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BHAKTI SCRIPTURES The Treasure of Sandia Mages Daihienailtin His) DivinesGrace (AWG: BhaktivedantaySwami Srila Prabhupada Ramil Ahr Nat Dy lonkrishnalGonsciousness Translatedpy) His}HolinesspBhanuySwami “Within the past five hundred years, many erudite scholars and acaryas like Jiva Gosyami, Sanatana Gosvami, Visvanatha Cakravarti, Vallabhacarya and many other distinguished scholars even after the time of Lord Caitanya made elaborate commentaries on the Bhagavatam. And the serious student would do well to attempt to go through them to better relish the transcendental messages.” - Srila Prabhupada in purport to SB 1.1.1 So Bhaktivinoda Thakura happens to be acaryas, one of the acaryas. And he has left behind him many books. Caitanya-siksamrta, Jaiva Dharma. These are very important books. They're in Bengali, in Sanskrit. So we are trying to present Bhaktivinoda Thakura's books also in English translation. Gradually you will get it. - Srila Prabhupada lecture on Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Appearance Day London, September 3, 1971 Always engage in hearing and chanting, read the books of mahajanas and the Gaudiya literature, and if you thus acquire the siddhanta, your lethargy shall not stay. - Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Sri Caitanya Math, Sridham Mayapur August 5, 1926 “Sri Sanatana Gosvami PrabWid teacher of the science of devotional service, wrote several books. of which the Brhad-bhagavatamrta is very famous; anyone who wants to know about the subject matter of devotees, devotional service and Krsna must read this book.” - Srila Prabhupada in purport to CG. Adi 5.203 When I am not present any more, please take care to serve Sri Mayapur dhama which is so dear to you. This is my special instruction to you. I had a special desire to preach the significance of such books as Srimad-Bhagavatam (Sarartha-darsini), Sat-sandarbhas and Vedanta Darshana (Brahma-sitras). You have to accept that responsibility. - Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura to Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura 1. Aisvarya Kadambini The cloud bank of Lord Krsna's opulence This jewel literature Aisvarya Kadambi Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana. It contains 5 called Vrsti, which means rain shower. Aisvat follows the sequence of pastimes described Bhagavatam. It contains the philosophical appearance in the material world and Nanda's lineage, his city, Lord's associates in sequence. \ 2. Amnaya-Sitra A work of the satra genre of writing which discusses sambandha, abhidheya, and prayojana tattvas. in \a clear, concise and progressive way. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has also given a detailed commentary on each sittra quoting from the various Vaisnava-sampradayes and Upanisads.This book helps the aspirants in easily engaging their lives in devotional practises by presenting very simple statements of transcendental truths. 3. Ananda-Vrndavana-Campii A fifteenth century poetic masterpiece by Srila Kavi-karnapira, describing the blissful pastimes of Krsna in Vrndavana. This book elaborately follows Srimad Bhagavatam to describe Krsna playing with calves and stealing butter, frolicking with the cows and cowherd boys, and finally his sweet intimate pastimes with Srimati Radharani and the Vraja-gopis, with many details and pastimes in between. 4. Ascarya-rasa-prabandhah A work describing the astonishing rasa dance This poetic work describes the rasa dance, as well as the setting and personalities, supplying details and pastimes not mentioned in other works. The rasa dance is the pinna- cle of the highest rasa and thus is the ultimate goal for all jivas. 5. Bhagavad-gita — Gita-Bhusana_ ‘ With care, Vidyabhasana has attended upon this devotees who are greedy for the sweetness of p) and who are filled with merey, please purify this ¥ “Here we will find the influence of both Ramant ed as verses and Madhvacarya in the general philosophy. stan impersonal interpretations of the Gita, he Bhagavad G: ‘This book provides te commentary of Srila Viswaniithe'CaBeataN teat Bhagavad-gita. Srila Visvanatha Cakravanti Thakura needs no introduction among the followers of Lord Caitanya. He is known for ‘his, inspiring explanations filled with sweet realizations of Krsna. His commentary on the Bhagavad-gita called Sarartha-varsint, “showering the real meaning", i reveals a sweetness not found in other commentaries on the His commentary explains the Gita from the perspective of pure bhakti defined by Srila Rapa Gosvami as uttama-bhakti and emphasizes the sweetness and mercy of Krsna above all else. This gives it a distinction among the various commentaries on the Gita. At the same :ime, it is a reasonable and simple explanation of the text, supporting itself with ample proof from the ‘Srimad-Bhagavatam. Thus itis accessible to the majority of readers. 7. Bhagavatamrta-kana [) Bhagavatamrta-kana : A condensed and lucid presentation of Srila Ripa Gosvami's Laghu-bhagavatamrta by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti. te has written this work in simple Sanskrit especially for those devotees who cannot enter into the relatively tough Sanskrit of Srila Rapa Gosvami Bhakti-rasamytasindhu-bindu : Tt is a bref summary of the essential topics presented in Bhalat-rasamrta-sindhu by Srila Rapa Gosvamt. It describes the nature futtama-bhakt, sadhana-bhaki, the stages inthe development of prema, the limbs bhajana, offences committed in the performance of devotional se: against the holy name, vaidhi and raganuga-sidhans-bhakti, bhiva-bhakti [prema-bhakti. Because some devotees lack Knowledge of grammar Bhakti-rasimrta-sindhu-bindu has been written by Visvanatha Cakravarti as a small sampling of Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. oO 8. Bhajana-Rahasya Secrets of Confidential Worship A unique work which correlates the eight pairs of names in the Hare Krsna maha-mantra with eight verses of Siksastakam. It also correlates the names of the maha-mantra with the Asta-kaliya-lila, eight fold daily pastimes of Radha-Krsna, and with the stages of progress in bhakti, beginning from sraddha to prema. It offers Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's personal guidance to the sidhakas to enable them to enter into deeper stages of bhajana. 9. Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu (4 Volumes) Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu is one of the major works of Srila Rapa Gosvamt, and a mainstay of the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradiya. Stila Jlva Gosvamt has admitted that it may be difficult for readers to understand portions of the text, and therefore wrote a commentary to elucidate certain points. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti has written an additional commentary. In the Eastern Section, Jiva's complete commentary has been translated, and Visvanatha’s commentary has been fully translated with the exception of portions which are identical to Jiva’s commentary. The other sections in general lave less extensive commentaries. For these portions Jiva’s commentary has been fully translated and Visvanatha’s has been translated where additional points are made. In some cases, Visvaniatha only explains the meaning of the verses quoted and these have simply been ‘incorporated in the translation of the verse without translating the commentary. 10. Bhakti Tattva Viveka Analysis of the Nature of Bhakti (Also available in tamil) In Bhakti-tattva-viveka, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has extracted the essence of Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu and presented it in simple language that is easy for all to understand. This small book’s four chapters respectively describe bhakti’s intrinsic nature, an analysis of the semblance of bhakti, bhakti’s natural attributes and the qualification for bhakti. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s grave and loving concern that we truly understand this message permeates each and every page of this wonderful book. 11. Bhaktydloka Originally written as a series of articles in Sajjana-tosani, elaborating on verses 2 and 3 of Upadesamrta, the articles were compiled into a book posthumously, Bhaktivinoda Thakura gives essential not-to-be-missed details in the process of sadhana-bhakti. 12. Brahma-samhita With the Commentary Dig-darsani-tika of Srila Jiva Gosyami According to Vedic tradition, these "Hymns of Brahma" were recited for sung countless millennia ago by the first embodied being, Lord Brahma, just before he created the uaiverse. The book consists of a brief description of Brahma’s enlightenment by Lord Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, followed by Brahmas extraordinarily beautiful prayers elucidating the content of his revelation. Although the whole of the Brahma-samihita has not been located, the fifth chapter stands alone as a short but complete work This book is special in that it was discovered by Lord Caitanya on his trayels in South India from the Adi-kesava temple.This is a book in the Pancaratra genre of scriptures. 13. Brahma-samhita ‘The Brahma-sarahita is a work often quoted by the Gaudiya acaryas. The fifth chapter of this work was discovered by Lord Caitanya while he was traveling as a sannyasi in the Adi-kesava temple in South India. This event is described in Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya 9.237. When he found this work, tears came to his eyes. He began trembling and perspiring, and his hairs stood om end in ecstasy. He considered this work to express the conclusion of all scriptures and to be the essence of all Vaisnava a copy of this work made and brought it bacl that time it has been revered among the Gaudiyas. Thi rear Krsna as Svayam Bhagavan, as does Srimad Bhagavatar shows his relation to the forms of Visnu, Siva, Du Brahma. Though the whole of the Brahma-sarphita located, the fifth chapter stands alone as a short but complete wor! The work is straightforward, but Jiva Gosvami has\ written commentary to clarify the ambiguous points. AY,/} fi vj? 14. Brahma-sitras \ The Vedanta-sutra, which consists of Borie the method of understanding Vedic knowledge, is the concise form of all Vedic knowledge. The aphorisms or siitras of Vedanta-sittra compiled by Srila Vyasadeva, the literary incarnation of § The philosophy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, which amalgamated the views of all the previous acaryas in his thesis of acintya-bhedabheda tattva, is explicitly explained by Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana in his Govinda-bhasya of the Vedanta-sttra. The Vedanta-stitra, which is well known among scholars by the following additional names: (1) Brahma-satra, (2) Sariraka, (3) Vyasa-sttra, (4) Badarayana-satra, (5) Uttaramimamsa and (6) Vedanta-darsana, 15. Brhad Bhagavatamrta (Volumes 1, 2 & 3) This book is provided with direct translation of Srila Sanatana’s Dig-darsini commentary. First Part answers the question 'Who receives the greatest mercy of KrsnafThe answer is illustrated through a story. Narada visits various persons in this planet and higher planets in order to find the answer. The second part begins the story of Gopakumara’s search for the form of the Lord described in the mantra given to him by his guru, However, in this he Searches the earth, higher planets and Vaikuntha for spanning over several days of Brahma. This part ends with a it to Ayodhya to see Ramacandra. The third part >f Gopakumara’s story. He reaches Dvaraka and ‘ka, where he finally attains satisfaction on -ver, he attained this highest goal by doing kirtana. He serves a cowherd boy, and encourages the brahmana whom he ana on earth to attain a similar status: iw a a 16. Caitanya-candramrta by (Also available in tamil) ER A poetic work glorifying Lord Caitanya written by Sril Sarasvati. It offers a clue into the personality of Lord C: his magnanimity in distributing krsna-bhaki Prabodhanada Sarasvati expertly captures the stavah (praises), pranamah (salutations), Sri-caitanya-mahima (glories of Lord Caitanya), St (Criticism of those not devoted to Lord Caitanya), (Self-deprecation out of humility), upasya-nisit loka-siksa (instructions for all), $ri-caitanyotkat supremacy), avatara-mahima (Glory of the avatara), 1 (dancing, etc.), and socakah (grief). 17. Caitanya-candrodaya-nataka King Prataparda approaches the playwright, and after expressing sae that Lord Caitanya has disappeared after concluding his transcendental pastimes at Jagannatha Puri, requests hit to write a drama that is full of the nectar of the Lord’s characteristics. Thus, for the pleasure of the king, Sri Caitanya-candrodaya is being presented. After being questioned by his assistant, the playwright describes the advent of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Kali-yuga and his mission of propagating the chanting of the holy names of the Lord, which is the essence of devotional service. The introduction ends with the appearance of Kali and his associate, Irreligion. In the conversation that ensues, Kali expresses his inability to cause the degradation of the sincere devotees of the Lord, while Irreligion attempts to encourage him.wvith various kinds of flattery. During the conversation, Kali \« that his power hae been slashed to pieces by the son of Prabodhananda eakwaetae repeatedly ms Sackdevi. 18. Caitanya Mahakavyam Epic poem describing Caitanya's life Caitanya- maha-kavyam is a work describing the pastimes of Sri Caitanya. It is written as a maha-kavya or epic poem, | __ showing skill at making poetic descriptions using a variety 4 poetic ornaments and meters. Some of the details of Caitanya’s life differ from those described in Caitanya-caritamrta of Krsnadasa Kaviraja. 19. Caitanya-siksamrta The Nectarean Instructions of Lord Caitanya Caitanya-siksamrta, also known as ‘The Nectarean Instructions Of Lord Caitanya" is one of the famous books of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura which was recommended by Srila Prabhupada. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura answers all the modern anxieties and disagreements which push the human-kind to search for peace and prosperity. This book contains the essence of Vedas and directs all humanity to the unrestricted eternal world of ecstatic pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. Sri Camathara Candrika Ne RIES eo Jana-keli-cintamani 20. Caitanya-Upanisad Caitanya Upanisad, is a part of the Atharva Veda. In the introduction to the first edition, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura states that the manuscript was sent to him by a friend, Madhusadana Prabhu, who also produced the Bengali verse translation that appeared in the 1887 publication. Upon the encouragement of Vaisnavas Thakura Bhaktivinoda wrote a beautiful sanskrit commentary called Caitanya-caranamrta. 21. Camatkara Candrika Srila vanatha Cakravartl. Thakura’s beautiful Camatkara-candrika comprises four narrations of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna’s enchanting pastimes. These stories are so delightful that one naturally becomes joyful by absorbing oneself in them. By their very nature, these pastimes allure the reader to relish the eiernal sweetness of the transcendental realm. 22. Catuh-Sloki-bhasyam A commentary on the Catub-sloki Bhagavatam (SB that is attributed to him 23. Dana-keli-cintamani ‘This book is a beautiful and nectarean poetry describing the Dana-lila, which takes place at a lake at the base of Govardhana-giri and later Govinda-kunda. Here Sri Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami describes. the pastime of Krsna obstructing the gopis headed by Srimati Radharani, as they took milk products to offer to the brahmanas performing a sacrifice. Desiring to enjoy conjugal pastimes, Krsna employed the pretext of demanding payment of a toll, claiming to be the proprietor of the surrounding forest and hills.The author acknowledges that this ook is the fruit of Rupa Gosvami’s mercy. It was composed shortly after Rapa Gosvami had composed his Dana-keli-kaumudt. DeeUCeBECnT) 24. Dana-Keli-Kaumudi This one act drama describes the very celebrated pastime of Krsna’s efforts to extract a toll from Radha and her companions as they carried butter for the performance of a sacrifice being performed into the forest of Vrndavana. Of Course, it cannot be exphasized enough that such pastimes are only ce devotees who have thoroughly understood Lo as the Supreme Personality of Godhead by carefully oe 3) first nine Cantos of the Srimad Bhigavatam. & 25. Dasa-Mila-Tattva Ten Foundational Truths of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Philosophy The ten pillars of the temple of Vedic Truth erected by Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his preaching work. These ten esoteric essential truths contain the whole range of Vedic knowledge. It is the blueprint of his teachings.[t is a must-have book for any serious student of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. The importance of this book cannot be overstated, for herein, all the essential teachings of the Vedas are concisely expounded. In these pages, the devotion of the Thakura to Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu is wonderfully predominant. 26. Datta kaustubha It is one of the earliest writings of Thakura Bhaktivinoda and his first sanskrit work having been published in 1873. In this he presents the philosophy of bhakti in about hundered verses, along with a detailed sanskrit commentary for each. 27. Defining Parakiya & Defeating Svakiya The Lord enjoys himself in two ways, known as svakiya and parakiya. The Lord’s conjugal love in the svakiya-rasa relates to the regulative principles observed in Dvaraka, where the Lord has many married queens. But in Vrndavana the conjugal love of the Lord is not with his married wives but with his girlfriends, the gopts. Conjugal love with the gopis is called parakiya-rasa. Lord Jagannatha leaves the secluded place where he enjoys the company of the supreme goddess of fortune in svakiya-rasa, and he goes to Vrndavana, where he enjoys the parakiya-rasa. Sh GAURANGA LILA 28. Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika This work describes the identities of Lord Caitanya’s associates in Krsna’s pastimes. This is based on observing similarities of qualities and activities of Lord Caitanya’s associates with those in Krsna’s pastimes. Many biographers of Lord Caitanya, in their writings, have tried to identify his associates with those of Krsna's, but this is one work which is exclusively dedicated to that task. 29. Gaura-Govindarcana-Smarana-Paddhati The book by Dhyanacandra Gosvami includes the asta-kaliya-lila-smarana-krama. A paddhati is a handbook or manual meant to aid a sadhaka in performing bhajana successfully. This particular paddhati’s focus is to help the sadhaka attain mafijari-bhava. 30.Gaurakrsnodaya Completed in 1738, this short work is based on | Sri Caitanya-bhagavata and Sri Caitanya-caritamrta and vividly describes the life of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Within this treatise it is stated that in his final manifested days in Purl, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu sat on the shore of the ocean, eyes closed, in deep samadhi. After some days, suddenly his eyes opened and he began to instruct the devotees in his presence. Srila Govindadeva Kavi, who was in the line of ‘Vakresvara Pandita recorded that what $ri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then spoke included four of the verses given in Srila Rapa Gosvami's Sri Upadesamria. (5-8 inclusive, though not in exactly the same order). 31. Gauranga-lila-smarana-mangala-stotra Gauranga-lila-smarana-mangala-stotra is Thakura Bhaktivinoda's unique sanskrit composition where he captures all the pastimes and essential teachings of Lord Caitanya in 104 verses. Reno aacns rari 32. Gayatri-Vyakhya , Kama-Gayatri-Vyakhya, Mantrartha-dipika Gapstc-vyiiiyn: tx cousins she xplacenea of rk sys nons need urine, Chapter 216, by Jira Gosvaa. Here be comments olf feres of he Aga Puram, Brai-gyat is one ofthe most nouble mantra eatoned tn the Ved literature and in explanation shows how the object of meditatior hes gata Lent til Kame-Gayacc-Vyaya Pe acd causes ct Diesaaties wait peionien cette bal ‘his is a short explanation of Kat wta and oftenused as a one tize the mantes for maim bene Its at hat 4 out understanding its meaning. Persons who have recived thus benefit rom the explanation a Mantearth-diptla: An explanation ofthe Kamargayatt ma GalravartThakura which includes his elaboration om the ex Caitanytcaitamrta, The hook also reveal the sciking events that Te da 33. Gita-govinda NG Jayadeva Gosvami's main work is Gita-govinda, depicting the love of Radha and Krsna. The famous description of the ten avataras is included in it at the beginning. Through this work, the ten avataras became well known. Krsna is not included as one of the ten avataras, but is regarded by Jayadeva as the source of all the avataras. This thus supports the conclusion of Srimad Bhagavatam as explained by the Gosvamis hundreds of years later. Caitanya Mahaprabhu during his stay in Puri would recite verses of Gita-govinda in remembrance of the pastimes of Radha and Krsna. 34. Gopala-Campa ‘A campit is a literary composition mixing poetry and prose, displaying literary ornaments and various verse forms, often using words with double meaning. Srila Jiva Gosvami has written Gopala-campi describing the pastimes of Krsna from his appearance until his return to Vraja. The unique feature of this campttis that the ‘whole story has been arranged to lead to Krsna’s final union in ‘marriage to the gopis. It narrates the pastimes as found in the Srimad Bhagavatam with the addition of rasa. Jiva Gosvamt writes that it is a “work composed of the bliss of Radha and Krsna 35. Gopala-Tapani Upanisad This book is a part of the Atharva Veda which describes the transcendental form and pastimes of Lord Krsna and contains Parva and Uttara parts. It starts with some sages asking five questions of Brahma, which lead to an explanation of the eighteen-syllable mantra, also named here as the ‘five-sectioned” or paiica-padi mantra. Instruction is given in three activities: meditation (dhyana), chanting the deity’s mantra (rasana) and worship (bhajana). A meditation on the form of Gopala is given in texts 811. The Uttara-tapani section begins with a story of the gopis being sent with food for Durvasa who is living on the opposite bank of the Yamuna. CE Wi Harinama Cintamani 36. Gopala virudavali A short poem extolling the glories of Gopala in 38 verses by Srila Jiva Gosvami. It reveals his poetic and devotional genius. 37. Govinda-lilamrta The Immortal Nectar Pastimes of Sri Govinda This book describes Sri Govinda’s eternal eight-fold daily pastimes, and is based on 11 verses composed by Srila Rupa Gosvami, named "Sri Sti Radha-krsnayor-asta-kaltyaila-smarana-mangala-stotram". Jiva Gosvami awarded Srila Krsnadasa the title of "Kaviraja — the king of poets" for his exquisite compositon in this work.This is a 2,500-verse Sanskrit epic describing a day in the Life of Radha and Krsna. Awesome and sweet daily pastimes manifest in eight periods of the day. 38. Harnsaditta & Uddhava-sandesa The subject of this wonderfully poetic book is how Krsna sent a message of love through his very dear and intimate devotee, Uddhava to the residents of Vrndavana. That message is known as Uddhava-sandesa. And the gopis also sent a message through a swan, a hathsa. Uddhava was the messenger from Krsna’s side and the swan was the messenger from the gopis’ side. The tenth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam also speaks about Uddheva-sandesa, the message Krsna sent for Nanda, Yasoda and the gopis. The intense separation felt by the gopis, especially Radharani, is described there. 39. Harinama Cintamani The Transcendental Touchstone Of The Holy Name (Also available in tamil) It is the extraordinary conversation between the Supreme Lord Sti Caitanya Mahaprabhu and his devotee Namacarya Srila Haridasa Thakura on the potency and efficacy of the holy name.The first 3 chapters describe the inconceivable glories of the Holy Name, acceptance of the Holy Name and chanting the Holy Name free of impersonalist misconceptions.It elaborates on the ten offences against pure chanting and the last two chapters describe 32 offences to be avoided in the execution of pure devotional service, as well as nectarian discussion on the process of practicing such devotion culminating in self-realisation in pure ecstatic love of Godhead. 40. Isopanisad (Principal Upanisads) iil Upanisads are the crown jewel of the Vedas. Ur misad is called brahma-vidya and rahasya-vidya, secret knowledge, imparted by the guru to the disciple, who realizes it in his heart. There are many ‘Upanisads. The Muktikopanisad lists 108 neal within the —Vajasaneya-samnhita section Vajasaneya-samihitopanisad. Its 18 mantras deser ‘iva and the jiva’s goal. if 41 Jagannatha-vallabha-nataka RYN Jagannatha-Vallabha-Nataka by Ramananda Raya. occupies an important place in the devotional literature of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. It consists of five acts and is similar to Jayadev Gosvami’s Gita:govinda It is a dramatic potrayal of what Jayadeva has depicted in a lyrical form in his Gita-govinda, This was one of the books that Lord Caitanya regularly read along with songs of Candidasa, Vidyapati, and Krsna-karnamrta and Gita-govinda. 42. Jaiva Dharma Jaiya Dharma is a summary of Gaudiya tattva written in the form of story. The philosophical elements are explained through questions and answers between the various characters, set a generation after the disappearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The first part concerns general questions, the second part consists of explanation of ‘Dasa-milla-tattva, the third part is a summary of Bhakti-rasimrta-sindhu, and the fourth part is a summary of ~ Ujjvala-nilamani. This book is a must read for all the aspiring sidhakas. 43. Krsna Bhajanamrta The Sri Krsna-bhajanamrta is the original work of Sri Narahari Sarkara Thakura, the famous devotee who offered Lord Caitanya the personal service of fanning with camara. The Sri Krsna bhajanamrta is possibly the only know book which deals with practical aspects of dealings between disciples and guru including when the guru falls down. Therefore Sri Krsna bhajanamrta is very timely for better understanding the authorized manner in which to deal with sensitive issues regarding diksa and siksa gurus. art Ernie unae| 44. Krsna Bhavanamrta Krsna-bhavanamrta is a work describing the daily pastimes of Radha and Krsna extending over a full day from early morning to late night. This follows after Govinda-lilamrta of Krsnadasa Kaviraja, one of the first Gaudiya works on this topic and covers many of the same pastimes, Since a devotee eventually enters into the pastimes of the Lord in the spiritual world, the devotee may be inquisitive to understand the activities there and how he could participate in those activities. Since the Gaudiyas generally concentrate on realization of Radha and Krsna, most works describing the daily pastimes are concerned with their pastimes. 45. Krsna-karnamrta Commentary of Krsna Dasa Kaviraja Gosvami It was written by a great Vaisnava sannyasi named Bilvamangala Thakura, who is also known as Lilasuka. He intensely desired to enter into the eternal pastimes of the Lord, and he lived at Vrndavana for seven hundred years in the vicinity of Brahma-kunda, a still-existing bathing tank in Vrndavana. Bilvamangala Thakura actually entered into the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna. He has recorded his transcendental experiences and appreciation in this book. In the beginning of that book he has offered his obeisances to his different gurus, and it is to be noted that he has adored them all equally, 46. Krsna-lila-stava Krsna-lila-stava also known as Dasama-carita is a heart-touching prayerful versified summary of the first forty-five chapters of the tenth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam beginning with Krsna's avataras and birth pastimes till the pastime of Nanda Maharaja and other gopas returning from Mathura leaying Krsna and Balarama behind. Srila Sanatana Gosvami offers obeisances after every few verses and makes this a deeply meditational prayer to accompany one's reading of the tenth canto. Sandtana Gosvami also reveals his personal mood of approaching Lord Jagannatha, Lord Caitanya, Lord's Deity and Srimad Bhagavatam. 47. Krsna-samhita One of the most revolutionary and earliest works of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. In this he gives his brief and illuminating comments to the 10th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. It is revolutionary in the sense of relating modern scientific understanding with the tradition of Indian philosophy in general and Gaudiya Vaisnavism in particular. Included are the Thakura's extensive footnotes as well. yhnika Kaumudt 48. Krsnahnika-kaumudi This book was written shortly after Ananda ‘Vrndavana Campi (1576 ad.) Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally empowered Kavi-karnapira with Si talent. In this book the author describe: devotional service and how to remember t pastimes of Radha-Madhava 49. Laghu Bhagavatamrta Commentary by Sri Baladeva Vidyabhasana It serves as a supplementary text to Brhad-bhagavatamrta.It is the condensed essence of the essence of Srimad-Bhagavatam in the sense that it bolsters that conclusion of the Bhagavatam, that Krina is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Presented in two parts, the néctar of Krgna and the nectar of his devotees.Sri Rupa first asserts that Krsna is the original, supreme form of God, a claim that he validates through both direct and indirect evidence. Second, he convincingly establishes Mahaprabhu’s acintya-bhedabheda philosophy via a concise yet exhaustive presentation of Visnu-tattva. Third, Rapa Gosvami lays a foundation of sastric evidence, arming his followers with ready, reliable evidence for many of the sampradaya’s claims. 50. Lalita-Madhava Lalita-madhava was praised by Ramananda Raya and Caitanya Mahaprabhu for its excellent verses depicting the emotions of the highest rasa. It begins in Vrndavana with separation from Krsna and ends in Dvaraka when the gopis reunite with Krsna as his queens, while maintaining their previous identities. Thus ‘separation resolves into union and marriage in Dvaraka. The _ Story included details different from the pastimes described in Bhagavatam. Thus Visvanatha Cakravarti explains that details of the drama were enacted in a different kalpa of Brahma. 51. Madhava mahotsava A poetical work detailing the loving relationships amongst Radha, Madhava and their associates, the events leading to Srimati Radharani’s coronation, the royal bathing ceremony and actual coronation wherein she was crowned Vrndavanesvari, the Queen of Vrndavana. It consists of nine sargas or chapters. Though the book is all about Radharant's coronation, it bears the name of Krsna (Madhava) due to Krsna's arrangement to avoid embarrassment to naturally shy Radha. WEE STC ‘Sri MATHURA ‘MAHATMYAM 52. Madhurya Kadambini The Sweet cloud of mercy (Also available in tamil) Written by $ri ViSvanatha Cakravarti this book describes the complete science of advancement in bhakti from sraddha to prema elaborating on the famous verse of Srila Rapa Gosvami in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu: adau sraddha... It contains detailed description of the characteristics of nine stages of bhakti and the obstacles to progress along with examples to clarify the intricacies. This is one of the must-read books for a devotee to progress swiftly from sraddha to prema while avoiding the obstacles on the way. 53. Manah siksa Instructions to the Mind One of the poems from the famous Stavavali (a collection of poems) of Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvamt. Thakura Bhaktivinoda wrote a detailed bengali commentary on this poem elucidating the finer aspects of sadhana. Although a short work, both Raghunatha Dasa Gosvami and Bhaktivinoda Thakura do a thorough job of overhauling the attitude of a devotee so that Radha-Krsna bestow their mercy quickly and fully. 54. Mathura mahatmyam A compilation of verses culled from various Puranas about the glories of Mathura mandala. "Residing in Mathura" is one of the five most potent limbs of bhakti mentioned in Bhakti-rasamrta sindhu and in this book Srila Rapa Gosvami describes the glories of visiting, circumambulating and residing in Mathura-mandala. 55. Mukta-caritram The Pearl Pastime This book gives the story of Sri Satyabhima devi, who after hearing briefly that Sri Krsna had created in Vrndavan, a creeper which produced pearls, submissively inquires from him, expressing her desire to hear in full about this wonderful/event. Sea 56. Murari-gupta kadaca if aThis book gives the story of Sri Satyabhama de - hearing briefly Krsna had created creeper which praddced pearls, submiss wonderful event. 57. Navadvipa-dhama Mahatmya (Also available in tamil) This book describes the glories of $ri Navadvipa-dhama, Lord $ri Nityananda Prabhu explains on tour to Sri Jiva Gosvami all the different places of pilgramage in the holy land of Sri Navadvipa. It was through this wonderful literary work that the true history of Sri Navadvipa-dhama was first revealed to the world. It is an excellent companion for one on Sri Navadvipa-dhama parikrama. 58. Navadvipa Satakam A poetic work attributed to Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati glorifying Sri Navadvipa dhama. This work is a pastiche of Prabodhananda Sarasvati's Vrndavana Mahimamrta and in some places Caitanya Candramrta. Srila Bhaktivinoda ‘Thakura had published this with a bengali translation for _ the benefit of all. 59. Nikufja-keli-virudavali This is a poetic work divided into sixteen parts, using various meters, using various names of Krsna. It describes Krsna’s qualities and conjugal pastimes in Vrndavana. 60.Aitareya, Kena, Svetasvatara Upanisad (Principal Upanisads) Aitareya: It is associated with Rg Veda and it discusses three philosophical themes. Kena: It points to the Supreme Lord, who inspires and instigates ‘everything into action, This Upanisad contains four parts. It is associated with Sama Veda Svetasvatara: It opens with metaphysical questions about the primal cause of all existence, its origin, its end, and what role, if any, time, nature, necessity, chance, and the spirit had as the primal cause. It concludes that "the Supreme sou! exists in every individual, it expresses itself in every creature, everything in the world is a projection of it, and there is a unity of souls in one and only self. 61. Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad (Principal Upanisads) Brhad-aranyaka is one of the oldest and largest Upanisads and it centers around the fundamentals of the atma. It is in the Brhad-aranyaka we first see the written conceptualization of karma and non-duality. The work consists of six chapters dealing with such comprehensive themes as the Vedic theories of the creation of the Universe to metaphysical, spiritual and psychological matters. It is associated with the Sukla Yajur Veda. 62. Chandogya Upanisad (Principal Upanisads) Chandogya is one of the largest Upanigadic compilations and is incorporated in the Sima Veda, and deals with meditation and Brahman. A notable structural feature of Chandogya Upanisad is that it contains many nearly identical passages and stories also found in Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad, but in precise meter. 63. Mandukya, Prasna,Taittiriya Upanisad (Principal Upanisads) Mandakya -The Mandukya Upanisad is the shortest of all the Upanisads, and is assigned to Atharva Veda. Prasna - It is an Upanisad that questions everything including the contept of the guru anddisciplenA greatirsi proclaims to his students that if they abide with him for sometime, at the end of that period he would teach them the Truth as understood by him. It is part of Atharva Veda Taittiriya - It is embedded as three chapters of the Yajur Veda. ‘ittiriya Upanisad is divided into three sections, Siksa-valli, Brahmananda-valli and Bhrgu-valli. ely 64. Mundaka and Kathopanisad (Principal Upanisads) Mundaka: It is embedded inside Atharva Veda and cont each with two sections. The central theme of the Up: the Supreme Truth and the only Reality, and itParavidya or the science of Reality is disey ‘Truth is described to be akin to walking on the razor’ Katha: It is a part of the Yajurveda. It is the story 6 65. Piyusa-varsini vrtti & Godruma-candra-bhajanopad Sva-niyama-dvadasakam_ y Piyusa-varsin’ vrtti : A commentary on Srila Rapa\ Gosyant's Tpadeeimpta hy éetla Rhabtivinnda Thalmra Godruma-candra-bhajanopadesa : A short poetic work in Sanskrit by Sila Bhaktivinoda Thikura showing hs mood of workip of Lotd Calten ya and his great zeal in preaching the Lord's message. Svacniyama-dvadasakam: A work complete in twelve verses where Thaku- ta Dhaktivinoda offers a glimpse into his selFimposed regulative princi-f—) ples. 66. Prema-pradipa Written in Bengali in 1886 as series of articles in Sajjana-tosani, this book was aimed at inspiring the readers to pursue true bhakti at a time when the Indians were turning away from their own spiritual heritage to embrace divergent philosophies. Prema-pradipa extensively deals with a religious movement known as Brahmoism, The movement's philosophy was steeped in rationalism and a modern scientific approach. Brahmoist philosophy ‘asserts that worship of the Supreme Lord’s form is idolatry, that the Vedic scriptures are unworthy of faith, that faith in karma and reincarnation are optional, and that one should not place faith in the avataras of the Lord. In this book Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura carefully defends the Vedic scriptures in general and Gaudiya Vaisnavism in particular. 67. Prema-samputika Prema-samputika is a single episode of playful pastime wherein Sri Krsna dresses up in the disguise of a celestial goddess and visits Sri Radhika to ask a number of pointed questions. By this means he tricks her into speaking her heart, thereby revealing the innermost esoteric secrets of her divine ecstatic love for him. 68. Preyo-bhakti-rasarnava gives ecstatic descriptions of a day in the life ofthe cowherd boys of Vraja and naturally highlights the mood of Krsna’s priya-sakhas. Sri Nayanananda ‘Thakura draws an cutline of the particular kinds of pastimes Krsna and Balarama enjoy with their cowherd boyfriends, especially with Sudama and his followers. Taking us through the six periods of the day in which Krsna engages with his friends, he treats us to glimpses of Krsna and Balarama’s rising in the ‘morning, the boys assembling at Nanda Maharaja's home, milking the cows. We also see the games they play during the day, their pastimes in the numerous forests, pastures, and other playgrounds that constitute Vraja-dhama. All this naturally will give pleasure to all devotees. Beyond that, it serves as a guide to ‘more advanced followers of Sudama and the priya-sakhas in their internal devotional meditation. 69. Radha-Krsna-ganoddesa-dipika This work describes the various associates of Krsna in his Vrndavana pastimes, giving details such as age, complexion, and relationship with others. To give proof, Ripa Gosvami often quotes from various scriptures to support his statements. Though Ujjvala-nilamani describes some associates, it deals primary with persons in madhurya-rasa. This work however deals with devotees in a variety of rasas. The first part dedicates a major portion to describing Radha’s associates. The second part largley describes Krsna’s associates. 70. Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi The sweet ocean of Radha’s rasa This is a poetic work glorifying Sri Radha and expressing Prabodhananda Sarasvatt's longing to attain service to her in the spiritual world. It is unique in its presentation of the highest n of Gaudiya Vaisnavas - Radha-dasyam (servitude to Sri 71. Radha-Krsna-arcana-dipika Dissertation on the worship of Radha and Krsna Radha-krsna-arcana-dipika is a short work whose goal is to show the reason for worship of Radha along with Krsna. First showing that devotees should be worshipped after worshipping the Lord, Jiva Gosvami shows the superiority of different devotees. Finally the gopis of Vrndavana and then Radha are shown to be the topmost devotees. Thus they are the most worthy of worship. Jiva Gosvami gives many scriptural quotations to support his arguments. 72. Raga-vartma-candrika te An essay on raganuga-bhakti i ‘$ri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura gives a detailed the path of raganuga-bhakti (spontaneous presented in two illuminations. In the First Th ascertains the paths of vaidhi and raganuga bl Illumination presents concepts in relation to of supreme opulence (madhurya). 73. Sammodana-bhasyam A very exhaustive Sanskrit commentary on Sri, Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cight verses of Siksagtakam \ by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. 74. Satigita-madhava A work by Prabodhananda Sarasvati in the giti-kavya genre which describes the sweet intimate pastimes of Radha-Krsna in Vrndavana in exquisite sanskrit poetry. This is a work that closely follows the descriptions of | _“Gita-govinda. This work was published by Bhaktivinoda hakura in the Sajjana-tosani magazine. 75. Sankalpa kalpadruma The Desire Tree of Vows A short work from Sri Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura's Stavamrta-lahari. It details the mood and ambitions of a maiijari aud gives a glimpse of the varieties of services that Srimati Radharani's dear maid-servants do for her. This work helps in ‘guiding an advanced practitioner in the kind of services that one may aspire for. ‘SRI'SANKALPA KALPAVRKSA 76. Sankalpa kalpavrksa Known to be one of the last works of Sri Jiva Gosvami, it describes the pastimes of Krsna from his appearance to disappearance, thereby connecting the prakatalilas (manifest pastimes in material world) with the nitya-lilas (eternal pastimes in spiritual world). It is reiterates Jiva Gosvamt's stand on the svakiya-parakiya issue. The book is also known by the name Sankalpa-kalpadruma but Bhakti-ratnakara lists it as Sankalpa-kalpavrksa. 77. Siddhanta-ratnam Gem of Conclusions Siddhanta-ratnam is a long work in prose written by Baladeva Vidyabhasana. It is philosophical in nature, analyzing the svartipa and qualities of the Lord, his abode and pastimes as well as bhakti. A great deal of effort is spent on refuting other philosophies, particularly Advaita-vada. 78. Sruti-stuti-vakya Our acaryas such as Jiva Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Visvanatha Cakravarti have given extensive commentaries on the prayers of the personified Vedas, since those prayers refute the idea that Upanisads present the Supreme Brahman as impersonal. Prabodhananda Sarasvatl gives a completely different interpretation of the verses. Since the Upanisads became gopIs, he gives the meaning of the verses in terms of madhurya-rasa, as spoken by those Upanisad-gopis. He also gives a meaning according to the eternal gopis. 79. Stava-mala The Garland of Devotional Prayers The Stavamala, or “the garland of hymns,” is a famous compilation of songs written by Sri Rapa Gosvami. The songs were compiled together by Sri Jiva Gosvamt. In his commentary Stavamalabhisana, Sri Baladeva Vidyabhiisana brings out the subtleties of the songs and greatly helps in deciphering and appreciating the genius of Rapa Gosvami's poetry. Stavamala truly portrays the inner longings of $ri Rapa's heart - something every Gaudiya Vaisnava would want to aspire for. 80. Stavamrta-Lahari j Stavavalt. This work contains many astakas w forms of Lord Krsna and the Gurus in Visvanatha Cakravartl accepted diksa. Few Gurudevastakam and Vrndadevyastakam are Vaisnava community. x 81. Stavavali Stavavali is a series of a soul-touching devotional outpourings of Srila Raghunatha Dasa Gosvamt's heart. In this collection of poems Dasa Gosvami fervently prays for the mercy of Stimati Radhika so as to be accepted among her eternal associates and teaches a practitioner the mood of longing that is necessary to gain entrance into Vraja-bhakti. Some of the poems also indicate the unique services that Dasa Gosvami renders in his svaripa as a mafijari in Vrndavana. 82. Tattva-sitra A sanskrit commentary of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura on the work of a comtemporary, Sri Gopinatha. It has five parts discussing tattva (Lord), cit-padartha (jivas), acit-padartha (matter), sambandha (relation between the three previous topics) and siddhanta (establishing bhakti as the process to be followed to realize the goal). 83. Tattva-viveka A book which presents the ideas of both Western and Eastern philosophers while revealing their inadequacies. It gives a perspective into Thakura Bhaktivinoda's own spiritual journey and the various philosophies he encountered before accepting the path of Lord Caitanya. The philosophy of Gaudiya Vaisnavism is summarized towards the end, Sate tno Tate 84. Ujjvala-nilamani With Commentaries of Jiva Gosvami and Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura It is a supplement to Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, which describes all the rasa, yet the conjugal one only in brief. It describes the conjugal rasa in great detail, following the general pattern of analyzing vibhavas, anubhavas, vyabhicari-bhavas, sattvika-bhavas and_sthayi-bhavas. Paraktya and svaktya forms of love are discussed. JIva Gosvamt in his commentary justifies svakiya whereas Visvanatha Cakravarti accepts parakiya as stronger.The contents include chapters such as: Types of Heros, Assistants of Krsna, Krsna’s Beloveds, Description of Radha, Varieties of Heroines, Varieties of Group Leaders, Varieties of Messengers of The Heroine. 85. Vidagdha-Madhava ‘The Vidagdha-madhava describes pastimes in Vrndavana, and the the pastimes in Lalita-madhava begins in Vrndavana and ends in Dvaraka. Doth of them, praised by Ramananda Raya aud Gaitanya Mahaprabhu, for its excellent verses, wonderfully describe the emotions of the highest rasa. Vidagdha-madhava, a seven-act play was completed by Srila Rapa Gosvami in the 1533 A.D. This work concerning Krsna, friend of the gopis, is permeated with ornaments in the form of conversations. The land within Vrndavana has become the arena for the performance of the drama. The spring season in which the moon has become newly red in response has become the suitable time. 86. Visnu-sahasra-nama-stotra Commentary by Baladeva Vidyabhasana Visnu-sahasra-nama-stotra is famous, and many commentaries have been written to explain the meaning of the names of Visnu. Baladeva Vidyabhisana’s commentary is unique for explaining the names in terms of Krsna’s pastimes. This follows from the proposition that Krsna includes all other forms of the Lord. Thus all names of the Lord are Krsna’s names. 87. Vraja-riti-cintamani A transcendental tour of Vrndavana Vmdavana is described here much different of the Vrndavana we will see with our external senses. We may not be able to perceive the spiritual world with our present senses but we can take a tour in our mind and heart while relishing the contents of this nectarean book by ViSvanatha Cakravarti. aero) 88. Vindavana mahimamrta b ‘ The largest work of Srila Prabodhanai explaining the glories of Sri Vrndav: the means to achieve it. It is estimated hundered Satakas (a group of hunde! only twenty-two were ever discovered published. This work has the seventeen 89. Yoga-sara-stava tika This is Srila Jiva Gosvami's commentary \to/ the Yoga-sara-stava section of the Uttara-khanda of Padma Purana. It is a prayer by the sage Devadyuti to Lord Visnu. Jiva Gosvami commented on the difficult sections of the stava thereby preserving the integrity of the text. Sat-sandarbhas _ The Sandarbhas are one of Jiva Gosvami’s major works. Sandarbha literally means _ “stringing together.” Baladeva explains, “The wise say a Sandarbha is that which possesses atters of importance which should be known. Bhagavatam verses are gathered drbhyate).In this case, it is a literary composition consisting of a series of ms mixed with verse mainly from Bhagavatam. It is in six parts which explain s ‘theology and philosophy. Tattva Sandarbha deals with the tile Bhagavat, Paramatma and Krsna Sandarbhas deal with object of worship mb: akti Sandarbha deals with the process or abhidheya, bhakti, and Priti Sandarbha deals with the goal or prayojana, prema. 90. Tattva Sandarbha Tattva Sandarbha first explains the various pramanas or methods of proof and concludes that Sabda or scripture is the strongest. Using scriptural proofs, finally Bhagavatam is concluded to be the best among all scriptures. The second part of Tattva Sandarbha explains prameya—what is proved by Bhagavatam: Krsna as the object of worship, bhakti as the method and prema as the goal. These topics are expanded in the other Sandarbhas. This edition includes commentaries by Jiva Gosvami and Baladeva Vidyabhsana. 91. Bhagavat Sandarbha Bhagavat Sandarbha is the second Sandarbha. After showing in Tattva Sandarbha that the principal proof among all scriptures is Bhagavatam, Jiva Gosvami also indicated that the subject presented in Bhagavatam is Bhagavan. This Sandarbha commences to describe Bhagavan, distinguishing him from Brahman and Paramatma. Since Brahman is merely an incomplete realization of Bhagavan, a separate Sandarbha is not need to describe it. Paramatma, however, having special functions related to creation of the material world and manifestation of the jiva, is described in the next Sandarbha, This edition includes the commentary of Jiva Gosvamt. 92. Paramatma Sandarbha Itis the third Sandarbha and it describes Paramatma, since Bhagavatam delineates three aspects of the Lord: Bhagavan, Paramatma and Brahman, Paramatma is similar to Bhagavan, having a form and qualities. However, Paramatma in its three forms as Mahavisnu, Garbhodakasayt and Ksirodakasayi functions in relation to creation, maintenance and destruction of the material universe. Bhagavan functions in relation to devotees in the spiritual world. As well as describing Paramatma, this work describes the jiva in some detail, since the jiva-sakti takes shelter of Paramatma. Some parts, particularly of the commentary, deal with arguments agsinst Mayavada philosophy. This edition includes the commentary of Jiva Gosvamt. 93. Krsna Sandarbha Krsna-Sandarbha is the fourth work in the series of Sandarbhas. Tattva Sandarbha deals with the nature of proof, The Bhagavat and Paramatma Sandarbhas deal with the natures of the Lord as Bhagayan and Paramatma , and as well the nature of jiva and prakrti, A separate sandarbha is not dedicated to Brahman, since it has no qualities and thus its description is brief. Krsna Sandarbha deals with the nature of Krsna, who is a form of Bhagavan, but special because he is the complete manifestation of all of Bhagavan's qualities. 94. Bhakti Sandarbha Itis the fifth Sandarbha of Jiva Gosvami. Bhakti Sandarbha deals with the abhideya (method), the sadhana of bhakti. This is the means to realize Krsna. The same topic is covered in the second chapter of the Eastern Section of Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu of Rapa Gosvami, but is expanded greatly. It discusses the spiritual nature of this process, the qualification of bhakti, the various actions of bhakti, vaidhi and raganuga types, mixed and pure forms of bhakti and various types of devotees. This edition includes the commentary of Jiva Gosvami. 95. Priti Sandarbha Priti Sandarbha is the last of the six Sandarbhas. It deals with prayojana, the goal of bhakti and goal of the jiva. With this work sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana become complete. Its content ‘imi that of Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, with discussi yarious rasas, but the terminologies are different. This edition includes the commentary Jiva Gosvami. AO Siete 96. Srimad Bhagavatam - Krama Sandarbha - 6 Volumes | Krama Sandarbha is Jiva Gosvami's commentary on the whole Bhagavatam. It was written after the six Sandarbhas. Large portions are taken from those Sandarbhas. This is understandable since the Sandarbhas explain various Bhagavatam verses according to the subjects of sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana. The portions taken from the other Sandarbhas are mentioned in the book. The tenth canto commentaries are different from his other commentary on the tenth canto called Laghu Vaisnava-tosani. 97. Srimad Bhagavatam - Sarartha-darSini - 9 Volumes Sarartha-darsini commentary on Bhagavatam is presented by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura in 9 volumes. He is known as "the crest jewel of the Vaisnavas" because of his pure devotion, scholarship, and realized perception of Radha-Gokulananda's intimate conjugal pastimes. This book was completed in 1704 A.D. Sarartha-darsini, means to see (darsana) the essential (sara) object (artha). reel z a ifn Sao Sarartha-darsini reveals the confidential meanings of the rasa laden verses of the Tenth Canto. With unparalledled genius Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura imparts a deep understanding of the sweet mellows of devotional service and the process of extracting sublime transcendental sentiments. The internal mood of Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura is clearly visible in this magnificent commentary on the Srimad Bhagavatam . 98. Laghu Vaisnava Tosani (4 Volumes) Jiva Gosvam 's commentary on 10th canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam wrote Laghu-vaisnava-tosani as a revis« dl version of ani by Sanatana Gosvami. The commentaries on first that approximately same size as the Brhad-vaisnava-tosani. He com ed thi work in Sakabda 1504. VAGHUAVAISNAVA\ LOSANI 99. Brhad Vaisnava Tosani(4 Volumes) Sandtana Gosvami's commentary on 10th canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam Sanatana Gosvami wrote this elaborate commentary on the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam to explain in detail what Sridhara Svami covered briefly, and to give devotional meaning where Sridhara Svami gave __ brahma-vada explanations. Sanatana's commentary shows great learning and deep devotion. It conveys the sweetness that Caitanya Mahaprabhu presented to the world. Brhad Vaisnava Tosani was completed in Sakabda 1476. By following in the footsteps of the great, acharyas, one associates with the hamsas or paramahamsas, those who are completely freed from material contamination. Indeed, by following the instructions of the.acharyas one is always, freed from all material contamination and thus‘one's\life becomes successful, for one reaches the goal of life } SrimadBhagavatham, 7.9.18 All glories to Srila Prabhupada 1 \ iP : Holiness Bhanu Swami was born in Canada on the 26th to the most. Prerrunate Japanese parents. He is one of the senior _ lis Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Foun: arya of (the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). He holds a BA Degree in Oriental Fine Arts History from the University of British Columbia. He joined the Hare Krishna movement in India in 1970. Initiated in 1971 by Srila Prabhupada, he took sannyasa vows in 1984. Bhanu Swami was personally instructed in the art of Deity worship by Srila Prabhupada, and within ISKCON he has become an authority on the topic. He is a great inspiration for many devotees around the world and he preaches Krishna his exact Sanskrit pronunciation, expertise in cooking worship. a 1d Bengali, Bhanu Swami has translated more than etc tadiya Vaicnaya'canon. Many of these works uw ae depth of scholarship has enabled him to create presentations n topics like Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, karma theory, arnation, yoga, mysteries of sound, astrology, etc., He continues with translation service to this day, giving us the nectar from the Bengali Sanskrit works of the previous Vaisnava Acaryas to enhance our ding of the Gaudiya Vaisnava philosophy. He is also a member of the Governing Body Commission (GBC) of ISKCON. Pure devotees have prepared many books of knowledge on the basis of authorized scriptures. Srila Rupa Goswami and his assistants, Peta termi totmosmoc ko ttersre velvety UM rnc various literatures for the guidance of prospective devotees, and anyone who is very serious about raising himself to the standard of Ee a aCe RRR U ELC cue Tee Mee Cc ih aoe boc ate ty Tira ky eee Ae) For orders, enquiries and feedback please feel free to contact, Email-ID : AOI : +91 9444888145 / +91 7338721230 Whatsapp : +91 9444888145 / +91 7338721230 Place PECL CoC Lem iC

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