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Bai 1: Contracts - Hop Dong 1. abide by Jo'bard bay v. tn trong, gidr, tun theo, chiu theo 2. agreement —/o'gri:mant/_ v. sur ding y, thoa thuan 3. assurance /a'fuarans/ in. su khang dinh; sy tin chdc; su dam bao 4. cancel vv. hily bd, bai bd 5. determine —di'tssmin/_ sv. quyt dinh, dinh 16, xe dinh 6 creo ny. gillmg, in na. 7. establish H'steb.f/v. 1p, thanh lap, thiét lap 8. obligate Tabrlagewt/ Vv. bt bude, ép budc 9. party ‘por.ti/ —n. —_-b&n, ngudi tham gia, ngudi tham dy 10. provision Ipra'vigan/ in. ‘sy cung cp, cung tng sessile Mista sh aa uyét (khé khan, vn 48, méi nghi 12.specify Vspes.ofai/ Vv. chit, quy dinh ro Bai 2: Marketing - Nghién Ciru Thi Truong 13. attract Joltrakt/ v. thu hut, hap dan ‘kam'peat/v. so sanh, déi chiéu 15.compete Jkom'pit/v.—_canh tranh, dua tranh, ganh dua 16.consume ——/kan'sju:m/ v. _tiu thy (nhién ligu, nang lugng, théi gian) 17.convince Jkon'vins/ Vv. thuyét phuc ai (tin rang diéu gi dé la ding) 18.current Skaron/ adj. hin hanh, dang xay ra, hién nay 19.fad Med! n. su thich thi ky cuc, mét nhat thoi 20.inspire Am'sparar! Vv. truyén cam hing /mak on. thitruéng 22.persuade ——/pa'swerd/ © -v. ~—_thuyét phuc (ai dé lam gl) sn xuat nhiéu; sinh san nhiéu; mau mo, phong phi; c6 higu qua lam thoa man, lam vira long, dap eng (duoc yéu cau, diéu kién...) 23.productive —/pra'daktww/ adj. 24. satisfy fsetusfay Vv. Bai 3: Warrranties - Sw Bao Hanh 25.characteristic ——/|kerakta'nstik/ adj. dc tinh, dac diém 26. consequence /'konsikwons/ on. -h@u qua, két qua 27.consider ‘Pkon'sidar/ v. cn nhac, xem xét 28.cover Pkavar/ v. di dé tra; chi tra cho cai gi 29.expire (nk'spatr/ v. __két thie, hét higu lye, hét han 30.frequently Nrickwontli/ adv. thuéng xuyén 31. imply /m'plav/ v. y ndi; ngu y 32. promise /promus/ v. ira, htra hen 33.protect Ipralteky! v. bdo vé, che char 34. reputation Jrepju'terfon/ on. ting (xu, t&t), danh ting 35.require Jnkwatorl v. cn dén, di héi; phy thude vao aifeai gi 36.vary Mesril v. _ khae nhau, thay di (va kich €&, s6 Ivong) Bai 4: Business Planning - Ké Hoach Kinh Doanh 37.address beldres! v. chi tém gidi quyét (van 48) 38.avoid abvand/ v. _ trénh, ngan chan 39.demonstrate /demanstret/ v. —_chting minh, giai thich 40.develop Jat'velap/ v. _ phattrién, nay no 41.evaluate hiveljuew/ =v. anh gia 42. gather geedor! v. tap hgp, tap trung 43. offer Pocfor! v. _ nhuéng, mai; d8 nghi gitip do 44.primary /pramori/ adj. hang dau, chinh 45.risk frisk/ n. ri ro, nguy hiém 46. strategy Astretadsi/ n. — chiéniuge 47.strong stron! adj. manh mé 48. substitute Asabstitjuy v. thay thé Bai 5: Conferences - H6i Nghi 49.accommodate Ja'komadent/ v. 6 ché cho, chira duge 50. arrangement Jo'remdsman’ on. ~—su Sp x6p, su sp dat 51.association /a,sousi'erfan/ n lién higp, lién doan 52.attend Poktend! v. _ tham dy, hién dign, cé mat lin lac véi, tiép xuc voi, gid quan he 53.get in touch /get m tag ‘V6 eédinhiludén cam, nam, gi; chira, dyng; t8 chive, 54.hold Iavld! VG 55.Location Aou'kerfan/ in. vite 56.overcrowded /'krav.did/ adj. chat nich, dng nghit 57.register Predgistor/ vy. dang ki Jsa'tekt! vy. lyachon 59.session Psefon! nui, phién, ki 60.take part in etk partin/ —v._—_tham dy, tham gia Bai 6: Computers and the Internet - May Vi Tinh va Mang Internet 61.access Peckses! v. — truy cap mee Ro. m ae es tién vo viée gi); cdp cho (ai 63.compatible Ikom'peubl adj. tong hgp, tuong thich 64.delete Jails! v. gach, x6a, bd 65.display ai'splew/ trung bay; chi cho xem ewes Jaepiw me ban sao; lap lai, lam cai gi d& duge 67. fail Hew v. that bai, trugt 68.figure out ‘igo av! v. fim hidu, doan ra, tinh toan ra, giai ra 69. ignore Aig'nox! ve lo di, lam ra vé khéng biét dén Isa v. tim kiém 74.shutdown /fat.daun/ v. Gale pore fol tt may ating hogt 72.warn Avorn) v. canh bao Bai 7: Office Technology - Céng Nghé Cho Céng S& 73.affordable needed charge 76.capacity 77.durable 78. initiative 79.physical 80. provider 81.recur 82.reduction 83.stay on 84.stock Bai 85. appreciate 86.expose 87. bring in 88.casual 89.code 90. glimpse 91.made of 92. out of 93. outdated 94. practice 95.reinforce 96. verbal Jo'faxdabl/ Jeez ‘nid! ‘An tfards av/ Mka‘pesatil PdjuarabV Anufauv/ iz.s.kal/ Ipro'vaidor/ kri'ka:/ /n'dakfon/ ster on/ Istok/ Jaiprigiew ‘Ak'spouz! ory inl kaesjual/ Iku! ‘limps! /meid av/ Jat avi /aut'deitid/ pracktis! Jyrisan' foes! Ivszzbal/ adv. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. adj. 6 kha nang chi tra, c6 thé due, phai chang, vira phai khi cn, tic cn, can thiét chiu trach nhigm vé, phy trach; truéng, dang dau. nang lye, kha nang bén, bén lau, cé thé ton tai vang chac trong mét théi gian dai budc dau, khéi dau, sang kién (thudc) than thé, cor thé, thé chat; vat chat; vat ly Agudi, nha cung cdp lap lai, di8n Iai, tai di8n, tai phat; lap di lap lai sy thu nhd, sy gidm bét ip nhan Sai, lwu lai ngudn cung cp, lugng di tror : Office Procedures - Cac Quy Trinh Trong Céng So danh gia cao, biét gia tri phoi bay, lam 16 ra, d8 16 ra; vach tran, boc tran. Thué, muén, tuyén dung, dan t6i, mang t6i khéng trinh trong, thong thuéng he théng luat 16, quy tae nhin luét qua, thong qua (be+) lam bang (cai gi), gdm c6 (cai gi) ngoai, ra ngoai, ra khdi, hét 16i thoi, tac hau tap luyen ting hé thém nia, cling c6 thudc vé tir ngit, bang tir ngir, bang loi 97.disk 98. facilitate 99. network 100. popularity 101. process 102. replace 103. revolution 104. sharp 108. skill 106. software 107. storage 108. technical Bai 9: Electronics - Dién Tir Jdisk/ (/fo!silitest/ Pnetwsk/ /popja'teratil Mprasses! /n'plers/ jrevallusfan/ Napl skilé softwear! Pstomidsy /eknukal/ A. v. > adj. adj. dia, dia hat hé tro, lam cho dé dang, tao diéu kién hé théng mang, mang ludi tinh phd bién, dugc wa chugng xr li, ché bién (nguyén ligu thd, thye pharm...) thay thé. cudc cach mang (nghia béng) thinh linh, d6t ngt, Ion (va cudng 46, mirc 46) ky nding, ky x40; sy khéo Iéo, sy tinh x0 phan mém (may tinh) sy luu tri; novi lwu troy (thudc) ky thuat, chuyén nganh Bai 10: Correspondence - Thw Tin Thuong Mai 109.assemble 110.beforehand 111.complicated 112.courier 114.fold 115.layout 446.mention 117.petition 118.proof 119.register 120.revise Jo'sembl Poi'f>:hend/ Pkomplikertid/ Puriol ‘Ak'spres! Mootd/ Meiao ‘Pmenfon/ pits Ipructt Preddsistar /n'varzl v. adv. adj. adj. tp hgp, thu thap, lap rap s&n, c6 sn, truéc, som phirc tap, rac réi nguéi dua tin, ngudi dua thu, nguai chuyén phat nhanh, hod téc, tc hanh gap sy bé tri trang gidy dé cp, ké ra, noi dén «su/dom cau xin, don kién nghi, don thinh cau; (v) cau xin, kién nghi chéeng cd, bang ching dang ky, vao sé xem lai, stra lai Bai 11: Job Ads & Recruitment - Quang Cao Tim Nguoi & 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. abundant accomplishment bring together candidate come up with commensurate match profile qualification recruit submit time-consuming Tuyén Dung /a'bandant! adj. _nhidu, ddi dao, phong phu Jo'kamphfman/ on, —_thanh qua, thanh tyeu Torin ta'gedar/—V. Aun n. _ Ung oir vién, thi sinh, ngudi dy thi, Fkam ap wid / fks'menforit/ /maxtf/ fprovfal/ /kwalifitkeifn/ fn'kruct! Jsab'nmut/ ‘Aaim-kan'summy/ adj. v. v. ngudi dy tuyén dua ra, phat hign, kham pha, ¥ dinh (#with) xing voi, tong xéng voi Agudi/cai xing nhau, hyp nhau so luge tiéu sit, hd so cd nhan tu cach, kha nang, nang lye, trinh 46 (dé lam cai gi); tuyén dung (ngudi méi cho m6t céng ty, t6 chive, quan déi...) dp, trinh ln, t6n nhiéu thoi gian, dai dong Bai 12: Apply and Interviewing - Ung Tuyén va Phong Van 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. ability apply background ready call in confidence constantly expert follow up hesitate present weakness Jatbilati/ Jatplan/ Pbaekgraund/ Sredi/ kl mi ‘konfidons/ ‘konstontli/ Sekspsit/ Sfolau ap/ Shezstert/ Jpni'zent/ dwitknas/ a. v. a. adj. khd nang, nang lye nop don xin (viéc, hoc béng) nén tang; tidu si, lai lich sn sang yéu cau, moi t6i sy tin turéng, long tin kién dinh, lu6n lu6n, lién mién, lién tuc chuyén gia (v) theo sau, bam miét; theo dai (n) tiép theo, ké tiép do dy, long ly trinh bay, di8n gi diém yéu, nhurgc diém Bai 13: Hiring and Training - Tuyén Dung & Dao Tao 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. conduct generate hire keep up look up mentor on track reject set up success training update Jkon'dakt! Sdsenarew/ Snatoef Ukisp ap/ Auk ap/ /'ments:/ Jon treek/ dntdgek/ Jset ap/ Usak'ses/ Stems Usp'den! v. v. tién hanh sinh ra, phat ra, tao ra thué gidr ving, git khong cho ha, git? cho t6t, bdo quan tét tim kiém, ngudi thay, ngudi cé van nhiéu kinh nghiém, nguoi huéng dan dung ngay gid da dinh, hoi ty bac bé; loai ra thiét lap, tao dung sy thanh cong (sy) rén luyén, tap luyén, hudn luyén, day dé, dao tao cap nhat Bai 14: Salaries & Benefits - Lyong & Cac Ché D6 Dai Ngo 187. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. basis aware benefit compensate delicate eligible flexible negotiate raise retire vested Pbersts! /bersiz/ n. Ja'wear/ Peni it/ /kompansert/ Sel. kat! Lelidgabl/ S'fleksibl/ Jmi'gaofiew! drew! Jevasal /vestid/ dwerds/ adj. adj. nén tang, co sé biét, nhn thy, nh&n thirc (n) ché dé dai ng6, loi ich, phuic Igi: (v) duge loi bu dap, béi thuéng méng manh, tinh vi; yéu dudi, dé bénh; di tu cach, thich hyp linh dng, linh hoat dam phan, thuong long nang én, tang lén (sé lugng, trinh do) nghi hu dugc trao, dugc ban, duge phong; quyén dugc bao dam luong Bai 15 Promotions, Pensions & Awards — Thang chirc, Luong huu & Thudéng 169. achieve 170. contribute 171. dedication 172. look forward 173. believe 174. loyal 175. merit 176. obvious 177. productive 178. promote 179. recognition 180. value 181. bargain 182. bear 183. behavior 184. checkout 185. comfort 186. expand 187. explore 188. item 189. mandatory 190. merchandise 191. strict 192. trend Iolifiw/ Jkon'tnbjusy /,dedi'kesfand Mk "foewod/ Por'liw/ Noiol/ merit! Pobvios/ /pro'daktiy/ Ipro'maut/ /,rekog'nifand fveljus v. v. n v. v. adj. a. adj. adj. v. a. v. dat duge, gianh duge dong gop. gp phan sy cng hién, tan tam ‘mong dgi, mong ché,, trong mong tin, tin tuéng; cho rang, nghi rang ing thanh, trung nghia, trung gid tri, xuat sc; cOng lao, céng trang 16 rang, ranh mach, hién nhién 6 higu qua, c6 nang sudt day manh, nang cao, thic day sy cOng nhén, thira nhan quy trong, coi trong, danh gid cao Bai 16 Shopping — Mua Sam bargin! oer! Por'hervja/ Nfekavt/ Pkamfou/ ‘k'spaend/ ‘Ak'splosr/ fattom/ /mendatari/ ('maitfondarz/ /strik Arend) adj. adj 46 mua gia ré, m6n hoi chiu dung ech cu xtr thanh toan, auly thanh todn (6 siéu thi, KS. ngudn an di, Ibi an di nd ra, mé rng; lam cai gi do mo Ong ra, tang len tham hiém, tham do mot vat, mot thir; Mot mon, mot van a bat budc (boi phap luat) hang hoa nghiém ngat, nghiém khdc; nghiém chinh khuynh huéng, xu huéng 193. diverse 194. enterprise 195. essential 196. everyday 197. function 198. maintain 199. obtain 200. prerequisite 201. quality 202. smooth 203. source 204. stationery Bai 17 Ordering — Dat Hang Hdau'varsl Pentapraiz/ 'senfall Tevridei/ ‘Eankfon/ /mern'tem/ /ab'temn/ /pridrekewrznt ! Pkwoloti/ /smu:dl Isors/ steifnari/ adj n. adj adj v. v. v. a adj n. da dang cng trinh, dy an én; t8 chive kinh doanh, hang, cng ty, xi nghiép, doanh nghiép cn thiét, cét yu hang ngay, thudng ngay, thong thudong hoat d6ng gid, duy tri, bao quan dat duge, gianh duge, kiém dugc Gidu kign tién quyét, tién 8 phdm chat, chat lugng {roi chay, khong gap van dé gi ngudn dé ding van phéng, van phong phdm (gidy a viét va bao thu) Bai 18 Shipping — Van Chuyén Hang Hoa 205. accurate 206. carrier 207. catalog 208. fulfill 209. integral 210. inventory 211. minimize 242. on hand 213. remember 214, ship 215. sufficient 246. supply Prekjarat/ Pkzeriol Pkai(a)log/ /ful'fil/ Puntigral/ /imventoril/ mmmumatz/ Jon haend/ Jni'membar/ ep {sa'fifon! Isa'plau/ adj. ding dn, chinh xac (ngudi/vat/hang/c6ng ty) mang, dua, chuyén ché, van chuyén, van tai ban liét ké, quy4n danh myc, tap. gidi thigu SP thye hién, thi hanh; hoan thanh, lam tron khéng thé thiéu, thiét yéu hang ton kho gidm thiéu 06 thé ding duge, c6 sn ho con tau du, du dng (cho mét viéc hay muc dich nao 46) ung cp 217. 218. 219. 220. 222. 224. 225. 226. 228. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234, 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. charge compile customer discount . efficient estimate impose mistake order prompt . rectify terms Bai 19 Invoices — In Hoa Don Afadsy ‘Akom'paul/ ‘'kastama/ Pdiskaunt/ A'fif. 9 nt Pestumest/ /imn'pavz! /mu'stetk/ odor! /prompt/ Prektifail /essmz/ tinh gid, tinh cude bién soan, swu tap tai liu khach hang (nguéi mua hang héa hoa dich vy) sy gidm gia anh gid; uéc ching 4p dt, buOc ai phai ch4p nhan diéu gi do (i, sai am don dat hang inhanh chéng, Ip tire; nhanh nhen, mau le siva cho diing, stra cho ngay diéu kién, didu khodn (hop déng) Bai 20 Inventory — Hang Héa/ Kiém Ké Hang Hoa . adjust automatic crucial discrepancy distur liability reflect run scan subtract tedious verify Je’ dgasl /9:ta'maattk/ Pkru‘fol /dt'skreponsi/ fdr'staib/ JJare'btleti! In'flekt! Irani Iskeen! Isab’treekt Midies! I'versfay! v. digu chinh ty dong quan trong, cét yéu ‘sy khOng théng nhét, sy khac nhau quay ray, gay ndo dong tréch nhigm, trach nhiém phap ly phan Anh, thé hign didu hanh, van hanh quét, nhin luét, doc luot trir, lam phép tror nham chédn, t8 nhat tham tra, kiém lai, xc minh, xdc nan 241. 242. 243, 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 254. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. Bai 21 Banking — Ngan Hang accept balance borrow cautious deduct dividend down payment mortgage restriction signature take out transaction Bai accounting accumulate asset audit build up . client . debt . outstanding - profitable 2. reconcile . turnover . budget Jak’sept! I’baelens/ I'boraul Ikofost Idx'dakts I'dividend/ /daun ‘permant! Pmo:gids/ Inv'strak-fon/ /'signetfor! terk aut! v, ve v. a A v. Itreen'zeekjen! n. nhan, chp nhan gid? thaing bang, can déi muon thn trong, cdn than ‘rir di, khdu trv tién lai cd phan, o6 te phan tién tra trvoc ban dau, tién coe van ty thé chdp, tién thé chdp sy han ché, su giéi han chor ky rat (tidn) ‘sur giao dich 22 Accounting — Ké Toan Ja'kauntany Ja'kjumjalew/ fxseu Poedi Mktaionv/ Pktat. 9 Kev Jaot'steendin/ /profitabl/ Prekonsail/ ain 20voel Meads.” (ny) cong viée ké toan, sy tinh ton (in nong, s6 sach) tich loy cua cai, tai san ‘sy kiém tra sé sach, kiém toan phat trién, xdy dung lén, tang len khach hang (str dung dich vu hay tu van chuyén mon) mén ng, khodin ng néi bat, dang cha y mang lai Igi nhuan héa gidi, gidng hoa, dung hoa doanh thu (n)ngan séch, ngan quy; (v) én ngan sach 265. . attitude 267. 268. 269. . invest 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 282. 283. 284. 285. 287. 288. aggressive commitment conservative fund long-term portfolio pull out resource return wise calculate deadline file fill out . give up joint owe penalty prepare refund spouse withhold Bai 23 Investment - Sy Dau Tw Ja'grestv /ectatju:d/ /ko'mitmant/ Ikan'sa:vatwv/ Hand! ‘n'vest/ Aton|tsam/ /port'fouljou/ pul aut! Prissoers/ /ev'taenl hwauzl adi. n n adj. n v. adj. hay gay su, hung hang thai a6 loi hira, lei cam két bao thi quy tién danh cho mét viée gi dautu dai han, dai ngay, Iau dai danh myc dau tu, danh sch vn dau tu (cia 1 cty, ngan hang...) (v) rit ra, rit khdi, thoi khong tham gia; (n) sy rit tai nguyén; tiém lye tidn lai, tién 161 khén ngoan Bai 24 Taxes — Thué Pkzelkjolent/ /'dedlam/ Ma! /fil au Jgny apl Adsomt/ Jou! penalti’ Ipn'per/ Jyrk!fand/ /spauz/ /wd'hould/ tinh, tinh todn han chot (vitinh) tép, tap tin hoan tat, hoan thanh; dién vao (cho day du) bé, bé cude, tir bd, thd; tam dirng; dau hang chung (gira hai hay nhiéu nguéi) ng hinh phat, tién phat chudn bj hoan tién, hoan lai. Chéng, vo git’ Iai, tty ch4i khong cho Bai 25 Financial Statements — Ban Bao Cao Tai Chinh 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294, 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. desired detail forecast level overall perspective project realistic target translation typical yield Javzanad Jai'teal/ Nfokast! Neva! Powvaro Jpa'spektiv/ prodg.ckt/ ria!lastik/ Aagn! ‘/rrcens'tex,fon/ Pepikol/ jeter adj. v. an. muén c6, déi héi, mong muén chi tiét, ti mi (trinh bay chi tiét...) sy dy bao true mire 46 toan b6, téng thé quan diém, géc nhin, nhin nhan dé an, dy an thuc té myc tiéu, dich sy dich dién hinh, dae thu Igi nhuan, hoa Igi, nang sudt (thiva rudng, chan nudi) Bai 26 Property and Department — Bat Dong San va Can HO 304 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 314. 312 - adjacent . collaboration . concentrate conducive . disrupt . hamper . inconsiderate lobby . Move up open opt . scrutinize Jaldgeisant! ka leeba'reafn/ konsontrew/ Pwan'djussiv/ Jdis'rap haempar/ Jankan'sidoratli/ Nobis Juv ap/ Poupan/ Jopt! Pskrustinaxz/ adj. a. v. adi. ké bén, gan sy c6ng tac tap trung thudn Ig cho, c6 ich lam gian doan can tra (lam gi/dat dugc diéu gi) thiéu than trong, thiéu suy nghi, khinh suat, so sudt; hanh lang, sanh cho, tién sanh tién lén, thang tién (to advance, to improve position) mé, bat dau, khai mac chon, chon Iya; quyét dinh xem xét ki long Bai 27 Board Meeting & Committees - Hop Hdi Déng Ban Quan Tri & Uy Ban 313. adhere to Jod'bia tu:/ v. 314, agenda Io'dgendaf on. 315. bring up Dorin apl v. 316. conclude fkan'klud/ =v. 317. go ahead Jgau a'hed/ nv. 318. goal Jgavl/ n 319. lengthy Meni! adj. 320. matter maxtor! n. at Periodical jprorifodikli/ adv. 322. priority Iprat'orati/ on. 323. progress Iprov'gres/ vv. 324. waste Hweast nv. Bai 28 Quality Control — 325. brand Porcend/ . 326. conform Ikan'fxm/ 327. defect Mdi'fekt/ n 328. enhance Ambans) —V. 329. garment fga:man on. 330. inspect hn'spek/ 331. perceive Ipa'septivé adj. 332. repel iri'pel/ v. 333. take back eikbak/ vv. 334. throw out (/Brav aut/ ve 335. uniform Fjumfom/ adj. 336. wrinkle rink! n. tudn thd, t6n trong triét dé chuong trinh, chuong trinh nghi su; nhirng van dé/c6ng viéc phai ban tai mot cudc hop, budi Ié... dua ra két luan (v) tién hanh; (n) sy duge phép (lam i oa dich, muc tiéu lau, dai, dai déng ni dung, sy kién, chii dé, van dé, viéc, chuyén dinh ky, thudng kj, chu ky (su/quyén) wu tién tién bO; tién trién (v) lang phi; (n) sy lang phi; dd bé di, 6 thai ra, 06 rac rudi Ban Quan Ly Chat Lugng thuong hiéu, nhan hiéu (hang hoa) tuan theo, lam theo Hust diém, nhuge diém; thidt sét, sai nig cao, lam néi bat (dire tinh, quyén ) aa 0 xem xét ki, kiém tra nhan thire duge, cam gidc duge, cam thy duge chéng lai, dy lui; khuréc tir, cy tuyét; lam khé chiu rut lui, rut lai; Ay lai, kéo lai, déng y nhan lai, chp nhn cho ai tré lai virt bé, bé di, dudi di cling mét kidu, giéng nhau, déng du (vépfnép) nhan, nhau Bai 29 Product Development - Phat Trién San Pham 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344, M45. 348. 349. 350. 35 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. anxious ascertain assume decade examine ‘experiment logical research . responsibility 346. 347. solve supervisor systematic Peenkfas! Jeso'tern/ Ja'sjusm/ Sdekerd/ ‘g'zaemun ‘Ak'spermont/ Sodsekal/ Prsst{/ Jrisponsa'bilati/ Jsolvi P'suzpavarza! Jsistatmectik/ adj. a. adj. lo lng, bin khoan tim hidu chac chan, xac dinh cho rang (1a dung); gi su (la ding) thap ki, muréi nam (vi dy nhur 1910-1919 hay 2000-2009) xem xét chi tiét, khdo sat, nghién cciru, tim hiéu, kiém tra cude thi nghiém hop w6i l6-gic; hop ly sy nghién ciru, bai nghién otru trach nhiém thao g@, gidi quyét (mot van da) ngudi huéng dain, ngudi gidm sat 6 hé théng, c6 phuong phap Bai 30 Renting & Leasing - Thué & Cho Thué apprehensive circumstance . condition due to fluctuate get out indicator lease lock ‘occupy ‘option . subject /gepn'hensiv/ /'s3z.kom.steens/ Ikan'difon! ju: tw /Maktfuew/ get auv/ Pindikenta(ry/ iss! oki Pokjupai/ Sopfon/ Psabdsikt! adj. a. an. prep sg hai, e so hoan cdnh, tinh huéng tinh trang béi, vi, do, tai, nho 66 dao dong, bién dong di ra, ra ngoai; thoat ra; thoat khdi chi sé hyp déng cho thué khoa; nhét, giam gitr cu ngy, séng, cu tra ‘sy chon Iva, quyén Iya chon 1g thudc vao,phy thude vao Bai 31: Selecting A Restaurant - Chon Lwa Nha Hang 361. 362. 363. 364, 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 382. 383. appeal arrive compromise . daring familiar guide majority mix rely secure subjective suggest Jail! Ia'rarv/ /'kompromaiz/ Pdcarin/ /fs'miliot/ Jaan /mo'dgorati/ /miks/ Ari'lail Jst'kjvor! Jsobdgektiv/ Isaldgest/ adj. v. n adj. adj. hp dan, 16i cuén dén noi sy thoa hiép tdo bao, ca gan, lidu linh thn thudc, quen thudc, quen (voi mot van 48) huéng dn vién phan lén, da sé (v) tron ln, pha ln; (n) sy két hop, hén hop, sy hoa hop dy vao, tin cay vao, tin tuéng vao chdc chan, an toan, bdo dam chu quan dé nghi Bai 32: Eating Out - An Bén Ngoai basic complete excite flavor forget ingredient judge - patron predict random remind Moerstk/ Pkom'plil Ak'saw Pflerwar/ Mor'get/ ‘/nn'grisdiont/ Mdgads/ Imniks! Ppeitran/ Iprt'dike/ /rendom/ /n'maind/ adj. v. v. adj. co ban hoan thanh, din xong kich thich, lam ai phan khich huong vj, mui vj quén nguyén ligu, thanh phan xét doan, danh gid (v) trén ln, pha ln; (n) su két hop, hdn hgp, sy hoa hop He bao tro, ngudi do dau, 6ng bau, 6ng chi; khach hang quen doan truée, dy doan ngdu nhién nhc, nhac nhé- Bai 33: Ordering Lunch - Dat An Tra 385. burdensome oa:dnsam/ 386. common Skoman/ 387. delivery Jai'twvaril 388. elegant Peligant! 389. fall Hoe 390. impress ‘am'pres/ 391. individual Jandt'vidsual/ 392. list Must 393. multiple /'maltupl/ 394. narrow Sneeroul 395. pick up pik ap/ 396. settle Psetl/ adj. adj. a, adj. nang né, phién toai phé bién, théng thong su chuyén phat/giao (thu, hang hoa) duyén dang roi, rot, nga khdc, in su vao; gay 4n tugng, lam cam dong riéng Ié, mang tinh chat ca nhan danh sach nhidu, lién quan dén nhidu nguoilvat han hep. én (ai 66) inh cu, én dinh cuéc sng Bai 34: Cooking As A Career - Nghé Nau An 397. accustom Ja'kas-tom/ 398. apprentice Jalprentis/ 399. demanding JAi’ma:ndinf 400. culinary Sealo.ner.if 401.draw dra) 402. incorporate Jin'kaxparest/ 403. influx Jinflaks! 404, method S'meod/ 405. outlet Savile 406. profession Ipro'fefon! 407. relinquish Jet linkewff/ 408. theme imi na adj adj. (+to) lam cho quen, tap cho quen Agudi hoc viéc, ngudi hoc nghé, thyc tap di héi khat khe; khé khan, ddi di phirc tap viéc ndu nung, viéc bép nic kéo, I6i kéo, thu hat, Idi cuén bao gém, tich hop dong nguditién/... dén (noi nado) phuong phap, cach thirc 16i thoat, 16i ra nghé nghiép thd, tir bd (mot cdch khong san long) dé tai, chi dé 409. 410. at 412. 413, 414, 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 424 422. 423. 424, 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 43 432. assist coordinate . dimension exact general ideal lead time plan proximity . regulation site stage Bai 35: Events - Sw Kién Aa'sis! Akou'scdinent/ Jdi'menjnl dgzekw Sdsenaral/ Jar'dizol/ Sid tam Uplaent Jprok'simati/ J,reqja'lexfon/ dst! dsterds/ v. v. a. adj. adj. adj. a, gidp 46, hd tre, tro gid sp xép, phdi hop kich thuée, chiéu, 067 khd chinh xae, ding, ding an tng thé; chung chung; ting quat ly twéng thdi gian gidra lic bat dau va luc hoan thanh mét qua trinh san xuat ké hoach, dy dinh gn (trang thai gan, 6 gan, théi gian gan, sy kién gan...); sy gan gui uy dinh noi, ché, vi tri, dia diém, khu dat trinh dién, dan canh; sdp xép, t8 chire Bai 36: General Travel - Du Lich Téng Quan agency announcement beverage blanket board claim delay depart embark itinerary . prohibit valid Pexdsansi /o'naunsmant) Pbevarids/ blzenkat/ Posed Akleun/ Kar'lev Iditpat! ‘m’bak/ ‘Av'tmo'reri/ Iprou'bibr/ Pveelid/ a. n. adj. co’ quan, dai ly 161 céng bé, tuyén bé, thong bao dé udng, thirc udng (tat ca cdc loai, trir nude loc) chan, mén Lén tau / may bay / xe lira nan lai, lay lai; ddi héi, yeu cau; tuyén bd, xac nhan; khai bao hoan lai (cudc hop, chuyén di...) 01 khdi, khéi hanh len tau; dat vat gi do én tau anh trinh, lich trinh; nhat ky di duong cdm, ngan cm 6 gia tri, c6 higu lye, hop 16 (dac biét vé mat phap ly) 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 448. 449, 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. Bai 37: Airlines - Dwong / Hang Hang Khéng . deal with destination distinguish economical equivalent ‘excursion . expensive ). extend . prospective . situation |. substantial . system . comprehensive . deluxe . directory duration entitle fare offset operate punctual relatively remainder remote Jaicl wid! /,dest'nexfon/ Jai'stingwif ficko'nomakal/ A'kwivalant/ ‘Ak'sks:san/ ‘ik'spensrv/ Ak'stend/ /prospective/ /sitju'eifon Jsab'staenfal/ fsistom/ uyét, d6i phd, xi ly; ban v8 cai gi, théa thuan vé cai gi noi dén, dich dén phan biét tiét kiém, kinh 18 tuong duong ude i choi, cugc du ngoan, cude tham quan dat tién kéo dai, mé rong (thudc) tung lai, trién vong; vé sau, sdp toi tinh huéng, hoan canh lon, quan trong he théng Bai 38: Trains - Tau Dién {kompn'henstv/ Jas'laks/ Aar'rektari/ ajus'rexfon/ An'tantl/ Kear! /,pt'set/ Foporei! Fpanktfuall retour! /ri'meindal Jn'maut! adj. adj. adi adv. adj. bao ham tat ca, toan dién xa xi, xa hoa; thudc loai sang trong/thuong hang danh ba, danh ba dién thoai; sch chi d&n/huéng din théi gian, khong thes gian (t8n tai cia mét su vide) cho/trao cho ai quyén (lam gi...) tin xe, tau, pha, may bay... bi dap, bu trir hoat dong, diéu khién, van hanh dung gig (khong cham tré) tuong déi phan cén lai, ché cén lai; s6 du, phan du xa x6i, héo lénh Bai 39: Hotels - Khach San tién bo day, chuéi, loat lam thi tuc dang ky (dé vao khach san, vao héi nghi, lén may bay...) xac nhdn; chirng thyrc mong chéy, rng mong quan gia; ngudi coi nha, ngudi gid? nha thong bao ean tré, ngan chan trich 16% (ai), trich dan (doan van...) 1116, tan sudt dat ché trude, git trudc dich vu Bai 40: Car Rentals - Thué Xe Hoi 457. advance od'vens! 458. chain ASem/ 459. check in ‘Afek in 460. confirm Pkon'fasm/ 461. expect Jik'spekt/ 462. housekeeper ‘Phaus,ki:po/ 463. notify Sooutifay! 464. preclude Jpni'klusd! 465. quote Tkwaut! 466. rate /revt/ 467. reserve Int'zav/ 468. service fsaivish 469. busy Powzil 470.coincide J koumn'sard/ 471.confusion Fkan'fju3an! 472. contact Pontekt/ 473, disappoint /,disa'pauni! 474. intend ‘n'tend/ 475.license /Marsns/ 476. nervous Pnsivas/ 477. optional Popfanl/ 478. tempt ‘tempt! 479. thrill Joril/ 480. tier Praiol adj ban, ban ron giéng/tuong ty nhau, tring sy l6n x6n, sy réi loan, nhdm in sy tip xc, lién lac thudng xuyén 1am ai that vong dy dinh, 66 ¥ dinh gidy phép lo lang tuy ¥, tuy chon, khong bat budc cam dB, du db tun lén, ring minh, ring ron, ly ky; 16n lén, rn rang; rung cdm, xuc. déng tang, t4ng lop, hang 481. 483, 485. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494, 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 503. 504, attain .. combine continue . description disperse . entertainment influence range release represent separate successive action approach audience create dialogue element experience . occur . perform . rehearse review . sell out Bai 41: Movies — Phim /s'tem/ Pkomn'bain/ dkon'tinjuy Jai'skenpfnd Jai'spss! /enta'temmont/ Pinfluans/ Jreinds/ Jn'lss! Jrepri'zent/ P'separew/ Jsok'sesiv! © < adj. dat duge két hop, phéi hop tiép tuc ‘sy mé ta, miu ta, hinh dang phan tan; giai tan sy/hinh thic gidi tri, sy vui choi Anh huéng, tac dong mot loat (nhidu thir cla cing mot loai) phat hanh (b6 phim, ban ti ang (tin); dra ra ban (mot loai 6 t6 mdi...) thay mat, dai dién tach ra 6 tidp, lin tidp, ln tye; Lan luot Bai 42: Theater - Rap Hat Peckjnd Alprout{/ fodions/ Ikri'ent/ Pdaiolog/ elimant/ ‘ik'sprorions! okkar Jpa'foxml fess In'yjud Jsel avt/ hanh dong ch tiép cn; giai phap khdn (thinh) gid taonen cudc déi thoai, giai thoai yéu t6 trai qua, ném mii, chiu dyng xuat hién; xdy ra, xdy dén lam, thy hién (cng viée, nhiém wy...) din tap bai phé binh, sy phé binh. ban hét, ban duge hét 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. . urge 516. available broad category disparate divide favorite instinct preference reason relaxation taste Bai 43: Music - Am Nhac sam a ses 46 ding, 66 thé kiém/mua Porsed! adj. rong, da dang Pkeetagari a hang, loai Paisporit/ aa Pe bi6t, khdc loai, khac han Jai'vand/ v. chia, phan chia Mewar adj. a mén chudng, duge ua ‘anstagkt/ a ban nang ‘prefarans/ n. ‘yr ua thich hon, sy wa chuong Privean/ a lydo fatimescny gt ng, Bm dam gm ‘est! v. khiéu tham mg, sy tinh té Idsf ve c6 nai, c6 gang thuyét phuc Bai 44: Museums - Bao Tang 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. §27. 528. acquire admire collection criticism express fashion leisure respond schedule significant specialize spectrum urge, gidnh duge, thu duge, dat Ja'kwatar! ve dugc. jm dugc Jod'matat/ v. khm phye, nguéng mo Tka'lekfan/ n bd suu tap keitusizam/ n. sy/loi phé binh, chi trich ' bidu 6, bay t6 (tinh cam...); phat ‘Aicsprest ve bidu y kin Nxfon! Ss ue trang, mét; hinh dang, kiéu del n. thi gio’ ranh ri /n'spond/ v dap tai, tra Hoi Pskedsu/ re bang gid gidc, thoi gian biéu, lich Jsignifikont/ adj. Heese trong dai, hé trong; Pspefalaizl uy: aay mén héa, chuyén vé, dac /spektrom/ a. pham vi rong lon 529. 530. 531. 535. 536. 537. 538. 539. 540. 541. 542. 543. . diagnose 545. 546. 544. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. assignment choose constant . constitute 533. decisive . disseminate impact in depth investigative link. subscribe thorough Bai 45: Media - Truyén Thong /a!sammant/ Aju2l Pkanstant/ Peonstitjut/ Jat'saistv/ /di'semmert/ Mimpacky ‘in depe Fin'vestigeit/ Auykt Jsab'skraiby esau! adj. adj. adj. viée duge giao, nhiém vy Iya chon khéng ditt, lién tue, lién mién tao thanh, gay nén quyét doan truyén ba, phé bién (thong tin, kién thirc...) tac dong, anh huéng cn than, ti mi, chu dao, chi tiét didu tra, nghién ctru lien két, két néi dt mua mét cai gi dé dinh ky, dang ky hoan toan; kj luong; th4u do; tri6t dé Bai 46: Doctor's Office - Van Phong Bac Si annual appointment assess effective instrument manage prevent recommend record refer serious Peenjuali/ ‘o'pomtmant Ja'ses/ ‘Adarognouz! fekuv/ /nstroment/ fmeenidsy Ipn'vent /,reko'mend/ in'kaed! sri'fac) Psiarios! adv. hang néim, tirng nam, thudng nin sir hen gp, cudc hen (lién quan én cng vic) danh gia chan doan (bénh) higu qua dung cy, cong cy xoay sé duge, tim cach thyc hin duc viée gi kho ngan/phéng ngira gidi thiéu, tién cir (ngudi, vat...), a nghi, khuyén ghi chép, ghi lai ‘4m chi, néi dén; tham khdo, héi y kién quan trong, khong thé coi thuéng urge; nghiém tic Bai 47: Dentist's Office - Van Phong Nha Si 553. aware 554. catch up 555. distraction 556. encourageme nt 557. evident 558. habit 559. illuminate 560. irritate 561. overview 562. position 563. regularly 564. restore 565. allow 566. alternative 567. aspect 568. concem 569. emphasize 570. incur 571. personnel 572. policy 573. portion 574. regardless 575. salary 576. suitable Js'weal adj. Mkt ap/ v Jat'straekfon/ in Fintkariddsman/ Pevidont/ adj. Phaebst/ A A'wmnent v. Surten w Pouvayjul n. Ipo'zafond n Pregjotorti/ adv. Insta! wv biét, nh&n thay, nhdn thire thay lam kip, theo kip diéu lam xao nhang, phién nhiéu khuyén khich, 6 vi, nim dong vien hién nhién, 13 rét théi quen chiéu sng, roi sang, soi sang; lam sang té lam ai buc minh (dac biét béi didu gi xay ra lién tyc) (sy) khai quat, tng quan quan diém, lap truéng déu dan, thudng xuyén phuc hd, lAy tai Bai 48: Health - Sic Khoe /a'lan/ v. /ail'ta:nativ/ Pespekt! dkan'sa:n/ /emfasarz/ antkoen! Apsson'el/ > Ras ge> @ /polasi/ Ppaxfon! 3 (adv) adj. cho phép ‘sy la chon gitra hai hoc nhiéu kha nang; mot trong hai hoac nhiéu kha nang vé, bé ngoai; dién mao; khia canh lign quan, énh hung. nhén manh chiu, gnh, me, bi, chuéc ldy nhan sy chinh séch (cia chinh phi, dang, cOng ty...) phan kong dé iat batch tidn lvong phi hop 577. admit 578. authorization 579. designate 580. escort 581. identify 582. mission 583. permit 584. pertinent 585. procedure 586. result 58: S . statement 588. usual 589. consult 590. control 59) . convenient 592. detect 593. factor 594. interaction 5985. limit 596. monitor 597. potential 598. sample 599. sense 600. volunteer Bai 49: Hopitals - Bénh Vién Jod'eot/ [8ora'zex{ond Pdezigniy Teskack - istko:t/ Jas'dentufau/ ‘Prnsfon/ Jpa'mit/ /psttinont! Iprou'si

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