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Covid-19 and how the world handled it

As the third wave of Covid hit, we 3 students, me, Jashan, along with Dio and Ferry, got
together and we thought, as the third wave hit, some countries are being affected heavily in the
world, but some seemed relatively unchanged and unfazed by the third wave, and we couldn’t
help but wonder how and why. Therefore, we decided to find out more on this topic, and we
decided to make a poster on it, with the aim of raising awareness about what the government
could have done and what could have been avoided if the government would’ve successfully
managed to control the spread of COVID-19. Also, we aim to educate people on how they could
have helped the government to achieve their goals in controlling Covid-19 better. So in our
poster, we’ve elaborated on the factors that influence how Covid-19, which countries have been
successful and unsuccessful in battling Covid-19 and why or why not, and also what the world
could’ve done better. For our interview, we had 3 participants, Mr. Richie Donnal Putra, a
private teacher, Ms. Shinta Irmayanti, a biology teacher at SBR, and Mr. Matthew Rizzoli, a
business studies teacher at SBR. From our interviewees, the main difference in their answers
were in the last 4 questions, which show how their backgrounds affected their responses, as
Ms. Shinta was talking more about the health aspect of things, while Mr. Matthew were talking
more about the business and service oriented things. This is one way we’ve shown different
cultural perspectives from different backgrounds due to the topic involving a lot of different
sectors. To conclude, from our interview, we found that to governments could’ve utilized travel
bans and boosted online grocery services as one way to better handle Covid-19, alongside a
great supply of PPE, and also a decent information spreading system. Us as citizens can help
by doing exactly what the government has told us to, get vaccinated, and stay healthy by eating
good food, exercising, and overall maintaining our health.

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