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be in love….
love is something that we cannot avoid but that
we could confuse.
When someone attracts us we think wow! .. he is
a person I like and we think we are in love when
it is not like that.
Do we really know that love ?, what is this
beautiful feeling?
Love is not something that easy but it is not
something that we can control, many times we
fall in love with people who are not for us due to
different aspects that if age or if he has a
girlfriend without knowing what problems it
could cause us or the way in which later we
would suffer.
Chararcter: Name: Arredondo Pulido Ana Laura
Age: 17
Peronality: Cheerful and dramatic also a little
What emotion predomitates in the monologue?: a
mix between joy and sadness
Location: In your room
Audencie: Teenagers
Objetive: understand the difference between what
is love and attraction

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