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Week -5 In this essay the author explains about the vision and cognitive leadership with reference to John

Folse vision and strengths in his leadership skills. First the author explains about the vision of John Folse and then he discusses about his strength in leadership and explains how it is an example of transformational leadership. John Folse, an entrepreneur from Louisiana who developed his organization by the name of John Folse & company. He always had a passion for food and culture of Louisiana. And he opened his first restaurant in 1978 and he went on and opened his chain of restaurants throughout the world (Harringon & Herzog,2009). He had a very innovative business model to maintain the sustainability. His main vision was to put his company and cuisine of Louisiana on world map. He followed a business model which always reflected a culinary identity of Louisiana. He made his company and taste of Louisiana so famous worldwide that he officially became the ambassador of Louisiana cuisine in 1980 (Harringon & Herzog,2009). Now the author explains the strengths of his model as transformational leadership as the chef john always backed himself up as he gives more importance to food and culture and his family. He predominantly used his culinary identity of Louisiana to attract his customers worldwide. The chef was one of the few entrepreneurs who believed that if he gets into this sector he might have financial risks but he will ultimately get success (Harringon & Herzog, 2009). The author concludes that chef John model shows that he always had individual consideration, as one of his priorities. Intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and idealized influence were some of the characteristics of his business model. The chef always encouraged the division not only to fulfil the demand of the market but to sustain the vision of the company as well.

Week 6 This essay of 300 words explains how servant leadership can affect the process of building trust between the leaders and followers. The author explains this implementation of leadership by giving few examples and empirically comparing the concept of servant leadership given by many scholars. It is an observation from the past and consideration of many scholars that leadership is an inventive quality with a vision and principle, If possessed by an individual will make him a source of inspiration for people (Parker & Stone, 2003). Trust is explained as the ethical, logical and reasonable confidence exercised by one individual on another. It is the most common variable and is experienced in different cultures from ages in servant leadership (Joseph & Windston, 2004). The author further advocates the concept that the pillar which influences the servant leadership is the relationship which is built on trust. The type of leadership in which the welfare of people is first preference can be classified as servant leadership (Russell and Stone, 2002). It has a shared vision of evolution and empowerment of the followers (Field et al, 2006). The primary stimulation for servant leadership is the efficient service and interpersonal trust which should be given to their disciples for achieving common objectives (Washington et al, 2006). Hence the trust and service motive is the important parameters for effective leadership. The author advocates that driving factor for servant leadership is the desire to serve efficiently and effectively in order to prioritize the requirements. And at the end the author concludes that interpersonal trust and service motive makes the servant leadership an effective tool for establishing trust between leaders and followers.

Week 7 In this essay the author first discusses about concept of Warren Bennis that the longer study effective leaders, the more i am convinced of the under-appreciated importance of effective followers then the author describes the followership. At last the author concludes by discussing the necessary qualities of effective followers. The author agrees with Warren Bennis and supports his statement as he suggests that even a follower is an individual who shadows the actions of his leader and works hard to achieve a common goal of the organisation. Followers have a common motive and they obediently follow the instructions given to them by their leaders (Gill, 2006). Some of the characteristic features of effective followers are, enthusiastic, intelligent and they predominantly have an ability to participate by their autonomy. Effective followers always have commitment to the mission of the organisation that they will set a benchmark so that they achieve their objectively influentially and can evolve from them (Lesage et al, 2011). The author advocates the concept that efficient leadership always attracts positive criticism from the followers (ESRC, 2011). Followership is one the modified and evolved processes which has helped in effective leadership. It has also helped in the evolution of followers as future leaders. The author further concludes that the necessary qualities required for effective followers are:they should be liable, honest and they should have a common motive. It is very important for effective followers to have a common motive as it keeps them connected directed towards one particular goal. At the end the author says that the ability to offer a constructive criticism is one of the most important parameter for followers to be effective.

Week 8 One of the most important components in the personality of a leader is his charisma (Sankar, 2003). Heroic leadership means that the leaders are trusted with their abilities to conquer all the important achievements and the crisis situation only on the basis of their personality (Paul et al, 2002). Instead of the encouragement by the institution and the intermediteries heroic leaders are offered with letters, appreciation, votes and at times with a shake of hand. Charisma is a crucial factor that has to present in a leader, it is a feature that every one working for the leader looks up to. The personality features such as the image, style, inspiration, dynamism, emotional intelligence and symbolic behaviours are focussed when looking for charisma ( House, R. 1993). However character also plays an important role in leadership as it influences the team to follow a leader and to inculcate the morals of the leader. A leader with a good character also becomes an image that is necessary for a leader that is leading an organisation. Character and charisma have to be together in order to attain the goals that are set by the organisation. It becomes a necessity of life to develop both the charisma and the character to achieve the greatness in ones life. An individual should always check for himself about the area in which an individual can excel and the areas where the individual lacks in performing so that it can be worked upon. If power and strength of the potential and ability are to be pursued upon then here is little time that is left for the development of the inner qualities which might result in the leader to become less efficient.

Week 10 In this essay the author discusses two different perceptions about the strength based leadership. In the first the author describes the concept according to Gallups vision and advocates the concept. In the second the author tries to define what Kaiser and Kaplan suggested about strength based leadership. And at the end the author concludes with key messages from both the writers. The author supports the concept that every human being has their own unique strengths and weaknesses and the biggest possibility for their evolution is by supporting them in their area of strengths. And if the organization backs their people in their area of strength it can bring beneficial results to the organization as well. The author backs the concept as the biggest drivers for engagement are fairness and accuracy of unofficial feedback, internal communication and self-sufficiency. Further the author advocates and tries to limit the process of the backing the strengths. Kaiser and Kaplan suggest that it can be detrimental to the performance of people if they try to take their strengths to an extreme level. It can sometime become their weakness as well. The author tries to explain with the evidence that if you being a little too forceful to your team there is a possibility that the teams performance can improve but ultimately their vivacity will get affected and there is possibility that they can sometime lose their productivity. Also being too enabling might shore up the liveliness but it will eventually erode the morale. At the end the author concludes with the key message from Gallup that if the organization focuses on strengths it can reduce the disengagement and can lead to beneficial results and According to Kaiser and Kaplan, if the process of backing the strengths is overdone it can be transform the strength to your weakness.

Week 11 In this paragraph the author without delay explains that the leaders are enthusiastically built aura and coz of this the capability to lead is not exaggerated by the pessimistic opinion. It is always proved that the necessity of the alteration in the organization is always anticipated. (Alvesson and Sveningsson 2007). First of all there should be an investigation done about why there is a negative feedback and then should talk about it or have a discussion. Than later on if any valuable features are acknowledged then the trouble is measured appropriate and essential measures should be executed to defeat the problem and later on the procedure of alteration is measured. If this is not acceptable then the idea of modification or alteration is specifically communicated with the subordinates or the administration. In this the author provides excess of pressure on appropriate lucid communication as it creates attention and it can also be used as a driving factor for group team support. in a proper work place or organization the procedure keeps changing when the need of change is recognized then later comes in action the necessary stage of implementation. The time frame or the schedule over her plays a n important part as the necessity of the essential change should be taken into consideration. s soon as the time schedule is sustained it is necessary to generate an essential and efficient team of subordinates as they act as a important tool to direct the necessary change. Then later on the necessary vision and goals are set and the desired change act as a path or a roadway to success. As it is said earlier and many times that the communication skill is a vital weapon as it act as a bridge to reduce the gap of misunderstanding. Then at the same time the team will get to know that the vision of change the process of change has started acting. . Here in this paragraph the writer promotes about intending or concentrating on short term goals as it helps to get to a right direction. Therefore the system of change leads the organization to an effective and essential productivity.

Week 12 The complications of the gender issue in leadership and its complications are discussed in this essay. Different scholar concepts have been referred to by the author for the impartial comments and to conclude the essay. Male has always been considered than female which is evident in history. 1970s was the time when the presence of the female leadership came into existence until that time it was male dominated as it has been suggested by many theories and old concepts(Jogulu and Glenice 2006). Male contest was the basis of the qualities that were sought in a leader in the earlier leadership as found by the author during the research (Appelbaum et al 2002). When the female leaders started to become more demographic and flexible in their approach in leadership from the 1990s which earlier had a enormous influencing aspect (Appelbaum et al 2002). It is also stated in other theory that male leaders master the quality of giving directions and also they are more confident then than females leaders (Alimo-Metcalfe, 1995). Female leaders are found to be more supportive in nature, honest, have strong will power towards their values and also are key players of the team. Male leaders are less transformational than the female leaders this is been stated by the author after the theories were compared. As it is comented by Ralph (2010) that more importance is given to transformational leadership and this particular quality is vastly present in females. After the critical analysis of the diverse theoretical studies the author concludes that the presence of the enormous leadership quality is present in both the genders. It is been considered now that the female leadership is more transformational than the male leadership.

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