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Freddy was a little bird. He lived in a bush on Mr

McDonald’s farm. He loved to fly from tree to tree. He
had a white belly and a long dark tail with white stripes.
This made him different from other birds. Freddy had a
wish. He wanted to catch big, juicy worms. His friends
were always lucky. They always caught lots of fat
worms. Alas! Not Freddy.
It was a bright sunny day about 35 degrees Celsius, so
Freddy decided to try his luck once again. He put on his
hat, picked up a dish, put it in his bag and quietly flew to
the nearby lake. There, he saw a flock of sheep, a herd
of deer and an army of ants. He hoped he would be
lucky today. He kept dreaming of a juicy worm in his
dish tonight.
He spent the day digging his beak into the soft soil but
with no luck. He only managed to bite on a tasty stalk.
And that was it! Freddy was sad.
The noise around made him angry. The barking of the
dogs, the chirping of the birds, even the noisy frogs
must be disturbing the worms, thought Freddy.
Time and again, he called out to them. “Hush friends,
do be quite, I’m trying to catch some worms”. But they
only made more and more noise, making Freddy
Cathy, the duck, saw Freddy and asked him why he was
feeling so sad. After she heard his tale, she said, “you
are trying your best, my little friend. But the ground her
is too wet. You should go closer to the grassy, green
patch area. There, you will find all the fat, juicy worms
Thanking her nicely, Freddy flew off to the grassy, green
patch. He pecked here and he pecked there, making
tiny holes in the soft grass. This time he was lucky! He
finally caught a worm! And then another, and then
some more and his little dish was full.

He counted, one and two and three and a four! Four fat
juicy worms in all!
Happy at last, Freddy flew home to his mother to get
the dinner he dreamed of.

Moral: A little good advice can go a long way.

I wanted to make new dresses for my Barbie, with some

materials I had with me. I tried to do it on my own and
messed up the material. Then my mom taught me how
to make cute dress without sewing.

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