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English Class III

Lesson 1
Rekha’s new friend

Q1. What was the class teacher’s name?

A1. The class teacher’s name was Ms Anita Tawang.

Q2. Who was Rekha’s new friend?

A2. Rekha’s new friend was Alice.

Q3. Why was Alice worried?

A3. Alice was worried that she did not have any friends.

Q4. What did Alice like about the school?

A4. Alice liked the school as it was big.

Q5. What had Rekha brought for lunch?

A5. Rekha had brought idlis for lunch.

Q6. What had Alice brought for lunch?

A6. Alice had brought pasta and one fruit for lunch.

Q7. Do you think it is important to have friends? Why?

A7.Yes, it is important to have friends. We play, study, eat and share our
things with them.

Q8. What do you think is the best way to make friends?

A8. The best way to make friends is to listen to them and share our things
with them.

Q9. What do you enjoy doing with your friends?

A9. I enjoy playing, eating, studying and sharing lot of things with my

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