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Each season of the year is so beautiful in its own unique way.

Think of which is your favorite: winter,

summer, autumn, spring or monsoon. Think of what it look like during that season. What does it feel
like? Are there some smells, sights or tastes specific to it?

I like spring season because the season of spring also marks the emergence of
flowers and the breeding of animals. The chirping of the birds in the early
mornings and the buzzing of the bees in the night become very soothing and
calm after a long winter's silence. The beauty of watching a butterfly hop from a
flower to another in the gardens is wonderful. During this time, the skies appear
clear and the wind is cool and refreshing, creating a peaceful atmosphere
everywhere. A variety of flowers bloom in the spring season. The most important
flowers in this season are roses, tulips, daisies, lilies, and hyacinths. This is also
a season when we get an abundance of/ fruits and vegetables. We are able to
enjoy them in the freshest way. Branches of mango trees blossom with mango
blossoms. All living things appear lively, including humans. 

The beauty of this season brings happiness and joy all around and makes my
mind very creative and gives energy to the body to start work full of confidence. I
go out on short trips or long vacations during this season. I enjoy picnics and play
around. This season is perfect for hiking and nature walks.

As a whole, spring is the most beautiful season everywhere. As a result, spring is

filled with joy and happiness. The season is associated with love, hope, youth,
and growth. It is a season for a variety of activities. This time of the year has the
most pleasant weather. The king of all seasons, this time of year includes so
many activities. It is indeed known as the king of seasons.

Describe an outdoor scene during your favorite season of the year through
any form of poetry?

Spring. Spring is coming soon

Grass is green and flower bloom

Birds returning from the south

Bees are buzzing all about

Leaves are budding everywhere

Spring. Spring is finally here

The fields are rich with daffodils

A coat of cover cloaks the hill

And I must dance and I must sing

To see the beauty of the spring

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