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MPA 213_Activity No.

1. Changes made by Kim Winser as she took the office;
 Reposition Pringle in the Market
 Replaced the Chief of Marketing with Mr. Greg McAllister
 Relaunch of the fashion range of knitwear and restructure the operations
 Rebranding the fashion merchandise from ‘Pringle’ to ‘Pringle Scotland’ to reinforce
the Scottish link
 Move the design department and headquarters to London.
 Terminated the contract of the existing Manufacturing Department
 Change Pringle’s Celebrity Face who had been the model for 20 years.

 If I am one of the personnel of Pringle, I will put my trust and confidence to the
directives of the New CEO of the company. Same with his goal, of course I would
love to see Pringle to regain its name and to be profitable and be stable in the
market, so I will also contribute with efforts to achieve his goals for the
company. It is said that the company is suffering from substantial losses for
years now that leads to the downsizing of the employees due to the adverse
exchange rates and stronger competition but this new CEO despite of being on
the brink of bankruptcy he sees it as a major challenge to overcome. To help him
and be part of his directions is the best thing that I can do as an employee.

2. Moving the design department and the headquarters from Scotland to London could be the
least from the options that Mr. Kim must consider and do. Given that he used the rebranding
strategy by renaming the brand with ‘Pringle Scotland’, the operations must also carry and
stand its brand. Though it is stated that it reduced the office expenditures, the same could
have been achieved in Scotland or better yet, the savings could have been increased

3. Future Challenges:
 Given the stated series of expansions, Mr. Winser may commit some management
mistakes due to the very wide scope of the business specially that retail expansion in
USA and Hongkong is his new plan. He might micromanage the employees, overlook
other aspects of the business such as having uneven cash flows, delegation of job and
supervision, also, management might be under pressure on operating reactively rather
than proactively and lastly the business may lose touch with competitors' activities.

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