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“This desire to govern a woman – it lies very deep, and men and women must fight it
together …. But I do love you surely in a better way than he does.” He thought. “Yes, -
really in a better way. I want you to have your own thoughts even when I hold you in my

1 Who is … ?

a Cecil Vyse f Minnie

b Charlotte Bartlett g Miss Lavish
c George Emerson h Mr Beebe
d Freddy i Mr Eager
e Lucy Honeychurch j Sir Harry Otway

2 Why are Lucy and Charlotte unhappy with their rooms at the Pensione Bertolini?

3 Why do Lucy and Miss Lavish get lost?

4 Why does Lucy faint in the square’?

5 What happens on the day trip to Fiosole?

6 Why did Cecil encourage the Emersons to rent the villa in Surrey?

7 At Windy Corner, what is the significance of the book Cecil is reading from out loud?

8 What makes Lucy break off her engagement?

9 Describe the encounter between Mr Emerson and Lucy at Mr Beebe’s house.

10 Would you recommend this book? Why/Why not?

English at Home with Nina Nina Dearle

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