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Làm sao suy nghĩ, sử dụng Tiếng Anh hàng ngày
3 Bước Để Tránh Tăng Cân Trong Ngày Tết
Tết là dịp lễ quan trọng nhất (s) trong năm của người Việt Nam. Nhưng môt loạt các (p) bữa
tiệc thịnh soạn và tụ tập liên tục dẫn đến một mối quan tâm chung - tăng cân.
Dưới đây là ba bước để quản lý cân nặng trong ngày lễ tốt hơn.
3 Steps to Avoid Weight Gain During Tet
Tet is the most significant celebration of the year for the Vietnamese. But the continuous
parade of plentiful feasts and gatherings lead to a common concern - weight gain.
Here are three steps to have better holiday weight management.
*celebration of sth for sb /ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn/ (cn, dịp lễ)
*parade of sth cn /pəˈreɪd/ (một loạt, danh từ đếm đc): a series of things or people
* plentiful /ˈplentɪfl/ adj (dồi dào, phong phú, nhiều, s v l) = abundant: available or existing in
large amounts or numbers
*feast cn /fiːst/ (bữa tiệc, yến tiệc thinh soạn): a large or special meal, especially for a lot of
people and to celebrate something

Bước 1: Chuẩn bị kỹ lưỡng trước (the) các bữa tiệc

Điều chỉnh bữa ăn hàng ngày của bạn
Bữa ăn hàng ngày của bạn đã cung cấp đủ năng lượng cho cơ thể, vì vậy lượng thực phẩm lễ
hội dồi dào (a) sẽ khiến chúng ta (wo) tăng thêm vài cân không mong muốn.
Một “mẹo” đơn giản và dễ áp dụng hiện nay là hãy cắt giảm từ 1/3 đến một nửa (~) khẩu phần
ăn bình thường (d) trong ngày hoặc trong tuần diễn ra sự kiện. Điều này có thể giúp (may) cân
bằng lượng calo bạn tiêu thụ thêm trong (the) các bữa tiệc.
Step 1: Be well-prepared before the parties
Adjust your daily meals
Your daily meals already provide enough energy for your body, so the abundant amount of
festive foods would leave us with some unwanted pounds.
A simple and easy-to-apply "trick" now is to cut down from one-third to half your normal
meal portions during the day or the week of the event. This may help balance the extra
calories you consume at the parties.
*adjust trv (điểu chỉnh): to change something slightly to make it more suitable for a new set of
conditions or to make it work better
*provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sth
* festive /ˈfestɪv/ adj (ngày lễ): typical of a special event or celebration
*leave sb sth trv (khiến cho, để lại): to make something happen or remain as a result -> She
left me with the impression that she was unhappy.
* pound cn (cân)" (in Britain and North America) a unit for measuring weight, equal to 0.454
of a kilogram
*lượng +khẩu phần ăn
*at the party
*portion cn /ˈpɔːrʃn/ (khẩu phần, suất): an amount of food that is large enough for one person
-> You should eat several portions of fruit a day.

Ngủ đủ giấc
Nghiên cứu cho thấy (s) thời gian ngủ ngắn (dưới 7 giờ mỗi ngày) sẽ (wo r in) dẫn đến mệt
mỏi, thúc đẩy 'cảm giác' đói, dẫn (l t) đến ăn quá nhiều (i) và cuối cùng làm tăng nguy cơ béo
phì. Hãy nhớ rằng đó chỉ là 1 'cảm giác' thèm ăn, không nhất thiết phải thực hiện.
Have enough sleep
Research shows that short sleep duration (less than 7 hours per day) would result in fatigue,
promoting the 'feelings' of hunger, which leads to excessive food intake and ultimately
increases the risk of obesity. Remember that it's just a 'feeling' of craving for food, which does
not necessarily need to be fulfilled.
*duration (un)
*fatigue /fəˈtiːɡ/ un (sự mệt mỏi) un: a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of
hard work or exercise
*excessive /ɪkˈsesɪv/ adj (quá mức): greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate
*intake un /ˈɪnteɪk/ (lượng thức ăn): the amount of food, drink, etc. that you take into your
*craving for sth cn /ˈkreɪvɪŋ/ (sự thèm): a strong desire for something

Ngoài ra (a), (o) ăn quá nhiều có thể gây © khó chịu cho hệ tiêu hóa, do đó (c) có thể làm
gián đoạn giấc ngủ của bạn. Do đó, ảnh hưởng của việc ăn quá nhiều tạo (d) thành một vòng
lặp vô tận của mất ngủ - ăn quá nhiều - khó chịu ở dạ dày, về lâu dài có hại cho sức khỏe của
bạn. Duy trì một lối sống lành mạnh là vô cùng quan trọng © để tránh tăng cân trong kỳ nghỉ
lễ (se).
Additionally, overeating may cause digestive discomfort, which consequently can disrupt
your sleep. The effect of overeating, therefore, develops an endless loop of sleep loss -
overeating - stomach discomfort, which is harmful to your health in the long run. Maintaining
a healthy lifestyle is extremely crucial to avoid weight gain during the holiday seasons.
*disrupt trv (làm gián đoạn): to make it difficult for something to continue in the normal way
*digestive /dɪˈdʒestɪv/ adj (tiêu hoá): when you digest food, or it digests, it is changed into
substances that your body can use
*an endless loop of /ˈendləs/ /luːp/ adj cn (vòng lặp vô tận =limitless): very large in size or
amount and seeming to have no end/ a set of instructions that is repeated again and again until
a particular condition is satisfied/

Để dễ dàng đi vào giấc ngủ và cải thiện chất lượng giấc ngủ của bạn, hãy giảm bớt (the) ánh
sáng và giữ cho phòng của bạn mát mẻ và yên tĩnh. Ngoài ra (b), bạn có thể thực hành một số
bài thiền với mùi hương dễ chịu, hoặc thử kỹ *out) thuật nhanh chóng chìm vào giấc ngủ
trong 120 giây.
To easily fall asleep and improve your sleep quality, dim down the light and keep your room
cool and quiet. Besides, you can practice some mediation with pleasant scents, or try out the
technique to quickly fall asleep in 120 secs.
*dim down pv (giảm bớt): To lessen something in brightness, as of a light

Tránh ăn vặt
Những bữa tiệc cộng với việc ăn vặt trong dịp Tết có thể góp phần rất lớn vào việc tiêu thụ
quá nhiều calo (in) và khiến (l)bạn tăng thêm cân.
Avoid snacking
Parties plus snacking during Tet can greatly contribute to excessive calorie intake, and leave
you with some extra weight.
*snack (intr) (ăn vặt): to eat snacks between or instead of main meals

Bạn biết những gì họ nói, 'Ra khỏi tầm nhìn, mất trí nhớ'. Đừng để bất kỳ loại (t)đồ ăn vặt nào
trong tầm với của bạn, đặc biệt là trên bàn làm việc, giường ngủ hoặc (the) bàn cà phê - bất cứ
nơi nào bạn dành hầu hết (of) thời gian. Tuy nhiên, cách tốt nhất để tránh ăn vặt không cần
thiết là không lưu trữ chúng ngay từ đầu.
You know what they say, 'Out of sight, out of mind'. Don't keep any types of snacks within
your reach, especially on your working desk, your bed, or the coffee table - anywhere that you
spend most of the time around. However, the best way to avoid snacking unnecessarily is to
not store them in the first place.
*to not
*within sb's reach un (trong tầm với của ai đó)

Bước 2: Lên chiến lược bắt đầu bữa tiệc

Khi nói đến thức ăn, hãy cầu kỳ
Tinh thần/phẩm chất đặc trưng của mùa lễ hội còn nằm ở những bữa ăn đậm chất lễ hội. Đối
với người Việt Nam, chúng ta đón Tết theo truyền thống với 1 bữa yến tiệc là bánh chưng,
bánh tét) và dưa hành giã nhỏ/củ kiểu. Vì (s) bạn hầu như (h)không có những loại (k) thực
phẩm này trong suốt thời gian còn lại của năm, bạn cho phép bản thân thưởng thức/buông thả
ăn chúng, có thể là nhiều
Step 2: Have a strategy to start the party
When it comes to food, be picky
The spirit of the holiday season also lies in the signature festive meals. For Vietnamese
people, we traditionally celebrate Tet with a feast of sticky rice cake (called 'bánh chưng' and
'bánh tét') and pickled small leeks. Since you hardly have these kinds of food during the rest
of the year, you allow yourself to indulge in them, maybe to much
*selebrate sth with sb/sth
* picky adj /ˈpɪki/ (kén cá chọn canh, cầu kỳ): (of a person) liking only particular things and
difficult to please -> a picky eater/ She’s very picky about her clothes.
*spirit /ˈspɪrɪt/ (tinh thần, phẩm chất đặc trưng) singular: the typical or most important quality
or mood of something -> The exhibition captures the spirit of the age/times.
*signature /ˈsɪɡnətʃər/ cn (đặc trưng, đậm chất): a particular quality that makes something
different from other similar things and makes it easy to recognize -> The signature flavours of
Thai cookery are coriander and lime
*feast of sth (yến tiệc)
*pickled small leeks /ˈpɪkld/ /liːk/ cn (củ kiệu : củ tỏi tây nhỏ ngâm giấm): (of food)
preserved in vinegar/ a vegetable like a long onion with many layers of wide leaves that are
white at the bottom and green at the top. Leeks are eaten cooked. The leek is a national
symbol of Wales.
* indulge in intr /ɪnˈdʌldʒ/ (buông thả, đắm mình, nuông chiều): to allow yourself to have or
do something that you like, especially something that is considered bad for you -> They went
into town to indulge in some serious shopping.

Tránh đồ uống có hàm lượng calo cao

Nước ngọt hay bia là những thức uống giàu calo thường thấy trong các (k có the) bữa tiệc.
Một lon bia hoặc nước ngọt 330 ml chứa khoảng (ab) 150 calo, tương đương với một bát

Avoid high-calorie drinks

Soft drinks or beers are common calorie-rich beverages at parties. A 330-milliliter can of beer
or soft drink contains about 150 calories, which is equivalent to a bowl of rice.
*beverage /ˈbevərɪdʒ/ cn (đồ uống): any type of drink except water

Bạn có thể chọn (o) các loại nước thay thế không đường hoặc nước có ga thay cho (I p) đồ
uống (b) có đường.
You can opt for sugar-free alternatives or sparkling water in place of sweetened beverages.
* opt for /ɑːpt/ intr (lựa chọn): to choose to take or not to take a particular course of action ->
After graduating she opted for a career in music.
*sparkling water /ˈspɑːrklɪŋ/ adj (nước uống có ga): (of drinks) containing bubbles of gas
*in place of id (thay cho): You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe.
*sweetened (trv)

Chọn chất xơ và protein thay vì carbs

(the) Các bữa tiệc (f) trong ngày lễ thường rất giàu (n) ® carbs, điều này cám dỗ nhưng gây
khó khăn cho việc quản lý cân nặng. Đó là lý do tại sao các chế độ ăn kiêng phổ biến cho (l)
sức khỏe như low carb khuyến khích € tiêu thụ các loại rau giàu chất xơ ® cũng như thực
phẩm giàu protein trong khi (the) hạn chế lượng carbohydrate.
Choose fiber and protein over carbs
The holiday feasts are normally rich in carbs, which is tempting yet daunting for weight
management. That's why popular health diets like low carb encourage consumption of fiber-
rich vegetables as well as high-protein foods while limiting the carbohydrates intake.
*holiday feast (k cần feast during holiday)
*choose sth over sth
*fiber /ˈfaɪbər/ un (chất xơ =roughage): the part of food that helps to keep a person healthy by
keeping the bowels working and moving other food quickly through the body
*tempting /ˈtemptɪŋ/ adj (hấp dẫn, cám dỗ): something that is tempting is attractive, and
makes people want to have it, do it, etc.
*daunting for /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ adj (làm thoái trí, gian nan, đầy thử thách): making somebody feel
nervous and less confident about doing something; likely to make somebody feel this way
* carbohydrate: foods such as bread, potatoes and rice that contain a lot of

Thực phẩm giàu protein chứa (m) nhiều chất dinh dưỡng quan trọng và thúc đẩy cảm giác
không lâu hơn mà không gây khó chịu cho dạ dày. Ngoài ra (a), so với carbs quá trình tiêu
hóa, cơ thể chúng ta (có thể) mất nhiều thời gian hơn để phân hủy proteins, có lợi cho việc
kiểm soát (c) cân nặng.
High-protein foods contain many important nutrients and promote a longer feeling of fullness
without stomach discomfort. Also, compared to carbs digestion, our body takes longer to
break down proteins, which is beneficial for weight control.
*break down pv (phân huỷ): to make a substance separate into parts or change into a different
form in a chemical process -> Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.
*beneficial for

Tuy nhiên, ăn quá nhiều đạm động (i) vật sẽ gây ảnh hưởng xấu (a) đến thận và gan của bạn.
Vì vậy, cần duy trì một chế độ ăn cân bằng với 50% nguồn đạm từ nguồn động vật và 50% từ
thực vật như (l) các loại đậu, nấm, rau sống, hạt vừng, hạt hướng dương, v.v.
However, excessive animal protein intake will have adverse effects on your kidney and liver.
Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet with 50% of protein source from animals
and 50% from plants like legumes, mushrooms, dark green vegetables, sesame seeds, and
sunflower seeds, etc.
*adverse /ˈædvɜːrs/ adj (có hại): negative and unpleasant; not likely to produce a good result
*liver /ˈlɪvər/ cn (gan): a large organ in the body that cleans the blood and produces bile
*legume /lɪˈɡjuːm/ cn (đậu): any plant that has seeds in long pods. Peas and beans are
*dark green vegetables /ˌɡriːn ˈvedʒtəbl/ plural (rau sống): a vegetable with dark green leaves,
for example cabbage or spinach
* sunflower /ˈsʌnflaʊər/ cn(hướng dương): a very tall plant with large yellow flowers, grown
in gardens or for its seeds and their oil that are used in cooking

Thưởng thức từng miếng ăn và ăn một cách có tâm

Chúng ta có xu hướng thỏa mãn khẩu vị của mình trong những bữa tiệc thịnh soạn, đặc biệt là
tiệc tự chọn.
Savor every bite and eat mindfully
We tend to satisfy our palates at hearty feasts, especially buffets.
*Savor /ˈseɪvər/ trv (thưởng thức, nếm, nhấm nháp =relish): to enjoy the full taste of
something, especially by eating or drinking it slowly -> She savoured the smell of freshly-
made coffee.
*palate /ˈpælət/ cn (khẩu vị): the ability to recognize and/or enjoy good food and drink -> a
menu to tempt even the most jaded palate (= a person who has eaten too much rich food and
become bored of it)
*hearty /ˈhɑːrti/ adj (thịnh soạn): (of a meal ) large; making you feel full

Nhưng khi bạn ăn quá nhanh, não của bạn không thể (u) nhận biết được tín hiệu no của cơ thể,
do đó (th) (l) dẫn đến ăn quá nhiều.
But when you too fast, your brain is unable to recognize your body's fullness signal, thus
leading to overeating.
Do đó, ăn chậm sẽ giúp não có đủ thời gian để chú ý đến thời điểm bạn đã no. Ngay khi bạn
bắt đầu cảm thấy hơi khó chịu, hãy nghỉ ngơi để cơ (a) thể tiêu hóa.
*feel + n
Therefore, eating slowly will give your brain enough time to pay attention to when you are
full. As soon as you start to feel a little discomfort, take a break to allow your body to digest.

Bước 3: Có các giải pháp sau bữa tiệc

Tăng cường thói quen tập luyện của bạn
Trong kỳ nghỉ lễ (se), chúng ta thường cho phép mình tạm thời thay đổi (s) thói quen tập
luyện bình thường. Có thể là do (the) phòng tập thể dục đã đóng cửa, những người bạn tập thể
dục của bạn đang đi nghỉ hoặc bạn chỉ (p) muốn dành từng phút cho (the) gia đình.
*boost (tăng cường): to make something increase, or become better or more successful

*shift away (thay đổi): (of a situation, an opinion, a policy etc.) to change from one state,
position, etc. to another
Step 3: Have post-party solutions
Boost your workout routine
During the holiday season, we often allow ourselves to temporarily shift away from our
normal workout routine. Maybe it's because the gym is closed, your gym friends are on
vacation, or you just prefer to spend every minute with the family.

Chỉ cần 15-30 phút (o) đi bộ (hoặc chạy bộ, đạp xe ở mức độ vừa phải)m 3-5 ngày mỗi tuần
sẽ (wo) giúp bạn đốt cháy một lượng calo đáng kể, tăng cường trao đổi chất và giúp bạn có
cảm giác ngon miệng.
Just 15-30 minutes of walking (or jogging, cycling at a moderate level), 3-5 days a week,
would help you burn a significant amount of calories, increase metabolism and give you a
good appetite
*moderate adj (vừa phải): staying within limits that are considered to be reasonable by most
*metabolism /məˈtæbəlɪzəm/ un (trao đổi chất): the chemical processes in living things that
change food, etc. into energy and materials for growth

Nhịn ăn cả ngày sau (the) bữa tiệc.

Đây là trường hợp xấu nhất. Ví dụ, bạn thức dậy với một cái bụng đầy, cảm thấy khó chịu (u)
sau khi ăn uống quá độ trong một bữa tiệc.
Fasting for the whole day after the party.
This is the worst-case scenario. For example, you wake up with a full stomach, feeling
uncomfortable after overindulging at a party.
*scenario /səˈnæriəʊ/ cn (trường hợp): a description of how things might happen in the future
*overindulge /ˌəʊvərɪnˈdʌldʒ/ intr (ăn uống quá độ, quá chén): to have too much of
something nice, especially food or drink

Phương pháp này được gọi là "nhịn ăn ngắt quãng" (IF), khá nổi tiếng trong (w) giới thể hình.
Sử dụng IF đồng nghĩa với việc bạn quyết định không ăn bất cứ thứ gì trong (f) 24 giờ để “bù
đắp” phần nào lượng calo bạn đã tiêu thụ vào ngày hôm trước và (re) giảm bớt khối lượng
công việc cho hệ tiêu hóa của bạn.
This method is called "intermittent fasting" (IF), which is quite well known in the fitness
world. Using IF means you decide not to eat anything for 24 hours to somewhat "compensate"
for the calories you consumed the previous day and to reduce the workload for your digestive
* decide not to
*Intermittent fasting /ˌɪntərˈmɪtənt/ /fæst/ adj intr(nhịn ăn gián đoạn): stopping and starting
often over a period of time, but not regularly -> intermittent showers/ to eat little or no food
for a period of time, especially for religious or medical reasons
* fitness un (thể hình): the state of being physically healthy and strong
*compensate trv /ˈkɑːmpenseɪt/ (bù đắp): to provide something good to balance or reduce the
bad effects of damage, loss, etc.

Trước khi áp dụng IF, hãy đảm bảo (m s) rằng bạn không gặp vấn đề với hệ tiêu hóa hoặc dạ
dày của mình.
Before applying IF, make sure that you do not have problems with your digestive system or

Nếu phải áp dụng biện pháp nhịn ăn gián đoạn, bạn cần chuẩn bị tâm thế kỷ luật để không
phải ăn bù bằng cách ăn gấp 2, 3 lần bình thường sau thời (the0\) gian nhịn ăn.
If you have to use intermittent fasting, you need to prepare a disciplined mind to not
compensate by eating 2 or 3 times higher than usual after the fasting period.

Và hãy nhớ rằng (k)đây chỉ là biện pháp cuối cùng sau khi đã thử tất cả các (of) gợi ý trên mà
vẫn không thành công. Đừng coi IF là cái cớ cho sự thiếu tự chủ của bạn trong (h) những
ngày nghỉ.
And keep in mind that this is only a last resort after having tried all of the suggestions above
and still failing. Do not consider IF as an excuse for your lack of self-control during the
*resort /rɪˈzɔːrt/ cn (phương sách): the first/last/final resort the first or last course of action
that you should or can take in a particular situation -> Strike action should be regarded as a
last resort, when all attempts to negotiate have failed.
*self-control un (sự tự chủ, bình tĩnh): the ability to remain calm and not show your emotions
even though you are feeling angry, excited, etc.
Amidst Loosened Restrictions, Many People Still Prefer WFH. Here's Why.
*Amidst /əˈmɪdst/ prep (giữa): in the middle of or during something, especially something
that causes excitement or fear -> He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.

It seems that many people are more eager to continue working from home than to dust their
motorbikes off and ride their way back to the office.
*eager to do sth /ˈiːɡər/ adj (háo hức = keen) very interested and excited by something that is
going to happen or about something that you want to do; showing this
*dust sth/sb off pv (phủi bụi): to remove dust, dirt, etc. from somebody/something -> He put
down the box and dusted off his hands./ to use something again after a long period of not
using it -> For the concert, he dusted off some of his old hits.

Ho Chi Minh city is witnessing a profound shift when the city officials made the decision to
reopen the economy on October 1. As the city heads to a "new normal", many workplaces are
now welcoming workers back to the office after about four months of working in front of
laptop screens in the safety of their apartments or homes.
*profound /prəˈfaʊnd/ adj (sâu sắc): very great; felt or experienced very strongly -> profound
changes in the earth’s climate
*head to intr (hướng tới, tiến tới): to move in a particular direction -> Can you forecast where
the economy is heading?

However, it seems that many people are more eager to continue working fremotely than to
dust their motorbikes off and ride their way back to the office, like how they used to pre-

While the terms "cabin fever" and " zom fatigue" were popular during the social distancing
days, with people feeling a different kind of exhaustion and boredem staying 24/7 indoors
(not to mention the further blurring of the line that separates work and personal life), people
have actually grow accustomed to the remote working setup and the "freedom" it brings.
*cabin fever un /ˈkæb.ɪn ˌfiː.vɚ/ (cảm giác ngột ngạt): the feeling of being angry and bored
because you have been inside for too long -> The rain had kept me indoors all weekend and I
was beginning to get cabin fever.
* zom fatigue un (mệt mỏi khi sử dụng zoom): Zoom fatigue, also known as virtual meeting
fatigue, is the feeling of exhaustion that often occurs after attending a series of virtual video
*blurr intr /blɜːr/ (làm mờ đi) to become or make it become difficult to recognize a clear
difference between things -> She tends to blur the distinction between her friends and her
*grow accustomed to id (quen với): Familiar or comfortable with something
*setup cn (hệ thống tổ chức): a way of organizing something; a system -> I've only been here
a couple of weeks and I don't really know the set-up.

After weeks of trying to create a routine to push themselves to be productive even while
staying at the comfort of their homes, people are now seeing the great benefits of working and
living in the same space, no matter how confined it used to feel
* in the comfort of sth (* not at) un (trong sự thoải mái) : the state of being physically relaxed
and free from pain; the state of having a pleasant life, with everything that you need
*confined /kənˈfaɪnd/ adj (chật hẹp, bị hạn chế): (of a space or an area) small and surrounded
by walls or sides -> It is cruel to keep animals in confined spaces.

Hard habit to break

"I start my day with a cup of coffee. When the lockdown was still fully in place and food
deliveries were basically non-existent, all I could do was make myself a so-called nutrituous
breakfast to give me energy to turn the laptop on and bustle," shared Ana. She is currently
working as a Marketng Specialist at a real estate company.
*in place (Có hiệu lực) id: working or ready to work
*so-called /ˌsəʊ ˈkɔːld/ adj (cái gọi là): used to show that you do not think that the word or
phrase that is being used to describe somebody/something is appropriate
*bustle /ˈbʌsl/ intr (bận rộn, vội vàng): to move around in a busy way or to hurry somebody in
a particular direction -> She bustled around in the kitchen.

"Mental health matters, of course. Throwback to the very first days of working remotely due
to the pandemic, everything was very new and strange. I do miss working with my colleagues,
the office atmosphere was always busy and vibrant, it keep me motivated"
*Throwback to /ˈθrəʊbæk/ sigular (quay trở lại): a person or thing that is similar to
somebody/something that existed in the past -> The car's design is a throwback to the 1960s.
*vibrant /ˈvaɪbrənt/ adj (đầy sức sống, sôi động): full of life and energy -> a vibrant city
But now that she's gotten used to working on her own inside her apartment, Ana said that
returning to the office can be little daunting. "I have to wake up earlier than usual to prepare
for breakfast and lunch. Choosing what outfits to wear evertday is also a wast of time.
*daunting /ˈdɔːntɪŋ/ adj (làm nản chí): making somebody feel nervous and less confident
about doing something; likely to make somebody feel this way

"Now, I already know how to prevent burnout when everything tends to get out of control.
After I turn my screen off when work is done, I spare some time to meditate and do some
stretching and deep breathing. It's my way of finding love and peace within myself after a
tiring work day.
*burnout /ˈbɜːrnaʊt/ un (tình trạng kiệt sức): the state of being extremely tired or ill, either
physically or mentally, because you have worked too hard
*spare trv (dành): to make something such as time or money available to somebody or for
something, especially when it requires an effort for you to do this

If there is a sudden change, it will be very difficult to adapt, she admitted.

Safety remains top priority

As Vietnam balances its strategies between fighting against the coronavirus and reviving the
economy, the risk remains huge. Only employees with already two COVID-19 vaccine doses
are allowed to go back to the office. But because of the limited supply of vaccines in the
country, not everyone has been privileged enough to get vaccinated as fast as others.
Therefore, getting infected when traveling or being in a tight space with people is still highly
possible - and nobody wants to take that risk.
*revive /rɪˈvaɪv/ trv (phục hồi): to become, or to make somebody/something become,
conscious or healthy and strong again
*privileged /ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd/ adj (có đặc quyền): having special rights or advantages that most
people do not have -> She comes from a privileged background.

Many people belive that working in their homes and apartments is a much safer choice, where
they have limited interactions with other people, and where they can easily assess the
cleanliness of the environment.
*assess /əˈses/ trv (đánh giá): to make a judgement about the nature or quality of
somebody/something -> Interviews allow you to assess the suitability of candidates.

Remote work productivity

PwC, one of the Big Four accounting firms, recently allowed all its 40,000 US client service
employees to work virtually and live anywhere they want in perpetuity, making it one of the
biggest employers to embrace permanent remote work.
*in perpetuity /ˌpɜːrpəˈtuːəti/ id (vĩnh viễn): for all time in the future -> They do not own the
land in perpetuity.

Many companies within Vietnam are starting to follow suit (or even practicing such before
the pandemic worsened). Employers are now giving their workers the option to work
wherever they comfortable, and where they can be fully productive. Though this arrangement
also highly depends on the nature of the business and of the work scope, remote working has
been proven to increase productiviy as well as transparency and accountabilityamong
* transparency /trænsˈpærənsi/ un (tính minh bạch, sự rõ ràng): the quality of something,
such as a situation or an argument, that makes it easy to understand -> a need for greater
transparency in legal documents
*accountability /əˌkaʊntəˈbɪləti/ un (trách nhiệm giải trình): the fact of being responsible for
your decisions or actions and expected to explain them when you are asked -> the
accountability of a company’s directors to the shareholders.

Because no one's monitoring them every second and micromanaging even the simplest of
tasks, workers are more empowered to do their best, prove themselves and come up with
incredible outputs. It also helps that they are in their "safe space", where they can think and do
whatever they need to extract that creative juice.
*come up with
* extract /ɪkˈstrækt/ trv (chiết xuất ra): to get a particular feeling or quality from a situation ->
They are unlikely to extract much benefit from the trip./ to remove or obtain a substance from
something, for example by using an industrial or a chemical process -> Animals take in food
and extract nutrients from it.
* creative juice un (khả năng sáng tạo): A person's "creative juices" are their ability to think

Self and family time can't be disregarded anymore.


When people were working from 8 am to 6 pm (plus commuting time), they barely had any
time left to pamper themselves or talk with their family. One of the silver linings of
lockdowns is that people have reconnected with the people they love the most and are now
able to spend quality time with them.
*pamper themselves /ˈpæmpər/ trv (chăm sóc, nuông chiều): to take care of somebody very
well and make them feel as comfortable as possible -> Pamper yourself with our new range of
beauty treatments.
*silver lining /ˌsɪl.vɚ ˈlaɪ.nɪŋ/ cn (niềm hy vọng, cái may): an advantage that comes from a
difficult or unpleasant situation -> The injury had a silver lining: it enabled Blake to spend his
father's last weeks with him.

"After shutting down the laptop, I cook myslef a good dinner and enjoy a random movie on
Netflix, rather than hustle in the crowd of the city in rush hour, like I used to before COVID,"
shared Huy Phong, a specialist at BIDV.
*hustle /ˈhʌsl/ trv: (Chen chúc, chen lấn, xô đẩy): to make somebody move quickly by
pushing them in a rough aggressive way -> I was hustled into a waiting car. ?? (trong bài
dùng hình như intr)

Getting confined within the four walls of the apartment and sraring at the screen for a long
time can cause feelings of isolation and disconnection with others, bu it could also be a
chance to spend quality time with our beloved family. The bond is always just there, waiting
for us to embrace and enhance. "Only in this 4-month quarantine did I realized that my
parents are getting older day by day, all I want now is to be with them more prequently," said
Huy Phong.
*bond /bɑːnd/ cn (mối quan hệ, liên hệ, ràng buộc): something that forms a connection
between people or groups, such as a feeling of friendship or shared ideas and experiences ->
the special bond between mother and child.

Whether Vietnam's "new normal" will make remote working a common practice among small
and big companies or not is something we all have to see in the near future. Will compnies
think it's just a temporary solution? Will they be more opren to its benefits?

The COVID-19 situation is still evolving by the day. But if we learned anytjing from the
nearly two yeas of living with cornavirus is that we can't go back to our old ways anymore -
and that definitely included the way we work.
10/4/2022 (VE1)
Những con hẻm Sài Gòn trang trí đón Tết
Saigon alleys festooned to celebrate Tet
alley /ˈæli/ cn (con hẻm): a narrow passage behind or between buildings
festooned /feˈstuːn/ trv (trang trí): to decorate somebody/something with flowers, coloured
paper, etc., often as part of a celebration

Cam điểm thêm vài cành hoa cho (the) cành hoa đào bằng nhựa.
Cam adds a few more flowers to the branches of a plastic peach blossom tree.
peach blossom tree (cn) /piːtʃ/ /ˈblɑːsəm/ (cây hoa đào)

Ngõ rộng 5m (is) được trang trí bằng nhà mái tranh với nhiều đồ trang trí Tết như (l) cây đào,
cành mai, mâm ngũ quả và các thứ khác.
The 5-meter wide alley is decorated with a thatched roof home with many Tet decorations like
peach trees, apricot branches, a tray of five fruits and others.
a thatched roof home /θætʃt/ adj (mái nhà bằng tranh): (of a building) having the roof covered
with thatch
apricot branches /ˈeɪprɪkɑːt/ cn (cành mai): a round fruit with yellow or orange skin and a
large hard seed inside
a tray of five fruits (mâm ngũ quả)

Cư dân cũng đã (have v3) trang trí con hẻm bằng những chậu cây treo trong chậu làm bằng
(with) vật liệu tái chế.
Residents have also decorated the alley with plants hanging in pots made with recycled

Ngõ 100 trên đường Trần Hưng Đạo cũng đã ăn diện (has v3) (the) chỗ cho mùa lễ hội.
Alley 100 on Tran Hung Dao Street has also been dolled up for the festive season.
doll up pv (diện, mặc quần áo đẹp): to make somebody/yourself look attractive for a party,
etc., with fashionable clothes

Đường phố có (has) những đồ trang trí tái hiện (~) khung cảnh Tết quen thuộc (l) như nồi nấu
cỗ khổng lồ trên bếp lò, phong bao lì xì và bánh chưng (bánh chưng).
The street has decorations that recreate familiar Tet scenes like giant cooking pots over open
stoves, red envelopes and banh chung (glutinous rice cake).
glutinous rice cake = sticky rice cake /ˈɡluːtənəs/ adj (dính) (bánh chưng): sticky

Du đã đặt một chiếc mặt nạ trang trí hình con hổ, (the) con vật thuộc cung hoàng đạo trong
dịp Tết Nguyên đán 2022, để nhắc nhở mọi người thực hiện các biện pháp phòng chống
Du put a face mask on a tiger decoration, the zodiac animal for 2022 Lunar New Year, to
remind people to practice Covid prevention measures.
zodiacal animal /zəʊˈdaɪəkl/ adj (con vật thuộc cung hoàng đạo): the imaginary area in the sky
in which the sun, moon and planets appear to lie, and which has been divided into twelve
equal parts, each with a special name and symbol
11/4/2022 (VE2)
Giáo dục giới tính khiến giáo viên và học sinh lúng túng
sex education makes teachers and students squirm
squirm /skwɜːrm/ intr (lúng túng): to feel very embarrassed or ashamed

Nga cho biết cô đã được dạy về cơ quan sinh dục nam và nữ, các biện pháp thụ tinh, thụ thai
và tránh thai từ sách giáo khoa sinh học lớp 8. Sự sinh sản là chương cuối cùng.
Nga said she was taught about male and female genital organs, fertilization, conception and
contraceptive methods from her eighth-grade biology textbook. Reproduction was the last
male and female genital organs/ˈdʒenɪtl/ adj (cơn quan sinh dục nam và nữ): connected with
the outer sexual organs of a person or an animal
fertilization /ˌfɜːrtələˈzeɪʃn/ un (sự thụ tinh): the process of a plant or egg becoming fertilized
conception and contraceptive methods /kənˈsepʃn/ /ˌkɑːntrəˈseptɪv/ cn (các biện pjaps thụ thai
và tránh thai): the process of an egg being fertilized inside a woman’s body so that she
becomes pregnant/ a drug, device or practice used to avoid becoming pregnant when having
Reproduction /ˌriːprəˈdʌkʃn/ un (sự sinh sản): /ˌriːprəˈdʌkʃn/:  the act or process of
producing babies, young animals or plants

Cô nói: “(S)Vì chúng ta đang bước qua tuổi dậy thì, nên cả bé gái và bé trai đều cảm thấy khá
ngại ngùng (s) và lúng túng (ak) khi học về giáo dục giới tính.
"Since we are going through puberty, both girls and boys feel quite shy and awkward when
learning about sex education. No one wants to talk about it," she said.
puberty /ˈpjuːbərti/ un (tuổi dậy thì): the period of a person’s life during which their sexual
organs develop and they become capable of having children

Cô cho biết giáo dục giới tính không bao giờ rõ ràng và cụ thể ở các lớp dưới và những học
sinh như cô cảm thấy xấu hổ € khi học về nó khi chúng đến tuổi trưởng thành.
She said sex education is never clear and specific in lower grades and students like her feel
embarrassed at learning about it when they are coming of age.
coming of age /ˌkʌmɪŋ əv ˈeɪdʒ/ (singular) (tuổi trưởng thành): the time when a person
reaches the age at which they have an adult’s legal rights and responsibilities
Các chuyên gia khác (have v3) cũng (s) cho rằng với trẻ em ngày nay (h) dậy thì sớm, việc
giới thiệu giáo dục giới tính cho học sinh lớp 5 hoặc lớp (er) 8 là quá muộn.
Other experts have also said that with children today hitting/reach puberty early, introducing
sex education for fifth or eighth-graders is too late.
hitting/reach puberty trv (đạt tuổi dạy thì sớm)

Đến (by) năm tuổi, trẻ học về quá trình hình thành bào thai, dậy thì, v.v.
By the age of five, children learn about fetal formation, puberty, etc.
fetal formation /ˈfiːtl/ adj (quá trình hình thành bào thai): a young human or animal before it is
born, especially a human more than eight weeks after fertilization.

Khi phát hiện học sinh xem phim khiêu dâm, thủ dâm trong giờ ngủ trưa và (have v3) bị
người lạ xâm hại, các trường (have v3) đã đẩy mạnh các hoạt động ngoại khóa hoặc ® thường
xuyên mời chuyên gia đến chia sẻ ~ trải/kinh nghiệm, trò chuyện với học sinh.
When they find that students watch porn, masturbate during nap time and have been abused
by strangers, schools have stepped up extracurricular activities or regularly invited experts to
share their experiences and talk to students.
masturbate /ˈmæstərbeɪt/ intr (thủ dâm): to give yourself sexual pleasure by rubbing your
sexual organs
step up pv (đẩy mạnh): to increase the amount, speed, etc. of something

Các vấn đề khác như ~ quyền LGBT và lạm dụng chất kích thích cũng cần được dạy ngay từ
khi còn nhỏ. "
Other issues like LGBT rights and substance abuse also need to be taught at an early age."
substance abuse/ˈsʌbstəns əbjuːs/ un (lạm dụng chất kích thích): the habit of taking too much
of a harmful drug or drinking too much alcohol

cô ấy (s) cho biết, (w) dù dạy cùng một chương về sinh sản nhưng không phải giáo viên nào
cũng có khả năng truyền đạt, liên hệ và giúp học sinh lĩnh hội được những kiến thức này.
She said that while teaching the same chapter on reproduction, not all teachers have the ability
to communicate, relate and help students acquire this knowledge.
relate intr, trv (liên hệ): to give a spoken or written report of something; to tell a story

Một số giáo viên mới và trẻ tránh nói sâu về chủ đề này vì họ e ngại, trong khi các giáo viên
đã lập gia đình sẽ chủ động mở rộng về chủ đề này vì họ nhận thấy tầm quan trọng của giáo
dục giới tính.
Some new and young teachers avoid talking about this topic in depth because they are afraid,
while married teachers will actively expand on it because they realize the importance of sex
talk sth in depth (nói sâu)
expand on sth pv (mở rộng): to say more about something and add some details

(d) Do (the) nội dung trong (the) sách giáo khoa có hạn, cô phải sử dụng các tài liệu khác để
(The) bài giảng hấp dẫn hơn với học sinh, cô Ánh nói.
Due to the limited content in the textbooks, she had to use other materials to make the lectures
more engaging to her students, Anh said.
engaging /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒɪŋ/ adj (gây hấp dẫn, hứng thú): interesting or pleasant in a way that
attracts your attention

Cô muốn các công ty giáo dục và nhà xuất bản đưa vào (i) nhiều video mô phỏng hơn và tạo
ra các tài liệu giảng dạy hiệu quả hơn.
She wanted education companies and publishers to include more simulation videos and create
more effective teaching materials.
simulation videos /ˌsɪmjuˈleɪʃn/cn (video mô phỏng):a situation in which a particular set of
conditions is created artificially in order to study or experience something that could exist in
11/4/2022 (BN1)
Nhựa đã làm (has v3) ô nhiễm (the) vùng nông thôn và động vật hoang dã có nguy cơ tuyệt
chủng trong nhiều thập kỷ. Các nhà môi trường yêu cầu (t) chúng tôi cắt giảm © lượng sử
dụng hoặc chuyển sang các chất thay thế có thể phân hủy sinh học. Các nhà khoa (have v3)
học hiện đã tạo ra nhựa có thể phân hủy sinh học, vì vậy hàng tỷ túi nhựa, cốc, ống hút, ... mà
chúng ta vứt bỏ mỗi ngày (ea)có thể (co)"có thể phân hủy hưu cơ được ". Chúng có thể (co)
phân hủy như chất thải hữu cơ. Chất nhựa phân hủy trong vòng vài tuần, thay vì (r t)hàng thế
kỷ, chỉ sử dụng nhiệt và nước.
Plastic has polluted the countryside and endangered wildlife for decades. Environmentalists
told us to cut the amount we use or switch to biodegradable alternatives. Scientists have now
made biodegradable plastic, so the billions of plastic bags, cups, straws, etc. that we throw
away each day could be "compostable". They could break down like organic waste. The
plastic breaks down within weeks, rather than centuries, using just heat and water.
endanger /ɪnˈdeɪndʒər/ trv (gây nguy hiểm): to put somebody/something in a situation in
which they could be harmed or damaged
biodegradable /ˌbaɪəʊdɪˈɡreɪdəbl/ adj (phân hủy sinh học): a substance or chemical that is
biodegradable can be changed by the action of bacteria to a natural state that will not harm the
compostable /kəmˈpəʊstəbl/ adj (có thể phân huỷ thành phân hữu cơ): Something that is
compostable can be used as compost (phân trộn) when it decays: có thể phân hủy sinh học tới
90% ở điều kiện ủ mùn dưới 1 khoảng thời gian cho phép

Loại nhựa mới này có các enzym bên trong nó. Khi các enzym này tiếp xúc với nhiệt và nước,
chúng sẽ ăn mòn đi (the) nhựa và biến nó thành ~ chất dinh dưỡng cho đất. Một giáo sư cho
biết 98% nhựa mà nhóm của bà tạo ra đã xuống cấp. Cô ấy nói: "Chúng tôi đang ... nói rằng
chúng tôi đang đi đúng hướng. Chúng tôi có thể giải quyết(s) vấn đề đang tiếp diễn này của ~
nhựa sử dụng một lần." Cô ấy nói thêm: "Hãy nhìn vào tất cả những thứ lãng phí mà chúng tôi
vứt bỏ - quần áo (ing), giày dép, đồ điện tử .... Chúng tôi đang lấy những thứ từ trái đất với
tốc độ nhanh hơn mức chúng tôi có thể trả lại."
This new plastic has enzymes inside it. When these enzymes are exposed to heat and water,
they eat away at the plastic and turn it into nutrients for the soil. A professor said 98 per cent
of the plastic her team made degraded. She said: "We are...saying that we are on the right
track. We can solve this continuing/continued problem of single-use plastics." She added:
"Look at all the wasted stuff we throw away - clothing, shoes, electronics....We are taking
things from the earth at a faster rate than we can return them."
eat away pv (ăn dần, ăn mòn): to reduce or destroy something gradually
degrad intr (suy thoái): to make something become worse, especially in quality
on the right track id (đi đúng hướng); thinking or behaving in the right/wrong way
Những thiết bị kỹ thuật số ngày càng chiếm ưu thế trong cuộc sống của chúng ta ngày nay.
Nhiều người, nếu không muốn nói là hầu hết chúng ta đều nghiện chúng. Các nghiên cứu mới
xuất hiện với tần suất đáng báo động về những nguy hiểm đối với sức khỏe thể chất và tinh
thần của chúng ta khi dán mắt vào màn hình nhỏ. Trẻ em không được tập thể dục; mọi người
đang lo lắng về hình ảnh cơ thể của họ vì áp lực trực tuyến từ các trang web "cơ thể hoàn hảo"
và mọi người đang bị bắt nạt (hoặc tệ hơn) bởi bọn tội phạm mạng. Trong một nghiên cứu
trên 1.000 người trưởng thành ở Nhật Bản, các nhà nghiên cứu phát hiện ra rằng gần 50%
những người tham gia nghiện điện thoại thông minh của họ, nhưng không nhận thức được sự
phụ thuộc vào điện thoại thông minh của họ. Nghiên cứu này là một trong nhiều lời kêu gọi rõ
ràng về việc "cai nghiện kỹ thuật số" trở thành một phần trong cuộc sống của chúng ta.
Digital devices are increasingly dominating our lives these days. Many, if not most of us are
addicted to them. New studies emerge with alarming frequency about the dangers to our
physical and mental health of being glued to our small screens. Children are not exercising;
people are worrying about their body image because of online pressure from "perfect body"
sites, and people are being bullied (or worse) by cyber-criminals. In a study of 1,000 adults in
Japan, researchers discovered that nearly 50 percent of the participants were addicted to their
smartphones, but were unaware of their smartphone dependence. The study is one of many
clarion calls for "digital detox" to become part of our lives.
emerge with /ɪˈmɜːrdʒ/ intr (xuất hiện, nảy ra): (of facts, ideas, etc.) to become known
be glued to something id (dán mắt vào): to give all your attention to something; to stay very
close to something
clarion call /ˈklæriən kɔːl/ sin (lời kêu gọi): a clear message or request for people to do
digital detox /ˈdiːtɑːks/ cn,un (thanh lọc kỹ thuật số, cai nghiện): detoxification (= treatment
given to people to help them stop drinking alcohol or taking drugs)/ intr/trv: to stop drinking
alcohol or taking drugs; to make somebody do this

Thực hành cai nghiện kỹ thuật số liên quan đến việc tắt Internet để tận hưởng một thứ gọi là
"cuộc sống thực". Điều này liên quan đến phong tục lâu đời là trò chuyện trực tiếp với mọi
người và "làm những việc hàng ngày". Tổ chức Digital Detox Japan cho biết: "Chúng tôi
muốn cai nghiện trở thành chất xúc tác để mọi người suy nghĩ lại về khoảng cách với thiết bị
của họ ... để dành thời gian nghỉ ngơi nhiều hơn." Mọi người cần ít phụ thuộc vào thiết bị hơn
để tránh hiện tượng mới là "nomophobia" - NO MObile PHOBIA. Nhà tâm lý học, Tiến sĩ
Kia-Rai Prewitt đã cảnh báo về những nguy cơ của việc quá chú tâm vào điện thoại thông
minh. Cô viết: "Nếu bạn bỏ qua các trách nhiệm ở nhà hoặc nơi làm việc vì lượng thời gian
bạn dành cho trực tuyến, thì hãy xem xét một biện pháp cai nghiện kỹ thuật số."
The practice of digital detox involves switching off from the Internet to enjoy something
called "real life". This involves the bygone custom of conversing with people face to face and
"doing everyday stuff". The organisation Digital Detox Japan said: "We want detox to be a
catalyst for people to rethink their distance from their devices…to set aside time to get ample
rest." People need to rely less on devices to avoid the new phenomenon of "nomophobia" –
NO MObile PHOBIA. Psychologist Dr Kia-Rai Prewitt warned of the dangers of being too
absorbed in smartphones. She wrote: "If you ignore responsibilities at home or work because
of the amount of time you spend online, then consider a digital detox."
switch off pv (ngừng chú ý): to stop thinking about something or paying attention to
bygone custom /ˈbaɪɡɔːn/ /ˈkʌstəm/ adj (thói quen, phong tục lâu đời): an accepted way of
behaving or of doing things in a society or a communityhappening or existing a long time ago
catalyst for sth /ˈkætəlɪst/ cn (chất xúc tác): a person or thing that causes a change
ample rest /ˈæmpl/ adj (nghỉ ngơi dư dả thời gian): enough or more than enough
nomophobia /ˌnoʊ.moʊˈfoʊ.bi.ə/ un (hội chứng lo sợ khi k có đt): fear or worry at the idea of
being without your mobile phone or unable to use it:
absorbed in sth adj /əbˈzɔːrbd/ (say mê): very interested in something/somebody so that you
are not paying attention to anything else

Không giống như các chương trình tìm kiếm tài năng hay chương trình thực tế hoàn toàn
mang tính chất giải trí; Các chương trình truyền hình thực tế từ thiện ở Việt Nam tuy (t) kém
long lanh hơn nhưng lại “thực” hơn và chứa đầy tình thương và lòng nhân ái, vì (a) chúng
mang đến những hỗ trợ to lớn về tiền bạc và hỗ trợ tinh thần cho những người có hoàn cảnh
khó khăn ở các vùng sâu, vùng xa.
Unlike talent-seeking or reality shows that are purely for entertainment; charity reality shows
in Vietnam, though less glittery, are more “real” and loaded with love and compassion, as
they offer immense monetary assistance and mental support to disadvantaged people in
remote, rural areas.
glittery /ˈɡlɪtəri/ adj (long lanh): shining brightly with many little flashes of light/ to be
brilliantly attractive, lavish, or spectacular
loaded with adj (chứa đầy: full of a particular thing, quality or meaning
compassion /kəmˈpæʃn/ un (lòng trắc ẩn): a strong feeling of sympathy for people or animals
who are suffering and a desire to help them

Nhiều chương trình thực tế từ thiện đã xuất hiện trong những năm gần đây, mặc dù (t) chúng
không thường được phát sóng vào giờ cao điểm.
More charity reality shows have appeared in recent years, though they are not usually aired
during peak viewing hours.
air /er/ trv (phát sóng): to broadcast a programme on the radio or on television; to be broadcast
So với các chương trình tìm kiếm tài năng (p), thường là phiên bản trong nước của các
chương trình nước ngoài - chẳng hạn như “Vietnam Idol”, “Giọng hát Việt” và “So You
Think You Can Dance” - và các chương trình thực tế giải trí thuần túy bao gồm (in) “Big
Brother Vietnam, “Odd One In” và “The X Factor”, các chương trình truyền hình thực tế từ
thiện có tính tương tác cao hơn đáng kể, vì(a) chúng thường miêu tả những người nghèo khó
và cung cấp cận cảnh cuộc sống hàng ngày và những khó khăn tài chính của họ.

Compared to talent-seeking programs, which are usually the local versions of

foreign shows – such as “Vietnam Idol,” “The Voice of Vietnam,” and “So You
Think You Can Dance” – and purely entertainment reality shows including “Big
Brother Vietnam,” “Odd One In,” and “The X Factor,” charity reality shows are
considerably more interactive, as they typically portray needy people, and
provide close-ups of their daily lives and financial difficulties.

portray /pɔːrˈtreɪ/ trv (miêu tả sinh động): to describe or show somebody/something in a

particular way, especially when this does not give a complete or accurate impression of what
they are like

Dàn sao showbiz ăn mặc thời thượng gồm (in) ca sĩ, diễn viên, người mẫu cũng xuất hiện
trong chương trình nhưng mặc thường phục và họ thực sự tham gia giúp đỡ mọi người trong
công việc hàng ngày như bán hoa quả rong, làm đồ thủ công đơn giản, chế biến thức ăn
đường phố, làm mộc. , hệ thống ống nước, hoặc công việc thủ công.
Showbiz glitterati, including singers, actors and models, also appear in the programs, but in
plain clothes, and they actually get involved in helping the people in their daily jobs, such as
peddling fruit, making simple handicraft items, preparing street food, carpentry, plumbing, or
manual work.
glitterati /ˌɡlɪtəˈrɑːti/ plural (người ăn mặc hợp thời trang): (used in newspapers) fashionable,
rich and famous people
peddling fruit /ˈpedl/ trv (bán trái cây rong): to try to sell goods by going from house to house
or from place to place
carpentry /ˈkɑːrpəntri/ un(nghề thợ mộc): the work of a carpenter

Vì vậy (t), các chương trình được tổ chức bằng tình cảm ấm áp và sự gắn bó gia đình giữa
người thụ hưởng và người nổi tiếng. Một số diễn viên đóng vai trò là người dẫn chương trình
ở lại với người dân địa phương trong gần một tháng.
The shows are thus graced with the warm feelings and familial bonds between the
beneficiaries and celebrities. Some actors who serve as the shows’ hosts stay with locals for
almost a month.
grace sth with sth trv (làm vinh dự, làm vẻ vang): to bring honour to somebody/something; to
be kind enough to attend or take part in something
familial bonds /fəˈmɪliəl/ adj cn (sự gắn bó gia đình): something that forms a connection
between people or groups, such as a feeling of friendship or shared ideas and experiences
beneficiary /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃieri/ cn (người được hưởng lợi lộc): a person who gains as a result of
serve as /sɜːrv/ intr (đóng vai trò): to work or perform duties for a person, an organization, a
country, etc.; to spend a period of time in a particular job
Ngoài ra (I a), so với các chương trình giải trí của họ, các chương trình thực tế từ thiện được
biên tập khá trung thực và thường không đưa thông tin phóng đại hoặc xuyên tạc về những
người liên quan.
In addition, compared to their entertainment counterparts, charity reality shows are edited
quite truthfully, and usually do not feature exaggerated or distorted information on the people
distorted /dɪˈstɔːrtɪd/ adj (xuyên tạc): (of facts or ideas) presented in a way that changes them
so that they are no longer correct or true

Một điểm khác biệt rõ rệt giữa các chương trình thực tế giải trí và từ thiện là trong khi các
chương trình trước đây đầy rẫy những vụ bê bối tình dục và dàn xếp kết quả; thứ hai là miễn
phí giá vé báo lá cải như vậy.
Another distinct difference between entertainment and charity reality shows is that while the
former are rife with result-fixing and sex scandals; the latter is free of such tabloid fare.
rife with /raɪf/ adj (đầy rẫy): full of something bad or unpleasant
tabloid fare /ˈtæblɔɪd/ cn un (sản phẩm giải trí báo lá cải): a newspaper of this size with short
articles and a lot of pictures and stories about famous people, often thought of as less serious
than other newspapers/ something that is offered to the public, especially as a form of

Chung Chí Công, một nhân vật nổi bật của công chúng, và vợ anh, Trần Thị Thanh Thảo, cả
hai thí sinh Top 40, đã đăng những lời tố cáo tham nhũng và thiếu chuyên nghiệp trên
Facebook của Công.
Chung Chi Cong, who is a prominent public figure, and his wife, Tran Thi Thanh Thao, both
Top 40 contestants, posted accusations of corruption and lack of professionalism on Cong’s
prominent /ˈprɑːmɪnənt/ adj (xuất chúng, lỗi lạc): important or well known
contestant /kənˈtestənt/ cn (người dự thi, đối thủ): a person who takes part in a contest or
accusation /ˌækjuˈzeɪʃn/ cn (lời buộc tội): a statement saying that you think a person is guilty
of doing something wrong or illegal; the fact of accusing somebody

cởi bỏ gần như tất cả quần áo của họ để giảm cân nhiều nhất có thể trong một trong những thử
thách của chương trình
For example, contestants, particularly the women, on “Big Brother Vietnam,” stripped off
nearly all their clothes to shed as much weight as possible during one of the show’s
challenges in a December 2013 TV broadcast.
strip off /strɪp/ intr (cởi bỏ): to take off all or most of your clothes or another person’s clothes
shed /ʃed/ trv (giảm, xoá bỏ): to get rid of something that is no longer wanted
A few months ago, local viewers were also outraged when singer Anh Thuy tricked them by
dressing up as a poor, scar-riddled coffee attendant and made up a pitiable story in one “The
X-Factor” episode.
outrage /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/ trv (phẫn nộ): to make somebody very shocked and angry
dressing up as pv (hoá trang): to put on special clothes, especially to pretend to be
somebody/something different
scar-riddled /skɑːr/ cn (đầy sẹo/ thủng đầy lỗ sẹo): a mark that is left on the skin after a wound
has got better/ to make a lot of holes in somebody/something -> a bullet-riddled car
pitiable /ˈpɪtiəbl/ adj (thương tâm): deserving pity or causing you to feel pity

Despite its unexpected success, the first season of “The Voice Kids Vietnam” ended in
September last year with certain controversy, as before the finale, two dispatches thought to
be issued by authorities in the central province of Thanh Hoa surfaced online.
controversy /ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi/ cn (sự tranh cãi): public discussion and argument about something
that many people strongly disagree about, think is bad, or are shocked by
finale /fɪˈnæli/ cn (đêm chung kết): the last part of a show or a piece of music
dispatch /dɪˈspætʃ/ cn (công văn): a message or report sent quickly from one military officer
to another or between government officials
issue /ˈɪʃuː/ trv (ban hành): to give something to somebody, especially officially
surface /ˈsɜːrfɪs/ = emerge intr (xuất hiện, xuất đầu lộ diện): to suddenly appear or become
obvious after having been hidden for a while

In the documents, the authorities called on local officials, teachers, and students to vote for
Quang Anh, a Thanh Hoa resident, who was later named the show’s winner.
call on pv (kêu gọi): to ask or demand that somebody do something

Rewarding charity reality shows

Most charity reality shows produced so far are locally made and place poor people at their
center. One pioneering charity reality show, “Vuot Len Chinh Minh” (Overcoming Your Own
Limits), turns 11 this year.

Aired at 8:00 pm every Friday on Ho Chi Minh City Television’s HTV7 and hosted by actor
Quyen Linh, the program portrays poor people with overdue bank loans. These loans can be
as small as VND2 million (US$94), but the beneficiaries may not be able to pay them back
for ten years.
overdue /ˌəʊvərˈduː/ adj (quá hạn): not paid, done, returned, etc. by the required or expected

The show sets a few tasks for the beneficiaries and one or two of their family
members. The tasks are simulations of their daily jobs.

With the help of a celebrity, if the beneficiaries manage to finish the task in a set
time limit, they will have their bank debts paid off by the show.

They will also receive large sums of money from the show’s sponsors.
a large sum of money /sʌm/ cn (một khoản tiền lớn): an amount of money

Similarly, “Nhip Cau Uoc Mo” (The Bridge of the Dream), which debuted last month on
Let’s Viet channel and airs once a month, rewards the winning team with the construction of a
bridge worth VND500 million ($23,534) in their residing locality which usually needs such a
reside intr /rɪˈzaɪd/ (cư trú): to live in a particular place

Following the philosophy of “Giving is precious,” players on “Vi Ban Xung Dang” (Because
You’re Worth It), which airs at 5:00 pm every Sunday on national broadcaster VTV3, hand
over their entire winnings to the poor.
philosophy of sth /fəˈlɑːsəfi/ cn (triết lý sống): a set of beliefs or an attitude to life that guides
somebody’s behaviour

In the same vein, “Cung Xay Tuong Lai” (Let’s Build Kids’ Future Together), jointly
organized by Dong Tay Co. and the Prudence Foundation and aired at 11:00 am every Sunday
on HTV7, builds schools and provides books and necessities for children in poor, remote
areas to help support their long-term schooling.
vein /veɪn/ cn (phong cách): a particular style or manner
necessity /nəˈsesəti/ cn (nhu yếu phẩm):a thing that you must have and cannot manage
schooling /ˈskuːlɪŋ/ un (việc học): the education you receive at school

Television viewers’ sympathy and compassion for the beneficiaries of these shows are
integral to earning them a stable standing, despite fierce competition from their glittery
entertainment counterparts and other TV programs.
integral to sth /ɪnˈteɡrəl/ adj (k thể thiếu): being an essential part of something (*note: V-ing)
earning them a stable standing = status/ earn sb sth (giúp ai làm gì/ giúp họ có vị thế ổn định)
trv/un: to get something that you deserve, usually because of something good you have done
or because of the good qualities you have/ the position or reputation of somebody/something
within a group of people or in an organization
fierce /fɪrs/ adj (gay gắt): (especially of actions or emotions) showing strong feelings or a lot
of activity, often in a way that is violent
New research has revealed that toxic workplaces can be hazardous to mental health. The year-
long study is from the University of South Australia. Researchers found that full-time workers
who work for companies or organizations that do not prioritize employees' mental health are
three times more likely to suffer from depression. The researchers examined the adverse
effect of "toxic" environments on health. Elements of a toxic workplace included poor
management practices, bullying, and a failure to consider mental health issues. The
researchers indicated that if employees are unhappy at work, mistreated, or burnt out, their
productivity will suffer and absenteeism will increase.
hazardous to /ˈhæzərdəs/ adj (độc hại): involving risk or danger, especially to somebody’s
health or safety
year-long adj (kéo dài 1 năm): continuing for a whole year
mistreat /ˌmɪsˈtriːt/ trv (ngược đãi): to treat a person or an animal in a cruel, unkind or unfair
burnt out /ˌbɜːrnt ˈaʊt/ adj (kiệt sức): feeling as if you have done something for too long and
need to have a rest
absenteeism /ˌæbsənˈtiːɪzəm/ un (vắng mặt): the fact of being frequently away from work or
school, especially without good reasons

Lead researcher Dr Amy Zadow said mental health issues created in the workplace can be
attributed to poor management practices and values. She said: "Evidence shows that
companies who fail to reward or acknowledge their employees for hard work, impose
unreasonable demands on workers, and do not give them autonomy are placing their staff at a
much greater risk of depression." She added: "Bullying in a work unit can not only negatively
affect the victim, but also the perpetrator....It is not uncommon for everyone in the same unit
to experience burnout as a result." Depression affects over 260 million people worldwide and
causes many people to take their own lives.
acknowledge /əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ/ trv (công nhận): to accept that something is true
autonomy un /ɔːˈtɑːnəmi/ (quyền tự chủ): the ability to act and make decisions without being
controlled by anyone else
work unit /ˈjuːnɪt/ cn (đơn vị): a group of people who work or live together, especially for a
particular purpose
perpetrator /ˈpɜːrpətreɪtər/ cn (thủ phạm): person who commits a crime or does something
that is wrong or evil
The purification for healthier entertainment in Vietnam
The purification for healthier entertainment /ˌpjʊrɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ un (thanh lọc, làm sạch nền giải trí
lành mạnh): the process of making something pure by removing substances that are dirty,
harmful or not wanted

In Vietnam, cancel culture, a trend that began with a boycott of a specific person or group,
gained popularity in the years 2020 and 2021 as a result of controversial artists, television
shows, or films that getting down audience reactions.
cancel culture /ˈkænsl kʌltʃər/ un (văn hoá tẩy chai): the practice of excluding somebody from
social or professional life by refusing to communicate with them online or in real life, because
they have said or done something that other people do not agree with
boycott of a specific person /ˈbɔɪkɑːt/ cn (sự tẩy chai một người cụ thể): to refuse to buy, use
or take part in something as a way of protesting
gained popularity trv (trở nên phổ biến): to gradually get more of something
get down audience reactions pv (khiến phản ứng khán giả thất vọng): to make somebody feel
sad or depressed

Vietnam's entertainment industry has recently boomed, attracting a slew of talented artists,
actors, and actresses.
a slew of /sluː/ cn (hàng loạt): a large number or amount of something

With their exceptional talent, these entertainers became idolized by many teenagers and
amassed millions of social media followers.
exceptional /ɪkˈsepʃənl/ adj (nổi bật, đáng chú ý): unusually good
amass /əˈmæs/ trv (tích luỹ, thu hút) = accumulate: to collect something, especially in large
quantities over a period of time

However, their newfound success brought with it a slew of criticisms and judgments from
their fans and the online community based on their actions and verbal expressions.
new-found success /ˌnuː ˈfaʊnd/ adj (thành công mới đạt được): recently discovered or

Harsh judgments from online communities sparked a new movement known as 'cancel
culture,' which is currently being imposed on entertainers who have engaged in questionable
actions and behaviors.
Harsh judgments /hɑːrʃ/ adj (chỉ tríchgay gắt): cruel, severe, and unkind
spark a movement /spɑːrk/ trv (dấy lên 1 phong trào): to cause something to start or develop,
especially suddenly
engaged in questionable actions (bận rộn, vướng vào hành động đáng ngờ) adj: busy doing
something; involved with somebody/something in an active and interested way

A more wholesome entertainment industry, where talented artists with great personalities can
shine, is a tangible wish of the young, according to a youngster's opinion when looking back
at cancel culture in Vietnam in 2021, and on the other hand, the audience also needs to have
decent behavior.
wholesome entertainment industry/ˈhəʊlsəm/ adj (nền công nghiệp giải trí lành mạnh, bổ ích):
morally good; having a good moral influence
tangible wish/ˈtændʒəbl/ adj (mong ước hiển nhiên, rõ ràng): that can be clearly seen to exist
decent behavior/ˈdiːsnt/ adj (hành vi lịch sử, tao nhã): (of people or behaviour) honest and
fair; treating people with respect

The boycott trend is considered as a way to ‘purify’ the industry by removing artists who have
committed wrongdoing or made immoral statements so that justice can be served, as well as a
wake-up call to fans who have blindly admired their idols.
committed wrongdoing /ˈrɔːŋduːɪŋ/ trv/un (hành vi sai trái): illegal or dishonest behaviour/ to
do something wrong or illegal
immoral statements /ɪˈmɔːrəl/ (phát ngôn trái đạo lý) adj: (of people and their behaviour) not
considered to be good or honest by most people
justice can be served /sɜːrv/ trv (đáp ứng, thoả mãn): to be useful to somebody in achieving or
satisfying something
wake-up call cn /ˈweɪk ʌp kɔːl/ (lời cảnh tỉnh): an event that makes people realize that there
is a problem that they need to do something about

The debate over contentious issues does not end with online criticism; rather, cancel culture in
Vietnam takes them to a whole new level.
contentious issues /kənˈtenʃəs/ adj (vấn đề gây tranh cãi): likely to cause people to disagree

The audience has responded in a variety of ways, including a ban on television shows, a halt
to donations, and even prosecution for legal issues.
a halt to donations sin (ngừng quyên góp):  an act of stopping the movement or progress of
prosecution for legal issues /ˌprɑːsɪˈkjuːʃn/ cn (truy tố về các vấn đề pháp lý): the process of
trying to prove in court that somebody is guilty of a crime (= of prosecuting them); the
process of being officially charged with a crime in court
The audience has responded in a variety of ways, including a ban on television shows, a halt
to donations, and even prosecution for legal issues.
a halt to donations /hɔːlt/ cn (ngừng quyên góp): an act of stopping the movement or progress
of somebody/something
prosecution for legal issues /ˌprɑːsɪˈkjuːʃn/ cn (truy tố về các vấn đề pháp lý): the process of
trying to prove in court that somebody is guilty of a crime (= of prosecuting them); the
process of being officially charged with a crime in court

However, it is a reasonable response that reflects social norms and laws. In the case of more
serious issues, concerned parties demand that law enforcement conduct a thorough
social norms plural /nɔːrm/ (chuẩn mực xã hội): standards of behaviour that are typical of or
accepted within a particular group or society
law enforcement /ɪnˈfɔːrsmənt/ un (hành pháp, sự thực thi pháp luật): the act of making people
obey a particular law or rule
a thorough investigation /ˈθɜːrəʊ/ adj (1 cuộc điều tra kỹ lưỡng): done completely; with great
attention to detail

Cancel culture in Vietnam must develop in a civil manner in accordance with the laws in
order to purify the entertainment industry, rather than engaging in personal attacks or leaving
no stone unturned, as in other industries.
a civil manner adj (thái độ, cử chỉ lịch sự, lễ độ): polite in a formal way but possibly not
in accordance with /əˈkɔːrdns/ id (phù hợp vs, đúng với): according to a rule or the way that
somebody says that something should be done
leaving no stone unturned /ˌʌnˈtɜːrnd/ (ném đá dấu tay) id: to try every possible course of
action in order to find or achieve something

Cancel culture has been studied and dissected all over the world, and researchers have
concluded that it frequently associates with younger populations.
dissect /daɪˈsekt/ trv (phân tích): to study something closely and/or discuss it in great detail

Generation Y, born between 1981 and 1996, and generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012,
are the two generations with the highest volume of social media usage as well as the highest
proportion of those who adhere to cancellation culture.
adhere to (tuân thủ, trung thành) intr: to stick to something
the highest volume of social media usage /ˈvɑːljəm/ cn (lượng sử dụng mạng xã hội cao
nhất): the amount of something

Especially with generation Z, cancel culture does not stamp at one place but develop
stamp /stæmp/ intr (dậm chân): to put your foot down heavily and noisily on the ground

Nguyen Le Dung, studying for a master’s degree in Multimedia at Myongji University in

South Korea, stated that her friends are no strangers to the cancel culture in Vietnam's
Multimedia /ˌmʌltaɪˈmiːdiə/ un (truyền thông đa phương tiện): the use of sound, pictures and
film in addition to text on a screen

“However, I saw some artists got exposed to shame for minor mistakes.”
expose to /ɪkˈspəʊz/ (đối mặt) trv: to put somebody/something in a place or situation where
they are not protected from something harmful or unpleasant
shame for un (xấu hổ vì): the feelings of being sad, embarrassed or guilty that you have when
you know that something you have done is wrong or stupid
According to Dung, her friends that born between 1995 and 1997 usually gossip about
celebrity scandals. 
Is there a rainbow after a rainstorm?

Every generation goes through a maturation period in which they are enraged by the
unfairness of life.
a maturation period /ˌmætʃuˈreɪʃn/ un (giai đoạn trưởng thành): the process of becoming adult
enrage /ɪnˈreɪdʒ/ trv (phẫn nộ): to make somebody very angry

According to Persuasion, the cancel culture may be wiped out soon and replaced by the
empathy and forgiveness culture.
wipe out pv (xoá sổ): to destroy or remove somebody/something completely

According to a Morning Consult study conducted in July 2021, generation Z unexpectedly

changed their point of view to support eradicating the culture of cancellation.
eradicate /ɪˈrædɪkeɪt/ = wipe out trv (bài trừ): to destroy or get rid of something completely,
especially something bad
Dung, who considers herself to be in the neutral group, appears to be confident that in the
future, empathy and forgiveness will be the main social norms against controversial artists.

Beside from that, another crucial thing is that artists and the entertainment industry must
comply with the laws.

Comply with intr  /kəmˈplaɪ/ (tuân thủ):   to obey a rule, an order, etc.; to meet particular
 the missing piece in this trend is the lack of laws.
“When law enforcement undergoes an investigation, we should not provoke the artists."
Undergo trv (tiến hành): to experience something, especially a change or something
Provoke /prəˈvəʊk/ (giễu cợt, kích động): to say or do something that you know will annoy
somebody so that they react in an angry way

"Being investigated does not preclude artists from performing on stage. They are not
criminals until a court of law convicts them.

preclude sb from doing sth /prɪˈkluːd/ trv (cản trở, ngăn cản): to prevent something from
happening or somebody from doing something; to make something impossible
convict /kənˈvɪkt/ trv (kết tội): to decide and state officially in court that somebody is guilty of
a crime

“The right thing to do is to push the promulgation of laws.

Promulgation /ˌprɑːmlˈɡeɪʃn/ un (việc ban hành): the act of officially or publicly announcing a
new law or system

turning social media into a virtual courtroom

This is a worthy cause, but it can only be realized with sincere initiative.

Worthy cause (ý tưởng tốt) cn: an organization or idea that people support or fight for, an
organization that does good work, such as a charity

sincere initiative /sɪnˈsɪr/ /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/cn (Sáng kiến chân thành):  (of feelings, beliefs or
behaviour) showing what you really think or feel / a new plan for dealing with a particular
problem or for achieving a particular purpose

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