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Fuentes históricas es cualquier resto material (joyas, vestidos, armas, cerámicas) o documentos escritos,

oral, grafico o audiovisual, que ofrece al historiador una información sobre la actividad humana y le
permite reconstruir el pasado.

- Primarias: Son las pertenecientes a la época histórica estudiada, como una moneda, una
espada, un diario privado, un anillo
- Secundarias: Son las elaboradas a partir de las fuentes primarias, en épocas posteriores, como
un mapa o la descripción de una moneda que encontramos en un libro.

La Prehistoria se divide en tres etapas: Paleolítico, Neolítico y Edad de los Metales.

Hecho, tiempo, lugar, protagonistas

In 2020 I traveled to Miami, and when I arrived, I just realized how far it is from my country, after a few
hours, my mom asked me if I had been to Disney, so I noticed that I had never been to Disney before.
And then, without thinking about it, we were already there, and it was amazing, we saw such beautiful
and amazing things, including many characters from different movies. After that I went back to my
aunt's house, we played a lot of games and we had a lot of fun, after a little nap I realized that my little
sister was not at home, so I got scared and I started asking everyone, but she didn't show up anywhere,
that was very scary, but we found her in a lake looking for some ducks. And I felt my soul return to my
body, after finding her. I hope to make a new trip to a place I haven't visited yet, and with fewer scares.

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