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Emini Weekly Analysis for 25th Jan 2016

Long term trend: balancing between 1831 and 2070s

Intermediate term trend: down, potentially leading to a downwards

breakout of longterm range

Short term trend: upwards, short squeeze from excess (on daily basis)
low last week

Short term short covering (driven by crude) currently dominating the

market. At the bottom of the long term trading range

Anomalies below, and weak low suggest there has been no completion to
the auction the bottom of the range, and that the intermediate term
shorts are likely still short. Therefore, continuation down is
probably most likely if crude motivates further liquidation after its

Although, short covering could be severe if acceptance above 1910 is

demonstrated, getting all the PoCs from liquidation upwards.


1909.25-1910 Weekly Weekly open/closes

1885.75 Daily Prominent PoC ON
1882-83 Daily Repeated SR level
1861.25 Monthly September low
1864.50 Daily Prominent PoC
1849.25 Weekly Weekly low
1831 Monthly Previous trading range low

1830 Daily Anomalies

1820.5 Daily Prominent PoC

1803.25 Weekly Last week low (WEAK)

1774 Yearly Low in March contract for 2014

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