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//Further effects examples: spatialization and other processing

//use the internal server with the scope

Server.default= s=Server.internal;


We'll pan some PinkNoise (which has some energy across the spectrum, without being
the full equal power harshness of WhiteNoise), rather than a much harder to
localise sine tone

//stereo panners:

//equal power

//compare linear crossfade, equal amplitude

//drops in power in the middle


//sending to any loudspeaker

//direct to speaker
{,}.scope //straight to right/second speaker

//between speakers:

//PanAz main arguments: numchannels, signal to pan, pan position from 0 to 2 around
the ring of speakers

See Also:
Pan4 quad panning
Balance2 adjust stereo mix to bias towards left or right speaker
Rotate2 rotate stereo mix circularly around two speakers

Ambisonics UGens

Ambisonics is a special format for representing spatial sound, modeling a sound and
its strength on three dimensional axes (more generally, in higher order spherical
co-ordinate systems).

We go:

sound -> encode Ambisonics format signal -> decode Ambisonics signal to a given
speaker set-up.

The Ambisonics format is speaker set-up independent, so you can design a piece in
terms of intended spatial positioning, and (in theory) smoothly cope with different
concert playback conditions.

Basic in-built SuperCollider support for 'B-format' Ambisonics:

//demo in stereo, but could work with many more speakers

var w, x, y; //a, b, c, d;

// B-format encode for 2 dimensional sound; PanB would work in three

#w, x, y =,,1));

//stereo decode,w,x,y);

// JMC example: B-format decode to quad

//#a, b, c, d =, w, x, y);
//[a, b, d, c] // reorder to my speaker arrangement: Lf Rf Lr Rr

See also

The Ambisonics extension libraries of Josh Parmenter

VBAP //in BEAST UGens, vector based amplitude panning, used for positioning sounds
in an arbitrary 3D speaker configuration: works by considering triangles of
speakers (like triangularization in computer graphics)

Simulation of space

Modeling air absorption: high frequencies drop off more quickly in air. Filter the
high frequencies more with distance, e.g. low pass filter where decrease cutoff
frequency with distance.

Also amplitude inversely proportional to distance (because intensity inversely

proportional to distance squared)

//exaggerated a bit from reality, no doubt

var distance =,100); //1 to 100 metres,10000-(distance*80))/distance;


Doppler effect: pitch shift due to change of radial distance of object from

//reference sound

//starts above pitch, ends below pitch, due to cycle starts being closer together
when approaching (reducing delay), and further apart when retreating (increasing
var radialdistance =,-10,5,doneAction:2);,0.2),1.0, radialdistance.abs/340.0);


Doppler effect: pitch shift proportional to radial distance:

//path straight towards, through and away; get clear discontinuity

//approximate speed of sound as 340 m/s
//no frequency dependent filtering effects
var source, radialdistance, absoluterd, dopplershift, amplitude;

//nee-naw emergency vehicle simulation

//in metres, moving at 6.8 metres per second


absoluterd= radialdistance.abs;

//if something is 340 metres away, takes 1 second to get there; so make delay
depend on distance away in metres
dopplershift=, 1.0, absoluterd/340.0);

//inversely proportional
amplitude= (absoluterd.max(1.0)).reciprocal;*dopplershift,0.0)
//More complicated: object will move past 5 metres to your right, on a line
vertically down the page (as per ICM figure)
//could add position dependent filtering for head shadow and separate delay to two
var source, distance, radialdistance, absoluterd, dopplershift, amplitude;
var side, angle;

//nee-naw emergency vehicle simulation

//central side marker, placed 5 metres directly right of observer, observer facing
//in metres, moving at 6.8 metres per second
distance=[34,-34],[10]), doneAction:2);

angle= atan(distance/side);

//radial distance by
absoluterd= (distance.squared+ side.squared).sqrt;

dopplershift=, 1.0, absoluterd/340.0);

//inversely proportional
amplitude= (absoluterd.max(1.0)).reciprocal;*dopplershift,1.0)

Further sound transformation facilities

Frequency shifting moves all frequency components of a sound, distorts harmonic

relationships to inharmonic

e.g. 100,200,300,400,500,600 Hz components, all moved by 70 Hz gives

170,270,370,470,570,670 which are no longer in any simple harmonic relationship

We know that we can get frequency shifting by using ring modulation, though there
are two sidebands. As well as low pass filtering out the lower band in ring
modulation, there is aso a technique called 'single side band modulation' via a
technical device called the Hilbert transform. There are UGens for this:, amount of shift in Hz, phase shift)

//shift the harmonic set detailed above. No audible effect of phase shifts on sines

//unless you wibble phase quickly enough


//fun effects on audio input


We mentioned the granular pitch shifter UGens PitchShift and Warp1 in passing back
in the granular synthesis materials.

Let's take a closer look at Warp1, which accomplishes granular time stretching and
pitch shifting of the grains.

b =,Platform.resourceDir +/+"sounds/a11wlk01.wav");

//overlaps eight windows of 0.1 seconds, so one window every 0.1/8 = 0.0125 seconds

//increasingly randomise window shape to avoid rough repetition sounds


Building your own basic Overlap Add stretcher (requires Buffer b from above):

//define the windowed grains

SynthDef(\windowofsound,{|out=0 dur=0.0 bufnum=0 amp=0.1 rate=1.0 pos=0.0 pan=0.0|
var env, source;

source =,bufnum,*rate,1.0,pos*,loop:
0); //don't allow loop

//OffsetOut for sample accurate starts of grains,*env,pan));

//language side grain scheduling: accurate timing via s.bind

//will move through the source file in the time given
//small randomisations to grain size, amplitude and spacing used to avoid too much
modulation noise from really strict window overlaps
var playbacktime = 10.0;
var grainsize= 0.1;
var grainspersecond = 100; //overlap factor of 10
var grainspacing = grainspersecond.reciprocal;
var timedone;
var proportion;
var startrate=1.75;
var endrate=0.25;
var ratenow;

timedone = 0.0;


proportion = timedone/playbacktime; //how far through the playback as a

number from 0 to 1

//linear interpolation (can make exponential etc)
ratenow = ((1.0-proportion)*startrate) + (proportion*endrate);
s.bind({ Synth(\windowofsound,[\dur,grainsize*rrand(1.0,1.1),\bufnum,b,\
amp,rrand(0.09,0.11),\rate,ratenow,\pos,proportion]); });

timedone = timedone + grainspacing + rrand(0.0,0.01);




The PitchShift and Warp1 UGens just do this more efficiently under the hood.

More complicated effects arise from particular sound analysis models.

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