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SICILIAN LIMES ope none st iva yon Stier (ager "Lami Sica by Lag Pel) ‘Nish Dominik Argento sees: Now Vr Nea iy Oper, 1104958 Gs icc Brain a hn sin Gri) Tet re Sc taNarisa ss rsp) Feednan baleen Dorin ai pron Tay -Alarge cy ‘Scrsndktoon of larg expensive apartment Allie rightsomontat thee ache nrkuble Salon the wally shebs and Genter aparon and recess forthe door Teaing othe dn Ashi door pens an loss the able canbe een chy et nd gies cy cane, arse "the lf dovnitag the savant Ung table of nshed wood. gains the ef val cls ‘The back enrance tothe partment in through a door totheeareme ight The room i luminted y shaded elec tights and over the dnng able, ya hanging lap Scqusvtaves SKCENEONE™= Doria and Fenituanda, ‘The two servants are seated at «table, Ferdinando is trying to explain a cand game to Dorina. He isin shirt-sleeves, ‘ul has oy to pon sachet to Be recy fo serve Dorina is wearing a black wuform with white qpron Curtain Ferdinando -Don't get excited all very simple you'd only pay attention Darina -Don't get excited Fmsureits simple you'd only be calm and explain it all Step by sep. Ferdinando -Hov do you except me to explain you're thinking of fixing the ables and mixing he drinks? Darina - How d you except me to lem if you shout at me? How anyone can live with you Is something [il never understand! Ferdinando - You understand so litle that does't surprise me! Darina - How don’t get excited all very simple Try itagain Ferdinando We're at east another hour before we hae serve esall very simple [ie food. you'd ony pay attention Just follow the order of rules that I gave you. Diamonds and Spades, and Hears and Clibs reall the same inorder of im Dorina - But Hears are sot of ice o have around Ferdinando Pay attention’ Allthe suits must together Starting from the scale oftheir importance ‘Ace, Deuce, Trey, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King Dorina - Ace, Deuce, Trey, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Bight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, Kini Ferdinando ~The objects to gta set of five ‘The points are won according to the card; IT should havea st of five And if Dorina- And ifthe cards you have are sits the se as ine. Ferdinando - Now you've git The value of remaining cards decides ‘Who gets the pins ina particular hand, Do you think you understand? Dorina - Well, let's try it out, Ferdinando -isall\ery simple (sng the pack of ead Just pain logic, ‘You can‘ go wrong, Tilexplain the compicationsas we go along its cards; dang) (spoken) One, Two, Thee, Fur, Five, Six, Seven Eight Dorina(atung othe Jack of Heats) - He wouldn't so bad you his nose ere not so straight {hnow, Ferdinando = am nol supposed to know ‘What you're holding in your hand! Dorina - Don’ ge excied Wall very simple Ferdinando and Dorina- Life shouldbe as simpleas game of Ferdinando -Do you think you understand? fears {Sse py ey bio pl W's ur pla: hey begin to, Dea Mats oe Fernand Oh tat forget tel you: ‘That changes everthing Don't get excited Wsall very simple Dorina- sal very simple He tells me Don't gt excited Ferdinando - Things are jus the same as they were before Just ikea clock striking twelve Only now i's midnight Instead of noon ‘Things ar just the same as they were befor. Dorina -Ace, Dace, Tre, Four, Five, Si Ten, Jack, Queen, King Ferdinando - Ace, Deuce, Te, Four, Fi ‘ine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King Bat, his cad is fee He can be anything ‘You want hm tbe. Fhe Joker's along ‘arse anyting game can't go won [Evour oponet sth a en YH Teno on your guard He can ruin your game Bat things af the sume As they were before. Doyou tink you can do i Dorina- Wel thete'sno ham in tying (they begin to play) (le dorbel pes Fenda ges out ose i Dora Dols cat mse dni aise: heat from te pac, puts in a strategic place, looking very pl ‘ed Fodnand rims, clase tate) ‘ScENETWO-Dorna, Feninand, Mieuecia Dorina - Whois i? Ferdinando -Fello, ays he's related, to the Signor Dorina- What’ e doing at the back entrance? ‘Wha's isname? Ferdinando - You should see him! Sayshis name is eBonvicino, Micucio Bonvicino (Door opens slightly, Miuccio peers mond) ‘Micuecio -Excise me, Bonavino, Micuccio Banavin. (he clases the door again) Dorina-Let him in See what he wants, ws tm the Joker) Seven, Eight, Nine, Six, Seven, Eight, Bonavino enters) uecio io Fernando» Thank you (io Dorie) Thank you Dorina You sy that you're related tothe Signor? ‘Micuecio -Relaied” Not exactly related, ‘You se, I'm Bonavino, Micucio Bonavino, She'll know who Ian, Darina @ Fernard)- You can’ lt him in Ferdinando (io Dorina)-| thought he nasa teaive He asked for Aunt Mara. (do Micucco) Vm aftaid you can't stay here, my frend ‘Mieuecio -But have come allthis way justo see het Ferdinando - But you dan't go calling on people at this hou! “Micuccio- Wel what could do? Tel me, ‘What could do? ‘The train just came in Could tell it0 go faster? Go fstr fastest! faster Aininisa tan Itarnves when it arives Andit can't arive befor ‘Airain satan ‘You can tll horse go faster ‘Nowa horse you ca contol wih a whip ora rein, Buta tain sa train Now, witha woman. Butexcuse me, ‘That's something else again, vebeen traveling two days Darina You don't have toll us that! Ua. my friend, no offense! “Micuccio Heavens! [it that bad? How do Took? Ferdinando -Look here, you'd beter get out Come bac. “Micuecio -Get out? But where would Igo? Ferdinando -But she isat the theatre. Micuecio 1 wait Fl wait Ferdinando can't let you wait 1 don't know who you ae! “Mieuecio -Boravino, Micuecio Bonvino. Dorina - Bonavio, Micuccio Bonavino! Ferdinando -Bonavino, Micucco Bonavino! Now ook Mieueci=1'Il wait You'll see, Shel be so surprised to see me. Dorina He's been iaveling two dys, Hisname is Bonavin, Micuccio Banavino, ‘trans a tan, Shel be so surprised ose him. ‘You can't ara with him. Everything esas is ire! Look here there's doing io be a party tonight Ferdinando tremendous par! Dorina- Ob remendus party! Ferdinando An honorary dinnet! Dorina It wll nish at down! We hope! Ferdinando At dan, we hope! Mieuecio -Beter sill Fm sare that as soon as Teresina ses me Dorina You hea tha! “Teresina”, if yu please! Micuecio -And why not? Isn'thername Teresina? Isv'ishe the singer? Dorina - Right again! This fellows harp ‘You know her well then? “Mieuecio - Teresina? Teresina and | srew up together Ferdinando (o Doriia)- What shal we do? Darina - Oh, ft him wat Micuecio -Of course Il wait Tye come here Ferdinando Js take a seat Fm going to put he glasses out now then! | won't be so mised when all stat. (ie leaves) Mlcucco sis down cea ooks around) ‘Micuecio- The house, the igh, the table spread! ‘They live well you can see ta! Dorina- But look her, do you know ho Sina Mais ‘Micuecio Sina? Oh, Sinai her name now Yes, ofcourse Teresina, Sina. Ah es ‘And Aunt Mata wrote me that ‘Aunt Mara tllsme eventing Dorina- Waita minute! You're. “Mieuecio -Bonavino, Micuccio Bonaino, Dorina- Fey. Fedinando, you know who heist? Ferdinando -Don't tell mé again! Dorina- He isthe oe the mother always writes to The one sho wassoila while ago, ‘Micuecio Yes. ery very il alost dead Ferdinando (wisely) - Dead with candles lighted Darina - She sent him money ‘Micuecio 1 have it here Dorina- You brought it back? ‘Micuecio - We dont talk about it How ong wil hey be? Darina -Not long now Goal Imagine this evening Ferdinando Brava, brava! Encore, encore! Encore! “Micuecio She asa wonderful voice, Teresina Ferdinando fnsimaiog) - Ob, ys..even her. voie Micuec = Wel [ should know, twas al my doing Dorina- You discovered her voice? ‘Micuecio Yes you see, 'ma musician, Ferdinando (poten) - Nol ‘What do you play? A trombone? Micuctio -A trombone! No! A piccolo 1 playin the village band, twill be good now 1 wil be able to playin the orchestra Dorina -Oh., now Tundetstand Gon, tellus now discovered her voice. “Micuecio How discovered it? She was singing at the window. Ferdinando - So you, being a musician, right away: “Micwocio = No! not right aay. (Fenn laughs) Dorina - Shut up! Let him go on, ‘Micuecio -She song high up there Aner voice fell dow as soft as ime lowers fling ‘Avice rom heaven! ‘An age! she was (Quiet then, I chimibed the stairs ‘And took her hand, saying nothing, Tosee Saro Malai ‘An excellent miscian ‘Agreat maestro, Saro Malai ‘The leader of ou band His very good fiend. Oh, very great, great maestro So imagine my js! ‘When she sags ell or him ‘That he took Hern his ams And sido her sot ‘A voice fom heaven!» Inae eo Manuscript and music In spite of opposition ‘My parents wouldn't have it ‘Aunt Mara dit want it But Sao Malavit He know what he was doing He taught her how to sing { broke with ll of then ‘With my’ mother. father. ll of them. ‘And then a great maestro al the way from Naples Came to out town and beard my Teresina sing She sang 30 wel for him He took herin his arms And said her sofly Ttyyould bea crime If she couldn't come to Naples and leam how to sing 1 sold the farm my Unele had left me And sent her off ‘The est you know [Naples ad Rome. Rome and Milan. Russia and Spain England and France. For years Ihave not sen he, My Teresina, ‘And now Lam here Ferdinando - Well, my fiend, ifyou. Dorina - Wait a minute! Listen signor Micuocio, id you come to many Sina Marni? ‘Micuccio «am here Ferdinando Santa Marial! Dorina - Be quiet ‘You don’t know anything! twas an understanding, don’t you se. Is'tthat it, signor Miciccio? Micuecio-Isay nothing: AL say is am here af four years of waiting Dorina - But did Teresina ever write 0 you? Micuecio -Oh, ves none of Aunt Mara’ eters she put his in,.ust wait (Hl tates @ wor eater from his pooke hands to Darina) Dorina (reading it) «Dear Micaccio, [ don’t have time to write 0 you, ‘Lam confirming everything Mama says. ‘Take care of yoursel Get well soon, and love me Forever, Teresina.» (Had eter back to Micuevo) And do you? you love het? Miewecio ain fe lerter- Teresina? You make me laugh Lam here, (door bell rig) Ferdinando Here they come! Dorina- Are the glasses se” Ferdinando - Yes Dorina- Are the candles lighted? Ferdinando - No, not yet Dorina You go along ig te candes (Ferbiando tales jacket, throws it on, goes to auswer the door) Dorina - Wouldn't you know! | forgot the sou ‘What will she say? (calling after Ferdinando) Hey, Ferdinando, Make those drinks strong! ‘Where are the Matohes (o Micuecio) Look, st over there ‘You'll be out ofthe way: (Se rashes ut) (Throughout the begining of Scone I, until Ferdinando and Dox ‘na walkin ad ont ofthe room, passing with rays of dink, et.) Scent Tinee-Mieweio, Marta, Dorna, Ferdinando, ‘There is a pause. uit Marta enersin opera cloak. ‘Sie leas heavily agains the wal. When she sees Micuccio she isthrown into confusion. He does nok recognize her inmmedtel Marta enters) Micucio! Micuccio! ‘Micuccio- Aunt Mara! You, like that! ‘Marta - But here! Without letng us know! Tonight of al times! Heavens! ‘Wait ight here! Heavens! ‘What shall we da? What shall we do? ‘You se al the people are here! eves for ‘Te Bving apaty.. for Teresina ‘Wat. vat fete a mime! (e goes x) ‘Micuecio If you tink I ought io go away: (Marta doesn ear him) (Marta, without gloves hat, et. is more composed) Marta coming hack So ere am. ete am ‘Micuecio And Teresina? [she an ‘Marta -I told her you were bere, and she wil come ina Soon as ‘She is in there with her manager. ‘Micuecio Ah. ‘Marta - Yes, and lots of admirers Oh, very important, you understand, Tae nes (h, bt how long it has ben, Micucio, over ong! (se issn) (Dorina and Fektinando have finished serving fora tine and pr ‘pare relax) ‘Marta (sudden) - Have you had your supper? etme fix you something right avay. Doria (o Marta -I'Il set the table you Tike signa ‘Marta - No, no etme doit ‘You goon il set it myself ill know ow (Marta gets somethings from the kitchen aud sets the table) Marta lust the two of us, Eh, Micuccio? st ike the old days, Ferdinando - How about our game? Dorina - They'll ring I suppose i they want something more. Marta - Fist some wine. Ferdinando ~ They'll be drinking or awhile yet Marta «Ab, Micuccio, ‘You look just the same! Til just sit here. (arta sits and makes sign ofthe eras) 1 cain do tat here with you! ‘Micuecio And Teresina? ‘Marta ~As oon as he cn! Darina - Don't you want your diner now’? Ferdinando -Le!'s wait il ter. (entnando goes io mis te drs; funmig) ‘Marta ~ Bat ell me the news! Tell mete news! Tell me the news! Remember when You'd ame ose us? Uptise sas those sts? ‘Mieuecio Yes {remember the sti Aad the windows ‘The swallows inthe rafters ‘Marta - The swallows inthe rafters Doyou ever go the any mor “Micucvio- Yes, Igo thee sil (Ferdinando retwris wid wo drinks) rdinando «Here we are Pickup your hand Marta ~ Are the swallows gone? “Mieuecio And the swallows ly int the room And round And round Dorina- I hope can remember! ‘Marta -[ remember! I remember! Ferdinando - Things ae just the same as they were before! “Micuccio~ And right in Gu foes Ferdinando -Diamond and Spades, and Heats and Clubs ‘They're al the same Inotderofimy Dorina - Yes, Diamonds and Spades, and Hearts and Clubs ‘Marta -And Donna Annuzza” Donn’ Annuzza(Micuccio indicates “dead!") Dead? {suppose [should have known, yen then she nas old ‘Marta and Micuccio - Always coming in just as we were eating ‘Marta - Fo the same old reason ‘Micuccio and Marta -«usta speck of gain, «A speck of gay, Poor Datna Anmuzza! Dorina and Ferdinando - ll the suits mus tay together. Starting from the scale oftheir importance. Ferdinando - Ace, Deuce, Trey, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Ning Ten Jc. Que, Kg Dorina Ace, Deuce, Trey, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Bight, Nine, Ten, Jack, Queen, King Dovina and Ferdinando The cj ogeta seo ve ‘The points are won according to the card Marta - Bat ell me the news! Tell me the news! Remember old Michela? he wine she made? [Not ike this! Old Michela! “Micuccio Yes I remember the wine and Michela ‘Marta And her dauehier Liza did she ever marry? “Micuccio- Yes, she marned Too, Do you remember? Do you remember? Ferdinando If should havea se of five Dorina - And i the cards you have ae suits the same as mine. Ferdinando Andif the cards I have ae suits the same as yours. Dorina~ Now | remember! Now I remember Ferdinando - Now you remember! Now you remember! ‘The valve of remaining cards decides ‘Who ges the poinsin the particular hand, Marta - Yes, | remember! Yes, remember! “Micuccio- He isa good man And shes 5 happy ‘Marta - And te sweet basil that grew in my windows ‘Micuccio- And the sweet basil that grew in your windows Ferdinando Ital very simple, fast pin og T'ilexplain the complications as we go along, Dorina- Ital very simple, Just plain ogi, Fenda and Doria begin to play) Marta - Michela's wine that tasted of lowers (apart The stairs and the windows ‘The swallons and the wine “Micuccio~Mictla’s wine that tasted of flowers (apart The stairs and the windows ‘The swallons and the wine Marta -Oh, Micucci, ‘Why can't we retim | a 00 old to follow any longer [ant goback if only to die Micuccio ~The basi and the lowers AT hie eto fallow ter voie. (shrek from Doria iternpts) ‘Marta Ah!!! Dorina~Ah ah! ‘You thought you were so smart ‘Well there! Ferdinando -But your cards are lower than mine! Darina - Except fr the Joker Remember? He's fre He can be anything | want him to be Ferdinando -'l be darned! Darina (nockng)- Don't get excited. Its all very simple! All very simple! Just follow the order of rules that I gave you. (Dorina laughs) (4 bell rings) There it goes. Put on your coat, (Dorina and Ferdinando leave) Marta (timialy)- Some more wine, Micuccio?. (There isan awkoward pause) ‘Micuccio - No... [have enough, How long will Teresina be? (Maria doesmrt answer, she is greatly disturbed) (Feninanio returns with a tray of empty passes: applause is ‘heard the ather mom) Micuccio (‘0 Ferdinando) - What is that? Ferdinando - She's going to sing. Micuccio (to Ferdinando as he is going hack into the room) Could you leave the door opened a little? Listen. She's going to sing! SCENE FOUR -Micuceio, Marta, Sina s voice, ‘Sina (offstage - Although I know Tisly adream Twill follow this love, follow this love, tis only a dream! Ibis only a dream! Bat this ana fel sre Micuccio - Ah! Listen, listen... her voice. ‘My Teresina. ‘Sina - Is this the voice that fills your dreams? ‘A these ihe eves that se the dreams you see? ‘Ah, no! Itis only a dream, Only a dream! But answer this voice with words of love ‘And create for these eyes the dreams you soe. Silence this voice And close these eves, Ever though | will know tis only a dream. But answer this voice with words of love ‘And create for these eyes the dreams you soe. Silence this voice and close these eyes, Evea though | will know tis only a dream. Only a dream. ‘Marta - Is ita dream and nothing more That brought you from our valley”? This voice you follow, is it real?” Oris this voice only a dream? ‘Micuecio - Aunt Marta be still! Listen! Listen! Ah! The days and weeks [waited for this moment! ‘What was only a hope Ts now here beyond the door! Sina - This is my song of love, ‘My arms reach out. ‘My lips will kiss Isityou,isit you? ‘Ah, no! Ah no! ‘Micuccio -If| could see what now I heat ‘Sina - Ab, no! Ah, no! tis the shadow of my desire. ‘Micuccio -If I could only see your voice. What a dream I would see! ‘When you ae singing ‘The sun shines and the darkness That was silence breaks Sina This pasion that you fel, isit mine? ‘These ams, do hey kno the form they seek? ‘Ab, na Its only a dream, Bui no other love than this ‘Anno other arms wil hep this love Norhold me fast in their embrace Thisismy song of lve! “Mieuecio- Wiy will I need these eyes ‘When you sing at night ‘You appear in the ight of noon ‘Alone na room ‘Your voice reanes me ‘And oneness isno more Sina I dono sing your form or smi, Neither your dreams Nor your teats 1 sng only the shadow of my desi. ‘Ah! No! Ah! No! Thisis my song of lve! Itisa dream, only a dream! ‘Mieuecio -1f 1 could see at now I hear I coud only see your voice Only the sound of your voice Comes io me and my ams reach ot ‘When you sing the iis file with you Teresi, filled with your body And weare ogater, ‘Two aloe and real Marta - Oh, God! Let silence once again Come in ourlife Acgeat silence of sone Oh, God, let silence come! Lefusnot hear a song! [Cetus hear no song Even ofsonow, Even sorrow Buta silence of sand f'n my beara sorow comes wl Kept id but forthe tears in my eyes Oh, God! Let us have no more sou! Lefus have no more song! Neither of happiness, Neither of sorow And, oh God! Neither of ove, neither of love! But only silence. sence Cho plas comes rom ther om, Marta ude shes to the door loses i, shuting out the sod) Her voice! You hear her voice. But you don't see, Micuccio! ‘You don't ee! Blind! Bling! ‘You look at me and say: «unt Mart, you ke that!» fitléntitnst jut don’ Torger 1 pass a mirr, and what do I oe? ‘An old women dressed fora camival ‘You hear, Micucco, But you don't see ‘You hear her vice But you dant see her changing, changing, Day by day ‘You don't ee her up there, High onthe stage Now dancer, nowa queen “Micuccio -Marta Asan one day, a stvage another ‘And then one day’she stands a my side am not sue it is my daughter Tok in yes sitanget! A Stranger ‘Whois the, Mixes? She was my daughter. ‘Yeu hear he veiee Bat you don’ bea door that opens at night Sofa fist And now}... And now! ‘You hear but you don't see. ‘Thats Teresina’s voice, But tis not Teresina who sings ‘Micuccio - Mara! Marta! What are you saying? ‘Marta (evond noticing him) - Poor Dona Atinuzza And who knows how many more have passed away! Wel atleast thse who deh an sleepin cur graveyard with their own frends. Whe Who car sy where 1 shall eave these old bones of mine? burst of applause is hear from the other mom, but goes noticed) ‘Aunt Mata SCENE FIE-Micuecio, Marte Sina, ‘The door opens. Sina Mais enters ‘She is wearing white sik gown cid many jewels ‘The room seems suddenly floaded with bilint light Sina (enters spoen®) "The note values for Sina speaking pant are only apraxia to indicate their location in the music, Lines should be spoken "senza rigor”, Micuecio ‘Where are you? Ab, there hes {scversthing aight? (ou nel a listen, be with yu ina itl while Right now Mama is here with you, Aliight? Init vile. (Sina leaves; fight reumt t0 norma) (De isa pse, Meco sats ‘Marta imiai breaking the slence)- Micueci. Justa litle sald... some cote. “Micuccio (ny fearing er) Area... her eyes. her voice. Itisntshe.. it isn't she anymore. Teresina! ‘Whata fool! What fool! ‘They told mein the village. Ais ay come fortis ‘Whata fool! So that was why the waiter and the ge How could [ kow, Aunt Marta? Hovcould I know? {asso faraway. back in our village ‘While she was going on ..0 far any Soar. queen! queen! ‘They thought I came hee for mone, that's it Bat you bow beter, Aunt Mara ‘ame to giveit back. Look! he throws a packet onthe table) ‘Money! Money! We don't talk about it! Tao away... You won't see me again ‘Marta vey tired) - Yes, yes, go, Micucio! She isn’t worth it Ifyou had only listened to me then. She’sno good! ‘Micuccio- What are you saying”! ‘Marta - This tanger. [she isnot Teresina, whois she, then? Not only diferent, Everything bad! ‘That voice you ear can laugh while my cas are baring And sheis my daughter! ‘Micuccio- My Teresina Marta - If your Teresina passed along the street ‘Weold woinen back home would lower cur ees, weeps) “Micuecio sued) - Never mind! “am gong just te sme, (fie Begins io gather his bag: notices the ines) And here, Aunt Marta brought you these. ‘Look! Limes! Limes! Smell tem, Aunt Marta Smell oar valley back home! fhe pours the lines othe table) Acqueen!.. A queen! (savagely) A queen! A queen! Sina (eters; sper galy)- Micuccio! ‘Micuecio savagely) = Look at her! Arms! Brest! Shoulders Marta (seizing he bythe ann indica the décolet) Mics, ese, ese formy sik, Miso “Micuecio-Even thing! Everything! Aqueen’ Ah! Ah! (biterty) What would they cll her back home, Aunt Marta? Marta - Micuccio, pleas. please. “Micuccio -One look and wit would they cll her? Bat thought she was a queen ‘You ae ih, Aunt Mara, Blind! Bina! ‘You know what should do, Aunt Marta? ‘Yeu know what | should do? ‘Never mind! “Marta - Pease, Micucio please, please ‘Mieuecio - You are right, Aunt Mara She's nt work it Goal. what a foal ‘Money nothing... Nothing! Good bye, Aunt Marta, Rotting. (Micuecio leaves) Marta -No! Micuccio, Wait! Wait! Micuccio! Gini Mara staple ina (spoken) What are you cryin Nobody sted youtocn. Tes not my fais if ‘Well is it?! (Sina looks down at limes; suddenly pricks tert wp in Aerarms duit Marta makes a gesture of pres then covers with Aer arms lok at the sie of tem! Those Sina is unable to cary, ‘Sina ras tothe door) ‘Max, Max! Look what Ihave! Limes! All the way from Sicily! Riccardo, look! Limes! Limes! Sep 950/Feb 1989- Hanpo i 1980 Feb195- Hampon,ignia ind ™

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