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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 2, January-February 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Practical Issues of Marketing of Construction Services

Usmanov I. A.
Professor, Samarkand State Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Usmanov I. A.

This article discusses a number of specific aspects related to the "Practical Issues of Marketing of
organization of marketing in construction practice, without which it Construction
is difficult to talk about effective marketing activities. The Services" Published
developments of domestic scientists and analysis of foreign literature in International
Journal of Trend in
show that there are many issues that need to be resolved when
Scientific Research
organizing marketing activities in construction companies. and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD49188
KEYWORDS: Enterprises, construction, market, development,
6470, Volume-6 |
industry, factor, efficiency, process Issue-2, February 2022, pp.92-94, URL:

Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The management of modern enterprises is unthinkable is characterized by a large number of participants and
without market activity. Through the example of local a variety of their interests. At the same time, the needs
businesses, we see that marketing-based organization of investors, customers, designers, builders and users
of production has become a daily activity. Today, in construction products will differ. Moreover
regardless of the organizational and legal form of the
The results of the investment and construction process
enterprise and the type of economic activity,
will be of interest to many government, financial and
marketing is the key to success. At the same time,
market structures. In this regard, we believe that the
taking into account the specifics of the industry in the
essence of marketing in the construction industry
development and application of marketing theory is a
should be viewed from different angles.
key factor affecting its effectiveness.
The main interest of the investor in the marketing
There are a number of specific aspects related to the
function, the marketing philosophy is to ensure
organization of marketing in construction practice,
targeted capital allocation and the effectiveness of the
without which it is difficult to talk about effective
investment project. Based on this, the main content of
marketing measures. The developments of domestic
marketing activities is an accurate assessment of the
scientists and analysis of foreign literature show that
potential of the investment market and the search for
there are many issues that need to be resolved when
marketing solutions in the direction of capital.
organizing marketing activities in construction
companies. In this article, we felt it necessary to dwell As the legal representative of the investor, the
on some of these issues. customer will have to choose the most optimal
investment and construction scheme as a result of
Speaking about marketing in construction, it is
researching the construction market to protect their
necessary to focus on the tasks of marketing in this
interests and carry out the necessary marketing
area, that is, what should be the essence and main
activities to bring the project to a material object.
directions of marketing in the investment and
construction process? The design organization takes an active part in
studying the market for architectural solutions when
It is known that the investment and construction
materializing an investment idea in the investment
process is a complex and multifaceted process, which

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49188 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 92

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
process and creating a construction object suitable for if only a limited number of organizations bid and meet
the customer, and therefore focuses on studying the certain requirements?
properties of construction products. ... Analyzing the role of marketing in creating a
The marketing activity of a construction company on competitive advantage, first of all, it is necessary to
the market is manifested in two main forms: meeting promote the possibility of in-depth knowledge of the
the needs of the customer and the designer and construction market. Only the marketing information
maintaining and expanding its market positions in a system allows you to see the state of the market in the
highly competitive environment. In the first form, construction organization. At the same time,
marketing activities are the basis for concentrating marketing solves the problems of classifying existing
production capabilities on the product, and in the and potential customers, searching for new solutions
second form, they include the sale and promotion of with design organizations according to the properties
construction products. of objects, highlighting significant quality marks of
construction products. In addition, the role of
It can be seen that in the investment and construction
marketing knowledge and methods in the
process, both marketing entities and objects can have
development of an optimal pricing policy in the face
different views and different interpretations. However,
of changes in the pricing system in construction is
marketing is of particular importance for construction
invaluable. Based on this, the development of
organizations, which are the most active participants
marketing services in construction is an urgent task for
in the construction market.
the industry.
So, what is the role of a construction organization's
What are the functions of a marketing service in
marketing activities in the investment and construction
construction? Answering this question, it is necessary
chain and to what extent should marketing be applied
to pay attention to the features of construction
in it? If you analyze the construction market, you can
processes. Unlike relationships in other areas,
see that it is highly regulated, unlike other product
perceptions of the final form of a construction product
markets. Taking into account the functional and
may vary among the participants in the investment
technological specifics of the construction product, a
process. It turns out that the functional properties of
high level of specialization of construction
the finished object are evaluated differently by the
organizations can be clearly traced. Today we see that
customer and the user. Marketing services have a
mainly small enterprises work in construction, their
positive effect on filling these gaps, better meeting
material and technical base, labor potential of
consumer needs, and applying new architectural
employees and economic relations of the organization
solutions, materials and technologies. Another reason
are adapted to the same construction projects. To join
for the development of marketing services in
the ranks of universal construction organizations, they
construction is the opportunity to show trends and
must have large production capacities and be
prospects for real sectors of the economy.
technically armed. So, Competition in the construction
market is carried out in separate narrow segments. One of the tasks of organizations in organizing
Accordingly, marketing activities in construction marketing activities is to reduce the cost of these
organizations are mainly aimed at achieving activities and adapt them to the existing management
competitiveness in a particular segment. system.
so the competition in the manufacturing sector will be Based on the foregoing, the question arises of how and
fierce. From this we can conclude that the main focus in what structures it is advisable to organize marketing
in the marketing activities of construction activities in construction companies.
organizations should be on issues related to In our opinion, it is difficult to find an unambiguous
competitors, product quality and pricing. In today's and unambiguous answer to this question, because any
fast-paced world, the principles and methods of enterprise has its own characteristics, which are the
international competition are also infiltrating the basis for its separation from others. However, in
construction industry, and therefore it becomes natural general, based on the characteristics of the
for marketing to infiltrate organizations. construction industry, the following recommendations
Our next question is about the benefits of marketing to can be made.
a construction organization, i.e. does the organization 1. The organization of the marketing service must be
need to do marketing? The emergence of this issue is consistent with the marketing strategy and policy
associated with the specifics of the procedure for of the organization, ie. It will not be effective if it
concluding transactions in the construction market. is created on behalf of the service;
Will a wide range of marketing activities be effective

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49188 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 93

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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