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TASK 1: Match one item from A with one from B to make a common collocation

1. make a. of achieving the targets

2. capable b. for sure
3. turn out c. in stock and share
4. take d. to the pressures of foreign markets
5. know e. job opportunities
6. invest f. to be a disaster
7. increase g. the productivity
8. expose themselves h. into risky ventures
9. create i. a risk
10. get j. a living

TASK 2: Select the proper definitions of the following terms/words:

Free trade ....................... Stability .......................

Supply chain ....................... Intellectual property .......................

Trademarks ....................... Copyright .......................

Trade barriers ....................... Domestic products .......................

Inefficiency ....................... Productivity .......................

A. The products which are made in own industries

B. A legal right created by the law of a country that grants the creator of an original
work exclusive rights for its use and distribution

C. International buying and selling of goods, without limits on the amount of goods
that one country can sell to another, and without special taxes on the goods bought
from a foreign country.

D. A situation in which something is not likely to move or change

E. The protection of creations of the mind, which have both a moral and a commercial

F. The state of not achieving maximum productivity; failure to make the best use of
time or resources
G. A system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in
moving a product or service from supplier to customer.

H. Any name, symbol, figure, letter, word or mark adopted and used by a manufacturer
or merchant in order to designate specific goods and to distinguish them from those
manufactured or sold by others.

I. The effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry, as measured in terms of

the rate of output per unit of input.

J. Measures that governments or public authorities introduce to make imported goods

or services less competitive than locally produced goods and services

TASK 3: According to the READING text (p.133), what does each of the underlined part refer
1. “This little guy is perfectly capable of making a living” (Paragraph 1)
2. “Well, of course I don’t do this.”

TASK 4: Words and expressions: Find words in the READING text (p.133) with the following

1. the supply of people in a particular country or area who are able and willing to work
2. a person who travels about selling goods, typically advertising them by shouting
3.  the possibility of something bad happening

TASK 5: Complete the sentences with one of the words in the following box

protectionism high-return physicist inefficient

stimulate analogy inferior expose

1. While there are several investment plans, one can choose ............................
investment options if they are willing to take risks.
2. You might call something ........................... if its quality is not as good as another.
3. ............................. management may come from the leader’s individual
4. A raise in employee wages can ........................... production
5. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was a great ........................... who outlined the
principle of gravity.
6. There will be a lot of competitive and strong companies coming here and even
though Kosovo is a small company, one of our main interest is to ...................... it to
the world market.
7. Australia’s Treasurer, Wayne Swan, used the ...................... of Hurricane Katrina to
convince his audience that through crisis came a better understanding of underlying
weaknesses in a system.
8. Trade ............................ is how countries raise tariffs and reduce imports to
protect their domestic industries

1. – j: make a living
2. – a: capable of achieving the targets
3. – f: turn out to be a disaster
4. – i: take a risk
5. – b: know for sure
6. – c: invest in stock and share
7. – g: increase the productivity
8. – d: expose themselves to the pressures of foreign markets
9. – e: create job opportunities
10. – h: get into risky ventures

Free trade .........C.............. Stability ..........D.............

Supply chain .........G.............. Intellectual property ...........E............

Trademark .........H.............. Copyright ...........B...........

Trade barriers .........J.............. Domestic products ...........A...........

Inefficiency .........F............. Productivity ...........I............

1. Chang’s son
2. Sending his son to the labour market

1. labour market
2. a street hawker
3.  risk

1. high-risk
2. inferior
3. inefficient
4. stimulate
5. physicist
6. expose
7. analogy
8. protectionism

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