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Case Studies: week 20

Task A (search terms ‘Cadbury’ and ‘Wikipedia’)

Using Wikipedia, find out information about the company ‘Cadbury’
1. Where is the company based?
2. What products does the company sell?
3. What incidents are mentioned that might have damaged the brand?

Task B (search terms ‘marketing communication’ and ‘Cadbury’)

Read a number of Press Releases from Cadbury that are given on the following website:
1. What different marketing communication tasks is the company involved in?
2. Which of these tasks is:
- To differentiate the brand from its competitors?
- To reinforce the brand (to remind / reassure existing customers)?
- To inform the customers (perhaps about new products or changes to existing products)?
- To persuade or change customer behaviour?
3. Looking at the title of different articles, which activities are more related to Public Relations
(to improve goodwill and relationships with its customers) rather than simply trying to
increase sales?

Task C (search terms ‘marketing strategy’ and ‘Cadbury’)

Read the following article (Cadbury in first design overhaul for 50 years – Barques)
1. How has the packaging remained the same?
2. What changes have been made to the packaging?
3. In your opinion, why were these changes made? ‘

Dairy Milk bars changed to a full-colour plastic wrapper in 2009 to ensure freshness, the first
radical change in its packaging style in decades—though it still kept a paper wrapper style in some of
its packaging styles. This was followed in 2012 by a re-shaping of the bar chunks into more circular
shapes to reduce the bar weight—this was even more significant, as the bar hadn’t seen a major
change in shape since its introduction back in 1905.


Attract more customers

Task D (search terms ‘press release’ and ‘Cadbury’)

Look at the Cadbury World’ website. This is a site that the company uses to give press
releases and engage with its customers.

1. Based on the website, who do you think the company’s target audience is?
2. Explore this website and visit different pages. What do you learn about its marketing

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