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Adverbs of frecuency

An adveb is that word that modifies a verb, an adjective, another

adverb or a whole period; they can indicate place, time, mode,
quantity, affirmation, negation, doubt and other nuances.

We use it to indicate how often we perform or an action happens.

Adverbs of frecuency:

Always: Siempre

Usually: Generalmente

Often: A menudo

Sometimes:b Algunas veces

Hardly ever: Casi nunca

Never: Nunca

1. We can use it in the past, present and future tense.

a. After the subject and before the main verb.
Example :
 I always go to school by bus. Siempre voy a la escuela en
 I usually get up at 7 am . Usualmente me despierto a las 7 am.

b. After the verb to be, modal or auxiliary verbs.

 He is hardlyever angry. El casi nunca está enojado .
 You should never drinks beer . Tu nunca deberías tomar cerveza.
 They Will sometimes call you. Ellos a veces te llamarán .
 I have seldom studied . Pocas veces he estudiado .
c. Some adverbs can be used at the beginning as well as at the end
of the sentence.
 Sometimes
 Often
 Occasionally
 Usually
 Generally
Luz usually visits her sister . Luz usualmente visita a su hermana .
Usually , luz visits her sister . Usualmente, luz visita a su hermana.
Luz visits her sister usually. Luz visita a su hermana usualmente.

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