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- Babies could be saved, reduce baby dumping cases

- Could protect vulnerable pregnant woman, mentally and economically desperate
- As a place to temporarily shelter babies to give times for the parents to think
- Avoid prejudice and discrimination against pregnant women.

First of all, let me define the term baby hatching. What is baby hatching? Baby hatching is basically a
strategy to create a place called baby hatches where the mothers could drop their unwanted babies
anonymously. It was also known as Stork’s Cradle and babyklappes once ago. Although some people
oppose this strategy due to some particular reasons, I personally believe that this practice could
actually bring plenty of advantages to the people and society. First and foremost, this strategy could
save life, that’s the most crucial goal of this practice. As we all know, people these days especially
underaged women keep dumping babies due to lack of awareness and sexual knowledge, but
through this practice we can actually save those new-borns and give them their rights to live as a
second chance as well as reducing the amount baby dumping cases throughout the world.
Furthermore, we could actually protect low willed women who are vulnerable mentally and
economically which means we can actually aid the women who are highly depressed or financially
broke until they couldn’t raise the baby on their own. Those depression probably resulted from
facing dark tragedies in their life such as sexual abuse or even rape. Despite their mental condition
or being underage to raise a child on their own, this practice comes handy for them to provide
shelter and other necessities to infant that their biological parents couldn’t. Other than that, as the
victims could just drop their babies anonymously, they could actually avoid prejudice and
discrimination against pregnant women which could eventually break their self-will to face the
community and also even spoil their future life. They could even restart their life towards a new path
as other normal women and could even avoid abortion and baby dumping which oppose any religion
and medical ethics. Thus, despite other various opinions I as a future medical practitioner believe
that baby hatching could be more beneficial then we think as it fulfils every doctor’s most vital goal
which is save more life and protect the new generation for the better future.

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