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Shuttle bus crashes at Los Angeles airport; 9 injured about:blank /US/wireStory/shuttle-bus-crashes-los-angeles-airport-injured-87204074

Shuttle bus crashes at Los Angeles airport; 9 injured

The Associated Press ⋮ ⋮ 22/07/2022

Nine people were injured — two seriously — when a shuttle bus crashed into a pole at Los Angeles
International Airport

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Shuttle bus crashes at Los Angeles airport; 9 injured about:blank


On Location: July 21, 2022

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LOS ANGELES -- Nine people were injured — two seriously — when a shuttle bus crashed into a pole at
Los Angeles International Airport on Thursday, authorities said.

Two of the bus passengers sustained potentially life-threatening injuries, according to Margaret Stewart, a
spokesperson for the Los Angeles Fire Department.

Seven others were taken to the hospital with minor injuries, Stewart said.

The crash happened just before 12:30 p.m. near an administrative building as the bus was traveling from the
taxi and ride-hailing services parking lot on its way back to the main terminal, said airport spokesperson
Victoria Spillabotti.

There were 23 passengers and the driver aboard the bus, but the majority of the passengers were not hurt,
according to the fire department. No pedestrians were injured.

Television news footage showed firefighters wheeling at least one patient on a gurney to an ambulance.

Additional information was not immediately available. Officials did not know who owns and operates the
shuttle bus.

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Shuttle bus crashes at Los Angeles airport; 9 injured about:blank

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