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Start your Devotion in Prayer, use the guidelines below in your prayer.
C -Confess
When you pray, it’s best to confess your sins first. Confessing sins keeps the air clear between you
and God. Psalm 66:18 reminds us that if we cherish sin in our hearts, God will not hear us. But when
we confess our sins, we open up clear lines of communications with Him.
H -Honor
This is the toughest part of prayer for most people. By honor, we mean to praise God for who he is;
to tell him how great he is. Look at it this way: If you met a famous athlete or musician, you would
probably tell them how much you like their work and how big a fan you are. Give God the same kind
of honor, tell him all the great things you appreciate about him.
A - Ask
Most of us are experts at this. We ask God for things all the time. But notice the order here: “Ask”
comes third, not first. That’s important because unless you’re talking to Santa Claus, it’s rude to jump
right into a conversation by asking someone to do all kinds of favors for you. Clear up your sin first
and honor God as God, then bring him your requests.
T - Thank
Day in and day out, without even asking, God gives us all kinds of good things. In fact, James 1 says
that every good thing comes down from the Father. So when you pray, don’t come off like God never
does anything for you. Thank him for things at least as much as you ask him for things.
Pattern of Devotion
In order to read the Bible completely in one year, you must read three chapters each day and five on
every Sunday.
The entire Bible is inspired, but there are passages that when we read then they become personal to
our souls. We call it the "RHEMA" word.
Every time we study God's Word we must do it in an orderly way.
A good way to apply what a passage teaches you is to remember the word "SPACE."
Look for:
S - Sins to confess
P - Promises to claim
A - Attitudes to have or avoid
C - Commands to obey
E - Examples to follow

Determination, action, impulse, inspiration: these are words that describe motivation. In this part
you share experiences that you have lived or that you have learned from other people that gives you
Throughout this section, you will find help for your life, and for your spiritual growth. If we practice
what we learn daily from your spiritual growth. Write your action plan base on what you have learn
from the word of God.

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