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Research Paper Education Volume : 4 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

Universal Design For Learning in the Inclusive


Keywords Universal Design for Learning, Inclusive Education, UDL Curriculum.


Research Scholar, Sri Ramakrishna Research Scholar, Sri Ramakrishna Principal, Sri Ramakrishna Mission
Mission Vidyalaya College of Mission Vidyalaya College of Vidyalaya College of Education,
Education, Coimbatore Education, Coimbatore Coimbatore
ABSTRACT Universal Design for Learning (UDL), developed by Center for Applied Special Technology, is a curriculum
design framework that promotes equal opportunities for all the children, regardless of their disabilities
and learning difficulties with the help of specially designed methods and technology. The principles of UDL, based on
neuroscience, can be applied to the inclusive practices in the school. The paper highlights the principles underlying
the UDL curriculum, its components and how it can be applied in the inclusive setting in order to cater to the special
needs of the children with or without disabilities and learning difficulties.

Inclusion, according to Oxford English Dictionary, is de- peers without disabilities (Brigham, Scruggs and Mastrop-
fined as the action or state of including or of being in- ieri, 2011). Student diversities of the 21st century classroom
cluded within a group or structure. Inclusive Education highlight the need of implementing curricular frameworks
is an approach of educating the children with disabilities that foster instructional strategies and inclusive practices
and learning difficulties along with normal children within suitable for every child in the classroom. Universal Design
the same group. Today’s classroom is of student diversity for Learning (UDL) offers such a framework for designing
which includes students with varying abilities, disabilities, educational environments that enhance inclusive setting.
different learning needs and preferences. Every child has
the right to get proper education under any circumstanc- Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a curriculum design
es. School should accommodate these children regard- framework that promotes equal learning opportunities for
less of their disabilities which led to the concept ‘Inclu- all students. The term Universal Design was evolved from
sive School’. According to the Salamanca Statement and the movement in architecture and product development
Framework for Action on Special Needs Education (UN- that occupy the features to accommodate different users.
ESCO, 1994), the Principle of Inclusive Education was In the early 1990, Center for Applied Special Technology
adopted at the “World Conference on Special Needs Edu- (CAST) developed the principles and practices of UDL.
cation: Access and Quality.” It was also supported by Da- Based on the Federal Law of USA, The Higher Education
kar Framework of Action (UNESCO, 2000). Opportunity Act of 2008 (as cited in CAST, 2011) stated
India is a land of varying diversities not only in custom, be- means a scientifically valid framework for guiding educa-
lief, language and culture but also in the case of children tional practice that:
with disabilities. Till 1990, majority of the children with dis-
abilities were excluded from the mainstream education due a) provides flexibility in the ways information is present-
to many reasons. The National Policy on Education (NPE, ed, in the ways students respond or demonstrate
1986) stresses on the need of integrating ‘children with knowledge and skills, and in the ways students are en-
special needs’ with the normal children with the objective gaged; and
“to integrate the physically and mentally handicapped with b) reduces barriers in instruction, provides appropriate
general community as equal partners, to prepare them for accommodations, supports, and  challenges, and main-
normal growth and to enable them to face life with cour- tains high achievement expectations for all students,
age and confidence.” With the implementation of Inclusive including students with disabilities and students who
Education, children with disabilities are accommodated are limited English proficient.”
in the mainstream schools thereby helping them to meet
their special educational needs. One of the main chal- Principles underlying UDL
lenges in the Inclusive Education is the task of developing UDL is based on the principles of neuroscience, how the
child centered pedagogy suitable for all children with or human brain processes information which includes recog-
without learning difficulties and disabilities. nition networks, strategic networks and affective networks.
According to CAST (2011), the principles underlying UDL
Education of individuals with disabilities in the United framework are
States reflects the worldwide trend of encouraging a sin-
gle curriculum for all learners. The alignment of the federal 1. To support recognition learning, provide Multiple
laws of USA ‘No Child Left Behind Act’ (NCLB) with ‘Indi- Means of Representation to give learners various ways
viduals with Disabilities Education Act’ (IDEA) brings stu- of acquiring information and knowledge
dents with all kinds of disabilities to general education cur- 2. To support Strategic learning, provide Multiple Means
riculum standards and promotes accountability for teachers of Action and Expression that give learners alternatives
and schools to ensure that large numbers of students with for demonstrating what they know
disabilities attain levels of proficiency that is similar to their 3. To support affective learning, Provide Multiple Means


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

of Engagement to tap into learners’ interests, chal- tion

lenge them appropriately, and motivate them to learn  use social media and interactive web tools, solve prob-
lems using a variety of strategies, provide spellcheck-
Learners may differ in the way they perceive and com- ers, grammar checkers, word prediction software,
prehend information. Some concept may be new to one provide calculators, graphing calculators, geometric
learner, but it may be easily understood by another. Use sketchpads, or pre-formatted graph paper
of multiple representations allow students to make con-  prompt learners to identify the type of feedback or ad-
nections within, as well as between, concepts. Multiple vice that they are seeking and provide differentiated
means of representation can be provided to the learners models of self-assessment strategies like role-playing,
for effective learning by providing options for perception, video reviews, peer feedback
language, mathematical expressions, and comprehen-  provide tasks that allow for active participation, explo-
sion. This can be done by providing the same information ration and experimentation, create an accepting and
through different ways or information in a format that will supportive classroom climate, vary the social demands
allow for adjustability by the user; clarifying vocabulary, required for learning or performance and involve all
symbols, syntax, structure and mathematical notions, illus- participants in whole class discussions
trating with multimedia and provide understanding across  encourage peer interactions and supports, construct
language; supplying background knowledge, highlighting learner communities with common interests, provide
patterns and features, visualizing and generalizing the con- feedback that emphasizes effort, improvement, and
text. achieving a standard rather than on relative perfor-
Learner may differ in the way they express what they know  provide frequent feedback that models how to incor-
and understand. Learners with language barriers may ap- porate evaluation, which includes identifying patterns
proach learning in such a way that they may be able to of errors and wrong answers, into positive strategies
express themselves well in written text, not in speech and for future success
vice versa. It may vary according to the ability or disabil-  provide differentiated models, scaffolds and feedback
ity of learners. So they must provide options for physical which helps to manage frustrations and emotions and
action, expression, communication and executive function. provide different self-assessment techniques that help
This can be done by maximizing access to tools and as- the learner to identify and select the one that is opti-
sistive technologies, providing multiple media for commu- mal
nication, guiding to set appropriate goals, supporting to
plan and develop strategy, facilitating to manage resources UDL Curriculum
and enhancing to monitor process. The UDL curriculum is designed not simply to help stu-
dents to achieve specific instructional goals but to make
Some learners may highly engage with peers while some them expert learners. To mould an expert learner, the cur-
others prefer to work alone. Teachers should take effort riculum should be flexible and variable which would help
to recruit learner attention and engagement in the learn- them in the improved access to learning. According to
ing process. They should provide options for recruiting Rose & Meyer (2002), Universal Design for Learning ex-
interest, sustaining effort and self regulation. This can be tends Universal Design in two key ways. First, it applies
done by maximizing individual choice and value and mini- the idea of built-in flexibility to the educational curricu-
mizing threats and distractions; highlighting importance lum. Second, it pushes universal design one step further
of goals and objectives, varying demands and resources by supporting not only improved access to information
to optimize challenge, fostering collaboration with learner within classrooms, but also improved access to learning.
community and increasing mastery-oriented feedback; mo- From the UDL perspective (CAST, 2011) expert learners
tivating the learner, facilitating learner’s response to inter- are resourceful, knowledgeable, strategic, goal-directed,
nal and external events, providing sufficient alternatives to purposeful and motivated learners. In order to develop an
meet the challenge of individual differences in the kinds of expert learner, the different components of the UDL cur-
strategies and providing models for self assessment. riculum should be thoroughly examined which are highly
interrelated and indispensible part of UDL Instruction.
Some learning experiences that can be given in the class
room to cater to the needs of all the students including The main components of UDL curriculum are Goal, Meth-
disabled are od, Material and the Assessment. Goals are expressed in
such a way that it identifies learner variability and offer
 use text-to-Speech, speech-to-text software, Sign Lan- more options and alternatives like various tools, strate-
guage for developing language (especially for deaf gies and platforms for achieving mastery. Methods include
person) instructional approaches that facilitate differentiation of
 clarify unfamiliar syntax (in language or in math formu- methods based on learner variability, social/emotional re-
las) or underlying structure (in diagrams, graphs, illus- sources and the classroom climate. These flexible methods
trations) through alternatives are modified based on learner progress and outcome. For
 use automatic voicing with digital mathematical nota- transacting concepts, UDL offers materials like multiple
tion (MathML), media, hyperlinked glossaries, on-screen coaching etc. For
 use digital text with an accompanying human voice re- strategic learning, UDL materials offer tools and supports
cording (e.g., Daisy Talking Books) needed to access for enhancing learning. In UDL curricu-
 use advanced organizers and provide interactive mod- lum, the assessment is comprehensive and reduces or re-
els that guide exploration and new understandings moves barriers to accurate measurement of learning out-
 provide scaffolds that connect new information to pri- comes of the learner.
or knowledge, embed new ideas in familiar ideas and
contexts and provide opportunities to generalize learn- CAST offers various UDL tools and UDL Exchange for en-
ing to new situations hancing learning. UDL Exchange includes UDL Resources
 provide alternate keyboard commands for mouse ac- (websites, documents, images, presentations, audio, video,


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 12 | Dec 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

etc. that support implementation of UDL), UDL Lessons learn how to learn from the differences and learn how to
(lesson plans that address the variability of all learners) live with differences. Thus it makes inclusion a process.
and UDL Collections (sets of resources/lessons to support The assumption of variability and flexibility of UDL curricu-
UDL practices). Kumar and Wideman (2014) in their study lum helps to embed the options within the curriculum so
on applying UDL principles in a first year undergradu- that it can be adjusted to cater to the special needs of the
ate course found that students responded very positively learner. The use of varying technology in the instructional
to the course design, and felt that the weaving of UDL strategy and methods helps to remove barriers and foster
throughout the course resulted in increased flexibility, so- effective learning. UDL, with its specially designed learning
cial presence, reduced stress, and enhanced success. tools, minimize the need for assistive technology and maxi-
mize learning opportunities for all.
How UDL applies in the Inclusive Practice?
The principles of UDL can be applied in the inclusive class- Assistive technology is technology that increases, im-
room setting. It can be used in designing and organizing proves, or maintains the functional capabilities of stu-
academic activities and environments so that students dents with disabilities (Rose, Hasselbring, Stahl and Za-
can access and engage in the learning process. The use bala, 2005). Assistive technologies include tools such as
of UDL in lesson planning provides a framework for dif- video enlargers, single ability switches, and alternative
ferentiating instruction through the integration of flexible keyboards. The use of assistive technology cannot be re-
options for teachers and their students across three major moved completely from the learning process since a
components: representation (multiple methods of content learner with some disability may depend on these tech-
delivery), engagement (variety of choices for student par- nologies to cross the barriers. So in some situations, these
ticipation in instructional activities), and expression (differ- technologies can be used along with UDL lessons for ef-
ent ways students demonstrate understanding of content) fective learning. Individual difference in the brain networks
(Williams, Evans & King, 2012). The UDL framework can will skew the accuracy of the result when the learner inter-
be incorporated with the principles that support inclusive acts with the traditional paper pencil assessment. Within
practice in the classroom. the context of ongoing assessment, teachers can accom-
modate differences in strategic networks by providing stu-
According to (NCSE, 2010), the four key elements of inclu- dents with multiple means for expressing what they know,
sion presented by UNESCO provide a useful summary of such as the option to respond by writing, speaking, draw-
the principles that support inclusive practice. These ele- ing, creating an animation or video, or developing a multi-
ments are: media presentation (Rose & Meyer, 2002). Using tools that
are familiar to them will help to demonstrate what they
• Inclusion is a process. It has to be seen as a never- know and the teacher could assess the learner’s perfor-
ending search to find better ways of responding to di- mance with accuracy. So the components of a UDL curricu-
versity lum are designed in such a way that it enhances an inclu-
• Inclusion is concerned with the identification and re- sive setting with in the classroom.
moval of barriers. It involves collecting, collating and
evaluating information from a wide variety of sources Conclusion
in order to plan for improvements in policy and prac- UDL framework is a better platform for educating all type
tice. of learner with or without disabilities, ensuring full partici-
• Inclusion is about the presence, participation and pation and support for all round development. The differ-
achievement of all students. . ‘Presence’ is concerned entiated instructional method based on the brain network
with where children are educated, and how reliably helps the teacher and the learner to achieve specified
and punctually they attend; ‘participation’ relates to goals and learning outcomes. Since the UDL framework
the quality of their experiences and must incorporate rely on brain network specially designed for all with vary-
the views of learners; and ‘achievement’ is about the ing diversities, equal opportunities are given to all children
outcomes of learning across the curriculum, not just whether he/she is disabled or not. So mainstreaming disa-
test and exam results. bled children under UDL framework will help to overcome
• Inclusion invokes a particular emphasis on those the barriers in the inclusion.
groups of learners who may be at risk of marginaliza-
tion, exclusion or underachievement. Acknowledgement
The author Sabeena P.S and the co-author Priya Gopinath
Applying UDL curriculum for inclusive practice helps the deeply acknowledge the University Grants Commission
learning process to become more flexible and variable. It (UGC), Government of India, for the financial assistance
helps the teacher in setting clear goals, adapting better and support being provided during the tenure of their fel-
learning strategies and methods and proper assessment lowship.
procedure for the effective instruction and practices which
in turn helps the learner to respond to varying diversity,

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