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Buenaventura, Anne Marieline C.

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In order to effectively use tangible, economic, sentient, and greater depth to achieve
organizational objectives, a model is a system of factors relating to the features of coordinating,
preparing, and having to manage. In simpler words, management encompasses leading and
controlling a cluster of individuals or institutions to achieve a specific goal. Utilizing and
adjusting people, economic, technical, and ecological assets are frequent aspects of managing.

A collection of significant financial resources is referred to as wealth and can be

quantified in terms of tangible products or monetary worth. The most popular financial metric is
Net Value.

Financial services aim to meet the demands of high-net-worth individuals through

financial consulting. It provides advice in which the advisor uses relevant financial products and
services to gather details about the client's preferences and customize a specific strategy.

Anything with the financial worth that a company or individual owns is considered an
asset. Assets are classified as movable or immovable, visible or abstract, and are discussed in
terms of their financial worth in the income statement.

Asset management is the systematic method of administration and identifying interests

in the items that a company or person is in charge of throughout a product's life cycle. It might
apply to both movable and immovable property.

Wealth Management Categories:

a) The overall impact of your assets to satisfy your essential needs is your social
resources. This could apply to colleagues, families, employers, and acquaintances.

b) National Wealth: Also known as personal wealth or overall assets, local net wealth is the
financial value of the investment services and goods, foreign assets account, and
physical properties held by a country at a particular time. This price is calculated by
subtracting the general term from net obligations.

c) Personal Wealth: Income refers to the total amount of valuable possessions an

individual, group of people, business, or nation owns. The overall market worth of all
held current assets is calculated, and all liabilities are subtracted.

d) Global wealth, also known as continental riches, is the summation of the income of all
countries in the globe less (-) all outstanding loans and other financial commitments. As
an illustration, the ocean has been referred to as global richness.

According to FMAP, the Philippines' equity investment market is the nation's most open and
participatory investing alternative. The group of shareholders and assets and the industry's
standard of service and complexity have all increased significantly. Notwithstanding these
advancements, the equity investment sector tends to struggle behind its competitors in the
collective financial products area, especially regarding the Unit Investment Trust Fund (UITF)
and Variable Unit Linked (VUL) insurance. The legislation regulation of the organization place
restrictions on several of the products and business activities of the nation's social investment
managers, rendering it challenging to promote investment products to prospective buyers.
Buenaventura, Anne Marieline C.
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The research and conversation sought to evaluate the market forces and market demand by
analyzing the market environment and significant features of the Philippine financial market;
identifying existing issues faced by the major equity investment teams in the nation; analyzing
the equity investment shareholders in the country; analyzing the degree of comprehension of
equity funds among Filipino institutional investors, and assessing the perspective between many
venture capitalists.

Risk Management Overview

Project-by-project risk identification is used for initiatives that are qualified for NEDA
certification. By performing a risk assessment for the Present Net Value (NPV) and Internal
Rate of Return, hazard methodology is employed for enterprises (IRR).

The Generic Preferred Risk Allocation Matrix (GPRAM), particularly for community residents
(PPP) initiatives, is a register that lists the hazards related to constructing PPPs. The GPRAM
also provides instructional strategies for settlement agreements for each degree of hazard,
potential risk reduction measures, and the desired contractual arrangements. Risk should be
considered throughout the system instead of just during the construction projects.

Business and strategic threats are included in managing risk, along with diagnosing and
assessing critical resources. It assists in identifying significant hazards and mitigating measures.
The administration's vulnerability to asset-related risks is decreased by this procedure,
particularly for facilities used to deliver essential functions.

Governmental organizations that manage vital infrastructure must evaluate the threats to
their holdings. The National Evaluation Policy Framework includes the Guidelines on Evaluation
in the National Government, which were created by the NEDA and DBM (NEPF). The NEPF
provides a structure that directs government agencies to evaluate and quantify their
effectiveness to enhance administration, openness, responsibility, and concrete proof of

Key Takeaways:

We have entered troubled times due to the present pandemic; that much is inevitable today.
If poorly managed, this worldwide crisis might impoverish several countries in addition to having
a negative influence on your finances.

Nothing on this globe is lasting, and your riches are no exception. Both can be destroyed or
eroded. We have observed that most saw their assets decline over the previous several
months, whether they are billionaires or the average person. Some people have, however, been
able to increase their fortune despite the challenging economy.

An investment strategy is a lifesaver in the Bouquet, which is superior to a flower. Develop a

bouquet by distributing your resources. It is not a good reason to place all your money into one
type of investment, such as loans, stock, bullion, fixed deposit accounts, or property investment.
Income growth is vital, but so is asset preservation. A poor investment strategy is equivalent to
placing all of your eggs in one basket. It is essential to have a diverse portfolio that optimally
balances development and stability to survive. The most significant attributes may depreciate in
Buenaventura, Anne Marieline C.
Section 1
unforeseeable periods; for instance, gold is shining today while equities and property
investments are falling.


Key Audit Matters: what they are and why they are important. (2022).





‌ Assessment of the Asset Management Industry in the Philippines: The Case of the Mutual

Fund Sector | Asian Institute of Management. (2021, August 25).


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