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Emerging green consumerism in India and its

impact on consumer buying behavior

Due to continuous depletion of natural resources, issue of protecting the natural environment
increased which lead to mindful consumption and that known as green consumerism .The
increasing attention on environment also impact on consumer buying behavior, they prefer
more eco-friendly product then earlier and showing ethical and environmental responsibility.
This green consumerism has already expanded on global and developed nations, but with time
it is also getting in developing countries like India. Therefore the major task of marketer is to
understand consumer perspective towards intention to buy green products .The current
researcher used theory of planned behavior to understand behavior of consumer, in this
framework they also want to know the perceive behavior of consumer to pay for a premium
product. According to Theory of planned behavior, it’s attitude, subjective norms, and
perceived behavior control that led to behavioral intention of consumer. In research
methodology, questionnaire was developed in two parts one for belief construct and another is
for other construct such as attitude, subjective norms and perceived value. In elicitation study
for belief construct , in this method the focus group approach was used , two focus group was
formed one for 1 hr 55 minutes and second for 1 hr continuously , they have surveyed on the
basis of open ended questions with 11 belief , major was behavioral , normative and control. In
survey first data is collected, then statistical analysis through SPSS and AMOS , then data
screening and measurement model ( measured through skewness and kurtosis , average
variance extracted , correlation reliability and many more), and then in last structural model
( model fit testing and hypothesis testing ). The study has certain limitations also which need to
be addressed in future, and this study used self-reported behavior for measuring consumer
green purchase decision.

Keywords : Green consumerism, consumer behavior , theory of planned behavior, purchase

decision .

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