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It is sometimes belived that animals is unecessary to make food and other

products in the modern world. This essay strongly disagree with this suggestion
for several reasons.
The first argument given to support my opinion is that with the respect to food,
meat plays a improtant role in the human body. This is because meat such as
chickens,fish,beef,… is a great source of protein and contains some essentials
nutrients that are difficult to get from vegetable. For example, eating meat can
absorb enough heme iron to help people to prevent anemia while amount of
heme iron content in vegetable is too low. Thus, eating vegetable without meat
can increase risk of anemia. This is why I think that food made from animals is a
cruial part in our food chains.
Another point behind my belief is as for chemical, animal testing has become
In conclusion, I entirely disagree that using animals as food and products is

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