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1. Check whether the given number is Prime or not.

2. Print the first non repeating character from the string.
3. Print out the prime numbers up to n number.
5. Print prime numbers present in between 2 numbers.
6. Print prime numbers in the list format.
7. Print prime numbers alternatively up to n number.
8. Print prime numbers in reverse order.
9. Alternate prime numbers in reverse order.
10. Concatenating prime numbers and composite numbers in one list.
11. Concatenating 2 Arraylists in list.
12. Print only n number of prime numbers.
13. Print n number of Fibonacci series.
14. Find the length of a string.
15. Join 2 strings.
16. Compare 2 strings.
17. Checks whether the specific string is present in the string or not.
18. Find the no of times digit 3 occurs in each and every number from 0 to n.
19. Sort a string alphabetically.
20. Print the following pattern
21. Check whether the number is Abundant number or not.
22. Reverse the Fibonacci series.
23. Print the alternate Fibonacci series in reverse order.
24. Print the alphabets from a to z.
25. Reverse a String.
26. Create n*n matrix.
27. Removing some random characters from the string which are given by the user.
28. Print a string character by character.
29. Count character occurrence in a string.
30. Count vowel occurrence in a string.
31. Finding the index of a character in a string.
32. Find the no of occurrences of the substring in the string.
33. Check whether the strings are anagram or not.
34. Find the largest number in the list.
35. Find the smallest number in the list.
36. Find the second largest number in the list.
37. Find the second smallest number in the list.
38. Sum of all the elements in the list and find even or odd.
39. Reverse the list.
40. Sort first half in ascending and second half in descending order in a list.
41. Count no of evens and odd and find arraytype.
42. Mask part of string.
43. Removing html tags from string array.
44. Remove duplicate elements from the list and print the duplicates present in the list.
45. Print the unique values from the list.

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