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01. Look at the picture and the phrase about it and answer the question given

One day Lord Byron’s friend went to see her at the convent……

A Allegra
B Shelly
City Raveena
Place Convent School

By Sithum at 11:21 am, Jul 19, 2022

MOA_ Chapter Review Questions_ Unicorn Reading Circle
02. Fill the table by looking at the picture.

A shelly
B Claire
C Mary and some friends

By Sithum at 11:21 am, Jul 19, 2022

MOA_ Chapter Review Questions_ Unicorn Reading Circle

03. Fill the following fact sheet using the information about Allegra.

Father’s name
poet Lord Byron
Mother’s name Claire clairmont
Born on (month, year and date)
January 21st 1817
Country of Birth
Died on (month, year and date)
Aprin 21st 1822
Country of death Italy
Other names

04. Write short answers

I. Why was shelly afraid to tell Claire that Allegra was dead?
He thought that She would try to kill herself

II. Write four cities / towns where Allegra had lived in Italy from time to time?

III. What is the name of the house where Lord Byron lived in Italy?
Palazzo Mocenigo

IV. Where did Allegra’s mother die?

At Bagno a Ripoli

V. What is the similarity of Allegra the ghost and the Allegra Henderson’s death?
Both of them died in same age,same,day and same cause

By Sithum at 11:21 am, Jul 19, 2022

MOA_ Chapter Review Questions_ Unicorn Reading Circle

05. Write who said to whom and find what/whom the underlined word refers to

01. ‘’you will never see your daughter again” (Pg.38)

Who Shelly
To whom Claire
Refers to Allegra

02. ‘’My child must be with one of her parents’’ (Pg.41)

Written by Claire
Written to Byron
Refers to Byron and Claire

03. ‘’What shall I say to your mama?’’ (Pg. 42)

Who Allegra
To whom Shelly
Refers to Claire

04. ‘’Allegra dead isn’t she?’’ (Pg.44)

Who Claire
To whom Shelly and his friends
Refers to Allegra

05. ‘’Tell him to visit me and to bring Mama with him’’ (Pg.42)
Who Allegra
To whom Shelly
Refers to Byron

By Sithum at 7:55 pm, Jul 19, 2022

MOA_ Chapter Review Questions_ Unicorn Reading Circle

6. Claire thought that her child was not dead.
How do you prove the above statement? Find it from the text and write it.

I can never forget my darling child.But did she really die?Byron and Shelly said that she died,but
I have heard that she is alive. Some people say that they have seen her..I am sure that she is alive

By Sithum at 7:57 pm, Jul 19, 2022

MOA_ Chapter Review Questions_ Unicorn Reading Circle

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