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Docente: Brayan Smelyn Contreras Sierra

Asignatura: English I
Alumno: Libny Joshevelth Mazariegos
Número de Cuenta: 122390086
Fecha: 07/06/2022
Campus: UCENM – La Entrada

Exercise 7

Write an interrogative and a negative sentence.

1. This house is very nice.

Interrogative: Is this house very nice?
Negative: This house is not very nice.

2. Peter and Jean are doctors.

Interrogative: Are Peter and Jean doctors?

Negative: Peter and Jean aren’t doctors.

3. These are plumbers.

Interrogative: Are they plumbers?

Negative: They aren’t plumbers.

4. My mother is very tall.

Interrogative: Is my mother very tall?

Negative: My mother is not very tall.

5. The horse is in the street.

Interrogative: Is the horse in the street?

Negative: The horse isn’t in the street
6. We are technicians.
Interrogative: Are we technicians?
Negative: We are not technicians.

7. This is an excellent student.

Interrogative: Is this an excellent student?

Negative: This isn’t an excellent student.

8. I am 10 years old.

Interrogative: Am I years old?

Negative: I am not 10 years old.

9. Helen is English.

Interrogative: Is Helen English?

Negative: Helen isn’t English

10. She is very happy.

Interrogative: Is She very happy?

Negative: She is not very happy.

Exercise 8

Answer the questions with negative short answers and then write an
affirmative sentence about the picture. Follow the model

Is He a doctor?
No, he is not. (No, he’s not/ he isn’t)
He is a clown
Is she a business woman?
B No, she’s not
She’s a ballerina

Are they pilots?

No, they’re not.
They are surgeons.

Is he a policeman?
No, he’s not.
He is a firefighter

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