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14 November 2020

Shoreside missions available:

Salvatore Leone:
- Rough Justice (SALH1) - The Hoods arrow color is still wrong, kinda
hard to fix when it's not natively supported by VC engine
- Dead Reckoning (SALH2)
- Shogun Showdown (SALH3)
- The Shoreside Redemption (SALH4)
- The Sicilian Gambit (SALH5) - Ending Credits is not working fully yet.

Donald Love:
- Panlantic Land Grab (DONH1)
- Stop the Press (DONH2)
- Morgue Party Resurrection (DONH3)
- No Money, Mo' Problems (DONH4)
- Bringing the House Down (DONH5) - Sometimes the LODs of normal Fort Staunton
is still there, even though I 'explicitly' scripted them to be replaced with the
destroyed LODs
- Love on the Run (DONH6)

Toshiko Kasen:
- More Deadly than the Male (TOSH1)
- Cash Clash (TOSH2)
- A Date With Death (TOSH3)
- Cash in Kazuki's Chips (TOSH4)

-- Long Play is possible on some chance now.

A L L S T O R Y M I S S I O N S A R E A V A I L A B L E ! ! !

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