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 What have you studied?

I have studied mechanic engineering at Los Andes University. In fact, I’m in the last
months of my career right now.

 What are you studying now?

Right now I’m study mechanic engineering, it is a career that includes to many fields of
study, such as heat transfer, thermodynamic, mechanic design, fluids mechanic,
science of the materials etc.

 What have been your motivations to study?

I love my career and what a mechanic engineer is capable to do. I want to be a great
professional, I want my parents and my brother to be proud of me. All of they have
supported me throughout these years

 Do you plan to study anything else? Why or why not?

I would like to do a postgraduate course about boiler or refrigeration field. It
would improve my career too much

 What do you want to do professionally speaking in the next three years?

First, I want to get a job in one of the biggest enterprises in Venezuela to get
experience and improve my skills. Then in 3 years, I plan to go away to a developed
country and work for recognized company and maybe within 10 years to have my

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