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Ewell 1

Mikayla Ewell

Professor Saladino

EDU 214

July 3, 2022

1. Student Name: Mikayla Ewell

2. Date: July 3, 2022

3. Artifact Description: This artifact this week was to make charts and graphs for

Mcdonald’s items on the menu. I had to survey at least 15 people and got responses

from 23 people. I was able to ask them their favorite Mcflurry flavor out of three

options professor Saladino gave to me. It was either Butterfinger, Oreo, or M&M. For

this assignment, Oreo won by far while the others had very few votes. I was also able

to look at the MCD stock market in New York. I don’t know if I would have looked

up Mcdonald’s stock prices, so this was a good experience working on the internet

and looking at how much they change daily. I was then given a set meal that I had to

look closer into for the nutritional facts. A quarter pounder with cheese, a large

Mcflurry, a large fry, and a baked apple pie. Looking closer to the facts of the meal,

this meal does have a good amount of protein, but the carbs and fat are incredibly


4. What you learned: This week while I worked on this project, I didn’t know much

about Mcdonald’s nutritional facts, but I just knew that they weren’t great for what

they give. I didn’t know much about stock prices, but I have had stock with Starbucks

before, so this was able to give me a closer look into another major fast food chain.

5. Model and promote management of personal data and digital identity and protect student data privacy.

Ewell 2

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