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270 H.

Walter: Inhibitionsfelder

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[Wa] Walter, H.: Inhibitionsfelder. Dissertation an der Mathematisch-Natur-
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Dr. Hermann Walter

Institut fiir Angewandte Mathematik
Universitiit des Saarlandes
D-6600 Saarbriicken

Corrigenda to
Acta Informatica 1, t4-25 (t97t)

Optimum Binary Search Trees


t. In the fourth line of the L e m m a (page 17), read fll for rio.
2. The proof of the Theorem (page t8) is incorrect; it is not possible to con-
clude that ~'~~ i s without perhaps changing 5 ' . A valid inductive proof can be
constructed, using a similar but more complex approach, b y proving the following
stronger result: "' Let Si, i be the set of all possible values Ri, i which satisfy (**).
If aeSo,.-1 and bESo, n and b < a , then aESo, . and b E S o , n - l " .
3. In the second line of the cre atetree procedure (page 22), delete the paren-
thesis following the zero.

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