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3 system of speech production

1. Articulatory system = organ yang digunakan untuk menghambat udara masuk saat
a. Movable articulators = the lips, the tongue, the uvula and the vocal cords
b. Unmovable articulators = the teeth, the teeth ridge = gusi bagian belakang, and
the hard palate

a. Upper margin
b. Lower margin
2. Phonatory system = refers to the vocal cords in the larynx, which are used to
produced speech sound called ‘voice’ = bunyi yang dihasilkan dari pita suara di
anggap voice/suara
3. Respiratory system = bagian pernapasan = lungs. The speech organ that sets the air
into motion

Soeech organs
1. Nasal cavity
2. Oral cavity
3. Alveolar ridge teeth

Articulatory Phonetic

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