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Learning activity 2

Evidence: Cultural literacy around the world

Fuente: Own

Travelling is the best way to learn about other cultures. When you travel you
have the chance to interact and to learn about other people and the way they
live. Whether you travel inside or outside your country, there are always
fascinating cultural aspects to learn from local communities.

Write a 300 word composition where you describe a traveling experience where
you met and interacted with a different culture. Describe their culture, the things
you learned from them and how different they are compared to your culture.

Aspects to consider when writing the composition:

 Include a photo of your house and your family.

 Include ideas and vocabulary related to cultural literacy learned in the
study material. In the composition, underline the ideas included. Include at
least 3 ideas.
 Use adjective clauses (at least 5 examples).
 Use connectors and punctuation.
When I was 18 years old, present military service in the Colombian national army,
I did my training and military service in the Colombian area, which was an
unknown region for me, since I am originally from a small town in the Andean
region with a much colder climate and different culture and customs.

I was on the coast for 18 months and during this time I learned a lot about their
culture, in general they are fresh people, very happy and revelers, their clothing is
very informal and comfortable since it is a region where it is very hot. They really
like carnivals, they talk about it all the time, like the carnival in Barranquilla. His
favorite music is Vallenato and Champeta. I couldn't understand the Champeta
dance, which is very common among young people from the coast.

Their typical food, which is very delicious and varied, although sometimes
somewhat strange to me, such as the iguana eggs, that were very delicious for
them, but not so much for me. Another very common food is fried fish with
coconut rice, which was one of my favorites during the time I was there. I also ate
the catfish sancocho with yams, that is also very tasty and popular in the region.

It is common to find families spending weekends on the beaches enjoying the

sea, the walk on the beach and seeing the immensity of the sea, which I had not
had the opportunity to see is one of my best memories of that experience.

Today I am grateful for having had the opportunity to get to know another region
of my country, learn about another culture and customs, which have allowed me
to grow and understand better when I have people from other places with me. I
think that now I know a little more than other people of that culture, although we
have to instill cultural literacy and venture out to meet other regions and countries
with their customs and cultures.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platformas follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make surethe file is
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in order to
know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them
Criterios de evaluación
 Detalla aspectos sobre personas, lugares y cosas, empleando la estructura
gramatical requerida.
 Discute ideas sobre los principios de alfabetización cultural, usando el
vocabulario y la gramática requerida.

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