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A song named “Sleepyhead” was sung by Oliver– a voice

synthesizer and written with the combined efforts of morb

and Steampianist. Though it hasn’t gained as much views as
some of the artists’ other works, the song is one my favorite
by far throughout my internet gem-hunting career.

This song has an almost lullaby-like tune to it, and the lyrics
seem to be very fitting to the song’s overall looks and sounds
at first glance. At the beginning, it’s as if the song is talking
about a kid who sleeps a lot, and the narrator is trying to
wake this “sleepyhead” up. As the song progresses further
and further however, most people should start to pick up on
the fact that this is anything but a lullaby. It’s likely written about a child– naught a heavy sleeper nor a
“sleepyhead”. Instead they are likely to be in a coma

One of the first phrases, “Glitters stuck to your skin” is probably referring to some sort of skin
conditions related or correlated to the cause of the child’s coma. A part of the chorus that says “Do you
plan to be... A child forever and ever...?” is one of the main major hints throughout the song,
highlighting how the child has been “sleeping” for so abnormally long. There are plenty of other bits and
pieces of clues scattered all over the song like the two mentioned above.

The song’s tune took turns from delightful to hopeful and desperate, spiraling down towards
hopelessness and exhaustion as the narrator– likely to be the child’s loved one, realizes that they might
never wake up to blow the seven flickering candles from the cake.

Sleepyhead, a song that resonates with the pain of people when their loved one goes into a
coma. From the hopeful prayers to the despair and potential denial one must feel to witness a person
slowly approaches death helplessly. No one would ever want to go through such a traumatic experience.

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