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Nama : Muhammad Takbir

Kelas : A Pendididikan Matematika 2021

NIM : 2105046028

How to name a line?

1) Named line in one point.

2) Named line in another point.

Describe this matematics object in at list four sentences using angle, vertex, and side!

1. B angle between side a and side b.

2. If side a and side c connected by side, that object is triangle.
3. The point between side a and side c form an b angle or acute
4. If a side pull from point b to between side a and side c, that if 2
angle add up then the sum is equal to the first angle.

How many kind of angles do you know?

1. Acute angle, characteristic angle is less than 90 degrees.

2. Obtuse angle, characteristic angle is between 180 degrees and 0 degrees.
3. Right angle, characteristic angle is 90 degrees, side one with side two perpendicular.
4. Straight angle, characteristic angle is in the form of a straight line, the angle is 180 degrees.
5. Reflex angle, characteristic angle is between 180 degrees and 360 degress.

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