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Was a treacherous gift, I doubt about you, man? You aint got no balls enough for getting off. The
first step is to give up, but then you will need to do something else. It is freedom blowing at your
neck but remember that you can be your own prisoner. That’s all I have to say for today, please
don’t stay beneath the shadow of the laziness, you need to move and feel the breeze in your arms,
even if you are afraid of the new liberty that you own, please get the ass out of the apartment,
and keep being that miraculous human, always changing always learning from the life and from
the other beings. You know you have everything to success. Step up, stare at the mirror and be
whatever you want, shout at that ridiculous person, and tell him that you are not going to allow
anybody to look down on you, and that means absolutely nobody, if you must smash them, you
will not hesitate. Andrew if you are coward is not my fault, just stop being like that and act like an
adult. I don’t know if I am the same person that you man, I don’t even know if I have a name,
maybe I am your soul, maybe, part of it, maybe I’m your penis talking, maybe I am the evil or God
talking throw you. I don’t know bitch, I just know that I will command you to get your own dreams,
it will be possible only because of me, of course Id be glad if you help me out with this, but if not
prepare to war son of a bitch, I am not going to allow you not to enjoy this life, this life that is
yours and mine. Or maybe it only belongs to me, since I am the one who dares to live it.

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