear to ba th partners This is In reda' Ions IpS . arise when taci t agreements are
Unlll each of y a goo tIme to dISCUSS those agreements openly,
au accepts the real d t' d bl d This transit may attract money 10 you through yl1ur .'pou t·. yl.lur bu. in 'partn r r
pr(lper/j' mt't'ts thtm th I ' u 1('5 an 0 igations of the relationship. an through a bank or other public bnan lal IOstitutivn, without any p "al e Ft'rt n
. • ere atlonship will not go smoothly.
your parI. ObvlOu ly thi IS a good time t,1 s ek a Ill.ln or other finan -j 1 upp rt.
ThiS transit IS good fa II
' r a matters rela r , h
lime You should enJ'o Ing to your work or profession. DUring t IS During this time. in your mo' t mtlmate pcr<;llnal rd tilln,hlp. factor th t
d y good relation h' .h b v
un trstand how good . s IpS Wit oth Superiors and employees. IOU not have been aware of but that hav b(' n in!>trum nt. I in d t rminin th OUT
work wllh others 10 res~~terrelahonships make it all work. well You are willing to the relationship may come to Ihe 'urfa~. wher }'llU an re\.ognize and I arn t
othe f Ve any dlffi I' h ' .I r
r aVors, qUite unexpectedly f cu tIes t at may arise. You may gain [inanna (\ with them . The eighth house has J ~trong connl'<:tillO \ 'ith P v h hg\ I t'v lutl n
. ' rom Your employer. and confrontation. Love relationships may bl' in .. tnllnent 11 in brln in th, a ut
ThiS tran~1I j~ al 0 guod for this time. You wilileam much abllut how you relate tll p oplt> and event
cause prob/t'm A hl'alth in g. J d rrllY
s, vOid clny oVerindul enera. although fattening or sweet foo S '
I )ractlcal
. matters are' gence at this time, Venu .. in tht' Ninth llou.,~.
romanllc po Ilion fo h In all You I . h led)1 This transit provides that thr<'ugh a Venu.'; encounter - IlI"~ ,
with th fant ' . r t e transiting V r re allonships now. This is perhaps l e t
beauty in art - you will h,IVe a COO 't.:\Olt. 0 .. " pandm p rt n
elSie In YOur mInd, tonus. You need to deal with the real world. no
broaden you anti bring about perslmal ·r\\\\·th, Th torm thelt th , e pt'rJen
can be quite varied.
VenlJs '
IS on~ of the best .. In 101" Sttventh House This would be a good tinlt' tl") S {' an rt l' that ch .. lIl'n t -""-0"'[1'\ \
POSH/ons i{Jr all I . 'tn Views about what j .. be3utilul. Probablv thl will l'i th.t
re at Ions h'IPS: love affairs, relations hO
, ps WI

. Or vou night go to a concert h
ethin M\" • , a,
"1 f!l;:"t'nenCt'· m . u have ever heard.
This benefit is not limited to activIties wnh f d
ar-d ~ u 1. ... • r !I1 an 'thlllg > ' . rle . Any ltua 10 In \III: 'c '" OIl
~ t relv dlherent ., with many peap1e In a group settir • :or - b " '
. c • 1l "
u< I lea<Urt'
top, ou \ "I'II derrVe
. the '"
organlZatlona mee mg, IS tavor"", b,.. tht trans t Y pea
, ' ) t' ,. ....J ""a s . ess contt>re:r:ce
• or
, 'ab e p. - "'Os, . our tgo ener
, a I ~~ a. d eniD <;('t?n before. ".. here you can enco SO that you can d ea I agreeably W1I. 01 -.,
T !J < tran; t can; m} '0' .1\'1", vet· • unter .h f I' ~~ ma g w. a'
e~eflt 1:- .::' a trip 0 a pl.1~) un€ tune IOC a \·a.:ad on . necessary V';lt out ee mg that you ar" 10 J
. - h'
somet 1I\ per
- . ' ~ .t tal "ne\'
. T~"• I-' a 1
defend. You f ee secure In yourselt and willing to "e\ 'h
<0 ' e . J. e - 'o,'e.::• one v.·h 0 sho""
•• you 1"11"\',,' thin
'd 'f .. ~" grou a
~ thrau;: h . . . .
. g You may even I eob y your Own objecthes Ith' h t
a 0 t e group
, I" ::1a v ;:;e t'f a d er. . . h" 'ou more about your relatlOnshlp nOl .
YOU" €xpenenc ~ : -hd' ,., I teae ~ . to
., ~ a) lla pen. . All love relaliomhips at this time In your life' bot p;e-ell:lsbng a
-: ~ ~rw ... . :.:r insigh:. .
.:t, ~t;.rb yo~ t- u' to I;)crease ) .o.
a friendly quahty, At other tImes lOVed O::1es rna
.I' ,.-.'
y.o ue P DeS C pany
. nPrsons who a re s tra nge and d ut eren t ' ordinary sooa occaslO~, ,especially! there i::. discord be 'een \'0', B t lh
~ • •• < u;;'f' to r.€1' ~ - ,_' . l!\
) ~ ill Oe at:raCec. a. UUS 'II >hi< ,-erY• dllrerence Iha , a ltrac s you to th-- be a problem under this mfluence. beca"se
-'-" 1' p b:J:tg I"o\'e, a.- d I0 e b f
ffle • u:..;
, ~Cf' II \\' I" • ~", .
~, f \ cr past e"-Fene., 'I" \,'ho have gone to s tra nge places o r simp] friendshIp.
f "i - ers or proP' Y
~ bet~er educa'ed or more t'X-penenced tha n yourself.
,," U" •

: l.Ich per;. ::s ;I'J\' be

peT'S :-..5 ....... ;;' you ~a!
Venus in the Twelfth House
, ,.., this 15 usu ally a n easy and re wa rdl'ng
' ;.. ei:eG< '.'DU e>. pen en ...... .
\,\,_ - e."e! ~ / •• ese . "" T he t ransjt of Venus is one of the best planetary tra. It. throu~~ • e tf: d lCUIt
twel fth house . A t its highest, it indicates an u.'1,,~ual degree of- .elflessr:ess 1 \0 'e.
You may be called up o n to take ca re 01 a loved one . 0 :5 in ,eed f elp or y
Venus in the Tenth House may become involved in some ch ali ~able activity. g or '''e
underpriv ileged o r in a hospital o r sirr,i!ar ins' j tion
•., -a 5;, c:. t>e :.;sefJI i. many ways, It crea tes favo~abl e circu ms tances in your
, .. '
I. -s,~ es~ ar.
d prc~ . l'or.a1
liie attracting persons and orcumstances that facilita te
. . In personal relat ionships. the need to care for someone else ma ' r:1ean that yo\.: ....,1\
':'('0;):" i:- au;.: 'onty are favorably mclmed t,o ward you , and m ost
</'" tfOI..
_ .. .. hI I not get Immediate gratificati on o ther .hal'l t!'-e pleasure of ,ei;:>in ~ meo e' ou lo e.
~ ..,..... r " rofessiona! Ii e wilJ r:m smoot , y , t IS apparent to everyol"e
reca. Ol~_~. . :~<
.... 'J 4 : p
...; ~ If your relationship is baSically sot:nd. this transit· ;ill assure grea te rewar \0 e
that \' :: ~;e ?r;;narily i~ ;e~es ted In '-,,;orki ng harmo niously \o'.· ith others . and they and sa tisfacti on laler. There are, however, cer tain pitfail~ to a,·oid.
:'e5?O:d bei:'..g agreeable, ,ti mate1y, Venus attracts on ly because you ex ude
fa c:-a: :e er-ergies Although this is a time for self-denial in lo ve rel a tions ips do nc iall 1 0 ~
negative trap of playing martyr. Do not i fli et on o ther, especially he ones :0'.. are
Regard:esi . wra ycn: ':o for a living , this transit may involve you temporarily in helping a constant awareness tha~ you are "unselfIshly" devOlln yo 'r;e t to
arf s:'c rr.atte:s s-JCt as design. layo ut work oHice redecorating . even public This will undo your efforts and create tro uble, It you can::"o serve 'ith a
I a ans .or pUr;'0Se of making the company look more attractive. AU sue: of selfless devotion. do nothing. It will be less ha rmf 1.. lhs applies to ~?
actl\;fes sho • go s'l1ootHy at this time. work as well as to individual relationships .

Any ~e'Yo' Jme relations, 'p at tt-Js bI!'e would be with someone older or someone who It may be necessary to endure some dif icult psychological energies a
acts as a g~l de !gUT£' ~ who can help you Jearn more about getting ahead in life , On problems within your relationships co me to the sur-ace. Your
a mu. dane Jt>\'e , t 's ca.'\ take the form of fa ll ing in love with a boss or employer . in handling these tensions as they arise ,,,ill even tually wor to ·ou., a
The fact that this r~~n t 10
......-cr. . S sa ' 'h I'gh er than your own. nonnally a barner.
IS '
becomes a SOUTce of attraction un.1- 'nfl B ..I. I f ' The normal effects of this transit s: ould be q ui te good.
• • • '. ut'T rus I uence. e CdroU 0 mercenary mouves .

whJC could ru tr.e re!ahonshlp pleasure will be made up for In spiritual reward and real ati acti "'.
done all that you can .

Venus in the Eleventh House

Venus Conjunct Sun
It ·s JS one of the best 0 aJI trans'ts f ' '
wW (eel EnendlY 0" rd J Or group activities or activities with triends. ') o~
This is the day for creativity or love , You will want t"' e press y rse
~a. a most ever of
course ass mi that th yone, and they will be friendly in return , ways as possible. but principaH ' \o'.;t. s meone else . ):)u eel \ ' ('1]' at
er IS no COf!'rad' I have
frIend In for a part" or t . ICling major transit. t is a good time to ,I sociable. as well as just plain good . Y ur physical a th ' s ex ellent a t n
enjoy each other 5 compa n ' 0 go Ou wI 'h f - f '
a group 0 fflends or a good tIme. OU
Y wJi
feel more like sitting around and lu ' uriat ing t an Ii e d 'ng. methins ..
With each oth r y Imrn ly and be much more lovmg and affectionate is a good day to please your.seh ,
Like many Venus transits this one is good for en terta ining Or goin
--- ------ -----
amusement . The harsh reali ties of the everyday world do n o t appeal to y8 OUt fOr
. d . Id .
and you would enjoy escaping to a bnghter an prettIer. wor , whIch Would do ay.
°u tOd T his transit is usually good for all s . I .
' · are favorably
peopl e. L ove re IatlOnshlps OCla ffmteractio n an d f or getting
along with
harm. You may be quite popular today, as the magnetIsm of Venus attra t no
. I d'
transit as ea Ing to scandalous affairs b a ected
h' The 0
Id f .
texts () ten descnbe this
people to you. You ma y not have to go looking for fun at a ll, for it is likel c S Other . d h . ut t at assum b h V' .
looking for you . Your relationships with men a re likely to be better than t~ to cOrne morality an t e presence of other heaVier tr ' es ot a Ictonan sense of
anslts that produce compulsive behavior.
women today but both will be good . If you are male, you will find that yose With
, h' . If Our 0 You will not be very self-assertive today If 0 .
attractiveness is inexplicably enhanced by t IS transIt. you are female y Wn
. Ou w'lI someone, you will compromise rather tha f' ~ u fmd yourself in conflict with
attract men more easily than usual. 1 something tha t is important to yo u There n ~g t Only be careful not to give up
. . are Situations · h' h '.
the best resolu tion . Al so, it may arise from d ' In W IC peClce-makmg IS not
This transit favors crea tive a ctivities, a nd whatever artistic ability you have '11 from your be1·Ie f'In peace. your eSlre to av 01'd con fl·let rat h er than
useful today . You create much more easily than usuaL and even if you WI be
. I are n t
especialJy artistic you will have a strong d nve to express yourse f in an artist ' 0 Avoid the temptation to overindul ge in rich d f .
, . . h h IC wa
Seek beautiful s urro undings, for you wdl enJoy t em more t an ever . y. sensitive to these now . At the least you are lik I . . ., or your b 0 dy .IS
an attenmg foods f .
could have physical problems such as' d' : y to gam weight, and at the worst you
In Igestlon.
Venus Sextile Sun

T his is an excellent transit for all kinds of. group activity and for being with fro d Venus Trine Sun
. len s
You feel unusually sociable, and people Will enJoy your company. Friends may b f This is one of the most pleasant of all transits It d "f .
considerable benefit to you today . ~ou should certainly ~eek out other people, an~ ~f
· b . . dd . oes not Slgnl y anything earth-
sha k mg, ut It IS a goo ay for all kinds of enjoyable activity.
you need a favor from someone, thIS would be a good tIme to ask. This applies
.,. h' h h
only to personal favors , but to any sltuatl~n m w IC you ave to depend Upon
. thish is not an especially energetic tra nsit ' it'1s goo d f or any wor k you have
someone's good will, for example, applymg for a loan or financial support. to do With ot ers, because you create a spi ri t of camaraderie and togetherness , which
Incidentally, this transit ~~JJ work most fav~rably i! ~ou are being personally makes the work go faster and more smoothly . If you need to m a k e a good .Impression .
on others, this transit will assist you .
interviewed, rather than fdlIng out a form . ThIS tranSIt IS extremely good for any
interview in which you must make a good impression.
But it is for recreation and pleasure that this transit is really at its best. You feel like
having a good time, and almost anything you do will work out that way . it is
You will get along very well today with persons in your immediate environment. By
especially good for amusing yourself with fr iends a nd is an excellent transit for a
chance, you may make a new friend in the course of your everyday activities . The party.
familiar setting in which you meet will set the tone of the entire relationship, a tone of
easy familiarity and friendliness . Personal and love relationships are favored by this influence. You will enjoy YOUT
loved ones with complete relaxation and ease. Just b eing yourself works fine. You
Because the Sun relates to persons in authority, this transit is also likely to provide will probably feel affectionate and will have little difficulty showing it to the people
oppo rtunities for personal advancement as a result of the favorable impression that who are important to you, and they will no doub t respond in kind.
y o u have made on a boss, employer, or other person in authority.
Thi~ is also a good day for creative and craf t projects. Not only do you have the
Today is a good day for working with others. Your concern is only that the group physical energy for the work, you also have the creative ideas.
achieve its objective, and to that end you bend your efforts. You are also good at
helping others resolve differences that arise in the course of the day. Venus Opposition Sun

like most transits of Venus , this one is not es pecially troublesome. It can introduce
much pleasantness into your life through good times, agreeable relationships ~exual
Venus Square Sun
attraction and friendship . The problems that y o u will confront during this transit arl'o
Norm ally this is a very pleasant transit with little difficulty . You seek out good titTles overindulgence, lack of self-discipline, and unWillin gness to work .
an d pleas urable f orm s of recreation, and you may not feel much like worki~g . In
fact, the o nly real flaw in the transit is that it is not conducive to self-discipltne °l~ This transit of Venus does not fit you for dema nd ing w o rk \')r try ing situatl,)ns, fN
Iabo r . Yo u WI'JJ be m o re ' .In
mterested your own well-being and .m In
. du I'
glng yours d you are likely to be lazy and unwilling to rouse y\,)urself. If y \,)u don t have to
than in accomplish ing great works . Obviously, this can be either bad or goO accomplish anything, there is nothing wr ng w ith this mOl,d . In fa t it i a gl txi time
accor ding to the cir cum s tances .
to take it easy . But be careful not to overind ulge in food or dr ink ·
f I' ' today'S
E'e mgs may be tomorrow's headach e! gOod
Relations with women are very good t d .
You may be in a rather amorous mood, which can be extremely good in a . your mother . ~hatever tensions ther~ ~~~p~:laIlY with female relatives and with
relationship or in one that begins under this transit. But y ou are not liknl
e eXisting nOW. Female friends may provide unexpect d bet~e.en you are not evident just
discrE'et about your actions at this time, so it w ould be a good idea to a y. to be e oPPortunIties.
. Y~d
Involvement that requires discretion. Be ca reful of any new relationshi h any If you have a choice, you should have I ' .
· . d' . . . s
f onned to d ay, because you may be Iack109 10 IscnmmatlOn . uch a reI t' t at IS.
P peop e VISit yo t d .
because th e b enevo Ien t nature of this tra .. b u 0 ay Instead of going out
. a lonsh' . nslt IS est e d '
may be all right, but make it withstand the test of time before you decide to Co 1~ the fi nest tra nsits under which to relax d k
. an ta e it
xpresse at home. This is one of
yourself. rnrnIt feel like wo rkin g anyway . easy, and probably you will not

Your creative energies are stimulated by this transit, but you may lack the . If you mus t deal with the general public t d .
· 0 f f ee I"lOgs Into an artistic rned
creatIve will be aware that you are comm unicatin 0 a~h' you Will be effective . Your audience
seIf -discipline that can turn a ran d om outpounng ' '1 g WIt your em f
words, an d t h ey WI I apprecia te it. The h h 0 IOns as well as with your
and disciplined art. Today's work may have to be corrected tomorrow . lurn· warmt t at y .
favorably . But even though your charm' ou prOject will impress them
IS more potent th I d
take advantage of others. Eventually peopl h an usua, 0 not use it to
and you wJlllose your effectiveness. e see t rough that hi '
p oney. p astlc warmth
Venus Conjunct Moon
This combination rules feelings of love and affection. You are lOVing and affectio
to people around you today, unless there is an extremely difficult transit at the snate Venus Square Moon
time. You are likel y to be in a dreamy and romantic mood, and you will seek a a~e Not a difficult square, this transit usually c t
·· rea es an amorous mood mal<"
p Iace to spen d time Wit h someone you Iove . Th"IS IS not a WI'ldl y erotic Venus tran
. want to reI ate to t h e opposite sex Bu t there a
. I d .'
bl ' inS you
re some pro ems with this transit 1£
and although good for sex, it. is mainly a time for two people to quietly express th~:~ you are Jea ous an possessIVe of your partner 't
. h'
d '
. 1 may pro uce feelings of love that
affection . You want to be With someone whom you have a lot in common with or are su ff ocatmg to 1m. or her.
. Recognize that even th I I ' .
e c osest re atlOnshlp needs room
someone who has shared your experiences . With friends, you will want to talk about to breat he, an d aVOid bemg overprotective and th ' Y
'H smo en ng. our partner needs a
old times and things that happened in the past. More than anything else, you base Iover, not a mot . owever
' you will encounter thOIS pro em onIy 'If you alrea dy
tend to be posseSSlve 10 love .
your relationships today upon experiences that you and others have shared.

Discordant transits accompanyillg this one can indicate conflicts with women ,
This is a good day to spend pleasantly at home. Domestic surroundings appeal to you regardl~ss of your. own se~ . Your mother may present a problem because of the
and it is easy for you to express your affection. You will have strong feelings of love possessive smothenng emotion that is characteristic of th is transit.
for your family and relatives under this transit.
This type of e~otio~ has a positive side also, for it can be transmuted into a very
Relations with women are especially fortunate today, and you may gain some benefit warm, protective kmd of love that nourishes and sup ports a lover. In itself the
through such an association. This is a good day to see your mother. emotion is neither good nor bad ; it just has to fi nd a n a ppropriate outlet. However,
the one who feels protective seems to think that this is always good. leading to
misunderstandings and hurt feelings in a relationship. You should certainly be aware
The only thing to be careful of is a tendency toward overindulgence, which could of any tendency at this time to confuse loving with "parenting. "
affec t your digestion. Enjoy sweets and alcoholic beverages in moderation to avoid
digestive upsets. Any kind of glandular disturbance will probably be ad versely affected by this transit.
and women may experience menstrual irregularities .

Venus SextiJe Moon

Venus Trine Moon
Your e m o tio ns are s oftened by this transit. You will find it difficult to feel anger or
resentment a ga inst anyone, particularly the people who are close to you emotionally This is an excellent transit for all matters concerned with your domestic. person I and
or those wh o m y ou encounter in the Course of everyday life. Toward friends you feel emotional life. Relationships work out far better than o n other days because vou are
pro tective a n d nurtu r ing, and you want to help them in any way you can. If you have imbued with a strong desire to be warm and fr ie ndly to everyon~ ;ou met>t.·Oth rs
t o work w ith o thers, y o u are able to keep things running smoothly because of your can sense the sincerity of your feelings and w ill respond in k ind. Relations with
pathetic un dersta nding of their feelings. WOmen should be especially favorable under this infl u enCt'.
----------- -----------
Sexual relationships are strongly supported by this transit, not by directly inc .
the sex drive, but by indirectly increasing the ~tr.engt h 0 f Iove ~It ' th e relationshi
. h10 reasl"g
The emotions are quiet, not turbulent, and this IS a good transit for You and a lov P.
one to be alone together quietly. ed Venus Conjunct Mercury
Tod ay your thoughts are on light topics and YOu f' d ' t d f'f' I k h
. Iy Your good mood wtll . affect ever' In I I ICU, t to ta e t lOgs
If you must deal with groups of people, this is the day to do it. Beneficial aSPe t
agreeable, socla~le and. friendly, punctuated With humor . You are not Itkely to have
se .. . y encounter today , makmg conversations
the natal Moon such as this one, favor con f rontmg · groups m . orgaOlzations
. c s to
business. This transit would help you sell a product or an I'd ea to a group of peoOr I I" an
Y atience With senous or heavy topics although
relationships . . to love and
and matters pertalnmg
'II' d'
' are WI 109 to I cuss
not because you are unusually convincing, but simply because people like You be~t:;
than usual.
This transit stim~la tes y our creative intellect. You may Want to write poetry or take
This is also a favorable transit for all types of recreation or amusements at horne f up some other hterar~ art form, ,even if you have no talent. You will certainly
appreciate poetry, mUSIc and other Intellectual arts
example a party for a small group of friends. A small group would work better th~no:
large group, by the way, although either would probably be successful.
This is a good day to take pleasure trips, to visit people, to see the countrysIde.
Pleasant scenery will greatly appeal to you .
This is also a good time to look about for ways to beautify and decorate Your horn
You are fond of beauty and pleasant surroundings, an d you want YOur immediate e.
You will find it very eas: to express love and affection for others today, even if
physical en vironment to reflect your emotions.
you are usually tongue-tied . If you want to say something to make a favorable
impression on someone, you will succeed today. You can Win people over by what
This transit is not usuaJJy spectacular in its effects, but the days on which it OCCUrs you say and how you say it.
are pleasant.
This transit also favors commercial transactIOns and negotiatIOns for favorable
financial terms, particularly in the enterta inment field or an industry supplying
Venus Opposition Moon women's products.
Like most transits by opposition from Venus, this one is not troublesome ; any
problems are likely to come from doing something to excess. On the positive side, Venus Sex tile Mercury
this transit does arouse your affections and makes you willing to give and receive
love. Relationships with women will be especially meaningful. Between you and your This day is good for arranging and participating in social get-togethers. Spend time
with friends and enjoy yourself. You probabl y won't want to talk about anything
loved ones there is a real desire to protect and nurture. Moon-Venus brings out the
maternal side of love, the desire to "take care of." serious, because this is a light-hearted transit. Nevertheless, it is a good time for
talking to loved ones and making it clear how you feel about them. Even if there are
tensions within your relationships , the influence of this transit should enable you to
On the negative side, this transit leads to rather indiscriminate affection, because discuss them, straighten them out and leave nothing behind but good feelings.
your desire to love someone overrules your nonnal sense of discretion. This is not
espedaJ/y dangerous, although Victorian astrologers believed that this transit was Your daily surroundings will seem more pleasant tha n usual, because somehow you
likely to produce scandalous relationships. We are not so easily scandalized now, but can see the good in everything around you . Interactions with friends and neighbors
a certain amount of discretion is still desirable. It would be unwise to make a will often prove fruitful under this transit , and one may even present you with a
permanent commitment to a love affair that begins under this influence until you pleasant surprise.
ha ve h ad time to think about it.
This transit favors all forms of commercial transaction s, including buying and sellIng
This transit might produce such extreme emotionalism between you and a loved one for YOurself as well as dealings in your professional life You have a better than
that you would not be able to handle your problems objectively. If you have .been usual understanding of the interrelationships in business and concerning money and
h a ving problems with each other before this transit don't try to have a calm, ratIOnal you should take advantage of it. This transi t is also good if you have to m -e a
d iscussion just now, for it would lead only to an ~motional confrontation with little presentation to a group. Not only will it be clea r and concise, but you wtll prcject
communication .
your own personality effectively and make a go o d impression.

If all else is well, this transit should be a time of warm and friendly feelings between If you do not have any work that has to be done , this is a good tran it f r attendIng a
y ou and y our loved ones.
concert, art exhibit or other intellectually stimulat ing activity. Or y u mtght take a
trip and spend the day in pleasant surrou ndings away from home , Wh atever yo~
thi should be a light, pleasant day , do, ------------
But if there is nothing particular that \, h
Venus Square Mercury
back and Jet your thoughts wanderJ Ou , If ave to do • th'IS IS
, a good day to relax , sit
something, this is a particularly good da t YOlu have been feeling nervous about
Like the other squares 0 f the transiting Venus, d this 'I one
' is normally
. . '
qUite YOre ax and unwmd
. " f Ii ht and pleasant thoughts an sOCIa interactIon, You wi! easy,
mdlcatmg a day 0 g . that might produce conflicts Th " I aVoid
serious topics of conversatIOn or any b ' IS IS not a Venus Opp OSI't'Ion M ercury
day to. negotIate
, any d'ff'1 ICU
It or contentious matters, ' h during a Ve nus trgOod.
h ecause This is a favora, ble time for communicat'o b
d with keeping peace t an WIt making a faVOralls ' , either
In d Iatlons
Out love ~n:e '
you are more concerne d h bllt make th e commUnicatIon good or abad h'IpS. It will not
R I blems that you might sweep un er t e carpet now ca a e communication happens , You will th' k b' but It wll1 help to ensure that
arrangement, ea pro ' d f d I' , h d' , n erne!'
and cause trou bl e 1a ter, This transit IS ba or h ' ea 109 dWIt IffJcult or U np Ieas 8e relationships. not only love affairs but In 1a out f ' and , want to d'lSCUSS your
problems, so you wou l d do well to avoid . such t lOgS to ay, Favorable
,rs Ma transi ant relation ships, a so nendshlps and other kinds of
. conJunc
leertam ' t'ons
I , most sextiles and tnnes) are better for thIs purpose, ts
This is a good time to confront your partner w' h '
You may be able to reduce the te ' be It any problems In your relationship ,
' h'IpS you wilI look for interesting
In reJatlOns " activities,
that are
, mentall y and nSlon tween yo b I '
.lnteII ectua 11 y s II'mula/ing rather than phYSICally or emotIOnally eXCitIng, You w ant to and detached, If other transits at the sam U ecau~e ~(ou are ca m, rational
. . ,h ,
confrontatIOns. t h'IS transIt
" WIll not prevent the time
b slgnuy
' .11 heavy emotional
be amused and eJ:ltertained today, either by or WIt your partner, This is a good ' 'II
confrontatIOn WI OCcur and that the air will be cleared. ut It WI
em, guarantee that a
transit for going to an art exhibit, a show ~r a c~ncert to engage your mind With
something beautiful, pleasant and mentally stimulatIng,
The Mercurial side of your personality does not take em t' I . 1 I
. , 0 lona matters sertous y , t
lIkes talk and Intellectual exchanges without gl'v\' ng th ht t ' 1
If difficult transits coincide with this one, it can indicate disputes and arguments with ' oug 0 any emotlOna
consequences. Be careful of what you say about friends and loved ones under this
loved ones, but that is not a normal effect of this transit by itself, transit. Someone may take your casual remarks seriously . and you could
inadvertently hurt someone. Be careful of this tendency in any discussions with loved
ones, This is one of the most unemotional of all Venus transits ,
Be aware that you lack mental discipline during this transit, if you are engaged in any
activity that requires it.
V~nus Conjunct Venus

Venus Trine Mercury This is a time to take the initiative in all kinds of relationships, especially love
relationships, All transits by conjunction favor new beginnings, 1£ you reveal your
This is a day of pleasant thoughts and communication, of easy intellectual exchanges love for someone at this time, it may turn the relationship in a new direction, Even if
with other people, general light-heartedness and good times, This is a good day to tell you believe that your loved one knows how you feel, don' t leave it to his or her
someone that you love him or her , It is also a good day to discuss any aspect of a imagination, This is also a favorable transit for a new relationship, although it would
relationship. If something has been bothering you today, you can discuss it and clear require another sign along with this one to indicate anything more than a casual
the air in such a way that there will be no negative feelings. Today it wil1 be easy to
let the other person know that you are fond of him or her and that you are only
trying to make the relationship better, The desire for beautiful things is strong under this transit. influenCing you to buy
things of beauty. such as clothes, cosmetics, objects of art, things to beautify the
home, or works of literature and musical recordings, Surround yourself with beauty
Go out for a drive today, or better, begin a long vacation. A trip started under this and take advantage of the lighter and more pleasant aspects of life,
Iran it will give you great pleasure, stimulate your mind and expand your
ons<.iousness. You may meet new friends who will stay with you for a long time, Under this transit you are affectionate and want to be with friends, like many ~ ther
Venus transits, this is a good time for parties or entertaining at home or on the to\\'n
A busin s meeting in which you are trying to get everyone to work together on a or for a casual get-together with friends, You will be in a good muxi and able to
pro] t should out well, if you COntroJ the proceedings. You are able now ,to ~ee
work enjoy almost anything that comes along ,
how all tf! dlfh'rent personalitie!i interact and you can manage them accordtng y,
Contra I n gCltiatiom; ht'ld today should proceed smoothly and work out t 0 your Venus on Venus will help in a situation in which you need the Cooperation 0f "thers
adv "tag·. particularly if there is some problem or if you need to make a g(lod impressl~'n,
------- -~
'(Sons or objects, includmg, money h
,c_ tile VenuS pt: , .. , k '" . I <It can b
Venu)'7C d I' ontaneous y ue y tran'>lt . 1 he quo' '1 ' useful laler <Hl Th ' .
Today all your ea lOgs Wi th SP h I k h h) ... IOn marks . I IS a
d and at ease. ~t so mue u I at e ps you as YOur I around "lucky" m an th t .
. J.,es you teel c<,ntente ll 0 very well because you project n" . h Illude f I a 11 IS
Our life flow WIt out the ten~ion of r- t o r e <I ilhon nd \ illingn
f Thj~ltralnsltdJu:~:S1airiend' or busines' contacttS, o~~s !ade today may be benefi cial In to I
ami v. o v e . . conne I t' . Y I ' I' b " .. I anee M t
' h d ncern for others. ew , f cess for a new roman I C m terest in entering peop e S IVes ecau they are too t ny th10gs are prevent d frt>m
warmt an co db ood sign 0 suc rnlght unconc;ciously alienate a potentlally eh: f~ let them in. At oth r tim you
the future. This transit woul e a g 1
cautiOUS or overlook an opportunity becau~ r P . per on. or you mi hI be too
your life , such negalive slates of con ciouc;ness . eo ten Ion . Thl<; Iran it helps to pr vent
and you wi ll want to be 10 pl easant
. ' h 1 and beauty to day, , I
You will be OCCUPied Wit o v e , from work and prachca ma tters into
~ uld hke to escape Relationships work very smoothly under thO d
surroundings Proba bl Yyou \ k toda" you WI'II be more eff'IClent .
and IS ouble V . £1
L t t you must wor J ' speCial at traction to an d for beautiful peo I b enus 10 uen e. You have a
fun and amusement l'U I , d' p e. ut be car £ )
consideratIOns Ictate your tastes . Love relationshi e u not to lei Slip rflCial
cheerful than usual. Ihis influence, Pare unu ually romantic und'r
. I trip to indulge your desire for beautiful
This is a good day for a short reereatlO na
surroundings, you are also attracted strongly to beauty in th .
exhibit, o r go to a garden or other spot where e creative art . Attend a conc rt or art
. f . db this transit and you should be able to negotiate . you can surround I f ' h L_
F ncial transactIOns are avore Y h Id If you are creative yourself. use these energies th your Wit U\:duty .
Ina , d' t ge Anything that you buy today s au prove to be a activity. at are ~o favorable for creative
in bUSiness to your a \ an a .
worthwhile Investment
In many respects this tra nsit is a time of rest fr h .
In general under this influence you wiJJ feel tha t life is going more easily than usual. om ot er transits that require more
eff ort.
that with little e(fort everything is going as it should.

Venus Square Venus Venus OppOSition Venus

Although this is normally a pleasant tran sit, producing good times and pleasant This can be a very pleasan t transit. You feel at ease with yourself benign and th
' d I h ' h ' f' 1 . ra er
seIf- 10 u gent, W IC IS me as ong as you don't have work that must be done , As
leisure. under some circumstances it can be a period of testing to see if relationships
are on a sound footing, The test may consist of situations that will determine your with many ot~er Venus transits . you feel that there IS nothing you do not deserve.
ability to maintain your individuality within your important relationships . This is and you are hkely to buy some expensive frivolity on a whim or indulge in an
one of the Venus transits that produce a tendency to compromise rather than to stand expensive pastime only to regret the cost later. The sexual self-indulgence that may
up for your beliefs and rights , Someone may take advantage of your good nature at accompany this transit is not likely to do you any real harm. in spite of the warnings
this time. which is not a tremendous danger. but something to keep in mind when of thousands of Victorian manualsl
dealing with people today,
This transit is not a good time for getting work done. In fact. you will do anything to
At t~s time your energies are rather low. not so that you feel sick, as with Neptune avoid working, Unless it is absolutely necessary. do not schedule heavy work projects
translts. but so that ~ou feel like doing nothing. Your work may not be done carefully for a day with this transit.
because your heart IS not reall . . Y b
yo u d 0 WI'/1 work out no matt Y III It. ou may e deluding yourself that whatever
h I' tl Love relationships will normally be smooth during this transit. although a problem
the effort howev . hi er ,ow It e energy you put into it. If you do put out
, er. t s tranSit 11 d
may actua y pro uce positive results and
may arise if you have a disagreement with a loved one or friend. Instead of defending
your own position when you have a perfect righ t to, you may compromise on issues
that really should not be compromised . If you have a difficult negotiation to tran act.
Be careful of self-indulgence and .
interest today . This is not th bes extravagance, which are not in your long-term avoid doing it under this transit . The negotia tion will succeed. but the result will not
budget , e I day to go shopping if you must stay within a be to your advantage.

Venus Conjunct Mars

. , Venus Trine Venus
ThIS IS a pleasant transit that is This transit arouses a strong attraction to and desire for the o pposite se . You \\;11 be
• -rwQ·a IJ y active.
. Both Venus andgood tri all r eIa t'Ions h'IpS, but you may not feel
the for much more aggressive than usual in going o u t and fi nding a partner . Thi- transit i
ne ..ptet tend to attract circumstances, often a sign of physical passion. and because Venus is acting upon Mars, rather than

~~ ______________________ ~ ______________________________ 1q~

. ft the nature of Mars a nd m ake you ....
h effect IS to so en ) I . "'Ore
Mars upon Venus. t e . d Under this influence a sexua re a tlO nship is v ~Aars. Mars demands that it be satisfied ' .
willing to meet your partner s nee s. er}f IV> d I " In preCisely th h '
an be har on a re atJonshlp Obviousl . . e way t at It wants, and this
satisfying to both of yo u. c h" b Y a splnt of .
immensely at t IS time, ut the needs and desir comprom ise would help out
es of Mars can be urgent.
.h WIll be very hap py with other people. You feel .more vivac'10US
Even WIt out sex, you 11 be the life of the party. You will work ha d
. h al and may we r to I f yOU are not currently involved in a sexuaI relationsh '
and attractive t an usu d th' transit so st rong is yo ur need for affection
gain the approval of others un er IS ' . inordinately attrac ted to someone of the 0 . Ip . yO~ WI'11 probably be
discri minating. T herefore this is not th b pposlte. sex, WIthout being very
A f f
. , IS
ctlvJty . a1so In. d Ica
' ted , for the general sign ificance of this . transit is seIf- ~t Itranslt under which to start a
r ela tionship , since it m ay be based onl y on Pe hYSlca
r IS IC. a t"rough creatlVI attraction .
" t
y a nd love · Your ego dri ves are . most readily satisfied b y
expressIOn I' ther so you ma y seek out a n entIrely new person to beg '
successfully re a tmg to ana . . 'f' . h I In
. . WIt.. h But {or the rela tionship to be. slgnl !Cant ' In t e ong run ' th ere Venus Trine Mars
a rela tIOnshIp
should be more In . d'Ica t'IOns than are provided by thIS one transIt. The effects of this transit can v ary considerabl b . .
kinds of activity . You are able to assert you r~~1f ~:~tals ~enerallY favorable for most
Venus Sex tHe Mars without offending an y body. People will appreciate thar :u ~ ~o ~et wh~t you want
being abrasive or pugnacious . You want Y a e een direct Without
. ' . everyone to have the same fr~om you
This transit favors love rela tionsh ips and the form~tion of f:iendships. As with other f h
have to go a ter t elr own obJectlves, and you are '1\' h 1
' WI 109 to e p them as long as they
Venus-Mars contacts, this one indicates a balance In y our lIfe between self-assertion will return t h e f avor. Th ere IS an almos t perfect b I b
and the need to relate to others. In a sexual rel.ations~ip this balance is manifested by . . ' I . h ' d' . a ance now etween your need to be
an mdlvldua Wit In IVldual wants and desires and d I
your nee to re ate to others.
your ability to give and receive equal/y o In fnendshlps you can be yourself Without
difficulty, and by being yourself you can get along better with your friends. Of course , like all other Venus-Mars contacts this tr n 't ' I'k I
. ' a Sl IS 1 e y to arouse your sex
drive, but In a somewh~t gentler way than many of the other transits . You can charm
Creative activities are also favored by this transit. If you are not artistic, you may the opposite sex by b~Ing genuinely friendly and agreeable, and you are concerned
spend the day working to beautify your immediate surroundings . that your part~er enJoy the relationship as much as yo u do , thereby fulfilling
important reqUirements of a successful sexual rela tionship . A relationship begun
Try to become in volved in some kind of activity with others - a party, a night out under this transit has a good chance of lasting, but even a casual liaison will be
on the town. or some such . This will give the energy of this transit an adequate satisfying and leave no bitterness when you separate . T he action of this transit in
outlet. The energy and liveliness that you have now will attract the people you want your life assures that no one will be exploited now .
to attract, especially the opposite sex. You are likely to be in a fun-loving mood, and
you will need company to make the most of it.
Venus Opposition Mars
This transit may bring about financial opportunities, particularly for investment in a The normal effect of this transit is to stimulate sexual and creative energies. It can be
new and unique venture. Your own individuality is best expressed by getting good for a sexual relationship if things are generally going w ell and you both are able
in volved, financially or emotionaJly, in projects that are different and innovative. to release sexual energy and achieve ample gratification .

Venus Square Mars If this is not the case, there may be difficulties associated with this transit. On one
hand, if serious problems are preventing ample sexual self-expression in this
This. tran~it usually arouses your interest in the opposite sex and contributes to the relationship, or if it is a nonsexual relationship with the opp osite sex , there IS likely to
physJCal sl~e of a sexual relationship. But its energy may cause discord, especially if be conflict between you . When the ego energy of Mar s is not allowed to express itself
there ~re hl~den tensio~s in the relationship . A reasonably healthy relationship will sexually via Venus, it transmutes into conflict energy .
have little difficulty dunng this transit.

One Function of this transit can be t I ' h" . If one of you is not fulfilled in this relationship , again the 1ars energy becom -
h b b 'I " 0 test a re atlons Ip to discover what ego tensIOns
,,:ve ee~ . UJ t ~nto It. In the best relationships there wiJI be a lot of love energy, to transmuted into conflict energy, or sexual exp re ssion is overwhelmed . the
t r~tse In ~,rev~ sbtr'ehPleases you and your Jover. But if your relationship is in
selfishness of one person .
/ ou e, you Wid pro a, y ave arguments and other forms of discord, all arising
Irom unexpresst' sexuality. If You have no ongoing sexual relationship , you can expect to be a ttracted t'xuall' t
almost anyone you encounter . Be careful o f a new r ela ti0n.h ip th a t start. under thl"
TM m.. in difficulty of this transit ' ha . transit, because you may be seeking a sexual outlet w ith little rega rd f r the: ar:as
Mtdic.ted by Ve ' , IS t t the desire for a nice, easy relationshIp, as
nus, IS sometimes hard tobalance with the self-assertive drive of of compatibili ty, Do not make a commitmen t until the relati l nship ha pn.'\ ed Itselt.
For persons 10\'0
wor k th'at gl\'es
\ e I'n creative arts. or crafts
you plent\·
" thi is a good transi t for Co rnplet '
, of room for selt-expresslOn, Il'Ig
- ----------------

others It is good for doing anything that you reall
Venus Conjunct Jupiter tha t you have to do . You are likely to hav b I~ enJoy. as long as there is not hi
, many ways that
I'kely to indulge yourself In . I Ine, In fact. you are
.. very, 1Itle eIf -d ISCIP
lating or drinking too much, especially of swm~y no~ be good for you , Be careful of
Th IS b bl the most agreeable transit of all in its effect upon yOur rnood
IS pro a y b k' h h and '
,'our Il'fe work
t he war I't ma k'es . ' The only draw ac IS t at t e effects
, last on Iy 0 11'1 ~ad day for dieters , ~ or nch foods , This i usually a very
day, This transit is extremely good for all types, ~f , relatIOnships, Whethl'le
P rofessional personal social or intimate, You feel optimistic, eager and Out ,er Also be careful if you go shOpping. Do not buy an th '
warm and friendly to e\.'eryone you meet, an d you h ave no deSlre ' to eng gOlno~' have some surplus cash , There is a tendency to b~ lng unneces ,ry. unless ,YOU
disputes, age 11'1 jewelry, fine clothes and art objects. Y expen Ive thmgs, espeoal\y

This transit is also lucky financially, You may have a sudden Windfall, altho h ' On the other hand, If you proceed with Some d' , \'
is not the usual mamfestatlOn, ' you are mc ' dul ge yourseI f and toug thiS
' I 'me d to 10 doing, you can make some excellent investments ~~C:~I~~~r:nd know w,hat you ~re
money, especially on laVish ' or beautl'f uI 0 bJeets,
' I n many respects, self-discipline'
spend on impulse, because although your mind is capable of mak~~ AVOId dOI~~ anythmg
an all-time low at this time, but it usually is not needed, Celebrations held at th ' I~ at emotions are likely to lead you to excess, g good deciSIOns , your
are unusually success f u,I f or you at Ieast, as IS ' any k In' d 0 f entertaining or IS II rne
o~asion. This will be due partly to your infectious good mood, People will like St~C~~ Personal relationships are favored by this transit Y d f I'
With you, ,bemg
those around you , an d everyone enJoys .with'yo OurThgoo ~ lOgs' rub
" off onto
b f ' ,
YOU succum to a state 0 mInd In which you assume u, e one
I hexception tohthiS 15 If
Id ' arrogant y t at everyt ms you
This is a good time for love relationships , The same warm feelings will have touch will turn, to go ,Ev~ If it IS true, you will irritate people to the point that they
effect o~ these, relationships, ,a~d sometimes a totally new relationship Wilt ;eo~~ will have nothIng to do With you , Only certain per onal't' 'II ha h' hi
under thIS transit, Certainly thiS IS an excellent transit for a wedding, g Otherwise' thiS
" IS a good ,
tranSIt. I les WI ve t I pro em

Venus SextHe Jupiter Venus Trine Jupiter

You feel contented and benevolent under this influence You are at ' h Classically this is one of the best transits, except that it has a rather short duration, it
wor an d want to share your feelings with everyone whom 'pe youa ce
meet F'Witd the
' brings grace, ease and pleasant sodal interaction into your life , Like any Venur.-
t' I
par ICU ar, may be the beneflClanes
'" of your generosity as you m b, nen
f' fs, In Jupiter energy, it can also bring laziness and self-indulgence, but only if you are likely
h' I 'h ' ay ene It rorn
t elrs, n elt er case you both will benefit, because everything done u d th' , to be that way anyway, For most people this transit will be a pleasant respite horn
becomes a f aIr
' exc h ange In
' the long run, n er IS tranSIt the daily grind,

j~:jesSttmraennstl's,t ismfaedv~~able forhall1financial enterprises, especially those involving foreign

IC/ne or t e aw A I I d '
You just feel content with this transit, and your contentment aHects others favorably,
so that everyone around you today will be in good spirits, This is an exceUent transit
also work 0 Ut t0 ut'n ef'It.
your 1.._ ,ny ega matters eClded under this transit will for all social occasions, amusements and entertainments, You may meet omeone
who will be of great service to you later. There may be a romantic interest in the
A new friendship or Jove reJatio h' h ' , course of the day as well, although like other Venus transits this one is usually not
Sueh a relationship w'JI b ' ns Ip t at begms under thIS transit will be beneficial. strong enough by itself to bring about a major relationship ,
I nng out your b t l ' , d
growth reJationshl'p Yo es qua Illes an can truly be described as a
' U are attracted t h' h 'd d
o Ig -mm e and upright people, This influence often benefits financial interests, It is a good day to a major
Like many Venus transits thl's 0 ' investment, particularly in entertainment. leisure activities or the arts.
, ne IS good f ' h
is usually a rather lighthearted t , or getting toget er with friends for fun, It
ranslt and This is also a good time to begin a vacation trip, The inHuence of this transit will
to hard work. A general Jack of d' "I' you are not attracted to serious matters or
. .
negatJve mfluences of this trans't Th"
ISCIP Jne and 'II'
unwl Ingness to work are the only ensure that your trip will be rewarding , enlightening and fun. It is generally good
, I , IS IS t' f ' time to reap the rewards of past activities , It is not a good hme to tar new
attending to the routine business of the day, a Ime or rest and recreatIOn, not for
enterprises that require a lot of energy , because the energy may not be there, and you
may find it difficult to take the enterprise seriously enough!

Venus Square Jupiter

ThiS ;s usually an agreeable transit . tha However, if other planetary influences are giving y u energy. thi tra 't ·ill
certainly provide a favorable influence, You may be in lined to sit around and d
' In t you feel well and enjoy the company of
nothing, rather than get involved in any daring enterpri e.
Venus Opposition Jupiter
Venus Sextile Saturn
Of all the transits, this one is the most inclin~d to .pron:ote excessive indulgence, but
.... h·s transit will show you in a positive way th d
it also indicates great pleasure, joy and satisfactIOn, If you have the sense nOt to I I
've up to in your re Iationshlps . ThIS wlle utJesb and obI"Iga f Ions th at you have
overdo. to lIuse you get consl'd erab Ie gratification froI bnot' e esno . 11 d'ff ' I
y~Cla y I ICU t for you ,
beca d 'd I m emg of servO t I
. I t goi ng to feel driven by ambition and the desire to Conqu er the Group standards an I ea s will be more important to Ice 0 your oved ones .
You are certam y no . will work to further those ideals, even at th you today than your own, and
wor Id . You WI wa11 nt to sit around . and take It easy orh go out
. . and .buy SOTl1e yoU e cost of much self-denial if necessary .
xpensive luxurious toy. This is certamly not the day to go s oppmg If saving rnOn
e , . tt I ' ey The reality of ~our ~motional relationships ic; extremel
is your object, because you will want to buy every nice, ~re y or uxun~us thing that want relatIOnships that are real this tranS' t y Important to you. Because
you see. And probably you will buy them, even agamst your practical cornTl1on yoU ' I IS a good time t ' t d .h
loved one and arrive at a conscious understanding of wh 0 51 own Wit a
sense. A relationship can be ruined by not kno ' h at you expect from each
ot her . Wing W at ea h d d
needs from the other. Today you can make this clear t b h c party em,an sand
Perhaps your worst trouble will result from overeating. Venus and Jupiter togeth minimize a POSSI'bl e source 0 f trou bl' 0
e In your relationships.ot overs and fflend and
signify heavy, rich , sweet foods. A bad day for diets!. You also. may. drink to exces:~
leaving tomorrow for recovery. This much must be said: you wdl enJoy doing it, and This transit is fortunate for most business affairs bec f .,
that is not a/1 bad. . I I' I . II ' ause 0 your posluve concern
with practlCa rea Ity . t especla y favors commerce with b' .
art 0 lects or other thmgs of
beauty .
On the plus side, this transit can bring a very pleasant relationship , if other
testimonies coincide. However, you. must beware. of being influenced solely by If you are creative, this '
transit favors any creative activl'ty d d' 1 .
beauty, money or qualities that are ultimately short-hved. l1' eman Ing c ose attention
to details. Your wor k WI be earned out with great discipline and thoroughness under
this influence.
If you can handle the energies of this transit with reasonable discipline, you will find
it quite enjoyable and good for you. In friendships, you may be attracted to older people or people who you feel can guide
you . Seek their counsel, because they could be a great help to you at thiS time . A love
Venus Conjunct Saturn relationship under this transit may also be with an older person, or you may be the
older person.
Under this transit, love and affection are strongly tempered by practical
considerations. It is not as difficult for love relationships as other Venus-Saturn
Venus Square Saturn
contacts are, but it is more sober concerning love. You will be restrained in expressing
affection, but the affection is still there. Sometimes under this transit you will ask an On this day you will probably have difficulty relating to others, feeling cool and
older person's advice about relationships, for you are reflecting about the state of reserved even toward those you love . The problem is that you will have to spend
your life and what the relationship means to it. On occasion, this transit will signify today reevaluating what you are getting out of your relationships and what you are
saying goodbye to a loved one, either because of a temporary separation or because putting into them. You will have a strong awareness of yourself as an mdependent,
of the breakup of the relationship. even isolated human being, realizing that no one can really get inside of you and feel
what you feel. Obviously, this can lead to loneliness and depreSSIOn, but it can also
Unlike other Venus transits, there is little tendency toward self-indulgence with this lead to a radical reappraisal of your life and to a sober consideration of yourself as a
one. Your actions are characterized by restraint, which is usually good if you have to human being relating to other human beings . It is necessary to separate yourself from
economize or recognize the limitations of your pocketbook. the illusions that run through even the best relationship and to look at what is really
there.. While you are doing this, it may be rather difficult to fulfill the demands that
your loved ones make upon you, leading to dissension within your relationships.
Under some conditions, this transit can indicate difficulties with your love
relationships. You may not feel warm or affectionate, and you may alienate loved
ones by seeming to be indifferent. The real problem is that you are lonesome and Be wary of falling victim to fears about your relationships, thinking that they are
unable to bridge the gap between you and others. Fortunately this is not a long- worse than they are. Saturn often indicates acute dissatisfaction with people who do
lasting transit. not live up to a rigorous and rigid standard. You and your loved ones are only
human, and there is a limit to what you can expect of them and yourself. You may
feel guilty about your imagined inadequacies with regard to your loved ones , Do not
A relationship that comes about under this transit may be a long-lived but not
take these feelings too seriously , for it is only Saturn overdoing itself.
flamboyant one, characterized by loyalty and soberness.

P h 1. "

you 50~t co:npan}: Y

L_ b
ooa, da~' to 1J<: Y
}'ourselL no matter how lonely
er ldps trOIS J5 a g, o~ ""ould s~iJl feel lonely. This tim~ is
b you feel f Or 'f
for self-refl
I . may improve your rela tIonships when this tecfIan
-- f equently . Even if you do, uch ieehn.. b
and inrrospeC'tion. i\ hat you earn ranSit themf rl"ng sorry f or yourse It· can be a s g~ tpro ably d n. t renret
ent .mvthing r I
' . .
is o\'er but ee I 'ourself and the linds of ener . ymp om of a enous probll'm , You. h uld
e;.amh!na:; built a wall between your elf:~dt~:ht eYrOU detmlo nstrate to ther pt? pi \ u
may SOu I;) rear .
Venus Trine Saturn
. . h i t fl mboyant of alt Venus transi ts, much easier to handle th J gene ral today . rela tionships will force 'ou to enc t f .
Th,s IS perhaps t e eas a , f' d ' h I' bl bl an n would pre f er not to face . However . like all op Oun ' t' er aspects
h. - 0 yourselt,
the ot her "~enus-5 a tu r
n contacts
, You are sallS Ie Wit re la, e, hsta e relationshi Ps yOU .
your self-perceptIOn an dgive
' you knowledge that wi\1POSIhelpIons. t IS one could helghkn
y u.
and do not rna"", L_
unreai'IS t'c
demands on others. You recogmze
, I' ,t at your loved ones

are human. an you as k only that they live up to their ob IgatlOns and you ..'V,..:11 d0
the same in return. Venus Conjunct Uranus
Th 's transit can produce some rather unexpected eVent t· ' . t'l
. , or It IfI uences you to ~~k
This is a good time to discuss any problems that may have a.risen Within a excitement and new e penen~es throu~h love and Creativity. The ~ffect can vary
I '

relationship, because your sense of reality is strong and you can be objective. You are considerably . because Uranus In a transit always produces unexpected con equences .
not carried away by foolish ideals.
This transit can prod~ce an unexpected disruption in an e isti ng love relationship,
1.n financial affairs you are rather conservative and concerned about protecting caused by your feeling that things have become dull and routine. You eek
limited resources . Business affairs are governed by the same concerns, and this can be excitement. and if it is not forthcoming . you may become quite irritable. Or
quite a good transit for business matters and relationships. You are able to deal With something unexpected but not necessarily unfavorable may happen .
associates in the detached manner that is often necessary in business relationships, yet
you ale fair in your dealings , Sometimes this transit suddenly produces a new relationship from a totally unexpected
quarter or with a person who is radically different from anyone y u \ . A
Relationships that begin under this influence are characterized by sobriety and relationship that begins under this transit is usually exciting but unstable.
stability, They may not be demonstrative, but there is a steadiness of feeling that
enables them to survive when others fail. There may be a large difference between There may also be sudden financial gains under this transit or, if you are not care ul ,
you and your partner or a radical difference in class or educational background. unexpected losses, But if you spend or invest your money wisely on this day . it
should work out quite well.
Often such a relationship occurs because of practical rather than romantic
considerations, but this does not weaken it.
Whatever you do to amuse yourself today must be stimulating and different , You wIn
not tolerate anything stale or routine. but you are willing to experiment, and you are
Venus Opposition Saturn not afraid of something new .

This rransit does not usually produce feelings of warmth and tenderness. It is one of
the least favorable transits of Venus, although by no means dangerous or destructive. Venus Sextile Uranus
You will experience today a great conflict between your sense of duty and discipline
As with all combinations of Venus and Uranus . under this transit you will see an
on one hand and your desire to enjoy yourself or relate to others on the other hand. If
exciting break from your daily routine. You will seek out stimulating friends av iding
you feel emotionally cold today despite the overtures of a loved one, it is best to do anyone who might bore you.
noth~ng. Remember that this is a short-term transit. You should not pretend to have
emotIOns that you do not feel, because of a misguided sense of duty; the other person You also attract new friends, because under this influence you show a fascinatin
will sense this and it will only increase the hurt.
different side of your personality in a way that is -.yinning and attracti\'e. You will
find the people you meet today instantly agreeable , but the relationship may n t c.e
It ~~y be that duties and responsibilities will prevent you from engaging in a pleasant long-lasting, whether they are lovers or friends, You are n t li ely Il~ see' a
actIVIty, and you may feel somewhat resentful. The best thing to do is grin and bear permanent attachment at this time.
it, because even if you neglect your work for fun something would prevent you from
enjoying yourself. Such is the way of Saturn. ' This is a good transit for a fling with friends or a party. You will be able tl. •• a e
YOurself interesting to everyone you meet. and you will alsl~ find the intere-sting.
L~neliness .a~d self-Pi.ty sometimes come with this transit. You feel surrounded by The air around you today is charged with pleasant electricity.
bnsht, POSItIve energIes that you Simply cannot relate to. You may feel like a gray
-esence among colorful people. Do not k h" h If a relationship that starts today d es last more than a short time it rna:
r" ta e sue feelings serIOusly, unless you ave
revolutionize your life in some way , You wi\! have to give y ur riend 'f \., r 'rNt
. h'
freedom, because there IS no
room for possessiveness or jealousy in a VenllS-Ur
B t 'f you can Ive In
relatIOns Ip. u I
. such an unstructured relationship anlls
If '/I be greatly broadened In mOst relati
, Yo
-- ------ ------------ liS

Venu~ OPPOSition Ur .. nu~

understanding of life and of YO~:s: ;;;~ands upon each other as they do, rno~~ships
people do not nee. to make as bl t~ understand this at this time.
Y OUt Thl~
. can
. signify various I ' events
h' orL ' reactions
h on one) vel ' a sudden un pected
of mutual inseCUrity. You are a e , re nce in a love re allons IP , WniC mayor mily not be upsetting or the onset of
occur ,) . b I bl .. '
an unuS ual, stlmu atmg
h , ut 'rareTh' y sta e, relation hip Howev r . thl'i r quir som
Venus Square Uranus currence from ot er tram.lts. I~ tran It may only Influence you to spend the day
seeking unusual entertainment or recreation .
This is not usually a pro foun d tranSl,
' 1 but when it operates it can produce sOllle
interesting results. he
For t duration of .the day Th you may d' be dnven
.to look lor excitin0o _Ind stimulatl
actJ t'esI and expenences
) d ' e or. Inary
J expenence within relation hips Will not
Toda ou seek excitement and stimulation through your love r~latio.nship,s, even to ' f y you . Unreso
saliS f ved tenSIOns
f In
h a ove' r.elation hip may CilU e sudd!'n up ets as
y, y of provolUng
the pomt I.: a f·Ight . The existing patterns of
b your
. 11 relatIOnships
. WIll beco llle one of you seeks. reef omfl ,ro m, t e ~estnctlons and tenSIons, Another person may
ditficu It to dea I WI'th even if you know that they are aSlcah y constructive.
'f Be careful proVI'de the occasIOn or. a, IrtatlOn
I'k I tnat
II your relationship. However. unless
of being impatient with loved ones, demanding that t ey grat! y Your need for the tensions are severe, It IS un ley nat you wi l>ufler any permanent damage .
. nless
t, u " of course you want to have an argument. h On the
f other hand ' this
is a good day for getting things out into the open, where t e two 0, you rnay reach an A new relationship at this time is. intended by your subconscious mind to prOVide an

un derstan d mg.
· If you and your loved one are under no . . .
constramts, then you . can e from your everyday routine, not to lead to anything permanent. Some people .
' many new experiences with each other.
enJoy . In.fact,
. thiS transit" can be. a test of the need the sort of offbeat relationship that Uranus provides WIth Venus , For
h t his transit may bnng about a .valid, long-term relatIOnshIp . But you won't
flexibility of your relationship. The less fleXible It IS, the more dIsruptive thiS tranSit
will be know if you are one of these people untl! the relationship endures for awhile.

There is a tendency to flirt under this influence, which need not be harmful, if you Whatever you do today for fun will be intended to provide a break from the norm
don't take it seriously. Do not make anything more out of an encounter than it really Therefore, look for somethmg exciting, meet new people and have new adve~lures .
signifies. These will be upsetting only if you are afraid of and resistant to new expenenc~ .
The power of Uranus is difficult only to the extent that you are wedded to your habit
and the rigid structures in your life.
This is definitely a day to look for new experiences. You are attracted to any novel
artistic expressions, and modern art may interest you more than ever. Be careful
about spending money, however, because you are likely to be impulsive. Venus Conjunct Neptune
At its highest, this transit denotes a refined spirituality in love. with ~ total lack of
Venus Trine Uranus selfishness and a feeling of complete soul-union with a loved one. At Its .worst, y.ou
might be disappointed in a loved one who did not live up to your expectation . which
This is a good day for doing something different , You are probably bored with the were probably unrealistic in the first place
daily routine and would like to do something that provides a stimulating, unusual
change of pace. You seek this not only in diversions, but also in your relationships. Daydreaming, probably the most common effect of this transit " is usually. harmle->
The people you meet today are likely to be quite different from your usual friends. A and pleasant as long as you are aware of reality. You will experience ~ rehned sen~
love relationship that starts under this transit is apt to be electric, exciting, unstable of beauty and a desire to have your surroundings be as lovely as p~slble Howe~er,
and short. You are not looking for a steady relationship under this transit; as a rule you are not in a practical frame of mind and should postpone anything that requires
you desire the unusual. You may make some unconventional arrangement with your good judgment in relationships or finances.
lover, such as agreeing to have other lovers. This transit also causes relationships to
begin suddenly and then qUickly go through all the stages of a love affair.
If you are creative or artistic,
. . t h'IS transl't'In d'Ica tes a dav
' . ~
.your creativity . can
truly inspired. The combination of Venus and Neptune gives you t e ablltty 1.0
You will seek different forms of entertainment today. If you usually prefer popular
visualize ideas in your mind and to translate what you see into physical reahty. T I.
music, you might attend a concert of experimental modern music. Perhaps you might
enjoy the more dangerous rides at an amusement park. combination is useful in art, but less useful in relationships, where it ten - to c n
the ideal with the real. An artist's goal may be to create the real out of the I ai,
This tra.nsit will~ring a little excitement into your life, something unexpected and
ttimulatJn8 that WIll help to make the ordinary days more easily borne. A Positive effect of this transit upon relati\. nship L that y u feel a _ I
love, and you want to do everything for the benefit c f y ur I wt'd 'ne

~_ _ _ _ _ __A~_ _ _ _ _ __ __ 205_ ___

Venus Se~tile Neptune
, ~~ d, r omantic
This transit arouses the creative b imagination,
ty with a either gi vino
wor1~, ~ut
~vdoP completely mSlde y()ur rnmd bct('lT'e t"kmg physical form , thl
greater appreciation for and sensitivity to eau · d ., You a c eVl'ryday if you .•lft' involv('d in an . Crt' tive "tivlty that has to
strong desir..
surrounded by it, or sending
' you 0 if I'nto a pleasant d ay ream , I ,In e trt'mcly
" to be
use fu l ttdn It
If ' t h e f'rst response , make an effort
you expenence I 1 to ff
t yourseTf to art. rnUsi Or
I its highe<>l, this trdnsit enablf.'S y()U to d(',,1 with Pt'ople with gr(,clt comp.lssiun .lnd
poetry to d ay. because they will have a marve ous IIe ec tupon your f consCiousn ess
A d rness 1 (.)u can undefstand what they f('('1 ,lnd think , In your cloo;' r
Aspects of reahty an d percep t'Ion that you are norma
, y no d'aware 0 hare YOurs Under' ten (' t f r Ihe benefit
' mfluence,
thiS , Even pI '
acmg yourself in beautiful surroun 'IJ
h suc as a plea Sant
Y OU ac . 'dfor all concerne
If h I. dnot only. to your ('Iwn ne ds anu
. , Thi , tranSIt' In uces
deSires dId uns(' I ' oln h" "plntu.l1 love. How.ver Ih drt' my
country spot, a b eau t I'f u1 garden or a striking landscape, WI ave a Very Powe rf UI I
effect upon you, qua I't Y of thiS tranSl1
h may e u 11e you ' mto dI Int...lng
' tholt you t' hibit tht.'SE' splritUell
charac teristics , w en you" areIrea dy JU tf wan II enng about In .1 fog You hclv(' 1(\ make
thiS' tr ansit work out pOSitive
h y an u e u y. in Ihe feal world , althouoh ... <It the wnr<;t
, , t he d ou bl e po tential of Neptune is strongly
In relatJOnshlps d f J' evident.
f At its best th IS' ' un I'kely
it IS I to d any arm,
transit' gives
, you an acute sensitivity to the needs han ' ee dIngs 'II0 d Your
' loved ones ,
You are willing to put your own needs second to t ell'S an WI ,enve satisfaction I
h 'h appmess,
from tell' ' without sacrificing " your own , You can expenence a real feeling A re a tionshlp that b begins
' I under
d ' II this tranc;it
T' has the double potential of being very
spIn ' tual or insu
" stant
b la an .. I usory,
I "Ime, will how you whether il is a r "I
of "soul-union" with someone under thiS transIt.
' '
spJrl tual relatIOnship etween
lb ' sou -mates
, or Just a delu Ion to that cH ct. Ev n Jt its
worst this transit on y flngs a romantic Inlerlude into your life, quite pl('a,).lnt. with
If this transit puts you into a pleasant dreamy fog, in which yo~r mental illusions and no pe rma nent consequences,
f antasles
' are p referable to the demands of reaJity,
, ,it must be said that everyone
, , needs
this occasionally, and it is beneficial if kept Within reason, Perhaps thiS IS the Way
that you should indulge yourself today, Venus OPPOSition Neptune
Under this transit you should be careful of your relatIOnship, It many
Venus Square Neptune possibilities, some good, some difficult. Your unrealIstic ideals may lead to acute
disappointment with loved ones, unless you make an effort to understand and accept
This transit stimulates your romantic imagination to a considerable degree, making the reality of your relationships. This is not a good time to daydream about loved
you somewhat unrealistic in your deali~gs with love~ ones, Usually ,this is ~ot
ones or about anything else.
serious; this transit may bring pleasant times of soft hghts and romantIc revenes,
Daydreaming is also a characteristic of this transit, which is fine unless it interferes A typical Neptunian illusion to beware of is pictunng yourself In a lov~ r,e lationshlp
with necessity, In fact, this daydreaming tendency can manifest itself as artistic as the unselfish, giving one who sacrifices everything for the other ThiS IS a blatant
inspiration, If you are an artist, creatiVity of a high order can result. ego game in which the ultimate purpose may be to gain contro,l ov~r the other by
manipulating feelings of obligation, Even if you were that unselfish It would not do
In relationships you must be most careful. You may expect your loved one to live up anything positive to build up the relationship , You have real n,eeds ,that must be met
to an impossible romantic ideal that no one could or should try to attain, by any relationship, and if they are not met. the relatlonshlp wl~1 not work out.
Relationships must operate in the real world, but today you do not want to deal with Dismiss your illusions of unselfishness from your mind . You may dlscover that your
reality, You may feel that real mortals are disappointing, and prefer your fantasies, loved one is not as grateful as you think he or she ought to be,
In most cases this transit has a short effect, constituting a passing mood and not a
source of real problems. But fantasy could become a permanent part of a relationship Under this transit there is the real danger that you might be deceived about a
started today, and that is something you should avoid. Any relationship that begins relationship, This is certainly not a good transit under ,,:hich t~ begi~ a new o~e
now should be experienced Over a long period of tim~ before making commitments, unless you can view it with a careful eye and great discretion, It IS possl~le that thIS
transit signifies the romantic beginning of a relationship that wi11later be firmly bclsed
upon reality,
At its worst this transit can signify a breakdown of a relationship, which could be
damaging to your ego. But do not take your disappointment too hard. Relationships
that are damaged by this transit do not usually have a basis in reality to begin with. Although this transit is capable of producing a beautiful romantic experience, you
cannot depend upon it continuing forever. Enjoy it for itself and do not make
demands upon it. Beauty does not need to be justified,
Venus Trine Neptune
This can be a very pleasant transit, although it is not very good for getting thin~s If you are really concerned for others, this transit can also br~ng aboutdrcumstan,ces
done. You are more likely to spend time in fantasy and daydreams than in working In in which you can act unselfishly , particularly in an institutll,mal setting. Howe\ier.
examine Your own motives carefully lest they trip you up.

Venus Co nJ'unct Pluto
k d ' tense love experiences, You hope to f' u may become aware or changes OCcurring in a relationship to which you will be
't akes you see unu sual an bIIIt this can create pro bl ems I'f You are Ind
This tra£nsml ;veryday Jife through love: u normal, happy relationship because nOt yo ,d 10 ."ommod... , Th,y "0001 b, "no,,,,, b".u". ,,,I b".kdown In you,
£ 1 ro
Y d ' t rbance III a ff YOll fore hl'p would result. In Itself change is not a had th 'ng " t b'l
care ut , OU may create ah' IS uas they are , Another troublesome dd I eb ect of this tra nSlt' re lationsIJ else in our relatIOnsh,ps,
above a
" "
and stability , not availabl
IS I ,uut thwe
' t'crave sta Iity
IS Ime.
are no willing to accept
'ab o u t your loved one and su en ,Y ecome
t JIlgs , kl eXcessiv eI}'
e natural tendency is to hang ~n to ~he ot~e~ ~r on Out of insecurity and try to
,IS that you may £eel IIlsecure ' ffect since Venus transIts qUlc y, but it c
J'ealous or possessive , T h"IS IS a passlIlg'fI.'your, loved one is a bl e to reSPond to Yoan
d' Th ater control over the relatIonshIp, ThiS IS ultimately dest t' h
create misunderstan IIlgs, However, d'ng
mo od, thIS can be an extremely rewar I
time because 0 f tile
great I Y Intenslfed
' ,
eI rt gre , ruc lve ecause your
exe t er will soon regard the relatIOnship as smothering and restnctive You must
o£ feelings between you, ":;'::'n, you, "I",on,h,p .nd "" who! n"d, 10 h. 'h",,,, "' ''''pl Ih, ,h.n,,,
I' h' It wIll
ethat have already occurred, d do no good to pretend that change is not
' may be compIe tely fascinated and infatuated
I With a ne W happe ning, Every re atlOns Ipbnee
" s to grow in order to remain healthy and alive.
Under this transIt, you u may bI.' un d er tLe
flY influence of powerfu subconscious drl'v es ls
II ' t the desire to use su verslve taChes to control YOur loved one , !iuch as
lover, butby careencounter
be the u, 0 L have nothing to do with the real potential of th e Res f I' f 'It 'b' l' f
' ed tllat ' ulating ee mgs 0h gUI or responsl I Ity, or that will create bitterness, which
manJP d 'II ' b
could finally destroy w atever goo WI eXIsts etween you .

I 'sting relatIOns
, h''P, d 0 n ot use love to manipulate
" your partner, There is a Venus Trine Pluto
tendency to use Jea
n an exl ' I ous y , guilt or other negatIve , emotIons
h to Control Your
strong ,s actIOns
' , Th IS' ca n lead only to negative reactIOns t at may eventually Th ' transit intensifies your emotional expression throughout the day and makes your
weaken the relationship, "I;:,on,hip, mo" in "n,., , You will f,d you, lov, fo, 'omeon, qutl, ,"on,ly lod.y,
d you will be ~ble to express It meanmgfully to your loved one. Sexual desire is
Venus Sex tile Pluto
:~o stimulated by this transit, but only as part of the overall emotional
intensification, Under ,Ve nus-Pluto combinations, love is not an intellectual
This transit deepens the emotions, like other Venus-Pluto ,conta~ts, and creates a abstraction , It is somethIng felt and expressed through the mind, emotions and body ,
greater need to belong to an individual or to a group, Fnendshlps are extremely
important to you today, and they may change your lif~, Love relationships are more Your experiences today will reveal the inner WO rkings of your relationships and your
intense, and physical sexuality is experienced as something transcendental, approach to them, This transit is capable of producing profow:d and useful
psychological insights , but don't be afraid of them, for they Will make your
relationships better.
This is a good time to try to understand your emotions and how they affect your
relationships, Today you can enrich and enhance a relationship as you realize the
strength of your feelings, in a moment when you experience the full force of your A new relationship that starts under this influence is likely to be quite intense. You
feel drawn to another as if by magical power, because the other person represents
something inside you that needs expression through a love relationship , It is really the
Certainly any emotion that you feel today will have extraordinary force and vigor. power of your own psyche that you feel. Such a relationship can be quite good,
No experience under this influence is superficial, nor Would you be satisfied with any although it is desirable that the compulsive quality wear off before you settle down to
a long-term relationship,
that was. If you are with someone who is trying to avoid a deeper confrontation on a
transit such as this, you will penetrate and dig until you have reached the truth,
Artistic work done now will also exhibit the emotional intensity characteri,tic of
This Venus-Pluto transit can denote the beginning of an unusually intense this transit. Such work will reveal the inner depths of your soul. and that alone will
make it impressive,
relationship, Such a relationship often has a peculiarly "fated" quality that is possibly
an illusion, but Powerful in its effects,

Venus Opposition Pluto

Venus Square Pluto Thl, t,an,lt may have the effect of Inten'ifylng expe"en,,, In you, love Iif, ",
At its best this transit can signify intense em t' I ' 'th' I t'onship love You will seek feelings and emotions that transport you out of the ordmary, Tu
uto an
d V h 0 JOna expenences WI In a re a I
enus ,Ioget er create POwerful love experiences that draw you in and
same energy may lead to indiscretions in love relationshIP:, \~'hich, c ul~ cau_,
change your conSCIousness for a time, But there is also a difficult side to this transit. problems la ter on , If you bear this in mind, ho\\'ever, you Will fInd httl d fflcuit
aSSOCiated with this transit .

200 _ _ __
A new relationship that begins under this tra nsit may be compulsiv .
' f ~scination may prevent you fro m accurateI y eva I ua ting the Poteo
pecu.I lar e 10 0. ature.
relationshIp . And if one of you tries to exert power over the other by tlal Of th~
jealousy, guilt or some other negative emotion, there m ay be real pr:tiPUlati"IS Venus Sextile Midhuven
may ,eve~ be i.r resistibly attracted to someone w~o yo~ kn,ow is not gOodems. Yo~ , transit makes you think a great deal about I "
Caution IS adVIsable until you know what the relatIOnshIp will bring . fOr }loll. Th~s PPY terms, but quite positively . In a relatio~~ur re attonshlps to others. not In
uti a what you normally consider , ~P you ate much more Willin to
EXisting relationships may suffer difficulties at this time because of ob givel'ntaining
up peace an d harmony You are Your inalienable
in a com pro . rightsd for th sake of
arising between you and your loved ones . Subconscious impulses mayscc~re conflicts rna blems are Importa
. h
n t enoug to warrant fighting 0 mlSlngObmoo and feel that few
behave irrationally. On days like this you must be aware of YOurself at allU~e You to prOd good side, but for most people this transit has a vever h viously thiS ,has Its bad
not let hidden resentments and tensions flare up to ruin an othen.-vtmes. Do an ry c eetlng and POSitive effect.
relationship, Air your tensions, but be careful not to express them destru t~e sou"d J YOur relationshi ps you are much mOre Willing to o;ve Y d f I h
careful also of manipulative power conflicts in which the tactics are ~~~ely. Be n d f d
have to e en yours~ ,
If and C>' • ou 0 not ee t at you
you are much mOre tolerant of others' faults. In fact
powerful. tie b u may not even notice them . You want to do What y hI '
llt yo 'f' .
having pro blem s, even I It IS Just . a kind Word Yououarecanal to e'1\' p anyone\' who IS
There are powerful energies at work in your love life today and they can eopIe's probl ems. Unfortunately. if you are alon~ now y ~.7l WI 109 to I ten to
be with someone. Th eref ore th"IS transit can actually sign l·fyoua WI
P t' want f I very
I' mue'fh f to
bring about constructive changes in your relationships . These energy patt wOrk to some reason you h ave to rem ain · al one. Ime 0 one mess. I or
dangerous to your relationships only if you are unconscious of their proces erns a~e
you are unwilling to deal with their root causes . You may have to handle ~es Or If
If YOU are a creative person , this transit will stimulate your
of energy to make this transit work out, but it could be a Powerful force for ~~~~~ bit
t' ' t Y .11
least want to be Involved . an artlstt
In . .c proJ'ect which yo erea IVI yb . ou' WI at
. a concert, poetry reading
art museum or attending 'u or other can express y gOing to an
art event.

Venus Square Midheaven

Venus Conjunct Midheaven
For most people this is a ~ood transi t, a time when you wtll feel like being with
Matters of love and affection are uppermost in your mind today. You are conscious another person and expressing your love. For lovers this can be quite an amorous
of your loved ones and your feelings for them. 1£ other testimonies agree, you might transit. You will have a strong feeling that by yourself you are not quite complete and
fall in love with someone new, In any case, you are more concerned with love and that you need someone else to make you whole. T his feeling is not born out of
your relationships than with your own ego. One manifestation of this transit is a personal insecurity; it is a real need and desire to give and receive love.
pleasant daydreamy mood in which you are not disposed to work, other than creative
However, for some persons at Some times. this transit can have a negative effect,
almost the reverse of the above. It can make you overly self-involved. so wrapped up
If you are in any Venus-ruled profession, such as the entertainment industry, art, in yourself that YOU do not relate very successfully to others Or you may demand
relationship counseling, crafts, or even agriculture to a certain degree, this transit is more love than you are willing to give . But for this to occur there must be a
predisposition to it in your nature .
favorable, In other professions, you will be able to create relationships conducive to
business negotiations,
Another. more difficult effect of this transit may be that a relationship will be blown
up out of all proportion in your consciousness. so that you cannot see It for what It
This is a good time for any kind of social activity, You feel warm and friendly to
is. The result may be overpossessiveness. jealousy and unwillingnes to 'e(> a loved
everyone and are really in the mood for company. Do not waste the day by yourself,
One happy in the presence of someone else. Here aga in. you must have a tendency in
because the effect of Venus would be to make you feel lonely. this direction already.

All personal relationships are favored by this transit. Unless an extremely unfavorable Venus Trine Midheaven
transit int",venes, you should experience no disputes of any kind today, only good
times and agreeable companionship. ~his is a good time for any kind of creative acti vity. If you are employed 10 a creative
field , you should be unusually productive today. Under an" circumstance5 thi IS a
This is a favorable day to announce your love to someone, and an excellent tran.sit good time to get involved with the arts or any other activity concerning bt>auty. It I
for setting married. Venus on the Midheaven has the effect of making you proclaim also an excellent time to redecorate your home and m a k e your personal urr unding'
your Jove to the wo rld at large . more attractive. Your taste for beauty is a r o used . a n d v u are much m re en itive t
the aesthetic nature of your surroundings. .
Th;, ;, .1'0 • tim, wh,o yO" 1,,1 m y . fI'''''ion.., . nd hov, • 8'", o" d ,

affection for others. You want to give and receive lo ve. Usually th '
.. n, '''n,;" b<'C,"" yO" '" pl""nt '0, '" "o"nd O'h,,, c.n "n" JS Js a
1",1 .bo", 'h~, which m.k" ,h,m 1,,1 800d m ce'''n , Yo,
? elcPress
ho~ " ~
--- C
Veil us

n expe t to feel content
Y today.
' 11 The World lOoks good to you, and you are In

'" wi'h 'h, ',"'il" 'h, 'dn, '''n,it ",",lly m.k" yO" 1",1 "'Y Pe'C,abl, ..,mon.",~:
you ca ' th the world. ou WJ aUract people and
i, ,he kind 01opportunity
that .He favorable to
a'tion 'ha,. Veo", "eo"a"" yo" m.y eveo be P'''''med
.nxio~ '0 OVoid conflict,
YOu , fo ble financial
. h a favora
Th", yO" ." '''dy '0 pl.y 'h, 'ole 01 Pe'C,mak ""
anxious to make any necessary concessions in order to keep relationships s er and

I"" be " " 'hot yO" don" comp<omi", ,omet hmg
· ,h a' """n,
' ..
. I '0 you, al'ho
rnoOth ' Ven us Sextile Ascendant
'hot i, no, likely '0 be. P<obl'm I" mo., people, y" hove .n oPPoc'"'"'Y n
'moo,h ou' ony difficolti" 'hot h.v, "i"n, cecently in ,Y'" do" "'otion'hip,o~:O h · JS a ve ry hgh thearted
d time,Y when'11'
yOu should
b be able to relax and enjoy yourself
con m.k< it d", '0 o<h", ,h.. Y'" ,,,I obW"ve" '0 'mp<nve "''''On, no, '0 0 T 'tJSh fnen
. d s and love ones f I' OU WJf en,oy
f f ' eing Y With groups of people. and you

'0 win on "gumen" AI", 'ince o'h", <ee WJ . h to express your ee mgs 0 a eetlon . our lavor will extend even to the
1 , he en"gy 0 f you, I OVe, 'hey
' "eerely
likely '0 >ti, up ""ble F" 'hi'
""on you c.n d,,1 with "m, v''Y cti':" "'illPie
"'''yo u encou",,, every
h day
' .Whhom you ha veI no 'POeial 'DC, You 1",1 '"
'e~ a~,
relationsh ip problems under this transit, if you have to . cal peaod tha t y ou wa nt to Sh a re It Wit. everyone,
B h as there are no heavy long-term
as' f ong
transJts, Iha l mindicate
ood for Iawh
e oPP""e.
il e. U/ eveo, ,hi, '''M;' "HI hclp '"
lighten yo ur
Venus OPPOsition Midheaven

Thi' i, • good time '0 enjoy Y"'"'' .. home, Yo", m", ;ntim"e ond P""ool I to say, this transi t helps to improve your relationship~ With everyone,
Need .es1sl y those closestI to y ou . A .love
espeCla d ' relations
. f hip
h ' mayh start under
. this such a transit,
"'<ounding, will give you 'he g,... ,,,,, pI""" ond yOu will won, '0 b, Wi'h 'ho" espeCla
. II y if there is a ong-range In JCat lO n 0 t IS at t e same time.
who ." do"" ond mo.' imp"'aot '0 you, Thi, i, a I.vo"ble '''''i, lot

ente".inmg .. home, bec,"" 'oday Y" have mo" ability 'han u'ual '0 make y,",
. .JS also
ThiS . a good time. to go o kut and meetI peop
. d ff' f le You will not have the fear
I and
h"", • "iendly pl.ce whm people will be happy, Eot",aining .. home
that may sometimes ma e It I ICU t or you to encounter new peop e . nor
d'finitely ",OV' mo" "w"d;ng 'hon going 0"" bec,"" 'he poin, oPP"ite 'h,
Midheaven draws you inward into YOur personal World . sh;;":: need 10 wony abou, making a bad imp' ession on Ihe peopie you meet. This
w, Y, helps '0 ensuee thaI
you usu
you will mak, a lavo"ble imp''',ion "pon emyone. If
tranSJ ally enjoy being the life of the party, you will certainly have the chance to
You 1,,1 con 'en , with 'hi' '''''it. no, like conqu"ing 'he w"ld, I, i, • time '0 enjoy play this role now .
wh .. i, a<nund you eve.y day , YO" 1",1 aflection"e, and, und" '",.i,
ciccum".n,,,, Y" m.y
surroundings. m", • new lov" und" ,hi, ,,,,,it,
p,obably in yo", hom,
Venus Square Ascendant

h square is far from difficul t. In fact , it usualJ y den otes .an extr~mely
pleasant time
Allhough Ihi, i, ",ually • good '''''i" you ,hould avoid oV"indulgence, "pecia/ly ou reach out to others to give and receive affectIOn. It IS usually good for
in 'kh ond 'Wee' lood" You may have on appehle lor Ih",e loday, ond il you do relationships
W '" Y and may indicate the start of Sign , .. ifican t new. ones 0 ne 0 f 'hefew
that musti, be
indulge you migh, ".,,' ill.,,,, You leellazy, which i, only bad il 'h", i, Woc,
done. pcoblems Ih., can come wilh 'his '''nsi, is a "Iuclan« '0 VO"e youe ... i co~pl"~1
for fear
you go . of being unpleasant. You will try to sm ooth over ruffled feeltngs wherever

Venus Conjunct Ascendant

You will enjoy being with people and going ou t to h ave a good time, but thi. may
Thi, i, one ollhe most lavocable I"n,il, Inc pe"onal "Iatio",hip" You can "adily cause you to avoid work that must be done a nd to be s~lf-indulgent.
Be careful of
expceSS Yo", love and aflechon, and olhe" ace likely 10 show Ihei, aflection 10< y" , dOing anylhing 10 excess and avoid wasting m oney on 'tem 'ha', appeal to yom
Seek Ihe company 01 olhe", because you ace In a sOdable fcame of mInd loday , Lik, fancy now but do not have any lasting merit or a p peal. Self -dISCipline 1- n tone {f
many other Venus transits, this is a gOod time for entertaining. the strong points of this transit.

Today Is also a good time '0 ''''DiVe any pcoblems In you, ""onal "'aho,,hlp', ~ ner 1. Ttu. tran:'t
in~icate dan~er l rei
In a related area, you should be careful ab o u t fi na ncial affairs in
one be
loved wl/l
You thatable
your10love is sinceTf~.
discuss any ''''slons Ihal eXlsI Wllhout dlflkully, assuring Y""' does not signify any kind of bad luck , but it d (l('<; the
and sloppy management, unless you make a s pec ial eHort t th
n are careful , this transit will not be a problem in this way a t all.
Th,. ;s a day wh. you may m", a n... ,ovec DC f"end, It I, a good lim. fnc any
11« ..ry n. w .n<ounle.. b. Ih••nvlron...... favors pl.asanl flrsl imp,es,ion" Asid, fcom the,e f.w "eas wh". you mu. t be 'M.' ul. h ul en, ':( ur. II "
'(' U,
Well as other people during this transit. It will be d peri ,d unu. ualh ham OJ u.
relationships, especially if you make an eHI.. rt to gi Ve 41: mu h a u
Venus Trine Ascendant
Thl. i!'> an excellent transit for good times entertaining and just having fun 8
vou plan any hard work for this penod keep in mind that you are lIkely to ' efor~
~ratifjcation and pleasure before work. You may find it dIfficult to put off so~ut ~~If.
that you want to do In order to fulfill some duty. Itthal&

But thiS is not selftshness on your part for you are qUite capable of being ge
and giving to others. You are more openly affectIonate than usual and feel re ~e~Oll~
for the people around you . It is just that this aspect of you.r life - love. affecti~n :"e
leasure - is more important to you now than worl-.. ThiS IS a good time to g" lld
attend a party It is also a good tIme
. to be WIt hove
I d one , not on I y a lover Or Ille 0 r Cllapter Ei Itt
but also children,
. from whom you will derive much p Ieasure now, sPOll s~

During this period you may be rather lucky in doing what you want, espeCially 'f
do not often give in to self-JOdulgence.
. For you th
IS transit"can prOVide
. a weII YOll
release which could have very good consequences. If you are USually r corne h
disciplined about investJOg and spending . money, th IS IS
. a good time
. for at
th er
activities. And if you are not very thri!ty by nature or are rather mor~ self-indulge~:e
thIS transit will increase these tendenoes. Also be careful not to ovenndulge in fOod
or drink.

This is a good time to spend money on beautifying your home or other surrounding
Venus OPposition Ascendant

This is an extremely favorable transit for close relationships and one-to-one

encounters of any sort. A marriage or love relationship should go smoothly today
with both of you showing a great deal of affection. If there are any difficulties
between you, smooth them out today, because neither of you will want to argue. You
wzll both be much more interested in making peace. If possible, avoid arguing a
position today. Your mood is too agreeable to successfully present an aggressive case!

On the other hand, this is an excellent time to make an agreeable impression on

someone new. If you have to work within a partnership, where keeping the peace is
an important factor in your success, this is an excellent day. Any persons who are
normally difficult to deal with will be easy to handle today.

If other transits agree with this indication, this might mark the beginning of a new
love relationship. With this transit you will attract people who will be good for you
not only emotionally but in other ways as well.

This IS not a good time to be alone. You are in the mood for relating, and the day will
not be complete in any way unless you share it. This is a time to be aware of how
much your completeness depends upon others.

------------------------------------------------------------------------r-----~::==========~~============::=.~4- ' ~

Significance of Transiting Mars

Mars has traditionally been considered a malefic plan et ' I h '
likely to produce eVI'1 t h an good . But this is no t so alth In hastro' ogy.h t at 15: more
Planet jf the energies . 0 f Mars are allowed to operate ' to eoug as. IS ff t e case with
b any
' . But usua 11 y th ere IS
difficult " nothIng to fear fr om its tra nsits
xcess, Itsd'
e ects
f 'can e qUite
. I part 0 f I'f
are a vita I e. ,an In act Its energies

Mars is an energy planet. Specifically it rules the energy tha t an individual uses to
maint~in .himself in the face of pressures from his environmen t. The Mars energy
says, ThiS IS what I am and I can be no other way!" and prepa res the individual to
fight, if necessary, to' maintain his position. Obviously one can have no individuality
without this energy. It is a fundamental part of the ego drive, and anyone in whom
this energy is weak is not much of a personality . Persons with a weak Mars often do
the things that are attributed to a strong Mars, such as acti ng extremely pugnacious,
irritable or argumentative. These people have to co nstan tly reassure themselves that
they are strong, which would be unnecessary if they really were str ong . It is true,
however, that a person with a strong Mars is likely to be ra ther do mineering .

Mars is also connected with work and physical energy, and often its transits signify a
day when you feel very energetic and vigorous . In fact one way to ensure that a Marc;
transit will not cause disputes or arguments w ith others , which IS a sign of
malfunctioning Mars energy, is to have plenty of hard work to do. The negative Side
of Mars most often manifests itself when there is no o ther outlet for its energies .

As Mars transits each planet in your horoscope , the a reas of life related to that planet
will become energized. When Mars transits Venus, y ou seek o u t physical love. When
Mars transits Mercury, you look for mental activity . But there is more to it than that
When Mars transits a planet, your ego drives are lik ely to incorpo rate that planet'~
energies . You will try to establish your individuality tow ard o thers through the is.ue
related to that planet. This can r.sult in conflicts with o ther if the energy get: t 0
strong or encounters serious resistance from others. And of cou rse, there i~ n thin
wrong with a good fight, if it serves some purpose . Fighting is one w ay to learn about
your own strength in an interpersonal sense .

As Mars transits each house, the affairs of that house be tlme energized, JU ' ! :, with
the transited planets . Also you will be mos t active or seek to assert)' )urself thr .. ugh
the affairs of the hou e occuple , d by transiting
to have conflicts with others in these areas o .Y
Iii Here again you are ""'
e '''OSt I'k
I ell'
h er~ ov er the owners

f hip orh U5e of property - other than real estate _ which can
t angement rom ot ers.
Th e on IV rea I danger wI'th Mars is that its energies, when ' sublimated t 0 the h lead to es r
IeveI can . slgnl
. ·.f y acCl'dents , specifically from
Iff urn s ord fire. and illnesses inv
P Y ISic<l1
.tever' an d In
' fectJOn
' . This is often the resu t 0I' rustrate
h' Y ego energies I h 0 vil'\o
, a t au h " ' I . is rather
Your d es ire to have possessions h strong at this time, and you may be inclined
' aroun d in your psyche to rea Ize tiS , f ou must learn t0 eXPre g Yo"" make un wise and Impu slve pure ases , because you feel that you must have the
may h ave to d Ig
resentments an d an ger . for they are a legitimate part 0 your being, Ss YOUr to You do thi s to gratify your ego, not to get something you need This transit is
Item, 'gn of was teful spending,
often a 51
Mars in the First House
n the psychologicp l level. y?U may get into disputes about values in the abst ract,
This should be a time of great activity in your life, when you work Very har othat IS, , whether some value IS Important
. .or not. Here aga in you are falsely identifying
f urt her vour own interests and assert yourself among others
h , You have th e chancd to your ego with what you value, Just as If It were a materia l obJect
h h·
s ow t e wor Id what you can do now . You come
"m on to at ersowith much
r e vie to
than usual. and you are likely to make a great ImpreSSIOn Upon them at this time, gOr On the positive side , you are will ing to use .y our possessions to get work done. If you
have something that can help you acco mplJsh a task, you will use it. The things you
If you are insensitive to other people, however, this can be quite a difficult t' own are not likely to sit around uselessly and gather dust O nce you have gotten over
, h Ip
all your relationships. Every re1atlOns ' requIres
' t h at you b en d a bit to th Ime for
ett}' ego problems with your possessions, you wlll all ow others to use what you
and demands of the other person, ut you are not espeCla 'II y mc
. I med
' e needs
to do that ~ave, so long as they acknowledge your will ingness to share.
In fact you will be much better off if you. can wor~ ind~pendently Without wor~~:~
about how your actions affect others, WIth Mars In thiS house, your personalit '
Again on the abstract psychological level. you are wi lling to work to establish and
is much more dominant than usua 1, b ut you aren ' t mtereste
, d In
' h aving great POWer
y IS
defend your values and make others understand them , Just be sure that you don't try
over others, as long as they don't try to dominate you. You are perfectly happy as to shove your beliefs down people's throats ,
long as you are completely free to do whatever you want and to have your
individuality acknowledged by others in whatever you do.
Mars in the Third House
During this time you are much more of a fighter for your own rights than usual. You The tempo of your everyday life will pick up co nSiderably during this transit. Your
will not let anyone take anything away from you, although you will not be especially energies will be high, and there is considerable danger of conflicts with immediate
irritable or touchy. You will fight if somebody attacks you first. neighbors, relatives or other persons whom you encounter daily However . you may
be able to get together with these people and collectively accomplish something . That
Your physical energy level is quite high, and you should be able to do a lot of work would represent a positive working out of the energies o f this transit.
during this transit. If there are badly aspected planets in this house, however, you
should be careful of illnesses or accidents as these planets are transited, This should You identify very strongly with your ideas and opino ns at this time, and you are
be a period of upbeat independent activity, when you can work out a lot of problems rather inclined to be argumentative , If someone disag rees With you, it seems like a
and accomplish a great deal. This should be a positive time in your life. personal affront, Instead of identifying with your possessions, as in the second-house
transit, you identify with your beliefs , Of course there are times when you have to
defend your ideas on any subject , and you ought to d o so then. The problem here i'
Mars in the Second House
identifying whether or not there is a real issue at st ake , You may get into pointles
At this time you are inclined to identify your ego with what you own and what you arguments by defending a position that doesn ' t need to be defe nded.
value . This can have many different effects, some negative, some positive,
Beware of trying to coerce others into believing as y ou do , Yo u put forth your ideas
To deal with the negative effects first. you may consider your financial position to be with considerable vigor at this time, which may p rovoke o thers . Even yo ur routine
a sign of your personal worth. If you have money, you feel that you are a good communications - letters. conversations, etc . - may take On a d efiant tone,
person. If you don't, you feel bad and discouraged, quite aside from anything .you especially if you feel that others have had the upper hand at other ti mes . Remember
have accomplished, You act as if you are what you have, But it should be obVlou~ that an overly aggressive Mars energy is a sign of defiCiency, of someOne wh does
tha t you are not your bankroll, YOur car, your furniture or other property an not really feel secure. On the other hand , if you have to "sell" an idea f your to
someone in your job or anywhere else, this is a good time to do it. A: I ng as you
. Your reactIOns
" In this case are completely inappropna . t e. You mayt
ut:"come over1y toue hya bout your bellefs
L_ ' . 'In some ar ea and ge
opinions and deSIres 'th
~efrain from giving people the impression that you are attacking them , yc u will
Impress them by the power with which you state your ideas.
into arguments about their merit or Worth. This transit.can also lead to disputes WI
~ Mars
Th;, tc,,,H;, '/'0 good fo, 'ny bd f ·
high, and you can work longer tha~ 0 IVlg?rous mental

usua at Intellect I wOrk.
Ua tasks.

Mars in the Fourth lio

ThIS transit tends to stir up en . f Use
lt11p orta nt
restau rant
h ~taring fondly at your loved one over a candlelit dinner at an elegant
t San "as a form of self-expression is energized by this transit. although by
.' transit is not usually strong enough to bring about a new sexua I
d . ergles rom th d itself thiS.
an actIvate unconscious attitudes d b e eepest uncon .
result in your behavin an ehavior patt SCIOUS lev I relationshiP "
sItuations. Also you rna ~i compulsively and actin e~ns from the e of YOUr .
understand. It is very' y nd yourself fighting about g Inappropriat tast
. Thi Il1lnd
ou have children, you may have real but not serious conflicts with them. About
If Y hat will happen is that your children may bf somewhat harder to handle than
Otherwise you will beh~:~~rtant to be quite consciou:omething that e Y in va~i c~n all t I As with other Mars transits, it is just that the energies that are aroused must be
able to understand I t I n petty and irritable wa h what You You don't oUs d In other words, keep them and yourself busy , Be care f u,
usua. I h owever, d b out
, e a one deal with ys t at no are do ' even
. . . . one around Ing now e
u.s 'tl'ons in which there is any danger of accident, because in rare instances this
TIus tranSit IS also a . YOU will b'
sltua . . . .
slgn transit can signify an aCCident to the children In your life.
working hard around yourofh great activity whe re you l' e
strong on having your Sur om~ and getting a great IVe. POsitive aCtivo y
~n effort to have them th exactly the Wa deal accomplished ;tOU might be Perhaps the only real flaw in this transit is that you lack discipline In doing things
as a different point f ~t way If Possible. Of y you.want, and yo· h are Very that you really don't want to do. You find it hard to get down to a task that is
agreement. Domestic 0 ~Ie,: about this, you COurse, If someone el u ~ ould make unappealing. Perhaps you should let your energies roam wherever they choose now
contend with 'f stnfe IS another'd may have proble . se In the ho and wait until Mars enters the next house before trying to work with any real
,I you d ' Sl e of th' ms In me
you identify so stron I on t make an effort to a r IS .transit that you Coming to an discipline.
be, you will force th g y and uncompromisingl g ~e with the people m~y have to
people. Lving with em to resist you. At tim ~ with the Way you w you lIve With. If Mars in the Sixth House
also signify disp t Y?ur parents can b es .He this it is best ant.your home to
u es with others OVer 1 e parhcularly difficult not to IJve With oth At this time you will throw your ego energies into working hard and getting things
y an d OWn h now Th' er done. In contrast to the transit of Mars through the fifth house, now you are much
Our professional '. . ers ip and use. . IS transit can
oPPOse you wh aChvlhes may be s more able to defer tomorrow's pleasure for today's work. In fact you are likely to
efforts completeenlevFer You make a pomewhat difficult at thO . take considerable pride in how much work you can do during this transit. So the best
tran' 1 y. or thO roposal d IS tIme f
time~t. t USually lasts on;s reason, it might b'e ~n they may be abie or others may way to handle this energy is to find plenty of work and do it.
y a Couple of est to keep a I to block your
months and is fol/owedo~ profile during this But there are some inherent problems with this transit. The sixth house is a house of
y a more favorable
service, by which astrologers mean that you should place the needs of others above
your own ego-gratification, The classic notion of the sixth house is work done for the
Abovf all e l . Mars in h .
others what 7~~hlS is a time wh t e Fifth House sake of someone else. usually an employer or other such person. But this kind of
World , "I am," who en You WI'11 demand t work does not square very well with the ego-oriented energy of Mars. You may not
y . y Ou are. Yo want to work for someone else; instead. you want the credit for your
postponing self ou will n u are filled' 0 be YOurself a d
connict-Iaden -gratification ot be espfci II energies that n to express to accomplishments yourself, so that you are identified with what you do. This can lead
circumstan tranSit unl . or taking a b a y Inclined to 1£ Want to cry to the to conflicts with your superiors and general difficulty in your work situation. Even if
Q!s or e55 y ack se se -de . I .
. you giVe them OUr seIf-assfr' at to another. lio nla, ~Iscipline, you are the e~~loyer, there may be d.ifficult y if the people who work for you feel that
It IS mUch more 1'Ie no expression live energies ar wever, thIS is not a you are. . not giVing them enough credit. The. best solution
. is to maneuver y 0 urse If'an t 0
Way, for this is th l ely thatth . e totally denied by a pOSitIOn where you don't have to work · Withbl or for others any more th an necessary.
activity, if y e house of ese energie . If you are not se.If-employed. . t h at IS a pro em, but you may b e a bl e to get .ome
Ou are . amu s WIJ/ b
competitive than So Indin~ ~ll1ent as W J/ e expressed in wor k t h at requires working alone andI de~nds largely u
IVI ua I
. d"d
~. Could Use it inu;ual, so you' ~S. an exce/(e~t as selE-e" playful and sportive
. ... Th" pon your 10
Imltallve. IS IS not a time to be a team payer.
Ign at this time bome other are Ight as well Outlet for this t . In fact, any athletic
ecause h a of make g d ransit y
In lov.. , . t e fifth h Your life aI, yOO Use of tho . ou are more The sixth is also a house of health, and the transit f M h
" r~ allo h' ou~ . O. our
you kn n5 IPs tho IS not a h ~l8ressi IS spi ra't ; although health problems such as infections fevers or acc'ld 0 ars t rough it can ignify
ow what yO~ w~:ransit Signjf' ouae of Cutthroa:eness is relatively result of frustrated ego energies, ~hich are chara en.ts ,. But th~e are probably the
and \viII ties that YOUr cI ego drives. . ctensttc of thiS tra '1 K a
ry to . . natu,.. . program 0 f rigorous physical activity and avo'd .,
i any SituatIon that nSI.
. eep dUpf
....J'IIqf I IS rath your h ea It h ,Above all, do not keep your frustrat' . IS not g or
o~aJc.inler ~trong, that 'k I
you are Iley to become ill if you do.
IOnS bottled up In '1 .
1 ent patlenc • or
IlVill be m ore
Wh '! Mars transits I
I .e .
Mars in the Seventh House
. th 's house there is tensIOn In your life. but it
. d ·
u are consdous of what you are OIng .
you are not thi
can b
e lis
--- Mars
- - - - - - - -------

fOf example. It is also qUite like. Iy that the tw(> of yo U WI'11 U your .JOint r ources,
crea ta vely .If yo f fl ' ts especially with those closest to you, Such S transit ~d particularly money,. ra~her foohshly and wa~teful1y Be careful of thi . becaus It Cdn
. if , a ume 0 con /C , f II as Yo C<ll) lead to conflict at thIS time .
Sign } h must cooperate with - partners, e ow Workers Or sPOli
and others W om you and SUch . ~
.. f h eventh house is the intimate one-te-one cooperation f Because of the problems with resources held by or jOintly \', ith other thiS IS u ually
The SplTlt 0 t e s h h f 0 tw
not a good time to tr~ to obtain a loan. Ego conflicts, either ubtle ~r obvlou , are
.In a partners h Ip . However , it is also " t e ouse 0 open enemies and Peopl 0 Peopl
~ likely to foul up negotiatIons,
. onflict because bemg someone s enemy or opponent . e Ivit l
whom you are In c , f M' IS also fl

of one-te-one con frontation. Because the nature 0 h ars IS self-asser!'lYe, It. . a for .,'....
This transit stimulates sex as an expression of your ego. which It i tor mo t peop\
, I h will experience the. seventh house as t e house of Open IS '>'en,
like y t at you Ff h" enemies
, t ' ate , positive relationshIps may su . er at t IS time. The probl m IS' th . Even
' J
much more, than ,they a~e WillIng to admit. You are more likely now to seek thr ugh
your In 1m e sexual relatIOnships an Intense and transforming quality that Will take you out of the
'11 f ' d 't difficult to give in and compromise as necessary for proper at You
either in marriage or in a business partners Ip.
h' cooper '
a ll on , ordinary into a transcend~n t realm. Just keep in mind that this i a rather large
demand to place upon a frail human relationship .

There is a positive side to this transit. however. ~ any close relationship, th '
The sum total of all of your expenences at this time will lead In either gr .11 or small
ft n too much compromise, so that the real complaints and grievances a ere IS
o h·e h 'n the long run tends to weaken even a f'me relatIOnshIp
' . . Now is th're not air ed, ways to transfonning the ways in which you assert yourself in the world Both
w IC I . e time Ivh literally and figuratively , there will be the death of an old order and the birth 0 a
these repressed grievances can be brought out Into the open, which should ' en new one.
real clearing of the aJ( between you. ~S~tm a

This transit can be put to another positive purpose also, If there is really a Mars in the Ninth House
of harmony in the relatIOnship. between you an d your partner, this can bgrea t deal ' This transit can be a time when you do more creative intellectual work than usual
. k' h
when you put a great deaJ of energy mto wor 109 t rough and with each 0 h e a time
and attempt to convey your expenence and View of the world to others . The belief
Despite the inherent contradiction between the nature of Mars and that of the t erh' and ideas that you consider true and important you will assert and defend wherever
house the real meaning of this transit is that you will use your energl'es necessary. Obviously this is valuable if you have to influence other people and make
• . most
efficiently by working through a par~nershlp. As soon as you realize this and make an impression on them, but it can also be a danger if you try to beat people over the
the required adjustments, your affairs will begin to work smoothly. head with your opinions and ideas, The problem is to avoid identifying your ego with
what you believe. When you identify your ego with your ideas, you really believe
Be careful of the primitive manifestation of this transit, however, and try to avoid you are that idea , and you will defend it as if it were literally your own body . Even
the physiological reactions are the same.
unnecessary conflicts with others. Be sure that any conflict that OCcurs is ' over
something worth fighting about. Sometimes this transit can signify legal conflicts and
lawsuits. Try to compromise if you can, in order to avoid a needless controversy, But you are not what you think or believe, and proceeding as if you were can only
lead to problems. It is perfectly all right to defend your beliefs, but other people do
not have to feel and believe exactly as you do on every issue . Do not try to force your
Mars in the Eighth House religious and philosophical views or your overall view of the world on other",

The effects of Mars' transit through this house can be either very subtle or very
blatant, It is hard to tell in advance which it will be. Basically your ego drives will What you can do now is pUI all of your energy into expanding your mind. Look for
experiences that will open up new dimensions of reality instead of wastmg your
create a confrontation with something, which will force a transformation of some
energy on defending your ideas. Expand and enlarge your present belief",. Travel can
kind in your Jife . For example, you may encounter someone who has a powerfuhl be quite gratifying now, if you don't have serious afflictions in this house by Iran It
effe t upon you and causes you to change . This may happen through a con fl'Ie tWit I or natally. If you do, any travel would be frustrating or unrewarding. It could even
thi p rson, or he or she may gain influence over you and thereby affect you strong y. mean an accident while traveling, although that is not likely unl s you have a
B cau the eighth house is the house of values that you share with others. there ma~ number of accident indications coming in at once .
be conflIct concerning values or objects that are valued, such as pro~~rty an
po sian. The wnfJict might force you to reexamine and modify your pOSItIOn . The ninth house is also the house of law and the courts. Under certain circum tane
this transit can indicate legal difficulties. If there are serious affliction in your ninth
lyon the
In m rriag' or partneffihip relationship, the two of you may disagree stron~ money, house, this could work out quite badly for you.
m n 8 m nl of jointly h Jd resource - how to spend a limited amount 0

. . ery much at home in this, the h ouse of high
--------------------==========,.--------------------------------------~~::~----y_----------_============-~=====~=====__~a~ ___
Mars in the Tenth House

Needless to say, If you do not s~cc(>ed in finding such a group, there will be
l'.1ars, the planet of ego. dnvd~ IS v many positive energies and, as usual est ego difficulties between , you and .your frtends , for your Own ego n~ds will be in conflict
nd do not recognize the nee dso f others.
expression. Th IS' tra nSlt '"fiIcates ' cen aln
. h everyone else s. LikeWIse, you will be more than uc;ually re<;entful of group
problems jf you are not care u a
;:;ssures. and you will find it difficult to work with another per on on any proiect
h' transit aro uses your ambi tion ' to achieve. If Yo But remember that thIS kind of problem represents a poorly handled use of the Mars
More than any ot~er, t ~u will work extremely hard at it until it is done U ca.n energy. If you handle the energy correctly, thi~ should not happen.
identify with a proJect, y h t ou fi nd an independent project that requir . It IS
especially Important ndowfft at ~ou shoul d try to gain independent authority ~ YOUr Physical activ i ~y wit h friends, such as athletic:;, is especially good for you now, as are
'd I ·tiative an e or . I In You
'" diVI ua 1m are not likel y to be very to erant of other p r projects in whICh yo u wo rk with a number of other people .• lars alway:; demands
k t th's time because you B eople's
wor a I If Y pre fer to be your own boss . ut your energy will k that you ge t some st rong pers~nal gratification from whdt you do, so do not pur
thority over yourse . ou .. h I I rna e yo urself in a back-seat position With others That will only lead to negative
. upon peop Ie who are in a POSitIon to e p you, as ong as you d 0 not
au impresSIOn
an manifestations of thIS energy, as dIscussed above .
challenge them unduly .
Mars in th e Twelfth House
One of the problems of thiS transit is that .you are much more likely to be in conflict
WIt. h au th on't y fl'gures than at an y other tIme. Parents, employers
. or bosses
. ' Or eVen This can be a di ffic ul t tra nsit If it IS not handled properly, especially If your natal
government officials may fee! it. necessar.y to stop your efforts In varIous a~eas . But chart shows afflicti on to pl a nets in this house. It can be a time of frustration and self-
this will ha ppen o nly if yo u inSISt on bemg a threat to them . If you can ahgn YOur denial , wh en you don' t seem to get credll fo r anything you do a nd always have to
interests with th eirs, th ese people can help you . stay in the background.

Conflicts with coworkers may arise if they feel threatened by your efforts to get For this reason , you will often feel vaguely irritable and uneasy dUring this transit.
ahead. You sh ould try to play down such conflicts unless something real is at stake, This is simply the psych ological expression of repressed energies within you that are
for they will only block your efforts and make advancement more difficult. If you can often so subtle that you are not even aware of them.
remain reasonably conscious of other people's interests and not come into conflict
with them more than absolutely necessary, this transit can help you make great Usually when you set forth to make an impression upon others or assert yourc;elf
progress toward the objectives you have set for yourself. But if you feel that you must during this transit. you find that someh ow you have created the wrong impreSSIon
defea t every challenge from others a t all costs, it will probably cost you all the and thereby undermined your positi on ra ther than helped it. This i because of the
progress you might have made . largely unconscious nature of twelfth-house energies. Past behaVIOr pattern~ that
have become completely unconscious now become active and come into play WIthout
your knowing it. Your efforts at sel f-asserti on are undermmed by these behavior
patterns that you are not even awa re of. And unfortunately the people who are
alienated by these actions probabl y will no t co me out and say so, but will work
Mars in the Eleventh House
behind the scenes to block your efforts. This IS the origin of the 'secret enemies" label
This is a time to formulate your goals and actively pursue them. You identify your so often attached to this house .
basic ego energies very much with the future now, and you want to work today for
the sake of what you can bring about tomorrow. This is also a house of group The only way you can counter this effect is to become completely con ciOU$ of
rela tionships, which means that you will be able to achieve your goals most yourself and these little self-defeating acts . If y ou feel emotionally upset , as you often
'fectively by working cooperatively with others. This is not a good time to be a will during this transit, refrain from any kind o f sign ificant confrontation with
loner, nor should you allow your own ego drives to conflict with everyone else's. others. Instead, confront yourself.
Team action is the watchword with Mars in this house.
It is best at this time to work alone as much as p ossible . O r you can work in a ~ cial-
service field where helping others is the primary req uisite . The main ta.' I~ tl et
But this presents a proble~, since the Mars energies within you, as in everyone, are your ego out of the way so that the counterpr o du c tiv e ene r glt.~s in your per_on.llit.
expressed through totally mdividual action rather than for or with others. The trick
will not become activated Hospital or prison work , social wo rk. or any kmd f
wit h t h IS t ra nsit is to create a balance bet If' t t and other
I ' . ween your own se -In eres s charitable activity is suitable. If you dont feel in clined in this du tion, h wever
peop e mtercsts. But you s hould not deny your ego or subordinate yourself to the don' t force yourself, for that will benefi t no one. In this ca. e, wo r by . ur.elf
needs o f others, Hather, you have to (00 d ' t d 'th th 'Part of the
, . . . r Ina e your nee s WI 0 ers. mentioned above, or prepare for a project to be done \-"hen ~1a rs ha _ left y ur t\ elfth
problem may lI e In (mdlOg people wI'tll h k b t h you have house. Or do research by yourself in a laboratory or library o r o me su h _ luded
. w om you can wor, u w en
f ound th m, thIS should be a productive time. place .

., ')
Mars Conjunct Sun
. Is a nd defin
This transit has tremendous potentJa I iteI risks
f thO. You
t will
. have t0 be caref I In your everyday exchanges with ot~ers, you will project your ideas with more power
b h h
in everythmg you do , ecause t e Ig · h energy eve 0 IS ransl! can have explosive
I.J d energy than usual. Thus you Will be able to get your point of view and objectives
consequences. an
acro ss in any gro up that yo u deal with. Others will recognize
_ your achievements

If yOU have to deb~te or argue With a ~yone your self-confidence Will put you In a
Your ego energies
. are h Ig
' h , which means that you can d stand
'11 up for YOurself again . good position . Busl~ess and commerCial negotlallons are similarly favored . If you
I t d
a most anyone 0 ay. ou Y ha ve great confidence
. an WI not easily allow So llleonSt need to bargain a pTlce down or get more favorab le terms. you can do it becau~e you
k d f
to ta e a vantage 0 you. U nfortunately this may also mean
I h that you will g . e
et Into are cl ear about what you want .
fights and arguments. Try to remember that other peop e ave egos too. You do '
have to defeat others in order to maintain yourself. You should be especially carefn : Mars Square Sun
.m your d eal'mgs WI·th supervisors . They will not expect you to be as aSsertive to ward u
them as you are likely to be today. This is a very energetic time for you, when you can assert your elf effectively and
accomplish a great deal of work. The problem is that you will be tested all along the
line and forced to d~monstrate the validity of what you are doing. You may be
You have a great deal of physical energy also, which mean.s you can work hard and challenged either by Circumstances or by other persons. Your success depends largely
long. You prefer physical work to mental work, be~ause It uses your energy lllore upon how well you ~ourself in a situation. If you act unconsciously and
completely. After extensive mental work you .may stl~l feel very .restless and in turn follow your own ego dnves bhndly, you are likel y to fail.
irritable. Here'again there is the danger of gettmg carned away With your energy and
taking unnecessary risks or overstraining yourself. If you are not careful, you Could Even at best your high energies now will probably lead to disputes and disagree-
have an accident or injury, but only if you have been accident-prone in the past. ments. Being quite unWilling to back down on any Issue , yo u are not moved to
Otherwise you needn't worry about it. Certainly fear of an accident should not make make compromises with others. But that is precisely what you should do, especially
you avoid activity. In fact if you suppress this energy it is most likely to come Out if you can manage to compromise without giving ground on essential points . Be
negatively in arguments, fights , accidents or injuries. careful that you don' t become so wrapped up in your own beliefs that you cannot
see which parts are essential and which are not.
However, if you use these energies intelligently, you should be able to accomplish far
Anger and irritability are frequent with this transit. Here again it is your
more worthwhile work than on other days.
responsibility to stand up for yourself on important matters b ut give way on little
ones. Nevertheless, you may have to have a knockdown , drag-out battle with
Mars Sextile Sun someone in order to clear the air of tension that has been build ing up.

This transit stimulates your physical vitality, giving you the chance to work hard and However, if you make a successful stand in any confr on ta tion at this time, your
accomplish much. Your health is good under this transit, and you are able to efforts will bear real fruit at the next conjunction or opposi tio n of Mars to your natal
approach everything you do with vigor and self-confidence. And this carries over to Sun, which will probably occur in about six months If you d o not make creative
the psychological level as well, as an ability to assert yourself toward others and compromises now, or if you manage to create more opposition , in that ame period
stand up for your views in any controversy. you will experience significant failures , as the oppositio n becomes too stron for you
to handle .
New opportunities to be personally effective often open up under this transit. For
example, in your job you might get a chance to take on an important responsibility, Mars Trine Sun
which will lead later to a promotion or increased salary. This is a good time to
dem onstrate that you can work on your own and do it well. But you can also work During this transit your energies are high , and you feel vigorous and willing to w r .
with groups now, because your energies complement the group's energies, and you At the same time, your self-confidence is unusuall y stro ng . You feel no need to
are able to work together for individual ends. The group work you do now will also struggle against others, because you know your norm al energie \ ill carT) Y U
how yo u off a s a person who can be effective. through any situation. And since you are able to work fr om ouch a calm p jhon,
your work is more effective and more competent than usual.

D uring this time you work with great consciousness of your objectives. You know This period is favorable for initiating all kinds of activ ity , especially ph '.Ieal activity,
what you want and how to get it Without forcing people to resist you. You simply but it is much more likely that you will work n proje t· that y u ha' tartt>d
tak advantage of every chance that you gtt and ute it to the utmost. earlier.
'f meone offers a challenge, Yo
, . but I s O hi ' Y U "VOl)'
..,nPuu ve , II types of at etlCs ou will 0n ' t Ie project will work out in the long run 1 h
. I tlr cO'''t- , tor a " JOy th wh 0 h h' . n ot er words you can stili ruin
n(l l feel V IOen h' I' a good time I'n at all costs. The game will e everything, even t oug It may seem that you are "home frl'e ," '
y u d(l e t 15 , to w . Se
(1 k d(l\I'n. There!(lr" not feel driven this viewpoint over Into all the activ o~ll'l
bdC but r ou \VI OU wi" carry Illes
((lntest. , itself. And Y , e Mars Conjunct Moon
,atlSidcl()r~' b} I ' d in at t/llS /1m .
- nl'O ,e d .. . Y
'(lubec o[1'1e l . h t require eCISlve action . Our m' . D uring this transit hyou may be much more irritable th an usua1 an d snappIsh with
~ f lUatlO ns t a , . C Ind IS thers even t h oug you cannot conSCiously recog . h
transit or 51 , tal'ning equilibrium. onsequently You
, f ,'ora bl e h'Ie main f II are 0 ' \' ff f ' I)Jze w at you are angry about.
Perhaps the most puzz mg e eet 0 thIS transit is that you . ' t b'l' d
ThiS IS a a. h rea! energy wid know what course to 0 ow at every tll ' t' I Th r Irf! a I Ity an anger seem
operaling "It g r intentions, an yoU tn . completeIy Irra IOna . ey may not actually be irrational b t be
, I af aboul yoU . bout something that happened a while ago . Mars t 't.' uhy oMur anger may
,'er} ,e . . fI nee others will see you as someone "Vith a . d f ransl 109 t e oon may create
der thiS In ue , . . f bl' a events tha.t remm f YoU °h past anger that you didn't show at the tlme , Now it is
'hat y(lU do un d thusias m will make a avora e Impression
:\0 matter \\ " gor an en h" So evived With suc h orce t ' at you have to show it . In th 'IS k-10 d ot sItuation
- , a tnvlal
j , . ersonality, ) our \ I ' d I with bosses or ot er persons In POWer I r d
definite P od osition to ea dl f . n incident makes you ma Simply because it is the "last straw,"
vou II I "II be in a go P
bl time for d ea I'ng
with men, regar ess 0 your own sex .
general this is a favo ra e .
· nship this is a favorable transit for that Th You are likely to be , more angry wit~ close friends or members of the family than
I d in a love re a 1 0 " I t . e with people you don t know so well , Immediate family being the most likely targets
If vou are Invo ve ds and your loved one s needs for self-gratificatio
. I between your nee n of your anger.
present ba anee ' n d gain from each other.
enables both of you to give a
But this transi~ brings more ~han us~less anger. It can also make you stand up for
Mars Opposition Sun yourself and fight for your fights With complete confidence Your whole emotional
being is suffused with a feeling of strength and unwillingness to let others pull
. . h two completely different effects, depending upon how you have anything on you. Just be careful that your confidence doesn't become a kind of
ThiS transit can ave
handled your affairs in the recent past. arrogance in which you refuse to accept any challenge . There IS a strong tendency to
project your ego into situations and make every Issue that arises a test of your
On the negativE' side, this can be a time of furious conflict with others. Recent actions personal validity.
by you or by other people may have created energies that lead to anger, rage and
general disagreement between you and others. If you have not been careful to enlist
people to your side in any work that required your individual initiative and if you Mars Sextile Moon
have alienated them thereby, you may find now that the forces of opposition have This is a time of strong emotions when , much like the transit by trine , you seek out
become too great to control. Thus this transit of Mars can represent your defeat in experiences that involve both your mind and feelings. You will have a strong desire to
some matter. experience with all of your faculties as a whole person, not just with your mind . Also
you will defend your beliefs and opinions with emotional and passionate fervor It IS
If yo.u y~urse!f have not taken the initiative and have remained largely inactive, this not that you are looking for a fight, but you will not run from one either. You won't
transIt Will stir up all manner of subconscious energies that will make you irritable allow anyone to walk all over you so long as this transit lasts Nevertheless, you are
and. difficult to get along with . Because 0 f the nature 0 f th e opposlhon,
' . . fee I
you will not irritable or pugnacious, merely high-spirited and unwilling to lose .
tlus most strongly in int' t ' .
Ima e one-to-one relatIOnships such as partnerships and
You seek out relationships and friends who will arouse your emotions as well a. your
intellect, and you may be on the lookout for someone with whom you can have a
The other side of this transit is . ,
opposition can also m . quite dIfferent and much more positive, because an passionate sexual relationship. This transit also makes existing sexual relationslups
ean a ttme whe . . more intense.
triumphal climax, Quite often this t'. n some actIvity of yours is brought to a
conjunct your natal Sun H ae IVlty was started during the last transit of Mars
. owever, at th I . You will have the energy to work very hard, but only on project that affect y u
face a challenge either from h east tranSit of Mars by square you had to
validity of what you were doi ot I~r persons or from circumstances that tested the personally. This may take the form of working in your home or doing )me ind
now enjoy the fruition of that :~ior/ou survived that challenge successfully, you will work for your immediate community. But unless the pr je<:t appeal t y u
emotionally, it is unlikely to arouse your interest at this time.
But even though you have c I
h' . ompeted .
ae leve a creatIve Working relation h' a ~eat achIevement, you must be able noW to There is some impulsiveness with this transit and a tend nc ' t\. leap t C' IU.I os.
crute consequences f h f S Ip with ot"--- b ' '11 Also your thinking is not very objective becau e you identify t • tron I~ "'ith ur
Or t e uture. What you .~._ec~lulse your present actIOns whl the we rI Even if
personal interests and attitudes, which coh'rs your per epti n
" - WI largely determine how t e
" 0 blec"
h'ng ,s ' 'veh'
, true, that does dnot. carry as mUch ""
cu recognize that somet', Obviously this is not a goo tIme to make a de ~Ight
:< su~;t~blecti\'e,
rour feel ings on, the or is it a good time to make dec~~IOll d I with others in a frank and straightfo rw d
that must be unbiased a'lI Ff ct you long after the present, because YO!,!r lOlls ea es with people's feelings. which makes thar manner . You are not willing to play
concerning matters that, wl h a e and what is appropriate now will be inapp cur~ellt gam em respect yours as well.
<ub}ectn '~rjentation
e <- Will c ange, roprlate
As with other Mars-Moon transits, there is a lenden .
10 the Euture,
f motion. but this tendency is not so strong th cy to act according to the dIctates
o ~ good to have your actions in touch w'th l at YOu cannot control it Besides, It is
Mars Square Moon :eaintain some balance, as you are doing now . Your emotional self as long as you

I Eu1 0 Fyour ten dency toward moody irritability at this timo", vI Ou a

Be extreme y care k f 'rrational and compulsive behavior that will not re This transit often indicates a strong emOtional involvement .
b" t to outbrea 5 0 I serv
, su I~ y
best Interests ou may find yourself snapping at
, someone for almost no reasone
hard for you to react neutrally to someone wh . with the opposite sex. It IS
y o~ elt
, .",
}ouran inslgnlhcant Jove the person or hate him with all your Soul,o and
comes int you, r If
thisInto 1 e now .
' her
Or ac fon
bv. someone else may , htrigger
' a hresponse that mak es no'
your Jove relationships, whether they are new Or old. enslty com~ over Into all
ral'onal sense w ha tsoever , Close domestic relatIOns IpS are t e most likely theat er f Or
your t1reWOT"S
',. " I. It'll
be harder to deal with your loved ones because of the fer ment
Although this transit does not make you feel violentl . .
in your o~vn mind at this time, aggressive,I youh WIll hnot
anyone to step on your toes. You make very clear to Y oth . allow
are in deahng , h you, an d you will not let them transgres
WIt ers exact
th y)'were
" Yt elr i.mlts
On the other hand, long-buried tensions may surface now and demand to be handled . SplTlt
' , .In t h e POSItive
. " sense, In that you will stand s f ose hImlls. b) ou 'are In
fightIng ba
The problem IS that they may surface in such a way that you cannot readily fi ' I 1
still be reasonab y to erant of other people's ideas up or w at you e leve ut
out where they have come from. Frustrate d energIes
"d In "lsgUlse d f orm mean that gUTe
should not take emotional upheaval at face value during this transit. The tension/a~~
significant, but not what they seem, Mars OPPOSition Moon
Emotionally based relations.hips m~y be somewhat difficult at this time . If you are not
Be careful about falling into childish behavior patterns, You will feel like behavin very self-aware, your actIOns WIll be dictated largely by irrational drives and
childishly, but you don't have to act out these feelings, You must be very conscious o~ compuJsion~ and b~ behavior patterns carried over from childhood . Yet like every
what you are doing at this time,
other OppOSitIOn, thiS one can mean a time of culmination and climax, In thiS case in
your close personal relationships, This is a penod of testing and of conirontation,
Your general rashness under this transit can lead to an accident if you are not careful. which will point out the pressures and tensions In those relationships as well as the
T~e proble~ i,s that yo,u will tend to act from an unconscious impulse, suddenly and
positive and strong parts .
WIthout thmkmg. ACCIdents are most likely at home or in some other do t'
' . f h
s~tuatlOn, or t at is where you act with the least consciousness and forethought,
mes IC Also, because of the nature of the opposition you may find your own inward
SImply because you are most used to it. unconscious drives mirrored in someone else's actions. Usually this occurs as a
conflict in which the other person acts very irrationally and compulsively in ways
Bh~ partio:larly
careful of injuries to your eyes . This is not a normal manifestation of
transl/, but you should be careful anyway,
that are detrimental to your goals, Look at this person very carefully. Although it
may seem quite magical , he or she is really reflecting your own inward ego problems.
The other person is yourself! This is because you tend to project your inner attitudes
onto the other person , rather than experiencing the other person directly as he or she
Mars Trine Moon really is. Unpleasant as it may be to deal with someone who is being difficult , you
Durmg this transit you will ex erie . . may learn a great deal about yourself in the process .
usual. You will feel eve thO P nce Me WIth greater emotional intensity than
experience that you enco::;'te;~~ ::re
strongly ~nd deeply. You will want every Women may be especially hard to deal with at this time. You may have difficulty
relationships will be more I'nt ch your feelmgs, and they probably will. Your with women who know exactly how to set you off and make you e perience your
ense and Y '11 k
xperience yourself very vividly,' OU WI see out those that allow you to own emotions. This brings us to a central theme of this transit, which i that It creatl'~
emotional confrontations, some of which may be quite bitter, furcing y u to
hatever you do wiJJ be done . h encounter aspects of yourself that you are not usually aware of. You may see youulf
ention, which gives an unusuallyWlt complete unity of emotion and conscio\l~ directly through your own actions, or you may see yourself reflected in a t' l'f cl.
strong' t . described previously. These confrontations will be most p werful in 'ur d s ·t
ur manner toward ()thers Cons In enslty to your way of doing things and
. equentl . personal relationships, at home with loved ones, spouse, hildren r paren.t:.
er 5eTlous/y, but this is not a probl y you are much more lIkely to take events
Conflicts at this time all serve to creatively release tensi,.'ns that hdve b'n une<!
em, btcause your intensity makes it possible to
Within yOu and to increase your self-knowledge, if y~)ll will allow it,

~ __________________~__________________________~ ,~1 _______


Mars Conjunct Mercury

s and disputes, particularly at home Or at work Wh I kb k h
umen I
' Ived in communications with others, CO nse arg
I' h h
u may rea Ize t at t ere was nothing to arg
b en you 00 ac at I I~
's unusua II Y ,"va , I d' qUen tl latef yo k B t 't' b 'f h ue a out except egos : no real
Today your ego I, and irritable and likely to get mvo ve III disputes ,y , u~s were at sta e, u I. IS etter I you ave a real issue to argue about , for if you
vou are unusually t(luchy b cned off at the drop of a hat. Or yo WIth ISS fight for your beltefs, today IS the day to do it Y ff ·· I
. er may e tau U rn have toour point 0 f VIew,
' B ' Id . OU are!\U IClent y strong to
others Your ang osition by making remarks to others that cause the ay ut It wou be a pity to waste thO f
unconsClou~ly provoke opp rn to arTY Y h d f I' IS energy on a matter 0
c . rtance and create ar ee lOgs Over nothing
no Impo
feel threatened.
I a capable of great mental effort today, You hav Others may seem to be picking fi~hts with you even though you offer no
on the other
han d you are a s
d' .
d b
k'nd of work you want to 0, ut it is best to do
eVery rovocation, Mak.e sure that you aren t provoking them subtly by an attitude or an
high energIes for OIng any I ' d ' I k ' wOrk pimp I'ICI't point of vIew.
, d i e d so that the energIes on t ea out III disput
that keeps your mill OCCUp , f" es as
'b d b If }'OU have to convince someone 0 a POlllt of ,VIew Or sell th ern
descn e a ave, You should b~ careful .u nder ~his tra~sit , because you are likely to be accident prone
samet hIng , " as you can avoId high-pressu nng
you shou Id be very effective . as,long '
Be careful whIle travehng, dnve cautiously and avoid cuts and injuries to your legs or
. th's I , you will make a posItIve ImpreSSIOn uponoothersuwith r
them . Assummg "Y hands. Be very caut,lous If you handl~ any cutting machinery, If you have any
enthusiasm , vigor and strength of purpose, But If you antagOlllze them, you will irritation or anger In you now, aVOId using any kind of machinery or sharp
drive them away from your point of view, instrumen ts,

These same high energies aEfect the way you move from pla~e to place. If you drive
anywhere in a car, be careful not to speed, You may be mclmed to recklessness and Mars Trine Mercury
risk-taking while you travel, which can lead to accidents. This is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work and for negotiations and
dealings with others. You should feel mentally alert now and able to put forth y our
Mars Sextile Mercury point of view on ~ny matter so that others understand it. Whether they agree WIth
you or not, they Will at least respect your opinions,
This is an excellent transit for all kinds of mental work, especially if you have to plan
a future course of action with decisiveness and firmness, This is also a good time to In negotiations with others, you will be able to assert your pOSItion and make it
negotiate with others or arrange any kind of deal. You will be in a positive mood and carry, if that is your intention. This is because you can explain your pOSItion dearly
~ave gr,eat confidence in you: position, which will enable you to make a positive and unambiguously so that there is no question in others' minds .
ImpreSSIOn and probably convince people of your point of view,
T his is an excellent transit for studying and broadening your understanding either
This transit also favors working with others in a cooperative planning venture. You through academic methods, such as taking classes and reading books , or through
can make plan.s together or hash out differences of opinion in such a way that you conversation with others. You feel sufficiently confident of yourself so that you can
m,ake your pomt wIthout anyone else feeling threatened, It shou ld be possible for listen to others without feeling threatened by their views.
e\eryone to feel that they have contributed to the transit.

This is a good time for traveling' " h This is a good time for planning, writing or any other predominantly mental work
I I' h- h In connectIOn WIt your work, Because your energy
eve IS Ig, you are restless to get th' d Th" You have a good grasp of how situations relate to you personally and you can make
recreational traveling b t' . lOgs one. IS IS not a bad time for plans accordingly.
for your energy_ , u It IS more favorable for travel that gives you some out let

Durmg this couple of days you will . This is a favorable time for traveling, because you have lots of energy and want to be
effect you make when talk' . h feel confIdent of yourself, your ideas and the on the go. It is most favorable for travel that involves physical effort such a. waling
general sense. mg Wit people, It should be a successful time in a very or bicycle riding. Your mind may be too active for sitting on a bu or train. unles
you have plenty of work to occupy your mind with.

Mars Square Mercury Mars Opposition Mercury

Be cart:Ful how you talk to other d
to identify your ego very clo!>elyS t~hay, Yo~r energy level is very high, and you tend Whether or not you yourself feel irritable, and you very likely will , t da' I ay e full
t o t a k e () FEense. YOU have great cWit Your Ide d "
' as an OpinIOns, so that you are quick o~ disputes and arguments, unless you try to understand ther people', p In/: t
. h f
gets In t e way 0 Your ('neraies
apaCtly for m I f f
enta e ort today, but if any obstacle
. VIew . This is not a good day for trying to settle arguments, becau e b th u and
'k ,you Will . kl b
you are not JI ely to keep your irrl'
qUlc y ecome angry and irritable And YOur opponent will become so firmly entrenched in your l,wn p ltil n that neIther
t alton to yo If Th . .
Uflf, ere IS considerable danger of you will budg(> an inch.
\\'hatc\'er yllU do will bt' uided
by 'our n ed I
nrc I
o ~, ~r.; and "our need to
" penence nd create ut Th '
I Ir n It
. . h t ha< a p,'tential for accidents, especially traveli "Ih
'" )
ample 0ppNtunllle" to tulfll1 b Ih need •
l nano I .
0\' <ttuatll1 n t a • f II' . ng .
&- care uI f J . . d "tTUJOJ' g Als~' watch care u y at mtersectlOns for oth nO\...·.
f II' nd a\'l~J f ,· er
OrIn' care u ) a
I d " . a d3~erou!t_ ma nner . Le"al c
troubles would certainly ensue from an
rt'<'P f' T1\'J~ In b f I f ituations invoh'ing risk to arms and feet, Mar.. quare Venu
accident t('day, Als..~ e care u 0
During this transit 'ou may try to a rt YI.'ur mdl\,duahl In
Mars Conjunct Venus Sometimes this o~curs when you feel that you are giving to much m
and getting too httle. You are drtven to wanting m re If-gratlf, ti
Th 'IS tranSJt" IS mos I It'le!\'
to arouse your interest in the opposite sex. , because I't
the situation can be the e....act opp sit . that I , you h ve b n IV\n I
ion of the two plands that most strongly affect the sex dnve, Sexual
reprtsen IS. the un , f h' I J ' your partner is resentful. Any sue .... 'ful relali n hIp. p iall.

en erg} , I', stron"
c,and \'ou will ha\'E~ a ,strong deSIre
.or"p YSlca
,ove-mal-dng, Tht'S"'- delicate balance between the need. and d ir _ 0 ach pe n a
energies are high and demand some bnd of gratifIcatIOn. and wIth Mars involved.
there is considerable ego-dri\'e here, You may want to make love with someone even and their desire to achieve meaning through a r latlonshlp. Thl eqUilibrium I v ry
delicate and easily upset now.
though you do Mt care for him or her emotionally, And if there is no outlet for this
energy, it may cause arguments and discord between you and your lover,
At this time the two of you have to define what vou want r m each th r nd what
you are willing to give. Then you musl Ify t ; ach a balanc b lw n Ih m . It ,
The effects of this transit are not limited to physical love. however. In a larger sense it sometimes necessary to be quite e plicl! about what you want , b whatev r \
arouses all creative energies. This is a good time to be involved in any creative work left unsaid may very well be tht' main our e f c nHill betwe'n u.
that requires you to be physically active. Abstract or intellectual creation. such as
writing poetry or music. would not satisfy the Mars side of the combination. But However. this transit d(les not int'vilably lead I conflict by any me n
performing music, especially some of the current popular forms, would be excellent, you are generally harmonious. your reiation"hip will allow f r ampl
as would vigorous work in sculpture or another art form that demands physical gratification and e pression. which you both will ek and receive at the .
t'nergy. such as dance.
Sexuality is very strongly aroust'd by thi ... transit. and especially i
presently involved with someone. you will very much want phy-ical
If Mars crosses your Venus sI I ' "f under this transit is demanding and \'igorous rather than ~oft and lovin . Ab ve .11\
· sIl' h'ch'l ow y. It can slgm y the beginning of a new love
rt'Ia tJOn Ip. W I WI I aim t . lb' , it will be very bad for your relationship if one of you is uninter _t d in _ • £ r that
relationship is not consumm:~e~tal~ y e phYSical. It IS very certain that if such a can create the kind of frustration that leads to dispute-. For thL reas n. t.... people
kidding yourself if yo thO k . It Will not be very happy or long-lasting. You are who want to have a relationship should have favorable .1ars-Venu contacts
U In you can be ... f' d" "h .
sex whom you met't under thO . Just nen s Wit someone of the Opposite between their horoscopes. so that both horosc pes will be tran iteel at the - m time
IS tranSIt.

Your creative and artistic energie5 will be stimulated n w. and if ' u have any
Mus !;extiJe Venus artistic inclinations. this will be a very productive time.
Like all Venus-Mars contacts thO
a physical relationship with ;o,:;:,:;e arouses your sexual drives and makes you seek
one. This transit favors an exist' of the opposite sex. jf you do not already have Mars Trine Venu
. tng relif Ill' Eo .
and r«elve from each other and thereb J~ ap•. r ~th of you will be able to, give This transit is favorable for sexual relati nship and for all kinds f creath a ti it '.
Y &lID p: Eication through the relationship, The trine between Venus and Mars ymbolizes the perfect balance betw n ur need
ther. Thus you wi ll be abl e to exp
to anaomplete gra tl'f"Ica tlOn a n d a Ilowing yress There is nothin.g to be done about this except to be aware of it and not take your
d your need to relate.'
be yourself an . lationship, denvlng c OUr f lings tOO seriously . But If there IS any possibility of a sexual relationship with the
to weJl In a re ee in questio n, feel free to initiate it.
yourself very he same. person
tner to do t I h ' I
par . ' this tra nsit is strong y p YSl ca ra ther th p ons in creative activities such as arts or crafts can also express the energy of this
ombl natJOns, . h' .h h an
But lIke a
11 Mars-Ven us c
. (~
A pure y ro
mantic relatIOns Ip Wit no P ysical Se"
. . I " tr~:Si t th rough their work. If you have any ability along these lines you will be able
'cho/ogical in Its e. (eets, but such a relati onship IS not like y to OCcur under xpress you rself through your a rt more effectively than usual, and your work WIll
PS} b very satlS actory,
would not e to e uniq ue a nd special q uali ty about it.
have a
this influence.
. I d' sex ual relationship, this transit by itself is n
renlly Jnvo ve In a h ' f ot Mars Conjunct Mars
If you are not cur . That would require t e assIstance a other simil
. ough to bnng one. . ' I d ar
qUite st rong en . f ntasies will certa Inly be stlmu ate , and persons f Ego energies a nd p~ ysical energies ru~ very high during this transit. You will feel
ver your erotIc a . 0
transits. Howe , a uld not usually look at tWIce seem much mo positively loaded with energy, for w hich you. must f.ind an adequate outlet, or you
'te sex whom you w f d" re
the OppOSI f ed to ha ve a certain amount 0 IscretlOn, lest y ou g t 'II have problem s. The b est way to handle th iS traOSlt is to do some necessary heavy
fve now. In act you ne . . h' . . e
attrac I , II '
involved 10 a tota y Jnap
propriate relationshIp . But agam t IS tranSIt IS not Usually W~ysical work. But that w ill work out only if you denve satisfaction from doing It.
that compulsive. btherwise you wiIl feel resentful , which brings out the negative side of thiS transit.
Sports, if you are at all athletic, is an excellent outlet. If you just sit around, you will
, and crea /'Ive people will find this transit extremely stimulating, although it
ArtIsts begin to feel itchy and restless for no apparent reason and then become quite irritable,
'de creative inspiration. That must come from other
. sources. But it does In this mood you will snap at anyone who comes al ong for no reason at aIL Or you
does not praY! .
provide the energy to actually do the creative work, whIch WIll be unusually may be spoiling for a fight , even if there is no justifica tion for one.
expressive of who and what you are .
If you feel none of these effects, look deep inside yourself You will probably find that
Mars Opposition Venus you are doing a good job of repressing yo ur feelings . And this is the most dangerous
response of all, because the energy will out , either physicall y through an accident or
Almost more than any other transit, this one stimulates sexual desire, but it can also by projection ; that is , you will experience the energy th rough another. This means
produce problems within a sexual relationship . Mars and Venus are complementary that you may have to endure another person's aggressive acts, which may bring you
principles that both strongly determine the nature of sexual attraction . Venus rules harm.
the mutual attraction between two people and the desire for a relationship, while
Mars rules the ego's need for gratification. Psychologists are aware that sexual On the other hand, this transit is quite good for initia ting a ny n ew project on your
relationships in all animal species show characteristics both of a "loving relationship" own . It is a transit of beginnings, and you should use it fo r that purpose, particularly
and of combat. This dichotomy is true in humans as well and is particularly strong for projects that you will be identified with and be given great credit for. Dont expect
during this transit. such projects to go along without opposition , however. Watch for strong resistance
from others when Mars squares your natal Ma rs in ab out six months , although the
Sexual relati.ons at this time may lack real tenderness. You seem to be using sex as a precise time may vary. About one year from now, when Mars is In opposition to
way to dominate your partner, and you may find it difficult to give as much to your your natal Mars, you will know whether or not y o ur p roject is successful.
partner as you want to get Th' '. .
th th h I ' IS can create a SItuatIOn In which one of you feels that
e a er as sto en love rather than II d. b f I
transit can I d t A' a owe It to e ree y given . Consequently this Mars Sextile Mars
ea 0 con let between th t f S I
emotional comml't t e wo 0 you . ex tends to have no rea
men now and to b h'
physical tension that is p t' f h e ~ot mg more than the desire for release from You will feel energetic and vigorous under this tr a nsit. Your physical health ",ill be
ar 0 t e sex dnve. quite good, and you should seek activities that w ill give this energy an l utlet. _itttng
H owever, all that is really neees . around will not have any particular b ad effects, but you would be wasting a valuable
fra m e of mind as yourself. Th sa~ IS ,to make sure that your partner is in a similar opportunity. Athletic activities a re an excellen t way of expressing this ener y. I
exploit the o ther. en t ere IS very little likelihood that either of you will will want to work with friends and neighbors, so t h is is an excellent tm e (l1f a group
project such as a neighborhood cl ean-up camp aign. You will probably en) ~y
If you suppress your sexuality in I . whatever work you do because it m akes you feel so alive .
t'Ime, you m ay become irritable PdatonIc
' reI a t'Ions h IpS
' . h the opposite sex at th'IS
not even aware of what is hap"" . an feIsty Th ' ff
. IS e ect may be so subtle that you are If you have to be personall y effective in a n act iv it y, such as bu sines. 1..1f l)tlati ru.
d ' k J
tsJre to m a e ove to someone
y>n1ng at th '
e time, If you cannot fulfill your secret With others, you will be able to achiev e the desired re~ult: n w. li lth r .1ars-
, You may be
come angry and harsh with that person. Mars contacts, this transit gives you the necessa r y, d f-c- nfiden e t ) influen l' ther

~------- --- 'on If \"(HI a
h I'e tll df
bate ,\lith someo ne o n an y Il'l a t
no t be tempte to re t on You
In mel
ke it clear to people that you are willino to w k f
" h d ..
or or w at you want Your
' mpr~SI . . H ·fl , .. t cleve! I!> hlg ,an Y(lU can accomplish 1 lot 01 h ical _.
and make a pO~ltl\"e I rrv the da ". 0\ s thaI WIll force yo u to dC t. Yo u no. t energy'me a lthough physical labor release5 the energ P Y h or m ntal work In a
L. !;tje I<' ca . " 1 . enerS!e d h' · .. ay
I'OU ~houl d l ,f a . dot'S not Signl ) f t'~faclion and (l not 109 a t a ll. But th ~hort 11 ' Y ~omew t more effecttvely .
, ' h' transit sel ,sa I. at
laurels, tor t IS .' h feeling of ~mug . 'effective!} now
'impl\, wake up \\11 a 'ou can Wlltk ~ t't) a good time to take the initiative and start a ne ' I 'I
, , 'aste because} Tl'us 1<; • h . . h w pr('l)ect. t WI I go very well
would!;te a '\ . d expressing yourself through e yOU w d l h ave t e IOS18 t as well as the energy t f II ' h h to the•
v.. hng an d ne"" becau S h 0 0 ('IW It t r('lug
. f vorable IN Ira telJect ually res tless an you want to d concl usion . A lth oug yo u can work very effectively with other, under thi tran .. it it
nll~ transit IS a ers You are In 0
'. ~~ and nell' enco unl . 'ill be good fo r yo u . . hI be bet ter to wo rk alo ne, un less the others can keep up w ' th dd • ,
e, penen,,' , ) ou <hould - II \I mIg I Id h I your pace .1n l)n t
somethIOg different ' need to be cons tan ~ y to w a t to do. Mars is an ego-oriented planet , and you will be
so take this chance to do whatever has to
d bala nce noW ro os I S tro ngly m otiva ted towa rd tasks that bring credit to you an d ex pre you a an
Your energies .Ire in very goo individual.
be done.
Mars Square Mars If yOU are already working on a pr~ject, but it has become bogged down , now yuu
will be able to resum e yo u~ wo rk WIth greater effectiveness than before . If you hav
'd sh and impulsive actions, for they will alienat
. " houl d aVOI ra , e been trying to do somethmg, but ha ve lacked the right opportunity , this transit
Under thiS transit }ou s d h long run undermine your own mterests. Your ego
should get it moving. Your work won't seem to resist your energies a su often
others. create enemu's an '" bt eI in such a way that you are I'k I to assert Yourself
rather hIgh now, u h Id d ' happens at other times . '
energIes run f 1 thaI you can conquer I e wor an Issue completely
. ~ t I · You may ee
loappropna e } '11 t the people around you. Most frequently you express this
unnecessar} cha enges 0 . 'h h ' ' . Greater self-confidence usu~lly acco mpanies this tra nsit, so if you have to prestont a
. . b'I't excessive impatIence WIt ot ers actIOns , argumentattveness
(ethog as Imta I I Y
project to someone, you wIll be able to do it much more effectively . Also , pushing
and general touchiness.
your own interests will be much more successfu l tha n usual. Everything you do now
On the other hand, you may have to contend with someone else who is acting this will give you greater self-assurance and the ex tra drive and confidence that you will
wav In this case there is nothing to do but be patient as long as possible, fighting need in the future , when things may not run as smoothly. Probably the wor t way to
bad only if there is a serious issue at stake. Remember that with this transit you will handle this transit is to do nothing, fo r yo u will lose an opportunity to prove your
have a strong tendency to regard all issues as serious if they involve your pride, Be own worth to yourself.
very careful in your evaluations.
Mars Opposition Mars
This is a good transit for getting work done, if you can control your impulsive
behavior. Any task that requires sheer physical energy with little finesse or attention During this transit you have a very strong need to assert yo urself. b ut you may do it
to detail is excellent. because it allows you to work off energy without totally in a way that provokes conflict with others And if y ou try to supp ress this need for
suppressing the natural impulsiveness and exuberance of this transit. Work requiring ego-expression, you may have to contend w ith someo ne else's attempts to be
very care~ulJ~ controlled energy is not very likely to be successful, because you tend overbearing . On the other hand , this could possibly b e a time of very vigorolls and
to work In httle explosive bursts. Frustration of any kind, even self-imposed, is successful work, in which you succeed by assert in g yo ur o w n individuality toward
almost unendurable under this transit. others in some way. The lesson that you must learn is t h at your own success does not
have to be at someone else's expense . But under this transi t you m ay feel that it does ,
In the final analysis the wa h' and so you respond either by trying to dominate o the rs unnecessa rily or by reacting
. , h'. y you express t IS transit is a good index to what shape
your ego IS In , t at IS your prid d negatively to anyone else's successful self-assert ion . Be very caref ul about feeling
you are off in an f'th e an sense of worth and personal effectiveness. If
difficult side of thi; t~an 't areas, you are likely to experience the disruptive and
ese jealous and resentful of someone else's success . You m a y feel that their success was
51 , stolen from you, but that is not necessarily true . Work for you r o w n intere~ts, but
not against someone else's .
Under some conditions this trans't
accident. Don 't take unnecessa .I can affect you physically through illness or
flS ksand
bo d y and make you more SUSceryt'bl 'd' . h
'. avol SituatIOns t at might weaken your Even under the best circumstances you may encounter serious opposition from
PIe to Illness.
others. The best way to deal with this is to get the encounter out in the open and get it
?v~r With, Otherwise you will have to deal with your own or the other per on"ullen
. Mars Trine Mars Irrttability. If you feel a vague undefined anger at the world in general during thl.
This is a tIme of vigorous self.a .
sserlJon W' h . ~r~nsit. it is because you have tried to ignore the anger or hurt within you rself. 'ow
. It out bemg excessively aggressive, yOU It IS bubbling up in a form so disguised that you cannot readily diagnose Its so urce .

......______ -=~~~ ________________ ..______________________ ~ 23 ~ ______

· h now. If you can work With
I' verY hIg Oth ets relates to muscle tone , and physical ('xer(i~(' 'II '
In genera IS ' 0" .... ego, you can accomplish planets . WI Improve your health even
. le veI ed JO your "'''. a
But your enerSYentirely \vrapp . ~p to a successful conclusIOn. The effects ofgreat further
,,·jthout gewng d bring many aftal rs e-to-one relationships. this ctivitles under this tran!>it should bring oppo t ., .
deal of ,,'ork an our ability to han dl e on ) our a f ' r unltl tor per onal gn,wth by
transIt depend on y e>-pan ding your range 0 actlvltles as well a5 your e perlencc
' .
Mars Conjunct Jupiter
kind of physical activity. Your en Mars Square Jupiter
. f almost any . ergy .
' ' an excellent transIt or d vigorous . If you have physIcal labor to do, Su h Is ' ca n be a time of
Th IS IS trong an . '11' h c as Th 15 kl very
I successful and energetic a ct "IVlty, I'f you prou,t'd With.
and yOU feel very S
gh ' d housewor or
k athletics, this transIt WI gIVe you t e energy
You caution, don't act rec ess y, and ~eep close track Qf what you are doing. You will be
working in the yar . tempted, however , to run off qUickly , without takmg all factor~ into con!)icleration
need. an d reaching a balanced Judgment " " You may be infected WI" th an unJustl ' f'Ie d opl1ml m
t watch out for I
's that your feelings of exuberance may lead
. k h YOu that anything you do t~day :"hl turn t? gold " It may , but It won' t happen by luck.
The only probl em 0 , 'ally in athletics or In wor t at has any inh ill happen through mtellt gent planntng and fore~ight ' wh IC h clre aV,11'I bl e to you
ary Tlsks , especl 'd ' erent It W , , ,,
to take unnecess , hi confident, you can have acCl ents WIth this trans't under this transit If you make a consCIous eHort to take advantage of them,
danger. If you are fooh s y over I .

, /' ed to indulge in other risks, such as gambling or speculat ' You act for the future under this transit , because you are more concerned with what
also be lOC 10
IOU may B t if these ventures are at a II va I'd h
I or ave any potential f
can be than with what is , Therefore this is a good time for furthering new projects .
finanaal ventures, u ' II "I ck " , Or
uld succeed, This is baslca y a u y transit, or so it seem But do not overextend yourself and go beyond your resources , which is another
success you s Oh h his,
' " t so much luck as the fact t at you ave suc tota confidence n temptation now,
ActuaII y It IS no , , Ow
that your activities are much ~ore J~kely to succeed, Mar~-Juplter has the general
connotation of "fortunate action and IS favorable for launchmg any new enterprise , As you extend your own sphere of influence and experience , don' t overtax your own
strength, psychologically or physically , On both fronts you feel so strong and
Mars.Jupiter has a strong effect upon muscle action, which is why this transit is so vigorous that you may go beyond your normal energy limitations , but the time will
good for physical exercise, In fact, Mars transiting Jupiter or vice versa is an come when you have to pay for this, and it may not be very pleasant. Also your
extremely good childbirth transit, helping to make labor easy and short and fondness for taking risks can lead to aCCIdents at this time, so be careful. You are not
guaranteeing a successful delivery, A mother and child often have the Mars of one unlucky, you are just somewhat impulsive ,
aspecting the Jupiter of the other,
Jupiter rules your desire to include more of the universe in your own experience This
can mean being more conscious of the universe and experiencing more of it , or it can
Mars Sex tile Jupiter mean trying to dominate the universe for the greater "glory" of your own ego . The
Th~s is a very positive transit, opening up opportunities for just about any kind of latter tendency is especially strong now , and it can lead to trouble later on. In a very
aC~lVlty that you Wish to engage in, Enterprises begun at this time are likely to do real way this transit tests your efforts to grow as an indiVIdual. The more fla ..... s you
qUIte well, unless some very powerful negative transi t coincides wi th this one. have and the more mistakes you make , the more likely you are to do omething
foolish that will lead to trouble. But those energies that are working satisfactorily will
This transit is especially favorabl f
11 f ' , e or a
II b usmess
and commercial ventures and is do extremely well at this time.
exce ent or negotiating personally d t d I
the matter will be rnu h I a van ageous ea s. Your objectives and goals in
c c earer to you than
intelligently with others and thus
I h' h bl d I
usua , W!c ena es you to ea very Mars Trine Jupiter
everything you do has a k' d f b get the best pOSSIble deal for yourself. Also
In 0 uoyant " h This is one of the best transits for almost any kind of activity, for your energlt?'> an,'
But you aren't so wildly opt' , , optimIsm t at is also favorable to success,
IrnlSllc that Y I k h ' high, you feel good, and you believe that you can do twice as much work as usual
the success of any endeavor. ou over 00 t e detaIls that are necessary to
which you probably can, Your muscles have unusually good tone and vigor, ~o thiS
transit is extremely favorable for any physical activity, especially athletics.
This is an extremely favorabl t'
t 'd e Irne for d J' ,h
o your I eas and easily persu d d ea mg WIt authorities, for they will be open
f . 0 fvIew.
' This transit is often characterized as lucky, but it it not really luck that b operatin
avort' dnow. a e to yOur POlOt Legal interests are also
here. Rather you are able to act with a complete picture in mind of what Yl'U are
dOing. You can plan with greater foresight and theret>y avoid pitfalls that theL
Your physical energy is high d
might characterize as "bad luck" if they encounter them. You will n)t enrounter
This is an excellent transit f~ra: YO~ should enjoy good health and good spirits,
. 0f
etlcs, because this combinatIOn
ny kInd of a thl' them, so you will be regarded as lucky ,

.. rk that can advance yo ou don' t suddenly overexert your<,elf
Jnv h . '. Ur A' Illnt~ as Y 'd I k ' your phy Ical health is improved
"rabl e lI.rne Il r '. ways a. posSIble thIs IS a gOod ~""I\
• 1

II' £J\ l J~ rn·1n } . h tl ~ ef thiS tranSIt , ~n yo~r mu~c es w~r better than at any other time . Pre nant
I tt' gr(l~' JO - , • ur life . One warmng,
n.lrU(\l Iar oweve me und ften give birth dunng thIS tranSIt, for it favor th . h g
Thl' I> . a!3e<'allS
..... \' u ~\'an "e "Iace In >0 'f I . r . Self ..,ornen 0 . 1 d ' h'ldb ' h e contractIOn ot t e smooth
, ,wl n IJ t • nsit but I you ta"e thIs COU ' that are InVO ve In c I Irt.
'/1 help gr~ , n thiS tfa rse y
Inlere-I'. .
J whate\'er ~\I I' Clmpatibl e ,\,t J I·ng more ditficult transits. InstA d Oil muScles
tl' Ul' 's J ,(' l .' I tcr "ur d "a u
.,..,r.ln,jJzemflll I, J 'ff::ul t pOSI/I(ln ,J ' , ' sne5S and knowle ge . e Mars Conjunct Saturn
~ . be in a m,lre I IL r<w:t n01 con,CIOU
ma~ " brin$ ab.:>ut a g .
this tran,11 Il'
. most USln,
b . e s activity for your actions are bl
. . essed This rna Y be a somewhat
h difficul
d" t day , full of frustration ., an d Irrltatmg
. occurrence .
, 1'0 fJvo rabk l o r ' b ,'ness where others mIght fad . For thA 00 no t plan to launc any anng
. d or nsky activity , becau 'e
~ th e c h ance are t h 3t you
<it IS.I ~ ee:l JO u,1 " sam
TIU,lrd\ that helps y.:>u suc c '". decisIOns. You have a very clear sens e Will not succeed. Your en~rgles .o .not have the necessary vigor or power . It is better
I\'llh In~lt: I' a f,OC d time Ellr Ola. Ingcan maJ.-e decisions according to your eb of to concentrate upon routme actIVIties that require you to follow a well·established
reas"n tlU, d~ ,0 that ) au f h h est
, II Jnd , '(lUr net' ., . I'ghtened sense 0 t e prase. pattern .
yours<' , . la est and m(l~t en I
Interests In the rg
' ething that you cant foresee the outcome of tL' Other people may seem" unusually irri ta ti ng to you today . They may eem to be
h ces or d0 ,om . . ' fllS
I1l'ou must 1.1"e c an.), optImism noW creates a posItIve energy that ... ·11 trying to "get ~our goat. or worse, to be taking acllons that are quite destructive to
. . ' any. our >vl ou and your mterests. You feel angry , but thIS transit does not often give you the
is as go"d .I tIme J ' , ' r gamble. Besides you have the sense at this tim
attrdct ia\'(l(Jble results Irom } au e to ~pportunity to express your anger. You may be forced to seethe in silence, although it
avoid any real ris"}, ventures. is not a good idea to let the energy just sit inside you. It can become phYSIcally
destructive. If you feel angry under this transit, find some hard work to do and really
Mars Opposition Jupiter get into it. Then the energy will dissipate, and you will be able to face the problem
This ean be one of the so' called lucky ' transits, or it can be a time fraught with without also having to deal with your anger.

contlict and foolish actions, In fact, this transit is especially good for work that requires concentrated energy and
great discipline or very careful technique, Working with metals, especially steel and
This transit represents the culmination of your efforts to expand the domain of your
iron, or with cutting instruments is favored. But avoid working with cutting toob if
aelhlties There is more and more that you want to do, and you resent anything that
narrows your freedom and limits your scope of action. The challenge of this transit is you are experiencing the angry side of this transit. You could hurt yourself .
10 be conscious enough of yourself and of what you are doing so that you can plan

Intelligently and work effectively with enlightened self-interest as opposed to pure Mars Sextile Saturn
This is an excellent transit for carefully planning and executing projects that require
The negati~e side of this transit is manifested when you are not conscious of what great diligence and patience. But this is not a high-energy Mars transit, so do not
you are dOl~ . In that case you may act toward others in a domineering overbearing expect to have great flamboyant energy. You will not feel like gomg out and moving
;anner whICh Will cause them to desert you later when you may ne~d their help mountains, but you will be capable of sustained effort.
ou may try to come on to other h .
tempt them to test your strength. s as more t an an ordinary human being, which will This is a good time to undertake intricate work that requires attention to detail , such
as working with hard materials like metal or stone. These materials represent the kind
Foolishly overestimating VOur own abl ' of energy that this transit puts out.
can chew in a number of ~ f Ithes may cause you to bite off more than you
reas 0 your life It
overexert yourself and exh . may h appen on the physical level if you You can work patiently now toward goals that will be fulfilled in the future . for thb
accident. Or it may hap""" a.ustby~ur body or take foolish risks that lead to an
re be .. ~.. In USlness if you overextend yourself so far that when transit often means deferred results. You are working more for tomorrow than today.
sources come more limited'
But your concerns are very practical. and if you know that your present activitl~
commitments. In the future you won't be able to meet all your
will be of benefit in the future, you will be content with modest result now .
With self-awareness, however thi
your own limit t' ' s Whole pict h . The immediate demands of the ego are subordinated to your knowledge of w at an
limit t' f a Ions - that is, YOur' h ure c anges. As long as you stay withm be done. Reality and practicality are more important to )'l u than self-gratiftcatt n . In
a Ions 0 YOur s·t· In erent Ii 't ' h
und th' . I uatlOn Or circu
er IS tranSit Th mstances
mJ atlOns as a human being and t e
h fact you are capable of considerable self-denial if necessary. This tran~it an be v~ry
sure that yo 'J e sense of liming f - you s auld be extremely successful useful in times of scarcity or need, because you are willing to get al n wl:h
u are ucky B t l
understanding of h .' urea ly You h
0 your actio I
ns may eave others amazed an
conSiderably less. Even in times of plenty you will haw a sense of di. oplin all \ 'Ill
f e SItuation, ave Succeeded because you have a complete
aVoid wasting valuable resources that may be only tempNarily abundant.

, I h Id it back because immediate e
ntment yo
u wrl 0 h " xPre
deal with t e sItuatIOn. lust be sSio" efore , this is a good time to do any work that flU have
or res!! ' I way to SUr •• Th er hough it isn't rewarding . Saturn does not d y d to keep on plugging at ,
/I yOU feel.ln~;rbe the most prac~~;den reservoir of anger that will breake that
even \IY rewarding. It is satisfied simply to meet t~m;n that work be glamorous or
will not seem part of a h Oll have tremendous self-disCip!' OUt instan e emands of the day.
it doesn t b~~~:r on , Even. th~~s t:at have to be met eventually. Do~~e and
uncontrollabl) do have valtd n Id be problems later on. defer . transit comes during a period that is otherwi d'ff
restraint no~~ Y~:detinitelr or there cou If thIS ornent at least you will be able to cope Wit~e I 1C~1t. it. guarantees that for
this gr.ltificati On the rn . b comes your SItuation, no matter how
difficult It e .
Mars Square Saturn
roceed slowly and cautiously. Th eJlectual or physical work that requires great attention ..
is transit
. ' ecessary t0 P
It IS n form any
h I' rn
task, the more c ance there is that . Ore Jn~uence. Intricate work with mathematics requiring to detaIl IS favored by this
Under th ' Jl
ly and carel u Y
per U I
ery II'ttle hope of success. sua Iy this tran' It w'll
I If~ detailed art work, and working with metals or sto perseverllance rather than skill,
thNOU gh I it as v Sit ' Ine ne are a examples of this kind
ucceed, If you are ca~e esS , time when all your efforts to assert YOurself IS a of labor.
verv 'd
frustrating an Imtatmg b sense ' of interna I'Ina d equacy th an b y circum t are
. ay more Ya . S ance
blocked in some w, f I that your inner energIes are struggling to S u will do any task very carefully. You never have t d h .
I You may ee . . assert Yo . I d ' 0 0 t e same lob tWIce and
or other peope , hb'tions and to get you movmg m some way. ou will wm at east mo est credIt for your careful k U d '
themselves against your In I I Y '11 . d wor. n er the best
circumstances you WI Win great ere it from your super' d
h '11 f I h lors an may even get a
. t nt factor preventing you from being as effective as you w 1 romotion. A n d ot ers WI ee t at you deserve the . b
F is often an Impor a f' Ou d ~orked so diligently to get it. promotIOn ecause you have
ear y think that you will fail because 0 your madequacies as a pe
like to be now. ou d h . rson ,
. to recognize what you really are an w at you can do without b '
The chaII enge IS , ' elng As you work, your goals will be rather modest and very carefully defined . Because
overwhelmed by imagmary mner fears.
YOU know exactly
. what you want. you will be able to get I' t , Your concerns are
Authority figures. such as parents, employers. or even persons whom you respect . " and your first question about any matte r .IS, "H ow use fl
extremely practIcal .now, u 'IS
may discourage you at this time. Somehow theIr remarks embody the very essence of it?" or "What good IS It?
your own worst suspicions about yourself. But you cannot derive your ultimate
feelings about yourself from others, no matter how much you respect them. Th Nevertheless, this transit will help you to get to know yourself better . The dose
purpose of this transit is to learn whether in your daily life you can act with tru: attention to detail that characterizes your way of seeing now will help you see
knowledge of who you are, yourself and your own reactions very c1earl y.

However. you are not likely to take negative reinforcement IYI'ng d 'f . Mars Opposition Saturn
f 'h' If own, even I It
comes rom wit In yoursI' , The part of you that is struggll'ng to b k f f
' h'b' . 'II f I rea reI' rom
In I ltions WI 1'1' very angry at being held back C I . For many people, this is an extremely irritating transit, requiring great patience and
irritable and easily angered, although our inner d ~nsequent y you are likely to be forbearance as well as willingness to keep yourself in the background for a while.
your anger openly, But no matter ho: ou t ou ts .make you reluctant to show Also your relationships with others may not be as satisfying as usual during this time.
aware that you are seething inside, Y ry to cover It up, everyone will be quite

The problems that you are likely to encounter with this transit include the following:
The ambiguity that you feel durin g thi . " .
for one part is holding on a d h s transit makes It diffICult to act successfully, irritability, often justified by others' actions: a tendency toward a slow burn" rather
han dJ e t h'IS transit is to co f n t e other part'IS trylng
' to b I' free. The best way to than explosive anger; annoying ego conflicts; and a general sense of inadequacy
in the outer world. n ront yourself and not try to initiate anything very grand about yourself vis-a-vis others,

One particularly serious psychological problem that you may have to contend with
now is that others will hit you in your psychological weak spots. U 'uaUy when
Th IS' transit confers p t' Mars Trine S t
a urn someone does something that makes you mad, you simply get angry and .ay or d
a lence and 'II'
many other combin t' IVI IOgness t d d'ff' something about it. However, under this transit, the attack is made in uch a ay
that require a IOns, the energies f M O O I Icult and exacting work. In
transits are Sf concentration and skill ; ars are too difficult to control for work that you feel incapable of really hitting back. so you internalize the hurt and .uffer
given off at ~ ~n too erratic and impu'ls' e :ursts, of energy that come with these aCcordingly, or at least that is what you want to do. But the proper resp n I~ to
you must do an;~;o~trolled and regul~;e. ut with this transit, the Mars energy is re~ognize that the other person's act has hurt you in some way and then t air y ur
p It concentrated th pace, so you can direct it to any task that ~rtevance. Holding in your anger will only make you feel m re ngr' a \. 11 a_
ere, Inadequate.
I ) and cut off from others as 'f
, t ansit is feeling one l~on You feel inhibited wh:n YOI
it is completed. You ~ee~ to assert your individuality at this time, and this is a
ctive way of dOing It.
, 'c of thiS r k an impress ' U
Another characterIstl h to them or ma, e fon is called for ,
u1dn't get throug 'f me deCISive ac I Mars Sextile Uranus
yOU co iaJly I SO
~re with others, espec s or negative, alt,hough most people ~ind it 's transit will make you feel rather restless and impatient wl'th d '1 .
" t entirely us eles k that reqUIres great concentratIOn of rh I k ' your al y routine
h' transit IS no do wo r , f h an d
I to see
out new
'II" expenences and activities
. Th" I .
IS Impu se IS ·not so
However t IS A his time yOU can b en working on a project 0 t is SOrt
difficult to handle'l t ~re, Also, if yOU hahv~ e critical culmination, Since the las; unc on trollable that "
It WI senously
. disrupt your life ' but you w'll
b e d nven
. to rna k e a
d metICU ouS , d reac Ing a h b b 'Id' number of changes In your dally routine that introduce some excitement.
energy an h' completIOn an I Saturn yOU ave een UI 109 up
,It IS' now approac , Ingof Mars to yOU r nata ' " d B 'f
dy to be finlshe, ut I at the last
. tion transit h t 's noW rea d f Your thinking is much mor~ impulsive and changeable than usual under this
conlunc I I and carefully t a I experienced a major e eat connected
omething sow y ths ago) yOU U II h ' h influence. On the one hand, thiS makes you rather unpredictable and even unreliable,
s 't (roughly six mon 'II b' me apparent now, sua y t IS appens
square transl I II pse WI eco b I as far as the people around you are ~oncerned. But it also gives you the capacity to
, h' 'ect its tota co a , h blocked your success, ut a so you did
With t IS pro) , , actIOnS ave " , f break out of the rut. both psychologically and in your activities. You are able to see
ther people's aggresSIve h t any personal initiative must ace,
because 0 I for the challenges t a fresh new viewpoints and to think originally. More to the point, you are able to make
not prepare adequate Y
practical use of your new insights in everyday life .
, 't is not a good idea to strain your body
, 'gnify Illness, so I d dl '
At times this transIt can Sl d 'd situations that pro uce nee ess tenSIOn,
unnecessan y, ry " T to relax an aVOI d h f I
be uite debilitating an arm u to your ea t , h I h In your drive for new experiences, you may also seek out new friendships or associate
Physical tension at thiS tIme can q with your more exciting and stimulating friends. persons you don't nonnally
associate with because they are too unsettling or unpredictable . Now you are in just
Mars Conjunct Uranus
the mood for that kind of personality.
, ' d 've than this one to sudden upsets, rash behavior and
No other transit IS more con UCI I d ' , ,
" "d E seems to burst out all over the p ace an In surprIslOg You are not particularly patient with restrictions, nor are you very disciplined about
surpnsJOg JOCI ents, nergy , ' 'I b
' ft d'ffl'cult to make plans during thIS transIt preCIse y ecause so your work. In fact you tend to be erratic, valuing your own independence over
forms , I t IS very 0 en I
much happens without any warning, discipline and order. Again, however. this is not likely to create senous problems.
and indeed you should do things that are completely different from your usual
In its direct psychological expression, that is, when it is not sublimated or converted routine at this time.
into a different form of energy, this transit indicates a sudden desire to assert your
freedom, to kick away all limitations and break free, It is a transit of rebellion and
Mars Square Uranus
often indicates difficulties with others who may try to limit you in some way, Your
relationships with authority figures are not likely to be very good, unless they are This transit represents a time of great restlessness and impulsiveness. Like all the Mars-
willing to give you a lot of room 10 do whal you want. Uranus transits, this one means that you want to be free of all restraints and you
may rebel quite actively against restrictions. It is also a time when you are challenged
You tend t,o act rashly and impulsively now, and in so doing you may set yourself up as to whether you can be yourself and whether you can periodIcally renew your life
for an aCCident. You move so fas I I hat you may overlook a CrItical ' , danger that can so that it doesn't become completely stale.
afE ecl your movements Th' , , I
'd t d h' ' IS IS not an Immutab e fate, however; if you have an
acci en un er t IS transit 't' h d' Your goal now should be to create a situation of ongoing creative change in your life
transit passes 'th ' I, IS t e Irecl result of your own carelessness, Usually this
WI out a senous 'd b so that you don't have to create either a sudden and total revolution or live with a
with dangerous tool h ,aCC! ent, ut you should especially avoid working
p situation that doesn't change at all. Don't wait until circumstances have become
particularly if you ar;'f sl,ar IOstruments and iron or steel for these few days,
take it out on them verball
ee 109 at all angry an d resentf u I toward someone, If you are, totally intolerable before you try to reform them . If you do. you will exhIbit the
y, not on Yourself by accident. worst attributes of this transit - impulsiveness. rashness and complete dlsre ard f r
YOur obligations.
Under certain conditions f '
' ' or (nstan h h
pro bl ems, thiS transit can sig 'f h ce, ot er oroscope indications of hea I
.£ .
mannestatlon of it,
nl Ylen d f '
ee or an operation, but that is not a routine ~uthority figures and close relationships. especially old ones from the past. are m :t
likely to be the objects of your revolt, if you feel it necessary to rebel. You will be
mUch more easily ahgered than usual. because you quickly interpret everything a. a
A positive use of this ener
h gy Would b . threat to your ego. Above all else. you feel that you must assert YlUr egl' in 'our
t at consumes a great deal of 'ner e to begIn a totally new and innovative project
own highly individual way. And if you have been unc n dous of the need for
gy and that will be largely identified with you when
creative change in your life, you are likely to be quite explosi e. metimes

however, the "explosions" happen to y ou, w h ICh · . ~

Ihat"you need to break away from someth'109, altho IS ha sign fr Om y shly against people who seem to have held you back in some way or who
o bVIOUS,, An accIdent can be the s'Ign 0 f f ru tuga What t th IS . OUr env'Iro
destructive powers, s rated ego ener' nOt benrnent 'I' e
slO" out ra d yOU conSIstent
' I Y 'th In e past. 0 r you may suddenly act impulsively to
gles may
transm at all have ang ere and obhgatlOnS
duties "h '
t at circumstances have imposed upon you .
Uted '
Some persons, however , are alw ays aware f th uently this transit signifies the explosive release of tension through sudden
to prevent it from becoming dead and lifele 0 e need to make cha .Aost
IV' f req inst someone, espeCla , 11 y persons cIose ' to you , These people will make you
be, a tIme of unexpected disruptions tha S5, If you are one of th nges in theIr '
anger aga tles and .Irntab
' 1e, an d you WI'11 bl ow up at them easily ' , Expect to have feelings
qUIte easIly survive this test. if t test your new wa f this tran . lIVes
In fact you may even find you are aware of what you h y e0 lIVing, BUI 511 Will feel reS s ,
but only if you are capab~en~7 Op~ortunity to become mor:: been doing a~~u
can of g
reat impatience.

dIsruption, Certainly you sh t;em g the possibilities behind re~

and less strUC! why ,
also experience this transit in projected form' that is you may have to
you maywith someone who makes a sudden move against ' you, •An enemy or some
challenges require new s I ,ou not deal With new sit . t e mask of a ured,
transit. 0 utlOns, which you will h conte nd . '
ave touatlOns
keep' in old , Ways, pparen!
N erson who frequently acts agamst your Interests may disrupt your life at this time .
In mind d '
Unng this
ew ~nexpected ego conflicts are common with this transit, as are sudden disruptive
vents that force yoU to alter your plans completely . If you are not the agent of
~reative change in your life, this transit will bring change in the form of disruptive
Mars Tri U
This will be a tl'me of ne ranus circumstances.
new act' , ,
wi!l generate both eXcitemen/:~les and new encounters some ' On the other hand, this transit can re~esent a time when your eHorts to liberate
daJ/y routine under thO 'fl d personal growth Y , quite unexpected th
f IS In uenc h' ' ou are n o t ' ' at yourself from unnecessary and inhibiting restrictions start to succeed . Now you can
rom the routine and in trod . e, w Ich signifies a time wh satisfied With Your
psychologically , uce Into your life fresh el ements that
en you really feel that you are becoming free of these bonds, Your life may take a new tack
willcan break a way
k eep you aI' that represents a radically new direction for you. If you are prepared and have
consciously tried to bring about this situation, this will be a very good time , for you
Personal inhibitions often ke IVe will be able to act with more freedom and self-determination. But you can expect
to do. With this transi e~ people from doin m '
:~:stfor a while, an~ ~~:re:~l
fin.d the Courage b:;:k ~o t~~:gS t~t th.e y
would like
considerable resistance from others, and it will not be easy. The actions you take in
~ ~rated from many of th d gain new freedom. Also ~, t ~se Inhibitions, at response to other people's resistance will force you to face very important challenges
olng what you want. e utles and obligations that ~tavet IS time you may be
prevented you from
about six months from now, at the next square transit of Mars to Uranus Keep
working, for your efforts to expand and liberate your life are not fimshed . The
process will continue for some time, but this period is one of the most important .
If others try to d'ISCOurage 0
you wiIJ pay little atten .y u or keep you from havin
unpleas ant consequences ~lOfnh' to them. Although you g an experience tha t you want Unfortunately most of us are too attached to our life restrictions to take fun
advantage of the positive side of this transit, and some will suppress its energy
l n fact , ta k'109 risks gives I t lOgs d on ' t go just right are aware th at there may be'
you a gr eater f eeling of bein' you I' are will'109 to take the risk completely. This can result in physical disturbances that could require surgery , Other
As a ,consequence of aIJ thO g a Ive than you usually have, ' people will act impulsively and unconsciously, thereby creating the likelihood ot an
tranSit, Yet th e energies . IS, you can d 0 some q 't accident.
You can break d
~wn ~i~ugh difficu~s
are modulated e UI e extraordinary thin '
impulSively. Nor barriers in your ,that they are not tunder thiS
authorit f 0 you feel th e without haVing t d 0 control.
Mars Conjunct Neptune
y Igures, as is the case ,ehneed to lash out blindl o. estroy everything
Wit oth y agamst " This is a very peculiar transit and is usually accompanied by strange feelings . IOU are
In whatever er Mars-Uranus transits, restnctlOns and
likely to feel extremely irritable and itchy without quite knowing why . And a! the
you do you 'IJ same time you may feel discouraged and incapable of doing anything useful. Feelings
others may not hav e'knownWI have the chance to h ff
C onsequentl thO .
significant i: IS IS a transit of pers~
you had Y
Ou may not have known abou~
s ow 0 aspects f
yourself that
of weakness and inferiority are quite common with this transit . the result of
Neptune's ego-denying quality in conflict with the essentiaUy egoistic nature f..)f Mars.
and interestingyour psychological dey nr' growth and self-discovery th t;em yourself,
, e opment, as well as being p ~,can be quite It is best not to take these feelings too seriously.
oSltlvely exciting
You should be careful to avoid any kind of Neptune-dominated activity during this
period, induding actions that are iH-thought-out or based on personal delusk)~~
Ppositlon Uranus rather than on the facts. Make sure that you know what you are doing under thIs
Like most opposition tran sits,
this on e h as two sides. M transit. Better yet, don't start anything new, except fN the kind$ of activities

~2~4~8~ L_____m_e~n~ti~o~n:e:d~b:e:l:o:w~.~A:IS:O~y:o:u~~~O:U:l:d~b~e~a~cl~~~kw~appNlt0Y~~rou~
ost commonly I't makes you

___________ _____ ___________________


your favorite ideals or delusions

, and then take yo u f or a r 'd
the basis of someone else s success, Ie , Your d I
e usi ons
tyI without caving in ~ nd feeli."g hopeless. Whenever this transit occurs, about
ll1a}l be
This transit is good for any activity that is totaIIy If! the 'x months, you W Ill question whether you are domg what you should with
such as canty
' k
wor ', working in a hospital
se ess and '
" involves everY 51
r life, The temptation, '
IS to d
eCI' de t hat you are not, and to gIve up. Others may
,' "I or JOStltution ' servin y OU convince you that you are on the wrong course and give you very demoralizing
reIIglous or spmtua group, or even working h II or In the g Other
else's interests (as opposed to being taken d w 0 Y and conSCiOUsly ~ontel(t of S, try ~o O f course, you may in fact be wrong in some area and there you should
exception to the rule that you shouldn't beg ' a vanhtage of), These act ' ,or SOll1eo" a adVIce, course , But you must avoid the tendency to cave in' Evaluate what you are
, In anyt ing n H IVHies "e change
, in y our own terms, not someone else,s, and deCIde . 'whether you are acting
certam that you are not working for sec t d , ow, OWeVer are th dOing Iy in vaflous
, tt M k th d " ' , h
, " re an selfish d ' You e ma ers, a e e eClSlon eJt er way without self-recrimination
actiVities, If you are, it will come to naught N ' a vantage th mUst be
one's ego, ' eptune IS qUite rigorous abrough these
and give yoursel f th e cre d It
" you d eserve for h andling it yourself,
Out deny'Ing
A a time like this you may be temp ted to take a devious course of action in the face
On the physical level, you should be
, d Y
ef I
car u not to ab / adversity , Mars-Neptune can mean "deceitful actions" But taking the easy way
peno , our energy level will probabl b use your body d :ut will not reinforce your position at all . because you will have to face even more
If h Y e rather low uring th'
yourse too ard, you will physicaIly h anyway, and if IS discouraging consequences as a result .
illness, You may be subJ'ect to ' f ,ex aust yourself and possibly b ,you pUsh
' f ' In ectlOns ranging f f1ng On
In ectlOns to fuIl-scale fevers, but th ' 'bl rom pimples or oth an Your physical energies are so low at this time that you may not feel like getting out of
simply taking good care of yourself IS pro em can be minimized quite er 'lsmall bed in the morning , You won't want to do as much as you should under this transit,
, easl y by
but it is hard to relax now, and you don't feel good about resting eIther. Don't try to
force yourself into doing something you don't really have the energy to do. Als,) try
Mars SextHe Neptune to avoid confrontations with others , because they wHI probably be demoralizing, and
Under this transit the demands of th you are not likely to settle the problem .
the world around you with greater :e~~~i:~: not very great, and you are able to see
~~~~ of yo~ friends and neighbors and mo~~ -:lsl~ y~U are more perceptive to the Excessive physical strain should be avoided, because your body is more subject than
, I men,t wlII come through activities th inC I,n e to help them , Your greatest usual to minor infections, chills and fever , Allergies can often be a problem under this
mv~lved In group activities for charit 0 at ~en~fJt others, You will enjoy bein transit, if you have a tendency toward them ,
or disadvantaged people, Working wi;h : r~~r~lng In h~s~itals or institutions for SiC~
e IglOus or sPlfJtual group is also likel If you conserve your energies and confront your own fears, you will have
' , y,
Th IS IS a good f ' accomplished the most useful tasks possible under this transit.
d ' Ime to retlfe by yourself a d h ' k
~n t feel , an urgent need to do any particu~ t ~~ a~out your life or meditate, You
~e ect qUietly Upon the quality of your /'f at t 109 fight now, so you can be free to Mars Trine Neptune
e rather low during this transit alth ~ e, ndeed, your physical energy is likely to Under this Mars transit your energy is best expressed by useful activities whose
or extreme fatigue, This is a good tim;~~ re~:~,so low that you are in danger of illness principal goal is helping others rather than yourself, ThiS \S also a time when you
may become involved in a spiritual search to learn how you and an other people
You, may find It' gratifYing
" to stud h' relate to each other and to the universe,
subjects have to offer Be y psyc IC or occult literature and s h h
d' , I you, cause d man d' ee w at t ese
ISCIP ines, this is a good time to study ;h Ing ego drives are detrimental in these This is one of the few Mars transits that does not create high physical energies, In fact
you may feel1ike doing very little, and certainl y you will not be very self-as"ertive,
T~' '-I. But you are able to work with a spirit of true self-sacrifice a nd a desire to help others.
mSI&,.ts you gain under this tr '
IetarnII that a course of action that YO~~Jt mba y vferyll w~1I alter your goals, You may Although your own ego drives are relatively weak at th is time, you won't feel wea'
a a , even in t f ave een 0 oWing has serv d and inferior, as you may during other Mars-Neptun e transits. Instead, you are m re
enlightened cour::; a~ti:~~~::tification, With this insight you ;ann:;;a! purpose conscious of other people's needs and wants , beca use your own ego need. aren't \' ry
may also be spiritually superior, p a more
great now. Square Neptune You are also capable of getting along with relat ively little, because y l: ur d -ire natun~
Ourmg this time m---t I h is not very strong and you view life with considerably mort'detachm nt than u_u 1.
i .... ~_ ~. peop e aVe to d I '
-~uacy, Also You may find ea With feelings of doubt, discoura For this reason, this is a good time to look a t your life and world bl th I' t see
of pilat actions that you hoped ~ourself.unpleasantlY confronted by the co~esment and
ould limply go away. The chall ' equences w~at it really is without judging or condemning . You may bee me in\' hed 10 • r
enge IS to confront with religious or spiritual groups at this time or in char itable r::; cial- er i \\ r In

d person '
The (~nly problem to Watch
' h
and disad\'antage ,nd of "savior" helpmg t ose who are I Or
o~ 1f
- -
ho pilaJ~ or wIthn poo~ , your eJ{ a< J kl / 5 cre4lte i/l usions, a nd YOll may ~~et ot t he right time to announce
h y our result to tn
I the temptCltlo
' to Vle\\
If 1 'epru
ne can a way rDa/ly on one of the strong til Il) '
k n ba bly would not get t e credit you deserve , Th' World . FaT am r
or wor_ L_mgff h
0 t a J n "our e ' Ifish when ) 'ou are ~ , est b Pro .. h ' f I
t T n it also fav rs
n y u
totally unse ll t and ot her activltes In t e IOterests 0 other people , clal work
you a... DC
I trip of all
subt est ego I ern fo r yourself and Your own Mars Conjunct Pluto
' hies, rea cone h' ki need
Nevertheless. you can work WItt and it is alwaye; good to do t IS nd o f chari tableS
ther tr ansI , , lA "t h this transit you will be tempted to take OVer and h .
now than under any 0 of the term) at some time, vvl n d you , T h"IS transit IS , a strong stimulus to any k' d run f w atb v r I happ in 'ng
work (in the highest sen se
arou b h ' .
h t its ene rgy can e rat er Violent and dIsruptive It In 0 am Itl n, but th danger
isf t go
a energy tha t d oes not ta k e k II1dly
' , , ,
to hmltation And ' t r pres nts Cl ruth!
I h bur t
als~ I~ ~~t
Mars Opposition Neptune
o et have p ower over ot hers, but that you may b.. th' on y t at you will
N I , the opposition transit
, t'on
by conJunc , is Usually ra ther try er 0
play . In cases a f VIO
' Ien t assault , thiS
. or a similar"trane Vlntlm
't II0 f om n el e'
Li ke the transit of I eptune f I d ' couraged a nd inadequate In the face of lif ' phowV ictim 's and t h e assai'Ia n t 's c h art. But that i not at ' ·51 uI U. y OCCUr In
, y likely to ee IS es 'hb ,\th
dt'b"ilatmg, ou are 'I gies are low, and you may set yourself up f t e , . . )i pica OCCurr nce Wit t i
daily demands Your phYfsllcaA en~dr any situation that will place undue stress up Or
nsit One indicat IOn IS not enough to account for an incident f • I d
Ira · . H ' 0 VIQ ence. an you
'f ot care u, VOl II h 01) needn 't anticipate It. owever, It gives you some ide<l of the str n th 01 tn e
I youbecause
are n you d on't ha vt' the resistance
d tha t you usua y ave . Infection S
energies . You should be wa rned , though, to avoid dangerou neighborhood dunn
yourfevers "are a POSSI
and I I Y 'f
. 'bTl I you let your body get run own , the few days that this transit is in effect.

Encounters WI' th 0 ther5 may be especially discouraging . Be

I carefulhfthat
II people whom Positively s~e~k~ng, this tran.sit is ~xcel1ent for doing any kind of he<lVY work,
you have to dea1 WI'th at this time, represent themse vesI trut I u y, Others will particularly If It Involves makmg major cha nges of any kind whatever , Even if you
b bl try to deceive you and If they do, the resu ts cou d be even more think you are totally uninterested in p ower, you will get a great deal of ti f<lction
prn a y , h h' I d b'I '
discouraging , Don 't let your desire to ave t lOgs your way c ou your a 1 Ity to see out of having and using power , There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to u e
what isreaJ/y happening, especially with people . this power creatively, Just don 't try to kid you rself that you aren' t thinking of your
own interests during this transi t. You a re, a nd there is nothing wrong in that unl ss
At the same time don 't become involved in any devious action yourself, You are not your interests conflict with everyone else's.
likely to be especially lucky at such schemes, and you may not want to face the
consequences in the (uture,
There is danger now of severe ego conflicts, of which violent assault is an e treme
example , Your strong energies attract people wh o have similar energies, and before
In situations involving a close partner, such as your spouse or business partner, there you know it, you may have quite a power st ruggle on you r han ds . A forcefully but
may be extremely poor communications, resulting in misunderstandings and feelings benignly as possible, you must convince others that your in terests and their interests
of anger and mistrust.
are mterdependent.

DUring this time you may have to face the unpleasant consequences of past actions Whatever task you take on, you will be able to work long and hard to accomplish it.
that you would rather avoid, You will be greatly tempted to turn your back and You have the opportunity either to accomplish a great d eal or to wreak havoc, if you
pretend that they didn't h y ,
1 h I appen . ou may even be tempted to take refuge In drugs or are not conscious of your own energies under this transit.
a co 0, but this is not the p Y h . d
la ke a goo d Iook at yoU roper course, ' ou ave to bury your ego for awhIle an,
necessary, You may not feelr pastd b , Face them and take whatever action IS
Mars Sextile Pluto
on, goo a out this now, but the situation will improve later
This is a good time to make moves toward realizing important goal in your life. But
A void using drugs except on ad you will have to make some changes in the cou rse o f a ction that you originally
to drugs at this time and Octor's prescription, Your body is negatively sensitive planned. Don't worry, your new plans will undoubtedly b e an improvement over the
' you lJlayh I d
kick up under this transit. ave unp easant side effects, Allergies also ten to old ones, You work zealously toward your goals now , and you hould have enough
energy to carry you through against any opposition that y ou migh t encounter,
Working alone and in seclusion
may even be able 10 bring such aonr:~me projects is favored by this transit, and ~o,u This is also a good time to work with others for group goals and obi tivt'S, be ause
p J~t to a successful conclusion, However, th iS IS
Mars-Pluto energies are much more effective when u eJ cooperati vely than when
they are used for purely personal ends,
ywhere no W ' but if so, your goals '''h
•• en
hard to get an d far reaching, If you are unclear abo\! Mars Trine Pluto
have to strive veryo e permanent an d time to look inside yourself to fin~ This is a good time to make reforms in Your life and
You ;a:each them will be m e : rea , thiS is a gOOt and probably cannot move until Yo
o h nging the world around you, This tranS't ' f to become more effective in
Y,ohUat yO au are doing in sOtmto do, You shou!d'nng yourself, you may discover hitherto\!
~ lly wan
ca It .IS sub t Ie enough so that you dI IS' 0 ten a grea t stlmu
bitions but . . 1us to your
out what yOU rea our oblec 't'ves,
In examJnJ ,
u can use to gain your en, s,
d A consJderabl
e am ' wit h oth er M ars-P Iuto transits.
often occurs on t make others f ee1 th reatene,
d as so
e clear about Y , I forces that yo uence of this transIt.
ar ycho1ogiCa be one can seq
unknown ps standing may You should formulate objectives for long-range eff
Change in self-under d 'f yOU understand yourself at all th'
ose an I , 'IS want to change about yourself and your world a dorts a t this t'Ime, F'10 d out what you
/l clear a bout your putp
, any un dertaking that you become mvolved In ' n ergy you have now will allow you to keep up n get to work on those changes . The
If you' are at a
h Id assure you of success m
d do not worry ' Just avoid stepping uPOn othe r e
work .
you may be gIven an opportunity to wielda Sustamed clfo r t for l ' . At
a ong time
transit 5 au d fuJI stearn ahead an can have dangerous consequences later on, effective personally. However, Plutonian energies more power and thereby be mote
now, Procee aril because that .Jemands of the ego. If you work solely for your are nbot ref~dilY subordinated to the
peopIes' toes unnecess y,
will sow the seeds of your own undOing when Mown ene
d PIIt unde r thOIS tranSlt
. , you
Mars Square Pluto ars an uto form
combinations in your horoscope. You should work f more s ress fu I
' Iy tranSf 0 rmJ'ng the world around you, or it can be a social good by identifying your own needs with those o~f you: oW~f good dand for the
Th IS' can be a time for creahve d d' agreements , These are the two poles that this
les an IS 'I h' will be given considerable credit for what you do. society. you 0 thiS . you
time of fierce power strugg
Like al aspec ts of Mars in transit to P uto, t IS, one arouses
transit swings between. t to get ahead. Your energy level IS very high, Sometimes this transit brings an opportunity to unde t d "
'' d makes you wan f I 'II h ' new understanding. This can layrsthan f your motivatIOns and to
YOur ambitIOns an' t get a 1ot 0 fork w
done. But un ortunate y you WI aVe a operate from t h IS k f
and you can use It 0 k' uch a way that you arouse great opposition from . f h I '
transformatlOn 0 t e se f, In other words the birth of a e ramewor
T or a creahve
b t your wor In s I '
tendency to go a au 0 may have to confront someone e se s energj~. In '" . ' new you. ranslts to uto
often sIgmfy major changes In your life that lead to growth and maturity .
I ou confront. r you . h'
the peop e y d I with serious challenges to your ego energies, w Ich
will have to ea . h . .
any case yo~ ki different course of actIOn from w at you ongmally As l~ng as you keep in mind .the greater needs of society as you proceed under this
may result In your ta ng a
intended. tranSIt, you have an opportumty for many gains and successes. Use it as creatively as

Be sure that you haven 't Ieft any loose ends in what you have been doing up till'dnow.
If you have, they WI'11 trip you up and cause you to suffer defeat. hAvO! t e Mars Opposition Pluto
' t act ruthlessly or underhandedly toward others ItO matter ow angry
tempta tIon 0 T . I' I'
you are or how much you feel that they deserve to b~ beaten. ranslt eye e~ mvo vmg At this time your efforts to affect others and to transform conditions around you may
Pluto have a strange way of producing total destructIOn of your own ends If you take meet with considerable resistance. Nevertheless you strive to get ahead and are
illegitimate shortcuts. However, the consequences of your deceptive actions will not prepared to work hard. This transit can represent the culmination of successful effort
be apparent until the next time transiting Mars either conjoins or opposes your natal or it can be a time when the opposition becomes so fierce that you have to give up . '
This transit is a powerful sign of severe interpersonal power struggles. The chief
danger is that either you or your opponent in a struggle will act with absolutely no
This transit can also signify a serious conflict between individual energies and the
regard for ethics or for the other person's feelings and situation. This combination
energies of a group. In this case you may be a member of the group or you may
act~ ruthlessly and relentlessly. You can, of course, do something about your own
be the individual. In either situation, this confrontation will be a significant test of the
actions, but it is hard to control the other person's. The best Course to take is to make
strength of your intentions. Depending upon how badly you may want to do
yo~r position as secure as possible and enlist the aid of as many people as you can .
something, you will either fight for it harder or give up altogether. As you strive to
get ahead, be careful that those in power over you do not oppose you. They are
R~slst the temptation to go it alone, because that will bring out the negative side of
thiS transi t.
stronger now and you would p b hi) . .
' ro a y ose In a confrontatIOn.
If You are tempted to try to gain control over others, be very careful. Eventually you
AhS w!t~ other Mars·Pluto combinatic>ns, the energies of this transit can lead to being might find yourself opposed by everyone whom you have ev~r tried to rule.
t e vIctIm of Someone else's ruthl . It 'n rare
essness, even to the point of VIOlent assau I
cases. Therefore you should aVoid d
but it isn't worth the risk either,
I . I I It' n't likely,
angerous p aces and V10 ent peop e. 1S ~everth~less, yo~r energies a.r~ high under .this tran~i_tl a~d you should exprt'·S the~l
Y rnaklOg creative and posItive changes 10 your hte. It you try to suppress these
. Trann=s~/t~ ________________________
Planets In _

--- --------~

- ---
have to contend with someone
.~ completel y, it IS more
likely t ha t Y'au will
energl~~ Who Although you Celn work effectively with people, YOu do not feel depend nt UPon
I h'm You present yourself a~ an mdt-pendent , ",{'If.rehant person who is WIlhng to
I" 51". . . 'f y acts of vIolence
an slgm
. m stances this transIt Idc encounter
f h . . I III" You
some kind• ahb P hYSlca
d assault.
~,;p ",he<, and '0 ""V, 'h, I.,." ,oe'"y. A, • ",,,It 'n
y,," '" .bl, ob,.", ",.,,,..1
Under extreme clr~u ex ect this . yo u cou eal danger, bad nel.g or 00 ~ and the backIng from others, as well as moral support. You Could never do this as easily
vOId sltuatlOn~
S h au Id not necessartly . p . - that involve
For this reaso~ a kIng other so angry h times.
that rthey WI'11 try to stnke out against You. ':h'" yO" r,,1 ,ha' you rnu" have 'h, a"""n" of o'h", 'n o'd"
confidence in yourself makes people f{'el confid{'nt in you .
'0 "".. d Yo",
like. Also avoid ma ibility now than at at er
This is a greater pass
In general. the WIth which you see Your objectives enelbles you to plan very
Mars Conjunct Midheaven . thoroughly and. deCIsIvely. You plan a COurse of action and follow through on it
directly. There IS no need to act covertly or deviously DIrect and forthnght action
. .. Iy and negatIvely,
both positive ' h more than any
. t' 10
Iates the ego drives, h' t' I" you a re very certain w 0 you are, and will alwa ys be the most successful way to attain YOur goals. When It is neces ary, you
This transIt s b
In b 't careful. At t IS 1m
't so I" a I II
, You may express this energy as a
otherwIse, , not not
do seekshri nk from a confrontatIon with someone, but if it is not neCes ary, you do
it out
other translt about
, to let anyone te
d h' ' an exce II I"nt transit for work,h especIally if
no to war k , and indee. t IS
you aredesire t aIS goo dtIme
' to work behindh t e Scenes for
stronget the ered'tI for it. This hIS no erious can fl'cts I with anyone w 0 tries to take This tran sit is a sign of a healthy ego. You are not aHhcted with the kinds of
you g eIse. You are to Ifave s emp Ioyers do not give you adequate scope, problem s that arise when you feel doubtful , insecure or inadequate
someone h likely
done your
~redit for what you lave
au may very well fee very a
ng'ry toward them.
Mars Square Midheaven
y . I from pureIy ego fIS tical motives . While it isI necessary
h This transit usually makes you feel quite aggressive and self-assertive. Whtle this IS
B of acting impulsIve y or '11 Pr ovoke opposition from peop e w 0 try
t hardly bad in itself, there is the possibility that you will overdo it and get into
asser yourself ' dond't overdo
toeware You furt
willit. not WI h er you r own interests at. all.
. Carefully needless conflicts with others. Also you may think only of your own objectives and
to cut you .. down,however
an youcan bnng . y ou g reat success.d Instead of aiming your ego
completely forget that it is important to get along with others. It is often best to work
planned actIVIty, .' . k that have to be one.
energy at everyone else, aim It at tas s very
it willhard
you. now, without anyone to get in your way _ at least that is how

. harge of a group 0 f c o , it is probably best tok work

workers h
Unless you are gIven cnot inclmed. to t h'In k'In grou p terms now. You can wor muc Conflicts are especially likely in your professional and domestic life or any area in
alone, by
better because youand
yourself. are you d on ' t w ant to waste time trying to relate to others. which your ego is intimately involved . There will be less tension in areas that you are
more detached about , where you are not so concerned with getting your way or
achieving a particular objective . Disputes with superiors, persons in power or parents
Whatever you do, ~ou .
wIll k~o~ ~f
hat ou want to get out of it, and you will drive
a: one or anything gets in the way, you will are quite likely , if you feel that they won t let you have your way.
toward that end With great vlgo. h y h plenty of freedom to move.
probably become angry. Make sure t at you ave
The energy of this transit is impulSIve. It comes rather explosively and may take on a
life of its Own. Its basic intent is to help you achieve a certain objective or make an
. II
The traditional symbolism of Mars indicates t.h at t h'.IS transl. t I.s favorable for and
steel the impression on the world . But if you feel frustrated for any reason, the energy may be
following activities; athletic competition; workmg w.lth ~etals, e~~;~I~h~ught and expressed in such a way as to work against your interests . as you Would realize if you
iron' hard physical labor; daring work that requIres mdepen h k that were in a calmer frame of mind . But in acting impulSively you just want to relea.,e the
acti;n; work that requires you to be original and innovative; or any ot er wor energy, and you do not care about the consequences. Thus you may start out with a
depends upon your independent energies. clear goal and end up completely frustrating it.

Mars Sextile Midheaven If you can Control yourself during this transit, it will help you accompli h a reat deal

of work and initiate projects that you might otherwise be reluctant to tackle u.ually
This is a time of COnsl'd era bl e self-confidence an d courage. Y0 u pursue yourher
objec,;v", wi.h g",,'" assurance .han usual and in a way .ha.
does no. aliena.e o. I.
because you lack self-confidence. With this transit. self-confidence IS u!>ually
although if YOur normal level of confidence is low, it may come out <:. Imtabllityand
people. You"" able ,"coneil. Your personal in.eres.s with those of the tO~o
'0 peevishness instead of positive assertive energy. This may also happt'n If kr n e
around you, so this is a good time to take initiatives in your work and to get ot ers reason You can't release this energy and have to hold it in. Thi tran. it L particularly
work with you.
likely to cause trouble in your home if you hold in your anger at work but allow it to
explode at home.
, Trant~s~it~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____
Planets In _

, Midheaven
Mars Trm e
nf'dent, an d you will have the. necessar',J are ac tJ'vitated, and no one. really
I I addresses
. the current problem as a new and unique
self-assured and c:h~tever objectives you ~ave In mind . If
. 'n with its own speCia so utlOn.
h' time you feel very to carry out I ho will work with YOu and to
At t I,S I and physical resourhcesd to gather peop e w
matena k very ar
a~dYthe kind of trap described above. Try to get at the root of what is really wrong
M tensions and pressures in your personal life can be released at this time if you
necessary, YOU work' you need ' aVO!
e and deal with the truth.
assur whatever bac mg I and ener gy . And." you don 't stand about
, .
ry k 'th great zea k the initiative yourself
ff and finish
YOU undertake eve tas. WI .
you directIOns ,
You ta e
h' g you have to the e ort. You are Sometimes this transit can signify domestic aCCidents, so don't be careless .
ne to gIve b everyt In d h
waiting for 'ftl
Also you will contri ute '11' g to take risks, an suc risks are
are WI In h h
the task SWI Y'.
1 nfldent f success that you takes place in sue a way t at you
0 Th ' process I h kn Mars Conjunct Ascendant
sufficient y co to turnelfoutand
well. h IS me orne ' you are able to et ot ers . ow
reasonably I'kely
I at t e sa
learn more abou t yours d , The symbolism of this transit is self-assertion with regard to others. It is not enough
h e you.stan , that you are yourself and able to do your thing. With this transit, you have to show
dearly W er d' ction because you exude the energy other people that you are someone to be reckoned with, Or you may have to defend
k 1 you for Ire 'II yourself against an attack from someone, whether or not you have provoked it . This
who will
Under thIS' tranSl'I, others your 0presen 1 con fdence
lack100 I and energy WI want you to
of authority. PeopJe transit is most likely to produce conflicts, anger and resentment. The best thing to do,
1 what they lack, if a conflict situation arises, is to have it out immediately , If you try to keep things
sUPP y cool for the sake of propriety, you may only create a fund of resentment in yourself
11 h' hat t h'IS t'me
I . It is a good idea to incorporate
or the other person that will boil over at an even less convenient time . But if you deal
Your PhyS/C'al energy is unusua Y Igyour usuaI routine , for you may need to work
,. inlo with it now, the air will dear ,
some VI'gorous physical activIty et/Cs m ay attract you more than usual.
Sports or at hI'
off some of that energy,
On the other hand, you also have the chance to show the world what you can do .
You may have the opportunity to direct others in some kind of ioint prOJect. And as
Mars Opposition Midheaven long as you pay attention to the feelings of the people you work with and try to win
. T ht IS" hIdden un der a bushel" more than at' other times,
. , them over to your group aims, you will be very successful at such endeavors. But if
During this period your I g , f sl'onal life may meet with opposItIon you merely try to dominate the other people in such a situation, which is a danger
h d 'n busmess or pro es I
Your efforts to get a ea I dl d thers may work against your persona with this transit, you will foul it up completely and create anger and disputes .
d'ff' It to han e, an 0 , h
that is very I 'JeU Id I 0 app Iy to ac t'IVI't'les that you work on Wit a group,
advancement. ThIS wou a f S h ow I't J'ust does not work out as you plan,
but some If you do not find a satisfactory outlet for your energies at this time, you will be
You may feel ,very se -asser Ive, d toward the outer world, Instead they easily angered, resentful, irritable and quick to take offense, If you must blow up at
h eroies are not turne
The problem IS t at your en o· a1 d home life Here you can somebody, make sure that you understand the real source of the conflict, so that it
are turned inward toward yourse If, Your person an ,
can be aired . All too often, conflicts occur over phony issues that are only symbols of
accomplish much more, if you apply yourself. a much more profound problem .

First of all be aware of any tendency toward anger or 1m , 'ta b I

'Jj ty
, This find
tension in ;our personal life that you should attend to, However, YkO~
may II'fe A
Rarely, this transit will signify an illness or aCcident , especially if you do not have an
adequate outlet for your energies. You should indulge in vigorous physical activity
the source of the tension is not somethtng
. th ' 1 attern
at 'IS curren tl y at wor hInI your '
and avoid phYSically debilitating situations , Avoid overstraining yourself, either now
current situation may have reactivated a memory or perhaps a psyc ~ Ogt~ ~ st to
or especially before this transit. If you are in good physical condition as you come
from the past, which is causing you to feel defensive and argumenta~lve, t liS e~ress into this transit, your health will be all right during it.
do whatever you can to bring this tension source to the surface, Don t mere y r
the energies, for they will only surface on another Mars transit.
It is a good idea to avoid sharp instruments and cutting tools now. because Mars
signifies steel and cutting in general.
Ego energies are running rather high on the home front dunng
. t h'IS tranSI, I you
't and ou
may run into conflicts at home, Be careful not to step on the toes of the peop e
live with, but don't let them step on you either. You may have an argumen teh
r or
Mars Sextile Ascendant
disagreement with one of your parents under this transit. The only problem to hwat 1'5
for is that arguments triggered by this transit tend to be rather unconsclOU This is an excellent transit for working with others in a t..m effort, as long as you are
. s', t a ns'
each ~rson argues as if programmed, not like a real, thinking person. Old patter a leader Within the team or are given a lot of independent'e, It is also
Important that the people you work with are energetic and can do their share ot the
t_ -------__
Planets in Tr..a~n:s:..:,

. h anyone w ho is slower. or less

. energetic
d tha n
'mpalien t WII b high wilh this tranSi t, an yo u are
,. You would be VIe ry ~rgy level is likely .Iek° I e Fortunately, wi th this transit Yo u O n the other hand, if you can Work out yOur agg , . b If ·11 b
won. hysica en d ne qUi y . d b le to get a grea t d ea I 0 f wor k d one But h re<;Slon~
h y yourse , you .WI e
your"'Dlf . Your P (l you wanI Ihings 0I you nee d . And if yo u 0 no t, try to work ag ood lime
. . even
to do dangerous work or work with da g ere t ere is a dangt'r . ThiS IS not a
h' Th ' h
a bil impulsive, s he kind of peop e . . . t h at you Will ' act
.ImpulSively and n' .erous mac Ifmery I ere IS t ke
are likely 10 allracl I real possibility
every precaution . an d ma ke sure that yOu are really calminJure
. yourl>e , un ess you la e
'ronme nt , the surroundings that y ou encOUnter
1. Th'IS can b e a good do not express the energy of thi t . .
immediate envi If rtive than usua If
I 10 your I re se -asse '11 ' you . ... . s ranslt conSCIously, you may experience a
Wilh respec I kel}' to fee mo thing fo r yo u are not WI 109 to let period of tilness, espeCially minor infections and irritations .
d you are I f I about any , f h'
ever y ay,. ople how you ee . hts Usuall y the energy 0 t IS transit is
time for telhng ~'ith intruding on your rt~f ciear without causing a fight. In fact ,
others gel away n make yourse Mars Trine Ascendant
mellow enough tha t you ca ou fo r your honesty.
people will probably respecl y . This is a time of self-assurance and confidence in deal 'lng 'th th W' h b
' . WI 0 ers . II out elOg
overl y aggressive or pugnaCIous, you get your point across to people In such a way
. h 'Ih this transit, you will standf Up for
oo k· for a fig t WI I Your that the~ respect ~ou. Also ~ou hav e .a great deal of phYSical energy, so that you feel
like taking. p~rt In some kind ?f vigorous activity. If you are at all athletically
Althoug you are nOl l 109t a con troversl'al point of view to a group I 'f ' 0 h peop e,. you
incl ined , thiS IS an excellent tranSIt.
I it forcefully enough to win their appro va , I It as ment.
rt'gh IS. If you ha ve to presen
should be able to presen

k' d of work that depends upon your personal In most a~eas of. y our. life, y ou are able to act much more deCisively than usual ,
Obviously this transit is good for any 10
especially In dealing With others. You know where you stand, and you ask others to
effectiveness. let you know where they stand . And despite your self-assertiveness, you are able to
create a balance In a group so tha t everyo ne benefits from working together and no
oU 'J! be happiest doing hard physical work or being one feels dissatisfied .
If you are with friends no.wh' Yh WI y of this transit, you are not likely to be very
very phYSI'caUy active. Wit t e energ
happy just sitting around. Under this transit you will wan t to enlarge the scope of you r actiVities somewha t.
It will not be enough to express your energies as you have in the past At thIS time
Mars Square Ascendant you want to find new expressions , and y ou will look for people to share In this . For
this reason you want to be with active peo ple who ha ve enough energy to go along
with your plans.
This transit IS. likely
. " de WI'th a stormy period in your personal relationships
to comci b t .
Th ere WI'11 pro bably be a difference between you and your . 0
partner a ou some
d 'ff .
person a1 0 blee
· t'Ive that you both are very closely involved m. r a I erence. . m your On the physical level , this is usually a period of good health , but it is important to
background and conditioning will cause you and your partner t? see. a ~I tuatlOn very remember that using your energy will have a ver y p osi tive eHect on your body. Also,
differently. Associated with these problems is the problem of Identlfymg so c1os~ly if you don't use this energy now, it can build up wi th in you and be expressed as
with your own point of view that you feel your personal hon~r. depends on . havl~g irritation. This can lead either to disputes in rela tio nsh ip s or to health problems the
your views triumph. You are not likely to be in a compromlsmg mood With thiS next time that Mars makes a more difficult transit to y o ur Ascendant.
transit. Also it is possible that you will draw to yourself a person who behaves
uncompromisingly, making agreement unlikely or difficult. Under this transit any
Mars Opposition Ascendant
kind of team effort that you become involved in is not likely to work. If you can
possibly arrange it, try to work by yourself on a project in which you have the total This is the most conflict-prone of all transits! The p oin t opposite the Ascendant. also
called the Descendant , signifies open enem ies and conflicts, among other things
Anything you try to do now is likely to encounter stiff o pposition from anyone .h\~
In personal relationships, especially in marriage, this transit can coincide with has any reason to oppose you . You will have to fight fo r w h a t you want . unl~~ you
disputes . The only way to handle this is for each of you to make your position clear are very clever at wheeling and dealing behind the scenes . Ego energies run very hIgh
to the other, but don't try to resolve it now. If you feel you must blow up at each in all your direct confrontations with others , and in many ca ses all you can do is to
other, it is probably best to do so and release the tensions. This can often help out be prepared for the confrontations and to r elease w h atever tensions there might be.
when a marriage becomes difficult. In fact, if you blow up more often, the conflicts There is a serious conflict between your need to assert y ourself a nd your need lor
become Ies!. acute: unless the two of you are really incompatible. Repressing the anger
you feel now Will only lead to a more violent outbreak later, with disastrous
consequellces and even physical Violence. Even partnerships that usually run quite smoothl y can be a problem . \('IU rna' have
to Contend with a partner or spouse w ho is trying t~~ d omi nate '{'Iii , r you may e

the one who want to dominate. This results in the most intense ego struggle y
will have to be somewhat conciliatory when dealing with a partner, as opposed 't Ou
" " h 0 an
. open enemy as described above ' It is possible to transmute
. t e energy of this tr ansIt
Into an extremely energetic cooperative effort, but only If both of you are certain th
your best interests are being served . Neither of you will want to play second fiddle ~
the other.

Physical activity with others is an extremely creative way of handling the ener .
involved in this transit. Team sports are particularly recommended because Yt~:S
encourage cooperation and use the self-assertive and the aggressive energies of th '
transit. IS
Chapter Nine

As with the transit by conjunction , there is some danger now of accident or illness, so
be careful. especially if you are feeling generally frustrated . Avoid sports that are
unusually dangerous and be careful of sharp instruments and cutting tools .

Significance of Tran iting Jupiter

Jupiter is traditionally known as the "great r B ne f " d '
thought to produce nothing but good, And indeed IJC ,an In o,ld. a trology Wei
' · a Uplter tran It IS usually quit.
pleasant an d 0 ften very b ene f IClal. life seems to flow I d '
, d h mor easl y unng a JUPlt r
transit, an w atever you set out to do usually succeeds just as you intend d.

At the most fundamental level Jupiter signifies the indlv 'ld I h . I

' . ua reac 109 out to IOC uti
more and more of the Universe and It experience within himself or herself It I a
planet of growt~ and enlargement. ~n fact. at a trivial level Jupiter will ometim ju t
enlarge someth1O~ or make an achon grandiose or overdone. The effect of Jupiter'
energy on, your life can range from making you gain weight to enlarging your mind
and consCiousness.

Jupiter has a strong social dimension as well. It is concerned with the social "glue"
that holds everything together. Thus It rules the law and the legal system. 5 well a
persons in power and government offiCials. a function it shares with the Sun One
negative manifestation of certain Jupiter transits can be proble~ With the law . Of
course, under other transits , Jupiter can confer legal power upon you.

The house that the transiting Jupiter is in indicates the area of life in which you ar
trying to grow and the means by which you are doing this. The process may be
necessary growth that makes you a wiser and more succe sEul person lin a
philosophical sense), or it may be pathological growth - 10 other words, you are
trying to get too much or go too far In thiS area. Wherever Jupiter tran it , you
should not take the matters ruled by that house at face value. The chances are that
everything will work out very well. but you should always make sure that you aren t
overdoing or going too far . Also It is important to avoid taking more than your

Planets in your natal chart that are transited by Jupiter represent energies in your
personality that are working smoothly and attaining your obJective. But the
warnings given above in connection with the houses apply here too. Do not (verd
One problem with Jupiter is that you should be careful about what you want. becau.;
you are likely to get it.

Nevertheless, most Jupiter transits are quite beneficial for the area ot Ylur hf that
they relate to . Most people have an adequate dose of Saturn in them. which keep
the squa re and opposition trans '
b ard with JUPI'ter ' Even fairly easy Wit , h Juplter
' , H OWeverIt
'ng over 0 I nets are , ,
them from gOi 'ff It with most p a ' do things In excess , lizing in your life whatever it is th t I " ,
aspects, which are dl !Cu must be careful not to js actua , a yOu va ue . If It IS money or phYSical
h ' when you possessions that you value, that, I,S the area you will try to Increase in and through ,
01'f your values are more splntual - involving I'dea
those are t e times ts of your life - your overall Il'f t d d f ' t
hi hest aspec , , e r
whatever a s an
" attempt to Increase this dimension ofs, your
- yo u Will life,ar 0 JUS Ice, or
, 'f s some of the g
And Jupiter also sign! Ie d religion, and your s ense of idealtsm , Jupiter can be a
tftudes towar
view, your a I ding influence, Obviously then it is very important at this time to understand how you use resources
, sness-expan
very consclOU " a little care , They could be the because the chances are that you will indeed get more of whatever you want , withi~
, r Jupiter transits wh'le I exerClsmg reason, Unfortunately there IS grea t Potential for mismanaging resOurces with this
So enJoy you b' ctives in life, transit, jf you ar,e no t c1e~r about what you need and want. It is very easy to get so
doorways to your 0 Je
much of somethmg, that l,t runs your life instead of making your life more pleasant
. . the First House and ful filling, ThiS IS particul arly true of efforts to gain more money ,
Jupiter In " ,
, I f growth in your Itfe, While Jupiter is in What you must do at this time in your li fe is to look at your overall goals honestly
Thi t nsit is the beginnmg ' 0 f a major
eye heot you really are as an 10 , d IVI
' 'd ua,1 YOu
s ra Id to discover w a I' h b d and see what you rea lly must ha,ve in order to ach ieve them , It will be relatively easy
h' house you shou try
n really accomp IS, ecause un er this to make the necessary changes m your resources to help attain your goals, so plan
thiS Id get ' to know yourself and what you the impression tha t you make upon these changes wisely .
s ou re about yourse I B
' fl ence you feel more secu f people or hide your ta ents , ut you
m U d to withdraw rom ,h L k
others, You feel less nee , fng your own importance elt er, 00 at
this transit by exaggera I This is not a call for total asceticism, If you want to buy something that is very
should not react to h h Id be entirely adequate, expensive, perhaps a bit self-indulgent, there is no reason why you should not go
the truth of who you are; t at s ou
after it. Just make sure that you really wan t it, tha t it is not merely a symbol of
, d ' 'ng new experience, All this is part of your something you think you want. Many people acquire possessions simply because they
This is also a time for lea~~li~~ :~fec~:I~~t only yourself, but also the way yo~ d~al think they are expected to in order to show social status, To acquire for reasons of
present need for growth, A h ' f e it is very important to outgrow childish this sort would truly be a waste, Nevertheless, during this time material resources can
with the world as a whhole, t this I";,ung over from your childhood, parochial be a great comfort, and you can derive a real and honest pleasure from them .
d 'udices t at may ave
concerns that are not adequa te to understanding the world that you face now,
es or pre)
In a larger sense you will learn more abou t yourself at this time through encountering
Persons and resources are I'kleyI t0 be drawn to you now, and you should
, Itaked possessions and having to handle them, Man aging the ma terial world will,be ~f great
' d
constructive a vantage 0 f th m
e" In other words anyone whom you becomed Ove
lOvo l value in promoting self-understanding , For this reason, this is a good penod In your
with at this time should benefit from the association as much as you 0, ny life to invest money with a little self-restraint or to buy p ossessions either for
through mutual help will you really achieve growth, enjoyment or for investment.

The spiritual dimension of your life should be greater now, The concrete and tangi~le
Jupiter in the Third House
aspects of the world are not enough; you have to know the deeper dimensions of lIfe
as well; otherwise the rest becomes meaningless, The effect of this transit is to increase your contacts thr ough and within your
immediate surroundings. You will not have to go very far from y our everyday world
This year should be quite fortunate for you in personal terms, Your relationships and to find experiences that expand your perception of the w orld and increase your level
encounters with others should work to your advantage consistently, assuming that of consciousness. This may manifest itself in several ways,
some more powerful influence isn't upsetting this one. Your increased self-confidence
and poise should serve you well and enable you to increase the scope of yo~r First of all, it is quite likely that through your everyday life y ou will re~ive an
activi ties, But try not to be overbearing. Even if you score significant successes, don t opportunity for advanced training in a field of study that could be usef~, to you.
delude yourself into thinking you have all the answers. You are still learning under Your concern with communication will increase, and you m ay do some wntmg, even
this transit.
if that is not one of your usual activities, During this period, extended travel may be
necessary for some reason, but you will come out of it understanding a lot more
Jupiter in the Second House about your world .

This tran has tra~itionally been aSSOciated with making money or gaining weal~h,
and there I S something to that, for You will attempt to grow in the sphere of material Your relationships with relatives - brot h ers, Sister
· s , cousms
't e c. - WI'Il be verY•
possessions and resources now. But in a larger aense, what you are doing at this time good. It is quite possible that you may r ecei ve some kind of financial benefit from one
of them, but that is not the only way they could benefi t y o u.

. h ossible effect of this transit upon Yo

s more important in the long run IS t esp attitudes that you have adopted rnollrt
P er hap Old h ught pattern , . e make your home, family and personal life more seclire th d .
. d and consciousness.
t a h' k very much about conscIOusly, will b
don 't t In . th . e will always be ~ source of support and comfort . Thi' cln ~ver an guarantee that It
or less unconsciously or t at you h' k"10g will be less subject to e lJmitatio ns o u are ever gomg to. You will find that h 5 IS the time to put down roots, If
broadened and expanded. Your t 10 ur attitude toward the world around Yo Yomm unity and family will help p avmg a real sense of belonging to a place, a
1y yo
. d €S . Consequentd' I e 's d'1fferencesII c revent mctny hi " I
imposed bv these athtu and tolerant 0 f oth er peop circumstances get roug h in the future . If you handle t . psyc . 0 oglca rTlSI!S when
. nderstan 109 '11 '
will be much more genero~s , u ed b prejudices. Instead, you WI want to know JI'kely to ever feel a lone, lost or alienated . SecuTlty
. . hiS transit properly. you elre not
10 hf . I d
You are less likely to be mEluenc yerience. time w hen you can do a great deal to gain it. e IS a tea nee , and now is a
everything on the basis of your own exp
b I and more expansive. You will realize that At the m os t psychological level this transit h I
Your plans for the future will e ahrgerht were imposed from without are actually onfiden ce. Yo u are mo re in tou~h with yo . e ps toI increase your sense of inner
f h rlml'ta fans
C ur mner se f no th .
that you t aug you are able to ha ndl e truths about yourself th t w an at most ttmes , an d
many ate I . h odd you take more factors into consideration
self-imposed. Also, in lookthn g at t e Wght ~t other times. Just be careful not to go to thereby preventin g them from becoming a p ablYou are normally reluctant to face,
i r e effectively t an you ml f ro em tn the fut Wh 1
an d p an mo d d it Don 't commit yoursel to projects that you you are is seldom a problem . T he d jfficu lties stem fr h ure . at .you .. now
the opposite extreme an over 0 . om w at you are afraid that you
are .
cannot possibly fulfill.
munication with others is better than usual now. You are able
As a genera 1ru 1e. com . f '1 f . Jupiter in the Fifth House
to say what IS on you r mind and you are less subject to at ures 0 communication
, .
'me you are frank and willing to talk about every aspect of a given At this time your creative self-expression grows as ne b f Y f
A t the same t I . . . . ver e ore . o u tnd the courage
problem, whether it relates to your emotional life or to some sltuatlOn m the Outer to be yourse If an d to express y ourself to others with t f l .
. " . ou ear or apo ogy but Without
selfishness or egotIsm . ThiS has the Im media te effect of . I ' h'
world. . h d I '. Im prOvtng your re atlOns IpS
With ot ers .tremen. ous y. . ThiS transit by itself is not . II
u ~ua y enoug
h b b
to nng a out a
sexual relatIOnship , but It certa inly helps one that beg In S a t thO15 t'Ime Because you
Jupiter in the Fourth House don't feel that you must hold you.rself back from another person, it is possible to have
This is a time when you will seek inner peace and security. The fourth house is the a truly authentic relatIOnshIp With someo ne, in wh ich each of you knows who the
other is.
house of all aspects of your innermost life - your home, your personal life, your
family, your past and your innermost sense of self. Jupiter here will help you improve
all of these areas of your life. If you have children , this transit will improve your relat ionsh ip wi th them , and there
will probably be many occasions when you feel proud of them . And you are able to
On an external leveL you may express this transit by purchasing real estate or a new give them whatever they need for their own development w itho ut feelin g in any way
home. Land and houses are an external symbol of the desire for a stable inner world. diminished.
Or you may expand, redecorate or otherwise improve your present home, thereby
increasing its value. This is quite a good time to invest in real estate, even if you are Your creative potential is also increased . If you have any artis tic aptitude at a\l, this
not planning to live there. transit may very well bring it into play . You will produce m ore work, and it Will be
completely expressive of yourself. Also if you are workin g in a creal1ve or artistic
This transit supports your domestic life, and during this period one or another field, you may possibly make more money than usual with y our art o r craft.
. problem should'be cIeared up, usua 11 y b ecause somethmg
. new comes to
lIght that helps you straighte thO Y f 1
n mgs out. ou ee generous and open to your family, love relationships will also expand the range of experience in y ou r life . You may
and they respond to you in th
· f'l . e same way. If you have any problems at all during this encounter persons from a radically different background or from a differen t country.
t lme, your amI y 15 where yo h ld f
· h'
Yo ur re1a tIOns .h us ou turn or solace. They will be able to help you. But no matter what their origin, any relationship at this time will teach you more
lp WIt your par t ' I
to you in some way. en S IS a so good, and they may be a source of benf!fit about the world than you ever dreamed possible.

There are times in your life when 0 • But the most important point about this transit is that it brings you the opportunity
forge ahead. At this t ' h y Uhave no chOICe but to go out into the world and for personal growth and increased wisdom, along with greater freedom of self-
lme, owever yo h h . h
world, your personal life will not ~a U aVe a c olce. If you wish to go out into t e expression. You do not feel it necessary to hide from the world anymore , even if you
But it might be even bett t Use problems that distract you from your quest. did before, In fact there may even be a danger that you will act in an overbearing
er 0 concent t
than making a great effort to get ah ra ~ your energies on your personal life rather m~nner. This depends largely upon your attitude prior to this tranSit ;..t05t people
ead an the world, Now is a time when you can Will respond only with a healthy increase in self-assurance and self-expression
, 'the Sixth House
JupIter an , . .
d for fulfdltng dutIes that COntribut That could get you into trouble A .h
I ' d f work an .h e ge t ' , ~ Wit eVery othe J . h
od time for any .. In o. d' tes good health, WIt one exception as uires a certain amount of moderation ' d r uplter tran it, t IS one
This is a very go h This transit 10 JCa req m or er to get the most out of it .
to your personal gro wt .
S'nce Jupiter refers to foreign places and '
noted below. . h' I I rtnership or close relationship with a for' perc;oosO' ,thiS transit could indicate a
. to conflict WIt one s persona groWth
h · h se come 10 f d pa'th someone w h ose b ackground is sufficient! d '-FF r It could I nd Icate a relatlons
elgner ' h Ip
Very 0 ft en the demands of t ISh OUis the hou se of fulfillment 0 uty, responsibility
WIpand your vIews
. d Y 1 erent from you th t h
d esp ecially freedom, for t IS 'f' d here only at a level that most people cannot an your understanding of th . rs a you ave to
an , ' eed re gratl Ie bl k ehx Any intimate relationship at this f ,ell WOrld . SImply to deal with him or
an d srv eice· One's ego n . sa . h' house you are a e to rna e progress in
h Jupiter 10 t IS . h' er.
xpanding effect upon you. In other words th
Ime WI certamly h
, ave a con!.Clousness-
rea dI'ly understand. But WIt of these ma tters , and you realaze t IS . Work is very econtinue in a narrow f rame of reference. ' e re atlonshlp won't per ml' t you t 0
the world precisely because . ' you a sense of purpose and a structure for
. bl to you now, gIvIng d ' b ' .
fulfilling and enJoya e . b t through an improve JO sItuatIOn, better
your life, Quite often thIs comes a ~ub with better payor opportunities for self- If you marry under this influence, your partner is Iikel t b
working con di tlOnS,
. or even a new J0 , ,
I'k I t advance to a pOSItIOn 0 greater power or
f who has established himself or herself in the world ~ 0 e a hgh t!y oldt'r perso~
fulfillment, ut you are not
. , ley '1 1
'od of work and you WI ac h'leve the mOst
0 ' factors t hat attracts you This is a 5'g
one of the mam f respect ror thl per' on IS
. our
h' t' ThIS IS a pen ' I n 0 a ~rson more exp nenced
standing at t IS Ime, . h k as well as you can and to the highest possible than yourse If .
.f . . Iy by domg t e wor 'f
satJs actIOn sImp . d to take on even more work I you can, and even
d d You are qUlte rea Y ., h
stan ar s. robabl won 't be promoted, you will certamly ga~n t e esteem of Your Jupiter in the Eighth Hou~
an d 0 f th ose
y under you , which will ultimately put you In a good position.
Traditionally this transit indicates an inheritance Howev thO .
. ' er, IS tran It occurs
This is usually an excellent period for health, because Jupiter gives your body several times m the course of everyone's life, whether or not you get an inheritance.
physical strength and vitality. However, you do h~ve to be careful ~b~ut gaining But even though that .old delineation is not usually applicable, it is based on correl:t
weight. In both the fortunate and less fortunate meanmgs of the term, thIS IS a growth principles, because WIth Jupiter in this house, you are likely to benefit from other
transit on the physical level. If for some reason your body has to heal or recover from people's resources. Consequently this is a good time to enter a relationship in which
an illness, this transit will assist the process. But you should be careful of fat or sweet you and another person have to pool your resources , such as a business partnership .
This is also a good time to request a loan from a bank. unless there is another transit
foods, for they will not only cause you to gain weight, but they are not very good
at the same time that negates this reading, In general. other people are more than
for your pancreas, Avoid any kind of overindulgence,
usually willing to help you out in some way.

Jupiter in the Seventh House On another level. there will be many powerful but fortunate changes in your \ife at
this time. It may not always be obvious , but any sweeping change that happens now
During this period your intimate one-to-one encounters with other people can show will be for the best and will make your life richer and more rewarding in the long run.
you aspects of yourself and of the world around you, By and large this transit favors It will also give you a much greater understanding of the psychological patterns that
the formation and maintenance of all kinds of partnerships, including marriage. operate in your life, If you have recently been through a time of psychological stre s
Alth~ugh this transit by itself does not especially indicate marriage, it does make a or are encountering one now , this transit will help the healing process within you.
mamage work very well at this time.

DUring this transit you ,will ~ncounter people who can help you out in various ways.
Sometimes this transit can indicate a time of religious and spiritual regeneratIOn,
what used to be called a "conversion experience." Certamly you would derive great
hYol u apPhroachh all relatJonshlps with the idea that you and the other person should
ep eac ot er. You are not' I' d ' benefit from studying occult and mystical literature at this time in your life, especially
' d Y inC Ine to go Jt alone now, and you would be well
a d VJse not to, ou very much need h " if you feel very troubled or distraught.
a weak individual b b anot er person s assJstance, not because you are
, ut ecause the other person fulfills your individuality.
Jupiter in the Ninth House
This is also a good time to call in a f '
a lawyer but also a doct he pro esslOnal for any kind of assistance, especially
, or or ot r con I II This house is a very good position for Jupiter. At this time the perspective 0 your !i.e
have to go to court at th' t' s,u tant, as we as personal counselors, If you
JS Jme especlall' .." h b can be expanded tremendously. You may have opportunitie: h,)r extensive travel. for
favorable although J't J'S J'm t '
, por ant to k Y In a havl. SUit, t e outcome should e learning and also for teaching others in either a formal or an mformal .etting Y ur
Don't take this transit for grant d f ma e ~ure t at you have every angle covered.
you up, Also don't try to get m::e ~ you might overlook some detail that could trip
desire to learn, however, is very great , and you will probably do mu h m re reading
than usual and about more abstract and profound subjects. Philos ph • metaphY:h..
an your due, nor overestimate what you are to
and religion are typical studies associated with thi transit. And ~ u \ ~1I en 'unter

these not only as
knowl edge a
books, but as rea
your wo r .
I issues m your

life . Your need is for real and usef

h man-potential e ort or some oth
til don't fall into the trap described above y
touch with what you can do.
Ourself, and this may be one of the fe~ t OU Will also feel more confident about
Imes In yo ur \'f
lew hen you are really in
. olved m a u d er
.' d time to become Inv many such groupS aroun now, and You
This IS a gOO There are You may also experience
. .
other effects of th
IS tranSit Fo I
consciousness-raising grOUP, most suitable for you. tr avel in connectIOn. With your work ' 0 r you may hr examp e, you may have to
d . k the one that seems .
oreign persons. It IS also possible that y ave mcreased dealings with
sho ul pIC . b one this is an excellent time for . f · ou may chan f'
desire to e ' ' . It, pertains to the nature 0 f Jupiter . These fields include ge .to a leld of work that
writer or have any f brshing and other communIcatIOns med' higher education and travel. In this case yo h Id medICIne and healing. the law.
If you are a . the house 0 pu I la
because the ninth house IS that you wouId I'f you staye d In.
your establishu s dou
I' not expec t th e same recogmtlon
that reach the world at large. ." e me of work.
r views on lIfe wIll change. ThiS transit '
b ader worId , you . h IS
As Y
OU are exposed to a ro . the most positive sense; In ot er words You Jupiter in the Eleventh House
ry powerful matunng
. influence Inh time in your 1'£ Ie. But you h '
ave to be
a ve h t any ot er h At this time your hopes , ideals and wishes for th f .
become wiser now t an a If u think you know all t e answers already your life. Your friends may be of considerable: u:~re play an Important role in
fundamentally open t0 this process. yo or self-righteous, w h'IC h wou Id b e a terrible' become more involved in group activities f ene It to you now , and you will
this transit may only make you smug ' or you understand th . f
group goals an d va I ues to you as an individual Th' . e Importance 0
waste of this energy. . I h Id . IS IS not a time when h Id
try to go It a one, nor s ou you limit yourself t ki ' you s ou
. ., f I to foreign countries, there is also the likelihood You need to be with many people for through 0 k~or ng With one other person .
'th the pOSSibilIty 0 trave I d , wor 109 and d I' .h h
AIong WI . . ' I involved with foreign persons or an s ei ther in will learn a great deal about yourself. Friends will b h ea mg Wit t em you
that you will become increaSing ~ and you may make many new friends who will e morebt an usually f>upportive ,
your business or in your personal Me. · '11 prove to e extremely valuable as
B h
time goes on. ut t IS WI not be a one-way street ' f or you WI'11 h elp them also.
. eff f thO t nsit is to make your consciousness grow so much that you
The main ect 0 IS ra .
· 'th your old pre}'udices and beIJefs. You must know rather than At will be more than usuall y I'd ea I"Ishc an d WI' \1 want to
can no Ionger IIve WI . this time in I your life you
. beI'leve, an d the more you can replace belief with knowledge, the better off you Improve the wor d around you In every possible way If . \ . \
just '11 . . ' your perspective 15 re atIVe y
. 1 f
will be.
broad, you WI . want to translate thiS deSire into broad 5 oCla re orm or at \east rnak I"
changes that Will affect
. both you and your friends . Lackl'ng s uc h a perspec t 'Ive, you
may work only to Improve y~u~ personal situation in accordance With what you have
Jupiter in the Tenth House
always wanted. However , thiS IS not a time to be selfish. The nature of this house is
During this transit your attention will turn toward your profession, career, social such that if the improvements in your life do not affect others, the changes wi\\ not be
status and reputation. It is a time when you will try very hard to move ahead in any as meaningful or long-lasting. Whatever you put out will come back in an even
or all of these areas, and any reasonable effort should result in considerable progress. greater quantity.
For most people this is a time of getting ahead, but you should observe several
cautions. Jupiter in the Twelfth House

First of all, it is very important to avoid being overbearing, domineering and This is one twelfth-house transit that is likely to be quite beneficial, although the
arrogant. Some people have trouble with superiors at this time, because this transit benefits won't be as obvious as they are in other houses. At this time you have the
can indicate an inflated ego, that is, thinking you are much more than you are capacity to learn a great deal about the spiritual and religious dimensions of life. You
wit~out ~nything to back it up. If you start thinking that you are truly significant or also can learn a great deal about yourself without encountering the fear or resistance
spe~lal, Sit down .and review your real accomplishments to see if they justify your that you often experience when you come face-to-face with the aspects of yourself
feeling. But even If they do, be careful not to behave in a way that will cause others that you consider less desirable.
to resent you and even work against you when th IS O t ransl' t'IS over.
This is a time when the demands of your ego are less exacting than usual You can 100'
However, this is not a gener I bI dispassionately and even compassionately at yourself, the world and other people.
' h' a pro em, for most people have been taught to
un d erra t e th elr ac levements In th . . You feel more direct empathy for the suffering you see, and you genuint'\y want to
for what you have accompI'.Ished atycase thIS transit is likely to signify recognitIon
. help. You seem to have a new understanding of the fact that we are all in lht' same
recognition or the t f . ou can expect a promotion at work, pubhc
, es eem 0 your C t · d .
on emporanes unng this time, as long as you boat and that what is done to help one person is done for all.

272 273
cts as a spiritual teacher for Yo
rson wh0 a h d U, b
. . you may fin d a pe . y guise . He or s e nee not be so..., ll t Otherwise.
Dring thIS time me In an •.. eOl) e . hyou can have . a good time un der thIS
. t . R
u be that such a person can co E en an old friend may suddenly assume tl. . well-being t at you experience now is reall I . ranSIt. emember , the feeling of
remem. rblicly recognized as ateacher.
. veeds to be hea Ied now, an d t h IS
' person 1liS . the gloomier or more depressed feelings tha; c Oser to the truth of what you are than
wh0 IS pu E 1 that something In yoU n "'Ill you have at other times .
role. You may ee
come forward to help you.
JUpiter Sextile Sun
th 's role for someone else. You are
. h u will pIay I d Very This is a time .when
It is also possIble t at yo d ' dom now, an you may pass on what . life seems to flow ve ry easl.\y W' th l' \
ut spiritual truth an WIS YOll m ove in the directIon that you intend and
" ,evenyo 'd 1
. I Itt e effoft, you are able to
concern ed abo f fulfillment. It IS a period of growth opt" ur I ea s seem to be within reach
learn during this transit to others. O . . , Imlsm and t k .
this is a good time to sIt back and take a l l a Ing It easy . In many respects
out. ong ook at h ow weII your life
' .IS workIng
. 'ncline you to the study of metaphysics or th
In a genera 1 way this transIt may
f I. tence you seek k i d ge t h at will giVe
nowe e
h h'dd n aspects 0 eXIS ., YOll
occult. In t e l e well as meaning for your life . ThiS transit may even signif Your relations with people in power or those w h0 can hel .
support and comfort, ~sh thodox religion and the church. Ya g ood. Because you project the image of som eone wh 0 can p you out In some way are
I' h
greater involvement WIt or ersons who are similarly inclined . If you fl ' accomp IS , you attract
P ee vigorous and . h' ·
excellent time to advance your interests in al energetic, t IS IS an
may be lacking . most any area, although that impetus
Jupiter Conjunct Sun

· 11 th's I'S considered one of the most marvelous transits, and indeed it . Relationships with others are usually quite go od now and yo . b ' .h
Tra di tIOna y I . IS
friends. This transit often indicates good times ' . u enJoy emg Wit
'1 d However its influence may be masked by other transits that are longer
qUI e goo . ' . I ffl ' d b - over and affects everyone around you. ' as your enthUSiasm for life bubbles
lasting and more powerful. If your chart IS severe Y a Jete yother transits at this
time, this one will serve largely to give you a break.
This. is . also a good transit
. for making plans ,forayou
r e mc . I'me d to " thi nk b ig ,"
which .IS a general function of your optimism . Wh'lle you can over d 0 th'IS ten dency
At the very least, you will feel good at this time. Your health is good, and you feel
YOU 'dWIll probably
k be alert to opportunities that you wo uId norma11y over\ 00k or b e'
very optimistic. For a while it may seem that everything is working out perfectly, and afraI to ta e.
if you make an effort, it will. But if you simply sit back and enjoy this transit, its
beneficent influence will pass aWilY with little to show for it afterward. You feel generous and tolerant and not easily bothered when something goes wrong
in your world. You recognize that there is plenty of time to correct the problem, so
This is the beginning of a new twelve-year cycle of growth in your life. It is a time to you don't get upset. You aren't annoyed by persons who usually irritate you, and you
initiate new projects and expand your activities so that you can experience life from a may even feel like patching up relationships that have gone bad or become difficult.
~r~a~~r pe~spective. You may find that you can escape from some narrowing and You just cannot bear to be angry at anyone or have them angry at you now. But in
inhibiting CIrcumstance that has prevented you from realizing your full potential the process of making peace you won't compromise yourself ; instead you will do it in
h b. 5 . as a such a way that you both truly benefit from the exchange .
uma~ ~lng. ~metJmes people travel under this configuration, but usually the
traveling IS more In the mind.
Sometimes this transit can bring about unexpected income, and this is certainly a
favorable time for most financial transactions.
. is fa hgood time to study a sub'lec t tat
This hraises
' .
your conSCIOusness or expands your
view 0 t e world,and't' II .
I IS an exce ent tranSit for going back to school. You may
a 1so meet new people who ex 0 Jupiter Square Sun
before. Your freed '11 p. se ~ou to aspects of life that you have never known
om WI certamly mcrease. This can be an excellent transit, but you must watch out for some pitfalls that could
undo all the benefits. Basically this transit is a test of your discipline and self-
Even with this transit there are . . restraint. If you are not a restrained person, you will react to this influence by going
can cause you to overdo or ov some pitfalls. First of all, your exuberant optimism
find yourself out on the pro erb~ealc~ yourself, so that when this transit is over, you overboard in some way, overextending yourself or living in a fool's paradise where
ver la lImb . E " d you think nothing can go wrong. Or you might squander a valuable resource . only to
b uild upon what you have th xerclse a certain amount of restraint an
ra er than t ' . find on another day that you do not have enough of what you need. Sometimes there
ability to handle them. Be careful rylng to Increase your holdings beyond your
is a feeling that luck will provide everything that you need without any effort on your
that today's luck is not perman of extravagance, and if you invest money, remember
ent. part, but this, too, is a false notion .

. .~__________~~________________~__~_____________________ 27S
for real growth a nd expanded
'd a chance If Travel, either physica ll y or mentally, often aCCom . ,
, Sl' t can proVI e I u have over yo urse ,You have
h d thIS tran h ntro yo " b roaden your understanding of the World panIes thiS transit , Take this time
On Ihe other an , of how muc co I needs a re in order to take the to, around y Y h
" It 's a matter h t your rea , , 'deas tha t a re dIfferen t from what yOu no 11 ou . ou ave a strong interest
opportuOltleS, I h ou are and w a k w when you can t handle more In I rma y kno d
to know precisely w ,ere Y 't You also have to no , ch m ore tolera nt of different ways of liv' E wan encounter. and yOu are
f thIS trans l ' mu ot b ot h er you a t t h'IS time,
. Also yOur S6lng , ven
fh people's u s ua IIy Irntatmg
' , . traits
most advantage 0 ' the real Irick, do n "nse 0 umo ' h
Knowing when to slOP IS , ' O U can appreciate the dance of life in all ' t 1 r IS muc greater than usual
an d Y IS gory , '
' fl' and exceSSIve pnde, There is an
o In attOn f I
, h' transit encourages eg , f Jupiter , Be care u not to act in an
SometImes t IS '
to the negatIve exp
resslon 0 'II
l ' motion who WI try to nock You
k Jupiter OPPOSition Sun
arrogant strea k 'II I peop e In h" ,
, ner for you WI se here to stop , T IS transit gives You This can be and usually is a very positive trans' t B
overbeanng man , u must know w d k ' ' t depending upon h ow y ou ha ndle 'I t I I , ut you can make more or less out
or tWO , Here too, yo el'ther to go ahea , nowlng precisely of I '
d own a p eg h' h allows yOU I ' n most ways ' t
, s of great confidence, w IC , ' t' ns are or to act arrogant y and overstep culminatio n in your life , and you will be tempted to ex I represents a period of
f eeIIng
OU are doing and w at y
hour hmlta to ' I d
' t ts your self-know e ge, an t e more
d h limit , There is no question tha t y ou have a good chanc~~nd beyond ,any reasonable
wha t Y this transit es umber of endeavors a t this time and withi or success In anyone of a
your bounds, At any rate'lf h better it will work out for you , n Id , n reason you should h
w yourse t e However , you shou not restrict y ou rself solely t ' ' 1 pursue t em,
accurateIY you kn 0
noW. Even if you don't have all the material goods ~hmatena and physical growth
, t 'gger conflict with the law or with someone , . , I d ' at you want, you should turn
', th's transit can f1 YOur attention to splntua an Inner needs UIt' I '
Under certain con d Itl?ns I ot lose but don't act the role of outraged . Ob ' h ' , Imate y, nothing satisfies like
Y may or may n , " satisfactton. )ects t at you acquire , possessions d . ,
else in a court 0 f Iaw, ou f' d t actly what the problem IS and arrIve at a . k f ' money an even SOCial prestIge
' ' Try to In ou ex , are merely d eVlces to rna e you eel that you have sat' f t' Th
honor and dIgmty, II Ab ve all show a spirit of compromise, . . ' If I . , , , IS ac lon, ey are not the state
solution that is satisfactory to a, 0 , of satisfactIOn
. Itse . t IS your Inner , difficulties that mak e your I'fI e Iess th an .It could
be ' even If you .have ' corresponding
, problems in the mater'la I world , You must I00k
for the solutIOns , wlthm yourself , and this transit represen ts a t urnmg' ,
pomt, wh ere
Jupiter Trine Sun you should begin to look for the answers .
"h leasant Sun-Jupiter contact. In fact it is so pleasant that you
ThIS IS anot er very P 'h" II Under this influence , the tendency is to go after everything that you want in the
' cl' d t 't back enJ'oy it and do nothmg, However , t IS IS rea y a very
may be m me 0 Sl , fIf material world without caring especially about whoever is in your way, to gather as
, " o u r life because you can reach out into new areas 0 i e and have
Important time my , " , , much stuff as you can and indulge yourself in what you wan t. Then , as the transit
new and rewarding experiences , Your creatIve potential IS enormous at thiS time, and
subsides, you will feel that this effort has failed, leaving your life as empty as it was
you can very easily accomplish a great deal that w01;lld b,e difficult at othe~ times ,
before, In the first half of this cycle , your growth has been material. Now it should be
Your inner energies are strong, and you are full of self-confIdence and the feehng that
you can do anything,
Do not be arrogant toward others or assume that you have everythi ng right. Through
This transit usually indicates good health and a feeling of well-being, although you meaningful encounters with others , especially intimate o ne-to-one encounters , you
may be inclined to put on weight if you are not careful. You may not feel inclined can find out which way you should go at this time , Work w ith another person and
toward physical activity, but it would be a good idea to get some exercise. Make a think in terms of mutual growth . By trying to achieve g oals set by b oth of you and by
particular effort to be outdoors. Hiking is very beneficial at this time. trying to be a twosome, you each will become more conscious o f what you are as an
If you are inclined to physical activity, especially athletics, don't take foolish risks
On a more mundane level. this transit can signify diHiculties with authorities, if you
through overconfidence. This is not an accident-prone transit in fact it is rather
overstep your bounds or are out of place, Your tendency to think that you have all
"Juc~y" for m~t people. But it does tend to make you overestimate your energies,
and Jf another Influence is oper a t'109 th at rna k es you aCCIdent-prone,
. . transit
. cou Id the answers can only get you into trouble ,
have a bad eFEect.
On the other hand, if you recognize the real meaning o f th is tra nsit in terms of your
own life, this can be an extremely productive and growth-oriented time, a period that
This is an excellent time for all f 'I
· manCIa matters , You will feel like making your will always have meaning for you .
surroun d mgs appear more elega t d
This is perfectl f d n ,an you may spend quite a lot of money doing so.
concern WJ'th mY tIn:'1 an ~o.u. should think positively in all ways, but don't let this Jupiter Conjunct Moon
a ena acqUIsItIOn bl' d
growth . 10 you to some very real possibilities for inner
This is an extremely positive transit. You feel emotionally sec ure and in touch with

1,76 277
----------~==========::::::::::::::======~~--------------------~~~----~------~======::::::::::::========= JUpiter
tly both to yourself and to
I a nd hones , . h' h
. you ca n express cIear Yous fee I'10 g of generoSIty,
d ' .w . IC
h denables his tra nsit may sti~ul ate y~ur interest in Spiritual or ' .
f I· which .
your ee lOgS, . u have an enorm I 'thout feeling ImmlS
. . e' In an',J T of a renewed Interest In the religious 0 reltg lou <; matters. usual1y in the
A th same time yo h usua WI fo rm .
r SPlntuaI b \. f h
others. . t t e ot hers mu ch more freely t an the nur turl'ng function wlthtn You , the h'Id Such ex penences from your past can b e Ie stat you learned as a
you to give o. . n f influences relates to. be supported. You can nurture Chi 'does not mean you are backslidi ng to atet'tvedry valuable to you now . ReliVing
way This combmallo 0 II as the desire to . t ern . f lu es that y h
. d
desire to protect an ca.r e for as we
d help yourself. you will get It. . 5 t'II
something there or you to realize and lea' rn [rom. OU ave outgrown. There
h this time or If you nee
anot er at , ou under this transit, and You F . ndships or other relationships With WOmen .
'mportant to y . k .ne with various benefits . You could have qUi te ?ften prove rewarding at this
Your home an d Personal life are very ., as I pOSSI'ble . You may simply
I I rna e your home
b tlme , an emotional e . h .
'11 k to make this area as posItive psychological eve you may ring or a business opportunity, or she could act . xperlence t at entlches
WI wor on a more
more comfortable and elegant, hor in order to make them ee goo , as we as
f I d II yo~, do not normally experience, but which a~e~ guide to aspects of yourself that
friends and neighbors to yo~r o~~vest in a new home or real estate. yo
understan d'ng
I . P You come to complete self-
yourse If . Thl's is an excellent time to
On occasion this transit signifies that y ou are in the public e
· h your past has Positively contributed. to d your present
At this time you will rea IIze ow d d by things that remtn you 0 Your deal with large groups of people in some way In ' th ye or that you have to
'11 t to be surroun e d success f u1. . el er case. you should be
situation and you WI . wan d Id friends and love ones.
past. This' is a good time to go home an see 0
. so me benefit from a .woman
ou may receive . who offers Jupiter Square Moon
Regardless of your own .sex, y
some way. Oft en her function in your lIfe will be to reveal
to help or care for you 10 k e self-sufficient. This person could even be This is usually a very favorable square . It gives your emot' d 1 f
to ou what is within and to ma e you mor Ions a great ea 0 power
y but he would affect you in a maternal way. so that you feel them muc h more emphatically and are more in touch with them. At
a man,
the same time you want to establish empathic relationships with others, to hear their
. 51'de 0 f thOIS transit comes from its "
symbolic connection problems, to help out and playa protective role toward them if possible. T his transit
Ab t the only negatIve . with
ou . ' P h logically you are in a penod of incorporatIOn and may make you feel very sentimental about and attached to your surroundings and to
nutrition and digestIOn. syc 0 . h d
. . , f k' . to yourself whatever can nouns an support you. familiar objects. Your past is very important to you now , and if there are events in
aSSimilatIOn, 0 ta mg m . h' h h 'f your past that you find uncomfortable, they are likely to come up . There is often a
Obviously the physical correlate of this is gaining weight, w ~c can appen 1 you
are not careful. Fatty foods are especially difficult, so try to aVOId them . need to confront the unconscious areas of the psyche under this transit. but you
should regard this as an opportunity to be healed of the wounds made by these
energies from the past.
Jupiter Sextile Moon
This transit makes you feel quite good, optimistic and positive about life in general. In emotional relationships, this transit can create a tension between your desire to b e
You have strong feelings of warmth and generosity toward others, particularly close to someone and the desire to free. Be careful to give your loved ones the same
friends and those whom you encounter on a day-to-day basis . You feel that you freedom that you want, and do not try to be unfairly possessive of them . Also
would like to protect and care for everyone you meet. confrontations with the unconscious aspects of yourself mentioned above can affect
relationships adversely during this time. In such cases it is necessary to cultivate a
The effects of this transit are not usually spectacular, and they may be quite subtle. sense of detachment and not become so wrapped up in your emotions that you
You should use this time for getting in touch with your feelings and learning how you cannot see beyond them.
relate to the everyday world. You will derive uncommonly deep experiences from
what appear to be ordinary, routine interactions with others. Your everyday This transit gives an enormous concern with social and individual justice . Vou are
surroundings, your family and relatives will provide satisfactions that may be missing easily outraged when you see someone getting the short end of the stick, but your
at other times. And these encounters will provide opportunitie$ to grow and to emotionalism may make it difficult to see a good solution to the problem . Try to
enlarge your life. The usually confined limits of daily routine can actually become the avoid feeling self-righteous and intolerant. You will need to have a ver~ ~pen and
vehicle for new chances and OPportunities. generous point of view in order to clear up any conflicts that occur at thIS. tIme and
emotionalism masquerading as righteousness will not accomplish anythmg usetul.
Cultivate your friendships, for there is a good chance that a friend will be able to Instead, take advantage of the ample positive side of this energy by helping those who
perform a valuable service for you at thl's t' A d 't' . t )'k I h t '11 need it. Protect the people you can protect and succor those who have been hurt.
do the same for a friend. In either case yo lme.
.)) n 1 IS hJUS d as ley t a you WI
U WI come out a ea . Magnanimity is just as much in accordance with the meaning of this transIt as are
extreme emotionalism and self-righteousness.

____ 2U__________________ ~ ____________________________________


Jupiter Trine Moon
If_indulgent side of this transit can also b
ly produce much energy. llnless 't The se . k' f ' e eXpres!.ed ph . 11
. d es not usua l bl'll I .n k' g At the rlS 0 seeming old-fashioned YSlca y as overe,lting or
. . leasant transit, but It. 0 he same time, it proba y WI not signify dn In . d .h . , remember th .
ThIS IS a verb Panother transit occurnng a: t very good with this transit, qUite nyt hl' ng to excess, an Wi
. t thiS transit ' mod ,
eratlon . ere I~ a .danger in doing
is energIzed ~ lly however, you wII
feel amore than with other Jupiter transits . IS extremely Important, even
ed about the welfare of those around
very much. sua , You will be concern
optimistic and generous. t the people you love. ove relationships and relations With Wo
ou and will want to protec ' . 'to ur l . men can b h
y . f miliar surroundIngs. You wdl derive d Probably not anywhere In the middle. It all d e elt er very good or very
ba ,hl's transIt. . If you are d '
emandlng in the epends UPOn yOur genera I reachon
Th " good time to be a t home orf In 'l a and loved ones, for t h ey WI'11 recharge to t manner desc 'b d b
'onships will be bad. But if this transit a n e. a ove, then your
IS IS ; support from being with your am? ide with any particularly significant
maxlmu " t does not COIOC reI a t I rouses YOur f I
" t s, even if thIS transl er os ity they will be quite good. And this 'IS a d ee lOgs of warmth and
your spm gen ' goo way f .
'th this transit, because encounters with others . II 0 gauging where you are
event. WI , especla y women , will bring out its
. mstances and resources with little effort
'11 tt act favora bl e clrcu h"
At this time you WI a r B t you should not expect t IS to keep on
. pleasant now. u
which Will seem very . 1 pIe may come after you to meet you for Jupiter Conjunct Mercury
. . d f 'tely In partlcu ar, peo . b .
happenIng In e dInt. h eople cou Id be qUi beneficial to you In usmess or personal
At this time you are able to combine breadth of visio 'th h
some reason, an t ese p may very well benefit from women during WI
affairs. Regardless of your own sex, you 'ntellect knowledge of the particular with knowledge or"th s ar P perception and
I ' f h" e genera l , and thereby S~
this transit. the whole scope 0 anyt 109 you are Involved in. This revealS't If f h d
. a bTt
long-range P I anmng I I y, Th IS
' IS
. a good time to map out I se
f as oreslg
b t an
In some peop1e thIS· transl't may stimulate an interest din religious
. h h' andd spiritual . I II h your uture , ecause you
can understan d an d mterre ate a t e elements that will affect your life.
thought, b ut your views w ould be more strongly
. . concerne Wit et ICS an morality
than with a more mystical approach to religIOn.
At the same time, you feel optim.istic and proceed with the belief that everything will
come out exact~y as you w.ant It to .. And it probably will, because you don't get
At the very least you can expect to feel quite good at this ~ime, and. even. if nothing
completely carned away With grandIOse thinking. This transit usuaHy indicates a
tremendous comes out of this transit, you will have a teelmg of satisfactIOn and of
good balance between details and generality in your thinking, but there IS also a
being at peace with yourself.
tendency to deemphasize the details and not pay adequate attention to them , 1£ you
are not careful, this can result in sloppy or hasty thinking. Be sure to slow down
Jupiter Opposition Moon somewhat and do not get carried away with your plans. Otherwise, this is an
excellent time to make decisions or to conclude any kind of transaction. It is a superb
This is a time when feelings and emotions play an important part in your life, and
time to buy or sell, because you will almost certainly be satisfied with the deal.
relationships based on feelings and emotions become very important. This transit is
usually experienced positively as warm feelings within yourself and from others. You
As your mind tries to expand, you will want to learn more and more, This is a good
feel emotionally very generous and giving. Relationships are usually quite good and
transit for returning to schoo\, but even on a less formal level you will be anxious to
rewarding now, and those that you have been building up for years may begin to
learn, You may even travel long distances with this aim in mind.
produce results. You can now decide clearly which ones are worthwhile and which
are not.
Any dealings with the law should prove to be quite fortunate for you now. You v•• ill
.B~t there is a negative side to this transit also. It can make you feel very self- prepare for such a confrontation skillfully, leaving no loose ends to trip you up .
In ulgent and undisciplined, You may feel that the world "owes me a living" whether
or not you really deserve 't I I ' Often this transit arouses an interest in religious , spiritual or philosophical matters
breaking their back to hel I , 0 t maya so make y,ou f~el that others ought to be
demanding without really ~~e~~ In pers?nal relatIOnshIps, you may become very
The ordinary perception of reality no longer seems to be enough; you want to expose
yourself to its higher-level manifestations as well.
reaching out to make th'mgs h g ~nythlng to your partner in return, Instead of
move and become qU/'te apPhen In your life, you wait for others to make the first
angry w en p I ' , h Communications with others are exceedingly fortunate under this influence, Your
Moon is basically passive and th eO~,e inSISt t at you take some initiative, The
more demanding, if the neg' t' ~dOPposlhon transit of Jupiter only serves to make it optimism and positive state of mind bring you good news from others conwntng
a lYe 51 e of th e tranSlt" IS expressed , matters of importance, At the same time , everything that you say to t)thm j$ \'eI)'
Positive and reinforcing, which leaves good feelings behind you wherever y u ~(',
and heed what you are told, this can be
h only warm'ng is to make sure that
, yout
listen 'ng negotiating and concluding deals 0 an excellent time for makIng deCisions,
. h II major Jupiter contacts, t e l you make can be realJzed Without
As Wit ad yourself. Be sure that the p adnls Aside from this warning, this is an pl a nnll ' s~en to others' opinions. r agreements But this will happen only
overexten h you can han e, if yoU I
committing you to more t an
excellent transit. . 's usually a time of optimism and positive feel '
ThiS I d are able to get them across Com . I~gs You have confidence in your
'deas an . mUnlcaltons of al\ k d .
I f r example, you may conceivably do .. In S are Important to
Jupiter Sex tile Mercury OU' 0 Some wTltlng
Y ' 'n mind the advice given above about letting oth b h at th t' B I
IS Ime . ut a ways
' decisions, Your powers of perception are keep I d ers e eard. They can do you a
. for PIanm'ng an d ma k109
This is a good time d vera II view of any matter t h at you mUSt lot of gOO .
ble to take a goo 0 " . h h
quite sharp, and you are a d (me for communicating Wit ot ers on , also important not to overextend yourself Mak h
make a judgment about. It is also a g~Ot Ich with group sentiments and opinions It IS b 'I' . . e sure t at your plans are no
e able to get In ou er than your a 1 Ity to cope with them. Sometimes 'th h' ,
important matters. You ar to conclusions that are acceptable to Iarg . b h WI t IS transit the pace can
. I th usual and to come b . retty hectIC, ecause you ave to handle many different ff ' Tho .
more effective y an II t t'me for negotiations, uSlness transactions ge t P . k' b ' a aIrs at once . IS IS
. h This is an exce en I , " when sloppy thm mg can ecome espeCially dangerous .
everyone In t e, group. II bu ing or selling. All of these actiVIties should
and contract discussIOns, as we as y
work out very favorably for you financially. During this period you. may enco~nter resistance to your ideas and opinions from a
number of sou.rces. It IS a good ~Ime to examine your ideas and see how well they
. I d'fferences that may have arisen between yourself really hold up m an argument. It IS a good time to change any views that do not hold
Th' is also a good tIme to reso ve I '1' h
IS h d' I atic and persuasive abl Ity to smoot Over hard up because you can eaSIly enlarge your viewpoint under this transit. You feel no need
and others. You have t e Ip om . I h h .
feelings, and everyone you d ea
I with in this way wdl fee t at you ave arnved at a to be petty or quarrelsome, ~ut you do feel compe\led to defend the ideas that are
fair and adequate compromise. important to you. Any truly Important beliefs will hold up during this confrontation
and become more a part of your basic mental pattern than ever.
Friends may well bring you good news at this time. They may be able to point out
o ortunities that you would have overlooked otherwise. Also you may hear from
f or Jupiter Trine Mercury
someone whom you have not heard f rom'In some time.
. Th"IS IS a goodtime
writing letters or for any other form of communication with others. You may be able This is not a time when you should wait for things to come to you. But you can do
to do some serious writing, particularly if Jupiter makes a station somewhere near quite well with it if you communicate with people, look for opportunities, especi.a\\y
Mercury, causing the transit to stay close for a long period of time. Interest in ideas in business, and look for good items to buy or sell. This transit confers the ability to
and the literary arts is high at this time also . see events clearly and to make plans intelligently, which will serve you well in any of
these matters.
Everything that you do now will be characterized by foresight, planning and an
excellent grasp of the important essentials that make any project a success. But as This is also a good time for talking to others about your opinions or a point of view .
with other sextiles and trines, this transit represents an opportunity that you must You are able to put yourself across with confidence and warmth , which w1\l make
take advantage of. If you don't take the initiative, the energy of this transit is not other people believe you. They will also respect your sincerity and the clarity with
powerful enough by itself to drive you forward. By taking no action, you could which you communicate your ideas. Even if you tell someone something he or she
experience. this transit simply as a time of optimism and positive thinking, but you doesn't want to hear, you can do it so that the other person wiH feel good about you
WIIJ have httle to show for it.
for saying it.

This is an excellent time to take up the study of a new subject , and the more abstract
Jupiter Square Mercury the better. But you also have the ability now to translate abstract ideas ~n~~ practical
This transit signifies increased tI " , reality, which' can be very useful in organizing and planning your actlVltles In any
' h men a actIVIty and a desire to communicate to others
somet mg t at you consider im Wh h sphere of life,
you prob bl thO k ' . portant, et er or not your message is important,
As with most Jupiter transits, on the psychological level you can expect. a ,periodb~~
oint ' a Y' m It liS, so you should take the time to see if that is true, There is no
P m loa d mg peop e up with Y'd d
somethJOg. A d h our I eas an opinions unless they are worth
optimism and positive thinking, fortunately based on reality . You have bIg Idea hi
n w en you speak tO h , . ,"
their response. For although Ou h ot e~s ~t thIS time, It IS VItal that you listen to you have the basic sense to understand what can and cannot be done, T 50
tendency to overiooL d t 'I yY ave bIg Ideas and plans, with Jupiter there is a
e al s. ou may be unwl'II'109 to I'Isten to CrItiCism,
,. , contributes greatly to your effectiveness at this time.
but I'f you

262 283
J 'ter OppOSI't'10n Mercury . nship, you are not about to cause tro bl
up. . (on of many ideas that you have had atlo
rel emely important. A n d such u
a problem e
is not lik I OVer a ny probl em that 'IS not
. , . of very big plans an d the culmmaideas • I y, as I ong as You
become rea I't tr
.Thls IS a tlm~t 's possible now to mak~ your oblem is to avoid thinking too big 0 eX e y to surface under this transit.
In the past, I . the pnmary pr . I r h 's time also your taste is likely to become m I
'd certain pitfalls. In this case , d'ose and impracttca . ,At t I h . ore e egant ' and yOu may be templed
avol . hin that is totally gran I b y something t at I S very expensive or fancy A h
attemptIng somet g 'I h t go into a well-thought-out busines to u teless . In fact one of the few real dangers 't t t ehworst it might even be ga.udy
II f the detal s t a d k' d f s or tasndency to waste or squander money or oth0 watc out fo r un der t h'IS transit is
If you can keep track 0 a o . t acts or to conclu e any In 0 commerCial the te . . er reSOurces D d'
dea I, this is an excellent time to sign con r verlook any details that might affect the State of mmd, however, thIS transit can al b ' . , epen Ing upon your
. ortant not to 0 . bl own rces. Whichever way It , goes, it should be wellso nng d In mon ey an d 'Increase your
transaction , but it is very Imp . M cury contact, this one ena es you to see ou
ther Juplter- er d res un er YOur COntrol.
ou come. More than. any 0hin and to p Ian WI'th foresight. an ' WIS om. B'f
. d ut I you are
nother, less severe danger to watch for is related to th ..
the overall patterns In anyt g 10
not careful. it can also lead to s ppy
thinking or planmng. It IS best to work With
ork or plans and call your attention to ~anger of self-indulgence at ~Il levels, but particularly With ~:oregO\ng .. There
IS the
h heck over your w . II d 'ble to make yourself qUIte unwell this way so P d .od and dnnk . It IS even
someone else w 0 can c k d A lawyer would be especla y goo for this, pOSSI , roce{: WIth caution.
anything that you have overlo~ e .
because lawyers are ruled by JupIter. Y have a strong desire to surround yourself 'th b .
ouroundings are muc h h ar d er th an usual for you to bea
WI eauty
k' SordId or ugly .
1 that began up to SIX . yea rs ago may come to fruition now, but only if sur d .h h r, so ma e an effort to aVOId
Projects orb pans '1 them. You are concerne WIt t e beautiful side of life at this time a d
h n careful about etal s as described above. At any rate,
d d events now will do everything to expose yourself to it. ' n you should
you ave ee h'd were based on reality or on pipe reams. Work Out
k 't clear whether t ese leas h' '11 h
ma e 1 " In detal·'1 an d Ieave as little as possible to chance; t IS WI
everythmg elp you
immensely. Jupiter Sextile Venus

., the truth of any matter" is important to you This is a very pl.easant transit, although you may not feel it very strongly . But If you
Althoug h recognIZIng b .now, If'
you must deal
' h h
wit ot ers ac t tfully . There is a danger of alienating people
. by emg se -nghteous or know it is comm~, you can act In certain advantageous ways during this peri.od .
arrogant in telling them about your ideas. It is ext~emely Important that the brea~th However, you wdl have to take the initiative, which you may not want to do ,
of vision conferred by this transit be accompanied by tolerance and generosity. because one effect of this transit is to make you feel very pleasantly unambitious . It
Usually it is, but sometimes people react in the negative way just described. may be difficul t to rouse yourself to action. Therefore this is a good transit for a
relaxing vacation or any other kind of good time that doesn' t require much energy ,
The pace of events may become rather fast moving for you at this time, and that is
another reason why you must plan everything very thoroughly. You could get This transit favors relationships, romantic and otherwise, because you are able to
confused, not because the situation is undefined or vague but because the scale of project warmth and friendliness more easily than at other times. You are attracted to
events is too large for you to grasp. But this shouldn't happen if you have worked other people, and they are attracted to you . Sometimes this transit can signify the
everything out in advance. beginning of a major love relationship , At the very least you feel like flirting and
drawing in people who are similarly inclined.

Jupiter Conjunct Venus If you have to make a good impression on someone, this is the time. You are much
This transit helps to smooth over all difficulties in your relationships, as well as more able to feel the subtle nuances of relationships , which helps you make the right
promote friendship and give you a strong desire for happy and peaceful times. You moves. On top of that, your feelings for other people are sincere, which they
enjoy being with and talking with friends and will probably attend or hold several recognize and respect. In general with this transit , you act honorably in relationships
social gatherings during this time. You may also be the center of attention for some and attract others who do also, aside from the flirtatiousness that has been described .
reason, and you will enjoy basking in the limelight. However, this is very unlikely to put you in a compromising situation.

This transit occasionally will bring a new love interest into your life. If it does, and With some persons, this transit brings out a taste for the gaudy and the flash,. If
other factors are equal the relat" h' h I f I
'. ' IOns Ip s ou d prove to be an unusually success u your tastes usually run this way , you will be quite ready and willing to pend a
bone m WjhlCh you both grow a great deal and in which there is an excellent balance
etween ove and freedom Such a I ' h' .I ' . considerable amount of money on some flashy bauble.
to an unusua I extent. . re atlOns Ip wlI be deVOId of jealousy or pettmess
You will be attracted to pleasant and beautl'f u 1 surround'mgs at t h"IS ttme an d more
The same energy affects existing r I ' h' than usually repulsed by ugly and sordid condi tions . You may very well f~1
ones WJ'th grea t ease. Because yeatlOns IpS, so that you are able to relate to loved compelled to do something about such conditions if you encounter them no\\ ,
ou are concerned with the larger issues in your
although this is not usually a very socially conscious transit.

---------------------~~~. ----
· time . Money may come your
. well at thIS d . Wily or drink too much . Even with the pleas
. . I affairs usually run qUite b bly be tempted to spen It on sOllleth l' eat antness of th .
Fmancla . u will pro a l\g afterward . IS transIt. you may feel bad
unexpectedly and If so'w~oconscience!
frivolous. Follow your 0 ately you have the ability to make oth f
for t u n ers eel good 'f h
ep and as a result, people enjoy being aro d \ t ey are unhappy or
Jupiter uate Venus
. Sq
chance to do favors for others that will ev un YlloU at this time. You may have
. warmth of feeling and the desire to g' th ed . . .
I generous an glvmg, you Will not mind doing th
en tua y be retu me dAd
. n smce you
This transit can create within younfgenUlnetely it can also make you feel \T~\Te fee em .
thers U ortuna ry
and express love to o · it for things to come to you when y S metimes this transit can signify the beginning of .
d . so that you wa h b Ou
unenterprising an paSSive, . ve hard to tell which of t ese two road classes of oore likely to mean a passing, flirtatious en a new lo~e mterest, but it is much
ought to go out after them. It IS ry k" tbe first is more common. m db ' COunter with th .
I tionship that oes egm under this transit will b bl . e OPPosite sex . A
response to expect, but generally spea lng, re a pro a y be qUite good for you.
that you will attract someone with whom Yo In some instances t~is transit has a way of draWing mone
On occasions this transit ma~ meha~ b t it may not be an easy relationship It.u ou . But don' t Sit around planning how to spend ydodr oth~r material resources
. "ficant relatIOns IP, u . IS
to many I d . h h' a su en Windfall from h
co uld have a slgm . however and whether or not you realize 't peop e 0 Wit t IS transit. It is a possibility b I eaven,
likely to be quite constructive, . 'd 't I
not the most I'k
ley I . ' ut on y one among many and
immediately, you will gain from it in Wisdom an matun y.
Actually it is more likely that you will spend money 0 b' h .
. . I d'ff' It with this transit is that it inspires rather compulsive feelings . n 0 Jects t at you conSider
The pnnClpa I ICU Y d h dl h ' beautiful. Ot h ers may not appreciate your taste at this t' h b .
Ime, owever, ecause It
whIC 0 not Ieave you enough room to maneuver an
· h d . an e t e new relationship
tends toward h
teasA h y or gaudy
. . Be careful that you don' t t k ' h h'
ge stuc Wit somet mg
OU act compulsively your feelmgs may overwhelm the o ther
properIy. Because Y ' . , II V J' '. that will offend your own taste 10 a soberer moment.
person. And it is very important to realize that m a enus- uplter combInatIOns
there is tension between the closeness of Venus and the love of freedom of Jupiter. It You have a great d~sire f.o r beauty, however , and if your taste is sound you wil\
is quite possible to combine these into a very cr~ative relationship that will be surround yourself With obJects that you can enjoy for years and that will also gain in
pleasant and constructive for both of you, but you Will have to calm yourself down a value.
bit and proceed with less excitement. If you can do this easily, this transit should be
very good for you.
Jupiter OppOSition Venus
Because this transit combines the two most pleasure-loving planets, you will find it This is usually a very pleasant transit, indicating harmony in relationships and
difficult to get much work done. You feel much more like having a good time and perhaps even a new relationship that will be of great significance in your life. You
socializing, which is perfectly all right in itself, but don't put yourself in a position want love very much, and you are able to give it to those around you . You feel that
where you have to assume much responsibility. This is a good transit for taking a trip you can fulfill yourself better through being with others than through being alone .
for purely recreational reasons.
This transit encourages a taste for the lavish and beautiful, and you are not likely to
As with other Venus-Jupiter transits, this one stimulates your love of beauty. Make let much stand in the way of what you want. Therefore you must be careful not to
ev~ry effort to surround yourself with beauty, such as pleasant surroundings, art waste valuable resources and squander money . If you are cautious , it is possible to
objects or beautiful scenery With
f d .
I h ' f I' b
some peop e, t IS ee 109 ecomes perverted into a make excellent investments at this time, but only if you examine aU of the possibilities
ove 0 b
gau y, showy things that have no real worth. To each his or her own of very carefully. Like all Jupiter transits, this one has the negative attribute of
course, ut do not get sed ed' . ' carelessness, so you must concentrate on being careful.
. b uc Into wasting money on some trifle that you will regret
In so erer moments.

On occasion, especially if other, more negative transits occur at the same time this
transit can signify a period of emotional turmoil in your relationships . This is beca~se
Jupiter Trine Venus of a struggle either within yourself or between you and a loved one about ho\\ tree
This is one of the most pleasant t . you should be with each other. Venus demands dose emotional involvement, while
very light-hearted and sociabl ran sits of all, in a light and passing way. You feel
others. This is a good transitet a~d want to spend as much time as possible with
ow Jupiter demands room to move. The opposition brings out this polarity very trongly .
participating in other forms f Or taking a vacation, attending social gatherings, or so that in a love relationship one of you may want more freedom, ",..hUe the other
serious effort, because you 0 a~us~ment and fun. It is not conducive to any kind of wants a more possessive relationship. Ultimately the issue boils down h.) respect and
. esoh'e
are mclmed t f ) I
Th ere is also a very strong self-' dI
0 ee peasant y lazy and unenterprising.
trust, and only by bringing everything out into the open can t he two ot Y0U r
In u gent streak to this transit. Be very careful not to this controversy.
, Ju iter trans l't that
, signifies the danger of unusually clea r n ow about what you in tend to d ' .
. J Ieve I, this IS another ,Pr deSlre
o th physlca ' for rich, .sweet and otherWise y ou a re an d you al'm a t achieving cer t aIn
' very defin't 0 InI any
Y SItuation . Your will
ga7nin; weight. because it stimula::a:;~ such food for awhile .
is strong, . t' n Under a t ra nsit Iik thO I e goa s, ou can act decisively
d with convlC 10 . e IS you can convlOce other people of your
fattening foo ds. I t ma Y be necessary an . f view and get them to fo ll ow your lead . In fa t I'k h M '
omt 0 . ' \I c , un I e ot er ars-Juplter
P b'nations, thIS one IS unusua y good fo r working with th I b
Jupiter Conjunct Mars com It thers to identify their in terests with yours 0 er peop e ecause you
~~o .
, You feel physical1y strong and fit
. h high energies. h' V '
. .
This IS a very exu berant transit, Wit. and ta e ck hances than at ot er times . igo rous
h' h h hing you do is aimed at enlarging your sphere of int t Y d
Every t h ' . eres s. ou 0 not act out
and you are more wiJ1ing to be activeays to use this energy, w .IC strengt ens YOur of petty motives, always. avmg hlgh~ mi nd.ed and high-level goals in mind . Others
. I activity is one of the best w h n usual. This is qUite a common transit
p h ySlCa I'sh more t a h t 't t f 'II spect your obvIOUS mtegnty , which WIll make them m
WI re
'11' h I
ore WI 109 to e p you .
bo dy an d aHows you. to accomp f
I .
h t IS a km 0
. d f physical action t a I seems 0 aVor
when women give birth, or t .a sit does not indicate pregnancy. have to go to a court of law at this time the proce d' h Id
especla . 11 y. However ' in itself thiS tran If yOU h h ' e Ings s ou tu rn out to
benefit. In fact, t e c ances are that you will be able to wo k t .
· "fortunate action, " which sums, up its that will be advantageous to b ot h parties .
your r ou a compromise
' sit in one boo k IS .
A k yword phrase for thIS tran h' g that you direct your energies to,
e 1 Almost anyt 111 fl d h
strength quite adequate Y· .
. , h t requires a ot 0
1 f energy will seem to ow an
' I' h
appen as if
h Professional ~~ccess is likely at this time , because of your excellent sense of timing
especiaJ1y an activity t a l l I ' 'mportant to rea Ize, owever, t at you and your abilIty to take advantage. of every opportuni ty that comes along. You
ki effort a t a . t IS I d d"
YOU were not ma ng any f h' t ansit is over, an even unng It to SOme should be able to advance yourself Without alienating others. They will recognize that
· 'te hard' a ter t IS r I h' "
are in fact work1l1gdqUI t a "whl 1e an d res.t One of the prob ems at t IS time IS that your success is well deserved.
extent, you will nee to s op h d body and mind are working, there is a real
't lize how ar your II
because you d on rea k If Certainly if you are not in exce ent physical This transit is usually good for physical health , and for pregnant women it is a good
h '11 overwor yourse " . f
danger t at you WI k h physical work without prepanng or it, but sign of a successful pregnancy with no complications.
condition you should not la e u.p e~vy .
that is just what you might do with thiS transIt.
Jupiter Square Mars
ean that you will be accident-prone under this
The same tendency can a lso m . I' d k
influence. It IS not t at t e ransl is accident-prone, but that you are mc me to ta e
' h h t 't This can be a very constructive and useful transit , as long as you make some effort to
foolish risks on the assumption that nothing can go wrong. control its exuberance, especially in certain forms that are often v ery obnoxi.ous to
" IS a go od'tIme t0 beg'n
ThIS I a new proJ'ect , as long as you don't overextend
. yourself,
'/ u have much more initiative than usual, and you can accomplIsh a great deal by This transit gives you a great deal of confidence and makes y ou feel very seH-
y;urself. Working with others may be frustrating, because it is hard for you to put up assertive. Usually this is all right, but some people will express th is energy by
becoming arrogant and domineering. Also be wary of overconfiden ce, resulting i.n
with their slower pace.
attempts to do things that are simply beyond you. As with other Mars-Jupiter
contacts, in any physical activity you should be very careful no t to take foolish risks
Often this transit is expressed through doing something that requires a magnificent that could lead to an accident.
sense of timing or planning. Or you will do something that works out very well for
you in the long run . Even if it doesn't require great energy, it will pay great dividends
Intemperance in almost any activity could completely undo the basically positive
in the Euture.
nature of this transit's energies. Avoid exaggeration and try to maintain some sense ot
proportion. If you can do all of this , you will be able to get more work done than
Jupiter Sextile Mars usual, and you will do it well. You will be able to accomplish th ings that you are
usually afraid to tackle because you feel inadequate , and you can tak e the initiative
This is a time of high energy and independent initiative. You feel very self-confident
when you would otherwise wait for others to take the lead .
and capable of tackling almost anything within reason. It is a good time to start a
project, and most activities that you take up now should 'have a successful outcome.
With care and planning and adequate restraint , th is tra nsit is a general :ign of
However, as with other sextiles, you must take some positive action in order to get
fortunately timed action that takes advantage of the p roper moment and rna es the
the m ost ou t of I.his transit. It brings you opportunities, but you have to pick them
most of it. And that is not luck on your part. but insight a nd sk.ill . All of this requires
up . However, t.hls should not be much of a problem because this transit usually
makes y ou feel lIke laking action. preparation, however, because impulsive actions at thi time are n) t likely t h very
, Tran slI
Planets m Jupiter

'n authority over you , If You

ersons I h h act
n t to placate P 'k f you as a treat, Wether Or he same reason, don' t take unnecessary chanc~ . The feeling of omnipotence that
' porta d d thin 0 h nOt
be partiCularly 1m e alarme an, Iy intend to be a treat, this tran ' For
thiS ttrans)' t confers is not real, at least not to the extent that you feel I' t .
It m~~tately they may beco~f yOU do consc,oupslanned carefully. But if YOu are nSlt
preclPI ' Of course. au have .. f Ot
intend to be. 'again that Y 'ence oPPosItIOn rom your sUperior (mes this transit can signify a conflict With another in which you try to break
you a help, assumln~ au may expen s Some I h' str' cf 0 It ' d'ff' I
could be intentions, y from the ot er s re I I ns . IS I ICU t to say in general whether your
conscious of your understanding why, aw.ay
es timate of the facts is
. . accurate, that is,
h whether
Th f the other person is really demanding
without ever qUite h or restnctmg you too muc . ered ore you must examine the issue very
toO muc Y h
· e Mars f Ily before you act. ou ave a great nee to be self-assertive at this time , but be
Jupiter Tnn . ' care u . f . t' . h' h .
. - the conJunctIOns , squares and ure to reserve It or a sltua . Ion dlIn w IC It can be constructive . Avoid acting upon
. transits h b S
impulse.I t could get you Into nee ess trouble .
he harder Mars-Jupiter te the Irre . pressible energy t at can e hard t 0
Unlike. . t - this. on e does notfI crea f energy that enables you . to act mUch mOre
OPPOSitIOns ate an easy ow o. that demand foreSIght, careful planning he other hand, this transit also confers real Courage . The difference between
controJ. It does creal and to take initiatiVes 'nitiative that you take now will Work On
courage and foolhardiness
t . k is simple
" Iself-knowledge,
If which you must have in order to
ffectively than usu Almost any I
k this transIt wor out pOSItive y. you are cool and collected in what you do ,
e d 'derable self-confidence. . t start any enterprise.
an conSI , It is a good time 0 e n be a time of considerable triumph as you overcome obstacles and accomplish
out as you want It to. . . thiS ca If'
of integrity. You may be IambitIOUS With deeds that yo~ usually wou d eel Incapable of: If yo~ have to stand up for yourself .
b a strong sense
ctions are governed y. can, and In a way that makes further dealtngs With your opponents constructive
our a
this transit, but you ee
f I that it IS very 1m
. portant to achieve your goa s correctly and
" .
d Others will recognize your mtegnty, w Ich will
h' ~:t~er than destructive. But this will happen only if you keep your head.
In aceo
rdance with ethical. standar s.
increase their confidence In you.
Jupiter Conjunct Jupiter
. 't you have a strong desire to make something ofd yourself . in the
Under this translf the term For exam pIe , there is the drive to succee , partIcularly in This transit occurs at eleven- or twelve-year intervals, when you are eleven , twenty-
d d
broa est sense 0 h' ted yourself. There is also a strong nee to create, three, thirty-five and so on. It indicates the beginning of a new cycle of growth and
. t that you ave star f d
rogress. However, for people who are not very skilled in astrology, this transit is
some proJec h b' I . I realm where this transit can signi ya esire to have
ven extending to t e 10 oglCa ' . h'ldb' h the focus of exaggerated expectations . They expect sudden wi. ndf ails , great
children. Often th'IS transl't coincides with a particularly easy c I Irt.
wealth or luck, and all kinds of wonderful opportunities . And these things do happen
sometimes with this transit, but most people should expect more subtle , but equally
As usual with Jupiter, this transit signifies actions aimed ~t enlarging y.o~r scope of
useful effects.
actIOn, ,. you more freedom of movement and creatmg opportunItIes for new
Events now, such as meetings with persons or even changes in your psyche, open ~he
This is a good time to approach a person with whom :1ou do not usually get along or way for you to become wiser and more mature and to have a broader ~nderstandmg
someone you have had a temporary dispute with and make an effort to settle it. You of the world. At this time you will reach out consciously and unconscIously and ask
will find it easy to convince the other person of the integrity of your motives because more of the world, but at the same time you are willing to give more to the world .
it is true, and they will respect that. If you are involved in a legal controversy, this This' transit can make you feel either more demanding or more giving toward others,
transit is a good time to settle that dispute on terms favorable to yourself. but you are not likely to get much out of it if you think only of what you can get. T~e
law of conservation of energy in the universe says that you can transform the energIes
in your life from one form to another, but you cannot create them out of nothing.
Jupiter Opposition Mars
This is why you must put as much into the world as you expect to get from it. Thb
This is an extremely exuberant transit, which inclines you to do everything in a big transit represents a time when you should see whether you are doing that in your life.
way. Your energy level is high d b' ' . . d Y
have a great need to expend ,anph .youI are am Ihous In everythIng that you klo. Iou
D' . ]' d' YSlca energy, but be careful not to act rec ess y. Concretely, you can expect persons who are good for you to come into you.r life. Or
lSClp me an restramt are necessary no tt h d
' rna er w at you o. circumstances will arise that give you increased freedom or an opportunity to do
Do not overestimate YOUT abiliti .h f something that you have never done before. Educational opportunities ma~ come to
doing quite a bit under th' t ~,elt er to yourself or to others. You are capable 0 you at this time, or a chance to travel. Sometimes this transit does in fact bring about
important not to kid IS T,afns , so you don't have to exaggerate. It is especially financial advantage, but you should not sit around passively waiting for it to happen.
yourse about bT . h ill
genuinely try to do the impossible y~ur a 11I1es, owever, because you w This is an excellent time to invest or expand in business as long as you are very
and quIte possibly exhaust yourself in the process. careful not to overdo it or overextend yourself.
Planets in Trans it
... __- - - -- - -- ____
~---- --------------~----------------
h's transit some persons experience a kind of e 'nH '
iter SelCtile Jupiter Under t I f grandeur or overestimate their self-im go \ ah~n in which they havt
JuP . . your I'fIe, when all your affairs seem to delusions 0 d . flated pride with little or n I POrtance . ThIS can lead to arrogant
equilibrium behavior an tn 0 rea substance behind it.
. . of ba Iance an d Inour par. It is a time when
t . you d can relax
This IS a tIme .th t much effort on y I'f ' I'n good workIng or er. This is does is test your sense of proportion Y ha
hJ nd WI ou h ur I e IS
.• h 's transit
tha t t Icannotd 0 an d w h 0 you really are . I ouf ve to know wha
run smoot· yaY for a WI
h'le , knowing t at yo r WIt. hout much effort - growth in v' n and . t you
and ta e It eas h owth seems to oecu . I life or wherever you feel that Ily ca " 11 . . nso ar as you fulhll those
also a time w en gr f ' n in your sOCIa
. our pro esSIO ,
r~nditiOns, this tranSI~ WI ~ve you apparent luck and greater power to achieve
consciousness, 10 y ~nsofar as yOU do not now a out yourself , you will experience the negative effects of
personal growth is important. the transit.
hould just enjoy yourself. You should do that,
· 'IS no t really a time whenb youaminlOg
But thIS yo ur life to see what needs to be. done . Jupiter Trine Jupiter
to be sure, b ut you should also h ctlOn at present , but if you becomeI conSCIOUS of
e ex.
You pro ba bly will not take'11muc a
b able to ta e
k the appropriate steps ater on. It is
. h " This transit usually re~resen.ts a time of optimism and positive thinking in your life.
th matters now, you WI e h uilibrium that IS c aractenStic of this You seem to be at a qUIet pomt of ~alance that enables you to look over the affairs of
ese h' ow because t e eq I dd h
important to think t IS way n ourself with reasonable ca m an etac ment. It is your life and get a good perspect1~e on them. Therefore, it is a good time to make
transit enables you to look about ~ when ou are in the middle of some major and long-range plans and to re~rgamze. You should use this transit to gain new
much harder to achieve a perspectIve Y
erspectives thr.o~gh e~~c~tlOn or travel or by participating in one of the
possibly chaotic change. p nsCI'ousness-ralSlng actIVItIes or groups that exist now .
· t chleve .
perspec h' ve I'n all possible senses of the word. It is a This is a time of ps~cholo~ical an.d p~ysical equilibrium. If you have recently been ill
This is a good dtimeI" 0 na elt. her f Ir
orma 0
I'nformal , for getting in touch with yourself
good time for e uca 10 , d' f seeing the larger world through travel. in either body or mind, thIS transIt WIll help tremendously with the healing process . It
through self-awareness stu les, or or is very unlikely that you would contract any kind of illness under this influence.

BuslOess . a1 matters usually run quite.
and professlOn smoothly ' at this time.
d Your This is also a good time to examine your ideas and your goals , for it may be possible
. h' 'th
relatIOns IpS WI peo pIe in positions above you are
. lIkely to be
B . qUIte goo ,and
. you to actualize them in various ways now. At other times there is too much tension in
may receIve some 10 k' d of recognition for your achIevements.
. usmess transactIOns
. or your life or too much resist~nce from others. If you are involved in any movement
. t'
negotla Ions a r e , also favored now and this is a good tIme to
. expand your busmess, for reform, now is a good tIme to take some positive action . Or you might become
as long as it is within reason. Legal affairs also usually run qUIte smoothly. more involved in religion or philosophy, because you need to know much that is
beyond the apparent order of things.
Jupiter Square Jupiter
It is quite possible that you will do nothing with this transit, because it gives you a
With this transit it is very important that you keep your affairs from getting out of
feeling of balance but no drive to do anything in particular. You have an unusual
hand. There is a strong tendency to excess, which may make it impossible to keep Up
sense of ease and relaxation now. This is also a good time to travel . both for
with whatever you are involved in, simply because it is more than you can handle. Be
relaxation and for educational reasons.
particularly careful concerning financial matters, for you are likely to spend without
thinking, confident that there is an abundance of money or other resources to back
The important point to remember with this transit is that it is fundamentally an
you up. You may not notice the pinch immediately, but shortly after this transit you
opportunity. You will not feel driven by any energies. nor will you feel any resistance
may experience shortages that will be severely exacerbated if you spend money
foolishly now. to your efforts to do something. You can make great use of this time, but you have to
take the initiative.

But money is not the only area of concern. You may be overcommitted to projects
that demand more time than you II h S. . Jupiter Opposition Jupiter
t hat you rea 11y have the time
rea y ave. 0 10 every area of your lIfe make sure
. '
. h or resources to do what you have set out to do. Do not
overestImate t e resources al your dispo I Under this transit you are likely to feel quite good, with enough confidence tl handle
sa .
just about anything. It is a period in your life when you feel optimistic and as thlUgh
If you avoid that pitfall this can be . you can do whatever you want. As with other Jupiter transits, however you may be
confl·denc·e and 0 p t'Imlsm
.' d
an allo
a very frUItful transit, because it gives you more somewhat overconfident. so be careful not to take on more than you can handle.
ordinarily be re/uclanl to t k ws you to undertake projects that you would
ensure thaI your affairs will t:r~ on. h AIso
your baSically positive attitude helps to At this point several time-consuming projects may be coming to a head at l n e'lIT~iS
OUI t e way you want.
' quite advantageous or qUlte
Cou Id be either . d'ff'
1 lCU1t, depen ding up n h'w we )l:U
. happening nOW may be more th t nd yourself , and whatever you build up ' .
. ' . the past. What IS . an overe )( e rid will be lasting , The other reactl' on ' nohw , eIther In yourself or in the
r WO , . IS C aracteri db ' .
have estimated your capaCitieS 1tl t back a bit. oute es but this one IS very patient and caref 1 ze y Impatience and
have to cu restlessn ' s u.
you can deal with, so you ma Y feel that your every day world '
. 11 , your reaction to this transit will be determined b .. .
' I b
IS can a so e a I
fme of restlessness, for yOU ugh experience for you . If you f IS
provide enO h b t . b ~I Fln~Into
y 't If there are many tensions in y l'f y your life situation as you
simply not "big" enough or does not f activitY someW at , u agam e careful I. our 1 e and you bl
gO u If adequa tely, you a re likely to respond in th e f'Irst manner
are 0una h e toh express
OUr scope 0
this way , you need to en Iarge Y yO rse life is working out reasonably well you will b . ' n t e ot er and ,
if yOUr , e more likely to respond in the
not to overreach. 'f oU have been careful to follow th
'ble even I y b' . e seCond way·
· t 'th authorities are pOSSI ' . "that yOU are overam ItlOUS or th
on IC s WI h impressiO.. at
rulesfl You may have given others tel t) and they may try to prevent you from
C Ju piter Sextile Saturn
you ~ant too much (in their terms, a;1 eas ~an do is confront them directly and try
u un'ng this transit
. f you
' approach
E h' expansion and growth f rom a very careful and
etting any further. If this happens, a YOh . position (unless , of course, you are) D
g e not after t elr . . Th . prag matic POInt 0 .View.Y veryt ' mg you do, every plan you ma k e IS. charactenzed, by
to reassure them that yOU ar b somewhat compromlsmg . e nature of
'b'I't you must e . . th th pru ence and caution . ou are f mterested in what could b e, b ut t h'IS concern .IS well
Because of this pOSSI I I y, . d stir up oppositIOn, e 0 er person . dnced by your concern or what is already You a . her 'd
. ' h that If yoU 0 I f IS a . . re nelt I eaI'Ishc
, nor
Jupiter in this transit IS suC II nd could cause you a ot 0 trouble. b la
likely to have considerable power or pu a e)(cessively conservative .
'th a little care and restraint, you can convert , .as limitations upon yo ur \'f
do not .see duties and obligations
. le b u t as routes to
' necessary. WI .
However, none 0 f thi SIS . h '11 produce considerable good, especiaIJy in You
achieving Wisdom and matunty ..Thls IS a fundamentally correct view, but you must
this into an exce lIent transit . t at WImake you either extremeI y extravagant or balance your need for freedom With your need to get work done in order to see it that
. . I tt This transit t candepending upon your natura I b ent.
f manoa ma ers.. h way . That is what you. are doing now , You are oriented to work and duty , but you
extremely successfulm suc mat ers, can also see that certam apparent responsibilities are really not validly yours. And
yOU are not willing to take on someone else's share of the work unless you can see
Jupiter Conjunct Saturn
real benefit from doing so.
. h' 't you will confront your own inhibitions and self-restrictions as
Dunng t IS transl . ' In financial terms, you are very thrifty at this time. You can see what the best
well as the restrictions placed upon you by circumstances. You may wish to break
free of them in order to enlarge your scope of activity, so you can go places and do investments are, and you proceed very carefully wh ile pu tting your money into them .
things that you have never been able to do before. On the other hand, you may Therefore these investments are more likely than most to w o rk ou t welL
choose to grow within the structure of restriction in your life, using that very
structure to enlarge your life. It can go either way, depending very much upon your During this period you will discover how to turn your ideals i.nto reality, partly
temperament. And neither way is better as a general rule. It depends entirely on what because you can see which goals and ideals are realis tic and wh ich are not , You
is appropriate in terms of your own life. discard whatever is not realistic , and you work for your goals very patiently , laying a
solid groundwork for success.
If you respond by trying to break free, you will begin to feel very restless. Events and
circumstances will make it dear that you have neglected much that must be done, and In business this is usually a good time, because your prudence a nd thrift enable you
the structures of your life that have held you back will seem intolerable. You can no to separate the real opportunities from the illusory ones and thereby make real gains .
longer acce~t barriers such as responsibilities that you have put up with for years, You will be inclined to expand your business, but you w ill do so very cautiously
onerous duties ~r perhaps a built-in fear of breaking away from the established order. rather than incautiously.

Con.sequentl~, if you react in this way, this is often a time of breaking away and
eapmg out
residence th ba new
or mto f l ' . Th"IS IS 0 f ten accompanied by a change of job or
k freedom
e rea up 0 re atlOn h' A d h Jupiter Square Saturn
seem to others, they are usually u' 5 IpS. n owever catastrophic these changes
the best. q Ite fortunate and allow everything to work out for Under this transit you will make many adjustments in your life , separating yourself
from persons or circumstances that are doing you no good. You w ill change many
standards of behavior and morality that you realize are inappropriate and generally
If you respond in the second manner .
new freedom, but for a variet f' you Will also seek to expand your life and hnd
realign your conception of duty and responsibility more in accordance with re~lity.ln
your fI'f e 10 t dreasons yo U WI'11 not overthrow the structures ,)f
. order to do so Inyo the process you may experience a considerable amount of tension. and for a time you
• S ea you '11 .
structures and expand the alre d '. WI seize every opportunity to build neW may be confused, not quite knowing whether to go backwa rd or forward . to expa.nd
. h . a YeXisting ord F . .'
you mig t use thiS time to expand' er. or example, If you are In busIness, or cut back. Probably you would be well advised to go off by y ourself for a while ,
In a careful and cautious way. You will not

-----------~------ -

ntlc va Ju e, unless you select YOUr adv'

ISO u actions are governed by a strong sen~e of dut Y
. °e will be 0 f I
nd go forward 10 some areas b rs All yO .r Tfes that you have in the world d y , ou recognize thE' many
h people 5 ad VI~ . ncreas e a . ' Ut t re~pof'lslbl I I , an you are willing to live up to them as
because ot er he challenge here IS to I 0 keep everything gOlOg, no matter ho 0 ou can ,
with great care T Y wIll not be able t of telling In advance which are "" best Y
cut back in others. ou tel v there is no way as of y take a rather paternal attitude toward the OP I
nfortuna J
much you want to. U you rntathem clod take on their troubles as yOur ownPE'B e arfoulnd you. wanting to
'!e will be at/erted . rotec h h h e care u not to overdo thl'>
your II .. P ver because even t oug you ave good intention!'> b d '
. often a strong f ee I'Ing of restlessn howe ' I 'I' Th ' eyon a pOint you have
t there IS b ess , ht to take over peop e s Ives. ey mU!;t deal with th .
A~ with other Jupiter-Saturn ~onr~~c :hat something is \"'ron~, ut ~ou ~~e not sure no rig elr own problems .
and uncertainty. You knoW c ea with this is not to be '" a urry. sua y you will 'f yOU encounter setbacks during this time they a l'k I
. . Th best way 10 deal
w'hat It IS. e d to make a eClSIO
d ' . n based on careful observation of th
Ev~n IslY you will take them philosophically ~t YOUT rte not I de y to allect you
seflOU' . k , . . osses an move on to the
have all the time you nee
next p
has e , You Will eep m mmd where you want to 00
II ' b"
" , an you WI not
'II be .
tacts, so don't rush . , ded from fo oWing your 0 lectlve.
. a critical time, but not necessarily a had dlss ua
. I alters t hIS IS .
51 ness and profess lona m ' do noW will have a more Important effect In general, Sa.tu rn ~ules ~he material. wO.rld , while Jupiter rules growth. About the
I n bu h t hatever you
It sImply means taW hould be patient w I e you f'Ind the right
on IY real cautIOn .With thiS combmatlOn
h IS not to allow mat ena . I expanSion . , th roug h
one Therefore you s .
than usual on the future.. I Be especially careful WIth your finances prop erty , possessIOns or w atever, to reach the point of hm·t' I Ing your f reed om 0 f
bl in thiS area a so. . .' h h' ' action and giving you more responsibilities than you want. You can handlt, them
solution to any pro em d to resent the ilmltatlOns t at t ey ImpOse on
because }'OU WI ave 'II h a trong ten
d ency . I 'f h
may act impulsIve y, as I t ere were no real no W, but you mIght have trouble later on . At this time 'In yo ur persona I Juplter-
your freedom of movement an you Saturn cycle, you should work only on what you need and go where you have to go ,
iimitations at all,
'II h ge J' obs under this transit, because a new offer gives Jupiter Opposition Saturn
I tIS pOSSI'ble that you,,
WI c an
t ahead than your old job. In that case, take it, because
, more opportunItIes to ge I h Id This can be one of the more difficult transits of Jupiter, because Saturn is so diHerent
you it b neficial with this influence. In genera you 5 ou take any in nature from Jupiter. Often you will feel psychologically that you are shrinking and
such changes
'h are a en e d I
long now to broaden your scope an re ease yourself from
opportunllV t at comes a , . ' . , expanding at the same time. With this transit It is very difficult to know exactly
, . . - hat ha held you back . The tnck IS to do thIS In a way that IS not which direction the trends in your life are taking. Thus you must be extremely careh·l
hmltalJOns t ve
destructively disruptive in your guesses, because of the danger of misjudgment.

Decisions in general are difficult with this transit because you are caught in a conflict
JURiter Trine Saturn
between caution and optimism. Whenever one attitude gets the upper hand in your
With this transit you can work patiently and slowly to build something up. There is mind, the other comes along and undermines tt. Often it seems very difficult to know
little of the tension and ambiguity that one experiences with the conjunction, square whether to expand or retrench . This problem will be especially bad if you have
and opposition transits of Jupiter to Saturn. Under this influence YOll are able to keep overextended yourself in the past and had to cut back. This creates a lack of elf-
in mind your long-range goals while dealing with all the everyday concerns that confidence, which may surface now .
anse, Consequently the work that you undertake now is usually very well done. You
have an unusual understanding of the relationship between parts and the whole. You may also experience a conflict at this time between the desire for greater freedom
and opportunity and the desire to hold on to the safe and predictable circumstance
that you are used to. Often the temptation is to break away from everything and tart
This is an appropria te time to handle all manner of practical concerns, Your mind is
over without the weight of the past holding you back, so you think. The restles nes
earthbound, but you don" lack vision and foresight. Therefore this is an excellent
resulting from this conflict can cause you to make many significant changes in your
time to expand an existing business, start a new one, or branch out into a new area of
life, especially about your career. Relationships are also frequently difficult
.busin~s , Af~er you find the most practical solution to any problem, you move
Jmm~lateJy In that direction, Clarity of intention is one of the strongest points of this especially those that involve much responsibility Casual relation h\~ and
transIt. friendships are less likely to suffer .

However, if y'ou are basically satisfied with your life and you don't eel that your
Unlike most'11 transits of Jupiter with th'
1 '11
' I S one you WI not want to e WIt 0
b ' h ther
duties and obligations are onerous, you should experience the po itive ide 0 thb
peopIe espeoa y. t is a good tim t f h
' h e 0 go 0 f by yourself and think things over sO t at transit, which is actually quite considerable . This is a time "hen ·ou can e rand the
you (an amve at t e clearest id f h
feeling Jont'ly. The seclusion will ~a 0 w at you want to do. But don't worry about structures in your life to include much more than ever beftre, For example. you uld
t' good for you and not at all unpleasant.

. of your na tal Sa turn wil! prob b
t1 0 U Sness a I
. because the cau 0 a u could take on more responsibilit. ~ ake you impatient with the routine limitations d h.
d business, rse If r y ·k b I les does m. robably try to make changes in 0 . un er W I~h you normally live .•
safelyexpan a tending yoU : . If you ca n stn e a a anCe be h .. '
m overex a tlsfymg. . f '''''een you wJl! p . . . I · I . y ur Immecilate environment In order to
prevent you fro r work more s th is can be a tlme 0 conSider b ·th thiS Impatience. t IS a so qUite possible th t h h .
h·ch would make yOU f Jupiter and Saturn, a Ie deal WIon ta neously , with little effort on yo ur part. ate c anges Will occur more or
W I . forces 0
the twO oPPosing peri ty. lesS sp
achievement and pros
This transit .ca n be .~en tally very exciting. You are attracted to new ideas that are
Jupiter Conjunct Uranus .. enging In a posItive way. Not only are you receptive to them b t
cha Il ·1 h I Of d . . u you can gra!>p
ities. And you will stnve now f them more easl y t .a n usua. ten un er thiS influence you are able to solve difficult
d dden oppor tun Or a
. . ·t of surprises an su before. You may throw over all kinds f ms in your life because you can approach them f f h .
ThiS IS a trans l ver known .f 0 pro bl e . .. h rom a res perspective. You
· d f freedom you have ne ur lost youth or, I you are young , you will may develop a n tnteres t tn sCience or ot er technical diSCiplines.
kIn 0 capture yo df
and try to rewhat It. means to be young an ree .
. I reform is a no ther area that you .might be attracted t0, fee Img that teo
h Id
·n every way to express Socia
see k I I.
. ·t is reluctance to Ive up to Yo solutions are ~ot adequat~. However: .thls transit does not usually express itself With
of thiS transl Ur
The most negative aspect . d sire for freedom you do not let people dOwn the compulSive revolutIOna ry SPlfl t of some of the other Jupiter-Uranus
responsibilities . Be ca:eful thatol: y~~r th: other hand, you have to strike a balance combinations.
who are really countlOg on Y . k you and your need to be yourself .
between the demands that others ma e on sudden opportuni~ies may arise, such as a sudden fi nancial gain or a sudden job
. ur idealism . You find it very hard to accept romotion that Will allow you to do much more than you have done before . This
At the same time,
this transit arouses yo
d. .
. h ·n your personal surroun mgs or In the Outer ~ransit may also tempt you to take chances wi th fi nances by speculating or gambling.
. . t condItIOns, elt er I
sordid or unJus b orne involved in a reform movement or group
world. For this reason you ma ~ . ec In a larger sense, it is difficul~ to say precisely wh~t you can expect with this transit
that works to change social conditIOns . because the nature of Uranus IS so unpredictable, either natally or in transit . But you
can expect some occurrence that will materially alter your plans for the immediate
. . k t in an entirely different manner. It may mean a sudden
But thIS transit can wor ou dd . future, and you can expect that it will be a favorable change. Your immediate future
. ty f om an entirely unexpected quarter - a su en promotIon,
break or opportum r . h is likely to have many more possibilities than are apparen t now.
dden windfall or a sudden encounter With someone w 0 proves to
for examp Ie, a su ·b·I · · I · d ·ff· I
be benefICla 0 you. These are I·ust a few of the POSSI
·· I t . I. ItIes. . t IS I ICU t to say
exactly which of these might occur, because Uranus IS an erratic Influence, whether it Jupiter Square Uranus
is transiting or natal. The effects of this transit can vary considerably . On the one hand, it can indicate a
"bolt out of the blue" lucky chance or change in fortune , a sudden opportunity that
Another effect of this transit is that it can open your eyes to new possibilities. The significantly changes your life . But on the other hand , it can indicate such restlessness
consciousness-expanding nature of the transiting Jupiter can help you see situations and impatience with restrictions that you create a major distu rb a nce in your \ife in
from a totally different angle, and you may think of solutions to the problems that your efforts to become free .
you have had to face. Often these will be radical solutions that you would usually be
afraid of. but the transiting Jupiter gives you the confidence to try them . Under any circumstances you are likely, rightly or wrongly , to see change as the only
way to get ahead, and to a certain extent this is always true . But the danger here is
Sometimes this transit can produce a sudden opportunity for travel, quite often to a that you will seek change for its own sake and not take the time to examine carefully
fo reign part of the world. At the very least, you could expect to be exposed to which changes will be most effective . There is a s t rong tendency to be negatively
completely new aspects of life.
suggestible, that is, to always go in the opposite direction from an y pressure.

Whateve~ the effects of this transit, you can expect a sudden broadening of the scope Freedom in general is very important to you at this time , and you will work very
of your life and the opportunity to encounter life from a new richer and broader hard to get it in some area. In relationships, this can be d isruptive because you are
pe~spectiv~. This may come about through a major transformin~ event or through a likely t~ be hostile toward anything that keeps you " in line ." Also this transit can
serIes of minor ones that collectively have I . t
a arge Impac . signify a time of constant change, when you cannot ten from one day to the next
what you are going to do.
JUpiter Sextile Uranus
A t this tim e you desire to make .. But opportunity will probably come, if you can maintain a certain degree C'f restraint
knowled ge a nd exp · Wh·) POslttve changes in your life that will lead to g~eat~r Without putting yourself into such a straitjacket that you cannot move w~en. the
enence . I e the energy of this transit is not usually disruptive, It Opportunity presents itself . You uo in fa ct need freedom from something at thiS time ,

and yoU WI
'II pro a
'ng so qUI
b b /y

ain calm, you WI

I what an
Islve Y
'11 Sll en
d how much you need , as Ion
get exact y , I that you rum your c ances for
'ck/y and Impu dd Iy see and be ab e to take an op
g as
Cre ' ll
POrtll '
, tion Be patient, and you will disco nlty
VICW your li fe very carefully to find Out wh
---------.-- - -
at The danger IS t h at you will Overthr at needs to b e overthrown and what

change, If you rem free from restfiC Ver that doe,s ns Be carefu l of this, because it could suboW worlthwhile things along with the
d r to become ' your new f ree d om,
use' esf am s tanlla Iy Vlt'la te any/ ad vantage you
to get a hea 0 , ' required , gain r
not muC h m
ore patience IS
'onships are especia lly affected by this tran
ReIa t' I some way, A partners h "IP , either marital Sit,bparticular!
0 ,

Jupiter Trine Uranus ' y th ose t hat obligate

YOu, In , "
tain dunng thiS time, And to add to the co f '
or USIOe5S m b ' "
.. .' ay e qUite difficult to
d t express yourself by doing something th
ma in Th ' , I n USlon It IS somet'
, 't gives you astra ng ,nee y 0 need to expenence,
a new k'tnd of freed at iS w h0 W
ants out. IS IS a n examp e of a transit ex ' 'd
penence in pr '
Imes your partner
ThiS transl I routIne, au h k om in tting out the energy yourself, you encounter olecte orm , Instead
dI'fferent from your normadimenSIOn ' S of living that you ave not nOwn before 'l'h'
h h' I ' I IS
o pu someone who' I
your life and to discover h f 'nner truth on t e metap YSlca or philosoph' ou, In this case, do n ot attempt to hold on t th IS apparent y dOlOg it
£or Y h h o e other pers on , or th at 'IS the

t way to dnve 1m o r er away, Give yo


may take the form of a searc or I I form of a new activity in your life, leal r
, t ke the more externa 5uredss for you need it , too, al though you are notUa partner al~ the freedom he or she
level, or It may a nee , s aware of It.
, w ideas with this transit, and you should be b'
receptive to ne I H a It
You are much more th'ng solely because it is a nove ty , owever for th A related expression of this transit is encountering a P h,
erSOn w 0 seeks 10 some t

I1'berate you f romh yourse or f rom some duty that yOu have voluntarily take way 0
carefu I a bau t ge tting intohsome I' constructive an d WI'II pro b ably e b quite gOod
' f e
th ' desire for t e new IS " ' f Or YOU may find sue a person irritating, but he or she is pe f ' non,
most part IS , that prevent you In a positive way rom getting int , A gam,
you, This is one of the transits 0 a 'n your life, t h e ro Ies may be reversed and r ormlOg a valuable function
1 I ' 1'£ Th" , you may 5et out to change
rut. omeo ne e se s I eo IS tranSIt can arouse your desire t f d '
5using disruptive measures IOf necessary, 0 re orm an Improve even
Sometimes th'IS transl't ca n denote a sudden opportunity or ba piece of
' good luck that
seems to come comp letely out of the blue and take you, y surpnse, Often it is a
T he point is that this is a valuable transit even tho gh . t b h
sudden change or an event that gives you a new chance In some way, It could be a ' ' U I may e somew at
disruptive, It can ~revent your hfe from becoming so static and stabilized that you
sudden windfall or promotion or even a sudden chance encounter that works out to cease to be truly alIve,
your benefit. If such an event occurs, take advantage of it. T~is is one of the few
times when you shouldn't stop to ponder carefully before actmg, Such a decision
often requires split-second action, Jupiter Conjunct Neptune

During this transit your ideals will be aroused as they seldom are at other times, and
This is also one of the few transits that can be very lucky in gambling, But remember you will approach life with a greater sense of compassion, People who cannot help
that this transit will have this effect only if you are reasonably fortunate in such themselves will win your sympathy especially, whether you encounter them
matters anyway, If you are usually unlucky at gambling, this transit will probably personally or through working with others in a charitable enterprise, Your primary
not affect you positively,
concern is to help individuals by giving them a hand , You may be less concerned with
transforming the social order that has given rise to the conditions that oppress the
This transit also enables you to grasp new ideas quickly, You can learn subjects faster people you are dealing with,
under, this influence than a.t other times, and you see very quickly the patterns in
anythIng, On occasion this transit can signify a fortunate discovery or invention, Your interest in spiritual, religious and mystical philosophy is likely to grow at this
time, and you may become involved in a group that is studying these ubiects, Thi
Jupiter Opposition Uranus world no longer seems to meet your needs adequately, so you have to turn inward te
This transit signifies a desire t I find a world that can give you what you really need , Here , too , you will discover that
Y OU feel have I'Iml't ed your lIfe
,0 re ease yourself from restrictions and obligations that
un 'I '
the ego's drives for self-gratification and self-assertion may be the malor fact<'T in
coincides with a dd b k necessan y, Often the point of the exact transIt preventing you from getting what you want out of life, At this time the demands of
su en rea from I" , ,
job or simply a way of I'f Th' some Imltmg Circumstance, such as a person, a the ego must be quieted at least a little , so you can heal what the inner self i really
I e. IS need f " h' saying,
different from the dail " or newness m your life and for somet Ing
continue as you have, y routine IS a power f uI f" , , I
orce, and It Will be very dlffIcu t to
Unfortunately there is another side to this transit , which you should wat h for Sl1me
You will feel the breaking away' 1 ' people develop a feeling of false happiness . like living in the dream w~),rld 0t an
One writer has described thl' t Jt~e f as an enormous relief, a lessening of tenSIon, opium smoker, with no basis in reality You may feel that everything is all ~l~h ,\,h~n

s ransJt nTh k t
as an the LordI" For this reason you mus it is not, or you may feel that you can do anything you want and get aWJ)' With It
' ted WIt'h ga mbJing or taking risksd
this transit is often assO Cla
That IS why ften with disastrous results , 'I lose out, but because you just Won,t
resources, 0 'JJ necessafl y h ' ,
This is not a very goo transit fo

, k

---- '\1 give readily when called upOn now b
yoU WISI, to people w h 0 are I
ro ty h I
essf ortunale than' ecause this t rans\t' sIgnifies
YOurself But
, great
investments, no t because you WI ted to gam ble even w en It IS" a poor
fns ,For th e gene . choosing t e peop e on whom you lavish ' You may not be very
know for sure, and you, will deals
be temp be sure you are not the vIctIm 0 a mass'IVe discreet In d it would be worthwhile to Spend yo Y,our charity , Some people can be
same reason , in buslOess he1ped , anastjng time on, a Itough
h ur time on the m, But ot hers are not
with this transit
misrepresen ta ti on, worth W
difference, you may not be able to tell the
ish concerns, {or when your actions a
W 'th this transit it is best to av
aid pure IY se Ifter the negatIve
"d Sl eo f th e transit , te
I I~I w~ro~ t her level , thi s transit, like the other Neptun J '
thus motivated you are most ley On' anof false optimIsm . t h at ma kes you take foolish
e- UPlter " fy l he
' k transits, can slgnl
kInd rces
In any financial dealings be very caref I rhl s, especIally with limited
Jupiter Sextile Neptune res ou en ted
, to you by others. Otherwise you Could bu t tk at feveryth" ' 109 IS exact Iy as
repres e a en Or a fide,
, I I concerned with fulfilling your ideals in life
' h au are partlcu ar Y I' ' A I ' , t ansit is a test of your grasp of reality and your abTty
This is a tIme w en y I als in very idea IStlC terms, so you are les
'II f
and you WI ormu a
I te your eventua go bl
f He at this time and better a e to appreciate it
s ThIs , r There is no reason to assume that you will not I I hto translate ideals into
d 'h the negative aspects 0 I I" ' d s practICe, pass t e test, but you do have
concerne WIt h au don't adopt a "Pol yanna attltu e toward the to be careful ,
positive aspects, Just be sure t at y
real problems of your life,
I , 'ous or spiritual delusions are another danger of th' t ' Y
Re IgI f f I ' h IS ranslt. ou may be
ted to run a ter a se messla s or teachers whose ability t d I ' h "
You don 't feel that satls ylOg your own needs is as urgent a~f usual
' f' HI'now, In h general temp , b 'l' 0 azz e WIt splfltual
phrases exceeds their a I Ity to teach you how to cope with your life ,
au want to heIp ot hers w ho are less fortunate than, yourse, e ping
I 'ers
ot , giVes
you a great sense 0 pf ersonal fulfillment that outweIghs any
, persona
I d ' sacnftce
k' you
may have to ma k e, For this reason
, you may become InVO ve In wor Ing with Jupiter Trine Neptune
charities or other institutions that aId the less fortunate,
This transit stimulates the idealistic and possibly the spiritual side of your
With this transit, your religious, philosophical and spiritual concerns are often great, personality, yo~ see~ out t~e more subtle manifestations of truth and are unusually
You have a strong drive to experience the higher aspects of existence, but this need inclined to inqUIre directly Into the secrets of life, Religious, spiritual and mystical
may not be satisfied by orthodox religions, so you may become involved in one of the subjects attract you, and studying them could indeed bring much needed insight into
mystical or spiritual groups that flourish now, Or you may encounter an individual your life. It is quite possible that this transit will signify someone corning into your
who can reveal something of this aspect of the universe to you, In fact, the nature of life who will act as a teacher or guide in your quest for meaning. It is also possible
this transit is such that you will probably gain spiritual insight from those parts of that you will play this role for someone else, The only recommendation is to be
your everyday world that you take for granted, careful not to overidealize such a person and not to allow yourself to be
overidealized, for this could lead to disappointment later on, In spite of this problem ,
On another level entirely, this transit can often signify a desire to gamble. Money the chances are that everything will work out very favorably in the long run,
that you receive under this transit can best be described as "easy come, easy go." But
the danger here is that you may invest or gamble on the basis of inflated expectations In a related way, this transit arouses the humanitarian side of your personaltty, You
or a false belief that nothing can go wrong for you. Unfortunately this is not true, so have great compassion for the sufferings of others and want very much to do
be as careful as you usually are. something about them. You may become involved in charitable work for others,
either on the personal or on the institutional level. And if you need help from
someone, you will probably get it.
Jupiter Square Neptune
About the only negative side of this transit is that you may get into such a pl,easant
At this time you will work very ha d I' ,
. " dreamy state that you have little ambition or desire to achieve anythtn~ of
to put your spmtual views into r "to actua Ize your Ideals and find a concrete wayI
/d practice In the real world, But you can expect the rea significance, Neptune, either natally or in transit, is not inclined to fulfill ego dnve:'
c~O;/ tOdPUt t UdP some resistance to your ideas, Among other things, you will be and you may notice a slackening of this drive in your own life. By the arne token thl-
a enge 0 emonstrate that 'd I ' I , can lure you into feeling that everyt h'109 "IS Just f"me , eHn
, w"hen vou really
abstractions. You will a/so hay Your I ea s are not ju~t irrelevant, impract~ca transit ,
rather than some dream world e to ~em~nstrate that your views are based on reahsm have to do certain things or face serious problems,
rate this transit w'JJ ' h' which IS where you may very well be now, At any
give you t e opportunity to find out. Th 't A'~ bng
, I
e deSire to gamble or speculate is another aspect ot- t h'IS t·ran.I, \ -as"hyou't
rea lze that it is possible to lose and that you must use some p Janning and t)r .IS t. I
, f overconfidence and the desire t OU must scan your life to find a
't let a fee/Jng 0 0 tak~ re f are Y 'If S I . reas wher
'ht But d o n , ~ r he manifest Itse . ure y m some area f e YOu can let the
shou ld be al I ng , into a I OSI'ng situatIOn, tra~sjt something that would bring you rOe yo~r, life YOu can betterenergy °lff thiS
unnecessary risks get you hle ve d h' k Cognition d YOurse and
ae hoW depresse you t m you are or h an respect Th' .
tter . Ow do wnt dd ' I S IS true no
Jupiter Opposition Neptune fl'Ia put all your energy mto working On that ' ro ~n yOur circumstances If
the real and the ideal sorted Out It ' yOU l"sh what you want. . It IS quite likely th t '
to kee P ' I S an accomp I a you Will
' this transit It" IS 0 f ten dHicult
I Id' d
ake the real wor seem ma equate to
Dunng l't which may m f " I' "N You inant drive of this transit is self-bett
extremely spiritual trans cape , ,
IOta a
more ideal and per ect rea Hy,
d' , ,
ormally th .'
IS rhe d 0 m 'f h erment, but e h' ,
causing you to seek an es I h I but if you have a pre ISposltIOn toward th hat te rm for hlmsel or erself. You can wo rk'In that d'ac .indiVidual has to d ef'Ine
, h h drugs or a co 0, , ' d' t I ' ern, t succeed depends largely on what you mean b b lrectlon now, and how well
escape IS not t roug 11 this transIt In Icates a men a state m which
it could work out that way, Usua y, f abstract speculations or high ideals that You yOU .
eople It means sImp. Iy money or POwer If Y etterme n,t Unfortunately for
become wrapped up in all manner a are some P '11 'f b ' you are f '
' transit you WI act as I 0 sessed, and ind d o n e 0 them, throughout
thIS 0 h I ee , POwer c b
difficult to actualize, occupation, t er peop e may become obsessed b , an ecome a fanatical
, hteoUsness or mora I'It y. Th'IS a Iso carries the d y an Idea ' USua II Y concerning
, 't may tempt you to become involved in unreal' , fig d ' anger that '11
h I el thIS transl , , IStIc mal human values an try to hve with a dist t d you WI lose track of all
On anot er ev, Id I believe if blinded by extreme optImIsm, You Want nor or e set of standards 0 r concerns,
h that you cou on y 'f to
sc emes d ' k 'k with your resources, and I you are not careful w 'ld
amble an ta e flS s Oddl h 'I
g , d bJ" g could leave you bankrupt. y enoug , some people Th I's transit clearly
has a double potential EI'th
" er you can cr t '
speculatIOns an gam m ' f h" are ur life with It, or you can dIstort your life It lJ d ea e somethmg great in
they can handle the gamblIng aspect a t IS tranSIt very well a d
are so geare d th a t II h I h n ~:man being now. ' a epends on what you are as a
ma ke seemmg 'ly wl'ld investments pan out. Usua y t ese peop e ave a talent fOr
calculating the risks, however, Rememb~r that t~ere is ~ difference between amateur
and professional gamblers, The main P01~t, her~ I~ that If you are tempted to get into Jupiter Sextile Pluto
some investment scheme, make sure that It IS wlthm your area of personal expertise,
This is a time for making creative changes in your]'f f f .
. d' h i e, or re ormmg and remolding
Under certain circumstances this transit can signify the beginning of a very idealistic our immediate surroun lOgS so t at they can better expres' 1 '
Y .I ' s your mner essence . t IS a
kind of relationship, one in which you look to your partner as a kind of god or time when .you wIi exert. conSIderable
, .
energy in order t ' f d
0 gam greater ree om of
spiritual guide, This mayor may not be an accurate picture. You must be careful here movement 10 . all your actlvltles. You, may have the opportunt't y t 0 gam' power over
also, because you could idealize a person beyond all reason, even when he or she does others,. but If so, you should u~e thIS power to achieve what you and those around you
not want you to do so, And of course, you too could be the victim of an outright collectIvely need. Do not use It for purely selfish purposes, for this is not so likely to
deception, Be careful to deal with people as they really are, by accepting them as they work to your advantage. Pluto is oriented more toward group expression than toward
are and not demanding that they conform to an ideal in your mind, individual expression.

If you gain power to lead others in any capacity, you must have the highest ideals in
Jupiter Conjunct Pluto
mind. This combination symbolizes regeneration to a higher plane of existence and
This transit brings the urge to achieve to the forefront of your life. You will make although it may express itself on several different levels, you should always keep this
great, even ext,raordinary, efforts to gain success as you personally define it. You work basic idea in mind.
harder and strIve to gain your b' t' .h
C ' 0 lec Ive WIt every ounce of energy at your disposal.
onSte,quentlY'I'fthlbs transit often occurs just at the moment when some tremendous Changes may occur spontaneously in the world around you with little or no effort on
eff or In your I e ears fruit. your part. Take advantage of them, for they will work toward your ends even though
you did not originally intend that. You may come into favor with someone in power at
Sometimes there is a tremendous d . . this time.
power even when you .rIve to gam power, and this transit can bring you
are not trYIng . II h d h
person has opportunities for a differ esp~CJa y ar to get it. Remember that .eac
humble in terms of the larg . ent kmd of power. It may be great or relatIvely Sometimes a "regeneration" theme is expressed through religious or spiritual rebirth.
er SocIety, but it will be meaningful to you. through understanding the deeper significance of your life and having it transtorm
Your being. And you will do what you can to share your learning with others.
Unfortunately, this pOwer driv' ..
if it has absolutely no outlet. ~ IS ~uffJclently strong that it is difficult to deny, even S~aring everything that comes to you at this time is very important to y(lU . Eith~r
onflict with authorities ev n t at case you are likely to get into some kind of thiS transit will transform you by transforming your surr undings or \'(lU Will
. .
reSIstIble force against an .
' en to the t f
ex ent a arrest. If your ambition becomes the become the vehicle through which your world is transformed. Either \\JY y~u are
Immoveabl . transformed along with your friends, neighbors and your eH'ryday envir(lnment.
e society, you will probably be the loser.
Jupiter Square Pluto .
. our ambition to achIeve great things. y mundane level, this transit can coincid .h
O the . . e Wlt profes' I
. have the effect of arousm~/her and farther than us.ual, and You aOU n
er orsl
tremendous gainS In personal weal th or
reSOurces 0
Slona success, political
This transIt can 'es could carry you B g our efforts may run Into consider bre pOw ' t can give you the cha nce to straighten . . n a more umble level
"f our energl ess ut y I a Ie . tran out sltuat" . . '
feel as I Y . f power and succ · ot completely scrupu ous about thIS sources of trouble for you.
been Ions In your life that have
'11' to strive or .aII 'f you are n b . I YOUr
WI . mgt nce from 0 thers , espeo y Isuccess an d social standing, k ut It a so can dep rive .
resls a Th ' transit can bring you may simply provo e conflict With th
methods · ISInstead of gaining po~er,. youcently . You may have no intention oSe
JUpiter OPPOSition Pluto
YOU of t hese. . qUIte mno .h h h' . of
who are In . power, sometImes
t ou find yourse If'm a tight spot WIt t e aut ontJes. Th 's tra nsit can represent the culmination of a I ong dTlVe.
challenging anyone, ye y . 1 . I it is very important that you proceed . h . success or power
tJ wever, Wit caution b h f
. g you are likely to be strong, unless you make . I ' ecause t e orces
Op~OSI~ be a time when you get a promotion in Your w:r~ecla .effort to placate them
. .
f this energy IS t a h t you may become
. I InVO ved WIth
. a pro)ect
Another manifestatIOn 0 h' It might be physlca property, a neIghborhood
build somet mg. f' b ThiS ca change and affect the lives of those arOund you B or. gain POWer in some other
to repair, restore or re h rganizing or re ormIng a government, usiness 0 way to r efforts come to not h'lng, and you find YOurself. Iut' It can also
Or a more abstract ma
tter suc
,aim IS
as reo
. to 1m . prove, but ere
h '
agaIn you may encOunter
r . be a time when
.' Y . all
. yOU
Wit pe ople .
In power. OSlng Out In a perpetual war
other instItutIOn. our d t gree with your Ideas or who feel threatened bY
opposition from peoPIe who 0 no a
your actions. t 'mes this transit can stimulate a rather ruthless desi e t h d M
Some I r 0 get a ea. ost of us
'd becommg . 0bsess ed with any plan or course of action, and be are tempted t~ cut corners, b.ut that can have very unfortunate consequences, for this
You. must avol . y our ideas of right orhwrong in any . matter. I't can indIcate trouble WIth the law or even arrest In fact yo h Id d
1 1y ready to reexamIne h T Stand up trans .'. . u s ou
I' I
0 as Itt e as
partlcu ar l' . . ht but first make sure t at you are ng t. his transit 'ble to arouse the authonttes against you because thl's trans' t . I'k 1
f what you be leve IS fig , f' h' II h pOSSIthat problem.
just ' I IS so ley to create
or .
sometimes may make you f eeI convinced of a point .0 IvIew . t at IS actua
1 1 y sIf aky. You
should 100k at · re I"IgIOUS, philosophical or metaphyslca
. vIews veryl' c ose y. you Wish
to lead ot hers to en1·Ightenment, first make very certaIn of the qua Ity of your own. Another problem can be obsessiv.e or fanatical behavior, feeling that you alone are
i ht about some matter to the pomt that you are unWilling to hear any other point ot
In some cases this transit can lead to legal conf1ic~s~ and you s~ould be very sure that :i:W. Avoid becoming totally convinced of your own righteousness, and do not try to
any legal matter you are involved in is strictly legItImate. AVOId underworld or shady
force your own views upon others. Your ideas may in fact be quite good , but your
persons in any matter.
problem comes f.rom the style you would beykely to use . You must try to be open to
other points of vIew and be able to compromise .

Jupiter Trine Pluto

It is also possible that you may try to coerce someone into doing something that he or
Under this influence you will move to make positive changes in your personal and your she doesn't want to do, or someone may try to coerce you . As with most transits, it can
sodal world. But the most important question you can ask is, "In whose name do 1 go either way. In this instance it may be a naked power play, with little or no pretense
want to change things?" You should realize tha t under this transi t it is qui te easy to of righteousness. If you are the perpetrator, heed the warnings given above . If you are
exert power and make changes. The energies seem to flow in the direction you want, the victim, all you can do is resist with all your strength .
presenting you with opportunities for taking control in some way. However, you
should be motivated by something more than your own personal ambition, even You can avoid the negative side of this transit if you have built up your affairs carefully
though that will be favored along with any ambition in your life now. But if this power and enlisted the aid of others in your efforts, making them understand that you are also
is selfish and personally oriented, you will have trouble later on, and the results will working for their interest. And even if you ~re encountering the negative effects it IS
not .be You have to strike a balance and adopt a philosophy of "enlightened
seIF-J~terest. ~ou
not too late to enlist other people's aid. You may have to enlarge your personal goal to
must recognize that you benefit most when you can couple your encompass a group's goals, but it can be done.
OWn mterests ~/th those oE the people you live and work with. In some way you must
embody collectIve interests truly not merely' t' l' .
, In your ra IOna IzatlOns.
Jupiter Conjunct Midheaven
You ha ve a strong desire to reEo d . .
to Improve
. d' .
con ItlOns all ar d rm an remake at this time, and you should be stnVIng
f Th IS
' transit represents a period of cuIm!natlOn
' . In . W h'1Ch you make a greater effort. to
regeneration in your world If oun yo.u, to renew and to serve as a vehicle. or ·
get Where you want to be, either in your pro f eSSlOn . some other area . And \'. our
or In
cJear up an d c/ean out You rna . You
h attam personal power in any way at all ' use It to '1 h
efforts appear to produce results more eaSl y t an at JUS . t about any. ther d time.t' I
influence to he} . y ave the chance to lead or influence others, so use that T
herefore you feel better about yourself an d your }let
'f h an a t 0 ther times_an' .n 1 U ee
P everyone concerned to grow with you.
confident that you can handle anything that comes your way .
ogress, If you are in btlsincss f Hecled the present, and you will learn t '
d of great pr 1 d 0 a f Or
, is often J pe rio I If you are emp o~e I' pro essional past
has a J
d to contro you,
Th "
IS Increase in self-kn
0 gain Contr I
1d 0 OVer parts of YOurself
Pnlfessionally, th'~ln ess will c>.pand ,gred t y; fjeld for the quality, of your WOrk, A tha
I use h h '
e to you I roug an Increased religious Or "
Ow e ge may b
e accompanIed by Or
ourself your bUS ' gnizcd within you -!ion But this transit does not uSual! rnaY com SPlntual self-awarene!,s ,
Yerson , ~ou will bekr~I'cOwith Jupiter in this pOSIen t 'which will come when Sa tUrn .'>'
P ' uit!' II Ii' Y ' I achlevem , ,IS
PromotionI IS peak
q f
0 you r
r f)rofess lonJ however , Jupiter here means a penod of rap I'd Jupiter Square Ml'dh
represent t Ie n the way up,
, "o n You are 0 , this period you will try to achieve somethin f ' "
in thiS pOSIt! d - onal progress, DunngyOU wi]) not find it sufficient to Continue agO hs,gn,ftcance in yOur work or
l'on an pers d
expans Id b careful not to expan too rapidly ca reer, more power f uI t h I - This can be e'Sth
an usua YOu ave 'your
and am b'ltlon wiH
beCOm;ng upon how you go about getting ahead' ~r g~Od or,bad in the long ru~,
- 55 for yours el , you shou nd in order to ta e a vantage of Yo Or
e k d
I- are in bUSlne ted to expa 'ff' I ' ttr
f you
verextend yourse If ' You will be temp rself vu Inera ble to the more dJ d lCU dt times
h that w'll
I depen I u overcome your previous limitat ions wh: h n t e POsitive side, this transit
helps yO
o ' but you might leave you - n is carefully pIa nne an t at you hay e Nfl 'IC were caused IargeI y byear f
prosperity, k
Ma e sure, 'hat all expanslO f confidence, ow you ee capable of greater h' and
lack 0 \1 ac levements and ']]'
eventua II Y come, f (mes of difficulty- them, This transit usua y creates great Optimism and self-c ' WI Ing to work
safeguards agaJJlst uture 1 for ful that it does not become overconfidence Yo I'f ' onftdence, but you must
- 'II e up if you do notI get the recognition that be careglect the important d eta,s'1 of daily existence
' ur D I e WIllinotetak care 0 f Itse
' If if
-d fth'stransitwi com f I
Another negatives l e a I knowledge you open y, you may ee cheated yOU ne , 0 not et yOur s
tant present concerns cause you to neglect these th
' I
eemmg y more
If others do not ac h' k d E impor er aspects of your life ,
YOU feel you deserve, , d ' 'lege that you t In you eserve, ven if yOu 0
the statIOn an PrJ VI I f h' b
and go on 'todassume ay act arrogant an d smug, Be carefu a tIS, , ecause
, it creates a But this transit can also signify an inflated ego, a state of mind in wh' _
are recognize , you m
that could lea to your
total downfall when JupIter IS ou t of this area
,h I to yourself powers an~ talents, far beyond Your actual abilities I lch you attrtbute
negatIve henergy 'II k ' g Jupiter can represent elt her rea growth Or the
t Metaphorlca y spea 111 , a person may thmk of himself as godlike But f ' n rare and extreme
of your c ar , h f au this is a period of real growt , cases, f ' or most people this is ed
growth of fat. Make sure t at or y 'mply as overestimation 0 one's talents , Be careful not to t k express
51 , h ' , "
h ndle, There IS so muc POSItive energy In thiS transit th t't a e on more
Id b than you can
Ih h f your activities will broaden at this time, and you will probably a , 'd f I' h a 'WOu e unfortunate to
waste it With pft e, 00 IS arrogance and overestimation of your capabilities ,
In genera
meet t e SIPe fere
new peop roma unfamiliar parts of the coun try and even
, from other parts of the
world, They may come into your expanding sphere of actIOn, or you may travel to You want to be important now, and it is quite possible to attain that goal, but only if
their worlds, All of this is most likely to happen through your work rather than YOur yo u know yourself adequately , Dare to do more than you h d b f b
personal life, balance your daring with reason and care, ave ever one e ore ' ut

Jupiter Sextile Midheaven

Jupiter Trine Midheaven
This is a time of confidence and benevolence, You are secure in your knowledge of
This is a time of increased optimism and self-confidence, You feel capable of doing
yourself and in the direction your life is taking, Even so, you are willing to learn more,
much more than you have ever done, and you are willing to make the effort, This
and you will have many opportunities to do so, Your career and home life should be
transit quite often signifies professional success, and you may receive a promotion of
going quite smoothly at this time, and you may receive opportunities for personal
advancement, This transit sometimes indicates an important position of leadership , some kind, Others will look to you for leadership, for they recognize your seH-
confidence and see that you deserve it.
Certainly your relationship with the people in power over you should be good, which
will be important in your quest for personal advancement.
You have a good idea about where you want to go at this time , and you have probably
Y~ur present attitude of confidence and security is not likely to degenerate into selfish
pnde or arrogance unless th' , f b'
mastered the techniques and skills needed to get there and have acquired the material
resources as well, Under this influence you may gain financially, but you are not likely
ley1 to appreciate
" thiS, chanceISt IS part "0 yourd aSlc character, You are much more
to squander your money, You will use it to get ahead,
pursue an educatlOn IE you d' b o grow In WIS om and maturity, This is a good time to
receptive to your st d' L eSlr~, ecause you are open to new ideas and will be
u les, aw philosophy d d" , If you are in business for yourself, you may want to expand your business under this
subjects to the symbolism of thi ' an me Icme are particularly appropnate
s transit, but you are not limited to these, tranSit, and you may have an opportunity to do so, Since Jupiter is also favorably
aspecting your fourth-house cusp, you may want to make improvements in your home
This is also a good time to get in t h '
Or mOVe to a larger and more spacious one ,
willing than usual to face the inner ~~~ with your inner feelings, You are much mo:e
to face in the past, Now yo en aspects of yourself that you have been afraid
u see a confr t t' ,h Even if nothing very obvious happens on the material plane, as may be the case, this
opportunity to learn and in truth' , on a IOn wIt your inner self as another tran SI't ' I
' It IS, Also you will be able to understand how your 'h IS Usually a time of inner peace and contentment. You feel good about )'l1urse t,
Wit none of the torments and insecurities that may afflict yQU at other times, ) our
_ _ 308 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
ad being with you. As a res I
confidence comes over to other peop Ie, an d they fee gonot f ee rng
h l is I very well . ut holog ical and physical health , this transit ' II
P Syc ..
you may be able to support or cheer up so meonew 0 d fof . . and pOSitive, an d your b 0 dy IS
. unusually resistant
IS exce
to d'ent . Youd feel
' nf very
f I not to overex ten Yourself Or optimlstC physical problem with this transit is that it sOmetim::~se .~~ I eC~lo~ .
. you sh0 uld bethus
care u . Keep in mind that even now The' on Y be very careful if you are at all inclined to gain . 801 les a gain In
As with other Jupiter transits, iasm wei'ght ' SO
become overcommitted. . your b 0 undless en
your energies are finite. I relationships expand under this influence . If you ha b I" .
persona m all Clrc . Ie 0 ff'
nen d s an d acquaintances
' yo '11 ve d een IVlng
. In a
I tively s Id' d" , u WI expan your arc\e'and
eaven re ee
a Ie whom you wou n t or manly, possibly inc\ud'l th . h d f
. 0 position Midh I'f t peop b f I h ng e fie an amous
Jupiter p
. ur innermo
st personal I e, a time wh
b en m eople in power. Just e care u t at you don' t become involved with these people
. d growth In yo . te family . It may e necessary to or p rf'cial reasons; make sure that you can grow through th Th f ha
This is a time for expansIOn an d with your immed la h you about yourself. But th o f supe I
or . 'f'Ican t may not h ave any relevance to yo em.
. oCl' ally slgm I t' eh' act t t a
. k 't thomean . n teac IS person IS s ur re a Ions Ip .
you will see sea\I1 ya f' d out what It ca ld f el quite good about what Yo
. t life to In shou e ' . u
reexamine your pas f 'ety In fact, you . u considerably In thiS process he basis for all this is th.a t in a very real sense you are growing and taking more and
should not be a source 0 anxl . be able to assist yo .
.. Y r parents may T f the outer world mto your personal sphere You are trying t . I d f
are 0 p . 0 inC U e more 0
~e world in your exper~en~e: roperly handled, this process can make you a much
learn at thIS time. ou . te more and more of the Outer
ou Incorpora b I
f this transit is that y . I level you may uy a arger, more t . d more mature mdlvldual. Your view of life should expand and h Id
The symbolism
Id . tour mnerm
~ ost lif e. On the matena y buy lan d ;s an investment. But be careful
wiser an
bec om e increasingly to
'ty t b
eran tot
f h
'd . , you s ou
WI e differences among people in the world You
wor In 0 Yre S acious home. Or yo~ ~a ch that you may not want to sell it again . have the opportun! 0 ecome a man or woman of the world to a much greater
elegant or mo the nature of this transit IS fsuh' ymbolism to improve your existing extent.
of that, because d expression 0 t IS S
Certainly it wo~ld be a ~:~ortable.
home and make It more c . . As with other Jupiter transits, you should be careful not to assume arrogant airs or to
. nsure that your personal lIfe IS as think that you are better than y?U are . You are pro bably a fine person, but that does
ld d0 e verythmg to e . f .
At th·IS tl'me you shou 'bleyou ene d to have a feeling 0 mner peace and not m ea n that you are necessanly better than everyone else . Think in terms of your
mfortable and secure as pOSSI . . the world. In fact you should not think so personal growth, not in terms of your status with respect to others.
co . to move out m d . d
ri ty in order to contmue
secu d s now as a ou t the more personal an mwar
b . needs
I that
much about outwar succes h Id ll' ze that your real need now IS not and or a Travel and professional success are sometimes associated with this transit, but you
. here And you s ou rea
we have discussed f I" f strength and inner growth. should realize that these are just outward manifestations of your inner p.ersonal
larger home, but a ee 109 0 rowth . If you travel, you should do so to learn ab out the world. If your busmess or
. t' up any 1oose en ds I'n your personal life, straighten out any ~areer expands, apply your gains to your personal life and do not make a distinction
This is the time to Ie ki 11 any leftovers from your past life that are still between your personal and your professional life now . This transit represents the
relationships that are not wor n~ w~; this you may have to speak to others very beginning of a new cycle of development in your life as Jupiter begins another
affecting the present adversely. 0
openly about yourself and your innermost thoughts. twelve-year cycle of the houses. Make sure tha t this cycle will help you become a
better human being.
h · IS· a go od tl'me to settle and put down roots. The feeling
5OtiS , hof belonging
d h" to a place
and a group of people is very important to you now. y~u don t . a:e to 0 t I~ m a way Jupiter Sextile Ascendant
that limits your freedom of movement, and with Jupiter here It IS very unlIkely th~t
you will do so. But everyone needs a solid home base so that they can feel at peace ~~ This is usually an extremely fortunate transit for all k inds of social contacts. You will
their other activities. IE you don't make an effort to construct such a base now, you WI benefit through others, and they will probably benefit th r ough you. If you choose to
have djfficulty later when your prindpal concerns are turning elsewhere. go it alone at this time, you will waste a valuable opportun ity, fo r you will profit
tremendously from team efforts with friends. Also you will have opportunities to
work on projects that may be to your personal advantage ; these will come ~rom
Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant
persons you encounter every day at work or around your neighb orhood people trom
During this period you feel good and project warm posi tive energies out mto the world. whom you do not expect much beyond the usual social exchanges .
This in turn affects your relationships very positively and enables you to encounter
people who can be good for you precisely because you are good for them. In all At this time you will have the opportunity to expand y our contacts with the larger
personal and professional transactions with others you will give and receive in equal world, Sometimes this transit is a sign of travel. b u t certainly y o u will encount~r
measure. people whose backgrounds are quite d ifferen t from y ours and W hose ex pen'en:e~ WIll
increase your understanding of the world . Several of these people may become
permanent friends whom you will benefi t from knOWing .

You a-a}' a so t-enefit from old friends. You may be offered a chance to go i
busi ess \'o;th a friend or a friend ma\" tell "ou about a good chance to get aheadn~o
some way. , ., In
---- Jupiter Trine Ascend"nt
I't si"nifies our willtngn('Ss to "r{)\ . , ' .
C ' . C' ~ In {on~U,)usnt'S' i .lnd·\1' C !Wrtt'nH'
Th I~ h ,our contact With others and to b, m,re ml"n~n m '
h' tranS
At the same time. vou feel bene\'oIent an d \\'ell disposed to . your frOlen dsand
. .. an d a bl e to h eIp those who need It, and gener a II y You
' wllhng t roug J) this you are he iped b y the f<l ' t that "n'lr'" ,I• t 'I OllS .anI h WI Ing II) t~p
people at''''th"lrr~ bl'St
acquamtances. You are
d ISp
' I ay an attitude of supportive
. k'In d ness to the people around yOU, for "ou d On't ot hers , t nthi.:; .time and you expenence
. ,I I,)ns '''It
Th . ,)thl'rs HI' vI'r ,
I~ m,l"t~

want to see people in trouble. ,od iI - . h I b I' . YOll m,)rl'

gt timistic and YOll rIg t Y e leve that whatever VI'U givt' to others \ 'Ill hI' rl'hlmt'.!
op tApers n may enter yOur life now wh II hI . .
with interes ' . u rea v c p~ YOu "lit In V.lrtl1l1S
This basic Willingness to gIve . an d to heIpo thers enables you . to receive. mu ch from Ys especially by teachtng you SOmething .)bout the universe .lOd vour r"I" in it
others as \....ell. People sense that you \>\·'Il
I co nduct all transactIOns fai rly , so th ey are wa, . will be on whatever level you are d f h ' '
This learntng . rea y or per .lps SImply I".lrning tn
willing to be fair to you . Actually this is always true, but you are more able to see it be more tolerant and open. to ne~ Ide~s r even encountering dcep spiritu.l\ .lOti
at this time. religiOUS truths thr~ugh thiS relatIOnship . ertatnly you are rl'ady It'r ,J 8ft'.lter
piri tual understandIng of the world now . Y u need to e pCnen t' more than the
s rficial banality of life that many people become mired in Alth h
Jupiter Square Ascendant supe . I . . nug y{)U .ITt'
inclined to ideal.lze the wor.d I~ general and certain per Ons in PMtll.ular, in the II)ng
This is usually an excellent transit for most. kinds of relationships, but there are Some run you will fInd that thIS IS not a delusion but a period ot truly c panding
pitfalls. Basically this transit signifies a des~re to grow and advance through ~ontacts knowledge.
with others. Probably you are willing to give as much as you get, alth~ugh In Some
people this transit triggers a desire for advantages through others without giving Your learning at this time is n.o~ limited to spiritual truths, for you are in gener<ll
anything in return . In fact as they get ahead, such people aC.t arrpgantly toward more intellectuall.y eager .a nd wIlltn~ to .Iearn. Thi is an excellent time tu go to 'ichool
everyone, even those who helped them. This causes others to reject them, and when or take a course In a subject that wIll give you greater inSight into the questillnS that
they hit hard times there is no one to help them out. interest you .

But this result is totally unnecessary, and all you have to do to avoid it is to keep a On occasion this transit will signify the beginning of a relationship that can bring you
sense of humility and recognize what others have done for you. With this transit you great emotional happiness. It could be a new love, alth ough that is much more lik.ely
have the potential to become a truly better person, but only if you keep these if indicated more specifically by another transit at about this time . Any new love that

warnings in mind. '''lt~1
comes now will be very beneficial to your personal growth, whether or not it lasts.

Quite frequently this transit brings a seemingly "lucky" chance through a friend or
~\ \ I
associate. But it is not luck so much as the fact that you are very sharply on the Jupiter Opposition Ascendant
lookout for opportunities that can benefit you. Your sense of timing is very acute, During this period you seek to grow in various ways through your closest contacts
and your sensitivity to others and their needs is greater than usual. That is one reason with other people. You try to create relationships that will further your life, not in a
why it is so bad to ignore others' needs, because you don't even have the excuse of spirit of selfishness, but in a desire for mutual growth. Often at this time a person will
come into your life who offers to help you out in Some way, usually through d
partnership. In business, for example, this is an extremely good time to enter Into a
Benefits can come to you in either your personal and domestic life or in your work. partnership or a contact with someone . In your personal life, you will work more
There may be an opportunity to make money or to make improvements in your closely than usual with someone, which will work out very well for you both. If other
home that will make it much more pleasant. Or you may meet people who will help indications are compatible, you may meet someone who will be important to Y<.1U
you learn more about the world and expand your view of it in various ways. You romantically, but that is not the usual resul t of this transi t.
have to be willing to let this happen, however, which means you must be receptive.
This is another area in which being arrogant brings the risk that you will get nothing
of lasting value out of this transit. This is also an excellent time to seek out someone for counseling, espeCially a lawyer,
but als. any other kind of counselor. Related to this, inCidentally, is that if you have
a case In COurt at this time, it will work out as you want it to.
One other point, In all negotiations and transactions with others, you have a
pronoun~ed te?~ency to o;erlook details and to assume that everything will work If You are . d h ld k
out. But Jt won t If you don t pay attention to the details. The little matters of human partner willmarne
b ,' your marriage
h I hs auh war better than usual now, ) ou and your .
relationships, either professional or personal, are not beneath you. Attend to them
properly. aII posslbl
' e anXIOUS to e p eac ot er grow,_ and to further each other s intl're,t
, In
her In, anye ways,'bl You do not want to restnct your spouse or be restricted by him or
self_ ~OSSI e way, Because you understand the need for freedom l,f individual
expression Within your relationship , you will try to find ways to bring that
about. If your marriage is not working out very well in general, this t '
'th f ' ' fh I' ' ' f h ranslt
el er 0 two effects, It can either bring a tune 0 ea Ing In t e relatio N h'Ip can h~
ceases to be such a problem , or it can make your deSlreh or freedom so st So tha tIt,e
' t t e' problems
you break off the relationship altogether, At any rate, ( th emselrOng th at
cease , And a marriage that does break up un der t IS ranslt this only Yes W'
th .. i, on the .0,1<.) will do ,0 "btivdy ami"bly. apPIi" to 0 >II

Chapter Ten


Significance of Transiting Saturn

Saturn is one of the most important planets to examine in your transits, for it
represents the way you see and experience the universe as you have structured it. The
location of transiting Saturn in your chart indicates the part of your life that is being
examined and tested at that time. The house that Saturn is in represents the areas of
greatest tension in your life, to which you must direct your closest attention. The
planets that Saturn transits in your natal chart represent energies in your life that are
being challenged and behavior patterns that require examination.

Most people experience Saturn transits as if Saturn were an external force that was
utterly out of control. Frequently a Saturn transit seems like the product of fate,
usually an unpleasant fate. But you must understand that Saturn represents the way
you program your universe at the deepest, most fundamental level. Consequently, the
energy of a Saturn transit is never truly external. But your conscious mind avoids
responsibility for what is happening, so the unconscious mind takes over by
programming the event unconscio:Jsly. You do not experience its effects until the outer
world reacts and a "fated" event occurs, which is nothing more than the universe
responding to your own actions.

No matter how unpleasant a Saturn transit seems at the time, it represents what you
really want in life and is helping you get it. Most people are out of touch with what
they truly want. If you thoroughly understand your needs and wants, you will find
that Saturn simply brings about their manifestation. The "Josses" that Saturn brings
are of things that you do not want or need. No matter how much you think you want
them, let them go, especially relationships that Saturn may end.

When Saturn transits a house, you should pay great attention to the affairs of that
h?us e. It is not a sign that everything in that house is going wrong. but you sh0~ld
direct Your consciousness there and find out how you should relate to those affairs .
If You are in a good position, that is, one that is appropriate at this time in rour life
the .t~ansit will firm up and structure that house for you. If you are not in .l g,~~'~
PhOSlhon, Saturn will bring great changes that will be unpleasant insofar as Y0U Tt'SlS.

Depr . . II . h n " well

ad' esSIO n , sadness physical and emohona oss are all signs t at you .lfe ,. d
h lUsted to the issu~s of the houses and signs ruled by Saturn. D, m)t be di: 01.lye. '
oWe\' . V t", ,pIe are S('
er, If You have these feelings. They are normal responses. ery e\\ re'
Plarlets ITt ••• ,

hologicaI. spiritual and moral values. In fact these ma t k

alsO psyc lues if that is where you need to work on seIf-und y ad,e precedence over
Saturn pos I,ti vel y, In a very real sense (l'lil teria) va ' erstan mg .
an react to I es about what we really are ,
, hemselves that they ~f us teaching ourse v f he old texts discuss this transit as a time of financ ' I I d .
in touch With t h but it is each
, he teaC er, ManY 0 tessarily true, although it can be. If material we~~tho,sskan ~overtY. fThls
Saturn IS t F'rst House ot nec I h IS eepmg you rom
, the I is n 'g your true va ues, t en you are likely to experl' en f ' . I I
' venn '11 b
diSCO , your circumstances WI pro ably be al\ right Ev ce
h man cia osses .
Saturn," I wth, The period when Saturn
f ' terna grothose aspects 0 f your J'f O t herwlse,'aIly insecure at t h"IS time. C ontrol over your material
' en so, Owever, you may
b 'nning
l 0 m I e that ci
neW eg 'ng away S ' f I finan h d S possessions may seem
This transl't represents d at was a t'meI
of shean , ts were c
ompleted, As haturn continues
b ee be slipping from your an, s. ~ you work v~ry h~rd to keep everything going as
d your Ascen an t'me when proJec 'JI continue to be eavy, ut Your to 't to But try to aVOid lettIng fear and fmanclal insec ' t I'f
CIo;se ger had a valid role, a ~ur responsibilitie~
7 1
nsit it is not a good idea to start
Y: u want I f h un y run your I e now,
r this takes att~ntlOn away rom t e task o.f restructuring your value-system on the
' .

nOt;;sit your first ho j , bYe great. During thiS troa complete, Obviously you should f ychologlCal level. The best Course IS to organize your financ II
to ents maya so I k years ' h' 'nner ps , h h es as we as
accomplishm range proJe , cts that wi!d tae in e a shor ter time span,, Don t use t IS transit I sible sO you don t . ave to pay muc attention to them. If you get wrapped up in
any neW, long- h' that has to be ~n f more favorable time, pos
(l'loney m atters, they wJ!1 be a source of trouble.
oceed with anyt mg d and waitmg or a
pr 'tting aroun
as an excuse for Sl , ' ard, You have just comp~eted a, fourteen-
Your material possessions. reflect what you value on the psychological plane . If you
h fme to turn Y OUr attentIOn JtlW
f (Use d pn'marily on interactions With others, not conscious of your Inner values, your possessions will reflect that unconscious-
Now is t e ,I h' h your attention was 0 laborate external world, you may be
year period I,nf Wwlch'le you have buill up a very e If Now is the time to turn inward ~::s; that is, they will not accurately reflect who you are . They will require much more
' I Ii e I , 'de yourse ' involvement, because they are not really natural to you. And above all, your
' sOClanaware '0 f whal is going on JtlSIsary Th'IS restructuring will take several years, experience of material po~sessi?ns will seem to be out of your control! When you
qUIte u
d eslruclure yourself whereverI necesd a grea ' t deal about the world, now learn about
an donr .I be ' am hurry,I Youlhave nt earne discover your real needs 10 thiS area, they may be quite different from what you
so and need7 What have you learned , about yourself
thought, which is usually what you were taught to think. Most unhappiness about
you rse If ' What do you rea y wa
7 You have to un ers a d t nd what you are 10 your own terms,
over the last several years possessions comes because there is some disparity between what you think you should
not in other people's terms, , , want and what you do want.

of person you are, this is a time of IOtroverSlOn and h Be careful with your finances, and be economical. Above all, do not become concerned
Regardless of what type
ou get
Jtl touc
h WI'th yourself during the next few years, t e
introspection, T e more Y , with them any more than you have to in order to function in your everyday world .
more successful you will be!O the future,

, u to deal with the appropriate issues. Since this is a

Saturn has a way of fOCC1~g ~101 b' I present difficulties if you have elaborate
Saturn in the Third House
I k' . ard It WI 0 VIOUS Y f . .
time f~r 00 I~g JnW, Id If those commitments get in the way 0 IOvestlOg Saturn's transit of this house completes the phase of inward preparation and
commitments In the outer wo~ ' . h t ble with them . You may feel that self-encounter that began several years ago with Saturn's transit of the first house . The
' h' If ou wIIl'begm to ave rou
energy Wit 10 yourse ,y f 1 withdrawn and tired. If you are main issue that you will confront at this time is the actual structuring of your mind
you just don't have the energy tobcope; you may ~ften people experience significant and how it operates on a day-to-day level, in other words, your everyday mental
naturally introspective, you may ecome more so. ., . hem from an
failures in their work at this time, because the work IS dlstractlOg t patterns, attitudes, habits, styles of speaking and ways of listening to others. Normally
encounter with themselves, you take these issues for granted and don't think about them very much. But they are
very important in structuring your world .
This is an excellent time for any kind of psychotherapy, h uman po tential work orf
consciousness-raising. You need to unlearn all of th e mcorrec t an d'lOa ccurate ways
h 0 The third house is the house of immediate environment as well as of the everyday
thinking about yourself that you have learned from others. You nee d to k no ww . oyou
Th' aspects of your mind. Your immediate environment is the part of your world that is
are. Then you can properly lay the foundation for restructuring . .
your lOne r hfe . IS
n mOst affected by your unconscious mental patterns , attitudes and habits. And of
must precede the restructuring of your outer life, which will happen about fourtee course it is strongly influenced by your way of communicating with others . Therefore
years from now. You need to understand these areas completely so you can gain greater control over
Your daily life.

Saturn in the Second House

ch au enCOunter this aspect of yourself, you may find it necessary to rna (' c'te~IH
Asy '.
When Saturn transited your first house you had to learn who you really were. in your lly ca anges. Even if you do not realize this, the changes will occur automaticall In either
N S '
own terms. Ow, as aturn enters your second house, you have to learn w a. h t IS rea
but se~
to as these changes Occur you may experience difficulty With people Whl~
are Sl' u..ed
important to you, what you really value. This does not mean just material things, y Ur old ways that they cannot handle the new ones . You may have trluble \'t,th

-- Planets in Transit

nm ent especla
. ediate envirob me' d'ISCOU raged and to be unable to communicate
ur Imm
. Ily relatives and close neighbors . Thes e
oUtwa . . h IS
to whlC
at urn

r d concern with yo ur physical horne. It is really the inner "h

' t h e reason t hat t h"IS IS such a g d '
.. h
OUSE: t at you are
b ' .
people In yo I cause you to ~co d t ndable, but it is not a very good Way to a
tt endIng , bl h
h rapy · Inner pro em s t at you do not clear up no
00 time to e mvolved in
'11 b h
changes may a so to. That IS un ers a
as readily as yo.u u~e~ only makes things worse . pSY chot roblems
e along y o ur personal road during the w WIt f e t e Source of most
f the P
h use is opposIte. t h e ten t h h ouse of career and nex . I Ourteen years . The .
ell the SituatIOn, I o
fourth 0 '11 SOcta status . Any negalive
han e . mind, it may be quite difficult to accept at work here WI oppose your successful achievements lat Th " . f
. h ening In your I f d' factors l'nnings, so get off to a go od start. er . IS IS a time 0
When you e I am what IS app .
. n Wit ra hd wal and a genera sense . h 0 ISCOuragement . neW beg
If Th 's leads to depresslO , 'ng dispassionately, Wit out making value
yourse . t I~am to see what is h~PP~;; what is, not with what you think should be.
You musts You should be concerne WI hould be restructuring your notions of What Saturn in the Fifth House
judgmen . because you s ,.
' IS
ThIS . especia/lv. true noW, lenna . I"Illes more accurately . Saturn s energies I ' can make . g this time you will learn more abo ut yourself a nd how t If "
be to reflect your po relevance to yours or anyone e se s reality Dunn . 0 express yourse
' if
h Id In
s ou 'd I that have no . the best possible way . But .you wdl have to work fo r thiS result; it will not happen by
I've according to I ea S When you live for such Saturnme abstractions
you It rt bv making value judgments. , . If . You should proceed m a careful
Itse . , organized man ner . Although th e f'f
I t h "IS usua II y
yousa J th o I
you live for no one and no Ing. nSI'dered the house of recreatIOn and amusemen t Sa turn's trans' t th h "
co . . . . . ' I roug It IS not
likely to be very amusm g.. It IS as If, every t~lng m you r life has to have some teaching
. r attention will move away
. from concern with
I t this tranSit, you
As Sa turn comp e es . ill b 'n to deal with how your mner world relates to or learning purpose. ~urmg Saturn s transit thro ugh the earl ier houses, you redefined
mner trut hS. 0 nee
agaJn you w egl . I
on who defines success m pure y external terms and restructu~ed your mner self. Now you will begin to give that self new fo rm through
'd Id If you are a pers ., ' interaction With others.
the OUtsl e wor . . d f f tration is ending. However, It hasn t been failure,
you may feel that a peno 0 rus
but ra ther learning.
Areas traditionally associated with the fifth house may become a bu rden at this time .
You will have to attend to these matters, fo r they will not ta ke care of themselves .
Saturn in the Fourth House
For example, children may become a heavy responsibility fo r some reason. Love affairs
This is an extremeIy Impor ta nt transit of Saturn. At this time you. will focus
k on your may become quite difficult, especially if they do no t permit your newly r estructured
.'nnermost person al an d domestic life, for this is the area that.reqUires
. wor
d now.
h ' Any self to be expressed. A love affair may involve an older person who acts almost as a
. bl' domestic life will become more critical at thiS time, an anyt mg you parent to you. Or you may play that role for someone yo unger . You may first become
pro ems In your '11 h b d I .h
have been "putting up with" but not really handling. WI ave to. e. ea tWit . aware of certain aspects of yourself through an intense emotional encoun ter with
Consequently the effects of this transit range from a Simple re.orga~lzatlon of your another person . Even if it is an unpleasant encounter, it can be a p ositive growth
domestic environment to a total reshuffling of the personal relatIOnships and contacts experience.
tha t affect your domestic life . Your home itself may become a tremendous burden
because of payments, repairs or other such responsibilities.
During this transit you may also simply withdraw from encoun ters with others. This
is understandable because every encounter poses challenges, but you s hould not avoid
Elements that used to be important in your life often came back into prominence now,
especially if they were never resolved in the past. Therefore this is an especially good them anyway. In so doing you are avoiding the experience of wha t y o u have become ,
time to get in touch with your innermost self through psychotherapy or other which is so necessary for your proper development at this time. If you feel that you
consciousness-raising and consciousness-expanding techniques . Want a relationship, but your opportunities seem to be frustrated , exa mine your real
feelings. Usually you will find that you are subconsciously a v o idi ng the people who
During this time you may have to take on a parental responsibility for someone, not Would be right for you in order to avoid the confrontation you fear.
necessarily your own child, or you may seek out someone who will playa parental rO.le
for you . If you do find a "parent," however, make sure that this situation w~lI ~he fifth house is also the house of gambling, speculation and other such ris '
ultimately lead to independence on your part. Be certain that it is a growth relationship deedless to say, these activities are not at all in accord with the methodical and .....or _
for yo u and not the beginning of a long-term dependency, which would prove emanding nature of Saturn. Do not take such risks at this time, fo r th ev are not likely
detrimen tal in the years to come. to work out. .

A t this time a period of several years' preparation is coming to an end. You are rea~y Anything you produce during this time will be the result of hard work . You wiII have a
to em erge from compara tive do
to move upward and forward to h"
. d
rrnancy, at least In terms of outwar success, an
. .
d begin
~~ch. more diSCiplined approach to creative activity than you have had in the past
ac leve your ambitIons. But you must start m C ISf IS as it should be, because again the aim is to understand your_eIt throu h
The four th house acts as the f d ' d st pay afe ul d' . . . . . . h
" . . . OUll ahon of your horoscope, an you mu th ,1SClphned action. In thiS case the achvlty means giVing fo nn to _ met 109
attention fo secunng and bu,ldmg up thO f dat' Th" h t I' behind your fOugh . . . . All
IS oun Ion. IS IS wales of Us afe Your
c .own
. efforts. This pnnclple apphes whether or not y ou a re arh-tlC.
reahve In some way.
wi ll make greater demands upon you than in th b
'n the Sixth House
I . Coworke~:
O eo
who can accomplish things, and they want yo: ~aps~ovec~utseTht~eYbs~e you
Wh Saturn leaves this house and crosses as S emot her maJ'or pomt
' a b ou t Sa t urn 'st ranslt
'h t rough this h ouse , e I, IS nngs us
, 'your developmen t., en r goals and ambitions will begin to to t h
" I time In f to attaIn you 'f h
This is a cntlca p your ef orts h' house properly, Even I you ave not , g this house, Saturn' has once again Come above th h ' f
h house cus , h died t IS 'II nn
the sevent - " f yoU have an
bear definite frU it I 't' n for your efforts In
' the past few years, you WI begin to On enteTh ' means tha t your atten tion , , again focused pr' e 'Ionzon 0 fyour natal
, d much recog m 10
receIve char t , r IS
Id out into the socia, I w orld , If you have been preIman' y away IfrOm your
' r wo , , panng yourse properly
,Ve itthen, d ' Inne he last fourteen years, get tmg to know who and what yo II h
h can be compare to prepanng for a d ring t h '11 b ' urea yare, w at you
e~~n to get recognition during this time , But this
recel ,
h th Sixth ouse k h un do and cannot do, t en y ou WI
Th transit' 0 f Saturn throug h 'ng e In, or der so that you will ma e ht e maximum
ca I 0 calls forth tes ts of your ability through confrontation 'th h Th '
e Y have to put everyt I f heavy responsibility and ard work , At house as " f', S WI ot ers, IS
debut ou
'Consequently thiS IS a I
fme 0 very f I
helming, and you may not ee equal to the may be particularly obvlous,m your pr~ esslO n " bu t It applies equally to your personal
Impact, , " ' y seem overw I' I , ' is another factor m the mantal tensions that aCCompany th ' t ' Th
times you r responsibilitiesI mad ou may f'md it difficult to Ive up , to, your emp oyers life Th IS , IS ranslt , e
better y ou handle such
, confrontatIOns,
'" the better your relationsh 'p
I WI 'lib ' the
e 10
chaII eng e, lf you are emp oye d'ff'cultJes
,y , on the J' ob ' This situatIOn IS made worse by
immediate future , BaSically the Si tuatIOn IS quite simple , You must do the best you can
deman ds, which can lead to did better, you would not be adequa
I I tely recognized or
'f , , at any particular task, and you mus t un~ers ta nd the na ture of your relationships with
your feeling that even I you And you wou Id probably be nght, at least , , m the short
for your efforts, others, Exactly what are your expectatIOns of them and their expectations of you?
co mpensated 'f an keep WI'th I't, the work will be benefiCIal ,
run , But in the long run . I you c I ther words, what agreements have you made w ith o thers? O nce you know, live up
, 'II be tested during this time, Therefore, you t: ~hem , It is notte,rr~bly important what the ag~eements are, but it is important that
human bemg WI , II k yoU fulfill them , ThiS IS the fundamental test of thiS transit.
Your effectiveness as a , t shape in many areas, especla y wor and
should try to get your Performance'II b 'n a more public pOSItion, were It WI'II be
m 0 , , h '
professional matters, Later you WI e I
harder to make necessary changes,
Saturn in the Eighth House
'es now m , order to devote y,::mrself more efficiently to whatever
Conserve yourIfenergl This transit brings into focus finances and possessions that y ou hold with others. In a
b d ou scatter or was te your energies , you will not have enough, And , if larger way it brings into question the greater transform ations that you have been going
must et one, Y
ompensate Wit, h an ex tra burst of energy, your health may suffer, dThe Sixth through,
you try 0 c f h Ith d th's Saturn transit means that you must atten to your
is also the house 0 bead ,an t ~I that has to be well cared for in order to achieve
health Treat your 0 y as a 0 , h Id ' It is not enough simply to know who you are and how y ou relate to others, You must
.' d purpose, If your health breaks down during this tranSit, hyou s ou h examme
its deSire also come to terms with other people's values , You must learn to live w ith those values
hand le your physical energies as a whole , Make w atever c anges are
the way you , " I' t B th and to incorporate them constructively into your life without destr oying your own
necessary so that your lifestyle more accurately reflects your mtnnslc rea I y, ~
individuality, With Saturn transiting this house, you will become a ware of this issue,
your body and mind must be in shape for the impending emergence of your energies
often through conflict with others' values , Other people's resources may be cut off
into the outer world, where everyone can see them more clearly, That will happen
shortly, from you and be unavailable when you think you need them . A concrete example of
this would be not getting a bank loan because you have not met the bank's criteria ,
Or in a marriage, your partner may encounter financial hard times that cut you off
Saturn in the Seventh House from an accustomed source of income, During this transit you canno t count upon
The transit of Saturn through this house represents the culmination of the process that others for any kind of material backing, They may not have the money , or they may
began about fourteen years ago when Saturn entered your first house . The need the~ not want to share it with you now, It would be a good idea to get into a position where
was to redefine yourself in your own terms. Now you need to experience yoursel you don't have to depend on anyone else's resources.
through one-to-one encounters with others, through partnerships an d mtlm
. . ate
associations, Close relationships are the area of attention. The eighth house is also the house of major transformations in life, including dea th,
However, it must be said immediately that your own death is an extremely unlikely
During this transit you will discover that your close associations with others test ~ou ~'es~lt of an eighth-house Saturn transit. If death enters you r life at all at this time
out and make increasing demands, Often these will be sources of difficulty in your hf~i 11 IS likely to be someone else's. Or you may suddenly become psychologi:ally
and dealing with them will require great effort on your part. Some relationships ~Ih concerned about your own mortality. You may think about d eath more otten.
end, beca use they demand more than they are worth. This transit often coincides Wit f u
a marital breakup, Even a good marriage will have to confront its flaws when one 0 V
t °d have just finished a phase of intense encounter with o thers. which has enabled you
o Ie lOe YOurself by becoming aware of how you deal with people. ThiS phase I~ m.o
the partners has Saturn transiting the seventh house. o f' . . re
. hed, and now the question arises
r ess f'lOIS 0f w hat a ll t h'IS IS
. for. D'
unng thiS time

.,W Ih,' ,",mgl :!> you h"vf~ gone through in the years sine S nt If you prefer not to have such responsibilit th'
IIU /I' Ij~" IY III " VII . • Th h h· e atur achie"e~eut ~till productive, if you let it be, y, IS may be an onerous hme
)' • A. I r I ncllo look for a pattern In It. roug t IS analYsIs Y h n for yoU ,
, II' ~.," y"'JI Th
M {t1l.II. .
. I ndln¥' of when" you are gomg.
IS process and lea Ou' 0"""
' ... '"
I" ",iVI" .,' .111 unt j 1/'. .1 , '11 rnmg t ersonal development you will function with the m t I
" I I ' pll.'~ ((. (JUf{("" dnd. values WI prepare you for the tr ' 0 111 your P 'II Th hh os comp ete sense of who
Ul1d,", .. , .111< 0 1 11'/ Til CI . . II h . f anslt of h I yOU are In a areas , e tent Ouse governs th
I "M,dhl·.lV('n, whJ(h WI appen m a ew yeaTs, Also you w'lll
s ." UIII'. onlUll1 I II JC r own rl"S(JurCel> dnd . h d h' h I earn and w apresent your individuality as it is expressed by yo ose a~pects of your life that
t e egree to w IC you have to co
"U' 111II" ,l lIon , () YOII operate reallhY' r~irne you have the greatest opportunity to make a:~munJqU~ accomplishments.
wi,ll. IHI dt'p,'n" upon ()Ih('f~. At t IS I pression upon the world
n individua '
as a
Saturn in the Ninth House
But th is can also be a time , of disaster. Negative energies that you have un I easheel
. "'pprod( hinv a life peak, when all your ambitions and eff , h past may have negative consequences now . President N' 'd f
AI II,.·. I,nll' you itT! .. " '11 d ' orts In t e 'h h Ixon reslgne rom offICe
~hllllld 11I'.1' Ilwlr g(',,1It',t fruil. That peak WI oc:ur un~g the transit of Saturn .ng this tranSit, In t e past e had created great opposition I b d f
dutl h' f II , a arge 0 y 0 people
'>t' Now while Saturn transIts the mnth house, your v' were anxious to see 1m a , He also brought about his f II th h h'
1I.1I11wh I111' I('n Ih IlOU . .' d h I lews wh0 5 " h ' a roug IS own
',.{ . l 'corninv ~tabill/.ed , You understan t e ru es of the games you une th ical conduct, aturn I s tranSit
' t rough thiS house is espec'la II y dangerous If ' there
11>,,"1 I t' .1ft " '" I k'l are difficult aspects to p anets In the tenth house in your natal ch t E
•J . n,i you arC! concentrating on how to p ay more s I !fully. In this phase of are f h' , ar, ven so you can
I' .Iylllg JIl, •• If d h ' trol the results t IS transit by preparing carefully and not ta k'109 any sh ortcuts
'Iurn your understanding of yoursI' an ow you bve has reached co n h 0
1IIt' t yl I(. (l f .5. . , 'II b bl a
. If do not know who you are now, you WI pro a y have to wait unt'l as yoU rise to t e top,
I IlIll.l,( yuu , I
ind out about seven to mne years from now .
, I It· nt'><1 eye It' to f
Another danger, that can occur
. during
, this transit is tha t you may b ecome so foeus eel
Th"T(' IS .1 ddngcr here, however, It is tempting to assume that you have reached the on external ,affalTs - your JO~ , sOCla~ p,restige, status, etc. - that you overlook what is
Iwinl elf complete understanding, so that you may become narrow ~nless you remain happening In your personal I~f~ . ThiS IS why it was so very important fourteen years
Ilpt'n 10 nt"W discoveries about yourself and the world . Let your phllos~phy of life be ago, when Sat~rn was t~ansltlng your fourth house, to lay a strong foundation in
• ~U1deIiOl" nol a straitjacket. If ,,(ou a~~ume that you know ever~th,lng" you may your personal life, Anyth,l~g that was done badly in that area then may be a source of
~uddenly find yourself losing the game: St,rangel y enough, legal dIfficulties can be problems now and may vItiate whatever success you are enjoying now.
a manifestation of this problem, for the mnth IS also the house of law.
Nevertheless, if you have prepared well in the last several years, this can be one of the
Older authorities have claimed that this transit is dangerous for long journeys; but most rewarding times in your life, because you have earned every bit of it.
il is not , unless the planetary combinations in your natal ninth house suggest that you
are violently accident-prone, But it does mean you may take long journeys for learning
Saturn in the Eleventh House
or to fulfill obligations rather than for fun.
At this time your principal task is to integrate your individual self with some kind of
You will be attracted to all subjects relating to higher consciousness, such as religion, group expression. Whatever group you belong to will demand that you become
metaphysics or philosophy, as well as the law in its highest sen~e. But you ar~ also in~egrated. During Saturn's transit of your tenth house, you had the opportunity to
concerned with practical results. You are coming to a stage that Will test your ultimate shme and achieve as an individual. Now others require that you join them and be less
effectiveness as a human being, so this is not the right time for abstractions, ~nle~s they of ~ star on your own. In general, however, this transit is a continuation of the high
really help you get a firmer grasp on the real world. Your approach to Iearmng IS very peno? in your life that should have begun when Saturn transited your tenth house,
pragmatic at thiS. time.
. The understan d"109 you gam 10 ' th'IS h ouse WI'II be of enormous espeCially if you answer the challenges presented by this house,
benefit to you when you encounter the transit of Saturn through the tenth house,
If you find it difficult to work with others, to cooperate in team efforts you may feel
t~at coworkers and friends are getting in your way. They may give you responsibilities
Saturn in the Tenth House t at you don't want. But as with the transit through the tenth , you ·should try to come
t 0 ring this time to terms with these demands rather than avoid them, because this is how vou will be
In many ways, Saturn's transit of this house represents t h e h arves. u , for the
you will experience the consequences of the preparations you have been ma~mg 'II be
rewarded. '

last twenty to twenty-four years. If you have prepared well, the r~~~ tSIt~ yoU
The eleve th' I h .
excellent. but whatever is not so well prepared will be the basis of the dl ICU Ie in life n. IS ~ so the house ~f ~our opes and wishes, your ideals and 01> fe.tlves
will encounter. to . ~urmg thiS transit you Will fmd out whether or not you have worl...ed effe-:tl\'ely
t be a y at~am these ideals. Saturn in your eleventh house should bring about the results
In your professional life, you will gain many responsl I Itles.
If u are ever 0
yo .o d of great w~~ b av~ been .trying to attain, if you have prepared well. If not, )'Nlr e'rectations
leader, it will be now. If you are ambitious for leadership, this will be a pen e dlsappomted, and it will be clear that you are not going to get what y<.'u want.

324 325
. S tn's transit of the twelfth house will be a time of br k
In thIS case, a ur I . ea do either to guarantee the successful conclusion of yOur old .
. that in the next Saturn eyc e you can try again . Most p Wn and work, h best from the fa ilures prOjects and endeavors
cleanng out, so . . I h f' . eople h o salvage t e .
n cycles in theIr !tfe. Frequent y t e Irst tranSit through th aVe at
least two Sa tur b ' e el or t
. t as successful as the second, ecause It comes too early in II'f f eVenth
house IS no . f S h e Or hose areas of your life that you have handled successfull '
e of it. At least two transits 0 aturn t rough the cha t You to
take fuII a d va ntag . ' rare U In t t'C life or whatever - the responsibility of b" y - YOu~ !~b, your
reqUire 0 d f r you to gain enough expenence and matunty to make events Work SUa]h, doITIes I 'II I" f d nnglng your achvlties to a
OUt ' J ful climax WI Imlt your ree om of movement E 'f
the best possible way. In succesS ' ven I you know that events
rning out as you want, you may feel restless under the bu d T b
aredtu centrate wholly upon the tasks at hand . r ens, ry to e patient
an con
Saturn in the Twelfth House
t take on any new projects at this time that are not directl d h
At this time the decks are cleared for new action. Now you should be f ' h' Don O . Th dd" y connecte to w at
· h I InlS Ing re already domg . e a Ihonal responsibili ty could b t hf
anything that was not done completely d urlng t east several years. This is up yOU a h bl ' II e 00 muc or you and
, h ., , h . not a go d cause healt pro ems, espeCla y with your heart and eire 1 t Wh
time for starting new proJects, for t e energy Just Isn t t ere even If you think h 0 coUId II I d u a ory system. en
want to start anew,
t at yo
yoU have successfu y comp eteh all your current prOJ'ects ' yo u may start new ones.
This is a time of perseverance, ard work and heavy responsibility, and there is great
potential for reward.
Even if you don't want to take some project through this final finishing-u h
'f p p ase
circumstances will compel you to, I mportant eIements 0 f your I I e may begin t ' Those areas of your life that have not worked out as expected should not be regarded
away and activities that used to work well no longer do , Your ways of h °dlP~sS
, " " an tng aS complete failures. dSeveral years
h ago when you embarked on thes e prolec
. ts, you may
People and SituatIOns no longer achieve the deSIred response.
. You get the imp reSSlOn
, not have u~derstoo ~s muc as you understand now . This transit will make you
that in order to succeed you will have to change everything, yet you don't know ho aware of thiS fact. Don t star,t out on a new course until you have cleared up whatever
make the changes. People tend to "withdraw" into themselves during this time so ~to has not worked out. OtherwI,se you will only work hard to no avail and cause possible
they can get more in tune with what is happenin~. It is very important that you u:: damage to your health, ThiS can be a time of personal and professional defeats.
this time to understand what you have accomplIshed and what you have failed to
accomplish. Do not judge or evaluate; simply observe and recognize. The energy ~f Saturn hold~ ba~k the energy of the Sun, which is your basic life energy,
Saturn confines and restncts It so that you can do only certain things, As a result,
If your life has not succeeded according to your expectations during the last several you may feel cut off from others and lonely , but do not be too concerned ab out this ,
years when Saturn transited your natal tenth and eleventh houses, now you have an Even if this transit coincides with the breaking up of a relationship , wh ich it may , it
opportunity to clear away the barriers that prevented you from achieving what you means that the relationship itself is distracting you from matters that y ou must attend
wanted, But this effort will not bear fruit immediately. This is the end of a cycle, not to now. This is a time for concentrating energy, not scattering it.
yet the beginning of a new one,
Saturn Sextile Sun
It is tempting to fall into despair over the "failures" that seem to haunt you now,
During this time you are more likely to feel guilty and to brood about your This transit will present many opportunities for achievement. At this time you will
inadequacies. But these feelings are neither productive nor therapeutic. Recognize be able to strengthen many areas of your life so that they can withstand adversity !ater,
that this is the time to clear away leftovers from the past and to make ready for a new But you have to take control of this moment. Nothing will be given to you without
start. You will feel pressures for tremendous changes both in the direction of your life some effort on your part. You will have to exercise considerable care and responsibility
and in the manner of proceeding in that direction. Heed these pressures, for they are and pay attention to what others require of you and the commitments y ou have made
the first signs of the new order that is about to begin in your life, You will go through to them. This is not a "lucky" transit in the ordinary sense of the word, but it can be
a new cycle of defining your individuality within yourself and with respect to others exceedingly fortunate for you, if you work hard to make it so .
and of experiencing its effectiveness before the world, Cut your losses, if any, and look
forward rather than backward, This transit is very strongly related to one of two other periods in your life - either the
last, OPposition of Saturn to your natal Sun, nine or ten years ago, or the last
c,onJunction, four or five years ago. In either case, the activities tha t you began at that
Saturn Conjunct Sun ~lme have overcome their initial crises and now are running very smoothly , You are
In ~ Position to achieve many of the goals that you set for yourself then , if you work
This transi,t .can bring both fulfillment and difficulty. Roughly fourteen yea~s a::ci at It.
when transitIng Saturn opposed your Sun, you went through a period of adverSity
. l'Ity. B ut at the same time
Iow vita . you made new beginnings, which are h aviO . g results
, Recog n1't'Ion b y others, particularly persons in authority over you , may c me now, 0 0
now . Th ese e ff orts WI elt er reach a climax and be successful, or you WI'11 reabze
'11' h ev
h d
erything in your power to be worthy of that recognition, for it wi11 help you later
that they have failed, In any case this is a time of tremendous responsibility and ar

a n' A
t this time you have more patience and perseverance than usual ' y Ou a
rk in a disciplined and careful manner and
" ma ke your work end Uflng
excellent time to tackle difficult and demandmg proJects ,
re 'able t0
IS is an
----- , I comment. T his tra nsi t can be very importa
One ftna ria te activity is bad health , Even at best yo nt to your health , One sign of
inap:rr~~iS transit. If y~u are not careful, y;U c~u~~e :~~:: ~our vigorous
und kd wn, particula rl y m the card iovascular system T g a seTious . health
Even your health is better than usual, but that does not mean that you h br ea 0 'II help your health , ' ry to make changes In your
' d' h s ould b life that Wi
Instead, y ou should be bUll mg up " your strengt , In the not-too-di s tant futua USe it '
will need your good health, so don t waste It now, In general this is a tim re You
' d f " e of Saturn Trine Sun
preparation for cIImaxes an d peno s 0 cnsls to come , H ow well you are ablSUc cessful
with the future depends largely upon what you do now , e to deal h' time the circumsta nces of y our life a nd your own ' .
At t IS h B h' . 'II Inner energies are working
qUite well toget er . ut t
hi IS transit
d h WI not seem especiall I k' h
y uc y , rat er your lIfe . as
Saturn Square Sun hole will run smoot y , an w atever you do will come 0 t 11 W'lt h
a w 'al sense of effort , you are actually able to make significant u we , d out any
speC! d f h' progress an get a great
This transit represents a time of critical developments , Various factors i h ea done , Ta'ke a vantage
f h 0
" t IS and accomplish as m uc h as POSSI'b Ie . If an
d ortunity anses for urt er trammg to expand the ra nge of
world will challenge you strongly, and it may seem difficult to maintain ynOur
t efou
reedtside opp " Id b I ' '
your expeTience .
, take It,
of action in whatever you are trying to do, Om be
cause you Will "bUl up ha u wark '. agamst
'II possible adverSity late Th
ron , e more you
accomplish at t h IS time , t e easier It WI be to live up to demands that will be made
You may feel unusually discouraged at this time, because your Vitality is t I upon you a few years from now.
point, It may be best not to struggle too hard against any adversity that coa a , ow
" 'II mes Into
your life now, Patience and perseverance WI carry you through until you r energy LI'ke the sex tile transit of Saturn to
, " your Sun the trine is a tl' me of prepara t'IOn for t he
climaxes th,at come at the oppositIOn and conjunction transits. Therefore you should
level is up again,
use this penod to make your world strong a~d secure against difficul ties , Either you are
laying the framework f~r success that Wll\ come in nine to ten years, or you are
Authority figures, such as employers,
, government officials or parents ' may prove capitalizing on some earher success. That phase of activ ity will end about four or five
difficult to deal with, You may fmd that they are not receptive to your plans or years from now . Either way, you shouldn' t was te this time, Saturn, even with the
suggestions, that they resist your efforts, It is advisable to work patiently to brin trine aspect, always demands that you live up to obligations and responsibilities and
them around to your point of view, Don't withdraw from the confrontation, but don~ very seldom gives you something for nothing, as the other planets often do,
fight blindly, That would guarantee defeat.
Like the sex tile tr~nsit: the trine is a good time for building up your physical strength
This period of your life is directly linked to a time seven years ago , a time of new rather than wastmg It. If you waste your energy now , it w on' t mean immediate
beginnings for you, The projects you began then are encountering their first major trouble, but in a few years, when you need strength and energy, you may not have it ,
crises now, This transit is made especially difficult by the fact that many of these
projects have been going quite well, and the current difficulties seem totally This is a good time to win recognition from others for your a chievements, Employers
unexpected, or others with whom you work will be impressed w ith y o ur diligence, And you should
strive to impress them, because in a few years your goals will be challenged, but if you
However, this is a period of trial, which will demonstrate whether or not those new have convinced others that you are worthwhile, you w ill overcome those obstacles
more easily.
beginnings were valid . Anything invalid is likely to fall by the wayside , You will
probably regard it as a failure. But you may not be aware right away that this is
happening, especially if you are not paying close attention. If you try to save Saturn Opposition Sun
s omething that isn't worth saving, you may be able to fool yourself into thinking that
{hiS may be a very discouraging time . Your vital energies are at a twenty-nine-year
it is working out, but only until Saturn opposes your Sun, seven years from n~wd
ow, and you may feel quite incapable of dealing with the adversities that often
Then the consequences will become devastatingly clear. You would be well adVise
accompany this transit.
to cut the losses you are experiencing now as soon as you realize that they are losses.
Concen tra te on the successful areas of your life so that you can bring them to a
Thes,e adversities may come from a number of sour ces . First of alL other people -
successful climax at the end of that same seven-year period. particularly employers and other persons in a uthority - may oppose your plans In
several areas. This is not usually a good time fo r successfully attaining your goals.
Your a mbitions may be thwarted now , but be patient and make sure you are'fon .the
't IS a
rig ht course. If you are, this transit will be a trial rather than a defeat. Even l I e
. to mor ~ Ou may feel phYSically tired, as if the burdens of your life are too much for you , Quite
defeat, y ou can still a ccomplish a great deal by transferring your energIes Ommonly during this transit people feel old, even if they are in fact Yl)Ung, and there
prod uctive a reas.

Id-weariness, Avoid excessive strains on you h very well weigh yourself in the balance and f' d h
is a profound sense of wor , r health breakdown, particularly if yOu are rldealth , you may 0 self-critical and even self-destructive F I~n t at you are wanting, You
n lead to a maJO , Y 'II h 0 er B
because that ca th and conserve your energIes , ou WI ave plenty of 0 ' e become to sit Often you h ave the feeling that y ' ee mgs, of guilt are charactenstic
' ,
careful of your heal des ite your feelings at the moment. PPOr- of thiS tran ' Our emOtions have completely dried
" to use them later,
tuntues P up ,
thwarted by circumstances or by other peopl E let self-questioning lead to self-doub t and do 't Iet
I be
Your am bI't'10 ns maya so Cla f
, tes have the best intentions or your future so
e, h'Yen
00 n?t become subordinated to the toO-ex:cting de n d YOf ur human feelings and
though you and your assO ' met Ing motions b man s 0 Saturn If yo d
e b reating distance etween yourself and others wh' h I ' u 0 , you
seems to block you, will e c, d doubt a vicious circle ' IC may ead to further self-
't nlng a n , ,
aught in some kind of relationship , for example b ques 10
'ble that you may be c Q f ' , a ad
It is pOSSI ff ' h t limits your self-expression, uite requently this t ' , ' a good time for self-searching, so long as you are t ' d
marriage or love a aIr t a ransa ThIS IS d b no JU gmental It doesn't
brings such relationships to an end, r whether you are goo or ad according to the Saturnine 'd I Th ' I '
mat te Th " h I I ea, e rea question
,IS W ha t yOU are , IS transIt can, e p, you find out. If you proceed from thiS
" pomt of
'th by understanding that it is part of a natural cycl ' , it can be a very constructIve time, even though it is co mmon Iy expenenced
' t
Th IS it is best dea It WI I e In View, as
rans , ' ' d by fighting it , instead you must earn to flow with it Th '
our life, Nothmg IS game " h' h h ' IS painful.
Y " d f twenty-nine-year cycle m w IC you ave put energy out int
transIt IS the en 0'I a 'mportant structures ' mI 'f
your I e, From th em WI'II corne th ° During this t~ansit you may with~raw from oth,ers, have difficulty in relationships _
the world an d b UI t up I ' d f d ' e
'f Ie This transit represents a peno 0 en lOgS, which will be especially WIth women - expenen~e depreSSIOn and feel quite inferior to life's
foundatIOn 0 a new ' cyc'ngs' The problem is to avo I'd b' d ' d
emg Iscourage and frust rated
followed by new begm m ' , b ' , demands, The best way to deal wltb this is not to take it all so seriously, Your
h d' 500n you will have the opportunIty to egm new projects that will perspective is warped, so ,that s~al1 matters seem too importan t. Do not make final
by, td e en mgs, ks of achievement in about fourteen years, when Saturn conjoins decisions about your emotional Me now , Wait until you can see more clearly what you
bud up to new pea , '
w'!I be a time of significant tnal m about seven years when Saturn hav~ learned from this transit.
your 5 un , Th ere asI your new projects are tested to see I'f th ey are 0 f rea I value in your
squares your 5 un,
If you have recently broken off a relationship, it may be best to leave it that way ,
Do not make a real effort to put it back together until this time is over,
If you hang on and are patient, opport~nities will soon return for succ~ss and
achIevement. But don't try to strike out nght now, for you would not be lIkely to Saturn Sextile Moon
succeed, and you would only have to start over again, Your life is changing very
rapidly, and it will be difficult to anticipate exactly what course it will take from This transit gives you a sense of discipline and self-controL which will make it easier
to deal with the emotionally complicated issues in your life that you normally avoid ,
here on,
At this time you can deal with difficult relationships that you could not handle in
the past with proper detachment and objectivity , You can reflect upon your feelings
Saturn Conjunct Moon and examine them without letting them control you , Make w hatever changes should
During this transit you will need to engage in deep introspection, self-examination be made in your personal life with confidence that you are seeing the truth clearly,
and self-criticism, Quite possibly you will feel lonely and depressed , The wa~ in
which you handle this transit will have important consequences later for your phYSIcal The Moon rules your past and what you have gotten from it, while Saturn rules the
and psychological well-being, patterns that you are building into your life now, Consequen tly this transit enables
you to build constructively upon your past and to embody its best teachings into your
Sa turn represents your notion of reality and how you fit into it. It strongly affect~ current life, Anything you do at this time must have a str ong connection WIth your
your sense of who you are as distinct from other people, It also represents an ideal 0 past life, This is not the time to make a radical break with traditi on,
perfect orderliness, righteousness and sternness. When you compare yourself to your
Sa turnine ideal, you become extremely self-critical and self-demanding, If you do ~ot A related effect is that during this time family matters may become very important
live up to the demands of your ideals, your confidence will suffer and you will fee a to yoU, especially matters concerning one or both of y our parents . Here again the
sense of weakness, defeat and inferiority, self-control that this transit confers will ensure that your family interactIOn. are
constructive. You are in better control than usual of y our unconscious attitudes and
, for
The Moon, on the other hand, represents your need for emotional nurtunng, the behaVior generated by them, especially as r egar ds family and loved ones
belonging to a larger whole and for compassion and- understanding, as weJl a~ t~:
Ho h d 'ng which
ability to give these to others, The strict J'ustice of Saturn does not blend well WIt t'tl , wever, along with all of this is the need to be aware of w at you are l l . I
h' tranS , IS relatively easy with this transit , But if you take a passive attitude ana SImply et
need to be human, as signified by the Moon. This is the great danger 0 f t IS

330 331
1 IU",t,I.J .... -

' h 0 effort on your part, the old patterns in Your I'f . a good time to take care of any business m tt
things sI'd
ley b you INlt n"II be made, This
" transit IS
, an opportunity to t kI e w'll
I take "I w IS I life such as b ' or se Ihng real estate ma k'ers concern'Ing your home and
d ntle progress WI a e co 1,,0 uymg
over. an, I I'f Nothing will force you to do so if you don' t Want t nscious rsona' k' . . . a Ing home r ' , ,
pe f' ances and ma mg provIsions for the future 0 b epalrs, reorganizing
control In ,'our I e, , 0 , but u In II . n oth the h i '
would lose ~n excellent opportunity, yO r 'I levels you are unusua y well organized d psyc 0 oglcal and
You matenaf 11 ,an your plans should work out
success U y.
Saturn Square Moon
eople especially women, may give you great' . h
, b quite a difficult time for your personal and domestic lif 0 Older ~otio;al attitudes are "older" at this time an~nslg t and understanding, Your
This transit Ciani ,e you may feel lonely and isolated from others, You e, n the own edvantage of the insights of age, both your 'own YOd ahre In a better position to
psychologlca e"e l , ' b d ' may fe I take a eople will bene f'It you tremendously an ot er people's . Th e counse1
. ed d deserving of love, Sometimes remem ere past aCtions mak I'
depress an un , e you fe I of su c h P '
'h h not lived up to your own expectatIOns, I'
gUilty t at you ave
,,' w is a good time' to. plan
1,,0 "
for the future in all areas of your \'f
I e because yo
' t ansit can create difficulties in personal relationships especi II 'ther foolishly optimistiC nor excessively conservative Y u , u are
Externa II Y th IS r , ' ' a Y With
e }'our emotional communiCatIOn seems to be cut off, Your)' b n pragmatic attitude and see what needs to be done 'Yoo cain ado~lt a very careful
women, becaus
I d
d' 'b'l' ,
d that conflict with your omestlc responsl I lties, so that you ar f
° may an d
reality without neglecting your real needs,
. ur pans WI I be built
ma"e eman s e orced
to neglect one or the other , Your parents may also be a source of concern at this time,
Saturn Opposition Moon
Saturn represents the structure and formation of your ego, your se,nse of individuality
and uniqueness, while the Moon represents your need, fo: connectIOns and roots , The This is ,one of the most
. " transits It is frequentl y associate
I emotionally trying . d Wit.h
conflict at this time is between aspects of these two prInCIples, Somehow it is difficult domestic or professlOna problems, emotional depression, loneliness diff' It' .h
'ff' I' . hI ' ICU les Wit
to be \'ourself and do what you must, to maintain your relationships and get much- women an d d I ICU ties Wit persona relationships, often leading to breakups.
needed emotional support and reinforcement from your loved ones,
This transit represents an "alienatio~ crisis," that is, a crisis brought about by the
These elements of your life are not truly in conflict, for they are complementary discovery that you have bee~ neglectmg your emotional and psychological needs , As
principles that need to be properly balanced with each other. The problem is that one a result you feel alone and disconnected from others, like an alien in the world whom
element has gotten out of control at the expense of the other, so a time of readjustment no one else can ever adequately understand .
is at hand. Usually it is the Saturnine element that has gotten out of control and the
To a greater or lesser extent, everyone's life revolves around an overall task or purpose
Lunar principle that has suffered. This situation is the underlying cause of the
that makes one's life unique. The purpose may be a job, motherhood fatherhood .
loneliness and depression that often accompany this transit.
some movement that you believe in or anything else that gives you a sense of purpose .
This aspect of your life is strongly connected with Saturn. The Moon represents your
You may have to make important changes in your life priorities. You may have to
emotional needs, which you have to fulfill in pursuing your life purpose .
deemphasize your work in favor of your emotional and personal life, or you may have
to break off a relationship that has interfered unnecessarily with your work. In either
Often an alienation crisis occurs when you discover that you have gone too far too fast
case. you must restore the balance between these two aspects of your life so that your
in pursuit of your life purpose and have neglected your psychological and emotio!'lal
life will run smoothly again. needs. Perhaps you have neglected your relationships or your domestic life. or you
have repressed your feelings. In this way you build up a wall between yourself and
Saturn Trine Moon others, which makes you feel alone and alienated.

This transit indicates a time of equilibrium in your life, when the demands of the ~orld ~his problem has arisen because you think of the Saturnine and Lunar aspects of yot.:.r
are in balance with your emotional needs. Emotional maturity and past expenences
ha VI' prepared you for this, and now you can put your understanding to work to ma~e
1.lfe as being in conflict. Consequently you neglect the one that you con 'de less
17ortant. Then, when unexpected new demands come from the other elemen! 1 .
your life run more smoothly, Tensions that in the past have seemed to pull yOU JO
W ole sense of order is upset and disoriented.
opposite directions are now working in balance and harmony.
. t You hav e to Iearn that these two aspects of your !tfe
. are necessarY to each d Y
At this time your emotional attitude is sober, Your mental state is relatively qUle h
· , J h d d ha\...· mue ~Us\make your personal life and your profession or other c~ntral p rpcse w r'
an d you can see 0 blect/ve y w at is true for you, what your nee s are an
. d f k 'farce ea
t~~~t~~' That will require changing your lifestyle so that you can pay eq al attention
you can gIve an get rom others. Your domestic life and your wor reIn
other, and you are able to attend to both without sacrificing either.
Saturn Conjunct Mercury
e a very serious cast of mind now · th t '
'/ u ha V ' a IS YOu
heavy even pessimistic thinking. Communicaf o want to get your work done, and you are~'t' approach everything seriousl
This transit..IS a fme
I of.seno if. , t but'also more dl·ff·1C ul t. I n fact th·IS transit oft IOn With you
mterested in pi . y.
aymg games with
more sign !Can, I d en mea
others becomes k He more seriously than usua an look at thing ns
saying goodbye. You th ~ ~ f losing your sense of perspective.
ta s more iews about the world have reached a .
seriously, but you run ens 0 you~ ~ent position. You believe that you under~Olndt of stability, so you act from
cons ISte on that b aSls.
. Ob· h
intellectual viewpoint is narrowed by this transi.t. You are likel vlOusly this can creant w at th e WorId is about and yo a
opera f' d I a e some probl I u
Your mental and. hailer range of ideas, but you are more hkely to think : to atterns become t.oo Ixe '~ou c ose out viewpoints and 0 . . ems. f your mental
concern yourself w~ a sm beginning a major new cycle of ideas and op~n. a Out p Narrow-mindedness IS a danger with all h .pmlOns that will help yo
grow. . t e transits of S u
them thoroughl~. ou are This consumes your mental energy and lim~tons, of rn can either orgamze your knowledge into it aturn to Mercury
. f g m new ways. I s yo Sa tu d h h. s most useful f . .
commumca m I rge number of topics. Also you root out old ideas and n t. Ur off from knowle ge t roug Intellectual rigidity . orm, or It can cut you
bility to range over a a I·f Y . d . 0 IOns
a I. d th· usefulness in your I e. our min IS very diSciplined b
that have out Ive elrd narrowing of focus t ere IS t e anger of thinkin ' ut
h . h d your critical faculties. Your st d d
. . . I.
ith thiS dlSCIP me an . b g too Th I's transit sharpens
d h' b an ar s are very .
w Y erlook important alternatives ecause of your tenden e likely to ju ge everyt Ing y them. Consequent! exactmg, and you
narrowly. ou may ov AI· h d cy to ar ." B y you are very qui k t
. I _m;ndedly at this time. so, Wit your ten ency toward depre d hat is wrong iO any SituatIOn. ut here again there' th d c 0 see exactly
concentrate smg e ·d I. . sse W f . . IS e anger that ·t· I h' .
erlook possibilities tha t seem too I ea Ishc or risky· prob bl Tn
ay become an excuse

or nit-picking and narro w-mm e ness Yo cn Ica t mkmg
. d d
thoughts you may ov . . " II " ,a y learn to see the flaws iO everything before you see th . u can too easily
l - it is just that you are thmklng sma . . e strengths which k
they are no t a t al world seem a great d ea I more Imperfect than it is. , ma es your
Nevertheless this is an excellent time for working a single idea through completely,
planning very carefully and realizing ideas that can have important consequences Another point you should keep in mind is that there is a ve II d'ff
stable patterns of thinking and being in a rut. In a few ry Ssma I .ere~ce between
many years from now. . . . d years aturn Will either square
Our nata I M ercury or conjOin It, epending upon whethe r thOIS IS . a waxmg . or a waning
Mercury also rules the nervous system, speech and hearing. Occasionally this transit sextile. If you a II ow .yourse If to become rigid now ' your pro bl em WI·11 b e greater when
signifies problems in one of these areas - nervous ailments, speech or hearing either
.. ' transits occurs.
of those " On. the other hand,ifuyou
s e th IS " time to stab 'Ihze
. your
problems and the like, although these are not the most common results 9f this transit. thmklng Without becommg rIgid, you will be better abl e t0 WI' th stand (ruture
More commonly this is a period of depression because of a natural tendency to be cha II enges.
excessively concerned with serious and difficult subjects.
Saturn Square Mercury
When dealing with yourself and others, be careful that you do not become too
concerned with an unattainable perfection. One effect of the Saturn-Mercury This can be a time of difficulties in communicating with others and of problems arising
combination can be to make you too exacting and critical, with the result that you from a serious conflict of viewpoints. During this transit your ideas and opinions, as
alienate others. well as your ways of communicating with people, will be seriously challenged by
others. Disagreements may lead you to sever relationships or at least to consider doing
so. You may feel gloomy, depressed and worried because people do not seem to share
your ideas. This makes you feel alone, and at the same time you may withdraw from
Saturn Sextile Mercury communicating with others. Therefore this is usually a poor time to make any
decisions unless you have to. In your present frame of mind you are incapable of seeing
At this time your thinking has settled into stable patterns, and not very much is
the whole picture upon which any decision must be based. Also your tendency toward
changing in your mind. But you have discipline and concentration, which enable
pessimism makes you underestimate the real possibilities.
yo~ to ~et a great deal of work done. You have a clear idea of what you want to
achIeve Intellectually, and you are willing to work for it. This is an excellent time for
Instead of Withdrawing from intellectual conflict with others, you should try to
any long-range planning that requires great attention to details. It is not so good for
~~~ognize the sources of conflict and help everyone clarify the problems. The
the ki~d of planning requires you to see the larger scope all at once and handle it
1~erences between you and others are real. Your ideas are fixed and clear enough that
as a SIngle system. ThIS trans'tI favors any kmd. of work . , organIzatIOn
mvolvmg . ' and
~\ ers may feel called upon to challenge them. You are in the position of having to
restructuring. It is excellent for most b' .
usmess transactIOns, . Iy t h ose reqUI'ring
e end and justify to others what you believe and think.
~arefully thought-out plans for development. It is not so good for risky or specula~ive
Investments, because your level of intuition is lower than normal. It is also a good wne
Ithmay be that your thinking has become too rigid over the last several years.
for serious study and difficult mental wor k . C allenge b ' . 'n' to see
. your 1'deas an d OpiOil.
s yother people can force you to examine

334 __ ~ ______________________ 335~ ________

b d nough to encompdSS your experience, If you dis peo ple's resis ta nce to your thinking is nt '
whether they ar~ rhoa Ide be a time of radical mental reconstruction , If cover that Other h yOU may think so, You may be tempted °t mtended solely to defeat you
th are not this S ou
ey ,
"d You do
' other people's challenges mto your I ea-structure a d nOt J
Ith oug
thinking an d p Ia ns, But t he resistance of oth0 give up If you are not SeCure in'
ed in incorporating " n inst O ur
, st ignore them you WI
'/I undergo a much more senous penod of mental
S cOnfu '
ead Y learer f orm a n d t0 ta ke d ef 'mi,te steps to im I ers also forces you to give
' your
/U , " bout seven years, when aturn opposes Of con/" slon plans c ch heavy thinking, but the res ults can be q ptement them This takes hard work
and readJustment In a oms YOUr and m u UI e gOod,
ideas cannot withstand the cha llenge or yo d
, 1 the lungs and speech organs, this transit sometimes coin 'd If your them , thiS
, , I' k I u 0 not have en
IS l e y to be a time of self-do bt d
h f
, oug con Idence to
Since Mercury ru es 11' h CI es With de fen d " u an question' Y 'I
'II and afflictions of these organs, usua y meanmg t at your communicat' ' d out what IS wrong WIth your ideas a nd 'f 109, ou WI I seek
I nesses 'II IOn is to fIn ' I you can be ff ' I
interfered with, Lafyngitis is such an I ness, may indeed find out what is wrong, Bu t if you ' I su o IClent y detached ,
Ybo~ ng wrong," you will accomplish little except to be Just wd a low m guilt, doubt and
" el Come epressed
Saturn Trine Mercury
Altho ugh this ,
is not an especially easy time you h Id
' s ou n t ta ke a '
At this point in the Saturn-Mercury cycle, your mind, point of view and styl 'rnistic view of matters, There a re concrete challe
sl b negative or
pes nges to e met a d h Id
th I'nkl'ng and communicating have reached ,a kpoint of stability, You afe quite sec e ~f use your energy to recognize and meet them , Nega tive thinkin I' n you 5 ou
b h' ure In
them , for you know how and what y~u thm a out mos~ t, lOgs , This is not a time of indulgence that you cannot afford a t this tim e, gsa form of self-
change but of preparing to use your mmd, Consequently It IS an excellent time for an
task requiring ment,al ,di~cipline ~nd hard work, such ~s study, schooling ~r learnin~ One factor in this transit may be causing you problems If h I
'b ' , ' you ave a ready allowed
a ny new mental dISCIplIne, It IS not , a" very good time for work requiring great YOur thinking to ecome too ' ngld and fixed ' you will fl
' nd '
I I \CU It to make
t dO
inspiration, intuitive insight and creatIvIty, You WIll get results through hard work occasional necessary compromises when y ou are challenged
' " , ' ven WIt h the best leas
E 'd ,
and scholarly methods, not through "divinely" inspired insight. a certain amount of mental flexlblhty IS necessary ' Rigidity is al mos t certam to spe II
defeat, because t h e forces t h at oppose you will become equally unbending and ngid
This transit favors planning and organization of various aspects of your life, You have
a definite sense of order in mind, which you can make manifest in your life, This is a Sometimes th,is transit can signif!' illnesses inv olving the speech organs and lungs. For
good time to put your ideas into practice on the material level and to carry out long- instance, dunng one such transIt the author experienced a severe case of laryngitis .
standing plans, If you have planned a project, such as building up a new business or
starting a new organization, this is a good time to do it, Saturn represents material
Saturn Conjunct Venus
reality, while Mercury represents the thought behind it,
This transit will have a strong effect on your relationships w ith others, Relation hips
Of all the Saturn-Mercury transits, whether by hard or soft angles, this one puts you that are solidly based will go through a period of testing and examination during which
in the most danger of letting your ideas and opinions become too rigid, It is important you and your loved ones and friends will become increasingly concerned about what
that your ideas acquire definite form and stability at this time, because in the future is valid between you, A weak and unstable relationship w ill go through the same
they will be challenged very strongly, You must he reasonably definite and sure of process, but you are more likely to conclude tha t it is not worth preserving ,
yourself in order to withstand the challenges, But rigidity will only make those times Consequently, at this time the relationships tha t ha ve no p urpose or that have outlived
worse, because your thinking will have to be flexible, no matter how certain you are their purpose in your life will be cut off , Often you will b e reluctan t to let go ot them .
now that you are right,
Even in the best of circumstances you a re likely to w ithdraw from other Dunn~ thl.
At this time you have an unusual ability to see every intricate piece of a whole, and time you have to evaluate who you are, what your individ uality consist ot and ht~\\
your position on most matters is very clear, Consequently your critical ability is all of these fit into your relationships with other people , particularly loved one~ ) l U
great~r than usual" and you can see instantly what is wrong in any situation, Just don't may come to some harsh realizations about your relationsh ip , and even tho~e that yl1"
let thIS degenerate Into nit-picking, thou~ht were quite good may have to be given up , But y ou can be ,ure that any
relatIOnship that comes through this period in good sh a p e is very real .lnd Imp'rtant
toyou ,
Saturn Opposition Mercury
At this time ~ou,r ideas and plans may be defeated, or they may have their greatest Nhe~ rel~tionships with a strongly "fa ted" quality may aLt~ come intl \ 'v ' i i! n w,
concrete r eaiJzatlOn , In either case, you will run into considerable resistance from w Ich WIll have very profound signiticance
' 'b
t' or you 10 '
a out h1urte-en 'eM"
others to what you say, This may result in severing relationships with those wh~
disagree with you because there is no longer any communication between you, Or It ~~ a very different level , this transit can also mean a reril~J l .lUsteri!) In "hi..:h
may result simply in the breakdown of communication that was once quite good, er Voluntarily or otherwise you will give lip many l~t thl' little indul t'l l '$ anli

Saturn Square Venus
, I This situation should be viewed as an . a time of considerable tension and d'ff'
· IS I ICU Ity i
, I d your life prevlOU,s y, our relationship to the appurtenances ThIS . hips often cool off and may even break I n your relationships Lo
, h t have fJI e , ' for seeing Y lations 1 £f " up a together d . . ve
luxunes t a If-examlnatlon, , re d ' cover that a ove a air wasn t what you th h ' unng this transit. You
rtunity for se ddled your lIfe, aY IS '11' 0
m . d of lovely I uSlons . r you may suddenl I oug t It
was d
' a ru e awakening afte
OPtPhOwhiCh yOU have sa , f' ncial matters and not take on any new eno I ' bl ' y ose mtere t . r
WI (veIn Ina , , aP med perfect y via e up unhi now , Of cour h Sma relationship that
, t be conserva I your ~xlstJng ones, On the had see se, t e other pe
' ' Iya time have trO Uble meeting d " h f aves you. rson may be the one
This is de f100te ,
for yoU may f ming up an organizing t e inancial whO le
, ncla
' I obligatiOns, II nt time for Ir
flOa thiS" aIS n exce e , from love relationships, there is a sense of t .
other hand , , e
f your lIfe, , hd ' . ASld w more difficult to relate to people . You may fensllohn and a feeling that it is
structure 0 a time for Wit rawlng mto yourself orne h 0 f d ee t at any s t f I
transit as I '11 5 , ts at the cost of your ree om and sense of individuali . or ~ re ationship
d look upon t IS , ns This withdrawa WI enable yOU to eXIS ble than they are worth . ty. Relahonshlps seem to be
J yOU shou I ' I possessIO . more trO U
In genera thers and to matefla so that your future relationships With
'h espect to 0 d ho you are, d h
Wit r 'dea of what an w I'dl based on reality an t erefore more
get a clearer I . 'J] be more sO I Y er effect of this transit may be that "circumstances b d
nd possesSIOns WI Ano th . . eyon your cont I"
peop Je a t in the way of an eXisting relationship and force it t b k ro seem
reliable and useful. to ge h' h B 0 rea up even tho h
'ther of you wants t IS to appen . ut this is almost never wh t ' 1'1 ~g
oel f h ' a IS rea y happenmg
Saturn Sex tHe Venus Jly one 0 you as a consCIous or unconscious need t . hdr .
Usua b I ' 0 WIt aw from the
tionship, and you su t y maneuver Circumstances to make 't b k
, 'II rk for you in very practical ways. You reIa . I' h' h I rea up . Or you
· hips WI wo
At this time your re IatlOns h work with you, and you are willing to meet rna Y be testmg the re atlOns Ip to see ow much it can take . A goo d one WI'11 survIve '
d to have ot ers h d h and be stronger.
understand how you nee " I t' nship as long as he or s e oes t e same for
. ds wlthm a re a 10 .
the other person s nee I'f re not particularly idealistIc.
you . At this point in your I e, you a This is a. time of unloading and clearing out. Every relationship must be an honest
I ' h'ps fulfill the symbolism of this transit perfectly. expression of yourself. But we often get into relationships that have little to do with our
Professional and businessdrebatlOtnshlat each expects of the other, and both are willing true selves, usually because of fear, a need for security, or a sense of personal
ti re concerne a ou W
Bot h par es a th t re made If there are real differences, you will work inadequacy. Relationships sometimes simply outlive their time, and these are the ones
I' p to the agreements a a · . '11 II k that will suffer and perhaps die now. They are at cross purposes to your pursuit of life
to lYe u Y 'II t J'ust sit back and assume that It WI a wor out by
to smooth them out. ou WI no and self-expression.
itself ,
. I t' hl'ps are neither aided or hindered by this transit, except that you Loneliness is a problem at this time, because your need for relationships and your
Roman tiC re a IOns
I I'k I to enter into a purely "starry-eyed" relationship. You ask yourself what need to be yourself are equally great. Instead of working harmoniously, as they
are ess ley I I h' b . d . thO f should, they are in conflict. But consciously or unconsciously, the need to be yourself
the relationship can do for each of you. If a sexua re ations Ip egms unng IS Ime
there may be a considerable age difference between the two of you. The olde~ partner is the greater at this time.
may act as a kind of teacher-parent toward the younger. You may be either the
younger or the older partner. Even if there is no age difference, the teacher-parent Creativity in arts or crafts may be at a low point now for similar reasons. Your work
aspect will probably still exist. Basically you are too serious now to let Venus's nature may not be expressing your individuality, so you must make adjustments where
express itself fully. Love, romance and affection are subordinated to what you consider necessary.
real and practical needs.

Venus in your natal chart also rules creativity. This transit gives you the ability. to Saturn Trine Venus
work on particularly exacting and detailed creative projects, especially involvmg This is an excellent time for you to achieve real stability in your relationships Your
media that require very involved techniques. Any craft w~rk you do now is probably individual personal needs will not conflict with the demands of the relationship and
you can base them on a realistic understanding of who you are and what others n~
aimed at producing useful objects.
from you. Your vision is clear, and you are not likely to enter a relationship u~de~h~ e
On. the whole, ~11 y~ur relationships will achieve a degree of stability at this time. spell of romantic illusions If you are romantically inclined, in fact. your r_elatlo~ IpS
UltJma~ely relatIOnshIps survive only if they are able to satisfy the real needs of the m ' h' k' d t expenence.
ay seem rather practical and dull now. However, you can use t IS '10 .0 'vidual that
people. Involved.
. You are particularly c o ·
f thOIS now, so y ou examine your
Ah relationship should be an encounter between yourself and another mdl n('lW.
. ' . accordingly. The more real I
your re a IOns h'IpS are now, the better they
t' elps You define and understand yourseIf more cIearIy. That can harren
wJll survIve the CflSes that come When S t · .
a urn squares or conJoins your
natal Venus.

338 339
Plarlets in Transit
~------------------- ---

. hip has fulfilled its purpose. If you simpl b d .

hen Saturn squared or opposed your natal Ven lations hi ' y a an on It .
t few years, w I'f d us, re d' tely encounter anot er re ahonship like it and h ' you Will almost
metime in teash I . ppropriate for your I e were wee ed out. Th '1Tl1Tl e la h 5 ' anot er and a th
o . h' that were lOa I of them throug . atum has this relentless qual'ty no er until you
many relatIOns IPS . 'of I but it was necessary at t e time. Now, howev at
h . live one I .
h been qUite pal u , I' l"f er,
process may ave. f those that have real va ue In your I e. You should b e
the only relationshlP~ Ie t are our understanding of yourself and how you relate t Venus alsO rules artistic creativity, but this may not b e an espeCially
. .
. on them .to Improve y relationships that expan d your awareness. For th O 0 u This is because you are redefining what yo . creative period
work 109 f wth for yo . 11 .. h' u are trymg to d .h
his is a time or gro I ' h' . IS 'vity Like a OppOSitIOns, t IS one signifies a reo' t . 0 Wit your
ot hers. T h ' transit you may have a re atlOns Ip In which there i c rtle a ' hi' flen atlOn of c .
as with t e sextlle ' Th Sa Don't worry that you ave ost a gift - it will return in new forms . onsclOusness.
reason, d'ff nce between you and your partner. e one who is "older and
c~ns "iderable age I ere h h h
a guide exposing the other, t roug t e dynamics of th
Wiser may act a s ' f h Id e
. h' to a larger and more realistic view 0 t e wor . his may also be a time of. material
T examine your past athtu d andd financial adversity . Here agam. you WIll
. ha
reJatlOns IP, es towar material resources and
to . d h T' per aps change yove
Also like the sextile, this transit favors most busines~ and professional relationships, whole orientatIOn towar tern. ry getting along with less' you ma f ur
because you noW are able to negotiate on the basl~ of your real needs and self- need less than you had thought. ' Y md that you
understanding while appreciating the other person s real needs. And since you
understand the need for realism in relationships, whatever you decide on at this time Saturn Conjunct Mars
wi11 be mutually profitable.
This is often a time of enormous frustration, when you really feel as if you are beating
Creativity under this transit is not stimulated or checked, but it does have greater your head against a wall. It can also be a time when you accomplish a great deal of
discipline and rigor. You may be attracted to difficult and exacting techniques or hard work. Which it will be depends on how you handle the energy of this transit. Its
involved in particularly painstaking craft forms. Anything that you make now is basic meaning is "inhibited energy," but it can also be "disciplined energy" if you don't
likely to be practical or useful. try to do too many things over too broad a spectrum .

Saturn Opposition Venus On the negative side, the energy of this transit can produce feelings of intense
irritability. The least little thing seems to set you off, and unfortunately you are often
This transit often signifies a crisis in your personal relationships. Love seems harder confronted with considerably more than "little things." People or circumstances seem
to come by, and ~o~ may c~ol off toward those who used to be dear to you. Or they to get in the way of whatever you try to do. At work your boss or employer may
may coo.1 off. ThiS IS a penod of testing old relationships to find out whether they oppose your ideas without giving any real reasons . Or he may saddle you with so
can ~urvl~e and make a contribution to your life. It is rather difficult to establish new much work that you don't have time to do anything else .
relationships, for this is a time for culminating the old, not beginning anew.
Sometimes you will get involved in the most acrimonious ego disputes with others. It
the with d' strongh transI'ts 0 f Saturn to Venus - conjunction and square -
the other
opposition' may be tempting to chalk this up to some kind of plot against you, but that is probably
need to feel I"k10 Icates
d" t at your need f or l '
re atlOns h'IpS is in strong conflict wit h your
not the case. It is more likely that _ even with the best of intentions - you put out
.mdividualist in
I eyoa Istmct,
I' separate
. add
n e mite m d'IVldual.
f" . . Either you are suC h an some energy that is threatening to others. They respond by trymg. to stop you. Even 'fI
relationships smot~r re atlOnshlps that others find it difficult to relate to you, or the you don't mean to be threatening, you must try very hard not to make people feel
the presence of YOu:rlyoudr sense of individuality. You may feel very lonely even in threatened. Also you may be the victim of other people's aggressive intentions without
them. Ove ones ' because a wa II has been built up between you an d
any obvi ous stimulus
. on your part.

It is absolutely essential t
exactIy your nghts dutl'es 0 reexamin
d e your re I" .
ahonshlps at this time to determine
~his t.ransit can affect your health. It seems to coincide with accidents es~ciallY
one, Injuries, and illnesses such as arthritis and rheumatism . If you are subject to
h ave b een trespassing
'a up n obli ga Ions and ~hose of your partner. Probably yoU
. th'IS transIt.
Such din esses, take good care of yourself dunng .
hId on each oth er's prerogatives and the tension that this causes
as e to your current difficult'
les. '
The P hi b d The energy o£
1Vlars w
ro em with thO . d' that your energies are being cur e .
IS peno IS
. ~
res lirnltatlon~
One common manifestat'Ion of this . . .
~h~t makes very heavy demand " .
transit IS becoming involved in a relatIOnshiP
. impo ants to assert itself in every direction, but transiting Saturn ~lg~1 ~ in <;cope but
In It, you find it difficult to br s ~n you. Although you would rather not be involved that sed from without You should take on only projects that are limite 'If 'ou
req " d ff . h' that scq>e·
in that they balance out your ea out of. These relationships can be called "karmiC" con Ulre great exertion and concentrate e ort Wit m 1 n;tructivt'
centr t b" can ma~e Cl
of tose h '
actIOns. All you can dopast ' ah~ fIons and are the direct or indirect consequence Use of t~, e Your efforts on relatively narr~w 0 Jecd~lves, Y~l~Jr_reaching p)Jns Yl'U
do. At a certain point you will r IOI~ IS case is to persist and do whatever you have to \ViII IS energy B t 'f roceed With gran lOse an
ea Ize th ate
t h k arma has been completed; that IS, . the proh h . u I you P .
a ly encounter the worst effects of thiS transIt.
One other danger s O l
~ __ Plane~in lran~11

h uld be men t10

. d fold crue ange ,
· ned The combination of Mars and Saturn

. . .
r which you should aVOId projectIng . If you

vou m t
us not get discouraged by the fa ilures you ex .
'd .
'11 ot last and you can consl er It a testing time f
Wi n ' d h
penence at th"
----- .
IS hme. This period
or Yourself and
signify a km 0 c . ' h Don't act sullen and bitter, even covertly, for th is no nee to assume t at your presen t setbacks a YOur ambitions
T here re permanent. .
. 't t mto t e open . f h at
angry, brIng I ou II y and bitter response rom ot ers. If you don't d I
b t n equa Y angr ea are dangers associated with this transit. It can " f .
can bring a ou a . h' self you may become the victim of cruelty. Th ere b Y slgnl y aCCident d. .
with these feelings Wit m your , ially broken ones. ou a re not particularly luck d S an Injuries,
espec . k y un er this tr .
h Id not take unnecessary ns s. You could get hurt Ith ansit, so you
sb t expecting that. If you are older, have regular che~; ofugh you should not go
Saturn Sextile Mars
a oU I . ups or your blood
.' t II d activity in any aspect of your life can do a great deal for you other cardiovascu ar signs . Many astrologers asso . t h' pressure
an d cia e t IS comb'Ina t" f
At this tIme, can ro e . . . I I
· ct your effort toward bUildIng a project s ow y and thoroughly
. . lanetary influences with hardening of the arteries, as well as arthritis and h 10~ 0
You are a bl e t0 dIre . .
ild at this time Will probably last. Your attitude toward Your
' ~ood medical attention is always a good idea . r eumahsm.
so that wha tever yo U bu . .. .
. . . asonable and practical which helps greatly In attaIning what you want'
objectIves IS re ' . '
This is not a time for big ideas, but rather for very t.horough accomphshm~nts in Saturn Trine Mars
limited areas. Often it will help enormously to subordinate your own ego drives in
order to work in groups with other people now. A t this time you are capable
. of hard work undertaken from a very broad perspective.
You can put great effort Into tasks that are rather narrow in immediate scope but that
Your physical efforts are more disciplined at this time. You ar~ able to work long and fit into a larger plan. You are able to organize many small details into an overall
hard on a task, whether it is physical or mental, and not give up until it is done. pattern in order to accomplish larger tasks.
Superiors and coworkers will admire you for this, and you may get much more credit
than people who work in a grandiose style but less thoroughly. You express your energies in a careful and controlled manner, which will win you the
respect of others for your diligence and persevera nce. If there is hard exacting work to
You find it relatively easy to accept limitations that are imposed upon you and to work be done, you can do it better now than at other times.
within any framework that is presented to you. This makes it easier to work with other
people. This is a favorable transit for any kind of work that requires precision and con-
centrated effort. It is good for metal or stone work, drawing up exact plans, building,
Others may think of you as a "grind" at this time. In fact, your disciplined attitude grinding, polishing and cutting, especially with metal tools.
toward work makes you a very formidable person, because you will accomplish
whatever you set out to do, not by luck, but by hard, unstinting labor. This is a time when you are content to be patient and to work slowly toward yo~r
objectives. Your expectations are modest, and you are willing to d~ whatever IS
This transit favors hard work for relatively modest objectives, all forms of careful, necessary to attain them. Others will find you a formidable opponent, Simply because work - polishing, metal work, working with stones - and work that you look at all the alternatives and choose yo ur course of action carefully and
requires very careful measurements. methodically. One could describe your manner as "relentless."

. . 'f b f ons can lead to real and lasting

T hiS IS not a glamorous time in your II e, ut your ac I
Saturn Square Mars
th 'f be a time of int ense ego con fl"IctS With others, and you are very likely
. to b e
e oser I you are not careful. Your ambitions in various areas may provoke others
to try to stop you because they feel threatened . Or it may be that you come across Saturn Opposition Ma rs
peop Ie wh ose goals are intr' . II T . . b se ou feel that everything you try
f I'f . InSlca Y opposed to yours . This may happen in any area hiS can be an extremely difficult transit, ecau y Y feel angry, but
o your I e, most commonly't '11 ff . I0 t d . osed by others. ou may
affect your p I d I WI a ect your work and social life, but It can as o 0 IS blocked by circumstances or opp 1 ft b 'l'ng over inside and
ersona an domestic life. y h er so you are e 01 I I
Ou ave no obvious outlet for you r ang , h fans are very dose y
seething with frustration. And there is no doubt t ~t Yd~urct~nCgI your life _ parents.
During your first run-ins wi h . nd cir . h re important In Ire I
antagonistic, but you will also t others, ~ou will probably be very bitter a It cumscnbed at this time. People W 0 a f t ble at this time.
is that you will constantl b ~ecome cautious about venting your anger. The resu employers, officials _ may be a seriouS source 0 rou
nothing to do with you y e din a state of suppressed rage. Then someone who has - oi actions
. . h onsequences h
r moo may b th " f dd t d burst 0 f On. . are expenenCing t e c d '(lU t at
anger. Needless to sa th t'
y, a IS not the
e e victim 0 a su en unexpec e
. e PossIble reason for this IS that yo~ h h b 'It up a structure arou n }
way to Win anyone over. th at y '. whlC ave UI
Ou Initiated many years ago,

~-------------- ________________________________________________ ~ _____________________________ 3_________ ~

tributeS probably determine which kind of ff
. d th roots of this problem, look to the period TWO a t d' '1' d d e ect you will '
t f eely To ftn elM if yOU are ISCl~ me an persevering you will react ,expen~nce, First of
limits your ability to ac r Saturn last conjoined your nata ars. aIL , of this transIt. But even more important i ,with patience to the
hen nergles , s your attltud t
about fourteen years ago w e r life that the transit may affect. You will persev . h e oward the areas
. t the forces that seem to be conspiring against of yOU u are contented with, and you will work even h er~ Wit the areas of your life
You may fee l temp td e to lash out agatnS
d ·dea. They will probab Iy prove too strong f or you. thathYo e areas of your life that seem oppressive you a,rll er on ~hem than otherwise,
you but this is probably not ~ go~ I Id be better to wait and in the meantime find In t OS ' WI expenence t '
, 0 f re be11'109 and fighttng, It wou . . , to rebel against limitations, enslon and the
Instead Hard work, physical activity, an d concentrated deSire •
our pent-up energy . h' .
some outIet for y b 'Id-up that may accompany t IS transit. However
'11 hid' pel the energy UI ' difficult to say whether you are justified in being im t' .
effort WI e P IS . . hatever you do along these lines. Accidents can' I t IStrictio in your I'f C 'I pa lent With the f
nS n Ie, ertam y you are more than justified in t ' . areas 0
take reasonable precahutlO tn wnergy is hard to controL and if it comes out in a
occur now , because t e pent-up ~;s You will have to decide whether to cut off some element 0 ~I;~ t.o Improve your
t't n ecause an aCCident.
. Be espeCia
. II y caref u lWit
' h sharp
II db
sudden uncontro e urs I ca I~~~\. Either response may be appropriate, r UI It up to a higher
objects and anything made of metal.

. d 'd 'mply to hold in your feelings, even though it seems futile to let Saturn Sextile Jupiter
It IS not a goo I ea Sl
them out. The stored-up energy within you provokes responses from others and from
During this time you ~hould work ver~ hard to take advantage of every opportunity
your environment in very subtle ways, which can ~ead to ev~n greater p~oblems. You
for growth and expansion that presents Itself. This transit gives you the ability to work
can conceivably become the victim of your own vIOlent feelings, and thiS can happen
very hard and patiently in building up your life , It is not a period of flamboyant
in very subtle, unconscious ways. So you have to find the middle road between lashing
expansion, but what you build will have an enduring quality that will help you
out violently and holding all your anger in. withstand any heavy crises that may arise in the future. This transit requires that
you work for these results, but it does not provide the drive to work, It merely gives
Health problems that may occur during this transit include diseases of the body's you opportunities to work effectively , Its effects are so subtle that the transit could
hardening processes, such as bone formation. Arthritis, arteriosclerosis and high blood pass without making much of an impact. But if you allow this to happen. you may
pressure are all examples of Mars-Saturn illnesses. It would be a good idea to have a
experience difficult times when Saturn comes to either conjunction or square of your
careful physical examination during this period.
natal Jupiter,

Saturn Conjunct Jupiter This transit favors most business and professional activities, You have the ability to
handle the broad, general planning of projects as well as the de,tails, yo~ ca~ work on
This transit can represent different things to different people. It can be an opportunity
projects that you might be too impatient to work on at other times , ThiS will Impress
for very careful sustained growth through patient endeavor. Or it can be a period of
your employers and other superiors, and their good will will be useful as you advance
extreme restlessness and impatience.
in your work,
The structured nature of Saturn, which demands that conditions be met and This is also a favorable period for intellectual and spiritual. growth, bedcause noW
. be fulfilled'
' IS no t very compatlb . Ie With
. the unrestrained exuberance 0 f , I nts that provide form an structure.
Jupiter. you can see the restrictions in your life as e eme real way your 1'£ I e d em:es
" 'ts
I form
. . I' Yet together they can pay I a va Iuab Ie role 10. your life. Saturn gives you t h e ry
d ISClP me not as just obstacles to total freedom , Inave d £' h t ou can do, This
· to make
'Id a solid s t ruc ture 0 f your life.
. Without
. .
Saturn's influence, Jupiter can and' d' 'd ' h cannot 0 as rom way
.symftb0 IIzehWI unrestrained
. growt h an d gross overextension of your energy. Jupiter . In IVI uahty as much from w at yOu f 1'£ ' ch a way that )'ou can
tr ' , h lure 0 your I e In su
IS 0 en c aractenzed by t d' .. anslt gIVes you the ability to see t e slruc I will be abJe to
~ai,n more control over it, Whate:er, your ~:~:::~et~~ao~;:~~;~~'
eno h f h' was e an mefflCiency, because you feel there is always
ug 0 everyt 109 , even when th ere Isn . ,t.
ulld a foundation for success at thiS time. D
But at the same time Saturn g
optimism to pessimis~ b Id .can be. the ultimate wet blanket for Jupiter,
Saturn Square Jupiter
energy can make this a' °tl n~k-takmg to overcautious conservatism. Your Jupiter - eed'lll actiln
res ess hme Ad' . d'ff' ' ou Ouri ' " may be curtailed and your tr t /:l\'e to
will have to this transit, ' n It IS very I lCUlt to tell which reactIOn Y ng thiS transit your opportunities £ m nowhere and \-oU JIllY , 11"
may b ' , " m to come ro ' : . it, ~
•. , k e qUite hmited, RestrictIOns see tomed level let ak)nt' Imp!l'\f very
"'Or V h ' ' our acCUS ' ,t l-et'n
With a Saturn-Jupiter transit you tr ,ery ard just to maiOtal n Y '11 especially if )",u have nl lin) $t
residence' a change in fJ'nan ' I may expect any of the following: a change of job N anslt b bl £jna nCla y. . 'f e Iher 111
, Cia stat f h rs car f 1can e quite unfavora e 11 yOU have put V(lur Ii e tog r ft:'I,n,
e U in how we • - d \ l,ur P
in order to work; fondness for solitu us, ,0 ten for the worse; withdrawal from ot e e.. recent years, It tests I I d to finances ~uslnesS an •
de; mdustry and perseverance, very a b
rea, ut especially in matter
s re a e '
d r persons may provide opportunities for real i 'h '
f your life cannot withstand real adversity, 01 e ctive of their age, you can see how to improve nSlg t Into your life, From the
h t many aspects 0
You may discover t a at the slightest challenge, Perspe Your own life and hel '
p 11 grow.
'n to crumble away
The y beg l , ' a time to consolidate and buttress various aspe t f
ThiS IS , b I' , c so your]'f p ,
new activities began in your life, Now they a uture, Invest or uy Ife Insurance, Make , I e, ut aSide money
en years ago, man Y ' I'f A re for th e f peace With th d'ff I
ApproximateIy sev h have any real importance In your I e, nything'that Il'fe or with those people who are potential sour f e I ICU t aspects of
whether t ey ' II h YOUr S ces 0 trouble I h
being teste d to see, h Id be abandoned or substantia y c anged, It will b , t future when aturn squares or opposes your n t I ' ,n t e not-too-
'th tand thiS test s ou k' , f e dlsta n ' a a JupIter 't II b d' ,
does not WI s h' that clearly does not wor ,In spIte 0 opposition from I with the loose ends you leave now , You have en hf .' I WI e Ifflcult
'bl t hold on to somet JOg 'd h f to d ea , oug oreslght n t h '
pOSSI e o " f r surroundings, And If you 0 t at, a ter this transit e the necessary adjustments , ow 0 see t IS
d restflctlOns rom you h an d ma k
ot hers an k' t all right. But that is only because t e current challenge
't ay appear to be wor JOg ou h I II
1 m , b t seven years anything you ave c ung to wi be tested
is over. However, JO a ou , I h d 'f Saturn Opposition Jupiter
, 'II f more trouble than It does now, n ot er wor s, I something
agaJO and WI cause ar
isn't working now, let it go! During this time, your op~ortu~ities for ~rowth and expansion in life are limited , You
may feel that you are movmg Sideways, If not actually going in reverse. There m b
' 11 'f h ay e
, II h' t
TYPlca y t IS ransl
't produces extreme restlessness, Jupiter's drive for freedom IS financial problems, ~speC1a , y, I you ave overextended yourself In the recent past.
the restrictions of Saturn, and you feel very strongly that you Another effect of thIS transIt IS restlessness and impatience with restrictions imposed
re Ient Iess Iy cur bed by " ,
must break out of these restrictions, You may eXP:flence Job or resl~ence changes and upon you, This period requires patience, but unfo rtunately yours seems to be almost
the breakup of personal relationships that seem to m,terfere un~uly wI,th your freedom , exhausted,
However these changes are usually just hasty reactIOns to thiS transIt. You would be
much better off to calmly evaluate what is and isn't working in your life and to This is a period of readjustment after a period of possibly too-rapid expansion,
consciously eliminate the elements that do not work, Don't just react blin~ly because of Certainly it is necessary to examine your recent past to make sure that you have acted
frustration, That will only make matters worse when Saturn comes to the opposition according to what you really want to do and really ought to do , This transit can have
or conjunction of your natal Jupiter , the effect of getting you back into a path that you have wandered away from, Do not
be discouraged by any recent setbacks, Qui te likely they were for the best, as you will
You may experience great frustration in your work, First determine whether you are probably see in a little while ,
just being impatient, or whether your work really doesn't allow you the necessary
scope for development. Either way it would be better not to make up your mind until Other people may inhibit you at this time, For example, in your w,ork you may
propose new Ideas, on I y to h ave t hem pu t d 0 wn by more conservatIVe coworkers
after this transit is over, , ,
or employers, You must huld , up a better case for your ideas so it will be
, more diffICult
for others to challenge them, You can be sure that you will not be allowed ,to get away
Saturn Trine Jupiter with sloppy thinking and planning at this time, Someone will always pomt out your
~his i~ a ti~e of balance and order in your life, You may have to work hard for errors,
~JOanClal gam, but at least your affairs are in order, Your business or professional life . bl b t do not start any new projects now , If
IS :-ell organized, and you should be making steady progress toward your goals, The Make things more secure and more sta e, u b d' t d but at least the
, " you may e Isappom e ,
gains ~ou, make at this time are not strokes of luck, they are the solid results of good your expectations are overly optimistiC, f I't has I'nterfered with your
, 'II hat aspect 0 rea I y
orgamzatIon, Work hard to make them even more solid, reasons WIll become clear, You WI see w , '
'd bl t take thiS m to account.
I eals, and in the future you will be a e 0
Your greatest asset at th' t' ' h f , 0 through a penod of trial. You often
U k' IS Ime IS t at you can see clearly how various parts 0 your
Also at this time personal relationshIPS mayI' g, db thers SeparatIOns sometimes
J e are ~ord Ing out. You understand the rules and you are willing to play by them, f I ' ' duly Im lte y o, d'
Your attJtu e toward life is " 'II ' ee as If your personal freedom IS un h' freedom, An , In
, , ,pragmatic and practical. You are more than usually WI Ing , the only way to ac leve ,
to accept a situatIOn as It is wh'l k' ' a Come about because you feel that that IS t' th t occurs under this translt.
osition to mak ' Ie Wor Ing patiently to improve it. You are noW In f f f a separa Ion a
P e Important choices th at WI'II greatly affect your future, act, you are usually better of a ter
. f tting bac ' and
l'k this one represents a time (l co on In
Your employers, bosses and oth her ,l e, so many other transits of Satur~'f It ' not a time of growth and expan, l : In
times these people rna h er authority figures can help you out now, At ot fmdmg bl f f your II e, IS , h peOln8 no""
they are extremely
'II ' b hI '
w,l a;e ~e~med to be obstacles to your advancement, but nOW
I mgyo e p, This is in part because you make it clear that they
f a more sta e orm or be the reason for what IS ap . ur life
t~ct, too much expansion in the past m;~ a more solid basis so that change5 ,I;t~:nsit is
e future you will have to make plans Ie cannot interfere so much, Thl,
WJ gam y e PIng you, ou are h k than and ' nd peop
you have been at other times, Wh muc more capable now of real give-and-ta e on pressure from CIrcumstances a ' th reality
aUf I ' unter WI '
en others see this they are more willing to work se u , 1f not always pleasant, en co
your tearn , '
________________________________________________________________ ~ ________________________________ 3 4~
hat we feel belongs to us from "threat" h
onl' unct Saturn an d w . . y stat often
Saturn C dult cntena . et we structure our world a d' are not real thr
. es in your life. A major cycle of experience is to arantees that you will be successful in pcactotr I~g to them . The «>-t~lats aCCording
, portant tim t take place , H ow great t h ese changes a gua " h ernmg~" I e tran .
, of the most 1m y at thiS time, you ad best get in t h . your World. If sit only
This, IS onend great changes are about un ha Pp oue With what You are very
b 0 doing with your Ii'fe over the past seVerreI , you are really do ln
c1osmg, a h t ou have een h' k h a
depends largely on w ,a, Yas ou feel you should or as you t In ot ers want you t07 o transit can be a time when you are successf II g,
0' b' u y approach'
years, Have yOU be~n ht~;fatte~, Saturn will have a greater impact. rh IS
oal in life. r It can e a time when you are be' 109 your main co .
If yOU have been dOIng ~programs,"
'h I
as if you were a computer . Usually yo largely by uncoT\SQ
u WI l ex ' n .ous
, tal Saturn occurs about every twenty-nine years, The hese effects, H owever, In t e ong run the po 't' , penence a little f both
of t . h' Sl Ive posslbi\' . 0
The transit, 0 f 5au t rn conlunct na
ou are about twenty-nine, and the second between the w about, Concermng t e negative side of thO t . lites are more u·--L-I
first such transit occur~ when y kn'fficult
o . f IS ransll sufn'
and unsatls actory aspects of your life that you are' ex ce' It .to say that the
:><C'U to

ages of fifty~ight and SIXty, dl

yOU to look into yourse If more closely, penencmg now require
' 't many aspects of your life have begun to change
In the year before thh IS trans d r ,ended and you may have changed your residence or' The sextile of Saturn to .Saturn represents a time of m ovmg
' forward t
I . , h'
Re atl~ns I
I ' hOps have h c angeb 0
dominated '
by an urgent feeling that if you don't do whether they are matena or spmtual. This transit 'II I 0 ac leve goals
your Job' , ' you h ave I ys wanted to do or felt that you s h ou Id ,you will never have
een . ' I" WI re ate to on h '
different times In your Ife. Certain changes that Occurre d'In your epor ft e' other at
everythmg you ave a wa her you are twenty-nine . or f'f ' h t, you Will
I ty-elg ' feel that a
t several years .ago, w h en S aturn either last squared or conlome
" d Saturo esslOnal
h life
another 'I chance,t' Wh e
of your life has passed and that you had better get on With ' making '
reached the pomt of becommg part of your new self . Yo u can use thes rn, ave now
substantla por iOn '
it all work, If your marriage is unsatisfactory but you have been making the,best of it , yourself effectively, e new aspects of
you will examine that relationship even more thoroughly now and may deCide to end
it. Certainly you will have to change it substantially, The same is true of any other At this time you are particularly good at working with other e l Y
aspect of your life that you have tolerated but not found very rewarding. , di'd I' d dOff p op e. ou are able to
see'hyourhm ' VI ua ItyI an I erentness in a way that makes 't
I POSSI'bl e for you to work
Wit ot ers ' m a compI ementary
. way so that neither you nor th ey f
ee l "
compelttlVe You
Consciously or unconsciously, you are pruning your life of everything that is not can wor k lust as wei With people who are above you and wI'th th ose a t your own .level.
relevant to what you really are as a human being. If this process is not happening
consciously, you may experience a sense of loss for the elements of your life that are
coming to an end now, However, do not dwell upon these losses, for they are necessary You, approa~h y?~r own goals methodically and practically, for you are not
in order to clear the decks for the major period of action in your life, If this is your first par~cularly Ideahstlc at this point. You are much more concerned about how to
return of Saturn, particularly, you should roll with the punch and voluntarily let go achl~ve what you want in concrete practical terms . Use this time well, for like all
of these elements. If you try to hold on, you may be somewhat successful, but twenty- ~exhle transits, it gives you the opportunity to lay a foundation that will protect you
nine years from now the second Saturn return will be much more difficult. Then you 10 the future.
will be more firmly established on paths that are inappropriate for you. If this is your
s~ond return, you are faced with the need to make radical changes. However difficult
thiS may be, make the changes. Your later years will be much better if you do, Saturn Square Saturn
This transit is a cn't'lca I peno . d'm whlch
. several aspects of your hfe. '
and expenence WI'11
This is a time
around t' 't' of endings
h ' and new b" egmnmgs. If you have built your life up to noW be tested ,speCia
t: . II y t h ose that began to be important about seven years ago. Most
ac IVI hlest t at are
been doing h mapp . f or you, it will be a period of crisis. If you have
' ropnate often . this tra nSl't'lS expenenced
. . to
as a sort of identity crisis in which you begm
w a you s ould m prevo h··" 'f qthat
solidification and the beg" 10US years, t IS transit Will Simply mark a time 0 uestlon what you are d omg. . ' . of confidence
You may suffer a CflSIS ' at t h"IS time , feanng
act" yo~ have made the wrong moves in life or committed yourself to some course of
people over thirty dOff mnfm of new phases of activity. It is this transit that makes
I erent rom those d
of the most maturing of 11 t r '
a anslls.
h' '
un er t Irty because the Sa turn return IS one an~on t ~t will not be good in the long run. During this period you will think ahut
mattqueshon all the long-term trends in your life You will not be thinking about tnvial
ers. '
Saturn Sextile Saturn
This is a time of equilibrium d b '
good idea of how to handle an alance 10 your life, because now you have a pre~ty Somet'lmes a . I earc h' t e IN~'
during this transit. But 't ~o~rown world. Events will run along more or less eaSily
create d'ff' particu ar event triggers off this period of soul-s
1 lcul r f • JOna
- 1 a [,cr a )
h P'- n:
they d les or you especially in your business or protess art' .
I IS Import
especially happy or peaceful time
b an
ant. to note that it will not necessarily e Ch
etect th f . ' , . . xl If eyare
People wh e ITst slgns of insecurity that will afflict you dunng thiS pent y'ur
more than we realize, but ve £' Our hves are directed by our own demands mU ~pparent 0 naturallly compete with you, they may try to take ad\'antaFt' ~: d
be horrified if we knew wha; 0 ten those demands are unconscious. We would often
we are really trying to do. We try to protect ourselves
ll\securl'tyweakness. Employers and other superiors may al50 sense yl ur
and h . b ,~!. ,
doing ~
wonder whether you are the right person f'f t e JO Y
Saturn Oppos't'
'f d to be questioned at this time " I IOn Saturn
our h el'fnee Examine It reaction to thiS transit depends a g d
ects f y 'd an ma k e Wh atever' Your I reat eal u h
h t some asp
t your I e, , g the past severa years, Fourteen Pon Ow you h
t recognize t a uivering abou rOJ'ect yOU started seven years ago dunn d years ago h aVe handl d
You O1Us ' ne spot q 'ate Any P 'I h ' l Saturn, you rna e a series of new b ' : w en Saturn I e YOur life
't stand In 0 d ee 01 appropn ' d then that IS tru y wort contmuing oa ta )'f Y h egmntng ast con) ,
But don 'bl an s f' t urface 'd' renesS about Ie, ou may ave changed ' b s and enter d Olned YOUr
changes are pOSSI t :f yourself that Ir~ sThis is a time of testmg, an anythmg that a a ork, Old relationships may have brok JO s Or even entered: a ~ew phase of
ny ne~" aspec 'I fter this transit, , h t do not pass the test are well gotten of W b bl h en up and n entirely ,
or a rthwhl e a , Thmgs t a , h" 11 for yOU, you pro a y ad a feeling that no new ones begun If new field
'II still be WO 'II be better for It, f b'l!'ty and frUitfulness t at will Justify we w you were on th ' ' things Went
WI h test WI ' d 0 sta I , e nght path
withstands t e au will enter a peno , ou are truly conscious of your hfe and Your
rid of, Shortly Yk place noW , In fact, If~, t all You will only go through a period Seven years ago, those new beginnings enCOunter d h ' '
IS that ta e eal CflSIS a , "h h hether or not you were aware of it tested the S t e t elr first period of t ' I
the even 'II not undergo a r , t Your difficulties Wit t e outer world w g
b' tives you WI ' d what IS no ' n doing, This took place during ~he last sqU ren th and validity of w~lat ' Which,
~f ~~amin;ng w~at is w~~:~n!ha; yOU should be doing, bee h
u did not clear away t e structures and patterns '
are 0 f Satu a you had
rn to YOur natal S t
h' time are SIgnals a Y: this transit will be quite difficult. The old ~n'YI OUr life that were worki~gubrnd'llf
at t IS 'h our sense of yourself and how you are t en , h I I al ures that hay
turn has so muc h to do WIt , ' yvery likely to a ff ect reIatlons
' h'IpS, Saturn
roperly in t east severa years will make yo I'f
' th h ur I e
YOu ave not handl d
exceed' I e
Because Sa I this transIt IS I ' However, everyt h mg at you ave handled well w'll 109 y difficult no
'ff ent from other peop e, I'k parating from others, so some re ahonships I reach a cuI ' w,
dI er k feel! e se k d' more fruitfu I t h an ever b e f ore, Th is is the high-water mark of th mtnation and prove
'ts generally ma e one, 'ne appraise and rna e a Justments where
transl " H agam exam! , " e Saturn-Saturn cycIe,
may end at thiS time, ere If and feel guilty about your shortcommgs, ActIOn
o not condemn yourse In your work you may reach a peak of success h' h '
necessary, D ,
speaks louder than suffenngl increased responsl'b'l' Ilty, In that case you will ' W kIC Will be accompanied by
Wor extremel h d
successfully, On the other hand, you may receive ab d , Y ar but very
un ant eVlden th
Saturn Trine Saturn working in the wrong area altogether, This would be manif t d b Ce at you are
" h f' , es e y extreme diff' I '
h t ble understanding of what you are, and you can take in your wor k Situation, suc as mdmg your efforts block db ICU ttes
'd' f e y coworkers or su '
At this time you canldreac as pa are to achieve your goals in life, This is primarily a If your supenors IS approve 0 your performance you sh Id penors,
trol of your wor an d pre I B h 'f d ' , o u completely reeval t
can , ill not necessarily reach your goa snow, ut t e base your work, Even I you are omg good work this may b ' I h ua e
time of preparatIOn; you w , , ' e a signa t at the 'Job '
inadequate from your pomt of view, This should not be an oc ' f If IS
you lay down now wi)1 be very Important. ' , d h cas IOn or se -doubt and
despair, Rest assure t at you are supposed to be doing somethin I I
, f' d' h h ' f h g ese, nvest your
At this time you can incorporate into yourself the fruits of ~revi~us successes, I~ok energy m m mg w at t at IS, or t e situation is not hopeless,
them over and appreciate them for what they were, The key Idea IS that you are m a
position to understand your life and therefore better able to be in conscious control In a similar way, relationships that were not straightened out several d '
'II I ' " years ago unng
of it, This is not merely an intellectual understanding, it is born of experience, You theast
I square WI a so prove very difficult at thiS time and may v ery weII brea k up
comp Iete Iy,
have lived through certain things, and now you can proceed on the basis of that
If you~ affairs are working out positively, this transit represents a material peak in
Your business or professional life will run smoothly at this time. Employers and your hfe, The structures you were going to build in this Saturn cycle have been built ,
superiors appreciate your calm, controlled way of handling your work, and they can
By, th"IS t,lme you have made the impact upon others that you were supposed to make,
see the results of your past experience, Relationships, which reflect what you are, are It IS as If you have said to the world, "Here is what I am," Now, during the next
also more stable at this time because of your own inner stability, fourteen years, the world will reply, "And here are the consequences of what you are "

Your outlo,ok on life has also reached a point of equilibrium, You have a good If your experience of this transit has not been so successful. during the next fourteen
, ,
of how you I00k at I'f I e, an d It' works well enough that you may not yefaSrs you will gather your resources for the next try, beginning at the next conjuncti.on
questIOn It very much But th bl ' h o haturn with your nata I S atum, However, there can be productive perio dsUringd
d on 'k h '
t now ow well your ide
e pro em IS t at this is not a time of testing, so you
'II d II
I '
at time if yo u can c Iear out w hatever Isn
" t workmg
' now,
th 'th d as WI stan up to future crises, You only know how we
ey WI stoo past tests But th f 'I h
future depends u h" e uture IS a ways different, and what happens in t e
pon w at IS true t th ' ' d
open and flexible Y I a at time. Therefore you must keep your mlO
, ou on y kno h h' Saturn Conjunct Uranus
Continue to examine yo If w w at you know, and that is not everyt 109,
urse and se h Id b I'f 's This is an ' If · for
satisfactory now, it may not alwa e w at cou e improved, Even if your I e I ch extremely powerful transit, for it represents powerful JnternJ NCf:i
ange coU'd' , Id I '- time of
times when Saturn eithe ys be, It helps to have a contingency plan for those ten' 1 mg With powerful resistance from the external wM ' t I~ J I
r squares or '
opposes Its own position, Slon and dd ' h t tn' pt'('P e
su en release, You will be likely to take sudden Jctwns t a t

350 _____________________________ 35=1_________

, are the products of gradually building
These actIOns ged the structure of YOu r relationships h
ticipated, chan Or c an d
Ou have not an , h' transit, these mat ters a re stable, for YOu r I' ge YOur job at th '
t ISh P s more appropn' a te to w hat YOu are ea IZe th a t YOur life is d'ffat ttme . Under
ou y , ou , d' ary aspects of your life , You try
witl y h outine, dull and or Inxciting and stimulating , But With per a . I erent now and
et er rF more e h
'ng to escap 'II make your I ~ d obligations seem to old you back may feel that you can encom pass any thin
are tryl that WI duties an I fbI ' You g new that
(ind ne w things ' umstances,
h' kind, Clrc " ,
watlon, Uranus is ,the p anet 0 re e hon, ' te likely tha t you a re m ore able to do so than I comes along now ad ' ,
to (Fort of t 15 , n oppresSI ve Sl 'd of time, as it IS now , qUI app d ' , Usua Ad ' , , n It IS
every e yOU stuck tn a k d for a long peno roa ches - on t reject challenges to the t ' n It IS gOod for You t t
and keep , ction is bloc e neW el f if th ey revea I va I'd fl '
l a ws ll\ yOur life as ' t' Is atus qu l O
0 , ncorporate the
r y
'aJly IF ItS a , un bearable, and hthen you will make a yours I IS , n a few mInto
espec h essure IS ' , 'oin or square your natal Uranus, Then it wI'11 b years Saturn will eith
' t where t e pr I I e a relations IP, an oppressIve job con) , e mUch h d er
ay get to a potn y u may sudden y eav hallenges a part of your hfe, and you may be forced ar er to make these
You m f Freedom , 0 ' nyone, ' '
cd 'rable con d ItJons , y our sense 0 f 'In terna I preSSure 'lIb to make chan ges under less
dden break or 'thout warning a
su of residence, WI esl , d' d WI e mUch
you are more likely to act In a ISor ered or disruptive way, greater then , and
or your place balance between the force of Sa turn
h 'ble to create a If '
O the other an , d it may be pOSSI bl
will be a e a t sustain a great dea 0 tensIOn over a
Saturn Square Uranus
nd the Force 0 f Uranus, If so, you r h a great man y changes in a highly structured Way ,
an , d of time and accomp IS mplished under this transit, and people T his can be an extremely upsetting and tense period, particular! 'f h
long peTlo 'ff' It are often acco h S '
Tasks a co nsiderable dl h t would ot erwlse be impossible for t em b, enous
ICU Y h ' d study
k ur life to crysta II Ize
" mto ngl
, 'd patterns th at cannot easily be chy I you
d Th'aVe ,allOwed
ma k e Herculean efforts
, t t a
requiring great conc entration and effort can e un erta en , yo
f g reat tension, because your d eSlre' for change and new exper' . ange , IS IS a tim e
and long-range pro}ec s
othwarted by circumstances or ot h er people , If you have beenlences uttiseems to be '
unpleasant con Itlons m an~ area 0 your I e, t ese will become much more
of Saturn on Uranus dd may bseemk more d' " f I'f h p ng up With
h difficult
E n though this mam'fes ta tion of t e energy
II depends upon your situation, Very often a su en rea to withstand n~w , The tenSIOns may behcome so,g~eat that you will unexpectedly take
ve ' k with
Productive, It rea y , ' ' 'II clear the air and allow you to ma e a new
I'k resslve SItuatIOn WI h 'II ' very radical actions that you would not ave antiCIpated a short while ago ,
what feels I e,an ,opp On the at her han d , I't can cost you more t an you are WI mg
and better begtnmng, d k' anifestation of this transit's energyYmayh create Everyone's life needs both structure and change, but most people structure their lives
B h t'ent har -war Ing m
to pay , utt tepa
I nd phYSICal tenSIOns, eve n to the point of physical illness
I " ' h , ou ave to in such a way that it is very difficult to change, Although they need change, they are
severe men a a dl r f
decide what you can han e rea IS Ica y II and determine for yourself t e proper course afraid of it. Consequently changes can take place only by totally overthrowing the
of action, structure, A person who is suffiCiently afraid will endure the greatest tensions and
frustrations just to keep from upsetting the apple cart.
' cIear. At this time in your life you must make changes
One th'tng IS h at the most
fun damenta I IeveIs If you,do not
' in approximately fourteen years t e
'll b consequences
f d During this transit you face the challenge of creative change without destructive
of not making these changes will become very obvious, and you WI e, con r~nte revolution, If you try to endure the pressure of a situation crying for changes in the
with the same issues again under more difficult circumstances , That time WIll be face of profound obstacles, you subject your body to extreme tensions, which is not
signified by the transit of Saturn opposition Uranus, good for your health, especially your nerves.

Saturn Sex tile Uranus Some people are utterly unconscious of the need for cha nge in their lives, When this
transit hits them, changes start to happen suddenly, w hich can be quite upsetting and
At this time there is a balance between the old and the new in your life, between unpleasant. The changes may even take the form of accidents, which are often an
conservatism and the desire to experiment, You are able to take a new experience, unconscious and inadvertent release of subconscious tension,
see its potential and give it a concrete form in your life. You approach life with
patience, willing to give everything a chance to prove itself. Consequently this is an You will have problems with any relationships tha t seem to be holding you down too
much. Relationships may break up during this tra nsit, but not usually those I~ whICh
exceIlen t time for studying any kind of demanding new material. You can also teach
the techniques you have learned to others.
both people are open to new and challenging exp eriences, This transIt IS most
threatening to structures that have become rou tine a nd rigid,
You may find it desirable to wo k 'h h . 'h d take
' inSIghts
now. TheIr . , will help YOur traWIt otd er people InI' the
. projects
. t at you un er
nscen your own ImItatIOns. Yo Ur Work situation
. may also become oppr ess " Iv e I youfare'
given ne\\. resron,il:-ilities
. . h
The changes yoU made in yo 1'£ . . d Without any new stimulation or opportunity fo r a different experience. Here alsc) t lere
or squared your natal Uranus hur I e k
several years '
ago when Saturn last conJolned .IS the danger of a sudden break, such a s quit ting suddenly or even L ' fred I un essl'eln~
' ave ta en a concrete form now. You may have move , You can Iearn to incorporate change mto . d '1 ' A
y o ur al y routlnt', U th ~nt)' figures In
gen era I seem oppressive and become the focus of negative ener. gv l)n )'l'ur p ,

L'k II
I e a squares b y transIt
' thIs
.one . elements 0 f YOUr I'f
.IS an oppor tunity to clear out
that are not working. An; changes that you fail to make no~ ~11I cause greater trou~le
.In a b out seven years, when Saturn next opp oses or conJOInS your nat a I lJ ranus.e are not a static organism , and you need creative chan k .
~ou you are likely to feel that your life structures are ge to ~ep you ahve . At this
'JI' g you. ThIS. may b e I Itera
' IYItrue'an a physical sens OppressIve
f S and maybe even
Saturn Trine Uranus ~I V~y hard on the heart and nervous system . e, or a aturn-Uranus conflict

" IS a hme
. . ba Iance between the old .and the new in your lafe.
ThIs of stability and creatIve Th most structured aspects of your life, such as you . b .
You are able to live within a structur~
and also engage In new and stimul .
I Any changes you have d ahng
lationships an d your d al'1 y routane,
. are a II potential Sources
r }O ,ofyour
t blmarTiage
. f and
. h' h k f becomIng sta e. rna e Or an re have become d u II routmes.
they . rou e, mso ar as
expenences, w IC eep you rom. last several years, since Saturn last s u y
structures that have been changed an th~e a ermanent part of your life now.qT~red
or opposed your natal Uranus, can be co . P aspects of your life ese You are irritated by people who try to tell you what to do . You feel that you have
changes are no longer challenges, but interestmg . had enough, and you may be t~mpted to throw everything away and leave. This
transit very often bre~ks up marnages and other relationships that have become dull ,
. . about what is happening. You can see the need for pp ressive and routIne. However, even the best relationsh' h b
You have a feelmg of patience h' t and overthrowing everything. You o " . , IpS may ave to e
) like rus 109 ou . can ubstantially redefmed at thIS tame. Don t try to sit back grin and b 't S
c ange, but you d 0 not fee y can present ideas to others in a v s b k b h . . ' ear I . orne steps
obviously have to e ta en, ut t e tnck IS to take them calmly and not fly off the
make the change in an orderly marmer. 'moupress them with the originality of YOer y handle . It is necessary only to make changes, not to wreck everything.
. I h t'JI manages to I . Ur
careful, loglca way t at S I d 'ors will especially apprecIate your disciplined
thinking. Your employers an supen
The readjustme~ts :ou make now can go a long way toward making your life more
approach to new and original ideas.
interesting. Achlevmg a balance between the Saturn energy of order, discipline and
predictability and the Uranus energy of change and original experience is one of the
. Ion and disciplined application - learning a new skill, greatest challenges in life.
Any task that requIres k g Ide or simply working patiently at a long task _
studying a new body ~f n~w e gs it is leading up to some kind of creative change.
is favored by this transIt, as ong a experiences will not be so useful to you at Saturn Conjunct Neptune
T d· t k th t leave no room for new
e 10US as s a k' for change , even if slowly and patiently.
this time. You should be wor ang During this transit you may have to contend with negative moods that can be quite
upsetting. This transit often results in confusion, self-doubt, uncertainty and a
In fact you must not a II ow you rself to fall into a rut.
. Otherwise
1 E hthe next square
b or general tendency to look at life from the worst possible point of view. At its worst, it
. I Id
osition in thIs eye e cou p rove to be very difflcu t ven c ange
. canh ecome can make you completely uncertain about what is real in your life, resulting in a sense
opp d'
routine if you go aroun an Clr . des with the same changes. That IS not
h' t eI proper
h of fear and free-floating anxiety. This is because Saturn rules what we normally think
functio~ of the Saturn-Uranus energies . The critical aspects of t IS cyc e - t e of as reality, while Neptune rules the ideal, the illusory and the apparently unreal.
conJunction, square an d opposition - are made most unpleasant k by
h such . an It is apparently unreal because what Neptune rules is actually another order of reality.
approach. During the trines and sextiles of this cycle you can ma e c anges In a When the two planets are combined, the two categories of reality blend and become
disciplined manner without having to make chaos. difficult to separate. It is important to remember that this transit usually makes things
appear worse than they actually are.

Saturn Opposition Uranus Your confidence and sense of well-being are at a low at this time, and you should
This transit can have two different effects. Either you will succeed in making your not take your own gloomy evaluations too seriously. You seem to be aware of only
. .
life an onganal statement 0f unaqueness, or you WI'11 b e I'n a state of
your ' . extreme
M those facets of life that you are afraid of and totally unaware of those things that can
comfort and reinforce you.
tension because of forces that are constantly obstructing your self-expressIOn. os~
people experience the latter effect, at least in part. Very few have a strong enoug
belief in themselves to fulfill the Saturn-Uranus energy in the best way. Uranus You should particularly watch your health at this time. Saturn-Neptune combinations
represent life's constant challenge to keep your perception free, fluid and always open are sometimes connected with chronic illnesses that become visible only when it is
to new views and experiences. From time to time almost everyone settles into patter~s ~lmost too late to do anything about them. If you feel that any part of your body
that are quite rigid and inappropriate to themselves. During the "hard" transIts IS not quite as it should be, have it checked by a physician. Even with this transit. the
chances are that it is nothing, but don't take the chance!
(conjunction, square and opposition) of Saturn to Uranus, the energy builds up to
create crises in these rigid patterns, which are represented by Saturn.
Strange as it may seem, there is a constructive side to this transit, alth ugh most
All around you are persons whom you are involved with and structures that yoU
~eople usualIy experience the negative side. But if you are very well attuned t your
. your efforts to build order and predictability into your J'f lOner needs and secure enough not to be led astray by illusions, even feartul ones.
crea ted, representmg 1 e.

~-------------------- ____________________________________________________________IL__________________________________________ ~rr __________


---- --- - -
ake ex traordinary self-sacrifices.
h One
bility to m .a I universe. In t at case you rnay This is not a time of robust COnfidence You a
the afrom the matefl you may f'm d t h at t h e d ernands . Iy your goals and ambitions
. re questionin
n 8 .\ 'e yOU ' . S a IrnOst every aspect 01
Ch yOU I dy, or .. ur life, particular
is transit ~a is to deta described a rea icularIy, and you can sacnfIce YOUr yo h f ' . , Your ablhty to a ttaln
' them and even
tnen th /tiS transit d afraid, as cern yOU part whether you are wort yo attaining them .
ett"ec! ofdist one. nted an e no longer con
beCome . J univefS ds At the same time you may feel that YOur universe'
he materia Spiritual nee . . . is quite different from what it cannot ever IIve
· up to your Ideals.
. Saturn rulesIS thconstructed in such a way that
aterial needs tO
oft t thIS tIme k' I f
you . Is. DIsappointmen
m erception 0
f reality a
. to consideratlo
. n when ma mg any pans Or the N tune rules your Idea t disCourage way You vie w rea IIty . W h"Ie 1
your p hould take tn I'kepIy effects of thIS
. Th e danger is 'that this k'nd ementf and pessim"
. Ism are aII
Either wa.Y, which yOU 5
_aJiyIS, I tua
e lly undermine your e ff ectiveness in your work or I 0th negative
. think'
inS may
ac .
F ling insecure often creates CIrcumstances in which you 0re IIer Irnportant
. act IV\' f les.
future. n Sextile Neptune t ee .
ke things so senous Iy l y . state of mind is probabl
our negatIve a yare insecure
" 'f . Do not
Satut t unusual balance between your fa ts of your life. This is just one of those times when your spirits y not jUsh led by the
h' ve amos h ac seem to sag.
. yOU are able to dac Ie see t e re lationship between t bem. so that
n. this transIt .' I needs, an you II This transit helps you nng Your
Y Should try to hang on without making any permanent deCiSions
Du I18 1and your n both of them equa Yh' t you can see precisely what role outh e basis of your current peSSImIstIc
. " .
materIa d ur hfe upo . I world so t a f1 ' d d VIews. In a short time you w'IIIOr CommItments
d d h
right now your vIew o~ reahty IS changing In a way that ultimately should be very
on . '. '. ' u n erstan t at
you. canI 'deals
buil yo into focuS I'n the materia
uently this IS , a ti m e of sober re ectIon an eep
'ntua I 4i£ Conseq
:teyl play in your e. life on several planes, constructive, although It does not seem so now . later, when Saturn trines or sextiles
U' eli about your h h Y your natal Neptune, you wiy be ab.le .to make constructive changes in your life based
understan ng h' . a time of serious t oug t. OUr upon your new understandIng . ThIS IS probably not the best time to make changes.
d N t ne t IS IS
/1 .
binatlOns 0 f Saturn an ep u ,
h t d but you WI 'II be in a position to d h great
Likeda com ecia/ly /ight- ear e , bl t deny yourself rewar stat you
rill not be esp . y will be a e o . b' d '1 Hard aspects between Saturn and Neptune, such as this one, can bring physical and
mook W . derstandtng. ou that if you walt a It, your a'J y
throughs tn un you can see d' . I' health problems in the form of diseases that are difficult to notice and diagnose Take
hbrea' wanted J/1 . th e past, because
. I now You are m . theng . ht frame of mind for ISCIP I'Ined .
a~eWIll. (ome ( loserif'to your·thout
life Idea s.bemg
. a martyr. In other words, you are rea Ishc
good care of your body and have a thorough physical examination, espeCially if you
are over forty. In that way these diseases can be spotted and taken care of before they
self-denial and sacr I~e WI get too far.
bo t what you are domg. .
a Uid k I uch as wor 'm g for religious or charItable
~. you can work to further your ea s, s I en era I you will be attracted to groups Saturn Trine Neptune
organizations, spiritu aI grou~ s or whatever. n g be able to express yo~r p h'losophy
d ou will I At this time you will reach a new understanding of your own being and the world
of people who share your VIews, ~~ ~ t ne has the effect of making your .ego around you. In recent years you have probably been through periods of great doubt
better in a gro~p than by yourse.. : ~elieve strongly in what yo~ are domg, uncertainty and confusion. Although those periods were painful they have contributed
subservient to higher needs, so th~t I~ Y little credit or positive reinforcement. to your new view of the world. Now is the time to deepen and take advantage of your
you will be able to work hard even If gIven very .
new understanding. This is an excellent time for studies that can raise your con-
. own actions too seriously. ThIS sciousness, such as yoga, occult metaphysics, spiritualism and mysticism. ,'ow you
With this transit there is the danger of takmg your ,. I reness and devotion,
f f . . th name of spIrltua awa are able to study these subjects and put them into practice in your everyday life They
can be a very covert orm 0 egotism In e . fbI with Neptune.
and no form of egotism, even if it goes by another name, IS cSompa I. e. conl'unction, will not be purely intellectual or mental activities _ you can make them rea. and
If you do not heed thIS. warnmg,
. a few years h ence when • aturn IS Int me crisis of
opposition or square to Neptune, you will probably experience an ex re
At this time your own ego involvement in your activities is low. You are more :.'elv
than at other times to act for altruistic reasons. You can devote yourself e.h _s>: t
Saturn Square Neptune movements and activities that help you bring your ideas to reality'. '1 et you d n ~t feel
that you are denying yourself, for everything you do seems to be a 1 gical e'rr i '1
This transit signifies a time of great uncertainty and possible con fuSJOn. ' .Your
ry of what you are.
· . are uncI
)«tIVes ear, a youn dof.
may feel incapable .
COping WIt h even the ord Inake
details of your everyday life. One of the best ways to cope with this transit is to at m;
:~:e:day Ufe as simple as Possible, because you are so easily overwhelme Your ideals are not in conflict with the realities in Vour life at this fme T
~reative balance,with the ideal giving form and the real gi\'ing lite
' art> in
lor at rr a-~
IS one of calm sober reflection . This is not a transit of lightne:' an i ga.t>ty ' instead
that contemplates the world With
it produces an almost
monastic consciousness
d an old order of life will cease On a
detachment. d now you will be able to put int en or are now being incorporated Into themetaphys' lca II eVel, this t
t .
I years' an 0 s
You have learned muc h in the last severa factortSevolution and growth. This process Inv TIUcture of Your life tha eans that
practice"'hat you have learned. a bou ns noW w ill have great consequences in fo0 Ves getl'Ing rid of old stru
w\ tu,Her bT1ng
happe UTteen Years. c res . What
Opposition Neptune material level, this transit often causes f .
Saturn I d . On a . Inanclal probl
. which can severe Y un ermine Your hortages, Sometlmes government Or other offiCials wil! I ems Or other kinds of
. IS '
. a lime .
of extreme lOne r confhct. f .. I d t · b s tly restrict your freedom of movement. It is 1 mpose heavy burdens th
This '11 b ome extre mely sel -cntlCa anh uncer am a Out grea'dent maya ff ect YOUT h ea 1t h an d thereby rest a So
effectiveness WI'th others. You WI ecour I'f I e, as well as about t e I'structure itself . ' POSSIble th at Some incident at
aCC! Tlct Your freedom f or
. I b
the Idea s y w hich you structure YourseIf , an d you feel you
. . must
II Ive up to them .
II of these effects c~nfine your energies so that later the o movement.
k g reat demands upon y should reahstlca y expect. You wilI
You ma every d f om what you I d' ,
A tters that will require your full attention. If YOur en
m~ YOU~lrghY
B h e very far remove r 'd I so you will be acute y IsappOlnted in can be fOcused Upon
ut t ey ar t these I ea s, " h'
WI ave t~ go th
I t certainly fail to live up o . . tified but very convincing at t IS time. will bE' much more difficult to bear. Then IS Spread too thin, later
a mos d fon IS unJus CrIses I . f h" h
yourself. Your self-con emna I 'b'I " d leasant house-c ean10g 0 everyt Ing In YOur life that interf ,roug a most
unPt ern of evolution. eres WIth Your natural
G ilt remorse for alleged "pas t sins " fee I'lOgs of unfulfilled responsl I Ihes, epression
.: f th's transit. But you must remem er that
u , II h cteTlstIC 0 I . . I O d anger of this transit is that Pluto can signify tremend 1
and self-doubt are a c ara Il'ls Sometimes you have an IrratJona sense of hne'ch Saturn restricts. This can lead to an apparent suppress'
Ous evo UtIonary ,
everything seems worse than it rea Yld .. ems to be populated by ghosts that haunt f h energIes,
hen your wor se b f h Wi. f . Ion
W hen the suppressed orce erupts, It may be dangerous, explosive and ' .
0 t e Pluto for ce o
fear or apprehension, w 'shable from reality . Clearly this can e one 0 t e most
. d"IstmgUl
you. Illusion is In are more and more restncte
. db y Circumstances
' and the need t qUIte VIolent . As
djffjcult of all transits. yono u.
servatlvely, .
do not sImp IYOmh ld . YOur energIes.
. 0 use Your resources
BUild new structu
c Problems you f ace now, an d concentrate all your energy on b·res 'to correct b
'd b t the worId are bel'ng changed , and the first step is a process
Actually you~ leas a ou
" 10 y.our l'f
necessary evolutIOn . form to Pluto as well as nngIng
I e. Saturn can give a and
repress it, out
feeling extremely disoriented. then it is much more frUItful.
of disintegration that leaves you

If 't would be a goo d I'dea t0 go into some kind of retreat or

" at least tryI' to
you can,theI deman dsot
minimize f he everyday world for awhile. And'as , you
. sImplIfy
I your Ife If Saturn Sextile Pluto
. thIS
In , way concentrate on the very concrete aspects of realIty. Don t tnvo
h' ve yourse
During this transit you will be able to withstand great tests of strength i.f you have to.
in abstractions, for you can become lost in them. Deal w.ith everyt 109 a very
Your own power and internal strength form a structure that can Withstand con-
mundane, practical level, until your sense of equilibriu~ ~eg~ns to return. ThiS IS not a siderable difficulty. You can work hard and focus tremendous energy on the tasks
before you.
~ven you a sttong sense of proportion in these matters. If y?U study s~ch subJ~ts
articularly good time to study the occult or psychic disciplInes unless past study. has

for the first time now, your sense of disorientation will only tncrease, With pOSSibly
devastating results. Within yourself you have some understanding of the forces that make you an
individual. You know exactly what you can demand of yourself, and you push
yourself to the limit, but not beyond. Consequently this can be a time of great
When your life begins to settle down again, you will find that you have a new achievemen ts.
understanding of your world. You will begin to put it to good use in four to five years,
when Saturn trines your natal Neptune.
At the same time you will voluntarily restrict the focus of your energIes, which makes
them even more effective. You understand what area to work on, so your focused
Saturn Conjunct Pluto energy hits exactly the right target. Fortunately this principle apphes to work that
you do Within yourself as well as in the external world.
During this transit you may have fewer resources available for doing what you want,
and you may have to fOCUs the available resources on more restricted and concentrated
objectives. Pluto is the power of transformation, while Saturn narrows and focuses. In. the Outer World the manifestations of this transit are many and varied. First. you
The effects of the Comb' t' . . I'f '11 hange wdl probably work harder than you have in many years, and the wor will be
slgmhcan~/y, warni~g.
. " ma Ion are several. First structure In your I e WI c
but not suddenly Or Without The changes brought about by extremely productive. People will see that your achievements have grown directly out
Pluto are Inherent in wh t' b . . h I'ke an of Your inner being, that they are a product of your own growth. In your wor your
. . bl . a IS emS changed, if you look carefully. It IS rat er I
IRfVlta e conclUSIon of a 't . D" . '11 to an elllployers will see that you apply yourself with unusual diligence to the tas . at and.
II uation. urmg thiS transit some thmgs WI come
ree . hbe favorably impressed. They will recognize that y u are someone to be
oned will
Wit . This may well be a time of professional advancement.
uare Pluto en ts with this transit. The strongest effect
Saturn Sq e of circumstances and other f!V , sareonthe ,
'f Becaus 'k 'mply notIce that you are more effective and c k Psycholo&1callevel y
' your II e,hanges you would II e to make in the
'me ,n SI e xtremely use f uI transIt.
' an rna e a g reater Impact
' ou V\I\\\
difficult tI ... ake the c f your work may be frustrated Th'
be a f' 11 to P' b't'ons or . h ' an , IS can be
nsit can,
This ,tra f' d It ve ry dif !CU
Ie, yo ur am I I
from a ccomplishmg, w I at you Want '
peoP '
e yoUdInyOU , , For exampry to
prevent byOUpenses because you , sImp y do
I' not have
orId aroun rkers may t h ve to cur ex I't is much lIke strugg 109 against
BOS wo bly a f h's trans I .h Saturn OPPOsition Pluto
Ses or co ... i11 probahe experience 0 'IS
II you.....
t I, to resist and strugg e WIt all Your
fna ncia es
y. 5 metim t Th temptatIOn L 'ke all opposition transits, this one can have two 0PP ' t ff
I urces, .0 d wn, e
the res O h ld yOU 0 1
ne or the other or a com b'matIon,, OSI et e hects ' Y~u WI'II eX~rience
This transit represe
chains that 0 dl this energy, because that would set o h S
begun fourteen years ago, W en. aturn last Conjoined Your n s t tIp
e culmtn a ti on 0 f efforts
to han e , '. , ff " ,
eak of their e ectIveness In your matenal universe But it na a I luto . Th'IS can be the
might. ' 'not t e d your co ntrol. ThIS transit " IS sometImes
h best way ,
However, resistIng tlve I~ powers beyonk care, The best way to handle, hIt IS With SOme bp comes clear that those eff orts did not Succeed, Most' corncan a Iso be the t'Ime When it
t'on destruC , 'dents so ta e a emixture of these two effects, mon y you will ex~nence '
in mo I , ! nt,nCl ' bl you WI'II be quite upset Wit some . of the
ass '
OC1a ted with vlO e Understanda y , way of finding out which areas of
chment rd them as a On one hand, the conjunction of transiting Saturn With Your tal PI
d ree of deta 'now, but rega A q uare from transiting Saturn Usually
:tacles that crokp, up and which are not. sd superfluous elements in your life. Of beginning of certam ' fef orts to b UI'ld structures that would allownay t uto
f If'Was the
YOUr life are
war 109 cessary an h d d d ' you controI over your l'f
mbitions and gIve 1 e, At th at time you exclud
Ou d0 u III ' Your
call to e I the unne ,
t reqUIres that you get rid of t e ea han useless
a f activity so you coul d f ocus more ef f ectIvely
' on the areas you wantede certatn
t ' f1 areas
the 5aturn a squat, es this kdown
one mosand re b UI'ld'ng and that is exactly w at yOU are
o Now the ~onsequences 0,f t h ose d~cJslons
' , 10 uence
1 ,
all ctur'es Pluto rules brea 'I it will be easier. strongly. and actions are manifest.0 You have
strU ' d it volun tan y, succeeded in makmg your energies felt In your world , both personally and pro-
ced to do, If you 0 .
fessionally, and you have the control you want and need ,
for f the crisis considerably tougher than
h' transit is over, yo u will emerged 'f rom
ou are . I d'ff'
in finanCia I ICU It y, reorganize'
When t IS your resources, an 1 Y But you have to work extremely hard, and you have tremendous responsibilities that
you were '
et along WIt ess, you cannot let down, For this reason, even at its best, this transit is a time of great
your life 50 that you can g
physical strain. Take great care not to damage your health through overwork. '0
Saturn Trine Pluto matter how well you have prepared for this time, you may have taken on more than
your physical vitality can handle. Unfortunately this is not a good time for letting
h b Tty to see d eep Iy 1'nto yourself and find out what creative
, up or taking a vacation.
This transit gives you tea 11 , 'I I ts you take advantage of that understanding
k At the same tIme 1 e . k d
forces are at wor, " 'I life You are able to move forward 10 your wor an
and make use oht In yo~r dal y b't' You can work harder now than at almost
In struggling to get to your present position, you may have triggered off opposing
forces, possibly enemies, which are waiting to move in when you show signs of
other areas of life to fulfill your am I IOns. 'operate in a controlled and almost
any other time in your life, because your energies slackening. The best thing to do is hold on, maintain your efforts and do everything
relen~es5 marmer, in your power to conciliate these forces. Make it clear that they have nothing to gain
by your defeat and everything to win by your victory. Make yourself indispensable
You will be greatly concerned wilh your innermost seIf at thOIS f 1me . Therefore"it isf a to them.
good time to undergo psychotherapy or some other conSClOusness-rals . ing techmque,
. 1d
you feel that it would benefit you. Disciplines involving self-understandmg a~ If this is a time when your expectations are disappointed _ that is, if the other side
regeneration, such as yoga or meditation, are particularly effective under this transIt. this transit is manifest - you will feel that something in your surroundings ge in
your way every time you try to make a move. As described above you have aroused
ProFessionally you will be able to advance in your field because you can work harder OPposition from others. But if you have not been successful in reaching your g a.s the
and more effectively and because others are impressed by your effectiveness. ~ou forces of OPposition will be stronger than you are. The best thing t d in th ase I:
assert yourself in such a way that others realize that you are not to be trifled Wlt~. to stop resisting, find out what you can salvage from the current crisi: a .:a r > ~
They take you and your e/forb "rio.sly. Nevertheless the energies of the trine tr~n;~ mOVing in new directions.
are not hkeJy to arouse great oppos't' h 'th the square and OppOSltI
. f5 I lon, as can appen WI 'th
transbits 0 • aturn to your natal Pluto. With the trine, others are willing to work WI However, remember that you are most likely to experience a c ,
you, ecause they feeJ that You can t th ' b d
ge e JO one. effects. Work to maintain the areas of life that are working c\., nciliate., ;. . r
The effects of most t a 't PI kf pecifi o~pose you and cut your losses, If you try to win losing bolttl : under to t ..,:. l~ l!
r nSI s to uto art subtle but not weak, Do not 100 or s c Will only SUcceed in losing the winning ones as well,
Saturn Conjunct .
tions for the future WIll have their
ast prepara I'f ' rnOst Inwardly you are able to arrive at a clearer idea of who
. . h fme when all your p . resents an important I e pinnacle for y measure up to your ow n expectations and those of th you are. now and how you
This IS tel This transit rep . '1" . ou,
'mportant consequences. t duties and responslbl Itles. expectations may be set ra ther high at this time e community. Your goals and
I '1
but it also ental s very
ourself a task t h a t .IS beyond you, or Worse , so on
you should b
e care ul not to set
w cycle of personal development. During th o · · ' e
undertake . Un d er t h IS transit you are powerfully influe db at you do n rea II Y Want to
ou began a ne '11 h IS
A bout fourteen years ago, ~ h f mework for what WI appen now. If you a about duty , responsibility and obligation toward oth nce y your early conditioning
laId t e ra . h" h f' f re . ers, and therefore .
ntire period you have f during this transIt, t IS IS t e Irst 0 two Or thre likely to pursue a course 0 f action to fulfill what you think others e you are qUite
e h . under orty, . 'f' If e than one that is appropria te to you. xpect of you, rather
relatively young,
t at IS,
rf . the later on
es will be more slgm lCant.
you are older th o
' IS
such cycles m your Ie, . . our life. It is almost as If you have been clirnbin
. ortant tImes 10 Y g
is one of the most Imp d now the peak is in sight. This time is usually marked by ca utious action. You are ' t .
a mountain for many years, an . d d JUs getting the feel f
managing your life, an you 0 not w an t to upset everything no Y 0
. h h . w . ou are anxIOUS for
. I ' . of years of effort and ambition, it is very important material achIevements t at ot ers can recogn ize and that you can' .
h thIS cu mmatJOn . " pomt to as If to say
As you approac h been trying to achieve and how you have been gOing "This is what I have accomplIshed . '
. . t what you ave
to review JUS I'dl have laid the foundations for your success, the greater
about it. The more so I Y you .. During this transit you work best by yourself, but you are conscious of how k
your capability for achievement at thIS tIme. . . . . your Wor
fits into a larger scheme involVing other people. It IS Just that you prefer not to manage
others as well as yourself at this time .
. h t k shortcuts anywhere or broken the rules of the game you are
But If you ave a en . . .
. '11
playmg, you WI have trouble in those areas of. your hfe..PresIdent NIxon fell from
Nevertheless, you pursue your objectives with unflagging zeal and energy. It is not
power as a resu It of act ions taken at this,
time .
and In.the years
. prevIOus. The Watergate likely that you will make any significant changes in your goals now . This should be a
break-in occurred within days of Saturn s transIt over hIS Mldheaven.
time of accomplishment, if you put enough energy into the task, and if you are like
most people, you will . But you should realize that this transit will not drive the
The areas of your life that you have prepared carefully will become tremendously unwilling person to work . You have to choose to do so or waste a valuable
productive now. Your opportunities are at a peak for achievement and for additional opportunity.
responsibility and power in your work and in your personal life. This period will
continue for several years. People will look to you for leadership, whether you want it
or not. Saturn Square Midheaven
This is a challenging time in your life. You will have to make many choices about
The period of the immediate transit may seem rather difficult, because the responsi- what areas of your life to emphasize . Will you w ork to build up a new career or
bilities it signifies may come on rather suddenly, and you will need some time to adjust continue to build upon a current one? Will you work to make your personal life as
to them. Do not try to avoid responsibility, however, because that could bring about satisfying as possible? Will you work collectively with many other people or by
serious problems over the next several years and could lead to a time of defeat and self- yourself?
doubt in both your personal and professional life.
Often there is an "alienation crisis" with this transit, a sudden feeling of being cut off
If y~ur preparation for this period of your life has been sloppy or tull of shortcuts, from everyone else, as if you had spent too much energy pursuing purely personal
or If you try to avo'd't . I .
. I I S Increased responsibilities, you run the risk of oSlOg goals. This in turn generates loneliness and a feeling of being distant from others,
everyt h109, even in th h k
responsl'b I'l'Ity. e areas were you have prepared well and have ta en even loved ones. Or you may suddenly feel that you no longer have the strength to go
on in the direction you have chosen. Fears of your own inadequacies may distort your
Your task now is to take res '. . r
how difficult it rna ponslblhty for your past and your present and, no matt~
y seem, to pers' t t . d Y WIll
get used to the responsibili a IS ~ your tasks and keep movmg forwar. oU . e All of this is most likely to happen if you have neglected personal relation~hips in
ty nd enJoy one of the most productive times of your hf . your life. You cannot go on forever without supportive emotional relationshIPs, and
you may have been trying to do so.
.. Saturn SeXlile Midheaven
Dunng thIS transit you w'll Sometimes this transit can have the opposite result, and you discover that va~io~s
. the eyes 0 f the
world ,your community I dwork t 0 esta bl'Ish yourself more solidly 10 personal entanglements have been interfering with the pu rsuit of your valid goa S. n
f an Your f' d
Dlent, requently aided b th f
d nce-
rten s. It is often a time of professional a va thiS case you will break off relationships and gain the freedom to go your ow~ WI~fYe'
Y e aVor of I' The . h d d ernent iO I .
peop e In positions above you. ISSue ere is the balance between personal relationships an a vane

362 363
On anohler
L tack,
thers that or
this transit ca
n test yo
f ces yOU to
ur choice of goals. You may enco
. t t"
. h ther persons or agams rymg clrCUrnstan
' ' n from 0 re the con fljet WIt h0 art is not rea II y 10
examine whether your goa s are really v I'
a lei
. th epa th you have cho Ces
what you are doing, because you are beginning
. h a new phase of "
important consequences In t e years to come Th d'ff' I activity that will hav
OppOSltJO . b i d ' ' e that
process IS very su t e, an It may not be obvious 1 ICU t aspect f h' .
h o t IS time is that thee
If they a , f' d that your e f . I' sen
for yOU, B t if yOU '" d hange your course 0 actIOn. t IS far b t ' But you will realize that it is when Saturn come t w at you do now is important
seful, u d' tments an c b e ter s 0 your D escendant (OPposition'
will be U to make a JUs ow when you may e overcommitted t to your Ascendant) several years from now.
a y have I ars from n , . 0 an
yoU m , w than severa ye h t ou are trapped. Now IS the time to chan
10 do thIS no nd discover t a Y ge, You have just gone through a period of preparation that b bl
, Ie course a 'bl
inappropTla an t but it is pOSSI e. water getting nowhere and accomplishing nothing Spro a Y seemed like treading
ltmay nol be pleas , , "
the time just before thIS transIt as exceedingly difficult with
. ,orne people rna
y expenence
Saturn Trine Midheaven Others WI'11 f'Ind'It Iess d I'ff'!CUI t, b ut It
' WI'II not seem terribly
, one e eat after another '
. d by self-confidence and assurance. You are able
' I1y characterize . h A h This is the end of a relatively low period in your life and fro
This transit IS usua. d to obtain help in getting t ere. t t e same time , h ' .. " ' m now on you will
h you are gomg .noW an d . d I I gradually chmb to t e most slgmflcant time In your life, That will h ' b
to see were h knowing yourself on a eep mwar eve, usually to ' ' .
fourteen years, when Saturn conJoins your Mldheaven , appen In a out
ou are very concerned WIt, .
iacilitate achieving your ambItIOn.
You should be looking to your personal and domestic life, for this is an area of great
, t to rely primarily on yourself. You will not refuse help responsibility for you now. Do not neglect it in a misguided attempt to get ahead in
Th"IS IS a tIme when
. .
you ry
d sirable to go it alone or at least on your own . You need
f m others but It IS more e hI' I your professional life , Make whatever changes are necessary so tha t this aspect of your
ro 'If If and to a lesser extent, to ot ers. t IS a so necessary to life is secure. Personal relationships may have broken up just before this transit. Now
to prove yourse to yourse , I' h I Y
, ' l ' f e now that will lead to accomp IS ment ater on. ou must you may have the opportunity to make new ones that will fit your new lifestyle better.
estabhsh patterns m your I I 'h' .
' . I' d k habits and learn specific ways to dea Wit situations that
develop dISCIP me wor . bl . d
' Here too you must rely on yourself'because you Will be a e to JU ge your You are on your way up again. The future depends upon the foundation that you lay
anse. .. .
effectiveness only if you know that what you are domg IS entirely your own. now.

Most people are rather conservative in their ways of doing t~ings ~t this ti~e, You Saturn Conjunct Ascendant
may be rather reluctant to experiment with new ways, but that IS a pitfall. This should
This is one of the most significant transits of your life, During this time your
be a time for making careful and considered changes. Such changes can be made
responsibilities will increase considerably, and you will try to eliminate everything
voluntarily and without much difficulty now, but later they will be forced upon you
in your life that is not necessary to fulfilling them , Therefore your life will become
in a manner that may be quite unpleasant. Getting into a rut now will ensure the
more complex and simpler at the same time, You are finishing up certain tasks in your
survival of inappropriate behavior patterns, which will create trouble later on.
life and going into a five- to eight-year period of relatively quiet preparation for a
new beginning. You will be cutting some elements out of your life and working hard to
You should specifically examine your attitudes toward authority figures, work and complete others.
achievement, responsibility, change and most important, although somewhat abstract,
your attitude toward Reality. Is the real world a forbidding place to you, cold, During this transit you may have less freedom of movement than usual because of the
unrewarding and merciless? Or is it a stage where you can comfortably play the drama pressure of circumstances and the need to get things done. O ld tasks that have never
of your life? To all of these questions there is no one answer that is correct for been completed must be finished now. At work you may have to exert more effort in
everyone. You must 'd h '
COnsl er ow you feel about your own attitudes, t IS po
I' ssible
order to get the job done. Your superiors may give you even more responsibility than
to hold certain attitud ' b h reaJly
eEl es Just ecause you feel you ought to not because t ey you would choose to have. This may not be a very light-hearted time, but it hould be
~ ecthayour position, If you are trying to live by attitudes that you have been told to quite productive, But do not start out on a completely new project, becau e In a tew
ave t t are not really yo h' k about
them Norm II urs, you will feel tense and uneasy when you t In years you may find that you do not have the material or psychological resourc to
, a Y YOU suppress th
maintain the attitudes B ese feeI'mgs because you conSider , "
It Impo
rtant to
e complete it. Finish what is unfinished and simplify your life ,
they signify that your 'th,u~"these are the attitudes that have to be changed, beca~~y
ln~lng is div'dI ed a bout t h
at 'Issue an d t h at you ca nnot reaaJly
put energy into making that ;
ersons with the Sun in the third or fourth house o f their natal horoscope - J h
about the time when Sat part of YOur life work, Failure is usually the result, usu
• urn con' i an exception to this Since the Sa turn conjunct . '1
Su n IS a cy 'Ica ) pea an h t et
10 ns the Midheaven,
S ' I
aturn transit of the fourth-house cusp is a cyclical low, the t\ 'l~ cance eac
hot er r u,
W,ltness President Ford with a third-house Sun coming intl") the \\'h·Ite Hl· u.;t' nea l
extrel11tl Ppo.ltion Midheaven Saturn OPposition Me.
Y lJnportant
Satu rn
, bly during this time, but b d
Good relationships will not suffer appreCla f th" a ones wI'11
, hd ing rom every 109 lo Your l'f
break up completely. You are Wit ra~ t during the next fe I e that is
unnecessary or in the way of your dev~ oPr:~: that are discarded, w years, Bad Or Saturn Square Ascendant
difficult relationships may be among the e erne This transit signifies a time of severe testing'
in your relatio h' ,
demands of your wor k or the demands of yo ns IpS With others. The
ourself and others, for this is a great d ' h i ' h' , ur personal
reevaluate w h IC re atJons IpS In your life are worth k ' lif 'II
e WI force you to
Try to avoid building a wall between Y d tid II anger ' Cha I
b l' tions 0 no prec u e persona y s t' f do not face th IS engeI '
conSCIOusly the pressure feeplng and wh'Ieh are not. If you
now, Duty responsibility an d olga h d If a IS Ying " 0 events will f
, h y feel that t ey 0, you cut yourself off f because people who have been With you for a long time w'n I or,ce you to do so,
relationships, eve~ thoug ~ou rna lonel and depressed, The people who rorn I eave against your wishes,
others unnecessanly, you will become y 'II' belong There is often a strong tendency to build a wall betwee
, d l'fe are very important for you now, espeCia y smce you are n you and other 'h
10 yo~r every a Y I d b long Often it is good to seek out the company d realizing it. The only way you will know is that suddenly 'II f
you WI eel alon
s wit out even
excludIOg those woo h not e ' d d' an touch with everybody , You may feel that you have no s f e an out of
' f ld I f th y have the insight and un erstan 109 you need, upport rom othe
a,d vice 0 0 er peop e, or e loved ones whom you have counted on in the past for love d rs. even
, an support This
represent a temporary state of affairs or a passing mood Or it , may
' h d'ff' l' th t will arise this is a productive time, Follow through on the , I' h' b ' ' may represent a serious
D esplte t e l lCU ties a '" f h h breakdown In your re atlOns IpS ecause of misplaced priorities 'n th
et your bfe 10 shape or t e next p ase of preparation " ' h I h i e past or because
h nee d to b e d one, and g
tas k stat ' of assoCiatIng Wit peop e w 0 were wrong for you in terms of your personaI goaIs and
Saturn Sextile Ascendant
In the case of misplaced priorities, perhaps you have paid more attention to et '
" d "lO g tlng
At this time your aVE:nues of communication with others are stabilized and solidified, ahead in Iife t h an to glvlOg an recelvlOg ove, r perhaps in the past, fear of your own
Also you will probably create a set of fully formulated go~ls and ,expectati~ns for the inadequacies or fear that you are unlovable has made you withdraw from others,
next several years, Therefore it is very important to take thiS transit very senously and Now the consequences of these problems are emerging. causing you to feel alone,
be very aware of what you are doing, because the patterns that you establish now will
be very hard to alter and will determine the success or failure of your relation- In the second case, the problem is that in terms of your direction in life, the people
ships over the next several years. you associate with are a distraction or are actually opposed to your interests, In this
case, no matter how much you love them, walls will form between you and them, and
It is very important to learn other people's views of you as a human being and as a you will have to begin a new life without them ,
member of society. But this does not mean you should take everyone's words at face
value and deny all your own beliefs. People operating under Saturn have an With this lransit several significant relationships will inevitably end , But if you have a
unfortunate tendency to do this, even with a relatively easy transit. You may have an clear idea of where you are going, this will not be a great disadvantage , Whatever
exaggerated respect for someone else's views and give them more credence than they remorse you feel will be quickly displaced by a new sense of freedom , because you
are worth. are no longer wasting energy in trying to maintain inappropriate relationships,

You should simply talk to the people whom you personally respect and use what they
Saturn Trine Ascendant
s~y to ~elp ~ou come to conclusions about yourself. Older people may be especially
hl!lpfullO thiS process. During this period of time you will establish yourself with respect to the rest of the
world. People will come to know who you are and what you are doing, At the same
Because of the weighty c h " r time this transit indicates that you have reached a point of equilibrium at which your
lI'fe, you WI'11 prefer seriooncernskt at are occupying your mind at this pomt 10 yoUat actions and behavior toward others are reliable and consistent. You will not feel like
times you will us wor and the company of serious people. Of course,
want to relax a d ' 'd hen surprising people with sudden or unpredictable actions, nor will you want others to
discipline,organizationand r n enJoy yourself, but generally this is a peno w
g owth are your paramount concerns. surprise you. Your whole objective is to reach the point where all your affair. .are
running smoothly and on schedule, Your approach is disciplined. well ordered and
If you don't handle this transit ' our mature. In fact it could be said that you probably act older than your years unle.
relationships at the weU, you will have considerable difficulty With Y
Ascendant. And these next square
diff' I' Or conjunction of transiting Saturn Wit
. h your
You are already advanced in age,
now. The border betweenl~ t~es.wiII be the result of unfortunate patterns establis he,
precisely the difference th t Isclphne and habit is often hard to distinguish, but that IS About the only problem with this transit is that you find it difficult h_ rna e chadnges
wh 1...\ Jn Jct
and unconscious, where a dY~u. have to keep in mind at this time. Habit is mindlesS en necessary. You think in terms of old solutions to new pn~ l' em. ·11 h .
o I as ISClpl' . our conse . " h " "U WI d\e
Doa I, Ine IS self-imposed and suited to achieving y d' . rvatlVely. And if that response is mappropnate to t e SituatIOn ~ l
Ifftculty. You are not very flexible , but that is not usually a grea t problem,
Of you are very concerned with gaining experienc
o On your JI e, bO dOli e, Part°
At this tune l o y re likely to be am Ihous an WI work hard to Icu1arJ"

fess lon ou a I h h I get ahe d J

in your pro elf OYou will seek out peop e w 0 can e p you, and probabJ a and
improve yours h ou give as much as you get from anyone who does h JY You \ViII
sure t at y d' b e P Yo
make very t to be fair and Just, you on t want to e In debt to u OUto
0 0

J do yOU wan anYone "l-h

Not on y If- fficiency is very important to youo 0! is
is a time when se su
0 fI t d in your relationships also. You are somewhat more rese
ThiS IS re ec e I· h· U r\Ted th
fous about forming new re atlOns IpS. sually this is to th an
usual an d cau I I k e gOod
Of ou are too cautious you may over 00 persons who could as
althoug h I y Chapter Eleven
0 ,

. II b SISt You
re experienced people attract you especla y, ecause you know
Older, mo

I · I You can
Iearn fro m them . A person..
who will p ay a very Important ro e as your teach
, h. . . er may
come IOnto your life at thIS time. But don t expect 1m or her to necessanly conf orm to
your preconceived image of a teacher. He or she may come from any area of Your
life, and you may not recognize what has happened until later.

Saturn Opposition Ascendant

This transit has two quite different meanings. First of all, it can indicate a period in
which intimate one-to-one relationships become an area of great responsibility o
Chief among these is your marriage, if you are married, but it also refers to close
partnerships of any sort. You must pay close attention to these relationshipso Strains
and tensions that have been developing in the recent past are likely to surface now and
must be dealt with immediately! Sometimes the only way to handle these problems is
to end the relationship, so this can be a time of great trial for a marriageo Even under
the best of circumstances you will have to work harder on partnerships and try to solve
as many problems as possible.

Related to this is another possible area of concern: namely, problems with people who
oppose your interests in various matters. Such people can range from outright enemies
to those who simply want to keep you in check for some reason. If this kind of problem
arises, all you can do is try to understand the person's motivation and do what you can
to eliminate their reasons for Opposing you.

But these two kinds of problems involving others, this Saturn transit means
that at thls tIme you are making a significant breakthrough in your life.

For several years now yo ha be .. d knew

1...-:_ • U ve en workmg qUIetly to get ahead an rna e
~~~~' ptartibea·cularly in your professional life. Now the work you have been doing
IS """..-u1mg 0 r fruit and ·11 f h easons
you are having c nfl· . you WI be acknowledged. In fact, one 0 t e r t
Mlltewhere in lif 0 h.lC~ .wuh enemies is that now you are really beginning to ge
e, w IC IS likely to be threatening to others.
At any rate, now you are read f . .f This is
a very critical time h y or the upward climb to attain your goals In It e.
shortcuts to succes~ ~~ r~u must work very carefully to get ahead. Do not take an~
plant a seed that WiIJ VIO ate what you believe to be right. Every time you do, YOn
conjoinsyourMidhea create severe problems several years from now, when Sa tuf
Significance of Transiting Uranus

Du ring the transits of Uranus to your natal chart, you will ex '
d .h
penence p enomena
th at are out of accor Wit your everyday life . The events that occ '11 b
. ur WI e unusual
setting sudden an d unexpecte. d For this reason astrologers are ft . '
uP ' . " . 0 en circumspect
about giving precise delmeahons concernmg Uranus . Almost all that can be said for
sure is to expect the unexpected,

But the transits of Uranus are not malefic in the traditional sense, except to the extent
that you are unwilling to accept newness and change in your life. Uranus challenges
the rigid structures in life that most people work so hard to build. Many people value
regularity and predictability so much that they will even sacrifice personal happiness
to get it. Think of all the unhappy marriages that continue only because both persons
are afraid of the insecurity that breaking up would bring.

But this kind of rigidity is ultimately destructive to life in its highest sense . Life is or
should be a constant, ongoing confrontation between yourself and the world, with an
energy that keeps everything fresh and lively. The problem with this confrontation.
however, is that there is always the danger of losing, so most people av oid the
confrontation if they can. To survive half-dead , they reason, is better than to lose . But
those are not the only al ternatives; it is only fear that makes it seem that way.

Uranus in the First House

This is approximately a seven-year period, depending on the exact length of your fir t
house. During this time you will radically redefine your relationship t the out ide
world. Old patterns will be broken down , which will force people to 10 k upon you
differently. They may be upset by the changes simply because they , like youLelf afe
afraid of change. And during this period you may act in ways that are quite unexpected
and Upsetting, particularly when Uranus transits planets from the first h ue .

~:e old limitations you have placed upon yourself or ac~pted .f~(
ger acceptable now, and you feel the need to change them even It y u t '"
m th~ .lr::~
aWay from many t h'lOgS that have been . .lo tepa.
Important h t. .-,.\ 01.1 rri'~
I. r ~ ,htr

CI Ose relar h' . h' ,t H wever,

y Ions Ip that has become stultifying may end dunng t IS tran~1 ' ,
adn relationship that really allowsvou to be yourself will l">e Ch .l geJL t l~t" ~'
estroyed Th' . . I' . ' y 'If I e .
. IS is also true of your work and any other art'.l l.~t ~ tg.1 U, n I .
---- ~

't f Uranus th rough the fIrs

· t house IS
. d f pOlO
. predominantly a drive for freed
d ' d
. tless rebellion . An In eed, in terms f'
. flo

a certain resource in order to grow further U

- --------------------
The tranSI 0 m to be a peno 0 . onsibly, but If you ee very stron I . th at the changes in' ranus may very well bring It Th
To others it may see be acting quite Irresp . overdue. gy fact you can count on IS I
y Your material r e on y
your old life, you ma. . sign that the change IS ary ones. eSOurces will be revolution.
d break free, It IS a
the nee to Id you will become open to experien This transit can be the signal for sudden windf II
' the wo r ,
dl 109 k Ces
r way of han
AS you changeIdyouver have allo we d before, a nd your life may . ta fe on a whole ne W gain or lose property, or you may radically achaS or sudde n 1osses. You may suddenly
. xplore new kinds 0 awareness Or t which also is ruled by the second house. nge your means of earning a living,
h t ou wou ne . d time to e . . 0
t a l y k Certainly this IS a gOO tential studies and other consclOUsness_
out 00 . human po d 'f
trology, yoga, perception are open, an I you allow If Your means of earning a living has become d d .
encounter as h nues to new I'f completely . The nature of your work may change ea enmg , ev en ts may change that
d'ng techniques. T e ave. tools for your future I e.
expan I " t you will gam new
ourself to receive I , " . b ut the end result WI be that your way of making' orI" you may get a d'ff
'11 I erent job,
. a IVmg will b
y . h' t nsit upsetting rather than revIvifying. If excitement and challenge In your life. This transit may al . 'f ecome a SOurce of
b said that some peop
Ie fmd t IS ra
If what you are trying to 0
. h Id
onto that is Your living through a profession ruled by Uranus , such so slgm Y th at you will make
It mus et h Id ask yourse . '11 d . h ". as one 0 f the SCiences,
branch of technology, astrology or the occul t. Some
· . the case, you s ou . If your life IS fI e Wit upsetting Incidents
thIS IS W expenences. h Y .
keepm . g you away from ne . I setting the stage for t em . our conscIOUs
b unconsciOUS Y . h Under any circumstances, you can be sure that over the ne t 1
an d accidents ' you may be t your unco nscious knows that the time as come, . so its
material resources WI'11 c h ange Significantly,
' .. x severa hyears .your
and your relationsh'
ml 'nd is afraid of change, u h ·dents. See what aspects of your lIfe are truly . Ip to t em Will be
b' bout t ese acCi h I altered so that you can continue to grow as an individual. The ultimate eH f h'
energy leaks out to frmgf a d ' ce Even if you feel that t ese imitations are
n an expeflen . transit are positIve, a t oug you may Inltia y e upset by the changes K ects 0 t ISIf
. . I h h . " II b
limiting your scope 0 ac 10 db' onsible to overthrow them, these are precisely .. . eep yourse
open to the new opportunities that appear as the changes OCcur.
necessary, an d that it woul e Irresp
the areas that must be changed.
Uranus in the Third House
Uranus in the Second House
For the next several years the focus of change will be on a part of your life that you
rs ou will experience great changes in your economic and normally count on for reliability and predictability , namely your everyday encounters
For t~e n~t s~veral yea sh~uld be certain that your finances can withstand some with neighbors, relatives and friends , your everyday business dealings and aU other
matenal situatiOn. You . "d osition completely geared to the situation routine day-to-day activities . Your everyday mental attitudes will change, and you
dd hanges If you are In a flgi p , h' . I
su en c . ., 'I1 b ery vulnerable to the effects of t IS transit. t will be forced to look at life in a new way, to see things that you have never seen before
remaining exactly as It IS, you WI e v d .h d
. you to be extremely flexible in all matters having to 0 Wit money an and to communicate with others in new ways . Even your habits will change.
If you are involved in intellectual pursuits, this will be an exciting time, because you
. 'f'les t hat your va Iues are ch-a nging . The values
On the inner leveL this transit. slgm d h'you. will see and understand facets of life that were never apparent before . Under the
are beginning to consider important are different from your old values, an t hiS IS influence of Uranus your old habits of thinking and seeing will fall away. Your new
reflected in the material objects that you value, t h at IS,. your posses sions . Butf t hese fleXibility of thought will become apparent as you turn to new interests, particularly
changes may not be obvious to you on the surface. Your lOner . needs for urt. er those that are Uranian in nature, such as the sciences and technology, yoga, astrology
psychological growth may make your current reIatlOns · h'Ip t 0 rna terial possessIOns
. e and the occult. Many persons who have become well known in these fields began their
studies while Uranus was transiting this house.
inappropriate. Therefore you will have to make radical changes in order to glv
yourself room to grow,
Expect the tempo of events in your daily life to increase . Routine, everyday
' lOner
, . . h' h case you willthat be communications will suddenly be important as they never were before. You w o~'t
On th e ot her han,
d th IS change may be conSCIOUS, 10 w IC
be able to take much for granted, because you will have to give little everyday details
aware of the need to be free trom the responsibilities and encumbrancehs ge
. I possess~ons,
. the same attention that you previously reserved for excep tionally significant matters
ac~ompa~y ~atena If you are consciously aware 0 f t h e ne.ed formind
c anwill,
This happens because these "little" details contain the germ of changes that. ~ill
thiS transit will not be upsetting, If you are not aware of it, your unconscIOUS that are revolutionize your consciousness if you are willing to let them. If you are not wllh~~
create change anyway. But the changes will come in the form of events
and are conSciously or unconsciously afraid of change, everything that happens wl
be Upsetting. You will feel that you can' t rely on anything, and you ~;1l IOhokt'
upsetting to your conscious personality.

'Il take despe ra t eI f

y or security where ·
there is none. But If you can b e f1 eXI'bl e, you will see t a
If you feel encumbered and limited by your material possessions this transit Wi eed none of this is terrible, it is only new and somewhat unexpected.
them away, until you are as free as you need to be. But by the sa~e token, if yOU n
. mmunication, letters,. phone
norma I dally coIs such as commutmg, may
throug h . e tra ve , h At the deepest level, the transit of U
. f hang e will come . and routJn '11 not necessarily ave aCcidents . your unconscIOUS . ranus' thr Ough YOur fo h
The signs 0 c Sh rt triPS oU WI h' " changes 10 mind Ad
d nversati ons . 0 However, y idents on sort tnps or m YOUr
calls an COlly unexpected events. it can lead to aCt~ on which is not likely to be effect on your view 0 reality, your h I e unconscioun hou
. f . n Since th .
. se signIfies d
roduce tota This trans nifes ta I , ., · transit.
different a f ter t h IS I Woe exp erlence
. us mind has a POWerl
of th eep\
p many 0 Ider writers say. n exceptionaI rna
h nges from occurnng In some b area. An
. e WOrld will b .u
as d
every ay I, He but that IS a
ou try to pre
vent any c a. .
escaping In
an improper place ecause it was e qUIte
encountered unless y a sign of energy Uranus in the Fifth H
accident is almost always where. OUse
This should be quite an exciting period in I'
nota II owed to be used else . d house IS. the beginning• of a fundamental
through your nata I f ourth house should Your
h Ife . Th e preceding tr .
us throug
h the thlr.
'11 ontJOue as
Uranus transits your natal fOUrth
.' U ' toward life, so that now you can seek out naVe frevo\ utJonlled
'. YOur aOSlt
ba . of Uranus
Th e transit of Uran inner seIf that WI tc surface during this. time, ranus s transit If-release. ew orms 0 f seIf-expres . SIC appro ac h
eo rientation of your ry changes 0 day world WIll become a new source se SlOn and creative
r II necessa ur every Id d
house. If yoU a oWwill be easier. Also yo be flexible about your wor an YOurself Concretely this energy should take the form of
of the fourth hous . e t But yoU must new recreati
of wonder and e~Cltemen . will be attracted to new experiences, which will e dons and amusements y
you more WI Ing to expeTiment with life. Poss'hl Xpan Your con .
. SCIOusness and .mal.
tog alO. this benefIt. . h' . h h ' I Y you Will h I\e
relatIOns IpS Wit t e Opposite sex. In a typically U . ave rather unusual
. the fourth House I . . l'f
will revo utlOnJze your I e and break down Your old . 'd
ranlan manne h
r suc relationships
Uranus In
e will be in the most personal and relations h IpS.
· H owever, d 0 not expect such relationsh'ngl patterns 0 f approach to
eraI years the fOCUS 0 f chh ang
I' h' .h
and your re atlOns IpS Wit . parents may last, but at f Irst· you s h ould not expect them to. IpS to be very durable. They
h next sev I d' g your 0
. tet easpects 0 f your life, inc
h u Inay be upse ts that will show where your bfe needs
muma f '1 members. T ere m . '11 acquire a new sense of freedom and Characteristic of Uranus in the fifth house are relationships' h' h h
and other ami y b t at the same time you WI
and reform, u

very different .
In . W IC t e two 0 f you are
age but nevertheless act as equals This is 10
change h' f1 ence of the past. .
relatIOns h'IpS In
. Wh'IC h one partner acts as a parent . contrast
to10 the oth to Saturn -~ ul ed
release from t e 10 u . 'b'I't' d d ' f . h
POSS! I lies are a su en In atuatlon t at breaks up an ' .er . Other
I hkely
.. a sud d en ch an ge in your home environment or even a I · h" eXisting re ationship
A common effect of this .translt I~ settled family life may be threatened by divorce, on-and-off re atlOns IpS or one With someone whom you Would t
II '
.A I ' h'Ip that beginS
" dunng thiS
. time
. will not no .\ norma\ d Y expect
omplete change of resldenc~.
to be Wit re atJons .
, death. The deepest, most internal and " routine that most other relatIOnships.
c occaSIOn, someone s . the dally do When faced easlw'lthY setth e own'IOtO .
. . sue a routme , It
accident or even, on I'f
personal aspects of your I e are
no longer reliable and unchangIng.
. ~11I tend to become uns~able,. because the excitement that characterized its early stages
IS ~ne of the reasons for Its eXistence. It has to remain in a state of continual flux to keep
. basis of your being. It is the one aspect of reahty gomg.
The fourth house rules the ultimate d h b from which you experience life. So
that you assume will not change an t. e ~e benefit from this transit you must be
changes in this area are extremely upsettmg. 0 'd as in your most personal Children are another fifth-house matter that can change or even become upset during
willing to become more eXI e an
'bl d to encounter new I e
h ' . d not ones that are stl
'11 this time. If you have children, you will not be able to take them for granted. Their
world. The structures being challenged are those tat are rIgl , development or activities will require that you pay attention and be very conscious
alive and vital. of what is happening with them. They may be going through stages of growth that
continually challenge you to adapt, or they may be unusually rebellious or difficult.
Old ties with the past may be broken, which can give you a ee Ing
f r that you have lost
d habits that Upsetting incidents may happen to them, such as illnesses or accidents, especially
your roots. But ultimately . brea k may f ree you f ro m old patterns
thiS Id an b t you will if any aspects in your natal chart indicate difficulties with children. On the other hand,
have enslaved you. Later you may be able to reestablish the 0 roots, u this transit may mean that through your children you will encounter very positive,
never again be so dominated by them. new and stimulating experiences.

. . h . ersona I II'fe wiJl If you are involved in a creative enterprise, such as arts, crafts or any type of design
Problems and tensions that you haven't been dealmg WIt m your p blems can range
probably surface now, and you will be forced to handle them. The pro re most work, you will be better than usual at innovating and taking new approaches to your
from powerful psychological encounters with the people to whom. ~ou ~ndition5
~ork. New media and techniques will attract you, as will fresh new approaches to the
p an and design of your work.
intimately connected, to repairs that are needed in your home. If your hvmg c thiS
have been unsatisfactory in any way, you will probably change them now. in. But
Like the other Uranus transits but more strongly, this transit is an opportunity to
cha nge It
· may ta ke a few years for your living conditions to set tl e down. aga
redefine YOurself and to approach life with a new kind of understanding.
when they do, you will be a lot freer than you ever were in the old situatIOn.

. the Sixth House f

Uranus In 0 d toward work and arm a new Eve n in the best relationship,
I o.
this transO t . 0

I Signifies

tltu e 0 0

a tUlle to m k
oil t ke a neW at °ties to become f ree f rom the YOu may see a new re ahonshlp
at this f
WI a pportun l f h' . OUr old oneso
Th .
at w y one
Ime as a Way t
manifest t'
a e need d h
0 escape fro h e c anges
of Y
that yoU eek out 0 'festations a t IS tranSit are a IS
o dicates 'Il also s man manl . . b h . d II a Ion of thO m t e dail
omprpbable an usua Y very unstable love aff ' N IS tranSit can b y rOutine
Th Ios transit JJ1Wit h I°t You WI Am Ong the fco~Ion changes withm the

0 JO t at give you
. I'f h I rce of excitement. air . ew lOve is seen a e a wild , highly
relationshiP nds of otherso ally of pro es s . 'and obligations 10 your let at You
0 0

sou s an escape and a

excessive dema IthoUgh not uSu It against dutIes with what you feel you have to
change of job, a a general revo ot especially hapPY Another type of problem may OCCur during this t 0

freedom, or You are n o d ranSI!. The

more presslve.
house of open enemIes, an open conflicts . h seVenth house 0 I
" f WI! others m IS a so the
rd as op . Id b frequently t h an usua I . Th IS mam estation require h ay OCCur mUch
rega t this transit wou e to make
don OW. sponse a bl' . Y to ward whatever has involved you in the confl' St tyat you change Your st mt~re
t creative, re binding and a Igatmg. ou are o . IC. Ou m b ra egy
disruptive legal encounters at thIS ttme . ay ecome involved in
r that is, the moS life that seem too ust break free and find new kinds
The prope , of your so yoU m . Y
On the areas tain patterns, f dam for new expenences. Our job
I d' During this period the energy of Uranus, which kee

changes I ht up JJ1 cer reater ree .

b bly toO caug h t alloW yOU g ay feel overly mvo ve m taking . I d . ps you from fall o .
tha t are ultImate y estructtve to hfe is exper o d I

pro a k nd service roles t a dull routine, or you m 109 mto patterns

'. ' lence argel h
of wor a d into a If encounters. If your relatIOnships are being disrupted se . I Y. t rough intimate
have degenerate. to be yourse . · . emtng y agatnst
may °th no time d are probably sen d mg out unconscIOUS SIgnals that you a . YOur Will , you
0 0

care of others, WI f ails up is probably too estructive I re growtng rest"

break free. Other people, a so unconsciously, respond to th .
Ive an need to
Uranus 0 ten c . I k f
. esponse that . b h best thing to do IS to 00 or new o o s e Signals, and the trouble
°ldl rebelho us r Ieo I n your JO t Ife that is impossl'bl e, see k a new JO . b b egms.
The WI Y to be profitab .
in the long run h t offer different chaJlenghes. t learn new techniques in connection If you see this happening and can determine what kinds of cha d
l°bilities t a 'f that yoU ave 0 k . h
respons hOt ansit may sigOi Y . ing amount of wor WIt computers, . d k . I' nges nee to be made i
5om etimes t ISk r You may encoun ter an Increas A d'f Your life 10 .or er to ma e It more a .Ive, you will not suffer esp eCiaII y from the eff n

. nd electronic apparatus. n I you of this transIt. Indeed, the new expenence that you gain will give yo ects
°th your wor f d t processtng a
I or other kinds a a ~ b f . h u a greater mastery

WI that may be quite a challenge. of life. If you resist c ange and regard It as a threat you will only incr

th ' I
for examp e, . h these machInes e ore, . , . ' ease e VIO ence
have never worked WIt of the Uraman energies, and you will lose a great deal. Uranus, like the other \
. . nscious and controlled a manner as ., d'ff' I 'f' . d fl ' p anetary
. d al with It In as co . d . h ho energIes, IS not I ~cu t ~ It IS exp~esse ree y. But If it is suppressed, it is likely to
Wh tever the challenge IS, e h t nsion that is often assoCIate WIt t IS explode. Your relatIonshIps are trymg to teach you something about life _ let them
a . I t y to repress tee . d' h

Possible. Do not simp yIe rfeel that th ' 0 way to escape their utles, or t ey are
ere IS n Th h U .
transit. Sometimes peop 0 on as if nothing were happening. en t e ranIan
afraid to try. So they attempt to g. I I nd is expressed physically as a health Uranus in the Eighth House
d t the conscIOUS eve a I h
energy is represse a I h' or her work pattern and essen or c ange During the next several years you will gradually become aware that powerful
problem, which force~ the person. to ~ t~r IS f th body's physical efficiency as well subconscious forces are operating to bring about great changes in your life. However ,
responsibilities. The SIxth house IS ~ e ~use °t eke changes consciously, your body the changes themselves do not come about gradually but rather through sudden
as your mental efficiency at work. I you 0 no .~a roblems or the need for unexpected events of a peculiarly intense and fateful quality. Suddenly an old order in
will force you to make them. ~eart t.rouble, acci ents: nerve p hrou h our body.
your life is passing away, and a new one is coming to be . In extreme cases, someone
an operation are typical manifestatIOns of the Uraman ~ne~gy t g orr and your
These can be avoided by allowing the transit to revolutlOmze your w may die who was close to you and very much connected with your past life . This is a
signal that it is time to begin a new era of your life. Restrictions that you have imposed
attitudes toward duty.
upon yourself or allowed others to impose upon you will become intolerable now, and
you may be forced to take steps to break away from themo Because your life is
Uranus in the Seventh House changing, you don't need these restrictions anymore. What has been gradual evolution
now must become a revolution.
The transit. of Uranus through this house can be extremely dlffIcu
. . l'f re involved
t I you a . ible
in any close one-to-one relationships that are not working out very well. It IS poss her The eighth is also the house of joint finances and resources that you hare with
to go a Iong WIt . h an unsatisfactory
. relationship for years an d k eep I. t togetf the someone else, such as a spouse or business partner. There may be unexpected even.t
somehow. For example, you might be keeping a marriage going for the sake 0 to connected with these matters such as a sudden change _ either up or down - m
children or because of finances or emotional dependency. But when U ranus c~rnes r Your partner ' s Income.
. '
If your own f"mancla1 situation IS d epen dent upon your
0 •

' •

your seventh house, It ecomes extremely difficult to contend with the tensIOn
. s 10 yoU r
partner's, it will not be very stable now. However , sometimes the eftects arehmore
relationship. Consequently this transit often coincides with a marital breakuP (1r subtle h o B .;e thl ouse
. ,suc as a sudden change in your partner's sources of tncome . ecau. . th t
teen d 0 f some other partnership, such as a shaky business partnershiP. . H0 we ve , IS assoc· t d . " t n IndICate a
la e with death and with other people s money . thiS transl ca
a partnership that is reasonably secure will usually weather the storm. You will receive an inheritance.
'd becoming dependent upon a nyon r epress it, feeling that you mu s t exhib'
" 'e to avOI d Id b e yOU
deprived of its normal outlet Il a meek '
" thiShouse, It IS WIS bligations involve cou ecome Very ener ,gy u 'In the ninth Or' tho
turns 0 ' qUiet '
'th Uranus transltJnhg .. uh a bank , The 0 ch m ore tha n ran us d n You and exterior , The '
WI ven t ro"" rn u Ir house to causes an ac 'd negatlve
else's money, e r life, " ' cause an acc' Cl ent , It takes
disruptive In y OU h t ou are becommg ImpatIent with th ause the ninth h ouse has a connectio ' Ident ,
, mean t a Y b ' , e BeC h n With law
d this transIt can , operty with someone or elOg lo debt They m ay not turn out t e way you Want, ' try to aVoid 1
On the other Ihant" ns involved in shannfg pr such obligations or even avoid paying egal enCOunters now
d ob Iga 10 k ay rom ,
duties an y may try to brea aW
o someone, ou bl lead to conSI er
'd able trouble, however, as It could bring
, If You are open to n ew exper, iences, perce t'
P Ions and '
willing to change your View s, this can be an e t Ways of \ooki
:he debt. This would p,roba y'festatio ns of this transl t, x reme\y Constructiv ng at ,the world and
b t the most disruptIve mam e transIt.
a ou f matters concerned with sex, This tranSit
, hth house or Uran us in the Tenth 1.1
thorities look to the elg , 'te different from any that you have eVer nouSe
Many au I I tionshlP qUI hI ' h'
, d'cate a new sexua re a
can m I H ver you s ou
h Id not count on suc a re atlOns Ip to last
, A radical change in your professional
life h
' a c ange of
'nvolved in before, owe , going through now mean that your needs authority figures are a II POSSI Ie under this trans't Th profesSion Or co f\' ,
been I ,JCa I hanges you are I , e Wa n Ict With
in the worId , as weII as your social status ' y You express yo 'd '
because the psycholog 'IIc be qUIte ' d'fferent Avoid new long-range commitments
I ' , 'f f h ,reputatIon d ur I entity
a few years from noW WI d involved in will have to change at this time , challenged, An d I any 0 t ese aspects of your life h b an profession w'\\ b
" f ' as ecom I 'I e
Even relationships you are alrea y offers opportUnities or new experIence , there will b e sta e and no 10
e great changes, nger
Uranus in the Ninth House One manifestation of this transit is that people Ove
" , r you - bosses e I
'II h the opportunity to greatly expand your awareness of or government aut h OrItJes - seem p arh cularly , ' mp oyers, parents
D ' th O time you WI ave repressIve and
uflng IS " , ht that you never could have had before, But in order for this strong desire to Ias h out and break free from their rest 't" you experience a
TIC IOns If indeed
the world and gam mSlg s'JJ'ng to keep an open mm, , dO h'
t erWlse, you WI'II only be held down unreasona bl y b y some authority fig ure yo hid' you are being
to happen you must be WI I f ' 'd ' f ' u s ou make ch h
reveals because Uranus is the enemy 0 rIgl vIews a the world , enable you to act more f ree1y, However , some cau tion ' d d anges t at will
upset by what Uranus , " , f ' 'II IS nee e because 'f
hastily, you WI encounter very repressive fo rces who h I'd I you act too
If you can remain flexible, this transit WIll SImply POl~t ?ut ~ew ways a se,emg the ' 11 'f ' IC cou cause you to I
great d ea, espeCla y I you are reacting against some part of th ose a
world, frequently through circumstances that ?o not fI~ m WIth, your ~Id VIews , If, e government.
like most people, you have identified yourself WIth a partIcular pomt of VIew, you will
feel threatened by this change and try to resist this new understanding and insight. Very often this transit operates quite benevolently and provide 'h
" ' k S you WIt sudden new
That is the response of the social reactionary who views anything new with horror, opportunitIes In your wor - a chance to wo rk with new tech ' b '
" mques or to egm a
which makes more devastating the triumph of the realizations he fears, revolutIonary new enterprIse and take off on unbeaten paths Yo h
, , , ' u may c ange your
held o~ wor~ alto~ether at, thl: tIme, In any case your work environment must provide
Many events that take place now will notify you that some aspect of your thinking is you WIth stImulatIOn, or It wlll become oppressive and boring, Remember,that when
wrong, This does not mean that you are invalidated, but that you have to adjust your you choose not to be consciously aware o f Ur anian energy, in your subconscious mind
thinking, At other times your views are not challenged by others, even though you are it takes the form of events that happen to you ,
equally in error, At least now you are finding out what is wrong so that you can
change, And if you do not resist this process, it will not be terribly difficult , If you are in a highly responsible position, it may be very hard to discharge that
~esponsibility, You may be tempted to throw the whole job over, to quit and start off
'd , you WI'II b e attracted to new and stImulatmg
If you are ,in a, flexible fram e a f mm ' ' In a new direction, That may in fact be the b est resp onse, although it is clearly not the
ways of thmkmg You m b ' d' safest. However, since it is so dangerous to repress Uranian energies, starting over may
, k ' ay egm to stu Y sCience and technology or new techniques
In your war , Many people wh t d I be safer than trying to ride out this transit without making needed changes, If you try
m b h a s u y astra ogy begin under this transit. Also you
ay e more t an usually attra t d t d' I " ' I t~ ~old on to a situation when you r eally don't want to, because you feel a responsi-
problems, c e o ra Ica and InnovatIve solutions to socia
bIlIty, to do so, events may drive you from the position you find so difficult. ThIS
tranSIt can signify a drastic fall from power and a uthority, But if this happens it is a
Older books often mention this '
unexpected events such 'd as a dangerous tIme for traveling because sudden reflection of your inner unexpressed reluctance to have power and authority, This
, a s acci ents m I ' , , 'k I transit rna y a Iso a f a sun, fall
It 15, more likely that trav I ,ay resu t In Injury, But that is not very II e y, ectf
your' SOCial
, ,'d
s ta tus, People sometimes de
f rom soc' I ' h' p conSIders
way, You may have to e or alchan ge of residence will revolutionize your life in some . la grace, usually because of some action that t elr peer grou
t ~a~y 1
normally a homebody A rave 'd
so much th t ' ,
a It IS unsettling, especially if you are unacceptable, Uranus is quite o ften so cially unacceptab e,
, , , ' CCI ents us II h ' h'
you IS mhIbited and not all d ua y appen because some violent energy WIt 10
example, you may have a st
OWe expr '
f h
esslon t rough your conscious personality, or
F Exarnin h · M k h tever changes
rong eelin f are new 0 you are and what you are doing in the world, a e, w a ' to strike!
go rage at someone or at people in genera!, but ecessary in order to exper ience new life, Don't wait for lightnIng
eventh House
h El ' I With Uranus transiting this house h
Uranus I'n t e h e signifies a potentIa revolutio . t ese rep
th ous b ' n ource of upsets an d sudden eVents h' ressed e\em
h the natal eleven t everal years, You egm to see that S
h as psyc h otherapy Matt ' W Ich ents of h
echnique suc can be und t e mind b
, of Uranus thro~g s in life over the ne;t s ou can achieve goals you didn't t
idden from ot h ers may also becom
' e r s tha t
You are
Con '
only thro hI. e a
This transIt and expectation e possible and th ~rvativelY, Consequently yOu wili h
them to be revea I e d at the most inop
e a SOurce f
0 problems b
SClousl U&'I solTle
Y aware of b t'h
in your hO~ t lifestyles ar h' king more cons portune mo ' ecause U U ave
I' om others or f rom yourself may eme ments , AnYth'
neW an
d dlfferen ere t Jf1
f when yOU w Id have ear ler, fr , rge at th' , Ing vranus can caUse
n dream 0 , yOU wo U , " , This is a good time for clearing up old pr bl
, d N
IS time and dem
0 ems that h
Ou have hidd
and to b en
eve I forashuleas f f 'ends and your IdentifIcatIOn With unconscious mm, ow they can be handl d ave been H ' e dealt with
not sett e h house 0 n k' d e once and for all oatmg arOund in
Se is alsO'tu e 'II be attracted to new m s of friends , Your
ever the eIeve, nth houthis transit yo WI pie who have b een your f nends ' for'
HoW " ' Dunng Even peo f h' symbolically related to the hidden aspect f h
activIties, r old ways, , w experiences, some 0 W Ich may be as prisons, h osplta ' I s and Iwhere
asy ums s 0 ' t e twelfth h Ouse are ' ,
gr OU P h Henge yOU ' o u In ne '" , SOCiety hide h mstltutio
eople who c a by involVIng y 'bl that your friends WIll get mto SItuations not like to face, Just as you may have to conf s t Ose elements th ns SUch
p may challenge y~u Also it is pOSSI e OU may also encounter one of these social sk I
rOnt some p at peo \ d
erSona\ "skeleton" h p e 0
years , t the tIme, Y " e etons W' th h' at t in
q uite upsetttng a , to be in a pnson, hospItal or asylum but the , I t IS transit yOu lme,
f d upsetttng, , ' y may sud de I are unlikel
that yoU Jf1 , i t is the need to rebel against the group connectIOn, n Y enter Your \if ' y
, of thIS trans 'k em some
anifestatIOn h thers in your group are trymg to ma e you
h freque nt m y feel t at 0 ,
Anot er re subject to, ou f I the need to establIsh yourself as an This transit helps you prepare for the transit of U
ressures yOU a e not. You ee 'h" , , , ' f ranus OVer th A
p thing that yOU ar f 'ends are conservative, t e SituatIOn IS hkely take thIS opportumty to con ront your hidden self ' e scendant If
'nto some e If your n f' , , ' you WIll be abl ' you
~ d' 'd I against their pressur ' look for new friends who It In better with self and to express It more completely and honestly when e to free Your whole
Jf1 IVI ua A nsequence yOU may Ascendant. Uranus crosses your
to be worse, s a co
what you want in /ife now,
, ps and our expectations are usually heaVily
'f' 'th certaIn grou , Uranus Conjunct Sun
Each of us identl les WI bI to During this transit you will either seek new
h oups we e ong ,
conditioned by t e gr 'dentify with or you will rebel against their This is an extremely Significant transit in many ways for 't ' ,
h the groupS you I ' , I IS a time when '1\
freedom t rough I affiliation with the eleventh house, because it is try to achieve new means of self-expression and to become f h you WI
U nus has a natura , , ' , f h ' more Tee t an you hay
stan dards, ra ' h 'gn ruled by Uranus, Thus thiS IS one of the more ever been, T h IS IS one 0 t e most revolutIOnary periods in your life, e
, d 'th AquariUS, t e Sl
assoaate WI, f U 'f you are willing to be as flexible as Uranus demands,
favorable transIts 0 ran us, I
, its most productive,
" this transit can clear away limitations that have rna de your
lIfe less meanmgful and frUitful, whether those limitations have been imposed by
Uranus in the Twelfth House yourself or by others, Your life can become more real. However, at its worst, thIS
The effects of this transit can be quite subtle, but they are nevertheless important. transit can signify a time of wild instability and chaos, when events seem to happen
Possible manifestations include sudden events that are clearly the result of past unpredictably and disruptively,
actions; unconscious compulsions and compulsive behavior; upsets and difficulties
involving institutions; sudden disclosure of secrets and hidden things; and sudden No matter how you feel about change in your life , you will be forced now to break
acts by persons who had not seemed to be working against you, up old patterns and embark on a new course , Whether this process is completed
depends largely on whether your life has degenerated into a dull and safe routme It
All of these effects are manifestations at various levels of one basic principle - also depends upon how much energy you put into resisting change,
upsets, surprises and instability generated by factors that you are unaware of ,
Typically it is your own unconscious mind that is most involved here, All of these The Sun represents your heart, physically and psychologically , your vital core, Uranus
effects listed above are directly or indirectly involved with your unconscious mind, cal~s the energy of your vital center to break free and express itself , If you live
Fo~ example, it may seem that someone who works against you secretly is part of fate, according to the rules you have been taught and not as an honest expressIOn of
,,:hlch your ~nconscious mind cannot be responsible for, but that is not the case, Such yourself, these energies will make you change, You have obligations to the people
hidden enemIes, to , use the tra d"ItlOna I term, are provoked by signals that you have ar,ound you, but you also have obligations to yourself , For the present your own needs
sent out unconscIOusly and bY your own actions that you have not thoug ht out' Will take precedence, until you feel free enough to be yourself,

The twelfth house rules that f ' ces

the conscious m ' d f d d'ff~art 0 the unconscious mind that suppresses expenen d ~f You do not succeed in this effort, or if you are afraid to try, this energ~ may turn
InWard d 'd yen damage
experiences do~n tin ~ 11 Icul,t to deal with. The energy associated with suppre~se an cause physical damage to your body through aCCl ents or e
no sImp y d l s a p ' ,'actIon, to Your h ' h ' ny tendency
triggering off conse h pear, It operates subversively 10 every t earl. If a competent physician has determmed that you J\ e a
quences t at yo u f'In d d'ff'
I ICUI t to understand, oWard cardiovascular disease, you should he extremely care ul at this time
- ' neW an
, ' ng , as well as new
d eXCltl , techniques I' n Yo
d velop a new Interest in scien
thmg nt, y ou may h' e as a time 0 f re b e II'Ion, ParrI CeI and
tra cted to any velopme 'ce
en t ISd employers, You will not bCI.I atl Y h t you a re doing? Ca n you perform YOur task ' h
'II be at al de 'II expen W a the outside world and even from psychol s In t\ e face of upsets and chall
You WI d in person ersons WI officials an e Vety
work an Younger p h as parents, from ' C ha II enge will determine ohglca fOrces Wit. h'10 YOurself?" enges
II ou withstan d t h IS Ii
technology, rities. sU c his time, , we y
next several years, ow well YOUr Iiflle WI go during Ow the
inst autho trIC 'tio ns at t , It is a call to examme Your lif
aga , h res uctl Ve , , 'd e and
tient Wit t be des tr becoming too flgi , You may O one hand you may suddenly realize that becau f'
pa d no k from ll1ak
' t ans it nee ake to eep life in order to feel freer and Il1 e d n lop ed over t h east
I severa I years you can no longse 0d Clrcumst
h ances that have
However. thiS r yOU must m spect s of your Ore k 'ng a lot of changes, It may be necessary to ster 0 Iw at YOu Want Without
hat changes 'n many a
see W hanges I ma ' I stances that you encounter in your work or with auth rugg e" and break free from
do US C
trem en I ourself. CIrcum ,
vernment agencies ,
ere may even be limiting circum t
Ortl!es, Such as
emp oyers
complete Yy or'f go d '
ch as a ba marriage or parental domination At s ances 10 Your p
Uranus sextile Sun II' e, su d ' h h ' any rate some ob t 1e
preventing you from olng w at you ave to do , and You Want t b 1 .sat,
s spec ta cular, but if you watch , carefully , y 01.1 IS 0 re e agamst It.
' anslt a ' re not alway f new an d stimulating happenmgs
d h in Your lif e, O the other hand, you may be doing perfectly well in all of these m tt y ,
ff ts of thiS tr II kinds B t the changes an t e unexpected
The e ec here are a 0
Inner, u d ' eVentS , f actory, an d your persona II'Ife may be fulfilling a ers1, Our lob
n be perfectly satls '
Will not! 'ce that t 'he
I ng In t usua ma Instea d they open up new ' dun erstandlngs and may f ho you are, But somet h'109 comes a Iong, some unexpected inCident . a th
rea expressIon
It is not runni~g a ~isturbing to ~ou, hat life still has some eXCitement an potential owee valuate what you are dOing, , For example, at work someone may atth orces you
t espeCially, u a feeling t to r row you a
are no " d give yo " ve ball" such as an employer suddenly questioning your effectiveness 'n k
ortu mtles an cur , I WOr or a
h ' 'Iar disruption, You may have to reevaluate your relationships to th '
foppgrowt h, " t" Simi , e vanous
or 0 portum't'es I to arIse 10 con nee Ion Wit any groupS you belong to, Are they smothering your individuality? If so, you may have to
break free of this influence,
I ou can ex Pect sudden hroughP w h iC ' h you really express ' I yourself,
, These
SpecificaJ y, y , tant to you t f' d or they may Simp y pop up In Some
h t IS Impor h gh nen s, , I d 'h
activity t" a may co .... .. ,e about t rou 'ment y ou may become IOVO ve Wit a new If you are doing what you should in ter~s o~ your life and experience, these disruptive
opportumtleS veryday environ h' d 't thought possible before, You may be events will only be a test that you wdl Withstand successfully , But if you find the
of your e th t you a n l ' f Th ' ,
other area I who live in a way a . h i ues for managing your I e, IS IS one energies of this transit destructive beyond your control, you should conSider what
group of peop e , hies and new tee n q I
changes must be made either to minimize these effects or to turn them into positive
attrae ted to, new dphllosop hich peop Ie beg l'n to study astro ogy,
h nSlts un er W ones, For instance, one unemployed person wanted a particular job but was holding
of tetra , f reater freedom of self-expression, out because she was unwilling to make certain compromises that would have made
' our deSire or g I'f d the job less worthwhile, Under this transit she suddenly got the job without haVing to
~f h~et;:~Sit
h nts are expressmg Y , greater control over your I e an
All t you have the opportunity tOtgatolOdo Any relationship that begins make any compromises, The transit tested her willingness to do things her own way,
Durmg t IS f h t you w a n , , h' '11 b
to ma ke 't a better vehicle or w.on a 0f t h'IS fac, t and even old relatIOns IpS ,WI e
Like the conjunction and opposition transits of Uranus to the Sun, the square may be
under this transit will be an expressl . t' es Opportunities for advancement In your
h f ther your 0 bJec IV . . dangerous to your health if you are not careful. Health problems usually arise from a
changed so that t ey ur hI ' hips with your supenors.
work will come suddenly throug re atlOns b conscious or unconscious suppression of the Uranian energies that are operating in
your life now , These suppressed energies often emerge phYSically as accident-proneness
. . showing you that your life can e or a heart illness, Don't suppress the energy of Uranus, deal with it.
All of this sounds like luck, but this transit actually IS h ou have realized. We all
much more free and that your potentials are greater t a~c~ can be severely limiti,ng.
have a natural tendency to settle into comfortable ruts, ; d t sit up and take notiCe, Uranus Trine Sun
But the energy of Uranus acts suddenly, so that you are orce ~. you anything yOU
The purpose of this transit is to tell you who you are. It 1's not glvlOg
Sometimes it is very upsetting to make fundamental changes in your life, But at other
haven't earned. times you feel that change is creative and exciting, and this is one of those times ,
You are eager for change and hope it will lead you to a life that is more exciting,
interesting and alive, You look to new ideas and new experiences for insights that will
Uranus Square Sun d change ~a~e your life more real. Consequently this is an excellent time t('l beg:.n s~~dving
n diSCiplines that will allow you to develop and grow as a human being Such disaplnes
During thIS transIt sudden, unexpected events Wlll test your a l l y. bjectives that wed
. , . bTt to withsta
can include encounter or group therapy , yoga or other spiritual disciplines, a.trl! ~y
and to stay on the path you have chosen. Each of us sets forth certalO ~ a unique a~o or any other SUbject that allows you to see yourself in a new light and to grow 10
must accomplish in order to successfully maintain our sense of belng ally believe I
, d'IVI'dua,I Th IS" transIt seems to ask th
strong In '
e question, "00 yOU re

"~ ____________________ 383 ________

-------------~~ ur that aHo
w ou to expe<ienee you",1f and the"b
Y You may encounter
ay occ than ever, If new relat 10n_
' Y
be over, Uranus seldom destroys something
vents m
lime e Jfore e
h t will a 0
II w you to be yourse more than
d eVer it to you really need
A t Ihe sarTle yo urse m neW Jove t a ' th change now, an you are hungry far 't think so' , even though You
P ress
, ds or even a
, 15'compa 1 t'bIe Wl I
w fnen beJng
shiPS' ne everyday h alth aspect of this transit is especially critical LJ 1 h
~~ , The e h ch . nea t probl
before, 'bJe way, , en-a new exercise program n your resistance to t e anges that Urnanus cal] f ems result primarily
h 'cal reg lm
dopt a new P ~~I -that will allow yo~r body to grow and
pOSSI , ew from,s le break forth as a "broken heart," which a s Or, YOur suppressed Vital
in every
CI'dent, Especia II y)'f you are a m)'dd] e-aged man youcoronary
energ h I lit era II Y IS, Or as an
' good time to a t kind of nutntJOnh t have been damaging your body, Yo aCIf P ression as POSS)'bl e an d a I so to take whatev
Th's IS a d'fferen h b'ts t a h ' II u ' S Ou d try to b
, e as f ree in YOUr
I th habits or a I f Id physical a ,I drop some other p YSlca Y debilitating se -ex h ' er preCautions
heal Break out 0 0 quit smoking or mends to prevent eart dIsease , Also avoid eXlrem I d YOur phYSician
develop, , bIy be able to recom e Y angerous pi aces , Where
, ht concelva acC!'dents could occur,
rTllbg't at this time, ch out to encounter new experience Uranus Conjunct Moon
ha I hat you rea , ,
f I in every way t , deprive you of thiS great opportunity
YOU will be 5 uccess uvatism or !nSf 'cunty to If d ' ' Th ' transit signifies a time of enormous psychological change d .
11 conser 'II ma k e you r life better later on, you on t make IS l'1 Among its maniestatJOns
f' ernoti onaI
Do not a oW k changes that WI h Uranus squares or opposes your Sun are th e follOwing' suddan 'pOSSibly
n ma e w w en d' turmo ' . 1 . en Inet ents invol .
NoW yOU ca any years from no, that is less pleasant an much more en' emotional upsets; emotlOna rashness and impulsivene ' dd Vlng
these changes, m ake them !n a way womd , changes
, "
in your most intimate d omestic and personal lifeSS, su .enII changes of
be forced to m moo , , ' concerning
. , especla y at horne '
yOU may d Possibly sudden inCidents your mother or anoth f I '
disruptive, an er ema e relative ,
The effects of thi~ transit are not so much bad as sudden and surpriSing. The most
disturbing effect IS the sense of upset, bu~ you m~y also feel very excited . You can
Uranus Opposition Sun count on this transit to change your dally routine. SUdden infatuations with the
opposite sex, especially if you are a man, are one of its consequences.
ul d look for su dd en changes in your environment
d b
' g this transit you sho I and force you to take a stan a out w at
, "
Durllm your expression as an Uranus to your natal Sun signifies that The Moon signifies your innermost emotional nature , your habits, your emotlOnal
cha enge " of transltmg b ' h h
you rea yII a re . The conjunctIOn f m restnctJOns that you encounter, ut Wit t e
. , responses, and your belief that you are supported and nurtured in life , These aspects
ll of yourself as well as the possessions that you identify with them, such as your home
you are 'kely to break away h ro d d en ch a 11 en ge I'n the outer world forces ,you
I to
and land, are most subject now to the surprising effects of Uranus.
OppOSI'tl'on it is more likely t at a su life TyplCa' I effects of this transit would mc ude
t ke more responsibility for your. periors or employers; unexpected
a dde . men or your su h ' What is most difficult to do but most important is to maintain your sense of
su n events concernmg hange your cou rse of action', sudden c anges m a
circumstances that force you to c 11 d self-expression for yourself or your equilibrium. Like the other aspects of your life, your usual emotional expression can
. II 'f have not a owe
become rigid and routine to the point that you are not really experiencing your life
relationship, espeaa Y I you. h I h ' olving your heart and circulatory system
partner; and sudden changes In ea t , mv anymore. Viewed positively and constructively, this transit can get you in touch with
especially. life again, although it may do this through some event that you consider unfortunate .
No matter what occurs, if you have the courage to look, you will discover that you are
. h ou consider valid and practically
By this time you have built up a lifestyle t at y. 'd I and oals as impossible. feeling alive again, The feeling may be sadness if you have lost someone or something.
realizable. Most adults by now have given up certam I ea s g dation with But the aliveness that comes when you are truly in touch with your feelings is worth
You have probably surrendered large parts of yourself as an acco~fmot tl'on of this as much as anything this transit takes away,
, be
reality , The suppressed energies from this source IIe h' m
d the mam
, th es
thea opposition
transit. Uranus demands that hidden pressures be released, but WI h than that
' h .
transit you Will probably feel that these events are appen10g to you rath' er that has Uranus Sextile Moon
you are doing them. What is happening is the passing away of somet Inl g curity This transit stimulates your emotional life. You will experience your own feelings and
prevented you from bemg. free. The trouble is that most peop1e come to va ue se it is allow yourself to look at the world subjectively . Your own inner feelings and your
and predictability over freedom of self-expression. Consequently this trans attitudes toward the world will seem as important as whatever you conSIder to be
frequently upsetting.
true or real in the external world. At this time you are able to glory in yourself and feel
what You want to feel.
ven I t e, man! .es~atlOn of this transit is as extreme as a loved one's eat, h d its
'f h 'f . d h W IC · his
not very likely, It IS a Sign tha h . . . t has serve
C '. t t e relationship must end because I f you. This eff ec t manl'f ests itself in a variety of ways, FIrst
. of a II , you WI"11 demand
. more
t~~s,eb' bo~h ~"'e
°thntJtnUhlnghthe relationship would have made it a limitation on for emotional
, . f actIOn
sahs ' "I
, your relationshIps.
10 I not Lllt' enoug h f or a
It WI relatit~nshlp
-mem er a w et er a reI t' h' . t IS til"
a Ions Ip is severed by death or by departure, 1 SImply t o go on as it has, If your existing friendships and love reIatlons
' h'IpS dt' not meet
'nd neW on
es that
do Your goa
I j, f,udom of .motional ..if.
Uranus Trine Moon
- ---
~"iJ1 h ' trans it represents an excellent oPportunity f
I Or you to k
·-15 yO II h ce
'en , are l'kely
to make
, f '
changes A in' You r r IS , I life and persona surroundings, such as Y h ma e ch •
,our nee" 'ndexpefl
} ,'on a , traIlSI
't is that yOU
ore em otionaIly satJs
' y
ylOg , t t' this tillle tiOna, OUr ome A danoe " " In YOUr
emo es without causlOg great problems and upsets , as mi ht'b n YOu Can make these
e'P¢Sl , o f thiS 't toO be m t the ram , ou wan It to be as chang pie you could remodel your home Or chan g e the case at other t
ifesta tJon nding that I te to keep ou F
O titer man nt dema e is adequa f your life, r exam, ld b ' ge Your per I h . Imes
An e environm:h;t your hou s other aspect 0 , ,
of these c hanges wou e appropnate to the energy of th'IS transit, , sona ablts . tither
'115 no
I ell ,
an d stJm ulating as any ,
'f ' sum a ,u1 ted your imagmation
" will also
er""ong E ents m ay present you Iwith
opportunities to experience y
h Ip
' t h at will bring feelings OUrhemotion Sma
. new Way
inl ••
I your I 'nner he IS I'f
k your I e , more interestlOg lo areas that v begin a new re atlOns
bility to experience
hoW yo , u can ma e
'Jlectua a I nd emotional functions
, of YOur u may 'd
I tionship that begInS ' transit will haveYOu
a aVe d nev er hadb efore . A
lo un er thiS
As your
limu }ated, You will d s~before, Also the Inteme1y gOOd transit for creative d f I Work,
nOt ove re
b a E "
issing at ot er hmes , xlshng relationships ma I erful
h ' Won h exc'Itement that
bes h d nevera considere
d w rh 's
is an extre
because I 't makes you see
an ee rom new m ay IIem
toO, a ow your new ,
emotlOna I '
expenences. y a so c ange so that they ,
yOll a ore unifie no ' eativity, but freshness and mnovatlve quality,
mind are m tlv stimulates cr tive work a new
se il dlrec. 'es your crea
becau , which glv , t' on may occur tha t brings up an event from the past so th t
perspectives, A situa I h ' a you can exam' ,
W light and c ange your athtudes tOward it. By und d' me It
' ef f ect upon you , For exam
in' fa netly you will be a bl e to c h ange ItS erstan
I h'Ing the pas t
n ter "With your mot h er or ot h er fema Ie relatIve
dlf eren ,
that clarifies pa e,d t IIIS may be an
U anus Square Moon enCOu d h' h h n a, oWs yOu to
change Your attitude towar somet Ing t at appened in Your childhood
r h s in your personal andI emotional
d dden c ange
't will crea te tensions an h su e suppressed over the last severa I years will Y ay have gotten into certain routines with friends and other people "'h
This EtranSI sion that you av b leased in some way. n your close ou m am you see
little ten d nd to e re b . . YV

dd veryIy seem to surface and ema nd spouse, pr oblems that you have h"een Ignonng every day " with the result that you have not been experiencing them as th ey rea II y
are, Unconsciously adopted attitudes may have gotten in the way of seeing them
sue1 f en.nshlPs sueh as to parents h a to deal W . h them
i t . In a marriage, t ISdtransit k can dearly, This transit gives you the ~hance to re~ognize these attitudes and to change
r aY10 h'
reach t e po int that you aveQur partner su ddenly breaking away
b an see ing
h a them , Consequently you may expenence your fnends as new indiViduals .
ma the effec t of eitherByouthort Ywould happen only if the tension etween
have . I you as
relatIOns lp h' elsewhere. ut
.h af you has eenb doing anything about It.
k' n any case,h
severe and nelt er 0 . h d nds you have been rna 109 upon eac Take advantage of this opportunity to make graceful changes in your personal life.
been very k orne changes In t e ema
Now it will be easy to get rid of unconscious attitudes, habits and routines that will be
you may have to rna e 5
other, much harder to get rid of later on, If you can do this now, in several years , when
Uranus comes to the next square or opposition to your natal Moon, you will be able
f considerable upsets now, There may be to use that transit for more creative change and growth , If you do not change the things
Your domestic life may be the soudrcfe °h e repairs or other sudden problems on
h h udden nee or o u s , b h that you could easily clear away now, during the later transit they will be cleared
accidents in t e' Iorne,
th' '5 not a goo transit un d er which to buy a home, ecausehw at
a s d '
away anyhow, but with upsets and difficulties ,
this front, CertaIn y IS I I d If you are forced to buy a new orne
you look for now will not re~ec,t your uS~:a~ee b~'t be very careful, The energy of the
or to change residence at thiS hme, go a, '. 'home and forcing you
transit has already worked itself out by dlsruptmg your prevIOus Uranus Opposition Moon
to move,
This transit can signify sudden events in your personal and emotional life and sudden
changes in your home, The pressure of circumstances will reveal your unconscious
In general you are seeking more emotional freedom at t h IS" time, If y ou can 'h change
' e a emotional patterns, and you will learn to handle your life with fewer habits and
Your existing
' relationships so that they embody what you are I00 k'109 for , t herwls , inappropriate unconscious behavior patterns. You may be upset by these changes, but
if you seek out new relationships, your persona I life may be more d'Isrup t e d t an youd
you should recognize that this transit can free you from characteristics that you don't
want. Men in particular should be wary of this transit, because t h elf
' a tft
I u des towar
women may be rather unstable now, which can result in upsettmg , re lations IPS,

The Moon has to do with patterns of behavior that were created in infancy, which may
Whatever you do, you wdl , probably find that your emotIOnal
' d wants an nee ds are not"
have been appropriate then but are not now, For example, it was once appropriate
( I with those of the people around you. Others may think you are, "cralzy
" II y IOsane,
' for You to seek nurturing and protection from your mother, and you did what you had
not c IOlca 0 f course), because of your actions at this time, But t h'IS IS on ,ya
temporary period of instability, during which you will come to a new understandIng to in order to get that. But as an adult your life should no longer follow that pattern,
of your emotional needs, Uranus' raises t h e need for you to be an independent, self-su ff IClent
' , d It to relate
au , to
others a s an equal, even though you may not feel ready , But most peopIe retaIn some
------ 11 "
, ... ·11" ,.
1 th It Y"U
-- -

I ' h

conc uSlOns ave to change a

Im· "nsl ~ t ent. The pr oblem is really th
at you
are so con~t I
.1.11. • , S YOur understand' ant y txPOSI'Q t
. Ing change<. 0 ntw
. .!tllf tn .l be dlfhcult under thIS transit A .
It.I\' \ ' I ' . cCldents d I
t , m. l)' make
r ,,·'n ~, th.1 suduen.J
trave upsetllng. If you do h
' e ay Or oth
aVe to tray eI , .Il maYbeber unan!IClpated
y urgenl situ ation .
tlt·.l "I
I ecause you _
'''4s t
J ' II ml'nl.1I and intellectual change enters I
R.IUIl. b YOu r Ife duri '
, ht .. I ome now to ecome part of YOur th OI ng, thIS transIt All
,,'''I~ . . Id d tn>'lng M \.. . Ow Ih
lUr imnwdlate wor an do not resist the new d 'h a e the necessary h e
10 )I' leas t at You ar b ' c anges
e elng expo<oed 10
Uranus Sextile Mercury
h " transit stimulates your thinking and your co "
I~ . d . mmunlcahon . h
"' lHlt life .1n excitement an Interest that it may normally lack y""lt other<;, giVing
ooot stand boredom, so you aid the natural energ f h' OU also feel that YOu
C.l h' . y 0 t e ITan ' t .
t'ls.ible . During t IS ttme you may seek out new contacts and hi SI ,In every Way
~('lur desire for new experiences. endshlps that reflect

T his same restlessness of spirit may also make you wan t t t l

l r.:tn U~ C~ njund • lerL-ury
of the countrysl'd e aroun d you , I.'f not for long dIstances
, 0 rave , at least t
y d ' 0 see more
. I I ou esca
eslre to kno "" your
. P• •"1'11\'(> tr.1nsiB ~.t l~r.lnu:,
' ' 01< -f , . mp It' t ~'I,'
h , ;t time, -hen Y
' lIr mind immediate environment as comp ete y as possible and le t nothing
Thi~ IS .11' e • t L.t ....,
I t .l~ ne" r l"t" J' . 't'W id .1:' new te'hntques and new appr a h anything happening, you want to know about it. pe you , If there IS
will be sllmu .1 'II t ,. u lJi .11 Ide.l:' rl~U w\."Iuld neVl'r have
r , II '"tmua"
f.' It . \\ I .
c'me • .
t1 , 111 ri~hf
n. wand Y('U are.1 e t us thl'm Your natural curiosity is stimulated now, which makes thiS an t I
en tert.u ned re s~m per . .
for beginning to stu d y a new subject.
' However you w111ex not remeby good. transit
EX ' tl\ Ir· . .
disClpiJned, .
so your Interest must b e very strong 'In order to keep yo e particularly
UT motivation up
If the subject becomes dul I , you are likely to drop it The stud ( , .
murn, II n WI'Illa e l 'In a m re imp rtant rvle in. '\,\.'ur .
life at this
. '
time. You need . hi' l ' . . y Ot Scence .
, h Ih" O"W in i -hts that ar C('lmmg mto Y ur lJfe. Consequl'ntly mathematics, tec no oglCa studies - espeCially electronics and computer work _
~ WIt eYe!)'~ "" . . ' .
art r e1 t bee me a proselytizl'r t r new ideas, trym to break thers ut 0 then as well as astrology or other occult techniques is favored by this transit.
. ttem thinking. Astr I gr and the 'ult in general will attract you n w if
~ven t in the pa t ) u \ ,ill .11. , be interested in scientific and techn I g~cal One strong point of this transit is that it helps you make constructive changes in your
·plines. This lIent time t begin studying science and mathematics. thinking. You are not rigid at this time, and because you are so re<:ephYe to new ideas
it is easier for you to change your mind. Even when you discover that you have been
wrong about something, you are not very upset . You are only too happy to Hnd it out
H vel' if)' want t tea vanta~ t these ppl. rtunities you must be quite and add this to your understanding.
'ble in ur wn thinking. J y ur thin 'ng is very rigid , this will be an e,tremely
upsHting ~riod in w . h our ideas are challenged and ('lund wanting . Under these
Uranus and Mercury are jokers, which results in a tendency that you should try to
re tense, nery us and threatened. E\'en if you go
resist, at least a little bit. Their combined influence may put you into a rather pTan lsh
an bring this transit may be upsetting becaus.e
frame of mind, especially when you are with s me ne \ 'ho eems pomp U' and
~rvl"tc' ailments and anxieties can be a part of thiS
overbearing. You will want to prick that person s baH n and brio hlm dO 'n to
earth. Also, because you are so open to new idea. and e perience, \! eel b!
eve?,one else should be too. You may have ditficulty in leaving pe pie 31 e
scatter y ur thoughts so that you .do n I
tnnsit 5 tendency t
try It. They have a right to their own narr wness . lust as you hay a r" t • ur
very carefulJy. There is the danger of making declSJ:t ~~. .

vel)' t .d~te ought. In general, this is not a good time t rn e

Ofr:mc_ but rather a tiJM t ItMl\ Icr sun you are in a position where yoU are
ffft t c~ your for Y m.ydo it frequently. H you try to make a perm~~e;\~ Uranus Square Mereur)
tment t newcourw of action, you are likely to embarrass yourse . This can L ta ay
lie an extremely confusing tran-it becau.e n w in- rmati nan'
Planets in Transit

, to "get away from it all" on a lazy relax' ,

' IS tranSit will ll\~1.
' ent decisions on, most
've IS " , , Ing tflp Th'
'nte II Ig 0Llf object I
'1 eI eXcI'ting an
d interestmg m a posItive way , "I<.e
come at you very rapidly, It may be very dlfflcu r attitude toW ard
, , It to make I the may
t This matter
be ISmore
~~ 'h bl '
matters, If you have to ma ke a d eCISlon, " but yOU I' s are sor ted ou mpted ' to make rash faced Wit pro ems In research or a situ t' ,
calm and cool, try to put It' aSI'd e unh'I you, r fee Ing nsit peop Ie are I te now because of this, OLI haV~ beennew and creative 'I '
so utlon, this transit willa hIOnI In wh'ICh you have to
difficult than it looks, because 0 ten un er d thiS tra d'ffcu t
alsO I I 'ntific or technological If Ye up With a 'nto a rut in which it runs through the sa- e PI '
gets I f
... e so utIons
other times yOur
'n ofte~ Hows you to escape rom the rut and to think I o~er and over ,
impulsive' , ,
deCIsIOns, ,
Business transac t'Ions arensactlons , 'n SCle
I nsit and may not be so
tendency, However It IS POSSI e to, a s mboJism 0 ulltra
" 'bl h ndle tra f the ttll, transit a
ThIS " a ong different lines ,
fields especially electronics, These fit the y nces, be caref ble time for Introducmg new elements into yo 1' (
difficult. But even under the best 0 ClfCU
f' msta
mely nervous and tense, This is a fa vora y bring an unexpected surprise, Or you mur I e ' Communlcations '
extre f oJTl others rna This is a favorable time to announce anythin say sO~ething that
' transl't ca nThis ha t yOU ee,
be ttransit
f I 'f nervous al'I ments, I'f You r es others, , , d ' g new Or Inn '
A negative effect of thiS may slgnl Y ufprisor F example, thiS IS a goo tIme for a manufacturer t ' OVatlVe to
because of the fast tempo of events, , S }d or d ' 'd 0 Introdu
the dw , begin a new an innovative a vertising or administ t' ,ce a new
have a natural tendency In , t h t directIOn,
a t t e r how carefuII y You ~ou ct or to ra Ion pohcy With'In
' No ma a cOJTlpany,
'te disruptive, d nd you may be forced to
Traveling under this transit may ' be qUi
ork out as P I therelanne , a is also t he d anger of
make your plans, your n t 'p will not w
' t times, Un or f tunate y
Drive carefu II y,
travel at the most inconvenJen tto a minimum,
k Uranus Opposition Mercury
accidents so traveling should be ep ' S I ' t is that your ideas and
' f thiS tran II
'festation 0 Y r beliefs may very we be 't may bring considerable excitement into your life from sev 1 diff
One important psyc h0 Ioglc 'al Iman! haJlenged byo thers, outhat you know f '
or certam r h' transl "1 d' era erent
opinions are likel,y to be ~ trongforceYyoUc to exam,ln , e them so ways of th'In k'mg, h'IC h ,
different v: qu
arters, s
It general effect IS to stlmu ate an qUIcken the tempo of your
'nk' Y 'II b bI '
'tion and thl mg, ou WI not e a e to SIt back and take it ea f
every ay
right but the Universe WIJI ttracted to radICally Th' will affect your profeSSIOnal mmumca , 1 sy, or you
' y ay be a h' time IS h cO t ntly be exposed to news, conversations, etters and other comm ' ,
whether they are, ou r:', f m others at t IS 'I ' any area, be sure t at you ill cons a k' k unlcations
k OSitIOn ro "strong y i n , , W 'II challenge you to rna e a qUlC response and which can be quite ups tt'
can also provo e opp your opinIOns , ht avoid stating your position that WI 1 f ' h fl 'b'I' h I e 109,
If ou express 'f are fig , h 'II have to faceI i e WIt
life in particular, Y d h m, But even I you , f r you may learn from t em, You W , more eXI I Ity t an usua and be prepared to ch ange
" to defen t e "nts of View, 0 , , your th In' king on a number of Issues,
are in a pOSitIOn nders tand others pOI 'd it can be dogmatic in ItS expresSion
dogmatically, Try to Utes radical, new leas,
Even though Uranus genera
At its best, this transit ~iv~s you an op~ortunity to become involved with new and
of them,
rmulating ways of thmkmg and lookmg at the world, You will be attracted to
Uranus Trine Mercury systems of thought that let you discover new facets of life, You may begin
to study astrology, other occult disciplines or a scientific or technical field , Any subject
, ,
t and Interest 'eryday
In ev life, without
, " pushing
b' that allows you to experiment and tryout new ideas will appeal to you,
~~:e:p~l:oOth: c~n n~ I::~; ::~:tls
' ft n produces excltemen " t Your everyday activIties flng
point that you 'of life that you may not have
new an d I'nteresting encounters t at p However, this transit also has a problem side. Be careful not to let the tempo of your
encountered before, life become too rapid, for it can accelerate to the point that you cannot keep track of
' 'ty , Your mind is sharpened, what is happening. There is a danger that you can become mentally exhausted and
I I ' I tes menta I ac tIVI ' Iand
This transit particu ar y stJmu a " d You feel ready for anythmg, as ong suffer from nerves and anxiety, particularly if you are used to a rather quiet routine
your interest in the world about you IS Incre~se, 'th other people even those whom Try not to be too bothered by upsetting news, Deal with events as calmly and carefully
as it is exciting and different. Your,conver~atJo~h:~ new topics are'discussed, you are as possible, and if you begin to feel harried, don't take on any more responsibilities
you meet every day, become more mterestmg, h" excellent time to encounter than you have to.
ready for the new ideas that you are exposed to, T IS~, an db 'ld up better patterns
people and ideas that help you elevate your mental ha Its an UI
of thinking, Traveling at this time is not a very good idea, A pleasure trip would bring t many
unexp~ted surprises to be enjoyable, and it would not be at all relaxing. If you tra',el
This is also an excellent time for learning new ski'II s, partIcu
' I arIy f ao , or
scientific e for bUSiness, so many things may go wrong unexpectedly that you would be better if
technological nature, and new techniques for expandmg . your mm B
'd an d expenenc se' ~t making the trip. This transit may also scatter your thinking so much that y u
It is also favorable for studying astrology, yoga and other occuI t tec h m~ue
' ot if
s , ecau ~Uld not make important decisions. This is an excellent time for ne\' di. ' venes
of Mercury's association with travel, this is also a good transit for traveling, but n hnew experiences, but it is not good for making commitments that .ill bind YlU
In t e future. In general this period is not good for business neg tiations.

, ct Venus
Uranus ConJUJ1 I 'k I
CU I <I r ' You are ley to seek new A re Ia I
fon ship formed a t this time can be 10 1 '
' ' s ecta ,
The effects of this transIt are often qUIte Ph's especIally those WIt ' h
the 0PPosit d ' d' ng ast1ng b
f om sponta neIty an Interest that att ' ut only if .t
nues to hav~
freedom and excitement through your re Ia tions
f Ip1 an
, old, stea d '
y marnage Or othere ' he ree " , racted y ' I COnti
t nd routinIzed, It may not hold up too w II Ou In the first I
sex, You may even decide to break awa}I ron h a new affaIr 'B , u t th IS
' IS , a~ extren,e stale a e , P aCe , If it b
relationship and seek a second youth thlrou~peciallY if your cu~re,nt relatJ?nship is Dunn
' g this time you may also become invol d '
'h ve In u
response whIch ' IS , by no means In , evitab e, e ill change your eXlstmg relahonsh' , IpS, . for entertaInment t at you don't norm 11 d nusual SOCial a f ' ,
basically sound, It is more I,'I.. eIy that yOU ore w interes t'm g and less routme" EVery thIngsto do them, If your life is like mOst peop~e? 0, And that is pr C,lV lh es , doing
, want, that has d '
omInate d'It, an d You are tn"ln s,t YOu
d are see king to eClse
b lLy Why You
sexual and otherWIse, so that the"J are ' mto behaVIOr ' patterns that ktll sponta nelty '
outlne ' 7 goo th' h reall. Out f h
relationship, no matter how goo d, settles I' 1 Into offer eac h 0 ther ' In other words , yo Uget r area where most people quickly fall into habits If IS t rough YOUr rei t' 0 ,t e
and make you both feel that you ha ve Itt h eng the situatIOn,
, an nsl' t can s h ow you th e woeh I ,
range of potent' I f you a re Willing to a 10nshlpS
' ' '
bored, You can count on thIS , trans it to c a e " tra W ill have the chance to find out exactly whla t LOr '
ex penence
' With othsee It . th'IS
You d ou will be able to choose all your relationshipa II.lnd ,of socIal . Contacts er peopl e,
Ia tionship wIll vary accordIng
d new a, frectory II ' to YOUr an Y s more Intelligently , you need ,
Th b h
e means Y WI'ch you revive, an ' reunsatlS a and you areff' natura
If y Impulsive '
temperament. If a reIa tI'onship," IS qUIte
nner by see k I'ng a new love ,a aIr, you are n,Ore
you may respond in the "c1ass l,c ma xisting relationship, you ~I11 go through a period Uranus Square Venus
conservative and also happier IJ1 an e I,ne the relationship and make necessary Y r love life and relationships in general will be un d'
t ' I ' I b '
o f tensIOn
' th a t w I'll lead you 0 reexam , pro bl em s now " a marriage counse, or might
ou dd
' h' transit. You may su en y ecome Involved pre Ictabl
in relat' h' e and d'Ifhcult
, during
c anges, If you ar e married and havIJ1, g
enhven you r marriage, which an doutSIder h ' might f( ISm what you would normally expect. If your relation IOns IpS that
are qUite different
b h I f I Y need new ideas to te new arrangements un er dro to day WIthout , h'
muc eXCItement, you may sudd I
SIPS usual\
y go along frOIT\
e e p u, ou , d couples crea "d f hIS ' tranSit,
ay'ting, You may be attracted to people who are qUite d'ff en y want
b e a bl e to provl'de , Some marne 'h'ch they a II ow relationshIps OutSI e 0 t elr Own , f one th at 'IS more
lass background or personality, Differences are themselve I erent rom
such as an open marriage, m ':" I propriate for the two of you, YOUrself in age ,
In this regard you mus t do what IS ap , , crelationships, At t h e same time t e relationships you seeks will
' h an escape
be On fro m everyday
b 'nding that allow you more freedom to COme and go Th ' d ' ~ that are not
a become mVO , Ived in a relationshIp that h'IS completely
so you may t h'In k you are looking for a stable' andIS eslref JIS n0 t , aJWays
, 1,
If }'ou are not married, you m y 'enced before, However, In t IS case, you conscious,
different from anyt h'mg yo u have expen d wness of such a reIatlOns' h'Ip may b e a Iarge but i'nstead you b ecome InVO ' Ive d In
" something unpredictabl peace d u reJalIonsh'
' Ip .
h 'tement an ne , , ' h
should be aware that t e eXCl , b older and more routIne It mIg t not last. actually your own d eSlre ' not to b e CommItted ' that is making th e anl ' unrehable
h' ' It .IS
" k nd when It ecomes ,
factor in making It wor , a ,h U s on Venus! Make no permanent plans In ere allons Ip unstable ,
' Id for ou cannot tell WIt ranu
:~cthl: ~~~ti~nshi~ until after this transit is over,
A stable marriage may go through a period of readjustment now Th' ,
for releaSIng ' aIIt he h'dd '
I en tenSIOns t h at h ave
' built up between you, dIS ISt a 'good lime

An unstable marnage ' may break up at thIS , time

, especially if youan 0s artlng afresh,
, If au are involved in an artistic activity, you will brim
Venus also rules'dcreatIve is attracted to someone new, Domestic boredom can be very destr rt' your dpartner
' h'
Th' can bYe a very creatl've transit , although you may have to
transIt. ' uc Ive un er t IS
over with new leas, , IS h t have learned into your regular techniques,
wait until it is over to mtegrate w a you

A new relationship that comes along at this time may not prove very lasting or reliable ,
As long as it introduces excitement into your life. it is fine, but as Soon as it becomes
Uranus Sex tile Venus ro~tine o~e of you will probably want out. Very often a relationship that begins under
thiS transit represents a rebellion against your peer group standards, Pressure from
This transit will con~iderably enliven your SOCIal
, Me, an d reI ' h'IpS , You WI'II have
atlOns your friends may be so great that maintaining the relationship is not worth putting
opportunities for different kinds of encounters with others, and you will form, new up with the disapproval of others,
friendships and perhaps a new love interest, All of these new relationships Will be
different from your old ones, and all, even the love relationships, will give you and A milder manifestation of this transit is that you may begin collecting unusua: and
your partners more freedom, You are not inclined to be jealous and emotionally beautiful objects for your home, Or you may seek out new and different 'inds ot
possessive under this transit, and you demand that others be equally free with you, ~musement. But be careful not to saddle yourself with anything that cann t stand OIl
You are seeking new kinds of experience with people, and you need to be free to have Its own merits later on, Your tastes are not follOWing their usual pattern at t is :;me,
them, Your new relationships may have an unusual quality that makes th~m and what you like now you may dislike later,
departures from the past, You may be attracted to people from a very different sOCIa)
background or to people who are older or younger than you; or a rela tionship may
begIn under unusual conditions, Uranus Trine Venus
During th' ,
IS perIod your relationships will have a new feeling l

' a love relationship, this tra '
d In
' If not currently ' olve
JnV , ' likely 'd'ff
to be qUite I erent nSIt 'l'I
excitement. you are And It IS h " ,and unus ay
II k the beginning of one, find someone w 0 IS quite different f ual
very we mar erience, You may e or interests, and it will be th ' r0'l'l Id be much better to use the energy f h'
I t wou
in terms of, your past exp ethnic group: ag escape from the everyday rut IS Very , relations h IpS,
IOf t hey h ave O
anythi t IS tran Sit' to redef'
eX lete expreSSIOn 0 ~ourself and YOur lOved on 0 0 fer . So that the c ange YOur
istlng 'f ng at all t f Ine and h
you in SOCial background, You are seeking to unlike the "hard" transits of U:hroU8h
difference that attracts youbably will. Howe;er, 'th this transit the relationship a~us to com~, h the compromIses that YOu make d es , The best rei r Y, are a more
in w IC 0 not require a lonshlps are th
this new love, and you pro nd opposition, "':lld 'nterest and excitement dl'r 51 ould Person. YOu to become a d'l " OSe
' , square a I t bUI I ect y ,
Venus (conJunctIOn, 'II be ab e 0 d d II Also you will be bl Into ([erent
h f you WI t Ie an u' a e to ' are working in a creative art form th' ,
last, because t e two 0 , on't become s a'd othering each other With 81ve If yOU , IS w,1l b
Your relationship so that It w can avO! sm excessive Peno' d You may not get much actual Work don b e a tremendously ,
each other enough room that yOU ' nd techmques,
, w h'IC hI ater you will be e,bl ut YOu WI\I ' be exp shmulat'
d Ing
I d essiveness, ideas a a e to integrat ' Ose to new
C oseness an poss , h' 's a good time to make ch technique , e Into Your overall
lationshlP, t IS I , anges So
'voIved in a re 'II learn that neither of you needs to fear th
If you are a Irea d y In nd fresh, You ~I _ X ression, e
that it becomes renewed a d indiVidual self e p
other's desire for In'depe ndencea n U' , Uranus Conjunct Mars
' that possess the ranlan quahty of bel'
, ' I brings about ' nds hIPSt ctive, Every kmd
fne 'f 0
'I contact evng
socia Th ' transit calls forth very potent energies that can be qu 't d'
ThiS transit a so II as cons ru , " ' en IS
' , an d chaIIenging t'as ewe h ndled. Any effort to SI'd estep the issues that this tran I'te Isrupti
' Ve, h,(ut they must
excIting and uneXCI't I'ng , may prOVide fascmatmg new experiences be a 51 raises Could be d'
IIy rou In ,
those that are usua 11 d ring this tranSit, ISastrOU:>,
now, Life wiJI not be du u U nu s and Mars together represent explosive forces that m b k
ra ay rea out '
r life, but especially in areas ruled by the house in wh' h h' In any area of
UranuS Opposition Venus you IC t IS transit OCCurs.
On the psychological level, you may be much more irritable th 1
, 'II b the sources of change in your life at this time,
Y love life and relationships WI deb 'n to question the basis of your relationship outbursts of anger. C on d "ltions·10 your l'f I e that you have put up an Usua
'th f and prone t 0
our tless an egl ,, ' though they are wrong, now b ecome mto ' 1 era bl e , You simply willWInot or11 yearsh' even
A loved one may become res f ed and ask that the relatIOnship be changed
d more re om d' h continue. Even 1Imitations
· . . Impose
° d f rom Wit. h out that always seemed a' t ow t em to
He or she may deman 'f to become rigid an posseSSive, owever, now seem completely ImpOSSl
' 'bl e to bear, qUI e reasonable
" t the time or you , A d ' I '
considerably, ThIS IS no I'k Iy to lose everythmg, goo re ahonship
ld ow you are I e h
If you try to ho on n 'but all kinds of tension will surface t at you and your
What you are feeling is the need to assert your individuality against all the forces that
probably will not break up, , h before, You should allow this to happen and not try
artner may not have dealt Wit d have been blocking its expression in the past. You want to be yourself and have
pto smooth over feeI'mgs that should be expresse . I , recognIze
individua Ity . d f or w hat"It IS, not for w h at others expect it to
be . You your
to do things immediately that you have never done before, With some degr~ of care
b th ne who becomes restless and demands a change
It is also p~sibl~ that you ma~ ~n t; ~eel that it has become boring, so you seek out a and moderation, this energy can be used quite creatively , It is imperative that you

~::,h~~:::~;;~:,o~~';'o~fde .he exd.emen ••ha. y?U feel ;5 lac~~ng. Und~~ ~~e

release the tensions you are feeling now. Suppressing this energy will only lead to
worse problems.
influence of this transit people often form relatIOnships that wou seem f Ig Y
improbable to themselv~s and others under other circumstances. You ;nay o~ ~ If you try to suppress this energy, it will usually surface as a sudden urgent physical
relationship with someone who is very different in age, background or cu ~ure or Wit illness that requires an operation. It is as if your body suffers from the effects of the
someone who is already committed to anoth er. Of ten a reI a t IOns
' h'p II'
I beginS between explosive energies that your mind has refused to deal with.
two people who cannot really get together, as exempl I'f'Ie db y a you ng woman fa Ing
in love with a married man who has no real intention of leaving his wife. The energy can also leak out and generate usually unconscious actions on your part
that set you up for an accident. An example of this is an insignificant action when
The problem is that there is a real ambiguity in your mind about yourself and ~our driVing, such as pulling out of a side street when an oncoming car is a bit too close
relationships. You want to be close to people and to be free at the same, tl~e, If you are at all psychologically accident-prone at other times, then take special care
Consequently you will be attracted to relationships that either express your deSire or during this transit. It must be said, however, that contrary to the older texts , aCCIdents
freedom or that are impossible to consummate, as described above. For this reason y~~ ~re not the most common manifestation of this transit, because most people encounter
should not expect any relationship formed under this transit to last very long. It co~ Its energies at a more conscious level. Even so, you should be careful in dealing with
I.ast, but you 5hould not expect It.
In the future!
. is a good time to enjoy the present. 0 on 't live
' ThiS any Sort of machinery, firearms or explosives. These are Mars-Uranus ob1ects and y~u
may f d h h AVOld
10 t at they are not under your control when you have to use tern,
them as much as Possible during this transit.
V anuS S extile Mars ,
r" to Th
asser t yourself and
h ' your, individual
, , ' a
ItY £ten the effects of this tranSit are more
do things
'can". '11' .. you opportunItIes
thatw.youg,have never don' b,(o'" , keynote of t IS transit IS 'freedo,,",
.. , fld
b. '0 Q
ite 0 'd 'b d b unconsCiou
f the fee li ng escrr e a OVe , This Can I d s , t at IS Yo
If I " are ' d" ea to un , ' eruUt'WI\ not b e
aW 0 hat can be qUite Isruphve , ACCidents th t ConSCIOUS
my" . d .ha. you wHl be able wO'k . energy t eh ow made mOre I'k l eyI are One outco""a You f have nOt apparent!P IOns of th e
stimul~te 'o~ be in
0 '0
e~,,:~ :a", '0 do. You w'~,: (eellng "lIi,h "lI-lndulgen. bu't :~l'at.
wI wi/1 be the mood for diSCiplined qUite haY e som
' n may be another, espeCIall ' y if You hav... e this \1 ' A n I'IIness thatYrcaUsed b Ut
You, phy'leal 0' ope ratio ea ted b y thIS " transit , e rea y been trYing to reqUlres an
hard at any, tas Yf wor k , is notnalthat
It youan d are unwilling to compromise , energy cr ePress the
sacrificing kmds 0 needs I real a nswer to thi s transit is to try to achie
nderstand your perso T
he on y d' Th Ve some sec

you "aily u .' that have been holding You baCk f d wh a t you are omg, en YOu will not feel SUch Urlty about who yo
restnctJOns h rO are an h a nd ill-considered acti ons, You may still feel need to break free a u
b ddenly released from e in that would truly elp Your Person I ke ras I 0 1ged to d n
You may. "u
many actIVIties you
would Hke
' o u a new r
,ngag (eedom.o act.
At o.h" tlm" You _ •Ill
I'f b ''1ay
to . 'f can. b"aU"m you, nonna ,ou';ne, but It wHi not b
a " goo, "0 0 'O""thi"gth.. i,
d,,,,",,;... d
development, an this wi/1 gIve dyrebeI again ,
'st obstacles In your fI e,h ' ut now that IS
I h d
have fe t t e nee to lash out" an to get n'd 0 f the obstacles anse 0 ft helr Own ' accOrd , Uran us T rine Mars

not necessary, The opportunJtles an olga ' T h " 0 t em In, order t0
bl' tion to take advantage , nsit represents an opportunity fo r vigorous activity d I
th opp
d tan e ortunities
I carry
h t you are capable of dOing, I' IS, transIt
d' h wdl en1arg e Y
"a a somewhat shy and ,,';, In. P"'o" ': '-"""10" Ev,,, if
un ers d more complete w ICh has probably been 1too Imlte d In t e past. You
b'l" y wah' OU are
our mark on t h e war Id aroun d you, O thers will'ransa
stand dwill enabl e you to
your I'dea 0 f your capa Iltles,nd risks even I'f you have a ways acte conserVatively , ma e ye that you are a bl e to b rea k out of Your old habits andup an take f not'ICe When
WI 'II enJoy
' taking bl
d' a that you h av e been too careful before,
cover h se
they 'd f Ways 0 aChng d
and you will proba y IS lly You will show new Sl es 0 YOUrself and attempt to do tho h aroun
ot ers, try, Quite Ii k e 1y you WI'II SUCcee d , It is not that you COuld
lOgs 'tt hat you would n't
t h mgs
' before but that you d I'd n ' t b eI'leVe you Coul d ,
F ee , every way, You will probably usua n ave done th ese
u now In
" Iar res tn'ctions in life, and
'II bek attracted
' to
r dom is important , to yo d SImI , you WI wor hWIth them , ,
others who have expenence M S
b ttracte d to movements for social reform and c bange, It is f
represents the principle of individual self-assertion and Uranu bl
If you have ever een a will do this now , Having found out more a Out your ' d new ways of doing thIngs , Together they enable you ' 'd I to
to express You'd'"You
especially likely that you " you will enjoy stirring up others so that they asm"never before and to acquire
, new
' f' con Idence in YOurself, ' ' " r' In IVl ua lty
, 'd of restnctJOns, , h h I' , ,
capabilities by getting
f h n elves too, H ow ever , you must recognIZe t at t e ImItatIOns
can find that out or d't emsrEe were, no t pu t there solely by powers beyond your control. YO" may choose to wmk at new acti vities with oth,,,, but only if th. allow you to b<
you hav"ncoun""
You '",to tern,
at least acqUiesced h el'th" out of fea" a sense of pe"onal inadequo<y you"elf, You a" not in the mood to comp,omise, because yOu do noty see any need to,
or a desire to be careful. and you a" pwbably 'igh!. At the same time YOu don't f,,1 any P"tkul" need to
make oth" peopl, go along wi th you eithec You a" qui te COnt'nt to go YOur Own Way
and wmk by you"ell. You will set out to accomplish tasks and begin new projects on
your own that are expressions of who and what you are,
Uranus Square Mars

Watch out fo, Impul'lve acHons, ",h decisions and oth" actions that may h;;; Und" the influence oi this t"nsit you may become int""ted in oth" peopl..
sudden un"p.cte<! consequences and undesi"ble "suIts lO the iu tu", You m?
freedom, because you undewand f'om yo", own effons that it may be difficult for
that y;ur ego is at stake in some way and that you have to assert yoursel now
regardless of the risk of getting involved in 3n accident. them to gain thei, f'"dom , Fo, this "ason you may become involved in organ'''tions
that wo,k io, the ,ights of othe" and help them to become Iib"ated 'n SOme way.
You will
wage helplife,
in Your those who a" engaged in the same kinds of fights thai you have had to
Th"e may be conside"ble tension with oth"s who seem to be in yo", way all the
time, It may be difficult to avoid disputes and "blowing up" at others, This transIt
challenges your sense of security and just how much you believe you can assert
H you ieel that You have nev" had the oppo,tunity to show everyone who you are
Yo",se/l, The mo" inse,"" you a", the m 0"
likely you a" to do some thing .ash as
and that You have been limited by oth" people 0 , by ci<cumstances beyond your
a way of saying to the world that you are a person to be reckoned with , Authonty
Cont'Ol. this you
t"nsit gives you the Oppo.tunity to take contwl 01 you, own lif, and
fig",es who limit yo", heedom of movement and seli-expression are very likely t.,ge" make it what Want.
10' yo", "bellion, which may be th,ough petty acts 0, thmugh I.,g" actions thai
could get you into difficulties. It is not that you are wrong in wanting to ass'"
you",/!, butwhat
effeclJve, Do the wayst byOu chOOse
thatyo ' to, do this
, "., not very well considered or Uranus Opposition Mars
u mus, ut act With a lIttle discretIOn. With thl's t ransJt
' You can expect rebelhous, an d exp I OSI\'e
' energle ' t 0 ent"r < ,\'l'Ur life,
You may begm . to chafe at the restrictions o n y our !tfe
, and brea I... tree l t'I e
h m, (If thers
~ OU have P
d n them . Mars represents the u
lace 0 . b
' the urge to ecome free a n d
' 'ons that Y d Uranus IS
tfiCu k down barriers with a tremendous feeling f '
t es rty an brea ' h h' ' h 0 OPtimism t.r
Lei JgJlns ~ indJvid ua I ' y dynamic. nize that WI t t IS tranSit t e Situation c h . rlOweYer yo h
J\ reI! r O\~n , 'on IS ver recog b d an c ange Y ' u s ould
rtunity that comes, ut 0 not COunt on anyth' h ery qUIckly TaL
m JSsert rournecomblnatJ d nyone who says that you cannot do oppo M k Ing t at com ' ...e any
tt.' ed, d towa r a h dl h long time, a e sure you have an alt es Into YOur life
nstruCIU{ . ht 'ng moO d fly off the an e at t e slighte t last a ernate plan now to
U , a fig I I 'vely an " y s circumstances, In case of changed
, l'\ to be JIn ct mare impu 51 d to h 0 Id everythmg In. ou want to aSSe r t
) <'U Jre YOLI wi! a,£ . u usually ten b t the obstacles you come up against
somelhln,g, especially I yo 'bly concerned a ou , Y may have sudden Opportunities for travel, which 'II
oea tlOIl , not tern
pro". If and yoU are fondness for taking risks, You tak rEe You wil I see new wor Id s a I together rather than th
fou WI expose Y
ou to new aspects
rourS(' , be a new k' S b ' e o I ' h h
known, You can expect t at w atever happens will be
e world that h
' You aVe always
. 'nf this transIt can h hance of wor mg out, u conscIOUsly
( t tlO a , have muc c h " k· b' stimulating. quite challenging ana
One manlIe5 d do , that don t If by pul I'Ing 0
a thIngs ff a "long
s ot or ma mgha Ig splash
h nees an ove yours e d 'njuries if you are too ras ,
c a may be trying 10 pr I lead to accidents an I
) au
if yOU fall,
' But this can a so
h' feehng 0 re
f beJlious self-assertJOn and make yOur
b h
Because you value your own freedom at this time, you res

P on
other people's ability to be free, This realization :ek

lifestyles as Iong as t h ey d 0 not interfere with youa esAYOu

ct t e fact that It depends
d more tol erant 0 f
' au can suppress t IS, g But this is not a good idea, ec~use. t e energy h I " h rs , n yOu may become
on as~f
quite a fighter for ot er peop e s ng ts as well as Your Own.
SometImes otning were happenJ,n It ,the resu It is some kind of phYSical dlness that
IJ J n
I ego away, If you suppress, ' 't signifies that you need to make changes
does not go f ult ThIS transl h b
does no I Seem to 'llbeallow your you a to' be more se If-assertive than you ave een ,
'n your life that WI Uranus 5extile Jupiter
I .
Hect your reIatlOns ' with other people,h If others feel the need Under this transit you will have several opportunities to expand yo h '
Th transil maya Iso a
broaden t~e range of your expenence , These may arrive from several directions, but
h t te their case and t en try to come to some , ur onzons and
IS " t h you let t em s a , h . 'II
10 be more assertIve WI , II thers to be themselves Wit you, It WI be
' h them If you a ow 0 Id I ' l'k I they all wdl make you unde:stand more about your life and let you see how it fits Into
accommodation WIt ' T ' g t live according to your 0 p an IS not ley the overall pattern of the universe,
easier to be yourself with them hi' r,ym po chological explosions are expressions of
ell at t s tIme, sy
to workedoul very' that sho uld have been handled before when there was less energy
One manifestation of this is a sudden educational Opportunity, although not
unresolv tensIOns " t I te to handle them, if you are willing to be necessarily a regular school or college situation , This transit can encompass many
b h' d h Even now It IS not 00 a b 'II
e ~n IYou
flexIble, em.may have t 0 ma ke truly revolutionary changes in your life, ut you WI different types of educational experience, For example, you might take up the study
benefit in Ihe long run, of astrology or other occult techniques of mind expansion and self-understanding.

This transit can also present an opportunity for travel , but as with all Uranus transits
Uranus Conjunct Jupiter
that signify travel, you should expect an exciting rather than a relaxing trip . In the
It is very hard to predict the exact effects of this transit. It is best described as a sUdfden course of your travels some of your cherished ideas about life may be upset, but that
change in fortune, but which way the change Wl·11 go IS ' not easy t 0 s ay . More 0 ten should not be too disturbing, One effect of this transit is to make you want to change
than not it is a positive change in fortune, beginning with a sudden unexpected ~ven: YOur views in order to experience life in a new and richer manner,
that opens new possibilities for free action. This may be a sudden wind,fal " a
unexpected job promotion or success in gambling, which is related to this combmatlo n, This transit can produce sudden runs of good luck, Taking chances at this time may
BUI with this transit there is a danger that your good fortune can be "easy come, easy paYoff, and long shots may come through, But don't take your luck for granted. for
e~entually this transit will pass, and you may not be so lucky in the future . Also, if you
IS aback. and let this transit bring you results without much effort on your part, this
Often this transit signifies a new restlessness a desire for freedom and new activities "I m,~suse of the transit's creative capabilities, Indeed, you should examine every
that will broaden your hon.: I d' ' f ther Uranus ucky break to see what it can teach you about how the universe works and hov.- you
. but It
transits, . can stgnify
. ons, t oes not have the explOSiveness 0 0 . your I'f
that I e, can take d h eedles Iv
you are ready to make sweeping changes m a vantage
accepted th I· . . of it. Each piece of luck can show you how you ave n .
e Imitations that were imposed on you in the past.
You are likely to be attracted t ki g at the
universe. You may feel th 0 new philosophies and new ways of 100 n kneW Personal g h , enees of
experiences that will give
at your old' .
VieWpOInt was too narrow, so y
ou see
uite thi rowt and increased freedom of action are the two malor consequ ~1.t
different from anything y YO~eater understanding. These experiences will be qand
s tranSit ·f I' rienee. I' oS
peopi ' 1 you take the opportunity to make this a earnmg expe dift 'cult
e reCog· h b , . more I
ou Ve done before. You are inclined to take chances to r . nlze t at hard times can be a learning experience, ut It IS
ecognlze that you can learn from the good times also,
'ter J'fe not by a sudden overthrow but b
us Square JupJ , , ,
f your J , b 'b ' Ya gradu I h
Uran d ptimism, which IS fme, but it c o Th's transit can nng a out new involvem , a c ange in
, of exubera nee an 0 d f' 'I and mater an In 'h revolutionary tec mques of mind exp ent' with sPiritual
'g J h ' " YOur unde rstand_
feelrng d to ta k e unwarrante mancla H ' I
la I
nsl't bnng s a great on fident an mbler In'almost anyone, , owever, like all or
ot er b h
f thinking and eon t e ookout for new anslon ' ou Will revolt aIngs.' ast ro Iogy
ways 0 gh to understand these truths YOurself, appr~aches to the truth gyaln~t narrow
This tra b foolishJyo , gs out the ga h t to expect from this one, and You may
lead yOU to ~binatiOn bnnknow exactly,w a optimism a bit. Nothing at all rna', b enou b
e learned, You may ecome involved in grou
' You wIll w ' et It will
ant to teach other h not
ThIs CO 'hard to , traIn your '11 ' J
risks, ansits, it IS J 'f yOU don t res d with caution, especla y m financial have are involved in the occult. Under this tra ps, Or organizations thatSt W aht You
Uranus tr If 'n troub e I w So procee 'deas or d nslt You ar eac new
rnd yoU rse I 'us t don't kno, loose ends, I larger social order, an you always have it in m' d e extremely conscio f
but yOU] J t to leave any
refu no d the In , Whatever You are
e also inclined to be less materialistic than us I I '
matter,S andbeca 't can some tl'mes cause unexpecte , expenses Or You ar b d ' f Ua , t IS not th
d 't take ns 'ks , this translbecause you have failed to take mto aCCOunt terial resources, ut you on t ear that you will have h at You don't value
Even if yOU on es But that happe~s ou at this time, ma
h bread upon th " IS
e waters h this tran 't'any, s Ortag eo f them , "Cast
' your motto wile
financiaJ shortag 'Id cause trouble or Y t y 51 IS In effect.
that cou d '
some factor
'J' t go along WI
'th the social an economIC system in
U 'd Overall, this transit represen ts ~n enormous oPPOrtunity to bro
" symbo J'IzeS your abl 'Ity rk a for you, The square from , ranh'us pro , hVI hes a series enco
unter tremendous new expenences that will make yo I'f aden YOurself and
ur I e mUch ' ,
which you hve an
d to hmaket testItyour
wo abilIty
, , to han dIe your relatIOns Ip Wit t e system, and rewarding, more Interesting
ected events t a
of unexp d h y the world works, what you can and
' d towar t e wa , 'II d Uranus Opposition Jupiter
If you have a realistic attItu 'II e in f'manCla, ' I matters this transit WI not , 0 ,any
t do effectively, espeCla y,
canno en brIng a su dd en chance to take advantage of I'a situatIOn. , , During this transit you should watch the affairs of your life very f II '
t'c lar damage, It may ev ' su dd en I y t h at can b e extremeIy productive
' and benef'c'careI 'fu y, Situations
par I u at it's a real opportum'ty, If you , are not clear about your ImitatIOns, will anse '
Just make sure th, ome unpleasant surprIses, "
them in advance or extremely difficult , you do not. Events happ
If I la I you f recognIZe
this transit could brIng s
will not have the usua I time
, to f'Igure them out before you act If you
en so t ast
t t at' kl
, s trl'king out against the system, You may
't may sym b0 IIze ' , ' ac
you may fmd yours,elf out on a very unpleasant lImb, but if you don't act qUickly
00 qUlc y,
At the same time, t IS ftransllues from the pre val'Il'ng culture and pursue a lifestyle that enough, the ch~nce IS lost. Consequently this transit can produce both sudden losses
adopt a different set 0 va h lived If you do, you may experience and sudden gams, As a general rule, however, you would be well advised to be
' 'ff t f m the way you ave ' " B
is qUite dl eren ro al from your f'rIen ds a nd others around you at thiS hme, ut cautious, The opportunities you miss by acting slowly may not be worth the risk , This
1 d'
' e 'Isapprov
h 1 t bellion that comes WI'th other Uranus transits , it is just that you is a gambler's transit, and many people respond to it by taking very long-shot risks ,
this IS not t e
h b n to expenenceVIO en:e the worId d'ff I ere ntly from those around you, As a result , It makes you want to gamble, but it does not make you especially lucky,
y~~; p~:t of view is different. You wish to be free of the narrowness that you see In
others, In your relationships the theme of freedom will be emphasized, You may become
restless and want to be free of an excessively restrictive relationship, You are Inclined
at this time to break away from secure situations and leap out into the unknown Simply
Uranus Trine Jupiter for the sake of the challenge, However, it may be that someone else will struggle to
This is one of the few transits that can be truly c haractenze
' d as Iuc k y, That is , it brings break free from your influence, Someone who has been with you a long time and ha
about unexpected breaks and good fortune, as well as a fee I109, 0 f b'emg f ree and able tod seemingly been satisfied may suddenly want out. But this is not likely to happen
take on any new experience that life has to offer . You feel more daring than usual an unless you both have been feeling a strain in your relationship, although you may not
willing to experiment with life. have chosen to recognize it until now,

Everyone's life is hedged about with certain restrictions _ your job, your family benef!t have
f been
. putting up with a tense and strained situation but not getting
. any
responsibilities your f' h' I" freedom
' fromInances '- t at sometImes seem to unduly Imlt your r these rom It, you will break free of the tension now and probably experience an
and prevent you
limitations com I teI b growing. You cannot really afford to throw, ove d this probably bsense
enormous h of' release, Even if you don't want to let go of the situation. you will
u e appler once it has gone,
transit proVid: ;h tb utt would like a break from them once in a while, an dden
opportunity for peras reIa d' It may happen through a sudden windfall, a su d n
But it may also happ'ona a van cement or the sudden lifting of an onerous bur e '
en In more sUbtle
ways, Uranus Conjunct Saturn
For example
, You may become' . ht that At this time in d bl d permanent
Will b Your life, structures you thought were depen a e an J' dden
open up new Vistas of und increasingly interested in new areas of thoug 'eS
erstanding I h' 'II' routln r~1 e threatened by sudden events, It is often a time of great tensJlln In _
eases of t ' h t
(lr )Jturn IS
' ntIs way you escape from the kl Ing
enslo n . This is a powerful combination because t e na ure
together almost always rePre
d the tWO Sent 'II work Eor change in the organizat'
f Uranu,S an you WI ' h h
, f ' d with aIry sc emes t at have littl
IOns YOu d
, e al With b
I froCll Ihal 0 , atlS Ie II h h e prachcal ' Ut Yo '
' diifertfl • rinClp/es, ects of eXIstence that you beli s hie ve a careEu y t oug t-out, rigorously planned value . Instead u WI~I nOt be
3 sen'
'lie t ot P
r3 lU"C(lnt ,
ahty 5
those asp
, I and
h '
d finite, It represents t e Inevitabl
e I ' b
;Ie do ubt about how your plans are to work C
n ·d hievement under this transit.
cOurse of action
, onsequently there is' thers WIll have

U WI1\ try to

j 'OUr re , mate(la nyone who c alms to e realist'

esl'fl lS Ch flg
lng , ted by a ,. h IC , sol! aC potential for ll1uch
",tUrn repr al llfl a
"" 11' re, h I rnu 51 be accep 'ng su dden change In , areas ,
t at yOu don'
tr uctures in your life serve two purposes F
to be IrU. of /ife t a C ture by caUSI
nTS lances h '5 strU , 't yOU t I
h' nk your situatIon IS, the more rig'd
" I A II 5 Id ' Irst th I'
tio n oE the wor so that you can deal w ' th " ey e Ill1inate ch f
cirCU IrJdiC/S t I h more deflnl e
Uranus can e And t e , the more S 0
h cking your experience of thIs trans '
PerceP I Il 1110 aos rOIl1
resent a constant challenge to grow and ch ' re eaSily, But th Your
t 10 chang, 'd a of reahty a I50 P , ange WIth h ese struet
e\peC 1 ble yOllr I I' hallenge, the structures In your IiEe can beco II) t em, If you d ures
d Inl eXI the c I" , me extremel I" 0 not accept
Even lUally this resu ts In a CflSIS situation in wh' h y Imlling and d d '
an, 11 to be y years in several areas of Your life , 'f I' I , I C you mu .h , e a enlng
IsII~e , , p for man ' h ' chologlcally, I not Itera ly , These cnsis situat' st elt er strike Out d'
been building u I f the little compromIses t at we all rnak p5Y U S Ions are s b ' or Ie
ion has I the resu t 0 B e gle transits of ranus to aturn (square conJ'unct ' ym ohzed by the h d
Usually tens ost common y h t we feel we can get. ut some of these an h h IOn Or 0PP '. ar _
' ns are rn f "f and w a h d'
These lens t we want out 0 I ~ r integrity even thoug you on t realize it. tr ansit gives you t e c ance to make creative chan OSlhonl. But the sext'l
' ges under I '
re ahvely favor blIe
between wha rnay violate your rn~e h wever and a force for change begins to c
on ditions so tha t structures In your life do not be
corne shf\in y a e
[Orn lses re of It, 0 " f J'f I opportunity to ensure that you can always work wlthm h g, ou should use thIS
eoCllP , J yOU are awa h the limitmg aspects 0 your I e, t begins
5ubconsClOUS Y 'II to overt row f " t e structures of Your life
h t eventually WI try, b n your desire to be free 0 restrictIOns and
operate t a b ble tenSIOn etwee
an un eara
to surface af~nsecurity and change,
your fear 0 I , Uranus Square Saturn
'h ething has to give, whIch happens suddenly,
the pOlOt t at som , h This is a time of considerable testing, Events will ch II
Eventually you get to , 't ith sudden actions that surpnse ot ers because
d to thIS transl w , d Y "
diSCIpline an d d uty, as we II as your notIons
' about thea enge y sense 0 f or der,
Id Your
People usually respon , d apparently unpremedltate, ou may break Wor , ou may en
'h t warmng an are " h k
disruptions t at rna e you won d er whether you really und ' d h ' COunter
they happen WIt ou ' h ' marriage or business partnership, leave a Job that erstan w at IS '
f f ctory relatIOns IP, , I h h b Y
around you, ou may b e forced to revise some of your ideas alth h gomg ~n
off an unsa IS a , dd I break away from somethmg e se tat as ecome a
beliefs will survive this transit without difficulty , , o u g any vahd
has become oppressIve or su en y
Restrictions that you have accepted but that have no real pu P ' \
Ultimately no matter how d'IS ruptive this transit seems, it is a force for good, because ' " rose In your avera \
indiVIdual growth may become unbearable at this time For e I 'f
It, clears away
'h t ose bUI'It -u p structures that had been holding, you back, You must be " " ' xamp e, 1 you are
pultlng up With a bad relatIOnship for the sake of emotional or financial securit
willing to let go of those aspects of your life tha t Uranus h~s disrupted ~nd not suppress m f d th t th t . h b Y' you
ay In a e enslOns ave ecome too grea t. You will expenence a sudden desire
this energy for change, Suppressing it can lead to tenSIOn-rei a ted diseases, su~h as
to break ~ree at all costs, even if it means violating your own standards of behavior.
colitis, ulcers or even heart and cardiovascular problems, At the very least you Will be
subject to extreme and uncomfortable tension,
Your a~tlonswill ~urprise
others who have believed the outward appearance that
everything was all nght. They will not expect your actions ,

In your profes' I' .

Uranus Sex tHe Saturn , slOna situation you may have greater difficulty than u ual in getting
along With you I If h '
'ob r emp oyers, t e tenSion becomes too great, you may want 10 change
During this transit you have the opportunity to make creative changes through a
system, It can be any kind of system, such as your work, the government or other
J s, B~t
you should make such a change only after carefully considering what your
br;sentdJob has to do with your real purpose in life . You should think ju t as carefullv
aspects of the social system, or il can be the "systems" you have created in your e ore eciding whether or not to leave a relationship, •
Pfharsonal world with your friends, family and loved ones, At other times you may feel
t I Ihe syslem you are'
I d 'h ' , .,
IOVO ve Wit gets In the way of your mdlvldua
I f ree dom and The purpose f h' , . .
Sf -expresSion, Bul now th I f h k hatever in life b t IS transit IS not to overthrow everything that you conSider Imp rtant
chang.. e ru es 0 I I' game afford you the chance to ma e W
cr-~ are necessary for y yo ' ut It does force you to examine the factors that are causing you to fall hMI
our own personal growth.
des~rPOlentials. In accepting these limitations you have settled "for 16 than y u
rVe or need.
,In YOur work, Ihis is an extre I . ill be
Impressed by Your' ,me y favorable transit because your superiors W ,
As th '
h mnovahve id y 'tion III
e conflIct b 'ld I d're fu
t at particular system B h eas, ou may be rewarded wi th a higher pOSI II'! order' UI s up between your desire 10 break tree and the nNml e:;
w'lf ' 01 at work d' unusua 'n'"' (tant
I '"8 to learn new Ie h ' an In your life generally you are In YOur lif h . .
c nlques and h that Yo b e, t e phYSical tension may become quite intense. It I H'r} I r' .
' you ave the diScipline to master them, u e able t I
o communicate with someone in order h,' he pre e
I th I ru; n,
re ating a sudden eVent that d"""s f
Th ' transit does n ot usually ca use but ]I u
sua II y byning
c "'" not It i
nOW, largely through en COUnters W'th nto the pattern of
because it can be quite damaging to your b,ody, ull~ers and other diseases rela ted to
it will worsen such conditions as heart disease, ;) "lS is hapP~les I others in clo Your life.
r h~tlLl e nem . se relationoL
~~ '
tension, or h h' .
I tension t at t IS tranSit can give rise t .
h sica ' b 0 IS On f'
,[he P y , ns. The tensIOn can .ecome so grea t that 0 e 0 Its rnore di .
.... anifes ta thlO colitis or u lcers or sImply a bad case of nYe u develop a pSYcho ffJcu~t
Uranus Trine Saturn
Ponsibility ca n lead youI' to , under_
' ' I'me, order an dd restand c as h "
'IIn ess su . h the problem t at IS causmg the tenSion
J" rves T . sornatlc
At this time in your II'fe, d ISCIP and respect your Imitations I UCh wit ' .
d' 0 avoid this t
an relea' , ry to get
standing and freedom, You WI'II Iearn to un ers limiting , Everyone h as I'ImitatIOns , , 'n tO . ma ny respects If the mamfestations of th O t ,se It. You are h
h no longer so f " I off In h IS ransa are . rnuc
and work with them so that t eyare d t lIy become tools or managmg Your better ter world , because t ere you Can deal w' th h not In Your b d
' the ou h i t e sou 0 Y
' , w ayan ac ua
but they can be used in a positive but In l.on is o nly a response to t e tensions you feel . r~e of the tension
life, Q dily tens In dealing With th s.
,,0 , e Outer
, I an d thorough , but you are not satisfied With
Your approach to life is very meth~dJCa k t ways to constructively create changes, t ou are
not being " hur t" poin tlessly . Like all Uranu t .
, II h s ranslts thi .
the status quo, At th IS" time yo u will
, see ouh 'eve what you want. N ot sahs ' f'led With Bu Y that you d on t h ave a t e answers about reali ty d h' s one IS letting
f ' , f action to ac I h d ' know ., h an t at the ' .
taking a very de Imte course 0 t to know exactly ow to 0 somethmg yOU L k a t the SItua tIOn t at way and assimilate what re IS st1l1 roorn
, ' ' I you wan , , ' row . 00 h h you are shown Th
abstract fonnulatlOns of pnnClp es, h k Therefore this IS an excellent transit for to g . nd try to den y w a t appens now , the more diff' I h' . e rnore
ed ,
so that you can imm late y , I get to t etas
' e ' you resist a ICU t t IS transit will be.
studying any difficult but practical techmqu '

, fIning new ways to advance in your profession , You may Uranus Conj unct Uranus
This is a good time or ear II orking carefully to expand your world and
b' , but you are rea y W "II ' f
appear am It!OUS, n Whatever your motivation, you WI wm aVOr
In some
cases this transit occurs very soon after you are b orn and th
. . en not again unfl
avoid undue limitations on youhr I e, ee that you have balanced hard work and re eighty-four. It can occur Immedi ately after birth if at b' th I
' because t ey can s yOU a . , Ir or SOOn aft
· . your supenors,
I' e hand Wit, h mnova
' t'10 n and originality on the other. For this reason becomes retrograde and tranSits the position it held a t b ' th er,
d Uranus . . 'f' d' , Ir Once or twice
ISClP me ont on romotlOn, 0 f some k'm d now, which will bring you greater power and At that time It slgm les co n Itlons that OCCur very early in I'f h
more , . . let at tend to
youh may. geB at p n if you ac h'leve a new position, you are not likely to cease working d' pt the normally tranqUil e n v iro nme n t of childhood . If this ha d
aut onty. u. e~e h
lsru , ppene In your
th t you are part of. You will continue for some time, se it could have one of two effec ts. You migh t have a continu ing sen f
for change wlthm t e system a . h' b I ca , se 0 uneaSe
and perhaps a Iways, to work for reform and new ways of dotng t tngs, ut a ways not quite knowing where the nex t .u pset or surprise will come from, even whe~
in the practical manner that got you there in the first place. everything is moving smoothly . O r It ca n insti ll a lifelong urge to be free i'nd to do
things in your own way.

Uranus Opposition Saturn

When this transit occurs when y o u a re ei g hty-four , it signifies the closing of an entire
During this transit the structures that you have built up in your ~ife will ~ore than life cycle, with very positive results , Th e effect of this transit is to free you from being
ever be challenged by circumstances. Areas of your life that you thtnk are and
so involved in the kinds of mundane c o n cerns that have dominated your life thus
dependable may cease to be, and you will be forced to make a lot of changes. It IS hkely
far - paying bills and taxes, making a ppoint m ents and such . This transit signihe
that you will feel a strong sense of uneasiness, because you don't know quite what to
expect next. changes that allow you to put you r en tire li fe in perspective and to relate it to eternttv
in some way. .

What is happening is that all the hidden tensions in your world are being released.
Your .p erspective is vastly increased, a nd you know now tha t this world i not all
They may be released in a relationship, even to the point that one of you suddenly
breaks it off, or in business, where a problem suddenly surfaces between you and your IS, which in turn causes you to a lter yo u r sense o f wha t is really important. Life
IS SWeet b t l I
employer, or even in your body, where tensions that have long been hidden and f , U you a so understand that there is something beyond, I OU can enJo" 'e
or what 't . d . .,. .
an d snaresI ISTh'an yet .not be so atta ch ed to it that you fall prey. to It little !lu IOrt~
ignored cause serious nervous problems.
You fOr the. IS transit
. confers the h ighest degree of wisd om and ,erv, 0 prt'part
Saturn in your horoscope tells a great deal about the way you experience reality. next step In your evolut ion .
Alth~ugh you may not like everything about your life, the Saturn element of your
consCIousness says that basically you understand what it is all about. But when a
Uranus transit such as this one comes along, you discover that you don't know what
you thought you knew. Uranus reveals aspects of life that you haven't considered at This tranS)' t U ranus Sextile Uranus

seVenty. occurS tW)ce

. in your life, once at the age o f h)urteen nd nee at about

en has a great deal to do with adol
are f our te h' escenc on d Uranus-Uranus square signifies the h
rs when yOU the world as somet 109 larger than e.
. that OCCU encounter d d YOll The sec Id age . T h ere 'IS 0 f ten a crisis associatc anges
d . th at take pI
The transIt begin to I k at yourself an won er exactly how y r ch
,hen yOU '1 You 00 f . Ou f"t appro a 0
I'ze that you are gettlOg 0 d. Roughly tw With thoIS tranSit aCe has You
. I e
This is IN and faml y. 'I1 have to change many 0 your old Ideas about hI d Iy rea I entY-on . w en y
immediate ~om:round you. You whl t the world demands through sudden encou tt e
Sud en r natal Uranus, you confronted a crisl's f e years ago wh U Ou
d yOU . 0 reori . en ra
. to the sOCIetylearn more about 1'1 a n ers oppose turned your attentIon tOward Your ' entahon. At that t' nus
In Id have Inner v I Ime yo
wo rId as yOU shou to you alone. If you handled that time pr I a ues. those that u
irTlpor tant J'f ' d' .
setting. Your I e as an In IVldual will ha oper Y ' IS tranSit Will Were
tho b
with others. . I' d to question what others tell you. You ar
'I1 be mc me h e no e5peC1~ow
. Ily up
to handle the years ahead .
Ve enough . h not e
Tic ness that You will
. h'
Dunng t IS time yoU I'll rythmg for granted and believe
. h w at you
h " are told. You are
er wi/ling to take eve . so when you recognize t at somet 109 IS true, You find
long. t rested in new learnIng, ore Friends will become more important to Y on Problem for people approaching retirement i th h
verY In e d t to know m . h I Oll rTlrn I . . I S at t ey h
A CO . h their coming elsure tIme. A I they know is their k aVe no idea what
It. very
" exciting an wan .
may dIscover many new things about t he wor d through the m.
to do Wit
. d
ffectively en S. Th' . h . .
IS IS t e CrISIS presented by thOWOr '.and wh en that ends
at th·IS time, and be you.
more mfluentla . I than your parents and teac ers. h 'r !lfe e . IS transIt Y .
In fact, they may t el . hness of your hfe does not come only from yo h" Ou must realize
h t the flC ur ac levem .
tad f business and society, but also from what you kn dents In the Outer
'J transIt. 0 f Uranus to Uranus, which occurs I 'whenh' you . are
h seventy ' worl
life. 0 ow an understand about
The second sextlh e ou can gam . gre at insights into your re atlOns
h Ip WIt
. the larger
is also a time h 1'1 en hasls
y . IS. d'ff
I eren.t Instead of learning about t ef outsIde world and eople ignored the challenge that was presented during th .
world, but .t e'temp you are I'kleyI t0 focus on what you have gottenh rom your life. YO Many P h elr early forti d
ll . ed to rely totally on t e outer world of their careers and . 11'£ es an
your place m I , ur encounter WI'th the outside world and w at your personal values contIflU " h . Socia I e Now th
will reflect. Ie may be asking, W y dId I do all that anyway?" You must k h' ose
. . on Thyooughout muc h 0 f your life you may have been so concerned With peop . f .
"D'd I do what was appropnate or me, or dId I live according to t t II
as t e question
mean. mIt. bUSiness,r. prof ' nal and social life work out as you
esSIO . h wanted
. that YOll I dards that ha d not h'mg to d ' h me? .. If the answer is the I tt 0 a y external
0 WIt
makmg ' your 'd noug h attentIOn . to your inner life and needs. Inslg ts gamed at this stan . . . . a er, you should
haven t'11pal se
e you to reeva Iua te your goals and give your personal needs a higher nd the rest of your hfe gettmg m touch WIth yourself and learning t d .
. spe "
values from your mner self. 0 enve Your
. 'tWI You cau are no Ionger bou nd by the obligations that prevented you from doing
this y. Now you are free to explore your own inner world and d come to a better
understan d'·mg 0 f who you are and how your life has fitted your nee s. Uranus Trine Uranus

This transit will occur twice in your life, and the effects will be slightly different each
Uranus Square Uranus time. The first time is when you are about twenty-eight , and the second is when you
are fifty-six. The first transit comes rather close before Saturn's return to its natal place
This transit occurs twice during your life, once whe~ yo~ a~e i~. your ~arly twenti~
and again when you are in your early sixties. Each tIme It slgmfles major changes m in the horoscope, so the first Uranus-Uranus trine is part of that important cycle of
change in your life.
your life that require significant reorientation.

The first time this transit occurs it signifies that you are no longer an adolescent ~nd During the first trine transit at twenty-eight, you become conscious that you have
must take your position as an adult. Uranus is the planet of rebellion agal.nst grown up. Any structures in your life that have held over from childhood and
established standards, which is the reason so many young people go through a p~nod adolescence appear inappropriate now. You recognize your adulthood and want to
of rejecting everything that they have been taught. It is necessary for you to experIence ~ake your place among adults and no longer be regarded as a child . You are seeking
your own indiViduality by asserting it against someone else's. There is nothing wrong mdependence from the factors that limited you as a child, and you are trying to
in this, and the constant challenges of youth help keep society alive. It also helps 'you, es~ablish your own way of thinking about the world . If during your early adult years
because you need to be on your own and find your own ways of doing thIngs, i nor
to this transit you were part of a group that tended to think alike , you may no
unhampered by the ways of the past, which may no longer be appropriate. .onger Want to think that way" That was fine when you were a young adult, relatively
Insecure in y . d d . h I . nt
Our 10 epen ence and needmg assurance from ot er. ow y u \\a
Even if you do not go through an especially rebellious phase, this will still be a time Your own way of thinking.
of intense and rapid change, when you go out into the world and pursue your own
goals without the comfort d '. II 0 'ng what At this time y I'k I . .". . I'f '., rder
an secunty of domg what your elders te you. 01 'd
ar\~~ld m~y
to a h' Ou are 1 e y to make rather slgmhcant changes In your l e o . . .
cleve mo f i'\' -tmg
you not a/ways have been pleasant but it did allow you to aVOI
Perso I ~e per ect self-expression. You may be inclined t throw over a ' -ed
responsl Ilty, w ich you will have to take on now. ' na relation h' . h . ', mpc~
and to 10 s Ip 10 order to liberate yourself from t e restrlctl n~ I
ok for new relationships that will better fit your net'ds.
Uran us

f 'fty-six represents Ia point dwhen You I00",L b

U are I
h loee urs when yo , I'f You try to eva uate an understand
I' h d In I e, I eXa ack countered in the first half. From
The trdnsil I ah e aeeomp IS e , ns for you personal y, It is no longe ctly nd en k now on
l ou aV d hat It mea f If as well. reno Ug h done a d recreate - ma e something new of You Will turn
ver wha Y I rned an w d the approval 0 yourse war d an
ohal yOU ha ve ea I of others ; you nee in concern: the meaning of YOur life y - you rse If , You willYOur d Iex penence<,
~" he appro va , , I 'mate , OUr relat' h ea with '
of u tl h ' 's why some people begin to get a "I h IOnS Ip to the ' ISSues
10 have t r analysis, you may deCide to mal< h T IS I , ast c an ce f ' II UniVerse a d
d up to you e ceq , fort, f their life is turning away from issues th h eehng, becaus h n so
r II'fe does not stan very ear Iy retirement from your profession so that y au caln thrust 0 at t ey haven't d i e ,I e main
If you y may choose a , , 0 ne that will give you more personal satl'sf actioan v e been successful , your dealings With th ' ea t With full y,
ges, ou d 'rectJOn
~hanf '
f u ha
completely new I of dealing with your hfe that help You s n, , , e OutSide I
go of m a , I yo t noW it wIll have to mean somethmg in term f WOr d, YOu will '
'1/ be mleres ted in new ways ucceed
bu not be able to I'Ive f or some external purpose
be "II So YOur 0 I'fI e and percept'
You WI ms to th Wn
purely in your own ter ' YOu WI
' If you don" I
t reOrIent f, yOur life will b ' e PUrpose mUst Corne fIOn.
' thIn , ecome holl rom
d ' now and after this transit, allow yourself th WI dl'
(eg ar esS
of what you accomplish from here on, Ow and rneaningl
e~s ,
N matter what you are olng h t ou need to make your I'f
I e rea II Y f ulfilling, In f ese
o ou can learn way 'h k h' a ew
experiences so yill come to ItS'n ow , and If you ave not ,ta en t IS 0Pportu nlty
square '
Years Uranus w h ' appropriate for you, the tensIOns then will be v
' ' the way t at IS h ' ery Uranus Conjunct Neptune
to really livemay In
have to ma ke much more radical changes t en In order to impr aVe
severe, ouY II , n be one of the strangest of all transits , You will b
your II'fe , I'f you can make them at a , ThiS ca
radically different rom any you have encountered b f
e exposed to k'
new mds of
' fl b I ' ff b .
ces very su t e 10 e ect ut qUite Powerful , and new I.' d e ore; strang e new
Uranus Opposition Uranus In uen , , II.ln s of con '
ery high others very low, This transit can be quite da ,SCIOusness,
some v , " ngerous If you
O f its negative Side, but It can also represent some of th are not
This is one 0 f the mos t I'mportant transits of your life, Like the , Saturn
, return that aware e greatest adva nces 'm
consciousness that you may ever experience ,
d h were twenty-nine, the Uranus-Uranus OPpOSitIOn when you are
occurre w en you '" I'f Th' , h
forty or forty-one ma rks a period of major tranSitIOn In yourf Ie, I' , IS IS t e crisis of
ml'ddle age when you have to come to terms with a number 0 rea IzatlOns that may not On the negative side, th~s transit can involve people with various mind-altering drugs,
ng ing from psychedelics such as LSD to depressants and narcotl'cs 0 h
all be pleasant. For example, even though you are n,ot very old, you are no longer ra " , rugs t at you
young, Have you accomplished or begun to a~comphsh w~at you wanted when you take during this transit can give you tremendous insights into your life, but you are
were younger? If you have, was it an appropnate accomplishment for you? Are you likely to become dependent on them if you are not careful. Even drugs taken for
happy with your close relationships, your marriage, your work? conventional medical reasons at this time can have consciousness-altering side effects ,
Be very careful what you take.
Many people encountering this transit discover that the answer to several of these
questions is no, If this is your situation, you may become seized with a feeling of At this time you may be attracted to ideals that are quite revolutionary, You may be
urgency that you have only a short time to correct the problem, Consequently you willing to completely throw over parts of your life that have been important to you
may begin to act rather disruptively and quickly, You may leave a marriage or an old in order to realize the ideals that you want to follow now ,
job and take up a lifestyle quite different from your earlier one, Your friends are likely
to be rather shocked at the change, You may spend more time with younger people, During this transit you will be interested in mystical and occult approaches to reality
for their youth is a symbol of the opportunities you feel you have almost wasted, This but you are inclined to be indiscriminate, Anything that lets your mind escape from the
seems to be your last chance to take advantage of those opportunities, dull everyday world will seem attractive, You could get involved in anything from the
lowest forms of magic to the most elevated forms of mystical philosophy, Or if you
It is also quite possible that you may make none of these drastic changes, If you have are not usually attracted to the occult, mysticism or magic , you may come under the
taken advantage of opp t " 'h l'f b me influence of some other philosophy or belief system, Anything that provides an escape!
or UOihes Tlg t along and have not allowed your I e to eco
prematurely old and rig'd th' , , Y 'II
'h I, ISf transit will not be so upsetting or disturbIng, l'f
ou WI !here is nothing wrong with escaping if it enables you to get to a better place but there
experIence t e real mean' h' h 5
taken since chl'ldh od Ing 0 I IS transit - a climax of the direction your I e a IS no guarantee that this will happen with this transit. Consequen tly you need to be
o and a h'ff " , font very careful.
in old age. Sling of direct/on toward the Issues you must con r

Each 'od
~efl of life has parlicular f
. . h If of IIhl~esses that cause you to fall asleep or be fatigued and drowsy are character' tIC of
YOur Me, prior 10 the U unctions. Roughly speaking, during the first a t IS tran Sl.
't If you notice any such tendency , have a checkup Imm
, ed'la te)I to get
at the
an Impact upon it and I IJ us OPPosition, you encounter the outer wor ld , make
I'f causes 11l

b i d dltficult to
. nesses that begin under this transit are often very su t e an h t
YOu will turn Your fo e~rn a You can about it. During the second half of your J e Y
lagnose M
. ost of them, however are more dangerous to your men a .
t 1~Iate I an 0
e on
cus Inward and b . have OUr ph . I ' T m3\ Cl'm
egm to reap the consequences of what yOU Underth'YSlca . f health. In older people the condition known as sen! It) ,
IS In luence.
II non- no

,'helg tene
rmal states of consciousness both
Neptune ru Ies a man y positive forms of non-normal Conscio
Uran - and there ar~ h
, Pos ' ,
Ihve and
d under this transit, and you may disc usness , YOh
I' oVer th ... r
t ideas and philosophies are devices th
At be5 ' f d
nfusion 0 every ay experience, But
at help
you underst
"f the CO , h under th' and and
5 chic sensitivity IS This transit may also slgnl y an, en Ightenment experie at You 'tute for expenence, so t at you begin t b' IS tranSit 'd rnake sens
subs tI Y 'II b ' eltev ' leas rn eo!
:: ~e psychiC powersi I transit unless your psychological health is not gOod nCe , It is
rienced , ou WI e particularly attra t d e 10 things th ay becorne a
at an especially fear u 'ally healthy, you will experience the mOst po ' , to begin e)(pe ntatio ns with the everyday world, c e to ideas th at You have nev
nO re psycho logJC Sl hVe eff con f rO at help er
with, If yoU a ects You avoid
of this transit , times this transit may cause you to t rn
SO;~etamines, which provide mystical_seer::i to drugs, USually
am b' turates or opiates, But this manifestatio ,ngl'kexperiences rath PSYchedelics Or
Uranus Sex tHe Neptune bar I n IS I ely 0 I " er than I h
h' direction anyway , n y If you ha a co 01
t 15 ve a tendency i~
' l o u r interest in spiritual ideals and occult concerns y
, 't stlmu ates Y 'd ' Ou 'I
This trans l I way of viewing the Universe oes not provide s t' f WI I YoU
may turn to the study of mystical discipl'
, I "
tnes In an ff
, that your usua h 'd a IS act happening to you, In Itse f thiS IS not bad, but you ' ll h e OTt to underst d
discover 'II turn toward concepts t at provi e better explanat' Ory WI aVe to b an what is
fons so you WI IOns ev tudies do not to ta II y a It er your sense of propo t' , every caref 1 h
expIana I , t consistent with what you have been taught. Ideas that ' en 5 , d II h r lon , It IS b U t at Such
th ugh they are no , ' ' you hay these new Ideas gra ua y, so t at you can integ t est to expose y
o d d 'mpossibly idealistic become more Important, and you work h e ' f' ra e new und ' Ourself to
always regar e as I , arder thereby prevent th IS energy rom being disruptive , erstandmgs With old and
to make them part of real lIfe,
You may also be attracted to very abstract rev I '
nder this transit become very much concerned with occult philo h
Many peop Ie u , , sop y, change in the name of a highly elevated ideal o BUhonhary ideals that call for ttl
' spiritualism and mysticism, You have a great need to see the unive , ' ut ere a ai 0 a
metap hySJCS, , ' , rse as withdrawmg from an unpleasant confrontation 'th g n you rnay only b
a whole and to understand your relatIOnship t,o I~, However, orthodox religions and , h' ff ' I
dealing Wit It e ectlve y, WI everyday rea Ity instead ofe
philosophies will not fulfill your needs at this time, so you turn to less orthodox
studies. With older people, this transit may signify the f'
, onset 0 an Illn h
conscious mmd less acute or an illness such a ' \' ess t at rnakes the
The overall effect of this transit is to open your mind to entirely new levels of s senl Ity that
withdraw from the world, Follow the recommendati f causes the mind to
consciousness. But this happens through sudden insights in your experience of the ' "
or der to mmlmlze t h e c h ances of such an illness, ons 0 a competent PhYSICIan
" in
everyday world, It is not necessary to travel to some exotic foreign place in order to
experience this. Some people go through a kind of enlightenment during this transit, If you live consistently and are willing to de I 'h h
whether through a positive drug experience or through a spontaneous event in their ' , a Wit t e real world d h d\ '
cha II enges, t h IS transit can open up aspects of l't h an an e Its
own consciousness, It can slgm y an enlightenment experience at some Ilevel
" f rea y t at you have nev d d f
B' er re~me 0,
altogether, this transit may bring about the stat f ' ut If, you try to aVOid reality
As your consciousness evolves, you will begin to associate with others whose views with undesirable consequences, e 0 unconscIOusness you desire, but
are.similar, so that you can reinforce and strengthen each others' insights, In this way
you may get involved with organized groups that work to further occult and meta-
physical studies. Uranus Trine Neptune
This transit will brin 'd I" ,, "
life Yo 'II b g I ea IStIC, spmtual and philosophical issues to the fore in your
Whatever else happens now, your ideals will be transformed, as will your aims and U
way's f ' WI . eco,me concerned with the meaning of the world, and you will find new
objectives, After this transit you will not be content to follow the same goals; the old o investigating it.
ones simply won't have any meaning for you any longer,
If you are at all inter t d ' , , ,
in these t d' es e In mystical and spmtual ideas, you will be more invoked
You h as d u 'les than ev er, an d'It WI'II b e very profitable, You will take up ideas that
conSidered to b b
apply t h ' ,0 a stract to e of any use, and you will see clearly hoI\' you can
Uranus Square Neptune
occult Orem "In your hf e, Th'IS IS
" an excellen t time for the study of any metap hyS!CJ
' I,
This transit can be a severe te t f f .n g and SPIri tual doctrine,
cause you to be ml'sled ' ~ 0 your grip on reality, It can be very con uSl 'p
In a variety f If 'n the grI
of a total delusion that ou ~ ways, You may suddenly find yourse I e ever Even if
encountered, It is very I'm y believe to be the most real thing you ha~d or intereste~~u have nev~r been concerned with these subjects YL)U wW ~ud"t'nly be
' portant that' II eW I ea 10aspects of I'f h h I· ll\' In)r
phdOlOphy before allowl'n 't
you conSider very carefu y any n 't is very hard 'h 1 e t at you may ave considered too '1.1eJ Ltic ('t.!l, ,
\AM you may allow som 'd
g I to take I f h' tra nsl
Contro of your life, One danger 0 t IS this tran ,~lt others to actualize your beliefs about ho\\' the \\'()rld l'u~ht (' be,l nder
e J ea to Control you, 51 You are not likely to sit back and let the \\,l'fld ~ , .1, It bs, But at
--------- , ire' yOU h
ave great compassion for cliffe
not doct nna 'h an understanding when disagreern POints
ns it is an indication of revolutionary
' Chang ,
time yOU ~re to Iry to reac ents With r hIS'n tra
slowly 10 your environment 0 ,es In Your lif6 t-
r With ' .. , rorces h
the same nd are willing bee I point tha t changes begin to OCCur n , In YOurself hav t at have
f vieW a 't'ca ow In a '
.. reach d
Others arise, k' g with the poor, the sick and the downt en I ting manner , Many aspects of your lif" th SWift and so"" ' e SUch a
o ' wor In ff" rOdd de,vasta ccessfully for some time are now likely tat b
0 yo h
.. ...ehrnes h
w interest m 'd 't difficult to allow su enng m the Wo Id en u aVe been putt' rat er
t<e a ne y u fin I h" h r ab UI te su f h 0 eCom Ing up h
I pressure, orctng you to c ange them as q , kl
0 0

You may ta 'lot in life, 0 I oncerned about t IS 10 t e past. OUt q e a Source of ' \V1\
'mprove their been relative y unc menta UIC Y as possibl e, Intolerable
to I 'f yoU have
've the benefits of your own growth b likely to confront new and radically differe '
You, even I You are nt ClfCurn t
h I t to recel
d ones are teas
t governed by habits , but you wil\ be
' ecau
Se our I I '
'fe You may be attracted to persons who a 0 s antes in man
re quite diff Y areas of
usually lov~ r with them is mos nd will try to help them grow, rnOre Y
known in the past, and your relationships rnay b erent fro m tho
ecome q " se YOu
OUr behavJO d your loved ones a t many of these new contacts to be perrnanent ulte different D
Y , nate IOwar expec, fl ones, a1th h , 0 not
compassJO , d life is JO such a state of ux now that you cannot oug some may b
hat you have expenence some new asp Your f h 1 count On a h' e,
, kes yOU fee I t , d h ect of ng
loy ' except or t ose e ements that have alw b nyt Ing lasting f
ral this transit ma, h more complex and vane t an you had previo I ver , , ays een With or
In gene 'elsmuc h usy ed by this transIt. The unchangmg elements Var f you and are not
h and that the UnJvers h realizations with everyone w 0 comes into yo aff eC t , h b 0 , y rorn pers
tru t t to share t ese Ur can n ot
be deSCrIbed on t e aSls of thiS transit alone
on to person and
thought. You wan
The best way to approach this transit is to maintain the m aXlmum
degr f f1
Uranus Opposition Neptune not try to hold back change in those aspects of I' ee 0 exibility
an d , your Ife that b'
' t nsit will occur very late in the lives of people living transformed, The aspects of your hfe that are really valid for you In
' h
t e long
are emg
not be adversely affecte, d Th ey may even be improved b run WI
h' century th IS ra
For the rest 0 f t IS ' I relationship between U ranus an d N eptune, " 0 , ecause yo u will n b
wasting energy In try 109 to mamtaIn the structures that are no 1

' ot e
because of the present angu ar onger appropn ate,
' 't will depend upon how well you have learned The main difficulty is that the tempo of change may accelerate to th ' h
'II t to t h IS transl 'h' e pOint t at you
How you WI reac If re extremely materialistic and so caught up in the become fear f u I 0 f I OSIng everyt 109, and you try to hold on Th' f 'f
, f Ue's lessons you a , f h " II h ' IS ear, 1 you
certaIn 0 I of' dail life that you cannot see or conceIve 0 anyt ing experience It, IS actua y t e worst danger, because it provokes such '
mundane concerns Y I " n a system of ideals or whatever - you will , resistance to
, h hether it be a re IglO , h ' I d change that, the transit b~comes far more difficult and even dangerous, But if you can
hlg er - w , I confusing Events will occur t at Simp y 0 not fit go along With the energies of change as much as possible, this transit will be much
, this transit as extreme y ' 'h
expenence d 'II become confused and perhaps act In ways t at you more constructive and will serve to clear out the refuse of your past life that is
into your scheme, ~n yYou WI ddenly start chasing after wild and impractical holding you back from growth,
'der very unWise, ou may su h 'h I' d
conSI ' I d 'th persons who are very out of touc Wit rea Ity an
dreams, become InVO ve WI
generally get your goals thoroughly scrambled ,

, t h' her dimensions of existence, to

All of this arises because this transit exposes you 0 Ig h I th'
t Nevert e ess IS Uranus Sextile Pluto
a world that doesn't work like the one you have b een taug h t 0 see" h h
higher world is real and important, in that it gives life meanIn~ :ven ~ oug f This transit will bring about many far-reaching but constructive changes in your life,
idealIstiC notIOns 0
seemingly far re,:,ove~ fro~ it. If y,ou hav~ a I~ays f rowne d on ou because it You will encounter the deepest elements of your own consciousness, and you will have
higher metaphYSical dimenSIOns, thiS transit will confuse and upset y ' d t ~n unprecedented opportunity to understand your innermost workings Therefore this
h 'verse oes no
reveals these dimensions to you, But if you have learne t at t e UnI
d h to IS d~ excellent transit for beginning psychotherapy or becoming involved in any of the
stop with what you can see and feel with your senses, this transit will allow yo~ or vanous human potential movements,
experience profound revelations and understanding, Your degree of enlightenm
confusion depends entirely upon how well prepared you are, :' OUr concerns at this time are not superficial ones, You will be concerned with the
ISSues th t k
a rna e your life what it is, Under this transit you have opportum les
l to
make the most f undamental and far-reachIng " changes In your h'fe, Your va Iues will
Uranus Conjunct Pluto change as w'n b' of ' th s transit can
' f' I
0 " ,

sig 'f ' 1 your 0 Jectlves In lIfe, At Its deepest mam estatton, I
'II not n1 Yap . d f h b n dif ICU t.
[Note: This transit has already occurred for those who are now adults and, w~ears, erto 0 new birth, especially if the last few years a ve ee
oc~ur, for those who are young in the 1970s until they are qui te advanced I~ plutO, You may b . h ' t Ihis time,
ThiS IS because of the current relat' h' b h b't of UranuS an of and e . eCome Involved in occult studies, astrology and metap YSICS attention
' , ' ,
ThIS dehneatlon IS included for th
Ions Ip etween t e or 1 s oses Ven If yo d 'II ,11 pay more a
h h k b ck for purp to iSSue u 0 not pursue these issues systematlca y , you \\1
III1derstanding the past.] ose w 0 want to c ec a s that they relate to,
, 'f'cance now, A friend, possibly a n
dd d slgm I I'f ew 0
ke on a e hat aspects of your I e need to cha ne, \v ill hese planets gives you the oPPOrtunity to
' may ta , ou see w nge and
FriendstuPS I 'n makIng y \vill 'ne of t eXpefience th h'
menta I h ges,
be ins trU ke those c an trt '(estation,
e Igher levels f h '
0 t elr
help yOU ma
, f]uence of this transit you will be abl
Uranus Square Pluto d r the In 'h ' e to See wh '
Un e ke corrective c anges Without great at IS Wrong 'h
h ame par t
of the zodiac for everyone who Was b
Otn b
and toous ~ya heightened , aided by your willingness :pslet and pain, Yo:~t Your life
, the time to0 earn.' If You have eVerinSight
enO rm herapy woul d b e h e I p f u I , t h'IS IS
roximately t e s n d others within a couple of years of YOu a Out f I IS
pluto is in app e Therefore yoU a ame time, As changes induced by 'tht, age \vill psychot w You might also consider other techn' ConSider it, for YOu w'lleb t that
YOU wer ' , h
bou t t e s I' f IS tta '
experience t I
h's transIt
Il'fe at youa may no t'IC e parallels in the Ives 0 your friends , I1Slt fro rTl it noe found
. in occuI ' astrology yogaIques
t studies, a d ofh co nsclOusness
' I enefit
FFee t your , such as ar , n t e various h anslon,
begin toa d d movements, urnan potential
l't is to sweep a way all the 01 an houtworn d
structures th
at Yo 'II be involved with what one theologian called ....
FE Ct of this trans I 's the principle of deat an regeneration
The e e , life, P uto I , h ' "'h IC
' h isu Yu WI , , ... atters of " I '
built up J1l your V 'n prinCiple of sudden c ange, The effect of o . your life, ItS total mean 109 and how you fit into th u hrnate Concern"
w combined WIt
'h the rama "
total revolutIOn m your 1 e,
I'f the that ISf , you will also be attracted to systems of th he unIVerse as a whol~
no , be to create a There ore d " I oug t that de I ' h '
combinatIOn can - religious an splntua movements or more , a Wit these
concerns , ' B ' unUsual kinds f
h ceremomal magic. ut 10 any case you will not b 0 activity
, 'b d by many elements from the past that no 10 suc f~sICl'allevel that most people live at. e satisfied to live at the
YOur life IS' pro ba bl yClrcumscn e
'd f
life You have not gotten nothern because th
nger super
f I urpose 10 your ' f ey
serve any use u P , b t they are getting in the way 0 your continued growth
tain secunty, u I'f Th h Th ' transit will deepen your philosophical concerns enrich yo d
represent a cer e cleared away from your I e, e events t at OCCur now will h h ance to rna k e constructive
" changes that ur 'llun erstanding
and therefore must b 'f ou have not already begun to change voluntarily r£ IS nd give you tee k .of
force this change upon you, I Y , I e a worthwhile later on , Take advantage of this Opportunity ,
more W\ rna e Your hfe

' f do not operate sddenly

u ' They are deep psychological
" forces that operate
Pluto Is orces
I er a long peno , d of tl'me ' They keep you mOVIng and growIng, make you
Uranus OppOSition Pluto
very sow
h ff Y
theov0 Id an d en ter new ways of living, This transit represents
d U a time whel1
trow 0 b 'I
these forces have UI t up 0 t a critical point and must be release, ranus provides Because of the current angular relationship between these two planets, most persons
the trigger, will not experience this transit until quite late in life,

It is not POSSI'bie to say exac tl y w hat will pass away from your life
h at this time,
f Ibecause
f' The wisdom gained through the experience of your life will serve you in good stead
it will be different for everyone, But you will have a sense t at, a power u or~e IS now, as long as you are willing to be flexible , You may discover that events and
emerging in your life that you have been dimly aware of f~r some tIme, If you I~ok Into deeds from your own distant past are now beginning to produce consequences that
you rself you will realize that what is happening now IS not really a surpnsed' You may revolutionize your life, 'You certainly can't expect everything to go on as it has In
were hoping , you Ignore
that this new force would go away If , d'It, b ut It
1 , an now the past. Now is the time to make sweeping changes, not only in your consciousness.
you have to deal with it, but also in the circumstances in which you live . Conditions that have been developIng
slowly will force major changes upon you now , If you are flexible, you will be able to
Because thIS' tranSIt, affects a whole generatIOn,
, t h e d rastIc
' c h an g e
s you
lY encounter start a whoie new phase of life, even though you may have thought that the time for
now may be partIy the result of social and economic forces beyond. your contro, ou new starts in your life is past. You will have a new birth of awareness , and you will
may even feel like an unfortunate puppet moved by historical events, But th~se ,f~rdcesi be able to deal with your life unhampered by old patterns of thought that have
th h limited you,
even oug they appear to be impersonal, play a vita I ro Ie In , you r mdlVI old
development. Accept this as a challenge to you as an individual, and allow the
order and old ideas to pass away, This will pave the way for your rebirth into a new But if you cannot adapt and be flexible, this will be a period of great turmoil and
way of life, where you will have the opportunity to be more alive, str . and
eS5 as you try desperately to hold on to circumstances, possessions .
relationships that no longer have any real function in your life, What you arerymg
to save is not something real, it is only an illusion ,
Uranus Trine Pluto
Th"IS IS a lime
, 0f POSitive evol ' , and gTe ater The imp t f h t u with many
understanding of yo' Ullon 10 your life that can lead you to a new nUS and 5 e us Or change may come through persons w 0 presen yo Th k y
ur mner be' d Ie Ura uP etti ' h ' as e e
Pluto are both planet f 109 an how you relate to other peop 'd'ffjcul for P ' ng surprtses, all of which show that your life is no longer w at It w t tlrst
t Oint to r ' , ' . t upsetting a
everyone to handle e s 0 htranscendent consciousness and are usually 1 veT the unt'l ecognlze is that this process is not bad for you, It IS IUS, . I)' inject
xcept t ose wh ' d Howe ' 1 You get into the flow of events, It can be quite exciting and wIll certain
ose consciousness is most advance '

, with the advantage that now you '

, our life agalO, will hav , ossible that you will change your life direct'
uth mto y e
ment of yo dl 't properly, It ISP h'ng that gIves
, you more f ree d om to reach lonaltogthe er at tho ,
an eIe han e I
the wisdom to somet I YOur desired goals IS POint tOward
nJ'unct Midheaven changes during this transit are not limit d
Uranus Co But t he k h e to the p f '
ou will also ma e c anges in Your pe I ro esslonal sph
100 k f or
su dden changes, in the way you def'Ine Y time y 'I d h ' . rsona life s h e r e. At this
, this transit yOU can Id This will be reflected In your profession, Your So o,ur , t'on your faml y an ot er intImate relat' h' 0 t at YOur d '
r sltua I , , I'f ' k I b , Ions IPS do omestIc
Wlth'd lity before the wo : the eyes of others, These changes can allow CIa I lishlng your I e s tas , n oth profeSSIonal d d not preVent
ac com P 'h I an Omesti h You from
indiv,l u: nd your reputati~n In'th new freedom and readiness for fresh exp Y,ou to 'k and try thIngs tat you wou d never try at oth
(IS s ff d
' c sp eres you w'll k
er times yo I ta e
posItIOn ter life WI , , enence that life has to 0 er an not be limited solei b ' u want to exper'
k free and encoun dJ setting, depending on your onentation toward ' aII y y the inade ' lence
brea I b profoun Y up I'f ' f YOUr experience, qUacles of past
But they can a so e I' d professional I e IS a source 0 achievement
pub IC an " I b and
blic life, If your, b damaged by thiS transit, on y roadened and
pu , "unlikely to e bl' I'f d f made I any kind of creative work this transit signifies th '
satisfactIOn, It IS 'f h 'tension in your pu JC 1 e an you eel that You h n d " I' y at you Will w k '
' But I t ere IS , h" aVe , novativeness an onglna Ity. ou may create an invent' Or with great
more challengmg, , d' 'd Il'ty for your achievements, t IS transit may be In . ,. I'k I lonormakea d
dour m IVI ua more but remember that It IS Just as ley to be a discovery about new ISCOvery,
had to surren er y blared away in order to release you from the limitar
' 5 uch has to e c e 'I' IOns wor Id ' YOurself as about th e
upsettmg, 0 m i l d more profound expenence of Ife,
that are blocking a fu er an
One of the greatest benefits of this transit is that you ca b '
" area that is generally good for your overall
" development " n e In control if
If you are, workmg m tan dden opportunities for advancement, espeCially to be, You can neg Iect t h IS opportunIty for creative chang , I'f you Want
if you work e In your I e but 'f
this transIt may presen su I hI' life may seem so stultifying that you feel you have to change h" . I you do,
, f' Id h as science, technology, astro ogy or t e occu t. You Will have . ,h f everyt lng, VIOlently a d
in a Uraman Ie ,sue k 'h h ' compulSively and Wit out orethought. Changes made under th '. n
, t0 d 0 new kinds of work, to wor Wit " new tec mques, and , to have ' I y to b e as creative
the opportumty , not like an d posItIve
. . as ones made now No ose conditions are .
new expenences,, There may be a sudden promotion , to a posItIon , With new , ' d ' ' w you can exerCise
cautIOn, restraint an care and stilI make many positive changes to I
I lies, Whatever happens will make it possible for you to stay alrve and feel . .
tensions that Will otherWise explode within you later, re ease mounting
fulfilled in your profession,

Even if you experience the negative side of this transit, its purpose is the same, Uranus Square Midheaven
However, you are probably resisti,:,g the effects of this transit through fear that you This transit can be either quite di!.ruptive or quite liberating, depending largely upon
will lose security orfrom a misguided sense of responsibility, a feeling that you should
how you have handled your life prior to this time, It usually indicates a sudden
stick with something even if it is totally unrewarding and stultifying, Events may force rebellion against restriction and old patterns of behavior that have unnecessarily
you to change your line of work altogether or to change your position in the kind of Iimite~ you. The problem is that with this influence many people act compulsively
work you do, and blindly, without forethought or consideration, If you have toed the mark and lived
u~ to everyone else's expectations for years, under this transit you might suddenly
Possibly you are aware that your work is not very rewarding, in which case you wi~1 kIck away the traces. Without any apparent thought for anyone else, you might break
suddenly begin to feel that it is oppressive and will wan t to break free of it. This transit away, throwing over all thought of duty or responsibility ,
can signify a revolt against authority figures of all sorts, but especially employers,
This .is adm l'ttedly an extreme manifestation of this transit. For you It ' WI'II probabl y
The Midheaven also reI t , ' d 0 f su dden changes be milder th thO I d ',
, " a es to your parents, ThiS may be a peno an IS, un ess you have consistently denied your own needs an pTlontJe
ha ec you In some way. Whatever happens to them WI'II f orce yOU, to
In theIr lIves that aff t . OVer the last I '
severa years. The more you have lived up to others' expecta tIOns, .
c h ~ge your ddirection in life somewhat and to take more responsibility for gettIng more comp I' I
. I
u Slve y you will act under this influence, If you are relative y young a
t thIS
w a you nee out of life.
of e, you may have intense disagreements with your parents , Actually, for persons
any age th' . 'h OJn<' \,our
Pa , I S tranSit can cause a sudden disruptIOn throug or concer .'(> .
rents quit f
' e apart rom any other effect it has on you.
Under t h · . Uranus Sextile Midheaven I
IS transit you will mak ' , . For exarnp e, If You are n t . , 'II 'ent in }'l,ur
you may change jobs if th' . e creahve changes in your life directIOn, ant to life y 0 conscIOus of any effect but the hidden tensIOns are stl pres h 'ill
go Y 'II IS Will im . h e yOU W ' Ou will e . " k t h(lmt' Te \\
, Ou WI not cha ' prove your chances of gettIng W er udden force y xpenence this transit as disruptions In your wor or a ;/1 alll'"
prom . n8e slmpl f et a s Ou to reco 'd d k h nges that \\1
Ot/on, but only jf Y h Y or the sake of change. You may g ... ch to You gre t nSI er your chosen life direction an to ma e ca. h '~ pn'ce:
in these ~ er freedom of self-expression. At the time YOll may n('lt thInk ot t I.
d ou s ow lha pproo
eman s of the new job, I you can take a completely different a
errns, but that is what is happening.
I! r life has been
. Iy yOU wII IS
main h t yOU wan
, ·moothly and you have been able to
running S d"

,h I
'II ot be severely Isruptlve, ome adjustment

t more easily and Wit ess resistance f

you this transit WI n dden new opportunities for increased f sWill oCcu valid
hfr goa, , J d' cover su reedo
rom Y
, YoUr ,
r, b
tn , Yo.. ~t
... \.viii
On I e
h moS t m
I estate -
, ... nus

undane level this transit can S'I& nl'fy cl d

damage to the buildings. a SUdden n d f!ou den event In
f h df ee Or rep . YOur ho
rea n outward sign 0 t e nee or change within S aIrs Or the like B me Or
bI' a ble to doFw axamp Ie, y ou may get the chance "
to work Without s
. uperv' ,
al)d only af years and years struggles to break fre o B O~ethlng that ha b' ut thIS IS
fro m others, or e h yourself. Or vanous restflctlons and Ii"",' ,lSIOn al or to your environment and causes disrupt' -. , ut If You suppress seen hdd
h ve c osen , , · .. JtatJo ' Ol)g awaYfers It h I en
lines that you a ay leaving you free to hve In ways that were ns In Yo ns f Ions, You ' t e ene
d nly pass aw , ' I d ff neVe Ira f yoursel you never even knew exist d . may have to d rgy
life may su d e
h '
' Ily t at IS how this transit cou" a ect everyone ' ,.. ost Pe r POsSibl e
but"'" as PeelS 0nding of yourse If ' P eopi e may not be Very e In orde r to cOme I eal With
before, rotentla h create the more difficult Circumstances describ d ople figh dersta I aware of th' h 0 a new
h d that t ey e ab t un nd so will those c osest to you, You may find 't 15 appening b
change SO ar , r own hands, al though you may not be aWare f ' OVe, The ill be, a d ' I nece!osar . ut you
choice is really In you 0 It at first,
w in your home an In those rela tionships th y to make treme d
changesh,s new encounter with yourself. at mOst affeci YOUr h n o!Js
reflect t I Orne to
, t ansit can also signify sudden events that affect f'
Uranus Trine Midheaven ThIS tsr such as acCl'd ents, su dden I'IInesses and the I'k
Your I amlly ' espeCially Your
pa rend ,make sure t hat th ' t any safety hazards I e. nd this co nnechon, you
ere aren
, 't epresents a period in your life when you can make creatiVe h shou I
ThiS transl r I I'f I
ofessional and your persona I e, n your career, sudden opp
c anges '
, In accidents in the home are very POSSI'bl e at this time, aroun YOur house, because
both your pr , d' II ortunlti
bout that enable you to move In ra Ica y new and different d' ,es
may come a " , ' f' Id h ' IreclJons, , ce the Midheaven signifies your profession and social stat
Often this transit •Signifies a change m career to a Ie t at IS strongly Uranian h Y Us, you may als
, t'fic or technical profeSSIOns, me u mg e ectromcs, computers and engi,SUc ' as
" I d' I ' changes in these areas, ou may encounter opposition from others in 0 0 expect
SCi en I "h I ' I neenng eople who do not want you to get ahead or achieve your pur \ ur profesSion,
This transit can also signify an mterest m t e occu t, espeCIal y astrology, ' p hat the problem is and come to terms with these people If y pos,eds, ry to find out
W h ' OU n e roughshod
them they will try to urt you as much as possible, This is also t Over
But this transit has a larger significance, At this time you are able to change your Our ,social "
hfe, f
I your '
actions seem to threaten someone else rue In anyd aspect of
life direction and do something that more truly expresses your individuality, The Y 'I ' , 'h h' ' re IS a anger of a
sudden fall in sOCIa posItion Wit t IS transit, usually because you ha e t d ' h
problem for most people is that this new field may be quite different from what you ' , v ac e Wit out
considenng others, They then feel that there IS no recourse but to br'lng d
were taught was a "proper" profession, Most people's focus in this regard is too you Own,
narrow, It is very important now to let yourself explore any field of endeavor that Take this time to discov~r ~ew truths about yourself, deal with them as honestly as
attracts you, regardless of how well it fits your preconceptions of a career, Please note possible and make these InSights part of a new way of being, Then you will not have
that your new direction may not be a career in the usual sense but a field to which to contend with the worst effects of this transit,
you devote your life, although it is unrelated to making a living, One's avocation
may well be one's true calling,
Uranus Conjunct Ascendant
The only restriction is that your new direction should be ethical and legal, simply During this period your relationships will alter tremendously, and you will try to break
beca~ Uranus can create serious problems with the law if you are not careful about free of the restrictions and obligations that have held you back. You begin to feel very
legah.ty. Our society has a significant mistrust of persons who are excessively impatient and rebellious toward limitations of any kind, Others will find it very
difficult to predict what you will do and may be quite upset by your actions. The
people you draw into your immediate environment now may be radically different
This is also a time in yo )'f h d Your from those whom you used to associate with, You may attract to yourself or be
th Ink'Ing IS
O 'f h ur lew en you will be innovative in whatever you 0,
res and 0 " ) , hold
solutions eithe . ngma, and you do not try to solve new problems Wit d attracted to aspects of the counter-culture, which as a whole embodies the Uranus-
to new tee'h . r In your profesSion or in your personal life, Thus you will be attraete Ascendant energy.
nlques and new 'd I ment
I eas, especially for your own personal deve op ,
This transit has its most difficult effects on marriage and other intimate relationships.
You may find it difficult to continue living up to the rules of marriage and may beglO
to look, f Or ot h er relationships. You can anticipate the effects 0 f th'IS transl't on your

At this time th ' Uranus OPposition Midheaven marnage

· or ot
er mhmate union simply by
, ,
examlOmg your
' f~II ngs aboutb tiled
, ere wdl be man h d ' your re Iallon h' . bl A hus an
I~m~iate personal environ YC anges within yourself, which will be reflecte In nal durin s !p. If It really feels good, you will not have much of a pro, em'le of bread-
rC/ahonsh' ,h ment - h . ' te perso Wi g thiS tranSit may become impatient with the standard masculine ro ife may
' . Ips Wit in the ho
dIlrUPhve Your orne - and in your most mtlma , nify
nner With II ' I S'milarly a W
e ' me, as w'th 't can sig sudd I a Its accoutrements, as defined by our cu ture, I , ' demand a
vents In this I parents or spouse This trans! droP
fVerything I area of
e Ie to deal With,
I' ' .
your Ife and energies that reqUire yoU
to mor en Y become impatient with being merely a housewife and ~Inf to liberation,
e active role in the world. This transit gives both sexes a desIre or

, sit can also bring about the only h' period it is quite likely that you will d o h'
thiS tran ' M mea '
well prepa red" ei free of its illUSIons " an~ people begin nll)gflll Duri l1g t ~: thought of in the past. The old patterns o~ IT\gs a,nd go places 0
1£ yOU are h t is the mmd b ,ng seeking this very hberatlOn , While th to sllId" would ha hat your life is becoming now. YOur life Simply c y u never
, t a ' h's tlme, ese I
rJIpass w an no longer
liberation, the occult at t I h you will ultimately learn that aU st stUdies enc O
logy Of the pat , Id rUctur
as tro useful step on h me limitations as your a ones, if you allo es fOr the above it should be obvious that th' ,
be a Id h ve t e sa , h
ma Y t'ng the wo r a, ' VO Ives coming to a pomt were aU structure'
IN th
ern to al I 0 f h IS IS not an" 'I"
interpre r T Il' beratlOn I11 IS taken
Fr orJI ho is wedded to t e status quo in life or to th ' eVI tranSit alth
"d rue d On ne w . hOld elr OWn p . ' ough
become flg r ' Ijfe js self-create ' anYo I to contend Wit . patterns that have acq ' d astwlllfindthisp ' d
by choice and your
'ffcu t h
dI I 'II break up, You may not ave been aware of th Ulre a str I eno
ang ehold OVer
fnd their " 1 e h 0 lds" qUite
strang ' comfortable t ese 1 patte rns, because mYour
eople I , a east until m h I any
P uc ater on
Uranus SextHe Ascendant Ie who enter your life at this time may be qu't d'ff .
The pe oPown before. Some 0 f t h ese I re " atlOnships maI e I erent fr
b ' am anyone you
, k ter flexibility and freedom in your friendships
, u wJlI see grea " h d 'I ' as Well have ktef n someone f or a speCl"f'IC purpose , which you mayy e bquIte bne,f y ou may
At this time yo d the people you assoCIate Wit al y, And oppo t '
'ghbors an r unlti enco un e that purpose IS . accomp I'IS h e d , t h e relationship endnot e aware 0 f at the time,
as with your nel , r Il'fe may come through any of these people Oft es an d onc s,
bl change J11 you ' en thi
for Favora e , I't so that everyone you meet seems to give off an S
'h n e/ectflc qua I y, energy
transit as a ve faster and more suddenly, The people you meet no ' 'age is one intimate relationship that is often affected b tho
that makes you mo " h d 'f WWill Marfl k d h" y IS transit ,' f
charge f those you usually aSSOCIate Wit ,an J your attitudes are ' 'd 'ag e may brea up un er t IS Influence, If your mar" ' m act . a
be qUi e different rom , flgi marfl I II nage IS good Y h
'Idl et by them. But this is a SIgn that you should enlarge the r thing to worry about. t wi simply go through a phas f " ou ave
ou may be ml y ups " h D I" ange no h' h d e 0 readJustment d
y h will accept and aSSOCIate WIt. 0 not Imlt your cirel f orientation in w IC you an your spouse seek to eliminate tho an
of people w om you , e0 re I' , d f d f If se aspects of your lif
, h' these new persons can show you a lot about lIfe . together that have lmIte ree om 0 se -expression for one or th h e
associates too muc , , ' I t marnage,
' , w h'lC h t here are a number of repressed t e ' ot er of you '
But a dlfflcu In
. h' . If ' d ' I enSlOns, may very
, qUite
'I'k Iy that the tempo of change in your ,
life will increase to the point that well not surVIve t IS tranSIt. It oes, It wi I be much better off ft I
It IS I e . , a er re easmg the
others will think of you as unstable and unreliable, but thIS IS a ~eflection of their tensIOns.
conservatism, It is their problem, not yours, You may suddenly dIscover that your
friends of many years seem limited and narrow and no longer interesting, Instead, If a new love i~terest enters your life at this point, it is likely to be exciting, free and
you may become involved with some group that is consi~er~d by the rest of society, totally unpredictable. Do not make a permanent commitment to it until well aft
particularly your old friends, to be offbeat and eccentrIC, If not completely crazy , the end of this transit, for such a relationship is likely to be very unstable and bri:£r

If you have not been asserting your own individuality in relationships , you will do so
Uranus Trine Ascendant
now, and it is important that you do, If you try to suppress these drives, they will
burst forth later on in a manner that is difficult to control. This is a time of increased freedom in and through your personal relationships. You
are able to express yourself to others in ways that have never before been possible for
Often this transit signifies an interest in new and different studies , Technical and you, This may take the form of a new interest or hobby or a new field of study , You
scientific diSCiplines are suitable to this symbolism, as are the various branches of the may be attracted to technical and scientific subjects, as well as to occult studies uch as
occult, Under this influence people often get in to astrology, astrology, Under this transit some people begin the study of astrology,

But the main point to keep 1'n mIn

'd'IS t hat t h"IS tranSIt represents a creatIve
, stIrnng
" u p of ;ou res~ond much more quickly to people around you now and generally give the
your personality and your relationships to the people around you. Let it happen! ~presslOn of being more alive and willing to challenge life , and you are, You may
;, so seem somewhat impulsive and perhaps a bit nervous , but most peopl!' will not
Ind you l!psetting,

, Uranus Square Ascendant Sudden new . L d do

ThIS transit is likely to ha th' contacts WIth others may provide opportunities to brancn l'Ut all
may enter your life el'th h
ve a very d'Isruptlve
. effect on your relatIOns
. h'IpS. I n fluences o
. I f e\Jmple,
tngs that yo u h ave never done before. You may have a chance to tra\(' , or
the f , e r trough h 'II halleng, e r to take up I inter~ts
oundations upon h' h your orne or your profession, that WI c You ' some completely new activity . Your old way of hte no l'nger _J
surprising encounters W.IhC YOur life is built. This challenge will be reflectedd In , and If som . Id ·,t get bornl,
eone tnes to convince you to keep to your (\ wa~ S )'l1U Jt:,

sep ~abons WIt oth h . d en
from J>erso hers t at upset your way of living or In su,
Or It b ns W 0 You th t!llle. New relation h' . h o'JV not last
b may e that you Your If ought would remain in your life for some k to longer th s IpS may begin now that challenge you creatIve! " but t e} • t untIl
tcOmt free of Circumstances ~h ahre the catalyst of all these changes as yOU see later E an this transit, so it is well not to make any perl11Jnent Cl mmltmen, e teet
at aveb , Ven tho ug h t h ' ' , tht'Y \\,"II h.1\"a lib rJtII1b
ecome oppressive. e relatIOnships may be tranSIent I C
ci ty to experience life , Often the other
'ncr ease ),our capa'II open up splfltua" I d"
ImenSlOns that
n wil!
, ,u an d I h or she WI h' You h 'Itt
upon ~ ( ' that is, e do not expect t IS person to come in aVe ne\l
"guru, tJowever, h h 'II stand er
as a d before. fl nd very often e or s e WI not look ard 8\J.
rien ce b anyone, a , h k at all I'k rl.;
expe . It could e , . t al teacher. Enhg ten men t ta es as many f Ie th
clothIng.. al notion of a spJfl u orms as th e
conventIOn d students, ere
a~ teachers an . ,
d with the changes commg mto your life n '
' yOU cou Id 0 . II ' ow IS to
worst thlng " sa trine which IS not a compe mg aspect yo reSist
Th e h' transltl , , ucan
eOl , Because t IS , g if you try, But in preventing them, you Would pre\lei)t
th happeOln d d h not
f Only Chapter Twelve
the changes rom ,
rtuOlty, yoU
would also postpone nee e c anges until th .
h h '11 h e tune wh
waste an oppo to be irresistible. T en t ey WI appen with h en
they become sO urgent as
disruptive force.

Uranus Opposition Ascendant

llluc rnore
, b' bout disturbing close encounters with others, Relation h' ,
This transIt f1ngs a d ' b s IPS In
'11 b 'gnificant challenge, an you won t even e able to take th
eneral WI e a 51 b . d' e old
g, I f r granted, Other people seem to e trymg to Isrupt your life and k
rehab e ones 0 rna e
you uneasy.

Marriage is the most intimate one-to-one, encounter" and any hidden tensions , any
problems that either of you has been holdmg back ~Ill come out no,:, Consequently
our marriage may go through some rather startlmg changes, If It has not been
~orking out but you have been holding it together anyway, this transit may very
well signify its breakup, Even in a good marriage you may have more arguments and
disagreements than usual. This applies as well to two people living together. A business
partnership may also be affected in a similar way. Clearly this is a time when you will
have to do a lot of straightening out,

Other types of confrontations may also be quite disturbing at this time, For example,
you may become involved in very disruptive legal disputes. Settle these as quickly as
possible, because you will not be able to count on the outcome of any legal
confrontation at this time, no matter how good it looks. Be careful of acting in a way
t~at stirs people up against you, for they could become extremely disruptive, if you
gIve them any excuse.

This transit indicates a I . . d u

genera reworkmg of your relationships WIth others, an yo
may not a1ways be ha b .' r
eff or ts t0 control the rppyI'
a out the outcome. In general others are resIstmg you
. ' b t
intentions. But e atlOnshIp, which you may be doing in spite of your es
unless you are :o~r .Pdartner will not ask that the relationship be totally destroyed
o ngJ and u 'II' out
AU your partner . nWI mg to change that there seems no other way ,
Wants IS to red f' h h reater
say and more room e me t e relationship so that he or she as a g
that you are the one tOhm~ve. It is Possible that these effects may work the other waY,
the rela tionship has ~ 0 IS struggling to gain control in a relationship. In either case,
o express each f . the past.
o you more appropriately than In
Significance of Transiting Neptune
Ily one of the most difficult planetary influences to ha dl
Neptune is usua onfusing an d unc i
ear,dan un d er Its
. Influence
. peopl n fe. It causes
life to become c . N f h
At the same tIme, eptune 0 ten as an ego-denying infl e 0 ten believe
. not true. f'l d . uence, which
what IS feel discouraged, uti e, un eserVIng and unworthy Or I' t I d
ke yoU . can ea you
may rna at acts of selflessness and self-martyrdom . Neptune can I
rform gre . . 'd I' fl a so exPOSe
to pe tremely beautiful and I ea In uences, which may not alw b I
o some ex ays e rea
yOU t thwhile because of their beauty. Everything that man dreams of ak'
b tare wor . h h' k . m Ing
ume true as well as everythIng t at man tinS IS true, even though it isn't, comes
under telh 'nfluence of Neptune.

The difficulty of the planet's influence arises from the fact that Neptune dissolves
whatever Saturn builds: such as your e~o, your sense of duty and responsibility, your
sense of a definite realIty and everythIng else about the world that is definite , clear
and predictable. Neptune w~r~~ against all these structures . It dissolves or threatens
to dissolve your ego, so that InItially you feel lost, confused or defeated. But this effect
can also make you feel exhilarated and at one with the entire universe. it depends
on your level of consciousness. It is safe to say that most people experience the first
effect more than the second.

Neptune dissolves your sense of reality, leaving you prey to confusion and doubt.
Vague unreasoning fears can result from a Neptune transit, especially if Saturn IS
involved. Neptune can destroy your sense of responsibility and make you feel that
others should take care of you. Yet at the same time, because of its ego-denying effect
you can feel responsible for all the "sins" of the world. This energy makes some people
s~end their lives in social service, trying to make the world better without any thought
o personal advancement.

As Neptun t . h
f e ranslts each house watch the affairs ruled by that house. In t .e areas
o Your life yo
co ' u WI
'11 h ' . k '11' ' .>hm'
ave to be careful not to fall prey to mlsta en 1 uSJOns .~n) , . c
nneeted With th 'ence

in th e su btlest e matters
. ruled by that house may dissolve and pass out ot e\ s.•
, rnost Imperceptible manner.
eptune tra . h t r J"e, -
:, .~ ~
energies t b nslts each of the planets, you can expect matters ruled l'), t
Mars theOs ecorne confused or idealized. The planets pertaining t the e' l rne: .J
b ' un ads
YNeptu b' n aturn - may produce fear, insecurity and anxiety \\ e. .
. .h +rJn:ltt'U
ne y co' . . . nt'fJl Jre nl..
nJunctlon, square or opposition. Neptune transits In ge
I se wha tever y o u consider important N
nce r ning ma tters ruled by the tra ' re to 0 d b dd ' . eptunewo ks
m mitments co SI'on of the per tinent , facts , Yo nSlted )'](e Y) 'I OU a cts 't is attache
to y mu YIng and confus'
1 "
r against the
lng YOur id egO
' k manent co ' o sses , u rna" I d the oJ,
bout a comp ete reonentahon of Your v' eas about them
good times to ma e per are rarely In P tune transit, but you will not know f J • J1 'nglng a lews,
planet or house, because you h Jd under a Nep Or II to brI
be right about a belief that you 0 ri~ . I
P an that you are gOing to ose everything. Prob bl
sure until it is over, not me fusion about property ma tters, and you may ab Y d You w'n
, he First House r hI'ssidera
ble con b h .
I mistakes , ut t ere IS no reason to expect th
e eluded '
1 experience

Into making
tune In t " can cost y h at a I you
Nep ' your wa ys of interacting with Oth roe very y will experience t e worst trouble only if you t II' r Possessions
I st ou
u will be c~~~ ' I , It is diffic ~ sa ... h ' ota Y Ident'fy
. difficult but essentIa I 'II be 0 ' ial posseSSiOns, giVIng t em an Inord inate i.... I yourself
WI mater . . I f ·..portance ' ,
For the next severa I years, dyo self-knoW ledge. hIS new aspects 0 f yourse If as others su t ith 'lour he mystical pnnClp e 0 detachment, of not bei ' In Your life.
people, D unng I
' th 's peno ,
I be prese n
ted WIt ' f
h see into your vIew 0 yourself , This '
ee w
Neptune ,
rules t . . h
of this world, giVIng t em no mo re importan th
ng excesslVel' I
Y InVo ved
because you will consta~t cYorporate what t ey going through a chameleon phase ,IS h
with t e thtngs Ne tune transits, . "It IS UI tImate
' I y teac h"mg thIS principle.ce an they deserve.
'lit Y to tn ou are In Wherever p
you, and you WI r ver, because tya WI'de v ariety of faces to people ,
nearly impossl e, 'bl howe . Ily presen
, ' unintentJOna , b tempted to gamble with your possessi ons or to become' I
whIch you qUIte
, this transit, preCIsely because others Will
dunng , You may. e tures in an e ff ort to Increase
' your h oldings , If you ar mvo
bl ved in risk Y
know yoU to learn Who you are In your own terms and to spec ulatlve ven .
. 't you might d 0 rat h er we11 . But I'f you are very serioue a d e to do
' this in
t ' I that yOU h
I yful SPIrt, 'II s, etermmed and
It is essen la I You have ality to others is not t e true inner you
k w you clear y, ' t your person I ' II p a t deal about the outcome, you WI probably lose , You cann t b'
~:ctOg~i~e that the way ~~~s~;fo~~cwhich you relate to peop e, are a grea
c wO rry about lOSing .
. 0 gam Ie If

I' I the aspect of y

t IS on y h' (me may confuse you and certainly will
ffect of this transit is that your sense of values may become spiritu I' d d
u are un dergol'ng at It IS' Ihips may become qUIte , d'ffI ICU' It, b ecause Anot her e , , 'd f N ' a Ize an
The changhes YOConsequently your rehatlOn~entlY projected image of yourself, not to ' d . This is the posItive Sl . e 0
idea IIze eptune s second-house
h transit ' ¥ou
a rIen th at
confuse ot ers, I nly to t e cur I d h . I possessions are not so Important,
materia f ' and t at wha t y ou need will be prov I'ded
the peop Ie you attract dre ate . t0 as you may confuse and de'u h e ot ers, ' perhaps
to the extent that you are detached rom It . Ne~dless to s~y, most of us have been
your rea I needs, An dJUSthe same to you , Be wary of getting caug , t up b Indweird educated to believe that we must struggle to attain posseSSions, which makes it very
'lOa dver tently, they. may 0
that others propose, Your sense of reality is not at Its est uring
schemes and projects difficult to learn this principle.
these years,
, )" II during this period, acting on the basis of what Whatever your orientation to this issue, during this transit you should be careful about
You may also opera te very Idea IstICa
h 't Y e You may get invo Ive d WI'ht very I'dea I'Isttc
, managing your money and possessions, and you should avoid gambling unless you are
b t e rather than w at IS ru . I truly detached, Also, avoid becoming involved in risky schemes proposed by others,
you want to e ru , I b ' , reality with unfortunate resu ts .
projects that have ht! e aSls In , ¥ou could be swindled under this transit.
, ' be to stimula te your compassion for others. You may
Another effect of thIS transIt ma\ eeds hel ,or you may work in groups wi th othe,rs
::~~:~~:~~oo~:~~e:e~:,I;~:r:isoa~endenc:to wan t to save others this transl\ u~der Neptune in the Third H ouse
But avoid having people become improperly dependent on you, for t at may preven
them from fully realizing themselves, Your dealings and communication with your ever yday w o rld and the attitudes by
which you function in it are seriously affected by this transit. Be very careful how you
¥ou may also want to seek out someone who can h e Ip you d unng ' these years. If hin communicate with others. Be as clear as possible, because at this time it will be difficult
your confusion you become demoralized and feel that you are a totally un:-V0~tbY to make yourself clear to others. Serious misunderstandings may occur that disturb
individual, you may look to someone who seems stronger in order to be sus tame IY yo.ur personal life. This is particularly true in communicating with immediate
his or her strength. The chief problem with this is that you may become permanent Y ne~ghbors and relatives. Enter into any kind of negotiation with extreme care
dependent upon that person. Misunderstanding or deliberate misrepresentation could get you involved in proJects
You otherWise wouldn't have anything to do with , a n d this can lead to losses.

Neptune in the Second House Aside from th

will I .
ese manIfestations in you r rela t ions with the outer wor
ld transit
. I. . .
During the next sever 1 I change of asohave f td lngwlththe
attitude toward a ye.ars you will have to undergo a fun~amenta fleeted World a power ul effect within you . It w ill alte r your ways 0 ea I . ' . 1'
in a chang . YOur matenal POssessions, which will coincide wIth and be re wn, this anhd cause Your thinking to be very profoundly transformed. Most Fl· 1tl \ et'h' '
e In Your sense of I h t yoU 0 can app h ' I d' ntt.J 1" Iruy .
letting considerations of th' va ues. The ~ore you are attached to w a the more You en t rough an increased concern with metaphyslca an :.fl
may begin th . , d . ths t'a , u
elr value determme what you can and cannot do, may b e senous study of a metaph ysical disciphne unng 1.' nSh .'n
ecome . . 'anJ v,'u \\ I
very Interested in such ideas a s k arma and reincarnation. •
Iear n as much as,VI't WI'II as
, aginative creati Y
1m 'th your a
bout how these ideas apply to YOur p
YOU can alobe greatly mcrease, '
bl'lity to see the truth!
d 0 n Iy make SUr ersonal I'
e t hat ' Ife' vto
Itnagio ,Ut
----- Neptune in the Fifth House
doesn't interfere WI 1\ ' gt h next several years this transit may have vario d'ff
Ounn '1e d to see k out reI ationships with th us 1 erent
1 be incline ' eff ec ts on you
, ' h S been excessively structured and infle 'bl Y Ou WI e oPPOsite sex th at f'It a very
thiOl<lng a h h XI e th' First, , ge You will not want a ny relati onship that d
HoWever ' if yourb of upse ts, as you discover t at, w at you thought Was' t IS Pet'10(1 roman. tiC Ima Curiously
. enoug h , sexual satIsfacti
. on may n oes
t b
not meel YOur h'Ighest
'II bring anum e r , If-doubt and uncertamty, If you encOunt ' rUe is n ons
WI nfuslon, s e , ' er this Ot, e)(pectatI , ,ship at thiS.' time. Because 0 f Neptune's antimat o e. I'YOur
, highest pnonry ' ,
T his can lead to c~ pid deciSIOns for a while . If you can afford Ptobleho. elatiOn " I .
in a r d ith creating a spmtua uOlon rather than a pure! h '
en a IShc natur
e, you are
try to put off ma lly
view will eventua
ng any
clear, a
ra I d I
nd you will be ab e to eve op a completely
'th the truth ,
to W
new vi
illt, You

e\v that
t J
concerne h ~ yOU will find such a spiritual relationship if YO~ ~slca! one. And it is
possible t a . g with your ideal. ' on t confuse what you
will better conform WI are aCtuaIlY seem
, ' Ily flexible, Neptune's effect may be the difficult pattern that often arises when Neptune is in th f'f h h '
' d IS baslCa , , reverse f O ne rat her . I e I t Ouse IS that
Also if your miO can confuse, but It can also give you very subtl ' 0 the t nd to idealIze a over as someone who can save you from If
, " Neptune d 'd h e lOS' h OU may e h I yourse , a person
above descnptlOn, 'mediately understan leas t at your rational ' Ig ts,
lm Y b e you that he or sea most seems to be a god. Needless to h"
You may find that you use Neptune transiting this house can stimmll nd could 5
o far a OV Id b k ' say, t IS IS a most
'illusion and shou not e ta en senously . It is highly unlik I th
rehen, d b eca k N u ate lilt NeptUnian h' e Y at anyone
not usually com P , ' this attribute that rna es eptune so confusing bent coul d rea
Ily live up to suc expectations.
, b'l"
psychiC a I ItleS, In fact It IS 've psychic mput, t e mput WI Simply seem co, fecau, se
' h ' 'II '
O t ready to recel n USing ,
if you are n On the other hand, the pattern ma~ be reversed, so that you become involved with
som eon e who regards you as a savIOr. Under such an influence you could have an
alcoholic lover, to cite an ex.tre~e ex~~ple, and sp,e~d all your energy trying to reform
him or her. This is an exerCls.e In f~tJhty, ~ecause 11 IS :e~y unlikely to succeed , Try to
relate to people as equals durmg thiS tranSit, however difficult it may be ,
Neptune in the Fourth House
h house your domestic and personal life will undergo Avoid getting involved in risky financial ventures now, since the fift h is the house of
'l N t ne is in your fotu r , 1 h h
WhI e ep u b I h es reflecting psychologica c anges t at are going on gambling and speculation. Under this transit you may enjoy the illusion that you
and su t e c ang , h ' cannot lose, but you can lose and probably will as long as Neptune is here .
many strange , h' 'd psychological forces will be c angmg your inner self
within y~u, Dunng t IS pe~~~ome attracted to spiritual and occult subjects as a direct
quite noticeably, You m~y Children may be a source of difficulty during this transit. They may have illnesses,
result of your own expenences, or you may simply have difficulty in understanding and getting al ong with them .
home life over the last several years, during this transit Above all, avoid a tendency to idealize your children , for they a re only human beings
If you have not had muc~ of a . d 'd I of what your home should be, And you like yourself. You may idealize them as being innocents, but in truth they operate from
you may begin to create In your mm an I ea t what you want. However, if your the same crazy motives as adults, only a little less skillfully .
will work very hard to make a home th~ t. reprefsen s th' in the real world to live up
, 'd I 't y be diffICult or any 109 This transit stimulates artistic creativity. If you have artistic ability, your imagination
mental picture IS too I ea , I m.a . ill seek to make your home a very
to it, Certainly, with Neptune In thiS house you w will be very much improved, and you will be able to come up with new ideas for your
art work in any field or medium.
beautiful place.
. become a source
. h' 't Your home bfe may b t
Unfortunately there is another Side to t IS transl . . rking against your e~ Neptune in the Sixth House
. your home IS wo but It
of confusion and difficulty because someone 10 I h t is being done,
interests in some way, It may be difficult to find out exacft YIW sa confident and secure. This transit will affect two areas of your life - your health and y our work - very
' ou ee Ies I' your ~trongly, Be especially careful of your heal th now, for you may be more subject to
oEten has the effect of demoralizing you an d rna k 109 Y blem s at al In 5
, 'h t any pro hange Illnesses and passing infections than at other times . This is not to say that you will be
In Eact you may experience these emotIOns Wit ou h mendous inner e
, her case, t h ese feeI'lOgS are a Sl'gn of t I'f
e tre constantly sick, but you should be careful. Usually you will not have health problems
personal life, In elt unless. there are d'ff' h t' e Be
I lCUlt transits to planets in your natal char t at t e same 1m .
that are taking place, which are reflected in your personal I e. soflle espeCially ca re fu I 0 f d'Iseases caused by pOisons
' and . . d f drugs or
aICo h01. tOXInS In the bo y rom
f fcult for
become di I wn sense
During this time communications with your parents m~y h t affect your 0 SS and
reason or one of your parents may begin to have difficulties ,td a with the ill n transit People often
tran ' ,
h .
get rat er strange ideas about nutrition and hygiene W Ie.
h·1 :\eptune is
, , inci es '£feU1t siting this h OUse, Because of Neptune's nature, this usua II y ta kes the tl)rm ot a
of w ell-being and security, Sometimes this transit co h re is a dl I
hospitalization of a parent, but that is not likely unless t e
involving the fourth house ,
stain totally from a particular kind
' h yOU a b , , of f n a help , In extreme cases this transit can "
,Jll1 en in whiC d' ts all fit this descnptlOn, These diets a oOd , 1em t ha ken by a partner . A n esta bl Ished
' even Indlcat b '
reg ucus Ie b re not b Prob partner h' h e emg SWIndl d
dietary, f 't and low m d b rve their effects upon your ody careful! ad is/, ta 'd s Ip t at has e Or
y an..! otherw . 'II probably contmue to 0 so, but be ca ref I t Worked Out well '
Vege tanan, I s
but yoU
shoul 0 se
be inclined
or re
IglOus or spiritual ~ llOt sl Wi d d' u 0 comm ' In
h rJ'IS e ve , I yOU may reaso the pa because misun erstan lOgs are a standard c unlcate clearly With
in t e h blindly, A so d ith your bodily needs, ns to h other, onsequence of a se h
follow t ~rJ'I h t has nothing to 0 w ea C vent -house
f I10wa diet t a Neptune ,
o , ' best handled by working in a field of social 't 's normally not a good one for dealings with la
h' transit IS , servi , tra nsl I h wyers and la '
the area of work, t lSI ' hospitCils or asylums or with the poor, This is n t ce, rhls h house rules people w om you consult as well I ,WSUltS, because
In ' k peop ed In ' g your career f I yt 'Istica
, lreasons
s with siC or pure ego Th n the s
event ' h' I '
good deal If you Ire a awyer to represent you Al
as aWSults Y
h ' ou probably
per haP od' for a vanCIn k ' e ego 't get a ' so t e fa t h
ecially go time f means that the harder you wor for your own b f' - won , the outcome of your case would be difficult to disc I c ors t at will
esp f N ptune 0 ten , , ene It rm lne over, et alon d I '
denuing effect 0 e , y can make great achievements while Neptune is ' h.' de te advice applies to other people whom you hire for con It ' e ea With ,
]" ut of It. ou 'h In t IS rhis same su atlOn,
the less yOU get 0 k'ng in a spirit of service to ot ers.
house, but only if you are wor I
, encounter serious misunderstanding with employers Neptune in the Eighth House
' transit you may 'h h Y h Or
Wit h thIS I d'ff'culties in dealing Wit t em, our pat to advanceme t , this transit your attention will turn to the hidden areas of I'f
nd genera I I n During , " your I e and the
employees a , I bl ked by someone who will not confront you directly or stat spects of your subconscIOus mmd , Your mterest in psychic and 0 It '
b mystenous y oc b h h' e de ta epes. ccu SCIences
may e
ons for oPPOSing
' o u You may not even e aware t at t IS person is acting
Y , , I d' , will increase as you try to fmd o~t more about the hidden underpinnings of the
the reas , 'ble at this time to become mvo ve 10 work that IS actually universe, By the same token you ~Ill want to learn more about yourself and make
, t you It IS pOSSI ,
agaJOs 'b
dishonest or su verSlve,
' although you may not be aware of It at the time , But these
, h ' changes that will help, you work With yo~r unconscious drives more successfully, This
, , ' d 'f you regard your work as a service to ot ers without worrying is a good time to begm psychotherapy , If you feel that it would be of benefit to you,
effects are mJOlmlze I ,
about what you wI
'II get out of it personally, If you , enJoy, your work and do it
, I th'
creative y, IS transit will not interfere ' because that IS ultimately the best way to During this period an old order of your life is passing away and a new one is coming
make your work a service to others, into existence, But the process is very subtle, and you may not notice the effects untIl
several 'years have passed, Someone close to you may die, which may change your
life considerably,
Neptune in the Seventh House
This transit can have several effects, but in general it affects all the one-to-one One area that this transit may affect adversely , however, is that of joint finances ,
relationships in your life. These include your marriage or living with someone, other The eighth house rules finances and resources that you hold with someone else or
partnerships (including business), conflicts with others and relations with people another person's resources that you have access to, Neptune in this house may cause
whom you consult, such as lawyers, physicians and other counselors, In any or all of misunderstanding with others concerning money or other property, There is the danger
these relationships there is the danger of poor communications, misunderstandings of misrepresentation and fraud, Hidden forces may be at work behind the scenes that
and misrepresentation, prevent you from knowing what is happening, Because of these energies, this is not a
good time to borrow money, You may have trouble get ti ng a bank to lend to you
In a .marital relationship you may have problems because resentments are not brought anyway, Certainly you should not under any circumstances borrow more than a little
out ,mto t~e open where they can be handled, Instead, one or both of you keeps your money from friends. The strict business relationship of a bank loan mitIgates the
fehehngs hidden and acts surreptitiously making it difficult for the other to help solve fogginess 'of Neptune considerably, but the more casual na ture of private borrowing
t e problem, There is also th d
' ,
e anger of overidealizing your relatIOns, w JC
h' h can be a
f fr~m friends leaves the situation wide open for the worst type of eptuman
problem even If you aren't ' , h' out 0
all proportion to th I' mamed, You may simply idealize your relatIOns I~ , the misunderstandings,
e rea Ity and th' k ' ' 't ThiS IS
old Neptunian probl f h' In everything is just fine when It Isn, d If
em 0 t Inki h h ' alrea y,
you are attentive to h ' ng t at w at you want to be true IS true ble
W at IS r II h 'II be a Neptune in the Ninth House
to see the truth. ea y appening in the relationship, you WI
For the ' higher con-
S • next several years this transit will stimulate your m terest iO 'J
CIOusnes d ". ' 11' i "UI e you
Also during this transit y
ou may ha
, 'k
ho IS SIC and fS an SPlfltual truth, But if you are not careful. It may t(lta ) ~ -C' ra'her
or has some other problem h ve to take care of someone close to you W ur con u f h' t n,lt are '
abst se YOur outlook upon the world, The effects 0 t IS ra.
livingpartner, b '
utltcouldb t at r e q u · . l'k
Ires care. ThiS person is most ley I to be yo ract, so th d' . ' b
esomeon I e ISCUSSlon of them must also be a bit a stract.
U ee sewho is close to you.
You live ' , I 'art' "f being
you are in business b
it i& not very likel ' e very careful b ' this till'le, distinct f In the world as an ego, that is, as a self that is conSCI0US ): J\\'h,-h \'I.~ U are
Yto work Out a out forming any new partnershiP at of a " rom oth b'
dIstingU"~L ')'f On~ way 10 \\ , . ld
as You . b more Elr emgs and of having ItS own I e course, '0 the wor ,
want It to, and your partner may e I;~ued fr ' d lllUtlook ur'
am others is in your point of view an genera
--- Symb I
Orzed by the
here there IS
se Neptune rules an energy that
nint h h 0 U . ' .
. no ego and no dlfferenhated bei
h d'"
es frOll)
ng. All ' a yoU rna
Y dec!
'de that your present calling is no t adeq
have more meanmg for you . However
uate, that y h
ou s auld change t
area that :'tu de toward what you are dOing . You sh~u~~u reablly need to change yoOan
hich are f being w N tune blurs t e Istmchons between IS On
W 1m 0 ntly ep YOUr I e
deeper rea 1 et Conseque'l 'n the world itself. For most people th Se fan..! I attl I'f ' not e do' Ur
h· pan · d' fnctlO ns . e eff \l whO e , 'ustifies your I e or gives you a sense of purpos I h tng something just
under t ISd en blurs IS I them to ideas and mfluences that bl h' ect of cau seltJ ' h t II b e. ts ouldb
an eV h' to expose k d" . u r t elr be if_expressIOn t a a ows you to e YOurself m ean appropriate
others, . he nint IS
ne In t . harder o r .
f them to ma e IstmctlOns . You may b
ecorn I
uSual form of se h uld try to be less attached to What you ar dos t sUccessfully, At the same
Nepw . nd make It d I' g with your Universe, or you may be Co f e eSs ou s 0 f e Otng, You
. pomt a y of ea 10 f h . n used time Y ven hough people 0 ten respond to the question "Wh are not what you
VieW bout your wa . 't ble consequences 0 t e transIt. ' anq do , e f t I.on Probably it is the fact that Your ego is w· at are your by giving
confident a B t these are not meVI a . ro eSS ' rapped up ,
d' oriented, u their p. roblems with others. tn Your work that
'IS causing P
IS 't creates arise because you are desperately t '
blems that this tranSI 't has invalidate d WIt 'h 'd
new I eas. But beca Use rYlng t0
Tfle pro h the transl of th ' t favors certain types of work , for example social- .
the ideas t at 'd a appears as invalid as the old ones. e Th 's transl . h h h serVice work W' th
repIace f Neptune, each new I e I ged people or Wit t ose w 0 have em oti onal d I POor or
influence 0 d' dvanta . . , rug Or alcohol bl
Isa 't will not be destructive, If you work in a spiri t of hI ' pro ems.
. d'l is to wait and allow yourself not to know t ' This tranSI e Pll\g others,
dl thiS I emma . I ' 0 give
The way to han e b ' norant. In time, new myshca and spiritual Wa , nsit can also bring you a great interest in psychic spiritual d I
'ssion to e Ig h N . f Y . Ys of ThiS tra . I d 'h . an occu t matters
Yourself perml . '11 stallize out of t e eptuman og. ou wIll begi may even become mvo ve Wit these subjects in your pr f . .
h mverse WI cry
handling t e u
d '11 h
. h' to the universe, an you WI see t at everything reall .
n to an d you 0 eSSlon,
d r relatIOns Ip . I ff f Y IS
understan you I ' nly the frantic survlva e orts 0 your ego that conf
one, as Nep tune shows. t IS 0 Use Neptune in the Eleventh House
D 'ng the next several years your ideals will become more importan t to d
un ' . you, an you
. stl'11 a pi'tfa 11 with this transit, even when you deal with it as J'ust
th re IS will work very hard to actualize the~ 10 everyday life . You will be attracted in
However, e I ce you accept the spiritual lesson of Neptune in the ninth friendship to others who share your feelings . However, because of the idealistic nature
'b d Unfortunate y, on h h' h
desw e 'begm . 't
to use I as a
way of being superior to ot ers, w IC puts you back
. I' I . of Neptune, you will have to be sure that you are dealing with reality even as you
'house,h you0 game agam. . You begin to wander off alone mto your . ownf Itt e mtellectual attempt to actualize your dreams.
mto t e e g . d more removed from the feelings 0 others and less
world, becomIng modreh an ho think differently from you. Eventually you will come Be careful particularly with the people you choose as friends . You may be relating to
. nate towar t ose w ..
compasslO b not gain much from it. Neptune tranSIting the ninth what you would like them to be rather than to them as real people, which lays you
t of this phase, ut you may . . I d
o u .IS not a go od'time for pIa y'ng
house I any ego games with others. It IS a time to earn an wide open to disillusionment and deception . Also be careful no t to become a martyr
be grateful for what you have learned. to your friends by letting them take undue advantage of you . Even though this transit
arouses your compassion, make sure that the people you help with your time and
energy are worth helping, that both you and they will get something out of your
Neptune in the Tenth House effort.

This can be a very confusing and disorientIng . .

time, but 'It can tach e you basic truths
about life. if you are able to get over the fear an d con f uSlOn th a t s ometimes accompany New friends may enter your life who do not need this kind of "help," But they will
this transit. The problem is that this transit makes you f ee I unsure 0 f where you are share the ideals that you are coming to hold at this fime . You can give each other moral
going in life and why. support and pool your energies to work together. Only make sure that you aren t
helping each other foster an illusion that keeps each of you from achieving real growth .
The effects of this transit depend upon your attitude toward what you do for a' living ce
(. h b d .. . f o u r eXlsten
In t e roa est sense). If you regard your work as a justIficatIOn or Y . '11 be, If you are a t all interested in psychic and spiritual matters, you will probably be _1tI""'Im-1
h· h . attracted to movemen ts that work for these causes . These effo rts can be very useful. and
samet Ing t at giVes your life a purpose it would not otherwise h ave, then thiS WI ose
~ very difficult time. Neptune will make you wonder whether there is any pur~our helpful, but again make sure that you don' t join a mutual self-delusion SOClety.
In what you are doing d h h . . I on to go on.
" . an w et er there IS any partIcu ar reas h some
diSillUSIOnment may come about th hId f . th others or throug h
incident that shows th roug persona e eats WI. Perhaps anot er Neptune in the Twelfth House
. at Your work was not what you thought It was.
person may misrepresent s h' h t yOU 0
d during
h The next
. ' n~ ) l'U ,fwill\,our
several years will be a time of reflectIOn and deep lOner concer . I
these years be C~ref I barnet 109 or deceive you. No matter w a h In for SUC nger Con .d . I terial r Jn~ l
, .. u a out d ' . d . d by t e, d life N Sl er It adequate to be successful on the externa o r rna , ."1 JI terms .
actions could have eCelvmg others or being ecelve I d'scourage . OWy ou must question and evaluate what your I"Ite has meant In''r lnU
Very negar I fee I
lia Ve Y b . II . ~que
. rJde with
because people oPPOSe your eff Ive consequences. You may a so Ou een inwardly fulfilled? Or has your life been a sha 0 \\ rnJ.

arts to get ahead for no apparent reason.

spiritual being? Whether or not We like '
f yOU as a I I" It and
l'ttle meaning or 'stence of an "immorta sou, we all have t "-'hate..
I u t the eXI 0 d Vet
ne transits the Sun, it rechannels th
feelings abo . eal \.\lith 0llt Nep tU e nOrmal
~~~d~ ~ s When. . not always apparent where this energy ' .energy that YOur
effeC.tre's but It IS nsit is fatigue, the feeling that Your bod ~s gOing. A Very Co", ego
want to withdraw from the rapid pace of ' his tra . 11' Y lUst do' ...mon
. you may . norm I l.lI
At this tJI~e d to find peace to examIne yourself and see h a eVet re'l
eact!'on to t Ou m ay feel psychologlca f
y fatigued , futile and ' f esn t have any m
Ine fect I y Ore
existence In or er
I ' ry hard to me Itate upon your I e In noisy SUr "-' at YOll Yd
d' I'f . h a"J r
y Or Y
d I'n or even sorry or yourself. Often thl'
. s sense of
ua . Ou may te d
k n
accomp IS
hed tIS ve
'k' hard on your career, for example, you may Want t
round' a"
Ings. If e ell
to be disaP . lessness and purposeless actions. This is an wea ness Surface
SIO a im
have been wor mg ncerned with meaning in life, and it will be nece 0 slack Off /ou nfU . n ,ho h ve prob Iems Wit . h d rIn
. k'tng Or drugs In f extremely d'ff I 'lcult trans'ts
s CO a . ' act, even rn. d' I
Y will be more co Ssary to f' o\v. 3 people w. may cause problems. It IS best to avoid ing t' e Ication that a
ou .
meaning. Ind tha t for cnbes ' . es Ing any ch .
d tOr pres b dy's normal expenence at thiS time. YOur bod ' emlcal that is
f reign rna . fl 0 ences and Iess a bl e to resist
to the ' strain . Be very Y IS extrern. eIYsensitive
f h reasons, the transit of Neptune through the twelfth ma . o I In u . I careful ab
For all 0 .theseI·gl·on and faith. You wili Jery likely discover the inadeq y s.hrn.lliate a to e)(te
sSIV. edema nds on your physlca energy , for you could becorn. el'11 . Out making
cern WIt re I uacles f e)(ce
co~ I ' t Ilect and decide that other aspects of your mind, such as You 0 YOll r It Of this transit is that you may be inclined to dece' h
ranona m e . r capab 'I' ot h
b / . f 'ntuition and sensitivity, are more Important now. If you have a
for e Ie, I h' b'l"
ny pSYch ' An er resu . trying to make you appear as something other thanlVehot ers ' as 'f I Your
. .' ou may discover that your psyc IC a I ItIes are aroused by th o 'nfl IC egO energy IS t you choose to deceive others will be decided b w at YOu really are .
mclmatlOns, Y .. h h" IS I uen h r or nO . Y YOur OWn m I'
bl W ill take a great Interest m t e psyc IC SCiences at this tin-. y ceo Whet e d you had better be good at It. Neptune has an embarr ' ora Ity ,
Proba y you ."e. Oll '1 1 'f ou 0, asslng way of It '
d with any means for getting in touch with the deeper din-. . WI but l Y e to light at inconvenient moments. e tmg
be concerne ."enslons of the truth corn
I'k Iy to be unusually idealistic under this transit. lust be Sure th t '
Y '11 encounter the most difficult effects of this transit if you examine yo You are d I e'n reality and are not mere Iy a d eVlce
' for escaping it. If the a Your Ideals
ou WI . .. Ur Past are .roote
life and find that you have n~t served your spIrItual ~eeds very well: You may become deVice, d'IsaIppointment IS' almost certam.
. yare an escape
b'ect to depression and perIods when your whole hfe seems meanmgless and ern. t
If J does happen, make changes t hat WI'11 f aCl'1'Itate encountering the spiritual
su this P y.
Neptune Sextile Sun
dimension of life. It is never too late to begin this effort, and it will help you. One of the
greatest diseases of the modern age is alienation, the feeling that life is meaningless Under this transit, concern fo: others in. your .immedia~e circle will becorn.e a much
and that we have no connection with anyone or anything else. Neptune in the twelfth more important part of your lIfe. You wIll begm to realIze the significance of friends
is your opportunity to discover that this is not true for you and that you share an and how important they are to you, and you will be less interested in getting your Own
essential oneness with all being. way with them. Concerned about their welfare , you are willing to work for them if
necessary. This belief may extend beyond your personal friends to groups you are
associated with. Group ideas and values may be more important to you than your
Neptune Conjunct Sun own.
Like many transits, this one has both positive and negative points. On the positive side,
it can greatly increase your sensitivity and compassion for the people around you and Spiritual concerns are also more important to you at this time than they have been
allow you to help others in new ways. Like many other Neptune transits, this one before. This may J!lean that you will become involved in an organized religion or one
greatly elevates your concern with religion and metaphysics and makes you ~uch of the other cults that have sprung up in recent times . Or you may travel on an
more concerned about the ultimate meaning of life. You are inclined to subordl.nate individual spiritual path by yourself, depending upon what is the most appropriate
your own ego drives to the needs of others, to feel that what benefits them IS as approach for you. At this time you are able to devote your basic energies to
important as what benefits you. transcending the limitations you have always accepted in life. If you work toward
this goal, you can achieve great understanding.
But t.he Sun is the will, which is usually harnessed to the ego drives. The energy of the
Sun ~n your h~roscope signifies your ability to express yourself as an individual. ~~~ Under the influence of this transit you may work to assist people who are less fortunate
Sun IS the basIC energy system of th b d d ' d It' t the ego, the sense t than YOurself or for causes you believe in. If so, you may work very selfle sly without
you are a particular . e 0 yan mIn. IS no h 0 draws thought for your own personal gain. It is not that you don ' t care a bou t your-elf
. but
h '1 person WIth your own identity and needs, but t e eg h
eavI y upon the Sun for its energy. t at Y ' d ' . . ' . that
Ou I entIfy WIth the goals of the people you are helpmg. You perct'l\e . ),ou
are mUch more than the self wi thin your body, as you had thought in the past.
Neptune represents a stat f . . t people are
not prepared If y e o conscIousness beyond the ego for whIch mos .' ways DUring tho .
d . 1U" It might
d . ou are prepared .)) . ' . the pOSItIve IS tIme you will be much more sensitive to the world aroun ) l . • r lite
escribed above, but if ' you WI experience thIS transIt In e a gOod 'd d'
s ositive
)' ~U
p,1n \l1U
in p l e a to retire temporarily to a place where you can me Itate. u WLn t
you are not prepared you will experience the les P eace ' unl ess YOur everyday environment provl'd es t h'IS (I pportunltv• l
....... aterial aspects of being, You will re '
r non .. , , ' Cognize that
, 'n this way, but you will not get the rno b 'vine 0 d ot give ultImate m eanIng to you r life, purely mater I
not retire I st enefit ~e dI 'nS 0 n la
tl' 'deratlO
'( yOU can 0(15 1 . f
(fer terribly I c 'Iates your compaSSIOn Or others, You ma
sU "' transIt, 't stlJTlU ' f I h y express thO b
(rom t"IS , transl ' l' nstitutlOnS or peop e w 0 are phYSically I IS Y Working
Neptune Square Sun fnl5 " or In , menta Iy
chaP ties r yOU may become more concerned with hi' Or economically
, d ncertainty in which your life direction b for ged; 0 I' e ping I'
nf Slon an u h' ecom ,dva nta 'nrnent. One pecu lar characteris ti c of this t " peop e In your
riod of cO u, I felt that you knew w at you were doing and es dl S3 en vlro 'f . ranslt IS th t '
, n be a pe revlous Y ,wh" , mediate rned about gratl ymg your own ego thr ough h a you will not
ThIs ca 'f yOU have P that force you to question your assurn ' J , IJI'l 'bly co nce h sue work,
Even I 'mstances Pho terrI 'stance to ot ers. ' you only
unclear, ay encounter ClrcU rl'ly paralyzed, and you won't have YOur ns, be be of aS SI
Y Oll m b tempora I h' usu I want to
noW 'JI may seem to e , cide with times of ow p YSlcal vitality and I a
y r WI 't can com
l Ow ' 's a rather idealistic time in you r life and yo 'II
ou In fact this trans , n yOU should avoid any unnecessary physical I t h IS I ' U WI Want
energy, For thIS reas o II' 'I stress 1(1 gener~ , ideals, But nothing will be handed to you now Y 'I very much
L I gical energy, , 'ntain strong overa resIstance to I Iness, ctua\Jze your t ' OU WI I have to work
PSYC/IO 0 d h alth habIts to mal to a 've what yOU wan .
and follow gOO e , " , to achle
h ' transit will result In dlsonentatlon, as allud d
, h
ore likely tat t IS , ' k ' e to , iJTlagination is also stimulated b y this tra nsit. This is od'
But it IS much m expenence , d' ppomtments In your wor , career or even In
Isa " d B your Your
creatIVe . I I 'f ' ,
f eative effort, parhcu ar y I It Involves ra ther abstract t"
a go time for
above, You may f I d feated and dispJrlte, ut you must not sit back d kind 0 cr " " no Ions, eptune
ke you ee e d ' h' an any , rather Immatenal way and IS at ItS bes t when dealing with th b
home life that ma 'I you may suffer defeats unng t IS transit, but th erates 10 a " , d ' e a stract.
, fon Certam Y , fl ' ese op, tl'vity espeCIally 10 musIC an poetry, IS favored by th' 'fl
alloW thIS reac I ' do something that IS not a true re ectlOn of YOurself ArtistIC crea ' IS 10 uence,
defeats occur
only when you human being IS not e In your actIOns, you don't'
' b h' d '
total energy as a
Because your h' that would guarantee success: hence your failure Also A related effect of this transit is tha t it grea tly increases your sensitivity. You are able
h with t e vIgor , ' '
push throug d' ' tment during this penod, If you allow someone to talk you to percel've very subtle ideas and thoughts and to understa nd them at the "gut" Ie veI,
fEer a Isappom
you may su d t ally believe in, Above all else, you must be true to yourself This perception can be useful in all y~ur relationships ",:ith others, You will be able
, rOJect you 0 no re , '
Into a P , ' I f t 'ts main function in your life may be to pomt out that you do to perceive their needs and to help fulfIlI.them. Jus~ as thiS transit minimIzes your ego
d r thIS transIt, n ac I d" , ,
un e h are While this is not a very happy Iscovery, It IS Important drives 50 that you can work for others Without feel 109 resen tf u l. it also enables you to
not really know w 0 you '
to make it so you can proceed to find out who you are, get out of the way and give others what they need o nce you have perceived it

'd several types of activity during this transit, because your insecurity The most negative side of this transit is that you may be temp ted to sit around and
You 5 hou Id avOi , " ' I I '
about yourself will make them turn out badly, First thiS IS not a partlcu ar y gO,od time daydream, Reality may not seem as interesting as your dream s, b ut this IS a time when
to become involved in spiritual or mystical sects, Your sense of self needs ~ounshment you can work successfully to realize your dreams , so it w ould b e a tremendous waste
and growth, not denial. You are (lot yet ready for that, and the teach lOgs of such of very creative energy to just sit! Any course of action as described above would help
groups are likely to confuse you and retard your development as a human being, you become a more creative and happy individual. There is mu ch potential In thiS
Similar warnings apply to the study of the occul t in general, transit.

Second, avoid risky or speculative ventures, because your sense of reality is too weak
to appraise the risks accurately, Besides, you are likely to be swindled, If you are
having trouble in your work, avoid the temptation to change jobs now, Later, when Neptune Opposition Sun
you understand your needs better, you may be able to make the change, Any new job You should be very careful under this transit. First , your physical vitality wll1 n\.,t be
you start now would not be an improvement over the present one, as great as it could be, You may become weakened by a v ar iety of ailments it you
R ' , h 'J) are nO,t careful. Avoid exposure to illness, and if possible d on ' t use any tyre of dru '5
em~m aCllve, and do not withdraw from people to ponder your problems, T at WI
pre~cnption or otherwise, Be sure to eat the proper foods a n d stay a",'ay from dietary
only Inflate them out of aII proporllon
' and make them harder to dea I WI'h
t ' regimens
U f that'lOVO Ive glvmg
" .
up a parttcular ktn - h-Ie-al reJ - on~,
' d 0 f f 00 d f or p h'lI o!:>op ,
n ortunatel b I d f' . lr '1n1llar
deb'\' , y your ody does not live on philosophy ! ro n e IClency
I ttahng co d' ,
Neptune Trine Sun n Ihons are a great danger at this time.
This transit will alter your at' d h e always
been a materialist y '11h~ e toward the world tremendously, If you a v , "'e In Your rei' ,
clearly datJonshlPs, make absolutely certain that you p rt'~ent yt,ur-.e I
I h' .,th (- ,b
\..t ah>ut
, ou WI fInd th ' , d' 'ed 10 sou'
way, will become imp t at spJrltual concerns, perhaps ISgUIS I an an as st 'h f I I ' In\' J ,'Ul'
or ant to y f ' sa ri y me Your ' ralg t orwardly as you can, Do not ea\'(' pet'p t' In , ,n tt'
that you will be aUract d ou or the first time, This does not neces " lity Intention h . h 'l' a(1\ reJ"
1'1.-\Y to be more u e to an orga' d I" ' f splntu a ll1is un d s or your position on any matter , 11 t,t er~.n l' .lU~e
hod nlze re IglOn, for your expreSSIOn 0 , of ,erstand h ' I' 1 " lI n-.t "u
, J.. .l ~(
nort ' p e nence
ox , You WI'II be concerned with a dIrect Il1lsunde you, t ey will, and they are I\...e y h' \\l,r \\' 'I~l .lIn'
ex rstand" ' ,q'll '
Ing easlly turns to fear or mistrust. FM tht' ~ .1I11e re.l.
. hemes, for they probably will w k 'nd speaks very loudly during a Ne
'OU 5rTu . I' Ptune tra .
d d or devIous sc Or to Yo CO.,5CI must learn Its pecu lar symbolism d nslt, but to d
derha n e Ur LIn ying yOU an not take it un erstand wh
lin un it is sa ., swords literal\ at
.~~~ . . . al level thiS tranSIt can lead to a'll y.
In\ ·m enI · can trust and commUnicate with ' so th at 'f hys'C '. rnents r I
de lrI pie whom yOU u and they can straighten them 0 I there on the P such as exceSSive cellular fluids. Also it can ~ ated to fluid dlst
'Ih peo
k only WI I misundersta
ndings, yo ut With
C· e anyone who enters your life now lOUt .... the bod Y, oblem if there is a predisposition to th O . Signify the flare urbances
ho l pr ' IS m y b' -up of d
vVo~n}' accide~ta uS of each other. ;vbefore you place a great deal of tru P ~nty of
or aleo tendency to contract eye diseases, have YOur e OUr lrth chart . Als a rug
are . SUSPICIO he is hones st In th have any I ms but don't take the chance. yes checked. Usual! hO If you
beComIng e that he or s at o prob e ' y t ere will
. 10 prov be fl
pe rson. d f ts in connection with others can be au wiIl be very reluctant to deal with th
. . that e ea unusu II t'm es Y . . e real wo Id
at this time IS ent and futility are a great danger and a y Sofl'le I nsl't because the NeptUnIan illusion is rathe II . r under a Ne t
rob Iem f discouragem If can mak n tra , . r a unng Th P une-
The p. Feelings 0 . n worse results. you are not careful e MOo. . t relate what you get from It to the real world d ' e chal!enge of t"
debilitatIng. thus creatlflg eve If ' You may Sit IS a h I f h an not tr ne
Uwant to give up, 't feeling very badly about yourse . frafl can learn t e anguage 0 t e unconscious . d y to separate th
If yOU . . mm and d' e
yo t oE this trans l tWO. wiIl gain great mSIght and wisdom through th O . ISCover what it .
comeo u h b . I saying, yOU IS transIt. IS
. your life, suc as ecommg tota Iy involv d .
elements In .. II e with
reEu} about new 'zation or adopting uncnttca y a new approach t I'
Be ca nf or organ! If d I ' h 0 Ife Neptune Sextile Moon
e neW mo veme nusually subject to se - e USlOn at t is time Let
som .} hy You are u . If' . every
a new phI osop ' . th before you commit yourse to It. . nsit increases your emotional sensitivity so that yo
or I prove IIs war ThiS tra h u are much rna
idea or mo vemell ds and feelings of at ers. When you encounter pe I re aware of
the m o o . op e, you are ' t ..
'ons this transit can show you a very spiritual dimen . of what they are feehng at the moment. But because h In Ult1ve\y
these precau tI , . l'f h Slon
If you f 0 }} ow re of a deeper meaning In 1 e t an you have ever b aware
rstanding of others, you should try to avoid people who
you ave this e
h .
mpat IC
Y can become awa een un de . f . ave negative thoughts
to life. ou The roblem is that the road to this understanding is full of snares and feelings, because 10 your state 0 mcreased sensitivity y '11 b
aware of before. p t arefully find your way through. an d , ou WI e constantl
aware of and influenced by them, y
delusions that you mus c

In general, even though it may still b~ difficult to put your perceptions into words
Neptune Conjunct Moon you will know c~e~rly t~at !'our emotlOn~1 un.der~tanding at the gut level is high . If
you are at all artIstIC, thiS wIll make your Imagmatlon much more active and creative ,
. '11 any changes in your emotional and personal life. These which will aid your work immeasurably. Even if you are not artistic, you will be much
This transit WI cause m b ' .
. h d to handle initially, but they can e constructive If you take more imaginative. Just be careful tha t this does not lead to endless daydreaming .
changes may be qUite ar '
the trouble to master the energies involved.
It is very likely that whatever your usual attitudes about the mind and feelings , during
The basic effect of this transit is to greatly increase your sensitivity to the .world around this time you will be much more concerned with emotions than with intellect. Purely
you. This is one of the psychic transits, in that. it stimulates your latent psychic intellectual considerations seem too dull and colorless. Nevertheless, a certain amount
abilities and makes them the vehicle for much mput from the outer world. The of intellectual discipline can be very useful at this time in gaining great emotional
problem, however, is that at first your conscious mind does not know what to do with understanding of life.
this material, so you become confused or misinterpret the information from the
unconscious. This happens especially when the conscious mind receives feelings that In yeur relationships, it is quite possible that you will idealize a woman who someho~
cannot be easily reduced to rational considerations. signifies all of the interesting and fascinating 'developments that are taking place Inside
your own mind. If you are a man this could lead to a very highly romanticized
This transit may produce the following kinds of problems. First there is the danger relationship. '
of ~eing confused by your emotions, believing that you feel one way when your r~al
feelings are quit.e different. This is particularly difficult in a love relationship in which This tran't . I d
shmu ates your interest in psychic and mystical phenomena an you
you are rom ..nhcally fascinated by someone who is completely inappropriate for you. ~ery well have some sort of psychic experiences. You may not recognize them as uch.
The "spell" that lovers work uponeac h other IS . . .
a claSSIC NeptUnian state.
owever unl
• ess you are consciously on the alert for them.

There is a great danger al fb. . I h t yOU can

J J I so 0 elOg so fascinated by an idea or an Idea t a .
no anger c ear y see the world ar . bout taking Neptune Square Moon
up any idea or belief th ound you. You should be very cautIOUS a h 'dea s Underth' . fl i and feelings.
aresignificant and im
at seems stra l b '
b f"
nge y 0 sesslve and ascmatmg no·
w Sue J
Your You IS In uence you may have to contend with rather strange mONS h language
portant, ut they do not mean what you think they mean. may feel that your hunches are extremely accurate, but be careful - f ~
J- IUfl. t;;."-' .....

, d which is speaking rather strongly to t his transit will bring you a very idealized a d ' ,
, US mIn ,
r unconsCIO
" d Y
e of the conscIOUS mm , our hunches
You n
ow, is , pOSSI'bl e tha t to the pomt 'h t at t h e two 0 f you Will
not have a nh sPlfltualized
' I ' 1Ove
<'/ yM, the languag may mi I Very 11 IS '0(\5 h'IP , even emain platOniC , b'
ecause It seems more pure and 'd I
P YSlca relatlonsh'
,/it/ from s ead You Iall fer to r I ea And alth h
re J1'laY pre" in the long run a relationship such as this is lik 1 'b oug
Iwlly, " , you'd ahzlng, h e y to every hel f I
m ore subject to outsloe Influences now ' If y% u life I e I ment, Unlike many ot er Neptunian relationship , h" pu
'ey ~are yO Our deve op ble to make t h e ch ange f rom 'I I'
I USlOns h t IS mstance
to reality 5 , . 10
-\t the sa me tIm, eone under the influence of any other intense f )' are aro ..
• son or sam h Id ' ee lng "nd to Y Id be a h ' , Wit out too m h
an ,lngry per Iy For this reason, you s ou avoId people wh ' YOu \y'II u shou may discover t at your IllUSIOns about the oth uc
, ergy strong , h ' 0 are I yO ble, lind yOU h t th after all. er person were not so
feel theIr en ative emotions, Your empat y IS so great that under tL trOU ved from t e ru
f strong neg , h' You w'll Ile far reJ1'lO
influence 0 , h ir feelings. And aVOId anyone W 0 tnes to Control I easil
become subJe,ct to t :stions and hints, which is very likely to happenYObur thinkin~ , mstances this transit will greatly stimulate your'
y ClrcU
, ,
Imagmatlon and give
gh subteinstiII
sugg f ' h'
will seem to come rom WIt m you - another good
, eca
USe the
" Under lI~ more poetic cast. If you have any ,l atent psychic ability, this transit will brin
thoughts they reason f il a mucYou are also likely to be much more " Interested ,in .the occult,ycPs h'
IC stu d'les andg
negative people. Or
it out., This is all part of your Increased senSItivIty to the wo Id '
'fl'WlIhsm , r ,as mentIOned
ther problems in your home or personal life or with Spl
There may be o , h . emoti earlier,
, h' It is extremely Important t at you try to communIcate with th onal
relatIOns IpS, d' 'f d h' Ose aro
s possible, Misunderstan lOgs are n e un er t IS transi t Yo und
you as cIear Iy a , , ' u may b '
'onship that is hopelessly unrealIstIC and yet very fascinating egln
a Iave reIa tI '
Neptune Opposition Moon
and emotions may appear and disappear with great speed, Do not t k
M00ds ' I ' a e them
seriously or get too wrapped up m con temp atmg them, for you will onl This transit produces strange moods and obses~ions that can make your life quite
t00 d" y make
mountains out of molehills. Even when you are Isappomted about something d difficult if you take them .at ~ace value or too senously , :our perception of the world
. . b d' ' 0 not , ot terribly acute at thIS time, and you tend to see thmgs as you want to see them
dwell on it. Your own negatIve emotIOns can every estruchve.
~:;her than as they are, Psychic and s~iritual studies and teachings, which usually are
Avoid using any type of drug unless it is absolutely necessary and you are under quite valuable, should be taken up WIth extreme care at this time because you may
physician's guidance. Your body is much more sensitive than usual and can quickl a misunderstand or misuse them . Often this transit denotes that you are weary of the
build up a dependency pattern, even on drugs that don't usually carry that dange;' world as it is and want to escape from it. Spiritual teachings can be used as an excuse
Digestive problems may also occur under this transit, which is another reason for not for escape, but that is not their most constructive use by any means , The world is
confusing your system with unusual substances such as drugs, here so you can learn to handle it, not so you can avoid it. You can only disguise it,
which makes it much more damaging to you,

Neptune Trine Moon

You can be deceived by your feelings under this influence , For example, you may
The main effect of this transit is to increase your sensitivity to everything that happens idealize someone out of all proportion to the truth and insist that what you see in that
around you, especially to the feelings and moods of others, and even their thoughts person is really so because your intuition tells you it is , But you are likely to be
to some extent. This is a strongly intuitive transit. The "feelings" you get about a disappointed if you do this. Be especially careful in love affairs, which are often
situat~on w~1I be remarkably accurate. At the same time you will be eager for subject to overidealizing anyway. Also watch out for a tendency to saddle yourself
expenences m which you can go past surface appearances right to the very heart of the with "stray dogs," that is, forlorn and woebegone people who appeal to your
matter, And your increased sensitivity makes it easy to do this, compassion, If you can really be of assistance to them, fine, But first make sure you
can, Your efforts may be wasted on people who do not really want to change at all.
This transit especially , f I
" I arouses your compassion for other people's conditIOn, You ee
so exquIsIte y and empath' t At the physical level, be very careful of what you eat or drink. Your body is unusually
very much to t' I lZe so completely with people's problems that you wan
ge mvo ved in th ' I' d d h' d but sensitive to poisons and chemicals at this time and may react badly to some substances,
first make s th h elr Ives an help them, This is a goo t 109 to 0,
ure at t ey reall k ou Even if you are careful, you may have some kind of digestive difficulty or other
aware of the intrin ' Ywant to be helped, Neptune trine your Moon rna es y
, SIC oneness of all b ' d nstrate problem in assimilating foods,
10 your own life Th' , elOgs, an awareness you will want to emo ,
, h' ,IS combmatio I h f nctlon
wit m you, regardJe f n a so arouses a kind of idealized mot er u ,
55 0 Your sex h those In Events' , b me verY unclear at this time keep
need ,Again, be sure that th ' so t at you want to protect and nurture ,h 10 your personal and domestic hfe may eco . Id
Your h I'f 'bl f ny seriouc; problems there cou
Your idealistic feeling th ey Want to be nurtured, And don't get so carried away WIt ome 1 e as neat and orderly as pOSSI e, or a - h h Id
tod J 'h' s atyouca I 'II have und ' f fl' d I' 'It t e wor ,
ea WIt In helping oth If nnot re ate to the actual conditions yOU WI Y ermme your self- con f'd
1 ence an
d make you more ear u 10 ea 109 \\ .
d' h' .t
ers, that h aU may have a problem with female relatives or friends Ufmg t IS tran~1 .
appens you will accomplish little,
- , t'on SO aroused, the everyday world may not se '
g Ina I em very Inter r
auf itJ1 a , to dream of strange regions in your mind wh es 109,
C )l'1/' und Ml'rcury
Nt.pllllll' 1 With ~u fl'lay b,egl:urseIf down to earth long enough, you will dis:~::r~~:;~ escape,
. ' ,to handlE.', because Neptune and Me alld ,Y£ yoU can uel'f can be fascinating in its own right. This is such a e World
rtf ulr rrJn~1 rCUry tI I Ie great 0pport 't
I . III 1"IIl'ml'''' "II nIh with many other Neptune transits this Btl ur noftJ1a ects of the world that you could not usually co h unl y
·In' "HI 'I, , f', 'lIlll'II\HI~, U ,I. , ' One fyO d asP 'ff " mpre end , yo
Ii IIt'lI'nI ,11 I "I h I j 'ct.. W bring out. o derstan ' t by wandenng 0 mto a prtvate world that has I ' u
,n'"'' . f"h,l''''lll,nll(~1 to un , waste I no re evance to
1,1' ,11'",111\' -" , , Idn t •
" f your mind are likely to be scrambled by th shO~hing else,
' d 'Illlltll' 0 ' h e
h I, 'Il II ,1Ild ).11 It'll. •
.. ,~. ' I Ih.ltyou ,
Ire no longer qUite sure w at you think abo
h I ut allY 'ncreased a b'l' 'h
I lty t 0 communtcate t e spiritual or psych' ,
," 11U 'I1\ ' l'I "pIUI1,· ~l d 'he infJul'ncc of ideas t at you wou d not have held £ your 1 ' h IC expenences
111 , , "nW Ull t'r " 'f 12 ecause 0 I'f this is a good time to teac others what you have lea d A h
n thln~ l)) \'" u m,l) I th' worst mess of this tranSit I you try to organ ' v wn I e, rne, t ot er
,I \ I'l..dy !(l m.l"e ~ f IZe '11 your 0 h ve been difficult to convey to people anything more than the t h II
!'!'t'\ l\'lI~IY \ Illl .Ift' I , Th) ordering function 0 Mercury is so much at odd I 'fl'lay a f h "d ou er s e
' rhlt'no w, ~ k ' S tl'rnes It expen' en ce , Now , because a t e VlVl ness of your imagination bl
lO,j rl'~lmdurl' ) t i l l . " . that any arrangements you ma e wdl not mak , , you are a e
' I (I.. 01 order Ines~ h" b d ' e of your feel your expenences , It may be useful to associate with oth I
Wllh • \-pllllll' ~.l. else, Consequently t IS IS a a time for makin ke them , er peop e
I ' lursdf or 'II
,,'11 .. ,' I,lla I)) I ,
ff ct Ihe direction 0 f your l'f I' I b
I e, t IS a so a ad time fo
g to rna , g similar experIences so that as a group you can teach others wh t
d .. n'lhatwl J e r whO are havw a you
IIlIpl'rl.1O I l'(ISIl, S b e there is a danger that you are poorly informed about
1Ill'~t ~lI,illt'SS deCiSIOns, ecaus know,
\\'h.1I1' ~Iltng on,
I faith and reason are in a state of balance at this time , You do not believe
b'ned always raise the issue of self-deceit, being deceived In ge~era "mply because a guru has told you so, but at the same time you recognize
'.ntunt' .)Ild ~ fercury com I I f I f h h n thmg SI , , ,
• It d
~\' ltha,; or vour ecel 0
't t ward others, Be extreme y care I u 0 t ese
' azards in any atheY,I1ml'tS of rational mtellect. You do not try to make either tntellect or faith serve the
I ' " Deceit may be inadvertent. For examp e, you may fmd that you functions of the other ,
kind 01 nego tiation , , d b h h
lrt' una bl e tll cIear IY exp ress what is on your mm ecause
, t e t oughts seem so
comp Ie\ dn d d'IS organized , and when you do say somethmg, others misunderstand
Neptune Square Mercury
VI'U wnlpletely, Be very sure that people really understand your meaning when they

;ay they do, The principal challenge of this transit is to keep your thinking and communications
straight within yourself and with regard to others, The quality of your mind is being
On the plus side of this transit, you will be much more receptive to subtle influences tested now, and any loose ends in your thinking or attitudes will become a serious
around vou, Your rational mind may be confused, but your intuition is likely to be source of trouble, Any unclear ideas will become a source of confusion to you in
very sh~rp, The only difficulty you might have is in making others understand the many aspects of your life,
basis of your understandings,

Avoid making important decisions under this transit, especially about your career and
You may become interested in psychic matters and in mysticism under this transit.
overall life objectives, You probably are not seeing clearly enough to make intelligent
You will arrive at a profound and direct knowledge of the inadequacies of unaided
decisions that take into account all of the relevant factors,
logic, and you may seek to expand your understanding of the more hidden aspects
of the mind, You may even encounter hidden psychic abilities in your own mind,
Similarly avoid business decisions if possible, for buying and selling are not favored
by this transit. You may be operating under a misconception about the transactions or
Neptune SextHe Mercury your, buying and selling may be influenced by unconscious compulsions , It IS al 0

,Thi~ tr~nsit stimulates your imagination in a creative way, giving you greater
possible that the person you are dealing with is dishonest.
inspiratIOn and an imm d' t f' h ' II t
e la e grasp 0 Ideas that are usually too subtle for t e wte ec '
And you are better able to ' d' pIe ~heat main problem with this transit is that it stimulates your imagination to the point
:t y~U may spend too much time fantasi zing, You may find it difficult to keep :our
communIcate these subtle ideas to others an gIve peo
some understanding of wh t , , ' 'f
, , a you are seemg now, This can be a very creative tIme I
you are Interested 111 art music or tenllo n fixed on the real world or you may become obsessed with trange Ideas
' poetry, and fan 'f I ' ' "
CI U beltefs, especially religious and mystical notIOns,
If you have any latent psych' bl ' , , ' k'nd
Th' 1
of extrasenso , I C a I Ity, thIS transIt is quite capable of activatIng a I
IS transit 1 h worn'ing ab~ut prob em
sensitivity anJ y~ercePtlon whithin you, Certainly it increases the level of your that d
On't a
may also bring on nervous prob ems, suc a s ,
If b
helmed b\ m1Jglnary
, u are muc mor bl h trying to feats mOunt to anything, Don' t let yourse ecome overw . " t on
communicate to yo P , J e a e to understand what at ers are d Or anxiet' 'I t 1 In rare ca e thl. tran~1
u, revlOUs y thes 'd h I prehe/1 , b'l' but thi. i. nl..~t

requiring too much ' t '/' e I eas ave been too difficu t to com also Coin 'd les - they are almost certaIn y no rea,
111 UI IOn and sub
get an immediate idea f h h
conscIOUS un erstanding,
ow, ow
h ever ' yoU Vety like~~ e With some type of paralysis or other m~t~ nhef\~e::o ,~n~ru~.; that affect
o w at t ey are feeling, the lllind atunhless there is a predisposi tion in your blrt char,. a\I"~t~ll t 'l,~t~nd with .
t is t'lme, for your mind a 1feJ dY ha!';
en~ u'>
unre I \'

. with others, be very careful that what
'ff' It at this time, Others may deceive you and
be d I !CU I C' ' You .."f11unicaundg what someone else says to you clari/~u say is dear, and if
nicatio ns may, t' nally or inadvertent y, ertamly You h may d stan d h'" Y It to yo If You
corn rn U . h r mten 10 , s ould In CO'"
't un er ' a great anger at t IS tIme and can 1 d urse, Misunde _
've others, elt e th'ng else because the decephon may not succ d nOt don, others IS ea to most un 1 r
decel ourself or any I , ee , Whi h ndlng Peasant
rnisrepresen~ y Ie's confidence in you, C stll ' n S'
will undermme peop 'tU lltiO
51 h n usually subject to Slrange ideas now B
ore t a 'II f ' d' . e careful not t b
" 0 u are Jl1 d I 'ons for you WI 10 It very difficult to tell h ' 0 . ecome
Neptune Trine Mercury 1 d by e USI' , '1 h h w at IS a del
bsesse Th tried and true pnnclp es t at ave guided Your \'f USlon and
o hat is not. e I e are more reliable
, ginative periods of your life in a positive way Yo ' 'II wer ones,
" of the most Ima 'II 'I ' u r mind than ne
ThIS IS one 'th unusual facility, but you WI Stl I be able to dist' '
'JJ b able to create WI "h' h ' h mgUlsh I or any other buying or selling negotiation be
WI e , d h roducts of your imaglOatlOn, w IC IS not t e case with 'ess dea s d'ff' 1 b' ,extremely card 1
between realIty
an t e p h
f Neptune and Mercury, If you ave ever wanted to write
sOme In busln 'ly be deceived, In I ICU t com mations such as this 0 b h u,
ther combmatlO ns 0 , h' , prose can eas l d ld b h ' , ne, ot Mercury
o h' ' th time to try, although success 10 t IS area reqUIres some indicat' for yoU Ie thievery, an you cou e t e Victim. Make sure th t h
' I ' I tune ru a w at you bu
or poetry t IS IS e h
" ' b'l'ty 'n the birth chart, TranSIts can on y shmu ate t e potential th
IOn and Nep 't 's represented, and always be sure to get a guarantee wh Y
of wntmg a I I I f h' at ctly as I I k en you make a
, 10 ' the b'Ir th chart', they can' t create a talent out 0 not mg. is exa If ou are selling, be sure to ma e some kind of contractual ar
eXIsts purchase, y rangement
with the buyer,
This combination of Neptune and Mercury si~nifies o~e of the few times in life when
the rational intellect and the intuitive and feelIng functIons are able to work as a team, 'd etting involved in any scheme that you know to be dishonest. When it comes
For most people these two areas of the mind usually operate at cross-purposes, But AVOI ~, g others ' luck is not with you; the one who gets hurt will be you ,
to decelvm
now they can cooperate, which is what makes this such a fertile time,
ma have to contend with strange nervous ailments at this time, These can be
Fortunately, the intuitive sensitivity stimulated by this transit extends to your ~o~er ~ysical or psychological illnesses, Psychological ailments are likely to take
relationships with others, You understand what people are thinking with much less elt P
the form d
of peculiar anxieties an Tnervousness , a k'109 vltamms
" may be helpful in
verbal communication than usual, almost as if you can look into their minds and see dealing with your nerves, but consult your physician first. You must realIze that any
what is happening there, Consequently your efforts to communicate with others fcars you have under this transit are probably groundless and have arisen from your
will be much more effective now. Others will understand and appreciate the fact that overactive imagination,
you understand them,
On the other hand, you could have a real physicai problem, This transit can signify
You are likely to take an intellectual interest in metaphysical and spiritual subjects at nervous weakness or a condition in which the nerves do not transmit impulses as they
this time, and your innate psychic abilities may be manifested, But your approach to
should, If you are having severe psychological problems, they may have an organic
these subjects is a bit different from most people's, You demand that spiritual matters
basis, Consult a doctor to find out.
make sense to you intellectually as well as intuitively, You want to know, not merely
to believe, But your newly intuitive sensibility tells you that there are limits to
~nderstandi~g through rational intellect. Your understanding of almost any subject Neptune Conjunct Venus
IS greatly heIghtened by this transit.
This can be a fascinating transit. It will stimulate the idealistic side of your nature, in
a mos t beaUhful
' way, and you will see beauty in everythmg. , "d
For artistIc an creall
If ,you are involved in any kind of teaching, this transit will be an invaluable aid, You
WI)) be able to comm' h
UOlcate w at you know in such a way that ot ers r
h eaJly pe~ple this is one of the most powerful of all transits , Your imagination will be more
undprstand thesubJ'ect d I active th b 'f I' ges to create
an a so your experience of it. frOm, Evean 'fever before, presenting you with innumerable
' 'I b
eautl u Ima
' t
, d t
musiC an ar
. n I you are not especially artistic this transIt WI 1 nng poe ry,
Into Your life, '

Neptune Opposition Mercury Although h' " " it dl : not

bring th t IS transit brings the "beautiful illusion," the "beauhfullmage, , u prol ect
Thinking and communication w'l ' f this e real't fb ' 'nd that}ate the fact
transit. You are more s b' I I be problem areas in your life for the dura tlon 0 Onto real' I y 0 eauty, You have an ideal of beauty m your mt
dan gerous time to m u lect toco f '
k ' n USlon at this time than at any other, an It IS
d' ' a very
h as an art'
Ity or 0 t I ' , 1 '" ha\'€' to'Ired
n 0 a oved one, but otherwise It IS not rea, lOU
iy here,
' a e Imp t d t e ls
Circumstances that aff
'b ect Your d "
or ant decisions, Either you misunderstan
I . alsO
You WI'II h Would If
create his work, If you delude yourse t ah t the ideJI .l
t\'c beauu'fu1
POIII Ie that someone has d ' eCISlon, or you do not have all the facts, t IS ,Images' ave problems, You may be so oriented toward seel~~
' " '"Inlv
I.. " n' reJl an
d t,

ecelved yOU about the facts, p In Your min

'd f d I With the \
OSSibl d'ff'
y that you overlook and re use to eJ
I leult
aspects of your life,
Planets in Transit

OU put forth will help you greatly in the long

the ener gy Y d' f run,
thwhile, bl to act selflessly an gIve or the sake of giving,
t wor been a e
, I I difficult if you do not keep a clear head N is,,0 yoU have "
, hOps can be partlCU ar y nsit par exceII ence, You may faII madly in 'eptu I ne ..l'jjllSf
' ht this transit can bnng a most spiritual love a true
are fig , ,
Re , t VenuSI mance tra a perfect and idea, I Ih W' h
jatlO ns
u. e ro
is .L a t oug h the truth ma aVe b It th er factors a feel that you have met, the person who has always been
con/une ecause he or she seems satl'cally mean a ba d Iove reI atlOnship ' and Y
th e qu Ite
meo ne b d at auwm ' e ob' If jjll 0 lo , n." you rn Y ' may in fact be true; WIth other transits this feeling is often
sofferent, Neptune oes n t be worthwhile, That is not the point. Even if you I leet IlIn And t h IS b 1
dJ "SOli - d for yOU, 'th this tr ansi tit can e rea ,
our fove may or may no I -headed point 0 fView,
' t ha t'IS not w h at is attract' raved One
deS U" 11 illusion,
but WI
of Y rthw h 'j from a e ear .h ' k d Ing You si!f1plya
ne is wo Ie h f Hts you will find you ave pJC e someone who ' '
o ck when t e og I . h' h IS quit Neptune Square Venus
[fyou are lu Y, have difficulty acceptmg IS or er faults beca e
But you may h d Od ' Use You
good for you, ed up In ,
your I
'deal of perfection t at you I not notice them b f
f N e are , erso nal relationships may cause problems during this transit
were so wrapp , 'frequent consequence a a eptune-Venus relati h" , des In P , , '
, tment In love IS a f II f ons Ip listie attltu, disappointments that WIll seriously affect your domestic life
Disappom , ,II be more acute if you a or someone who is not ' unrea expenence _ " -
And the disapPOintment y, I at all Ou may .h truth about yourself and about your relatlOnshlps at this time
an d Y V oid t e '
worthwhile, OII tend to a deal with reality could set you up for a very severe fall , This w ill
Y luctance to hi ' h'
t occurs in Neptune-Venus relationships is selflessness in 10 and your re If_confidence as well as t e re ahons IpS, Your sense of reality
One other theme t ha I' h" k h Ve, undermine,
, your se h h ",
d your ability to accept ot ers as t ey are IS bemg tested by this
'II" th t your only need in a re atlOns Ip IS to ma e t e other per
This is the I USlon . a , h f k' son in relationshiPs an
, ople will carry thiS theme to t e extent 0 see mg out some
happy Sometimes pe 'h A I' h" one
" I I transit.
who IS tru Y a oser I order to "save"
'n " him or er.' re atlOns Ip with a sick pers on,
' drug addict is a mamfestatlon of thIS pattern, Be very careful to avoid ' I lover comes along, you may be swept off your feet. You are not
a Ico h0 IJC or , , tla
thIS ten ency ,' when the transit is over you may fmd that you have commItted yourself
' d If a, new poten
h eality of the person but by something within yourself that you are
Ited by t e r
to a very ungratifying situation, ex c" n the other, When you finally learn the truth about the other person,
projecttng upo ." h h h '
ave difficulty acceptmg It, even t aug t e truth IS perfectly all right
Another situation may arise that is related in reverse, if you feel that you are the you may h
unworthy person who needs to be saved , In this case you would seek out someone who in itself.
could "save" you, rather like falling in love with a guru figure, The problem with both
A danger you should watch for especially with this transit is that of being attracted
of these Neptune-Venus manifestations is that you are not relating to the other person
to an unattainable person, You may be setting yourself up for a situation in which you
as an independent equal.
cannot win, The other person appears as an unrealizable dream, someone wh.o is too
far above you to be attained. You have to recognize that your real objective here is
Neptune Sextile Venus avoiding an actual encounter. If you play this as a dreamy kind of game, you are
This transit stimulates your creative imagination and is likely to put you into a very unlikely todo anyone, including yourself, much harm, But if you take your "suffering '
pleasant and dreamy frame of mind, in which you will be capable of great creativity , seriously, the resulting sense of defeat may be quite harmful to you. Also, others may
You may not act very practically, however. If you have any creative or artistic talent. find your martyred role in love very difficult to be around.
this will be a good time for using it. Your sense of color will be heightened, and your
sense of form and design will be improved, Even if you are not especially artistic, you It is also possibl e tha t t h e person you ch.oose to love can only be described as a l oser
should surround yourself with various forms of beauty in order to better appreciate it. who dreams that y h' h ' -
trom th h au can save 1m or er, Here agam you play the martyr , suffenng
avoidh e ,urts and outrages perpetrated by your loved one, Again your objective IS to
On the emotional front, you are inclined to idealize your partner in a love relationship avtng to deal with the real person,
and not deal very wei! with his or her less ideal aspects the "warts" so to speak, This
transit may in fact bring , ' , , h ve a Neptu '
'" a very romantIC new love, But even though you won t a nlan relationsh' l'k
very realistIC attitude to d ' Th ff cts aVoiding co fr ,IPS I e these are often born of your feeling of inadequacy, By
' , war It, you are unlikely to do yourself any harm, ee e n Ontahons 'h al people, you also avoid a confronta'l0n . ;\1-t.,h
f h transIt are mild
OtIS h ary YOUrself, in who h Wit re
" enoug so that afterward you can make the necess
adJustment to reality If th I ' , will what You need IC you fear that you will be the loser. Yet a real confrontation l! just
simply drop it 'th I' "I e re ahonship turns out to have no real ment, yOU hav 1f
'you per' t ' '/1
WI Itt e regret. e to confro t b SIS m one of these relationships after this trans:t, you WI
Outeo n oth Your If d t'
Ille, this could b se an your partner as real individuals, \\':-atever " e
While this aspect affects lov ' ' d hips e the most valuable part of the relationship.
also , In the name of I f e relatIOnships most strongly, it will affect fnen s I
Ove or you f' d ch eS S
selfishly than at other ti l ,r flen or lover you will be able to act mu h's
time, and you want to d meso Ove IS m ' ay at t I
h ore Important than getting your own w e th'IS transit 'II N eptune Trine Venus
'bat t he person you are d0 w 'atever you can for the person you love, Just make surhe to WI st' I
evotmg Y I 'f h or 5 an unUsually Itnu ate ".
ourse f to is worth the effort. But even I e ro-. ,your romantic Imagma tion considerably, Thi. ma)
.. ·antic r ' . , "

se creative talents that you were not even aware of Th

arou , , ,,' e sYll1b
' the beautiful dream or illusIOn, Even though It IS an illu ' 01 of th' of the Venus- Neptune transit , and it is not an uncommon
IS to make it real If
now " you recognIze that you must work SIOn,
to Yo u h aVe theIS tr~f)sit 'festation
re~e b
make any d abll ih ,
If this transit does bring about a love relationship, it will prob bl rea III real,
'1 e)(t ion, 'relationship difficulties as well , such as a scure
and idealized than any you have ever expenenced, ",d ""Ie olh" kmd,. . Fo, "ample, you may Hnd it difficult t?
' It will seem l'k
a Y be rn Ore rO '
f h ' transit an existing relatiO p f ou may do something behind the other s
between the two 0 you, t e rea IIzatlOn
, , 0f I e ideal Iia Perfect soullllUf)'
your most perfect ThiS ithln tner or one 0 y I t ht
the Venus-Neptune tnne ' th ere IS
'h t e d anger 0 f overidealizabon, 'OWeve r, even With IOn pro w w I'th your par r mutua
'te , I confidence, It is important to pay as s ralg ,
~~unlca d rmining you because Neptune can leave long-lasting scars m a
cO thuS un e partners, , ff f the very beginning,
You will eventually learn to see your partner's flaws but this I ' back"ossib le with your do not wor k to minimize ItS e ects rom
a5 P ' i f you , , ,
broaden your understandmg ' of people to the point that, you can re abonsh'Ip should
' transIt
£laws, ThIS " IS not as lIkely
, accept
to produce great disappointment ' the ' , l~evItable relationshiP,
eful effect 0 f th's
, , that it stimulates the creative ImagInatIon ,
transit IS . t' ora
as the other Venus-Neptune combinations, In fact, under this infl In relatIonships I, ' II onl a misuse of creative imagma Ion
more compassio~ate and understanding of your lover, almost as if you
The most us 'll sion or delUSiOn IS ret y y keep truth and imagination separate,
were one, and hIS or her problems are yours too, This sense of onene ' bY Ur lOVe
OWl be In fact, ever~
, n of Ima
I Ugination with truth, I ~ou
f' from thiS transl , esp
ecially if you are intrinsically
I ' h' s
' , , more easily now, that We aressallIS 0 ased a n a Will den've great"bene
confusl,o i s Itheigh
' tene d b y this influence, and even your re atlOns Ip
h sPlTltual
t IS
truth that you can recognIze
" transIt you are much more sensItIve
' , to th e mystical aspects of love, ne, Under you,
creative, Artistic creatlv~ty
'teresting, If you d on 't lose sight of their real nature ,
can be more m , h Id be forced to withstand the test
Only remember that a trine transit does not create anything It will requI're ff
relati~nshlp fr~m
h t begins under this transit s ou
' 'deal romance to hard
your part to make thIS
' relatIOnshIp
, , real and lasting, ' e art on A new tth:t it can take the transition ;r:ae:ra; changes , You cannot
of time, Ma e s~re ut it will have to undergo un a
rea I y, Perhaps It can, b
h rela tionshlp , WI'11 b e a ble to survive the changes,
You may nOI ,ncounl" an ideollove und" Ihi' l"n,H, of cou''', bUI even '0 you wHi assume that suc a
d"play much mo" "n,ilivily in yo", "Ialion,hip, and und""anding of olhee p,opl,
this sort of love will help you gain understanding, which is the most positive result of Ne tune Conjunct Mars ,
P wn self-interest in life, Your
' to strike ou t to furt her your 0 en t and malaise , Th'IS IS,
This is not a good tlmde re subJ'ect to fits of discouragem f Mars and that of
reo~fficult NePtune'hbec~:~s
If you have any intrinsic creative abilities, this transit will stimulate them tre- gY I' I an you a the nature 0
mendously. This is an excellent time to begin the study of an art or craft. But thi& ener f lehve IS transits of in your horoscope standMsfor
influence is most favorable to the pure arts, those whose sole objective is the creation one 0 t e mo d to each ot er. nder them, ars
Neptune ared ' very much oppose manages to pull the rug out fro,mnu to establish your
of beautiful images as opposed to useful art objects. Even if you are not artistic, your Y b t Neptune sary actIO s ,
our ego nves, u I' d take the neces h I' workmg
ability to perceive beauty in the world around you will be enormously heightened, , d'vidua Ity an d i g t ese mes _
makes you assert Id yourng 10 I h pie Whatever you 0 a on k' g on a program of
and you will be much more sensitive to the spirit of life that animates everything in
the world. ot er peo ' ' e m b ar m
place in the wor amo " new enterpnse or 'd'ff'cult for you to
' , b begmmng a 'II ake It I I
to get ahead 10 1your JO , , 'ty _ Neptune WI m ' h e enough push to
h ical activi h don t av ,
vigorous menta or p ys 1 k exactly but t at you b h If hearted Even If
succeed, It is not that you are un ~c y Horts are likely to e a _ .
Neptune OPposition Venus follow through. Un d er t h'IS t ra nSlt your e too tired,
' t feel
h' ou may JUS ,
During this transit, love relationships, especially, may cause problems because either you want to do somet 109, y . 'ty or pro)'ect that IS
you Or Your partner has an unrealistic attitude about the relationship, Disillusionment I d 'n an achvi
and disappointment are the likely result when the romantic cloud lifts and the truth Another side of this transit IS
, ,
t~at ou may get invo ve I
YI subversive, although n~d t necessarily politically,
choose to be involved
about the relationship becomes clear. All of us idealize a new lover to a certain dishonest, misrepresented or. sl,m~i~honest, but if you are ~eme that you know to be
extent, for that is part of the normal prOCess of falling in love. But this transit indicates You may not be aware that It IS , k AVOId any sc 't coming out
anyway, you are runnmg ' an e ormous
n, TIS simply
' canno t count on I
that the problem can be much more severe because of your unwillingness to accept dishonest, because WIth , t h'IS t ra nSlt you
reality as it is. You are inclined to look for partners and relationships that can help
you escape from the humdrum, everyday world into a magical world of fantasy and favorably for you. t discouraged, for that
beautiful illUsions. But unfortunately you must pick your partner from the human ourself, but try not to ge lf if possible from any
race, and the people who can truly fulfill a Venus-Neptune dream are extremely rare, This is not a good time to advance IY ses and disengage youhrse you can afford to be
d t our os " were
S. You cr.... • beautUul image in yo", imagination and P'''end Iha I a 'pedfk p,,"on will not help you. lnstea ,cu y, Get into a posllion rgies is the best way
. d'ffcultles, own ene ,
the image. And you are likely to persist, even though everyone can see, even you activity that could create I I h' ourself from your because you are trymg
unconcerned about results, Detac 109 ~u enjoy the action, not
open your eyes, that your loved one is not what you fantasize. This is the most to deal with this transit. Act because y
Flant:£" ... -

s at this time, you will be forced to rely

etached consciousness, you may learn ot her h on your ow '
h' course 0 f d sOrneth' from fden ce , Do not expect ot ers to provide ' n mner resources and
, If au can take t IS, in fact, you may learn that your own efforts have f lng self-con lour own. you with backbone ; you need to
to wln , yyour life works, ceed you may have aroused OPposition that ouled provide Y , '
bout hoW ness to suc ' , was n not to get mvolved With any dubious s h
a In your eager , d bversively in the wings to tnp you up. Ot I
yoU up, ly but waIte su care u u do get "
f I ' avoid an cthemes ' and ma ke sure that any
expressed open , , . Be mto IS rea. Certamly '
'ect yo I Y mg you kno t b
' t nsit can give rise to mfectlOns that severely debiJ't pro J t for you will probab y lose out and lose face II WOe corrupt or
, I leveL thIS ra . I' d' I ate th dish ones , as we ,
On the physJCa. dopt a rigorous physlca regimen an avoid situati e
, ood Idea to a
body, It IS a g th r expose you to Isease. so avO! USing drugs du . that
d' Al ' d ' ons
Defea ts .
may make you feel discouraged, but don't t k h
a e t em too ' 1 L'k
h sical streng 0 d' 11 'b d nng thi 'ts this one Will pass, And there is a lesson to b I senous y , I e all
taXyourp y I I necessary, whether me lCa y prescn e or not. Your b d ,s
't unless abso ute y 0 Y IS tdranst~fY' with what you do rather than what you are the earned here. The more you
trans l lly sensitive to poisons now, i en I h ' e more difficulti th' ,
unusua 'II ause You are not w at you do, This transit may f es IS transit
WI c · II 1 orce you to confro t th '
Neptune Sextile Mars 'f it does you wi earn to handle your life much n at Issue,
an d I ' more successfully b
will not always have to protect yourself. ecause you
, ' s and getting your own way will not seem so important to yo y
Atthlstlmesuccesconcerned with whether your I'fI e serves h'Ig h er goals and prinu, ' IOu
are much more .' h . ClP es Ano ther danger . with
. , this transit is that you may becom e wrappe d up In
' f hI' f
,h r own needs. It IS very Important to you t at your own Individuall't b some terribly Idealistic cause that has little chance of succeed' f ' , Ig mg or
than WIt you y e . All h t mg or 0 glvmg you any
expressed as part of the larger scheme. real satisfactIOn . t a you can count on is that you will b 'd
" d I' f "h' h " e reqUIre to surrender
Our indivi ua Ity or a Ig er purpose, which usually tur ns ou t to b e someone
Consequently you are likely to wor~ with o~h~rs to.ward s~ared spiritual or else's ego!
metaphysical goals, and you may actively part~C1p~te In a relIgious or spiritual
movement. But you will probably stay out of the lImelIght for the most part, because This may be. a .period of ' low
. physical energy. You may even feell'k I e sIeepmg
' aII t e
you are in a rather retiring mood. It is as if the effort of pushing yourself into the time , and wlthm reason" It IS probably best to take it easy ,
Don' t s b' t
u Jec your 0 y to b d
forefront would disturb your attempt to find peace, which is more important to you unusual stresses or strams, and aVOid exposure to illness , for your b 0 d y 'IS unusua II y
now. This is a time for reflection rather than vigorous action. subject to infection now,

As you succeed in quieting the demands of your ego, you will discover the smaller Neptune Trine Mars
quieter voices that exist within us all. You may discover that the furious activity tha;
has dominated your life hasn't really meant much to you, that you did it for others As with most Mars-Neptune transits, this is not a good time to strike out boldly into
in order to feel better about yourself. You may discover a psychic side to your the worl~ to further your own interests. However, this transit does provide the
consciousness that you haven't noticed before because you have been so busy rushing opportunity to learn certain very valuable lessons without the discouraging defeats
around. that most Mars-Neptune transits engender,

During this time you will not feel inclined to assert yourself at other people's expense.
One of Neptune's more benevolent effects is that it gives you empathy for others and
Instead you may wish to work to help others without any concern for your own
the ability to intuitively understand their positions, With this transit you realize that
a~vancement. This is a good time for any kind of charitable work or for working
you have been where they are, and you know from first-hand experience the tricks that
w~th pO,or or otherwise disadvantaged people. Similarly you may become involved
~ple play on themselves and the foolish mistakes they make. So along with your With otners in an organization concerned with mystical or spiritual teaching, Whatever
Increased unc'erstanding
' 0 f splfltua
.. I trut h comes the ablhty
. . to understand others an d
your area of work, the main consideration is that you work for knowledge and insight
to accept their shortcom'lOgS. You know that you are in the same place they are.
and to help others, not for your own advancement.

Do not be afraid that your life will lack fulfillment. You will find that ultimately all
Neptune Square Mars hour activities for and with others for a common purpose will be fulfilling , We often
There are a number of dan e . Bave an idea that our own interests are somehow not consistent with those of others.
and challenges the v I'd' g rs With this transit. It affects your sense of who you are
a I Ity of th I'f ut at this time you will discover that your needs and desires are identical with other
image of yourself as an eff . e I e Course you have set for yourself, as well as your
echve person. Th' e ' s. In order to learn this, you must get away from working solely for yourself.
IS transit will help you do that.
The chief danger of this tr ' .
anslt IS that' . h ill
emerge as a loser, especiall . It sets you up for situations in whiC yOU w ~elated to the above effect is a greater concern with metaphysical and spiritual truth,
up in such a way that y y 10 Your work and at home. Or someone else may set yOU
d her ou are forced . . n o~ will become increasingly able to understand how you as an individual fit into the
an t efore you act ineff' to act Without knowing what is really gOing 0 , entire unIVerse.
. Your idea of who you are and wha t your 'In d IVI
' 'd ua\'Ity conslsts
. 0
eetlVely S· . ent
. mee you are not likely to get much remforcern
Planets..1~'_1_ - - - - - - - - - - -

b so isolated by the notions you have h d

wJlI nol e a about
der t
's transit you may also begin to take an' t
h id
very concerne now a b out h ow you fit intIn erest
h tn' ph'lI osop hy and religion
great Iy, you a: e lined to deal with abstract issues and hoot he universal order, and you ar~
will expa nd ore Inc not want to b ot h er WIt
. h the everyday a w t ey relat e to your life. In fact
whJt yOU are rTl
OU !'flay N dl spects of life f l'
Y h your concern. ee ess to say, that atft d ' ee Ing that they are
Neptune Opposition Mars beneat heless if you can k eep trac k of life's daily re I 'U e can get you .Into trouble
. 't you will have to be very careful in a number f Never t ' I'f h 'II qUlrements yo 'II I .
. ' 'ghts into your let at WI make it much m . ' u WI a so be able to
f thIS Irans l . h 0 area gain Insl ore meaningful,
the dura IJon 0 d idea to keep your expectatIons rat er low , S,
For 'I would be a gOO
and in others I There I'S another side to . this transit also. It can g'Ive you a f I' h .
et yourself involved, wittingly or unwittingly, in an k' ing yOU wilI do wtll work out all right As I 00 IS confidence that
First, be careful 'notMto gs-Neptune can mean "d ecelt 'f u I ac t'Ions , " an d this tran Y' Ind
any th , d I ' . a resu t you m k '
bles or actualIy 10 u ge 10 gambling, This is not , a y ta e nsks and
of bogus
enterprtse. ar
h acts either as the victim or as t e perpetrator of some swi dl
sit rnay
ga~sit All it does is make you confuse your wishes a~tehspeCllal\y lucky or unlucky
, lve you In suC
,"vo ' victim you shou l d "
scrutmlze WIt , h great care all n "e tra . . hI ' WI rea Ity and m k
o avoid becomIng a , I h f seerntng aC Cording to your WIS es. t IS not a good time to mak e Iong-term .Invest a e you b act
T .' "th t come up now and stay away a toget er rom any speculat' ou are seeing the world through rose-colored glasse d ,ments, ecause
" 0 porlUmlteS a IVe Or y . . h Id h d s an are unWilling t I k
p .k t res With regard to the second danger, you should avoid perpetr t' usiness affairs 10 t e co , ar manner that is req Ulre , d , [n fact you 0 00 at
high-flS ven u . h' I b b a i n g b I b
' d f swindle not only because it is unet Ica, ut ecause you 're not likel t swindled by anyone who appeals to your innerm ost wish es an d d eSlres.' can easl y e
any kIn 0 '
mes do not usually work out as antiCipate .. d un der t h'IS transit. y 0
succeed . 5che
Use this transit to gain insights
'k I into your life, but do not t ry t0 a d vance your mate' I
At this time you should also be careful of your he,alth, This co~bination can produce interests, for you are not Iley to be successful. na
illnesses such as anemia, which weaken you, makmg you feel tired all the time, It can
also make yo u subject to infections that are hard to diagnose and cure . Even at best
you are not likely to feel as vigorous as usual. Be particularly careful about takin' Neptune Sextile Jupiter
any kind of drug, prescribed or otherwise, under this transit . g This transi't h
crea tes ha strong desire
, ' . for a very special kind of k id
now e ge . You are
'"terested 10 w at t e ratIOnal. . mmd can tell you ,but
w you a
also n t very muc h to
You should not plan to launch new activities during this period, Because your energy understand the subtler spmtual truths that give your life dime' nSlOn an d meamng
. .
level is low, you can't put the necessary energy into a new project to make it work You ~ay want to learn more about metaphysics and spiritual teachings through
out as you want. This transit can produce a crisis of self-confidence, resulting either studymg th~ o~cult" Or you may become involved with a religious group that gives
from personal defeats by others or from a totally unpredictable and irrational spell you greater mSlghts mto the meaning of your life , You may emphasize the Neptune side
of depression, Consequently you will find it hard to continue with projects that of this tran~it and throw over all human knowledge for the way of pure faith. In any
require great exertion. It would be best to avoid starting any new projects at this time, case you will eventually discover that 'all these paths have precisely the same goal.
and you should try to maneuver yourself into a position in which you don't have to do
anything critical. But above all, don't take these feelings of defea t too seriously; you On a slightly more mundane level, this transit may stimulate your interest in faraway
are just going through a period of low energy, There is no reason to contempla te giving places that seem completely different from your everyday world. You may want to
up, because very soon you will be back to your old level of competence, The only travel, and this is a good time to do so because your sense of awe about the unknown
perm~nent effect of this transit is tha t you may learn to ha ve a more realistic under-
makes your discoveries through traveling all the more fascinating.
standing of your limitations and to be more conservative wi th your energies,
This is usually a very optimistic time when you feel that nothing can go wrong , which
~y be so, but it would be foolish to tempt fate with wild and ill-con idered action$.
Neptune Conjunct Jupiter d e effects of this transit are not so strong that you can get away with living
This is one of the most id I' " . I halngerously. But on the other hand , your optimistic and positive frame of mind can
sym thO f h ea IS he times In your life. This transit arouses your natura
pa 1('5 or ot ers and k
close to you wh d ~a es you want to help them, You may help some person e p to ensure that your plans work out as you want them to.
o nee s asslstanc 'd d
I . e, or you may work with sick and dlsa
~ou enj~y
persons in an institut' vantage
IOna sethng or Wit. h c h antIes
'. that aId
. such people, the company of friends at this time, and you feel sufficiently seCU"e and
lagnanlmous that you don't need to bother with the silly ego games that reL'plt' l,Hen
This transit may also motiv t . ' Pay W,ith their friends. In fact you are much more inclined to take a bad. $t'at tl l,ther
Now it is not enough t . a e, you to work In some other way to actualize your Ideals. people s e go games and let them have their
' way, C on fl'Icts Wit
'h l't h ers art''' t wNth It
comt' true as well. B t o sImp y be"leve In
. something, you want to make your be l'Ie fs
o You n y d ' h' 'bt>CJu. e you
even when it isn't 0
U you may t d b
en to elieve that what you want to be
' t ue
true IS r D' ow. ou are very giving and generous unn~ t IS tr,)n~lt
g... nuInely w k'It qUite
. eVI'd ent.
. 0 no/get car . d ant to help others, and you mae
rJe away by your idealism.
, e that they have also limited the exp ,
ogn 'h anslOn of
Neptune Square Jupiter reC nt tolZbe free to expenence' t eh world. You rea I'Ize that Your conscious ness, and you
, t'ent with the restrictions imposed by wa h e thought necessary m t e past are now I I some material con 'd '
'II be Irnpa I ' everyd yOU aV c ear yexpendable, Sl erahons
'od yOU WI , d with fantasies or Ideas that help you e ay
, thiS pen 'b reoccUple " , scape th '
Du npg d yOU 1'1111 e p n and cannot do with your hfe IS being test d e decide to travel, particularly by sea 0 b .
, pee aP
'your grasp 0
fwhatyoU ca II' , ,
t ou try to accept the actua ImitatIOns on YOUr Ii w,
e no you rna Y I' r yair Ho
, travel will be earning, not recreation, It would b' b wever, the main purpo f
ordlPa?,' r1l important tha Y d our life by helping you perceive the tr fe, If thIS oW the Ian d an d peopI '
e Wit out the structure f e est
h ' t 0 ta ke a long trip andse 0
, ' I I eXpan Y to n . 0 a gUided t get
an d I't IS ve'J
this transit I'll , ur situation, even though it isn't ideal.
ous k expenence,
direct Our, You need and want
yOU ca~" h t are inherent In yo
possibi}1 ties t a rrn of an overdeveloped belief in your own stren h desire to help underdog elements of society'
, ay take teOh f 'f b gt and Your of SOCia . 1" d IS great at this f
OUr fantaSIes m I th t ou cannot lose, but I you succum to this belief th d feeling Justice, an you do not want peopl t Ime , You have a strong
Yower, You ma Y fee I a y ry badly and t hen your f 00I'IS h overconfidence' e'II ay tice yoU feel, should be tempered with mercy a de 0 get t~e short end of the stick
p h n yOU osed v e' , I I WI be uS ' n compaSSIOn , .
wiIl come 1'1 e discouragement, Be partlCu ar y careful to avo'd ' J
'th defeat an 'I 1 I Wild
replace d I'll 'k for yoU will almost certain y ose out; you aren't '
'ns and nS s, 'd ' paYing Neptune Opposition Jupiter
specu Iatlo, h eality of the situation, an you are seeing only what yo
h ttentJOn to t e r 'h' ' 'II ' u want
enoug a
YOU are more
than usually gulhble at t IS time, espeCia y If someone fI
Inflated expectations, excessive ' and impractical id ea I'Ism and sudden d' ,
to see ' are among the d angers 0 f t h IS transit, if you do no t ma ke a concertedIsappomtments
ff k
your sense of importance, your feet on t h e groun. d N eptune opposing your J 't k e ort to eep
ewhat more exalted but equally futile path by becoming invol d can defeat you. You feel tremendously lucky and a up~ erl,ma es you feel that nothing
om re mc med to take fa I' h 'ks
,You mayI' ' ta k ea
r spiritual movement thats '
makes you lose all touch ve
with reality, Eith you wouldn't norma 11 y ta'k k e, especially financial risk s, B O
ut any formIofSs TIS
I ' that
JJl a re IgJOUs 0 •the world as it is an d th' i n t at It IS somet mg altogether m er
k h ' , h' gambling is extremeI Y ns Y under this influence and should be ,pecu atlOn or
you da no t see , ' ,
'f I or you are disgusted with the world and reject It as unworthy of yo
avo~ded altogether,
By the same token you should be careful that thi s f00 I'IS h overconfidence d
beautl' u , No matter how high your VISIOn,' , you Will benefit from your existence onlur
make you over I 00 . k f actors in your job or home life ' or examp e thate
f l o coulds t ' not
atten tJOn, " ' y
insofar as you recognize what it is, Do not allow spmtualIty to become an illusion ' and'II
up cause senous problems, But be particularly ca re f ul not ' np you
to overextend yourself
and an excuse for not dealing with the world, fmanCla y.

On the plus side, this transit stimulates your desire to help others, and you can be of This
f h combination of planetary factors arouses your intr'mSlc, I'dea I'Ism, The \.Imltatlons
, ,
great benefit if you deal with situations as they really are. Starry-eyed idealists are o t e real worl? may. seem very difficult to bear, because you so badly want the world
not very useful when there is much hard work to be done. to.b~ better. ThiS, feelIng may lead you into involvements with some extreme religious,
spmtual or mystical sect. Although it may be a perfectly constructive group, it is not
very good for you now, because you are not approaching it with a realistic idea of
Neptune Trine Jupiter
what you. c~n get from it. You have to deal with this universe before you can leave it.
This transit can affect you in several ways, but in any case it will make you feel Study relIgIOn or mysticism if you want, but don't make any commitments that will
optimistic and hopeful about the future. You will feel that everything is going to be all prove to be a trap when this transit is over,
right, and that is not a delusion, because under this transit you will gain insights that
can make your life much better. like all combinations of Neptune and Jupiter, this one stimulates and arouses your
com~assion for other~. You want to help people out and share whatever good fortune
You will feel very idealistic but also very concerned about understanding, so your you ave. But with this transit, make sure that the people you are assisting will get
idealism will not get in the way of perceiving the truth. In fact truth is very important some real benefit from your efforts , You are very likely to be preyed on by "leeches,"
peopl~ who take advantage of your generosity but who gain nothing from the
in your life now - not so much facts, but understanding how the universe works,
Just be careful not to make truth into such an abstract consideration that you cannot expenence.
experienc~ ~veryday
the occult.

it in life, However, given that warning, you do have the
opportunJty to gam great insights through the study of philosophy, metaphysics an,d
And you want t0 un derstand what you study rather than being . to ld W hat IS
Neptune Conjunct Saturn
!hiS is a difficult transit of Neptune because it can be very confusing as weil as rather
so with no explanation of wh y,
b e~ressingand desperate. But it al~o
has a brighter side. which you Sh0Uld Wl1rk to
nng out.
At another level, this tr ' . f' d ce to
the point that anSI! works to Increase your optimism and self-con I en
you are w'W Under tho . . h \\'l'[ld isn't
happen through gamblin J 109 to take, risks you would not ordinarily
Th' may
,I: f the ta~e. at 11
a COr'
IS transit you will discover that in many ways v(lur VIeW ot t e
" d' .
nt- or It may
elements of your J'f g or speculation, or it may happen through getting nd ur reet. ThIS may occur through a senes of obVIOUS lsappomtme .
J e that you h I '
ave a ways depended on for secun ty , You nOv'
. creasing sense of anxiety that has no 0 bv' nd yOU may subject yourself to a rather t
gh an In ence, a h' . s ern regim f
subtly throu f'd ce are two of the most difficul t effect IOUS indtl Ig ection. At t IS tIme you are most concerned wi . en 0 alternating work
/ e more f If can I en s of th o nd introSP them in your own life. th higher truths and ho
take pac d /055 a se - f aid for almost no reason at all, and you IS
Fear an d 1 become a r "f may fe II dualize w you
cause. may sud en y 'ng to others. It IS as I you were b ar can a
nsil. you t at all threaten! ecomino
tra h t are no <> time to withdraw somewhat from yo
things t a . a goO d ur Usual '.
d 'sorien led. This IS h t yOU have accomplished and what remain t b actIvities, to stand back
ee w a d d' . s 0 e done y
J 've to our universe, the way we see and exp . an d s. very cairn an me Itahve attitude so that . au are capable of
t ucture we gl . . I d' enence tlng a f ' you can chao .
n rules the 5 r 1 h' h aspects of the UnIverse, mc u mg the fact th t· a doP per course 0 actIOn. se Intelligently and
Sawr ne revea s Ig er Wh N a It has take the pro
world. Neptu .. f h'ch ours is only one. en eptune shows yo h'
t he 'bl alltJes, a w I I' f' . u t IS
any pOSSI e re f ' g and you become ost m a sea 0 mfmite poss'b'I' . ' . loa good time to do work that helps others It
m very can uSJn , h' . h "d k I I Ibes f f
reality becomes . but nothing is true . T IS IS t e a r night of the ThIS· ISfI as Iy and to be a part of the larger scheme .
. Would
sa IS Y your need to
thing IS true d h SOul" act sel esS
in which every . th period of confusion that prece es t e understanding h
by mystIcs, e h d h t at
referred t o . J't that is different from what you a t ought. At the high
rve WIth a rea I y d d' h est
you can I . b prelude to enlightenment, un erstan mg t e true natur f
level this transIt can e/ • eo Neptune Square Saturn
the "illusion" we call rea Ity.
. this transit you will have problems with insecurity d .
r this transit simply means that your concept of reality' Dunng Y f an anxiety that se t
I most cases, h owev e , .. IS nO apparent cause. our grasp 0 reality seems to be sl' . em 0
n. h' h begins with the dIssolutIOn of your old concepts, leaving yo have d nf d R Ippmg away, and you feel
disoriented an co use. egardless of your mate ' I .
changIng w JC h dl h' . d" u very . hi " na Circumstances at this
temporan:1 y d Isonen
' . ted . The best way to an e t IS peno IS to get mto comfortabl e .
this is ultimately a psyc a oglCal transit ; that is it affect
. f h Id
' s you y causmg your
· d reduce the stress level in your life as much as possible. Stress will d s and your views 0 t e wor to change. Any probl h .
surroun d mgs an .. d' . b moo ... . . ems you ave now will
confusion. Try to aVOId makmg any eClSlOns, ecause you are not obably have theIr ongms 10 your own mlOd. That is the first . . I
only pro1ong th e . . I I 'd pr. . pnnclp e to grasp
m. a very goo d frame of mind for seemg . thmgs
. c ear .y. AvO! people who seem with this transIt. If you can handle Its effect on your consciousness, you can handle
difficult or demoralizing. You need to be m a calm posItIOn so that you can see what anything.
new truths emerge from the fog and confusion. And they will emerge .
The chief problem is that you will begin to have doubts and fears that you are not
With some persons the psychological effect of this transit surfaces physically as a adequate to handle your life, and you may feel like withdrawing from everything.
slowly developing illness that is very hard to diagnose. If you have not had a physical That is not a good idea, however, because you need others' points of view to balance
checkup recently, have one now. You may feel fine, but the illnesses that sometimes your overly pessimistic views. However, if someone is contributing to the shakiness
come with this transit do not show up right away. of your self-confidence, you should cut that person out of your life , at least for the
Neptune SextiJe Saturn
Insecurity and lack of belief in yourself have the greatest effect on your job and your
At this time the ideal and the real are well balanced in your life, and you are in an domestic life. Remember that you have the same rights and privileges to be yourself
excellent position to reflect upon their relationship to each other. Ask yourself what is as anyone else has, and don't allow others to walk over you. But don't become so
true for you and then ask what you would like to be. In this way you can see which is committed to a position on any matter that you cannot let go of it without further
which without the confusion that so often marks our efforts to separate the ideal from damaging your belief in yourself. One important effect of this transit is that it takes
the real. At the same time you can see what actions you can take to help bring about away elements of your life that you have identified with - property , pos esSlOns.
the ideal in place of what is presently real and to make it a solid and useful part of opinions or whatever. It shows you that your existence does not depend upon being
your own life and of the lives of those around you. able to hold on to these elements.

But you are not impatient now, and you are much more willing to accept what is real In fact one manifestation of a Saturn-Neptune combination may be that you wi."
than at other times. You see no real contest between the real and the ideal. Also you volunt'1
. .
an y give up your material possessions f or a se If -d '
enymg, asce t'IC W'a)' ot ittI'
are not so concerned about getting your own way tha t you insist on the kind ~f e~o ~Ike a monk's, although probably not so extreme. The best way to deal WIth th~~ tra~slt
battle with the real world in which either you or it wins. (And reality usuaJIy WIns In IS to see jUst how much you can do without. You may be surprised at how Itttle )ou
these cases.) need . ·1 f Jrum can
, and your burdens may be much lighter as a result. The lOt uence o. II
cau .. J chJ enge
se you to be preoccupied with the material. but Neptune s square I~ "It:; but
You are pa t"lent now because a Saturn-Neptune combination such as thiS
one e
If to this a b h n\' with the re:;u .
. spect of Saturn. At the time you may not e very apt.
you to live on very II' ttl Y ' . . d o s e d to se - It can b .. h . .. I ( i 'ht.
e. ou are InclIned to be abstemIOUs an opp I' a PosItIve experience, once you get over t e tnilla Ir ~
. of reality is being radically altered so tat
tl on
nset of a slowly developing illness that d b'l' erce. P d universe than you have ever know n eforeYou
b E can exper'lence a Vast
. niEy the O h' . e I Itat P I.tTl lte ff your subconscIOus
fear reac tio If . xPOSure to th O er, more
. it can also slg h sica! examination at t IS time ' to make certai es t
. ers 0 I' ns. yo d' IS new perc .
ThIS tr Have II thoroughb PblY is but do not take the chance. n that tTl~g d nO longer app les, consider this an 0 0 u. ISCover that wh eptlon
the bodY· . 11 I·ght. It pro a Y , believe. fear _ you will only lose this 0 pp rt unlty to find a I at you have
· g lsa r Jlow In .h pp ortunity f arger truth D '
everythIn Neptune Trine Saturn wa ctu d to react . WIt great anxiety when th IS O k' or growth H . on t
re lOd f ' fl . ow ever w
strU I tha t yOU hterally cannot live Without th 0 10 uence enter I" ,e are
. balance between idealism and reality in YOur lif 'Jl fee . e struct SOur Ives Y
dod there IS a h d . I e, which I'lloUg h I't is often .oppressive and incredibly I Im' '.
ltlOg Ure
Whthat Saturn prOVI'd es .evou
During thIS pe 1< hard in the most thoroug an practJca manner to at · I
to wor very . f d c uahze thtr e yOU are hke y to react as if your life were b elOg. . th en Neptune d'ISSO Ives ' thiS
enables yOU d tand exactly what IS true or you , an you are able t uctur , reatened .
your i dea Is . You un ersto make changes. y our attltu ' d
e towar d the world 0 . work S
. h' that structure IS not . 15
. an extremely good time to begin psyc h othera
WIt ,n ThiS . 1 PY
pessimistic. varieties of human pote.n tla work . However , even in th or to explore one of the
st experience, you have come to know what you need and wh ve ry
flexible. Do not .sImply accept a rigid new rea I'Ityese
. areas
I you have to rem am '
Because adf your
reluctant to saddle yourse If WIt
. h possesSIOns
' that may be pi at you 't will work out Just as badly. Make wh t 10 p ace of the old 0 f
t en I a ever you ne , or
don 't nee· out complicate your life. . Others may t h'm k a f you as rather absteeasant. h of perceiving and experiencing the universe .
waY encounter part of your new
to own but th'ng
a but you don 't deny yourse If anyt h'mg you really need · it mlOUs . .
an seIf_deny I , . . ' IS Just
d ve a clearer idea of your future necessIties. elationships that develop now may greatly cha II enge you r
that now you ha R
tTlay encounter someone w h 0 f orces you to exa . concept of rea lity. You
. . h h' h mme your world .
This is an extremely good time to become involved i~ psychic, spiritual and occult it in a confrontatIOn WIt IS or er view . This may not be a pi View and to defend
studies . Your sense of reality is strong enough now to wIthstand the disorienting shock is valuable to see h ow weII you have thought out " easa nt encou nter , but it
your POSItIOn in tfe.
that many people receive when they begin to study these subjects, and it won 't et
in the way of your understanding. Under this transit your spiritual developmen~is In some cases this transit may signify the onset of a Iong-term ch " 11
measured and disciplined. You may feel that work is the best path toward start treatment now, you can arrest it. Iust to be s f h romc I ness . If you
understanding. have not had one recently, a e, ave a thorough physical if you

No matter what your situation demands, you can make the necessary sacrifices now.
You can work very hard in the pursuit of an ideal or be very self-denying in order Neptune Conjunct Uranus
to accomplish a task. But again, you are not really denying yourself - you simply Because' I'Uranus moves
h faster' than Neptune ' th I's tranSlt. WI'11 happen la ter and later in
have a very well-developed sense of priorities, which you follow carefully. peopIe s IVes as t e' twentleth
, . century goes on . At th ISO wrltmg
. . , 10. 1976, it is happenin
to peop
'h I e W h
B 0 are 10 their middle seventies . By 1984't '11 b
, I WI e occurnng ' for those whog
Others will feel that they can depend on you, because you do not seem to get upset by are elg ty" eca~se I have not had the opportunity to observe its effects first hand 1
problems that make most people feel lost and disoriented. No matter how confused can~ot deNlmeate It. However, I would expect its effects to be similar to those of Uran'us
the situation, you can see and work with the underlying pattern. Because of this conjunct eptune,
ability, you have a capacity for creative organization now that you may have lacked
at other times. Neptune Sextile Uranus
This transit
co ' awak ens your mterest
' . unusual, out-of-the ordinary sta tes of being and
Neptune Opposition Saturn
have " Yo u sudd en lyb ecome aware that life
' has a deeper dimension than you
This is an extremely significant transit, but it is not usually very pleasant. During this tran 'tpreVIOusly kn own, an d you want to Iearn everyt h'109 you can about it This
period some aspect of your reality will be severely challenged in such a way that you Sl can expand your consciousness greatly, '
will not know for a time what is real and wha t is not. Your sense of proportion will be
distorted so that you place too much importance upon matters that do not deserve People
mat ' react
lo t t h ese energies in various ways. If you are very much rooted in the
such emphasis and perhaps ignore the matters that really are important. And the mUcheTJa u n iregardmg
erse, v' nothing as real unless you can touch .It, y ou Will
, become
matters tha.t you are overemphasizing are those that make you afraid and fearful. In disc more concerned about abstractions, principles that previ ously seemed too
fact the chief problem with this transit is that it produces fear and anxiety for no disc~~nected from the material world to be important. You may be surprised to
apparent reason . With this transit you should always keep in mind the fact that things thoug~r that you actually do have ideals that you are willing to stand up for even
are almost certainly not as bad as they I00 k , you have always considered yourself a hard-headed pragmatist.

However, in spite. of th e fear an d d epresslOn

' ' tranSit,
that often accompany thiS . a very l~ You are among
hnd " purely matena I concerns, you
those who are less interested 10 . WI'11
val uabl e c h ange IS tak'n I ' '
I g P ace, and that is causing you to feel dlsonente '
d Your Your interests becoming even more SplTltual.
' , ' transit
ThiS • ken an .Interest
. can awa
Planets in Transit
'ng as can be the case wi th some Neptu ne trans't
confusl 'ta) conditions are not likely, Instead I s. PrOblems 'h
or men . 'h you a Wit dr
culia! idening IOterest m t e greater depths f h re mUch mo I' ugs Or
" e of the transits under which people b ' pe ce a w 0 t e u ' re Ikel
nd It IS on egtn ."..erien ceive them . Your intuition will be en m ntverse and a ' Y to
, mysticism , a , Any technique that helps open up a ","y- to per . or ously h ' n tncrea ed
ccu lt or ,n lated sub/e ets , , ' new ability have any innate psychIC talents, they w'l\ l elghtened at th' ,5
in the 0 tro logy and re t yOU at this time , od if yo)u 'nterested in the occult and astrology a d h appear now , y IS ,lime,
dying as . e will attra e a 'ng Y I ' n t ese d' , ou Will b
stu f the un Ivers , ' 'Ocreasltan d'In gs that you have never had before , It is qUite
' I'Ikel Isciplines will gIVe
' yo e
aspect 0 anifestation IS that you may become Involved ' l ha
t someWay h t different m e that the war! d d oes not war as It should Ind
k ' uoders nt experience - a perception of your t y t t you will h u
, hten . rue pIa' aVe an
late bu
A re d ts of social re or "
f m ou se
ve the lot of people who are less fortunate Wh'l ' an eO hg me )me
eve ) that is meanIngful to you. ce In the univ erse -
ovemen hard to Impro . 'd I ' ' Ie
m nt to work very ' I'ned to be idealistIC, your I ea Ism is not tot II 00 SO
yoU wa
ieWS at thiS I
. (me are tOe I rk with a situation as It ' rea II y IS
' in order to b a' y
I' You can wo . nng , also part of your life now, but its nature '
your V
oved from rea Ity. Your activities along these hnes could range from th )ism IS . h' I IS very abstr y
Idea, ested in phllosop lCa truth and absolutes t h ' act. ou are mu h
bout the changes . you want, eh of working WIth t e poor, I or dIsadvantaged' e
. h ' I I ' Inter an In pract' I c
a rvatt approa " h h h In fI'Iored und you. The exception to this is that you Id Ica reforms in the
ve orl , aro 'h t h e p I'Ig h tot
f h e underprivileged cou becom
relatively eo nse
' I other sue Ins I
h' t'tutions to worktng WIt groups t at ave much m
' ore VI lly involved WIt y , e d'Irectly and
hosplta S or . ractlca . I h' ' ou might k
Pon d'It'ons
in a hosplta or ot er such Institution ' Nept une a Iway wor1 to reform
revolutionary alms ,
Neptune Square Uranus c d't'on of the downtrodden, and Uranus rules reform in g 1 s re ates to the
can I I enera ,
, . will be subject to sudden changes of mood, and your opinion
' thIS transIt you 'II h nge suddenly as well. You WI')) b ) y exposed to oth S An o ther consequence of . ' thisI combination of symbols is that you may becorn ' 1
Duflng e constant 'th a religiouS or spmtua movement that works for soc' I f e InVO ved
an matters WI c a er WI I" Id ' la re orm - a mov
on m Y f I't that you may have long suspected were important in your Iif
dimenSIons 0 rea I tY acknowledge, This effect can man!'f est Itse ' )f at many differente 'vated
fI'IO tI not by po Itlca doctnnes, such as Marxism b I"
' u y re Iglous V' ement
b t f
but were re Iuctan t est example, the American Frien s Service Committee. lews, or
0 "
level it may slmp)y ,
mdlcate t hat somet h'mg you have been
h I ow
, Okn t e ecret from others will be revealed suddenly , If t h'IS happens, it is just as
Neptune Opposition Uranus
trYIng to eep s ecret was in some way Itmltmg ' " you an d preventmg ' you from
weII" b. ecause the S
0 a secret that someone else has kept from you may be revealed with the This transit represents 'fan henormous revolution in your consci ousness, as you are
grow,!,g, r , ,, ",
n either case your Imtlal reactIOn IS lIkely to be upset, not pleasure exposed to aspects 0 f l let at you . never dreamed possible . And wh en you come to
same coosequence ' I '
because you really don't want to deal with what is revealed, However, if you do deal understand
. . h your vIews about reality will have to change, 1n f act thIS
these aspects, '
with it, your life will be greatly improved, revelatIOn may come WIt such , force that you will become involved In
' Ph'l
I osop h'les or
movements whose purpose IS to transform the world accordl'ng to your new un der-
At another level, this transit will expose you to truths that you have never been willing standing .. These philosophies might include any of the following : the occult or
to recognize about the world in general, You may discover that some point of view you metap~ysI~s; astrology; magic; ,altered states of consciousness, perhaps through drugs
have held is totally wrong, A person whom you had a definite opinion of, either or meditatIOn; or groups whose Ideas are extremely idealistic and radical.
positive or negative, may be quite different from what you thought. In any case the
revelation will startle you and make you feel confused and d;soriented, You may What is actually happening is that tremendous new unders tandings are asserting
try to escape the truth of what you see, Some people may even resort to the use of th~m~lves in your life with such force that they seem to upset all your past ways of
drugs or alcohol, thlnkmg
, . Ho wever, th"IS IS onIy a problem of perspective . At this time you are in the
, of these ch anges an d cannot see t h "
e relationship between your new con-
At yet another level, this transit can expose you to profound psychic and mystical SCiousness
th ' and yo ur 0 Id . But t h
ey arei '
re ated, which ' come to understand as
you Will
experiences, which also will upset you because they challenge your way of looking at the Immediate impact of this transit begins to pass. Only then will you be able to take
the world, However, you should be careful about getting really involved in the occult e necessary steps to incorporate your new insights into everyday life,
or other spiritual-mystical fields, During this transit you are likely to be too upset to
handle the knowledge you gain in any reasonable way, Do not attempt to place the This . d 0 f tremendous psychological insight and change but not much
stab"!'is a perlO
insights you encounter into any kind of system, Allow yourself time to assimilate th,e
nec Ilty. Therefore keep your situation fluid enough that you can make changes as
material spontaneously and make it part of you, Then, after the effects of this transit essary D . II h e
to h . 0 not try to bUIld permanent structures at this time becau e you WI av
have passed, you can begin to study these matters systematically if you still want to , c ange them . eft ts
of this t . agam and again. It should be noted, however , that the pnmary ec d
only a .
ranslt occu t h . I " ,'II be Jtfe.:te
r a t e psychologlcalleve Your material umveLe WI . ed
s It reflects y our 0 Id psychological state of mmd,
" . belOg
. re\l. ,lutl 'OIZ .
Neptune Trine Uranus whICh IS
This transit
will expO!>e you to ways of looking at the world that are quite different
n Pos
. SI'hI y You w'll d ('JiIl
t\', Let
any you have known before. Uranus-Neptune rules alternate states of co - It he d respond to this transit with confusion , d,)ubt an un,'t'· :,
,an wa't f ' I e(lt' ,)1 )our
1 or the situation to settle down. Try to mimmlze the e ~rn .
However, the alternate states designated by this transit are not terrifying
Planets in Transit worth realizing . It is very important to use this period
d not even
Iizable an, t a good idea to act yet,
' llnrea but it IS no
ng commitments, because your cna .
tn Jt IS crutinY'
forself-s , ou win only create severe disturbcfnces in YO,ur emotl~na ' 1
alee long-ra e . nglng OO qUickly, Y o r k You are likely to operate on the baSIS of partially
, yOU to m I ontinue such a commitment. If old goal I
eqUlre . dJficu t to c . s OSe If yOU actstiC t life or 'In yourIf wand 'your needs. Unfortunately , since you are 10 ' your
life that r ,,,ill make It I b Be patient, and new goals will enter your life tn
dolJ'le t yours e
con5ciOusn.e55 that is wnat must . e. at and d ideas aboU bl convinced yourself that you know who and what you are,
Leir mednlng,
f t your neW
state of mtnd . for~e yOU have pr oba ~nown, but the function of this transit is to make you
for~eS'erhaps yOU havewhiCh at this moment you do not know , The best solution is to
WI'11 better I ut of your mind because of wnat you do and
have gone 0 'd see at
An I~ate whO yOU ,are, nd simply alloW yourself to see the truth, whatever it may be ,
• .
L may think yOU ned This revolution In I eas and consciousness '
me, but 0 d not be concer
l'f and it must be allowed to pursue Its Own co IS a
. .
reeva "tuatIOn ofa latitude and have whatever experiences seem necessary . Just
tH I5 I I t of your I e, urSe . Ognize thiS Sl
fundamenta par re elf plenty
Give yours n ermanent commitments
C ' d unng ' ' Y ou d on ' t wan t t 0 spend
t h'IS transIt.
Neptune Conjunct Neptune on't lJ'lake a y Pl'f with the consequences of ill-considered actions taken under the
h to anyone except possibly right after birth , d f your I e
the reSt 0 f a passing delusion,
This transit does not appen inOuence 0
Neptune Sextile Neptune , 'ghts yOU receive during this period will be real, and many will not be
f the IOS 1 , , , '
Many 0 the passage of time Will allow you to determme whICh are which,
, t bout the same time as your first Saturn return (Saturn trans'!,
transit occurst aI Saturn)
a , effects are cI oseI y I'In k e,
and their d Th'IS IS
, a time of In109 real. Only
conJunct, your nasense of what your life is about. e ore t is time you have beew
a ' B f h
' t totablish
a your sense of who you are In' th ' of adults and ben
e commumty
wo rkIflg 0 robably
es ' ' Neptune Trine Neptune
have a pretty clear Idea about that. But you may also havey
noW you Pthat what you are doing wit h your J'f
discovered ' ' I '
I e IS not entire y appropriate, You may This transit occurs when you ~re fifty-five, It is a chance to examine your life and to see
conclude that in the past you were motivated by too, narrow a conception of what you within it the seeds for somethmg greater than you have imagined, This greatness is not
are, by a need for security, or simply by petty ego-dnves, in the material realm, nor will it give you power over others, Instead your opportunity
is to see your life in a spiritual dimension that you have never before perceived, This
Now, since this Neptune transit roughly coincides with the Saturn return and because
Saturn is the principle of material reality, you will begin to see your life in terms of a can manifest itself in a number of ways,
larger perspective, You should do whatever is necessary to make sure that you can live
according to this new understanding, This transit does not arouse your sense of First of all you may disco:-,er an incre~sed empathy for the people in your everyday
idealism particularly, but it does make you see that the universe is a very large place, hfe, You can put yourself mto another s place in a way that you have never been able
to do before; you can see and, more importantly, feel what someone else f I
~ ~'
and you are a much larger part of it than you have realized,
Consequently you will have more sympathy and compassion for other peo
You may be attracted to rather mystical ideas, but they will have meaning only problems, pes
according to how they affect your everyday world, At this time you don't need more
abstractions to chase around - you need to make positive reforms in your life, And
Your F
. compassion springs f rom a rea I" Izahon of the essential unity of yourself and II
you will do SOl bincreased I peo p Ie, th'IS ,
elOg, or'nmost .
IS not an entlrely conscious realization, You may feel aan
The combination of this transit and the return of Saturn will cause you to cut away I vohand
On the other vementth'with oth b ers, b ut y,ou don
" t qUite know where it has come from,
your past and reorient your life in accordance with the larger vision you have now, more attracted to ~ t~S ~an e a conscIous feeling, in which case you may become
The many changes that occur may seem somewhat scary (more because of the Saturn you are beginning y: Ica ph~losophies and metaphysics, which try to verbalize what
return than because of this transit). but they are ultimately for the best. You will find religion, even if this h 0 ~xper~ence, You may experience a reawakened interest in
new freedom in a new consciousness, profound psych' as ~ng een dormant in your life, Possibly you may even h .
IC or mystical experience, a ... e a

Neptune Square Neptune Even if b

If Y tempera me t
~o~cts as increased ide~is~o~n~re n,ot inclinded 'ltl~ mysticism , you will experience its
This transit is often a part of the "crisis of middle age," since it occurs when yOU are Want to See , an mcrease WI mgness to work for th e l"In ' d 01( ..... odd
about forty-two, During this period you are likely to intensely question your life, your
goalsa~d how far you have fulfilled your ideals, Depending upon the results of t~at
e:alu~tJOn, you may begin to make certain changes, The problem is that Neptunian Whatever el
rrelartonshipsSeWith h en, you WI'I I feel more capable of selfl
may happ
~lbratJOns ,are not the best influence for making well-thought-out changes in your eturn because ot ers, You will be willing to h I '
~s actions 10 'our
hfe, There IS a great danger that you will go off half cocked in pursuit of some dream your own eg I' e p, httle or nth"
o seems ess Important to yo unow. mg In

- 11poten
. I You will be in closer touch with your in
tJa . 1·
other time of your Ife. This is not an
nermOst ps h
ye ologieal d(
hufTla lmost any . b. 0PPOrtunit 1Ves
Neptune Opposition Neptune at a hese energies may e operatmg much more b y to be wasted
b fore they are in their mid-eighties. It comes a t t
hall ·nce t h 1
iaJly SI d voluntarily w at you wou d be forced to d
enevolentl h
y t an usual
·jl t occur to anyone e dh h espec can 0 0 at Some oth ..
This transit WI no
. as the transIt 0
. f Uranus conjunct Uranus an
. f I· .
as muc the same
d N VI yOU er penod
about the same tIme. . I· f when the old categones 0 IVIng an experience o our life.
· tIme m your I e . ·11 b . inY
significance. It IS a . for you. Your conSCIOusness WI e heIghtened
Y real meanmg . B . ' Neptune Square Pluto
cease to ave an I . . I·kely to be one of confUSIOn . ut you wJ!1 be able to
·nitial fee mg IS I . . b .
althoug h your I h. ·t only if you are wlllmg to e patIent and allow the . d of subtle psychological changes in your life th t
the lessons of t IS transl . peno b a may hay
lea.rn to reveal what it has to show yo u. This IS a quences or tha t may not eat all obvious to others It. h every
UnIverse . co nse . IS ard to t 11 .
dra fTlatlC hich resul t is likely to occur. e In
·11 be a blurring of categories, an ability to see relationships adva l1ce w
Th e general
. e ect h WI were never aware 0 f b e fore. You WI·11 h ave a better
mong thmgs t at you . h· h ·11 b fl oU are changing inwardly very much, which will be refl d.
a . f h . herent unity of all eXIstence, w IC WI e re ected in a I1Y case, Y h · eete In your
nderstandmg 0 t e m If . h In a ging va Iues . Matters t at were once Important to you are not any Ionger But
u b ou and others, an ability to put yourse In anot er person's h
reater empathy etween y f II I·f f l · . c an h. rocess you may have to deal with considerable tension b . .
g ·11 I any things, even after a u leo earnIng everythIng that during t IS P . . . . ' ecause you Will
lace You WI earn m ... h h es and compulSIOns surgIng InSide of you that you have neve f It b f
p .
you thought you cou .
Id And you will be In a POSI tlOn to teac ot ers as well. feel pres su r . . ·11· · . r e e ore,
. h· rather disconcertIng. You WI fInd these new deSires particularly tt· .f
whlC I S . upse mg I
will come about only if you are willing to let go of old ideas lways stood In the background and let others get their Own way t
But these deve Io ents
pm. . yoU hav e a . . a your
. h· ·11 be a time of confUSIOn and defeat, when you feel that you must expens e, d enying your own
. . Impulses
. . The changes might be a simple desire fo r more
at herwlse t IS WI . .. . .
control over your life, elImInatIng elements that have bothered YOl1 Or you could have
WIt. hd raw m
. t0 y ourself . This inner dnve to WIthdraw IS bkely to. be manIfested as a
need for some sort of hospitalization. Or you ~ay ch~os~ t~ .wlthdraw as a sign of a strong desire to destroy everyt~ing th~t has ev~r frustrated you or stood in your way .
completion rather than defeat, in which case thIS transIt sIgnIfIes that you will begin Most people will not react to thiS transit by actmg destructively, but you are likely to
to find peace and respite. At your age, Neptune should not hold the horrors that it feel some destructive impulses. These are the results of frustrated drives within you
sometimes holds for younger people, unless you have become fearfully rigid. that you have never expressed adequately. Energies that you feel but don't express do
not merely vanish; they go into a permanent reservoir within you from which they can
later reemerge. This is the time when they will emerge .
Neptune Conjunct Pluto
It is especially important now that you get in touch with these internal compulsions .
This transit has not happened to anyone since the 1890s.
Therefore this is an excellen t time to consider psychotherapy . Your repressed energies
can be used positively to do a lot of creative work within your own psyche . They can
also be very destructive, if you either try to suppress them further or simply allow them
Neptune Sextile Pluto to explode.

During this time many aspects of the life you have known will pass out of existence,
. energ·les may b e negatively
. .
expressed as subtly destructive or un dermmmg ·
leaving you in a position to make a new start at a new level. This transit is not likely
actions eith b
to be very troublesome under any circumstances, but it will be least difficult and most er y you alone or with other people. Even if you have no consCious
awareness of th . .
profitable if you don't try to hold on to whatever is leaving you right now. It is a so th ese energies, you are unconsciously programm ing your environment
natural part of life that everything must die and decay, to be feborn again at another at events
Pow f II
k . I
Wor out In a negative way. If you find that peop e are wor 109

level. This is the cycle you must go through now . er u Y beh· d h . . bl
reflect" 10 t e scenes to do you damage, it is probably an Inevlta e
Ion of the n . . h tr' to
hann egatlve energy within you. Often you acquire enemies w 0 }
To a large extent, what happens to you now will be caused by larger forces for social You secretl b en I}"
A secret y ecause your methods leave them no room to oppose you op .
change around you rather than by your individual actions. But make no mistake - he Or sh enhemy is often someone whom you have frustrated completely , who teels that
you must respond to the energies of this transit in terms of your own everyday life. e as noth· fl . f those
aspects of 109 to gain by direct confrontation. This is a re ectlOn 0 .
c f YOUrself th I I tiOn IS to
E . . alid on tont them I at you will not confront directly , so the on y so lJ
xpen.enc~s may prove that beliefs and opinions you have held all your life ~re.iOVtion :
but thIS WIll not happen in such a shattering way that you lose all sense ot dlrec
Inst.ead you should feel that this is an opportunity to clear away the deadwood in ~~:
bram an? start over again. Therefore this is an excellent time to under~o ps~ of This tta . Neptune Trine Pluto .
in ~Slt q U i c k . .. art'l'reratlng
therapy, If you feel so inclined, or to explore any other mind-expanding phllosoP y YOUr hfe. Th' ens Your Interest in the hidden psychological torn's that
IS can h .
appen In several ways.
Planets in Transit

'l yOU have arrived at this level of understa d' .

Un t I . n Ing slmpl d
l. wing YOU' d commit yourself to as Itttle as possible. ' y a Opt a
. group or movement whose purpose is to expand SI'O. at titU d e an
d . I groups that a
may become I'nvolve m a f the various human-potentia waitIng
First, yoU f ample, one 0 h re
sciousness - or ex t feel satisfied with the way you ave managed your life Neptune Conjunct Midheaven
cho~ 'ng today. You may no derstand and gain greater control of the strange
t nVI d you want to un . f . h d' have a very powerful effect on your life direction f h'
till noW, an . es from time to tIme , 0 ten WIt Isastrous results
up h t very one expenenc . This transit can powerful effect on your view of yourself. rom t IS point on,
compulsions t a e t' lIy based drives that seem to operate without any I as a very
uI . ns are emo IOna . as weI
These comp SIO . . d They often make you behave In ways that are not
. . f the conscIOUS mm . . . h '
blddmg rom .' Under this transIt you WIll want to c ange thIS aspect of Iy this transit brings sudden confusion to people who ha h d
appropna . te to the
. .SItuatIOn. 'f f I h
d time to begin psychotherapy , I you ee t at is the best
common d . h h ve a a pretty
Very'd f what they want to 0 WIt t eir lives. You may feel as 'f h
your mind, so thIS IS a goo I ar I ea a h h h h d I you ave
ce I b come lost, al t oug t e way a seemed very clear. If possibl d
course to take. sudden Y e . . b e, 0 not
ermanent deCISIOns a out your career or long-term direction d .
ff f thO transit is to create interest in mysticai and occult subjects, again make any P unng
Another e. ectf~ IS 'ng your understanding of the universe and of yourself. You are this transi t.
with the aIm 0 mcreasl h .
. d . ower over others which attracts some people to t ese subjects, or in
not mtereste m P , . h h d Among the problems you may encounter is ~ feeling that what you have been doing
't own sake You are interested in learning w at t e eepest aspects of
mystery for I S ' is inadequate. You may feel that your work IS too restrictive, that you have to be too
the universe can teach you about self-mastery.
concerned with ordinary mundane reality. You may suddenly be attracted to a wildly
If have already embarked on such a path , you may very well make a significant romantic, idealized way of life that seems very plausible to you now, although later
br::~hrough in your search now. Your soul-life may reach an intensity that you have it will seem ridiculous . You may be attracted to working with people in hospitals,
never felt before, increasing your understanding with totally unprecedented insights . charities or other social-service institutions . This is a perfectly positive direction, but
But this knowledge will not be abstract - it will transform your life and your ability you should examine your motives for doing this work. Are you doing it because you
to experience it. feel personally unworthy and think that working with the downtrodden will make you
feel better by comparison? Or are you somehow going to bring them the ' truth 7
If either of these is in any way true, forget this kind of work , or at least wait until the
transit is over.
Neptune Opposition Pluto
Duri~g this period you may also be attracted to mystical and spiritual subjects,
This transit will occur to most persons now living when they are in their early sixties espeCIally philosophies of ego-denial and abandonment such as are taught in many
or later. It signifies encounters that cause various aspects of your life to be . IarIy attracted to a movement led by a chansmatIc
Eastern sects . Yo u may b e parhcu . .
transformed . Most commonly, this transformation will take the form of guru-father
tt I h f I I
Igure. n genera Neptune on the Me is a sign of idealized father fIgure ,
disappearances of persons, circumstances or even possessions that you have become I t e arm is likely t 0 come 0 f t h'IS, and there may be great beneftts,
. but agaIn
' d 0 not
used to. You will also encounter forces that try to reveal aspects of your life that you e a permanent commItment
. until the transit is over.
have long kept hidden from yourself. Initially you will probably resist these
revelations, believing that they cannot teach you anything very constructive: A Above all th' . .
transit like this often reveals aspects of ourselves that we have been taught to conSIder consci ' I~ IS a transIt of ego-transcendence, that is, of climbing to a tate of
Ousness In h' h .
evil or at least negative. These aspects are often a source of positive energy, but life. Iio w IC your ego needs are no longer the determining factor In your
wever yo
because we refuse to acknowledge them, that energy is wasted and is usually out of can happ 0' ur ego must be fully matured and completely developed before t hI.
the greatesten. dtherw'Ise you WIll . simply find yourself confused and delu d ed . ome 0
our control. There will be much psychological compulsiveness at this time, but the
less you resist facing yourself, the less difficulty you will have. themselve an fattest egos in history have been people who thought they were giVIng
This is a n: UP. for their God, when they were really identifying themselves WIth G,d.
On another level you will be shown a spiritual dimension of your existence that ca~ gatlVe Ne t .
p une manIfestation.
. I b d . ThIS
If feel'
Immense y roa en your life and experience if you are willing to look at It. . Ings f d
.. may seem f b " ' f h
so ar eyond your ordInary It e t at you WI '11 consider It sUccu b 0 efeat and . . ,. el l'
. en to th weanness arise during this transit do not allow} ..
ImpossIble to accept , but th IS
Ok 'IS necessary for your grow th .
nowledge dISco ern. y ) ,'J\'
to ,ver that y h Ou are no worse than what you have always bt'l'n ' . If
o 1m Ou av b . \ 'l.r-
On ti", Portant b e een excessively concerned about yt)urseIt and PlJ,Ie:' • ,"
. a practical level ,aVOI'd ta k'Ing at face value any new encounters WI'th persons ora "Ie M ,ut yo h .It - '1.1.
cIrcumstances. Even h . h may do S Yo' eanwhl'l u s ouldn't berate yourself for that. En'n'one lie' I '. t'
. . II w en persons are not trying to deceIve you, t ey ally Ur lif e ope . . . •'n1t' 10 ,
unmtentJOna y , bee ause you won't immediately understand w h at t h eyare re learn e now and n Yourself up to the very splendid intluenct':; thJt lJ '.1. t ','U
now teach y h \1 -h .,t\II'J
wiII lat ou muc about the nature ot the l',,~ml)S.' u
er prove to be of permanent valul'.
Planets in 1 ranslt

tune because it enables you to avoid taking ..

, tiC 0 f N e P ' k . " responSibility f
Neptune Sextile Midheaven racteflS, It is difficult to ta e responslblhty when you are f I" or
is cha actions. ee Ing Insecure .
r own
, life you are likely to change your objectives in a Way th y~ ,
' I , b ut to you it seem hOur there is a strong temptation to avoid direct confro t t' ,
At th's
time In your
hopelessly idealistic an d ImpractlCa
' at y e reas o n h n a Ions With
fnen,ds may see as h b h s teo I thiS sam h t yOU cannot stand up to t em, Therefore you may try t h
r life real meaning, The chances are t at ot you and Your fr' ny For fear t a , , 0 get w at
way to give youtent so your task now " k b i b lends ar thers for eo pie in covert or subverSive ways, usually involVing SOme k' d f
IS to stn e a a ance etween your sp' , e o u wan t from dl p , 'II I ' m 0
right to some ex , df I lfltual and ss to say thiS WI on y worsen your Insecurity not give yo
, I goals No way of life will be goo or you un ess you can mak ' YO ty Nee e ' ' u more
your ma tena ' , e It work dishones '
'h I world somehow although nght now you may not be very concern d ' nce
In t e r e a ' e With con fide ,
the real world, concerns the worst side of this transit, which does have someth'
II of the a b 0 ve Ing
Often this transit signifies a new i~t~rest in spiritual" metaphysical and occult subjects But a h you . Even as you suffer apparent defeats , you may discover that what
'I've to teac
pOSI I ' i s not really anyt h 109 ' . 'f'Icant. You may Iearn that the needs of your
You have a great need for deep splflt,ual u~derstandl~g, and you ~~y turn to religion, are lOSing II U
probably a mystical sect that emphasIzes direct expenence of the divine, rather than an yOU our real needs at a, n d er t h IS " transit some persons find , a capacity for
ego are nO,t Y and spiritual self-denial that makes it impossible for them ever to lose in
orthodox church, s
h hurts them, In that case you WI'II I earn t h at there IS
se lfles actIOn ' really nothing to lose ,
The most positive effect of this transit is that it teaches you that you must get your a way t a~t can be the gateway to a very highly evolved spiritual understanding and it
This transl , " " , '
ego out of the way before you can do anything good with it. That is, you have to learn , ' I'kely that you will become increaSingly Involved With splfltual teachings and
15 qUi te I ' f f h d '
' ' I'nes However it is pOSSible to go 0 t e eep end spmtually , and this transit ,
to act without selfishness, to flow along with events as they happen without having a
dISCIP I , ' ,
stake in a particular outcome, If you can do this, you will gain a great deal of wisdom may very well delude you into doing so. But In the long run this is one of the less
from this transit without losing anything, dangerous traps of Neptune.

Some persons experience psychic ability under this transit , and there is evidence that
most people have some psychic ability, However, you should not expect to necessarily Neptune Trine Midheaven
experience anything more than heightened intuition, which can easily be destroyed by
too much reliance on your rational intellect. In fact, one positive truth that you may Under the influence of this transit you are likely to deemphasize practical and material
learn under this transit is that even at best the rational intellect is limited and cannot concerns in favor of spiritual understanding and truth , And this can be a very pOSitive
deal with every aspect of life, You will learn this through your own intuitive faculties thing, so long as you do not completely ignore the affairs of the material world , You
telling you, if you let them, things that you could never possibly know through the must remain connected with the practical world but keep it from overwhelming your
rational mind, consciousness,

This transit is likely to be somewhat disturbing if you insist that all knowledge must Under this transit you become more involved in service to others, perhaps on a
come in neat. packaged categories, as happens with the Saturnian intellect. Neptunian ~er~on~1 level by taking care of someone who is close to you or perhaps through an
truth comes in its own ways, ;n~htutlOn, where you help take care of the poor or disadvantaged , You may have to
a e care of a sick friend or loved one,
Neptune Square Midheaven On the other h d ' '
goal. W If an, you may change to a field of work in which SOCIal service IS the
This time in your life is likely to be confusing and full of doubt and fear, if you are not . I Wor k and nursing - particularly psychiatnc
' nursmg
' - are
very secure ,about your I'f approp ,e are or so Cia
Ie d'Irechon.
, '
You will ask fundamental questIOns a b ou t what nate to th' . , ' I
gratificar . IS tranSit. What happens is that you Identify your persona
YI'o~ arfe trymg to do with your life as a whole. And if you, like many people, are not Ion with . J
Ivmg or yourself and d h hat yoU reCognir f service to the larger social order, Personal reward or persona
" your own objectives you will probably conclu e t at w d Ion or yo ff be qUI' te
are d omg IS worthies d " . lan ne Content to ur e orts are not important to you now and you may
s an pomtless Even at best you will questIOn your p
course. . Work behind the scenes, '
On the ne . .
In dealing with others 0 . osition tran ' gahve side dec thiS
because you are que t: y. u may hnd it difficult to stand up for your own Pb me ' Sit, which' h ' your own ego drives are usually not very strong un Bt
s IOnmg it
the victim of other pe I . so much yourself. You may allow yourse
If to eCO
k B ta eans th IS W Y y Ou are a bl e to engage in the kinds of work descn'bed aro\'e, U
oP care f at You k adequate
far worse effect of th' e, Simply because you lack the confidence to fight bac . uself b 0 Your 0 may not stand up for your own valid interests or ta e I th"
IS transit is t h ' . f k'ng your etaus Wn Wo ld S ' ,, ' e" h,.,e I:.
seem to be a victim in d at you might get into a routlOe 0 rna I ress ion gratif ~ You don't co r .' ometJmes personal relatIOnships suffer at tIn\, are t~nly
or er to gain others' sympathy. This kind of negative agg Yltlg to Y nSlder them important enough, You think that the" )u
ou perso 11 ' ' h " tht' ca~e, yt
na y and are therefore not signiticant , It t at I~
Planets in Transit

. danger tha t you m ight lose sight of who you are and what
time, there IS a ay expect too much of yourself, or you may think that you
fl1 e
must take care of your personal needs, ~ot merely to gratif AI the sa'tations are.. You m ays that are not a t a II true. If you feel that others like you
are forgetti ng that yoU ke you a healthy and happy human bemg . Only if yo Y yolJr Jifl1l thers In. certa ln WIy unaware of certam . compI' a mts t h ey h ave about you . And'
iJ11P~ that yOU are u~r t all by habits you think they really dislike, which you try
Our ego, but also to ma be really effective. One cannot live on self-sacrifice fo u are
Y Ithy can you . d ' I rever
happYan d hea I'kely to become a depressmg an JOY ess person . Those h" il J11aY e not be bother a
'f try you are I . h I W 0
and I yOU : . hi' g society are also able to enJoy t emse ves. theY rnaY
are most effective m e pm
to repress· . aspect of the idealism that th is tra nsit may engender . You
nstruct lve . h poor, SIC
. k o r d'Isadvantaged people
Neptune Opposition Midheaven is one CO d t social-service work Wit
There ttracte 0 .
beCofl1e a are inclined to put your own needs second to the needs of
is transit is that it is likely to kick your props out from under you I lIlay . ' fluence you .. . I J b h
The da nger 0 f th . h' . n der thiS In yourself a mlnlstenng ro e . ust e sure t at you have the
. b other activity that is Important to you, somet mg may happen th VII d take upon
your 10 or any d' . Th' at others an to . Eor idealism alone can't carry you throug h . You should be prepared
'11 k 't very difficult to continue in your present Irectlon. IS event is probabl
WI ma e I d' '11 b d'ff I d b
not something that can easily be foreseen , an ~t WI . ~ I ICU t to .escri e even as it is
Y slrength to~O t~S' ery real obstacles that will arise . If you ha ve an idealized image of
happening. It can take the form of a psychological crasIs that results m y our feeling that to put up With t v savior, you are almost certainly kidding yourself , and you won' t
If as a se ess
you cannot go on. You may feel suddenly weak and ineffectual, even though others yourse II
may not be able to see any reason for this. It is also possible that events in your most be effective at a .
personal Jife will make it difficult to continue in your profession with the self- . 'th others you may be inclined to playa ma r tyr role . Sta nd up to
confidence and assurance that you need to be at your best. There may be domestic In relations hhIpSt WI you believe to be your persona I n' gh ts an d d 0 not pretend '
that thangs
problems or difficulties with members of your immediate family . Someone very close people
, for W a I '11 l
h r ou if they do . If you play the martyr, someone e se WI sure y e willang b "
to you may be doing or saying things to you that are very discouraging. don t bot e Y 1" 11 . I I
10 play the role of persecutor. This app les especla y move re atlOns IpS.
' h'

But this transit can also have another effect. You may no longer feel like advancing You may also become more interested in psychic, spiritual and religious ma tters during
in your external social roles now, because you feel they have become meaningless and Ihis time, but since you are searching for direct experience o f the d ivi ne, you are
empty. You may want to withdraw a bit and look at your life in terms of your own unwilling to put up with movements that are excessively formal, ritu alized or
criteria instead of others' and ask whether you are accomplishing what you yourself
intellectual. Consequently you will probably not be attracted to an o r thodox church .
want to, rather than what others want. Sometimes in life we go ahead too fast and lose
track of our original purposes. This is an excellent time to sit back and look at whether
this bas happened to you. Neptune Sextile Ascendant

Many important elements of your life may come to an end and pass out of existence This transit will change your relationships with people, usually in a p ositive way,
now. Let them go, for it is the right time for this to happen, and it will ultimately be although there are some pitfalls to be observed .
pod. This is a time to renounce those things, for you will soon discover that you do
ftQt aally need them anyway. As the old saying goes, we are naked when we come ~e trincipal effect of this transit is to greatly heighten your sensitivity to the feelings
iato this world and when we leave it. Therefore what we have inside is important. ~o% er peolPle. You become aware, at least on a subliminal level, o f the d eeper and
Now is the time for you to find the strength of what you have inside. comp ex attributes f f ' ds . hb I I 0 nen , nelg ors and those whom you contact on a
different ~e. Persons whom you have taken for granted now assume a very
Neptune Conjunct Ascendant Thus YOU a~ :1 you go below their surface appearance and look in to their hearts .
You rnay also ~o be much more compassionate and giving to those around you .
This transit ~ . .1._ nQtionships with others and change the kind of impression
~u n;:: ~-PtO,PJe ~test single danger is that you are susceptible to decep~ion
. t:: erlt of ~i:.. unusually idealistic frame of mind, and you behe~e
lIIay lead to wo~e ~ore inter~ted in the plight of disadva n taged groups, which
: : people. But even~ith a chantable organization or an in fo rmal group to help
t ~th pr.....-..'lhI you are invited to join even when they are useless. n -~andi an your everyday contacts you act more selflessly and with
you are likely to ~t involved in many situatiofns
actt' WI Youid
tha you W tionsh'Ips, m
" partacul ar, sh ould b e ~a tched ' I or
you are inclined to icleaIa enter "YOUr life in 1" .' I
peciallya lover, and be blind to their real f: ~~
u ~~~!~~~,l;=i: ' very casua guIse w ho will s how you deep pantua
Ole faults may
",,"W.P'In be ablez: t be
a but in your present frame of mind. you pro i~ be ~~~rtdiibRU\volved in spiritual o r religio us groups in whICh y u can

times. P-,Ie
.Uted. Do not a:ept And when you finally do accept It, yOU W t
JlDW than you could reasonably e:~e
you may lose sight of that fact
of this transit . You may study mystical phil
your life.

)'OUr lUll_IlL:. ur

, .tt;tlllll not so COI."d nay.

Neptune Trine Ascendant

Plall ets ~ Trarls!! ___- - - - - - - - -
, take on a spiritual cast , and you are much more
, our relationshiPs et If a lover comes into your life at this time,
h trar'l' SIt Ythe peop Ie yOU me , 'zed' that it will be in great danger when you
idea li ze peopl e, espe iallya cquol int.Jnces I is 'de a ,ze
. Ih,1 I y ou, may ove ryou, You ma y reg..! I.t I t hem as SPlrltually tJ~ , J to I , will be 50 r ,
der omantlCI '
t as perfect as you thought , Ovendeahzat ' ,lOn in
Ihls tr<l n,", IS ' ,
(hnc<' hIP on IS no '
hl' d,/ngI'I n (d,>J ' pro(oun d 1m · pre~Slon
" upon I
Id f 'ends whom you may neg ect as a re ult I~ elatiOns he other per s b tched for with this transIt.
whe> hJve n1<l
. Jly superior 10 J ny 0f your 0 people n ' in your h'f e are IlUman a I so, and they' Ih~ r r thllt t, danger to e wa
Jnd morarl Inl point herE' IS ' Ih,,1 Ih!!!>!'? new ." Y to thInk tha t d'S(Ove , hip IS a
"fO$1 of us have a sirong. lenuen '" relations et caught up in an ideal philosophy, a spiritualized
Thl' lmpt> , h' 10 tN ch you , can tt.'ach u S aboul Ig cr trut h , With this
, h h J~]
11 h..)Ve somel InS IV
a strong ten dency to dg removed from the real world that you are neither
m,Iy,11 V(.ry ,p'fll, ua. II Y eleva led person Ih Ihrough everyday conta ct , 0 0 no t 'Invalidate ct an
onJy JI y ew w,JI!cJfn ,here IS,, 11150
that is SO a bstra , h e You may have a strong deSIre ' to escape and
a boul higherI Iru' ly becau ~e you d'Iscover t h at t hey are only d VieW f ncllon er,
IrJnsl f m Ihese peop e Simp \,orI willing to U h' h can be useful in some cases, If you are aware of this
wholl you learn ro abeI nor from t he w orld," wt IC mporary you can make posItive ' , use 0 f 'It. T h ere are
human , 'hdraw
I;lt r\J and knoW that It IS e '
t go off by yourself and meditate upon the meaning of
lendenC] nt 0
, when it "mporta IS 1 doing with it. The only problem IS ' that you probably
IItTles d
r life an wah h t yOU are
h Ie duration of this transit, because It ' usually lasts more
Neptune Square Ascendant
annot gO 0 ff for t e tw f0the time this might be a deSirable
yOU "
plan of actIOn,
I'onships with others are likely to become confused C r But for par 0
At Ih,s, time' In ' yo ur life your ret Ia "persons who d try to d,ssua e you from a course of than a yea,
and d'ff ' II ' You may encO un er 'tied to for years, wit h t he resu I t t hat you become
I ICU uide figure may enter your life at this time, and regardless of
ml , 't al teac h er or g
clCtlo n Ihal you have ,been' comf your life , The other person "s mtentlOns ' , this may
m Aspin u nal merits you are likely to learn something valuable from the
confused Jbout the dlTectlOn 0 h'IS or her That persodoes not mean that you should take everything you are told at face
be eilher good or bad , I After this influence has passed, you WI'II b e a bl e to reevaluate what you have
' t become involved in any kind of contractual or business
h '. 01 a gOO d 'flime 0 opJe whom you are dealing with are completely honest -
~:a;:~d in the light of your own intelligence and experience, At this time your ego
T IS IS n h
drives are rather low, which makes you less interested in questioning what someone
neg otieltlOnS,, Even I' t he pemay very well be dIshonest, - you WI'II f'm d'It d'Ifflcult
, to
an d with thIS
I b transIt I ey , ,
own goals and objectives in the negOtiatIOns, As a result you tells you, You reflect very strongly on your own failures and inadequacies , not
Ihlnk clear y a out your destructively, but with the aim of improving yourself, Nevertheless, you judge
will nol get what you want from the procedure,
everyone and everythi,n~ but yourself uncritically, Eventually you will learn that you ,
, denying planet That is it has the inherent effect of making you too, are a source of spmtual truth, and that it is all right to question what another tells
Neptune IS cln ego- unworthy" " , Thus In your transactIOns
and undeservmg " WIth
or you, although that might be your own ego at work,
fre I unsUfl' 0 f yours elf
~ not very assertive about protectmg
' your Interests,
' and you may
ot hers, you ten d to ' ,,
attract people who will take advantage of your vulnerabdl ty, ~d~~i~i:::ls~~~~e \ran~~t,
yofur hrelationshiPs are characterized by increased empathy
rs an mg 0 at er people's situations and needs.
On the ml'taphysical plane there is a lesson to be learned from this transit, Neptune is
related to detachment, so that the less involved your ego is in a situation, the more
freedom you will have to do what you want. By bringing about a loss , Neptu~e of~en A ' , Neptune Opposition Ascendant
~how~ us that our attachment to material objects or to certain personal relationshIps t thiS lime
sh I
your c ose, intimate reI' h' ,
hr.l& prevented us from being free, So it is not usually Neptune that causes losses or 0hu d be very careful abo t atll~ns IpS Will be difficult and confused. Also you
confUSIOn, but your ego'~ relentless drive to maintain the game it is playing, And thiS Sue as law
will gi
u consu tmg others f
yerS, marriage counselo d
or a vice now, even professionals
miJY b(' hdppening at your expense, when viewed from a higher perspective, When ve you e rs or octors Of
adVised rroneous informatl'o ,course, not all of these people
your ego tclkes over in this way, you set your priorities incorrectly, and you are not not to n even und th' ,
bean "expert" Suspend your own critical f I ~r . IS transit, but you would be well
likely to be successful. , acu ties Just b ecause someone else seems to

The strategy with this transit, as with other transits of Neptune that are commo~IY Atl1arria
mnsidered di~ficult" is ,to flo~ through it without any particul~r set pla~ of ac~~o: no ge Or oth
W, Perh a ' er partnershi '1
nor <my speCIal obJective, Simply treat this transit as a learning experience, If If So ps either p WI 1 be difficult b
relationship do('~n't work out, ask yourself why you got into it in the first place~sk
confi/e0u should sto Or Your partner is tr in ecause communications are unclear
Other' ~ce You tnu Phconcealing it as so y g to. conceal something trl.. m the )ther,
you dttract dishonest people or if your dishonesty has brought yOU trouble,
' ' h t yOU were S°
willsl'll \\In good"
st av '
e In each other E
on as posslbl f
e, Or It can only undermine the
your~e If w h at purpos(' thiS served in your life, Often you will discover t a I be Under"",you r partner wl'll . ven I,you a r e concealing somethi n~ h, r the
trying t() prott'ct something that really wasn't worth protecting, '''Ined . not see It th a t way, and hi or her cl1ntidence
However, you may not be hiding anything. It may' b
between you are getting worse. M k JUst
a e sure that you really de th at cOll)", .
do not assume that you un erstan d or t h at anything yo un ersta n d each'''1J.nlhcat,OI\s
automaticaUy Spontaneous an d lmme
0 ' d 'late understanding u saYar da IS 1J.nd
0 Ot ~t , anQ

transit. IS nOt a f eat", ~rSt f''d

o this
Avoid legal confrontations at this time, if at a1I possible C I
amp0 etely 1J. '''P~t~
0k I to h appen, w h'IC h you Won ' t b e prepared lor.' And
events are ley
use underhanded tactics that could hurt your position badly. In ge~ urI oPPonent may
o thIS. transit. It willerab YOur "'.i• .
Chapter Thirteen
il you have any, will be very decephve dUring
understand their tactics, let alone deal with them. They may even make ~a~~'Y ho'd t.
" 0

of friendliness to you. Do not treat everyone with suspicion, but don't tak Overtures
at face value either. e everything Pluto
At this time you may be tempted to take on a relationship with someon, who badl
needs help. This is perlectly appropriate, so long as your objective is to help th:'
person, not to bolster your own image of yourself. Sometimes, if you are surrounded
by people who are worse 011, you can deceive yoursell into thinking that yo", situati"
is aU right even when it isn't. Also it is best to avoid a close, personal relationship with
someone who reaUy needs help, because it could become a very sick dependency
relationship that would be very hard to break. This is especially true in relationships
with the opposite sex.
Significance of Transiting Pluto

is similar to tha t of the Hindu god Shiva. the creator and dest
of PI u t 0 . d . royer.
he nature . s by breaktng own a structure ; then It creates a new on . .
T Ily begiO d ' e 10 Its
pluto usu a . cycle of death. estructlOn and renovation is accompanied b
This en tire . 'ld y
Place. douS powe rs . for Pluto IS not 1a ml 1
or even very subtle planetary influen
. f ceo
trem en see its effects very c ear y - rangmg rom machines breaking down
you ca n alwayS
. ir to full-sca 1e d estruchon
. or d eat. h Decay at one level or another
edlng repa . . 1 PI . '
an d ne life from the old IS the typlca utonlan process .
followed by new

. t'cally Plutonian people are those who seek to change. transform and take
Charactens I f PI ....
I of everything around them. 0 ten a uto transit Will slgmfy the arrival of a
contro ho transforms your I'f . h f
I e, elt er or goo
d or eVI'1 . 0 r It
. can symbolize an event
person W ff
. mstance that has the same e ect.
or clrcu

Pluto also rules those energies inside you that lead inexorably to change. It rules
the death and regeneration of the self. as old aspects of your life pass away and are
replaced by new ones that could not otherwise have come into being. Pluto does not
signify death in the literal sense; instead it refers to a metaphorical death. somethmg
that ceases to be.

The energies of the planet that Pluto is transiting become a source of change and
transformation in your life. You may get involved in serious power struggles with
others about changes in the areas of your life associated with that planet.

As Pluto transits your houses. it signifies the areas of your life that are due for radical
b . a t'Ion. In t h e area ruled by the transited house , structures 10 your 1"Ite have
.Ullt up to the point that it is no longer possible to patch up whatever i wr ng. It IS
time for a f UII -sea Ie reconstruction preceded if necessary by de tructlOn . f the Jd
chang . ,
e-resistan t patterns.

It·IS extremely . . ha e
Which' b' Important that you recognize the inevitability f Plut la
IS UIlt· t h A
should n i n o t e very structure of things and cannot be pre\' t II h t
You will ~t t.ry to prevent it, because it is a necessary stag in yt'ur e t I tI • t
Changes 0 IS force the energies to build up until they are e, pI ,j 'e. Th n tr
corne about disastrously.
whatever mus
' ' h
h l d you go along with the Plutonian energy of destr '
Not only s out

this IS t e equa Ily

f h P
depart you should a so assist t e rebuIlding pro
0 t e lutonlan breakdo
UCbon b I

wn , a
Y ettin
cess th t f 880
0 11 0 "",, Of
s , fOr
YOu r volume of bus the

or you might have difficul ty borrowing money , You might

1' ' 1' d '
of your income ' resu tlng" In ess Income unng t ,e
ve to change
For reasons that are not entirely
, understood,
I ' Pluto also has to do Wit' h Se ' ha If ou own property , you might have to Inves t conSiderable
, , money
, In
b ' e elements of society - revo utlOnary groups, organized c ' cretl\le ~ h ngeover ,
c a y , '
dermzatlOn, ou Y r material base, no matter what
d' It IS now, wlil change
su verslv , "
A PI to transit may bring such elements Into your lIfe, although 't 'nrne and "Ild
the lik repairsh or
it wll'I b e h ar d to count upon your accustome Income,
dangerous "
to allow thiS dUring aI '
P uto transIt. I IS oft en qUite e, enoUS
d t
Y means d oome o poverty , however , This , , is
" a temporary
f phase hthat
OUare by no h b kdown phase of this transit IS finished , I you try to 0
Pluto in the First House n as t e rea 'II I I d
will pass as soo
sessions or sources 0 f I'nCorne you are used to, y ou WI on y s ow own
At this time you will gradually reshape many aspects of Your personality a d on
the to the pos
process an d d elay the beginning of the new phase ,
have the opportunity t~ get, In
' touch~It' h the f orc~s th~t have shaped you
' nandYou 'll rn:1
you what you are, Getting In touch with yourself In thiS manner is especial! h de A our whole attitude toward property may chan~e completely , You
t another level, dy t the view . t hat p h ' I p roperty is not so Important toI you .
because it gives you greater contro I over the unconscJOus
' dnves' that in the past h
Y elpful may come' aroun 1
I d mora va ues may
0 I become more important, so that you no onger
surfaced in subconsciously directed urges, compulsions and irrational irnpulses, ;ve Metaphyslca ' an matenal , posseSSIOns, ' conSI'd en'ng how little control we , ,haveh over
will also gain greater control over the ways in which you project Your personalit Ou b
seek to " ] ' I ridiculous that we put so much stock In It, t ere y
others, which will make your relationships more rewarding, Y to the material UnIverse,
' a large
~ Ittate the mercy 0 f fa te , so to speak, Only our inner values
It IShves
part of our
are within our total control.
However, en route to this desirable goal of self-improvement, you will have to meet
certain challenges in order to make anything good come out of this period,
Pluto in the Third House
First, you will find energies rising within you that want to control everything and d y mmunications and conversations take on a much
everyone around, which could make relationships with others exceedingly difficult, Everyday contacts, every a , co h' h Elements of your everyday life that you
if you are not careful. Now you have the chance to be either a positive or a negative heavier tone while Pluto transJt~ thbls o~se~ediate relatives, daily business and other
I k f nted - nelg ors, 1m b f d
force for change in the world around you, but you will almost certainly be a negative normal y ta e or gra now become fraug ht with significance, You may h e orce
such routine matters
d to -, have never done before, Great c anges are
force if you don't make the effort to understand yourself, You will be the vehicle for day actIOns as you d" nt
to examine your
' ay- triggered
- by clrcu
' mstances in your imme late envlronme d,
blind and irrational ego forces, the result of infantile and primitive urges that you
taking place In you, d' 'th for years and have come to regar
haven't dealt with as an adult. These forces are not directed toward what is best for Situations that you have been'f conten mg WI
ow reach the crisis point. You WI'II be f orced
t of your h e may n
you. But if you understand yourself well, you will be able to bring about a complete
rebirth of energy and effectiveness in your life. as a permanent par d 'ndeed you should, This is the begmnmg
" 0
h· b t them
to do somet Ing a ou ' I change and inner regeneration t hath WI contmue a r
now, an I h 'II ' f
period of deep psyc ther hase when Pluto enters your fourt ouse.
many years and reach ano p
Fortunately, under the influence of this transit you will be more and more driven to
seek out the inner dimenSions of life. You will be attratted to the mysteries and hidden
, our everyday beliefs, for the ideas that you have
of life, which will make you very interested in your own and other people's It will be necessary to exa~lOe y y be undermining your life in some subtle way that
held to be true Wit ou 'h t questIOn rna ' f or gra n ted
It is not a good idea to take anyt h mg
mner workings. This same interest may lead into the study of astrology, yoga and ' t the open, " , ' bl f
other occult or spir't I d ' . . f h If will now come out 10 0 ressed psychological tenSIOns will mevlta y sur ace,
during this time, bec~u~e ~~~o keep problems buried, and it will become even more
I ua octrInes whose purpose IS the total regeneratJOn 0 t e se '
You will find it very dlffIEcu t a period of acute self-questioning for the next several
difficult as time' go es on , xpecId not assume that you are wrong a b out every thOng I ' Not I
ars However, you s~~ not mean that you have been wrong about them, It on y
Pluto in the Second House
During the next several
wh IC· h WI'11 a ffect both yoyears Your values wil1 undergo a complete
h '
metamorp OSIS, Yt ek'ng' things for granteb o:e so used to them that they no longer register in
a I have eco
, ce WhlC
o f vaI ues on t he psychological I I Possessions on the matenal plane and your sense
ur personal ns that yOU aware of them again , To be aware is to expenen, ,
eve. Imea ' t o become
I'fe, and it is time , testing
h more 10 er
Ih ' b
in the long run, a tough It may e ra t e
h r upsettlOg
makes life muC e.J
The process may include m' h .. I . I
h aJor c anges in your fmancla picture over the next severa at first . h h" 'I h will. You
byearks. T e mohst upsetting aspect of this change is that quite frequently it begins with a f superf.. ICla
I explanations, alt oug It IS unlIke y t at you J'f Y
10 J ' our I e. ou
rea down p ase in who h .h hI' f t as close as possible to the inner wor n8s of e ements m y
Do no t settle eor
rllources. In a bUSiness
'. fIC You may have to get along Witd muc ess IIn the . way 0 sh au Id try tog
' or example, circumstances beyon your Contro might lessen
u 0

become interested in psychology, yoga and occult studies I h

may '11 probably study them as intellectual disciplines rath' a th ough in tho
you WIIf as . h '11 er t an IS ph
living experiences. T at WI come when Pluto ent apply th aS . WI. th yo ur children are now entering a phase in wh
. nshlPs . ich ever ything
yourse ers the f ell) t e o ur re\ a tl O '11 have a p owerful effect on them later. So it is Important to e
But Y . h them WI d I' .h h'ld
· over sh ort d'IS t ances may trigger off irn OrOUrth h(lllse().
Changes of scene and traveI109 yOU do Wit d to use commo n sense w hen ea mg Wit your c I reno
that will have far-reaching effects . Wherever you go, strive to gain p tant chan caref ul an .
will enable you to understan d your every d ay wor Id a little
· more da new perspeCt'ges th 's transl' t can relate to peri ods of te nsion between .you and your children
eepl y. I\le ecifi cally , I
yo u Pp I too much pressure upon them - or Vice versa _ to c ange
as attempt'ntootah er wory ds . a p ow er s truggle with your chi ldre.n. Ifh'there areI severe
Pluto in the Fourth House . some ns way : I . th O house a nd if o ther tra nsits warrant It , t IS can a so e a
In la n ets tn IS . '" Id t
The tremendous psychological changes of the last several years with PI a ff1icti o to
penod f or your children . Suff ice to say that . dunng
, h IthiS
h time It wou no
dangerouS od idea to ta k e un necessary risks with your cht/dren s ea t .
your natal third house contmue now as PI uto enters the fourth hOuse uto
B tranSIting
.. ~a~ . .
effects become much deeper, more internal and personal. YOur inner ' p ut now the
use o f love affa irs, that is, the early phase of a relatl~nshlp
home your family and the other most personal areas of Your life wil! syc b heff' YOll The fifth is a ls o the ho en ' 0 being toget her, as opposed to a serious co.mmltment
' e a eeted. between two people w.ho h ' ) )y W ith Plu to in the fifth house, a love affair IS Itkely
On the psychological level, you may have to deal at last with certain problems th (a seventh-house relatIOns ~p. 11 in vo lved an d in tense. You are likely to regard your
you have been living with since childhood. In fact, many issues from childhood ~; to be very heavy, very em~tlO~: : o t bad in itself, but it cou ld distort you~
sense of
relationships a s fated , which . nshi in which you feel totally faSCinated by
proportion . Also be wary o f a relat; for ~ou as a partner. Your subconSCIous may
reemerge now, as you begin to understand their consequences to you as an ad:llt.
You will no longer be satisfied to just live with them. You want change, and you will
someone whom you kno,:" IS no t .goo omet hin that you don't need. An existing love
be able to change at the most fundamental levels now. The irrational compulsi ons and be playing tricks and gettl~g yo u m to.s his :riod and wi ll go through a c~mplete
relationship will be very mtens~ durhm . t se!re trouble will survive this penod, but
inappropriate childish behavior that most of us indulge in under certain conditi ons g
will be called into the light and examined. This is generally an excellent peri od to change . It IS' unlikely that a relatIO ns Ip m
undergo psychotherapy or a similar process if you feel that it might be useful. if it does it will last forever . .
However, this is not to say that it will be necessary. Even without psychotherapy you .
. If expressIOn ar t a nd other forms of recreation
will undergo tremendous inward changes. The fifth h ouse also relates to crea ti ve se .- h' tim~ you will be attracted to activities

:~at invol~~n~~t~::ymi~~enseIY.
. the more usual sen se of the word. Dun ng t IS even carry a risk of life, because you
On a more exterior level your home life may change tremendously . There can be a are very p owerful a nd Superficial experiences do not
want to experience every thmg y
number of possible causes for this, including a change of residence ; changes wi thin attract you at all .
the house, such as extensive repair or remodeling; changes within your family , such as
divorce. death or other separations; or a tremendous change in the nature of your
family relationships.

I . the Sixth Ho use

P uto In l"k I
Your relationships with your parents are likely to change a great deal. If you have . . t During these years you are ley
ve~y carefull~f:hysjcaIlY i.nadequ~t.~. a~et~t~: ~aven't
been overly dependent upon them for any reason, you may find it necessary to break our healt h under thiS transl . . m to our body's needs .
First , be and pay you considered
away from them. You may have a rather serious power struggle with your parents to overstrain yourse ha ve had a p hYSica l con I 10 ' n t so that you have to do
under this transit. if they try to hold on to you as if you were still a child . But the Also , for years gy ou :a~now it may reac h a cnt lcal POlrod uce a complete physical
changes within your family or between you and your parents need not be negative by worth attendbin t t~, A~
its m os t se vere, thi s
something a ou I. . . I onl y If yo u com
ign ore your health needs as
any means. All that can be said for sure is that they will certainly be significant and
that when this transit is OVer a new order will begin. breakdown. But this IS Itkeb~em can easil y be avo ided .
b o thls pro
mentioned a ove, s . If ou adopt a
. di ca te co,.. plete phys ical regen er~t\On. ha~e neglected
Pluto in the Fifth House In fact this transit can also ~n ~
ou can reb ui ld your b ody even .. you slcal-sptntual
The impact of this transit can have many consequences, because the fifth house rules careful physical regime~ no o~d time to take up y oga or a Simi ar, r ho~r body reacts
l't in previous years. It IS a g d time to exam ine y o u r d iet a~d how y ur individual
several areas of your life. It relates on one hand to recreation and amusement in the
literal sense of sense.
the word, and on the other hand to children. who are a re-crea tion of the
b d culture . This is also a goo d'e t fo r o ne that is mo re sUltabl~
to yo I N that are
to it. If necessary, c adn d ' ts tha t assume eve~on~ s nee s
self in another o y h ge yo ur I ' d to be Identlca
A oor diet can lead to
nee d s. Be careful of
.,fa pnnClp
Ie . Ies with li ttle sClen lific backup. p
based solely on rehglOtutShiS time.
If you have children, this is likely to be a fateful period in Your life with them . The physical breakdown a
precise nature of this fatefulness is not easy to pin down. but it isn't necessarily bad .
The sixth house also concerns your work, either at a job 0 h
duties on a day-to-day basis. Pluto's transit through this h r W .erever You
. as I"t IS to a ffect your h ea I th . You can eXpe
this part of your lIfe oUset IS a s I'kI ely tPerFotil)
work possibly a comp ete c h ange 0 f }O . b or even career Thc great hang 0' afF eet
c b t hwart you, Btl u don't recommend that you reciprocate
h' in kind,
" Asideh
' the ook to 'dera t IOns,
' y o u would not be very Successful. T IS transit IS muc
period' of tension, because PI uto creates tension with people . J be aesdiFf'
. in ere rtla', II) Yo Ut
II d I In
(rorn ethical
, I toconSI
mean recel'ving underhanded treatment than giving it.
k I
bosses. You may be compe e to 00 e sew h ere for work even Your 'f Job 'PatticulICUlt I ofe like y ,
If this kind of tensIOn
. arises,
. " IS pro b a bl Y b est to get another' I bYou
It y do n ' t Wantatt y
jobs frequently as you cast a bout f or t he proper situation. It rna") 0 t .k Ou tn ay chang0 , rn encounter d u ring these years who will affect your Ide soh'strongly
th t
h PI The people you f u r inner psychic impulses, Stop attributing everyt Ing a
find H, but w en uto gets nean h e en d otIS f h · h ouse, YOu pmbabl a w;1/.
e several Y""'toe nly mirrors- 0 goo YOd or b a d - to other people and begin to recognize
y are
h pp0 h' that you
a ens to hyoue encou n t ers by subtle unconscious " Cues , When you learn t IS you WI
It is quite possible that you will get into a line of work that is Plut ' . t rigger
, off
the treal
es un d erstan ding of your life that thiS tranSit can convey ,
a job that mvo. Ives tearing
. somet h'mg d own In . order to build anew Suonlan ha In rn tue,
Work that mvo . Ives regenerative . t heraples,
'. either phYSical Or , pS" C hI ' Ing.
as Wreck '
Plutoman. . Or yo", .work may dea I WH . h SWet or subve"ive elements J Cof 0 oglcal
. ' ''' . Pluto in the Eighth House
wi th secret projects. SOCIety Or
, "at home" with this transit , since its symbolism IS very closely
In manytoways
related that Pluto
of the IS
elg h th h ouse , Both relate to death and resurrection symbolically
Pluto in the Seventh House as well as Ii terally ,

During this transit the issues 0 ~aJ~;'cant in your life than ever before, Although
At this time eith« all of your «Iationships and pa"ne"hips will go through prolo",d
f ' , - even death , rebirth and
and significant transformations, or your life will be transformed through a
regeneration - will become more sign I rl there may be deaths of pt'opJe around you

;ho~ will a very ;mpo,tan, .cfect up~n :o:·,o~fronl.tiOn with;n you .bou' Ih,
enCOunt« with another pe"on. The «Iationships affected include your m"'iag, r own life is not in any grea t dange , S ch a death may radically change
or oth« close love «Iationship, p"tn«ships in bUSiness, encounte" wHh enemi"
ancircums~ances in some w~y o;ne~:~ your concerns will become quite deep
or wHh people whom you consult (Iawye", docto", psychiatrists and the like) and '"Y your
other one-to-one relationships. naturelife d meanlflg of your !tfe, n g
during ,hi""n,it. . f
In a marriage or love affair, this transit signifies a profound change through or within

h'Ings that relate to the Issue h0
the relationship. The two of you may reach a crisis that requires you to redefine the ma become involved in the occu !t or other teac x lanatlOns that do not get to t e
dYd th You will find it difficult to accept e p t - This will be true for every
entire nature of your relationship. You may discover that long-hidden tensions within lIfe an ea , I 't 'nnermost par s, k' h
your relationship cannot remain that way and must be released now . A business very, matter
b 0 ttom of kthenot onlyand exp oreofI your
questions S I
own 1'fe
I and death , You are see Ing t e
questIOn you as ,
partnership may go through a similar transformation. A marriage or business answers to mysteries , , h ld
partnership that is not basically sound will probably not survive this transit.
. ' can affect posse~slOns an d re:; ou rce:; e, r
mple or corporate finances, A m~Jo
O '
ObViously, for most pe"ons this is not a P"ticulady good time to st"t a btlsine~ n an e
ntirely different level, thiS transltf
jointly with others ~ spo~~: ~hrough
, finances , or exa,
one of these sources, ~ ~~~er
h' not a good tJme
someone else's
P"tne"hip or m"dage. The en«gies present in such a «Iationship may make ,I change may occur Ifl your d s will put you very muc
difficult for You to settle down into any kind of comfortable <autine. In a mamage, to go Ifl
' to debt , because Ifldebte nes

particularly, you may be operating under unconscious compulsions that make It
difficult to c...ate a structu ... that is in your int«esls in the long run . people, control. f h' transit is that of an
O ' ' 1 theme:; 0 t IS , f
however, need the emotional intenSity in a relationship that this transit mdlcates, ne POSSI'b'!'ty
I I that combines , t both pnnchlPa
happen t ere should be other transits that reIn orce
For such persons marriage at this time is quite all right. inheritance, However, for thiS 0 'n your natal chart,
this possibility , as we 11 as I'ndicatlOns I
bnCOunters with
others, including professional consu tants as IS e a ov, ,.
I I' t d b e may bring
a out SIgnIfIcant
'. . changes in your life. Pluto tranSItIng
" th'IS h ouse 0 ft e n signIfIes
. that , he Ninth House
you are looking for someone to aid you in trans f ormIng your I e. IS r Pluto In t h ld around you will change
· I"f Th' t ansJt often s your overall view, of t e ~or onstrate the invalidity of
you, With Psychotherapy, lust don't expect the therapist to do all the work for
During the next several ye:: of crises in your !t~e t~ate;:;'viOUS that your ability to
considerably, often becahu ame time, however, It ':"Idl l be, handling it will grow and
I '
your former VIews,
At t e s d
orld in depth an you
r WIS om In ,
it is a maturing experIence,
t is Important
: to avoid power struggles with enemIes
. d unng
' t h"IS tIme, f or they are see and understand the w fear this transIt. At worst b ' g You should strive to

~ involved in su<h a <onfiiet, ""pect your opponent to use eve", sneaky dev,ce
!IfIoIy to be extremely na5ty and destructive, with no bar on dirty tactics. If you do deepen, There is no reason to ou into a far better human em '
but at best it will transform y
klearn Ieverything you can from the experiences
now edge you gaIn "11
WI b e extremely useful du'You haVe In
tenlh house, whkh follows Ih;s one. You needn'tflng
transit will take several years,

Whatever your interests and concerns prior to th' t '

' t h'IS Per' d
b ' t e tan"l
r ' of Plulo10 ' b'''u,

e In a hurry, howeve thbrollgh y the

r, ec 0\lr
allse tho
-- Pluto

h own awa Y their humanity, they discover that they can expect .no quarter ,

Is Having t r h unite to oppose them, and they are brought down, It IS essential
profound subJects, such as YOur relationship toISthransa ' Yo u will
' hJrn n frorn others 0 eaking havoc or even bending the standa rds of ethics with this
that yOU avOl wr , . Pl ay t he game fair
' Iy
' 1as1
Universe, we as your role in the general schem ey people a rOund You Ow to illore , f r PIuto 'energies
s are too powerful to play ga mes with h
' , , e, Ou may t Urn to religion
t the an accordmg
d 0 , to the rules , but continue to pursue yo ur goals . Do not take s ortcuts .
gIve you the deep and IntImate experience that yo d
h d not through the mind but through uthnee ' at th"IS tune . PlutoI bIt -'an
h ,
xpenence the other side of this tra nsit as altering you r life
. direction,
bl h the
compre en ' knowledge it must be an ex e ' viscera ' Th e rnind c riOgs
t IS If you e t idea IS ' n ot to get discouraged , You may undergo conSldera e c anges
philosophIes ,
may attract you because of their direct appe 1 t 'h M
penence '
' ystJcal and Oc annatI importan
' 'd
th's tranSit, an you may even feel that you have , become
, a different
If person,
a 0 t e Inner b ' Cu t dunng h ' Iroba bl y true . Take all the time yo u need to fmd the nght Course I you h urry'
But elng , whic 'IIIS Ponly get 10. t 0 a nother wrong pl ace, a nd your life will be much ess t an It
d remember that your knowledge-bringing experiences n
you WIhave b een, I'f you had taken enough time to fi nd yourself .
an you WI'II take everything that comes as profound and Ow are fextrernel l y Y POWerful
the danger of becoming fanatically obsessed by these experl'e power uPI, Ou rnUst aVOid'
to produce
h '
1 obseSSIOns, nces , t uto always tends
and during this time you may be inclined Pluto in th'e Eleventh House
youh ave f earne down other people's throats, Your conViction will oh crarn
I everyth Ing
' f reat chan es in your long-range goa ls and yo~r ,h,opes for the
h h ' .
ot ers11 ,0 w at you ave Iearned, but give them the chance to keep ethP you
aswe ' . e
persuad This Will be a penod 0 I g have as frie nds wi ll change. Actlvlttes that you
future. Also the kinds 0 peop e ylo u You may decide that many goals that
elf OWn Views d no longer appea to you now , h' h
once enjoye may d t rt h pursumg Your idea ls wil l change, w IC
'II once would have
be reflected pursue m
in a change , ar~
t enopeop
wO e whom you associate With and the groups
Since the ninth house is concerned with your relationship to the larger social ord WI f 'h
t ;s transH can cause you to become ;nvolved ;n a group or movemenl thaI W'nt, to or movements you identi y Wit ,
slowly and sodety, but probably nOI ;n a revoluHonary Way. PIUlo Operates mo"
effectively, , , kind of friendship than you have had In the
You will be looking for qUite a dlfferen t , d ' ply to spend time with people whom
h e been sa tls fIe Slm
past. Formerly you may av k t people who wdl pro VI de very In ' tense
If you have difficult aspects in this house, Pluto may cause difficulties with the law you felt at ease with, but now:ou .see S~~e of these encoun ters rn ay not be verrr
encounters, emotionally and ot erWlse, in to confront new dimensions of your~e
if you are not careful. This would be likely to happen if, convinced of your own Pleasant but that is because you are seek gse in your indiVidual development ; they
righteousness, you operate Without considering the ideas of others, If you keep in , h' w have a purpo
through them . Friends IpS n~hat you are used to ,
mind the context of your actions and their appropriateness as far as society is are not the casual encounters
concerned, you should have no trouble ,
ur life at this time , You may meet someone
. . ,
One fnendshlp 10 pa
rticular may change yo
I that the entire course 0
YOU~ life is changed . But that IS
void associating
who t affects you so stronk~
y so this is all fo r the good , owever, a Your desire for
YI'n~vi~uals theYhareldPnoo~~:ad
Pluto in the Tenth House h h ve been see 109, ful and persuasive.
W'tah just because to fri ends wh o will guide your life
This is a most important time in your life, for you will strive to achieve more now than
you ever have before. You aim to make the greatest possible mark upon the world, and
intense experien~s ~I;~~~ake,
h h others s ou
During this transitdt~:;:I~~ ~ha~
, d n er th at unconsCious
ygOU do n't really want
now is the time to do it, but only if you have truly found out who you are and what into pat~s you~1 t~ke
compulSIOns WI over and send yo u In
'ble tha t you WI s~~;e~t someone who ca n really act as a
your life is about. If you haven't found out, now is the time to do so. Pluto gives you , But it is equally dPOSSI,
to go 10, you In a d'Ir ection that will help yo u grow .
either the power to achieve your life goals or the insight to find out what they truly
guide and teacher and sen hat wants to reform sOCIety
are. Consequently, if you are secure and knOWing about yourself, you have the
Y may become associated ~I Id avoid ruthless perso ns, because WI t Interest in
'th a group or movement t th Plutonlan
opportunity for great success, as long as you heed certain warnings , If you do not
kn o w your goals, you will probably change your path. You may change jobs rather ' ou ome way , Again you s ou e dangerous , Ho wever, if your ,presen
often and spend several years apparently quite lost, while you find out what you are 10 s, a t w ork , , they could
energies b f'10 d others who have the sarne alms.
ou may
s upposed to be doing.
ositive reform is smcere, Y " ones may be formed .
p d nder thiS tranSit , and new I purpl'sef of
arou~es Sh II wold friendships rnay :~er, uas long as you ful fi ll the ~~ndam;~~eneration of
However, let us return to Your striving for success and self-realization. Pluto
your ambitions, the desire to take control and dominate. Its action can be qUIte
I ~h; long run it does not
n transIt.'hich are trans
~~rrnationthrough your tnends IpS an
this w
ruthless like a force of nature that has no regard for human standards of morality a~d your goals,
• But people who act like this under the influence of Pluto are often quite tragIC.
Pluto in the Twelfth House
This transit has many ramifications. In many Ways it prepare
. c1ears away 0 I d
. t h at It
our first house, In and . s You for Pj Uto tra '
hIdden PSych'
happ,n p,fo, to a complete"bUI'I dmg ' 01 the sell. Ie garb ag" "'hichllSlti 'I ou shou Id be able to go far with it , but you should be aware of certain
skillfullY, Y ' . . of
First and most importantly, the effects of this transit are pSYch 1 ' tn~St

to Pluto's tcansH thcough the lounh house 10 ' that H b'ings up aspects 01 :"
Ooglca/ 1 ' sf~H" p
"falls. and "g,n"ation, which m.. ns 'h, ,hmmahao
h planet of death d .h, bi"h of , new, high" od,e WHh Plu'o ""

a" d""ply bUded 1 in youc psyche and lo"es yOu to conlcont th,m I y ,""'If 'h." plutO is t,s eold and outworn a:f this process, You can work to remove old outworn
h ",h' I've< I ou can b, th, nth' lives of 'ho" 'wuod yOu , so 'hat aII of you ."0
wHh o,h" peop e w, htcy '0 I" 'd both f com oueselves and Icom 'h, n OUrh Interaction
01 oucselv" tha, we aVe een taugh 'not to appcove 01. Yet the ern, t ,aSpects yOu r Sun, "! your own bfe an I t observe two limitations, First, Pluto glVes
hidd,n chacact,nshcs
' , I,ak out 10 " subveeSlve ways, They und'''ut
OUc of '.h
energIes ~, :~t
structures In new life , But you mus I for the elimination of the truly old and

,,'m,"do~ot'0 any'h,"~ y~~" h:~:<'S;'d

experience / drive and energy, but And second, like the other planets beyond
fntentions in such a way that We do o",selves in Without undeestanding h COllSCIOUS
Pluto achvates these patteens to the pomt fo' doing Th"'fore its en"gios '" oot easily
' . that th,y can't be ignoced Un Ow Or,wh y,
outworn, I is a "anscend,n'a p a . ' Wh" you do with 'his t"osit shou

'0 p",po{'~e~."rn'nt "~fun ou':~ fl~'

motivated actions can become ext"mely tcoublesom, at thfs tfm,. Altho h ' SalUm, P u f un,nlfghtened 'gOllsm. d 00' ju" yo",,,IL You are t ,
, d to act one way " 1 ac SItuatIOn,
10 a pachcu " you su dden 1y f fnd YO"'self ac'fn You
ugg qUIte th' of ev"yone 'h, en"gy that Pluto giv"
~n"';,"~ f",io~s oppo~~:~~~: a~
'ff 1 0' h' , d ' . l' h eventua not the owner, y , , h t you will eventua y
I e"n, y. unng t IS peno "IS extceme y Impoctant to undentand 'h"
.t.. hands of othm
s~ '~iS
unconsdous 'neegfes and be Willfng to conlcont the aspects 01 y ues,1I tha, You h,,; :,:w"d of .his will pmvok, such

o pu"ly sdH,h ,n Ything. You may even ,.'p""oce en"gy to "move "m"","
b""n 'aught to beH,v, ace "bad." You cannot go on thcough adulthood "'i,h
b, un,bl, to do a Yto stop you, Similady, ,f you use bl, m,k, pwg'",.
subconsdous b,havfoc pa tteens tha' ace deaely chHdfsh , You rna y ha v, to "call a,d
who t desperately
h are not yet rea y try d to pass away, you wIll bb
e ith a new and truly superior
cdfve th, 'V,nts 01 youc chHdhood that ace aif,ctfng you now, and you should feel old inferior state 0 f elng w
leee.o call fn any kfnd 01 a .heeapfst Who seems able ceach fnsfde 01 you.
t a d
' ifies the nee 0
t replace
t just "b".. " y
a n , ,
'I replace one Wit ano
h ther
" on
state. It does no , "",it w,lI " 'o<onceo',,'01 "
Thfs .cansH .he hfdden sfde 01 youc na.uce and makes you unden.and and ]' the energy of thiS t "for their own good
con'col H, bu. H also .he hfdd,n sfde 01 ex.eenal elem,n's 01 youc Hf, 'ha, Y
Th, b
est way to ensure hand mg
lif, It is b,st no' to "y
to dominate others, even, of yourself, Make
rf, io'o , lio" "p"",on od m,k, that
yOu hav, no. laced fn 'h, past. Thes, may be celalfonshfps .ha. have lafled 0, actions our own , f your own I d hat you are a
and behavioc .ha. you a" aWa" 01 bu. do no. wfsh '0
dfscuss, eV'n wHh youn,lf h
Use teener gy to
every effort to expan
trans orm
d your awareness of who an w
) I And do It In or
I'fe at a practical eve :,
' der to express
Th, consequences 01 .hese acHons may come back '0 haunt you now , You should k' your I f am bItlOn,
lace up '0 .h'm and acknowledg, .hem, loc only .hen wfll.hey cease '0,"0 knowledge woo r'n tly nolto ","sfy a seo" 0 no' SImply
youc life. You may have aHena'ed'someon, quHe unconsdously and even qufte yourself more per ec , d
omething now, You cadn ot make
'0 '0
~hebla~ p:!nl~:~:i:~::':sit w~:~~:~,m:v;~ ,ha, p'~b:~I~o;';i~'.";u'
blamelessly, who may .cy wock agafns' you, Oldee astcology 'ex.s cel" sud must
s 0 1£ you 0 n
ber is that you k' g some changes, 'h pleasant
peesons as "sec". enemfes," bu. Usually .hey a" no. "ally unknown '0
you. It fs just go by fa< you, 'hat is
.ha. you may have '0 conlcon. youc own leelfngs 01 guH. abou ••h,m, and h", agato
'h, only Coune fs '0 bcfng .hes, leeHngs Out fn.o .he open, "$eCCet" 'n'mfes cannot
SI. ac a . umstances WI
th,m consdously mcto face som, aspoe" ~h~"
f ou",1f yo II 0 bad Th"
asp'«s '" not ,ea y:u, wosoous
results, You may ave d ou will find that 'en them a place In y
wock agafnst you fn .he and fI you ace complet,ly hones. wHh .h,m, .h,y may
op,n, you. part of the process, an y have never glv
have a change of heart tOWard k d bad because you
only 100 , h . be"",, an,
Wha.evee youc sf'ua.ion, " will be necessacy '0
conlcon. all .hose hfdd,n and
The sweeping' changes that Buttakethe
place nOW
bIrth may
be difficult, but t at'flsi 5 the death
of something new 'beaut!
IS as u a
unpleasan. aspec.s 01 youc HI, and youc past. By avofdfng th,m you hav, ceeated a kind of death is unpleasant.
s"uaHon fn which .h,y con'col yOu, Only by ladng .hem and wflhout gmlt of the old is fearsome,
can you clear them away and prevent them from haVing any further influence over
you. That is the task of this period in your life.

PI to Sextile Sun any creative
re k that can help yOll make other time,
Pluto Conjunct Sun
' , subtle energies a ctatmore almost aauthont~
wor effectively than: tassume '. over
During thiS penod
I , chance to a more power and t lied either y Id
Thfs fs a tfme 01 g"at change fn You, Hie, when yOu wHi st,fv, as n'v" b,lo" to
changes in your I'f e, It IS a'ties to ta ke on d you will not be compe f this trans 't cou
accompHsh youc ambitions, You will wock hacdee than evee and not allow You may have ~pp ortuO! ubtle inO uenc e,' an
to do a great dea I' There ore l
to ",""ent you lcom achi,ving youc objectives, II you handle the ,neegi" 01 this IeanSI t others, but this IS a s 'nner energIes
cum stances or yo ur own I
o by without significant happenings at all, unless you make a .
. bl' h d I
the chance. T is IS a me tIme to esta IS goo re ations With
f " conSClo Us effo
as bosses, employers an ot h er 0 ff ICla
" Is, f or th ey can provid au tho rlty
. fig\!tt to grilb
<on u" dunng. th"t'an"t.
' . e -"h~
0PPOrtl'~ "
t,res s"f ~ s la
. I brea kd own . Your body may go through a critical period
nhlC .... e out ashas
Co'" a p to s top and rebui ld itself. Certainly
' . if you have
. any kind off
Another source of creative opportunity may corne about through k' at yo~ It caw . h it just . dunng. t h IS
' transit, you should begin. a conSCientIOus program 0
inhy . 1 criSIS'se an d t h er apy to build your body up again .
p slCa . 1exerCi
I ' . . w h'>ch . Cont'ol and b'ing abWor 109 ... .. tt' h ' "
andho'ganuahon" m yOu can eXe'me
Wit P uto ,s energIes
' "It IS 0 f ten b est to work wIt h e refo",-
. h groups Or agenci Out creativ lips physlca face in the outer expression of your life. You may
. "d ua.
a, an md,v, I Howev", d 0 not f ea, th at you, individuali ty will es, rat f er th" ,I", also sur d ' f th
~er ''<Or be0,1;"
"'1 . plutO 'S energy
d by conditIOns
may . . 0 f breakdown and decay, which are an outwar sign 0 e
ro unde h'
within the group. This transit gives you the chance to establish y su lost sur b 'ld wit In.
th,ough wo,king with othe". d to re UI .
OUr Ind ' 'd
neede .. his transit can release its energy in a single explOSive burst
In you, ",,,onal life thi' i, al,o a time of COeative Change. You can tot,1I . r extreme condltl.onls ' atssault Certainl y you should avoid conflicts with others
Un an injury
as I dortophyslCa
. I fghting
physlca I . , because the energies . here are qUI. te dangerous .
whatever need, rebuilding without the tU'moil that you might experien, Y"b"ld h t may ea d k
hme; . 0 n th '
e'mme d 'ate
' . II eve,
prachca I You may b e a bl e to rebuild 0, "pae' at hother
t a
f II use this tra nsit to establish yourself an ma e
0, other matenal " . object. At a h'gh", more p'ychological leVel thi' m.y Ir a OUse h other hand, if you u y rself and others without transgressing the
rebuilding 'tructure< within you,,,,lf. G'eat ch'nge< <on OCCu, that tot.lly .Iter m::: On tpeosition
your f inis the
hat world yours,
rightfully c ear toyou
YO:ill be able to much that will be
objective< in life, la,gely becau", you, t'ue 'im, will become more 'pparent to ;00 bounds 0 w
valuable later.
Thi, can be a con<ciou,ne«-.xpanding tran'it in the highe;t "'n" of the ph,,,,.

Pluto Square Sun

Thi, tra"'it i, a te;t of you, 'trength and the en"gy with which you h.e".bli,h", Pluto Trine Sun
you"elf in you, world. The test may take many fo'm" but in .ny foon ve
it will req",,, f having survived heavy challenges
. . . ill life you have a strong sense 0 ffeetive. And indeed you
that you, "''''e of ",,,onhood be in re"onably good 'hape ; in other word" you h time
At thiS t In YOf h . g reached a level where you ca n bede on a silver platter , even
'hould know who and what you are. If you do not really know your",lf, thi,tran,it in t ife you
can a nd 0 an aVIn
pas make eff or t . This transit
. can
b . g yo u rewar st work positive Iy WI. th
bu t nn
it is far better 0
is likely to bring about crises that will cause major changes in your life.
if you insist on being tot~lly Pnasys~:'behalf.
. h t e operating 0
the energies t a ar I I to others now than
f II and comp ete y I d
u are able to express yourself more po~:r aUp~werful and effective indivldua , an
One form that it may take is a test of your self-control as you try to get ahead in the Y ..
world. This transit stimulates your ambition and desire for power out of all propor- atoalmost any other time. . Others see you
tion. If th"e i, a ruthle;, 'ide to you, p"<onaiity that will do .nything to de;t,oy
oppo~tion, it will come out now. But, at the <arne time, forces in your world wdl try they respect you for it.
be given power in

very hard to stop you. To overcome the forces arrayed against you will reqUIre . . time for persona a d va ncement. hel You mayabout re forms and
bri ng
Obviously thIS IS a good 'n government to P. but as someone who
extreme ruthlessness. On the other hand, you may know precisely what you need to . . . business or I rev olut IOnary . I b
,uceeed .nd go .fter ju,t that, being willing to compromi", and make your 'ucc~" •.I'~ an organIzation, In
changes in the system.
Yet you WI
'11 be seen not as a .
I tionships wi th peop
Ie In power 0
ver you is like y to e
I fro m their favor.
the success of others. This is the proper Course to take, but unfortunately thIS kIn can get things done. Your re a y result at least part y
of accommodating spirit is not often found in Plutonian transits.
excellent, .nd you,. d v.n cement ma . 'f that
'bve ch.nge into your he h,
you are 0f a more ret"'fig di'po'ition, you may ex".,,.nee I this transit can bn ng p~~u can gain tremendous insig 5
th ,'s transit quite
.h On the more personalleve, to evolve and grow . h if you want to.
do .. not di"upt, but .1I0w,I~~ke ,",,,,,lui effo," to, ange
. . .
differently.I Instead
h of being the person on a power trip, you may have to contend WIt bl "
someone e se w 0 IS. ere again you must determine exactly your rIg s ~cal
~iJ1 0i:~:~t:;;
· H . h t and needs as into yourself at this time an h . fl ences and unusually h
an individual and "and up 10' them. The p,oblem here j, not that you .. on under t ese In u . reased r ySI
you, bound, but th.t ,omeone el", will. But you mu't light or a t lea" re"'t. E .h
Your phy~ic.1
body '~eal
. in good condltl
""If. You ' houl h ,ieal edu"bon, ,",h ,'ou ~":,J"><
d take advan tage of your tne )n\'entional
som power struggles is mOst likely to occur in your profesSion, quite possIbly WIt
in authority. th,ow off ,line" and df ;n ,ome fo,,". of p y. Yog. ;, p• .,kulad)
vigo, and involve y~u" • d;,dpline hke yog . he bodv. You ,hould m '" your
'''"omp, ".
body-bUilding exerClses~~d
because it involves the
and spiri~ we~1 ~~~y-bec~use now you can _
nl'ts - mInd an h
Many people refuse to deal With the energies of Pluto, but this can create problems
because the e nergy wilJ come out, and you won't know where. .
mentalize yourself mto k uood use of that 1t1
two . sig t .
. an d c an ma e g
essential UnIty
Pluto OpPosition Sun
This can be an extrememly difficult period for relationships, both' .
k wn d reconstruc t'1on , while the Moon signifiesdyourbl inner-d
because you are likely to get involved in power struggles With hlntUl1ate and .' brea do . h an ou usua II y de pend on to be stable, preh icta
lhes . . e an
you will try to force ot hers to ta k e a certain · course of action ot ers. ' It ll1ay bcas a.I uto 51'gfl 'f
I It e, whlc y
t rnal wor .Id Now this aspect of your psycf I ThIn a stateI
e IS
th.~It wili rl st PersonayOU face the exd ethat IS. w h a takes
d h ll
others may try to 0 t IS · f or you.
l n'elt h er case you may have toagaInst
tak e that m this transit so power fu e actuaI

SUP~ute tremen~ousldY
in order to avoid real difficulties. If you are attempting to dOminat ' e eVasIve act: Or tTl° ortive as formation, an because so many different areas 0 .your persona
. ot hets of a ne
. ncetrans
can v ary be activate , b u t here are some typical manifestations.
stop, no matter what your motiVes are. You may think you havee th b 'You shoUld IOns
the world for dominating people, and perhaps you believe that You e est reasons i e)(pe . al life can . .
b d
h · an etllotlon sychoIoglca
. I level , this transit can indicatedan enormous
I?r their own good, u t tat IS pro b a bl y not really true. It i, moreare only doi i,n
likel '
og f 11 on t
h e innermost P I "thin you that have lain ormant t Since
yo~.'c. as I:
Simply cannot leave well enough alone. An excessIve desire to meddle Y }'Oll . tes comp exes WI h
is one of the negative effects of this transi t. and Interfere Ii'" 0 \ change ,ha' acuva dl find you<seif in situations in whic

Y~ild e~ ~nergies,
emotionaod U may repeate y . d It The problem is that your ratlOna
. . rather than a rational a which must be dealt with. You
If you are the victim of someone else's meddling and interfering, the probl i mpu c dealt with these repress . d t handle what comes up at
difficult. In some way, probably unconsciously, you have given out a signal ell1thS !nore co h00 d haschotherapy
adult never or a reI a ted technique In or er 0
will allow y?u"eII to be treated thi' way. And ha ving 'Ot oil thi~
reaction, itis ha~;;~ may need psy

you to stop It. On the other hand, you may gain something by fighting back. It is of
u'OluI to experience a test 01 will, with ,omeone, and it i, much less dang",ous to~:
this time . t'onally based relationships,
h' t ansit can trans form all your emo" I J lour mother. 0 ne 0 f
when you are asserting your independence 01 'omeone ehe rather than the oth" way On another lev~!h ty~Surr
spouse, family and parents, par~:~ yr~asons,
:f occasionally
such as those WI. y end completely for any num I y become particularly
relations~IP~ 7~ionshiPs gene~\t~:ve
around. You may need to prove to you"eII that you are 'tronger than your oPPonent.
these with women in an intense emotional
including deat . ~
own sex. For example, you mig ight be involved in an
One dangerous aspect of this transit is that it may trigger off a conflict with persons
in authority over you, such as a boss, a government official or someone in a similar
intense, regardle~~ y;:~logiCallevels
involvement at a psy . h
with a womahn, or
oman close to you w 0 see
be trying to run your
position. These people can do you more harm than most, and you should be very acute power struggle Wit a w
life. h e in a number of ways. You
On a more external level thiS tran~ may make great chang~s. 10 y~~ti~n of a building.
. it can affect your om" r resent residence.
At its most positive, this transit gives you great energy to accomplish things, provided
you can keep down the negative effects so that you don't arouse too much resistance may change your residence, .or YOd r to prevent serious dlsInteg
and opposition from others. Your personal ambition is likely to be very high under Repairs may e necessary 10 or e may experience d'Iges fve
this transit, and you can succeed, for this is not an "unlucky" transit. It does require . nal effect, you . d psycho-
. rticularly strong emotlO suIt both a physiCian an a
you to be careful, because its energies are very powerful. If you arouse people to If this transit has a pa hould probably co n h physician first"
oppose you, the conflict may result in total defeat unless your real motives, as opposed troubles. In this case you s h t uble. But cons uJ t t e
to your professed ones, are very good. Such a defeat may force you to rethink your therapist to help you h an die t e ro " now but in reality .It IS " theh
entire life plan and make a new beginning. That in itself is not bad, although the . on e may be upsetting
t Keep your'self flexible so that t e
Like oth~r Pluto tranSl S~tage of develo~men ~ of disruption.
't thIS
circumstances that drive you to it may not be very enjoyable.
preparatIOn for a new k lace with a mlnlmu
necessary changes can ta e p
Under certain circumstances this transit can have the purely physical effect of causing
a health breakdown. It is certainly advisable to treat your body well during this transit,
and don't take it for granted.
PI to Sextile Moon hdog
U . t psyc
. touch with your mnermos I motive) and
the chance to .get ll1yOU can understand yo~r rea eTlen your
At this time you have real etllOtlOns: and drives. You WIll ~xp
ce learn
U car

being and experience YO~:cious compulslOtn~ot difficult. Because of thIS\::ufs ThiS

Pluto Conjunct Moon
This transit signi.fies at~me
of extremely powerful emotional change in your life, which the basis of your u~coeal and intense, bu normally hidden even fro~ai and grM'"th.
can affect your Immediate personal surroundings, your home and family, and your emo,ion,", profoun "."on,litY ,ha' "~ilosophi" of hum,n po'~n"v",' ~""'~')
inmost psychological development. The feelings evoked by this transit are raw and about aspects of yo~;
for encoun~e~ln"~ ~bstractIY.
because ~ve:J I~epth Jnd fee Ing
ursertt. You may be Surprised at the intensity of some of the internal forces that you is an excellent transl to deal WIt I "th much more emotIon
But you won't hav~11 handle people WI
Will dilCover, and making YOurself deal with these feelings may be the most difficult
of this transit. · you WI
relations h IpS
than usual.
P uto
This transit can affect your personal and d '
' nature, It gIves
psycho oglcal , the oPPOrtunity omestlc
t k life as well
your relationships With the people You see m a e creative ch as YO in
Ut tef!let1ll0s1 'I Sl' tuattOn,
' where your most primordIal
A , energIes
. are
' d ay , SUeh as Yo..
an ges
and parents, You may make phYsical ch eVery f and ' inticularIy
a faml likely
' , , anges In Your h ... r al1)i) destructIve to b e the source of such con ICt.
takIng place wIthm you, so that Your immed' t Orne that refl y, telOtlll ' 'allY re par f h es
" you, 1",lmg"
w"h la e Surround '"g,
' "'a" tI eq ' h',.alls• °
osel Y hat a!lgese
v "P<"d PM,"'"
liJPpe ' be ot her changes ine your dO~d o'he Hfe along with" i"teod t,o 00
your resl e nce or make signiFicant changes In your
But there is little sense of turmoil With t h ' ,
Il)olli~ here rnayve You may chan~ll reflect changes within you,
b I ' IS transIt You h r tedboa d ,
'n these WI
e ongmg, and those who are close to You sUppo t h' h aVe a strono

" de you, w h'ICh makes it easier to progress
mSI r t e c ang es that are ()h senSe of lis nt one, an , nsit You can emerge From It
' ap peh , poe" I ,of iotomal "fu" undo;1 th" and',ble to deol with 'he w,,:d
h conditioning, which often causes diff It'
e aVlOr,
h 'II
WI actually give you a boost now Yo h ICU les
y generaf '
lng Inapprop '
"Ill g
You h"~:'eallY ~~w
et at a 0
psyc 0 b 'ng the VIctIm
rson , more emotlOna y sou .

wilhout e~i1ling to honestly ace

f the changes that occur WI
But this will happen on y
p. "of yOut own uoeo""ou, mood, ',hin you and wl'hin you.
somet 109 ' solId , to fall back on and that wh , t u aveh e
a strong fe I'Ing that You hnale
'f are real d
Wit a
' e to understand,
f avorab1y, But you will not be run 'bya eVer youB ave to do WI'II WOtk aVe
past conditionin OUI
you can .eo ",
. aC'wn,
. and undo'''and it. g, ecause eVen as ,'t 0"""..,
Pluto Trine Moo~
h hould be extremely posit,ive
fund experiences, whlc S concerned with making

;:!uSrci~:t~::eo~:a~~~:;:f~ae~I~:yOO!i~rn~~:r;:::;::~~~g~~t;:~~!::~;~~~ :~~o~;::;
Pluto Square Moon , a period of pro 0 wth and evolution , You are tisFied with liVing at

Thi~ "an,,, p'oduco, vo'y inton,o Oxpo,ionco, in you, omo'ional and PO"on,lllf, "d
u want to e
r mind , At the same t~m "
.t woll t.,t you, mno'mo" P'ychologkal wo,king" You m,y be forced to d' d' yo , e your men a
the surface, y,oh as well as logic.
at "d
thIS tIme. I
m" 0 YOU"ol than you havo oVo, dono bofo,o '0 get 'ho an,wo" you n"d
Ig Own d only WIt you . ' I b based on intUItIOn
"00 found beeau,o" w,l e , well, In f,e! it m,y
more pro . 'II affect your relationshIps as may not be sexual.
This deepening experienc,~o o:tant new relatio,nship, wr~~ound and a positive learning
fife WI h' h mayor .
On tho P'Ychologkal lovol, ,hi, ',an," d'odg o, up pa" bohavio, pattom, 'h" m"
bo quito inadoquatolo, tho P'o,ont. 0, " may b"ng up momo"., hom 'ho pa.' t'" very well bring aboubt an I e ~hat it will be emotIOnI albl y your inner psyche,
can e sur t dea a 0
,omohowafloct tho P'o,ont. D,ivon by compul,ion, and i"'';onal d,ives, you m,y do In any ""YO\ich you wHl di"ov,,' gte' emohonal content
tMng, that you would not do il you Wo,o on';,oly do" about youmlf. O"'P exponeneo on w h vo , gte" deol mote A-,in you need
P'ychologkal chango, "0 taking placo that ,hould not bo igno,od 0, 'wopt und" t" ' f g re IatlOn
' ships will now ce a 0 f m uch self-discovery, ?
rug. Instead, you should understand them. Even your eXls In d '11 become the sour h'
h had an WI lations IpS ,
than thoy ave h "bllity of tho,," d 'g ,hi' ,,,,,it
In you, po"onallilo,
1 thl' t'an,,, can b';ng an omo,;onal powo, ",ugglo wHh ,omoooe, have little fear for t e s 'II ake about yourself I unt~e unconscious
Such a "'"88
0 can bo quito do,t,uctivo, beeau,o tho tac';e; " 0 VO'y ,ubw,iw,
The most important discovery yo u WI
m Th
Patterns.d Pluto
Moon ru es
e activates t hem so that we
perhaps including manipulation of guilt, jealousy or sense of duty. You will not kings of your ur past, an chotherapy or
attempt to wield power directly and nakedly, which your opponent could Eight easily, con",n, 'ho w"' h t we eM,., f,am 0 llent toan,it fa, p'y lIy bu' 'h",
habits and patterns.t a h m This is an exce t you need them necessar ,
It takes extremely clear perception to see exactly what is happening. can get in touc h WI th d' t e,
therapies . It IS
' not tha
consciousness-expan 109 ive at this time, " change~ , You
This transit also may signify a relationship in which you feel faSCinated by the other would be extremely effect hance to make POSitIve .. ties your
person, even though you feel that the relationship is bad for you. You seem unable to '\I have a c d ur ac!lVI
get away. Actually you are experiencing a repressed aspect of YOUrself through the d home life you WI S and generally expan y~han at other times,
other person. In your personal an t neW bUIldIng , nally rewarding now live on it.
can make repairs, co;str~~p and more emftl~ale, especially if you plan to
home life should be ee , t for buying rea e
ood transl
In your domestic life there may be significant changes, which are external reflections Thi, I, afton a g "itlon Moon h o,h," to
01 you, inno, chango, You, rna" in,;rnatolilo i, tho m<>.;t ""deet manif.,.ta';on 01 y?U,
to~"on Pluto Opp . I onfrontations Wit .... ple, In a
........ psyche and Is th"olo," most afleeted, You may Imd that con,idmblo
emotlOna c F e,a .. ' 'I
Iouudo up between you and thOSe c/oso,t to you, a?d tho,o may bo '?mo VO'y T his transit can d enote aptpen'od of extreme h ther emotionally. .or tions of gUI t.
jJ!Jj~ttontjiltion5. Your closest familial relationshIps are most subJect to the kmd of to maOlP'ulate eac 0 use vart, uS comblna
er may
which you or t.h ey, attem
her yoU or your partn

power games described earlier; avoid these games, because they can be love relationshIp elt
' l o r threats of abandonment to force the other into acti
Y '
lea ousy '1' h' h ' ng In a
be involved In a re atlOns Ip t at IS too Possessive' patti"'1
au m ~ther , on
any lreedom to rel"e to other ""0"h Yo"
wh' '" 0,
" ....

partner do"n't aI/ow the
' d'vidual In such a si tuatJon the pressures can build up to the ,ple Or to
'"'th, potential/y
, latal con"quenc., to the relatio",hip, PO'n, 0 f " Pi a,e ~n th
oroughly researc.
hed your position on any matter, yo u can tell others
eel above this transit gives you the pow.
er to

Once yOU havehave learned. Ah m m toeyour

n t point
i o nof, view, However, II'f you try to convince

Idea~, n~t :':~d
with truth,
Sometim" yoU,," acting Iwm the best mati v." You may no t eVen b yOU d sway t e b se of a rea concern
In UIe from peopl' an owosition
a narr egotistical
to your w ICh d,feat you, Plu'onian ,nerg!"
ace ,,"othedng your partner, t In' k'tng "s
'" JUst 1OVe, not a suppression of th "Y.,
eaWareth peop 'II provoke opp d gotistical motIves ,
individuality, And the other may not understand what" happening e'th e Other's WI esse to e ,h
' . tern'bl y wrong, Th en th e partner w h a sen,.s that thingsI ater, eXce PI'h"
ac' not'
"ily harn
cae"e oth", with yo", id.. other, ~, m:;',,~al
t to do '0
oc whethee
'~~in cec~~~~~ :~~~:~'own
very guilty, which can POison the relationship too, And this process is e feels
any m.. nsto 10verS-,t can a ect any emotlOna y a,.d rel"ionship, • ' u do not try to ' whethee th'ir moltv" ac, eg b,a"" th,y

'fE . 11 b not IIl1Jted b Ev,n you have to U"en to those who w,nt to thin/do,
yOU, ally want to mer type will force you to reexaml eone else's ideas,
The best procedure is to be very honest with everyone With Whom you ar'" I'n 1 they re yo u much, T ke but
or do not au tomatically surrender to som
ca n shoWwhere " IS wea
It ,
a refationship and make it dear that you W"'t them to be honest too, Then Y'"' " o~,
these pressur., and tensions out into the open Where You can h"'die them" 1/ va Ved i
so:n get
and '" , ouc 'f 'f u

is not hon"t with you, perhaps ,t would be b.,t to break ofl the relationship Mer,ly que"tOn Y d,ntandto, about It ','

Atei~e:~~;~ t:~~~:~ tg;~!t~:~~n~:;no~hiS iSi~~~~~itf~~~t::~r~~I~~n

• ''1
, sit can n'ng you tremendous new
hen un
you are the teacher, '
This t"nsit can also signily a period 01 deep inner turmoil, Your unconscious mind to learnthea transit
ac t b,,,u,, 'd I Theo you w d
may pfay tricks on You th" are quite Upsetting, lor you become the "victim" of inn, is very im,port:n 'an obsession or fanatical I eaa'threat that must be curbe ,
be victimized y 'h thers who regard you as
compulsions th" make no "n,. in terms 01 your current experience, They don't m.l, furious stru ggles Wit 0
sense because they repr"ent the reactivation 01 elements Irom your p"t that you h."
never r..l/y dealt With, Infantile patterns and childhood "prog"ms" that you though'
you had outgrown may surl"e now to disturb Your adult ways 01 d..ling with th, db I "efs , If you want
Pluto Sextile Mercury
World, What You must do is come to an understanding 01 what these patterns repre"" f'dasan el I

,hoc"~ an~'"
'ntellectualprobingo I e 'me for it, Your menta
in your file, II you reeognize them and give them a place in Your lile, you may find ' , a ood time for deep I, his is an excellent ,tl , ht frame of mind
Thi"can"t" d' t about ,ometh,ng: tk AI,o yo",", to ",ial
that these energies can be Creatively harnessed in adult lile, They appear to b, to or must flO ou d
P ur perception IS een, not satisfied WIth super I
h p an yo You are
only beeau,. you are programmed to disapprove 01 them, which distort,
YOur perception. owers are s ar me thoroughness , h hole truth,
"thextre tndtew
foe wocktng w, until you un den , h mak" it woek
and will not be happy wn mind ,nd '" w at "' own "If,
Be particularly aware 01 any Obsessive ideas or notions, These can be very powerful This is also an ex cellent
I time
the robehsyour
to pdept,
secret 0 ,
of everything app lies even to yo

loc~s ort~me
under this t"nsit and may require therapy to make them a u,.lul "ther than a rejected P
Your desire to eX g d for self-inquIry , alue significant
part 01 YOur life, Women in particular may beeome the screen upon which you OO I w You v
YOUr "projeetions," '0 thi, i, a very h"viee ton' no , day inte"o",,,
for the rootsIIofyou have trouble with women under this t"nsit, look w,th"
~~ s:perficial banter. YO';;t e~:~~veries that will
Yourself the problem.
' with others take
Communicat,on, d ac, uninte"''''''' h' v,hid. foe ,mpona "icit of dis<oveey
communicat,on an nd you be<om" , thinkin" You w,1I hove o';'n happ'", wheo
Pluto Conjunct Mercury 'th the world arou whole way of 'ng in around you, as Y burning deSIre
WI II change your thing is caVI former beliefs, our

issu~s y:l~
In many res_ts .his will be an edUCational time in your lile, Your id", and opinion, evontu\ y a feelin, that ,v"y to ,nv,lid"e yo", in,tead of ,'acm in,.
cathect an 'deo"h" ",m, veey inter""n, I.

YOu,::~ the truth makes 'v, infl~',7;:eOy", b."",,

on many may crn.nge radically Irom what .hey have been in the p"t. Or ounter I ry dISCO ther peop .
may become mvalved m persuading others '0 adopt your views, In eIther case, a will your ability to
and intensitiy.
thought, communication and excrn.nge wi.h o.hers will .ake on great significance
de:i\~ ~a;lgreadtet~;f~~~t t~~roughIY and speak with grea
to g f 'nd in'"'''''' 'th oth"" P,opl, w,l/, t "",,,,,on
And as your plain the

Wh t you say h cke that ex
Y..... concern lor 'ru.h is dee""ned during this transi., You wan. to get to the h'; know you hav' , , h , ac' inh,,'ntiy mY""io", o;hi'
boltom 01 any i ..... •h" con....n• You, letting no.hing stand in yOur way, Obviously
tloia i, a good transit lor any kind 01 research or investiga.ion, par'icularly il you ar'
Id"" <on rep " an~
t p oiol of v"w ::phy'i" or ,ven ",y'h~~y
hilo,ophi" t , mo" attcactive to yO" now,oc ",ych''''y, ny
wo rId from
study occu P~'losophY,
anoccult I
,m WI'II be beneficial at thIS
the mind '
....../ something hidden or ""ret. Your percep.ion is sharpened so that yo u can time to I d to heahng
... fac.s more dearly and .ake advantage of your knowledge, discipline re ate

Th' , Pluto SqUare M erCury

IS tranSit can represent a peri d' ,
challenged significantly 0 't 0 In which YOur ideas ab . tra nsit is that Pluto will make you
' r I can rep Out th f thiS , more concerned with .. studies
tremendously, enabling you to d I resent a time when y e world in er aspect 0 h' gs such as psychology. magiC or other occult traditions. or
th d cret tin,
deep, In this case you will probabl ea With ideas that forme ~ur thinking gener"l a Anodden an se hidden in the earth , such as mining. minerology and geology. You
Y try to persuade oth r y WOuld h IS deep re 1
0 hi of what 15 d h forces under the surface that cause events to happen.
ers of what aVe b ened ILldles derstan t e
Your routine day-to-day interactions 'h You believe een too s t to un
other such exchanges-may devel ' Wit, the WOrld-con ' ",an ubject you choose in depth and with complete single-mindedness.
your ideals upon others from a fa~~t:~~~ falrl~ i~tense encoun~:;Sations, letter will study any sble to cover a new discipline completely in a short time. Under this
yoLl ill be a . ' . . . h
others try to do the same with yo 0 conVICtion of YOur Ow s ,as You try t sand that yOU
oU Wmay acqUi're a new sktll In a much shorter time than at other times In t e
your I Imlts
, , are and what you u, h' nce again th e iSsue is k n nght SO ,
II ,eousnes 0 fo rCe Iranslt y
'd' rea y t Ink Y I nOWlng s, Or
I eas to coexist with yours It ' ' ou a so need to I precisel as past ,
I ' , IS not good eith earn t Y wh
e se s opinions or to demand that th b er to automatically b 0 allow Oth at
Pluto Opposition Mercury
, I'd 0 ers ow to Ow bef ers'
Inva I a te your earlier beliefs do n t t YOurs, If Your ex ,ore sOmeo
f d ' 0 ry to delud perlen ne . ransit communications with others may become quite difficult, if the
acts an try to find out what ' II h e YOUrself that th' , , Ces seem t
IS rea y appen' T
,experience in the most positive sense, While lng, his tr~nsit can be 0, F"ce the
IS Isn t s 0
Dun'ng thiS t municating is to coerce opinIOns , . an d t h'In k'109 rat her t han to In
. f orm.
for c o m . I . .
InteIIectual structure has to change greatl h h you may hnd that a I,earning reason , provokes resistance and then a genera breakdown of commUfllcatlOn.
y, t e c ange should b f YOUr Inte 5UC h coerCiOn h h f
I others be and let them think w at t ey want. And i you are t reatene
h d
e Or the bett rnal You must et Ise's coercion you will be obliged to stand up for your beliefs and fight
On the other hand you may become att t d er, b omeo ne e ' . " k
, / rac e to new 'd h yS if necessary. First of all, scrutinize your Ideas thoroughly so that you now
emotlOna overtones, Ideas that are dee d , I eas t at have Ve '
d p an mystenous a ry Inten forthem ths precisely and can't be caught unprepared in a conflict. And remember
now, an you want to plumb the depths of the un' If re very Compelling to Se their streng . . d 'f '
d ' I Iverse, you h d You . nothing wrong With changing your stan I It proves necessary.
that there IS
can 0 you /Itt e harm and can give you new in 'h d ee one warning. th'
' B h
uO/verse, ut t e ideas you are attracted to may conv
Sig t an underst d'
, a n Ing about the
h d f " ey power In some Avoid fanatical ideas, that is, opinions that you believe in absolutely and consider
t e stu y 0 magIC In the field of the occult Y b way, as does worthy of forcing on others. Under this transit you can beco~e totally possessed by
k now Ie d ge IS '
power, but you must be very careful how
, ou may ecome
consCIOus that convictions that have very little real meantng but that you inSiSt on forCing on others.
' / b II
partICu ar, ut a powerful knowledge in general can prod you use t IS' power M ' 10
,aglc ,
Also avoid associating with people who are inclined to think this way, because they
not handled properly, uce tragic con seq uences If, will force their views upon you, With this transit there is no point in asking for
conflict; it will probably come anyway,
Also, when you are teaching others, avoid the temptation to mold them into your Own
image, Your purpose is to show people the way, not push them down it. Obsessive thinking can take another course also, You may become so obsessed with
working out an idea, which may be perfectly valid, that you can't get any peace until
you have done so. This can lead to nervous exhaustion or even a nervous breakdown,
if you are at all inclined to that. While you are able to do very hard mental work under
Pluto Trine Mercury this transit, you should be careful not to overstrain yourself. Research and other types
of mental exploration, especially about occult beliefs or very obscure and hidden
Like other Mercury-Pluto combinations, this transit will help you gain greater
matters, are the most dangerous. because they can be very obsessive, Rather than
intellectual insights and enable you to learn a great deal about whatever you wish to
avoiding such work altogether, however , it would be better to exercise restraint in
study. At the same time your viewpoints will become deeper and more su~tl,e so that working on them.
you will really understand ideas that you had graspe d onI f'
y super ICIa Ily 'ThiS
time to study a new subject, go to sc h 00 I or ta k e courses on any subject
'1'1 Buth you WI
, h I ' h a in depth espeCJa y t e Pluto Conjunct Venus
be moc,t attracted to subjects t at exp am p enomen ' h has a very
aspe<..ts of things. Under t h · · Iso meet someone
IS transit you m a y a . d h
w a
'nfluences your This transit is likely to have a great effect upon your relationships and V0ur 5e\ Itte.
P owed uJ effect upon your .
conSCIousness, per haps a fnen w 0 I If ~ouhave no current sexual relationships, this transit cnuld bring vo'lI one thJt i~
thinking greatly or a guru f Igure w h 0 opens up th e universe to you. q~Jte intense but not necessarily smooth. You may become quite ob$es~ed bv sornel'ne
°h the OPPosite sex. This transit combination could be described as k,V€'s pl'wer with
t ~emphasis on "power." Any relationship that begins under this influence is nl't g 'ing
ry greater
h Your wor dscar d
You ' "'n be taught under this transit, and you can also te~c '. evident to others, An to e lukewarm. You will either be entirely involved or not at all.
".. f eptJOns IS h Id use
mfJu m.e at this time because the de~th? yourJerc conversations, you s ~~irne to Dnder tho . fl
uld not limit your commUnIcatIOn to Irec. t rite this is a goO
y JU § h() , clinatlO n to w , can tr IS In uence you see love not as part of ,everYday life, but as an e\pe.rience thJt
oth r me lid to teach as well. If you have any In the occult. anscend that reality and transform your !lfe complett.'iy Obvi usl)' thiS IS J very
d It, p ially on (,ubjects such as psychotherapy or
tall order to filL but you ma y very welI
a bout a. relationship under thOIS tran succeed
. no w. H ve lacked, and others will sec that your work has a signifi cance
U nconsclOus patterns may pIa
Yr:Sl t are COm
owever 't
lity that I f tT1ay happearance. Th e on I y negatlve
a . qua. I'Ity 0 f thiS
. tran.,it is tholt it s

of what you need in a partner much larger role in and the driVes
(]\13 th e sur acebused. If yOU are so Inc . l Ine
' d , you can d egcnerate .IOto d pointless
n!.:':~' whkh ;, p"c;"r;u ;,y f.1I ~:e 'h.oYy:'U,~~,
extremely difficult to get alon . are not careful w 0 You cho nOt Ver that br-
) can . be ah 'ch yOU are Intereste
. d onI y 'In Ph YSlca
' I sensatIOns,
. not in elevating
p,,,on. rou .Imo," "em
e tT1 In weSl
I"15: and growing as a human eIng. Love and creativity have the power
time. But you may end u ' . experience of w Y You r sOl11e lit sen' b '
nsua S
can 't live without him 0 Ph ln a situatIOn in which
. r er Fas"
a struggle in are attracotne ""ho
you ca ' a reI, ed IS
yollr CO nsclousn .'
our life at thiS time. 0 on' t waste t h IS
' opportunity.
IS a great danger with this transH.
. . cmatlOn with som eone nwho't live With Your
atlonso'Ip to
at that
tL. to transfortT1 y
H " 00' Ve Pac' o, "" Pluto Square Venus
owever, this effect is n . ry gOod t and nd
is possible under thl's t o.t Inevitable by any me fOr You Uncl,' .h;' tean,it "Ia ,;on,h;p' become a ,OU'" of ch even daf;cul!y, wh ;eh
. ransH. Th ans. A oint the way for changes that you have to make Within yourself. Certainly there
expenence, not necessa '1 nt
so this transit can sig /1 e problem is that m'
y a good one. If it hap
nJ ya very important
perfectly d
alnly you are 10 ;ce relatj good, it:i Ing for an i~nship
rrtay p sotT1 sign!'f'Icant ch
ill be
ange'In your reIatlOns
' h'IpS ; an 0 Id I ove relationship may be
e in some way, or a significant new one may come along . But you will have
Existing relation h' . ship m Your life II also be in tense
. s IpS will l b ' ten to deal with several problems at this time.
h egh.ened, .nd you" . a '0 e ;n'en,;Hed b . ",
First of all yoU have a very strong desire for love now, which you express with urgency
cannot satisfy y qUire gratification m y thiS transit beca
'11 our needs m
WI change considerably d .ay n~t ore urgentl use yo
survive. Certainl Yh' An existing reI
unng thiS time. y t e basis of
needs are
atlOnship to
~r and compulsion. But in your haste you may latch on to the first person available and
not wait for someone who is good for you. Also you may become so intensely
If th . Your reI' at fascinated by that person that you do not see him or her clearly . The problem is that
ere IS no sexu I I . atlonsoi
yOU are under the influence of unconscious drives that are not operating according to
.hi, con b ' " .horu;h;p ;n . ..
e a very frustraf . your hfe now a d ' your best interest. For example, if you are married, even happily , you might suddenly
outlet. Perhaps it c b
a positive use of t~: In.g time indeed. y
e sublimated in some kio~r
n thiS transit d
sex drive is very not bring one, ~tsh become fascinated by another person of the opposite sex , which could disrupt your
e~"gy marriage. But avoid the temptation to go with the other person, for this relationship
you",,1f .nd you, , ..Bu. ;f you h.. n of «eo,;ve end"vo< g .nd need, '"
v"y""'"pmbl po",,.n on I e no outlet at all ' wh,eh would be will probably not be long lasting. Wait until the transit is well over before making a
ems In this area , whoIChove
relationships . y ou,you
m should
exam'me commitment to any relationship that comes to you under its influence. Such a
ou must work on d ay Iscover som relationship is inherently unstable, at least for now . After the transit it may settle
,an now is t h '
e time. e
down to something more reliable.
This transit d eepens Pluto Sextile V enus But an extracurricular affair is not the only challenge to an existing relatIOnship
~ay also bring an . your existing relatio . Strains and stresses that have existed for some time in your love relationships may
~outine. ThroughP~n ~~
Important effect u Important new fri ns.h lps and makes th come to the surface now. Jealousy, possessiveness, unwillingness to grant the partner
YOur life. In gen en1shiP or love relatio more profound. It
Insight into Your t em you will be e~~ your personal relat" ns : that will have an
freedom to be himself or herself-all these may become sources of tension within

~'?_ " not '0 ';,"'n p,yehol ogy .: I e '0 tramfonn you '~;' ;P' wHi become I,,, your relationships. You may be either the perpetrator or the victim of these problems ,

eJghtens Your appr~/e~red beca~se it e~st concerning rela ~o~:h ~nd aquire greater
The best procedure is to deal with these strains and try to communicate hone"tly about

relatio:~~ep~s in a ~~;~l~~wever, this

them, even if you feel that what lies at the bottom of the problem is too awful to be
Your sense f ahon of YOur relatively discussed. This transit brings both the necesssity and the opportunity to completely
abl 0 pl,asu . ann" .nd transform your relationships. A bad one may end, but a good one will become del'per
a e to get far mor re and enjoyme .
pproach everything ~~~?ment tha~ :s:l~ofheightened
ar more . a rom th
th' .
IS transl t. You are
and more profound.
Pluto Trine Venus
a;y love cel.tionship th ,,"ohonal ;n'.n,"/ t mg, you do fo< fun. You
r~mantic aspects of your life, Venus', a,billt
aze you. You rna at cOmes a . This transit emphasizes the creative and
have the chance t y not have b t thiS time will h '0 being lov, and "t;";C """v"y '" g,ven geea. pow" by .he .dne r",m • Jut".
does not ne .0 experien €en aware f h ave an intensit
mean.': .hem dicec.t • e pow., of you, f YI? feeling that wHi
y. t IS Your OWn t the relation h' and be transform d e~ lOgs, but now you
' 't brl'ng a neW relationship or deepen an old one A new l,nt' that (l,mes
Th IS transl can b notable for the strength of the feelings involved
' t' . It c<)llld hardly be
II You hav.. Po,"", to feel ' : it,,11 0, the o.h' 'n .h. pmce". Thi' at t h IS'b Ime
d WI e I There is a compulSive
' about the energl'es
' th)t . dnve you
Ittcr~ the ~ny Intrinsic art" . an love that has g er person is in any way escn e as casua . .
dand you, pactn" .ogeth,e, but .•h;,.;' no' all negativ•. It w;1I m< "em ." "".h ".
€!npo of IShc and rown stronger
your artist" creative abU· . yoU that .M, ,elation,hiP w>' ..ev.table, .nd you will bo.h Hnd that it ;, , I.., .. n.
IC aCtivity. AI Ity, this transit wIlI
so your work WiU deepen it and
have a profound 499
experience of the best possible k ' d . h 'P may end u nder this transit, because it is not able to
within, each of you that are at wor kin,'
In aYouI will
' lear n a . u,1 ,,,es"" that are , et .
,,'" a relations '
m mouon. All eXl"'ng
.' "Iation,hip'
' " and that you act much mor E re atlOnship ' Yougreat deal b
A"d the sUbcOnsclo
1J1 Sotfle k ' d of fundamental transf o rmation ' , b ut th1s
. '1S as likely to be
t IS realizatIOn is the first st ep toward beco'
e rommIng blind may
con,o;o ' a rth
IScove OUt the e"
yh aq"" . 1 ,de,go'.
,thstl>" orne 1n 'f .he tWO of yoU are W' mg
'11' to be honest with each o.hee.
0", ",i"in,
"Iation,n;p' 'll u, of You n You 0" i,l" ~Jl 'tiII as n gatlve,
h ld 1confront all the lSSues
' t h a t y ou nee d to know about and
"mn,,, now. ",d a ain w. aI,o 'nt" a pedod 'f"'Iin" "ali,,.. ..
,dation,hip. ,you w.ll both lea,. m ore01about
neatlve poSJ Ve oU s oU
th ch ange , y . ' 8,. e Wa OUr fe ' 'fOgether Y
uJ1 de( Pluto Conjunct Mars
Your mative en",i" will y You op" ''''''''

abI, to put deep f I' b, a'O"ed and if at, i, .1,' . . e of great ,t,iving in your life . It can be a dme when you ov",om' all
",co,ni" the '"' en"gy Into yo", you ace In any w ' hiS JS a umd triumph in any area 0 f l'f .. m' w h'" h you w" . h to ,ucceed, but it can al'o
receive considerabl e Irecognition
y that has gone into your
work fas ne Ver
ay bef
artistic ' you W' ] T
, bsta . Ies of "ver ,t",..le again,t tremendou' ob,tacles. Although you may be able to
, ' Or which ore , Othe I] be e an
be time .... e them eeventually, the strugg1e Wl'11 1eave you qUite ' exhausted . It is very
Art and love will h You rna rs will a
e ' ave one I Y Very ov ereo.
difficult to "II. . ·
in advance . be clo,"' to.
wh"h of these two ex.remes you w'/I
xpeTience of them w'n e ement in co Well
for that is what
youdifenow and:~~ecat"your",king. An and : theeomm on p~ac:" tcan'l t, that .
I transport you out o mmon durin
future fo r manyove should ,ha ve c

' the ext raordIS' , the

The energy level of thi' tran,i' i, veey high and mu,t be cel .."d ,0mehow.1f yoU don't
... the power it gives, you are likely '0 become a victim eithee of d,c"""tances
years to co me onslderabl e nnp
' Inary
, act on, or of someone else using that kind of power against y ou , Under extreme circumstances,
thi' tran,it can ,ignify violent injury 0' violence at the hands of another pe"on. But
this is likely to occur only if you do not use any of this energy yourself,
This transit can h Pluto OPposition V Mars is an ego planet, whose function is to give you energy and support in maintaining
relationshi s i a:e a variety of enus
connected P, n particular are v effects on the ' your own "para", individual identity. Under a Pluto tran,it of thi' ,ort, the danger i,
With sex, althou h' ery strongly affec relatIOnships in that you will try to expand your ego in order to dominate others, This transit can
If ' on diffeeent wa ted, beea"e both V yo", life. Sexu I
you do not h . Y'. ,"u"nd PI a p,oduce a ,u.hles' drive to dominate and gain powe', 0' it can , ignlfy youe ,tr"""le
ver II ave an Imp uto are to resist such domination by another. However, if you are the one who is dominating ,
y we bring ortant exist'Ing n
you will only "t in motion equally ,uthl", oppo' itio fo''''' and you will very
fbegins at this t,one,
Ime F'But you must observe' relationship in y Our lif
orces at work ,', Irst, as With a certain cautio
e now, this tra '
about any "Iatlo ns n~u
thi, ""on th wuhtn you that makny tcan,,, of Pluto may likely lose.
negative nature of the relat' e you "fall in love': ,ere are strong sub Ip that But Mars also represents energy in generaL which can be harnessed for any type of
ob' lor p IOnsh' , WI th consci work. With this transit you can do great things. Work requiring grea t effort is much
""..ely, Icc .. att"'n, Within 'P w.II P'obabI 'omeone at thl' 0",
'h, I, bad fo, """bly attcacted youe P,yche than bY be deteemined mu:h"me. Fe< ..';er, becau" you, ,tate of mind mak" it " em ..,y. Hard wo,k i, fac and away the
",Ia" on,hi You. If thl' h to 'omeone ev . Y ""on 0' oen mo" by best use of this energy. And if yOU are working for the good of others rather than for
"Ia" p , fo, You a . appen" do ' en ,f you know . "". You may b,
that a::~'~
1..1f may :o~'~n,
it unco",o;:::1 eXpect veey much c;n,,>ou,Iy that he 0'
their domination, it is more likely to work out positively ,

~ P<>w'nu:'t~m' ne:a~'" Ho:;~
fo,m at ion 'ation,hlp at thO '. you, "al pue y get at 'ome" nJoyment feom th, Whatever you are doing, thi' i, not a good time to ,i,k any injuey. Becau," of the
darker side of the Pluto energies, its compulsiveness and cap acity for ruthlessness ,
Any "Iatio:e will be '" ,hi, C"e. of you"elf. Th, nian
you ,hould avoid all ,ituation, in which yOU might encounte' pe.-sons of thl' nature .
effect on your that beg;" at any nega" ve ; ve, u I, jUot that the ;" oecesdon't ",urn,
, ',,,, YO",ho;ow, whethee it wHi be espeelall b,hlnd I" It i, advi",ble '0 avoid bad neighbo,ho ods and high eeime ace" . Phy,ical attack, can
In an existin d try to make good or bad w'll y troublesome , occu' under thi' transit, "pedally if yoU have not handled the .necgy in any other elul
, g sexu J sure t h ' , I ha way. Thi' i' not the mo" likely m.nifes".ion of thl' tran,it, but it pays to be c.... .
'"ten,lty of f l' a "Iatio h' at" I, good ve a poweeful
fulfilli ee Ing ma ,ns Ip, the ff '
ng relationsh' Y SlItlpl e ects can al Pluto 5extile Mars
you, consciousl IP, But this Y deepen so th so be very pOwer£
device for m ,Y Or unconsc' transit can at YOLI and yo ul. At its best, the
' t 't' an opportunity to work and accomplish on a grand scale. Also yoU are
Un '1 ampul' IOusl create b ur partne h

. f1 1S ' n 10

..:: ling to let th attng the oth y dl"''',fJed . lem, of a re't .' ave a mo" 1S ranS1 thers and transform a S1tuatio
' . accordance with your v ieWS . 'I' our

tho,.o~ ~P' beco~~es

r. ";oIdln favor' oth... b., Th. technl w" the othee, be i am type. One of bl e to 10
aenergy uence
level i, velY
0 high, and yOU can put out a elfect over a 10"" penod
. of
• .han g ,im . Con_uenlly you can moke geeat P,08''''' m accompli",ing the obi"""" you
confron~ud. t an~
0, by ",ing by vaey, but g.n!,:;1 to u" love" a
open in some Wa g very possessive .one of you is e
ahon. y. The tactic Jealous, or by have set for yourself.
s are usually sub verslve
P uto

bTt to acc ish on an individual level is great at th'IS r
Your a l i bY tt r use of this transit's energies by Working With Oth Ill1e, but "
g ke even e e 'd " I I ers to J 0u
oals. You hnee
d not fear ,that yourd 'own I entity WI 'beh Subll1erge d, b aChie\l (l gtocall
most significant an Important person In t e group y uSe Yo p
h this tr ansit the people
fight aroun,
to main ~ain
d ou are on a power 'dp 'hat will affe"
your position, and you
h should not
11 be strengthened by Work'mg In
S",,,~ ,.
emerge as t e , a group, 'OUr ecaown ideII "ViII urn
' eS wit'n yOU will have to have some a l1ies, The problem here is t at you may
wdl "'"' y n,,,,
ou, pe
Y 'tate to
do so, as long"
uard agal 'nst you
sneaky . an d opponents who will not oom"'''nto
Th hes l be on g
' s't favors any kind of work that involves making great chang
IS tran l I I 'h ' es and r f ve to b f
you"nv 'ronment ' . For . examp e, you mig t reorganize the structu <e of an e orllls. 'n
"buUd 0' "pai, a buddmg, 0' on ano,h.,. level, "gen"'''e and
body. Any,hing 'h" emph"i,., "building i, fovo"d.
Out ofo",
Yo", o'n
h' pen.
the 0
d this tcan,it almost always e"use 0
danger of accidents un ere yo, migh; get ang", one day b,t not
Ther e is some ergy WI'thin you,
d' Foroffexamp
in your, car, the frustration may express itself
Any ac'ivity you engage in" ,hi, time ,hould "quke you to expend a I s
frustrated enhen when you five olution is to express any anger and resentment
and 'hould not be too limited in "'ope . You 'hould feel that yoU can go of un~'~ on"" '
xpres it. T 'dent Obviously thhe sh
h an aW . te wit t e peo
pIe who are important to you about your
'it~ h",
. 'sks f"
througou fee I a nd commumca,
situatIOn In w IC you are exposed to unnecessary n ,
, h' h
expended yo", ene",ies and the" i, little el,.. to be done. AVoid any you
that Y Also
feelings" avoid any
the energy may come ou t I'n some undesirable way ,
would be likely to fru""te 0' limit you. It i, not '0 much th" you Would bhat/on that here agaIn
"'ch a ,ituation " that you would wa"e an en"'gy that can be ext'emely u"f I . 'n
e arll1ed '
a/l t"n'it, by sextile, thi' one mea", that you will be given the oPPo"un't , like Pluto Trine Mars
will happen. not compelled '0
do n.
, I£ yOU do not take the oPPO,tunity, I nothin
Y to do,
ur life your energy leve ~s ~ "
k of
I' h'gher than usual , and you are desirous
At this time In yo Often this transit slgnJfl~
a time when you will rna e ,a
h field of activity that IS

iremendo", d,ive
' h'toh YO,u
f~ ~u:ay
wII I' a 11 ow you to make many changes In
edo,ming great feats. .,s in your pmfe"ion " m anot :the" even if you don',
gain considecable pow." aco""d yo, that yo,
Pluto Square Mars seek It, W IC ake before,

Thi, t"n,it can have con,ide"ble dang.,., if you do not handle it pmpedy. It, g<eat have not been able to m e energy to work than at
' n way, you will have ~or tl at tasks that would
g~i~ PO;;;:'t~n pec,~;:e;,,~Sit
ene",i., can be u,.d 10' con"TUctive eflo", howev.,., thmugh whkh you c"
accompli,h a gee" deal. The problem i, that thi' tran'it "ou,., ego en"'gi., eith" in Even if you do no' :o;k long, h"d and fovo" phrSi,:,1
other times . You Wt e a ause of yoU' high energy ' yoU' body, 'he mu" "'. m
the di'ectlyare
o"in anoth" P""on who can allect you, whkh can be very dillkult il
usual,l~ tire you o~~~t~:~
Activities that
actiVIties such as at , ht-lifting, yoga or anot
ild ai~e~ob:~byUculture,
are especially effective
articular, such as welg ,

Taking the li"t P""ibility, that you will be aflected directly, tN, t"n,i t can "i mulat,
you, ambition, and make You Want to get ahead" any CO". PO'itively, thi, giv., you p this time,
at b 'Iding, repairing, . and favors
"stonng the.
the ability to wo,k incredibly h"d lor long hou" to achieve your objectiv.,. In lact, I f ors any k ind of re'ld' UI gs PI u,to the planet 0 re
This transi t ka so av Id furniture or bUi In ,energy to do it.

if yOU a" not c"eful, you can wo,k '0 h"d 'hat you become phy,kally exh .."ed, 'ng on 0 , s you the
rebul wo, • . nd Mats g. '" h 'h"
I.. you.,.U open to iIIn",., and ph Y'ical breakdown . You hardly feel fatigue and 'lding of anythlOg, a " , h last several years t a
weann." ""til it is '00 I"e. U,. yOU, 'remendou, energy, but be ,"re not to overdo ill
If you have Igone th
rough a period of ~rself,
ersonal CriSIS In t e ,
~ 0 a long way toward
this transit Will rth of energy and ego-
ged about yo , d prepresents a new bl "II be able to
A much mO<e dangerous P"'Sibility, however, i, 'hat you migh, work 'ow"d yo", , discoura Th' peno I ny case you WI .
leftblyou fee tng nlidenre." . o,,,elf again. n a d conlid",,,,. Thi'"
'lding your self-co t believe In y sense of strength an
pe"onal ends-",cc.", Power, fame or wha,ever-without any "g"d lor tho,", dre ' ue that wdl, ena ble you, 'ties
Wit, h a greater
",ound you. can be completely egoi"ic. You may flV d 'iyactivi ,
h people WhoPluto-Marsenee.i"
disagree 'th , pay no
h attention
h h proceed in your ~I forcing transIt.
d usly reIn
' k you are wrong and
t In WI you, ,Whether they oppose you outnght
, b erf'tt eyf
or hw et
' are trYing to set you right. You Will lose t e ene I 0
a tremen ° osition M.., . ,h,
Po'ent"uy good advice frOI11 'hose who would help you and win the undyingh hatred toof Pluto Opp dIe becau$e
dYour opponents, Enemies Y h t difficult transit to han 'But It IS not
amage you, even If they don't h ' werful but ,so mew
themacreatively may b e a p roblem,
, o u make at this time will eventually have t e power Th' can be a very po h
that a rnes5mg
aVe It now,
You may find Yourself' f' h' , " . so in"n" dem are
energ." "e . and will t<, materpo'"'
to fighting
d , 'II 'f
In a Ight Situation for the energies of t IS tranSit are '
Impos sible, own or so meone meone else's ego energIes
else's energl'e$ , the ultimate pu
persuade others to lOin You ' I Position to win, especla y I you can ' hat your, If they are so
' ,an Don't t in a good
You are The difficulty IS: in your life,
' ry to go It a one, , rampan
running C; ~ _ _ _ __
is to test the Se '
Your J ' C CUnty of y
Ice and Possibl OUr oWn e 0
y have seri OUs fIg , You Will feel ' th of these elements
, 'fy a reb Ir
First of all are-ups, great tension ' " this transit can slgm a whole, You m ay
d ' ' You have to S With th I f aith and sPlrhlt, you fit into the universe as, to the knowledge
an , If necessar recognize that e PeOple ' er ru es 'th ow ' 1 d others m .
feel in s y, to exercise d ' You have a It) se l.Ipit eW concern WI n and a deSire dto hea tap h ' of the uOl verse
eecallllr life, a ~irth of re~lglo~: masses to understa~ ht e me of this transit.
,'concer YSlcs
g are perfectly all r' h ' ornlnion OVer h Very strong d '
in yO, nce a re d Educating t
Ig t If You ackn at ers in nVe to Win one would be one of the hlg est uses
If YOu deny the owl edge thern an~Our
driVe to suc~
to sUcceed
erIe ine,
e~Pv "!.ave,gapPI'Ie5 to every lse's expense or
and not know t:;' You Will experience t ' USe them Wisely , eed, these d a t someone e
th e source y enslon W' h' yOdnow,ta " a petty way to succee ble This transit can
an d trivlng m ' t may lead to trou ' cis
other ha~ , s e larger needs of SOCle y inted to look after society's ~ee .
at You are often a 'ou will find that It In Yourself W't
SU~press this energy :~?; Without understan~~~Ple's actions irrit~~ regard to Other on'tnthe
ollt r, ecOgnizlng, thh h authorities who are appo , mstances, this transIt can
ThiS can even lead to ' ead to YOur becornin g why, At its wor You greatly at) S cU lties Witd yoU
t e as a threat ' Under extreme clrcu
durin~I~~~;~e an~ aV~i~h:a~~ctirn sorneos~~ ;~e
1"1 diffl
lead to aCCidents injury, so of ,effort t: lead to corne to regar
ranslt, Ing any Seriou ' k e s eoeroy if they , te arrest, ay arouse
If. on the other hand' y Ou I et tee h s ns s th at COuld", enindlca kl' ng for a very noble cause, you m , t
e 'ble that even I'f you are wor 't' I'kely that you will u I' hma t ely WIn ou ,
OVer everyone in Your Way and nergy Out With no restraint ' 05S1 "However I IS But
I if your point of view IS , I'Iml'te d to
Yo l'k 1 scrarnble f ' Iy toward th ' You rnay run roughsh~-' ltiSqllltePf n ro m the authOrities, d
S itio II wor m k' g for a goo cause,
d u hare ley to arOUse trul y h orrendous UTJous oppo
eat to prevent you from succeedin oPPOSl,tlon frorn people ~hou In dOing this
' , e top B t ' "" 'f 'I0u are rea ~Il have trouble and failure.
IyoU rse If, yOU WI
are a threat to them at the d g, YOur actions make it de struggle to the
eepest Psychological or eVen ph ' a r to others that You Pluto Sextile Jupiter
B u t you can use t h'IS energy to accompl" h h YSlca l l evels of th elr' I'IVes '
] d ' ,
I C hances to get ahead in whatever you are trylOg to
IS muc Work and
you, ust on t get so wrapped up in yo ma k e great changes ar d At this time y~u m ay have ,severa
ess and professional interests as we II as any 0 th er,enter-
k ~ou step on everyone else'
do This transit favors k~usm 'th others in groups, In general this is an excellent tIme to
. ur OWn ego that OUo
toes. ry to Incorporate others into Your Wo k d
POSSI e. If you do this well, others will a kn I d r an ma e It a g ff
roup e ort as mUch ass pri~ethat invo~ves wO~dmT ;;:~t
work to actualize any
, I ea
is at all possible, The power of Pluto can flow through
C ow e ge you as the leader anyw
ay, your creative idealism,
Last of all, avoid using underhanded tactics or becoming inv I d ' h b '
d d I
un ergroun e ements In . socIety.
, You cannot count on them0 and ve wit su verSlve and 'd I are higher than usual now, You want to reform and make changes
out as you hope. For example, don't borrow money from loan sharks! , events may not turn And your Ildea s nd you . Very often this is expressed in purely personal f terms as' aI
' the wor arou
:rive for personal success, but it may also be expressed ~s
a desire to re ~rm sO~la
If you can reaIIy be open with yourself about your needs and drives now, you have the conditions and correct injustices, either in your personal hfe, among your ImmedIate
opportunity to transform your ego creatively through confrontation with others, friends or in the larger social order.
which is not necessarily negative. This transit could help create a new you,
On a philosophical level also, you will be more idealistic, You are attracted to large
systems of thought that explain the society or even the universe as a whole,
Consequently this is an excellent time to study law, religion, philosophy or even
Pluto Conjunct Jupiter medicine. Pluto's general concern with healing and regeneration, combined with the
nurturing aspect of Jupiter, makes this a good time for the study of healing in any form.
This transit can denote that you will achieve great success in almo~~ a~y ~~~:~;~~
or it can mean that people in power will strongly oppose your e or s,
Your interest in ideas that help people understand the world makes you a compelling
depends on what you are trying to accomplish and how,
teacher, because you can enable others to gain understanding and insights as well.
And the more yOU share your insights, the deeper they will become.
. 11 Under its in fI uence you will experience
, a
Most commonly this transIt works out w~ . . the proper frame of mind to
rebirth of optimism and hope, w IC
--~ B ou expect to succeed, y
ou are likely to, This ~an app y to : at
h' h WIll put you In
" f ou WIsh to succee
I ny
O~ha authorif
more mundane
A level,
k this is an
I ' excellent
h' time
, for any dealings with the la\' r
IUCCC1:'U. ecause y ., likely to be effectIve I Y that should gOod les.. t wor , your re ahons ipS With employers will probablv be quite
get your share of glory, b~t, that will

. and they WIll be of greater assistance than usual. .
aspect of your Jjfe, but It IS most
JOmdhing beyond personal glory. Yhou l;~ working to achieve sOhmet ~n!ns Pluto

~:;e~n:::rge thro~gh b~sines~d sr~~:;t;:~d ~;ds

. motjve You s ou k some ot er e ' d
i ' Pluto Square JUpiter
most those persons an hiS tranSit h
ma.. iv~
socjal regeneratIon a POlent' II as great potential for achievement but y h........J
' o u must ~
IM tod~ty that work toward that end. la y th b ' .
e aSiC SUccess dnve signified by this tranSit will enable ertain angers.
u t get ahead
rs b t especially in your work or profession . At its b
' d to ensure thest th IS
. h t f rame 0 fmm o tral) . , s a strong drive for power, although it is f '
. . , h ut puts you in the ng
'n all your en deavO , transit bn:s tter position to do good . 0 ten motJvated by your
I basic optImIsm t a at thin" S it rillS, e to be in a e
has ka 0 U tasyou wan.t
wor "s \v'll
I lf
deS ' . .
. h danger that you may overreach yourself, taking . ' not an espeClally egotlstical tranSit. Your "
there IS t e If I' On too thiS IS ain noW you want to sh are With
' others You generosity IS great ' and
However, . Ived You may find yourse out on a 1mb when re I' tntlch U ually h
d tting too Jnvo . f I a Ity c S
whateve, r yOU god for the greater community
" is good for you aVe a strong sense that
an ge . flated expectations. But a ar worse resu t is that you atches what IS go ,
'th your ovenn h h I may be ott1Y
up WIgant an d over bearing in dealing wit ot ers. n your self-confidenc cO
f I' h e You tne
atrO 't d of personal righteousness, a ee Ing t at your aims and tnay
me an attl u e d I . gOal Pluto OPPOSition Jupiter
assu . tant than those of anyone aroun you. t IS extremely imp S are
much more Impor ff Ortant th
'11' to compromise and make an e ort to understand som at nsl't will make you drive yourself and others around yo t tt '
you be WI Jng h h '11 k eone els ' "'-his tra " I u 0 a am success,
., If do not you can be sure t af ot ers WI rna e you feel the ff eS 11 ce or preemmence m some way, t represents the drive to actualize an ideal
pOSItIOn, you, d b dId ' e ects f
' power, They will certainly not stan yanf et you omlnate them ' Bu t I'f yoa exce about how the world ought to be, The danger of this transit is that you may
theIr ' f ' OU 0 d d " d h
onable effort to include others In your e orts and m Your SUcc u Y rrogant an ommeenng d towar t ose around you, as if you were a kind of
rnak e areas ess, this beCome a I' I
should not be a problem, an above all mora Ity an aw except
superm , b h . h d h your own , Admittedly that is a rather
extreme manifestation, ut t at IS t e anger t at this transit brings ,
An extreme manifestation of this energy can be legal ,problems, which could arise if
do not take the needs of others Into account, In thIS case those of society at la f re you try to improve everyone around you, strive to improve yourself, which you
you , . rge,
If you are not careful, this transit could even slgmfy arrest. Be ado under this transit. Gain a greater understanding of truth in your world, but do
can try to force your views'h on ot ers, Ad" n In pursumg your own conceptJon , 0
excellence, don't try to prevent at hers from attaining
" thelrs,
A related problem is the possibility of being carried away by some religious, meta_
physical, spiritual or similar idea. But it is very hard to dra,: the l!n,e here, because at
its best this transit makes you very properly concerned WIth relIgIOus and spiritual In par t'cular
I , avoid any behavior that could get you into trouble h with E If you
the law . n
d 'd to become a law unto yourself, the law of society may ave to stop you. ve
regeneration, The problem is to maintain your sense of proportion in these matters .
Again, do not try to force your ideas upon other people. It is natural and desirable
e 'tS should be avoided , if possible, because it will be difficult for you to present a
that you want to communicate about these concerns, but let others make their Own winning case at this time,
choices and also listen to what they have to say. Do not become so possessed by an
n desire to manipulate others, not because you want to c~nvince
idea that you will not listen to alternatives. There is a struggle here between the You may have a s~ro ,g , I t t of being but simply because you don t have
openness of Jupiter and the obsessiveness of Pluto. In this situation one can bring real them of your bebef I~ a.n Idea '~~i~iduals, D~n't proceed as if you had a superiority
growth, the other only conflict. enough respect for their nghts as I h tang up on you and try to destroy you,
complex, for that will only cause at ers a g

t this transit, on an y of its negative manifestations, because

'd I
Pluto Trine Jupiter It would be a pity to was e , ke yourself over according to your I ea s.
Portumty to rna d d'
't really does give you an op t'on and achieve a greater un erstan 109
At this time you will seek to make many positive reforms and changes in the world 1 J "tual regenera I h 'II b
Y U Can undergo a tota spm , And your relations with ot ers WI e an
around you, You are concerned with improving conditions so that they are more in o I 'the umverse, h Id f' ds
of yourself and your p ace In h new meeting and even encounters wit 0 nen
accord with your ideals. Your actions are guided by your highest vision of how the . I art of the process, Eac b t the path of development that you should
Integra p au more a au h I dy
world ought to be. You may work within the context of your everyday life, among and loved ones will shoW Y e o drives give you the illusion t at you are ,a rea,
friends, neighbors, relatives or professional associates, or you make work on a broader B 'f the demands of petty ~ ergy of this transit in needless conflICt With
tak e. uti 'Illy dissipate teen
scale in the community or society as a whole. No one who comes to you for help will "there," you WI on
be turned away. others,
Pluto Conjunct Saturn
You will be increasingly interested in subjects that encompass a larger view of the tressful period in your life, Pluto is the force ofI
world, such as law, religion, philosophy and metaphysics. And you will not be rat her s . 1 severa
' an denote a , turn is resistance to such transformatIOn, n,
satisfied to Jearn about them on an intellectual level; you will make them real in the This transIt c formation, whde Sa t changes that will come only after conSiderable
b l trans pect grea thO
world around you, inevita e life yOU can ex , 'n which you are forced to hold on to some ~ng
areas of you:ypical situa,tio ~:~:s~
or project in the face of energies that a:e trym~
difficulty" A to persist In sO b aid that a positive aspect of this transit IS that It
This> is extremely favorable time for any dealings with the law or with persons in r life or p It must e s
an for dea give u .
ke yOU
authority, for they can help you make the kinds of changes that you want to make. to rna
They may even a~sist you in gaining personal power, jf that is what you want. 507
persistence and tenacity, but unfortunately'
f increasehs In the face of this presSure it is O;tt also creat . taktng wo rk is required, Your ability to diSCipline yourself is
these c ara ld Wh ' b en b es when pains .
the need or k hard line and ho on , atever IS eing cha nged et ter t0
than to ta e a hid' 'allY h
surrender d ou will gain little by 0 mg on, except to delay the' uSUal I eS..."eel!l'IelY hig.
".00, '" ohMg" '" Y
I 'd ' te a stage of psychological transformation in " 'h ' h
'"""t'b/; I e,ctre Pluto Square Saturn

' 't an a so In Ica , , 'V Ie e '
ThIs h tranSI c b k through the patterns of resIstance and tension th nergies
' ou try to rea 1 h 11 at You h 'II h ve to withstand seVere challenges to yOur way of life as
wit'/ InpYin the course 0 f your life, One psycho h ogisth as ca ed these patterns "b aVe h ' transit
' g t IS A you WI uap , we structure, our
we grow , lives toda certain
S degree,
. hand we COIru!
bUl t u
or "refernng ' t0 the armor-like tensions, t at 'nE)t ey create
d in Your ' bOdy , 8 reakod
Donnet up noW, th's s structure for predictablhty and or er, omellmes, owever, t de

arm, d
through an ree 0 f f these patterns can be quite pal u ,
ld b ban you will resist th e Pro Ingy n I B 'f" f
it isdepe
5 d upon slveI rat h er than expressive of ourhtrue N
se Yes, hut I ItI
IS sa e, we ten
quite strenuous1y, but for the most part you wOu e etter off to let it hess apPen ,
c to cture is rep arres
dl sow f h e ther we are happy wit it. evert e ess, at someI pOlOt bIn
stfUkeep I't reg . es ' o f this arrangement of our world must
rnal energIes h f evo ve or ke
UltImate ' transit indicates a regeneration
1y th IS , bof 'the basic structure of Your )'£
I e as
' 'f' db Saturn, Because this structure IS so aSlc to your personality and ev I' sthemte
to rive d Now IS . SUC hatimeinyourlife.Youmustadapttoteorcesatwor
f '

I tot~ ~hat
sIgm Ie IdY d" 'f h en to oU II destroye ' n sakel You may feel like the victim 0 some massive
your wor ,you are likely to experience some IsonentatlOn or a wile, but thoIS too Y this period
shall pass , dunng for your
beyond co ntro!
your ow is forcing
, you to move, but actually the
external, force
f r change are In. heren t in your own lIfe structure,
d n,m," a h
Things may be taken away from you, such as money or oth~r po~sessiOhs,
ships or something else that you value ~erhaps t,o o much, DUTlng t~IS transit YOu InUSt
w~' ,~':';y p''',ucedto do ,ometh;ng th" yo. don', want to do,'~
Y . mstance or situation will create forces that seem to pus
learn to get along with as little as possIble, whIch may be the ultimate lesson of this Dudng 'hi' "ansit
time, It is certainly a good idea to prepare to deal with scarcity when this tranSit is
, st oU, You may e
,ga>" / au will probably put up tceme~dous resistance. If your life structure a va
to re,i" will p<Db,bly be ,"oms!.!.

expressl~n will be, forcedf to change, In eltherlca~e thIS pe lIy you will be able to
coming up, Change your lifestyle so that you don't need as many resources as YOu have alL an .y of who you are, your e orts. . riod will be charactenzed
in the past and don't have to be as dependent on others,
OtherWise you rgy If you hand e It success u , f
expenditure 0 ene, 'd I
by .enormous
f ward and reac h new heights as an indivl ua ,
Pluto Sextile Saturn
stnve or ' _ finanCial, material or
At this time in your life you will be able to get along with very little if necessary, and
b';:~~:,,, "~ :~:;~;a;'it,
. .
ou may find that certain resources ore and more to fall
availab!e ,"d th .. yoo
you will be able to keep plugging away at tasks with tremendous diScipline, As a result As thi', tran"t It i' not ",,,l1y •

this is a good time for getting your life ready for hard times, even if this is not an otherwIse - are devices This is part of the 0 "t especially business. Nor
especially difficult period.
y~u every~hmg
back upon your own r op'erations in any field 0 activi you as solid and safe
good time to expand our energies making a 't The best course, which
is it a good time to~e~d ~ave been done prior to~hls t:~;~x~mine all aspects of your
Howev", even if this is a difficult time you can be sure that this transit will help you
as possible, That s ~u t ke is to openly and ones d those things that make
you will be I,.,t indmed ~o ;h;tev" you don't real~ I~"ou~on't do thi' vo!unta"!y,
make it through. It gives you tremendous tenacity and toughness and the ability to
apply constant pressure on a situation until it gradually changes. Patience is the life and voluntanly gIVe ~d
your personal evolutlO, Yj during this period, but 11
watchword of this transit - not that you need patience, but that you have it. Y
OU feel secure but do n.otfal you, You can expect strug~:jd
on blindly to everything
circumstances WI'11 do It or struggle, un Iess you try to
doesn't have to be a
Whatev" your objectives, yOu will keep working at them until you achieve them.
as it is now.
In a slow but pow"ful way, this transit helps you realize your goals, and because you
work so slowly, the results you obtain are very lasting indeed.
PI t o Trine Saturn
I e ~n d creand
profound changes in your )'f te
You will also probably discover that you are changing during this period, not
drastically and suddenly, but slowly and at a very prolound level 01 your being , And
grad~al bU~:::ork at this task with great pa~;~~~gafor
will make
At this time yOU 'JI last a long tIme . t orking for today only. You are w
structures that WI
'I because you are no w
these changes will make YOur lile more solid and dependable, In general your lile is , n to detal,
moving from the less solid and abstract to the more solid and real.
attentlO well. lowl ' over a long
tomorrow as which enables you to work s } nnecessary
You may work alone lorthe mOSt part now, Sa turn is not grea t lor company, bu t tha t ers great endurance~ents of your life that have become u ur present
is not a difficulty, You will probably preler it that way, at least until you have come
This transi,t CO% eliminate thos,eheletructures that are more relevant to yo
f timereplaCIng
'them WIt s
perio d 0,
d limiting,
SOmewhere near aChieVing YOUr goals, This is a very good transi t lor researching alone, an
Planets in Transit
b rofound change within yourself also, Certai If 't doesn't work for you, it isn't true for you! This may be the most
Th · is a period of slow ,ut P nd taking on a form that will last for manyn aSPects of th workS! hi t ou can learn at this time.
)S re changmg a , Years ... he tnl lesson t a Y
Y OUr character a n ed 'n certain external changes In your work, profess' ' 'his IrIan!
change be re eet I
may t a ctivity in your life , IOn Or
an}t , pO d' II
other importan ItI'I d to Ie t go of whatever
, h you on threa 11 y need, even if it IS a rel.ltionship .
b very careful about everything that you do under th' Be I' rep are k yoU If so senously t atI'fevery ' cIf aYenge to your current position on any
likely to te to waste anything, the peop I e aroun d you may thinkIS tran Sit,
' Don 't ta e rns to be a challenge to hI e Itse,
h ou
' may" not be aware of It ' but the
8You are
se you try no
" ,h d"
conserva tive , But really you are Just acting wit great Iscipline ,
You a
tter se~
t1'1hy 1 Ica rea I clions that you
h go t roug at
I'f B a time d thIS were originally intended
PsiO i togh a reaI physical ,treat to your Ie. . ut to ay we have changed so that Our
t to deal w, ce is not so Important as ego-exIstence, and all of Our reactions have to
Whether or no ,'t is necessary, you are able now I bto'l'get along with very
, little in th e \Va PhysiCal ngedeXIste:rdingly,
acc Most people have not done so.
' I goods , And you have a phenomena
of matena " a I lty to contend with adversity I'f You}t be C a h
have to, Th IS
' transit has the effect of toughening you up considerably,

You may also become concerned ~ith social reform in ~ari~us, wa~s, But it will not be
h d,
t e ra 'caJ reform associated" With "
Uranus, nor the IdealIstiC kind assOciated \V1t' h
Jupiter, Rather, your concern ~s With making th~ sO~lal system work With reasonable Pluto Conjunct Uranus
fairness and justice on a practtcallevel so t~at It Will work for a long time, In these
' t nly occurs in the lives of persons born within approxImately seventy
matters you will bring to bear the same mettculous concern that you display tO\Vard
the affairs of your personal life, This tr::;t~w~ng a conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in the zodiac. The last such
years f .
'unctIOn was m . 1965 , so for the rest of this century everyone who has thld tr
b nSlt
con) , In the 1970s and 1980s they will not yet be teenagers, an y e
A related effect is that persons in authority 'in business or government may giVe You
considerable power to reorganize a structure at SOme level. They are acknowledging
will be qUite yn~~~g'they will be at most seventeen, Consequently this tranSIt ,affects
ou of the ceformaYt'we y ears when you are m05t vulnerable to long-term transIts that
in your
~an affect your life later on,
your disciplined, orderly approach to every task, which is characteristic of this transit.

Pluto Opposition Saturn

The combmatIon of these two a~k You feel that if things aren't gOlOg th~ way you
, , lanets signifies that you want to break away from
Under this transit you will experience changing circumstances and situations that may circumstances that hold you ~ 'd t th m that way. You are not hkely to be
force you to surrender many things - material goods, relationships, principles _ wa nt you will make changes Jn or er to ge d e t nd the meaning of discipline. With
' 'd ay not un ers a h
that you have previously held on to, You will probably resist these "losses," which is very patient at this tIme, an you m r self.flghteous, for you feel that you know w .at
how you wilJ experience them, with great tenacity and stubbornness, You will need this transit you are inclined to feel vel 'I d you who seem to be out of touch WIth
h ider peop e aroun
is best, in contrast to teo
great disdpline under this transit, because you may not have any resources to waste,
and you may be forced to do as much as possible wi th very Ii HIe, what is going on , .
ste the energy of this tran~lt In challengmg
Feelings are often suppressed under this transit, as if facing the reality of your present , would be a shame to ~a ' t all restriction. You an learn a great
However, It d you or blindly rebellIng agahJns gh the influence of this translL Since
conditions does not permit you the luxury of indulging in emotions , However, this is eryone aroun II' ortant t rou h ld

~~a O~\7::nus P~od ho~

ev } b tters that are rea y Imp f nd forces withm the univere, you S ou
more apparent than real. You may confuse hardheartedness with hardheadedness and a both represent very o;nderstand as much as you can about
suppress feelings for what you consider to be "practical" reasons. Even if your situation uto an nergies learning to know: et how you can change it. because you won t
spend your e You should not as y ,
becomes very difficult, you should still keep your heart open to others, or you will the universe works, II ntil after this transIt.
bear the scars of this period for the rest of your life as a loss of humanity. d'tverywe u
understan I 11 be that you will be wise beyond your years
You may feel that you have to work very hard and that nothing ever comes of it. That ,
e of this transit m,ay and through this wisdom you WI'1\ be In a better
very we
the kind of OVert success that everyone can clearly recognize is not likely
js true in that
The outcom h Of understanding, 'te revolutionary changes later on
in your dept k onservative and even qUI
to come now. Your life is in a state of change, and your circumstances are not stable , , n to ma e c , Immediate
POSltlO ' b el or push for changes In your
do not feel inchned to t~:mendous changes are taking place WIthin Y u,
mOllgh to bring anything to the kind of culmination that constitutes success. But you
- laying a framework for future success. Your inner structure as a human being is Even if yoU ou may find that very main calm and see what IS reaIly haPpemng},
dam,;ng, and it is the profound insecurity of such a transformation that is making you , ment , Y , g but try to re h . on Iderab y
environ be quite upsettln , ortunity to gain an understanding t at I C
This may have an opp
IIoId on to the past so furiously and with such a sense of effort. When this period is .lin yOU
' your life may be considerably changed. The only reason you aren't getting
Here ag
beyon dYOU
r years.

".ere now JS that there isn't anywhere for you to go in that direction. Remember,

Planets in Transit
----------------------------------- .
not J'us social revolution but fundamental changes in your own
. what unexpected In
meanIng . terms 0 f your past. Try to distinguish ...:hat
Pluto Sex tile Uranus iii'
re ,h'" re he "t been good and what h ave not - do not acbHcar;ly de;tcoy
This is a time of profound but creative change in your Iif Y . ele rflen ts of t P
",I,'od. A,d 'h'" dl"overi" wHl ,ha'ge you, Hie .nd e::~~g 'h., you "'v:,o"' 'h,
superficial aspects of life to encounter dimensions of J" .e. ou wIll go b I
both. d w,cn;ng I, that both 01 the.. plane" are lanatkal ;n naruee and not heedful
and fully, If you take fuJ] advantage of what yo u Iearn and do
e you to bve m ore riknew
hI A seeon feelings and emotions. Do not lose track of feelings in making or experienc-
for there is no reason to. not turn aWa y In
. fear,
c y .of human
eep;ng changes. And beeau" b ot h PI uto an d Ucanu, ,peak m
. lacge ,OOal tem',
~~ ~:. 10" ",ok 01 the quah ty 01 indi v; dual, now. Lacg" "dal 10"" may be behind
The new insights you gain ..viii also brl'ng you t he ability t ",,,,,hlng yOU do 0' that happen, to you, but ulHmately th",e loe,,, ace wmpo"d 01
h environment as well as within
your your~el:u
t at you may not have known you had Y ' I I 0 use talents and'
. WI be able to make creative c hmgenUity
anges in Ind,,'d , whom yoU have to deal w;,h '" ,u,h, not., cep,esentaHv" 01 "m'
This is a'dfavorable time to emb ark upon any n d
revea. s I den aspects of the" universe In a sta tI· ew stu y, but part'ICU Iarly In the long run this transit can be an opportunity to make sweeping changes in your
1 h
transIt for the study of a tech'
mca I d"Isoplin r mg,. exciting manne r. It 'IS a f one that life. The challenge to your humanity is to make them only where appropriate.
t e occult, particularly if the disci I' . e, astrology or oth b avorable
computer technology is now . p me IS revolutIOnizing societ y m. ersomeranches of
w ay, as
Pluto Trine Uranus

. I r ef orm thO t
If you are inclined toward s oCla
gr This is a time of creative and radical transformation, either in your own life or in the
. oup or organized movement for
,IS ransit may signify that
~~u . lives of those around you. You will strive to bring about changes that clearly separate
hons and politically moderate a purpose on a large scale. Civ'l WIll join a
this period from the past, not wildly and rebelliously, but with a dear plan in mind
~is ~t
And because of the energy f as more radical reform gro I/Ig ts organiza-
change, not merely with mak' o tto you are concerned with this category. and a comprehensive view of the whole. Consequently the changes that you make at
capacity for change . mg a ot of noise. Pluto gives g reater edepth
ectlve reform
to th and
e U raman
. this time are lasting as well as thorough.
If you have the opportunity, you may be able to accomplish something quite extra-
This is also a favorable . o,dln"y, at lea,t In ",m, 01 you, noemal expKta';OO<, The ,hong" you make a' thl'
that it is desirable. You ~~~I~d for doing any kind of psycholo . time and the tasks that you undertake will broaden your horizons, and this enables you
and the process will h e able to accomplish much I glcal work, if you feel
ave a permanent effect upon your Iif:. ong these lines at this time, to do more than usual. Along with this is the fact that during this transit you may
become involved in something that is quite unprecedented in your life, which will have

this same broadening affect.

Pluto Sq U
This transit signif" uare ran us You may become interested in completelY neW kinds of ideas and in the people
WI'11 probably originate
les a pertod
no o.f c.h ange and even upheaval in associated with them. Whether or not yoU keep your old friends throughout this
s~ety as a whole. Under t ':It~myour personal sphere
y?ur hfe. But the changes period, you will certainly gain neW friends who will reflect your internal evolution.
theIr personal lives but th thIs mfluence many indiv'd 'lbu/ m larger pressures from
at the changes in the l~ ua s eel tha t little happens in Circumstances that used to limit your life, viewpoints that narrowed your perceptions
The major challenge ou . wor around· them are phenomenal. and relationships that were unnecessarilY confining may all pass suddenly out of your
~h.ang~ in the world :rou wIll Hie .t thl' time. You w;li no' to ,e,"
leeldoaall the 01 bu'were
1",',that ,,'hee ,en" 01for
nota possible newyou re
~t IS unltkely that you c nd you.
have to face durin this . . things beto .
Rigidity will onT :enod IS learning to adapt to n
';,,:',oog In you, n...1:;::'~""'[ully ,,,;,t 'he p,:',:~ el the ,;tu.t;on woe", bee.u" f ree' d om. N. ow you
can go 0
the scope of your life in every way by breaking do~,·tl
all the
t t CIrcumstances have Ii .' you yourself may beco s or change. In fact, if Uranus d h Id yOU back. ThiS. WI'Il'give you the chance to find out much
and movements that set ~Ited you severely you .~e an agent for change. If you feel
IS transit can Increase
~~nd poH,kal "d 'od.1 ,:"'Iv~, up " ~gents"::1 :::,babl
y structures that use to 0 hat our life can really be.

o comes mto your life e, or It may be on th

be ."'acted
ew order. This may be on a
'0 pmoo< more about who yoU are and w y
Pluto opposition Uranus .
a5t liberating transit ' becauand shows you h ow toe ch
much smaller scale of an'm d"d IVI ua I
. h ··th .Ilmost
erio of massive c anges' whICh you share ,,, er
rength ra ther than to th se you are incl' ed ange. Actually, this can b .t d Th erefore the ca uses 0 f t hese c hanges m,n'. be I.lrg
~'" pcoblem '0 w.t h '0 flow ~~~u:~ 10h
e past, so . In to look toward the er qUI e This transit represents a pe age.
you w>ll pcob.bly be .ble your m
. If 0 f ahb out t he sa
everyone t 'de of yOUr persona I sp h ere of life.
_t that whO h c outforisth e c anges. soCia orces t at are ou 51
IC needs change. Plu~~_OSSibility that you may throw out ev .
Uranus combinations tend to makeerything, not 513
you overdo
Planets in Transit
'dea to study a subject that will give

/' ld be a gOO d I '
to do, it w ou l'f Astrology, the occult, metaphYSICS or even
"oil c
oos e d'ng abou t your Ie. But don't get lost In a stractlO ! M a k e
' b '
The combination
th ' of these
' two planets·
carnes the
at IS, you may be In revolt against many symbolism \.vh verte, IlI1 derstaf'ght
1 I serve t h'1s purpose,ences in your everyday life,' because you
routine and devoid of new challenge an d Interest of the
M factors th at
of hcreative rev I yO~ aterea r I sy rfll
hS psychO 0 u learn has rea b 1 consequ
t Also your studies should gIve you very d eep
faway su dden Iy and be gone wl'th I'Itt1e or n ,any ele men ts aVe f made 0 Uti on '
r~ t a permanent part of your life, Th' 0 warning, even ele 0 YOUr life Y~ur lif~
I dpt hat yO houl d e me '
w:re ere that VI ds there that s f' ' 1 would help yoU at this time,
I e, ut personal and professional II,s can OCCUr in just bments that Wtll PaSs 5~ re at lief hing super ICla
re atlOnshlps will b a Out an YOu ha have g dillS' Not
Your t I e very Yarea f Ve
cen ra problem during this tra ' , strongl 0 YOUr ~n der stall Pluto 5extile Neptune
your psychological investment in nS,1t will be one of atti Y affected
n ular relationship between Neptune and Pluto, namely the
,the more you will suffer, The conditions rema%d;, ObViously th
xactly as th' e greate r
' curren~
of the a g them in the zodiac, which extends from the 1940s to
If you can look upon this t r ' exlble you are the b
you may be able to take con as an opportunity' to etter off yOu wiJ 1ey are nOw .terlll lIlutuaI sextlle
Because , between this transit will occur when you are 10
' your f'f ' or
I tIes
you will be a victim of th slderable control of the restructure YOur 1"£ be, In fact ' long f the twentieth cen tury,
em to some degree , process, If yOu f'Ighie
t th creative1Y' the elld 0
: ou have to understand th ese chang~ older, ' e when you will become more concerned with mystical and
Me, their origins are in th at although these chan This trans l't denotes
'd t
a db1m l' fs You will want to explore the hidden depths 0 f eXIstence
Preven~~; ~:~ :~cognjz~ f:;~:~d th~m ~~~:~IY
many years And e past, and the fo s ges have emerged
have been! that th:: have in Your ot erW orldly 1 eas an that
r'ences e Ie are
' profound and revealing, If you are rea d y , your
Y anges IS practically , ar~ mherent in th Work for an d have
, expe 1be very enlightening and give you great un d erstand'109 a b out your
ou should leam to fl Impossible and not e Way things expenences may
you should even m ow with the grea t chan even desirable own life and about the lives of others.
everything that h ake ~ourself an active g~ that are happenin '
ships; find ways ::; ~~~Ived its purpose i~;:~;~,~ringing them a;o~ y~~ now, and
,," ;f
more spiritual dimensions of existence, If you are so inclined, it will invo~ve
yoU ac. not indinro to ,tudy the occult. thi' "ansit will awak.n you to tho
you I,n the
spend your time mo' e new starts in as m Ie; seek changes" row aWay
put you out of touch :~~ a~out and wishing ;~; ~re~s as Possible, ~~
Your relation_
occult or in a spiritual movement as well. A materialistic view of the Universe wtll no
t e world and less and It e good old days " ~~e all, do not longer seem at all satisfactory, and you will be aware that other elements of existence
ess able to live in it', at will only
are in many ways stronger than material concerns,
The mysteries of life and death are not abstractions to you anymore but are directly
!his transit signifies ' Pluto Conjunct Neptun and immediately relevant to your own life, This does not mean that you have to worry
changed id a period of ve e about your own death particularly, but you will refuse to accept any explanation of
work harder t~I~'e~oals and man;o~:~ inward transformatio n

::~ever, re:~~tects ~~at

the world that begs the question of the meaning of life and death,
you will h:v to bring about in of your world will ube reflected
elve ~e~la;
up a great ideal that youh~e:, y
hYfd fma also
You will find' ent at the time, even / accomplish this, and e or ~ears, Pluto Square Neptune
matter of It necessary t you are sUccessful you Will not This transit will occur for everyone who is living now when you are in your late sixties
COurse II 0 quest" ' and after. As we move into the twenty-first century, the transit will occur progressively
h bee n I"IVlng a d your n, You IOn very deepIy man b I'
~e:~:~n:its a~f~;: :~~sions. Bu~:~ I::~~me :~e~so~o~
ie later in people's lives. This is because the sex tile between transiting Pluto and Neptune
that disorien;ed have held as a
to disc han~e your ideal ryone in one a you will not be al discover that yOu will last for the rest of this century,
effects ~;:~~IS some~:ay thro~;;roup
With Come at about the s::'f~r this is one of During this transit you will have to cope with powerful outside forces that seem to take
If you begi~S orde~ ~ho
transit, in ol~:rur
is much wo:lt~~e,
peer group, It In fact, the ~o regard of your individual ego, Your individuality will not be challenged so much as
therapist of Psychotherapy 0 get a better or younger who' e a good idea Ignored, unless you stand in the way of these forces, in which case you may have some
a different p;our o~n W~~lw,
age, ~e,:pective
which is I~
on what is not s~ffering the
extremely discouraging experiences,
rspechve, I e he or sh ' UHe Possible y h appenmg to you
e might ' ou sold '
Many element f understand you h u not choose a Elements of your life that you have always counted on may begin to pass away in ways
n SOy , e cann t '
ow, but th" OUr life 0 give you that are extremely difficult to understand, There will be no dramatic signS of social
Aft IS IS onl - relati struggle and change, but the old order, is passing away. What may be most difficult to
er this transit' Y a reflectio onships, job' ,
IS OVer you rna n, of the profounSl tua hons, places - accept is that there seems to be nothmg that you can fight directly. It is as if many
Y find it hard t d changes taking J may pass away circumstances, relationships, possessions and various other conditions of your life
o recognize the perso: ace within you,
You were before. have lost their right to be and are withering away. You can waste your time regretting

Planets in Transit
, d h t your vieWS about daily life are stabilizing and matu ring
'II probab y £In ft a ,IS past, yOU are arnvmg
pid change ' ' at a way of dealing with'
th IS' SItuatIOn,
' ' thereby putting yo urse If mto
' th ---------- yo!) Wih t the per,iod 0 t ra
change much more except, h opefully , when future experience
terms with the new world and b ecome pa t f' e same POSl' t'Ion
have to make, aJthough probabl r, 0 It. That is o ne f ' Or Yo u ca ~I
,.'w tMathOt \o~t\lI
nO nt vieW" \n 0' h '" WD' d s, , h ",,,n,,'
' ' do"n ' ' "p"se settling
decision in adva nce , y your Internal cond I't'10nmg willdeci SIOns
,0 the ' n YoCOl11e to
detern-. ' u \.viii the wo your prese
"'Ine YOUr 'f\validates but stability,
I rigiditY ,
Another side of this transit is that h ' jf\t O
up and begin
'd to influence yo ur I'f Idden EIaspects of your uncon '
I e no lOd
o eep I den from others may become w,so evident
ements of our SCIOUS m ' l11ay fla
t k nI h th:t personality th
Th you can at yo re

e 0 y soluti on theref ' no longer U Pref Pluto Square Pluto
Y'" tMn' . nyw. y: It i, n 0", to d,,1 with th.m . Th y ovoid the .. f Plu'o',, speed, ,hi' ,,,nsit o"un; a' d;H",en' times in people',
conditio~;;gr~iOn mak:~\~s
b.d. Now yoo mo" th ot th." '""in,1e n.. o" bot .y ' " ",
perfectly valid aspects o:; :u:s:tfY , the past that
at makes embad
Se as ,BecaUse
0 upon when '" ' t h'"cen'u'y yOU w<" bom . A, ,hee,,""'-
' i' will 0""'
o you " . .",
hves, '
ne response to the abo ' , lect these during your late forties,
This ".n,it ,ignili" a p"iod 01 g,nml "g,n"ation, whkh m.y no' be en,i" ly
;rjt~ ~n
hve'ddSItuatIOn may be an mere
reveal the deep , mner
' ' d
,h.,. d'~ipHn5
resea rC,h , the occult, S
rool/w.1I ~I"~
"' my"k.1
on m.ny w.y' the mo" p"It.· t • b.,i, 01. rompl.", y.
nature of the world ase concern withogy
su '
YOU ' ~"ntl",
b,,,,,, th,t
pl""n!. MD't 01 us a" .,,.,hed to ,he P'" wh,'h" m no' it i, good 1m "' And ,hi'
"."it win mO' ou' p,,,,5Oly thos' elemen" of 'he pa" ,h.,." no' good fm you, ev,n
Ive response to th IS
' tranSIt.
, egeneration of yourself
gam those "P"" ,h.t you have fmgou,n abou!. p"blem, 'ha' you m.y I", " ,,' of
, Thf IS
' ol11
,nti"ly but whi,h a" stin woddng un<on"iou,ly in yo", lif. m.y ,..pp'" .nd
become active noW, usually but not always to your detriment ,
Pluto Opp "
uto transiting ,, oSition Neptune Plu'o rul" fo"" fm ,hange ,h., ' " inh"en' within ,he hidd,n d'p,h> of , hin""
PI ' oppOSItIOn n tIN
now aIIve and will not h appena again
a eptune Th'IS transit has not ha
for at 'I east
The"fo" you ,hould no' blame 'he unple".n' ,h.ng5 th., 0""' now on ",-
another century , ppened to anyone rum"an"" m pe"ons in you, ,nvi<Dnm,n!. Look within you,,.lf to ,.e how the
groundwork for the present is laid in the past.
PI Pluto C ' M.ny ,hings may be d""oyed. t thi' ,ime, .nd th' des"u"ion will b. ruthles, il yoo
uto transiting c ' onJunct Pluto
, onJunct n 1 d,fend th,m with ,;gidi"" Pluto', ",ion opon on yielding en ""., i, p"tiwl.<I y h."h
pOSSIbly right a ft er b'Irth, ata Pluto , I
Th' , does n ot happen to an yone except
S transit Th"elo" you should ,imply .now the thin", 01 th' p'" to f.d, .nd allow ,h. efuto"
'0 b, bom on ,h,i, ,uin" If you "n do ,hi" th' potenti.1 fo, positive , with

Pluto is very great.

DUring this transit th h Pluto SextHe Pluto The " .. of you, Iii, wh"e the ,,",nges w;ll """' d.pend, upon wh., hMes ."
evolution , You can e c anges that take I '
involv,d, but ,h... ,hang" "e likely to .H." both yoU' hom•• nd you, p"f",io",1
'umnt .n"g;" 'o~~ayo,d"
need anything else' see that you are
~ 'owa,'d
'0 ""in 'hem ,ou
themselves out.
yo", goal, an:;~' 01 a " .. liv,
ace In your life will be
WIll get there sim I b at you do not
,itu.tion, R,I.tion,hip, ,hat ,",v, ootlived th.i, ,,,.tive u,elulne" m.y ,nd , .,ped.lly
if they constitute a barrier to future growth ,
At the same tim h' p y y allowing the
This ,,,n,it m'y al," in""" yoU' ,no"m .boot ,h. ""live .nd " g,,,,,,,,,
ma e t IS tra ' p"",,., within ,h. oniv,," .nd "u,. yoo to b"ome in",.,ted in the ""oti
y or may not h nsJ! will creat d"
change, c Oose to take ad vantage
e a dltlOnal opportun'f
of, Th" I les f orf growth th t you How,ve" """in a,P"" of th' ""olt. ,",h "m'g", '" b"t .voided ond" th"
IS IS a period "a n
o stabl!Jty within 't b the energies involved will be dIfficult to control now , Although your
, ecause
' d b I'n control at first , you are I'k
1 eI
y to ' IY unco -
f ind that entIre
Quite ljk ely your tconsCiOUS
' f miO ' th'
may oue ..have taken over and are runmng ' you completely Th ISO. can
d~eper as you becom
profound aspects concerns will becom
psych ol ogical wo;f,your life, You m e ' SCIO US orces WI In y
op.. " , The ovmltoog" and ,hi, i, ay w"h
<nuld be ,h. ,o gen,len5,.1 'h ' • good time
'0 '0
und",'and e oo'.,."ed in 'he mo"
lind mo" abou, you";n"mal
have disastrouS consequences , ' h ' prevent the

giv urce of an ' IS transit II out witho f ' You m'y .1,0 getinto ," pow",,,o..I5 w,t peopl' who>" try'" to i Loo'
gr"''' ' ' a ow, you '0 d' ' I'f who are trYIng to expe<hte changes that you are resIst ns
un~rverse as a whole and I:~:~v~,
.' yoo gu"h at o,h u, e",ng g"a'
shIp to it , on cern about the times. On another many things tha t , anges iO your 1 e or 'n which category they are 'm,
whe' t IS transit will also h
re YOU are in relation- ~ry care f u II y t0 ascer tal

Planets in Transit
Pluto _ - - - - - - - - -

out ot your l'f I e at this tim~. Do not try to
Pluto Trine Pluto
h the Past rna.Y part
pass 0 f the cleanng
. process.
d wit rture IS
h's transit has happened only eet e heir depa
I this century, I . b to people
. ffwhen bthey are ill th elr
. ei"h .
coflfl for t . Midheaven
nd nmetles.
. . I have had no opporturuty to0 serve Its e ects, ut I would eXPect th lJes

~oJd,0"'" peo~
to be ar
an ..} to those of Pluto sex tile Pluto.
SI mI e/ti
to th''''' Pluto Sex"l. I It can bo • bm. in you,
Ofl pon different e.. Or it can be a time
Pluto OPPosition Pluto . effects u . r obJectives. It
ThIS transl Slt . I varytng
. as wide Y fundamenta 1 change iritual progress, WI the probable resu
tn you . th
. 't occurs at a time that is beyond the normal life expectancy. hiS ITa fl nhyOU make a
d and eva luate your sp

:'''' :~e i~:::e

"""'~i1icantc m~"
Pluto Conjunct Midheaven tu,n 01 objecbv", , 1o"" o",,,ting bohind ,I<
f yo
at" Impo".nt t"mit th.t w;II .ff.,,, the entl" cou". 'nd dl,,,,"on.
life and what you will actually accomplish . It is also a rather lono tr ,I'· ,," 0' ,y~'
rle di,ection, It m.y beth. u. ch.n" '0 e,,,"
w'" 01, wIll ",V, yo The eopl, wod"",
whose effects will be manifested over a perIod of up to two years.
° , • .n.t, "., 01 you, '" p,ob.bly ." no. :"Ong you, lellow wo'k";, h.p.,!'n '0 lit Into •
In leT which yOU
scenes, ower for m
aking changes. a
lan, or you may JUS
The rent,,1 I~ue
he" I, youdUe dkoc';on, Whm.", you goIng' Wh" .... You dOl .., ~onol p 011 m.y have ,hi, oppo"..,'y, h
How". you goIng .bout '" Th" " • "me of v",o,ou, >c,u'my when You wHi pe your sta nce that presents
e beh reers, but usually t e
p,oMly ex.mlno eveiy,lUng th., you h. ve don. with you, Ufe up untH now 'nd a,k • on
hang d circurn . lve a change . . obs or even ca
. tn I
n~b" of qu"Uo." FI,,,, do you ....IIy feel ,ru., wh., you h.v. been doIng I, V.Ildl
h' process m
ay mvo
nt situatIOn.
Don', 'IUnk ,oldy In '''m, of you, job, .lthough 'h" I, m"lnlY.n Impo".n, "'" of etimes
e t IS 1 e in your prese . ed t increasing YOUT
,h. qu",lon, M.ny peopI.', true vo«o,lon con';", of wh" 'hey con,ld" b. "'0 Sh°tnng will take p ac
" I 'n you,
personal life also, altn a'mmediate living
' e you" h
avocation. For example, Sir Isaac Newton's actual job for many years Was With the
yo~ ".,on'~'hiP'
hanges taking P ac.e I oals. You may Improv At the same time t .ere
Engl.nd, H"tudled "'.n"" IU, "u. vOCaUon, on the 'Ide, .Ithough IU, But n
f 'h'" "e c p""uing hi. glo, p,.fe,;,ion.1 with you' l.m,ly,
mint a great deal of time.
fectiveness I hange residence st intimate relatlo
' "ven c " you, mo N
conditio'" ° obo",/ln"""'y m Ithln you, mInd, .w
SocOnd, .... the m.. ", you u,ed been appmp,I"e to you, end, .nd to you, OWn
will be more ern .. han es taking place w. the way you thmk
Inn" beIng' I'.n e"'emely Impo""" qu",lon, With Pluto, wh" I, ....ul ...d I, . flection of the posItive c urf!ce and transfonm.n g ces are reactivated

prQe"~,, ~IY
not just success; it must be won properly. If you have had to Violate the rules of Your This process IS a re res are corning to the s . ted with past expenen hance to get rid of
game in order to win, this transi t is likely to bring you .crashing down in failure. And psychological
b olten ,",obon, ."o:'"lully, Thi' can b. : .nd with I",
.ven U tlU, d""n't h.ppen Immedl".ly, don" feel tru.t you gotten aWay with it, out yourself. UI ff t your life very po d to live more r
aat this time,
. w hich a ec
lexes from your past an
boc.... th;, eIIoct 01 the Ir'n,it <onUnu" " long" Plu,o I, In you, n"al tenth ho... ,
p,ychological comp , I b king to lullill Y'"
You, '''pon,. to thl, t,.",it d'pends on you, a"we" to 'h. above qu"Uo"" II you
dl",ov" th" you". not IuIlIII;ng you, t,u. caII;ng In you, wo,k 0, ano,h" a"a,
cumpu/'ion, " ,"ou"" m f/",no\, :~ • po,lbon to, h.l~
Pluto will bring In",o"bI'Io",,, '0 the ,u,Iac. tru., wIll drive you ou, 01 you, P""n' You may have to ee
current plans. Fd
1 k to other people
to do so,
ly in making changes
ther people may I d domestic !tfe 0
in your persona an
Position. You may leave voluntarily, or you may be forced out by being fired or laid you ou t tremen ous
off, II 'IU, happe.., Ie, you, Inn" leeIln., guIde you In an .nUrely n.w dlrec,lon, in your career.

II you have been on ,h. P,ope, cou.... all ,h". Yea", 'h~ '"n'it wIll give you. Pluto Square
r actions stir up resistancel!:so~ves
ar~ ~f
massive push to SUCceed. Only watch out that Your push doesn't arouse too much 1 ot to let you to change peop f it yOU
°PP°,;,;on hom .bov. 'h" <ould ,low you down , Th. 10"'" '" 100" by a Plu,o
,,,"", ' " oI"n v.", dl/fIeol' '0 handl., AI,o b. C"eiul abou, b"aklng ,be ,.1" 01 ,h. Try to avoid ac I l'11 not comp~
Allhi, bm. you fng in w'Y' ,h.t '0~1"
have to be carefu n a that you
.,,11, W,thou with .n .W" " 'm'"
out t even being aware 0 I
ertain objectiVes people and rnay

game as mentioned above, for this can destroy your efforts. h b its and that you wd by achievtng c 1 This is what scares
a bsesse f our goa .
m.y become ° "Ignif/can" ° y p,oom 0'

~hem you.~
II you have been on the 'Ight co",,, bu, have not been going about it ,h. ,igb, way,
you will make big changes in the way you pursue your goals.
,.po"ion '0 'h

wo,k aga>n" Y
ri.n" thl' kind 01
may expe ou against your
'::ll" I,om oth'" t",t th."
To. ",tain:;'t
nscious of \\ d indeed It
Whaleve, .1" happen,wnow, the,. wIll be many I"g. chang" In you, IiI., dearing the the other hand YOtUmpt to change yyou to become very cfo change. Ant yOU don't
n ay at e . forces h sures or ad J
U'", :1'rcumstances m because It
If against t e pres b for Ihe go '
way 10, you to Iollo YOtU P'ope, lIfe co Ther. may be ,lgnIlIcant chang" positive encounter'n defend the changes can e
CO",","lng you, IamIly 0, that t.....endously aifeet you, own Hie, Thl"8' or d 'ng so that you ca ill change,
iso:nevitable that you w

W.lste all your e nerg,e.
'11 htry'
Plall('ts ill Trall sit

'ng to fight them . Your whole con eption of Yours If
nge .md in m.lny WJYs you WI'11 be ,1 new pers n afte and

f great The effects

our perso
change In Y of this transit ca
Midhea ven

n vary great y,
d a time of great mner
nal and family life ani but it is alway an


in lite WI c ,1 ,

er this
. is J 1C3 °chang .
. chological effects from your
. I ·e ' articu/arly likely to change 111 some reSJrd . Any tenSions in
'fI"S 110\08 ns it . counter certain psy . with your parents. your
domest'c Ire 15 P
) our. I nd faml'1 y j Ie.
.. d
"ill surface at thIS time, an you WI
'11 h YOur
ave to do om eth In<>
o P,yCorlilnl Ira leve I yOU may en rf your relationshiP family or heredity .
manta J D t hope that they will go away, because they won 't. But you d h C> irT'p 10gicai 'd early home I e, distant past of your ditionmg aftect
cho hOO d an the more strong con .
about them . . 0 tnocreate a whole new relationship out of your present ne if Yo aVe Ipe pSY r child ething from of early life have a holog mecha m.. ms
th opportu11lty 0 • . f h ' U are 01' I yOU som 'ences d the psyc ical . 'n
.e . to Face the challenge. Sometimes . these pre h SUTt$ or c I'ange are manif-t d Js -- or even t the expen . 0 understan . roblem:; that anse I
externa IIy. Yau may suddenly need rep'lITS onhyour f . house, or app lanCes
'0 e
may sudde n Iy ~0f1'1eIOwn'st5 knOW thand it is essential t ourself from neurotl~ p because the torces
break d own, an d as a result the physical healt 0 elt er you or your amily may suffer. r ychologl behavior, a 'n order to free y . ch understandmg, be observed
. a Iso a s'gn that changes are needed , so you should look very inten . ely fOr th e 5 on adult h' experience I . t yOU can gam sU rface, where they can
ThiS. IS I . •
liP eel bY t IS. this trans l find near t h e su
cause a f the d ifficulty . Perhaps you need to move . Sometimes thIS transIt coincid es creal Od Dunng e power u a
duI ho . UC h mor h
with a change of residence, which enables you to see what to do more eaSily becau e
your new surroundings reveal previously hidden proble~s. You need not expect a ~n yOU are m nallife will go thr(\ug
catastrophe with this transit by any means,. but. do not shrInk from. the chal/enge of wllh
. actl'on . . nl'fy that your perso
. t can slg h' gs come lnt(l existence.
change. Only in this way can you keep your Itfe vIgorous and chal/engIng. 11' I this transl nd new t m d lmatic MW .
rofound leve , h'n 5 pass away a , are much more r. mJjl,r
On a less P s certain t I g . but the changes divorce , death , .l h
Pluto Trine Midheaven eat changes a ens an the time, family, such as t nJme J few o~ t e
gr .o USly this happ h nges within your . on a building, 0 persnnJI and
Obvl reat c a . or repa Irs level vour .
During this time gradual changes will take place in your life that will make yOu mOre
There may b~:nce or the need for m;~in point is that at som.~ructed JI()n~ Iane:~neW
aware of the external and internal forces that make your life move in certain directions .
You will gain great psychological insight into yourself and others at this time, and YOu change of. re~~'ed by this transit. T~ed so that it CJn be rec~n~sychl1Iog1CJllev~1 bU~~r
changes slgm l o b e overhau e not only at t e . neW order In yl
will go below surface appearances to seek out the fundamental elements of any iSsue.
domestiC life n:~~sb~ liberated from th~h~:tis the time to ~u~I~J;ge, with unpleJ:~n~
This is also a time when you may gain power over others in some way, either in your
Often you nee fcal life as well. t to resist suC e releJsed thr()u~
our everyday prac I eople often attemPh point thJt they ar udden d.lmJge
personal or your professional life. You may be given the authority to direct a project
. J WJ~h.> 01 an l'P H
y l'f However, p d to suC a f J mJrTlJge, Pl -
or a group of people working together. However, you should be aware that you are personal Ie. . merely buil up the brt'<lkup 0
Its The energies . 'dent such as 'es of chJnge IS
acting as an agent of forces that transcend your own indiViduality , and that everything resu· fortunate mCi '. the energl
you do must be for the common good, or it will be to no avail. dramatiC or un rk And resisting ' t' very roots .
to property or the In:;ate your life from I 5
tunity to totally rege
Sometimes the power can take a form that has nothing to do with authority. It may be
that your own personality becomes powerful from within, making you a person of
moral influence. Without even being aware of the process yourself, you speak with A 'ccndant \I b'
Conjunct ' d ltherwisc , WI
wisdom and others heed what you say. People may be drawn to you, fascinated by Pluto . both inl1m.ttc ~n l win bong
' th others. eril,d 01 chJnli\c . he
relationshiPS W\:ty will under~o '1Ie~"l'd elements of l'Ur r~ifl' if
your energy and power. Of Course this confers the greatest possible responsibility upon
h · t'me yOU r
. d nf extreme cn~l~
you, because you can misuse this power, but the consequences for you would not ersona e"-nl'''' <' .' in y"u r
be good/ At t IS I d Your P ' otten unJ the
b' .t pl.'nll "
forme .
greatly trans very importa ilh. This may
n t bul
~er lorces Inlm yoursc .
l~\l' ~,'r
Ir llTl " r
."u I"
to light som~ll have to deJI W h'de c('ft.lln In may make it dl";lra . I ,",h \\',Ih
Under this transit you may choose to undergo psychotherapy or work with other h u WI . n ~ to I llCl' OI'W m lfl' In ' h
whic yo attempu th It t.lkl' P • nl in order tll !Iot't l I,'lll:h 1\,,1
mind-expanding disciplines in order to increase your self-understanding. you have been . .11 changes ~imil.\I· trt·.tIOll' tant that you get m<'fl' In
The psycholoShlCtherJPY or. a. ~ exlremdy ,"lpor
Yc 0 ' 1 II IS 'f
In your professional life you may feel that you have a very significant task to perform undergo pS . h Ihis Iran~1 . In "'1',,,1' I
eIf WIt
at this time, one that is far more important than your usual work. Yqu feel that your yours . lind yourseIf I al{.. tl' I", . "II'I II"'IIS hI th.ltf
work could transform the whole nature of your career, not only for yourself but for ourselfl '.1\ \evel. yOU may ore in the pasl bt'(,'JUSl' ) \ rf ! a'PC t, l'
Y \ psychologlch vC Chllse n to Isn table. Bul Ihe art' .1',l dJllllnaled
others in the same [ipld. You havp a much greater sense of purposp in your work than ure y h I yOU J h ise unaeeep 1/ enllrt \
On the P lilY t a k" or ot erW ed for a un le n{
usual. If you takp the time to communicate this in detail to others, you can be really persona T' or "wN only be suppress
your "eVI ic s can
effective. But if you assume that your insight is obvious and that everyone else sees hey were d their energ ' .. win surface.
t rsell. an .l t the energIes
what you spe, you will become isolated from thosp who could help, and therefore you yoU his trans
will be ineffective. Under t 521

Planets in Transit D not use It
. forpw~~noo~~n, ~a~
nt 0
·mpro ·ences later on .
re~;ce causf:~~Uyou reevaluat~
Th P ·th compulsive actions that are hard to unders tand S m and I US co to change your goals.
start WI I·f .h . Ira ertt of disastro experiences that to your
d e rocess may e that seem to take over your I e, WitI out any regard f Or nge
~tI hav~ other people rnay . different from any that you
fon Sometlm . es the compulsions iire so subt
. f e tha t You a re nO t a\VarYO Ur 3S old pro u rnay
consciousII mten I ·h h affect people around you ; m act YOu may only e e of
Psand en cO begin to rn~ve \Iow you to develop more
CO eriod yO unters wlth .n a direction qU1te fully and experience
ept t at t ey . nCO Un .rtS thiSrtce
them at a , exc d to you This can be very upsettmg, and You may f I ter
them when others. resp~nby
being victimIZe
some force, although the force is \Vi thin yo ee Ethal
I · h· h u. " en
Olln sta
. clIrt' d yoor
or3ls , art ed before.
life may. . turn Wln a
Thls 111
you are f d ·t·ons you can expect your re atlOns IPS to c ange consl.d
h best 0 con I J , I . h. erabl ide follOW dantly.
under t eencounter th e changes within. you
others . . A close re atlOns Ip such as maTriag e mayY have ore abon
undergo espeCla. IIy great changes at thiS tIme. life rt' Ascendant
Pluto Square .th others which may
ters Wl , h.
Often a tremen d ous P ower drive will surface during this transit, as yOu Suddenly \Vant intense encoun . h roblem is that t IS
·d sorne very
pr~:\;~ortant relation:~p;:~ ~~~: ~;:a~h
I f . . your life . T e p . tant
to take contro 0 everything around you .. You Iared not content to be subject t0 an

;':~y "an ~entle in its effedsi :ne such" m..,iat; .s i~ ..... t d;fHculty
sit usually
sfo feel that each .of a
outSI e power or to anyone else's will.. ThiS .canh ea you
·d breakb away from many
cort'p. e is not alway~ lly a close persona e A relationship t a lS though you don't
. .
restnctlOns th a t your life has been subJect to m t e past.h lS can
. . e very good , b u t.It fhi' ,,"
can a Iso be dangerous, of course. The worst way to andle It IS to not admit it t0
tTI tionships, va1 tha t gives y~u
If E perience has shown that if you do not acknowledge Plutonian energies anslt especla little peac . I ther even I a
yourse . from
x h ·11 .h , life may end a toge ' oving irrevocab Y to
someone the outside is attracted w 0 . WI. .
act wIt power and even violence Te a d f uphea . f ction 111 your . h · seems to b em . h. will replace

~ s~,. YO~;o ~s
toward you. Granted, you may stir up OpposItIOn by tryIng to take control, but that is perio 0 utlived ltS un h t if a relatIOns lp New rela tIOns IpS d th and
odhat has ou can be t : fo,. new life fo, is th, symbol of tim"
:o~structive ~l
better than being surprised by an external agent.
want It t:. that it is rnaking purpose . our relationshlPs at th
The best tactic with all of these Plutonian effects is to recognize them and try to under_ close no nd serve a rnore ex eriencing throug y our mind and
stand how they fit into your personality. They are there for a reason, and if You rec ;. on which you are
the old P owerful effect u pon y you strive to
understood yourself thoroughly, you would see that they have a positive purpOse in resur 1 , h have a very P No matter h ow Ie are
life W 0 h Id over you . d Such peop
P'~~:~s, almost as if th',;u :eem to be h.ld bi;;', advan'ag' of ~;;;ing ,hi' qoire
your life, if you allow them to be expressed. Now is a chance to release these energies rnay enter your h ve a rnagical 0 invisible threa . kness OT fear
and make them a positive part of your conscious personality. Even if the effects of this
transit are a bit difficult, the final purpose is positive. em pe their influence, y bconscious complex, ou. They may even within you that
esc a u by a su d to coerce y the comp lex eone
holding onto yo. this knowle ge ubconscious as f you is giving som
Pluto Sextile Ascendant within yOU
inadvertent y,
~ndt~:i~tnowledg. maYt~~:: ;ou
It is importan
I,,,n wha~~;'::lpabl' h' o'~::::d
n no matter er your wea
This is a time of positive change and opportunity in your life . You have the chance to gives them the powte~iame the other ~;~S~thers yOU will uncov
remake and reform all your relationships so that they will serve your purposes better. this power . Do
n~ power struggles WI d rhanded or
You may also change or reform the life of someone close to you, because in all of your h apparen t to un e Is
relationships you are exerting more power and haVing a stronger than usual effect T roug d I with them . f I not to resor I h t their goa
learn how to ea I be very care u thlessly or fee t a t forces in
upon others. This means that you have a great responsibility to use this power well eople act r~ d of attitude can se
:-'lthp~uto .so~:;. thiSI:l~egative c71~;~hern
. ther peop e, uences .
and not just for your own narrow ends. Whatever you do to change the life of another In an dealings makes But in their to
must help them as welJ as yourself.
subversive tactlcs. that will attaIn 01 and ex treme relationships, if you a
. means contT in your
justlfy any difficult to I breakdown nd neW
Contacts with friends and daily associates become more significant at this time. Out of m o tion that are I d to a tota . .th new hopes a ~ey are
your everyday environment, where you would least expect it, a very intense relation- can ea h. transIt WI but til
These forces n after t IS ' t be pleasant, counter
ship may emerge that will change the lives of you both. This could be a love affair, begin .
s yOU
w perso
will be a ne ke yOU to
that ta
t~at int may no
po harge right in and ge
do 15 to c
t the en
but it is more likely to be a Powerful friendship. Whatever it is, in this relationship you In rna~y w~~e encounte~e best thing to
will encounter each other at a very deep level of emotion. And you will also encounter potentlals·to yoor life. T ossibl e .
aspects of yourself that you have kept hidden for years. The most important factor in
such a relationship is that it allows you to develop much more of yourself than you
necess~~~ as quickly as p . scendant ortunity to be
over w Pluto Trine A have the opp both to some
ha.. ever known was the..., Th.... is as much po t.n tial 10' you to b. changed thmugh .
. your relations h·ps You ·11 be
1 p' bab1y you W I
a significant relationship as there is for you to change a relationship. h nge In . t of them . ro
. e of creative c a or the obJec
'"'"hiS is a tim t of the chartg es
I the agen
lind" this t"n,it YOU could gain a Position 01 au thon ty amon, you, I.llow wo,k." 0' either
amon, friends, as in a club or Social group. The best way to use this power would be as fxtent.

Planets in Transit
On the one hand you may experience an increase in person~I power with this transi t
YOU WI'11 have the chance to exert an influence on others eJlher because you ar . .
I 'b . . fl e In a
position of some power or because your own ~er5?n.a .VI ration In uences people and
. I'ves As with other Pluto transits, It IS Important to !Jse this po we f
ch anges th e1r I . d II r Or
t he power of Pluto does not a apt we to purely e<> .

the generaI goo d , for oOlstic
purposes .

During this transit you will seek a higher quality and grea~e~ intensity in all YOUr
experiences . Yare
ou no t even remotely attracted to superficial qualities ' either In
people or in experiences. You need to feel with every ounce of your emotion that every
encounter changes you at the deepest core of your being.

To this end you may draw people to you ,:"ho are very intense an d w~o have a very
str ong effect upon your mind. However, With the tnne these relatIOnships are usually
quite constructive rather than difficult. Even under the best. of conditions, some of
wha t y ou learn about yourself may not be very pleasan t un til y ou lea rn to accept it,
but it usually isn 't so bad, even if you think it is .

Under any circumstances the overall effect of these encounters is to broaden your self-
understanding and increase your capacity for complete self-expression.

There ma y be changes in y our life at this time, and your relationships may be con-
siderably altered, but this is only so that you may experience a regeneration that will
keep your life from becoming stale and dead .

Pluto Opposition Ascendant

Your intimate one-to-one relationships, such as a marriage or other personal relation-
ship, partnership and close encounters with friends and enemies , will be greatly
affected by this transit .

In marriage. pressures will surface that indicate that you and your mate need to
consider making significant changes in your relationship . Perhaps you have been
reluctant to face the forces at work between you, afraid that discussing them would
cause a blow-up . And it probably would, but a blow-up is not always a bad thing in
a relationship . Now it will become especially urgent that you both lay your cards on
the table and work out all the problems in your relationship that are bothering either
of y o u. Otherwise the pressure may build to the breaking point. This transit can cause
a marriage to break up, if you do not face your problems honestly .

Very often this transit does not affect the marriage itself but brings about an encounter
be tween y o u and someone who will be very important to you, someone who may
literally transform your life. This may he someone in a professional capacity, such as a
p sychiatris t. who will help you learn what is making it difficult for you to live the wa y
y ou want to. Or it may be a friend who affects you more strongly than most.
Unfo rtun a tely i t may also signify a struggle with an enemy who is particularly
powerful a nd disrupts your life. However, even in a confrontation with an enemy there
is potential fo r positive change.

Harmonics, theory of, 13-15
Addey, John, 13,.14 Hindu astrology, 14
Ie of separatIOn, 24-26 Horoscope, natal, xi, 6, 7, 35, 36
~:endant, transiting aspects to, 89-91; House relationships, theory of. 13,
127-129; 174-176; 212-214;
259-262; 310-314; 365-368;
Houses, symbolism of, 19
419-422; 470-474; 521-524
Aspectarian, mechanical, 28 Illness, meaning of, 6-7
Aspects, major, 3, 14 Indeterminacy of timing, 24
minor, 3, 14, 27-29 Inner-planet transits, function of. 23,
compound, 28 27
Astral Guide, 7 Intentions, meaning of. 5, 7
Astrology, purpose of, 3
Astrology as fortune-telling, 3 Jupiter, transiting, 263-314
Average orb, 24-26,30,37 aspects of. 274-314
how to calculate, 25-26 in houses, 266-274
significance of. 265-266
Biquintile, meaning of, 29
Bradley, Donald, 31 Karma, 5
Butterfield, Herbert, 41
Locality chart, 40-41
Carter, Charles, xi Lunar returns, xi, 29
Computer, transits calculated by, 7, 44
Conjunction, meanings of. 11, 14-15, Mars, transiting, 215-262
19,20 aspects of, 226-262
Cycle of aspects, 16-18 in houses, 218-225
significance of, 217-218
Davison, R.C., 4 Mercury, transiting, 131-176
Dean, John, 39, 41 . ' 0
aspects of. 140-176
planetary positions at reSIgnatIOn, 4 In houses, 133-140
SIgnificance of, 133
Directions, xi, 3 Midheaven, transiting aspects to, Jo-
role of. 4 86-89; 125-127; 171-174 : 2 365 ,
Dobyns, Zipporah, xii. 5 16-18 212; 256-259 ; 307-310; 362- ,
DynamiC cycle approach, 13, 521
416-419; 467-470 ; S18-
Midpoint transits, 23, 26
Eclipse, transiting, 27,32 24 Midpoints, 26, 38
Events, prediction of. 4, 23, how to calculate, 2b-27
meaning of, 4-7 Moon's node, 3
Halfsum, 26, 27
Planets in Transit

SemisextiJe, 18
° °na 93-129 meaning of, 28
Moon , trans1tl .""
aspects of, 101-129 Semisquare, 18 , 25
in houses, 96-101 meaning of, 28
significance of, 95-96 Senate Watergate committee, 39, 42
Septile, meaning of, 28, 29
Natal aspects, ~n:portance, xii, 13, 35 Sesquiquadrate, 18, 25
Neptune, transItIng, 423-474 meaning of, 28
aspects oE, 434-474 Sex tile, meanings of, 15, 16, 18, 19 , 20
in houses, 426-434 Sirica, Judge John , 39
significance oE, 425-426 Square, meanings of, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20
symbolism of, 35 Solar arc directions, 4
Nixon, Richard Mo, 30, 33-44 Solar returns, xi , 29, 30
locality chart, 41 Stationary transiting planet,
natal chart, 36 importance of, 32
resignation speech chart, 43
timing of fall from power, 40 Sun, transiting , 45-91
aspects of, 55-91
Numbers, symbolism, of, 14-15
in houses, 48-55
Numerology, 14
significance of, 47-48
Orb of aspect, xi , 24-26
Opposition, meanings of, 11, 15, 17, 19, Timing, astrological , xi
transit timing, 21-32
Outer-planet transits, function of, 23, Transits, as symbols of intentions, 4-7
as tests, 12
definition of, 3
Planets, meanings of, 13 difficult, 11 , 12
Pluto, transiting, 475-524 easy, 12, 13
aspects of, 486-524 experience of, 4
in houses, 478-485 inner-planet, 23
significance of, 477-478 interpretation of, 9-20
Precession correction, xii, 29-31, 38 outer-planet, 23
table of, 31 simultaneous, 23
Prediction , methods of, 4 timing of, 21-32
Progressions, xi , 3, 4, 5 triple, 31-32, 38
role of, 4 use of, 6
Psychological change, prediction of, 4
events as, 6, 7 Uranus, transiting, 369-422
Psychological approach, xii, 3, 7 aspects of, 381-422
in houses, 371-381
Quincunx, 18 significance of, 371
meaning of, 29
Quintile, meaning of, 29 Venus, transiting , 177-214
aspects of, 185-214
Rudhyar, Dane, xii, 13, 16 in houses, 180-185
significance of, 179-180
Saturday N ight Massacre, 42, 43
Saturn , transiting, 315-368 Watergate break-in, 30, 33-44
aspects (If, 326-368 planetary positions at, 37
in houses, 3]8-326 White house tapes, planetary positions
significance of, 3J 7-318 at disclosure of, 41

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