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Study Guide

1. What is classify?
A. To arrenge or sort objects according to their propreties.

2. What is vertebrate?
A. Animals that have backbone.

3. What is invertebrate?
A. Animals without backbones.

4. What is a tubelike?
A. Is a structure that transport water and nutrients to all parts of the plant.

5. Which plants produce seeds?

A. The flowers or cones.

6. Name the 5 group of vertebrates.

A. Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

7. What do fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals have in common?

A. They are animals with backbone.

8. How does a fish breathe?

A. They use the gills to breathe.

9. Where do the amphibians live?

A. They can live both on land or in water.

10. What do birds and mammals have in common?

A. They have lungs to breathe air.

11. How do the mammals feed their young?

A. They produce milk to feed them.

12. Name 3 invertebrate animals.

A. Jellyfish, sea stars, and crabs.

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