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Grade: Time: Lesson/Topic:

Date: Teacher:
Learning Material:
(Pls. Check)
 LAS (LEARNING Activity Sheets)
 SLM (Self-Learning Modules
 Assessment
 Others: _________________

I. Please fill in the information in the box below.

II. Please rate the following statements. Kindly check the box for your response.

Item Excellent Good Averag Fair Poor

1. Overall, I would rate this learning material as..
2. The material appropriate for us.
3. The learning objectives are clear.
4. The material present opportunities for task-
based learning or require us to do task.
5. The material present options for meeting our
individual needs.
6. The material present information in appealing
ways that gained my interest.
7. Its content current, relevant, and accurate.
8. The material support self-directed learning or
help me to do task independently.
9. This learning material helped me feel more
confident about studying the topic.
10. The material satisfy my learning styles.

Other Comment/s:

Name of Student: _______________________________________________________________

Year & Section: _________________________________________________________________
Date accomplished: _____________________________________________________________

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