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Most reverend Achen, Respected Teachers and all my dear friends greetings in the name

of loving triune God.

We all like fruits very much. Fruit is a very positive word, for it brings to mind the images
of delicious and tasty food we enjoy. God started the world with a very healthy
environment, for the basic food was fruit in the garden of Eden. Fruit is basic to the good
health of the body. The Bible ends with fruit as the key food also, for in the book of Rev.
we see the Tree of Life, and it bears twelve kinds of fruit-one for each month of the year.
If the Bible begins and ends with fruit, that ought to be a good clue as to what a healthy
diet is in the eyes of God.

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is a biblical term that sums up nine attributes of a person or
community living in accord with the Holy Spirit, according to chapter 5 of the Epistle to
the Galatians: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." The fruit is contrasted with the works of the
flesh which immediately precede it in this chapter. Let us look deep in to the topic Fruit of
Holy spirit & Spiritual growth.

The Greek word ‘karpos’ translated as “fruit” refers to the natural product of a living thing.
Paul used “fruit” to help us understand the product of the Holy Spirit, who lives inside
every believer. The fruit of the Spirit is produced by the Spirit, not by the individual. The
Greek word is singular, showing that “fruit” is a unified whole, not independent
characteristics. As we grow, all the characteristics of Christ will be manifested in our lives.

Yet, like physical fruit needs time to grow, the fruit of the Spirit will not ripen in our lives
overnight. Like a successful gardener must battle against weeds to enjoy the sweet fruit
they desire, we must constantly work to rid our lives of the “weeds” of our old sin natures
that want to choke out the work of the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit gives us the power we need to reject those old sinful desires. We can say
“no” to sin and accept the “way out” God faithfully provides as it is said in 1 Corinthians
10:13. As we give the Spirit more control of our lives, He begins to do in and through us
what only He can do - to shape us and grow us to look like Jesus .
Romans 8:29 suggests that God wishes all His children to be like Jesus. The Holy Spirit
constantly works to rid our lives of the “acts of the sinful nature” (Gal 5:19) and display
His fruit instead. Therefore, the presence of the “fruit of the Spirit” is evidence that our
character is becoming more like Christ’s.

Paul uses 9 characteristics to describe the fruit of the Spirit in the book of Galatians. The
Fruits of the Spirit are actually superior to the Gifts of the Spirit. The point Paul is making
is that the Gifts of the Spirit need to be under the direction of the Fruit of the Spirit. IN 1
Corinthians 13 he makes it clear by stating that without love, all that you have is null and
void. Being comes before doing. Being Christ like has to do with character and not just
conduct. The Fruits focus on character and the inner being and not just on conduct and
outward behavior
We should keep in mind that the Fruit of the Spirit are available to all who believe in Lord.
So many of God's people feel they have no gifts, or certainly none that are spectacular. But
Paul makes it clear that nobody is second class when it comes to the Fruit. The gifts are
like body parts. The eye has the gift of seeing, the ear the gift of hearing, the feet the gift
of walking, and so on. Each has a specialized function that the other members of the body
may not have. But the Fruit of the Spirit are for all members of the body, equally.
No Christian can say that they do not have the capacity to love, feel joy, have peace, etc.,
like other Christians. Remember, these are not our fruits, as if we could produce them by
our own efforts. They come to us by the working of the Holy Spirit in us. Our task is to
open up our lives and let Him work. It is a matter of submission and surrender so that He
can change us from within.

May I conclude my humble words. Having the Holy Spirit with us means having power to
be a witness. The work of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life is an on-going process of
becoming holy through sanctification. Let us throw away all the deceits and treacheries in
our lives. Let us live in this world with the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit who is with in
us. May God bless us all abundantly . Thank you

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