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Analysis part:

Gender discrimination is harmful. We have the right to live our lives as we see fit. Discrimination
is never accepted in the eyes of the Church since it is a sin. We have no rights to discriminate
nor harm others. We tend to be unbothered or be blinded by these kinds of situations, but to not
bother to fight against this act is also not tolerated because we are ignoring people who require
assistance, forcing some of them to miss out on life's opportunities. We are all created equally
and uniquely, and we all deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. We have the right
to live peacefully and avoid discrimination. No one should ever be able to deprive us of our
human rights. Although we have complete freedom to do whatever we choose, we do have
limitations, and we should put our rights and freedoms to good use. It can help us aid and
evaluate circumstances differently with the support of Roman Catholic Church teachings, and it
can help us be conscious of whether the acts we're taking are tolerated or not at all. The
teachings may assist us in becoming better human beings and avoiding acts of discrimination.

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