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Study Guide

1. What characteristics do all plants share?

A// All plants are autotrophs, organisms that produce their own food.

2. What is chlorophyll?
A// Is a green pigment found in the chloroplasts of the plants.

3. What is photosynthesis?
A// The process by which plants and other autotrophs capture and use light to make food.

4. What is tissue?
A// A group of similar cells that perform a specific function.

5. What is chloroplast?
A// An organelle in the cells of plants and some other organisms that capture energy from sunlight.

6. What is vacuole?
A// A sac-like organelle that store water, food, and other materials.

7. What is cuticle?
A// The waxy, waterproof of layer that covers the leaves and stems of most plants.

8. What is vascular tissue?

A// The internal transporting tissue in some plants that is made up of tubelike structures that carry water,
food, and minerals.

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