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Breanna Onori


EDU 214

Standards That Were Being Used:

1.1 Empowered Learner

1.3 Knowledge Constructor

1.6 Creative Communicator

These concepts can be used in different areas of learning if the teachers decided to have the students
build the bridges by collaborating with the teacher and other students in the classroom as well as having
a direct learning experience to help the students really feel what they are learning. Also, the students
can transfer their ides off the computer screen and into a real bridge, and this area of learning and
constructing can capture the standard 1.4 (Innovative Designer) because this is needed to create the
solutions and ideas through the computer to transfer into real, hands-on building. If this project was
changed to creating a 3-dimensional bridge, the students are needing to use different platforms of
technology to create the 3D bridge which fits directly into 1.6 (creative communicator). Personally, since
I want to be a math teacher, I could implement the use of building, even if it worked out to be a bridge,
and implement the idea of measurements and angles to keep them on track with math but be able to
adapt to the ever-growing technology platforms to communicate and capture their solutions and ideas. I
think something else that could be constructed that still implemented the learning standards would be a
building, house, or any other type of structure that allows for creativity and experience in technology
throughout many platforms.

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