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Name: _______________ Date: _________

Module Test

(In the Planetarium)

I. Vocabulary. Match and write the words. Mark ___/ 12

1. al scope
2. ro er
3. tele system
4. astro cket
5. pla met
6. Ura net
7. plane station
8. Jupit ien
9. solar tarium
10. space ar
11. co nus
12. st naut

II. Grammar. Form adverbs. Mark ____/12

1. Bad - 2. Good -
3. Careful - 4. Slow-
5. Loud- 6. Happy-
7. Angry- 8. Dangerous-
9. Quick- 10. Beautiful-
11. Quiet- 12. Heavy-

III. Reading. Read the facts about the planets. Answer the questions. Mark ___/12
1. What planet is the coldest? ____________ .

2. The largest planet is _________ .

3. _______________ has more volcanoes than any other planet.

4. Which planet is the closest to the sun? _________.

5. The only planet where humans have walked on is ______________.

6. I have many rings. Which planet am I? ________.

IV. Speaking . Tell three facts about our solar system/ one of the planets. Mark ___/12

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