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Name : Wirda

Course : Advanced English Grammar


My name is Wirda. I would like to tell you about my activities on Sunday. I usually wake up at
05.00 a.m, but on Sunday I do not wake up early. I wake up at 05.30 a.m. Then, I go to bathroom
to take ablution. After that I pray Subuh. After praying I go to bed again, but sometimes I have
sport or jogging. There are many activities that I have to do on Sunday like, sweeping the floor,
washing clothes, ironing clothes etc. After finishing all the work, then I take a bath and have
breakfast. After that I have to go to the market, because there are many things that must be
bought. I go to the market with my friend by using Motorcylce. We buy many things in the
market not only foods but also clothes. After that, we go home to do other activities. So, Sunday
is a great day for me, because I can do many great activities.

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